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A72276 The right institutio[n] of baptisme set forth by the reuere[n]d father in Christ, Herman Archebysshop of Coleyne, wherunto is also annexed a godlye treatyse of matrimonye, compyled by the famous clerke and faythfull euangelyst Wolfgangus Musculus, no lesse fruteful the[n] necessary for all godly mynisters of Christs church, translated by the vnproffitable seruaunt of Chryst Richard Ryce. Wied, Hermann von.; Musculus, Wolfgang, 1497-1563.; Rice, Richard, fl. 1548-1579. 1548 (1548) STC 13210; ESTC S125240 13,331 40

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cōgregatiō knocketh for through Christ our i●rde Deacon Sobeit good lorde Let vs praye O father almightie God / the whiche in times ●a●● / through the 〈◊〉 / by thy fearfull Iudgem●● / des●●oiedseth● wicked woorld And for thy 〈◊〉 mercyes sake-preseruedst the familye of vertuous Noe eight onelie soules And also diddesti the sea ouerwneline obstinate Pharo the kinge of Egypte with his whole armie ād force of warre / ād sufferedst thine own people the Israelites / to passe through it drie shodde And in these thigs / it was thy plesure that the lauer of regeneratiō / that is / holie baptisme shulde be prefigured ād signified Moreouer / thou diddest appointe the water of Iordane to serue to the baptisme of Iesus Christ thy sōne And other waters beside / ād forth to be addiet to the submercion and wasshīg of the bodies of the cōgregatiō We beseche the of thin vnspeakeable mercy to beholde gratiouslie this infant / and giue vnto hī parfet faith / and thy blessed holy spirite / that through this sacred floude / ther maye perrysh and be ouer whelmed in him / what soeuer filthines / he receiued by the cōtagion ād infectiō of Adam That he separated oute of the nombre of the vngodlie maye safelie be preserued in the precinete of the congregation And that he maye with a mery there and feruent spirite / sanctifie and acknowledge continuallie thy holie name And with a cōstant faith ād sure hope / be obsequious vnto thy kingdome / wherby atlength / he maye with all thy faithfull people obteyne the euerlastynge promis of eternall life / through Christ our lorde saie all / Amen ¶ Pastor Name the Chylde Receyue the Gospell and the power ther of And hereafter be not a shamed of god / of Christe thy Sauiour / nor of his holy Euangelion / that the strength of Chryst erucified / maye be thy refuge / assured hope / and porcion in all thinges The Deacon / Sobeit ¶ Pastor The lorde be wyth you Deacon / And with your spyrite also ¶ Pastor The wordes of the holie Gospell that followe / are after the mynde of S. Marke Deacon / Praises be geuen to God ¶ Pastor Giue good attendaūce to the sacred Gospell Marke the .x. B. And they brought Children vnto Christe that he might touche them But his disciples reproued these that brought them Neuertheles whan Iesus sawe it / he was displeased / and saide vnto them / Suffer the Children to come vnto me / and forbydde them not / for vnto soche belongeth the Kyngdome of God Verelye I saye vnto you / who soeuer receyueth not the Kingdome of God as a Childe / he shall not enter therin and he toke thē vp in his armes / and laide his handes on them / and blessed them ¶ Deacon By the vertu of the holy Gospell all our sinnes mought be forgeuē vs. All the people shall saye Amen ¶ Pastor Here I shall de sire you with one voice to saye the lordes prayer and the articles of the faith Thys beyng done the Pastor and the Deacon shall rede these Psalmes followynge Not vnto vs / o lorde / not vnto vs but vnto thy name give praise for thy lovinge mercy and faithfulnes Wherfor shall the heathē saye / where is nowe their God As for our lorde he is in heauen he doth what soeuer it pleaseth hym Praise the Lorde o ye serrauntes / O praise the name of the Lorde Glorye to the Father / to the sōne / ād to the holyghooste et cetera Blessed be the name of the Lorde / frō this tyme forth for evermore The Lordes name is worthye to be praysed / from the rysing vp of the sonne / vnto the going downe of the same The lorde is highe aboue all heathen / and his glory aboue the heauens Who is lyke vnto the lorde our God that hath his dwellinge so highe / which humbleth him self to beholde that is in heauen and earth Which taketh vp the symple oute of the dust / and lifteth the poore oute of the myre That he maie sett him among the rich / euen amōg the princes of hys people Which maketh the barren woman to kepe house / and to be a Ioyfull Mother of Chylderen Glorie be to the father / to the sonne ande to the holyghoost etce Prayse the euerlasting Amen ¶ Parson ¶ The lorde be wyth you ¶ Deacon ¶ And wyth your spyrite also ¶ Parson ¶ Let vs praye O almightie and eternall God our heauenlie father / we yelde the euerlastynge thākes / that thou hast voutchsafed to call vs to thys knowledge of thy grace ande fayth Encrease we hertelie beseche the this faith for euer And graunt vnto this infaunt / thy holie spyrite / that he regentrated / maye become the heire of eternall saluation / the whych thou hast promised to thy holie congregatiō / as well yong as old of thy grace ād mercy through Christ Iesus our lorde ¶ Deacon So be it / beliced Lorde ¶ Pastor This Epystle is 〈◊〉 the m●●e of S. Paule Titus .ij. But after that the kyndnes ande loue of God our Sauyoure to mā warde appeared / not for the dedes of righteousnes whiche we wrought / but after his mercy / he seued vs by the fountayne of the newe birth / ād renuing of the holighoost which he shedde on vs aboundaūelie thorow Iesus Christe our Sauiour / that we being made righteous by his grace / shulde be heires of eternall life / according to hope This is a true sayinge The holyghoost that wrote these thinges in the Apostles hartes / graunte that they also may be printed earnestly in our mindes and woorkes Saie all Amen ¶ Pastor The lord bewyth you ¶ Deacon And wyth your spyrite also Pastor The wordes of the holye Gospeil that follow are after the minde of S. Math. x. vin The lord Iesus saith vnto his disciples Vnto me is geuen all power in heauen ād earth Go therfore into all the worlde ād preache the Gospell to euery creature / ād teache all people / baptisinge them in the name of the father / and of the sonne / and of the holie ghoost / traching them to kepe all thinges that I haue cōmannded you Who soeuer beleneth ād is baptized / shal be saued / But who soeuer beleueth not / shall be cōdēpned And behold / I will abyde with you still vnto the woorldes ēde ¶ Deacon By the vertue of the holy Gospell / all oure synnes might be for geuen vs. Saie all Amen ¶ Pastor ¶ The lord be wyth you ¶ Deacon ¶ And wyth your spyryte also ¶ Pastor Let vs praye Almyghtie and mercifull God ād father Thou hast promised vnto Abraham / the father of all beleuers / and in him also / to vs his Children / that thou wilt be a God to vs and our posteritie Wherfore / as thou receined st the infantes of the Israelytes thy auncyent People into grace ād fauour / through the promys / in theyr
circumcision And as thy sonne our forde ād Samoar Iesus Christe permieted mercifullie / the Chylderen offred / to approch vnto hym / and blessed them ande testified that vnto soche doth apparteine the Kigdome of heauen Like wise we praye the instauntely / that thou wilt receiue our infantes vnto the. And regencrate them as the newe borne babes And through the misterie of the spyrytuall lauer of baptisme / permyt them to enter into the fellowship of erernall life Graunt thee fore heauenlye father / that we maye diligentlie of a puce harte / require soche aboundent ryches of grace / layde before vs in baptisme for our litle ones And that we maie knowe and receiue with a true fayth / this vncorruptible treasures offred vnto vs / both in the worde and Sacrament And that we maye gyue perpetuall prayse / and glorifie the. Ande reken not vnto him the forfait of Adams sinne / spredde and ingraft into him through his parētes Neither yet behold the life of his sureties / these Godfathers and Godmothers / nether of the purest of all the people But let the death and meryce of thy sonne oure Lorde Iesus Chrys● / take place in him And impute vnto hi his rightuousnes and obedience Graft him into his death ande resurrection Make him the membre of thy bodie Ande gouuerne him / that he maye be thyne heyre and sonne for euer Make that we maye knowe hym / after this lauer / for thy sonne / and the membre of the bodie of thy Christe Graūt that we maye vertuously nurture and bring him vp / in thy feare And that we maie succour hi in all thinges corporall and spirituall That through him / thy holie name maye be praysed / the Kyngdom of thy soōne dilated and enlarged Let thy wyll in hym be done in earth as it is in heauen More ouer preserue him in prosperitie Minister gratiouslie vnto him the necessaries of his lyuynge / and kepe him from all euell / through Christ our lord Saye all hartelie Amen ¶ Pastor ¶ Name the Chylue .. N. ¶ Parson ¶ I baptise the in the name of the father / ād of the sonne / and of the holighoost Amen ¶ Pastor Name the Chylde N. ¶ Pastor N. Take the bryght houe immaculate vesture / whych thou shalt beare before the Iudgemētseate of our lord Iesus Christ that thou mayest haue life euerlastyng / ād lyue woorlde withoutende So be it ¶ Name the Childe N. ¶ Pastor N. Take this burninge and vnspotted candell / that when thou comest to yeres of discretiō / of a pure and vnfained faith / thou mayest shyne and burne in all godlie loue / kepyng the frutes of thy haptyme / and obseruing the commaundementes / that when the lorde commeth to the mariage / thou mayste mete him with all hys blessed spirites in his heauenlie Kingdome So be it good lord .. Almyghtie eternall God and father of our lord Iesus Christe which hath regenerate the with water ād the holighoost / and hath remytted all thy synnes / continue the wyth hys grace vnto eternall lyfe Say all Amen ¶ Pastor Good Christians gyue credyte vnto these woordes ande worke of our Lorde Iesus Chryste / vppon thys Chylde Ande doubte not / but that he wyll receyue it / from thys sacred ministerie / and embrace hym in his mercyfull at mes And will graunt vnto hym the blessyng of eternall lyfe / ād the perpetuall fellowship of his Kyngdome The Lorde ande oure Sauyour Iesus Chryst confyrme and increase fayth in you foreuer Amen The peace of God be alwayes wyth you and with the parentes of the Chylde / ande make it hys faithfull seruaunt Amen ❧ A Right Godlye treatise of Matrimonye / very mete ande necessary for all Godlie ministers of Christes Churche COMP ILED by the famors Clerke ande faythfull Euangelist Wolfgangus Musculus And nowe for the veysttie / proffit and furtherannce of all faythfull Chrystians / transtaied oure of satin into Inglysh by the vnproffytable seruaunt of IESVS Chryst Kychard Ryce ¶ Hebreus .xiii. ¶ Let wedlocke he had in price in all poyntes / and let the Chamber be vndefiled / for whorekepers ād Aduouterers God wyll Iudge IN as moche as amonge all other holie ordinaūces instytuted of God / thys blessed wedlocke / both as concerning the Aucthour place ād cōtinuaūce / hath receiued his praise in the sacred woorde of God Let vs if the God of might shall so permit ransacke ande deuoutlie peruse what this blessed institutiō is of it self / ād howe purelie estemed of God Ande that we maye Chrystyanly / wyth Goos feare / enter without polluted lippes / into soche a notable matter / first / we shall cousyder what matrimonie is Secondarelie / of whome it is Thyrdely / howe honest and commendable it is / fourthlie / howe proffytable it is Fyfthlye howe necessary it is For all these poyntes doth the Scrypture very plainlie manifest ād open / against the abusers therof / to their foule shame ande riproche The carnall eye spyeth not in Matrimonie / the thinge that is of most pryce and value therin / for in it / seeth it nothing saue the onelye copulation of the flesh / betwene the man and the woman / to content the lust of the bodie onelie But he that goeth ande laboureth no farther in thys so holie a busynes shall spye so moche betwene fornicatours ād adulterers For they also couple theyr fylthy dampned flesh to gether Therfore must it be perpended / what singuler thing holie wedloke hath of it selfe Wherin it differeth frō fornicatiō ād adul t●cie The di●●●nitie of matrimonie Wherfore saie / that Matrimonie is the cōiunctiō ād coupīg of two parsons / that is to saie one mā ād one womā / into one mete and lausulll flesh and bodye / accordinge to the ordynaūes and institutiō of God / indissoluble / without separatiō / fast knyt and boūde / of equall anctoritye and power / on both parties Open this diffinityon after this sorte Bretherē the first post of this matter / we said / was of the lausull coniunction of two bodies into one flesh / accord●g to Gods institutiō and ordenaunce But amōge whoormōgers is ther a●o●iunction of two fyithye sinfull bodies yet is it neither lauful / me te nor accordyng to Gods ordenaūce but the deuels / whose mēbers they make thēse des or as many as marrie withi the for broden degres / contrarye to Gods worde 〈◊〉 xviii Alse we saide in this diffinity on that they two must be Ioined ād knitt one to ā other Genesis .ii. For the whiche cause / both father ande mother must be forsaken So fast muste the bonde be Moreover the knot must be vnlou sable / with out separatyon For that / that God hath coupled / mā can not sep●●●e Math. xix For all mariages that are made / are not of Gods Ioyaing / but all that are right he iustlie ande laufullye according to Gods woorde performed / are
this your litle one / by you offred ande presented vnto Christ / to be deliuered from this corruption of nature / by the vertue and merite of Christes Passyon / declared in baptime / ād to be reconsiled vnto God / ande to be regenerate into a newe and eternall lyfe Answere ¶ We do hartelie require it Do ye then renounce ande forsake / both on your parte and in the infaūtes name / the Deuell and all his workes Answere ¶ We do forsake And the woorlde / ande all his concupiscence Answere ¶ We doo forsake Doo ye beleue in god the father / almightie maker of heauen and Earth Answere ¶ We doo beleue Doo ye beleue in our lorde Iesus Christ his onelie sonne the which to redeme vs / was made man / suffred / and died / and rose agayne And ascended into heauen ande sitteth on the right hād of the father / And there he ruleth his cōgregation by his almightie power And shall come againe in the ende of the woorlde / manifest to all men / and there to Iudge both the quicke and the dead ¶ Answere ¶ We doo beleue Of this faith / do ye cōfes our lord Iesus Christ / to be as well the Sauiour / of this litle one / as he is our Sauiour the whiche by his death hath expiate and clensed our synnes also / ād hath by hys resurrection / recōs●ied you vnto God / and Iustifyed you / ād all your sines purged thrugh his spirite / ād that he will fully finish his godlie Image in you and restore you to a perfer life Answere ¶ We doo beleue Doo ye beleue in the holighoost The holy catholike Churche The communion of Saintes / The forgiuenes of synnes / The resurrectiō of the flesh / ande the life euerlasting ¶ Answere ¶ We do beleue Beleue ye by this confessiō / the holighost to be as well the teacher of this infaunt / as of your selues ād that he wil be a comfore to you bothe ād that ye are the true membres of Christe our lorde / and his cōgregacion and that this babe shal be takē as a membre through Baptime / both of Christ ād of the congregatiō / in the which he shal haue remission of sinnes / ād a cerreyne assured● ope of the resurrecty on of the eternall lyse ¶ Answere ¶ We doo beleue Win ye then receiue this infāc in the fonteyne of Baptisme / And rekē him for the true sonne or God / a brether ād a m●ber of Chr●st●● And as sone as he cōmeth so the yeres of disc●etyon if he chauner to be destitute of hye Paren●es or elles if they shal be negligent in this behalfe will you take charge over him that he heraster lerne the .x. commaundem●es / the ●●●de or bel●fe ād the Lordes Pray●●● the true meanige of the Sacramentes as well at home as at the 〈◊〉 at even straighs from hys tender age he shall vnder stand the syneece me any age of thys mystery of Baptisme / ande also the benefittes geven vnto hym in Christ Ande that when he is instruct 〈◊〉 in the religion or Chryste that he shall confesse the same faych / manifestly with hys owne mouth and voice in the cosign gary on And that he shall appoit hiself to the fellow shyppe and obedience bothe towarde God ād the congregation ¶ Answere ¶ We wyll hartelie The derety bei●●ed see that ye parforme the thig that ye have promised here in the presēce of God ād Christ our sauyour / the which is betwene vs ād before the whole cōgregatiō And that with earnest faith And every one of you both Godfathers ād Godmothers ād the residue that stād by / confesse assuredlie / ād knowledge this infāt / after this baptisme receiued externally / as the sonne of God ād accept him as the member of Christe / vnto whome the Aungelles shall minister / do seruyce and be in subiection Ande doubt not but whatsoeuer eyther good or badde / you or any other do to this rēder and weake babe / ye do it vnto God and vnto Christ ourelorde Therfore let no manne thinke any labour tedious But let euery man in tyme mete either as he is of his kinred / either as he is boūde in his vocation applie him lelfe diligentlie to bringe vp ande informe him / to the lorde / Godlie and vertuouslie / that in processe of time / he maie kepe all things aright / that our Sauiour Christe hath cōmaunded vs. It is therfore your dutie which are geuen / as Parentes / kynsfolkes / Spōsers or sureties / vnto this Childe / of God / that as sone as he groweth to any discretion / he shal be brought vp to some vertuous Scoles / or into the Churche / that he maye the more fullye be taught or instruct / as well in the lordes prayer / the articles of the faith and the .x. Cōmaundementes / as in the right vse of the Sacramētes And that he maye clerelie parceiue the free grace and riche benefyttes of God geuē vnto him / in his baptisme And that he maie rēder accoūte ād a true rekening of his faith before the congregation And that with his owne mouth he maie renounce the Deuell / the woorlde and the lustes of the flesh / before Chryste ād the congregation And that he will endeuour him selfe / vnto all due obedience / accordinge to his Gospell And that he maye perseuer ande remayne in Christe our lorde / vnto the ende Ande dailie encrease in a newe life / as the liuelie member of Christe And that in this vine as a fecundious or frutefull braunche he maie beare the plēteous frute of all vertuous workes / Wnto the praise of God / and the edyfying of the Congregation ¶ Parson Name the Chylde Godfathers and Godmothers shall answere / and name him ¶ Person I commaunde all ye euell and noysome spirites in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe that ye departe from this yonge infant and sonne of God And see that ye nether hurte him / nor hinder him of his and our fathers behalfe ¶ The deacon Go beyt good lorde ¶ Parson The lorde be with you ¶ Deacō And with your spirit also ¶ Parson Let vs praye O almightie ād eternall God / the father of our lorde Iesus Christe / I call vppō the for this thine infaunt and tender babe / vnto whome thy cōgregation instaūtlie desyre this sacred signe of baptisme / ād in that thy pitifull and spirituall regeneration And as thou hast saide Aske / ande ye shall haue seke / and ye shall find / knocke / and it shal be opened vnto you Euen so distribute vnto this litie one / thy grace ande mercy / as thy congregation prayeth for it That he maye obteyne the redempcion of thy sonne and the 〈…〉 of eternal and blessed life / which thy ●egregation faithfully requiteth / through the misterie of his baptisme Opt to him the doore of thy Kingdome / at the which thy
The Right institutiō of baptisme / set forth by the Reuerēd father in Christ / Herman Archebysshop of Coleyne / Wherunto is also annexed a godlye treatyse of Matrimonye / compyled by the famous Clerke and faythfull Euangelyst Wolfgangus Musculus / no lesse fruteful thē necessary for all godly mynisters of Christs Church / translated by the vnproffitable seruaunt of Chryst Richard Ryce ¶ Mark .x. ¶ ¶ Suffer the infantes to come vnto me / and forbydde them not / for vnto such the Kyngdome of God is due IMPRINTED at Ippeswich / by Anthony Scoloker Dwellyng in S. Nycholas Parryshe Anno. 1548. ¶ Cum Priuilegio ad imprimendum solum YF the prophane Aucthours good chrysiē Reader ●oulde conceyue by a naturall Phantasy / Ouidius mite mor●●●●●●s lib 〈◊〉 that in Iupi●ers fathers daies for the Aboūdaunce of transytorye thinges / a golden woorlde to be inuented / so plentefull / that the earth / our commone mother / gaue thē wyllynglye the encrease of her wombe / wythout mannes industrye or trauayle / and the multyplycation of that with foolysh fayned verses / to be imputed vnto the Tyranous and wycked God Iupyter / both for the commēdacion of so incōstaunt a God / and also for the perpetuall memorie of theyr owne Actes and dedes j. Iohn .ij. Howe moche more then good Christen reader in these oure dayes / maye we yf we close not oure eies in the brode sonne shyne perceiue not a fayned goldē woorlde as the inuentyng Poetes dyd but a woorlde in dede moch more prity ous thē gold / Ezaijxxxiij pearle or pretious s●o●●●● or as moche as heauen incomparably passeth the earth / so doth the frute that cōm●●● therof / aboue measure excede all tr●●●●●●s of gold / as moch as the celes●yall sonne of God surmoūteth the Māna that fasteth from the cloudes Iohan .vj. For Gods sonne ande Gods woorde is all one Iohan .j. But our frute that we haue commeth from heauen and is Gods woorde Math. xij Therfore in receyuyng it / thou receyuest Gods ●●e●ye sonne / the true Messaungee that came from heauē Nowe / therfore seing thou hast thys so eternall a treasure / embrace it with reuerēte / for thy forefathers tasted not therof Colloss iij. So that nowe blessed are thine e●es and thyne eares yf thou hast rece●●ed this heauenlie treasure ī th●ue hert Roma xij And that thou mayst occupie thy self and bestowe thy time to Gods glory / thou hast here a trease of baptyme by that Reuerende Father the Bysshop of Coleyne one of the Electours of the sacred Empyre cōpited in satin and nowe sert fourth into Inglish / to thy commodytye good chrysten reader Not that I woulde take vppon me arrogauntly to instruct my former predecessours / Math. xxv But onelye for as moch as it is a thyng so necessary for the Ignoraunt ād also partely to fetche my talent oute of the earthe againe and to emplo●e it to the glory of God and vtylytye of chrystes poore lytle flocke Zuc. xij And ī as moch as the matter is so weyghtye / and had in daylie exercise Yea the sponsers ande sureties beyng so blynd in thys so great a matter / Promysyng before an Ignoraunt guyde to answere for the fayth of the Chylde / of the which for the moost parte they are both the more pytye yf it pleased God to seke and to learne in this thinge / which ought to be learned / and to be had in a parfect redynes Math. ix I thought it me●● good brother mynyster somewhat to succoure thyne Ignorauncye / ande especyallye that the vnlearned maye haue wherwith to exercyse them selues in the meane season / Iohan .v. that in ransackyng this small pece of woorke / before hand / they maye with knowledge answere for theyr infauntes / whan they shall with the fauour of theyr Parentes be moued to so Chrystyan a busines Vnto thys treatyse also haste thou annexed a very Godly / Ephes iiij commendable and compendyous woorke / no lesse learned thē necessary to all the faithfull ministers of Christes churche / elucubrate and set forth by the famous Clerck and faithfull euangelist / Vvolfgāgus Musculus / And nowe also for thy proffit ande vtylytye good brother in Chryst both drawen oute of latyn into Inglysh / by the vnproffytable seruaūt of Iesus Chryst Richarde Rice Timoth. j. Take thē both ād vse thē to Gods glory / to whome onely / see thou geue the prayse Amen An exhortacion of the Pastor / to them that offer the infaunt in the congregacyon 〈…〉 beloued in Christ 〈…〉 daily heare by the 〈…〉 God and learne by como●●●r●●●ence as well in life as in ●ea●h that ●rō the fall of Adam / we are co●ce●ued ●a lyke transgressyo● / ande borne in synne / ande are gyltye of Gods wrath / and condempned for Adams forfert / except we be deliuered by the death ād merytes of the sōne of God Iesus Christ our lorde Seyng then that thys infaūt / by the commone let of nature / is borne in lyke transgressyon / ther is no quesryon / but that he nedes is defyled wyth the same orygynall dysease and synne / and is in subiection to eternall death and dampnacyon But God the father through hys vnspeakeable pitie ande mercy towardes mākinde sent his sonne to saue the worlde And in that wyll he haue thys infaunt also saued / which parteineth to the woorlde For he toke a waye the synnes of all the woorlde And hath delyuered ande saued as well the yong Babes / as vs of discretyon and yeres / from synne / death / the deuell and dampnatiō The which wolde the lytleones to be offred vnto hi / that he myght dystrybute hys blessynge vnto them Therfore of your Chrystyan loue and charytye / take this Chylde and bring hym vnto Chryst / And offer him by your godlye Prayers / that of hym / he maye receyue remyssyon of his sinnes / ād be trāslated into the Kyngdome of his grace / delyuered from the tyranny of Sathan / ād be made partaker / ande heyre of the eternall saluacyon And be ye certeilie assured that the lord Iesus Christ will graciously accept this woorke / and beneuolence of your charytye towardes thys infaunt And gyue eare to your Prayers / because he hath so cōmaūded in hys holye worde / saying / sufferre the litle ones to come vnto me / for vnto soche belōgeth the Kyngdome of heauen ¶ Interrogations to the Godfathers ande Godmothers Beleue ye these thynges which are set before you by the woorde of God to be true / as concerning the corruption of oure nature / through orygynall sinne And of the regeneracion of rysyng againe in Christe Iesus our Lorde / ande of the eternall fellowship with God / which is declared vnto vs in the sacred baptisme Answere ¶ we do surelie beleue it Doo ye then requyre of a pure hert ande of a true faithe