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A29602 A clear voice of truth sounded forth, and as an ensign lifted up and displayed in answer to the proceedings of the Christians by name in Asia, by way of controversie and expostulation : together with savoury and wholesome admonishments, which may become of good use and profitable to all that read with a single eye, and understand with an upright heart : also the same somewhat tends by way of gentle reproof to their hasty and inequitable proceedings against the innocent servants, messengers and living witnesses of the living and true God : yet with tendernesse of an upright heart and spirit (not onely of a free born English-man, but also of a true Christian) from the same hand its principally directed to the Lord Embassasdor (so called) in Constantinople, and to the English Company of Merchants and Factors in Smyrna, with somewhat to the merchants in Genoa, tendred again by way of visitation, and that from God, for them and others in Italy to consider and not reject to their own hurt. D. B. (Daniel Baker), fl. 1650-1660. 1662 (1662) Wing B482; ESTC R22863 27,445 38

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and manners or things ye call evil surely in so doing the same tends not to your justification and are these the Ridiculous Crimes that will bring dishonour to a Nation what will equity truth and uprightness and plainness of a heart temperance innocency and sobriety with savoury and wholesome Communications without guile fraud or deceit in life and good conversation doing the will of God from the heart in his fear and reverence and 〈◊〉 these the things that are deemed so Ridiculous and capable to bring Dishonour to the Nation to the King or his just Government or is it not the contrary even the hurtful lusts which men fulfil and walk after from whence wars and fightings ariseth together with evil Surmisings Strife and Debate and Violence and Spoile with flatterings and guile ariseth double-mindedness revealings pride of life and hypocrisie al arising from one and the same ground of iniquity in the Sons of men from whence also cometh so much Wasting Devouring and consuming the good Blessings and Creatures of God upon the ungodliness and hurtful lusts that wars against the Pretious and Immortal Soul and are not only hurtful and destructive to a man to his Body Soul Mind and Spirit but also to the greeving and provoking and wounding of the Just Eternal Lord God of Heaven and Earth and so becomes destructive also to a Family to a City to a Kingdom and Nation And what are not these and such like the noysom and unsavoury Fruits which is a shame to Christianity and utterly contrary to the most Wise Gentle Temperate Life of the Lord Jesus and his Saints upon Earth so frequently by the Apostate Christians and Christians by name only brought forth day by day among the Turks who excel many of them in uprightness steadfastness and temperance in things civil and in matters of communications and dealing between man and man to your condemnation who are guilty and so below them herein so that an ill savour hath ascended up to the Lord from the unwholesome conversation of the Christians by name and words out of the true Christians savoury meek gentle long-suffering life bringing forth contrary and unsavoury fruits and what are not these the things that is Ridiculous and also capable to bring dishonour to a Nation to God the King and to their own bodies and souls oppression men of clear understanding will not reject but consent and adhere to my Testimony by reason of such dishonourable fruits abounding in a strange Land among the Nations of men and thereby give occasion to them called Turks Heathens Jews and Infidels and what others among you not to win them to the most holy Faith of Gods elect but contrariwise to abide in their brutishness hardness of heart and infidelity and unbelief and not only so but also to blaspheme and dishonour the Lord God of Eternal Life and his Worthy Name by which ye are called and also to reject and defie both you and your Religion and Christianity in the generall Oh how often my very heart hath been grieved and my soul oppressed and wounded in me many a time from time to time yea over the men of my own Nation have I wept and mourned whilst they have magnified themselves in the pleasures of unrighteousness against their own souls and the people of the Lord of hosts my God knoweth because of these things And oh our Souls hath been wounded grieved and vexed from time to time and pressed down in us day by day even as truly as the soul of righteous Lot was in Sodom because of the unsavoury and unfruitful words and works of darkness brought forth by the Apostate Christians of all sorts among the Turks Oh the pride of life Oh the vanities Oh the excess and superfluites of noughtiness abounding together with flattery deceit and double-mindedness that abounds and superabounds among and over the false Christians which keeps back the Heavenly distillings of the early and latter rain from on high that the same desends not to reach to the lower parts of the Earth where the poor prisoners of hope and exiled captives are shut up but have any of you an ear to hear or eyes to see what 's the matter that hinders Stops the blessings of eternity by resisting that which is holy which checks and reproves for sin evil and vanity in your selves and others the same good thing is freely given of God to guide you and all men into all truth and from the contrary in which the false Christians excels the Turks even in unrighteousness and I am as it were constrained to write on this wise to their shame yet in love if happily the same may tend to their Salvation from the contrary effect and ground of oppression with its fruits so that they hereby have provoked the Eternal God of mercy and judgement not a little and have caused his anger to wax hot and to burn like a consuming fire against the root and ground of iniquity raigning in and over the Sons and Daughters of men and his wrath and sore displeasure from Heaven in the eternal Light is revealed against the same together with the vessels of wrath fitted for destruction and many of you may feel the same not to your justification or salvation who have been such an ill savour to the Lord and his Friends and crucifie his meek sweet and temperate life even of the Lamb the Light our Lord Jesus Christ day by day as if every day were a day of slaughter so that the noysome corrupt fruits which are not meet for repentance are a noy some smell even among the Turks as I have truly said and many of you will find it so in one day notwithstanding God eternal time after time hath not been wanting with visitations in visiting you both with judgemens and mercies yet may it not be said for all this will they not learn righteousness but rather wax worse and worse and are ready to say who shall reprove or be Lord over us and to the most high as them that rebel against the Light did saying depart from us for we desire not the knowledge of thy wayes but to take pleasure not in the Truth but in unrighteousnes whose reward must be according to the unfruitful works of darkness and God Almighty may yet plead with you concerning these things and happily to try you yet more Messengers of Righteousness may he send to visit you together with the Jews Turks and Heathens that if happily your end may be peace and not otherwise which we chiefly seek and travel in love and good will for the same whether you will hear or forbear either to your eternal salvation or condemnation But will you not count me your Enemy and despise me If I in the truth tell you the truth saying misery and destruction oppression with hard-heartednesse is yet in your wayes take heed and beware least the same arise up so high and at last overcome you to eternal perdition and
Prophets and blessed shall the Man the Family the City the Kingdom the Nation be that doth not wilfully and rebelliously reject but receive and accept of the good day of their Visitation of Salvation of which I am one that giveth a certain sound being saved by the same Grace and Life of God that bringeth Salvation and appeareth to all men to the end that they may be saved by it also and redeemed from Nations Kindreds Tongues and Peoples for all the Earth was of one Language before Babel or Nimrods Generation of Builders was and the Holy scriptures saith That he was a mighty hunter before the Lord who did and will confound their many Languages and Tongues that are out of the Truth and Plainnesse into which the sons of men are to be redeemed from the contrary for which my soul in love to the whole Creation travelleth and my spirit in the same is ready to say Amen to the counsel of the Everlasting light in the truth for the good and well-being of all the sons of men under what name or denomination soever they be called albeit I am as a stranger among them and as an out-cast or vile off-scouring of the world and forsaken but it s not so with me of the Lord Almighty whose servant and living witness I am and his clean pure spirit of Life within my very Heart and Bowels beareth me record to the same in Peace whether the sons of men believe me or not or hear or forbear who scornfully call me a Quaker but in the Power of God do I work out my salvation with Fear and Trembling according to the Holy Apostles sound Doctrine and scriptures of Truth And my name is known to the world and to the saints in light upon the earth Genoa this first month the tenth day and of the year 1662. Daniel Baker This was Rejected and not received by them THe Holy Apostle Paul as the Scripture saith in his life which giveth testimony unto this day on this wise to wit that all Asia had forsaken him and what after there has been in these latter dayes among them called Christians not only in Asia but also in all parts of the World where the joyful sound hath come but many rebell against the visitation of life and salvation so that they have rejected the word of the Lord and its Ambassadours of peace and saving health which the most high hath sent to and among them and as the hard-hearted Jews in unbelief cryed help men of Israel against two poor harmless Lambs in those dayes of the Holy Apostles that were deemed by them to be such as turned the World upside down and contrary to all men on such wise the same voice hath been sounded ●orth and lifted up unwisely by the same Spirit in Asia against two plain naked Messengers and Ministers of Truth But how is it that wise men seem to be so vailed or what 's the matter that their understandings are so darkned from the Wisdom and the clear Spirit of discerning that of the Pure Immortal God that they cannot see what they do many of them whom my heart pitieth Why should ye be so affraid of the harmless and guiltless that sounds the Message of undeniable Truth even the Word of the Lord which is the Sword of the Spirit whose weapons are not carnal or visible as Cain and Judas's were but Spiritual with the same to make war against Spiritual wickednesse and to destroy and cut down that which rules even in high places and in the Power of the Word Eternal to beat down and kill that which is hurtful and destructive to the Creation of God in Nations Kingdoms Thrones and Dominions that the same Power of the gentle Lamb of God may rule in and over all as in the beginning to the End that every man that liveth under the name or denomination of a Christian may clearly and truly say from his very heart without mocking or provoking God Eternal to his Face viz. AS IT WAS IN THE BEGINNING SO IT IS NOW AND EVER SHAL BE And if the Sons of men did but suffer the fear of the Lord to possesse their hearts and thereby honestly consider the weight of these words which so many vainly and unwisely utter they would in the first place fear and tremble and not take the Name of the Lord so in vain nor offer the sacrifice of fools But alas there 's few see as it was in the beginning or how it is now or what shall be in the World which hath no end which is the same which in the beginning was in which is the life which is the light of men which men hate because their deeds are evil which unfruitful works blinds the eye of a good and noble understanding and therefore even a Magestrate being so vailed albeit in the place of Judicature having a sword in his hand lifts it up and beareth it against the just and guiltlesse and so smites and wounds the Innocent which should be a terrour to the evil doer and to them that do well not hurtful but a praise but otherwise it hath sadly hapned in Ages and Generations even unto this our day against the Lamb and his appearance in and through his Members who hath been wounded and slain since the foundation of the World And so it comes to passe through many that are in one and the same nature of transgression Even as a blind man having a sword in his hand being hasty and as it were mad layes it he knows not where and smites he knows not what And so he was a wise man that said on this wise to wit Man being in honour and understandeth it not is like the beast that perish Now having a necessity in equitablenesse to give forth these writings to publick view to a good end for the good of all that hear and discern between the things that are of a good report from what is otherwise condemnable and not justifiable in the sight of God neither of good men and also seeing it is so that plain Truth and its Friends Followers and Messengers among the Nations as it s their portion to passe through the contradictions and manifold sufferings and reproaches of Christ their compleat example are daily beset with the same afflictions and false reports from multitudes that are saying with open mouth as in the dayes of the Prophets Report say they and we will report yet we delight not to Retaliate any more then a good necessity from God Almighty lyeth on us to give testimony for his Truth and Name and peoples sake for on this wise did the holy Prophets and Apostles as the holy Scriptures of Truth largely testifieth as in the Books of Jeremy Psalms and the New Testament and the Acts. This shall they have for their pride because they have reproached and magnified themselves against the People of the Lord of hosts the Lord will be terrible unto them for he will famish all the gods of the earth and men shall worship him every one from his place even all the Isles of the Heathen Zeph. 2.10 11. Daniel Baker THE END