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A69364 Certaine select prayers gathered out of S. Augustine's meditations which he calleth his selfe talke with God.; De meditatione. English. Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. 1574 (1574) STC 924; ESTC S100328 71,249 294

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dreames fantasticall Reuelations let all tounges all signes and what soeuer is able to passe be whist Yea let mine owne soule be still and let it ouerpasse it selfe not by thinking vpon it selfe but by thinking vpon thée my God bycause thou art in very deede my whole hope and trust For in thée O most swéete gracious and mercyfull God O Lorde Iesu Christ is both the portion the bloud and the flesh of euery one of vs Then looke where the portiō or peece of me reigneth there beléeue I my selfe to reigne also Looke where my bloud beareth rule there trust I to beare rule to Looke where my flesh is glorified there know I that I also am glorious and although I be a sinner yet distrust I not this communion of grace For although my sinnes forfend it yet doth my substaunce require it And although myne owne transgressiōs shet me out yet doth the communion of nature take me in ¶ That the word is become fleshe for our hopes sake FOr the Lorde is not so vnkynde as not to loue hys owne flesh his owne members his own bowels Truly I should despayre for my sinnes vyces faultes and negligences without number which I haue committed and dayly do cōmit without ceassing in hart word and déede by all meanes that mans frayltie cā offend in were it not that thy word O my God is become flesh dwelleth in vs But now I dare not despayre bicause that he beyng obedient vnto thée to the death euen to the death of the crosse hath taken away the handwriting of our sinnes and nayling the same to his crosse hath crucified both sinne death Now then I looke backe with a carelesse eye by meanes of him who sitteth at thy right hand seweth for vs I thinke lōg to come vnto thée vpon trust of him in whō we are already risen againe reuiued alredy moūted vp into heauen there do sit among the aūgels To thée be prayse to thée be glorie to thee be honor to thee be thankes Amen ¶ That the more a man museth vpon God the swéeter it is vnto him MOst merciful Lord which hast so loued saued vs so quickened exalted vs Most merciful Lord how swéete is the remembraūce of thée The more I thinke vppon thée the more swéete and amiable art thou vnto me and therfore am I greatly delighted with thy goodes With cleare eyesight of mynd with a most pure affectiō of godly loue accordyng to my small abilitie do I incessantly couet to sue for thy loue and to behold thy wonderfull beawtie in this place of my pilgrimage as long as I abyde in these brittle mēbers For I am woūded with the dart of thy loue I am sore inflamed with desire of thée I would fayne come vnto thée I long to sée thée I will therefore stand vpon my gard and with waking eyes will I sing in my hart yea I wil sing with my minde and with all my strength I will prayse thée my maker renewer I will pearce the skye with my mynde and be with thée in desire so as my body onely shal be held here in this present miserie but in thought in desirousnesse and in longyng I will alwayes be with thée for looke where thou myne incomparable desired and deare beloued treasure art there also is my hart But loe my most gracious and mercyfull Lord whereas I would consider the glory of thine vnmeasurable goodnesse louing kindnesse my hart is not sufficiēt to do it For thyne honor thy beawtie thy power thy glory thy royaltie thy maiesty and thy loue excéede all vnderstanding of mans mynde Like as the brightnesse of thy glorie is inestimable so also is the graciousnesse of thyne euerlastyng loue vnspeakable where through thou adoptest those to be thy sonnes knittest them vnto thée whom thou hast created of nothing ¶ That tribulatiōs for Christes sake are to be desired in this life O My soule if we should be fayne to suffer tormentes euery day if we should be fayne to indure euen hell fire for a long tyme that we might sée Christ in his glory and be in cōpany with his Saintes were it not méete we should abyde all the sorrow that could be that we might be made partakers of so great a benefite and of so great glory Let the deuils thē do their spight let them tempt while they tempt may let fastings forpyne the body let course apparell greue the flesh let labour pinch it let watching dry it vp let this man call vpon me let that man or that mā disquiet me let cold make me curle together let my conscience barke at me let heate scorche me let my head ake let my hart burne let my stomacke be wyndie let my face looke pale let me be wholly diseased let my life cōsume in sorrow let my yeares wast away in sighing sobbyng let rottennesse lodge within my bones let wormes crawle vnder me so I may rest in the day of trouble that we may go vp together to our people that wayt for vs For Lorde what glory shall the righteous haue How great shall the ioy of the Saintes be when euery face shall shyne as the sunne Whē the Lord hauyng sorted his people into degrées shall begin to muster them in the kingdome of his father render the promised rewardes to eche of them accordyng to hys workes and desertes giuyng to them for earthly things heauenly thinges for temporall thinges euerlasting thynges for small thinges great thynges Verely then shall happinesse be heaped vp full to the top when the Lord shall bryng hys Saintes to the sight of eternall glory make thē sit down together in heauen that God may be all in all How the kyngdome of heauen may be gotten O Happy pleasauntnesse O pleasaunt happynesse to sée the Saintes to be with the Saintes and to be a Saint to sée God and to haue God for euer euer Let vs thinke vpon this with diligent mynde let vs long after this with our whole hart that we may soone come vnto them If thou demaunde howe that may be brought to passe or by what deseruynges or by what helpes it may be compassed harken O man The kyngdome of heauen requireth none other price but thy selfe the full valew of it is thy selfe giue thy selfe for it thou shalt haue it Why troublest thou thy selfe about the price of it Christ hath giuen him selfe to purchase thée a kingdome to God the father So then giue thou thy selfe that thou mayst be his kingdome that sinne may not reigne in thy mortall body but that the spirite may reigne to the atteinement of life ¶ What Paradise is and what it hath O My soule let vs returne to the heauēly Citie wherin we be registred and made frée Citizens For like as we be felow Citizens of the Saintes and the household meynie of God like as we be the heyres of God and coheires
enemy to assault There shall not be rest at some tymes vnrest at other tymes but there shal be souerein rest assured safety vnimpeached quietnes quiet mirth ioyfull happinesse happy euerlastingnes euerlasting blessednes and blessed Trinitie and vnitie of Trinitie and Godhead of vnitie and blessed beholding of the same Godhead which is the ioy of thy Lord god O ioy ouer ioyful O ioy surmoūting all ioyes without whiche there is no ioy when shall I enter into thée that I may sée my God whiche dwelleth in thée I shal go thether and behold this great sight What is it that holdes me backe Wo is me that my soiornyng is prolonged Wo is me how long shall it be sayd vnto me wayt and wayt agayne And now to what purpose is my wayting My Lord God do we not wayt for the Sauiour our Lord Iesus Christ to repaire our base bodies vnto the likenes of his glorious body We wayt for the Lord whē he should come from the bridhouse to fetch vs into his wedding Come Lord and tary not Come Lord Iesus Christ come visite vs in peace Come leade vs prisoners out of prison that we may reioyse before thée with a perfect hart Come our Sauiour Come thou that art longed for of all natiōs shew thy countenaunce vnto vs and we shal be safe Come my light and my redéemer take my soule out of prison that it may giue prayse vnto thy holy name How long shall I be tossed in the waues of my mortalitie crying vnto thee Lord and thou hearest me not Lord heare me how I cry vnto thée out of this howge sea and bring me to the hauen of endlesse blesse Happy are they O God which are conueyed out of this Sea and haue obteined to arriue at thée the safest harborough of all hauons O happie are they in déede whiche are escaped already from sea to shore from banishmēt home into their owne countrey and from prison into a palace enioying their wished rest Blessed are they that already haue gayned the garlād of endlesse glory which they sought for here by many tribulations and ioy in happy mirth for euer O blessed are they in déede O trebble and foure tymes blessed are they whiche being already quite rid of all miseries haue obteined to come to the kingdome of beawtifulnesse and are assured of their vnapparable glorie O euerlastyng kyngdome O kingdome of all worldes wherin is the light that neuer faileth and the peace of God which passeth all vnderstanding wherein the soules of holy folke doe rest where euerlastyng ioye is vpon their heades where they obteine mirth and gladnesse and from whence all sorrow and sighing is fled O Lorde how glorious a kingdome is it wherein all holy folkes reigne with thée clothed with light as with a garmēt hauing crownes of precious stones vpon their heades O kingdome of euerlasting blisfulnesse where thou O Lorde the hope of the Saintes and the garland of their glory art séene of thē face to face gladding them on all sides with thy peace whiche passeth all vnderstanding There is ioy endlesse mirth sorrowlesse health grieflesse way without labour light without darknes life without death all good without any euill where youth neuer waxeth old where life neuer weareth out where beawtie neuer decayeth where loue neuer cooleth where health neuer appayreth where mirth neuer abateth where is neuer felt any payne where is neuer heard any groning where is neuer séene any sadnes where ioy is euer where is no euill to be feared bycause the souerein goodnesse is had there in possession which is to behold alwayes the face of the Lord God of hostes Happie therefore are those that already haue escaped the shypwracke of this present life obteined the grace to come to so great ioyes We are yet still in the waues of the Sea longing for thée the hauen of our Sea. O countrey of ours O quyet countrey we ken thée a farre of we hayle thée from this Sea we sigh vnto thée out of this vale of miserie and labour with teares if we may by any meanes atteine vnto thee O Christ God of God the hope of mankind our refuge and strength whose brightnesse inlighteneth our eyes a farre of as the beames of the Sea starre doth in the mistie darknes of the stormie sea to guide vs vnto thée our hauen Lord gouerne our shyp with thy right hand by the helme of thy crosse that we perishe not in the waues that the tempest of the water drowne vs not and that the déepe swalow vs not vp but with the hooke of thy crosse plucke vs backe out of this vast Sea vnto thée our onely cōfort whom we sée wayting for vs a farre of as the morning starre and as the day sunne of rightuousnesse in maner with wéeping eyes vpon the shore of the heauenly countrey Behold we whom thou hast raunsomed do cry vnto thee yea euen we as yet thy banished mē whom thou hast redemed with thy precious bloud do cry vnto thée Here vs O God our sauiour the hope of all the endes of the earth of all thē that be in the sea a far of We be cōuersant in a troublesome Sea thou standing vpon the shore lookest at our perils saue vs for thy names sake Lord graūt vs so to kéepe our course betwene Scilla Charibdis and to hold so with thée that we may escape the daunger of both come safe to land without lesse of ship or fraught Of the glorie of the heauenly countrey THerefore when we shal be come vnto thée the foūtaine of wisedome vnto thée the vnfaylable light vnto thée the vnappallable brightnes so as we shal behold thée not any more in a riddle or through a glasse but face to face Then shall we haue our fill of all good things For there shal be nothing without vs to be desired but onely thou O Lord the souerein goodnes who shalt be the reward of the blessed the crowne of their glorie euerlasting ioy vpō their heades quietyng them both inwardly outwardly with thy peace which passeth al vnderstāding There we shall see thee loue thée prayse thee By thy light we shall sée thy brightnesse for in thée is the welspring of life thy brightnes shall giue vs light And what maner of light A light vnmeasurable a light bodilesse a light vncorruptible a light incōprehensible a light vnfaylable a light vnquenchable a soothfast light a diuine light whiche inlightneth the eyes of the aūgels which cheareth vp the youth of the saints which is the light of lightes welspring of life which is euē thou O Lord my god For thou art the light in whose light we shall sée light that is to wit thy selfe in thy selfe in the brightnes of thine own coūtenaūce whē we shall sée thée face to face And what is it els to see thée face to face thē as the Apostle sayth to know thée as I am knowē to know thy truth
the darkenesse and the light betwene the image of death and life betwene vanitie and truth betwene this wauing life of myne and that endlesse life of thine ¶ Of the snares of concupiscence SVch are the shadowes of the darknesse wherewith I am couered in the dungeon of this darke prisō wherin I lye grouelyng till the day may dawne and the shadowes vanishe and light appeare in the firmament of thy power Let the voyce of the Lord in his strength let the voyce of the Lord in his mightfull power say let there be light let darkenesse be chased away and let the dry ground appeare and let the earth bring forth gréene herbes such as beare the séede and good frute of the righteousnesse of thy kingdome O Lord my father God the life wherby all thinges liue where without all things are as good as dead leaue me not in my naughtie thoughtes and giue me not vp to the loftinesse of myne owne eyes Take away my lustes from me and giue me not ouer to an froward and fātasticall minde but hold thou my hart to thée that it may alwayes thinke vpō thée Inlighten myne eyes that they may looke at thée not be lifted vp before thée which art the euerlastyng glorie but that they may haue a lowly meaning not medlyng with maruels that are aboue them and which are at thy right hand Let thyne eyliddes goe before my steppes for thyne eyliddes peruse the sonnes of men Asswage my lust with thy swéetnesse whiche thou hast layd vp for them that feare thée that I may lust after thée with endlesse lōgyng so as mine inward fast may not be allured and deceiued by vayne things to take bitter for swéete and swéete for bitter darknesse for light and light for darknesse but that I may be deliuered frō the middes of so many trappes as are set by the enemie in the way of mens hauntes to catch the soules of sinners where the whole world is full whiche thing the Apostle saw and passed it not ouer with silence but sayd what soeuer is in the world is either the lust of the flesh or the lust of the eyes or the pride of life Lo my Lord God the whole world is full of the snares of lust whiche they haue layd for my féete and who can escape these snares Doutlesse euen he from whom thou takest away his loftie lookes so as the lust of his eyes catch not hold of him and from whō thou takest away the lust of the flesh that the lust of his flesh attache him not and from whom thou takest away his froward fantasticall minde that the pryde of life do not craftely beguile hym O how happie is he to whom thou doest so for he shall scape vnpunished Now my redemer I beséech thée by thy selfe helpe me that I fall not in the sight of mine aduersaries nor be caught in the snares whiche they haue layd for my féete to bryng my soule to the ground But plucke me out thou strength of my welfare least thine enemyes which hate thée may laugh at me Vp Lord my God my strong champion breake the aray of myne enemies and let them that hate thée flée away before thée Like as waxe melteth awaye at the heate of the fire so let the sinners perish at thy presence but let me be hidden in the couert of thy face and reioyce with thy children as inioying my fill of all thy benefites And thou O Lord God the father of the fatherlesse and thou mother of the motherlesse heare the shréekyng of thy children and stretch out thy wynges that we may flée vnder them from the sight of our enemie For thou art the tower of Israels strength which neither sléepest nor slumberest in keping Israell bycause the enemie that assaulteth Israell doth neither sléepe nor slumber ¶ Of mans miserie and Gods benefites O Light which no other light cā sée O brightnesse which no other brightnesse beholdeth O light whiche darkneth all other lightes O brightnes which blindeth all outward sight O light of whom cōmeth all light O sight of whom commeth all sight O brightnesse in comparison wherof all other brightnesse is but dimnesse all other light is but darknesse O light vnto whom all darknesse is light and all dimnesse bright O souerein light which no blindnesse can ouer shadow whiche no mist can dim which no let can forclose whiche no shadow can kéepe of O light whiche inlightenest all things whole together at once and euer swalow me vp into the depth of thy brightnes that I may sée thée throughly in thy selfe my selfe in thée all thinges vnder thée Forsake me not least the shadowes of mine ignoraūce increase and my misdéedes growe out of nomber For without thée all thynges are darkenesse vnto me and all thinges are euill bycause nothyng is good without thée the true onely and souerein goodnesse This I know and this I confesse O Lord my God that wheresoeuer I am without thée it is ill with me for want of thée not onely without me but also within me for all aboundaunce besides thée my God is nothyng els but starke beggerie But I shall thē haue my fill when thou appearest in thy glorie And thou O Lord my blissed life make me to confesse my wretchednes vnto thée whiche I am falne into by slippyng from the vnitie of thy goodnesse the souerein and onely good thing since which tyme the manifoldnesse of tēporall things hath caried me awaye through my fleshly senses and scattered me from one into many thinges by reason whereof plentie is become painfull to me and pouertie plentifull while I raughted after this and that and was satisfied with nothing bycause that in my selfe I found not thée the vnchaungeable singular and vndeuided good whiche had I once atteyned I should no more wāt which had I once gottē I should no more be gréeued which had I once possessed my whole lōgyng were satisfied Alas how miserie commeth vpō miserie when my miserable soule is fled from thée with whom it hath aboūdaunce and ioy and foloweth the world with whō it hath euermore scarcitie and sorow The world calls me to vndo me thou O Lord callest me to reuiue me and such is my wicked wretchednesse that I rather folow hym that vndoeth me then hym that reuiueth me This is vtterly mine infirmitie O Ghostly Phisician heale it that I may giue prayse vnto thée the health of my soule with all my whole hart for all thy benefites wherewith thou féedest me from my youth vnto myne olde age and euen till my last gasp I beseech thée by thy selfe forsake me not Thou madest me when I was not thou redéemest me when I was forlorne yea when I was both forlorne dead thou camest downe to me and tookest mortalitie vpō thée Thou beyng my kyng camest downe to thy seruaunt To redéeme thy seruaunt thou gauest thy selfe To the intēt that I might liue thou tookest vpō
thy glory And to know thy face is to know the power of the father the wisedome of the sonne the mercifulnes of the holy ghost the one vndeuidable being of the thrée persons in one souereine Godhead For the beholding of the face of the liuing God is the souerein good the ioy of the aūgels of all holy mē the reward of endlesse life the glory of all soules the euerlastyng gladnes the crown of honor the obteinemēt of happines the wealthfull rest the beawtiful peace the inward outward ioyfulnesse the paradise of god Here is the heauēly Ierusalē the happy life the fulnesse of blessednes the ioy of euerlastingnesse the peace of God which passeth all vnderstādyng This is the ful blessednes the whole glorification of mā namely to sée God face to face to sée him that made heauen and earth to sée him that made him that saued him that glorified him He shal sée him by knowing him be in loue with hym by liking him prayse him by possessing hym For he shal be the heritage of his people of his people the Saints of his people whō he hath raunsomed He shal be their possession of happinesse he shal be the reward recompēce of their lōgyng I wil be thine excéedyng great reward sayth he For great thinges beséeme great personages Verely my Lord God thou art excéedyng great aboue all Gods excéedyng great also is thy reward But thou thy self art ouer great thou thy selfe art an ouer great reward thou thy selfe art both he that crowneth also the crowne thou thy selfe art both the promiser and the promise thou art the recompēcer the recompēce thou art the rewarder and the reward of euerlastyng happines Thou thē art both the crowner the crowne O my God the diademe of my hope which is garnished with glorie a gladdyng light a renewyng light a glorious ornamēt my chief hope the desire of the hartes of all saintes their deare beloued The seing of thée thē is the whole hyre the whole reward and the whole ioy that we looke for For it is life euerlastyng yea I say it is thy wisedome Life euerlasting is to know thée the onely true God Iesus Christ whom thou hast sent Therfore when we shall sée thée the onely God the true God the liuyng God almightie single inuisible vnboundable vncōprehēsible thine onely begottē sonne God of thine own substaūce euerlastyng as well as thou euē our Lord Iesus Christ whō for our welfare thou hast sent into the world in the power of the holy Ghost thrée in persons one in beyng the onely holy God besides whom there is no God thē shal we hold that which we now séeke namely euerlasting life endlesse glorie which thou hast prepared for them that loue thée whiche thou hast layd vp in store for thē that feare thée and which thou wilt giue to them that séeke thée euen to them that séeke thy face for euer And thou O Lord my God which diddest shape me in my mothers wōbe who hath giuen me vp into thy hād suffer me not any more to be plucked out of one into many but gather me out of these outward thinges into my selfe frō my selfe vnto thée that my hart may alwayes say vnto thée my face hath sought thée out Lord I will séeke after thy face euē after the face of the Lord of all power wherein standeth the whole glorie of the blessed sorte for euer whiche to behold is the endlesse life euerlastyng glorie of the Saintes Let my hart reioyse therfore that it may reuerēce thy name Let the harts of them that séeke God reioyse but much more the hartes of them that finde god For if there be ioy in séekyng what maner of ioy shall there be in findyng Therefore I will alwayes séeke thy face earnestly incessantly if at any tyme the doore and gate of rightuousnesse may be opened vnto me that I may enter into the ioy of my lord This is the Lordes gate the rightuous shall enter in thereat ¶ A prayer to the holie Trinitie THou thrée coequall and coeternal persons one God the very father Sonne holy ghost who dwellest alone in euerlastingnesse and in vnapproachable light which hast foūded the earth by thy mighty power rulest the whole world by thy wisedome Holie holie holie Lord God of hostes dreadfull strong rightuous mercyfull maruelous prayse worthie to be beloued One God thrée persons one being power wisedome goodnes one vnseperable Trinitie I crye vnto thée open me the gates of rightuousnes whē I am come in I will prayse thée O lord Behold I poore begger knocke at thy doore O souerein housholder Commaund the gates to be opened at my knockyng accordyng as thou hast sayd knocke ye it shal be opened For truly O most mercyfull father the desires of my groning hart and the cryes of my wéepyng eyes doe knocke at thy doore All my desire is before thée and my gronyng is not hyd frō thée Lord turne not thy face any more away frō me neither flyng thou away frō thy seruaunt in a sume O father of mercies heare the houling out of thy ward reach hym thy singular good helpyng hād that it may drawe me out of the déepe waters out of the lake of miserie and out of the myre of filthynes that I perishe not thy pitifull eyes seyng it the bowels of thy mercy beholdyng it but that I may wade out vnto thée my Lord God so as I may see the riches of thy kyngdome alwayes behold thy face sing prayse to thy holy name O Lord which workest wonders whiche chearest my hart with remembryng thée which inlightenest my youth despise not myne olde age but make my bones to reioyse my hore heares to waxe fresh againe as the Eagle ¶ FINIS SAINT AVstens Manuell or litle Booke of the Contemplation of Christe or of Gods worde whereby the remembraunce of the heauenly desires which is falne a sleepe may be quickned vp agayne AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate 1574. ¶ Cum gratia Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis The Preface FOr asmuch as we be set in the middes of snares we easly become cold in desire of heauenly thynges And therfore we haue neede of continuall defence that when we be shronke awaye we may be wakened to runne backe agayne to our true God the souereine goodnesse In consideration wherof not through rash presumption but for the great loue that I beare to my God I haue vndertaken this worke to his glorie to the intent I might alwayes haue with me a short and handsome abridgement of the chosen sayinges of the holie fathers concernyng my God by the fire of the readyng whereof the loue of him might be kindled in me as oft as it is waxed cold in me Assiste me now I beseech thee my Lord God whom I seeke whom I
flesh thirst after it let my whole selfe be desirous of it vntill such tyme as I may enter into the ioy of my Lorde there to continue for euer worlde without ende Amen All glorie honor prayse and thankes be giuen to God alone ¶ A TABLE OF the Prayers contained in S. Austens bookes intitled his selfe talke with God and his Manuell OF the vnspeakable sweetnes of God. Of the wretchednes frailtie of man. Of Gods wonderfull light Of the mortalitie of mans nature Of the fall of the soule into sinne Of Gods manifold benefites Of mans dignitie in tyme to come Of Gods omnipotencie Of the incomprehensible prayse of God. Of lifting a mans hope vnto God. Of the snares of concupiscence Of mans miserie and Gods benefites How God doth continually behold marke mens doynges and intentes Of mans imbecillitie without the grace of God. Of the deuill and his manifold temptatiōs That God is the light of the righteous Of Gods benefites Of the feruentnes of loue or charitie That God hath put all thynges vnder the seruice of man. By consideration of earthly benefites we coniecture the greatnes of the heauenly wisedome That the sweetnes of God taketh away all the present bitternes of this world That all our trust and longing of our hart ought to be to Godward That our welfare commeth of God. That mans will is vnable to doe good workes without the grace of God. Of Gods old benefites Of Gods deepe predestination and foreknowledge Of such as be righteous and afterward become wicked and contrariwise That the faithfull mans soule is the Sanctuary of God. That God cannot be found neither by the outward senses nor by the inward wits Of the acknowledgyng of a mans owne vilenesse A consideration of Gods maiestie Of the longing and thirsting of the soule after God. Of the glorie of the heauenly countrey A Prayer to the holy Trinitie The table of prayers in his Manuell OF Gods wonderfull beyng Of the vnspeakable knowledge of God. Of the longing of the soule that feeleth God. Of the wretchednesse of that soule whiche loueth not neither seeketh our Lord Iesus Christ Of the longing of the soule Of the happines of the soule that is let loose from the prison of the body Of the ioyes of paradise Of the kyngdome of heauen Of the comfort of the sorrowfull soule after the long mournyng therof Of ioye That the word is become flesh for our sake That the more a man museth vpon God the sweeter it is to him That tribulations for Christes sake are to be desired in this life Howe the kyngdome of heauen may be gotten What paradise is and what it hath What thyng God requireth lyke vnto him selfe in vs. Of the boldnesse of the soule that loueth God. What God hath done for man. The remembryng of the woundes of our Lord Iesus Christ That the remēbraūce of Christes woūdes is an effectuall remedy agaynst all aduersities The musing of the soule vpon the loue of God. What the knowledge of the truth is What the sendyng of the holy Ghost worketh in vs. Of the workyng of him that loueth God. Of the true rest of the hart Whatsoeuer withdraweth the mynde from God must in any wise be eschewed and abhorred That the seyng of God is lost through sinne and miserie found in stede of it Of Gods goodnes Of the delectable fruition of God. That the souerein good is to be sought Of the mutuall loue betweene the Saintes in heauen Of the full ioy of the eternall life ¶ The end of the Table AT LONDON Printed by Iohn Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate ¶ Cum gratia Priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis