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A68438 A manual of prayers nevvly gathered out of many and diuers famous authours aswell auncient as of the tyme present. Reduced into. 13. chap. very commodious and profitable for a deuout christian. Flinton, George.; Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?, attributed author. aut 1583 (1583) STC 17263; ESTC S105168 81,344 322

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Lyons R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst the three Children out from the fiery fournace and from the hands of the cruell vnmercyfull Kyng R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Susanna frō the crime with which she was falsely charged R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst Dauid from the handes of kinge Saul and Golias R. Amen Deliuer O Lorde the soule of thy seruaunt as thou deliueredst S. Peter and Paule out of pryson R. Amen And as thou deliueredst that blessed Virgin and Martyr Tecla from her moste cruell torments so vouchesafe to deliuer the soule of this thy seruant and make him partaker of the euerlastinge ioyes in heauen with thee R. Amen Lett vs praye VVE commend vnto thee O Lord the soule of thy seruant beseeche thee sweete Lord lefu Christ Sauiour of the worlde that thou doe not refuse to place hym in the bosome of thy Patriarches for whom thou descēdedst mercifully into the earth Acknowledg O Lord thy creature created not of any straung gods but of thee alone the true and lyuinge God for there is no other God but thou O Lorde and there is none according to thy woorkes O Lord make his soule reioyse in thy sight and remembre not his olde iniquitie and drunckenesse whiche inordinate concupiscence and raginge lustes dyd rayse in hym Albeit he sinned yet he denied not the father the sonne and the holy Ghost but belyeued stedfastly in them and he had the zeale of God in his harte and adored the God that created all of nought R. Amen Lett vs praye REmembre not we beseech the O Lorde the sinnes and ignoraunces of his wylfull youth but according to thy great mercie bee myndefull of him in the glorye of thy eternall deytie Let the heauens bee opened vnto hym Lett thy Angels reioyse of hym O Lorde receyue thy seruant into thy kyngdome Lett holy Michaell the high messenger of God that hath deserued to bee the chiefe all the holye cōpany of Angels receiue him Let all the holy Angels of God come forth and meete him conducte him into the heauēlie Citie Hierusalē Lett blessed Peter the Apostle who had the keyes of the kyndom of God delyuered vnto hym receyue hym Lett the holy Apostle S. Paule who was woorthy to bee a chosen vessell receyue hym Lett S. Iohn the elect Apostle of God to whome the heauenly secret mysteries were reuealed receyue him Lett all the holy Apostles who receyued of Christ power to loose and bynd praye for hym Lett all holye Saincts who haue sustained tormentes for the name of Christ pray for him that after he is loosed out of the pryson of this mortall flesh he may be founde woorthy to come to the glorie of the heauenly kyngdome by the assistance of our Lord Iesus Christ who with the father and the holy Ghost lyueth and raigneth worlde without ende Amen Into thy handes O Lorde we cōmen his soule O Lorde God of truth thou haste redeemed hym Lett that sweete voyce of thyne O Lorde Iesu sounde in his eares This daye thou shalt bee vvith me in Paradise Amen The ende of the tvvelfth Chapter THE THYRTIENTH CHAPTER CONTAYNING DEVOVT praiers healthfull for the departed soules An exhortation by the vvhich vve are shevved and admonyshed to praye for soules departed in the Catholicque Church Clemens I. Ponti Max. Ca. 47. lib. 8. constit Apostol MY brethren lett vs praye for our brother that resteth in Iesu Christ to the ende that our good God which hath recieued his soule may forgyue him all his sinnes willingly or vnwillingly committed and that he obteining forgyuenes may be receyued into the kingdome of the blessed in the bosome of Abraham Isaac and Iacobe with all those that from the begining haue pleased God and haue done his will from whom all sorow griefe and payne is secluded Commendations of the soule that is lately departed Albertus Castella Sacer. Rom. part 1. O Lorde we commend the soule of thy seruant that being latelye departed this lyfe he may lyue in thee and according to thy mercye pardone him his sinnes which he hath committed throughe humayne frayeltie VVe commende O Lorde the soule of this thy seruante into the handes of the holy and moste gloriouse virgin Mary the mother of mercye and clemency Also into the handes of all the holy Archangels Angels and celestiall courte of heauen into the handes of the holy Patriarches and prophets into the handes of the blessed Apostles Euangelistes and disciples into the handes of the martyrs and confessors into the handes of the virgins widowes and all votaryes who-soeuer And finally we commend the soule of this thy seruaunt into the hands of all such thy blessed saynts and seruaunts as haue pleased thee from the first creatiō of the world that by their intercession and succour he may be deliuered from the prince of darknes and from all dreadfull torments graunt this O God almightye omnipotente and full of mercy through the bitter passion of thy sweet sonne our sauiour Iesu to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glorye for euer and euer Amen A prayer for the faythfull soule departed Precat Ecclesi in Missa O Eternall and almightye God to whom we neuer pray without hope of mercy Haue mercy of the soule of thy seruaunt N. and make him to bee vnyted to that companye of Saintes which is deceased from this life in the confession of thy name through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen Another prayer Pontifical Rom. part 3. O God by whom all thinges lyueth and through whom our bodies diminisheth not in dyeng but are chaunged into better we moste humblye beseech thee to commaunde the soule of thy seruant to be receyued by the handes of thy holy Angels to bring him vnto the bosome of thy friend the Patriarch Abraham to ryse againe at the laste greate iudgement day pardonning him mercyfully all his sinnes which he hath committed throughe the false deceiptes and suggestion of the deuill through Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen Another prayer Clemens Aposto discip lib. 8. cap. 47. constit Apostol O God of Abraham God of Isaac God of Iacob which art God of the liuinge and not of the deade for as much as all soules of the righteouse lyueth with thee and are in thy handes they shall not be touched with any payne or torment Looke bountifully vpon this thy seruaunt which thou haste receyued into another lyfe pardone him that which he hath committed through the frayeltye of his will Appoynt him thy louing Angels to carye him into the bosomes of Patriarches Prophetes and Apostles and of all those that hath pleased thee from the begining of the worlde where is neither sorowe griefe nor horrour but an assemblye of Saintes whiche are reioysing in the countrye of the happye and iuste seeing the glory of thy Christ through whom be to thee glory honour seruice and adoration
me O euerlasting lighte and shine in my hart that I may reioyse in thee come vnto me O my lyfe moste noble and most sweete that through thee I maye lyue in thee and with thee in thy kindome for euer heare me O Lorde God to the glory of thy name and the felicity and blisse of my soule Amen A prayer to be sayd after the receiuing of the Blessed Sacrament By Sir Thomas Moore I Adore and worshippe thee and gyue my humble and heartie thankes vnto thee moste mercifull Lorde Iesu Christe whiche haste vouchsafed to admit me moste vile sinner vnto the noble and liuely feast of thy moste holy table Alas poore wretch that I am For I haue receyued this moste venerable Sacrament to-to vnworthily Lorde haue mercy on me Lord forgyue me I commēd that which I haue done vnto thy Diuine hart there to be amended to be made perfect Receyue I beseeche thee Lorde these moste holy mysteries of thy blessed Body whiche I haue receyued to the euerlasting glorie of thy holy name to the honour of thy most swete Mother the Virgin Marie to the honour of thy blessed Saint N. Here name the Sainte of that daye to the honour of all thy blessed holy Saints and Angels of heauen for my soule healthe and for the soule health of all Christen people quicke and dead Receyue good Lorde this moste excellent Sacrament in full amendment purgatiō and satisfaction for all my sinnes negligences and for the sinnes of all the worlde Restore by it and make vp againe all my ghostly ruines and decayes and supplie my needy pouertie Mortifie by it in me what soeuer doth displease thee and make me one accordinge to thy heartes desire By it make my spirite my soule and my body conformable to the spirite soule and body of thy holy Humanitie and lighten me altogyther with the light of thy Diuinitie Graunt by it that I may be stablished in thee that I perfytly with perseuerance loue thee that I may be incorporate vnto thee most nerely vnited vnto thee and that I maye be chaunged all whole into thee to the laude of thy blessed name Amen COnuert Lorde miserable sinners call againe heretikes and schismatikes Lighten the infidels that knowe not thee helpe all that be in anye necessitye and trouble helpe all them that haue commended them selues or desired to be cōmended vnto my prayers Haue mercy vpon my parentes benefactours Haue mercy vpon all thē for whome I am bound to praye that thou wouldest be intreated for Haue mercy on this place and companie Graunte that here bee alwaye humilitie peace charitie chastie and puritie Graunt that we all may worthily amend and correct our selues that we may feare the and serue thee faithfully that we may loue thee and please thee I commend vnto thy mercy all our businesses and all our necessities Lorde be mercifull vnto all people for whome thou hast shedde thy precious bloude Graunt vnto the quicke forgyuenes and grace vnto the faithfull departed reast and lyfe euerlasting Amen Another Prayer after receyuing of the Sacrament By Sir Thomas Moore THankes be vnto thee O holy Father God almightie that thou diddest vouchesafe of thy greatpitie to sende thy only Sōne from thy high Throne into this vale of wo miserie here to take our nature and shape in the same to suffer moste sharp paines bitter death to bring our soules to thy kingdome and to leaue that precious Body here to be our strēgth and comfort I thanke thee moste mercifull Lorde Iesu with all the mighte and strength that thou hast gyuen me I offer to thee thankes that thou this daye haste fed me with thine owne precious Body by whiche I hope to haue healthe of soule and euerlasting lyfe with ioye when I depart hence O holy Ghost come good Lorde and enflame my hart with thy brenninge beames of loue and make me with vertuous swetenes continually to yolde acceptable thankes to the holy and glorious Trinitie O ye three Persons one God glorie laude and honor with all reuerence be offered to you of all creatures without ende Amen The ende of the seuenth Chapter THE EIGHT CHAPTER CONTEYNING LAVDES PRAIses and thankes-gyuing for the benefites that God hathe bestowed vpon vs. A psalme in vvhich a sinner yeldeth thankes to God that his enemyes haue not preuayled agaynste him nor gotten the vpper-hand of him I VVill magnifie praise thee O Lord God for thou haste exalted me and sette me vp mine ennemies haue not gotten the ouer hand of me O Lorde of hoastes I haue cried vnto thee and thou haste saued me Thou haste broughte my soule out of hell thou haste holden me vp from fallynge into thee deepe lake from whence no man retourneth Thou haste not closed me vp in the handes of myne ennemies but thou haste sette my feete in a place both wyde and broade I haue sought thee and thou hast hearde me thou haste brought me into libertie oute of great distresse Thou haste turned my sorowe into gladnes thou haste ceased my mourning compassed me round aboute with myrth Thou haste declared thy great magnificence in helpinge thy seruaunt Thou haste done meruaylouslie with me in my miseries Thou haste regarded the paine of the poore thou haste turned awaye thy face from me I will be synging and speakyng of thy mercyes and I will publishe to other thy fidelitie and truthe so long as I shall lyue My mouthe shall neuer cease to speake of thy rytghteousnes of thy benefites which be so manye that I can not number them But I will gyue thee thankes tyll death take me awaye I wyll syng in the prayse of thee so longe as I shall continue I will triumphe and reioyce in thy mercy for thou haste looked vpon my necessityes and regarded my soule in great dystresse Thou haste bene my sure refuge and the strength of my truste and hope I thanke thee Lorde for thy goodnes alwaye and for thy excedinge mercie Thou haste bene my comfort in the time of my trouble thou hast bene mercifull vnto me O Lorde and haste reuenged the wronges that myne enemyes haue done to me Accordinge to the multitude of the heauy thoughtes that I had in my minde thy cōfortes haue cheared and lyghtned my hart Thou hast sente me nowe ioyes for the dayes wherein I was in sorowe and for the yeares in whiche I suffred many a painfull storme Thou haste called to remembraunce the rebuke that thy seruaunt hathe bene put to and howe furiously myne enemies haue persecuted me O Lorde God of hostes who may be compared vnto thee thou arte great greatly to be praysed Thou arte hyghe vpon all the earth thou art exalted farre aboue all goddes Glory and honour before thy face holynes and magnificence in thy sanctuary VVith iustice and iudgement thy royall throne is stablished mercye and truthe go before thy face Blessed arte thou O Lorde which haste not
yet neuerthelesse it is now through thy grace made very meritoriouse and by example of thee and of thy holy Sainctes it is now made to weake persons more patient clearer and also much more comfortable then it was in the olde Lawe when the gates of heauen were shut and the way thyther warde was darke and so fewe did couet to seeke it And yet they that were then righteouse and were ordeyned to be saued before thy blessed passiō and death mighte neuer haue come thyther O what thankes am I bounde therfore to yelde to thee that so louingly haste vouchsafed to shewe to me and to all faythfull people that will folow thee the very true and straight way to thy kingdome Thy holy lyfe is our way and by thy pacience we walke to thee that arte our heade and gouernoure But that thou Lord haddest gonne before and shewed vs the waye who woulde haue endeuored him self to haue folowed O how many should haue taried behynd if they had not seene thy blessed example going before we be yet slowe and dull although we haue seene and hard thy signes and doctrines what should we then haue bene if we had seene no such light goinge before vs Truely we should haue fixed our mind and our loue wholy in worldly thinges Make therfore O Lorde that possible to me by grace which is vnpossible by nature Thou knoweste well O Christ that I can suffer little and that I am anone caste downe with a little aduersitie wherefore I beseech thee that trouble and aduersitie may hereafter for thy names sake be beloued and desired of me For truelye to suffer and to be vexed for thee is very good and profitable to the healthe of my soule A prayer agaynst the enemies of Christs trueth Psal 139. DElyuer me O Lord from the vngodly stiffe necked persones for thou seest howe in their hartes they imagyn mischiefe and haue greate pleasure to picke quarels their tonges bee more sharper then anie Adders stingge vnder their lyppes lyeth poyson of Adders but O mercifull Lorde let me not fall into their handes that they handle me not after their owne lustes Thou onely arte my God thou muste heare my piteous cōplainte Lorde that rulest all together that arte the strength and power of my defence be thou as a helmet vpon my head whensoeuer the vngodly shall assaulte mee neither suffer thou not the wicked thus to prosper in their matters Suffer not their canckarde and malicious stomackes to increase and spitefullye to reuile me Looke vpō thy poore wretches cause and ryd me out of these dayely greuaunces then shall I with an vp right hearte and pleasaunt countenaunce extoll magnifie thy holy name Amen A prayer vvherin is desired freedome of the minde and auoydance of vvorldly desires Imitat o Christ li. 3. ca. 30. I Besche thee moste meeke and mercyfull Lorde Iesu that thou keepe me from the busines and cares of the worlde and that I be not taken with the voluptuouse pleasure of the worlde nor of the fleshe and that in lykewise thou preserue me from all hindraunce of the soule that I be not broken with ouermuch heuines sorowe nor worldly dreade And by these petitions I aske not onely to be deliuered from such vanities as the world desireth but also from such miseries as grieue the soule of me thy seruaunte with the common malediction of mankinde that is with corruption of the bodelye feeling wherwith I am so grieued and letted that I may not haue libertie of spirite to beholde thee when I would O Lord God thou art sweetenesse vnspeakable turne into bitternesse to me all fleshely delightes which would drawe me from the loue of eternall thinges to the loue of a shorte and a vile delectable pleasure Lette not flesh and bloud ouercome me nor the worlde with his shorte glorie deceyue me nor the fiende with his thousand-foulde craftes supplante me but gyue me ghostly strength in resistinge pacience in suffering and constancie in perseuering Gyue me also for al worldly consolations the moste sweete consolation of the holy Ghoste and for all fleshly loue sende into my soule the loue of thy holye name Loe meate and drinke clothinge and all other necessaries for the bodye are paynefull and troublesome to a feruent spirite which if it mighte would alwayes rest in God and in ghostly things graunte me therefore grace to vse such bodely necessaries temporally and that I be not deceyued with ouermuch desire to them To forsake all thinges it is not lawfull for the bodely kinde must be preserued and to seeke superfluous thinges more for pleasure than for necessitye thy holy lawe prohibiteth for so the flesh would rebell against the spirite wherfore Lord I beseech thee that thy hande of grace maye so gouerne me and teach me that I exceede not by any maner of superfluitie A prayer before vve take in hande any Iourney By Arnould Sobin O Good God whom it pleased to direct Abraham Iacob and young Tobias in their peregrinations and brought thē in health safety into their country Graunt I besech thee to be my direct our in this Iourney which I would in no respect vndertake much lesse followe and finishe if I knew it any waye contrarye to thy holy will Therefore O Lord gyue me Raphael for my conductor to whose custodye I may be deliuered and thereby be broughte with happy successe to the accomplishinge of that worke whereunto I prepare and dispose my selfe Directe my vnderstandinge O Lorde to the ende that my feete no where straye from the obseruations of thy holye commaundementes In the name of thy welbeloued sonne Iesus Christe our redeemer whoe with thee in vnitie of the holy Ghost lyueth reigneth eternally Amen Here folovveth for the vse of those that are desirous to rede latine prayers certayne verses collected by Sir Thomas Moore foorth of Dauids psalter in the time of his trouble and persecution for the Catholicke faith conteining an inuocation to God for his helpe against temptation vvith an insultatiō against vvicked spirites vpon hope and confidence in God IMPLORATIO DIVINI AVXILII contra ●enta●●onem cum insultatione eontra Daemones exspe fiducia in Deum DOmine quid multiplicati sunt qui tribulāt me multi insurgunt aduersum me Multi dicunt animae meae non est salus ipsi in deo eius Tu autem domine susceptor meus es gloria mea exaltans caput meum Ego dormiui soporatus sum exurrexi quia dominus suscepit me Non timebo millia populi circundantis me exurge domine saluum me fac deus meus Psa 5. Domine deduc me in iustitia tua propter inimicos meos dirige in cōspectu tuo viam meam Quoniam non est in ore eorum veritas cor eorum vanum est Sepulchrum patens est guttur eorum linguis suis dolose agebant iudica illos deus Decidant a cogitationibus suis secundū multitudinē impietatum eorum
the pleasures of the worlde and in true fayth to passe all perrils of soul and body and exercyse our selues daily more and more in thy seruice in such sorte that with them afterwards we may haue the fruition of ioye and solace eternall Amen A prayer to any of the holy Sayntes Ex tabella quadam Coloniae in templo S. Vrsul O Holy and blessed S. N. I humbly beseech thee that thou wilt haue me poore and wretched sinner in remembraunce before the face of my God and sauiour that by thy merites and intercessions I may be preserued from all daungers bodyly and ghostly that I may dayly more and more increase in vertue and good workes and at the houre of my death and departure out of this worlde vouchsafe to succour and defend me against the assaultes and deceites of mine ennemies and bring my soule deliuered and made free from all tribulatiō to the ioyes of the heauenly paradyse Amen Pray for vs O holy S. N. that we maye be made worthye of the promisses of Christ VVe humblye beseech thee O Lorde God father omnipotente to receiue the prayers of thy seruants that we worshipping the memorye of thy blessed S. N. by his merites and intercessions may be delyuered from al bodyly aduersities and that our hartes may be clensed from all euill and idle thoughtes through Iesus Christe our sauiour Amen A prayer to all the blyssed Saintes in heauen Ex herae B. M. ad vsum Sarum O All yee holy electe of God vnto whome almightie God hathe prepared his eternall kingedome from the beginninge I beseech you through the charitie by the which God dyd loue you that you doe sucker mee moste miserable sinner before death doe take mee awaye oute of this wretched world and reconcile mee vnto my creator before that hell deuoure mee O blessed Marie mother of God the mediatrix for sinners vnto Christ heare mee kepe mee saue mee O thou sweete Lady obtaine to mee righte faithe firme hope perfecte charitie true humylitie chastitie and sobrietie after the course of this lyfe the felow shippe of the euerlasting blyssednes Thou also holye Michaell with all the thousandes of Angells praye for mee that thou mayest take keepe mee from the power of my aduersaries helpe mee obtaine for mee the loue of God purenes of hart strength of faith and the pleasure of heauenlie glorie Also yee holy Patriarkes and Prophetes procure for mee of God pardon penaunce continencie and godlye perseuerance and also lyfe euerlastinge O yee blessed Apost'es of God vnlose mee from my sinnes defende mee from the paynes of hell and take mee from the power of darkenes bringe me vnto the euerlastinge kyngdome I beseche you also yee holy Martyrs of God that perfecte charitie syncere loue a pure minde a chaste lyfe and remission of my sinnes be gyuen of almightie God vnto mee O yee glorious Confessours of God praye for mee that through you the desire of heauenly thinges and reuerence of maners washinge away of my misdeedes bee of God graunted vnto mee Likewise I praye you all holy Virgines of God that you doe ayde mee to thintent I may haue a good minde and health of bodie and soule humilitie chastitie after the course of this my miserable lyfe fellowshipe of the perpetuall blessednes O all yee Saints of God I do pray and also do make humble supplication that you will woutchsafe to helpe mee and haue compassion vpon me most pytyfully and pray for mee instātly that through your intercession a pure conscience bee ingrafted within mee with compunction of harte for my sinnes and laudable endinge of my lyfe so that through your merites I maye bee able to come vnto the countrye of eternall blessednes almyghtie God graunte it Amen The end of the eleuenth Chapter THE TVVELFTH CHAPTER CONTEYNING ADVERtisments consolations with prayers and suffrages for the sicke An aduertisment for the sicke diligently to prepare him selfe to dye vvell Lud. Blosius cap. 1. posterioris li. Ench. paruulorum VVhoe soeuer doethe loue God dutifullye being at anye time ouertaken with sicknes whereby deathe is feared to be at hand let good heede be taken that with diligēce thou prepare thy selfe to end well discharge thy harte of the cares troubles of this world receiue deuoutly the Sacramentes of the Church to the ende thou maiest purchasse succour strēgth to passe through thy iourney and wholly recommende thy soule to God Remember the passion of our sweete Sauiour and redeemer embrace in thy hart his holsome crosse kisse his ruddy woundes and thrust thy selfe with all thy power into them that beinge hidden in them thou maiest be safe and happely escape from all the snares and entysmentes of the deuill humblye beseech our Sauiour Iesus Christ that he would wouchsafe to washe thee with his precious blood and that he woulde whollye abandonne all thy sinnes And for wante of meritoriouse good workes offer to God the father the merites of Iesus Christ offer him his moste holy and sacred conuersation death and passion offer him the merites of his moste sweete mother the wirgin Mary of all Saintes for so it shall come to passe that thou which art poore naked and miserable of thy selfe shalt appeare maruelously adorned with spirituall ornaments recommende thy selfe also to our blessed Ladye the glorious virgin and mother of God and to the other Cytizens of heauen and principally to that saint which thou haste accustomed most to pray vnto hoping and beleeuing certainly that they heare thy prayers and that if thou call vpon the blesse virgin with all thy hart and turne moste humbly and assuredly thy selfe to her she will without doubt make thy entraunce into the kingdome of heauen where otherwise it may be through the diuine iustice of God that thou canst not enter because of thine iniquitie for she is the mother of mercy and the Porte of of heauen Then folovveth this protestation or such lyke very profitable to be made by the sicke Lud. Blofius cap. 3. lib. sup I wicked sinner moste vnworthy redeemed with the preciouse bloode of our Lorde Iesus Christ doe confesse openlye that with an entyer and pure harte I forgyue all those that haue at any time euer offended me or done me iniurye in what maner soeuer desiring moste humblye all and euerye one that I haue offended iniuried grieued or any way angred whyther they be present or absent that they would vouchsafe also to forgyue me Here let the sicke call to minde his sinnes in particular and aske God forgynenes purposing firmely by God his grace neuer to commit sinne agayne and though his sinnes be neuer so many and the maner of his offences neuer so horrible and grieuouse yet he is to trust in the omnipotency of God whose mercyes are innumerable and to take hope and comfort in the passion of Christe our redeemer Sayeng I beleue in God the father almighty c. A prayer for the sicke person to saye
in the holy Ghost eternallye Amen A prayer for the soule of thy father Io. Damase in historia barl Iosa O Lorde God of insearcheable and ineffable bountye bringe my father to the place of rest and refreshing where the light of thy countenaunce dothe gloryouslye shine do not remembre his former offences but accordinge to thy great mercy blotte out cancell the obligations of his sinnes teare and rent them asunder for thou art worthy of all glorye for euer and euer Amen A prayer for the soule of thy mother B. Agustinus ca. vlti li. 9. confessionum O The God of my hart my life and my prayse I humbly desire thee to pardone the sinnes of my mother graciously heare me for his sake which is the medicyne of our woundes whiche did hange vpō the tree now sitting on thy righte hande maketh intercession for vs sinners I know that she hath delt charitably frō her hart hath forgyuen all her debtors release also vnto her all those sinnes what soeuer since her baptisme she hath fallen into Release them O Lorde release them I beseech thee and enter not into iudgemente with her let thy mercy exceede thy iudgement for thy wordes are true and thou haste promised mercy to the mercyfull For my mother when the day of her death approched did request and desire this that we wolde remember her soule at thy holye Aultar where she had serued thee wherby she did know and beleeue that the holy oblation of the body and precious bloode of our sauiour Iesus Christ was made wherby the obligation made against vs was cancelled whereby the enemie was vanquished counting our sinnes searchinge what he might obiecte against vs and finding nothinge in vs by the meanes of Iesus Christ in whom we haue victorye whoe shall render to Iesus Christe his innocent bloode who shall requite the pryce wherwith he hath bought vs that he might pull and draw vs from our enemye To the misterye of the which price thy seruaunt hath vnited and bounde her soule by the bonde of fayth let no man withdrawe her furth of thy protection let not the dragon nor lyon intrude him selfe neither by force nor deceipt neither as yet will thy hand-mayd answere that she is not in debte leste she be conuinced and possessed of that crafty accuser but she will answere that her debtes are released by him whom none cā repay that which he owinge nothinge hath payed for vs let her therefore rest in peace with her husband before whom and after whom she was neuer maried to any other whom she hath serued and broughte foorth fruite to thee with great patience to the ende she mighte gayne him to thee Inspire O my Lord God inspire thy seruauntes my brethren thy childrē my superiours whom with voyce harte penne I doe serue that who soeuer shall reade these they may remember at thy Aultar thy seruant Monica with Patricius her late husband by whose fleshe thou haste broughte me into this worlde by what meanes I knowe not how let them remember with deuoute zeale my parentes in this transitorye lyfe and my brethren vnder thee their Father in the lapp of their Catholicke Mother and my countrye-men in the eternall Ierusalem which thy people in their pilgrymage from their departure vntill their returne desire to attayne vnto that shee may attaine by the prayers of many those thinges which she requyred at my handes when she departed Amen A prayer for the soule of thy parentes O God which haste commanded vs to honour and reuerence our father and mother haue mercy I beseeche the on the soules of my father and mother and of all my other parentes forgyue them their offences and graunt that I may see them in the ioye of thy euerlasting blysse Amen A prayer for thy friend departed O God the gyuer of pardon and louer of mans saluatiō we beseeche thy clemency through the intercession of the glorious Virgin Marie and of all the holy Saints of heauen that thou wilt graunt that the brethē sisters friends departed in the vnitie of the Catholicke Church with all our benefactours maye come to the blysse of thy euerlastinge kyngdome throughe Iesus Christ our Lorde Amen A prayer for the lyuing the deade ALmighty and euerlasting God Lorde of the lyuinge and the dead thou shewest mercye to all those whome by faythe and good worcks thou knowest to be thine we humbly beseech the that those for whome we haue determined to pray whom ether this presēt world yet retayneth in fleshe or the worlde to come hath alredie receyued maye through the clemencye of thy bountye intercession of all thy blessed Saints obtayne full remission of their sinnes Amē A prayer for the departed to be sayd at masse B. Ambr. praecatio 1. praepa VVE humbly beseech thee O holy father for the soules of the faythfull departed this life that the holy Sacrifice of the masse may be to them eternall saluatiō perpetuall health ioy rest euerlasting O my Lorde God lett this wounderfull and excellent mysterye of pyetie and bountie be vnto them this day full perfect ioye graunt that they maye bee replenished with thee the lyuing true bread which descēdest from heauen and gyuest lyfe to the world and with that holy and blessed flesh of thee the immaculate Lambe which takest awaye the sinnes of the world and make them to drinke of that fontaine of thy pyetie whiche by force of the souldiars lance issued from the syde of our Lorde Iesus Christ crucified that so beinge cōforted they may reioyce in thy holy laude and glorie Amen The ende of the thyrtienth Chapter FINIS Aug. in Psal 42. This is the Iustice of man in this life Fasting Almes-deedes Prayer PRAYER IS GOOD WITH FASTING AND ALMES TOB. 12 Ibidem in serm 59. He that wyll haue his prayer to flye to heauen muste make it two wynges Almes-deedes Fasting and it shall spedelye ascende and bee harde A TABLE OF PRAYERS MEDITATIONS EXHORTAtions and aduertismentes contayned in this presente Manuall of prayers The first chapter contayning quotidiane or dayly praiers accomodated and prescribed to certayne houres times both for the day and night A Briefe exhortation to prayer contynuallye extracted and taken out of S. Chrisostome folio 1. A prayer in the morning when ye awake folio 3. VVhen ye doe aryse folio 3. A morning prayer when you are rysen folio 3. A morning prayer whereby to commende thy selfe vnto God folio 3. A prayer to be sayed goinge out of the house folio 4. A prayer desiringe God to order and directe vs. folio 4. A prayer to perseuer in goodnes folio 5. An exercyse to be dayly vsed in meditatinge the passion of our Lorde and Sauiour with an exhortation contayning fiftiene meditationes with a prayer belonginge to them or to euery one of them folio 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Certayne asperations ghostly sighinges and prayers to be daylye vsed folio