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A62156 Righteous judgment placed upon the heads of malicious opposers and persecuting apostates in some brief animadversions upon Francis Buggs book, entitled, De Christiana libertate, in which his great weakness and gross wickedness is detected, his foul defamations and uncivil reflections are reprehended : with a seasonable warning to him and the rest of his abettors in their mischievous work of opposition to and separation from, the Lord and his people / by a lover of peace, Robert Sandilands : together with an Ingredient by another hand. Sandilands, Robert.; Richardson, Richard, 1623?-1689. Another ingredient against the venom in F.B.'s book. 1683 (1683) Wing S661; ESTC R32326 57,765 142

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thee Francis Bugg alas how hast thou betrayed thy great weakness folly and envy had it not been farr better for thee thou hadst never set Pen to Paper in bringing forth such a wicked piece of work hast thou not clearly evinced there how aptly thy name answers to thy crooked perverse nature and thy devlish venomous disposition the enemy hath wrought in thee for thou hast done what thou could to wound hurt and spoil not only the good name and reputation of particular persons but hast endeavoured with all thy strength and policy to bring a lash and blur upon many thousands of faithfull Friends however all thy Malicious smitings in the dark and thy open notorious abuses and scandalous reflections will be in vain and return as a weighty load upon thy own head for I know that the Innocency and uprightness of the one with the honest circumspect conversation of the other will out-live confute and disprove all thine and the rest of that hellish Combination your forged callumnies and lying stories and all your malicious insinuations and false suggestions shall but redown to your own utter ruine and everlasting shame perpetual defamation and eternal Confusion if you repent not but stoutly persevere and obstinately continue in this wilfull wicked work of opposition to and separation from the Lord and his People and be of such who have sold themselves to do wickedly and so devoted to the Devils service to be his Vassals Slaves and subjects Oh! for shame for shame that ever it should thus befall any who have made profession of Gods Truth and confession also to the Testimony thereof through many sufferings and hardships and yet to become the absolute greatest enemy to the Profession and Progress of it which I am perswaded had more gloriously shined and that more universally in the Nations had not these Clouds of Division and separation loosness indifferency and dishonest conversation of many convinced of and who have appeared for the same come over to Ecclipse the Splendor of this glorious day but I know in due time the Sun of Righteousness will so arise and shine in that brightness and Glory as that all these Mists and Clouds shall be dispelled and scattered And therefore this is that which is weighty upon my spirit in the Powerfull Name of the Dreadfull God of Heaven and Earth to warn you all to cease from the evil of your doings and O return return so long as it may please the Lord to strive in you by his Holy gentle spirit and bow every one to his righteous Judgments in your hearts to destroy that wicked perve●se opposing and separating Spirit that 's prevailed upon you and remember what the Apostle said that is very weighty For if God spared not the Angels that Sinned but cast them down to Hell and delivered them into Chains of Darkness and spared not the old World and turned the Cities of Sodom and Gomorah into Ashes and in his Exhortation to the Hebrews 10 25. Says Not forsaking the assembling of our selves together as the manner of some is For observe well what follows Oh! how near and close a Sentence is it IF WE SIN WILFULLY after that we have received the knowledge of the Truth there remaineth no more Sacrifice for Sins but a certain fearfull looking for of Judgment and fiery Indignation which shall devour the adversaries Oh! dread fear and stand in awe of the living Almighty God who is a consuming fire to all the workers of iniquity and who knoweth how to deliver the Godly out of Temptations and to reserve the unjust unto the day of Judgment but chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and dispise Government who are Presumptuous self-will'd they are not affraid to speak evil of Dignities mark these sayings And let me tell you plainly that for all your fair specious pretences Plausible Eloquent Orations smooth speeches cunningly contrived your great and high Notions glorious-like appearances and Mysterious Transformations may be as an Angel of light or like unto a lamb covered with a profession of Truth it self and Preach up the words and Principles thereof in the manly part and with the Wisdom from below that 's your beloved darling endeavours thereby to catch the affectionate itching part of simple People and such as are but young raw and unsettled in their minds For all this know as certain and which I am constrained in the holy fear of God to forwarn you off You that are the workers of iniquity however you may cover and hide your selves for a time from the Eye of Mortals if you dye as thus you have lived in opposing the Work of Truth in separation from the Lord and his People you I say shall be eternally excluded and forever shut out from entering into the Pure everlasting Kingdom of Eternal Glory rest and Felicity and the Lord Jesus will no more acknowledge you than he did those that though you as they did Cry Lord Lord have we not Eaten and Drunken in thy presence have we not Prophesied in thy Name and cast out Devils and done many wonderfull works yet you shall meet with the same dreadfull Sentence depart from me I know you not for all your fair Plea ye workers of iniquity Wherefore this is a seasonable warning to all you gain-sayers who are in the work of Corah in the Devils work of Division opposition of tearing rending and devouring of disorder and confusion and innovation who are become mockers scoffers and abusers of the Lords work and his Innocent People and that in a higher Degree than any of your former Predecessors if you come not sadly to mourn deeply to lament for and unfeignedly to repent of the same a most terrible heavy stroke and dreadfull cup of weighty vengeance shall be your Portion from the terrible hand of the mighty Pure God of righteousness the just Judg of Heaven and Earth who shall reward every man according to his works This from the Lord I lay before you receive or reject it as you please however I shall enjoy Peace with him in clearing my Conscience to you and discharging my Duty before him and so shall be clear of your Blood who sincerely wisheth and earnestly Prayeth for the Recovery of backsliders and Restoration of all such whose gracious day of Visitation is not quite expired By one that heartily prays for the daily increase of the Peace of Jerusalem and the prosperity of Sion and for the Advancement of Holy Jesus over all throughout all the Earth R. Sandilands Postscript FRANCIS BUGG I desire to advertise thee that what I have now wrote in Answer to thy Book was in the First place with a regard to the clearing of my Conscience inthe sight of God as a Testimony against Malicious Opposers and crued Hard-hearted Apostates and in the Second place it was with a true desire and real intent of mind for thine and others good if perhaps thou maist be thereby perswaded
Airy Mind abuses them comparing them to the Papists great Idol viz. the Roob of Grace to Graceless as well as Lifeless Image see p. 8. and 47. will not only descry Womens Preaching as some of them have done already but also at last would overturn our Mens Meetings and so would bring all things topsiturvey These are indeed the Babel Builders upside down into a meer Chaos Disorder and Confusion again and here would be which the Devil would be at and mainly seeks an open door for Libertinism Ranterism Atheism Profanity and all maner of Debauchery But God Almighty will overthrow all these devilish Designs and hellish Imaginations and Truth and Righteousness hath he decreed to establish in the Earth everlastingly magnified be his holy Name for ever for he is worthy over all to be feared served and obeyed by all the Sons and Daughters of Men. CHAP. III. NOw I come to the first Chapter of F. Bugg's Book p. 24. in the which he pretends to treat of Principles of Truth received and believed in the beginning c. wherein there is but little of weight to be noticed being but a slender imperfect Relation thereof and that too with a crafty subttle Design to strike against Friends of Truth maliciously thereby insinuating to the World How it was so and so with them in the beginning and now otherwise This living Testimony I have to bear to the contrary that blessed be the name of the Lord the same foundation principle and corner stone that was laid in the beginning for the building of Gods Spiritual House is as precious to us now as ever and is of as great esteem and we do preach the same and no other even the saving sufficient Divine Light of Christ Iesus and the Spiritual appearance thereof and it is our work and labour to direct and turn the minds of people to be inward and retired thereunto as unto the more sure word of Prophecy and that there is sufficiency in it being obeyed to lead to salvation and as we are come to the experience of the holy Unction and feel and taste of the sweetness excellency and vertue thereof in our own particulars so we declare thereof unto others that they might be stirred up to wait upon the Lord with us in his heavenly Gift and have the same sense and experience in themselves and so see and taste for themselves and blessed be God our love one to another doth abound and our zeal for his ●oly name doth encrease and a heavenly harmony of life sounds in our Assemblies as in the beginning in which stands our Unity Fellowship and there are many who are living witnesses by how much the more we are spiritually minded and seriously exercised in the inward Testimony or Law of the Spirit of Life and the more we take delight to meditate therein Night and Day by so much the more the Lord is pleased to maifest his Love unto us and to reveal his pure Power amongst us and is our Hedge and Wall to this Day and gives us favour in the sight of the People glorified be his pure name for ever And we do testifie in a holy fresh zeal against all such Formalities Will worships Church-Authorities Ceremonies Orders Institutions as are neither useful decent nor comely in the sight of God and our Testimony lives remains as in the beginning everlasting praise to the Almighty against all that Trash and Trumpery of the Whore of Babylon brought in and set up in the dark Night of Apostacy and we do testifie That Christ his Kingdom is to be known within not in any Observation or Profession that is Visible without the possession and inward enjoyment of him and he even the second Adam the Lord from Heaven is head of and Lawgiver to our Church on whose shoulders the Government and Authority thereof is laid And we know that though in the World there are Faiths many and Lords many yet unto us there is but one Faith and one Lord Jesus Christ who is the Author of that Faith And we have an honourable esteem of the Scriptures of Truth and they are very good and useful in their place and they are by us believed and a great comfort and blessing to us but still the spirit of God is the first Principle the Pale and only Head of the true Church and Sanctified people of God and is likewise the Rule of our Life and Practice and always hath the preheminence in our Testimony as ever from the beginning this we have declared and do declare on all occasions to all People Professor and Prophane c. and such as are faithful to the Lord will not question the truth of this as it is at present witnessed Everlasting praises to the Lord over all And these need not go for proof thereof as thou saist pag. 28. to such and such Testimonies of those good faithful Servants of the Lord who did bear a Noble Testimony against all Apostates and Back-sliders as the Reader may see in a Book of our worthy Friend Isaac Penington whom F.B. mentions concerning Church Government For we have a certain evidence and many clear tokens of the powerful divine and refreshing presence of the Almighty God attending us in our holy Services and Christian Practises both in our Men and Womens Meetings which shall stand and in Glory remain when thou and all such clashing jarring jangling and perverse prating spirits shall vanish and be no more seen in this World And indeed I know for certain and many times it hath livingly and with unspeakable comfort opened in mé when I have had occasion to be under any sad Exercise by any of this Opposite Party that their wild and hasty furious Contentions and malicious Endeavours against the Gospel Order in the Church of Christ is but another smoak though one of the blackest and thickest that is come up or may be may hereaftercome up from the Bottomless Pit And the breath of the Lord God Almighty is scattering of it and will blow it quite away so that it as we have seen other smoaks shall utterly disappear And the wise prudent Reader may observe that many of the Epistles of Advice and Counsels to Friends from their Meetings nothing now more than in the beginning implies any imposition or force thereunto and they are so worded as that Christian liberty is preserved and the people not imposed upon beyond their freedom and that it is so I shall prove in the next Chapter And so we plainly see that the Devil and his Agents have but befooled themselves by falsely insinuating to any as this F.B. doth in page 31. That we exercise Dominion Gentile-like and with Lording over Gods Heritage for the same Christian Confession discension and true moderation appears amongst us as in the beginning CHAP. IV. IN page 32. F. B. says I am now to manifest the alteration and the cause of Divisions amongst us about Matters of Faith and the