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A34759 The tomb-stone, and A rare sight Carter, John, d. 1655. 1653 (1653) Wing C656A; ESTC R36272 81,644 218

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their Leo Magnus and ten since him have borne the same name But the Pope must change his kind and be content to be another Beast A roaring and a devouring Lyon we will allow him to be who rents and teares the Saints of God But Christ is the onely Lyon of Judah the onely King of his Church That there is a visible and externall government of the Church distinct from the Politicall by the word and discipline we affirme But Jesus Christ hath ordained it not Monarchicall but Aristocraticall Matth. 18. 17. Acts 20. 17 28. 1 Tim. 5. 17. It must be governed by the Bishops Pastors Teachers Elders and Deacons in the severall Precincts The whole world is too large a Dioces for any one mortall Creature to take care of The care of all Churches is beyond the strength of any one man Onely the Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah can open the Book and read it to all Churches Hee onely can rule and govern all Churches Christ himselfe is present to all his Churches namely by his Spirit which is more to the advantage of all Churches then his bodily presence would be Ioh. 16. 7. And therefore none of the Churches stand in need of the Pope to give Lawes to them or to govern them He is an Usurper and must down Christ is the Lion the onely King of the Church Observ 4. Christ is the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah that is lineally descended from the Patriarch Iudah That may seem strange why should not the Messiah have sprang rather out of Reuben Because he was the first-born Iudah was the fourth Son of Iacob The reason hereof you have Gen 35. 22. Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his Fathers Concubine He committed this foule sin and Israel heard it And for this cause he disinherited Reuben and the blessing of the Birth-right fell upon Iudahs head He became the Lyon the Soveraignty and Princedome was his Observe then Sin disinheriteth See this Heb. 12. 16. Least there be any fornicator or prophane person as Esau who for one morsell of meat sold his Birth-right 17. For ye know that afterward when he would have inherited the Blessing he was rejected Here you have 2 distinct examples to confirm this truth First the Fornicator namely Reuben who defiled his Fathers Concubine and for that was disinherited Secondly Esau was the first-born yet lost the Inheritance the Lordship and Dominion because of his prophanenesse For the sentence was passed from the mouth of God The Elder shall serve the younger Gen. 25. 23. Haply some vile and desperate Sinners will make nothing of this Tush say they let them looke to this that are borne to Lands and great Possessions our Fathers have not a penny to leave us we have no Inheritance to loose What no Inheritance Then are you Bastards and not Sons Then God is not your Father all the true Children of God have a two-fold Inheritance The grace favour and blessing of God in this life and eternall glory in the life to come They be Heires of God and joynt-heires with Christ But to the ungodly the Lord saith Know yee that the unrighteous shall not inherite the Kingdome of God Be not deceived neither Fornicators nor Idolaters nor Adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankinde nor theeves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall ever inherite the Kingdome of God Observ 5. For our instruction How miserable deplorable and desperate our condition is by nature so lost as that nothing in Heaven or Earth could recover us but the power strength wisedome goodnesse and courage of such a Lyon as the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah We are all borne dead as you have heard and should never have revived if this Lyon had not roared over us We are blinde by nature The naturall man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishnesse unto him neither can hee know them He is ignorant of God and of Christ and of the will of God concerning mans salvation and in that ignorance must have perished everlastingly if the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah had not opened the Book and unloosed the Seales thereof No man hath seen God at any time the onely begotten Son which is in the bosome of the Father he hath declared him Ioh. 1. 18. We were all by nature under the guilt of sin under the wrath of God we could never have been acquitted we could never have been reconciled but must have lain under Gods fierce anger for ever if the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah had not stepped in between the party offended and the party offending and made peace For Jesus Christ is our peace And to effect this the Lyon was forced to change his Kinde and to become a Lambe a true Paschall Lambe and to be sacrificed for us I beheld saith Saint Iohn verse 6. and loe in the midst of the Throne and of the foure Beasts and in the midst of the Elders stood a Lambe as it had been slaine Behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sin of the World Joh. 1. 29. For he is our peace having abolished in his flesh the Enmity And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the Crosse having slaine the Enemy thereby We were in the Jaw and Paw of the roaring Lyon who could have snatched us out of his Fangs We had been the Bond-slaves of Satan for ever wee had been Captives in the Prison in the Dungeon of Hell for ever we had been utterly devoured if the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah had not conquered the Lyon of the infernall Pit But when he saw that there was no man and wondred that there was no Intercessor therefore his arme brought Salvation unto him and his Righteousnesse it sustained him O the depth of our miserie in our naturall in our lost condition Observ 6. That from Genesis to the Revelation the Church of God gives the same coat viz. The Lyon the Armes were given Gen. 49. 9. And the same Ensigne is advanced here again in the Text more plainly The Iewes and the Gentiles have all the same Christ One and the same Lyon Jesus Christ is the Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah And he is the Lyon of the Gentiles also Jewes and Gentiles are all under one Prophet Priest King and Captain All that are saved from the beginning of the World to the end thereof they obtaine Salvation by Iesus Christ There was never any way of Salvation but one The ancient Patriarches and Prophets the ancient Iewes were all Christians when Moses was persecuted in Aegypt he bore the reproach of Christ Heb. 11. 26. When the Israelites sinned in the Wildernesse they tempted Christ 1 Cor. 10. 9. The Prophets from the beginning preached Christ and Salvation by the Messiah onely Christ began at Moses and went through all the Prophets and expounded unto them in all the Scriptures viz. Of the old
A Consul's Servant whose name was Androdus for an offence was brought forth to this Lyon either to fight with him and conquer him or else to be torn in peeces by the Lyon and nothing else could be expected When this fierce Lyon saw Androdus afar off hee made a sudden stand as it were in admiration afterwards by little and little hee comes on to the man tanquam noscitabundus as if he thought he knew him and were desirous to know him more perfectly Then he wags his taile after the manner of a fawning Dog rubs his body against the body of Androdus who was almost dead for feare and gently strokes his thighs and hands with his tongue Upon this kindnesse of the Lyon Androdus begins to recover his Spirit and fixing his eyes upon the Lyon he and the Lyon as knowing one another began to renew acquaintance and rejoyce and play together Hereupon there was a strange admiration and shout Androdus was called before Caesar and the cause enquired why the most fierce and barbarous of all the Lyons should spare him and none else Then Androdus gave a full account of the whole matter I was a Servant sayes hee to a Proconsul a Lord-deputy in Africa there having hard use and continuall stripes from my Master I was forced to run away Wandring in solitudes that I might not be found again by my Master about Noon-tide in a hot scortching day I enter'd a Cave for coolnesse presently after this very Lyon came into the same Den with a halting and bloody foot sighing and moaning and as begging pity At the first sight of the Lyon I was terrified but the Lyon soon espying me in a corner of his Den came towards me in a peaceable manner held up his wounded foot shewed it me as craving my helpe I pulled out of the plant of his foot a great thorne or shiver that stuck in it nipped out the blood and corruption cleansed the wound and healed it The Lyon finding ease and cure by my industry rested his foot in my hand And from that day I lived three yeares in that Den with this Lyon and we had the same dyet For when the Lyon had hunted and caught his Prey he would bring the fattest and loveliest peeces to me and because I wanted fire I rosted them against the Sun dryed them and eat them But growing weary of that kind of life with the wilde Beast when on a day the Lyon was gon out after Prey I left the Den and ran away and after some three daies wandring I was taken by the Souldiers and brought to Rome to my Master he presently condemned me to be thrown to this Lyon And I understand that as soon as ever I was parted from the Lyon the Lyon also was taken in his ranging abroad and brought to Rome and now shewes me this kindnesse for his cure Appion said he heard Androdus make this relation It was soon published abroad and all the men petitioned Caesar that the man might be pardon'd and set free and that the Lyon might be given to him And upon the request of the people it was granted Afterwards saith Appion we saw Androdus leading the Lyon about the City by a small Cord from Tavern to Tavern the people gave him money and all as they met him would say Hic est Leo hospes hominis Hic est homo medicus Leonis Here is the Lyon the mans Land-Lord and here is the man the Lyons Surgeon The Story hath been something long I will give you the Application short and quick The man plucked a thorne out of the Lyons foot the Lyon gave the man his life for a reward And will not the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah do more then a Lyon of the Forrest Dost thou see in any of Christ poor Members a thorne a thorn of extream poverty and want a thorn of misery that they are ready to perish Pull out the thorn ease them help them refresh their bowels Christ will give you life even eternall life for your reward He will feed and protect you here and glorifie you hereafter Here what this Lyon this King this Jesus will say to you when he shall come in his glory Come yee blessed of my Father receive the Kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world For I was an hungred and you gave nee meat I was thirsty and you gave me drink I was a stranger and you took me in naked and you clothed me I was sick and you visited me I was in prison and you came unto me Matth. 25. 34. 35. 36. Blessed are the mercifull for they shall obtain mercy Matth. 5. 7. You have heard the word of Exhortation now followes the fourth and last Vse 4. Of Consolation Jesus Christ is the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah the Almighty and eternall King of his Church This opens a wels-spring of comfort to all the Lyons true-bred Whelps to all the Subjects of Christs spirituall Kingdome The Lord Jesus Christ reigneth let the Earth rejoyce let the multitude of the Isles be glad thereof Zion heard and was glad and the Daughters of Judah rejoyced because of thy judgments oh Lord. Various and manifold are the Consolations I will propound them to you that your joy may be full and as shortly as is possible because I hasten to a conclusion and desire not to trespasse too much upon your patience Consel 1. Against all the Churches Enemies The Church and people of God may alwaies sing that Psalme O Lord how are my Foes increas'd And especially at this time Now doubtlesse Rome and Hell all Jesuited spirits all Hereticks and Sectaries who love to fish in troubled waters are busily plotting the overthrow of our Religion and Peace But this is the comfort the Church is not without a King a p●●ent King For the Lord Jesus Christ is our Judge the Lord is our Law-giver the Lord is our King he will save us Isa 33. 22. He may seem a Lyon dermant for a season he slept till the tempest was very high Matth. 8. 24. But the Lyon is awake even when he seemeth to sleep He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep Psal 121. 4. The Lord shall awake as one out of sleep and like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of Wine and he shall smite his Enemies in the hinder parts and put them to a perpetuall reproach All attempts against the Church are vain The Gates of Hell shall not prevaile against it The Lord Jesus Christ will be a Lyon to them and rent and teare Zions Enemies in peeces and there shall be none to help For hee must reigne till he hath put all Enemies under his feet 1 Cor. 15. 35. Consol 2. Against our ignorance and blindnesse The poor Christian complaines as Agur Prov. 30. 2. Surely I am more brutish then any man and have not the understanding of a man 3. I neither learned wisdome nor have the knowledge
Angell nor Arch-angell none in Heaven and Earth can be found meet to under-go this Office onely Jesus Christ God-man could beare it You have seene how the Lion Messiah the Prince was annointed within Now secondly I will make out his Title to the Crown He had an externall Unction he was annointed a King The ancient annointing of Kings was an outward manifestation and declaration to the whole World of their undoubted Right and Title to their Kingdomes it was also a publick Assignation And this externall Unction had Jesus Christ not with materiall oyle but he had a full and undoubted right to the Government He was no usurper he had a solemn calling from God the Father to this Office and from him he derived a three-fold right The Kingdome was his 1. By Assignation from the Father Psal 2. 6. I have set my King upon my holy Hill of Zion Act. 2. 36. Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God hath ●ade that same JESUS who was crucified both LORD and CHRIST 2. By inheritance Psal 2. 7. I will declare the decree the Lord hath sayd unto me Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee Heb. 1. 2. God hath appointed him heire of all things Even the wicked Husbandmen acknowledged thus much This is the heire Mat. 21. 38. 3. By free Donation Psal 2. 8. Aske of me and I shall give thee the Heathen for thine Inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession By this time the first branch or Proposition is true and evident Christ is a Lyon that is A King Therefore as after the anoynting of Jehu they blew with Trumpets and proclaimed saying Jehu is King So here having seen the anoynting I blow the Trumpet proclaim Behold Christ is King Behold Christ is King Branch 2. The Lord Jesus Christ is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Lyon The Lyon of Lyons The most excellent Lyon the onely Lyon Christ is a King and there 's no King but Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Isa 43. ● I am the Lord and beside me there is no Saviour The cheife Priests sayd We have no King but Caesar Christians must say We have no King but Christ But haply some will object Are there not many other Kings Were there not Kings of Israel and Judah Had not Aegypt their Pharaohs and the Philistims their Abimelechs Do wee not read in Daniel of the head of Gold the Silver breast and armes the Brasse belly and thighes the Iron Legs the four ancient and famous Monarchies Did wee never heare of the Emperours of the West And are there not many Kings at this very day in the World What is there but one Lyon in the Forest I answer with Saint Paul There are Lords many many Kings And Saint Peter mentions The King as supreame and that as an Ordinance But such a King as the Lord Jesus Christ is not in the whole World And I will shew you some differences between Christ the King and all other Kings 1. Christ is the onely absolute supream soveraigne independent King the onely Lord Paramount all other Kings have but a derived delegated power from him Pro. 8. 15. By me Kings raigne saith the Lord Jesus the wisedome of the Father and Princes decree Justice All other Kings are but subordinate Viceroys Lord-Deputies 2. All other Kings are men meer men Jesus Christ is God and man as he is the man Christ Jesus so he is God over all blessed for ever No other King God-Man but he 3. In regard of bounds all other Kings they have Dominion only over some part and a little part of the World Indeed there have been Monarchs that have styled themselves Emperours of the World but they were mistaken two wayes First in their times scarce halfe the habitable part of the World was discovered Secondly Had they had all they layd claime to it was but to the lower and baser part of the World the Earth But the Lord Jesus Christ hath an universall Kingdome Psal 72. 8. He shall have Dominion from Sea to Sea and from the River unto the ends of the Earth v. 9. They that dwell in the Wildernesse shall bow before him and his enemies shall lick the dust v. 10. The Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles shall bring presents the Kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts v. 11. Yea all Kings shall fall down before him all Nations shall serve him He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords yea he is King of Heaven and Earth and of all things in them There is no universall King but he 4. In respect of duration All other Kings are men that dye and their Kingdomes have their fatall periods few Kingdomes continue above five hundred years We use to say So many yeares raigned the Chaldeans and Babylonians so many the Medes and Persians so many the Graecians and so many the Romans that I meddle not with the fatall mutations in our Nation The Lord often speaks to earthly Kings in his wrath The Lord hath rent the Kingdome of Israel from thee saith Samuel to Saul even this day he hath done it and hath given it to a neighbour of thine that is better then thou And this was the Writing that was written concerning Belshazzar Thy Bingdome is divided and given to the Medes and Persians But unto the Sonne unto the Lord Jesus Christ the Father saith Thy Throne O God is for ever and ever God the Father speaks concerning his Son as Jupiter is brought in speaking of the Romans His ego nec metas rerum nec tempora pono Imperium sine fine dedi His seed will I make to endure for ever and his Throne as the dayes of Heaven His Throne shall be as the Sun before me It shall be established for ever as the Moon and as a faithfull witnesse in Heaven SELAH The Angell Gabriel was sent from God to the Virgin Mary with this Oracle Thou shalt conceive bringforth a Son and shalt cal his name Jesus He shal be great and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his Father David And he shall raig●e over the House of David for ever and of his Kingdome there shall be no end Jesus Christ is the Lyon The Lyon is a Creature as Pliny writes that lives long to an incredible age but Christ is the Lyon that never dyes And there is no eternall King but Christ You have the second Branch or Proposition I passe to Branch 3. Jesus Christ is the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah First And according to the Letter He was King of Iudah He had a just right and title to the temporall Crowne and Kingdome He was of the Seed of David according to the flesh lineally descended from his loynes and by undoubted succession the King and Prince being of the Kingly race This will appear by the Genealogies Saint Matthew chap. 1. sets downe the Pedegree
of Ioseph the Husband of Mary his supposed Father Hee descended from David through the loynes of Solomon Saint Luke chap. 3. 23. describes the Pedegree of the Virgin Mary his Mother that bare him shee descended from David through the loynes of Nath●n The Husband and Wife were both of the same Family and therefore Christ had a title to the temporall Kingdome Crown and Dignity both by the Fathers and Mothers side Heralds came from the East to proclaime him King there saying Where is he that is borne King of the Iewes For we have seen his starr in the East Matth. 2. 2. This Pilate subscribed and would not revoke it Iesus of Nazareth the King of the Iewes He was a Lyon true bred But as for this temporall Kingdome and Dominion over Judah the other Tribes our Lord Jesus Christ would not meddle with it Hee had indeed jus ad rem but would never take possession They would have taken him by force to make him King Joh. 6. 15. but he perceiving it departed and hid himselfe in a Mountaine Hee departed from his owne right abdicated the earthly Kingdome and would not meddle with it Therefore secondly By the Tribe of Judah wee must understand the same thing that is signified by Mount Sion and the City of the living God and the heavenly Jerusalem Heb. 12. 22. And what is that Vers 23. will tell you The generall assembly and Church of the first borne which are written in Heaven The whole company of the Elect who are ordained to life eternall Christ is the King of his Church and the Church is Christs Kingdome The Elect the company of true Beleevers are his subjects and none else Psal 2. 6. I have set my King upon my holy hill of Sion that is over the Church As Pharaoh made Joseph Governour over all his House so God the Father made his Sonne Jesus Christ King and Governour of the house of God that is the Church of God This Nathanael confesseth in his little Creed John 1 49. Thou art the son of God thou art the King of Israel His peculiar jurisdiction is over the Church Quest But is not Christ a great King over all the Earth Psal 47. 2. Answ Christ hath a twofold Kingdome 1. Regnum potentiae his Kingdome of power by which as God together with the Father and the holy Ghost hee powerfully rules over all Creatures in Heaven and Earth And so all Men and Women in the World are his Subjects yea whether they will or no. 2. Regnum gratiae The Kingdome of grace Whereby as Mediator hee calls and governs his Church and chosen And in regard of this latter he is sayd properly and peculiarly to be the King of his Church and of his Church onely Thus you have seen 1. That Christ is a Lyon a King 2. That he is the Lyon the onely King 3. That he is the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah Now attend to the reason of all together Why must the Lord Jesus Christ be such a Lyon such a King He must be a Lyon a King because he is Mediator of his Church This great and high office of a King was so necessary that the Church could never have been saved except Christ had born it A Mediatour is for the reconciling of parties that are at variance and hee that undertakes the work must be in grace and favour with both parties and he must deal not onely between but with both parties with the party offended and the party offending Here the parties at odds are God and Man God is the party offended Man is the party offending You know how the quarrell began man by transgressing against the Commandement and eating of the prohibited Tree highly provoked God here came in the enmity and man cast under an eternall ●curse and must have remained under the sentence of death for ever without a Mediator to take up the quarrell and make peace The Lord Jesus Christ undertakes this office There is one Mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus He therefore must deal and negotiate with both parties and to this end he puts himself upon a threefold office of a Prophet Priest and King 1. And first hee deales with the party offended with God for men This hee doth in his Priestly office Every high Priest saith the Apostle is taken from among men is ordained for men 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in things pertaining to God that he may offer gifts and sacrifices for sin Here you see he deals with God on the behalfe of men offending and how by offering sacrifices that is by way of satisfaction The sentence was our That day thou eatest that day thou sinnest thou shalt dye certainely Gods justice now could not be satisfied nor any reconciliation made without death no nor without the death of such a person as was without sin without any exception yea such a person as must be God as well as man because the satisfaction must be infinite Jesus Christ is willing Oh the infinite grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to negotiate in this great businesse with his Father and on mans behalfe he doth three things 1. He suffers whatsoever man should have suffered to satisfie God and acquit sinfull man They write of the Lyon that he alwayes hath a quartain ague I am sure Jesus Christ the Lyon of the tribe of Judah hee had a quotidian for us Hee was a man of sorrowes well acquainted with griefe from his birth to the Crosse Yea he dyed a bloody and a most accursed death to appease the wrath of God and slay the enmitty And here the Lyon becomes a Lambe brought as a Lambe to the slaughter and is the very Lambe mentioned in the next Verse which stood in the midst of the Elders as it had been slaine Thus he satisfieth A second businesse he doth for man is as a Priest to pray and intercede to and with his Father that his Sacrifice may be availeable and effectuall to the salvation of his Church I pray saith Christ for these with me now and for all them also that shall beleeve on me Thirdly He doth ingage to his Father that all that the Father hath given him shall beleeve That hee will work faith in them by his Spirit John 6. 3. All that the Father giveth me i. e. all the Elect shal come to me i. e. they shall beleeve Thus Christ is an agent for man with God And in this Priestly office he purchased his Kingdome Therefore saith God the Father will I divide him a portion with the great and he shal divide the spoyle with the strong because he hath poured out his soule unto death and he was numbred with the transgressors and he bare the sins of many and made intercession for the transgressors Againe secondly it is necessary that he deale and negotiate on Gods part with men and this he doth as a Prophet King 1. As a Prophet He
teare his Enemies in pieces as a Lion rents his prey He stouped downe he couched as a Lion and as an old Lion That notes a full victory over all his Enemies The Lion's couching is not for feare but because he hath conquered his prey and scattered all opposition and now lyeth downe by it in tryumph feeding and resting himselfe in peace So shall Judah tread on the neck of all his enemies and sit downe in peace But to raise it to the height it signifies that Judah shall be the Kingly Tribe in which should be the Regall power 1 Chr. 5. 2. Judah prevailed above his Brethren and of him came the cheife Ruler This signified Vers 8. Thy fathers Children shall bow downe before thee Vers 10. The Scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a Law-giver from betweene his feet untill Shiloh come And this was fulfilled in David first and in Solomon But though the Prophesie were in part fulfilled in the temporall Kingdome of Judah yet chiefly all is verified in Christ and it hath its complement in the Kingdome of Christ and is interpreted and fully fulfilled in my Text. Jesus Christ is the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah which words are nothing but a Periphrasis an elegant metaphoricall description of the Kingdome of Christ Jesus Christ is a Lyon that is Jesus Christ is a King Christ a King Promised Jerem. 23. 5. Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a righteous branch and a King shall reigne and prosper and shall execute judgement and justice in the Earth Born Matth. 2. 2. Where is he that is born King of the Jewes Proclaimed Zechariah 9. 9. Rejoyce greatly Oh Daughter of Zion shout oh Daughter of Jerusalem Behold thy King cometh unto thee he is just and having Salvation c. Inaugurated Matth. 21. 5. Crowned Psal 21. 3. Thou settest a Crown of pure Gold on his head Cantic 3. 11. Go forth yee Daughters of Zion and behold King Solomon That is Jesus Christ with the Crown wherewith his Mother Crowned him in the day of his Espousals Revel 6. 2 He had a Bow and a Crown was given him Cap. 19. 12. On his head were many Crowns And verse 16. Thus runs his royall Title KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS He was qualified with all Kingly graces and gifts He was annointed a King The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Psal 45. 7. God thy God hath annointed thee with the oyle of gladnesse above thy fellowes Of old they did annoint their Kings but Christ had an Unction above all other Kings Saul had a Viall of oyle poured on his head Jehu a box of oyle David a horn of oyle every one had their measure But Christ was annointed not with materiall oyle as they but with the Holy-Ghost and that with all fulnesse God gave the Spirit unto him non ad mensuram Not by measure He was annointed within and without all over 1. Within his inward Unction was with Kingly graces There are certain gifts and qualifications requisite for the discharge of the Kingly Function without which no Monarch can weild the Scepter happily 1. Strength and Courage the King must be a mighty and a valiant man to defend his people and fight their Battels 2. Wisdome and understanding to discern between good and bad and to judge his people 1 King 3. 9. 3. Justice Prov. 16. 12. The Throne is established by righteousnesse 4. Mercy Prov. 20. 28. Mercy and truth preserve the King and his Throne is upholden by mercy All these were eminently yea infinitely in Jesus Christ and therefore he was meet to be a King He was a Lion 1. The Lion is strongest among Beasts Prov. 30. 30. Courageous and Magnanimous So Jesus Christ he excelled all others in power might and courage The Government is upon his Shoulder And he is called the mighty God Isa 9. 6. All power is given him in Heaven and Earth Matth. 28. 18. He is the Almighty Rev. 1. 8. Christ is the generous Lion of undaunted Courage and invincible strength to grapple with the Hunters and savage Creatures 2. The Lion is an Emblem of Wisdome as well as of Strength a Creature that hath great Sagacity Strange things are written of the wisdome and policy of the Lion by and by you shall meet with some of them He is crafty in waiting for the Prey watching his opportunities Psal 10. 9. He lyeth in wait secretly he lurketh in his Den. He is subtle in deceiving the Hunter When he is hunted sometimes he goeth forward sometimes backward and sweeps out his footsteps that are from the Hunter with his taile that no track of his may be found Whence it became a Proverb Leonis Vestigia quaeris In this grace also Christ excelled all others Solomon was famous for wisdome for he had sought it of God for there was none like him before nor after But behold here is a greater then Solomon a wiser then Solomon the Lord Jesus Christ In him are hid the treasures of Wisdome and Knowledge Col. 2. 3. And wisdome for Government is better then Strength 3. In the Lion is observed strict Justice Non punit ultra condignum If any one hit him or throweth a dart at him hurts him not the Lion will onely rush against him that strook the blow throw him down but not hurt him If any wound the Lion and draw blood the Lion will turn again and teare him but not to death but if any kill the Lions Whelp the Lion will slay him In this grace of Justice Christ excelled all others He shall order his Kingdome and establish it with Judgment and with Justice for ever Isa 9. 7. He loveth righteousnesse and hateth wickednesse Psal 45. 7. A Scepter of righteousnesse is the Scepter of his Kingdome Heb. 1. 8. He is Melchesidec King of righteousnesse Heb. 7. 2. 4. In the Lion also is clemency and mercy He is benevolent to mankind spares them that prostrate to him and will not hurt Women nor little Children And in this grace also Christ exceeded all others Matth. 21. 5. Behold the King cometh unto the Meek and sitting upon an Asse and a Colt the fole of an Asse Isa 42. 2. He shall not cry nor lift up nor cause his voice to be heard in the street 3. A bruised Reed shall he not breake and the smoaking Flax shall he not quench He wept over Ierusalem and had compassion on the multitude He was a faithfull and a mercifull high Priest And he was a faithfull and a mercifull King See the oyle with which he was inwardly annointed poured upon his head altogether Isa 11. 2. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the Spirit of wisdome and understanding the Spirit of Counsel might the Spirit of Knowledge and of the feare of the Lord. Here are his Kingly graces his Lion-like qualifications whereby he was fitted to weild the Kingdome No man
is sent out of the bosome of his Father unto men to open the Book Revel 5. 7. 9. to declare and make knowne the secret counsell and will of God concerning the great work of redemption what a new contract is drawne up between the Father and the Son what Jesus Christ hath done for man how he hath satisfied his debt which he was not able to pay and how God hath accepted of it for all those that do beleeve in him The summ of which negotiation you have John 6. 40. And this is the will of him that sent me that every one that seeth the Son i. e. beleeveth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day 2. As a King To impute and apply that great benefit of Redemption to man and to make it effectuall And to accomplish this he must be a Lyon he must be a King and that for these causes 1. To gaine and gather his Kingdome To gaine them first into the Kingdome of grace and at last to gather them into the Kingdome of glory Now to effect this he must be a Lyon a potent King for he must conquer before he can raigne yea he must make a double conquest 1. Hee must conquer his subjects he finds them all Enemies at first all Rebels it is truely sayd of all the Children of Adam This people hath a revolting and a rebellious heart Now these rebellious hearts Christ must subdue and bring into subjection making them a beleeving a loving a willing people Christ cannot gaine a Subject into his Kingdome but he must first conquer 2. He also must conquer another Lyon the Enemy-Lyon he is described by Saint Peter Epist 1. chap. 5. Vers 8. Your adversary the Devill as a roaring Lyon walketh about seeking whom he may devour In the pawes of this Lyon are all men and women in the World by nature The Prince of the power of the ayre that evill Spirit worketh in the Children of disobedience Ephes 2. 2. The Lyon of the Tribe of Judah must conquer that roaring Lyon the Devill before hee can gather a Kingdome and raigne Quest But how doth he conquer the Devill how doth he conquer his Subjects Answ Hee conquerd the Devill as he was God by force and might by his infinite power As man and Mediator hee conquered him by his blood by the merit and efficacy of his passion He took part of our flesh and blood that through death hee might destroy him that had the power of death that is the Devill And deliver them who through feare of death were all their life time subject to bondage Heb. 2. 14 15. Hee spoyled Principalities and Powers hee made a shew of them openly tryumphing over them in it that is in or upon his Crosse Col. 2. 15. Faith seeth Christ upon the Crosse as sitting in a tryumphall Chariot Duo saith Origen in cruce affixi intelliguntur Christus visibiliter sponte sua ad tempus Diabolus invisibiliter invitus in perpetuum Hee conquers the rebellious hearts of his Subjects and gathers together into one Kingdome the Children of God that were scattered abroad by his voice Scepter and Sword By his voice The Lyonesse as the learned write brings forth her Whelps dead and so they continue three dayes then the other Lyon doth set out his voice and roar over them and then they revive and live Christ is the Lyon his people are his Whelps They are all still-borne Dead in trespasses and sinnes Christ lifts up his voice and roares in the Preaching of the Gospel by which he recovers the life of his people Verily verily I say unto you saith our blessed Saviour Joh. 5. 25. The houre is coming and now is when the dead shall heare the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live By his Sceptor And that is the same even the Preaching of the Gospell Psal 110. 2. The Lord shall send the Rod or the Scepter of thy strength that is the Ministry of the Gospel out of Zion and by it thou shalt rule in the middest of thine Enemies Those that were enemies by that spirituall Scepter thou shalt make them loving Subjects and a willing people vers 3. By his Sword And that 's the same still the Preaching of the Gospell This is the sharpe two-edged Sword that went out of Christs mouth Revel 1. 16. this is quick and powerfull and sharper then any two-edged Sword peircing even to the dividing asunder of soule and spirit joynts and marrow This is the two-edged Sword in the hand of the Saints which binds Heathen Kings in Chaines and Nobles in fetters of Iron That is the Gospel brings Heathen Princes and people into subjection to the Lord Jesus Christ This is that Sword of the spirit even the Word of God spoken of by Saint Paul And there you have the consummation of the conquest Yes when the spirit seconds the Word when the holy Ghost carries it home to the heart Thus the Lyon the King the Lord Jesus Christ conquers thus he calls his subjects together into one Kingdome by the Word outwardly Preached to the eare and by the spirit effectually working upon the heart moving and sweetly perswading it to obey the calling of Christ 2. Christ must be a Lyon a King to governe his subjects his Church Without Government no Society can stand when there was no King in Israel every man did what seemed good in his owne eyes and all things went to wrack Christ must be a King to give Lawes So Christ There is one Lawgiver even this Lyon and to rule so Christ he rules in the hearts of his people and governs them by his spirit They are led by the spirit of God as many as are the sons of God Judah that is the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah is his Lawgiver And he doth not onely give Lawes but that which no King nor Potentate else in the World can do he puts his Law in their inward parts and writes it in their hearts Jer. 31. 33. 3. Christ must of necessity be a Lyon a King to protect and defend his Church people subjects The Lyon will stand to the defence of his young ones even to the death and having the prey in his paw the more any offer to take it from him the faster he holds it So the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah The Kingdome of Christ is ever beset with Enemies The Heathen rage the people conspire the Kings of the earth set themselves and the Rulers take Counsell together against the Lord and against his annointed against his Christ They have not onely flesh and blood but Principalities and Powers also the Rulers of the darknesse of this World and spirituall wickednesse in high places to wrestle withall And therefore without a strong Protector this kingdome would soone be dissolved and layd desolate Now the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah the Lord Jesus
the hearts of his people he brings them into subjection The Rule of Temporall and Earthly Kings is over the bodies and goods of their Subjects But Christs Throne is set up in the Soules of his people by his Spirit he rules in the inward man Temporall Kingdomes are obtained defended by force of Armes carnall Weapons the Arm of flesh but Christs Kingdome is won and maintained by Spiritual Weapons the Word and Spirit For the Weapons of our Warfare are not carnall but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth it selfe against the Knowledge of God and bringing into Captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ 2. Cor. 10. 4. 5. Christ himselfe renounceth all temporall and earthly Dominion Thus Iesus answered Pilate My Kingdome is not of this World if my Kingdome were of this World then would my Servants sight that I should not be delivered to the Jewes but now is my Kingdome not from hence Joh. 18. 36. In respect of Dominion Right and Title all the Kingdomes of the World are the Lord Iesus Christ's He hath jus ad rem But in regard of Possession and use hee abdicates all He never owned any temporall Possessions When they would have come and taken him by force to make him King he departed alone himselfe and hid himselfe in a Mountaine Ioh. 6. 15. The more is their folly that by being Subjects of Christs Kingdome expect chiefly temporall good things Riches Honours and Pleasures So the Iewes they alwaies dreamed of a worldly Kingdome and yet expect a Messiah to come with outward Pomp and worldly Glory Yea the very Apostles were nibling at this Act. 1. 6. Wilt thou at this time restore the Kingdome to Israel And the Mother of Zebedees Children lingred after this Grant that these my two Sons may sit the one at thy right hand and the other on thy left in thy Kingdome She meanes a temporall Kingdome But what saith Iesus Christ to her Yee know not what you ask are you able to drink of the Cup that I shall drinke of and to be baptized with the Baptisme that I am baptized with Can you drink of a cup of deadly Wine with me Can you endure to be plunged over head and eares in a flood of Afflictions This you must look for in my Kingdome Riches and Honours and Offices these are not the good things of Christs Kingdome no no. The Kingdome of God is not meat and drink but righteousnesse and peace and joy in the Holy-Ghost Rom. 14. 17. 2. Against the Chiliasts or Millenaries That the 1000 yeares reigne of the Saints upon the Earth is but a meer dream a falshood a grosse error They fancy to themselves that a 1000 years before the generall resurrection Christ in his humane nature shall come to Ierusalem where he was crucified that all the Martyrs and Saints departed of the old and new Testament shall rise in their Bodys and that they and all the liviug Saints shall raign with him 1000 yeares They shall subdue with bloudshed all wicked Princes and disobedient Nations They shall live without any disturbance from any enemy without or within That they shall all live without sin and without Ordinances that they shall passe these 1000 years with all manner of earthly delights begetting many children eating and drinking and making merry This error first set a foot by that Arch-heretick Cerinthus I will not enter the lists to encounter it I will not meddle with the controversy I shall only speak a word if it may be to shame the fautors of this fond fancy What a Saint and so addicted to carnall pleasures Did Christ ever enjoy such an earthly Kingdome Alas alas The Foxes have holes and the foules of the Aire have nests but the Sun of man had not where to lay his head He contemned these low things And what must the Saints his followers look for upon earth Christ himselfe shall tell them If any man will come after me let him deny himselfe and take up his Crosse and follow me Christ went through this World bearing the Crosse and shall the Saints look to weare Crownes here below The generous Lyon will not eat any dead thing or stinking carcase only what is living and sweet he takes his prey eats it whilest it bleeds and trembles These earthly things riches honors pleasures are but dead things stinking carkases Surely all those whose hearts and affections feed upon them they are not right whelps of the Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah If you be not ashamed of the love of the World The lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the Pride of life The worlds Trinity Pleasures profits preferments Yet be ashamed to affect a temporall reigne because Christ renounced it I shall say no more to them that expect such a carnall raigne with Christ on earth but what Saint Augustine saith to the Theife upon the Crosse in his elegant Prosopopoeia Lord sayes the Malefactor to Jesus remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdome Kingdome sayes Augustine Quid Regium vides What royalty Oh! wretched man dost thou behold what Crown dost thou see but a Crown of Thornes what Robe what Purple but a Common Souldiers tattered Red-coat what Scepter but a Reed what homage but the mocks and taunts of the raging multitude what throne but the Crosse what guard but the barbarous executioners Here 's Christs raigne upon earth hee raigned in suffering he conquered by dying he tryumphed in the Crosse go thou and be content to do likewise Obser 3. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah the King of his Church Then the government of the Church is Monarchicall This is the happinesse of the Church Monarchy is the best Government and Christ is the best King And no King of the Church but Jesus Christ God hath put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the Church which is his body Eph. 1. 22 23. Here at one blow off goes the triple Crowne The Popes Kingdome is overthrowne and the High Priest of Rome the Universall Bishop is deposed if the Pope be King then there are two Kings of the Church and Jesus Christ is not THE Lyon the onely King Bellarmine grants it that Christ is the onely King and Monarch of the Church which doth spiritually and invisibly govern it yet saith he the Church being corporall and visible it stands in need of some one to be the visible and highest judge to decide controversies to compose all strifes about Religion to ordaine all inferiour Officers Bishops Pastors c. To containe them in their duties and keep them in unity and the visible government of the Church must be Monarchicall The Church of Rome hath found out other Lyons besides the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah They usually called their Popes Leones In 440. they had
that I should obey his voice I know not the Lord neither will I let Israel go May not the Lord write it before them in a Table and note it a Book that this is a rebellious people They many of them know the Lawes of their Prince and yet transgresse against them and walk contrary Christ saith thou shalt not be angry with thy Brother rashly but they will continue malicious and revengefull Christ saith Thou shalt not look upon a Woman to lust after her but they have eyes and hearts full of Adultery Christ saith swear not at all but they upon every light occasion upon no occasion blaspheme the name of God and take it in vaine Christ saith Love your enemies blesse them that curse you do good to them that hate you but they continue full of malice returning rebuke for rebuke curse for curse wrong for wrong evil for evill Christ saith He that will be my Disciple let him Deny himselfe they make self their God Christ saith Let my Disciple take up his Crosse and follow me They say as the reviling Passengers if thou be the Son of God come down from the Crosse free us from the Crosse or we will not follow thee Christ saith Learn of me to be meeke and lowly but they are fierce and proud Christ commandeth faith and love These are the two great Gospell-Lawes but the most of the Children of men are full of unbeliefe and haters of the Brethren O what a little Kingdome is Christs Kingdome Sign 4. Faithfull payment of Tribute as Augustus Caesar so the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah Christ the King of his Church doth lay Taxes upon all his Subjects And it is the Character of a right Subject to render Tribute to whom Tribute is due and to give to Caesar the things which are Caesars And according to this rule how small is Christs Kingdome in comparison There is a Tribute of our time due to him every seventh day is his but alas How many prophane persons give away that day to the Devill Yea which is more sad how many are there in these daies that mask under the name and shape of Saints that deny this Tribute altogether and maintain it that there is no such day due to Christ at all now under the Gospell The morality of the Sabbath is gone every day is a Sabbath no day is a Sabbath This is the Doctrine of Devils and Rebels against Jesus Christ There is a tribute to go out of our time every day we live There is a certain Kingdome I remember not the name of it at present in which there is sometimes but rarely a Fish taken which by reason of the greatnesse and excellency and rarity is the Kings Right and Royalty and therefore called the Kings Fish The King alwaies gives the bulck and body of this Fish to those that catch it but he reserves to himselfe Capita Caudas the heads and the tailes as a tribute and acknowledgment that all was his due to him In like manner precious time it is all Christs own all due to him yet he gives his Subjects the body of time the body of the week the body of the day he reserves to himselfe onely capita caudas the ends of time the Morning and the Evening and what other convenient time may be redeemed these are his tribute But how few pay this Little faithfully How few who give to Jesus Christ a Morning Sacrifice How few with Isaac go out to meditate in the Evening How rare is it to finde a man that with David will pray and cry aloud Evening and Morning and at Noon There is a Tribute due to Christ our King out of our Estates and here the poore Members of Jesus Christ are his Receivers Withhold not good from them to whom it is due The poore are in a sense owners of some thing in our hands we are but stewards under Christ to distribute to them I perswade my selfe this kind of tribute I mean Almes is as unjustly and brokenly paid in this City and in this whole Nation as it is in any part of the Christian World and this I feare Christs Collectors and Receivers will witnesse against this hard-hearted Generation There are extraordinary Taxes upon extraordinary occasions you are pretty well acquainted with them Such there are in the Kingdome of Christ in times of trouble and persecution Christ calls for thy Goods Liberty Life for thy dearest blood Tell me art thou willing to part with these when Christ requires them A good Subject will fight for his King If my Kingdome were of this World sayes Christ then would my Servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jewes Joh. 18. 36. But alas alas how few Champions hath the Lord Jesus Christ Nebuchadnezzar made a Degree that every People Nation and Language which speake any thing amisse against the God of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego shall bee cut in peices and their houses be made a dunghill But now Hereticks that speak amisse of God and of Christ and of the Scriptures and most horrid Blasphemers do swarm and are I had almost said tolerated and cherished Who fights against them Who opposeth them Who contends for the faith for the truth and for the honour of Jesus Christ To endeavour the increase and honour of his Kingdome In the multitude of people is the Kings Honour Prov. 14. 28. He that is a right and faithfull Subject will endeavour with all his might to bring in Subjects to the Kingdome of Jesus Christ I will put you upon examination now Let Magistrates ask their owne hearts whether they in their places by executing Judgment do seek to lessen Satans Kingdome and to enlarge the Kingdome of Christ Let Ministers aske their owne hearts whether they in their places by preaching and practise by life and Doctrine do endeavour to lessen Satans Kingdome and advance the Kingdome of Jesus Christ Let Parents and Masters aske their owne hearts whether they in their places do endeavour by private inflructing of their Families to bring their Children and Servants and all committed to their charge out of the Devils Kingdome into the Kingdome of Jesus Christ Andlet all that are before me this day aske their owne hearts whether they do outof a zealous desire of the increase and honour of Christs Kingdome incessantly pray that all those that are held in captivity under Satan under chaines of darknesse that the Lord would translate them out of the Kingdome of darknesse into the Kingdome of his deare Son Do they daily pray thy Kingdome Come 7. For a ful-do And not so much a new signe as the sum of all before Is sin Is Satan cast out Hath Jesus Christ his Throne in thy heart Doth he rule in thee altogether art acted not by Satan not by the World not by the Flesh but by the Spirit of Iesus Christ then
thou art his Subject But they that are not ruled and governed by Christ by his word and Spirit they reject Christ and say we will not have this Lyon this King to Reigne over us These are under another King Sin reignes in them and they have a King over them indeed it is the Angell of the bottomlesse Pit whose name is Abaddon and Apollyon Revel 9. 11. The Devill is their King and they are his Vassals These lye under the wrath of God And how dreadfull that is Solomon will tell you The Kings wrath is as the roaring of a Lyon but his favour is as the dew upon the grasse Prov. 19. 12. And do they say we will not have this King to reigne over us they shall be subject at the long-run if they will not bend in time they shall be broken if they will not come into the Kingdome of grace they shall be subdued by the Kingdome of his power I have sworn by my selfe saith the Lord the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousnesse and shall not return that to me every Knee shall bow Isa 45. 23. They that here will not kisse his golden Scepter shall at the last and dreadfull day be dashed in peices with his iron Rod. Then shall he say to his mighty Angels Those mine Enemies that would not that I should Raigne over them bring hither and slay them before me Luk. 19. 27. Those that in time will not prostrate to this Lyon of the Tribe of Judah he will be to them at last a fierce and furious Lyon and will rent and teare them to peices when there is none to help Reprehens 2. Is Jesus Christ the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah This checks not onely the arrogance and boldnesse but also the madnesse and folly of all such as provoke this Lyon and rise up against him There are such fighters against God who oppose themselves and exalt themselves above all that is called God This is Antichrist And as Saint John speaks in his first Epistle Chap. 2. 18. Even now there are many Antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time Not onely that Antichrist the great Whore of Babylon sitting upon seven Mountaines with a Golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthinesse and drunken with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus But all Hereticks and Blasphemers that rise up against this Lyon Viz. Such as rise up against the very person of Christ some against his Divinity others against his Humanity and many against whole Christ Such as rise up against the Scriptures of God crying them downe for a meer humane invention such as rise up and fight against the truth of Christ the Gospel of Christ all the Ordinances of Christ the Government of Christ These my Beloved Christs Gospel Truth and Government are his Scepter The rod of his strength which hee sends out of Zyon These are the sharp two-edged Sword which cometh out of the mouth of Christ whereby he conquers and rules in the midst of his enemies And all such as oppose the truth Ordinances and Government of Jesus Christ they set up their power against the power of Christ they draw out their Sword against Christs Sword Against these the Lyon of the tribe of Judah will roare yea he will tear them in peices But especially he will be feirce and terrible against them that hurt and kill his Whelps But who are the Whelps of this Lyon The old Patriarch Jacob shall tell you Judah is the Lyons Whelp Gen. 49. 4. Judah that is the Church and people of God The annointed of the Lord his Prophets and his Saints Psal 105. 14 15. And here I may turne my reprehension into lamentation Oh God! the Heathen are come into thine inheritance thy holy Temple have they defiled they have layd Jerusalem on heaps The blood of thy Saints have they shed like water round about Jerusalem We are become a reproach to our neighbours a scorn derision to them that are round about us The Lord hath sent Prophets wise men and Scribes and some of them have they killed and crucified and some of them have they scourged and persecuted from City to City I saw the soules of them that were beheaded for the witnesse of Jesus and for the word of God and which had not worshipped the beast neither his Image neither had received his marke upon their foreheads or in their hands But it may be sayd as the King answered Ester Who is he and where is hee that durst presume in his heart to do so And Ester sayd The Adversary and Enemy is this wicked Haman Hee was a great Favorite politick and potent and hee presumed upon his owne greatnesse So may I say the Adversaries and Enemies that have done these things are a wicked Generation but how dare they doe these things How dare they not They are great in power and riches and strength able to crush all that stand in their way they are politick and crafty who can over-reach them they stand strong and who can bring them downe They have sayd Wee will prevaile who is Lord over us But can they prevaile against the Lyon of the tribe of Judah whose Whelps they have injured and killed Let me tell these deceitfull and bloody men two or three things 1. That there is no creature more tender of their young ones then the Lyon the Lyon will defend his Whelps from injury till he fall downe dead I have read so much in approved Authors 2. Let me tell them they are indeed Lyons themselves base savage Lyons of the Forest Davids cruell Persecutors were gaping ravening and roaring Lyons Nero was a Lyon and such are all Tyrants But the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah is stronger then they Hee is the strongest among Lyons and a King against whom there is no rising up Prov. 30. 30 31. He is a foole that will contend with one that is mightier then himselfe Eccles 6. 10. 3. Let me tell them yet further the Lyon may seem to sleepe a while even whilest his Whelps suffer but hee will rouse up and roare Some write that the Lyon never sleeps but often seemes to sleep when he is most awake I am sure the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah doth neither slumber nor sleep Hee may seem to sleep but hee will awake as one out of sleep and like a mighty man that shouteth by reason of Wine And he will smite his Enemies in the hinder parts he will put them to a perpetuall reproach Psal 78. 65 66 4. And lastly let me tell them a Story which I have read in a learned and approved Author which he relates and affirms to be true his end is to prove as the strength so the wisedome of the Lyon above other creatures A Lyon and a Lyonesse having Whelps went both out to hunt for prey
mercy 4. Have an especiall care of your train I meane your Associates your Counsellours your Officers that attend upon you set them be such only as feare God love the truth and hate Covetousnesse Let your delight be in the Saints and such as be excellent Do not vouchsafe to know a wicked deceitfull proud lying person Let your eies be upon the faithful of the Lord that they may dwell with you who so walk in a perfect way let them serve you And I shall endeavour to perswade you to the greater care herein for your Credits sake Index animi cauda the motion of the Lyons taile sheweth what is in the Lyons minde When his minde is quiet his taile moves not at all but when you see him wag his taile as a Dog when he fawnes it shewes great affection to some Creature before him when you see him beat the earth and his back violently with his taile it discovers anger wrath and that he is about to do some mischiefe Just so it is with a Magistrate people will judge the motion of his heart to be such as the motion of his Viz. of his Train his familiars and followers If his Train moves Heaven-ward they will conceive that he doth so too if his Train wag and fawn if they shew respect and love to godly Ministers and godly people they will think that he himselfe loves the Saints But if the taile of the Lyon strikes against godly Ministers and the power of Godlinesse and fawn upon ill-affected and disorderly persons all men will say he is a Malignant what ever he pretends we may see the motion of his heart by the motion of his Train For the Cities sake have a care of your traine There is nothing more mischeivous about the Lyon then his tayle it being very long and very strong I have been told of the Lyons in the Tower that though they have been within their Grate yet they have put out their tayle at one of the open places and done much hurt to a by-standing Spectator So it may be with you O Magistrate O Magistrates you may be in your houses in your Courts of Justice when your traine may be abroad doing mischeife They may do disservices in checking and snibbing godly Ministers and godly people and cherishing and heartning the ill-affected and disorderly They may be seducing and although they be your Servants yet they may be the Devils agents Behold the great red Dragon that is either the Devill himselfe or else some eminent instrument of the Devill his tayle drew the third part of the starrs of Heaven and did cast them to the Earth that is brought them downe from minding heavenly truths and heavenly things to minde Diabolicall errours and earthly things The Prophet that teacheth lyes he is the tayle So are Incendiaries The Foxes they are indeed crafty and subtle for themselves and greedy of prey yet I conceive that of themselves they are not Incendiaries but yet you know if they have a fire-brand in their taile they will set the whole field on fire and cannot helpe it Yea have a care of your train for your owne soules sake least you be drawne away your selves to that which is not good Many creatures are guided by their tayle and traine and so are Lyons I feare too often Rehoboam was a stately Lyon but he forsooke his old traine the counsell of the old men of the grave wise religious experienced Counsellours of State and got him a new traine Hee consulted with the Upstarts the young men that were grown up with him And this was the ruine of ten parts of his Kingdome Heare and feare and beware let the Lyon look to his taile 5. The Lyon is eminent for Courage and Magnanimity A Lyon is strongest amongst Beasts and turneth not away for any Be you so be a Lyon Give me leave to speak to you as the Lord spake to Joshuuh when he entred upon his place to be Lord-Generall under the Lord of Hosts Bee strong and of a good Courage be not afraid neither be thou dismaied For the Lord thy God is with thee wheresoever thou goest Be valiant for the Lord be not Cowed nor over-crowed They write that there is a bastard adulterate race of Lyons which are begotten of the Female Libbards which are degenerate heartlesse and cowardly they will shake and tremble at the sight of fire at the sight of a white Cock and great Cocks-comb and at the crowing of a Cock at the noise of empty Chariot-wheels And if I be not mistaken such a Brood have I seen both here and otherwhere I cannot but remember the Praelaticall Persecution not so many yeares ago The word given to the Magistrates was Stand out against superstitious innovations stand for your godly conscientious Ministers Alas alas say they what would you have us do My Lord Bishop will be angry with us the King will be informed of us we shall run into danger and upon this account you let in all Popish trash and packed away your most faithfull Ministers Any base thing that is imposed upon the City by great ones is it not received Who amongst you will strike down a disorderly Ale-house if the Brewer that serves it be an Alderman or a rich man or a Friend How many are there of you some few there are I confesse and but a few that dare countenance a godly Presbyterian Minister or an Orthodox Divine O no the times will not beare it So they might quickly be out of favour indeed Who dare adventure to punish sin adultery drunkennesse swearing Sabbath-breaking if it dwell in the house of a great man or a great-friended man Are these Lyons that will bee scared with Vizards and Hobgoblins These are the bastard brood of Lyons Harts and Hares timourous above other Creatures The generous Lyon hath sharp teeth crooked and sharp Tallons But as for these they will neither bite nor scratch In one respect your City Armes do very well befit you It is a Lyon with a Castle over it Many of you can be Lyons very Couragious so long as you have a Castle over you protection and countenance but take away the Castle and who will expose himselfe to danger What a sordid thing is this There is a Lyon couchant indeed but that is not the posture of feare but of triumph having conquered first and now lyeth down by the Prey But never yet did I read of a Lyon Crouchant or current It is worthy the observing in the generous Lyon that he will run apace through the Woods and range swiftly through the forest after the prey but when he is pursued chased by hunters he composeth himselfe and is passant altogether keeping his pace and turneth not his head a side for any but walks on as scorning and contemning all danger Remember that of Solomon The wicked flee when no man pursueth but the righteous are bold as a Lyon Prov.
keepe nothing of Gods counsell back He must lift up his voyce like a Lyon and roare in the eares of Kings Potentates and the greatest States-men The Lyon must roare though the Doggs bark and the Wolves howle and all the Beasts of the Forrest do yell and grin A soule-searching Ministry is gall and wormwood to unreformed persons Ministers that cast the Pearles of reproofes before Doggs and Swine must expect that such brutish creatures will fly in their faces and if it be in their power will rent and teare them But what saith the Lord Thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speake Be not afraid of their faces for I am with thee to deliver thee Jer. 1. 7 8. Make thy face strong against their faces and thy forehead strong against their foreheads Ezek. 3. 8. Ministers must have undaunted resolutions ahd be as bold as Lyons 4. Ministers of the Gospell must not forget the stately gate of the Lyon The Lyon is comely in his going Ministers should be carefull above all others to walke as becomes the Gospel of Christ A holy walking that is the comely walking I beseech you behold how the high Priest is adorned and how he walks He had a plate of pure Gold upon his forehead and upon that Plate was ingraven HOLINESSE TO THE LORD Upon his Brestplate the URIM and the THUMMIM Viz the light of knowledge and the perfection of holinesse these were upon Aarons heart when hee walketh when he goeth in before the Lord. He had a Robe down to his feet and towards the bottome beneath upon the hemme of it a golden Bell and a Pomegranate a Golden Bell and a Pomegranate round about The golden Bell signifies the sound of pure Doctrine and the Pomegranate a sweet and savoury fruit notes that holinesse of Conversation that was in the High-priest view him well and you see him adorned with holinesse Cap a pe from head to foot It is the duty of Ministers Vivere concionibus concionari moribus to live Sermons Melius docemur vita quam verbo Examples prevaile more with men then Precepts In all things shew thy selfe a Pattern of good Workes saith Paul to Titus in Doctrine uncorruptnesse gravity sincerity In the frame of the Temple upon the borders were painted and ingraven Lyons Oxen and Cherubims To shew what kind of persons they ought to be who serve in Gods house As Angels for knowledge to dive into the Mysteries of the Gospell laborious and painfull as the Oxe They must be Lyons also for courage and boldnesse and they must be comely in their going their Conversation must be holy and lovely I shall commend at this time but one thing more to my Brethren of the Ministry and that is Prayer Let us be much and earnest in Prayer Alas we shall never be able to open the Book except the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah help us verse 4. John wept much because none was found worthy to open the Book and to read it We must weep and pray pray and weep that we may be enabled to open the Booke For there are sublime things in the Book and hard to be understood Alas our hearts will faile us and we shal be afraid of the faces of men if the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah do not strengthen us and put Courage into us keep up our Spirits to him therfore we nought to make our Addresses Yea in this let me beg help for my selfe and others wel-beloved I speak to you all that are before me this day in the words of Saint Paul Eph. 6. 18. Pray alwaies with all prayer and supplication of the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance supplication for al Saints 19. And for me and for all the faithfull Ministers of the Gospell that utterance may be given unto us that we may open our mouths BOLDLY to make known the mystery of the Gospell Exhortation 3. I passe on now to the third Exhortation and that is to all in generall men women and young ones And there are various and sundry duties which I shall endeavour to perswade you to And first Is Jesus Christ the Lyon of the Tribe of Judah Then prostrate bow to this Lyon tremble at his voice Is Christ the King of his Church and People then come all in shake off all other yoakes Satans Dominion and Sins Reigne and list under this King be his Subjects kisse his Scepter and kneele to him know your King be loyall to him give him your whole heart honour feare and obey him give to Caesar that which is Caesars pay him all his Tribute of time of your Estates of every thing Fight for him contend for the faith the truth the honour of Jesus Christ Let the Lord Jesus Christ have a Throne in all your hearts say We have no King but the Lord Jesus Christ To move you hereunto consider the excellency of this Kingdome above all other Kingdomes in the World It hath the best King He is fairer then the Children of men He is the supream the absolute King of himselfe all other earthly Kings are but Vice-roys Lord-deputies All other Kings are but meer men he is God and man all other Kings have but a little peice of earth to set their feet upon he is the great Monarch of Heaven and Earth all other Kings weare but a corruptible Crown but his Kingdome endureth for ever Such a King there is not another What the Queen of Sheba said of Solomon the Type hath its Complement and perfection in Jesus Christ Happy are the Servants and Subjects of this King Blessed be the Lord thy God Oh thou Lyon of the Tribe of Judah which delighted in thee to see thee on the Throne of Israel because the Lord loved his Israel for ever therfore made he thee King It hath the best Scituation I have set my King upon my holy hill of Zion There is the nether Zion and the upper Zion both pleasant Of the nether or lower Zion the Pilgrim Church upon Earth it is said Beautifull for scituation the joy of the whole Earth is Mount Zion the City of the great King And what is the beauty thereof The presence of God dwelling in the midst his people and protects them God is known in her Palaces for a Refuge Of the upper Zion the triumphant Church in Heaven it is said Yee are come unto Mount Zion and unto the City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels to the general Assembly and Church of the first-borne which are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect and to Jesus Heb. 12 22 23 24. It hath the best Lawes What Nation is there so great that hath Statutes and Judgments so righteous as all this Law which I set before you this day