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A16881 The second part of the true watch containing the perfect rule and summe of prayer: so plainlie set downe, that the weakest Christian, taking but the leas paines, may in a very short space, learne to pray of himselfe, with much assurance and comfort: both to get strength to obserue the Lords watch; and to helpe to turne away, or at least finde comfort in the euils that are to come.; True watch. Part 2 Brinsley, John, fl. 1581-1624. 1607 (1607) STC 3776; ESTC S119301 63,782 231

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thereunto that they may be saued giue vs harts to haue a speciall regard not only of all those committed to our charge to bring them in obedience to the lawes of thy Kingdome but euen all who are tyed vnto vs by any speciall bond that we may take euery first occasion which thou offerest for procuring or furthering their saluation and so gayning them vnto thee by all good admonitions exhortations and examples Let vs be as the Angels vnto Lot neuer resting before we haue gotten them safe into Zoar. And that we may be able to perswade others more effectually Lord giue euery one of vs a sweete feeling what a blessed thing it is to bee the subiects of this thy Kingdome to haue all the priuiledges thereof and to be partakers of thy glory euen Kings and Priests vnto thee and what reward and happines there is in liuing such a holy conuersation and how wretched vnhappie the state of all other people is seeme they neuer so happy in this world being but bondslaues of Sathan reserued for the chaines of eternall darknesse Oh heauenly King grant vs to liue in all things as the subiects of thy Kingdome that so we may passe from this Kingdome of grace into that thy Kingdome of glory Make vs to feare the causes of backsliding that we may neuer so much as looke backe with Lots wife towards this euill world but euer hie fast towards thine heauenly Kingdome hauing our eie at our Lord and Sauiour who fitteth at thy right hand keeping there possession for vs. Destroy in vs euery corruption whereby Satan keepes vs any way in his slauerie or at any time gets the dominion ouer vs. Hasten that glorious day when the difference shall appeare betwene vs thy subiects and those who serue thee not when we shall wholly raigne in glory with thee free from al our enemies and from euer offending thee any more And because in the meane time we thy subiects liue by faith and not by sight in this world where all things vsually seeme to go out of order the wicked florishing in their vngodlinesse when wee oft weepe and mourne Oh Lord increase our faith in all thy gracious promises that through the comfort and power of godlinesse wrought in vs thereby we may grow vp to such a ful assurance that we are the true heires of thy kingdome that we may easily ouercome al the hindrances of the world and hauing the patiēce of Saints we may be faithfull to the death vntill thou set the crowne vpon our heads Fill our harts with such peace of conscience and ioy in thee with all the fruits of righteousnesse incoraged by thy sweete promises that all others may see to what Kingdome we belong and we our selues may feele daily the beginning of it in our selues so entring into thy heauenly ioy Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauē And that our childlike affections towards thy heauenly Maiestie our zeale for thy glory and thankfulnes for thy Kingdome may bee more manifest to all the world quicken vs to doe thy heauenly will commandements chiefely those with which thou hast fully acquainted vs how thou wilt haue vs to walke and keepe thy watch and that with as much readinesse as thy Angels in heauen and wherein we are too short accept good Father our will for the deede Let it be our delight to stand euer in thy presence to inquire thy diuine pleasure both by reading and hearing thy heauenly word and asking of others and euer so soone as thou hast by any meanes made knowne vnto vs what thy good wil is giue vs forthwith Dauids Eccho that without consulting with flesh and blood we may say forthwith I am heere Lord to doe thy will yea thy law is within my hart that so all our seruice may be freevvill offrings vnto thee And whereas it is thy decree that thorowe many troubles wee must enter into thy heauenly Kingdome good Father frame our corrupt wils vnto thy heauenly will giue vs grace both to look for them euer to humble our selues vnder thy hand as thy obedient children seeking alwaies to pacifie thee searching immediately and amending whatsoeuer is amiste without once whispering against thy diuine Maiestie being assured that thou still louest vs euen when thou correctest vs most sharply and art working our good wilt in thy due time giue a happy end to all our troubles and cause thy louing countenance to shine on vs againe And if it shall be thy good pleasure to call vs to suffer for thy name keepe vs that we may not suffer as euill doers or busie bodies for medling in things without our calling so to bring crosses on our selus but as thine owne childrē for righteousnesse and then make vs to take vp our crosses with al ioyfulnesse and thankfulnesse that thou accountest vs worthy that honor looking stedfastly at the great reward holden forth vnto vs in y e hand of our Lord sauior who hauing troden that way before vs is there highly exalted to raigne for euer But keepe vs that we neuer goe against thy reuealed will whereby thou hast conuinced our consciences vnder pretence either to honour thee or doe any seruice vnto thy Church or for neuer so great a good seeing thou canst and wilt maintaine thine owne honour saue thy Church effecting whatsoeuer is best without our sinne That we may euer truly pray Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen Giue vs this day our daily bread And then oh deare Father when thou hast giuen vs such harts thus to seeke thy will that the world may see the tender care that thou hast for vs and how thou dost fulfill vnto vs all thy promises and that we likewise may wholy attend the seeking of thy glory in the inlargement of thy Kingdome and doing thy will vouchsafe vs gratiouslie all things meete for the comfort of this present life Shew vs thy fatherly loue prouiding sufficiently for all our necessities in thy due time Direct vs to vse all the holy means which thou hast appointed to serue thy diuine prouidence both painfulnesse thrift and godly wisdome chiefely in our particular calling auoyding as warily whatsoeuer may any way indanger vs make our liues vncomfortable or hurt our estate Grant vs grace also euermore in all humility to commit our selues vnto thy Fatherly protection not fearing what man can do vnto vs remembring that our times are in thy hāds to continue so long as it pleaseth thee that likwise vnlesse thou who hast giuen vs our liues do preserue them wee cannot continue one moment Make vs to know that of our selues wee haue no power to get one morsell of bread vnlesse thou both shew vs the meanes and
people they could not serue the Lord so euery one cannot pray and these euidently grounded out of the Lords Prayer 1 WE must bee the children of GOD borne anew by his Word and Spirit hauing some assurance of his fauour and a desire to grow therein carrying alwaies childlike affections to his Maiestie for we must come to him as to our deare Father and be able by the Spirit of adoption to call him Abba oh Father 2 Wee must euer come vnto our Father only through his beloued Sonne by whom we are reconciled made his children and kept in his fauour and withall in a true sense of our vnworthines to bee called his children or make any request vnto him and so we must make our petitions only in the name of this our Lord and Sauiour in whom alone our Father is well pleased begging in faith that is in full assurance to be heard for Christs merit in whatsoeuer wee request of our tender Father 3 We must come in all humilitie before his heauenly Maiestie remembring we are but dust and ashes yet full of heauenly affections able to lift vp our harts vnto him and to bee onely conuersant with him in the heauens for the time of prayer principally hauing all our thoughts separated from the earth and all earthly cogitations because we speak to our Father which is in heauen 4 We must be brethren of brotherly and tender hearts towards all the children of our heauenly father that is all those who soundly professe the Gospell of Christ in word and conuersation because our heauenly Father will haue vs hereby both to declare and increase our loue praying all one for another and in the name of all as deare brethren and feeling members crying earnestly for all Our Father 5 We must be such as are zealous for the glory of our heauenly Father desirous both to behold his glory shining brightly in all his workes and chiefely in his heauenly word and labouring to draw all others to a like reuerend admiration thereof making this the end of all our indeuours that our heauenly Father may bee honoured and casting all our thoughts which way we may gaine him any glorie more afraid of dishonoring him any way or offending him but euen in our thoughts then any euill that can befall vs in the world and such as vse to mourne for all the dishonors done vnto God his heauenly Maiestie that we may euer both truly begin and end our prayers with this feruent desire That his great name may be glorified because all kingdome power and glorie are only his for euer 6 Such as first seek his kingdome and the righteousnes of it that is the inlargemēt of the Church wherin Christ raignes and is magnified and so the spreading of his true religion and of all the meanes belonging to the conuersion and sauing of his elect with the vtter ouerthrow of all false religion and vngodlines whereby Satan and Antichrist do raigne vsing all diligence for sauing ourselues and others that being heere partakers of his kingdome of grace wee may euer after raigne with him in glorie and also such as long and waite for the comming of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. Otherwise how can wee pray in truth Let thy kingdome come 7 We must bee of an holy conuersation as the loyal subiects of this heauenly kingdome striuing to know the will of our heauēly Father in al things which concerne vs and such as make conscience of euery tittle of his word as Noah and Moses who in all things as the Lord bad them so did they able to say as Dauid I am heere Lord to do thy will I am desirous to do it as cheerefully as the Angels in heauen readie with Abraham to leaue all at the Lords commandement and offer vp whatsoeuer is dearest vnto vs in the world and to receiue any triall with patience and thankfulnes and with Paul not onely ready to bee bound but to die at Ierusalem for the name of Iesus Or else we can neuer pray in sinceritie Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen 8 Such also as labor to depend whollie vpon the Lords fatherly prouidence and watchfull protection for this life and all the comforts of it in a feeling of our owne naturall frailtie that if hee but take away our breath wee are gone and cannot of our selues continue one minute and withall that wee are neither worthie of nor able of our selues to get the least crumme of bread much lesse to cause it to do vs any good and therfore such as vse to beg it euery day from our heauenly Father and that as well for the poore as for our selues being liuely touched with their miseries desirous to imploy that which he bestowes vpon vs to his glory and the good of his children labouring as Iacob and Paul if we haue but bread to be therewith content such as neither trust in the abundance of meanes nor faint in the want of them but onely vse all meanes appointed to serue his diuine and fatherly prouidence casting all the care for the successe vpon him alone being assured that he cannot faile vs nor forsake vs of that that shall be best for vs so far as may stand with his owne glorie and the good of vs his people at least so long as we endeuour to honor him walking as his obedient children without this we can neuer pray aright Giue vs this day our daily bread 9 We must bee such as vse to trauell vnder the burden of all our sins especially presumptuous and scandalous in the sense both of the multitude haynousnes of them also our misery by them vntill we be throughly washed from thē in the blood of Iesus Christ as hauing no other meanes of deliuery or satisfaction feeling with Paul the corruption of our nature and our daily infirmities to be as a death vnto vs and hereupon vsing to crie instantly in the eares of the Lord Forgiue vs our trespasses neuer giuing him ouer vntil we obtaine this assurance 10 We must be voide of malice and such as vse to pray for our very enemies and are readie to doe them any kindnes wherby to gaine them to Christ or leaue them more without excuse because then wee haue this assurance to bee forgiuen and not else neither can we say in truth Forgiue vs our trespasses as wee forgiue them that trespasse against vs but pray for a curse vpon our selues 11 Hauing a continuall sense of the danger we stand in of falling into some sinne euery houre to the dishonor of our heauenly Father and prouoking his displeasure with innumerable euils following thereupon through the deadly malice and subtiltie of Satan who hath the aduantage of our corrupt nature and all things in the world to beguile vs fearing alwaies lest for our sinnes the Lord should leaue vs in his hand and thereupon such as
credit riches pleasures thereof which they euer hold forth vnto vs if wee will follow their counsel and otherwise threaten not only the losse of all these but also of all comforts with hatred disgrace and many other euils which wee must suffer frō malicious mē if we wil make such a strict conscience of all our waies to the verie least duty that thou hast cōmanded And whereas wee are ordinarilie secure in ouerweening of our own strength Shew vs oh Lord the vilenesse of our corrupt natures which are euer readie to conspire with Satan to our vtter perdition to swallow euery baite which he layeth for vs without anie feare of danger so that wee haue no strēgth more then thou reachest forth thine hand to helpe vs. Reueale vnto vs also the danger wee stand in frō thy glorious Maiesty lest y u shouldest leaue vs vp vnto the power of the tempter and our owne corruption to awake vs from our security for our neglect of thy watch carelesse vsing the meanes of grace or at least for tēpting thee in not auoiding each occasion of temptatiō And seing the tempter in all his temptations hideth the danger vglines of sin shewing only the faire side of it that is the go●d that wee shall get thereby and chuseth the subtillest and fittest instrumēts to serue his purpose as the counsel or example of men of chiefest reputatiō somtimes chāging himselfe into an Angel of light neuer comming like himself wherby hee deceiues all the world and oft preuailes with vs thine owne children at least to presume to sinne because thou art so mercifull Good Father set before vs a cōtinual view hereof and of the sundry euils which by euery sin wee ha●e vpō our heads especially the woūd of conscience which wil certainely come on vs vnlesse it be preuented which none can beare Make vs to know that howsoeuer reprobats may wallow in their filth and scape vnpunished here being reserued for hell and fatted for destruction yet thou wilt not suffer any of vs thy childrē who haue begunne to make a profession of thee according to thy word to commit the very least sin but wilt make vs feele the smart of it vnlesse wee preuēt thee speedily by repentance because thou wilt not bee dishonored by vs nor haue vs condemned with the world that the wicked may see thy hatred against sin and what plagues remaine for thēselues for euermore Yea oh holie Father let vs feare alwaies lest thou shouldest leaue vs neuer so little suspect all our waies in as much as Satan more maliceth vs thē any other of the world and therefore seeks hourely to prouoke thee to leaue vs in his hand and for that our sins will cause moto blaspheme hardening thē to perdition than the sins of any other wherupon verie few of thy worthiest seruants haue escaped to the end without some grieuous wounds the scarres wherof they haue carried to their graues to the blemishing their professiō the griefe of thēselues and all the godlie And therfore as thou hast giuen vs this only remedie to watch and pray that wee enter not into temptation so make vs able to keepe this thy watch and by it to bee better acquainted with our selues our particular infirmities that wee may alwaies weare the compleat armour chieflie the shield of faith thy Word euer in readinesse against each temptation which w●l put Satā to flight that being strēgthned by thy Spirit we may stand fast in the euill day get the cōquest without anie grieuous wounds to thy greater glorie our owne greater honor in the heauens Wee do not pray against temptations altogether knowing the profit that wee reape thereby but that wee may indure fighting valiantly and conquering vntill thou set the crowne vpon our heads For thine is the c. We haue been bold to beg all these things of thee oh holy Father because all kingdome power glorie are onelie thine acknowledging that we haue receiued all from thy heauenly bounty and being assured th thou wilt grāt vs all these things for thy Sonnes sake and whatsoeuer else is good for vs so far as shall bee for thine owne glorie seeing thou art absolute Lord King in heauē and in earth and doest dispose guide and ouerrule all things as shal make most for thine owne glorie and the greatest good of vs thine obedient subiects and children That we may set foorth the glorie of thy dominiō and happinesse of thy Kingdom liuing as thy loyal subiects to which wee hereby binde our selues for euer and so returne all possible thāks and praise to thy heauenly Maiestie saying euer Amē Be it so oh Lord holy true as wee fully beleeue it shall bee Euen so Amen Come Lord Iesus come quicklie OVr Father which art in heauen Oh Lord most holy and most glorious whose brightnes the Angels are not able to behold so terrible to all the vngodly as they shall wish the mountaines to couer them that they may neuer appeare in thy presence and yet a most gratious and tender Father to all thy children that desire to obey all thy Cōmandements we that are but dust and ashes and by nature through the fal of our first parents children of wrath in state of damnatiō bond-slaues of Satan and most rebellious of all thy creatures dare not presume of our selues once to lift vp our eies to heauen yet neuertheles seeing it hath pleased thee of thy free mercie to adopt vs to be thy childrē by grace through thy Son Iesus Christ and hast chosen vs hereunto bought vs with his precious blood called vs by thy Gospel sealed vs with thy Spirit and giuen him to bee our perpetuall mediator at thy right hand bidden vs to come to thee as to our tēder father and call thee father through him oh deare Father wee present our selues before thy diuine Maiestie onely in his name magnifying thy mercie that thou hast vouchsafed vs this blessed estate to be thy children and to haue thy fauor being the greatest happines that euer can befal mortal creatures Giue vs hearts most gratious Father to seek daily to increase this assurance by growing in repentance for all our sins and faith in thy sweet promises frame vs euery day more more to the image of thy Sonne in all knowledge of thy heauēly Maiesty being affectioned to reuerence loue and obey thee as our most deare Father wholly chāged in all the parts qualities both of our soules and bodies that we may be no longer strangers frō thee as all the wicked are who bidde thee to depart from them but may take our chiefest delight to be euer in thy presence to heare thee to speak to vs in thy heauēly word to vtter all our wants and our whole heart to thee in our praiers crying Oh Father Our And that it may be more euident not only to
are hainous or to the offēce of others because thou wilt neither be dishonored by vs nor let vs be condemned with the world but wilt surely correct vs to let all the wicked see with what a perfect hatred thou hatest all sinne when thou doest punish it so seuerely in thine owne children and what plagues remaine for them eternally Yea oh gratious Father make vs to feare alway lest thou shouldest leaue vs neuer so little and to suspect al our waies in as much as Satan carries a more deadly hatred against vs who are escaped from his tyrannie then against any other people of the world and therfore seekes euery houre to prouoke thee against vs to leaue vs in his hand and also because he knowes that our sinnes will more cause thy glorious name to bee blasphemed and harden moe to vtter perdition than the sins of any other wherupon very few of thy worthiest seruants through his continuall dogging them haue escaped to the end of their liues without some grieuous foiles and wounds the scarres wherof they haue carried with them to their graues to the blemishing their profession wounding their consciences with the griefe and shame of the godly and insulting of the wicked And therefore as thou hast taught vs this as the remedie against euery assault of the enemie to watch and pray that we enter not into temptation so make vs alwaies able to obserue this thy watch which thou hast set before vs and to learne to bee better acquainted with our owne selues and our estates knowing our particular infirmities and wherein we are weak that we may put on daily the compleate armour chiefelie the shield of faith and brestplate of righteousnes to saue vs from his fierie darts and withall to haue thy holy Word euer in readinesse against euery temptation which is the sword of thy Spirit able vtterly to vanquish him and put him to flight that being strēgthened by thy holy Spirit obtained by cōtinuing in instant prayer wee may bee able to stand fast in the euill day and so finish our course vntill we haue gotten the finall conquest without any grieuous wounds or foile to thine euerlasting glorie our own greater triumph and honor in the heauens We do not pray that wee should not bee tempted at all for thou hast taught vs to account it exceeding ioy when we fall into diuers temptations knowing the good that comes thereby but that we may indure temptation fighting valiantly and ouercomming that when we are tried we may haue the crowne of glorie set vpon our heads For thine is the kingdom power and glorie for euer and euer Amen We haue been bold oh gratious Father to beg all these things from they heauenly Maiestie because all kingdome power and glorie belong onely to thee acknowledging that whatsoeuer good things wee enioy wee haue receiued them all from thy rich and fatherly bountie and being certainely assured that as thou hast bidden vs to pray thus so thou wilt graunt vs all these things which wee haue begged in thy Sonnes name and whatsoeuer else is good for vs euen aboue all that wee are able to aske so farre as shall be for thine owne glorie seeing thou art absolute Lord and King in heauen and in earth and doest by thy mightie power and wisedome dispose and guide all things ouerruling the verie counsels and rage of all wicked men and diuels as shall make most for thine owne glorie and the greatest good of vs thine owne obedient subiects and children and hast assured vs that asking thus in faith wee shall receiue That wee may set foorth by good experience the glorie of thy dominion and power with the happinesse of thy Kingdome to all succeeding ages to which wee doe hereby binde our selues all the dayes of our life and to liue as the loyall subiects of this thy Kingdome to thine euerlasting glorie and so returne all possible thankes praise and dominion to thy heauenlie Maiestie saying euer Amen Bee it so oh LORD holie and true as wee doe fullie beleeue that it shall bee Euen so Amen Amen Come Lord Iesus Come quicklie FINIS Mark 13. 33. and 14. 38. Luk. 21. 36. Mat. 7. 7. 8 and 21. 22. Psal. 135. 18. Iames 4. 8. Esay 65. 24 Gen. 32. 28. and 1. 2. Hebr. 1. 14. Iames 47. Ephes. 6. 18. Iob 22. 27. 28. 29. Rom. 8. 15. 16. Luke 18. 1. Esay 65. 13. 14. Harken you that pray not at all You that pray man vnknowne tongue You that desire to pray You that faint in your troubles Iob 22. 21. 26. 28. 29. Rom. 13. 2. You that are afraid to vse the Lords praier You that are fallen asleepe * I desire to awake you by oft beating vpon this point Ier. 7. 9. 10. Ezec. 18. 11. Prou. 28. 9. Prou. 1. 24. 25. 26. You that still continue with our Sauiour Deut. 20. 1. 2. 3 2. Chr. 25 2. Three things wished at the hands of all fearing God Each to know and amend our speciall faults Esay 5. 8. 9. Psal. 12. 5. Exod. 22. 22. 23. Deut. 9. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Ezek. 14. 14. To learne of our Sauiour to pray My hope of the simplest Learne but the chiefe heads of the margents and trie making them your morning meditation To pray according to the two first petitions chiefelie The fruit hereof A further pressing the exhortation to prayer To them that liue in pleasures Dan. 4. 24. Esay 1. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Ierem. 22. 18. 19. To the worldling To all that cānot pray of themselues nor regard to learne To all that acknowledge the truth and necessitie hereof Ephes. 6. 13. 14. 18. To them that are not perswaded of such present necessitie of praier but thinke me ouer fearefull Esay 6. 3. 5. Ezek. 22. 30 Iudg. 5. 23. Without this cōstāt practise we can neither be assured that we are Gods children nor that wee haue right to any creature Rom. 8. 15. 16. Gal. 4. 6. But haue all things work to our damnation 1. Tim. 4. 5. Prou. 16. 4. We cannot looke to obtaine any thing as a blessing nor turne away any euill Mat. 7. 7. Iam. 4. 2. 3. Nor be any thing but meere worldlings feeling no want nor able to speake of any thing else Rom. 8. 5. Otherwise we cannot be saued Luke 18. 1. Matth. 6. 9. Psal. 14. 4. Ier. 10. 25. The Lord cals vs al to step into the breach with Moses Ezec. 22. 30 * At the intended inuasion The death of Q. Elizabeth The gunpowder plot Reade with reuerence the Prophet Ieremie with the rest who liued hard before the captiuitie euen in Iosiahs daies and compare times with times and it will make vs crie instātly to God day and night Ios. 24. 19. Prou. 28. 9. Wee must be children of childlike affections towards our heauēly Father and
the world and vtterly without God howsoeuer you look to your worldly businesse you will looke to this businesse of the Lord and set your selues times of praier which the gaining of the world cannot make you to forget And in a word so many of you as can talke with men of any earthly matter and make any request for this present life for whatsoeuer you need and yet could neuer vtter so much as one speech no not in secret to your Father in heauē nor make any one supplication for any heauenly thing with feeling how can you thinke that euer you were touched with Zeale of Gods glorie or his kingdome or how can you imagine that you can be the children of the heauenlie Father or haue any interest in the Lord and his kingdome or be any thing but meere worldlings sauoring onely the world and it alone your portion hauing a world of miseries and torment remaining for you for euer Learne therefore to praie aboue all you will finde this a treasure ten thousand times better then all the wealth pleasures of the world For what you would haue this will vndoubtedlie procure you as far as shall be good and whereas all the honors pleasures riches and friends in the world can neuer giue you any true contentmēt nor adde one minute vnto your life this only will fill your hearts in heauenly contentation with abundant ioy and gladnesse and make you liue and raigne with Christ for euer in the heauens Now so many as acknowledge that thus indeede you ought both to watch and pray and yet but only giue these the reading without care to learne the practise of them or happily hauing some good motions or purposes to put them forthwith in practise or it may be haue begun well yet through your pleasures or worldly businesse or at least a carnall sloth and securitie leaue them off and returne to your old courses bee warned from the Lord for this will certainly be one further witnesse and conuiction against you then euer formerly you receiued and much better it had bin for you that you had neuer seene this way of life thus plainly and easily set before you and how you may either helpe to preserue the whole or at least escape your selues from the euils to come then after you haue knowne it and subscribed in your hearts to the truth and necessitie of it and happilie put your hands to the plow to looke backe againe Remember Lots wife if you be out of Sodome hie for your liues vntill you be safe in Zoar and being safe your selues learne to be as importunate with the Angell of the Couenant when you but thinke of the sins of the Land as faithfull Abraham was comforting and incouraging your selues in this that you are not alone but many with you and the Lord hath yet his ten righteous left in all quarters some that mourne and crie for all the abominations If in this attempt I haue failed of that I desire I humblie craue pardon and also that my good will may be accepted in this endeuour intended chiefely to helpe the simple Vouchsafe me your better direction and I shall willinglie follow it My desire is to labour herein also to bring this together with the watch to more perfection if I shall find it accepted and that it may bring the least good to Gods Church in which I desire not to liue one day longer then I may bee some way profitable I haue so oft made reference to the watch as to a maine ground of prayer and for that this is as a second part and an vnseparable companion thereof as the Apostle makes them Ephes. 6. and also that I neede not trouble you with oft repetition of the same things Cōcerning the present necessitie hereof that I may neither seeme ouer bold not yet to fearful of some grieuous iudgment without cause I desire of all sorts that you would examine it betweene the Lord and your owne consciences to whom I appeale and which I know will witnesse with me when I shall stand before the great tribunall your consciences I say not asleep in this deepe security but either throughly awaked by the law or as they were vpon the instant of the discouerie of the gunpowder plot or at any time before any of our great deliuerances fullie accomplished in the midst of our extreame dangers Remember but whether your hearts weare not then as my heart is now that if God had done with vs as he then threatned he had not been most righteous and wee iustlie deserued it Did not all hearts tremble in the acknowledgement of the truth of his Maiesties sacred speech in the Parliament house at that time And who would not haue confessed in any of these dangers that it had not been full time for each to haue betaken himselfe to this armour to haue run to God by instant supplication and stood vp in the breach and for euery one to haue learned to watch and pray And must not our case since be far more desperate wee hauing receiued thus our third most terrible admonition together with so many mercies still heaped vpon vs Let vs but thinke what wee haue done since that time to secure vs from the finall execution of his vengeance haue we not most fearefully increased the transgression going still many degrees backwards running from the Lord and suncken deeper in our rebellion insteed of turning to him according to our oft promises and his infinite mercy Besides our impudencie in sinning and our eating vp one another in euery corner and degree racking al things to the vttermost farthing and all commonly to maintaine pride and all excesse countenancing the lewdest in euery place disgracing and treading vpon the vpright that he that abstaines from euil maketh himself a prey Let but the shamelesnes of that one sin of quaffing condēned by the heathē in Assuerus Court in their greatest pomp and excesse that euer we reade of and registred in Gods book for that cause be witnes although we cānot imagin that euer it was practised in halfe so odious a maner as it is ordinarilie with vs euerie where in scorning the Lord to his face and sacrificing to Satan Our cloakes of Ciuility wil proue but Adams figleaues Inquire of your own hearts whether this be not the generall verdict of all whom God hath touched or who retaine any of their ancient feeling yea whether the very blind may not grope it that there was neuer such a declining to all loosenes opē prophanenes euen Atheisme heard or read of in any age where the Gospell was professed nor that sinne was practised with so high a hand And then answere plainly whether the Lord may not iustly get himselfe glory of vs in the declaration of his iustice and the power of his wrath against our sins seeing the riches of his mercies in sparing and deliuering vs haue made vs so far to exceede as to deny
thē whose mercies are crueltie to cause them to blaspheme but let vs still fall into thy hāds who pitiest vs whē thou smitest vs and in wrath remembrest mercie Though our sinnes be haynous to anger thee yet let the cry of thy seruants still preuaile Hast thou not saide it that the innocent shall deliuer the Iland and dost thou not cal vs to stand vp in y e breach because thou wouldest not destroy vs Hast thou not beene wont to pardon whole natiōs at the prayers of a few of thy seruants Therefore we thy remembrācers knowing that thou art still the same as to thy seruāts in former time and wee as deare vnto thee and that thou cāst denie vs nothing which we beg in thy Sonnes name according to thy will for our good doe humblie intreate thee to glorifie thy mercie in pardoning our sin and turning vs speedilie vnto thee but make thine enemies to feele thy hand those chiefely who haue as Balaam caused vs to prouoke thee so grieuously that we haue been so oft in so fearefull danger by our backslidings and rebelliōs Get thy selfe glory vpō thē as vpon Pharaoh that whē thou hast deliuered vs and ouerthrowne thē as fundrie times thou hast begun wee may sing praises and euer keep a remembrāce of thy mercie Let vs bee afraid of obscuring any part of thy glorie and much more of seeking our own honour or taking any part of thine honour to our selues being proud of thy gifts But aboue all keep vs from dishonoring thee by our sinfull liues amongst the wicked to cause them to blaspheme Let this bee our honor to honour thee and contrarily our greatest dishonor Strēgthen vs to walk so vprightly that others seeing our good workes may glorifie thee and wee may weare the reproch of the wicked as a crowne So kindle the zeale of thy glorie in our harts that we may bee grieued continually for all the dishonors done vnto thee And that insteede of being ashamed of thee or any part of thy truth we may euer professe it with all holie wisedome and boldnesse as our chiefest glory that our Sauiour may acknowledge vs before thee in the presēce of men Angels to be the heires of thy kingdom whē he will denie all other as those whom hee neuer knew to their endlesse confusion Thy kingdome come And whereas thou oh Father art chiefly glorified in the increase of thine owne people which obey thy word amongst whom onelie thou raignest and especiallie when thou causest thy religion people to prosper against all the power of hell Grant thy Gospell whereby thou conquerest rulest to be sincerelie preached euery where and make it so powerful that it may destroy the kingdome of Satā Antichrist gather all thine vnto thee that so thou mayest hasten thy glorious kingdome And to this end raise vp Kings and Queenes to nourish vs with the word of life preserue vs from the rage of all our cruel enemies especially that bloody Antichrist and for those that are such already make thē ten times more accounting this their greatest dignitie to haue the bringing vp of y e heires of thy kingdome committed vnto them And as it hath pleased thee to settle this kingdome in so great peace amongst vs deliuering vs frō that blood thirstie whore of Babylon to cōtinue the same beyond all former expectation vnder our dread Soueraigne so indue him with such an abūdant portiō of thy Spirit according to that high dignitie laide vpon him and with such tender affections towards thy children that in token of true thankfulnes for all his dominions chiefelie the wōderfull deliuerances of his Maiestie his and of all vs thy people principally by him hee may set himselfe with Iehosaphat and Ezechiah other worthie Kings of Iuda to inlarge thy king dome promote thy pure religion destroying al vngodlines and to procure each way the good of vs thy poor childrē cōmitted to him that al we being still more loyallie affected as toward our most happie nursing father vnder thee as al the good people were towards Dauid may euer sound foorth thy praises for him and pray earnestlie for his preseruation of our Queene with all their royal progenie that his kingdome may bee established vntill Christ shall come to resigne vp this earthly scepter and raigne with thee eternally Giue all our Rulers y e same heart y t they may be as the hāds of thine annointed in euery place for this purpose And as thou hast ordained chiefely to finish thy kingdome by the preaching of thy Gospell which thou did dest first spread by thy holy Apostles subduing the world therby so wee pray thee to send foorth such powerful preachers into euerie congregation which may not cease to admonish euerie one with teares framing thēselues by all holy meanes to win all afraid of the least offence which might hinder the saluation of anie one Awaken at length all sorts of vncōscionable ministers drūkē with y e blood of their people that remēbring the crie of Abels blood they may be thinke themselues in time what to answere when Christ shall come and either giue thē repentance care for their peoples saluation or free them frō thē and cōmit thē to such by whō they may bee brought into obediēce to the lawes of thy kingdome that thou alone maiest raigne as Lord amongst them Antichrist being cast out vtterly with al things whereby hee hath kept any of thy people vnder his slauerie or seekes to pull them into Babylon Deface oh Lord all the prints of his Idolatrie and cut off all hopes of euer building vp Babel againe And seeing the chiefe glorie and safetie of thy kingdom is in the vnity of thy subiects take away good Lord all causes of contentions Confound all the plots of cursed Balaam who knowing that no kingdome diuided can stād seeks to rend thy Church in peeces the easier to preuaile against it when thou art also departed from it as euer Satan hath beene wont Graunt y t we may buy this peace with the losse of all except thy fauor that al sorts seeing our holie agreemēt may ioyne themselues vnto vs and come into the bosome of thy Church And moreouer sith thou wilt haue euery one to helpe to build vp thy kingdome and to saue others by bringing them therunto graunt vs more care not onely for our charges committed to vs but for euerie one tied vnto vs by any special bond that wee may take euery first occasion for gaining them vnto thee by all holy meanes Let vs not rest before they be safe And that wee may preuaile the more giue vs oh Lord a sweet feeling what a blessed thing it is to be of thy kingdome partakers of thy glorie euen to be Kings Priests vnto thee and what happines there is in liuing such a holy conuersation how wretched the state of all other people is being bōdslaues of Saran and
acknowledge vs before thee our heauenly father in the presēce of thy glorious Angels and of the whole world to be thine owne children and heires of thy Kingdome when he will most iustly deny all the fearefull and vnbeleuers as those whom he neuer knew to their endlesse horror and confusion Thy kingdome come And whereas thou oh Father art chiefely glorified when thy kingdome commeth and thy will is done that is in the increase of thine owne Church people which obey thy word amongst whom alone thou raignest as Lord and King especially when thou doest inlarge thy dominions against al the subtlety and power of hell causing thy religion and people to prosper increase Good father giue thy Gospell which is the scepter of thy kingdome whereby thou conquerest and rulest a free course to be sincerely preached in all the world all impediments being vtterly remoued and make it so powerfull in all places that it may vtterly throw downe the kingdome of Satan and Antichrist conuerting speedily gathering all thine elect vnto thee that so thou maiest hasten thy kingdome of glory And to this end wheras thou hast ordained Kings and Queenes to be nursing fathers and mothers to thy poore Church to nourish vs thy children with the word of life and to preserue vs frō the rage of that bloody Antichrist and of all other cruell enemies oh almighty and deare Father raise vp such for vs in all the countries of the world and those which are such already make thē ten times more that they may account this their greatest dignity to haue the bringing vp of thine own children heires of thy kingdom cōmitted to their care faithfulnes More specially as thou hast setled this thy kingdome among vs of this nation in much peace and prosperity vnder our late tender nursing mother deliuering vs from the tyranny of that bloodthirsty whore of Babylon and continued the same still most miraculously and beyond all former expectation vnder our gracious Soueraigne whom thou hast raised vp for a foster father in her place so we beseech thee to inlarge the hart of thine anoynted seruant with such an abundant portion of thy Spirit both of wisdome and zeale for thy glory kingdome and tender affections towards thy children according to that high dignity layd vpon him and the charge committed vnto him that in token of true thankfulnes for all his dominions and great honour and much more for the admirable deliuerances giuen vnto him and his and aboue all that thou hast made him twice cheifely so wōderfully in our eies thy principal instrument in sauing vs thy poore Church he may set himselfe much more earnestly then euer did Cyrus or Darius euen worthy Iehosaphat and Ezekiah to aduance thy glory in inlarging and furthering this kingdome of thy Sonne and in promoting thy pure religion with all his power destroying whatsoeuer is against it and discountenancing all vngodinesse and to procure each way both by godly lawes and all other holy meanes the good of vs thy poore people committed vnto his trust repressing all the wicked that we may liue a quiet life in all godlinesse and honesty fearing none but onely thy heauenly Maiestie that all we thy children being affected towards him thine anoynted more and more as towards our happy nursing father vnder thee and as all the good people were towards thy seruant Dauid may euermore accordingly sound forth thy praises for him and cry continually vnto thee for the preseruation of his Maiestie with our noble Queene and all their royall progenie that the throne of his kingdome may be establihed vntill Christ the King of Kings shall come then to resigne vp the scepter into his hands and to be taken vp into his throne to raigne with thee for euermore Good Lord giue all our Magistrats and Rulers vnder him the same heart that they may be as the hands of thine anoynted in euery place for the accomplishment of this worke And withall as thou hast appointed to build vp thy kingdome chiefely by the sincere preaching of thy sacred Gospell whereby thou didst first spread it so speedily subduing all the world by the Ministrie of thy holy Apostles so we pray thee send forth such faithfull Preachers into euery congregation which being furnished with gifts and tenderly affected with the care of euery soule committed vnto their charge may not cease with Paul to admonish euery one both publickly and priuately day night with teares going before them in all holy conuersation and framing themselues to all to win all afraid of giuing the least offence either to harden or any way to hinder the saluation of any one of them Awakē at length oh Lord all our blind guids and all sorts of vnconscionable Ministers who are drunke with the blood of soules that they may but remember how the blood of one Abel did crie for vengance from the earth and thinke where they wil appeare when Christ shall come to take an account for euery soule and either giue them repentance for that bloody sinne that they may saue thēselues and those committed to them or else vtterly free thy people from this heauie iudgement and set such in their places by whose faithfull Ministrie thy people may bee brought euery where into a holy obedience to thy heauenly Gospell to their euerlasting saluation that thou alone mayest raigne as Lorde and King and Antichrist cast out vtterly with all that appertaines to his bloody religion and whereby he hath vpholden his throne and tyrannie kept any of thy people vnder his flauery or at least seekes to bewitch them to pull them into Babylon againe Good Lord destroy all the very prints of that cursed Idolatrie whatsoeuer may put his fauorits in hope of euer repayring the ruines of their Babel And seeing oh Lord y t this is the glory safetie of thy Kingdome whē all the subiects of it especially the leaders of thy people liue in a holy vnitie vnder thy laws take away we beseech thee all contentions frō amongst vs with the causes therof Confound we pray thee all the plots of that cursed Balaam of Rome who knowing that not thine owne kingdome if it be diuided can stand seekes day and night by all his agents to rend thy Church in peeces the easier to preuaile against it when it is diuided and thou departed from it as Satan hath euer preuailed by his instruments in all countries Grant we may buy this peace with godly Abraham with the losse of all things except thy fauour that all sorts seeing our holy agreement may come forth of Poperie profanenes vnto vs our brethren departed may turne into the bosome of thy Church againe And wheras thou hast appointed that euery one of vs should labour to build vp thy Kingdome by bringing others
after inable vs to vse the same and giue a blessing to them Humble vs in the sense of our vilenesse that wee are so farre off from deseruing eternal life that we are not worthy of the least crumme of bread which thou hast taught vs to beg daily and grant vs grace to knowe that when we haue it wee are but theeues and vsurpers of it and of whatsoeuer else we possesse to make a dreadful account for it vnlesse thou giue it vs in Iesus Christ because we hauing lost al through Adams transgression can haue no right vnto it againe vntill it be restored vnto vs in our Lord and Sauiour Vouchsafe therefore to increase our assurance that thou hast giuen vs thy Sonne who is Lord of all that in him we may be certaine that we haue a true title to whatsoeuer we inioy Giue withall both power and strength to thy good creatures to norish and comfort vs. Bread Bestow vpon vs contented harts with the estate wherein thou settest vs though we haue but bread grace to see and acknowledge thy wise and tender prouidence aswell in want as plē●y being vndoubtedly assured that thou canst wilt make bread alone to satisfie vs abundantly when other meanes faile This day And if thou shalt euer bring vs into that strait that we shall haue no more but for the presēt day nor any means of succor in the world thē strengthen vs to giue thee glory by casting our selus wholy vpon thee without impatience or fainting that we may be able euen then to shewe our confidence in thee how we liue not by bread onely but by euery word proceeding out of thy mouth Certifie our consciences aforehand that howsoeuer wicked men be they neuer so rich may starue with hunger before they die yet thou wilt neuer let vs thine owne obedient children and heires of thy Kingdome to want any thing that shall be good for vs but that thou wilt rather worke extraordinarily when ordinarie meanes faile causing our enemies to feede vs if our bretheren forget vs the very foules to bring vs bread and the heauens to poure vs downe a blessing And therefore good Father let vs alwaies bee reuerētly afraid of dishonoring or grieuing thee by carcking cares aforehand for prouision for vs or ours and much more of murmuring or impatience in any such trials whereunto our sinfull natures are extreamly inclined Make vs able to sanctifie thy great name in vsing onely the meanes for thy protection and prouidence referring the worke whole successe vnto thy heauenly Maiestie alone being certaine that thou wilt doe that that shall be best and that thou canst not faile vs nor forsake vs. And when thou doest bestowe thy gifts vpon vs giue vs a holy vse of them that both they may further our saluation and that wee may see thy goodnes in them and neuer abuse them to satisfie our sinfull desires or puffe vp our proud harts or make thē our gods putting our confidence or felicitie in them but that wee may imploy them to the maintenance of thy religion with all the holy ends which thou hast ordained them for and especially for the reliefe comfort of our poore brethren for whō thou hast taught vs to pray daily as for our selues and to whom thou hast giuen an interest in the vse of our goods Giue vs bowels of compassion towards the poore and needy that we may take off euery heauie burden relieue the oppressed deale our breade to the hungry soules that their backes and bellies may blesse vs and that thou mayest remember vs in the day of our aduersitie and we lay vp a sure foundation against the time to come that therin also we may shewe forth our homage to thy diuine Maiestie that we hold all of thy goodnesse and declare the loue we beare to thy children for thy sake and chiefely to them that most excell in thy graces and so the true practise of the Cōmunion of Saints waiting for that ioyfull sentence Come yee blessed of my Father receiue the Kingdome prepared for you for when I was hungry you gaue me meate Forgiue vs our trespasses And wheras our sinnes onely do hinder our assurance that we are thy children and cause vs that we can neither behold thy glory nor feele the power and happinesse of thy Kingdome neither yet haue that full securitie for thy fatherly prouidence and protection from all euill which otherwise we should find and do moreouer bring all contrary euils vpon vs and therefore thou hast taught vs to cry euery day forgiue vs our trespasses Pardon good Lord and remoue all our sinnes that keepe away these good things from vs. And that we may cry more earnestly for forgiuenesse neuer giuing thee rest vntill wee haue attained it teach vs that heerein alone stands all true peace and blessednes when we haue this full assurance sealed in our harts that our sinnes are pardoned and that all they whose sinnes are not remitted are most accursed and vnhappy And to this end shewe vs good Father first the hainousnesse of sinne by making vs to consider aright thy wrath declared against it from heauen in the fearefull punishment of thy most excellent creatures the Angels whom for that one sinne euen because they were not cōtent with their estate thou hast cast down into hel to be reserued in chaines of darknes vnto the iudgemēt of the great day then to be damned to endlesse torments afterwards in our first parents cast frō their happy estate for eating y e forbidden fruit for whose sin alone all the curses of this life that to come fel not only vpō thēselues but also all their posterity euen all of vs being wrapped vnder the same condemnatiō vntill we be deliuered by Iesus Christ. Open our eies to see this thy wrath against sinne yet more fully not only vpon the wicked in the generall destruction of the old world and in turning the filthy Cities of Sodome Gomorrah into ashes to remaine as eternal monuments to all posteritie in preparing the lake burning with fire and brimstone for an euerlasting punishment to all vnbeleeuers and impenitent persons but euen against the sinnes of thine owne dearest childrē as in y ● heauy punishmēt vpon thine own faithful seruant Moses for so smal a sin in our account as not honoring thee before the people in beleeuing and auouching thy power and truth that thou didst cut him off for entring into Canaan which of al earthly things he must needes most desire being the land of promise the type of heauen and also after that he had led the people fortie yeares towards it And besides the punishment of Dauid and his house for that one sinne that thy hand did so pursue him and his all his life long
able to cal him Father Rom. 8. 15. Comming in faith only in Christ in a true sense of our owne vnworthines In all humilitie being but dust and ashes yet with our hearts lift vp to heauen Wee must be brethrē tenderly affected towards all the childrē of our heauenly Father Zealous of our Fathers glorie aboue all things in the wo●ld Seeking first the kingdome of heauen and the righteousnes therof Making cōscience of euery tittle of the will word of the Lord. Labouring to depend wholly vpō the Lords prouidēce and protection Trauelling vnder the burden of our sinnes Voide of malice vsing to pray for our enemies Fearing alwaies and watching lest wee should fall into temptation so suspecting all our waies Acknowledging euer his soueraigntie and how he disposeth al for his own glorie and the good of his elect Able in true faith with thākfulnes to say Amen To giue vs assurance of Gods fauour Rom. 10. 12. Rom. 8. 15. 16. 26. 2 Cor. 1. 22. To haue all things sanctified vnto vs. To obtaine whatsoeuer we so pray for For the turning away any iudgement from our Land or procuring any blessing Ezech. 22. 30. Iob 22. 30. Deut. 20. 1. 3. 4. Heb. 12. 12. Ezek. 14. 14. Iudg. 5. 23. Prou. 28. 1. Esay 43. 1. 2. 3. * Let the desire of the two first petitions be euer in thy hart beg al other things for them only as being the end of all then shalt thou bee each way most blessed and aske what thou wilt so thou shall receiue it Esay 65. 24. 1. We must come trembling because of Gods glorious Maiesty And our ovvne vilenesse by nature 2. Yet in cōfident boldnes as to our Father in Christ. 3. Onely in the name of Christ our Mediator 4. With thankfulnes for our happiestate in him Watch. ed. 2. p. 1. l. 1. 2. 5. Begging an increase of our assurance By more conformitie to Christ in knowledge Watch. pag. 88 lin 6. And al child-like affections Delighting in the presence of our Father 6. And an increase of our loue to al Gods children Chiefely as they more excell in vertue By praying for them as for our selues and delighting in their companies Begging most instantly our heauenly vnion to bee shevved in al duties Confirmed by all bonds of agreement And common interest And all contrarie deuices of our enemies confounded Which by our di●isio● seeke our ruine That we may neuer thinke our state good Vntill vve loue the brethren 1. Iohn 3. 14. 7. To grow in reuerence to our heauenly Father 8. And in heauenly affections And conuersations To declare our selues his children Watch. pag. 90. lin 9. And heauē ours and all creatures at a league vvith vs for our good For this honour that God hath vouchsafed to vs to be his children 1. To seeke his honor in and aboue al things VVatch. p. 78. lin 17. 2. To haue our eies open to behold his glory shining in all his workes as his Creatures VVord Iudgement Mercie Watch. pag. 31. lin 17. 3. To be able to set foorth his praises belonging to him therein and haue a holy vse of them 4. Chiefely his glory manifested in our daies for vs and against our enemies First for vs in ab●ndant mercies And then correcting vs fa●herly for abusing his mercies to his dishonor So to bring vs to amendment After threatning vs by cruell enemies to take avvay all Bringing them to the execution Yet euer deliuering and auenging vs vvhen vve haue cried vnto him So as it had been enough to haue conuerted the most barbarous nation 5. To pray for grace euer to remember and acknowledge this And to see moreouer his anger kindled againe by increase of our sins with these bloodie enemies and their malice Without hope of leauing off vntill they haue their vvils And also witnessed by many fearefull signes Arming windes and vvaters against vs Threatning to sweepe vs avvay For our ouerflovv of iniquitie that we may be awaked and seeke to appease his wrath in in time That remembring our former vvarnings from heauē and vvhat follovved the fierie tent spred ouer our heads VVee may not be senselesse in these tokens of his wrath seazing vpon vs as fearefully as any of the piagues of Egypt Chiefely to be saued frō that heauiest iudgement VVhereby both Egypt and Israel vvere prepared for ●estruction That we should be worse for all the meanes sent to call vs to repentance vntill the iudgement come that we may s●e our estate and turne And not harden our selues against the Lord. That vvee may neuer fall into the bloody enemies hands But still into the Lords Because hee pitieth vs vvhen hee smiteth vs. 6. To pray instantly that the crie of his seruants may preuaile As hitherto according to his promise Sith he cals vs novv to stand in the breach as Moses to stay his hād to declare the riches of his mercie sauing vs still at the prayers of a fevv And seeing he is still the same to vs as to Moses and Abraham And vve so deare to him that he can deny vs nothing Which may make for his glorie and our good To intreate him to magnify his mercie in pardoning and turning our hearts to meete him But to make his enemies to feele his hand who haue bin the causes of our sinne by their wiles To get himselfe glory vpon them as vpon Pharaoh As he hath begunne promised to accomplish to his euerlasting praise 7. That we may be afraid of obscuring his glory Seeking our owne glory or taking his honour to our selues 8. That we may not dishonour him by our sins But account it our greatest honour to honour him and contrarily 9. To honour him by our holy ensample To stop the mouthes of the wicked 10. To haue the zeale of Lot against the abominations of our age 11. VVith a bold acknowledgement of the Lord and euery part of his truth As being our glory That vvee may be acknowledged of him before all the vvorld to our ovvne euerlasting honor Seeing Gods glorie is in the inlarging his kingdome and doing his vvill 1. To pray for a free course to the Gospell which is the scepter of his kingdome and that it may be powerfull euery where 2. For Kings and Queens to be nursing fathers and mothers to the Church Chiefely to preserue is against the rage of all cruell enemies and to account this their chiefest dignitie 3. Especially to pray for our soueraigne raised vp for vs in place of our tender mother That hee may haue an abundant portion of Gods Spirit According to his high dignitie and charge And the deliuerances of the Church by him he may set himselfe to aduance Christs kingdome and Gospell Watch. pag. 43. lin 2. Procure the good of Gods seruants repressing the vvicked That vve may liue in al peace and godlinesse without feare affected towards him as the good people were towards Dauid Sound forth his praises And pray for him and his to
the execution of Gods righteous iudgments on them And pray for confounding their euill practises Yet that we may pray for and seek their saluation 2. For them that are our enemies on priuate respects to pray their sinne may be pardoned And that vve may seeke to pacifie them and gaine their loue to heape coales on their heades And get full assurance of forgiuenesse to our selues Seeing Satan seekes continuallie by temptations to draw vs to sinne to prouoke the Lord against vs bring some euill vpon vs. 1. To pray we may see the danger we stand in each houre For the multitude of damned spirits 2. For their power to tempt and destroy vs in a moment 3. Because of their subtilties Whereby they knowing our dispositions Marke and take all aduantages To solicite vs to those sinnes wherin they are most like to preuaile drawing vs on by degrees to yeeld first to smaller matters which the world accounts no sinne Or not to auoid the occasions of temptation or neglect our calling 4. For their innumerable allurements and baytes of this world VVhich they proffer 5. For their threatnings if we wil be so precise as to make conscience of each of Gods Commaundements 6. For the vilenesse of our nature readie to conspire with them And to swallow euerie baite Without all strength to resist 7. For Gods displeasure to leaue vs in their power for our security 8. For Sathans cunning in hiding all this danger and the vglinesse of sinne Shewing onely the faireside of it what we shal get by it and vsing the fittest instruments to effect his purpose Neuer cō●ing like him selfe to tempt Whereby he deceiues all the world And oft times Gods owne children making sinne to seeme no sin 2. To pray we may haue a continuall remembrance of the seuerall miseries of each sinne Watch. p. 5. 6. 7. Chiefely the wounds of conscience which none can beare and vvill come vnlesse it bee speedilie preuented That although wicked men escape here vvho are reserued for hell the Lord yet vvill not suffer vs so Especially vvhen our sinnes are scandalous Because he vvill not be dishonored by vs nor let vs be damned And that the wicked may see his hatred against sinne and vvhat remaines for thē for euer 3. To pray we may feare alvvay lest God should leaue vs neuer so little because of Satans most deadlie malice against vs who dreescaped frō him To prouoke the Lord against vs And for that our sinnes vvill more dishonour him and harden moe to perdition then of anie other Whence so few haue escaped to the end VVithout some grieuous foiles 4. To learne to vvatch and pray as the remidie against all temptations And to be better acquainted vvithout selues And weaknesses To put on the compleat armour chieflie the shield of faith And to haue the vvord euer in readinesse That strēgthned by the spirit and continuing in prayer vve may stand fast And preserue our selues without any grieuous woūds vntill vvee haue gotten the finall conquest 5. That we pray not against all temptation But onelie that in them vve may ouercome So to receiue the crovvne of glorie in the ende VVe haue begged all from the Lord 1. Because all kingdom povver and glorie are his and vve haue receiued all from him 2. Because hee vvill grant vs all good things aboue all that vvee can aske So farre as shall bee for his glory and our good Seeing hee guideth and ouerruleth all things to serue hereunto And hath assured vs that asking in faith vve shall haue That vvee may set foorth the glorie and happines of his kingdom Whereunto vvee binde our selues and to liue as his subiects all our daies And so returne all praise and thanks saying Amen Euen so Lord Iesus