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B12171 The voluntarie conuersion and seuerall recantations, of foure great learned men, professed fryers in sundry monasteries of Fraunce, from the errours of idolatrie and poperie, to the true religion established in the Reformed Church. 1. Master Iohn Le Vager, a priest in the Romane Church, conuerted at Mauns, Ianuary 6. 2. Master Iohn Forent, a fryer Carmelite, in the Court of Morthemard, conuerted in the Reformed Church of Poictiers, Iune, 9. 3. Master Denis Boucher, a Franciscane fryer, in the couent of Noisy, neere Paris, conuerted in the Reformed Church of Paris, Iuly. 6. 4. Master Daniell Dusert, Franciscan fryer at Mello, conuerted in the Church of Mello, December, 22. All conuerted this last yeare, 1603. as their seuerall discourses following at large doe testifie, vnder their owne hands. Truely translated, out of the French printed copies. 1604 (1604) STC 5650; ESTC S114587 31,204 52

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as if hee were God as saint Paule writeth to the Thessalonians 2. Thes 2. 4. of him For first of all they say That he hath right aboue right and beyond right that he may dispense against the foure 1. Dic. Non. dec de la Rose Ex●r de M. 12 2. Clement 5. Clement 3. Can. si papa 4 In Constale Bonis Ex de Maior et obedien S. 10. 6. Euangelists the Epistles of Saint Paule and the foure first generall Councels Secondly that he can command the Angels to open and shut the heauens to giue pardon for many hundreds and thousands of yeares Thirdly that he hath a charter of condemning soules into hell Fourthly that he hath the two swords temporall and spirituall whereby hee may conferre of kingdomes and Estates dispense with subiectes oathes of fidelitie commaund ouer kings and Emperours and make them to fall before his feete Is this any thing else then to lift himselfe aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped So by consequent hee makes himselfe no Lieutenant of Christ who saide That his kingdome was not of this world and fled away Luk. 19. 14. when they would haue made him king In briefe is this the beeing of S. Peters successor who cared neither for gold nor siluer as he protesteth of himselfe in the Acts of the Apostles Act. 2. 45. 1. Pet. 5. 1. 2. 3 4. And who prayed in all modestie the Elders To feede the flocke of Christ Not as if they were Lords ouer Gods heritage but that they might be examples to the flocke To the end that when the chiefe sheepeheard shall appeare they might receiue an incorruptible crowne of glorie It followes not by his behauiour that he should be the Vicar of Christ nor the successour of Saint Peter much lesse then is he worthy to sit in the Temple of God and make himselfe honoured as a God Therefore before I conclude addressing my selfe to you my Masters of the Romane Church Beholde heere the important motiues and grounds which haue moued me to forsake your said Church following the Lords commaundement in the Reuelation Goe out of Babilon my people that yee bee not partakers Apoc. 18. 4. of her sinnes and that yee receiue not of her plagues And not as I protest here before God on any inconstant humour doe I this for affection to noueltie for reuenge against any one of you neither to auoide any punishment to bee inflicted on my selfe as in your own soules you are my faithful witnesses Nor yet to procure any repose or carnall liberty to my selfe but only for giuing the glorie due to God to attaine the saluation of mine owne soule Praying to the Almighty who hath deigned thus to visite mee in his mercie that it would please him to extend the same goodnesse towardes you and deliuer you out of that deadly sinck of ignorance And so to him that is King of Kings immortall inuisible and our onely wise God bee all honour and power ascribed eternally Amen D. Dusert WE whose names are hereunder written the Pastour and Elders of the reformed Church of Mello in Poictu doe testifie that this day being the 22. day of December 1603. Master Daniell Dusert a natiue of Cincte-gauelle in Languedoc and heretofore a Religious Fryer of the Order of Saint Frances called the Reformed Order in the Couent at Tholouse did come of himselfe before vs and declaring that hee hauing taken good notice of the errours of the Romane Church being contrarie to the conformitie vsed in the Church reformed and the sacred Scriptures desired that we would lend him a hand to entertaine him among the nūber of that holy flock Vpon this declaration made we examined him on the principall Articles of true Religion and finde in him that he comes not any way polluted among vs nor suffers himselfe to be transported in in this his change by giddie inconstancie nor seekes to exempt himselfe from the austerities vsed in the Religion he professed before nor yet to procure him any Licence to carnall libertie In breefe he hopes not to attaine among vs any honours and treasures of the world Christ calling his followers here on earth to the Communion of the Cup of his Crosse and his sufferings To these protestations he hath added withall that hee hath no other aime but the quiet of his conscience and saluation of his soule And after he had publickly made his abiuration of the doctrine of the Romish Church and solemnly protested to liue and die in that of the Church reformed according to the Articles before openly pronounced we receiued him as a member thereof and gaue him this present attestation to stead him vpon any neede thereof Giuen at Mello the day and yeare aboue written B. Manceau Pastour of the saide Church René de la Court Esquire Lord of Boullay D. Chollet created at Mello Gracian Lord of Vergne Nourry P. Tauerneau Elders FINIS
THE VOLVNTARIE CONVERSION AND SEVERALL RECANTATIons of foure great learned men professed Fryers in sundry Monasteries of Fraunce FROM THE ERROVRS OF IDOLATRIE and Poperie to the true Religion established in the Reformed Church 1. Master Iohn Le Vager a Priest in the Romane Church conuerted at Mauns Ianuary 6. 2. Master Iohn Forent a Fryer Carmelite in the Couent of Morthemard conuerted in the Reformed Church of Poictiers Iune 9. 3. Master Denis Boucher a Franciscane Fryer in the Couent of Noisy neere Paris conuerted in the Reformed Church of Paris Iuly 6. 4. Master Daniell Dusert a Franciscan Fryer at Mello conuerted in the Church of Mello December 22. ¶ All conuerted this last yeare 1603. as their seuerall discourses following at large doe testifie vnder their owne hands Truely translated out of the French printed Copies ¶ Imprinted at London by Richard Bradocke for W. Iones dwelling at the signe of the Gun neere Holborne Conduit and are to be solde by W. Aspley in Paules Church-yard 1604. TO HIS WORTHILIE RESPECTED KINDE FRIEND Master George Gibson Citizen and Marchant Taylor of London IN regard of your many kindnesses and no other meanes remaining in mee of requitall except such as my condition alloweth I send you this small labour of mine being the seuerall conuersions of foure learned men from Popish errour and blinde superstition The fame of them hath beene farre extended in regard of the learned handling of each discourse which vpon consideration I am sure good iudgements both haue and will confesse no lesse I desire you to accept my good will and burie all defects in the honestie of mine intent toward you till better occasion may afford me a larger measure of loue on your behalfe This should haue been accōpanied with another excellent Treatise of a great Duchesses conuersion in the kingdome of France a learned Epistle of hers to her Lord and husband declaring her souls high comfort in her forsaking Idolatry and the maine Paradoxes of Popery very learnedly discouered but wanting leasure in regard of other very serious imployments I am enforced to let it rest till more apt opportunitie But I hope within short time to perfect it which then shall helpe to supply what wanteth in this toward you Till when as heretofore so shall I still remaine your poore wel-wishing friend any way by you to be vsed or commanded A PROFESSION OF FAITH MADE IN THE reformed Church of MAVNS the sixt day of Ianuary 1603. by Master IOHN LE VAGER sometimes a Priest in the Church of Rome AS it is vndoubtedly true that God most powerfully by his infinite goodnesse hath called vs all to the knowledge of his holy name to be his people and his Church whereon only he hath bestowed the treasures of his mercies and out of which there is no saluation at all so certainly if wee be desirous of this goodnesse and would participate of his blessings and mercies it behooueth vs to trauaile and study in the search of this Church to ioyne and incorporate our selues into the same And therefore let vs not imitate the heretique EVTICHVS who saide That as he had learned of his Fathers and beleeued in the Faith wherein he Concil Calced Act. 2. was borne euen so hee desired to dye Or as AVXENTIVS the Arrian who said That as he had learned from his infancie so Hillarius in 1. Epist ad Aux hee beleeued and would doe still Or as the Iewes thus speaking to Ieremie Wee and our Fathers haue done thus Or as our aduersaries Ier. 44. 17. at this day doe who tels vs that thus our fathers liued and beleeued To all which God thus answered by his Prophet Ezechiel Walke not yee in the ordinances of your Fathers neither obserue their waies nor defile your selues with their Ezech. 20. 18. 19. Idols I am the Lord your God walke in my Statutes and keepe my iudgements and doe them Search the Scriptures saith our Iohn 5. 39. Sauiour Christ to the Iewes And in the Gospel of S. Matthew also foretelling vs of the euil times which now are come vpon vs he doth aduertise vs that there shall be a desolation and reuolt in his Church and that many false Prophets shall arise who Math. 24. 11. shall come disguised in sheepes cloathing as now adaies wee see the like doone by our Monkes Capuchines and Iesuites who disguise themselues in habits of simplicitie of pouerty of sanctitie humilitie and leaue their owne common garments the better to seduce beguile poore simple people who suffer thēseues willingly to be led by their outward appearances according to the example of the ancient hypocritical Pharisies with their Philacteries and outward ceremonies Math. 23. 5. We haue a further admonition yet that when wee see this Math. 24. 5. cōfusion amongst false Prophets they wil say Heere is Christ others there is Christ as these dissemblers now vse to doe saying He is heere vnder the Cabinet in our faire guilded Temples where he yet workes strange miracles See heer the Iewes False miracles among the Fryers in Paris in Italy and elswhere Math. 24 16. Launce that pearced his pretious side it is heere on this Altar See heere a handkercher or napkin coloured with his bloode But I say that God commandeth vs in this confusion of deceiuing Prophets not to beleeue thē but that we should fly to the mountaines By which mountaines he insinuateth vnto vs that we should withdrawe make diligent search in the sacred Scriptures on the foundations whereof hee hath builded his Church So doth saint Iohn Chrysostome instruct speaking vpon that place When yee shal see the abhomination of desolation standing in the holy place the Lord commandeth vs saith he Math. 24. 15. Chrisost in opere imperfect that al Christians such as desire to holde a firmnesse in true faith should retyre themselues to the holy Scriptures for if they goe to any place else they will be scandalized and perish as not vnderstanding what the true Church is and so may easily fall into the abhomination of desolation crept into the holy places of the Church Origen in like manner saith Those soules that are ignorant of Origen in Mat. C. 24. the word of trueth and iustice and by that occasion are easily seduced cannot abide without seduction at the verie sight of the abhomination of desolation in the holy place Saint Hierome likewise saith At the comming of the Messias the people that had slept vnder their teachers enstructions went to the mountains Hierom. in Prophet C. 3. of the Scriptures and there found the old mountaines the mountaines of the Prophets and the mountaines of the new Testament And euen as flesh and bloud hath not reuealed Iesus Christ vnto vs but the Father which is in heauen so ought wee not to seeke for his Church according to our corporal sense but with the eyes of faith in the holy Scriptures wherein God himselfe speakes vnto vs and