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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A37593 Anno regni Caroli II, regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, duodecimo at the Parliament begun at Westminster, the five and twentieth day of April Anno Dom. 1660, in the twelfth year of the reign of our most gracious soveraign lord Charles, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, defender of the faith, &c.; Laws, etc. England and Wales. 1660 (1660) Wing E1144; ESTC R475135 16,590 14

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fortie and eight All which persons for their Execrable Treasons in Sentencing to death or Signing the Instrument for the Horrid Murther or being instrumental in taking away the precious Life of Our late Soveraign Lord CHARLES the First of Glorious Memory are left to be proceeded against as Traytors to His late Majestie according to the Laws of England and are out of this present Act wholly Excepted and Foreprized But in regard the said Owen Row Augustine Garland Edmond Harvey Henry Smith Henry Martin Sir Hardresse Waller Robert Titchborn George Fleetwood James Temple Thomas Wait Simon Meyn William Heveningham Isaac Penington Peter Temple Robert Lilburn Gilbert Millington Vincent Potter Thomas Wogan and John Downs have personally appeared and rendered themselves according to the Proclamation bearing Date the Sixth day of June One thousand six hundred and sixty to Summon the Persons therein named who gave Judgement and Assisted in the said Horrid and Detestable Murther of our said late Soveraign to appear and render themselves and do pretend thereby to some favour upon some conceived doubtfull Words in the said Proclamation Be it Enacted by this present Parliament and the Authority of the same upon the humble desire of the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled That if the said Owen Row Augustine Garland Edmond Harvey Henry Smith Henry Martin Sir Hardresse Waller Robert Titchborn George Fleetwood James Temple Thomas Wait Simon Meyn William Heveningham Isaac Peningon Peter Temple Robert Lilburn Gilbert Millington Vincent Potter Thomas Wogan and John Downs or any of them shall be legally Attained for the Horrid Treason and Murther aforesaid that then neverthelesse the Execution of the said Person and Persons so Attained shall be suspended until His Majesty by the Advise and Assent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament shall Order the Execution by Act of Parliament to be passed for that purpose Except also out of this present Act Oliver Cromwell deceased Henry Ireton deceased John Bradshaw deceased and Thomas Pride deceased Provided that nothing in this Act contained shall extend to discharge the Lands Tenements Goods Chattels Rights Trusts and other the Hereditaments late of the said Oliver Cromwell Henry Ireton John Bradshaw and Thomas Pride or of Isaac Ewer deceased Sir John Danvers deceased Sir Thomas Maleverer Baronet deceased William Purefoy deceased John Blakiston deceased Sir William Constable Baronet deceased Richard Dean deceased Francis Aleyn deceased Peregrin Pelham deceased John Moor deceased John Aldred alias Alured deceased Humphrey Edwards deceased Sir Gregory Nortin Baronet deceased John Venn deceased Thomas Andrews Alderman deceased Ambony Stapely deceased Thomas Horton deceased John Fry deceased Thomas Hamond deceased Sir John Bourchier deceased of and from such Pains Penalties and Forfeitures as by one other Act of Parliament intended to be hereafter passed for that purpose shall be Expressed and Declared And also except out of this present Act William Lord Mounson James Challoner Sir Henry Mildmay Sir James Harrington John Pbelps and Robert Wallop All which Persons did Act and Sir in that Trayterous assembly which in the month of January 1648. acted and proceeded against the life of our late Soveraign King Charles the first of Blessed Memory and are therefore reserved to such Pains Penalties and Forfeitures not extending to Life as by another Act intended to be passed for that purpose shall be Imposed on them And also except Sir Arthur Hesilrigg for and in respect only of such Pains Penalties and Forfeitures not extending to Life as by one Act intended to be hereafter passed for that purpose shall be Inflicted and Imposed Provided alwaies That John Hutchinson Esq and Francis Lassells shall be and are hereby made for ever incapable to Execute any Place or Office of Trust Civil or Military within this Kingdom And that the said Francis Lassells shall pay unto our Soveraign Lord the King One full years value of his Estate any thing herein before contained to the contrary notwithstanding Provided alwaies That this Act or any thing therein contained shall not extend to the Pardoning or to give any other benefit whatsoever unto Sir Henry Vane John Lambert or either of them but that they and either of them are and shall be out of this present Act wholly Excepted and Foreprized Provided that if William Lenthal William Burton Oliver St. John John Ireton Alderman Col. William Sydenham Col. John De●horow John Blackwell of Moreclack Christopher Pack Alderman Richard Keeble Charles Fleetwood John Pyne Richard Dean Major Richard Creed Philip Nye Clerk John Goodwin Clerk Sir Gilbert Pickering Col. Thomas Lister and Col. Ralph ●obbet shall after the First day of September 1660. accept or exercise any Office Ecclesiastical Civil or Military or any other publique Employment within this Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed that then such Person or Persons as do so accept or execute as aforesaid shall to all intents and purposes in Law stand as if he or they had been totally excepted by name in this Act. Provided likewise That all those who since the Fifth of December One thousand six hundred forty eight did give Sentence of Death upon any Person or Persons in any of the late Illegal and Tyrannical High Courts of Justice in England or Wales or signed the Warrant for Execution of any Person there condemned except Col. Richard Ingolsby and Col. Matthew Tomlinson shall be and are hereby made incapable of bearing any Office Ecclesiastical Civil or Military within the Kingdom of England or Dominion of Wales or of serving as a Member in any Parliament after the First day of September One thousand six hundred and sixty Provided also and it is Enacted That all and every the Persons appointed Trustees in a late pretended Act or Ordinance made in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred forty nine for and concerning Tithes appropriate Oblations Obventions Pensions Portions of Tithes appropriate Offerings Fee-farm Rents issuing out of the Tithes therein mentioned First-fruits and other things and Enacted or mentioned to be Enacted to be vested setled adjudged or deemed to be in the actual Seisin or Possession of such Person and Persons in the said pretended Act or Ordinance mentioned and their Heirs shall account for and be responsible for all Rents and Profits of the Premises which came to their hands and have not been by the said Trustees or their Order disbursed disposed or imployed for the maintenance of Ministers or other uses according to the said pretended Act or Ordinance or some other Act Order or Ordinance made in the years of our Lord 1650. 1654. and 1656 by any assembly called or reputed a Parliament or assuming the power of Parliament according to the intention of such Act Acts or Ordinances and the Agents and Receivers under the Order of the said Trustees and the Occopiers and Tenants of the premises who have taken the premises or profits thereof into their hands without agreement to pay Rent therefore and have
named mentioned or expressed in that behalf any Estate Liberties Franchises or Hereditaments in England or Ireland sold or disposed of by both or either Houses of Parliament or any Convention assuming the stile or name of a Parliament or any person or persons deriving Authority from them or any of them or which was approved or confirmed by them or any of them Nor to the Mean Profits Rents or contingencies of advantage of the same And it is further provided and Enacted That every person or persons hereby pardoned may plead the general issue without special pleading of this pardon and give this Act of Pardon in evidence for his discharge and that the same shall be thereupon allowed and the advantage thereof had as fully to all intents and purposes as if the same had been fully and well pleaded And in such manner as any Justice of the Peace Constable or other Officer questioned for matters acted by them as Officers or in execution of their Offices may have advantage of the matter of their justification upon the general Issue by them pleaded by the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom Provided also That this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend or be Interpretes to extend to pardon any Person or Persons whatsoever for any Theft or Stealing of any Goods or other Felonies since the Fourth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred fifty and nine any thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wise Notwithstanding Provided also That neither this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend to Acquit or Discharge any Person or Persons from making restitution of all such Rents Sums of Money Horses Cattel or other Goods which by a certain Act or pretended Act lately made Entituled An Act for Repeal of two Acts for Sequestrations Are required to be restored to those from whom they were taken Nor shall this present Act be construed to Disable or Bar the respective Owners or Proprietors of and from their several and respective Actions or Suits at Law or in Equity for or by reason of the said or any other Rents Moneys Horses Cattels or Goods which since the Five and twentyeth day of July One thousand six hundred fifty and nine have been by any Person or Persons wrongfully received or taken away and for which the said Wrong doers are not in any wise Indempnified by the said or any other Act of Repeal And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no person or persons who by vertue of any Order or Warrant mediately or immediately derived from his late Majesty or His Majesty that now is or by vertue of any Act Ordinance or Order of any or both Houses of Parliament or any of the Authorities aforesaid or any Committee or Committees acting under them or any of them have Seized Sequestred Levyed Advanced or Paid to any Publique Use or into any Publique Treasury within this Kingdom any Goods Chattels Debts Rents Sum or Sums of Mony belonging to any person or persons whatsoever shall hereafter be sued Molested or Drawn into Question for the same but that they and every of them shall be Discharged against all persons for so much and no more of the said Goods Chattels Debts Rents Sum or Sums of Money as their several and respective Orders of Discharge or Acquittances extend unto Provided also That nothing herein contained shall extend to Discharge any person or persons who have been by private Order or Instructions imployed and intrusted or have undertaken the imployment to Receive any Sum or Sums of Money for the Kings Majesties Service or Supply since the year One thousand six hundred forty and eight from making their Accompts for the same Provided also That this Act shall not extend to Pardon or Discharge from Accompt to the Kings Majesty any person or persons for any Sum or Sums of Money received for that illegal Tax of Decimation or upon the Accompt of any Militia setled or acted in since One thousand six hundred forty and eight and not accompted for or paid over or discharged to or by any that had Authority or pretended Authority to discharge the respective Receivers of the same Provided also That if any person or persons being his Majesties Mesnial Servant or Servants or having or pretending to have received particular Instructions or Directions from His Majesty have during the time of such his or their relation unto His Majesty or whilest he or they were acting or pretending to act for His Majesties interest in pursuance of the said Instructions or Directions wilfully maliciously and trayterously held intelligence with any forein Prince or Princes State or States or with any person or persons usurping Supreme Authoritie in this Kingdom or other his Majesties Dominions or with their or either of their Ministers or Agents or without His Majesties License and to the intent to betray his Majesties Person or Counsels or have received any Sum or Sums of Money or pension for such Treachery That then such person and persons as to the Offence in this Proviso mentioned shall be and is hereby Excepted out of this Act any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding so as such person or persons be Outlawed or otherwise legally Convicted of such Offence or Offences within the space of Two years from the Five and twentieth day of April One thousand six hundred and sixtie Provided that this Act of General pardon or any thing therein contained shall not extend to the pardoning or discharging of any Debts or Sums of Money due to or for the Excise of any Goods or Merchandise whereof any Entries have been made in the Custom-House which have grown due since the Twenty fifth day of March One thousand six hundred fifty and eight or to the pardonining or discharging of any Debts or Sums of Money due to the Farmers or pretended Farmers of Excise since the Twenty fifth day of March One thousand six hundred fifty and seven Provided also That this Act nor any thing therein contained shall extend to pardon discharge or give any other Benefit whatsoever unto Iohn Lisle William Say Sir Hardress Waller Valentine Wanton Thomas Harrison Edward Whalley William Heveningham Isaac Penington Henry Martin John Barkstead Gilbers Millington Edmund Ludlow Sir Michael Livesey Robert Titchborn Owen Row Robert Lilburn Adrian Scroop Iohn Okey Iohn Hewson William Goff Cornelius Holland Thomas Challoner Iohn Carew Iohn Iones Miles Corbet Henry Smith Gregory Clement Thomas Wogan Edmund Harvey Thomas Scot William Cawley Iohn Downs Nicholas Love Vincent Potter Augustine Garland Iohn Dixwel George Fleetwood Simon Meyn Iames Temple Peter Temple Daniel Blagrave Thomas Wait Iohn Cook Andrew Broughton Edward Dendy William Howlet Hugh Peters Francis Hacker Daniel Axtel not any of them nor to those Two persons or either of them who being Disguised by Frocks and Vizors did appear upon the Scaffold erected before Whitehall upon the Thirtieth of Ianuary One Thousand six hundred