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A30830 The Banish'd duke, or, The tragedy of Infortunatus acted at the Theatre Royal. 1690 (1690) Wing B645; ESTC R16784 33,769 64

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Privy Council shall be one Rog. I 'll prove a Loyal Subject till I dye I 'll fight with Courage for your Majesty Infort A country Clown if Knighted may advance As far in Battle as the King of France Take here this Hat and Coat laid o're with Gold And prove a warlike Champion brisk and bold That I may be convinced that there can Be Courage in a Clown and country-man As for your Friend if he will draw but nigh With equal Honour I 'll him dignify Rich. I 'll be no Knight I 'll rather Chimneys sweep If I work hard at night I 'll soundly sleep I 'll rather be contented in my mind Than be a Knight and go beyond my Kind For Knights without a competent Estate Must learn to beg and curse their rigid Fate Infort Base Slave dost thou my Favours thus deny And all my Royal proffers vilify But that thou art so much a Fop and Clown This Sword of Honour should dispatch thee soon No prudent Prince can think in any case To gain a Rebel by an Act of Grace Hence then Impostor from my presence fly Less than the shadow of Nonentity Exit Richardus Ferdin Great Sir your Army waiteth till you come I hear the Trumpets sound and beat of Drum Trumpet soundeth and Drums beat without Infort We 'll march with all our Military Force We 'll muster every man both Foot and Horse Exeunt The SCENE Alba Aula Regalis King Romanus 's Palace Enter King Romanus with his Privy Counsellours Alberlo Cancellarius Petrus Manlius Calamus Roman You are my Privy Counsellors and I Am your bright Sun of Sovereign Majesty You are Great Britain's Wise and Watch-men now And under me the Kingdom 's safeguard too Now I intend if I possess my Crown To pull all Protestants in Albion down Then give me Counsel that is grave and wise To proseucte so brave an enterprize Petr. Command all English Hereticks to turn And such as will not I will cause to burn We cannot think their ruin to prevent Who never eat God in the Sacrament Calam. Hold base Impostor thou dost boldly lye No man can make a Blessed Deity For God's but One from all Eternity Pet. How Q W dost thou think that a Crime I have made Twenty thousand in my time And as some Creatures their own Brood do eat I have devour'd them up like other meat Calam. Blasphemous wretch depriv'd of all that 's good That dost pretend to eat such Flesh and Blood Confounder of the Kingdom and that 's worse Of Christendom the blemish stain and curse Perswade not thus thy Prince to any thing That will him quickly to subjection bring No King nor Court e're peaceable will be That is frequented by such Ghosts as thee Rom. Did we come here to hector scold or dance Or speak of things of greater importance Be silent then and be contented so Or else I 'll make you both to prison go But Calame give Councel if you can Since you are known to be a Subtile man Calam. If you would have the Church of Albion fall Grant Liberty of Conscience to all Then when Lord Bishop Jack and others fight The Pope of Rome comes in to plead his Right And then the weakest side will out of doubt Joyn with the party that can bear it out Thus all your Clergy-men like Fox and Geese Will rather driven be than lose their Fleece Pet. The Church of Albion is but near a Kin To Mother Church which they call Man of Sin Therefore it will be found an easy thing The Daughter with the Mother yet to bring In favour that the Romish Clergy may Stop from the World all means to read and pray Canc. You are mistaken Sir there are great odds 'Twixt Englands Church and Popish Wooden-Gods As in those Controversies which we know You are run down and daily find it so Cal. You speak it all for Priests can swear and vow And Hector out how much they 'll act and do But if they will accomplish their desire It must not be by Learning but by Fire Pet. You 're but the Spawn of Papists and the Brood Of Jesuits that now would suck your Blood They sent you out at first to make a Rent In Albion without Word or Sacrament Thus your Religion is a Popish Lye Grown up and swaddled in State-policy Hood-wink'd a Pilgrim of Apostacy Cal. Thou wicked Monster of the Man of Sin Compar'st with me that 's Lucify'd within Religion must to Loyalty submit And Conscience give preheminence to Wit I would discover else thy Popish Mass And then make bare the Romish Nakedness Enter Messenger in haste Mess Frighted with warlike noise and beat of Drum I from the West of Albion am come To tell your Majesty an horrid plot Deep dangerous and super-treason hot Which Duke Infortunatus in a Cell In shady Groves and Dungeons dark as Hell Hath long contriv'd and 's likely to undo The Roman Interest and your Greatness too He 's come from Belgium landed on our shore With all the Grandeur that he had before The Forces were but few which he did bring Now he 's grown Great and is proclaimed King He values not your Guards he says a pin Whilst Volunteers in Companies come in Rom. And are you sure he 's landed on our Shore Mess I saw himself ane heard his Cannons roar The Drums did beat the Trumpets made a sound As if they would the Universe confound He in a printed paper doth declare Altho' a Bastard that he 's Albion's Heir And speaketh more disgracefully of you Concerning Subdus and Fraternus too Rom. I kick'd the Bastard once quite out of doors Made him as low as other Sons of VVhores Now he 's return'd to pull his Unkle down To wrestle with me once more for the Crown I value not the Venom of his Gall But hope in time to make the Traitour fall Alb. How can he term himself the lawful Heir Of Albion whilst his Father did declare Before his Death that he had never been Wedded to any but his present Queen Alb. Great Sir then grant me Liberty to go T' oppose his Force and prove his mortal Foe Rom. When Albion once before was in distress Your Father did restore its Happiness Now I 'll intrust his Son to save that Crown From him who strives t' Eclipse and pull it down Take all my Foot-guard-Forces great and small Along with you and be their General Confine the swelling multitude till I In Horse and Foot afford you more supply I 'll send you Gallus Thorpius and Stirk And these three Champions will do the work VVith them I 'll send ten thousand Men in arms To fright the Rebels with their fresh Alarms Alber. Great Sir I 'll prove Magnanimous and true And Loyal as my Father was to you If kill'd I 'll bid your Majesty adieu Exit Alberlo Enter Papissa in Passion Pap. Infortunatus now return'd again I take both Name and Person in disdain Shall he a
gain'd the day Roman Then let the Guard that brings the Traytors in Let him escape a Monument of Sin But how behav'd my Souldiers Manl. Such Men as they no Age could parallel How can those equall'd be who all excel Yet not the Red alone Exploits can do This long Black Gown hath done good service too I fir'd the Ordinance so that downright Some were cut off the rest soon put to flight Roman I shall not be forgetful to requite Those Loyalists that serv'd me in the fight Enter Infortunatus Guarded his hands bound Roman Was 't you who lately made the World admire All your Atchievements then huff'd with desire Of Greatness ' gainst my Person did conspire To Infortunatus Was 't you who from Mankind such Friendship got Great Credit Fame and Honour and what not Invincible for you was termed so Tho' now like some mean Beast to th' Ax you go Just as the Lark that flew so high before That she fell down and never rose up more Infort I am the Man that lately was admir'd And ' against your Popish Person have conspir'd Loose but my hands and you shall quickly see The last Exploit of Magnanimity Roman I 'll see your last breath first your Person dead I 'll deal with you when shorter by the head Take him away let him in Prison lye Till I appoint the day when he shall dye Infort Thou Popish Prince think'st thou that ever I Was daunted Or that I 'm affraid to dye I 'd rather fall by any Hangmans hand Than live a Subject under thy command I 'll dye with courage tho' my Death 's unjust Thus the admired Phoenix one day must Drop to her Nest and there turn into Dust The Guards carry him to Prison Roman I 'm griev'd to see such Spirits in their prime Cut down and drop before the Harvest time I rather he in Battel had been slain Than be exposed now to such disdain I gladly could prolong his wretched Life Were it not for my importuning Wife Calam. Keep him in Prison and some pity take Upon his person for great Caesar's sake Cancell A King that pardons such a one as he Opens the door to all Conspiracy Your Sacred person never will be safe If you to him a Pardon do vouchsafe Manl. With expedition order off his Head Grant him a Pardon after he is dead Enter two Ladies who fall on their knees Lad. Great Sir we 're come laden with grief and tears To beg admittance to your sacred ears And supplicate your Goodness that you will Forbear Infortunatus Blood to spill The pearl of Mercy is a precious thing And much to be desired in a King If you grant this it will renown you more Than all the Acts of Grace e're done before Of all your Subjects you will gain such love That never one will hence a Traytor prove Roman What can be done Enter Papissa in passion with a stern countenance Papis What beg these whining Whores Manl. They beg the King A suit of wonders and a monstrous thing To spare the Traytor but himself is dead If he forgive him till he lose his Head Papis Be gone you Whores You both deserve to be Lash'd at the Cart and pay a Bridewell-fee Exeunt Ladies To morrow e're it be quite Twelve a Clock The Traytor 's Head shall be laid on the Block Where he shall pay for all his former guilt A Rebels blood is never too soon spilt He shall not have a day more to repent And that 's the way his pardon to prevent I 'll neither eat nor drink nor sleep nor lye Until the Traytor for his Treason dye Exeunt omnes The SCENE a Place of Execution Enter Infortunatus Guarded the Executioner following with the Axe Infort Is this my Funeral Day wherein I must Submit to crawling Worms and turn to Dust I am more happy in my fatal Doom Than those who live in slavery unto Rome King Romanus cannot shun a fall When God writes MENE TEKEL on the Wall Enter Manlius Man Talk no more Treason but Iay by your hate Confess your Crimes and then submit to Fate Infort What Crimes Vain-glorious Man dost thou With vain pretences come to plague me now Be gone base Slave and from my Scaffold fly I 'll not be taught by you the way to die If you prate more I by my Axe of Steel Will make your Face my dying Passion feel Man I do perswade you only if I can To die a Penitent good Christian Infort He that doth Preach Death from a Cannons mouth Doth never cure and seldom speaks the Truth He that design'd to kill me with a Ball Will never raise me up but make me fall If I have left my Peace to make till now It were a work too hard for me to do The Scene openeth and all the Instruments of Death with a black Coffin appear Manl. By King Romanus I was hither sent Your long delays and uproars to prevent And see that long'd-for Blow that will divide Your Head and Body and all feuds decide Infort Since you to suck my Blood have such desire I 'll quickly grant you what you do require Make ready Executioner for I Shall soon be in a readiness to dye Execut. Forgive me that which I must undertake Your Death doth make my panting heart to quake Infort And why so much a Coward 'T is your place Execut. I 'd rather dye than butcher up your Grace Infort I do forgive you freely therefore do That which the Laws of Catholicks allow Come shed my Blood and take this for your trouble All Men are Dust their Life 's but a Bubble giveth him some reward Here he stoppeth a little I had the Love of all of none the Hate Dandled upon the knees of Church and State Now must submit my self to Divine Fate Layeth down his Head to the Block Stoppeth again Forbear your Blow till my mind fixed be To the Executioner On Heaven above and long Eternity After a short meditation he giveth the Executioner a sign who immediately instead of his Neck striketh him in the Shoulder Execut. O cruel stroke O thrice unhappy Day My trembling hand mistakes the bloody way At the next blow the Executioner divideth his Head from his Body and the Corps being put in a Coffin are carried away all present mourning and bewailing his Fate and Tragick end ACT. IV. The SCENE Alba Aula Regalis Enter King Romanus Papissa Cancellarius and Calamus Roman THis blow has struck Rebellion dead and I Shall Reign Great Albion's Monarch till I dye My Foes are all evanish'd like a Cloud Dissolv'd in Air and perish'd in their Blood Now lest my Kingdoms kick and grudge to be Subjected to my Yoke of Popery I 'll keep a standing Army that will bring Them to obey me tho' a Popish King Yet here I 'll stop the Current of my rage And bring no Rebels more upon the Stage Calam. By force of Arms a King may soon subdue A weak unarm'd
untrain'd rebellious Crew And afterwards compel them to inherit The just reward of their Deserts and Merit Yet tho' the Sword of Justice be a thing That 's much to be desired in a King Better his Subjects love him for his Good Than tremble at his shedding Seas of Blood Then pardon those deluded Men that rose Against their King and sided with his Foes Rom. I 'll take your Counsel for 't is wise and good I 'll live in Peace and shed no Subjects Blood Yet will in Spite of all my Subjects Noses Promote the Pope whoever it opposes Pap. Think you a drop of base rebellious Blood Can quench my Rage that doth require a Flood And will incense the Universe and Sky Unless the Western Country Rebels dye No no Revenge my Passion doth recruit And every Tree shall hang with human Fruit. Go Cancellarius soon and imp your Rage With all the Furies of this stubborn Age Fly to the West let your Revenge be hot Disgorge out Halters from your fiery Throat Hang up those Traytors of the Western King And every Rebel to Subjection bring No pity take but pass a lawless Doom On all who did not own the cause of Rome Let Widows tears and Orphans crys prevail No more with you than Toueser with his Tail Of Human Bodies Sinews Blood and Bone I 'll Beacons build as high as Babylon Canc. I 'll smoak in Fury and perform your Will Whatever you command be 't good or ill I 'll take no pity but possess their Wealth And hang themselves up to the Kings Good Health Rom. Since she must have it so pray get you gone I 'm sure e're long she 'll pull me from my Throne Calam. Great Queen 't is neither necessar nor wise To prosecute so bad an Enterprize 'T is strange to see you in your Fury strive To make your Foes your Greatness to survive Pap. I 'll have my Will and make the Traytors fall I 'll reign and rule I 'm one against them all Exit Canc. Enter Don Ferdinando and falleth on his Knees Ferd. I 'm come to beg Forgiveness of my Crimes That 's lately done and that of older Times If that your Majesty will pardon me I 'll henceforth still a Loyal Subject be Rom. Hence get thee gone Thou author of Mischief Thou mad'st the Breach and cur'd it to my Grief Go live in shame no punishment of Time Can equalize a Turn-Coat Traytors Crime Ferd. I am the Man that kept you on your Throne And now you slight and bid get me gone Your foes I did out-wit on your account And this is all to which it doth amount I do deserve to be promoted high And be your greatest Subject till I dye Rom. A Traytor once will be a Traytor still Turns with the Times t' accomplish all his Will Hence then thou Villain Bane of Church and State I love the Treason but the Traytor hate Exeunt Omnes The SCENE Villa Rasa Occidentalis Enter Cancellarius with Four Constables Canc. By King Romanus I was hither sent Treasons and Insurrections to prevent And to reward those Rebels who of late Strove to subvert both Kingdom Church and State Const We in Obedience to our King did seize Such Rebels as their Fancy fond to please Did in Rebellion rise to overthrow The Government with King Romanus Foe Speak but the word we 'll bring them here to you That you may judge them and condemn them too Canc. We 'll hang them first and then to Tryal bring Such Traytors as rose up against their King They shall be hurry'd hence that others may Be made more wary what to do or say I 'll take no pity nor prolong the time But every one shall suffer for his crime Then bring them here that I may quickly ease Papissa's Fury and Romanus please Exeunt Three Constables Enter Country-maid in a straw Hat and falleth upon her knees before Cancellarius Maid Thrice noble Sir grave Judge that 's just and true With mournful Tears I do petition you Canc. Speak on fair Maid for certainly I will Grant your Request and your Desire fulfil Maid My Sweet-Heart went to see the Rebels Host And was imprison'd there till all was lost Now since he was detain'd by warlike Force And neither serv'd as Souldier Foot nor Horse Forgive his crime preserve him safe and sound And you shall have in Gold Three Hundred pound Canc. Give me your Gold and I shall save his Life I hope you 'll prove to him a loving Wife Maid Here is the Gold I freely give it you Giveth him a Bag of Guineas As you have spoke I hope you 'll likewise do Canc. Let me be hang'd or else in Prison lye To my last Breath if your Sweet-Heart shall dye Enter Lady Penelope in an old torn Gown a Page holding up her Train in a sorrowful manner and presenteth a Petition to Cancellarius which he readeth thus To the Right Honourable c. The Humble Petition of Sir Roger Ringwode Knight Sheweth THat at the earnest request of my Sweet-heart who is now my Wife and the Bearer hereof I was made a Knight of Honour by King Infortunatus of Blessed Memory whom I faithfully served all the time he was in the West and therefore think it contrary to the nature of Law and Chivalry to try a Person of Quality with the ordinary Rabble or hang an honest man with the common crew Therefore thought it convenient to advise you to let me have the judgment and sentence of a free Parliament But if without any delay you will be pleased to set me at Liberty my Lady will give you five pound which is more than what we are worth in the world Which of you do your Petitioner will be always willing to serve you Sir R. R. Knight Canc. Where are those pounds that are in number five For which I must preserve a Knight alive She giveth him a Bag with Five Pound I 'll take the mony for 't is none of yours And make you an Example to all Whores Your Life is forfeit and your Husbands too With all the Necks of the Rebellious Crew Which with Infortunatus did combine To prosecute his desperate design Your name 's Penelope I heard of you And all your pranks of Treason you did do You gave your King a Petticoat of Scarlet To be a Standard like a bold-fac'd Harlot Take her away in Prison let her lye The Constable layeth hold on her For Treason she shall with Sir Roger dye Pen. What aid could I to any Host afford Who never could endure to touch a Sword 'T is true I to Infortunatus sold A Petticoat which he repay'd in Gold But how can this so great a crime set forth To sell a thing for more than thrice the worth Const Pray spare the womans Life and let her be From her Confinement set at Liberty Canc. If I her life preserve I 'll make her dance Another Jigg than she can learn in France Constable leadeth Penelope
Council and with them Advise A Council that 's both Godly Grave and Wise To them propose whatever you think fit And then let them Debate and Judge of it Delay no more Delays are ever curst And Long-Bill'd-Birds do always sing the worst Infor. I 'll take Advice of those who 're Good and True And Ferdinando I put Trust in you Ferd. Let me a Cuckold be my Wife turn Whore Let me ne'er Prosper as I 've heretofore Let me turn Coward and be bath'd in Sin Kiss my own Sisters when my Wife lies in If I on any terms whatever do Betray my Trust or e'er prove False to you Exeunt Omnes The SCENE King Romanus his Palace Enter Romanus and Petrus Impostor Rom. All my designs I cunningly have wrought This stubborn Nation to subjection brought I taught my Foes e're they were sick to dye Now I 'll profess the Art of Monarchy I 'll make Great Albion's Neck my Yoke to bear Who will not love me I 'll compel to fear I 'll keep no word with Hereticks till I O'rethrow their Church and set up Popery And all my trembling Subjects shall obey Without enquiring what I do or say Pet. His Holiness of Rome still influence Your undertakings and be your defence We 'll sacrifice our Gods and shall not fail To use all means to make the Church prevail Which I am sure can never well be done Unless you do contrive to get a Son This will secure your Kingdoms and your Crown And be a means to pull Usurpers down Rom. Come work this Miracle I love the thing To be the Father of a Popish King If thou 'lt do this I 'll certainly restore Rome's Revenues which we kept back before I 'll make my best and greatest Subjects go To Rome and kiss his Holiness's Toe Pet. Great Sir if you the Roman Church restore And make her sound as she was once before And all those wicked Hereticks but burn Who to the Romish Faith refuse to turn We 'll send you Relicks Pardons Holy Beads Paul's Teeth a Bushel two of Peter's Heads Your venial Sins Transgressions great and small Past Present and to come We 'll Pardon all And when you 're dead for Songs you shall not want We 'll canonize you for a Holy Saint And all who turn to Popery shall hove Power To Drink and Swear to Murder Steal and Whore Rom. The Devil 's in that Man that would ask for more Enter Papissa Pap. What Plots of Wit and Stratagems of War In Brains quite void of Sence do you prepare I am Great Albion's stately head and can Out-wit the Projects of an Ancient Man Without your Aid I quickly will pull down All Hereticks before my Royal Crown My Subjects I will to Subjection bring I 'm their whole Queen and will be half their King I'il wear the Royal Breeches and I 'll make Throweth by her Gown and sheweth a Pair of Scarlet Breeches All Protestants to tremble and to quake And if Romanus you offended be I 'll snatch the Sword and rule the Monarchy The Roman Church in Albion I 'll advance I 'll have but one Religion as in France I 'll tame my stubborn Subjects till they know The flaming fury of a Popish Foe Rom. Hold hold Papissa for I can't allow To bear the Sword and wear the Breeches too You would unking and pull me from my Throne But you had best make haste and get you gone Pap. How gone I hitherto my ground have stood I 'm come of more than Royal Holy Blood My Unkle is the lofty Pope of Rome That doth command all Kings in Christendom Then by our Lady and the Popes Great Toe She pulleth him by the Cravat and Perriwig You put me in a rage by saying so Rom. How Confidence This cannot be endur'd Call in the Guards and let her be secur'd Enter Cancellarius Canc. Great Madam I 'm asham'd to see such actions Which presage more and greater Court-distractions Pap. A King 's but like another Man to me Should he live Fopp I will an Empress be Rom. Was ever King Infortunate like me Who Married one below my Pedegree That now insults and hectors as you see Ex. Omnes The SCENE Infortunatus 's Chamber Enter Infortunatus Belgicus Ferdinando Flavius and Ingenioso Infor. The Members of my Council are but few Yet hope they 're Worthy Valiant Wise and True You know my Father 's lately dead and gone And now Romanus doth possess his Throne He was the Man that did undo us all Who Banish'd me and did contrive my Fall But I 'm resolv'd with all the speed I can To go for Albion and list every Man That will prove Faithful to my Cause and me And set oppressed wretched Albion free Yet I would know your mind e're we go hence In a design of so great consequence Belg. Brave Sir a clearer case was never known Than for a Prince to plead to have his own We 'll hast to Sea both Men and Arms prepare Your cause is just if you be Lawful Heir You shall have all the aid I can afford I 'll be the first Man that shall go on Board Ferd. There 's no necessity at such a time To clear our cause of any forged Crime Or to excuse our selves of Treason since Romanus ever was a Popish Prince Tho' Timists should be guilty and refuse Assistance to our Forces let them choose Yet no true Protestants can aid deny Unless Self-Interest give their Souls the lye Then rouse Brave Prince assure your self that we In all designs victorious will be The great Temptations that we do endure May drive us to so desperate a Cure We 're Banish'd Broke of all our Friends depriv'd Of Wives and Children too And now arriv'd In a strange Country of another Tongue E're we 'll live so our Foes shall eat their dung in great Passion We 'll unthrone Kings the Popish Priests o'rethrow And make the Pope himself subjection know We 'll drown Candaula in a Scarlet Flood I 'll dy my Sword in Babylonian Blood I long until I land on Albion's Shore To raise a Tempest of Blood Wounds and Gore Flav. Doubt not your success but put all your trust In Providence and in a Cause so just I 'll preach and pray the Heavens to influence Your Expedition and be your defence I will stir up all Protestants to fight For you who strives to keep them in their right I 'll raise my voice above the beat of Drum And whether Men will or not I 'll make them come Ingen. Hold Gentlemen I am not of your mind You waste your courage in a cloud of Wind. Romanus now is Albion's great defence Who covers all his projects with Pretence And Tongues of popish Princes are set out With guilded words but poyson'd at the Root His Subjects will believe him for a while And all accost him with a grateful Smile But e're a year go round they 'll find that he Will prove perfidious false like Popery Then
all Religious Subjects will combine To bring you home and forward your design Therefore forbear distractions to prevent And live another Year in Banishment Infort 'T is strange to see Men of politick wit Nibble at all and yet at nothing hit 'T is not observable what any says As long 's a Council drives contrary ways Call in some Conjurer that I may know If we shall Albion's Monarch overthrow Enter Conjurer in a prodigious dress and with a formidable aspect staring Infortunatus in the Face Conjur Great Prince I am come here at your command To answer you whatever you demand Infort Tell me thou Son of Satan if I shall By force of Arms make Albion's Monarch fall Conjur Leo ascends and looks unto the Moon After he had looked on an Almanack or Conjuring Book He roars and threatens to pull Taurus down And so I know by this your Planet's good You 'l conquer Albion without shedding Blood Infort This Astronomick Fool Nonsense doth prate But cannot tell our Fortunes nor our Fate Old Antoninus could discover more Than all th' Enchanters of the Scarlet Whore Canst thou not in the twinkling of an Eye Bring here the Ghost of old Calastrophy Conjur I 'll try The Conjurer goes under a Hanging and maketh an hideous noise through a Reed or speaking Trumpet in these or such Words Rabbi David Eliazer cumque Nicolosa Vinsamor mnmus absumus abchaos abdemor Gorgon Enter Ghost in a White Shroud Infort Advance pale Ghost that 's in a Surplice come From Styx or Lethe or Elisium Fill up a Glass of State-Politick Wine Taketh up a Drinking Glass I 'll drink my Service to this grim Divine Old Gentleman that looks so pale and green Good Health to all our Friends where you have been Ghost What wicked Madness doth possess your Brain To bring me from my residence again In Life you brought in danger my gray Head Now you molest me after I am dead Infort Hold hold Old Man And why a Wheedler still I 'll make you serve me now against your Will I 'm half a Monarch and desire to know If I shall King Romanus overthrow My Father 's Dead and he doth wear his Crown A Popish Prince therefore would pull him down Ghost Are there no Men alive could let you know If your Designs would take effect or no Go go and prosper whilst your Head is hot Though all will prove but like the former Plot Yet in a few days space you shall with me In silent Grave a Residenter be Flav. Old Friend Why dost thou thus possess our Ears With Ghostly Maggots Jealousies and Fears As tho' we knew not what and how to do In great Exploits of War as well as you He is invited o'r with sighs and smiles By all the People within Albion's Isles And is assur'd as soon's he comes to Land To have both Gold and Money at command There have been several Messengers here sent For him the Kingdom 's ruine to prevent For Popish Kings serve but to ruine Nations They keep no Word for Mental Reservations Let your Prediction then be smooth and good Without effusion of a Sea of Blood That our great want of Armour now may be Supply'd by you in Magnanimity And we may boldly fight in such a Cause Lives Church and State Religion and our Laws Ghost Leave off to talk for I will speak no more Of your Design than I have done before Infort Thou Church-Hobgobling Mountebank of State Time's Weather-cock confounder of my Fate I thee adjure by Earth and by the Sea And all the dark Intrigues 'twixt thee and me By that broad Beard and by thy Triple Name By Babel's Whore and thy immortal Fame To tell me if to Albion I shall go And whether it will prove my overthrow Ghost Go go in haste and Sail the swelling Main I 'll tell you more when you return again Infort Hence get thee gone Impostor of the Age And act no more on this inferiour Stage But that I know thou art already Dead I would cut off thy old Politick Head Draws his Sword and strikes whilst the Ghost evanisheth Sure I can worst a Babylonian ELF The Pope of Rome When I can frighten thus Grim Mars himself Enter Messenger from Albion Messeng Brave Prince I 'm come from Albion to declare That you 're reputed there our Lawful Heir And tho your Unkle doth possess the Crown His Subjects do not love him pull him down A Roman Catholick who never sticks To falsify his Word to Hereticks His Queen 's an Empress and in spite of Fate She 'll steer the Helm of Kingdom Church and State She wears the Royal Breeches yet must do What e're the Pope of Rome commands her to And tho her Crimes and Wickedness abound To spot the Skies and Albion confound His Holiness as all her Priests do tell Can save her Soul and sing her out of Hell She doth protest and swear by all that 's good Taking her Oath in Sacraments of Blood That Albion's Church shall suddenly fall down And kneel before the Pope's great Triple Crown Our Bleeding Nation thus relief defers Whilst Church and State turn your Petitioners We 'll rather choose before your feet to fall Than be a Foot stool to a Cannibal That Cannibal which in subjection brings All Powers on Earth Deposing mighty Kings Our case the object of your pity make Since we and all we have do lie at stake Come o'r then come let not your Heart be faint You neither shall for Men nor Money want Ne'r fear your Fate nor what Rome's rage can do We serve our selves in standing close to you You still have been the object of our eye Our confidence whereon we do rely Now Peers and People solemnly do vow To rise and fall to live and dye with you Yea Nodnol-City can and will alone Secure your Right and set you on the Throne Infort My Fleet is Rigg'd I 'll quickly go to Sea This Sword of mine shall set three Nations free Ingen. Forbear brave Sir for what wise Prince relies Without assurance on uncertainties Great Words blown up with promises of Air Delude the Mind but vanish in Despair Should you but go to Albion and then find Your expectation blasted by the Wind You would your self undo three Nations bring In greater Slavery to a Popish King Infort If you prate more this Sword shall run you thorow But all prepare to go on Board to morrow Exeunt omnes The SCENE Petrus Impostor's Chamber Enter Petrus Impostor in a Ghostly Popish Dress with Formosa a Proselite Popish Maid Formos My Ghostly Father I 'm come to confess My Youthful Sins and Wanton Wickedness Petr. Come let us have near converse with another He proffereth to take her under the Hanging And then I 'll pardon all your sins together Formos I keep my Lent and justly can deny With Ghostly Fathers in a Bed to lye Petr. Then let me So small a matter will not turn you Whore Formos
Bastard born an empty Clown Be Heir to France and wear Great Albion's Crown Base born ill bred and base till in his Tomb Base as his Mothers How can he for a Lawful Right now plead Cast Out-Law'd and condemn'd to lose his Head I can out of this Pillow which you see Produce a Royal Prince as good as he Which may as soon by Transubstantation Be made his Highness in this fruitful Nation She pulleth a Pillow from under her Gown throweth it among them Man Rather than he shall wear Great Albion's Crown I 'll burn my Surplice and throw by my Gown Renounce the Clergy cut the Church asunder And turn Bonarges or a Son of Thunder Tho old I 'll be a Gospel-Granadeer And roar in smoak like Babels Cannoneer I with the carnal Sword my Flock shall feed And preach such Doctrine as shall make them bleed Whilst every word Granado-like shall smell Of Fire and Brimstone that came up from Hell Calam. Don Ferdinando that 's cunning in deceit Declar'd a Rebel both to Church and State Is with th' Usurper and commands his Horse And bears the rule of all his warlike Force Send him a Pardon of his former crimes Committed now and at all other times He will betray the Traitor with these few Deluded Myrmidons that trouble you Thus you will save much blood from being spilt Until you hang the Rebels for their Guilt Rom. I do approve your Council and I 'll go With speed and serve the Grand Usurper so Exeunt omnes The SCENE Infortunatus's Quarters Enter Infortunatus Ferdinando Flavius and Ingenioso Infort I 've call'd you here in haste to know if I Shall still go on or my design lay by You see those Peers and Nobles that did vow To aid me with their Lives and Money too Have prov'd perfidious been but Traps and Snares To draw me in a Labyrinth of Cares If I fly back again to whence I came The Roman rage will flourish to a flame If I resolve the Romanists to fight And should be beat and put unto the flight Then all those poor men now that follow me To Queen Papissa sacrific'd will be Alberlo rampant to resist me 's come With men well disciplin'd by beat Drum Whilst all my Forces plainly to confess Are raw unarm'd and I am moneyless From sorrow's Scene I do contemplate now What base deceituful people's brought me to Ferd. Are you who was the Champion of the Nation The Kingdom 's Boast and Europe's Admiration Whose warlike Sword made Germany to bleed And all King David's worthies did exceed So soon cast down and thus compell'd to be Void of your wonted Magnanimity This Sword of mine with irresistless blows Shall gain the day and dissipate our Foes Ferg A man 's but one and every Musket Ball If shot with care can make a Captain fall But there 's no fear but we shall gain the Day If you 'll prove true and do half what you say Ingen. You with Alberlo once was sworn Brother To aid to live and die with one another Now is the time to try if he 'll be true By bringing all his Forces o're to you Send him a Letter then and I shall find A way to send it and to pump his mind Infort What you do say I greatly do approve I 'll mind Alberlo of his former love Ferd. I 'll write a more than pressing Letter too To see what Wit and Loyalty can do Infort With speed and care then write as I command And I to what you write will put my hand Exit Ferdinando Enter Belgicus Belg. I came to tell your Majesty that I Have fought a Party of the Enemy We went to forrage in a little Town And from our Horses as we lighted down Some Rebels rampant came in great disdain But run the Gantlet backward through the Lane We were but sixty and they eighty strong The brush was hot but scarce an half hour long We killed Six and they to us one man Then valiantly with whip and spur they ran Infort The News is good may it be ever so Until I work Romanus overthrow But soon return unto the Camp and I Will keep in mind your Magnanimity Exit Belgicus Enter Ferdinando Ferd. I 've written a Letter of transcendent sense As rich in Loyalty as Eloquence Great Sir be pleas'd but once to read it o're And then as you think fit make less or more Infortunatus readeth the Letter Entirely Beloved Cousin The Experience of your former Respects prompteth me at present to write to you with the greater assurance of your Loving Acceptance and put you in Remembrance of our former favours upon the account of which I earnestly request you for the respect you owe to Church and State and the particular Interest of every honest man to assist me with your best advice how to behave my self in so great an Undertaking and to come over and joyn your Forces with ours that we may settle every thing on a right Base and the Kingdom may be freed from the vengeance of Popery which hangeth over the Head of these three Languishing Nations Which if you will be pleased to do you will not only make your self Famous to all succeeding Ages in rescuing this Nation from the flaming rage of Popery but also promote yourself above the power and revenge of your greatest Enemies and infinitely oblige me to be Your Everlasting Friend c. Infort With speed and privacy as I command To Ingenioso Convey this Letter to Alberlo's hand If he will grant me what I now require I 'll grant in Greatness what he can desire Ferd. Send likewise this wherein with deepest sense I do accost his Grace and Excellence Perswading him to joyn both Foot and Horse To our Religious Military Force If he my earnest suit slight or deny This Sword of mine shall make Alberlo dye Exit Ferdin Ingen. I 'll send them both in haste and none shall know From whence they come or whether they do go Flav. I 'm jealous of what Ferdinando said Pray let his Letter be in publick read Infort Then quickly read it o're that I may know If he will prove a counterfeit or no. Flavius breaketh open and readeth the Letter May it please your Excellence I thought it convenient to accost and humbly acquaint you with the condition of King Infortunatus's Army the number whereof is but few and those badly disciplin'd and arm'd so that it will be no hard matter to overthrow him and his weak Forces But if you will perswade King Romanus to whom I owe my Allegiance to pardon me all my former Crimes Treasons and Conspiracies whereof I am guilty against him and his late Brother and for which I am cast out-law'd and condemn'd I will soon crush the power of our new King and save the Nation the trouble and expence of a bloody War Therefore with all speed and privacy communicate your mind to Your Excellency's Faithful Friend and Humble Servant c. Infort