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A35251 The unfortunate court-favourites of England exemplified in some remarks upon the lives, actions, and fatal fall of divers great men, who have been favourites to several English kings and queens ... / by R.B. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1695 (1695) Wing C7351; ESTC R21199 132,309 194

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fit to give or no. Are we come to an end of our Countries Liberties Are we secured for time future We are accountable to a Publick Trust and since there hath been a Publick Violation of the Laws by the King's Ministers nothing will satisfie but a Publick Amends and our desire to vindicate the Subject's Right is no more than what is laid down in former Laws Let us be sure that the Subject's Liberties go hand in hand with the supply and not to pass the one till we have good Ground and a Bill for the other Upon the Petition of Right which the House of Lords would have had this addition to ' We present this our Humble Petition to your Majesty with the care not only of preserving our own Liberties but with due regard to leave intire that Sovereign Power wherewith your Majesty is trusted for the Protection Safety and Happiness of the People Sir Tho. Wentworth spake thus ' If we admit of this Addition we shall leave the Subjects worse than we found them and we shall have little thanks for our labour when we come home Let us leave all Power to his Majesty to punish Malefactors but these Laws are not acquainted with Soveraign Power VVe desire no new thing nor do we offer to intrench on his Majesties Prerogative but we may not recede from this Petition either in part or in whole The King hearing of his ability and understanding used all means to gain him to himself by bestowing of Titles of Honour and Places of Trust upon him Creating him Viscount VVentworth Earl of Strafford and Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whereby he made him wholly his own In Ireland he was very active in augmenting the King's Revenues and advancing the Royal Authority by all ways within his Power And upon his return into England he advised the King to go into Scotland and settle the Peace of that Kingdom by his Coronation there he having intelligence that if it were defer'd any longer the Scots might perhaps incline to Elect another King Upon the troubles that rose soon after there on the account of imposing the Common Prayer upon them and the King resolving to raise an Army to reduce them but doubting the Parliament would not supply him the Lords told the King that they would ingage their own Credits to forward the business and the Earl of Strafford for the incouragement subscribed 20000 l. other Noblemen following his example conformable to their Estates and some of the Judges contributed largely April 13. 1639 a Parliament being assembled the Earl of Strafford was led into the House of Peers by two Noblemen to give an account of his proceedings in Ireland having there obrained the Grant of four Subsides for maintaing 10000 Foot and 1500 Horse Implicitely hinting thereby that they should propostion their Supplies accordingly But the Parliament doubting that the Irish Forces might indanger Religion and seeming to allow the justness of the Scots Cause and of the good that might be obtained by favouring them in this Conjuncture the King doubting they might vote against the War with the Scots whom he resolved to Treat severely for not complying with his Will and Pleasure he thereupon suddenly Dissolves them to the great discontent of the People who for eleven years past durst scarce mention the name of a Parliament Being hereby disappointed of a supply the King sends to the Citizens of London to lend Money and to all Knights and Gentlemen who held Lands of the Crown to provide Men Horses and Arms for his Assistance The Citizens generally refused pleading poverty and want of Trade but by the assistance of the Gentry an Army was raised with great celerity of which the Earl of Strafford was made Lieutenant General and the King commanded in Chief The Scots having notice of these preparations speedily raised an Army with which they marched into England to make this the Seat of War The Lord Conway doubting they would take in Newcastle drew off 3000 Foot and about 1200 Horse to secure the Pass at Newburn Lesly the Scots General marching forward sent a Trumpeter to the Lord Conway to desire leave to pass to the King with their Petition which being denied they fell upon the English and kill'd 300 of them Which being accounted an unhappy Omen several of the Lords Petitioned the King for a Parliament which was seconded by another from the Scots and a third from the City of London At length the King consented to it having first by advice of the Peers consented to a Treaty with the Scots at Rippon they refusing to send their Commissioners to York alledging That the Lieutenant of Ireland resided there who proclaimed them Rebels in Ireland before the King had done it in England and against whom as a chief Incendiary they intended to complain in the next Parliament For the Parliament meeting Nov. 3. 1640. the Scotch Commissioners coming to London had many private Conferences with some of the House of Commons and it was concluded that the Earl of Strafford should be immediately Impeached at his first coming into the House of Lords which was done accordingly and thereupon he was instantly taken into Custody and in March following he was brought to his Trial in Westminster Hall The King Queen and Prince were present in a private Closet where they could here all but were seen of none And then Mr. Pym Impeached the Earl of twenty eight Articles of High Treason in the name of the Commons of England sharging him That he had Trayterously endeavoured to subvert the fundamental Laws and Government of England and Ireland and to introduce an Arbitrary Tyrannical Government by Trayterously assuming to himself Regal Power over the Laws Liberties Persons Lands and Goods of his Majesties Subjects Had countenanced and encouraged Papists Had maliciously endeavoured to stir up enmity and hostility between the Subjects of England and Scotland Had wilfully betrayed the King's Subjects to death by a dishonourable retreat at Newburn that by the effusion of blood and the dishonour and loss of New-Castle the People of England might be ingaged in a National and Irreconcileable quarrel with the Scots And that to secure himself from being questioned for these and other Trayterous Courses he had laboured to subvert the Rights of Parliament and to incense his Majesty against them by false and malicious slanders and that upon the Dissolution of the last Parliament he did treacherously and wickedly counsel and advise His Majesty to this effect That having tryed the affections of his People he was loose and absolved from all rules of Government and was to do every thing that power would admit Since having tried all ways he was refused so that he would now be acquitted both by God and Man And that he had an Army in Ireland meaning the Army of Papists who were his Dependants which the King might imploy to reduce this Kingdom to his obedience That he falsly maliciously and treacherously declared before some of the
The Unfortunate Court-Favourites OF ENGLAND Exemplified In some Remarks upon the Lives Actions and Fatal Fall of divers Great Men who have been Favourites to several English Kings and Queens Namely I. Peirce Gaveston Earl of Cornwall II. Hugh Spencer Earl of Winchester ●II Hugh Spencer the Son E. of Glorester ●V Roger Mortimer Earl of March V. Henry Stafford Duke of Buckingham VI. Thomas Woolsey Cardinal of York VII Thomas Cromwell Earl of Essex VIII Robert Devereux Earl of Essex IX George Villiers Duke of Buckingham X. Thomas Wentworth Earl of Stafford By R. B. LONDON Printed for Nath. Crouch at the Bell in the Poultrey 〈◊〉 Cheapside 1695. The Kings and Queens of England to whom the following Unfortunate Great Men were Favourites I. PEirce Gaveston Earl of Cornwal Favourite to King Edward II. II III. Hugh Spencer the Father and Hugh Spencer the Son both Favourites to King Edward II. IV. Roger Mortimer Earl of March Favourite to Queen Isabel Widow to King Edward II. and Mother to King Edward III. V. Henry Stafford Duke of Buckingham Favourite to King Richard III. VI. Thomas Woolsey Cardinal of York Favourite to King Henry VIII VII Thomas Cromwel Earl of Essex Favourite to King Henry VIII VIII Robert Devereux Earl of Essex Favourite to Queen Elizabeth IX George Villiers Duke of Buckingham Favourite to King Charles I. and King James I X. Thomas Wentworth Earl of Stafford Favourite to King Charles I. To the Reader NOthing is more obvious than that Ambition Envy and Emulation are the usual Attendants on the Courts of Princes and that the effects of them have been often very fatal to many Great Men who had the fortune to have a larger share in their Masters affections than others It is likewise as notorious That there are certain Crises of Government wherein Princes have been obliged to Sacrifice their darling Ministers either to their own safety or to the importunity of their People Lastly it is as evident That some Court-Favourites have justly merited the unhappy Fate they met with for their many Rapines Insolencies and Enormities as that others have been ruined meerly from the Caprichio or inconstant Temper of the Prince whom they served Of all these in my opinion the ensuing Favourites are pregnant Instances But I shall leave the Reader to particularise them according to his own Judgment and will only add That they are not all to be condemned as Criminal meerly because they all happened to be unfortunate R. B. Remarks on the Life Actions and Fatal Fall of Peirce Gavestone Earl of Cornwall and Favourite to King Edward the Second THAT Unhappy Prince Edward the 2d was certainly the most Unfortunate in his Favourites of any King of England either before or fince his Reign The first and Fatal Favourite he had was in his Youth before he came to the Crown whose name was Peirce Gaveston born in Gascoigne a Province of France and for the good Service performed by his Father in the Wars in that Kingdom his Son was taken into such Favour at Court that by K. Edward the First 's own appointment he was Educated and made a Companion to the young Prince And indeed his outward Accomplishments seemed to render him worthy of such great Honour being a Person of a sharp Wir an excellent Shape and of a valiant Temper of which he gave notable proof in a Battel against the Scots and for which they afterward bore him a mortal Hatred But all these worthy Qualities were utterly defac'd and clouded by his vicious Incli●ations so that as to his Christian and Moral Vertues which are only really commendable in Men Authors are very silent in mentioning them though all give large accounts of his Faults and Immora●ities And King Edward was so sensible that his Son the Prince had been debauched by the corrupt Conversation of Gavestone that some time before his Death he was banished the Kingdom And upon his Death-bed commanding the Prince his Son to repair to him with all speed to Carlisle in Cumberland where he was with a great Army ready to invade Scotland He gave him many worthy Admonitions and much good Advice particularly That he should be merciful just and kind faithful in word and deed an incourager of those that were good and ready to relieve those that were in distress That he should be loving to his two Brothers Thomas and Edmund but especially to honour and respect his Mother Queen Margaret That upon pain of his Malediction and Curse he should not presume without common consent to recall Peirce Gavestone from Exile who for abusing his tender Years with wicked practices by common Decree of the Nobility was banished He also added a strange Injunction for a dying man namely That after his Death the Prince should not presume to take the Crown of England till he had honourably revenged the Injuries his Father had received from the Scots and finisht the present Expedition against them and that he should carry his Father's Bones about with him in a Coffin till he had marched through all Scotland and subdued all his Enemies assuring him that while they were with him he should be always victorious Lastly Whereas by the continual Attempts of Bruce King of Scotland he was prevented from performing his Vow of going in Person for the recovery of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Infidels that he should send his Heart thither accompanied with 140 Knights and their Retinue for whose support he had provided Thirty two thousand pounds of Silver That after his Heart was conveyed thither he hoped in God all things would prosper with them Adjuring the Prince upon pain of Eternal Damnation that he should not expend the Money upon any other use After these Admonitions and having taken an Oath of this vain Young Prince to perform his Will he gave up the Ghost After his Father's Death the Son soon made it appear how little regard he had to perform his dying Requests and to shew what his future Behaviour was like to be he in the first place revenged himself upon Walter Langton Bishop of Chester Lord Treasurer of England and Principal Executor of his Father's Last Will whom he imprisoned in Wallingford Castle seizing upon all his Estate no man daring to intercede on his behalf because of the extream hatred which the King shewed against him the Bishop's Crime being only in using a modest freedom in K. Edward's days in gravely reproving 〈…〉 for his 〈◊〉 meanours and not suffering him to have what 〈…〉 he required to waste prodigally upon his 〈…〉 Gavestone against whom he likewise made such great and just Complaints as occasioned the imprisonment of the Prince the banishment of his leud Favourite Soon after the young King married Isabel Daughter to Philip the Fair of France the March being concluded before his Father's death and was now performed with extraordinary Magnificence at Bullen At which Solemnity there were five Kings namely Philip the French King the
how much value the Courage and Conduct of a Prince is yet before he died by the contrivance of the Queen Mother Roger Mortimer and their Adherents such a dishonourable Peace is made with the Scots as exceedingly displeased the whole Kingdom and in the end proved fatal to the principal actor Mortimer For at this Treaty the King then in his Minority Sealed Charters to the Scots at Northampton contrived by the Queen her Favourite and Sir James Dowglas without the knowledge or consent of the Peers of England whereby that famous Charter called Ragmans Roll was surrendred to them with several Jewels and among them one of an extraordinary value called the Black Cross of Scotland all which were taken from the Scots by the Victorious King Edward I. The Scots Kings were likewise freed and discharged for ever from doing homage and fealty to the Kings of England or from acknowledging them to have any Right or Superiority over that Kingdom And that all Englishmen should forfeit their Lands in Scotland unless they went and resided there and swore Allegiance to that King Moreover under pretence of making reparation for damages King Robert was obliged to pay the King of England Thirty Thousand Marks Sterling which Money was given to Mortimer as a reward for his procuring this destructive and mischievous Treaty And to conclude all David Bruce Prince of Scotland a Child of Seven or Eight Years Old and Heir to K. Robert Married Jane Sister to K. Edward at Berwick whom the Scots in derision both of the Peace and Marriage scornfully nicknamed Jane Make Peace Lastly The Queen and Mortimer being sensible that some of the Principal Nobility disliked their proceedings and hindred their absolute Government they resolved to contrive some means for removing them out of the way and among others Edward Earl of Kent the King's Unckle To effect this it is said Mortimer caused a report to be spread abroad that K. Edward II. was still alive at Corf-Castle but not to be seen in the day time and to countenance the deceit for many Nights together there were Lights set up in all the Windows of the Castle and an appearance made of Masquing Dancing and other Royal Solemnities as if for the King's diversion This being observed by the Countrey People they confirmed the rumour of the late King 's being there which was soon dispersed throughout England The Earl of Kent hearing the news sent a Preaching Frier to the Castle to find out the truth of it who by giving Money to the Porter was admitted into the Castle lying very privately in his Lodg all day at night the Porter causing him to put off his own Priestly Robes and put on his the Frier was brought into the Hall where he saw as he imagined King Edward II. sitting in Royal Majesty at supper The Frier returning to the Earl assured him of the reality of what he had seen whereupon the Earl being discontented swore that he would endeavour by all ways possible to deliver his Brother out of Prison and restore him to his Throne To which purpose he ingaged several other Noblemen in the design with the Provincial of the White and Carmelite Friers the Bishop of London and others This Conspiracy being discovered though it were only a Lye and fancy the Frier being imposed upon only by a King made of Clouts Yet the Earl of Kent by his words and some Letters that were found about him was condemned as a Traytor for conspiring to set a dead Man at liberty But so generally was this Noble Lord beloved and honoured that he stood upon a Scaffold at the Castle-Gates at Winchester from Noon till five a Clock at Night for want of an Executioner none being to be found that would behead him till at length Mortimer sent for a poor wretched Fellow out of the Jayl who with much ado and many blows hack'd his Head from his Body The Malice and Ambition of Mortimer and his Associates in making so little conscience of shedding Royal Blood with the many other Male-administrations aforementioned raised inveterate discontents throughout the Kingdom against the Insolent Authors of them But in the mean time they who resolved to support their Grandeur in despight of Peers and People summoned a Parliament at Nottingham where Roger Mortimer appeared in the utmost splendor and glory being Created Earl of March and having greater attendance and stronger Guards than the King himself whom he would suffer to rise up to him and with whom he walked as his Companion yea went before him with his Officers He likewise very scornfully and insolently rebuked Henry Earl of Lancaster the King's Cousin that without his leave he had taken up Lodgings in the Town so near the Queen and obliged him with the Earl of Hereford and Effex to remove their Lodgings a Mile from Nottingham This notorious affront caused great murmuring among the Noblemen who said publickly That Roger Mortimer the Queens Gallant and the Kings's Master sought by all means possible to destroy all the Royal Blood thereby to Usurp the Crown and Government which some of the King's Friends being mightily concerned at endeavoured to make him sensible of his danger swearing that if he would espouse their Cause they would faithfully assist him and secure his Person The Young King began already to put on serious thoughts and acted the Man much beyond his years so that the Lords soon prevailed upon him to join with them in asserting his own Authority which he himself saw so much lessened by Mortimer's 〈◊〉 grown Power He was likewise informed that 〈◊〉 was commonly reported the Queen was with Child by Mortimer to the great dishonour both of his Mother and himself and to the grief of all his Loyal Subjects Hereupon he resolutely ingaged with the Peers to bring this Miscreant and his Abettors to punishment In order to which Robert Holland who had been long Governour of Nottingham-Castle and knew all the secret passages and conveyances therein was taken into the design Now there was in the Castle a private Passage cut through the Rock upon which it is built which was divided into two ways one opening toward the River of Trent which runs under it and the other went a great deal farther under the adjoining Meadows and was after called Mortimer's Hole The King lying one Night without the Castle was conducted by Torch-light through this Passage himself and his Valiant Attendants being all well Armed and their Swords drawn till he came to the door of the Queens Bed-Chamber which the secure and careless Lords had left wide open Some of the foremost entred the Room desiring the King to retire a little that the Queen might not see him and slew Sir Hugh Turpington who opposed them from whom they went towards the Queen Mother with whom they found Mortimer both just ready to go into Bed and seizing him they led him out into the Hall whom the Queen followed crying out Bel silz bel filz ayes pitie
demolisht the Forts burnt most of the Houses filled their Ships with Plunder and burnt several Spanish Vessels the Fleet returned victoriously home The King of Spain having lost in this Gallant Expedition thirteen of his best men of War forty Merchants Ships from New Spain an hundred Cannon with such vast Stores of Ammunition and Naval Provisions that he was not able to fit out another Fleet for many years after and the Spaniards themselves gave this Character of the brave English That they were Hereticks in Religion but in all other affairs Warlike Politick and truly Noble This happy Success advanced Essex in the opinion both of the Queen Souldiery and Common People though his making so many Knights some of them of very mean fortunes produced this Libel A Gentleman of Wales with a Knight of Cales And a Laird of the North Countree A Yeoman of Kent upon a Rack Rent Will buy them out all three The Queens indulgence increasing by this fortunate Expedition he grew wanton with her favours and was offended if she prefer'd any but those recommended by himself as particularly Sir Francis Vere being made Governour of Brill in Holland and Sir Robert Cecil Secretary of State both which he had designed for other Persons he discovered so severe a resentment for it that his Enemies and Enviers turn'd it at length to his disadvantage After this Essex is made Admiral of a Fleet that were sent against the Islands of Azores belonging to the Spaniard where the Island of Graciosa and Faial yielded to him and likewise Villa Franca And then returning Essex who would be sole Favourite had great contentions with Sir Walter Rawleigh and Cecil c. and likewise with Charles Howard who was now made Earl of Nottingham because the Queen had given him part of the honour of the Victory at Cales However the Queen's affections so blinded her that she passed by many Indignities offered her by him and to pacifie him created him Earl Marshal of England In 1598. Some Proposals being offered for concluding a Peace with Spain the Earl of Essex opposed it urging the Spanish Ambition for gaining the Universal Monarchy his inveterate hatred against the Queen and the Kingdom his Maxim That no Faith is to be kept with Hereticks and that the Pope could dispense with him to break all Leagues when for his advantage these and many such cogent Reasons made a Peace with him impracticable But other great Courtiers whether for Reasons of State or that they had received some Spanish Gold were very much displeased so that the Lord Burleigh told him That he breathed nothing but War and Slaughter and turning to the Psalm he bid Essex read that verse as seeming to presage his future Fate Blood-thirsty men shall not live out half their days Yet many much admired his Conduct as really designing nothing but the honour and security of his Country However the Queen and Essex were of a contrary opinion both as to the Peace and to a fit Person to be sent Lord Deputy into Ireland The Queen judged William Knolles the Earl's Uncle proper for the imployment Essex affirmed George Carew to be much fitter and because he could not persuade the Q. to be of his mind he contemptibly turn'd his back and seem'd to scoff at her At which she growing out of patience stept forward and giving him a sound box on the Ear bid him be gone with a vengeance At which he laid his hand upon his Sword but the Admiral coming up to him he vowed and swore ' That he neither would nor could put up so great an Indignity which he would never have taken from her Father King Henry much less from the hand of a Woman And then in a great rage he withdrew from Court Afterward the Lord Keeper sent him several Letters exhorting him to come and ask the Queen pardon whom if he had justly wronged he could not make her satisfaction and if she had wronged him yet his Prudence Duty and Religion should oblige him to submit himself to so good a Queen since there is a great inequality between a Prince and a Subject Essex answered very haughtily to these Advices and his Followers published his usual expressions upon this account As ' That he appealed for Justice from the Queen to God Almighty That no Tempest rageth more than the indignation of an Impotent Prince That the Queens Heart was hardned I know said he what I have to do as I am a Subject and what as I am an Earl and Marshal of England I cannot live as a Servant and a Bondslave If I should confess my self guilty I should both injure Truth and God the Author of Truth I have received a Dart through my whole body It is absolutely a Sin to serve after having received so great a disgrace Cannot Princes Err Cannot they Injure their Subjects Is their Earthly power Infinite 'T is the Fool says Solomon that being struck laughs They that receive benefit who by the Errors of Princes let them bear the injuries of Princes Let them believe the Queen's Power Infinite believe that God is not Omnipotent As for my part I being rent in pieces by injuries have long enough endured bitterness of Soul for them Yet after all the Queens Passion for him soon admitted of an easie submission so that he was pardoned and restored to favour by her who could be angry with him but could never hate him and soon after made him Lord Deputy of Ireland which was then in an ill condition by the Rebellion of the Natives and impowered him with so ample a Commission as was thought to be contrived by his Enemies on purpose by inflaming his ambition to procure his ruin for he had liberty to pardon or punish the Irish Rebels suitable to his own Will and Power to reward with Lands or Honours all he esteem'd worthy These were such Flowers of the Crown as they seemed designed by his Enemies to deck that head they meant to Sacrifice to their malice and revenge Upon his arrival in Ireland the Earl spent so much time in subduing the petty Rebels while he not only neglected the chief one Tyrone with whom instead of fighting he Treated and made a Truce that the Queen unsatisfied with his dilatory proceedings first reproaches his Conduct and then recalls him Essex was much discontented because the Queen in her Letters had chid him for making the Earl of Southampton General of the Horse and that Cecil his Enemy was prefer'd to be Master of the Wards in his absence So that within a Month after he unexpectedly returned to England having some thoughts to bring so great a force with him as to secure himself from any danger but was dissuaded therefrom by the Earl of Southampton and Sir Christopher Blunt So that only accompanied with six he comes to the Court at Nonsuch to inform the Queen of the affairs of Ireland In the way he met the Lord Grey of Willon his chief Adversary
two Towns in the Province of Gascoign in France and furnishing him with men and money sufficient to secure himself against his Enemies creating him Baron of Wallingford and Earl of Cornwal and giving him the whole Revenue of that County as well as of Ireland to be disposed of at his pleasure with such store of Plate and Jewels that he might well think his Banishment was but a splendid Ambassage and an occasion offered to the King by fortune to make him the more Rich and Honourable He was no sooner arrived there but the King sent Messengers to him with his gracious Letters requiring him to be cheerful and merry in his exile assuring him that his troubles should in the end be recompenced with greater dignities and favours than he had yet received and indeed the King's mind was so fondly transported that he could not live without him and the exigency of his affairs being over he soon made it appear that what he had done against him was absolutely contrary to his humour and that his Heart went not along with his Tongue and Hand He therefore sends for him back who arriving in Wales and coming to Flint Castle was there met by the ●…ing and received with such extraordinary satisfaction as if the greatest blessing of Heaven had been bestowed upon him and to fix him more strongly if possible in his affections he Married him to Joan of Acres Countess of Glocester his Sisters Daughter resolving with himself to retain his Gaveston in despight of all his Lords and People and to adventure his Crown and Life in protecting of him from their displeasure wherein both the King and He shewed much indiscretion it being as equally dangerous for a Prince to shew extravagant love to his Favourite as for him to accept and make use of the same and at length it proved fatal to them both For Gaveston who was naturally insolent and ambitious being thus above his hopes or expectation● advanced to an alliance with the Blood Royal seemen now to endeavour if possible to exceed in his former outrages and practifed many more notorious Villanies than ever he had done before wasting and consuming the King's Treasure with such monstrous profusion that he had not wherewithal to defray the ordinary expences of his Court or to provide necessaries for his Family For he continually studied to supply the King 's luxurious fancy with fresh and chargeable delights both in banqueting costly Wines and Lascivious dalliance whereby be clouded his understanding and vi●ated his Soul insomuch that he abandoned the Law●… Bed and Society of his Religious and Virtuous Queen and gave himself up to the imbraces of wanton and impudent Harlors The Queen was extreamly grieved at these unsufferable wrongs and abuses which she endeavoured to redress by her earnest Prayers to God and her obliging demeanor to the King but all her pains were fruitless for the beams of her excellent endowments could not disperse the thick mists of his debauched temper neither could her sighs nor tears soften his Heart hardned with the variety and continuance of sinning and the malevolent example of the cursed Gaveston Neither were the Common People silent but took much liberty to talk of these great misdemeanours of the King who still continued resolute in those dissolute courses to which he inti●ed him The Queen being thus ab●…ed both in her Honour and Maintenance having not a sufficient Maintenance allowed her by the pre●ominant Gaveston to support her Royal Dignity sends her ●…plaints to her Father the French King and the Abbot of St. Dennis in France being 〈…〉 Pope's Legate to demand the Legacy that th● King's Father lest for the recovery of the Holy Land used his earnest importunities with him to banish that lewd Companion Gaveston from his Court and Kingdom with whose Conversation all Mankind that had converse with him were infected but all was in vain After this the King Summoned a Parliament to meet at Northampton designing to go from thence to Scotland The Barons came thither well armed and guarded of which the King having intelligence sent them word he would not come yet at last he came as far as Stony-Stratford to whom the Lords sent the Earls of Warwick and Clare with their earnest intreaties that for his own safety and the benefit of the Kingdom he would appear at his Parliament Whereupon he was prevailed with to come in the Habit of an Esquire and the Lords were present unarmed and in conclusion an happy agreement was made and the Expedition to Scotland laid aside for the present Soon after the Parliament assembled at London to which came Lewes Brother to the French King and the Bishop of Poictou to endeavour to settle a lasting Concord between the King and the Peers At this Parliament many good Laws were Enacted and among others one for banishing Peirce Gaveston once again which the King was obliged to pass tho' sore against his will with this condition added by the Lords That if he were ever found again in any of the King's Dominions he should be taken as a Common Enemy and executed by Martial Law without any farther Tryal Hereupon Gaveston went into France but that King being his sworn Enemy upon the account of the Queen his Daughter he durst not continue long in any one place but wandred from one Country to another seeking for Rest but could find none Wherefore ●…ing still confidence in the love and favour of the 〈◊〉 whose Sister he had Married he with many Foreigners adventured once more to England having scarce been absent three months and coming to the King who then kept his Christmass at York he was received and entertained with the former endearedness and so much joy that an Angel from Heaven could not have been more welcom to the King who instantly made him Principal Secretary of State The Queen Nobility and People were all mightily disturbed at Gaveston's return and the Lords perceiving the irreclaimable Temper of the King they consulted how to put an end to those notorious mischiefs and at length concluded that there could be no peace in the Kingdom while Gaveston was alive Hereupon they resolved to venture their Lives and Estates for the destruction of this infamous Fore●gner who seemed to design nothing but the utter ruin of the Nation Pursuant to which resolution they constitute Thomas Earl of Lancaster to be their Leader and put themselves in Arms but being sensible of the miseries of intestine Wars they were willing first to try all peaceable Expedients and therefore several Great men were sent with an humble Petition to the King at York requesting him to deliver into their hands or drive out of his Company and Kingdom the wicked Gaveston assuring him that they were all of opinion that he would never have any Money in his Exchequer nor any love for his Queen whilst that profligate stranger was in so much Grace and threatning that if he did not gratifie them in their requests
Bridg thy Bowels taken out and Burnt thy Body quartered and thy four Quarters set up in four principal Cities of England for an example to such heinous Offenders And this Sentence was accordingly executed upon him Thus ended this unfortunate expedition to the great reproach and loss of the English and the scandal of the King who was grown sufficiently infamous already for making the Kingdom a shambles for the Nobility Yet in the midst of these calamities the two Spencers rid Triumphant in the Chariot of Favour Power Honour and Riches enjoying great part of the Estate of the late unfortunate Earl of Lancaster and in this grandeur they continued for the space of five years notwithstanding the utmost efforts of their potent and numerous adversaries who continually meditated their destruction During which time the Queens Interest extreamly declined who for shewing some relentings for the severity used to the Lords and expressing her dislike of the overgrown authority of the two wicked Favourites by whose persuasions she was sensible the King her Husband abandoned her Company and Bed was extreamly hated by them So that they continued their impious Artifices to allure the King with the Company and Dalliance of Leud and Lascivious Harlots and to avoid any converse with her And it did appear that these evil minded and vile men working upon the King's inclination were the principal Authors and Advisers of that sharp revenge taken upon the Lords for their own ambitious and avaritious ends whereby at length they brought inevitable ruin upon the Crown Dignity and Life of their Soveraign Which the following instance see●… plainly to confirm Among those who were condemned for joining with the Earl of Lancaster the King's Uncle there was one very poor Fellow for whose life because he had long continued at Court many great Court●…rs interceeded very earnestly and pressed the matter so far that the King in a rage replied 'A plague upon you for a company of Cursed Whisperers malicious Backbiters Flatterers and wicked Counsellors who can beg so heartily for saving the life of a notorious wicked Knave and yet could not speak a word in the behalf of the most noble Knight Earl Thomas of Lancaster my near Kinsman whose Life and Counsels would now have been of great use and service to the Kingdom Whereas this wretch the longer he lives the more villanies will he commit having already made himself notorious throughout the Realm for his horrid Crimes and desperate Outrages For which by the Soul of God he shall dye the death he hath justly deserved And he was accordingly executed This may be some evidence that the King was over persuaded to commit those Tragedies upon the Lords 〈…〉 was reckoned to be naturally merciful and 〈◊〉 according to the Religion of those times but 〈◊〉 ●…i●led by depraved Counsellors though he 〈…〉 inexcusable since it is usually said That good 〈◊〉 cannot satisfie for publick Errors and Mischiefs The Spencers still continued their Rapines and Profligate courses and aspiring to more absolute Dominion resolved to leave nothing unattempted that might rivet them in the affections of the King and inrich themselves which begot implacable enmity in the People both against them and their Master their insolence rising to such an height that they abridged the Queen of her usual allowance so that she had not wherewith to maintain her self while themselves abounded in all manner of plenty and magnificence Which caused her publickly to complain ' That the Daughter and Sole Heir of the King of France was Married to a miserable Wretch who did not allow her necessaries and that being promised to be a Queen she was now become no better than a waiting Gentlewoman subsisting only upon a Pension from the Spencers And dreading their malice she took her Eldest Son Prince Edward and privately withdrew into France to her Brother King Charles by whom she was kindly received and comforted with solemn Oaths and Promises that he would effectually assist her against all her Enemies and redress the grievances of the Kingdom A while after the Barons by their Letters assured her of their best help and service to her Self and Son declaring that if she would return to England with the aid of only a thousand valiant men at Arms they would raise so great a strength here to join them as should make the Spencers feel the smart of their unsufferable follies The Queen was exceedingly rejoiced with the hopes of her fortunate success But the two Spencers much doubting the event if she should return with Forces and having the Treasure of the Kingdom at command they corrupted King Charles and his Council with such prodigious sums of Gold and Silver and of Rich Jewels that not only all succour was denied her but the French K. reprimanded her very sharply for having so undutifully and imprudently forsaken her Lord and Dear Husband Yea the Pope likewise and many of the Cardinals being ingaged with rich Presents by the Spencers required King Charles under the Penalty of Cursing to send the Queen and Prince to King Edward And doubtless she had been unnaturally betrayed by her own Brother had she not privately and speedily made her escape to the Earl of Heynault in Germany where she was entertained with extraordinary joy by the Earl and the Lord Beumont his Brother who resolved to accompany her to England In the mean time King Edward and his profligate Favourites having intelligence of their Intentions he sent to demand his Wife and Son to be returned home but not succeeding and the Spencers knowing that if an happy Agreement should have been made between the King his Queen and the Barons they must both have been made Sacrifices of Peace-Offering to appease the resentments of the People they therefore resolve to make the Breach irreconcileable by persuading the King to proclaim the Queen and Prince with all their Adherents Traytors and Enemies to the King and Kingdom banishing all that he thought were well-affected to them and keeping a severe Eye over the disco●ented Barons and it was reported That a secret Plot was laid to have taken away the Lives both of the Queen and her Son While the Queen continued in Heynault she concluded a Marriage between the Prince then about fourteen years old and the Lady Philippa that Earl's Daughter and with the Money of her Dowry Listed Souldiers in Germany and soon after with three hundred Knights and gallant Warriours and about 1700 Common Souldiers Germans and English commanded by the Earl of Heynault with the Earls of Kent Pembroke the Lord Beumont and many other English-men of Quality she safely arrived at Orwell in Suffolk Upon the first Intelligence of their Landing the Lords and Barons with joyful hearts and numerous Troops of resolute Gallants compleatly Armed repaired to her Assistance with all speed so that her Forces hourly increased Her Arrival being reported to the King He poor Prince was so surprized that he knew not what course to take
associated to himself the Duke of Buckingham Lord High Constable and the Lord Hastings Lord Chamberlain of England two of the most powerful men in the Kingdom prevailing upon the former by promising him the Earldom of Hereford and the other being hereby in hopes to be revenged upon his former Enemies So that they joined with him in opinion that it was not necessary the Queens Kindred should so wholly engross the King and Persons of better Birth and Nobility should be neglected and therefore they ought to use their utmost endeavours to remove them The young King was now coming toward London with a great Attendance of Lords and their Followers in order to his Coronation which the Duke of Glocester judging to be another rub in his way since he could not bring about his purposes without seeming to make an open War He thereupon sends flattering Letters to the Queen with zealous pretences of Loyalty and Service persuading her to dismiss the great Guards about the King since it might raise Jealousies in the Minds of the rest of the Nobility that her Kindred did not raise these Forces for the security of the King's Person but for some Sinister intent and might cause them to raise a strength proportionable to encounter them and so occasion a Civil War in the Kingdom wherein her Kinsmen would by all the World be judged the first Aggressors These plausible reasons had such influence upon the innocent Princess that she sends positive Order to the King and her Brother instantly to disband their Guards for reasons best known to her self without mentioning by whose advice which if she had they would never have done it but upon the receipt of these Letters they presently discharged the Souldiers and came on with a very mean Train and having passed through Northampton were proceeding to Stony-Stratford twelve Miles from thence where the Dukes of Glocester and Buckingham met them But they pretending that the Town was too little for them and their Retinue went back to Northampton where the Earl Rivers had taken up his Quarters for that night intending the next Mornining to follow the King Several Complements passed upon their Meeting and Supper being ended the two Dukes pretend to retire to rest and the Earl went to his Lodgings The two Dukes wasted a great part of the Night in consulting with their Friends how to execute their enterprize and having got the Keys of the Inn Gate they suffered none to go in or out of which Earl Rivers having notice though he suspected mischief yet in confidence of his own innocence he went boldly into the Dukes Chamber where he found the Duke of Buckingham and the rest closely contriving their business with whom he expostulated the unreasonableness of their making him a Prisoner against his Will but instead of a reply they instantly command him to be seized accusing him of divers crimes whereof they themselves were only culpable and then putting him in safe custody they ride away to the King to Stony Stratford coming just as he was taking Horse whom they salute with much seeming reverence but presently begin a quarrel with the Lord Richard Grey the King 's half Brother The Duke of Buckingham giving the King an account that this Lord the Marquess of Dorset his Brother and the Earl Rivers had contrived and almost effected the ingrossing the management of all the affairs of the Kingdom among themselves which might be of dangerous consequence by raising discontents among the Nobility and dissention among the People and that the Marquess had taken out of the Tower of London a great quantity of Money and Arms without Warrant which might justly be suspected is not intended for any good end and that it was therefore thought necessary by the Lords and Peers that he should be seized at Northampton so to be ready to answer what he should be charged with The King not being sensible of their design mildly answered What my Brother Marquess hath done I cannot say but for my Uncle Rivers and my Brother here I am well satisfied that they are ignorant of any unlawful Practices either against me or you Oh says the Duke of Buckingham that hath been their policy to conceal their treachery from your Graces knowledge And thereupon they instantly in the King's presence seized the Lord Grey Sir Thomas Vaughan and Sir Richard Hall and carried the King with all his company back to Northampton turning away all his Old Officers and Servants and putting those in their rooms who were under their direction at which harsh usage the young King wept and was much discontented but without remedy Yet to colour their intents the Duke of Glocester being at Dinner sent a Dish of Meat from his own Table to the Lord Rivers biding him he of good cheer for in a short time all would be well The Earl thanking the Duke desired the Messenger to carry the Dish to the Lord Richard Grey with the same message for his comfort as one to whom such troubles were unusual but for himself he had been inured to them all his life and therefore could the better bear them But notwithstanding this pretended kindness the Duke of Glocester sent the Earl Rivers the Lord Grey and Sir Tho. Vaughan into the North and afterward to Pomfret Castle where they were all in the end beheaded by his Order without Trial. The Duke having gotten his Prey in his Clutches marches with the King toward London declaring to all People in the way that the Queens Relations had conspired to destroy the King and all the antient Nobility of the Kingdom and to subvert the Government of the Nation and that they were taken and imprisoned in order to be brought to a Legal Trial. And to make it more probable they carried along with them divers Waggons loaden with Arms with several Chests which they themselves had provided pretending they were full of Money which the Conspirators had provided to pay the Forces they designed to raise But the finest Intreague of all was that five of the Dukes own Creatures were brought along in Chains who in every place where the K. lodged were given out to be Persons of Quality that had been drawn into this horrid Plot and Treason by the Queens Brother who being now very sensible of their guilt had confessed the whole of these wicked contrivances This Pageantry was acted all the way till the King came to London but then the actors were discovered and the cheat was openly detected About midnight of the next day the Queen had notice of these sorrowful accidents and now too late repented her folly in being so treacherously imposed upon by the bloody Duke of Glocester as to dismiss the Guards about her Son's Person by his instigation and doubting that worse would follow she with her youngest Son Richard and five Daughters takes Sanctuary at Westminster lodging in the Abbot's House there The Young King having intelligence of these things with Sighs and Tears exprest
forty thousand pound out of the Exchequer which he carried over to Callice and from thence in 80 Waggons and a Guard of 1200 Horse 60 Mules and Sumpter Horses and attended with a great number of Lords and Gentlemen he conveyed this great Sum to the French Court at Amiens Having before his going hence sent out Commissions to all the Bishops of England to Sing the Litany after this manner Holy Mary pray for our Holy Pope Clement Holy Holy Peter pray for Pope Clement c. And thus was the Cardinal disappointed in advising the King to declare the Duke of Bourbon his General who proceeded farther then he could ever have imagined The Cardinals ambition being unlimited he during the Imprisonment of the Pope sent to the Emperour to use his interest to advance him to the Papacy but receiving a disobliging answer he grew thereupon so furious that he sent the Emperor word That if he would not endeavour his advancement he would make such a rustling among the Christian Princes as there had not been the like for an hundred years before though it should cost him the whole Kingdom of England The Emperour answering this insolent Letter in Print bid the Cardinal have a care of undertaking what might both ruin himself and the Kingdom Hereupon the Cardinal sent private Letters to Clarentius King at Arms to join with the French Herald and proclaim defiance to the Emperour Who suspecting that it was done without the King's knowledge ordered his Ambassadour at London to complain thereof The King much wondered to hear of it and the Cardinal confidently affirmed that he knew nothing of the matter but that it was the fault of Claren●ius who had done it at the request of the French Herald for which he swore he should lose his Head when he came to Callice Clarentius having intelligence hereof instantly Imbark'd at Bullen and coming to Greenwich was introduced by some of his Friends into the King's Presence before the Cardinal knew of it and produced the Cardinals Letters Commission and Instructions for what he had done At which the King was so surprized that he stood some time silent and then said ' O Lord Jesus He that I trusted most hath deceived me and given a false account of my Affairs Well Clarentius for the future I shall take care whom I believe for I now find I have been informed of a great many things as true which I now find to be utterly false And from that time the King withdrew his favour and confidence from him Some time before this the Cardinal sent Letters to Doctor Stephen Gardiner the King's Orator at Rome and afterward Bishop of Winchester urging him to use all manner of means for advancing him to the Papal Dignity which he said nothing could induce him to aspire to but the vehement desire he had to restore and advance the Authority of the Church wherein no Man should be more Zealous and indefatigable than himself He likewise ingaged the French King and King Henry to write to the Cardinals on his behalf that he might succeed after the Death of Pope Clement and vast Sums of Money were wasted in this business but all the Cardinals ambitious thoughts proved abortive and as he already began to stagger in the King's favour so in a short time he fell into his high displeasure For these extravagant expences drained the King's Treasury so low that the Cardinal was compell'd to contrive new ways for filling them again To which end he without the King's knowledge and by his own Authority Issued out Commissions under the Great Seal to every County in England for taking an account of every Man's Estate and he that was worth Fifty Pound was charged to pay Four Shillings in the Pound All that were worth above Twenty and under Fifty Pound Two Shillings in the Pound and those not worth Twenty Pound to pay Twelve pence to be paid either in Money or Plate making himself chief Commissioner for raising the same in and about London The Clergy were likewise charged at four Shillings in the Pound for their Livings These unjust Proceedings were grievous both to the Clergy and People who generally refused to comply alledging That these Commissions were contrary to Law and against the Liberty of the Subject and that it was not possible for those who were worth more yet to raise the half of what they were charged with either in Plate or ready Money and therefore they Petitioned the Cardinal to intercede with the King for remitting it To whom he haughtily replied That he would rather have his Tongue pluck'd out of his Mouth with Pincers then move any such thing and that he was resolved to make them pay the utmost Farthing and the Lord Viscount Lisle one of the Commissioners in Hampshire sending a Letter to the Cardinal that he doubted the raising this Money would occasion an Insurrection he swore deeply that his not following the Instructions given him should cost him his Head But however the discontents of the People were so general that the Cardinal doubting the Event thought fit to recal those Commissions and to issue others whereby he demanded a sixth part of every Mans Estate according to the aforesaid Rates which he did not doubt but they would have complied with but on the contrary they renewed their complaints and cursed the Tyrannical Cardinal for his Arbitrary Proceedings which at length reach'd the King's Ear. who being told that all Places were filled with Clamours Discontents and Mutinies he openly protested that these Commissions were issued out without his Knowledge or Consent and to prevent farther Mischief he by Proclamation vacated them declaring that though his necessities were never so urgent yet he would never force his Subjects to pay any Tax without their own consent in Parliament but that his wants being extream at this time if they would of their own accord by way of Benevolence supply his present exigencies he should accept it as an infallible Proof of their Love and Duty toward their Soveraign The Cardinal perceiving himself obliquely struck at by this Proclamation as the principal Author of these heavy Pressures and publick Grievances he Politickly sent for the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common Council of London before him to whom he declared That perceiving the former Demands to be grievous to the People he had upon his Knees for the Love and Kindness he bore toward them perswaded the King to annul those Commissions and wholly to relie upon the free Gift of his People and though the King might have justly demanded the former Summs as a due Debt yet he freely released them of the same not doubting but they would equal if not exceed the Rates formerly required of them the Lord Mayor and Aldermen assembled their respective Wards and acquainted them with the King's desire but the Citizens absolutely refused to give any thing alledging that they had pay'd enough already and were able to do no more adding many opprobrious
Insurrection And the Lord Grey Lord Cobham and Sir Walter Rawleigh professed Enemies to Essex and no mean instruments in his destruction fell into a Treason of a like depth with his in the Reign of K. James I. Gray and Cobham dying miserably in Prison and Rawleigh being beheaded at Tower-hill Remarks on the Life Actions and Fatal Fall of George Villers Duke of Buckingham Favourite to King James I. and King Charles I. THIS Favourite rose upon the Fall of the E. of Somerset upon whom K. James had heaped many honours advancing him from a Knight to Viscount Rochester Privy Counsellor E. of Somerset and L. Chamberlain But his Glory was soon overclouded for having married the Countess of Essex who had been divor●ed from her Husband the Son of the preceding Favourite that unfortunate Knight Sir Tho. Overbury for speaking against the Match was by their procurement poysoned in the Tower 〈◊〉 which the Earl and Countess were both Condemned but Pardoned and banisht the Court. K. James who could not live without a bosom Favourite cast his Eye upon George Villers a young Gentleman of a fine shape second Son to Sir George Villers of Brooksby in Leicestershire with whom the K. was so taken finding him a man of quick understanding and fit to make a Courtier that he advanced him by degrees in honour next to himself making him first a Knight then Gentleman of his Bedchamber Viscount Master of the Horse Lord Admiral Earl Marquess and lastly D. of Buekingham And now lying in the King's Bosom every man paid Tribute to his Smiles and he managed all affairs putting men in or out of Office according to his pleasure Yet his Mother who was a Papist having a great hand in all business and a great power over her Son directed him in all matters of Profit and Concernment and was addressed to first in order to procure any favour from him Which caused Gondemar the Spanish Ambassador to write merrily to his Master ' That there was never more hope of England's Conversion to Rome than now for there were more Prayers and Oblations offered here to the Mother than to the Son He Married the Earl of Rutlands Daughter the greatest Match in the Kingdom who pretended to be a zealous Protestant but his Mother and the Jesuits reduced her to the Popish Religion so that between a Mother and a Wife Buckingham himself grew very indifferent being neither Papist nor Protestant K. James affected the name of a Peace-maker and designing the general quiet of Europe and the reconciling all parties he professed that if the Papists would renounce their K. killing Doctrine and some other gross errors he was willing to meet them half way And being zealous also to maintain the height of Regal Majesty after the death of Prince Henry he resolved to match his Son Prince Charles with some Princess of most high Descent though of a different Religion And there having been a Treaty of Marriage between P. Henry and a Daughter of Spain wherein the Spaniards deluded him with their accustomed gravity and formality he now set his thoughts upon a Match with France which the Spanish King doubting would be to his disadvantage he made new Overtures for a Marriage with his Daughter to Sir John Digby the King's Ambassador there though with as little sincerity as before And at length Articles were agreed on and signed by K. James whereby the Children of this Marriage were not to be constrained to be Protestants nor to lose their right of succession if they were Catholicks The Pope's Dispensation was to be procured the new Queen was to have Popish Chaplains Priests Confessors and all other Privileges The K. was mightily pleased with this Alliance but the People as much displeased who had not forgot the intended cruelty of 1588. and dreaded the consequence of this Popish Contract But the K. not thinking that the business went on with that speed he desired sends the Prince and Buckingham to Spain to consummate the Marriage where he is received with all manner of magnificence by that King and universal joy of that People in hope the Prince would turn Catholick they generally discoursing That he came thither on purpose to become a Christian Neither were any endeavours wanting to seduce him Pope Gregory writing a smooth Letter to him Yea condescended to write another to Buckingham his Guide and Familiar to incline him to the Romish Religion The Prince returned an answer to the Pope's Letter and among other expressions says ' Your Holines's conjecture of our desire to contract an Alliance and Marriage with a Catholick Family and Princess is agreeable both to your Wisd●m and Charity for we would never desire so vehemently to be joined in a strict and indissoluble Bond with any Mortal whatsoever whose Religion we hated For it is very certain I shall never be so extreamly affectionate to any thing in the World as to endeavour Alliance with a Prince that hath the same apprehension of the True Religion with my self Therefore I intreat your Holiness to believe that I have been always far from incouraging Novelties or to be a Partizan of any Faction against the Catholick Apostolick Roman Religion 〈…〉 on the contrary I have sought all occasions to take away ●…picion that might rest upon me And I will imploy my self for the time to come to have but One Religion and one Faith seeing that we all believe in one Jesus Christ Having resolved in my self to spare nothing that I have in this World and to suffer all manner of discommodities even to the hazard of my Estate and Life for a thing so pleasing to God I pray God to give your Holiness a blessed Health here and his Glory after so much Travel which yor Holiness takes within his Church After a while the Match was concluded in England and the Articles sworn to by K. James and some private ones much in favour of the Papists And the King was so transported with the ass●rance of it that he was heard to say ' Now all the Devils in Hell cannot hinder it But a stander by said to one of his Attendants ' That there was never a Devil now left in Hell for they were all gone into Spain to make up the Match And indeed the Spirit of the Nation was so averse to this Union that they boldly vented their Sentiments both with their Tongues and ●ens And among others Abbot Archbishop of Canterbury writ a very warm Letter to the K. against a Toleration of Popery which was one of the Articles agreed to The Treaty was likewise Signed and Sealed by the K. of Spain and the Prince Who also obliged himself That as often as the Infanta pleased he would hearken to such Catholick Divines as she should appoint to debate matters of Religion with him but would never dissuade her from her own Religion and would take care to abrogate all the Laws made against Catholicks in three years But after all this Match