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A56204 The second part of a brief register and survey of the several kinds and forms of parliamentary writs comprising the several varieties and forms of writs for electing knights, citizens and burgesses for Parliaments and Great Council ... : wherein the original of the commons house, and elections of knights, citizens, burgesses and barons of ports to sit in Parliament, is infallibly evidenced to be no entienter than 40 H. 3. the presidents and objections to the contrarie answered ... / by William Prynne ... Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1660 (1660) Wing P4071; ESTC R1409 118,009 213

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sequentibus habuerunt diligentem Tractatum Rex Magnates quomodo conterrerent Wallensium tam intollerabilem cum irruptionibus suis crebris insolentiam Submonetur igitur generaliter tota Angliae militia ut omnes qui tenentur ad servitia militaria Dom●…no Regi sint prompti parati sequi Regem profecturum in Walliam cum equis armis die Lunae ante nativitatem B. Johannis Baptistae apud Cestriam c. Eodemque tempore cum instanter constanter respondissent Magnates Regni communiter Regi qui cum magna instantia in memorato Parliamento urgenter pecuniam insinitam sibi dari postulasset pro negotio Apuliae expediendo aliis arduis promovendis quod nullo modo potuerunt sine eorum irrestaurabili subversione toties inaniter substantiolas suas usque ad exinanitionem effundere c. Cum constanter praecisè respondissent quasi uno ore Magnates Regni in Parliamento Regi cum urgenter ab eis postulasset auxilium pecuniare quòd nec voluerunt nec potuerunt amplius sustinere tales extortiones Rex iratus ad alia se conuertit aslutiae argumenta c. Duravit adhuc praelibati Parliamenti altercatio inter Regem Regni Magnates usque diem Dominicam proximam post ascensionem multiplicabantur contra Regem variae diatim querimoniae c. Et quia nesciebant adhuc Magnates quomodo suum Prothea tenere voluissent quia arduum fuerat negotium difficile dilatum est Parliamentum usque ad festum sancti Barnabae apud Oxoniam diligen ter celebrandum Interim Optimates Angliae fibi praecaventes providentes consoederati sunt c. Instante vero festo sancti Barnabae Apostoli Magnates et Nobiles terrae ad Parliamentum quod Oxoniae tenendum suit properabant praeceperuntque omnibus qui eisdem servitium militare debuerant quatenus cum ipsis venirent parati veluti ad corpora sua contra hostiles insoltus defensuri c. Parliamento autem incipiente solidabatur Magnatum propositum Confilium Immutabile c. In all the debates and transactions of this Parliament recited at large in our Historians there is no mention of any Knights Citizens Burgesses Commons but only of Comites Magnates Barones Nobiles who acted and spake all who are stiled Universitas Regni and the Statutes and Ordinances they made at Oxford Statuta Baronum to which the Londiners and others assented Cirea festum sancti Leonardi tale iniit Consilium Universitas Baronagii quod tunc Londinierat Anno 1259. 42 H. 3 Fuit Rex ad Natale domini Londini ubi magna sollicitudine tractatum est inter Nobiles Regni quomodo conservato suo salubri proposito satisfacerent defiderio Regis Richardi de Alemannia c. Proposuerunt igitur Magnates accipere juramentum ab ipso Rege Aleman antequam applicuisset ne Regno Angliae quomodolibet noceret vel provisionem communem impediret Comes autem Legriae Simon non sine multoram admiratione in partibus adhuc transmarinis morabatur Unde in magna parte suit Consilium Baronagii mutilatum c. In crastino autem intraverunt Magnates Angliae capitulum Cantuariense where King Richard took a solemne Oath before them which they prescribed and administred to him In octavis purificationis congregati sunt Nobiles Angliae Londini prous inter se prius condixerant c. over against which is printed in the Margin Parliamentum Londini habitum After which the Historian informs us William de Hortuna was sent into Scotland Negotia enim ardua sed secreta Regi Reginae as Scotioe Magnatibus sibi injuncta fuerunt ex parte Regis Reginae Magnatium Angliae Quicum illo●… veniret Regem Scotiae Reginam Regni Magnates ibi ad parliameutum in v●…nit prout desideravit congregatos c. By which it is evident That in this Age the King Queen and Nobles of England and Scotland constituted and made up the Parliaments of both kingdoms without any elected Knights of Shires Citizens or Burgesses introduced in succeeding times The same year circa Kalend. Apr. ex praecepto et consilio Domini Regis Angliae et totius Baronagii arripuerunt iter transmarinum ad Parliamentum magnum Regis Francorum tenendum in Francia pro pluribus arduis negotiis Regna Franciae Angliae de resignatione Normanniae et literas credentiae c. Magnates vero Angliae statutis quae inceperant salubriter intendebant ad malas consuetudines injurias et corruptelas amodo delendas omnino assidui et confederati Anno 1265. 49 H. 3. after the battel of Evesham wherein the Barons were slaine and routed on the Nativity of our Ladie Septemb. 8. Rex potestati Regiae restitutus de consilio filii victoris Wintoniam Parliamentum convocavit ubi consilio inito Civitatem Londinensem ob suam rebellionem privavit suis privilegiis libertatibus antiquis Capitaneos etiam factionis contra Regem juxta voluntatem ejus plectendos jubet carceri mancipari Rex et Regni Proceres writes Matthew Westminster apud Winton ordinarunt quod ditiores civitatis Londinensis in carcerem truderentur quod Cives antiquis libertatibus privarentur et quod stipites et cathenae quibus Civitas fuerat roborata de medio tollerentur pro eo quod Simoni de Monteforti Comiti Leicestriae in regis contemptum et etiam damnum regni fortiter adhaeserunt quo totum factumest By all these Historical passages in Matthew Paris Rishanger his Continuer and Mat. Westminster it is most apparent beyond contradiction that as there were many writs of summons under K. Henry 3. to Parliamentarie Councils issued to the Spiritual and Temporal Lords before 49 H. 3. not extant in the Clause Rolls or other Records so there were no Knights of Shires Citizens Burgesses or Commons elected or summoned by writ or Charter to these Great Councils or Parliaments during all the reign of King Henry the 〈◊〉 until the Parliament held at London in Octabis Sancti Hillarii the 49. year of his reign when they were first elected summoned by writ for ought appears by Historie or Record there being none but the Archbishops Bishops Abbots Priors Earls Nobles Barons Spiritual and Temporal Lords of the Realm summoned to consulting acting debating ordering enacting Lawes or Ordinances or granting refusing aydes subsidies or expostulating with the King or Pope in any of them as all these transcribed passages evidence with the Records of Claus. 18 H. 3. m. 10. Vic. Lincoln Claus. 19 H. 3 m. 20. cited in my Epistle before the first part of this Brief Register Kalendar and Survey and those of 48 H. 3. here cited p. 4. to 10. To which I shall superadde for further confirmation of this truth Claus. 18 H. 3 m. 27. Rex Majori et Civibus suis Dublin c. where the King reciting the death of the Earl Marshal slain in
other Lieges of the King assembled in a Parliamentary Council since the Provisions and penalties mentioned in this Proclamation were all made by their common consent and that upon this occasion King John in the year 1203. passing out of England into Normandy with a great Army giving himself over to luxurie sleep and carelesness suffered the King of France to take many Towns and Castles from him without the least resistance Being frequently informed thereof by complaints from all parts he gave no other answer but this to the Complainants Suffer him to do what he pleaseth I will one day recover whatever he now violently surpriseth Hereupon Comites et Barones et alii de regno Angliae Nobiles qui ei eatenus fideliter adbaeserant talia audientes ejusque desidiam incorrigibilem intelligentes impetrata licentia quasi illico reversuri remearunt ad propria returning no more but leaving the King in Normandie with very few Soldiers Upon which he returning into England the King of France came before most of King Johns Castles and Towns there and perswaded them to submit themselves to him as their Chief Lord seeing King John their immediate Lord had quite deserted them who accordingly submitted King Iohn upon this occasion raising a puissant Army intended to cross the Sea with them to regain his lost Townes and Castles from the French Whereupon by the common assent of his Spiritual and Temporal Lords and Lieges assembled in a Parliamentary Council he made the precedent provisions Proclamation for the Defence of the Realm of England in case the French or any forein Enemies should invade it during his absence After which Anno 1205. he took ship at Portsmouth against the prohibition of the Archbishop of Canterbury and many other of his Nobles who refusing to follow him he was inforced to return after he had continued at Sea two dayes Reversus autem Rex coepit de Comitibus Baronibus Militibus et viris religiosis pecuniam infinitam occasiones praetendens quod noluerunt eum sequi in partes transmarinas ut haereditatem amissam recuperet And so much touching the contents occasion issue of these Provisions and Proclamation The 2. Writ is that of Rot. Claus. Anno 15. Johannis Regis pars 2. m. 7. dorso which I have examined by the Record Rex Vicecomiti Oxon. salutem Praecipimus tibi quod omnes Milites Ballivae tuae qui summoniti fuerunt esse apud Oxoniam ad Nos à die Omnium Sanctorum in quindecim dies venire facias cum armis suis corpora vero Baronum sine armis singulariter et IV. Discretos Milites de Comitatu tuo illuc venire facias ad Nos ad eundem terminum ad loquendum Nobiscum de Negotiis regni nostri Teste meipso apud Witten 11 die Novembr Eodem modo scribitur omnibus Vicecomitibus This unusual form of Writ the later part whereof sounds like a kinde of Summons of Knights out of every County to a Parliament at Oxford hath much perplexed many learned men who knew not well what to determin thereof being without parallel But under correction of others I conceive it rather a Summons to a Military Camp of Warr than to a Parliament or Parliamentary Council at Oxford and these Quatuor discretos Milites out of every County were not summoned as Knights of the Shire to a Parliament then held but rather as Inquisitors or Grand-Jury-men upon a special occasion thus related by Matthew Paris which in my apprehension will very satisfactorily explain this obscure Writ King Iohn being both injuriously excommunicated deposed from his Throne his whole kingdom interdicted given by the Pope to the French King who thereupon prepared a great Army and Navy to possess himself therof he did upon this occasion to resist the French and defend his Crown and kingdom against their intended invasion by two several Writs recorded at large in this Historian summon all the Ships of England able to carry six horses to meet together at Portsmouth well furnished with victuals and Mariners to resist these Enemies by Sea and all Earls Barons Knights Freehold Tenants and others who were bound by tenure or able of bodie to bear arms to meet him at Dover to withstand them by Land After which having reconciled himself to the Pope by resigning his Kingdom of England and Ireland to and retaking them from him under an yearly Tribute he was by the Popes Legate absolved from his Excommunication and the kingdom from its long-continued interdict at Winchester swearing upon the Holy Evangelists in this his Absolution Quod Sanctam Ecclesiam ejusque ordinatos diligeret defenderet et manuteneret contra omnes adversarios pro posse suo Quodque bonas leges Antecessorum suorum praecipue Leges Edwardi Regis revocaret et iniquas destrueret et omnes homines suos secundum justa Curiae suae judicia judicaret quodque singulis redderet jura sua Juravit etiam quod omnibus ad Interdicti negotium pertingentibus inter proximum Pascha plenariam restitutionem faceret obtatorum c. In pursuance whereof In crastino misit Rex literas ad omnes Vicecomites regni Angliae ut de singulis Dominicorum suorum villis Quatuor legales homines cum praeposito apud Sanctum Albanum pridie nonas Augusti fecerent conv●…nire ut per illos et alios ministros suos de damnis singulorum Episcoporum ut ablatis certitudinem inquireret et quid singulis deberetur Dum haec agerentur interfuerunt Concilio apud Sanctum Albanum Galfridus filius Petri et Episcopus Winton cum Archiepiscopo et Episcopis et Magnatibus Regni Ubi cunctis pace Regis denunciata ex ejusdem Regis parte firmiter praeceptum est quatenus leges Henrici avi sui ab omnibus in regno suo custodirentur et omnes leges iniquae penitus enerventur Denunciatum est praeterea Vicecomitibus Forestariis aliisque Ministris Regis sicut vitam et membra sua diligunt ne à quoquam aliquid violenter extorquerent vel alicui injuriam irrogare praesumant aut scotalla alicubi in regno faciant sicut facere consueverant After which Rex verò Johannis cum se à quibusdam Magnatibus who deserted him in Poytiers quasi derelictum cognovisset magnum Congregabit Exercitum ut rebelles ad consuetum obsequium revocaret Cumque arma movere incepisset venit ad eum Archiepiscopus apud Northamtonam dicens plurimum in injuriam sui Sacramenti quod in absolutione sua praestiterat redundare Si absque Iudicio Curiae suae contra quempiam bella moveret Quod audiens Rex cum ingenti strepitu dixit Se regni negocia propter Episcopum non differre cum laica judicia ad ipsum non pertineant In crastino autem summo diluculo iter furibundus arripiens versus Notingham properavit Secutus est quoque Regem Archiepiscopus memoratus constanter affirmans quod