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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A55518 A postscript of advice from Geneva to be added to each of Mr. Care's several volumes of Advice from Rome. Ignoramus. 1678 (1678) Wing P3024; ESTC P144 4,386 9

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A POSTSCRIPT OF Advice from GENEVA To be added to each of Mr. Care 's several Volumes of Advice from Rome Hanc maximam seu regulam habent Calvinistae licere pro gloria Christi mentiri Osiander in Epit. c. Centur pag. 796. TO go along with Mr. Care in his Method and Design of exposing the Papists I think it will be but a very necessary and equal piece of Justice to give the world an Abstract or short view of the Lives Deaths and Doctrines of some of the first and principal Reformers of the Calvinian or Puritan Sect In the doing whereof I shall purposely avoid the Testimony of any Popish Author and make use of others of great Reputation for Learning and Integrity To begin then with Mr. John Calvin as the principal Establisher of that Reformation in Geneva and several other places though the same had been set on foot before by Zwinglius who was slain in the Sedition occasioned by his Doctrine in those of Tigure and Berne against Rhodolf King of the Romans as Gualter confesseth in Apologia pro Zuinglio operibus ejus The Life and Death of John Calvin was writ by Hierom Bolseco Doctor of Physick who lived in Geneva with him and in the beginning of his Book printed Anno 1577. he makes this solemn Protestation I am here for the sake of Truth to refute Theodor Beza 's false and shameless Lies in the praise of Calvin protesting before God and the holy Court of Heaven before all the world and the Holy Ghost it self that neither Anger nor Envy nor Evil-will hath made me speak or write any one thing against the truth of my conscience But in regard that upon the scandal he took at the manner of Calvin's life he afterwards became a Catholick I shall rather choose to present the Reader with a short draught of it in the words of Conradus Schusselburgh a man of principal estimation in the Protestant Church and no less enemy to the Pope than was Calvin who in his Theologia Calvinistarum lib. 2. fol. 7. writes thus God in the Rod of his Fury visiting Calvin did horribly punish him before the fearful hour of his unhappy death for he so struck this Heretick so he termeth him in regard of his conceived Doctrine concerning the Sacrament and God's being the Author of Sin with his mighty Hand that being in despair and calling upon the Devil he gave up his wicked Soul Swearing Cursing and Blaspheming He died upon the Disease of Lice and Worms increasing in a most loathsom Vlcer about his Privy-parts so as none present could endure the stench These things are objected to Calvin by publick writing In which also horrible things are declared concerning his Lasciviousness his sundry abominable Vices and Sodomical Lusts for which last he was by the Magistrate at Noyon under whom he lived branded on the shoulder with a hot burning Iron Thus far writes Schusselburgh of Calvin Now as concerning Theodor Beza another principal Reformer of that Sect though his life be likewise written by Dr. Bolseke and his Book dedicated to the Magistrates of Geneva wherein he chargeth him with many great and hainous Imputations best known to themselves and that even in Beza's life-time purposely as he says he might be able to answer for himself Yet I shall wave his Testimony further than confirmed by other learned Protestants as Conradus Schusselburgh and Tilmannus Heshusius who charge him with writing those obscene and licentious Poems of his Candida Andebertus in which he debateth whether sin he may prefer and in the end concludeth with preferring the Boy before his Candida Orbi notum est quam salax fuit Beza qui publicatis poematibus paidastrias suas celebrare non erubuit Galliae probrum simoniacus sodomita omnibus vitiis coopertus As for John Bale Peter Martyr and Bucer with others of that Reformation they began with the breach of their solemn Vows of Obedience and Chastity flying from their Monasteries and marrying vow'd Nuns And as to other their enormous Actions and Doctrines I shall refer you to the two Books of dangerous Positions and a survey of the pretended Holy Discipline writ by Dr. Bancroft Archbishop of Canterbury and to Dr. Sutcliff his Answer to a Libel supplicatory out of whom I shall only present you with some few of their Doctrines viz. I. That Temporal Princes may not by Gods Law have Supreme Authority in the Church or Ecclesiastical matters but only their Presbytery II. That the People have the same power to punish put down and destroy Princes that offend that Kings and Princes have over any particular man III. That the Ministers of the Presbytery chosen by themselves may Excommunicate Arraign and Depose their Prince when they see him govern amiss IV. That the Ministers with the People may require of the King to have true Preachers And if he be negligent they may provide themselves and may maintain and defend them against him and all others and curb the King in his Excesses where need is V. That the whole Ecclesiastical Government of the Protestant Church now in England to wit by Bishops Archdeacons Deans and the like is unlawful wicked and Antichristian whereof ensueth that all Ministers ordained by them are unlawful and all their actions are only actions of meer Lay-men and consequently That they have no lawful publick Ministry at all VI. That all Ministers ordained by the Authority of the Bishops and coming afterwards to be of the Puritan Sect must renounce before the Presbytery and Classes his former Vocation and Ordination and take another by their Allowance and Imposition of Hands VII That the Parliament of England hath no Authority to meddle in matters of Religion nor to determine wha● Religion is to be admitted or not but only this belongeth to their Presbytery of Ministers VIII That they only are the true Church of God that be of this Presbytery and all other to be damn'd that are not of it For the horrid effects and consequences of these Doctrines we need not go to look for them into other Countries tho' all Modern Histories yield plentiful Examples our own Kingdom of England affords us too late and direful Remembrances of them and the barbarous Murther of the best of Kings occasioned thereby will never be forgotten Nor do I think that any Sect no not that of the Circumcellians themselves so terrible in old time and namely to St. Augustine either is or can be thought so perillous or pernicious to Kingdoms or Common-wealths as is this of the Puritans where they may have Power Now for a Conclusion instead of a Courant I shall give the Reader a short view of the great change in the general morality of Christians occasioned by the Doctrine and Practices of these pretended Zealous Reformers in the very words of their Brethren abroad as Luther Calvin Melancton Brutius Bucer Eberus Wigandus and divers others and at home of Mr. Jeffrey and Mr. Stubbs and