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B02519 Martyrs in flames, or, Popery (in its true colours) displayed. Being a brief relation of the horrid cruelties and persecutions of the Pope and Church of rome for many hundred years past, to this present age, inflicted upon Protestants in Piedmont ... : With an abstract of the cruel persecution lately exercised upon the Protestants in France and Savoy, in the year 1686 and 1687. : Together with a short account of Gods judgment upon popish persecutors. / Published for a warning to all Protestants, [] what they must expect from that bloody generation of Antichristians. By R.B. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1693 (1693) Wing C7344A; ESTC R176606 106,868 208

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between the Pope and the Emperor whereupon the Pope cursed him and sends his Letters out against him to all the Princes of Christendom declaring that he was an accursed person and ought to be avoided and cast out of all Christian company He likewise stirred up his Subjects in Rebellion against him The Emperor then marched to Rome to chastise his Pride but the Popefled to Venice and the Venetians being required to send him to Frede ich refused it whereupon the Emperor sent his Son Otho against him with Men and Ships very well furnished but withal charged him by no means to attempt any thing against the Venetians till he himself came But the young man being full of heat and desire of glory ventured to ingage the Enemy and was by them overthrown and himself taken Prisoner Upon this misfortune the compassionate Father to release his Son from captivity and misery was forced to submit to whatever Conditions of Peace the Pope should demand whereby it was at last agreed that the Emperour should come into S. Marks Church at Venice and there kneeling down at the Popes feet he should receive Absolution and Forgiveness This the Emperour persormed and the proud Pope setting his foot upon the Emperours Neck said that verse in the Psalm Thou shalt tread upon Lions and Adders the young Lion and the Dragon shalt thou trample under foot which the Pope applied to the Emperour but the Emperour answered Not to thee but to Peter this power is given The Pope replied Both to me and to Peter The Emperour fearing further quarrels durst say no more but was absolved and his Son was restored to his liberty III. Not long after this that is in the time of that famous King Henry the Second one Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury was by his extraordinary pride and insol●nce the occasion of very great disturbance to the King and Kingdom for the King c●lling his Nobles and the Clergy together desired that some Clergy-men might be called to answer for some Villanies by them committed for it was proved that several persons had been murdered by their means This Thomas Besket would not consent unto without a Clause of seeing this Order which very much displeased the King but by the perswasion of his Brethren Becket afterward consented yet being incouraged by the Pope he again fell off and repented of what he had done which the more inraged the King against him This quarrel continued many years and the King was so tormented by this proud Prelate that he once passionately cryed out Will no body a venge me of this Becket These words were spoken in the Hearing of some Gentlemen who thereupon guessing at the Kings mind four of them presently went to Canterbury and finding the Archbishop in the Cathedral there they fell upon him and kill'd him upon the Stairs of the Altar every one striking him over the head with his Sword and then made their escape This Murder was charged upon the King by the Popes Legate and though the King swore that he was neither aiding nor consenting to his death yet he was forced to kiss the Legates Knee and submit to such Penance as he should appoint him one part whereof was that he should absolutely submit to the Pope in all spiritual matters And it is likewise recorded that King Henry coming out of France went to Canterbury and as soon as he was in sight of Thomas Beckets Church he got off his Horse and pulling off his Shoes and Stockins he went barefoot to Beckets Tomb the ways being so sharp and stony that his Feet bled as he passed along and when he came there every Monk in the Cloister whipt the Kings Back with a Rod which shews saith the Historian what slavery Kings and Princes were at that time brought into by the Popes Clergy The same year the City of Canterbury was almost burnt down and Beckets Church was utterly consumed This Becket was afterward Cannized for a Saint but a Popish Historian saith of him That he was worthy of death and damnation for being so obstainate against Gods Minister his King IV. King John the Son of Henry the Second was likewise made sensible of the danger of offending the Pope for in the year 1205 the King being incensed against the Clergy who possessed great Benefices and yet neglected their Charge he endeavoured to rectifie this and some other great miscarriages about Electing Bishops and several other things But the Pope fearing he would intrench upon his Privileges and Gain stirred Heaven and Earth against him Excommunicating and cursing him giving his Kingdom to the French King and stirring up his own Nobility and people against him so that the King being compassed about with Enemies on every side was forced to submit to the Pope promising to do whatever he should command him Nay the King took his Crown off his head and kneeling upon his knees in the midst of all his Lords and Barons he gave it to Pandulphus the Popes Legate saying Here I resign up the Crown of the Realm of England to the hands of Pope Innocent the Third and lay my self whol●●y at his mercy and appointment Pandulphus took the Crown from King John and kept it five days and the King giving then all his Kingdoms to the Pope to be held in Farm from him and his Heirs for evermore his Crown was restered again King John engaging to pay seven hundred Marks a year for England and three hundred for Ireland half of it at Easter and half at Michaelmas as Rent for the sald Kingdoms This King John was afterward poysoned by a Monk which was judged such a Meritorious Act that the Murderer bad a Mass appointed to be said for his Soul for ever after by his Follow-Monks V Pope Celestine the Third standing upon the S●irs of St. Peters Church in Rome he there received an Oath of Henry the Sixth Emperor of Germary and then had him into the Church and Anointed him and sitting in his Pontifical Chair held the Crown of Gold between his Feet and the Emperor bowing down his Head to the Popes Feet received the Crown the Empress likewise was Crowned in the same manrer The Crown being thus put on the Pope immediately kickt it off the Emperor's Head with his Foot to the ground declaring thereby that if he pleased he could depose him again Then the Cardinals took up the Crown and again put it on his Head VI. Nay to such a height did the Popes at last arrive that they governed all things Emperors and Princes have been forced to kneel and k●ss their Toes nay they asserted that all Kings were Slaves and in subjection to them And that all must be judged by the Pope but he by no man The Persecutions Committed by the Papists upon the Waldenses and Albingenses and other Protestants in Piedmont Savoy and the Valtoline from the Year 1160. to the Year 1656. WHen by the just Judgment of the Almighty All the world wondred after
Executed for the Mutiny then were the Articles of Marriage agreed upon at Paris the Admiral Coligni was invited to the Wedding and those that belong'd to the Family of the Duke of Guise were forbid the Court which was very acceptable to the Protestants as judging it an assured pledg of the Kings fidelity since he declared much satisfaction in the Marriage saying That it was not so much for the Wedding as that it was a strong knot of Peace and would be for the good of the whole Nation The Admiral for his security was allowed to bring with him fifty Gentlemen armed and being come to Paris he was honourably received of the King who called him Father and protested that in his whole life he had not been better pleased as judging this day would end all his troubles and settle firm peace and quietness in his Kingdom Notwithstanding this the Admiral had several Intimations of some Treachery intended against him but though very wise yet he took little notice of it The Queen Mother likewise entertained him with great favour and the King sent him One Hundred Thousand Franks out of his Treasury for the loss which he had received in the Wars And the King to delude the People spake publickly That he did not give his Sister in Marriage to the King of Navarr only but as it were to the whole Church of the Protestants to joyn with them in an indissoluble union and as a tye to their peace and safety The Seventeenth of August the King of Navarr and the Lady Margaret were married with great Solemnity before the great Church of Paris on a Scaffold in the sight of all the People by the Cardinal of Bourbon the King of Navarrs Unkle and the Wedding was solemniz'd with Banquets Dancing and Masques with a strange mixture of Protestants and Papists together after which the Bride was led into the Church to hear Mass with great solemnity but the King of Navarr her Bridegroom the Prince of Conde and other Protestant Noblemen walked without the Church door till her return as misliking their Religion and Ceremonies In the mean time the Queen Mother and her bloody Councellors together with the Duke of Anjou and Guise contrive the Marder of the Admiral and the dividing the Protestants The Admiral after the Marriage moved the King for his departure home but the continual complaints of the Protestants still detained him at Court and going some days after thither in his return home while he was reading a Petition with divers Noblemen and Gentlemen about him He was shot by a Harquebuzie the Bullet taking off the forefinger of his right-hand and hurting him in the left Arm he feeling himself shat said without alteration of Countenance It came thorough yonder Window what kind of Ireachery is This The door of the House being br●ke open they understood that he which shot presently mounted upon a Spanish Jennet at a back door and made his escape leaving his Gun behind him and upon Examination it was found that the Harquebuz was brought to the house the day before by one Chally Steward of the Kings House and an acquaintance of the Duke of Guise The King having notice of this Villany seemed to be extreamly concerned causing all the Gates of Paris to be presently shut and swore to the Admirals Friends that those that had committed this horrid Fact should not escape the Queen Mother likewise seemed much discontented at it The King went to visit the Admiral assuring him of his love and care over him However the King of Nava●r Prince of Conde and other Protestants had private advice to depart speedily out of Paris and to look upon this but as the beginning of the Tragedy which was to follow but they trusting to the Kings word would not go The Dukes of Cuise and Anj●u imployed some to go to every house and bring them a Catalogue of all the Protestants and the King set a Guard of Fifty Harquebuzies at the Admirals Gate and abundance of Arms were sent into the Kings Pailace of the Louvre and in the Evening of the same day all the Papists were in Arms the Protestants observing all this many of them assembled at the Admirals Lodgings where it was advised that the Admiral should be Immediately conveyed out of Paris and the rest should change their Lodgings but this was again refused they still relying upon the Kings word who promised them Justice In the Evening divers Protestant Gentlemen offered to watch with the Admiral but he refused it and the same night the Duke of Guise sent for the Captain of the Switzers and shewed him his Commission to kill the Admiral and the rest of the Protestants and exhorted him and his Souldiers to be couragious in shedding their blood At midnight the Provost Sheriffs and Captains of every Ward had the same Orders given them with assurance that the like should be Executed upon the Protestants through the whole Kingdom of France and that the Signal for the General Massacre would be the ringing of the Bell in the Kings Pallace which would be about break or day and that the Murderers should have a white hand kerchief tyed about their Arms and a white Cross in their hats and Candles to be lighted in every house At the time appointed the Bell rung and the Duke of Guise hasted to the Admirals Lodging with his Cut-throats and knocking at the Door he that opened it was murdered the Admiral hearing the noise got out of his Bed and there being a Minister in the Room they both went to Prayers and the Admiral fervently commended his Soul to God and then said to those about him It is long since I disposed my self to die save your selves if it be possible for you cannot save my life I commit my Soul into the hands and mercy of God The Minister and the rest of his attendants got up to the top of the house and crept out of the Windows to save themselves yet most of them were slain in the next House Presently seven or eight men broke into the Admirals Lodgings and one of them set his Naked Sword to his Breast saying Art thou the Admiral To whom with a Christian Constancy he answered I am called so and withal said Young man thou oughtest to consider my Age and the weak condition I am now in but do what thou wilt for thou canst not shorten my life but a very little But the Wretch blaspheming God thrust him through the Breast and afterward strook him on the head another shot him with a Pistol and a third wounded him in the Thigh so that he lay gasping for life the Duke of Guise was below and with a loud voice cryed Have you done It was answered Yes the Duke replyed Our Chevalier which was the Kings Bastard Brother will not believe it unless he see it which being done his Face was all bloody which the Duke of Guise wiping said Now I know it is he and then kicked
him on the Face with his Foot whom all the Murtherers of France feared so much when he was alive Then the Duke and his bloody Train went into the Streets crying Arm Arm we have had good success and a happy beginning Let us now proceed to the rest for it is the Kings Command which words he repeated often This is the Kings Commandment this is his Will this is his express pleasure therefore courage my Fellows Then the great Bell of the Pallace which was the bloody token of the General Alarm began to ring out aloud and presently a Report was spread That the Protestants had conspired against the King Queen and Court and were just going to Execute their Design After this the Admirals head was cut off and sent to the King and Queen Mother and being by them preserved with Spices it was sent to the Pope and the Cardinal of Lorrain at Rome as a very grateful present The Pope when he first heard the News of the Massacre appointed a day of Publick Thanksgiving to God where Te Deum was sung for joy in the Church of St. Lewis He likewise Published a Bull of Pardons and extraordinary Indulgences to such as should pray for the Heavenly assistance to the King and Kingdom of France for rooting out of Hereticks The R●scally Rabble cut off the Hands and Privy Members of the Admiral dragging his mangled body besme●●ed with blood and filth through the S●reets three days together and then hanged it by the Feet upon the Gallows All the Attendants of the King of Navarr and Prince of Conde which lay in the Kings Pallace were murdered and likewise all the Lords and Gentlemen about the Admiral 's Lodgings and among the rest his Son Teligny and then through all the City and Suburbs were the poor Protestants Massacred with all manner of Cruelties Nothing was then to be heard but the Terrible noise of Horses and Arms Guns and Pistols mingled with the doleful sad and woful Screeches and miserable complaints of Men Women and Children Rich and Poor crying for mercy to these bloody Hell-hounds howling and lamenting at their miserable Condition to be thus wretchedly murdered for they knew not what And all this interm●xt with the groans of the dying and the merciless shouts of the Cruel Murtherers continually crying Kill kill for the King commands it that it seemed as if Heaven and Earth had met together or as if the Heavens had rent with Thunder So that in that night and the Two next days there was slain in Paris above Ten Thousand Persons of both Sexes and all Ranks and Ages the bloody Papists not sparing the Children in the Cradle nor the Infants in their Mothers wombs insomuch that the Streets Market-place and Rivers were dyed with Blood and the Murtherers boasted that they had in a few days put an end to that Quarrel that neither Pen Paper Decrees of Justice nor open War could accomplish in Twelve years This horrid M●ssacre was committed on St. Bartholomews day being the 24 of August 1571. which was the Sabbath day and is made samous for ever by the Effusion of so much precious Innocent blood as no Age nor time can parallel for there were at this time in Paris Threescore Thousand men with Pistols Poinards Swords Knives and such other Bloody Instruments who ran up and down swearing and blaspheming the Sacred Majesty of God cruelly massacring all they met So that the Streets were covered with mangled Bodies and the Gates and Doots defiled with blood the Lords and Gentlemen were Inhumanely murdered some in their Beds others on the top of their Houses and in all other places where they were found and such a multitude of dead Bodies were thrown into the River Sein that the water was dyed Red with their Blood In the Heilish Assembly wherein this bloody Massacre was concluded on it was debated whether the King of Navarr and Prince of Conde should not be destroyed with the rest the Duke of Guise p●euded for it but others were against it and argued how abomi●able it would be to destroy two young Princ●s of 〈◊〉 blood in the Flower of their Age and one of them in the imbraces of his young Bride and the Kings own Sister and therefore it was concluded That they should be threatued viol●●tly with death and all manner of Torments if they would not turn Papists And thereupon the King commanded them to be brought into his presence and told them That now he had cut off all the Instruments of the late Civil Wars which he hoped would prevent future troubles for by his Command the Admiral was slain and all the rest of the Hereticks and that the like should be Executed in all other places throughout the Kingdom and that if they would now save their Lives they must turn Catholicks for he was resolved to have but one Religion in his Kingdom The King of Navarr and the Prince of Conde humbly beseeched his Majesty to Remember his Oaths Promises and solemn Vows and Protestations that they should have the free Exercise of their Religion and withal told the King That he might do as he pleased with their Bodies and Estates but their unspotted Souls were in the hands of God and that they were resolved to remain stedfast in their Religion though with the loss of their lives which answer so inraged the King that he called the Prince of Conde Rebel and the Son of a Rebellious Person horribly threatning him That if within three days he did not obey his Command he should die for it and then with a furious Countenance left them with these three Terrible Words Death Mass or the Bastile Many Gentlemen that were attendants upon them as likewise their Schoolmasters and Tutors were thrust out of the Chamber among the Murtherers that is among the Kings Guard of Switzers who stood in two Ranks with their Swords drawn ready for Blood and Cruelty These Gentlemen crying out of the Kings Oaths Promises and Fidelity were yet by the Kings Command and in his own Sight unmercifully hewen and cut in peices In this Butcherly Massacre at Paris there were above four Thousand Houses robbed and plundered and above Five Hundred Barons Knights and Gentlemen who were chief Officers in the War with abundance of Noble young Gentlemen Ladies and Gentlewomen Inhumanely murthered who little expected such a bloody Fate for they came from all parts to rejoyce in honour of the marriage of the King of Navarr and instead of Jollity and pleasures they here met with an untimely death from Bloody and Cowardly Papists who murther like Devils but dare not fight like men The King and his Considents searing that this Massacte would not end the Quarrel but rather stir up the Protestants in other places to stand upon their own defence He therefore sends Messengers by Post to all parts of the Kingdom often shifting Horses for more speed with express Commands to the Governours of all other Towns and Cities
Poultrey near Cheapside History I. ENglands Monarchs Or A Compendious Relation of the most Remarkable Transactions from Julius Caesar to this present Adorned with Poems and the Picture of every Monarch from King William the Conqueror to the Third year of K. William and Q. Mary With a List of the Nobility The Knights of the Garter The number of the Lords and Commons who have Votes in both Houses of Parliament And many other useful particulars Price One Shilling II. THE Wars in England Scotland and Ireland containing a particular and Impartial Account of all the Battels Sieges and other Remarkable Transactions Revolutions and Accidents which happened from the beginning of the Reign of K. Charles I. 1625. to His Majesties happy Restauration The illegal Tryal of K. Charles I at large with his last Speech at his Suffering And the most considerable matters till 1660. With Pictures of several Accidents Price One Shilling III. HIstorical Remarks and Observations of the Antient and Prisent State of London and Westminster shewing the Foundations Walls Gates Towers Bridges Churches Rivers Wards Halls Companies Government Courts Hospitals Schools Inns of Courts Charters Franchises and Priviledges thereof with an account of the most remarkable Accidents as to Wars Fires Plagues and other occurrences for above 903 years past in and about these Cities to the year 1681 Illustrated with Pictures and the Arms of 65 Companies of London and the time of their Incorporzting Price One Shilling IV. ADmirable Curiosities Rarities and Wonders in England Scotland and Ireland or an account of many remarkable persons and places and likewise of the Battles Seiges prodigious Earthquakes Tempests Inundations Thunders Lightnings Fires Murders andother considerable Occurrences and Accidents for many hundred years past Together with the natural and artificial Rarities in every County in England with several curious Sculptures Price One Shilling V. THE History of the Kingdoms of Scotland and Ireland containing 1. An Account of the most Remarkable Transactions and Revolutions in Scotland for above 1200 years past during the Reigns of 68 Kings from 424. to K. James the first in 1602. 2. The History of Ireland from the Conquest thereof to this time with the Miraculous Persons and Places Strange Accidents c. And a List of the Nobility and Great Officers of State in both Kingdoms Illustrated with several Pictures of some extraordinary Observables Price One Shilling VI. THE English Empire in America or a prospect of his Majesties Dominions in the West-Indies namely New found-land New England New-York New-Jersey Pensyivania Mary-land Virginia Carolina Bermuda's Barbuda Anguilla Monserrat Dominica St. Vincent Antego Mevis or Nevis St. Christophers Barbadoes and Jamaica with an Account of their Discovery Scituation and Product The Religion and manners of the Indians and other excellencies of these Countreys To which ● Prefixed a Relation of the first Discovery of this New-World and of the Remarkable Voyages and Adventures of Sebastian Cabot Sir Martin Frobisher Captain Davies Capt. Weymouth Capt. Hall Captain Hudson Sir Thomas Cavendish the Earl of Cumberland Sir Walter Rawleigh and other English Worthies to divers places therein Illustrated with Maps and Pictures of the strange Fruits Birds Beasts Fishes Insects Serpents and Monsters found in those parts of the World Price One Shilling VII A View of the English Acquisitions in Guinea and the East-Indies With an Account of the Religion Government Wars strange Customs Beasts Serpents Monsters and other Observables in those Countreys And among others the Life and Death of Mahomet the Grand Impostor with the Principal Doctrines of the Turkish Religion as they are display'd in the Alcoran Two Letters one written by the Great Mogul and the other by the King of Sumatra in the East-Indies to our K. James I. of an unusual and extravagant stile The cruel Executions in those Parts With the manner of the Womens burning themselves with their dead Husbands Together with a Description of the Isle of St. Helena And the Bay of Souldania where the English usually refresh in their Voyages to the Indies Intermixt with pleasant Relations and Enlivened with Pictures Price one Shilling VIII THE English Heroe or Sir Francis Drake Revived Being a full Account of the Dangerous Voyages Admirable Adventures Notable Discoveries and Magnanimous Atchievements of that Valiant and Renowned Commander As I. His Voyage in 1572. to Nombre de Dios in the West-Indies where they saw a Pile of Bars of Silver near seventy foot long ten ●oot broad and twelve foot high II. His incompassing the whole World in 1577. which he performed in Two years and Ten months gaining a vast quantity of Gold and Silver III. His Voyage into America in 1585. and taking the Towns of St. Jago St. Domingo Carthagina and St. Augustine IV. His last Voyage into those Countreys in 1595. with the manner of his Death and Burial Revised Corrected very much inlarged reduced into Chapters with Contents and beautified with Pictures By R.B. Price One Shilling IX TWo Journeys to Jerusalem Containing first An Account of the Travels of two English Pilgrims some years since and what Admirable Accidents befel them in their Journey to Jerusalem Grand Cairo Alexandria c. 2. The Travels of 14 English Merchants in 1669. from Scandcroon to Tripoly Joppa Ramah Jerusalem Bethlehem Jericho the River of Jordan the Lake of Sodom and Gomorrah and back again to Aleppo To which is added a Relation of the great Council of the Jews assembled in the Plains of Ajayday in Hungary 1650. to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ By S.B. an English-man there present With the notorious Delusion of the Jews by a countersen Messith or false Christ at Smyrna in 1666 and the erent thereof Lastly The Extirpation of the Jews throughout Persia in 1666. Epistle of King Agbarus to our Saviour with our Saviour's Answer Beautified with Pictures Price One Shilling X. EXtra●● dinary Adventures of several Famous Men with the strange Events and signal Mutations and Changes in the Fortunes of divers 〈◊〉 lestrious places and persons in all Ages Being an Account of a multitude of ●●opendi●●s revolutions acciden●● and ob●ervable matters in divers States and Provinces throughout the whole world With Pictures Price One Shilling XI THE Ru●●y of the Nine 〈◊〉 of the World Three whereof were Gentiles 〈◊〉 Hector Son of ●riamus King of Troy 2. Alexander the Grcat King of Macedon and Conqueror of the World 3. Juliu● Caesar first Emperor of Rome Three Jews 4. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 General and Leader of ●●ael into Canaan 5. David King of 〈◊〉 6. 〈◊〉 M●●abeus a Va 〈…〉 Jen●●h Commender against the T●ranny of Antio 〈◊〉 Three Christ●●● 7. Arthur King of Brittain who couragiously de●ended his Countrey against the Sa●●●es 8. 〈◊〉 the 〈…〉 of France and Emperor of Gomany 9. Godsrey of 〈◊〉 King of Jerusalem Being an account of their 〈◊〉 Worthy Actions renowned Victories and Dear●s Illustrated 〈◊〉 and the Picture of each Worthy By R. B. 〈◊〉 ●hilling XII FEmale Excellency or the Ladies
hundred persons in and about London either died in prison or were burnt in Smithfield In the Year 1541. Damlip Dod Saxy were Slain One Henry at Colchester Kerby and Clark at Ipswich and Bury were burnt In the Year 1546. Mistriss Ann Askew one of the Ladies belonging to Queen Katherine Parr because she would not confess any other Ladies was put upon the Rack and the Lord Chancellor himself being more Cruel he acted then the Executioner ordered her to be racked to the utmost she was afterward Burnt in Smithfield and at the same time and place were likewise Burnt Nicholas Belerrian a Minister i● Shropshire John Adams a Tailor and John Lacels a Gentleman belonging to King Henry the Eighth these beholding the Invincible Constancy and Patience of Mistriss Askew were thereby much incouraged in their Sufferings About the same time Sir John Blage of the Kings Privy Chamber was falsly accused to have spoken against the Mass upon which he was condemned to be burnt in Smithfield whereupon the Earl of Bedford begged his pardon of the King who Commanded it to be drawn immediately After his release Sir George coming to the King Ah my Pig said he for so he usually called him Yea said Blage if your Majesty had not been better to me than your Bishops were your Pig had been roasted before this time Presently after Gardiner Bishop of Winchester and his Confederates set forth a Cruel Proclamation in the Kings Name for abolishing the Scriptures and all other English Books that discovered the Truth to the people and having obtained this they very much rejoyced therein hoping that they had now for ever suppressed the Gospel so that it should never rise again and to strike the greater terror into mens minds they made a diligent search after the Professors of the Truth of whom they took the names of some drove away others and hereby doubted not but to attain their ends But it pleased God that in the midst of these subtil Contrivances for the destruction of his Gospel and Servants to take away King Henry the Eighth within four Months after the Proclamation and thereby all their hopes and projects were utterly disappointed King Henry the Eighth being dead his only Son Prince Edward our English Josiah ascended the Throne under whom the Protestant Religion was established and Popery and Superstition abolished for he caused all Images to be demolished and as Idolatrous to be taken out of all Churches within his Dominions the Learned m●n of his time he encouraged and commanded them to open and expound the Scriptures 〈◊〉 abolished the Mass and ordered the Service to be read in the English Tongue and the Sacrament of the Lords Supper to be administred in both kinds to the People But it pleased God in a short time to take him to himself for in the Seventh Year of his Reign and the Seventeenth Year of his Age he was taken with a lingring sickness during which time a Marriage was concluded between the Lord Guilford Dudley eldest Son to the Duke of Northumberland and the Lady Jane the Daughter of the Duke of Suffolk whose mother being then alive was Daughter to Mary King Henry the Eighths second Sister The Marriage being finisht and the King every day more sick than other so that he seemed past Recovery the Duke of Northumberland being ambitious to advance his Family perswaded the King that the Church and the True Religion would be in great danger if he did not choose a pious Successer and that it was the part of a good Prince to set aside all other respects when the Glory of God and the good of his Subjects were concerned The King partly for his great desire to have the Protestant Religion confirmed and partly for the intire love which he bore to his Cousin the Lady Jane signed Letters Patents under the Broad Seal to appoint the Lady Jane to succeed him in the Kingdom although her Title were excluded by the Lady Mary who was always a zealous Papist and the Lady Elizabeth This was afterwards confirmed by the Nobility and Chief Lawyers of the Kingdom and was subscribed to by all the Kings Council the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London who upon the Death of King Edward which happened in a short time after proclaimed the Lady Jane Queen in London and Westminster The Lady Mary being in Hartfordshire and hearing of it presently sent to the Lords of the Council commanding and requiring them to Proclaim her Queen which if they refused to do she threatned to recover her Right by force of Arms. The Lords returned answer That the Lady Jane was invested and possessed of the Crown by just Right and Title both by the Ancient Laws of the Land and by Letters Patents signed and sealed by the late King before his death and therefore they declared they would adhere to her and to none other requesting the Lady Mary that she would not upon any pretence endeavour to disturb the peace of the Kingdom promising her that if she would carry her self as a dutiful Subject they would be ready to do her any service The Lady Mary having received this answer withdrew further from the City and the Council being sensible of her stout and unquiet disposition they raised an Army which was commanded by the Duke of Northumberland The Lady Mary went into Suffolk and Norfolk gathering such aid of the Commons as she could and kept her self in Framingham Castle to whom the Suffolk men first resorted who being always forward in promoting the Gospel promised her their aid and assistance provided she would make no alteration of the Protestant Religion as it was established by her Brother King Edward To this she readily agreed and confirmed it with such Vows and Protestations that none could suspect her whereupon they joined with her and thus by the help of the Protestants she vanquished the Duke of Northumberland and his Army and was settled in the Kingdom but she soon forgot her promises for these very Suffolk men observing that Popery would be re-established they Petitioned to her to perform her word to them at which she was extreamly displeased and told them Forasmuch as you who are Members desire to rule your Head you shall one day find that Members must obey not seek to rule Yea one of the chief of these men Mr. Dob by name she caused for the Terror of others to be set in the Pillory several times and divers others that presented Supplications to her not to set up Popery she caused to be sent to prison Queen Mary being setled in the Kingdom the Lady Jane her Father the Duke of Northumberland and her Husband the Lord Guilford Dudley were soon after Beheaded and the Queen soon discovered her disaffection to the Protestant Religion by displacing all the Orthodox Bishops as Poinet Ridley Scorie Hooper Coverdale and by releasing out of the Tower Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester whom she made Lord Chancellor of England● 〈◊〉 Bonner who was
of gaining England and Ireland which the Pope had bestowed upon him he comes to take possession thereof with a vast and as the Pope Christened it Invincible Armado consisting of an hundred and thirty tall Ships extraordinary well furnished and containing fifty seven Thousand eight hundred and eight Tun wherein were Eight Thousand six hundred Seamen Twenty Thousand Souldiers two thousand Galley Slaves besides Gentlemen and Voluntiers in abundance so that there was scarce a Family in Spain who had not either a Son Brother or Cousin in the Fleet. There were likewise aboard them two thousand six hundred and thirty great Ordnance with Powder Bullets Match Muskets Pikes Spears Swords and all things proportionable with Knives Daggers Skeins Chains and Whips to Torment and cut the Throats of the poor English Protestants and with them came swarms of those Locusts called Capuchins Mendicants Jesuits and other Officers of the Sacred Order of the Inquisition as they prophanely call it And besides all this there lay in Flanders fifty thousand old Souldiers and two hundred eighty eight Vessels ready to transport them under the command of the Duke of Parma all the King of Spains best Souldiers even as far as America being drawn forth for this Holy War The whole of this Expedition having cost the Spaniard twelve Millions of Crowns before their setting forth the Pope likewise contributing a Million of Gold to so pious a design But the goodness and mercy of God at that time defended England from the gaping Jaws of destruction and discomfited this Mighty Armado and all its mighty preparations and sent them home full of shame loss and confusion so that of one hundred thirty four Ships that set sail out of Lisbon only thirty three returned the Spaniard losing in this Voyage Eighty one Ships and above thirteen thousand five hundred Souldiers and two thousand more taken Prisoners in England Ireland and the Low Countreys the rest of the Navy being lost and destroyed by the English the Dutch the Seas Rocks Sands and Tempests all seeming to conspire to the defeating of this proud and Insolent attempt But these sort of People will never take notice of Gods Judgments upon their wicked designs and enterprizes and notwithstanding all this they shut their Eyes and will not see that God is against them for they no sooner recover breath but they send over new Commissions and more cursed Emissaries disguised in all shapes into England with new Plots Contrivances and designs Lopez and his Confederates Cullen York Williams Squire Hesket all enter into a Conspiracy to kill the Queen being constantly encouraged by the Jesuits and the Spanish Ministers of State And these proving abortive in the year 1599. the Earl of Tyrone is stirred up to make a new Rebellion in Ireland having the same Pardons and Indulgences sent them as are usually given by the Popes to those that go to fight against the Turks And in the year 1601. the King of Spain sends a great Fleet of Souldiers to Kinsale in Ireland for the assistance of the Rebels But notwithstanding all these wicked and execrable designs this glorious and Heroick Queen of blessed memory having out-lived Four Kings and Eight Popes dyed in Peace and left her flourishing Kingdoms to her Successor King James And now the Papists being thus disappointed of their great hopes and expectations by the succession of a Protestant King to the Crown of England and thereby uniting into one Body Scotland England and Ireland one would have Imagined that all their contrivances would have been dasht since they could not well think that so long well settled a Reformation in Church and State could very easily be broken and confounded yet still they give not over but encourage one another in their wickedness and the Pope sent over two Bulls to deprive King James of the Crown and sought to raise divisions and dissentions amongst us But God continuing to frustrate all their designs they now grew as it were desperate and entred upon the most barbarous and Hellish Plot and contrivance that ever was hatched in the Brains or Hearts of men which is that which we call the Gunpowder Treason and which we yearly commemorate upon the Fifth of November they designing to act it on that day in the year 1605. This horrid design was contrived by divers Jesuits Priests and other English Papists who by undermining the Parliament-House and planting there Thirty six Barrels of Gunpowder intended by firing the same when both Houses were sitting to have blown up and destroyed not only the King as the Head of the Kingdom but with him his Queen the Prince and all the Royal Issue together with the Clergy Nobility and the chief of the Gentry of the whole Kingdom all should have perished together at one Blow and have become a Sacrifice to the enraged Lusts of these Bloody-minded Papists A Plot and Villany that no Age can parallel no Country ever could produce the like and which was as miraculously prevented and detected at if it were by the immediate finger of God who discovered their treasonable practices even within their dark Vaults and Cellars when the very Train was laid and fire almost put to it And in this horrid Conspiracy Catesby Piercy Faux Digby Garnet Hall c all Popish Priests were considerable Actors and Promoters and all sworn to secresie with Horrid Oaths and Imprecations taking the Holy Sacrament and engaging themselves one to another thereby and by their Faith in the Holy Trinity never to shrink from the Execution of this their Hellish Intention till they had performed the same They were likewise promised from abroad Ships and Men and ten hundred thousand Crowns to carry on their work And though this horrid Conspiracy has been sufficiently discovered and made plain by the confession of some of the Conspirators who were executed and by writings under their own hands yet according to their usual Impudence which they learned of their Predecessor Nero who when he had set Rome on Fire charged it upon the Christians the Papists intended to have laid that wicked Act upon the Puritans and since this they have endeavoured to make the world believe that it was a Contrivance of King James thereby endeavouring since they could not blow up the King with Gunpowder to blast his good Name and to make him odious to Posterity But three Kingdoms are not so easie to be deluded neither are we so horridly impious to mock God so solemnly with yearly Prayers and Thanksgivings neither need we think it so strange since Lyes Impudence are the grand supporters of the Papal Kingdom without which such a medly of Nonsence and Foolery would be hooted out of the world And from that time to this very day the Papists have been and are the Grand Disturbers of these Nations And it is sufficiently manifested that they had no small hand in our late Troubles since which they have continually sought the ruin and destruction of all Protestants
good Protestant who after his Majesty 's repeated Proclamations for the discovery and apprehension of the Plotters after the Execution of so many of the Conspirators upon the clearest Evidence imaginable and after the Votes and Proceedings in both Houses of Parliament thereupon shall in the least doubt of the reality of this horrid and damnable Popish Plot as it is fully exprest in the Vote of both Houses March 15. 1679. Resolved Nemine Contradicente by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in Parliament Assembled That they do declare that they are fully satisfied by the Proofs they have heard that there now is and for divers years last past hath been an horrid and treasonable Plot and Conspiracy contrived and carried on by those of the Popish Religion for the Murdering of his Majesties Sacred Person and for Subverting the Protestant Religion and the Ancient and Established Government of this Kingdom John Brown Cleric Parliam NOtwithstanding the clear and plain discovery of these Popish Intrigues yet the Papists and their adherents were still resolved if possible to stifle their horrid Plot and many Arts and Tricks were used to suppress it and several sham Plots were set up to ensnare and ruin the soberest part of the Kingdom For the better managing whereof witnesses were raked out of Prisons and Jails to swear against Persons the freest both in reputation and life from the suspicion of all such crimes as were laid to their charge and Juries were likewise tampered with so that innocent people were frighted thereat since villains were so easily credited if they swore against any that stood in the Papists way upon this account fell the Noble L. Russel Coll. Sydney Mr. Cornish and several others so that every man was afraid of another and men durst hardly converse with each other After this followed the seizing of the Charter of London and divers others in the chief Cities and Towns in England The Bishops were imprisoned for Petitioning Maudlin Colledge had its legal Possessors turned out and was filled with none but Papists and divers other outragious acts were committed against all Law and Right in order to the perfecting the great work of converting these three Kingdoms to Popish superstition and reducing them to slavery and arbitrary Government But the People of England ha●ing suffered these and many other indignities they at length were so extreamly provoked that they resolved if possible to free themselves from the Chains they say prepared for them and therefore the principal Nobility and Gentry sent an invitation to his Highness the Prince of Orange to intreat him to come to their assistance who accordingly landed in England and with his preserce only by the Almightys help put all our Popish Enemies to flight and restored to us our former state of happiness and tranquillity for which the whole Nation by their Representatives made it their humble request that his Highness with his Royal Consort would be pleased to accept of the Crown and they were accordingly Proclaimed King and Queen with all manner of Joy and satisfaction Feb. 13. 1688. For which unspeakable blessing let us conclude with the Thanksgiving of the Church of England set forth by Authority upon the discovery of that Hellish Popish Plot called the Gunpowder Treason in 1605. NOT unto us O Lord not unto us but to thy Name be ascribed all honour and glory in all Churches of the Saints ●roughout all Generations for thou Lord hast discovered the Snares of Death thou hast broken them and we are delivered be thou still our mighty Protector and scatter our Cruel Enenies which delight in Blood Infatuate their Counsel and root ●●t that Babylonish and Antichristian ●ect which say of Jerusalem Down with it down with it even to the Ground and to this end strengthen the hands of our Gracious King the Nobles ●●d Magistrates of the Land with Judgment and Justice to ●ut off these workers of Iniquity whose Reli●ion is Rebellion whose Faith is Faction whose Practice is Murthering of Souls Bodies and to root them out of the Consines and Limits of this Kingdom that they may never prevail against us and Triumph i● the ruin of thy Church And give us grace by true and seri●us Repentance to avert these and the like Judgments from us This Lord we earnestly crave at thy merciful hands together with the continuance of thy powerful Protection over our Dread Soveraign the whole Church and these Realms and the speedy confusion of our Implocable Enemies And that for thy dear Son's sake our only Mediator and advocate Amen An Abslract of the late Persecutions and Inhumane Oppressions of the Protestants in France in 1686 and 1687. THough the barbarous cruelty and Treachery of of the Romanists is already sufficiently demonstrated and the World thereby fully convinced that Popish Treaties are not to be relled on yet their new and horrid Barbarities in France since the Massacre at Paris and those other Violations of the most Sacred Oaths and Ingagements may convince the most obstinate that they make it a point of Religion to destroy Protestants over whom that Church pretends to have a Soveraign and Absolute Dominion of which Thousands of French Protestants now in England confirm the truth who having felt the smart of a severe Persecution in France are fled from thence to avoid the extream fury and insupportable violence thereof But though the generality may have heard much discourse of the French Persecutions and have been very bountiful in relieving these miserable People yet I suppose few know the particular Barbarities and Inhumanities which they have suffered from their merciless Enemies To inform them therefore I have thought fit to make a brief abstract of some notorious Villanies committed by the Papists against them since a large Volume would not contain the innumerable Cruelties they have exercised upon these innocent Souls It is known to all intelligent Persons that for the great Services which the Protestants performed to Henry the Fourth called the Great King of France and Grandfather to the present King in asserting his Rights to the Crown against the Papists who were then in Rebellion against him that great Prince being willing to demonstrate his gratitude to them confirmed to them an entire Liberty of Conscience by a Law called the Edict of Nants whereby they were to enjoy all m●nner of Liberty and Priviledges both in Religious and Civil matters with his other Subjects which he declared should be perpetual and inviolable and which was confirmed by his Son Lewis the 13th and likewise by the present King at their coming to the Crown Lewis the 14th was very young when he ascended the Throne and soon after the Prince of Conde raised a Civil War in the Kingdom against him being assisted by the Papists but the Protestants by their Signal Loyalty to him overthrew the designs of his Enemies and setled that Crown on his head which he wears to this day and of which he pretended then to
be so sensible that he made a publick Declaration of it at St Germains in 1652. And every one endeavoured to proclaim loudest the merits of the Protestants the Queen Mother her self acknowledging That they had preserved the State Though to shew the little faith is to be given to men of that Religion the Kings Ministers instilled into his mind That since the Protestants were so potent to set up the King they night likewise upon another occasion remove him again From this Diabolical reasoning it was resolved they must be suppressed and ruined and therefore when the Kingdom was setled in peace three Protestant Towns Rochel Montauban and Millan which had shewed the greatest zeal 〈◊〉 the Kings Service were plundered by the Souldiers and otherwise impoverisht These were the forerunners of that general destruction designed against these inno●ent People which were every day succeeded by others ●n order to their utter extirpation They first condemned their Churches and Exercises of Religion by establishing Commissioners who pretended the Protestants had exceeded the grants that were allowed them though their Proceedings herein were so very unjust that the Judges often received order to condemn them when by the great evidence of their right they declared they could not in Conscience do it Yea in civil affairs and controversies about Lands Houses or Debts Religion was always urged the Monks Priests and the rest of that Crew crying out in Courts of Justice I plead against an Heretick against an Enemy to the State and to the Kings Religion whom he would have to be destroy'd So that the Judge durst not declare in their favour though never so much wronged lest he should be counted a Favourer of Hereticks And upon complaint the Protestants were told You have your remedy in your own hands why don't you turn Catholicks After this succeeded Processes to all the Cities Towns and Parishes in France to impower the Curates and Church-Wardens to inquire exactly what had been said or done for twenty years past by the Protestants about Religion or any other matters and to inform the Justices of the place who were to punish them with the utmost severity whereby the Prisons were soon fill●d there being no want of false witnesses and which was most horrible though the Judges were very sensible they were perjured villains yet they countenanced and incouraged them in swearing things that they knew were absolutely false whereby many innocent and virtuous persons were whipt and sent to the Gallies for Slaves But the Ministers suffered most thereby who seldom preached a Sermon but that a Troop of Priests and Monks were present as Informers and Observators who charged them with things they never thought of by turning them into a contrary meaning Yea pretended to divine their thoughts and make them criminal For if a Minister spake of Egypt Phara●h the Israelites or of good and bad people These Spies report that by Egypt and the wicked they meant the Catholicks and by the Israelites the Protestants Yea the Judges and Ministers of state incouraged these Rascals so that they filled the Jayls with poor Protestants where they were kept whole years together and sometimes suffered corporal punishment They then proceeded to deprive Protestants of all Publick Offices and Imployments directly contrary to the Edict of Henry the great who made an express Article to the contrary Yea to hinder them from excercising several Arts and Trades whereby to maintain their Families This was in 1669 and in 1680 and 1681. all Lords and Gentlemen were ordered to discharge all their Protestant Officers and Servants Nay they would not suffer any Protestant Mid-Wives to do their Office but expresly ordained that no Women should receive any assistance in that condition but from Popish Mid-Wives by these strange and unheard of Methods many thousand Persons and Families were reduced to misery and ruin But because some could still sustain themselves there was an Order of Council that the New-Converts as they call them that is those who turned from Protestants to Papists should not be obliged to pay their debts in three years which fell heavily upon the Protestants who were generally concerned with them and hereby they found the secret to recompence the Apostates at the charge of those who continued constant who were likewise prohibited to sell or alienate their Estates to support themselves the King making void all contracts of that kind Yea to add to their misfortunes they were forbid by divers Edicts under severe penalties not to go out of France to get their Bread in other Countrys which reduced them to the horrible necessity of dying with hunger in their own Country Their Cruelty ceased not here for they laid unreasonable and severe Taxes upon the Protestants so that he who before was charged at Forty or Fifty Livers was now raised to seven or eight hundred which if not instantly paid they quartered Dragoons upon them till they had discharged the utmost farthing In 1681 an Edict came out that Children at seven years of age might abjure the Protestant Religion forcing their Parents to give them yearly allowances above their ability which occasioned the seducing of many young people and brought ruin to a multitude of Families yea they took Children from their Parents and put them into Covents with strict charge not to let their Fathers or Mothers see them even Persons of the best Quality were so ●●ed the ancient Duke De la Force having seven of his Chil●ren taken from him the eldest not exceeding twelve years and the like was done to other Noblemen a barbarity never heard of in the most Savage Nations They prohibited the Protestant Ministers to be School-Masters and suppressed three Universities which were absolutely granted by the Edict of Nants They forbid Papists to marry Protestants or Ministers to hinder their people directly or indirectly from imbracing the Roman Religion These and a murtitude of Grievances more they groaned under when the Elector of Brandenburgh being pleased to intercede on their Behalf the King assured him He was very well satisfied with the behaviour of his Protestant Subjects and that so long as he lived no wrong should be done them And yet at the same instant according to the usual perfidy of that party he gave order for demolishing several of their Churches and shut up others imprisoning their Pastors and using divers manifest injustices against those he pretended to protect Yea in 1682. When they had much advanced the work of their destruction the King declared That he had not the least intention to infringe the Edict of Nantes but would most religiously observe it Though at the same time he had treacherously resolved in Council to Ruin and Destroy it And accordingly in 1684. He absolutely concluded to cancel and make void that Edict and to banish all their Ministers out of the Kingdom yet still declaring That other Protestants might live peaceably till it should please God to enlighten and convert them Which was only designed
to insnare and amuse them at present till they had by degrees incensed the Mobile against them to diminish the horror they naturally have to Cruelty to which end several young Priests were sent about the Kingdom to inflame the multitude in their Sermons and Orations and by publishing Scandalous Satyrs and Lyes against them And for those of greater Quality some Volumes were written against Calvinism and the Reformation one of whom affirmed highly That the Catholick Faith must be planted by Fire and Sword alledging for proof thereof the example of a King of Norway who converted the Nobles of his Countrey by threatning them to slay their Children before their eyes if they would not consent to have them baptiz'd and to be baptized themselves The Protestants were very sensible of these things and that further mischief was designed against them and therefore presented frequent Addresses to the King wherein they exposed their grievances with all humility and submission the last-being presented to the King himself by their Deputy General in March 1684. Exprest in Terms most capable of moving pity yet produced no other effect but the hastening what they had long before resolved on which was the using of open force to accomplish their ruine which was effectually done some months after in a manner so terrible and violent that there are few in Christendom who have not heard the report of it At first they quartered Souldiers in all the Provinces almost at the same time but chiefly Dragoons the most desperate Troops in the Kingdom Terror and Dread marched before them and all France was filled with the news That the King would no longer suffer any Protestants in his Kingdom and that they must resolve to change their Religion or else suffer the utmost cruelty that could be inflicted upon them They first summoned the Cities and Commonalties and affembling the Inhabitants of the Reformed Religion told them It was the Kings pleasure they should without delay become Catholicks and if they would not do it freely they must force them The poor people surprized at the proposal answered They were ready to Sacrifice their Estates and Lives to the King but their Consciences being Gods they could not in the same manner dispose of them Such answers immediately brought the Dragoons who were near hand upon them who instantly seized on all the Gates and Passages of the City where they placed Guards who came off with their Swords in their hands crying Kill Kill or else be Catholicks They lay upon the Protestants at free quarter strictly forbidding any to go out of their Houses or to conceal any of their Goods or Estates under great penalties the Papists were fordid to receive or any way relieve them the first days were spent in consuming all the Provisions the house afforded and Robbing them of Money Rings Jewels or any thing of Value After this they seized of all their goods in general inviting the Papists to come and buy them Lastly they fell on their Persons wherein they forbore no wickedness nor Villany to oblige them to change their Religion Amidst a thousand hideous cryes and blasphemies they hung Men and Women up by the hair of the head or by the Feet to the Roofs of their Chambers or else to 〈◊〉 Hooks within the Chimneys smoaking them with w●●ps of wet straw till they were no longer able to bear it and when they were taken down if they would not recant their Religion they immediately hung them up again They threw them into great fires purposely provided and pulled them not out till half roasted They tyed Ropes under their Arms and plunged them up and down into Wells from whence they would not take them till they had promised to turn Papists They tyed them as Criminals to the Rack and with a Funnel poured Wine down their Throats till the fumes of it deprived them of their reason and then made them say they would be Catholicks They stript them stark naked and after a thousand indignities they larded or stuck them with pins from head to foot They cut them with Penknives and pluckt them by the Nose with Red hot Pincers and dragged them about the Rooms till they promised to be Catholicks or that for weariness they let the poor wretches go They beat them with Staves and dragged them all bruised to the Churches where their forced presence was reckoned their abjuring the Protestant Religion They kept them from sleeping seven or eight nights and days together relieving one another to keep them waking They threw buckets of Water on their Faces and tormented them several ways by holding kettles over their Heads turned downwards whereon they made a continual noise till these poor creatures had even lost their sences If they found any sick in bed they had the cruelty to bring several Drums sounding an Alarm about their beds for whole weeks together without intermission till they had promised to recant In some places they tyed Fathers and Husbands to the bed-posts and ravished their Daughters and Wives on the bed before their eyes In other places Rapes were publickly permitted for many hours together They pluckt off the Nails from the hands and toes of others with most intolerable pain They burnt the feet of others They blew up men and women with bellows even till they were ready to burst If after these horrid Usages any refused to turn they imprisoned them in Close Dark and Stinking Dungeons exercising on them all manner of inhumanity In the mean time they demolished their Houses destroyed their hereditary Lands cut down their Woods and seized their Wives and Children to imprison them in Monasteries When the Souldiers had consumed and destroy'd all in the House the Tenants of their Lands furnisht them with subsistance to whom they likewise sold the Lands If any endeavoured to escape by flight they were pursued and hunted in the Fields and Woods and Shot at like Wild Beasts The Justices and Magistrates rode about the highways stopping all without exception and using them like Prisoners of War Neither fell this Storm only on the common sort Noblemen and Gentlemen were not exempted from it who had Souldiers also quartered on them that plundred their houses wasted their Goods razed their Castles cut down their Woods yea their very Persons were exposed to the insolence and barbarity of the Dragoons as well as others which to avoid many Ladies and Persons of Quality hoped to find some retreat in Paris or at the Court not imagining the Dragoons would come to seek them so near the Kings presence but they soon found their mistake for immediately there was an Order of Council commanding them to leave Paris in fifteen days and return without delay to their own dwellings prohibiting all persons to entertain or lodge them in their houses And some addrossing to the King with complaints of such cruel usage and beseeching his relief had no other answer but being sent Prisoners to the Bastile It is observable
in France to follow the Example of Paris and to destroy and kill all the Protestants which were amongst them and yet at the same time the King writes other Letters wherein he laid the fault of the murder of the Admiral and the rest upon the Duke of Guise As soon as this Command was published and that the Kings Letters came the Papists fell with all imaginable fury upon all the Protestants at Meaux Troys Orleans and other places murthering them without any manner of pity and Compassion And among the rest Monsieur De la Place President of the Court of Requests being in his house a Captain came to him and told him that the Duke of Guise had killed th● Admiral by the Kings appointment and many other Hugonots but however he was willing to secure him but desired to see his Gold The Lord De la Place c●●●rving his Impudence asked him whether h● thought there were a King or no the Captain b●aspheming bid him go to know the Kings pleasure The Lord De la Place thinking there was danger near went from him to secure himself and the Captain thereupon plundered his House The poor Gentleman seeking shelter in three Houses for his life was denied and was at last forced to return home again where finding his wife very sorrowful he rebuked her and discourst with her of the Promises of God telling her That through many Tribulations we must enter into the Kingdom of God and then calling his Family together he made an Exhortation to them went to prayer and then read a Chapter in Job with Calvins Exposition and then praying again he resolved by Gods assistance to suffer all kind of Torments rather than to fly for it Presently after the Provost of the Merchants comes to his House with many Archers and an Order to bring him to the King and would not admit of any Excuse whereupon the Lord supposed what would happen and therefore embracing his Wife he desired her never to forsake the truth of God And so going toward the Palace some Murtherers waited for him and immediately stab'd him with their Daggers so that he fell down d●ad and then stripping him cast his Body into the River After this there followed the like Cruclties and Murders upon the Protestants in the Cities of Lyons Tholouse Burdeau● Angiers where the Protestants were most barbarously killed destroyed as likewise in most other Cities and Towns so that in a few Months there were murdered above threescore Thousand Protestants in France for no other Crime but only for being Protestants Yet in the midst of these dangers it pleased God to provide some places of refuge for them as Rochel Montalbon Wismes Saucerre Privus c. whither many Protestants fled from other places In the year 1573. the Town of Saucerre was besieged by the Lord of Chastre who with his Cannon played incess●ntly upon the place so that the Stones Pavements and Splinters of Timber flew about continually and yet it pleased God that only one young Woman was slain thereby though sometimes the Coats Breeches and Hats of the Inhabitants were shot thorough The Siege being long there was great scarcity insomuch that the People were forced to eat Horses Asses and Mules which lasted a Month afterwards they cat all the Dogs Cats Rats Mice and Moles that they could get and then they were forced to eat Parchments Horses and Beasts-Hoofs Horns Lanthorns Hasters Girdles of Leather Herbs wild Roots and Furniture for Horses this being all spent and no bread in the City they made bread of Linseed Herbs mixt with Bran Straw Meal Powder of Nut-shells yea Slates Sewet old Ointments and other Grease served to make Pottage and therewith they likewise fryed the Excrements of Horses and Men which they eat yea the very filth in the Streets was not spared During this Extremity a labourer and his wife were put to death for cating the Head Intrails and Brains of their own Child a Girl of three years old who died with Famine having likewise dressed the rest of her body to eat at other times Those that went out of the City Walls were forced to live upon the Spriggs of Vines Black-berries Snails and Herbs and many of them were killed by the Enemy And among other lamentable Spectacles a poor man and his Wife were found dead among the Vines and two of their Children crying by them the youngest being not above Six weeks old whom a Charitable Widow took home and relieved c. Many died of this terrible Famine in their Houses and others fell down dead in the S●ree●● Most of the Children under Twelve years old died and most lamentable it was to see their poor Fathers and Mothers lamenting their misery and yet could not relieve them yet most of them did wond●rfully encourage themse●ve● in Gods help and assistance as may appear by this strange Example A Boy about five years old being famisht for Hunger running along the Streets fell down for dead in the presence of his Father and Mother who wept over him and felt his Arms and Legs which were as dry as a Stick To whom the Child said Why do you weep to see me die of hunger I ask you no Bread Mother for I know you have none but since it is Gods will that I should die in this manner I must take it thankfully Had not the H●ly man Lazarus Hunger have I not read it in my Bible and saying thus he yielded up his Spirit And that which preserved the rest from perishing was because there were six Cows kept alive to give Milk to some few Intants and some Horses of service reserved for extremity were killed and their flesh sold and some little Corn was brought into the Town by stealth which was sold for half a Crown a pound There died by the War but Eighty four Persons but the Famine destroyed Five Hundred and the rest were brought so low that they hardly recovered Divers voluntarily went out of the Town chusing rather death than such misery whereof some were slain and others Imprisoned and Executed And now when all humane help failed the King having sworn He would make them eat one another and the Papists threatning to Massacre them all it pleased God strangely to deliver these poor Protestants For Ambassadors coming from Poland to fetch the Duke of Anjou the Kings Brother thither whom they had chosen for their King They having notice of this terrible siege obtained by their Sollicitations that all the Towns in France which were molested for Religion should have their Liberty by which means the poor Saucerreans half dead with hunger obtained their freedom and were quietly suffered to depart with their Arms and Goods and those that would stay not to be questioned for what was past About the same time the Town of Rochel was likewise besieged the Townsmen often sallying out and divers hot skirmishes past among the rest a young Gentleman boasted with horrible blasphemies that he was one of