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A86686 Manus testium movens: or, A Presbyteriall glosse upon many of those obscure prophetick texts in Canticles, Isay, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Habakkuk, Zachary, Matthew, Romans, and the Revelations: which point at the great day of the vvitnesses rising; Antichrists ruine, and the Jews conversion, neare about this time. VVherein Dr. Homes, with the rest of the independent antichristian time-servers are clearly confuted, and out of their own writings condemned: and against them proved, that the present usurpers in England are that antichristian party who have slain the witnesses, and shall reign but three yeers and an half, which time is almost at an end. To this book must be joyned Lingua testium, being its proper preface. / Written by Testis-mundus Catholicus Scotanglo-Britanicus. Hall, Edmund, 1619 or 20-1687. 1651 (1651) Wing H328; Thomason E632_23; ESTC R206463 110,211 129

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shall this beast cause sore prosecution to fall upon the Saints of God yea this beast shall be farre more cruel then any of the enemies of the Church before him he shall be more monstrous in his attempts against the Church and he shall reach higher then ever any enemy before him the tallest we reade of before was but 66. but this is 666. all the enemies the most hellishest Traytors could never yet root up the Protestant Government in England they could never blowe up King Lords and Commons by their most secret plots but this beast doth it at noon-day in the face of all the world Oh that I had but room here to write his History I should make the eares of all that heard it tremble to remember these horrid unnatural villanies that this beast of the earth whose nummber is 666. hath committed all the conspiracies of Rome and Spain though they have not now been idle could never yet do the tenth part of that mischief to the Magistry and Ministry of England as he hath done how hath he overthrown them even when they had finished their Testimony how miserably is our covenanted Reformation broken in pieces by the prevailing Treason and rebellion of this beast As for those who seek to find the beast in the number of his name I conceive they stumble upon these two grosse mistakes they take the word number in a literal sence which is to be interpreted in another sence it signifying there the due proportion of the beast in number weight and measure thereby shewing he is an usurper a thief and a robber none of Gods appointment 2. There is another stumbling-block at which Interpreters not a few fall they go about to find the number of this beast in his name whereas the Holy-Ghost doth not bid us number his name for that the fooles of the world do but he bids them count the number of the beast count him in his rising he rose by his Lambs horns and Dragons tongue by flattering and hypocrisie blasphemies and deceits count him in his acting he acts by the Devils and the Popes Commission count him in his power he sets up his Sword-power a tyranical unlawful power count him in his means of obtaining that power and 't is his signes and wonders whereby he cheateth the people into a compliance with and subjection to his Power and Dominion Look upon him and count him in his several Acts of power and he is extreme tyranical he makes it death speak against the new Government and then he forceth men even against their own Consciences to subscribe to his new Government or publickly to own it by observing his publick edicts and keeping and solemnizing his Fast-dayes and Fe●st-dayes and if not to deprive them of the priviledge of buying and selling to out-law them and God only knowes what worse thing thus count the number of the beast and his number is none of Gods but the Devils number he is full weight no where but in the Devils scales In plain truth he is a hydeous monstrous Tyrant against the Church exceeding all that went before him for the Popes they only drove the witnesses into Sackcloth but this beast slayes them Thus have I tediously though not impertinently shewed thee Reader the beast that slayes the witnesses and the time when he doth slay them and by this time I doubt nor but thou seest that those whom the Dr. my Antagonist makes the holy ones are those that slay the witnesses and those for whose destruction he impudently gave thanks are the slain witnesses I meane the lawful Governours and Government in the State and the lawful Governours and Government in Church for 't is the Offices of both which being destroyed may justly be called the slaying of the Witnesses all rational sober-minded Protestants may easily find the slain witnesses if hee 'l but look to the casting down of the Covenant-Reformation and the Instruments of that Covenant In the Covenant he may find their testimony the which both Magistrate and Ministers having finished that is fully agreed upon and resolved effectually to put in practice up comes this beast of the earth and with his Sword-power slayes them and their reformation and this is the time of slaying of the witnesses now this as we have proved he did when he set up his God Mauzzim Dan. 11. 38. that is his Sword-power the which was set up in Anno 1647. about August or December when he got the strength of the Kingdom by Sea viz. the Navy into his hands and 〈◊〉 Cinque-ports Castles Strong-Holds and fortifications of the Kingdom Together with the general Command of all the forces in the Kingdom of England and Wales at which time he seized on the royal per●on of the King of England marched up in Arms against the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament charged illegally persumptiously and unjustly the chief of the Members of the House of Commons with Treason put them to flight imprisoned divers of the Lords and several of the Commons and the chiefest and honourablest of the Magistrates of the City of London and by his Sword-power set up his packt party of fagitive Members which fled from the Parliament and openly subscribed to live and die with this fellow whose designs were to blow up King and Parliament as since all the world hath seen it true I humbly conceive we may reckon the name of this beast to begin then and the slaying of the witnesses then to begin so that the next conclusion or proposition for me to prove will be this That the beast of the earth that did slay these witnesses shall be destroyed the witnesses that he slew shal rise again about this year 1651 by slain witnesses rising again I do not mean the same persons that were slain but the same Offices that were pulled down shall rise again the lawful State Government and lawful Church-Government shall rise again for the more plain and clear demonstration of this we must lay down some few Propositions to be premised 1. That as the former part of the Revelation sets forth the enemies of the Church and the Church her sad condition under those enemies especially these 3. enemies the Dragon the Beast and the false Prophet so from Rev. 14. to the end you have the vision of the Raign of the beast the Dragon and the false Prophet and the rising of the Church to a glorious State 2. That the beasts distruction that slayes the witnessests and the witnesses rising again are at one and the same time for as the beasts rising and the witnesses ruine were at once Rev. 11. 7. so the witnesses rising and the beasts ruine shall be at once as the cause and the effect The beasts rising was the cause of the witnesses falling and the witnesse rising again is the cause of the beasts ruine 3. That those witnesses are a goodly Magistracy and a goodly Ministry which are called Rev. 4. 4. 6. 7. 24. Elders
which Banner he leads his troops of Traitors and squadrons of blasphemers and Hereticks how shall all these be overthrown at one set battell about this yeer 1651. since t is impossible all these three Enemies shall be at the battell in person The Question is somewhat hard to be determined positively yet this is clear from the Scripture that this great battell Revel 19. 19 20. is that battell that shall be fought by the Witnesses after they are risen from their slain condition and this battell is fought against the Beast that slays the Witnesses that is the Beast of the Earth that little Horn in Dan. 7. 26 27. and Dan. 11. 4 5. and against the Beast of the bottomlesse pit and his company which makes merry Rev. 11. 10. for the destruction of the Witnesses now how can it be said that when this Beast and his party are overcome that then the Beast and the false Prophet and the Dragon are over-come A. 1. To this we answer in two words 1. They may virtually and potentially all three fall when one fals so the whole hosts of the Philistines fell when Goliah fell 2. Then when this Beast of the Earth fals all the three begin to fall and from that day never rise more their chief plots and devices shall be discovered and broken and their villanie shall be discovered to the whole world which shall make the ten Horns to hate the Whore and burn her with fire Or who can tell but that at this battell the cheif strength of the Pope the grand Hereticks who are the devils Esquires and the cheif and grand Traitors against the Laws and Religion of England may be all in that battell overcome Or thus at three Kings in one person by the Beast of the earth were overthrown so the three grand enemies of the Church in that one person of the Beast of the earth may be overthrown And to me it is very probable in Revel 17. where John saw Rome in that year when she was to go to destruction in v 3. He saw the last Beast that did bear up Rome and uphold her in her pomp the Beasts is called v 8. the Beast that cometh out of the bottomlesse pit to let us know that that Beast which slaies the Witnesses bears up Rome when she is going to damnation this Beast v 3. is called the Beast bearing up Rome because he slays the Witnesses that would have pulled down Rome he is called therefore a scarlet coloured Beast because of his bloody cruelty against the true Church and then he is said to have seven Heads and ten Horns because he supports that City Rome with seven Heads and ten Horns Popery by the Covenanteers had long ●ince been in the dust but that he broke the Covenanteers and their Reformation by his bloody treason and his blasphemous troops So then as this Beast is said to bear up Rome though he be far distant from Rome by his slaying Romes enemies so Rome may be said to fall and the Pope may be said to fall and the Devil who is said to be the father of Hereticks and blasphemers may be said to fall when he that hath supported them fals And in this sence at this battell when this Beast is overthrown the Beast and that false Prophet and the Dragon may be said to fall and be sure of it when the Witnesses have got their victories over this Beast down goeth Popery and blasphemie and heresie so that though in the downfall of this Beast of the earth it cannot be said that the Pope and the Devil shall personally and universally in their power be overthrown yet it may truly be said that virtually they are overcome it may well and truly be said that the Pope and the Devil are overcome when this Beast is overcome because the Beast is the support of Popery by which Romes pomp is supported and the support of Hereticks and blasphemers by whom the Devils kingdom is upheld hath he not caused those to fall who went about to overthrow Rome and hath he not granted a toleration to all Hereticks to lord it over the orthodox Christians Who is so blinde as doth not see that he doth support this day the state pomp and Religion of Rome and of the Divels kingdom there Satans throne is where the Witnesses are slain Rev. 2. 13. In a word it may truly be said when the Beast of the earth is overthrown that then the Popes cause and interest and the Devills interest will with him be overthrown in these three kingdoms for who is it but he that hinders the Covenant-reformation and if he shall by the Covenanteers as I do undoubtedly believe he will when his three years and a halfs Raign is up be overcome be assured that the rising Witnesses prosecuting the ends of the Covenant will be the ruine of the Popes and the devils Kingdom in England Indeed the Tenor of the Covenant is nothing else but to establish the Witnesses and throw down Popery and Heresie that is the Pope and the Devils kingdom Shall I yet go a little further I am confident that when this Beast of the earth is overcome his cursed Hellish conspiracies with the Court of Rome and the Court of Spaine to overthrow the Kings of Europe that acknowledg not the Popes supremacie will be made so apparent that all the Kings in Europe especially France and Portugall and these thre Kingdoms England Scotland and Ireland will both abominate and utterly reject the Romish Court as a den of abominable Theeves and Murtherers And I trust utterly forsake that accursed Religion which can change it self into any shape and pretend any interest on purpose to overthrow kingdoms and murther Kings Now put all these together consider but from the time of the Popes rising when he got to be the head of Rome to be independent which as on all hands is concluded was about the yeer 390. and consider but the time of the Beasts of the earth who riseth out of Independency and slaies the Witnesses in the yeer 1647. consider how cleerly the holy Ghost holds out the Beast in his rising in his government in his time of duration and in the manner and place of his ruine compare but Scripture with Scripture compare Dan. 7. and 11. and Matth. 24 Mark 13. Luke 21. Rev. 11. the 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Chapters and Zach. 14. together with severall other Texts in Ezek and Isiah I say compare the severall texts as we have set them one with another and compare with these texts the occurrences of these three yeers last past in England Scotland and Ireland and from all it may be concluded I would fain say positively probably that immediately after 1650. is ended when the Beast of the earth hath ●aged a Prophetick day that is one year in Scotland then comes the ruine of the Church her enemies for then the Church of Romes time of keeping the Witnesses in Sackcloath is expired and the three years and an half of the great Independent Beast that shall slay the Witnesses is expired then he and his Poliarchy of Senators who Raign as Kings must go to their eternall graves and then the Witnesses must rise and take possession of their seats from which they were thrown and the Covenanted-reformation by them must be carried on to the utter destruction of the Pope and his faction and the binding of the devil and utter casting of him out of the Church with his faction All which the Lord of his infinite mercy through Jesus Christ for his elect sake both of Jews and Gentiles unconverted and alreadie converted hasten Even so come Lord Jesus Come quickly Amen FINIS
gets to his Kingdom not by open force but by pretences of peace to settle the Kingdom in peace this Party must be disbanded and the other Party thrust out of the Kingdom and another Party must be supplanted and all under pretence of Peace the King must be taken off and the Nobles degraded and the Commons secluded and all for the settling of peace his motto is Pax quaeritur bello I have read it in his Standart all his pretences are peace and restoring the Free-born people to their Liberties Two things discover him clearly First he succeeds in the room of a King which is destroyed neither in wroth nor battel v. 20. how then if neither by wroth nor battel then certainly he must be destroyed by a deliberate act of pretended Justice against him and so destroyed by cutting off his head as a malefactor Now that King so destroyed this vile fellow must succeed Nay v. 22. he shall proceed to overthrow the Prince of the Covenant Now we see how it hath succeeded with the Covenant-keeping Party at the stern of government The like Paraphrase may run in the following verses setting out this beasts designes against the King of the South but I will not be too bold since the times are comments on these texts let this be sufficient to make us know that the Beast of the earth and the little horn and this vile fellow are none and the same Beast even he that slayes the Witnesses and his two horns and his Dragons tongue are but to set forth his hypocriticall pretences as the Serpents tongue beguiled Eve so this fellow beguiles innocent persons to their ruin His two horns signifie his power his Army they are like Lambs horns Rev. 13. 12. 't is not said the horns of the Lamb but horns like a Lamb that is harmlesse he pretends that his Army shall lay down Arms whensoever the Parliament will command them they are Conscientious men who professe it s against their Principles to fight but to suffer for their Religion This Beasts Army are all innocent Doves and harmlesse Lambs all Saints persecuted Saints forsooth that count all men bitter-spirited men that beleeve not every word they say but he hath the tongue of a Dragon It alludes to the Serpent in Paradice that deceived Eve and so overthrew Adam the only Monarch of the world So doth this Beast with his Lambs horns through his lying cheating swearing forswearing and cheating of effeminate silly people overthrow the only true Christian Monarch in the world I wish it be not proved that they have had a hand in Adams ruin through the subtilty of Jesuits those Christian-State Serpents therefore this horn is said to have Dan. 7. 8. the eyes of a man that is aboundance of humane policy saith Theodoret and much dissimulation saith Maldonatus and then he speaks like the Dragon that 's another note of this beast like unto which you have that Dan. 7. 8. he hath a mouth speaking great things observe this beast hath not the Teeth nor the Tayl nor the Sting but the Tongue of the Dragon so that Fabritius Hectors comment on those words seemeth to me very good Os loquens injentia i.e. eloquens Superbus malledicus jactabundus fallax mirax divinitatem sibi arogat he is eloquent proud an evil speaker full of boasting a deceitfull fellow and a threatner and he arrogates divinity to himself this is something near the matter for he akes upon him to preach divinity this puts me in minde of their interpretations who by the Beast of the earth understand the earthly power of Antichrists Preachers which shall be exc●eding numerous towards the later end of the world when Enoch and Elias are by them to be slain by Enoch and Elias they mean the two Witnesses this is the opinion of Haymo the ordinary Glosse Viega Rodolphus Richardus Beda Ausburtus Panno●ius Rupertus and others it is very much for these Authors so long ago to foretell us that in these dayes we should have an army of Preachers rise up and slay the Witnesses I am sorry that I must be so tedious but I cannot let passe the words of Petrus Bullingerus upon the two horns of the Beast of the earth Scripturas in hypoc●isin gerunt faciuntque faciunt ex ejus Cornua bestiae dum adulterant verbum Dei non nisi ad confirmanda Satanae mendatiae illis utantne they professe the Scriptures saith he in hypocrisie and out of it they make horns for the Beast while they adulterate the word of God and make no use at all of the Scriptures but only to confirm the lies of Satan in an ancient manuscript which I found in Bibliotheca Bodliana I found this passage in it speaking of the Horns of the Beast saith he he hath two Horns either to note that he pretends to be the defender of the two Testaments or that he would seem to be the protector of the Gospel-Church amongst the Gentiles and the great friend to the Jews this he pretends to in the sight of the world said Sybill● frandulentia Enoch et Elias preditet but under that deceit he shall slay the Witnesses believe it these passages are not to be sleighted for my own part when I consider the times we live in and see how exactly the ancient writers words are fulfilled I rather count them Prophets then D●eamers Now because we will if possible inforce the Dr. to see his mistakes we will yet make out this Beast more clearly by his Horns take but that of E Lapide Josephus A Costa C. E Lapide saith that Cornu ●ignum erat Regni so that belike these two Horns must be two Kingdoms that this Beast shall wear Josephus Acosta l. 2. de novissimis Temporibus Cap 17. thinks that these two Horns signifie Episcopal dignity which is the Miter that Bishops wore which Miter hath two parts like two Horns upon the Head crit ergo quispiam Apostata ●t simulator religionis ecclesiae honoris proditor that these two ●e●uites may not fall together by the eares wee 'le reconcile them would Cornelius E Lapide have this Beasts two Horns two Kingdoms wee 'le grant it would Josephus A Costa have it a Myter like to Horns wee 'le grant that also England and Ireland are the two Kingdoms that the Beast hath gotten by his policy and power take the Harp and the Crosse as they are now joyned by the Beast that hath joyned them and put them on his head they make a perfect Miter and thus I have reconciled these two learned Jesuites which I hope none will judge but that 't is a work of charity in real truth Oh! but that Beast in Daniel subdueth three Kings how then hath he but two horns Sol. he shall cut off the King of three Kingdoms and in that sence he shall pluck up three Kings in one person or he shall defeat the power and forces of three Kingdoms he shall cause them to fall and fly
upholding Rome by slaying the witnesses for otherwise Rome by the witnesses had been shaken I have not 〈◊〉 enough to vindicate this 17. Chapter from the false glosses put upon it it shall be the work of a longer day only I hint this by the way that this Beast is he that was that is as Junius saith in the Caesarian head and is not that is in the same Family 't is not but yet is that is in the same Government for the likeness and for the kind it is the same Governnest and the qualities of the Beast are such this very Beast Daniel describes after the self-same manner Dan. 11. 36. 37. 38. And the King shall do according to his will and he shall exalt himself and magnifie himself above every God and shall speak marvelous things against the God of Gods and shall prosper until the indignation be accomplished for that that is determined shall be done Neither shall he regard the God of his Fathers nor the desire of women nor regard any God for he shall magnifie himself above all But in his estate he shall honour the God of forces and a God whom his Fathers knew not shall he honour with gold and silver and precious stones and pleasant things This King Hierome conceives is Antichrist this King as Cothi●s on Rev. 1. 3. calls him the eighth there mentioned in Rev. 17. because he is the last great enemy of the Church which by slaying the witnesses bears up Rome which stands tottering in the 7. head the Pontificality so he is called by Hierom Dan. 7. 8. the eleventh King because he is the last u●start usurper which erects a new Government amongst the ten European Kingdoms formerly belonging to the Roman Empire so that by the Fathers confession this King must not arise until the end of the Roman Monarchy now 't is concluded by all learned men that the Roman Monarchy is now near its end and what little horn that is which is now started up and hath pulled down tres Reges Christum purè profitentes for so Viega saith he must do I give all this world leave to judge that are sound in the principles of this present Religion it is well known that only England Scotland and Ireland were the three Kingdoms in the world that of late professed the principles of the Protestant Religion purely and that is to profess Christ purely Ireland might justly whiles it was subjected to the English be called one of the three Kingdoms purely professing the Gospel though since it may justly be called Egypt for that bloudy cruelty to the true Church now who it is that hath usurped these three by distroying the lawful King of the three Kingdoms every Child can tell Observe but Bright m●ns Comment upon this Text he calls this King Antichrist Hi●r●m calls him Antichrist and so do many of the Fathers indeed Brightman applies it to the Pope but I see no reason for it I do not deny but that the Popedom● is that state under which the Church shall be afflicted 1260 years but it is questionable whether the Popedom be the Antichrist exclusively I do acknowledge that it is that Antichristian state out of which Antichrist shall arise but I hu●bly conceive yet not I alone but all the Fathers that the man Antichrist is he that slayes the witnesses I do not deny but that the Pontifick state since it got the Key of independency is that man of sin spoken of 2 Thes 2. 4. who opposeth himself to all that is called God The likeness of the expression here in Daniel and this made Brightman conclude that it was the Pope but it is no wonder if the Holy Ghost use like expressions to set forth the Beast of the earth which all the Fathers and most of the Papists call Antichrist because there is a neer relation betwixt the Pope and him the Pope made the Keys of the bottomles pit and this Beast of the earth Rev. 11. 7. comes out of the bottomlespit the Pope is the 7. head of Rome and this is of the seven he doth all that the Pope did before him the Pope rose by lying cheating forswearing rebelling against his Soveraign deposing of him and sitting in his seat tolerating blasphemies and setting up Hereticks upon design yet professing much holiness and Saint-ship and so doth the Beast of the earth he treads in the path of Roman policy doing the same things in the presence or with the good liking of the Pope The Pope set up a strange Government in Rome and so doth this Beast of the earth in the Kingdoms that he threw down his usurpation is set out by his magnifying himself above all Gods that is Magistrates the strange Government he shall set up is the God Mauzzim that is the Government of force the sword-Government such a Government as his Fathers never heard of he shall honour it with gold and silver that is he shall make his Officers rich and his packt party he shall make them rule over many his word shall give them power to write as the Popes did volumus et mandamus we enact and be it enacted and the next thing they shall do is to divide the Land for gain yes that 's it We have a large cōment upon this Text already written in large Characters upon the Kingdoms burthened back so that by this you see how the Holy Ghost agrees both in Daniel and Revel in the describing of this Beast by his Government In Revel 13. he sets up a Government of his own forcing by his sword and in Daniel he sets up the God Mauzzim which is the Government of force If any should doubt whether the Beast in the Revelations and this in Daniel which we have so often quoted be one and the same I prove it thus if Daniel agree with the Revelation and the Revelation with Daniel in the identity of time of action of rule and ruine of the Beast then most probable that Daniels little horn and Johns Beast of the earth are one and the same but the time of the Beast in both is one and the same for that in Daniel riseth in the end of the Roman Monarchy and that in Rev. 7. riseth when the witnesses have finished their Testimony that is at or near the end of the 1260 years raign of the Beast of the Sea Rev. 13. after which immediately John saw the Beast of the earth arise and her actions are the same in Dan. and Revel for in Dan. 25. he wears out the Saints of the most high and thinks to change times and Lawes and Rev. 1● 7. he shall make warre with the witnesses overcome them and slay them and in Rev. 13. 10. 11. when he that led captivity is to go into captivity then the faith and patience of the Saint is tryed then their two suffering graces shall be eminently exercised and then v. 11. shall the other Beast the Beast rising out of the earth appear this Beast is he
greater pomp then now When did ever Rome's Designs prosper more then now throughout Europe Is it not a year of Jubilee a year of feasting and rejoycing with Rome how then can it be imagined that Rome should have a fatal blow about this year To this I answer briefly Rome's prosperity is that great Sumptome of her ruine for Rev. 18. 7. Her ruine shall come in that day that she thought her self most secure How much she hath gloried her self and lived deliciously so much torment give her for she saith in her heart I sit a Queen and am no Widow and shall see no sorrow Therefore shall her plagues come in one day death and mourning and famine and she shall be utterly burnt with fire In these two verses the Holy Ghost useth this as a strong Argument to perswade us that Rome's ruine shall be when the World least expects it Observe what the Lovers of Rome say in vers 9 10. They shall weep and cry Alas Alas thou great City for in one hour is thy judgment come By all which 't is manifest that Rome's ruine shall be suddain and unexpected and therefore 't is an argument that Rome's ruine is nigh because of her pomp and great prosperity I 'le bring another proof for it in Rev. 11. 9 10. It shall be a time of merry making and feasting I am almost perswaded that the Holy Ghost points at the year of Jubilee that is now at Rome to note to us That when the slain Witnesses shall be dead in the streets and unburied then Rome shall keep a year of feasting and rejoycing which year of feasting is this present year 1650. Now they are making merry that a Protestant Parliament a Protestant King and a Protestant Ministery are overthrown but mark what follows on a suddain those Witnesses that Protestant Magistracy and Protestant Ministery stand on their feet and then comes the Earth-quake which shakes their Enemies to the ground So that the day of Rome's rejoycing doth but usher in Rome's ruine And therefore prosperity and success so much cryed up by this Antichristian Doctor is an argument to me of their speedy ruine Would but the Doctor read Rev. 11. 7 15. wisely he might see himself with shame acting the part of one of Antichrists Ministers I perceive he knows well that Antichrists raign is neer at an end he that knows that cannot if he search diligently but see in Rev. 11. 7. that three years and an half before the Pope's ruine a Beast shall arise and slay the Witnesses that have finished their Testimony that is a godly Magistracy and Ministery when they had agreed to root out Popery and establish uniformity in Doctrine Discipline and government this Beast that doth these things against the Witnesses he cannot but see is he that riseth after the ten Kings subject to Rome he riseth say Interpreters in the end of the Roman Monarchy and throwes down three of the Kingdoms and changes lawes and times and wears out the Saints three years and an half the self-same that slayes the Wintesses Rev. 11. 7. and after that he and his crew keep thanksgiving days that they that hindered them in their designes they say obstructed justice are removed one of this crew and one of these Antichristian Beasts the Doctor proves himself This Beast I have already proved is an Independent and pulls down the lawfull Magistracy and Ministery and sets up his own Preachers and his own government We have shewed his government in Rev. 13. and in Dan. 11. 37. 't is the god Mauzim that is a government that he sets up by the power of his sword a sword force Now I prove that this power of forces was set up in or about September in the year 1647. for then did the Beast of the Earth get the Navie into his hands and all the Land Forces throughout the Kingdom either to disband them or command them he got all the strong Holds and Castles in the Kingdom under his command and about the same time he laid violent hands on the Kings Maj. and clapped his royal person up in prison suffering no man to come neere him and about that time made an assault upon the Parl. imprisoned some of the Peers some of the chief Citizens of London and some of the House of Commons inforcing others of the most noble of the House of Commons to flie and set up his own ingaged Party in the House to over-top the others Here began the Beast to reign and here began the slaughter of the Witnesses all which was about September or October 1647. By which account we shall bring it almost even with the Doctors that this Beast that riseth out of the bottomlesse pit and slayes the Witnesses the time of his reigne must be consummate soon after the end of this yeare 1650. for then his three years reign is up and then the time of the Witnesses lying slain is up and then they must rise and then the Vialls must be poured out and the earthquake will come upon the enemies and then the Beast and the false Prophet shall be cast alive into the burning lake I verily believe that we are near to that prophetick great day prophesied of in the old Testament In the old Testament 't is called a great Day and so 't is called in the new Testament Rev. 16. the battell against the enemies of the Church is called the battell of the great day of God almighty that is of the great year of God God will do great things for the Hebrews this year both for the ten Tribes and the two Tribes Great things will he do for the Gentiles this year and terrible great things will he do against his enemies This day is called Hos 1. 10. the great day What day is that the Context tells us 't is the day of the conversion of both Tribes and uniting them under Christ In Obadiah 15. 't is called the day of the Lord upon all the heathen God will plague the enemies of the Church verse 16. but verse 17. on mount Sion shall be deliverance to note this day is the day of rendring vengeance on Rome Rev. 18. and of saving mount Sion deliverance shall be there Rev. 14. 1. for the Lamb stands on Mount Sion and all his sealed Ones with him in Zach. 14. for I can multiply proofes from every one of the Prophets which illustrate this day I mean to sit down and give the Reader a view of this Day of the year 1650. by the Doctors and my account as Zach. 14. describes it he gives us a full view of this Day He calls it the Day of the Lord ver 1. But what shall be done in that day in general the spoil meaning the Churches spoyl should be divided in the midst of her ver 2. For I will gather all Nations against Jerusalem to battel and the City shall be taken and the houses rifled and the women ravished and half of the City shall go
the force of the Enemy then God ariseth Q. But after what manner or by what means will God convert the twelve Tribes A. The Holy Ghost tells us Esay 49. 21 22 23. the whole chapter is a description of the glorious Gospel-day when Christ shall deliver both Jews and Gentiles from the Devils bondage and Antichrists yoak in v. 6. there 's Christs Commission to raise up the Tribes of Jacob God hath appointed him for that end that he may call the scattered Tribes from the North and from the west from the land of Sinim but the Jew shall say in his heart Who hath begotten me these seeing I am barren and desolate a captive and a wanderer to and fro and who hath nourished them Behold I was left alone whence are these This is the question that the Jews ask at the time of their beginning to be converted and brought from the North and from the West and from the Land of Sinim But observe the Answer the Holy Ghost gives v. 22. Thus saith the Lord God Behold I will lift up my hand to the Gentiles and set up my standart to the people and they shall bring thy sons in their armes and thy daughters shall be carryed on their shoulders The meaning is God will command the converted Gentiles the Ministers of the Gentile Church and they shall hold out the white flag of the Gospel of reconciliation by Jesus Christ for that 's Christs Standart and this shall be the way of their conversion but that 's not all for in the next verse v. 23. and Kings shall be thy nursing Father and Queens shall be thy Nurses converted Gentile-Kings shall invite the Jews into their Kingdome and give them leave fairly to bring in their scruples they have against Christ and appoint men to satisfie their doubts give them leave which the Pope will not do to read the New Testament and compare Christians principles with the ir principles For so the Prophet saith They shall be converted they shall see eye to eye that is by the Eye of the Old Testament they shall see into the New and by the Eye of the New they shall see into the Old Testament-prophecies fulfilled so that the godly Magistracy those are Kings and the goldy Ministery amongst the Gentiles shall be instruments of converting the Jews Hereupon my hopes and grounds are that God will by affliction so mould and frame the heart of the King of Scotland and then raise him to so great a power as that he will not only be the great instrument of throwing down Antichrist but also a great instrument in converting of the Jews in the West-Indies and East-Indies where the people thirst abundantly after the Word but there are few to deal the bread of life to them I have great hopes that God will yet again by an English Monarch do mighty things against Rome-Antichristian and for the propagating of the Gospel and my reasons are Because God chose the first Monarch in the world to be a Christian and a Defender of the Faith in this Kingdom Lucius was King of England and he that God chose to make the Vicar as Elutherius Bishop of Rome styled him this was Anno Christi 180. Abou 120 years after God raised up out of this Kingdom a Christian Emperour Constantine who was the Son of Hellena that beautiful Brittish Princess This Constantine God made the great Instrument of throwing down the Heathen Emperours turning the whole Empire from Paganism to Christianity He freed the Christians from their prisons and saved them from being any more tortured for Christ Since that time Religion was never quite extinguished but the Brittish people notwithstanding their afflictions kept their Religion amongst them after Rome apostatized from its primitive purity so far as from Rome-Christian to become Rome-Antichristian We shall find in History that the English Monarchs were the first that opposed the Popes Tyranny William the Conquerour was one that shewed himself an Enemy to the Popes pomp and tyranny and usurpation It may truly be said that the Normans despised and abhorred the Popes wicked usurpation The Plantaginets curbed the Pope's insolency The Tudars likewise unhorsed the Popes Observe here how the Tudars came in Henry 7. married Elisabeth the eldest daughter of Edward 4. and hereby unites the two Houses of York and Lancaster In the person of this King saith Sir Robert Naunton in his book called Fragmenta Regalia the royall scepter fell back into the current of the old British bloud which by the invasion of the Saxons and afterwards by the conquest of the Normans had discontinued almost a thousand years so that all the German Norman Burgundian Castalian and French atchievements with the intermarriages which eight hundred yeares had acquired and incorporated were all brought back into the old royall line of the ancient British Christian Kings This being so which I verily believe as 't is one of the remarkablest passages in the world so 't is that which makes exceedingly for my purpose viz. That the Kings of England are the lawfull Magistracy of England and that they are no usurpers and therfore one of the Witnesses This Henry 7. married his eldest daughter Margaret to the King of Scots The Tudars expiring in Q. Elizabeth the off-spring of Margaret who was matched into the royall Family of the Stuarts succeeded Q. Elizabeth in the English throne by a title cleer and unquestionable Now as the Tudars unhorsed and banished the Pope so the Stuarts stabbed the Pope so that as England had the first King that subjected this Kingdom to Christ and the first Emperor that subjected the Roman Empire to Christ and the first Kings that opposed Antichrist And as King Iames was the first that proved the Pope to be Antichrist so his son was the first King that ever was openly put to death for finishing his testimony against Antichrist Hence it appeares that as Monarchy before Christ was visible in the Church from Adam untill Christ so it hath been visible in this Kingdom since Christ from Lucius in a Christian line of unquestionable succession unto this distressed King of Scotland now persecuted by Antichrist This King was begot by a Protestant King baptized by a Protestant Mininister a Bishop he was born the heire of three Protestant Kingdoms and is the successor of a Martyr who laid down his life for the maintenance of the Protestant Religion and this King hath covenanted to maintain the Protestant Religion all which could never be said of any King before and therfore my hope and trust is that King Iames his Grandchild shall be the King that shall throw down Rome Antichristian and be the great Instrument of making both Jews and Gentiles bow down to a reall reformation especially when in all probability these three Kingdoms are the Kingdoms where the Witnesses shall be slain by the usurpation of a mean fellow who shall arise and set up a new government and take upon him to be
of people know that he was a malicious blood-hound of the persecuting Prelates one that prosecuted honest Christians at the Bishops Courts with most inveterate hatred and how suddenly did this man put off his Paritors Bagge and put on his Prophets Mantle how soon did he that pleaded for Crucifixes Cringings surplices crossings and Popish ceremonies that prayd for Bishops by what names or titles soever distinguished that prayed for our gracious Soveraign King Charles King of great Brittain Defender of the faith and supreme head of the Church in all causes and over all persons how soone did this man turn and how strangely was he altered that in 1642. he should foretell the ruine of his gracious Soveraign and now count the day of his ruine and his Peers that glorious day which literally fulfills the Doctors prophetical Text the young King and the Nobles may by this perceive what good friends the prelatical Bratts are to Monarchy but we proceed from page 20. to p. 27. He takes pains to the purpose to perswade the people to praise God since such glorious wonders are effected this day in these times and he layeth at the Presbyterians with all his might rayling at them that they wil not come in to make up the choice with his holy people he tells them 't is 〈◊〉 defect in their Consciences and if they be Saints they are in the dark or else they are full of prejudice or under some strange temptations nay a little after he saith they are no Saints for it is a contradiction in Adjecto to say a man is a Saint and will not be thankful nay in page 2● he saith they are wilfully obstinate and page 23. miscomplexioned and in page 27. they are weak in judgeme●t and distempered in spirit From the Presbyterians he turns away and betakes himself in his use to his holy people and in page 32. he exhorts them to praise God in opposition to Kings Monarchy being turned into Democracy and Kingdoms into Common wealths here he turns States-man and takes upon him to tell what 's the best Government in the world a regular Democracy saith he assisted with an occasional Aristocracy in trust is the safest Government here he goes about to put his holy Councel of State above his holy Parliament he goeth on and most falsely and most unjustly slanders the Government of the Jews saying that this Democracy that he desired was the ancient Government of the Jews here he doth abuse both Moses and Joshua and all the Judges of Israel which were absolute Monarchs he proceeds and tells us that the first degenerate King was Nimrod observe here how the Dr. insn●res himself First He acknowledgeth the Office of a King to be lawful why else doth he say degenerate King for if a Kingly Government be not lawful Nimrods Office was enough to make him degenerate Secondly He acknowledgeth there were lawful Kings before Nimrod therefore he calls this Nimrod not the first King but the first degenerate King here the Dr. spake truth not at unawares but premeditatively for in page 9. He acknowledgeth that there was a holy King before Nimrod and that was Melchizedeck King of Salem Priest of the most high God Heb. 7. This Melchizedeck he saith was Sem the Sonne of Noah mark then how this wicked perverter of the wayes of truth even against his Conscience contradicts himself for in page 32. he stirs up the people to praise God for the Destruction of Kingly Government and Monarchy that Kingdoms are turned into Common-wealths and Monarchy into democracy and in page 39. brands all those with the mark of Antichristian which go about to uphold Kings or Kingly Government and yet confesseth that Kingly Government is lawful Government can any sober-minded man give credit to such a self condemned wretch he proceeds in page 32. to rayse at Kingly Government saying that God is angry at the peoples asking a King and God gave them a King in anger the 1. Sam. 8. the Doctor never considers it was their manner of asking a King that provoked God neither doth he consider how that God gave them only a King in wrath for God continued the Office when he destroyed the person of the King and God himself those David King after Saul which Government continued unremoved for ●4 Generations together Mat. 1. and at last it was as a grievous punishment for their sin removed But the Doctor forgets or conceals this he proceeds to exclaim against the lives of Kings thereby to defame their Office he calls them ambitious blood-suckers asks what Kings have done since Christs time until now for Christ but even much against Christ true Christians he forgets that the first Christian King in the world was he that subdued this Kingdom of England to the profession of the Gospel he forgets what Constantine that Monarch did in turning all the Empire the most of the world from Paganisme to Christianity I 'le only aske this question of the Doctor what glorious reformation in the world was ever wrought without a Monarch but the Dr. proceeds and tells us page 23. that there is divine reason why States should incline to Democracy one reason is because God did create us not Kings but people take this reason of the Doctors one way it is ridiculous non-sence take it another way it is an absolute untruth for Adam the first man created by God was created a Monarch God put all things under him to be subject and serviceable to him but his chief reason against Monarchy is because God hath setled his decree against Monarchy Dan. 2. Here the Doctors jugling is discovered for it is not Monarchy but degenerate Monarchy that God threatens to throw down this the Dr. doth as good as confess in page 32. where he confesseth that the Monarchy of Nimrod was a degenerate Monarchy because a tyrannical one now to argue because God will overthrow tyranical Monarchy therefore he will overthrow all Monarchy holds no more true in the consequence then because God will damn all reprobated men therefore hee 'l damn all men Thus have I given you a summary view of the chief things in the Doctors Sermon whereby it may plainly appear to every eye that the drift of this fellow as of the rest of his Jesuited fraternity is to prove the Protestants of England their civil Government to be Antichristian and that those that have blowne up the lawful Parl. are the Saints of the holy people whom God hath set apart for such a work and honoured them withall that they have bound Kings in Chains and Nobles in Fetters of Iron this he calls the throwing down of Antichrist which eight years agoe he foretold would come to passe about this year 1650. which is a year that the Independent-time-servers much ha●p upon and this Dr. in special alleaging many Texts of prophetical Scripture to make good what he affirms in this explication of some Texts of Scripture I do acknowledge
their enemies round about now the Ark was fetched home to Jerusalem that had long lyen in obscurity And after David Solomon built a most sumptuous and rich Temple unto God he placed the Ark in it where it remained in its resting place he builded Altars ordained Sacrifices made the Sea the golden Candlesticks the Trumpets and all the holy vessels of gold and silver he ordered the Priests and maintenance for the Priests and the Singers and the Porters this was the second glorious day above others in the world this day far exceeded Moses his day for beauty and lustre but Moses his day was the stand●ng rule all was writ by Moses his copy though it was writ in a far fairer hand by Solomon this day was the noon-time of Reformation with the Saints under the old Testament and this day God made a Monarch to be the instrument of effecting it The third glorious day in the world which was the day of all dayes was the day of Christs coming in the flesh to perfect a Reformation he was Luk. 3. a Monarch by succession from Adam and of the Royall family of Judah he was the mighty King long looked for and long before promised he was and is really the King of the Church he made null and void all Moses his Ceremoniall shadows he pulled down the Temple-worship and set up Laws and Ordinances of his own never man spake or did like him he was Monarch not only over the souls of all men in the world but is by right of succession conquest and compact with his Father Monarch of the whole nations of the bodies as well as the souls of men this Monarch hath gotten him a true right by his conquest as well as by his naturall prerogative and therefore he truly may bear that name and title which others usurp 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the King of Kings ruling over Kings Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords he hath absolute power over the bodies and souls of all men and expects obedience from them all 't is he that gives all the men in the world protection and gives them wealth and honours he is never a jot the lesse King over the body because he is a spirituall King and King of the soul for as the rich man that commands the gold is master also of the cabinet that holds it so is Christ of the body which is but the cabinet of that precious Jewel the soul Christ refusing to be made a King and saying his Kingdom was not of the world deprived him not of his due for he was born Monarch of the world as descending from Adam and King of the Jews as descending of David and when he was on earth he gave Laws to all the world both Jews and Gentiles to be observed on pain of damnation herein he exercised the power of a Monarch This Monarch is in his being independent and in his power independent he hath voluntary commands which he will have his subjects to obey though he give no reason for it This independent power is only in him no man is independent but only this mighty Monarch and therefore the Protestants rightly call the Pope Antichrist because he makes himself absolutely independent in his power which is to make himself equall with Christ nay in this he sets himself above Christ for Christ when he was on earth subjected himself to the Scriptures and referred himself to the Jews to be tried by their own Prophets whether he were not the Christ but the Pope usurpes a power over the Scriptures and herein I may truly say that Independency is the formalis ratio Antichristi because it sets up man equall with Christ yea above Christ This Monarch the Lord Jesus set up new Laws Statutes and Ordinances in the world the which we finde in the new Testament this day was a glorious day to the Gentiles but through the Jews obstinacy and unbelief was a black dismall day to them for they pulled his blood on their heads to their bane which blood was appointed for their salvation The rules that this Monarch gave from his own mouth and the mouthes of his Ambassadours the Apostles are appointed for standing rules unto the end of the world before which there is a fourth glorious day to come This fourth day the Prophets have prophecied of and Christ hath prophecied of and the Apostles have prophecied of and especially John in the Revelations had a sight of this day shall subscribe in matter of fundamentals and substantials to the day of Christs being on earth but it shall as far exceed that day in lustre and in glorious effects as Solomons day exceeded Moses and my reasons are because the Jews and Gentiles shall be united this day in one faith and if Christs day of rejecting the Jews were the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fullnesse 2. There are more glorious promises made to this day in the Prophets then any day for this day now coming was the day that the Prophets chiefly prophecied of when they prophecied of a good day to Judah and Jerusalem 3. This day shall procure the destruction of the three grand enemies of the Gospel the Dragon the Beast and the false Prophet 4. And all the Kingdoms in the world shall become Christs which since the Creation hath not yet been effected of this day I am to treat We have seen the three other daies effected by Monarchs this glorious day shall also be effected by a Monarch so far as I can perceive for it must be done by the rising of the slain Witnesses which is a lawfull Magistracy and a lawfull Ministry which we shall prove in the ensuing discourse where we shall treat of the things immediatly preceding this great day viz. 1. The Witnesses slaying and the Beasts of the earth tyranny over the Saints 2. We shall concur with the Doctor in the time and say that in the end of this year 1650 or neer about that time this glorious day of the Witnesses rising and Antichrists ruine shall begin but we shall absolutely deny and disown the Doctors signs of Antichrists fall for he saith That the beheading of the King and the casting off the Lords and the beating of the Scots is the glorious beginning of Antichrists fall and hereby is his text liberally fulfilled herein we shall uncase the Doctors weaknesse or wilfull wickednesse it may be both The which I will endeavour to do by laying open the manifest truth as it lieth in the Scriptures many of which texts the Doctor quoteth We are both agreed that the time of Antichrists fall shall be near 1650. this present year or presently after it therefore wee 'l passe that both of us concluding That the great day of Reformation is to begin this year or within twelve moneths of this year 1650. as the Doctor Learnedly proves in Pag. 15 16 17. But now the difference that will arise betwixt the Doctor and I will be about what
shall be done in this great day This I do affirm yet not I but the Scriptures 1. That the Witnesses shall arise in this day 2. That the Dragon the Beast and the false Prophet shall be overcome in this day 3. The Jews shall begin to be converted both the two Tribes and the ten Tribes and all the Kingdoms in the world shall become Christs In the generall as I have delivered them I think the Doctor and I do not much differ unlesse the Doctor differ from what he hath formerly delivered which is no strange thing if he do I affirm That the glorious day of destroying the Beast and this false Prophet and chaining the Dragon and of the Jews conversion shall be begun when the Witnesses arise from their slaying Now this implies two things when the Witnesses arise from their slaying Now this implies two things 1. That the Witnesses shall be slain immediatly before this day 2. That some enemy of the Church shall slay them So that it will not be amisse to enquire 1. Who slaies them and 2. when they are slain we shall do both together exceeding briefly In Revel 11. 7. and Daniel 7. 25. there is both 1. The Beast that slaies them 2. The Witnesses that are slain and 3. the time when this shall be in Revel 11. 7. when the Witnesses have finished their testimony that is when their 1260 daies i. years of prophesying in sackcloth is out v. 3. Then the Beast ascending or that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make warre with them overcome them and kill them After three daies and an half i. three years and an half these Witnesses must rise v. 11. and immediatly after the seventh Trumpet soundeth and then the Kingdoms of this world became the Lords and his Christs v. 15. This all men will grant is the beginning of the great day of Reformation which immediatly follows upon their rising And this is worth the noting also v. 13. the same hour the eminent enemies of the Church are slain these men of name who are numbred by their name those painted outside Saints but inside devils they shall fall and then v. 19. the Temple of God is opened and the vials are poured out this you have in Revel 11. Now mark how that in Dan. 7. answers to this Daniel in this chapter had a vision of the four Monarchies the Assyrian the Persian the Graecian and the Roman Monarchy After these four Monarchies are extinguished Christ will set up his Monarchy v. 18. The Saints of the most high shall take the Kingdom and possesse it for ever and ever that is untill the day of Judgement this is the beginning of the glorious day of Reformation which shall be when the Roman Monarchy shall be destroyed which is the last of the Kingdome or Monarchies this is to be done at the sounding of the seventh trumpet Rev. 7. 15. when all Nations and Kingdoms shall become Christs But mark how inquisitive Daniel is when he comes to the Roman Monarchy Dan. 7. 9. he would fain know the truth of this Beast and of the ten Horns and of the other mark that which came up after the ten Horns before whom three fell even of that Horn that had eyes and a mouth that spake great things whose look was more stout then his fellow v. 20. I beheld and the same horn made warre with the Saints and prevatled against them Here is the Beast that slaies the Witnesses for 't is one that riseth in the end of the Roman Monarchy Quando r●gnum Romanorum est distruendum saith Hierome Fabritius Paulutius Hugo Cardinalis Theadoretus and Hector Pintus with others and he shall throw down three of the ten Kingdoms subject to Rome he shall throw down three Kings that is saith Viega tres reges purè profitentes evangelium three Kings purely professing the Gospel But Theodoretus puts this question Quomodo tres superiores ●odem tempore humiliabit how will he throw down three Kings at one time Certainly we of this age can give the best answer to his question for thus he shall cut off Regem trium Regnorum ita tres Reges in una persona humiliabit or thus by pulling down at once the three Estates of King Lords and Commons who make the supream Power of the Nation where he usurps this Power but this question is needlesse and therefore we passe it by The main thing we intend to prove by Daniel is That this Beast is he that slaies the Witnesses and the same with that in Rev. 11. 7. because he is of the same time for that in Daniel riseth when the Roman Monarchy is going to destruction and that in Rev. 11. 7. ariseth when the raign of Antichrist is drawing to an end which Antichrist is the last head of the Roman Monarchy the Pope as this beast is of the same time so he doth the same things with that in Rev. 11. 7. for there he makes war with the Saints prevails against them and slayes them and in Dan. 7. 24. this other little horn that riseth after the ten Kings belonging to the Roman Monarchy this little horn that is an upstart base fellow say the Fathers a man of no repute amongst the Kings of the earth shall subdue three Kings this horn must necessarily be some new upstart fellow who riseth in the western Empire distinct from other Kings this horn shall speak great words against God and shall wear out the Saints of the most high and think to change times and Laws These words need no comment since the times we live in are a sufficient comment on them and they shall be given into his hands untill a time and times and the dividing of times that is three years and a half say all Interpreters which is just that space of time in which the Beast that starteth up out of the bottomlesse pit domineers over the slain bodies of the Witnesses so that these places do but explain one another and both set forth one and the same Government and bloudy enemy But this that makes it most cleer of all other is that which immediatly follows the horns raign an exercise of Tyranny over the Saints Dan. 7. 26 27 the Judgement shall sit and they shall take away his dominion to consume and destroy it unto the end and the Kingdom and dominion and greatnesse of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the most high here begins the glorious day after the horns tyrannicall government and dominion is destroyed this answers to Rev. 11. 13. where the men of name are destroyed and then as in Daniel the Saints possesse the Kingdom under the whole Heaven So the seaventh trumpet so●nds and all the Kingdoms in the world become the Lords and his Christs that is they all submit to his scepter and become Christians bating their old profanesse so that here in both places you have cleerly discovered the Beast that
that exerciseth their faith and patience whiles he raigns the Saints shall have little else to live upon his Government also is the same for in Dan. 11. 38. he sets up the God Mauzim the sword-power and in Revel 13. 12. he inforceth people to subject to the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed that is to a packt party of Rebels to the Common-wealth such as the Senate of Rome was when Caesar forced away all the honest men out of the Senate and set up his own party to govern this was upheld by the sword and set up by the sword he is also the same in the matter of duration for that in Dan. 7. 25. continues a time times and the dividing of time and this in Rev. 11. riseth and triumphs over the slain witnesses three dayes and a half which is both one time both making three years and a half Lastly He is the same both in Daniel and Revelation in his ruine and in the time of his ruine The time of this Beasts ruine is set-forth in Dan 7. 11. the Beast was slain and his body was destroyed this the Fathers call the 11. King because he is divers from any of the Kings that were before him under the western Empire he being the last and this was at that time v. 13. when the Son of man came in the Clouds of Heaven and v. 14. there was given him dominion and glory and a Kingdom that all People Nations and Languages might serve him these phrases we shall see Christ borrows in Mat. 24. 30. 3● immediately after those dayes what dayes the dayes of tribulation how verse 24. there shall be false Christs and false Prophets and shall shew great wonders see Rev. 19. 20. the false Prophet was taken that wrought miracles before the Beast Mark how Matthew goeth on insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very Elect. In Rev. 13. 13. and he did great wonders so that he made fire come down from Heaven on the earth By the signes which were permitted him to do in the sight of the Beast who doth not see that these expressions are all to set out this one Beast Immediately after these dayes of tribulation which are dayes of blasphemy and heresie and separation from the true Church v. 30. ye shall see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds with power and great glory and v. 31. he shall send his Angels with the sound of a great Trumpet and gather the Elect those that belong unto the election of grace from one end of Heaven to the other this is the same with that forecited place in Rev. 11. great voyces in Heaven saying the Kingdoms of the world are our Lord and his Christs and when was this this was when the witnesses were risen and stood upon their leggs v. 11. v. 13. near that hour when the great Earthquake is which time of shaking Heaven and Earth is foretold in Luke 31. 24. immediately after the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled now the time of the Gentiles is 42. moneths Rev. 11. 2. which is according to the Doctors account 1260. years which being up then the signes in the Sun and in the Moon and in the Starres that is the Antichristian state shall be shaken down and then the Son of Man shall appear in the Clouds with glory and great power and then the elect redemption draweth nigh the great voices Matth. 24. 31. allude to Christs passion when he yielded up the Ghost he cryed with a loud voice it is finished and after three dayes he arose and called his Disciples to a mount in Gal●lee where he appeared to them and proclaimed all power in Heaven and in Earth was given to him and then the Disciples were made Apostles such are the effects of the rising of the Witnesses Oh how do I adore the infinite wisdom of the Holy Ghost in the Scriptures how clear might this truth be made to the weakest capacity were there but a worthy pen about it The time of the beasts reign is expressed in D●● 7. 22. to be when the ancient of dayes come ● when the Kingdom becomes the Lords Rev. 11. 15. and the Saints possessed the Kingdom that is the witnesses stand upon their feet Rev. 11. 11. 12. and they i.e. the godly Magistracy and Ministry did ascend up to heaven that is they possess that place of dignity from which they were cast it cannot be otherwise understood in Dan. 7. for v. 25. the Saints of the most high are they that he tyrannizeth over three years and a half so he doth in Rev. 11. 7. 9. which Saints of the most high are the Magistracy and Ministry the two witnesses principally meant There is one notable place more in Dan. 12. 45. which points at time and the place of the ruine of the Beast This Beast of the earth or this King as Daniel calls him shall plant the Tabernacles of his pallace between the Seas in the glorious holy Mountains yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him this holy Mountain learned men on all sides conclude is some eminent Kingdom for holiness therefore the Independent Pulpit-men say 't is England this day eminent in exalting the Saints and holiness certainly 't is that Kingdom which hath kept its Garments clean from spiritual fornication and hath not received the marks of the Beast nor bowed down to his Image that is engaged to be true and faithful to his unlawful new Government And of all the Kingdoms in the world I think it is Scotland where the Beast of the earth hath placed his Tabernacles where he now is where I believe he shall come to ruine But mark what imediately follows this Dan. 12. 1. And at that time shall Michael and Christ stand up and it shall be a time of trouble as in Mat. 24. and Luke 21. And at that time the elect shal be all delivered that is as much to say as all the Kingdoms in the world shall become Christs both Jews and Gentiles shall be brought to Christ this glorious day is in several places called a day of Resurrection it shall be to the Jews as a day of Resurrection now all this is to be at the 7. Trumpet sounding and therefore the ruine of Daniels Beast and Johns Beast are at one and the same time and therefore 't is but one and the same Beast that they both mention As for those that affirm this Beast is Antiochus who raigned in the time of the Grecian Monarchy was destroyed before the Roman Monarchy was in being it is so wide from the Text that 't is impossible to be true for this little horn ariseth not only after the Grecian Monarchy but after the Roman Monarchy became ten horned he riseth the last distinct from them all and therefore I will say to such men as Aquinas saith to Porferrius upon the same text holding the same opinion haec interpretatio tam fatua est ut
publick prayers unto God to blesse him in his undertakings for him and his cause after which he proceeds to act the highest murther treason and rebellion and succeeding well in it he c●yes out to the people behold providence behold a return of prayers we fasted yesterday and to day we have had success this is the fire which comes down but observe it 't is in the original 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 be made fire Observe that 't is fire of his own making he plotted the design and then fasted he conveies the fire under his own sacrifice 't is false fires that he makes I conceive it alludes to that in 1 Kings 18. 36. 38. where Elias that eminent Servant of God proved himself to be a true Prophet and all the rest to be but Baalls Prophets by the fire which God sent from Heaven on the earth in the sight of men so doth this Beast of the earth endeavour by his signes to prove himself as prevalent with God as Elias and as true sincere a worshipper of God as Elias and all that oppose him or crosse his designs to be put Baalls Priests and thus he proves it I fast saith he and my enemies fast they fast to preserve the ancient Government I fast to throwe it down after I have fasted I prevail but though my enemies fast God hears them not they have no fire comes near their sacrifice though they cry and weep day and night but so soone as I fast the things I fast for is presently accomplished and this his success in this audacious villainy murther rebellion against Gods Law natures Law and his own solemn Vows and Covenants he makes the silly people believe is the return of his prayers the fire of Gods sending from heaven upon his sacrifice This notes that this Beast in his slaying of the witnesses shall pretend to act eminently for Christ and make the world believe he is an eminent Saint and that all the godly faithful Ministers are but Baalls Priests as they are now termed to him But observe the next verse v. 14. And be deceived them that dwell on the earth he for all his signes is but a cheater therefore he is called Rev. 19. 20. the false Prophet He pretends to be such as Elias who was a true Prophet but he is a false Prophet and only cheats the people therefore Mat. 24. 24. he is said with his company of seducers like himself to seduce if it were posible the very Elect and for this end he cheats them to submit to his Government which he hath set up by the power of his sword that 's the meaning of these words saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make an Image of the Beast which was wounded with the sword and did live This is the end of all his pretences and pious acts it is to subject the people to that Government which he sets up he fasts and prayes and humbles himself but 't is to cheat the people and all this he doth in the sight of the Beast that is the Pope for there is no other beast in being but the Pope that the Holy Ghost intends now to do it in the sight of the Beast saith the Roman Glossary is to do it with the beasts good liking so that what he doth the Pope approves of and likes well of Indeed I believe the Pope will never frown at the beheading of a Protestant King and blowing up of a Protestant Parliament who resolved and were agreed to unhorse his ●surped holiness power in the three Kingdoms The Pope cannot but look on with great content yea and triumph in this year of Jubilee which falls out according to the Prophesie Rev. 11. 10. when they give thanks for the removing of the witnesses it shall be a year of rejoycing with the enemy to see a King and Parliament utterly broken who covenanted to break Rome and to see an Assembly of Divines battered and broken and their labor in a reformation utterly frustrated this cannot but rejoyce the Pope and his Conclave What To have that accomplished now which Digby Faux Catesby Winter and Garnet and all those Gunpowder-Saints could never accomplish to have it now accomplished by his new canonized Saints This cannot but be well liking to the Pope V. 15. And it was given to him to give life to the Image of the beast that the Image of the beast should speak and should cause that whosoever would not adore the Image of the beast should be slain This Image of the beast hath allusion either to that Image which Nebuchadnezer set up in the plain of Dura enjoyning all men upon pain of death to fall down and worship it which the consciencious godly Jews refusing great and extraordinary provision was made for their destruction but when the Souldiers had bound the three consciencious Saints and all the great men of the times came to see their destruction behold they that threw them into the fire were destroyed and the poor Saints stood upon their feet Christ appears amongst them in the Furnace forthwith they are released and immediately after all the Kingdoms in the world are made to know that the persecuted Saints God is the true God by sound of Trumpet so shall 〈◊〉 be with the Saints in this beasts Raign he that will not adore this beasts Image that is subject to his Government subscribe to be true and faithful to his usurped and unlawful Government shall be killed or in a civil sence he shall be out-lawed and made incapable of bearing Office in Church or State Nebuchadnezers Image was 60. Cubits high and 6. Cubits broad a high Image but the number of this beast who sets up this Image is 666. he is exceeding in cruelty and wickedness all the enemies of the Church that went before him at least 600. times Or else Image alludes to that in Dan. 11. 38. where the King there is said to honour the God Mauzzim that is a sword-power And this Image here is the same for 't is a sword-power such as Cesar erected by the sword and supported by the sword until he had compleated his Conquests There in Daniel he makes his God Mauzzim to rule over many and here in the Revelation he causeth that as many as will not submit to this Image of the beast should be killed I conceive that these two Texts agree with each other And it was given him Observe this beast is one single person that sets up this Image I am very prone to believe that the Image that this beast sets up is that mentioned in Revel 17. 12. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings which yet have received no Kingdoms but receive power as Kings one hour with the beast 'T is absurd to say these ten Kings are the ten Kings under the Roman Emperor which denominate Rome the beast as they say with ten horns 1. Because the ten Kings subject to Rome they were distinct
Kingdoms but these ten here mentioned have no Kingdoms nor any Crowns on their head 2. Neither are they real Kings they only have 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 power as Kings they write we inact and be it inacted as if they were Kings but they are not really Kings 3. These rise and reign with the beast which beast cannot be meant the Pope for v. 1. the whore is the Pontifick state that sits on many waters this beast is called verse 33. the scarlet-coloured beast because he slayes the witnesses he is as the heathen Emperors red with blood therefore they are called the red Dragon Chap. 12. 3. he is full of names of blasphemy because he is the tolerator and supporter of blasphemies he hath seven heads and ten hornes because he beares up Rome with 7. heads and 10. horns Rome had fallen by the hands of the witnesses had not he slaine them v. 7. This beast bears up the woman with 7. heads and 10. horns v. 8. The beast is called he that was and is not and ascendeth out of the bottomless pit this can be no other but that beast that slayes the witnesses Rev. 11. 7. This beast v. 11. is called the eight and of the seven now this cannot be the Pope unless wee 'l make Rome have 8. heads which is ridiculous and by the learnedst irreconciliable v. 12. These Kings receive power an hour with the beast if these 10. horns should be meant 10. Kings or Kingdoms subject to the Pope 't is known they had Kingdoms before there was a Pope but these rise with this beast which is he that slayes the witnesses 4. These 10. Kings have but one Dominion or Kingdom amongst them all therefore v. 17. they are said to give 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 their Kingdom and how do they give it the Text saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is they make one vote the former part of the verse translated from the original runs thus ●for God hath given to the hearts of them that they fulfill the sentence of him and that they make one vote and give their Kingdom to the best so that t is clear these 10. Kings sit and vote together in one Kingdom by which 't is manifest that they are not the 10. Kingdoms subject to the Roman Empire But here we must be careful to avoid one mistake that is not to take these 10. horns Rev. 17. 16. for the same persons v. 12. but only the same Office in distinct parties hands this is clear for those v. 12. rise and fall with the beast but those v. 16. give their Kingdom to the beast therefore they had a Kingdom before the beast was in being 2. Those in v. 12. go to reign with the beast but these v. 16. bring the Pontificality to ruine Those in v. 12. are that faction that the beast sets up as Kings these are said to be ten because they are poliarchia senatorum as Alcazar calls them for 10. is but indefinitly as 10. Virgins and 10. Husbands for many Virgins and many Husbands so here 10. Kings that is many men exercising the Authority of Kings who have voted themselves the supreme power of the Kingdom hi decem Reges erunt tempore Antichristi unde dicuntur nondum accepisse potestatem saith Alcazar the 10. Kings shall be in the time of Antichrist he means this beast of the earth therefore they are said not as yet to have received power and they receive power one hour i. e. a very short time cum bestia saith E. lapide quia bestia primariam habet potestatem Reges autem abea sunt secundi because the beast hath the chief power but the Kings have but a secundary power from them The beast may well have the primarypower for by his sword-power they were set up and upheld by it so that it is evident who the beast is and what the Image of the beast is his giving life to the Image is by putting Authority into their hands to act and inforce the people to subject to their Taxes edicts and Commands and to out-law every man that will not engage to be true and faithful to them Thus the Reader may perceive who this beast is and what kind of Government he sets up and the tyranny and cruelty of this beasts Government when 't is set up Before it was set up they pleaded nothing but liberty for tender Consciences they shewed nothing but the horns of a Lambe and the tongue of a Dragon speaking smoothly pleading for brotherly love and tender bowels over the Saints until they were got into the Throne and then nothing but treason and high treason to be laid to their charge who should dare to question any of their actions or not subject to their power so as to subscribe to be true and faithful to it thus you may perceive his Government in the form of it Now followes the Subjects of this new Government v. 16. And he made all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark in their foreheads so the English and many Latine Translations read it The Subjection is universal 't is a Catholique tearme as well as design all men of what rank or condition soever must submit and subject Their manner of subjection is set forth by giving a marke I am inforced here to vindicate the Text not in the Copy for I find no difference worth troubling the Reader in the Greek Copies but both the Latine and the English Translations I humbly conceive may be corrected The vulgar Latine the complutence reading and others render 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Habere and learned Beza which I wonder at renders it accipiant as they give no reason so I see no reason why it should so be read the Greek Copies reade it thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to a word it is read thus That they should give a marke to them upon their right hands or upon their foreheads so the Siriack Interpreter reads it and Montanus Now I conceive 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which to a word is read upon because it properly signifies super or in should be rendred in this place cum my Reasons are scriptural for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Scripture signifies Revel 7. 15. with he that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell with them There 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies with this is not only usual in the Greek Language but also in the Hebrew saith Drusius 't is frequent to put 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies super for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth cum so that I conceive the verse may well be translated thus And he causeth all both small and great rich and poor bond and free that they give a mark to them with their right hands or with their forehead so that this Text clearly holds out as the former the kind of Government erected the kind of worship and subjection that people shall be inforced to give to it Other Kings make
the Eastern Gentiles destruction but glorious conversion A remnant onely of the Antichristian Faction shall be converted Rev. 11. 13. Secondly This Battel cannot be fought after the Vialls are powred out for the Vials produce the utter ruine of the Enemies of the Church Now if the Battel should be after the Enemies of the Church are overthrown it must necessarily be a Battel with the Ayr as we say there are no Enemies to be subdued all 's finished when the Vials are powred out Therefore by necessary consequence it is cleer that the great Battel and the Vials are one and the same thing Now then put all together if the Vials and the Battel be the same and this Battel must be fought by the Witnesses and their Army with whom Christ by his mighty power will eminently go forth for in no other sence is Christ coming on a white horse to be taken and these must appear in fine and white linnen which is contrary to sackcloth which in till then they were and at this Battel the Beast and the false Prophet and the Dragon must be ruined Then I prove that this Battel is not far off and that from the Doctors own calculations in his Thanksgiving Sermon There he proves to my hand from Rev. 13. 5. that Antichrist began his 42 Moneths Raign which makes up 1260 years which is the time of the Witnesses abiding in the Wilderness and in Sackcloth Now saith he Antichrist began to work and act vigorously about the year 390 after Christ I do believe this of the Doctors to be a reall truth and for confirmation of the same I will add one word or two I do affirm that about that year 390. the Bishop of Rome began to be formally Antichrist for then they began to claim an independent power as unto the Magistracy and Ministery He claimed a priviledge of being exempted from the censures of Councels as being above them for he made the Eastern Councels but his Sons and he their Father and Sons have not power to censure their Father and then they began to overlook Emperours to excommunicate them to depose them and to free themselves from their censures Hereupon the Magistracy and Ministery were in a short time brought under the Popes feet and made to wear sackcloth and then the Church fled into the place prepared of God for her Re● 12. 6. which place is England as shall be proved The Devils stratagems of setting up Independency in the Chair of Rome was the Key of the bottomless pit which the Devil put into the Popes hands and it is indeed the formalis ratio Antichristi for Independency set the Bishops of Rome above Magistracy and above Ministery above mans Law and above Scriptures and Gods Law as their Decretals manifest therefore Paul 2 Thess 2. sets him out to the life ver 4. He opposeth himself above all that is called God above every Magistrate and then he as God sits in the Temple of God that is in the Church of God for Rome was for a long time the purest Church Now in this Church the Independent Prelate sits as God making Laws like a God None but God hath an Independent power but the Pope he takes upon him an Independent liberty and authority and priviledge of himself and by himself alone and without any other he takes upon him to alter Scripture add to Scripture and detract from it in this he sets himself even above God and so is the true Antichrist Now this Independent power the Bishop of Rome began to put in practice about the year 390. to which add the just measure of the time of this Antichrists raign which is 1260 years and it makes compleatly 1650. The other pertinent place which the Doctor alledgeth is Dan. 12. 11. from the time the daily sacrifice shall be taken away there shall be 1290 dayes that is years now about the year 360. that destructive abomination of ruining their Temples foundation overturning their Altars and destroying their Sacrifices and burning their Utensels and so putting to an end their Sacrifices began now add to 360. 1290. and it makes 1650. Now this year 1650. saith the Doctor must be the great year of doing great things against Antichrist pag. 17. He calls wise men to consider how here in England there hath been a King bound and some Nobles he means beheaded and how Kingdoms have been changed into Common-wealths and how Scotland hath been beaten over and over he leaves wise men to consider whether these are not high acts of throwing down Antichrist These acts he calleth pag. 18. the making good of his Doctrine and upon that account exhorts the people to praise God for cutting off the King and throwing down the House of Lords and from pag. 25. to pag. 27. or thereabouts he sets up a tone of rayling in the most ridiculousest style and weakest way of arguing against the Protestants of England for not keeping the Thanksgiving day that I am ashamed our English Nation should be so much disgraced as to have the Title of Doctor set before it In pag. 32. he tells the Lord Major and the rest of the Companies That they must not onely as Saints give thanks but as people considered in opposite distinction to Kings Monarchy being turned into Democracy Kingdoms into Common-wealths This Democracie he highly commends and in the same page with a Whores or rather with a Whore-masters fore-head affirms this most andacious and notorious untruth That this government was anciently among the Jews in the time of the Judges I have already proved this Doctor to be a Teacher of false Doctrines therefore I pass by these things onely I would intreat the Reader to take notice how under the pretence of crying down Antichrist there are subtill deceivers not onely crept in but rushed in and by authority maintained allowed and ushered in to depress and destroy the true Saints and Church of God by stigmatizing them with the mark of Antichristianism and to exalt and extoll the actors and actions of these whose design is wholly to exalt Antichrist Was it ever heard before that Protestants made a day of rejoycing for the fall of a Protestant Nation and a Protestant King Who truly rejoyceth at this but Rome and the Romish Factors I l'e say no more to this but return to the Doctors Calculations and out of his own mouth by Gods grace I hope to make it cleer that what he calls the throwing down of Antichrist is the s●aying of the Witnesses and these which he calls the Saints and Holy Ones are they that are the slayers of the Witnesses The Doctor is strongly conceited that this year 1650. shall be a year of terrible things against Rome his grounds for it are plausible I do confess it and I am upon the same grounds as confident as he That Rome shall have a fatall blow immediatly after this year I know many are ready to laugh at this opinion and say Was Rome ever in
as we shall make manifest This battel shall be fought when Christs feet stand on Mount Olivet the great question is What is meant by Mount Olivet or the Mount of Olives Take it literaly it was a Mount which stood on the East side of Jerusalem which for the goodly Olives and the plenty of Olives that it yielded it was called Mount Olivet This was the place of Christs delight there he was most conversant there he preached and there he usually resorted to pray No Mountain in the world had so much of Christs presence and his Ordinances as this Mountain there Judas betrayed him and his Disciples there Christ appeared again after his resurrection his feet stood on Mount Olives before he ascended up into glory there he ascended into Heaven in the sight of those that crucified him for that Mount looked into the streets of Jerusalem and they in Jerusalem could plainly see the Mount of Olives Hence judicious-learned Interpreters conclude that by Mount Olives in the Prophets sense is meant the Church of Christ where the Ordinances of Christ are purely frequently and powerfully taught and where submission to Christ as Lord and King is yielded Upon this ground Martinus applye●s this expression of the Prophets to the Church of Rome affirming Mount Olivet to be the Church of Rome quia ad pedis Christi seipsos subjiciunt because they subject themselves to Christ For Oyl say the learned is an hierogliphick of submission and subjection Ambros in Luke 21. expounds Mount Olivet to be the Church Some of the highest and chiefest of the Independents of this age are of the same opinion and therefore do not stick to say that Mount Olivet is England which is the most delightfullest place for Ordinances in the World Since the Romanist and Independent agree and will have it so it will be treason to gain-say them wee 'll therefore comply as much as may be For my own part I do believe that by Mount Olivet is meant some eminent delightful place in Europe famou● above other places for Religion for Doctrine for Discipline and Government and for eminent Saints I do believe it is meant that place where one like Judas both a Thief and a Traytor and an Apostate and a deceitful Hypocrite riseth up with his armed men and with a kiss of pretending to exalt Christ and promote the interest of Saints betrays the cause of God and the chief Instruments of a Reformation into the hands of the High Priest of Rome who by his instruments crucifies them 2. I believe it is the place whereas Christ was betrayed so there he shall rise again for Christs feet after his resurrection were seen standing on Mount Olivet so I do believe the Witnesses that this Judas-like fellow shall betray to death shall rise again in the same kingdom or place there they shall stand on their feet and be called up to Heaven that is to high promotion far above the reach of their Enemies I conceive this Mount and that in Rev. 16. 16. are one and the same for Harmagedon saith Brightman signifies a Mountain of delight the same saith he in Dan. 11. 45. The enemy that goes against the Church shall pitch his Tents in the glorious holy Mountain or as in the Original in the Mountain of delights of Holyness These expressions of the Holy Ghost in these several places set forth one and the same thing to us if we view but the scope of all for in all three places 't is one and the same Enemy going forth to battel against the Lord Jesus in one and the same place and at one and the same time and produceth one and the same effects for in Dan. 11. the Enemy goeth to utter ruine by the coming of Christ Dan. 12. 1. Rev. 16. 16. that battel produceth the seventh Viall which finisheth all and in Zach. 14. 3. Christ shall fight in that day as when he fought in the day of battel when ever Christ fought a battel he ruined his Enemies so will he here as in Judg. 7. Esay 9. 4. Now if the Romanists and Independents will give me leave to joyn Scotland and England once united accursed be he that was the cause of their separation I will comply with them and conclude that these two Kingdoms are the Mount of Olives where Christs feet shall stand in the day of battel 't is that place where the Witnesses were betrayed and slain and that place where in the sight of their Enemies they shall ascend to Heaven that is be eminently exalted above their Enemies V. 4. And his feet shall stand in that day on the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the East and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof towards the East and towards the West a very great valley and half of the Mountain shall remove toward the North and half the Mountain toward the South in that day that is the day that the spoil is divided in Jerusalem and the Gentiles gather against Jerusalem to battel the same day that the Beast makes war with the Saints and overcomes them Rev. 11. 7. and Dan. 7. 25. and when they shall gather together to Harmageddon Rev. 16. 16. and when he pitcheth his Tents in the Mountain of delights of holinesse Dan. 11. 45. In this day shall be these great things done as followeth The Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof towards the East and the West a great valley Note This is spoken of the last years raign of the Beast of the Earth and therefore 't is called one day a prophetick day which signifies one year For this verse sets forth the great Rent that shall be made by the Beast of the Earth amongst those that were formerly united under one King and in one Faith and locked fast together in one Covenant amongst these there shall be a breach in the last year of the Beast of the Earths raign The Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof Here is the great sign fore-going the great battell wherein Christ will appear on his Churches side the half of the Mount of Olives shall remove to the North and half to the South Observe here there was a Union before the North and the South was united and now they are divided the Mount of Olives is divided but one delightful Mountain in the World and that divided this is terrible A great division in the Church of God those that were united in one covenant shall be broken and divided insomuch that Sermons shall clash against Sermons and prayers against prayers and Fast dayes against Fast-dayes it shall be a vast breach for there shall be a Valley towards the East and the West The Chaldee renders it a very great Valley and the Septuagint read it a very great Gulf so that the North cannot passe to the South nor the South to the North There shall be an irreconcileable breach made betwixt them they shall prohibit any
these shall rejoyce at the fall and ruine of the Church these men shall cry at the affliction of the Just Ah ha so we would have it Is not this a dismal day when one Parliament man shall imprison another and one Minister envie and reproach another It shall be neither day nor light light nor dark men shall not know what to make of the times one shall say 't is Evening another shall say 't is Morning another shall say 't is Noon-day another shall say 't is neither One saith as my fine Doctor that I deal with that 't is the morning of a glorious Reformation Behold how far it is carryed on even to the murthering of a King and blowing up of a Parliament Another and that justly from Scripture-grounds saith this mock-reformation is the slaying of the Witnesses Another saith in the grief of his heart the Evening of the Gospel is coming upon England and God is carrying it into some other Nation as God when the Jews rejected a Reformation lost the Sun-shine of the Gospel and it shin'd gloriously upon the Gentiles so when Christ comes to call the Jews the Gentiles that despise that way of Christs coming in a Reformation-way to call the Jews may justly have the Gospel taken from them and the Ministers may give that dolefull farewell to England that Paul gave to the Jews Behold we turn from you and go to the Gentiles This is justly to be I know not whether I had best say hoped or feared yet for my Countries and Kinsfolks sakes I 'le say feared but England is most unworthy it hath rejected a Reformation and I much fear the set-day and God by persecution as fourteen years since by the Prelates persecution he did is now calling his Ministers away to some greater Harvest for here they fish day and night and catch nothing they plow and sow abundantly but they reap no fruit In New-England the harvest begins to increase upon those few Labourers hands there the poor soules can weep out a whole Sermon and in the midst of their business in their hard labour their soules in the field can groan within them for wounding Christ and here in old-Old-England men despise the Ministers and the message they bring persecute them slander them and use all violent means to drive them out of the Kingdom Really I much fear 't is Evening with England but what do I mean I forget my self I am expounding It shall neither be light nor dark that is it shall be neither night of despaire nor day of assurance it shall be neither night of dispondency nor day of comfort What shall I say I will say no more for I am confident every man that lives in these times that is in his senses and observes the times hath a ready Comment upon this text Oecolampadius refers this to Luke 21. where the Sun shall be darkened and the Moon shall not give her light it may be v. 7. represents the state of the slain Witnesses but it shall be one day it is known to the Lord By day is here meant a year a Prophetick day though this Beast of the Earth reigne three years and a half yet he shall thus tyrannize but one yeare that 's the comfort he shall make a rent betwixt the North and the South but one year 't is but one year that it shall be neither light nor dark and here is the comfort of all in the evening of that day that is in the later end of the year it shall be light he shall tyrannize in Scotland but one yeer Now the great question is what yeer this yeer is when 't will be the Doctor saith this yeer Though I cannot fiddle with the Doctor yet I 'll keep time with him as neer as I can Doth he say great things shall be done against Antichrist about the yeer 1650 So do ● But here the Doctor and I shall run in discords those whom the Doctor calls I am confident against his conscience Antichristian I upon sure and infallible grounds call them visible Saints that is the Kingdom of Scotland that now defend the Covenant-cause and a distressed lawfull Magistracy and a lawfull rightly constituted Ministery and Ecclesiastick Discipline And those whom the Doctor calls holy ones the holy Heretikes and the holy Gun-powder Traytors and the holy Covenant-breakers and the holy Apostates for they are visibly such to all the world those I call by their right names as they appear to the world by their actions viz. the last bloudy enemies of ●he Gospel Church who in the later part of the last times as M. Tho. Goodwin saith shall arise and slay the Witnesses that is a godly Magistracy and Ministery who had finished their testimony and fitted all things for a complete reformation these enemies of the Church I call them enemies and these goodly painted hypocrits I call them so I do not number them by their names but I count them by their actions by what they do not by what they say and thence I conclude infallibly they are Antichristian for by their fruits not leaves I know them to be such and contrary to the Doctor I do verily believe that soon after this-yeer 1650. God will raise up the Witnesses in Scotland overthrow consume and utterly destroy the Doctors holy Army holy State and holy Common-wealth And my reasons are taken partly out of the Doctors own mouth for about this time the Pope of Romes tyrannizing over the Church is expired and to go one step further then the Doctor within six moneths I conceive after the end of this yeer 1650. the reigne of the Beast of the Earth which slayes the Witnesses is out and the time of the Witnesses lying dead is out and they must rise whose rising is the Beasts ruine the rising of a lawfull Magistracy and Ministery will be the ruine of Democrary and Independency For the battell must be fought by lawfull Magistracy and lawfull Ministery against Usurpers in Church and State The Doctor hath proved that the Popes time of tyrannizing is out in 1650. My businesse then shall be to prove that he that slays the Witnesses his time is out soon after the end of this yeer 1650 I have proved it already I will therefore only explain that part of Dan. 11. from v. 36. to the end not precisely every verse but so much as may illustrate the tenent that in all probability immediately after the end of this yeer 1650. will be the downfall of Cromwell and his Army and his new government which he hath by his sword erected Observe therefore this that Rev. 13. from verse the 11. to the end and Dan. 11. 36. to the end are spoken both of one Beast and do both in the same manner set forth his government and tyranny and bloudy cruelty and successe in his actions therfore you read in Rev. 13. 14. of an image which he makes men to worship and in Dan. 11. 36. you read of the
god Mauzzim that he sets up both these are one and the same thing and signifie a sword-power that this Beast shall set up I have many learned Expositors on my side in the interpretation of both texts and some of the Fathers with whom I fall full jump in the explication for they say that the Beast in both places is that Antichrist that shall arise when the Roman Monarchy shall be destroyed and slay the Witnesses and reigne three years and an half Now we must reckon the beginning of this Beasts reign the time that he set up his god Mauzzim and exalted himself above all other government and this was when he got the ships at sea the Forts Castles Forces Magazines whole power of the sword into his own hands at land This was done in the year 1647. and about September or October In the same year so that near about that time we must begin the Beasts raign and then about the evening of the day that is the latter end of that year when he divides the two Kingdoms the Beasts three years an half wil be out but mark what shal come to pass immediately before this year of division Dan. 12. 40. At the time of the end shall the King of the South push at him and the King of the North shall come up against him like a whirlwind with Chariots with Horsemen with many ships In Zach. 14. 14. there you have the Mountain divided into North and South Here you have in this verse the North and the South joyned together to overthrow the Beast of the Earth which hath set up his God Mauzzim his Sword-power This was cleerly fulfilled in the Northern Invasion and the Southern Insurrection I will not inlarge here in so plain a thing but what shall be their success they shall be overthrown by him and he shall enter into the Countries and shall overflow and pass over He that is he that sets up the God Mauzzim he shall overtop both the Northern Invaders and the Southern Insurrections neither the King of the North nor the King of the South shall overcome him he shall pass over them v. 41. He shall enter into the glorious Land I am of Mr. Jeremiah Burroughs opinion that Scotland is the gloriousest Land in the world for holiness therefore I think it is meant Scotland that he should enter as he did after he had defeated Hambleton's forces he entred the Kingdom of Scotland and many shall be overthrown Some read and many Countries shall be overthrown but there is no such word as Countries in the Hebrew Therefore I humbly conceive 't is better read and many shall be overthrown that is many noble families many great persons and many people shall but these shall escape out of his hand Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Amon the ancieut and the latter Expositors have mistook this text in allowing it onely a literal sense which the Holy Ghost intends not for by Edom and Moab and Ammon are meant the Enemies of the Church who plead the same priviledges that the Church pleads as Esau was the eldest son of Isaac by birth but he sold his birth-right and became an apostate and so did his posterity who were from him called Edomites But these Apostates pretended as the Church of Rome doth that they were the true Church because they came from the eldest son of Isaac and so Moab and Ammon though most abominable Idolaters yet said that their father was Lot and they were the true Church though they were begotten in incest as all Heresies and Hereticks are gotten by corrupting the Holy Word and Truth of God so that by Edom and Moab and Ammon that escape this Beasts clutches may be understood Hereticks and Apostates if so how cleerly doth this point out of the Beast to us or if by Ammon and Moab may be meant those murtherers of the King Traytors for in 2 Chron. 24. 46. a Moabite and an Ammonite one of the chief of the children of Ammon conspired against the King and slew him so that Apostates Covenant-breakers Hereticks and Traytors conspirers against the King shall escape him wheresoever he comes you may know this beast by his followers for none but such are protected by him and beloved of him By Moab may be meant the malicious party who pretend religiously to curse the Church of God by their hypocritical hirelings such as Balam who for a good place or office will vilifie that cause which they once professed to be a righteous cause V. 42. And the Land of Egypt shall not escape that is Ireland which were more bloudy to the people of God then Egypt to Israel Egipt that is a Kingdom full of abominable Idolatry therefore Rome is called spirituall Egypt V. 43. He shall have power over the Treasures of gold and silver and the precious things of Egypt that is He shall be Governour of Ireland for who hath power over the Treasury but the Governour By Lybians and Ethiopians are meant the common sottish and slavish sort of people which will bow to any body these shall subscribe to him But when he is in Ireland what follows next V. 44. But tidings out of the East and out of the North shall trouble him Holland is East and Scotland is North from Ireland now the Treaty in Holland with the King by the Scots shall trouble him V. 45. Tydings out of the East and out of the North shall trouble him Ireland the place where the Beast of the Earth shall be that Witness-slaying Beast hath Holland on the East of it and Scotland on the North of it Now tydings from the North and East shall trouble him that is the King of Scotland shall be in Holland that 's to the East of him and the Scots in the North call a Parliament and send Commissioners from Scotland to treat with the King in Holland and so tydings out of the East and out of the North shall trouble him This Treaty shall trouble him and call him out of Ireland into England from whence he shall go with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many He shall go with an Army resolving to destroy and utterly to make away the Covenanters in Scotland and this is plainly set down in vers 45. V. 46. And he shall plant the Tabernacles of his palace Some read The Tabernacle of the wrath of his judgment so Brightman reades it Others read it And he shall plant his Tabernacle Aphadno keeping the Hebrew word intire Others there are that translate Aphadno and read the text thus And he shall spread the Tabernacles of his stables This word Aphadno which is read Palace though I know not why Brightman very learnedly unfolds This word saith he is compounded of three words Aph and Din and the affix of the third person Daleth the wrath of his judgment as if he should say He shall plant the Tabernacles of wroth whereby he shall procure to
which alludes to the prophetick Psalm Psal 98. where you have every thing runs parallel with John's Vision for there you have a new song and the cause of it 't is for a marvellous great victory gotten by Gods own Arm in an eminent manner in the sight of the Heathen ver 2. and then at that time the house of Israel and the ends of the Earth see the salvation of God as the Angel Rev. 4. 6. preacheth it and then ver 4. there is a Hallelujah ver 5. with the Harp which the Harpers have ver 7. the sea roars and the earth and the flouds clash one against another but ver 19. the Mountains of holiness rejoyce because he is come to judge the earth Read the next Psalm it gives great light into these texts to be fulfilled in these times Be not therefore discouraged O ye Saints of God be patient be constant be couragious be not faithless but believe when your affliction and distress is greatest then is your deliverance nearest when your Enemies are most cruel most confident most strong most malicious and most secure then will Christ come in the cloud then will he appear on the white cloud with the sickle in his hand to cut down your Enemies blessed are you in this day that watch and keep on your spiritual garments for Christ will assuredly come and he will come as a thief at unawares unexpected behold the time is at hand your temptations are great the Devil is sifting you and winowing you as wheat it is a day of tribulation of great sorrow it is a day wherein your Enemies rejoyce and make merry it is a day of great rebuke and shame to the Church the enemies say ah ha so we would have it Edom's sons cry down with the walls of Zion down with them to the ground It was never a sadder day with the Church of England and Scotland since the Gospel was preached amongst them then now I dare appeal to all the Historians in the world whether ever the Gospel was so desperately persecuted and so neer to ruine as now it is Look in England and the very foundations of the Gospel are rooting up I mean the Doctrinal-foundation Do I say onely Doctrinal nay but I do affirm the personal foundation of the Gospel is rooting up Are not the Scriptures which are the spiritual foundation of the Gospel denyed to be the Word of God and do not men set their accursed lusts above the Holy Scriptures in maintaining that no more is Scripture then what their spirits close with and is not the Lord Jesus denyed to be God and the Son of God and the second person in the Trinity and do they not affirm that he is not the Purchaser of salvation for the Elect And to go a little further are not the Ministerial foundations viz. Magistracy and Ministery thrown down was there ever more open villanies committed against the persons and offices of Magistrates and Ministers then at this day How is the Magistracy trampled in the dirt and their spoyls divided How are Ministers imprisoned banished sequestered and silenced How grievous and intolerable are the burthens that they lay on the poor Ministers bodies and souls They have taken away their estates and so expose their poor families to ruine they impose a most unjust and unconscionable Oath upon them directly contrary to those lawful Oaths they took before and for the not subscribing of it which no consciencious Protestant will do or can do they are out-lawed shut out of protection out of their livelyhoods and exposed to utter ruine at the pleasure of any of the sons of violence and what condition have they put the Papists those bloudy and inveterate Enemies of the Protestants What becomes of the Laws in force against them Are they not all repealed What 's become of those discriminating Oaths that molest the Papists peace in this Kingdom Are they not all taken away and is not onely the sincere consciencious Protestant the man whose estate office person and family lyeth at the mercy of bloudy Papists and Gunpowder traytors Who is so blind as not plainly to see these things and what consciencious Protestant so secure as not to feel it And as for Scotland though blessed be the Lord there be a godly Magistracy and Ministery as yet standing yet how neer are they to their fall How great a blow have they received already How many enemies have they against them The Pope and all his politicians in England Holland Ireland Spain France are active against them in England the whole wealth and strength of it is imployed to ruine the Kingdome of Scotland in Holland and France the same Popish Politicians are imployed to raise rebellion against Kingly Government in Ireland the arch Rebells are in a League with the Common-wealth of England they having renounced Kingly Government long before were the first that owned the Common-wealth of England and gave them a Title whereupon Collonel Monk made a peace with them This Collonel Monk is now as Major Generall of the Foot under Cromwel in Scotland Spain hath owned this present power that cut off the King for a Free-State and Common-wealth and drives the same design to throw down the King of Portugal and France with England yea the Popes Agents in Scotland are active in stirring up those Papistical Families in Scotland against the Kirks party who are the Covenanting party It would be too long to tell how the Spanish Faction to say no more prevaileth this day throughout Europe the King of France who denies the Popes temporal power is like by the Jesuited-State-commotions to be overthrown the King of Portugal is in a probable way to be overthrown by the King of Spain the Hollander which was the supply of Scotland for Ammunition since the Prince of Orange's death is like by their own civil jars to become a prey to the Spaniard after designes betwixt England and Spain are ripened and poore England overflow with the Spanish Faction who cannot see all things cutting out against the Protestants acording to the Spanish Model who cannot see that perfected which was intended long since who sees not those dismall attempts against Magistracy and Ministery now compleated and accomplished which were intended 1588. by the King of Spain's Armado against Queen Elizabeth and by the Gunpowder Traytors against King James Something 't is that makes the Spanish Court triumph 't is because they have drave the Royal Family of England and Scotland into great distress it is helpless throughout the world no Kingdom nor Nation lends that distressed Family their helping hand the Prince of Orange the great comforter of that Family is taken out of the World and the Queen of Sweadland snatched from him by the Emperor The English Nation are divided into Independents Prelaticall men and Presbyterians for the most part the Independent and Prelaticall Party are ingaged by Oath against the Magistracy and Ministery of Scotland for they all
slayeth the Witnesses and the time when together with the length of his raign and what immediatly follows Note Observe also whence this Beast ariseth 't is out of the bottomlesse pit this bottomlesse pit is Independencie I will prove it can be nothing else Aleazar and many other learned men do not take bottomlesse pit to be meant hell but some say it is meant confusion and others the sea but I affirm that 't is meant Independencie in Rev. 9. 1. When the fifth Angel sounded there fell a Starre from Heaven that is a Bishop from the true Church to the earth from a Pastor to become a Prince from Ecclesiastick affairs to Civil state affairs and to him was given the key of the bottomlesse pit The Pope was the first that unlocked the door of Independencie Mark it and it will appear that Independencie is the formilis ratio Antichristi for untill the Pope of Rome got to be Independent in respect of the Emperour his Lord and Sover●ign and Independent as relating to the Councels he was not Antichrist but herein in his exalting himself by Independencie above all Magistracy which is called God in Scripture in making himself Independent he made himself Antichrist for reduce the Pope but to his due obedience to the Roman Emperour whose power he usurps and to Counsels to bring him under their censure and the Pope will be reduced to his primitive institution that is to an honest plain Pastor which is all his due and all that the primitive Bishops of Rome were The Pope had the key of Independencie for by making the Dukes of Italy free States i.e. Independent as to the Emperor he shut the Emperor out of Italy his proper dominion and thus as he continues Independent he continues Antichrist who sitting in the seat of God exalts himself above God for he saith he is Independent as to the holy Scriptures and that the Scripture is dependent upon him and herein he exalts himself above God by this power of Independencie the Pope let into the world all manner of ignorance heresie and profanesse by the Power of Independencie the Pope drove a godly Magistracy and Ministry into the wildernesse for 1260 years and now by this last beast rising out of Independencie and setting up Indepencie I say by that Independent beast the Witnesses the Magistracy and Ministry that had finished their testimony that is had finished their Directory cleared and vindicated their Doctrines and had agreed to cast out Independencie and Popery out of the three Kingdoms even then when they had finished their testimony this beast breaks them in peeces by making war against them and killing them thus you have the Witnesses slaying and the Beast that slayes them immediatly before the glorious day of Reformation in the world A further description you have of this Beast by his Government that he sets up in Heb. 13. 11 12 and 18. and in Dan. 11. 36 37 38. You have heard already when he riseth 't is in the end of the Roman Monarchy when the 1260 years of the Popes raign draws towards an end and you have heard out of what this Beast that slayes the Witnesses ariseth 't is out of Independencie for mark it as Antichrist the Pope arose by the key of Independencie out of the purest Church viz the Roman Church and drove the Witnesses which undoubtedly are the Magistracy and Ministry into the wildernesse so this Beast riseth out of Independencie rising out of the bowels of the purest reformed western Church and slay these Witnesses who had finished their testimony against Antichrist the nature of Independencie amongst men is to destroy Magistracy and Ministry But that you may know this Beast more diststinctly Rev. 13. 11 12 18. sets forth his actings against the Church observe how like the expressions o● Daniel and John are in the discovering of this Beast and his actings in Rev. 13. 11. I beheld another Beast rising up out of the earth he is called another because distinct from the Beast of the sea ver 1. so saith Bishop Cowper and then out of the earth to shew also that he is not the same with the Beast of the sea as some would have it Cottherus speaks plain truth against all his opposers this Beast of the earth saith he is Rex octavus incipit quando prima bestia destinet incipit cum bestia ascendit ex abysso he is the eighth King meaning that ●ev 17. and begins when the first Beast the Beast of the Sea goeth out and he begins when the Beast ariseth out of the bottomlesse pit Rev. 11. 7. So that he understands by the Beast of the earth the eighth King Rev. 17. 11. and the Beast arising out of the bottomlesse pit one and the same beast only the one text sets out his rising the other his raigning and the other his ruin First He ariseth out of the earth which notes to us that he is a Lay man for earth is here put as contradistinct to sea to note that as he that drives the Witnesses into sackcloth riseth out of the Clergy in the Roman Church for Rev. 13. 1. he usurpt the throne with seaven heads and ten horns that is the Roman Emperiall seate so the beast that slay the Witnesses though he rise by Independency as the Pope did yet he shall be a Lay man no Clergy man but a Layick Secondly Or by earth may be meant as oft it is in Scripture a mean and low condition to note that this terrae filius that slayes the Witnesses shall be a fellow of low discent This well agrees with Daniels expression of the same Beast Dan. 7. 8. he calls him a little horn Cornu parvulum quia in principio nullius momenti reputabitur in occulis Regum terrae saith Hugo Cardinalis he is a little horn because in his beginning he shall be of no esteem or repute amongst the Kings of the earth he shall not arise out of any Kingly stock but out of some obscure private broken family This Beast of the Earth is therefore called Dan. 11. 21. a vilde Fellow I confesse this more immediatly belongs as say interpreters to the transactions of affairs in the end of the Macedonian Empire but Th●odoretus imboldens me whose opinion is that the likenesse of things acted in the end of the Macedonian Empire immediatly before the coming of Christ to the things to be acted in the end of the Roman Monarchy before the great day of Christs coming to convert Jews and Gentiles made Daniel to comprehend both under one expression this is very probable for as the Rabbins say an Iota of Scripture hath a mountain of sense depending on it mark therefore how in the end of the Roman Monarchy Dan. 11. 21. a vile fellow shall stand up he is an upstart an usurper he shall not have the honour of the Kingdom given him but he shall come in peaceably and obtain the Kingdom by flattery Mark how he