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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02621 The apology of Iohan Bale agaynste a ranke papyst anuswering both hym and hys doctours, that neyther their vowes nor yet their priesthode areof the Gospell, but of Antichrist. Anno Do. M.CCCCC.L. A brefe exposycyon also upo[n] the .xxx chaptre of Numerii, which was the first occasion of thys present varyaunce. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1550 (1550) STC 1275; ESTC S100596 145,229 320

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Ethelwulfus Offa Ethelredus and dyuerse other besydes them that were poysoned deposed and made monkes to geue place to they● vnknowne bastardes Who can rec●en them fyt to be trusted of christen prynces which haue for theyr carnal commodities so ofte changed the great monarchie of the Romyshe emppre from the Romanes to the Grekes from the Grekes to the frēth men frō the frenche mē to the Germanes and now wolde they translate it from the Germans to y ● Spannyerdes They haue in a maner made all the christen prynces their captiue slaues ▪ til now of late yeares They haue at theyr pleasures disposed diuerse of theyr kynge domes yea they haue enforced them to anthoryse theyr lyes to fauer theyr hypocrisyes to vpholde theyr ●irānies to support their sorceryes to main teine theyr ydolatryes to magt●●●ye theyr whordomes to worship they ●●wdries Not one kynge hath bene in Englande sens the conquest but they haue twygged hym one way or other and had theyr false flynges at him I could shewe it by course It were great pitie therfor but these vowers were trusted of christen prynces they haue bene so faythfull specyally in keping the vowes of theyr Romysh fathers obedience What caused them of late yeares to stnrre vp commociōs in the North and now the last yeare in Deuenshire Lor●wale for theyr Romysh remnauntes but the relygyous fulfyllynge of theyr vowes to holy churche the mother of theyr olde māmetryes Afore God I iudge yow to be one of that lewde assembly eyther by your acte or councell by thys your fyue workemāship for theyr defence Ye wolde neuer els so earnestli haue called thē faithfull vowers in kepynge theyr vowes so well to your mynde But truly ye haue done Christ moche wrong to call hym an exhorter therunto For he neuer exhorted a ny mā to such vowes neither yet to any other kinde of vowes For his gospell is no doctrine of vowes but of faith These prodigiouse vowers ar y ● locustes y ● came out of the bottomles pyt to stinge mēs cenfeiēces as doth scorpiōs Apo. ix And they for fulfiling theyr nowes in y ● seruice of y ● rose coloured whore shall go into perdycyon If ye condēpne all them for vnfaithfull mē in theyr promises y ● haue brokē vowes made to y ● ydolouse mōster of Rome Thā must ye condēpne all those kynges of thys realme whych folowed after kynge Iohā and so contynued tyll the. xxvi yeare of kynge Henry the. viii bycause they fulfylled not that profession whych he made for hymselfe hys successours The vowe y ● he made by theyr cōpulsiō is this word by worde as I fynde it regestred in cōpendio noui chronici de gestis regū Anglicorum collected by a monke of Cantirbury Ego Ioānes rex Anglie Wallie et Hiberme in ro fidelitatē Deo et sancte ecclesie Romane ac domino Innocentio tertio pape ad manus Nicolai Cardinalis ei●sdem pape penitētiarn ad tenendum regnū Anglie de eo sine detractatione aliqua imperpetu● reddēd o domino pape Innocentio tertio ān●ati●i nulle marcas argenti et suis successoribus canonice intrantibus I Iohan kynge of Englande Wales and Ireland promyse by othe to be faythfull to God to my lorde pope Innocēt the thyrde at the handes of Nicolas a Cardinall penitencer of the sayd pope to hold the kingdome of England of hym hys successours for euermore wythout any contradycciō ●●ienge to them a thousand markes by yeare And the bishops and Barons of England cōstraiued him for his owne part to fulfyl this vngodly professiō After this sort were all y ● mōkes vowes the friers professiōs y ● prestes promises for degres in y ● vniuersi tees which this wicked chaplaine calleth faithful vowes wold haue thē stil kept He accounteth them vnfaithfull in their promyses y t hath broken these vowes but of breaking gods cōmaūdemēts disobeiing of his holy worde he maketh no reckening It is not lykely he sayth y t he wil be faithful to god y ● thus breaketh promise ●● man Yes wythout doubt it is most lykely that they be faithfull to God that in their good doynges dysobeyeth that sort of noughty men and so Christ ment it whan he sayed Feare not them that kyll the body and be not able to kill y e sowle Mat. x. Ye knowe maystre chaplaine that God is able to destroye both body and sowle and to throw them into hell and yet ye feare not to blaspheme both hym and hys holy word Care not yow for the fydelite of them towardes christen prynces whych abhorreth your monstruouse sorceries For theyr faithfull hartes are knowne good and godly wher as yours be false and deuylyshe To conclude Your vowes were neuer other thā myghte alwayes be dyspensed wyth for money For Iohan Skuish a Cornish mā hath in hys Englyshe chronicle taken out of Mathew Paris and other old wryters that in the yeare of our Lord a. M. cc. lviii a Graye fryer called Mansuetus came in post haste from Rome as a great commissyoner from pope Alexander the forth to dyspēse with all periures forgers of falsehede and vowe breakers And many wyse men the storye sayth deryded that wicked folyshnes I maruell therfor that ye make so moche a do for those vowes Censura ¶ The vowe in christen marryage is godly euery waye and serueth in auoydynge fornycaciō and other most detestable frutes of fylthynesse in the fleshe Obiectio ☞ Thys is true in them that maye lawfully marry But in them that haue vowed the cōtrarye tales nuptie sunt peiores adulteriis as S. Augustine saith de bono viduitatis ca ▪ xi And as Chrisostome sayth epistola vi ad Theodorum monachū Angelorum enim societate semel iunetum illud relinquere et vxoris laqu●is implicari adulterii crimen ●●curr●re est Quamuis frequēter hoc ipsū nuptias voces ego tamen et adulterio tanto perus illud affirmo quanto maior ac melior mortalis Angelus Responsio God shall not be true in your opinyon as apeareth here by your wrytyng nor yet hys instytucion lawfull but whan it shall lyke the stoute rabyes of your vaynegloriouse Synagoge so to allowe them Ye affyrme it nowe to be true that marryage is a thynge godly and that it is a prouysion ordinaunce helpe remedy and waye prouided of God for man to auoyde fornicacion and other vncomely vyces All thys y● admyt at thys tyme w tout contradyccion but it hath a tayle For ye saye it is only true in them that maye lawfully marry Than is there a kynde of people whych maye not lawfully marry And those are your vowers ye saye God ordayned marryage for hys people to kepe them in good ordre Pope Helhound ordained vowes agaynst marryage for hys professed cattell to brynge them out of ordre Thus is