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A55892 The principles of a people stiling themselves Philadelphians discovered in their nicest points and matters; accurately handled, shewing their rise, continuance, and tenents in doctrin and manner of proceeding, &c. Also a curious discourse between an English dissenter and French Protestant, by way of dialogue, in vindication of the Church of England against novelties in religion. Lafite, Daniel. Friendly discourse between an English dissenter and a French Protestant. 1697 (1697) Wing P3494A; ESTC R219027 36,218 131

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the English Liturgy and antient Discipline was like to be restor'd He alledgeth another Testimony of Monsieur Gache's then Minister of Chearenton one of the most eloquent and zealous Preachers the French Reformed Churches ever had who in one of his Letters declares That he had read the English Liturgy and had been wonderfully edified by it He produceth also a Letter of Monsieur du Bosc the Minister of Cane an extraordinary Person for Learning Eloquence and true Piety where he declares That he as much approves of a minister performing Divine Service after the way of the Church of England as he that officiates according to the manner of the French Reformed Churches Besides these he sets down the Testimony of Monsieur Bochart the Minister of Alancon a Man of great Repute and Learning who declares he found the Liturgy to be very good and well order'd as also that of Monsieur Goyon Minister of Bordeaux one of the most greave and learned Divines of all the Province of Aquitain and greatly versed in Antiquity in these words There is not one Minister saith he in all the Province of Aquitain that thinks his Conscience offended by using of the English Liturgy and declares that those people dream and dote who are of that Opinion and those Gentlemen amongst you do extreamly wrong us when they quote us for to foment their Schism which cannot but be very scandalous But that I may not be further tedious I shall refer you to the foresaid Book of Dr. Durel where you will find enough to convince you that all our worthy Divines such as Peter du Moulin Monsieur Drelincourt Monsieur Daillé Monsieur Amyraut c. have express'd no less Esteem for the English Liturgy than any Son of the Church of England ever did To all which Testimonies I will add that of Spanhemius a French Divine and sometimes Preacher and Divinity-Reader at Geneva in his Epistle Dedicatory to the Lord Primate of Ireland prefixed to the Third Part of his Dubia Evangelica where commending the Publick Worship of God in the Church of England he declares that the like is scarcely to be found elsewhere E. D. According to what you tell me I cannot believe your French Divines to be Calvinists for I am confident Calvin was not of their opinion with regard to the English Liturgy F. P. To the end you may be able to judge what Calvin's opinion was about this matter I shall refer you to a passage of his in an Epistle Dedicatory to the Duke of Somerset Lord Protector during the minority of King Edward VI. which will convince you I suppose that he was of the same judgment with the rest of our French Divines his words are these Quoad formam Precum Rituum Ecclesiasticorum valde probo ut certa illa exstet à qua Pastoribus discedere in functione sua non liceat tam ut consulatur quorundam simplicitati imperitioe quam ut certius ita constet omnium inter se Ecclesiarum consensus postremò etiam ut obviam eatur desultoriae quorundam levitati qui novationes quasdam affectant Which may be englished thus As touching the form of Prayer and Ceremonies of the Church I do extremely approve that it be set and fixed so as it may not be lawfull for the Ministers to recede from it in their function as well to help and assist the simplicity and unskilfulness of some as to give a fuller evidence of the consent and uniformity of all the several Congregations and finally that by this means the changeable humour of those that affect novelties may be check'd and obviated E. D. I always thought Calvin had been of the same judgment that we are though you would seem to persuade me to the contrary But to make an end of our Discourse at this time I shall onely ask you one question more and then I have done which is this What your French Divines judge concerning us who for Conscience sake refuse to make use of the Liturgy in our Assemblies or to frequent the Congregations of those that do F. P. What you desire you may find in the forementioned Discourse of Dr. Durel where he sets down this Letter of the Reverend Monsieur Goyon Minister at Bordeaux which is thus translated SIR I Have received your Letter with an extreme satisfaction as having been informed thereby both of your own condition and of that of the Church of England I must confess that we have been strangely deceived in this Countrey by what hath been related to us touching the English Presbyterians I did always imagine them to be a People that followed the same order we observe in our Churches of France but it seems they are very far from it The Description you give of them shews them to be a strange Sect not fit to be tolerated and I conceive that the best remedy of this disorder and confusion would be to reduce them all to the Episcopal Government for I hold it impossible that the Church of England should ever be quiet or flourish otherwise The Convocation comes in a very fit time for this purpose and I question not but that Assembly will take order about it which will be a great satisfaction to me for otherwise you will be continually in trouble and the Adversaries will take advantage thereby either to blemish and slander our Religion or to contrive and foment Plots against the State I beseech the Lord that he would be pleased to rule and govern that Holy Assembly and pour his Blessings upon their Determinations for the Advancement of his Kingdom E. D. Though this Man saith too much yet he saith nothing in particular to the point of our refusing to reade the Common-prayer in our Assemblies and to frequent the Churches where it is read F. P. If you think that Monsieur Goyon doth not speak home enough to the matter in question be pleased to reade what Ludovicus Capellus Divinity-Professor at Saumur saith to it in the Body of Divinity published by him and his two Collegues Moses Amyraldus and Joshua Placoeus in which Book this Learned Man having at large proved the Lawfulness Vse and Necessity of a set Form of Liturgy in opposition to the then newly started Directory which the Presbyterians endeavour'd to establish instead of the Common-prayer It is also worthy our noting that he maintain'd a publick Dispute on this Subject in the Divinity-School wherein he defended the Common-prayer of the Church of England as good sound and expedient against the Cavils and Objections of the Presbyterians even at that very time when the Opposers of set Forms were in the greatest power in this Kingdom and that it was generally believed the Liturgy of the Church of England would never have been restored E. D. But what saith he in particular of us for if you don't tell me I shall scarce take the pains of reading over his Book to inform my self F. P. I am unwilling to give you his
THE PRINCIPLES OF A PEOPLE Stiling themselves Philadelphians Discovered in their nicest Points and Matters accurately handled shewing their Rise Continuance and Tenents in Doctrin and manner of Proceeding c. ALSO A Curious Discourse between an English Dissenter and French Protestant by way of Dialogue in Vindication of the Church of England against Novelties in Religion LONDON Printed for W. Whitwood at the Rose and Crown in Little-Britain Price 6d 1697. The Principles of a People stiling themselves Philadelphians c. THere has lately appeared in England especially at London the great Metropolis of this Kingdom a Sect or certain number of People who attribute to themselves an extraordinary Sanctity pretending to Revelation of glorious things to come in their Church and to be very near at hand Wherefore finding the Discourse of them has made a great noise and is much talked of I have thought fit among other matters by way of Essay to give a Light into their Principles considering several who have heard of them are ignorant of what they pretend to and that from their own Writings and Sayings They seem to derive themselves from a Sect long since started up calling themselves the Family of Love now stilling themselves Philadelphians or the Little Virgin Church of Philadelphia waiting for and expecting the Kingdom of Christ and inviting all People to come into their Congregation absurdly intimating as if Salvation was no where else so sure to be obtained promising themselves to grow by degrees into a glorious Church adorned with Purity and Holiness a Virgin Church undefiled and this in some of their Writings is said to be revealed to them by the Holy One However they keep up much Mirth and Jollity sing Hymns of their own making and would make the World believe they are extraordinarily gifted above others and now hear their Principal Opinions and Tenents They hold there shall be a total and full Redemption by Christ but that it is a hidden Mystery not to be understood without the Revelation of the Holy Spirit That the Holy Spirit is now at hand to reveal it to all loving Enquirers and holy Seekers and that at present the Completion of such a Redemption is withheld and obstructed by the Apocaliptical Seals wherefore as the Spirit of God shall open Seal after Seal so shall this Redemption come in time to be revealed not only particularly but also universally That in this gradual opening the Mystery of Redemption in Christ doth consist the unsearchable Wisdom of God which continually may Reveal Truth and new things to those that worthily search after them In order to which the Ark of the Testimony shall be open in Heaven before the World shall end and the living Testimony contained therein shall be unsealed That the presence of the Divine Ark will constitute the Philadelphian Church and where-ever that is there of necessity must the Ark be and that the unsealing of the Living Testimony within the Ark of the Lord must begin the promulgation of the everlasting Gospel of the Kingdom That the proclaiming of the Testimony of the Kingdom will be done as with the sound of a Trumpet to give notice of it to all the Nations upon Earth and particularly to the Professors of the Christian Religion because it will be all ended with the power of acting Wonders and Miracles so that there shall be an Authoritative Decision immediatly given forth from Christ for the putting an end to all Controversies relating to the True Church and this Decision will be by the actual Sealing of the Members of the True Church with the name of God giving them a Commission to Act by Virtue of the same and this new Name say they will distinguish them from the Seven Thousand Names of Babylon but however the Election and Preparation of this Church is to be after a secret and hidden manner as in his Minority David was approved before his other Brethren and anointed by the Prophet Samuel and though by that means appointed King yet did he not presently enjoy it in its outward Possession till after Saul's Death Of the Stem of David afterwards arose a Church and another Virgin Church is yet to arise from the same Stem that has not known Man but as yet not Born and shall be ignorant of Humane Constitution And if it be yet to be Born then some considerable time will be required before it can outstrip its Minority and come to considerable Age or Maturity The Birth say they of the Virgin Church was visionary Tippified to St. John by the great wonder in Heaven a Woman bringing forth her First-born which was caught up to the Throne of God Revel 12. For as a Virgin Conceived and brought forth Christ after the Flesh so say they a Virgin is designed by God to bring forth the First-born after the Spirit who shall be silled with the Holy Ghost and with Power and the Virgin hereto designed must be of a pure Spirit and a Radiant Body purged from Sin and Dead Works impregnated with the Holy Ghost c. The Church so brought forth shall be Sealed with the Mark of the Divine Name and have the gift of Miracles and Power beyond whatever hath been so that all Nations thereby shall be brought unto it and so it shall be the Catholick Church according to the utmost Latitude and genuine sense of the Word and Signification It also must be an anointed Church whereby it may truly bear the Nature of Christ or Christian being with him Anointed to the Priestly Prophetical and Kingly Dignity and hence there will be no Impositions or Bonds but the Holy Unction among the new Born Spirits will be all in all and this Catholick anointed Church must be truly holy as Christ himself is holy so worthily bearing the Name of the Lord our Holiness or the Lord our Righteousness That until there be such a Church prepared on the Earth so Holy so Catholick and so Anointed that is without Spot or Blemish Adorned as a Bride to meet her Bridegroom Christ will not personally descend to solemnize this Marriage say they nor present it to his Father but when such a Bridal Church shall be made ready then he will no longer delay his Personal coming There is not continue they at this day visible on Earth a Holy Catholick Anointed and Bridal Church all the Churches and Professions being found light when weighed in the Ballance therefore they cannot be termed this Church but out of them a new and glorious Church shall arise up in whom there shall be no fault to be found like as he findeth none with Philadelphia then shall the Glory of God and the Lamb be so rested upon it as the Clouds on the Tippical Tabernacle that it shall be called the Tabernacle Church and the Tabernacle of Wisdom Tho' this Philadelphian Church is not yet known in visibility yet it may lie hid at this time in the Womb of the Morning though time will bring it