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A05414 A discourse not altogether vnprofitable, nor vnpleasant for such as are desirous to know the situation and customes of forraine cities without trauelling to see them Containing a discourse of all those citties wherein doe flourish at this day priuiledged vniuersities. Written by Samuel Levvkenor Gentleman. Lewkenor, Samuel. 1600 (1600) STC 15566; ESTC S108534 83,597 168

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professed with great sinceritie and profoundnesse there are also continuall dayly exercises of Philosophie Phisicke and the Ciuill law Caen. AN Vniuersitie was erected at Caen in Normandie vpon this occasion Henry the fift king of England who subdued the kingdome of France and left the title to his posterity after many great and glorious conquests atchieued against the French king hee at last bereaued him of Normandy in the yeare 1418. In token and memorie of which victorie as an eternal trophie and monument of his glorie he caused to be laid in Caen the foundation of this vniuersitie Rhemes RHemes is a goodly cittie and the Metropolis of Champaigne wherein not long since was erected an Vniuersitie by the Prince Charles Guise Cardinall of Lorraine Archbishop Duke of Rhemes whose glorie and renowne dayly more and more encreaseth by reason of the ar●s so learnedly there professed Of this citie was Bishop S. Remigius a man of most holy conuersation and excellently learned as by the Commentaries which he wrote vpon the old new Testament it euidently appeareth He baptized Clodouaeus a mightie and puissant king of Fraunce together with Chr●tildis his wife daughter to the king of Burgundie he died in his venerable old age in the yeare 498. Burdeux BVrdeux is the principall or head cittie of Aquitane called by the French men Guienne seated at the mouth of Garomne a mightie riuer issuing out of Languedoc It is a place of incredible antiquitie strongly fortified and beautified with many sumptuous edifices In this citie hath long flourished a most renowned vniuersity commonly called the schoole of Aquitaine where the Artes are publikely taught and professed from whence issued those mirrors of holinesse and learning Seuerinus Maximinus the one Bishop of Colen the other of Tryer both after their deathes canonized for Saintes Vnto this citie also resteth the worlde indebted for the birth education of Ausonius the Homer of these latter times Neere vnto this Citie on the waters side standeth a castle inexpugnable fortified beyond all credite comparison Tholouse IN the extreamest confines of Languedo● not farre distant from the Pyrenaean mountaines standeth Tholouse called by antique writers Teotosagum an auncient and goodly cittie built neere to the Riuer Garomne The first foundation whereof is referred to a certaine Trotane It was afterward amplified and enlarged by the Romaines Wee reade that Theodericus King of the Gothes and Thorismonde his sonne finding about this cittie a happie fertile soile enuironed with a sweete and holesome ayre chose the same for their habitation as the place of all France most pleasant and most opulent most fit for the preseruation and augmentation of their Empire whose posterity was afterwarde expelled of the Frenchmen with great difficultie It was raised to an Archbishopricke by Pope Iohn the 22. who also was the first institutor of the Vniuersity therein which as yet was erected not long after Paris so doth it enioy the same priuiledges that heretofore haue beene to Paris granted Saint Saturnine was the first Bishop thereof who afterward being with vnsufferable torments excruciated by the Pagans yeelded his soule into the hands of his Redeemer was in this cittie buried the reliques of whose body are by the inhabitantes often visited with great reuerence and deuotion There was sayde in times past to haue beene in this cittie a Temple wherein was continually reserued in secret vaultes and dungeons vnder ground as Poss donius sayeth 15000. talents of golde which if any man by chance had touched he shortlie after came to some vnfortunate end which was verified in Caepio other Roman captaines from whence proceedeth the prouerbe applyed commonlie to those whose attemptes are euer vnfortunate and without successe Aurum habet Tolosanum The Earle of Tholous is one of the twelue Peeres of France Nismes NIsmes called by Ptolomye Pomponius Mela trabo and other learned searchers of antiquities Nemansus is an antient Citty in Dolphine wherein was lately erected an Vniuersity The soyle in this prouince is of such incredible fertilitie that being with neuer so little labour mannured it bringeth forth sondry kinds of excellent fruites It hath such plentie of figge-trees and bringeth such aboundance of grapes that a greate parte of Europe is with figges and raisins from thence accommodated Mompehers MOns Pessulanus called of Pomponius Mela Mesua of Ptolomye Agathopolis and now vulgarly named Mompeliers is a cittie in Dolphinie not far distant from the Mediterranesea An Vniuersity was therein erected as some writers affirm in the yeare of our Lord 1196. which afterwarde was endued with many priuiledges by Pope Vrban the fift who layed the foundation of a goodlie house called Popes Colledge In times past the profession of Phisicke was there in greatest request but now the schooles of the ciuil law are most vsually frequented much was the Vniuersity augmented and promoted by the bounty and liberality of Henry the second king of France so great is the Rectors authority in this Vniuersity that whensoeuer he hath occasion to walke into the towne the studentes are bound to follow and attend him Henry the first granted to this Academic many royall praerogatiues and founded therein the Kings colledge here also is an other sayre and sumptuous colledge called Duuergier wherein sondry ingenious youthes are ten yeares trayned vp in letters and good discipline Bisanson NEare to the side of Doux or Doubis a small riuer passing through the French Counte and falling into the Sone standeth Bisanson a great goodly and well munited citcie a towne imperial and the Metropolis of eyther Burgundy In the yeare of saluation 1540. by the authority of Pope Iul●us the third and the Emperour Charles the 5. a new Vniuersity was therein erected which hath exceedingly since flourished and sent forth many learned and godly labourers into the Church The reuerend father Anthony Peronotus Archbishop of Mechlin was a great benefactor to this Academie who so desireth to know more particularities of this Cittie let him reade the workes of George Bruno and Gilbertus Cognatus Paradinus in whose bookes he shall finde the same at large described Dole IN Burgundy also on the banke of the said riuer Dubis is to bee seene Dola a cittie for strength opulencie and sumptuousnes of buildinges to bee preferred before all other places of Burgundy An Vniuersity is therin of great continuance wherin among many other sciences the ciuill law is most learnedly reade and professed The Vniuersities of Polonia Prussia and Lituania Cracouia WEe reade in the historie of Polonia that Lechus and Zechus two sons of Iauan going to seeke a place of habitation for themselues their posterity Zechus with his people remayned in those territories which now are knowne by the names of Bohemia and Morauia but Lechus proceeding further to the northeast some twelue dayes iorney there seated himselfe and called the region Polonia by reason of the playnenes of the continent being altogether
the toppe of all felicitie was in one day consumed with fire and became vnto beholders a most miserable dolefull spectacle of ruine and desolation of which Seneca in a certaine consolatorie Epistle of his to Liberalis a cittizen of Lions writeth as followeth Vnius noctis incendium totum strauit vrbem vt vna scilicet nox interfuerit inter vrbem maximam nullam tant a fuit incendij vis celeritas In this cittie flourished an Academie of great fame and celebritie which hath sent forth into the worlde many excellent men renowned for their great learning holinesse of life as Irenius and Eucherius both Archbishops of Lions and Primates and Metropolitanes of Fraunce which dignitie belongeth vnto this Cittie though in the yeare 1306. the Archbishop alienated from himselfe the gouernment thereof receiuing for the same a yearely pension or annuitie We reade of most barbarous and tirannicall cruelties exercised on the professors of the Christian faith in this Cittie during the raigne of Marcus Antonius the Romaine Emperour in the yeare of our saluation 175. in which persecution dyed 19000. Martyrs Angiers ANiou in times past an Earledome and in the yeare 1350. enobled with the title of a Dukedome is a Region in Fraunce of no great circumference but full of goodly riuers forrests and mountaines therefore for aboundance and fertilitie not inferior to any countrey neere thereunto It is confined on the East side thereof with Tourraine and Vendosme on the West with Britannie on the South with Poictou and on the North with the Earledomes of Maine Laualle the Metropolis of this Dukedome is an ancient citie called by Ptolomey Iuliomagus now named of the Angeuines Angiers A publike vniuersitie was in this cittie instituted and erected by Lewes the 2. about that time that Rupertus Phaltsgraue of Rheine founded Heilderberge in Germany which was about the yeare 1346. Others will haue it to be founded in the yeare 1362. at which time Casimere erected Cracow in Polonia Henry Valoise Duke of Aniou brother to King Charles the 9. not long since with much industrious care laboured to augment restore the same the which good worke that he the better might performe hee with great munificence inuited thither sundry excellently learned schollers among the which was Frauncis Baldewin who therein to his eternall praise and euerlasting memory did establish the profession of the Ciuill law Of this city Dukedome in our country chronicles is often mention made as of a territorie which long was annexed to the English crowne and alienated by King Henry the 6. in the 22. yeare of his raigne in the yeare of our Lord 1444. at the mariage solemnized betweene him and Margaret daughter to Reyner King of Sicily and Hierusalem Auignion AVignion is an ancient cittie of Prouuence situated on the banke of Rhodanus wherein is an Vniuersitie of long continuance which then began first to flourish and be famous in other nations when the Bishops of Rome were therein resident We reade in the histories of the Church that Pope Iohn the 22. transferred the seate Apostolique from Rome vnto this citie after whom it remained there 74. yeares or thereabout Likewise we reade that after the decease of Benedictus the 11. when Clement the sift was declared Pope in the yeare 1305. the Apostolike seat was againe translated from Rome to Auignion and from thence afterward in the yeare 1376. returned againe to Rome at the instance and entreatie of Saint Katharine Nunne of Sitnna The cittie and church of Auignion are at this day immediately subiected to the Popes or Bishoppes of Rome who first became Lordes thereof by meanes of a certain Neapolitane Queene who being indebted to the church of Rome resigned this cittie to the Bishops thereof and his successors for euer Paulus Castrensis by sundrie learned works he wrote did much enable this Vniuersitie Andraeas Alciatus comming into Fraunce was hired as himselfe in an oration he made to the schollers of Pauia confesseth for 600. crownes to be a publike reader in this Vniuersitie Orleance ORleance is a rich and plentifull Cittie placed on the banke of the riuer Ligeris now called Loire Some auncient Hystoriographers write that the foundation of this Cittie was laide by Aurelian the Emperour in the yeare 276. and from him was called Aurelia which name vnto this day it retaineth In this Cittie was erected an vniuersitie by Philip le Beau King of France in the yeare from our Sauiours natiuitie 1312. wherein the ciuill Law is with such learning and admiration professed that this Academie hath beene often of graue and learned writers entituled the Nurse or Mother thereof It enioyeth the same priuiledges with Thoulouse This citie among many other hath not escaped the taste of those miserable calamities inflicted vppon Fraunce by the furie of the late ciuill warres Bourges BOurges is a citie in Fraunce of great same rich spatious and much frequented It is seated in a pleasant and fruitfull countrey replenished with all kind of graine hearbes wines beastes fishes and fowles and whatsoeuer els is necessary for the vse of man Concerning the first originall of this citie and the etimologie of the worde Bituriges there are sundrie strange opinions Ioannes Callamaeus in his treatise de origine Biturigum saith that in the yeare from the begining of the world 1791. the foundation of this citie was laide by one Gomer descended from Noah who in honor remembrance of his great grandfather called the inhabitants of that countrey Ogyges But as it often commeth to passe that words by long continuance and custome are corrupted from Bytogyges they were called Bituriges Others there are that say it was called Byturis quasi Biturris from two ancient towers which they affirme to haue beene in this citie erected by two brethren which there together raigned one of which towers if we giue credite to antiquitie is that which remaineth yet to bee seene built in forme round of a great circuite without within of a huge capacitie and is made at this day a castle of most inuincible strength To confirme this opinion they recite an old verse of an ancient Grammarian Turribus à binis inde vocor Bituris In this cittie is a most glorious resplendishing vniuersitie an other Pernassus a place of such fame and excellencie and of all learned authors so much admired that whensoeuer they haue occasion to write thereof they call it the ornament of letters habitation of the Muses It was many yeares since founded by a certaine Duke of Burges but after in continuance of time falling to decay and being almost vtterly extinct it was againe restored and brought vnto his former glorie perfection by sundry kings of France It was authorized and endued with many great priuiledges and high prerogatiues by Pope Paulus the 2. of that name In this Academie is a Diuinitie Schoole wherein Theologie is
voide of mountaines or vallies Pole in their language signifyeth smooth or playne here the saide prince commaunded his armie to stay and to builde for themselues and their children townes and villages whereby hee established vnto himselfe a principality But the people in succession of time daylie more and more encreasing and multiplying after the lyne of Lecus fayled beganne to wax wearie of a monarchie wherefore they made choice of twelue Magistrates which they named Woyuuods that is Countes Palatines to haue the administration of their lawes and gouernment of their common wealth which Magistrates or Earles doe vnto this day retayne their auncient name and dignitie though they enjoy not fully so gieat authoritie but not long after the wauering and vnconstant multitude neuer contented with their present estate but desirous of change and alteration waxed weary of this oligarchie gouernment of their Woyuuods and with one consent named one Gracchus a principall leader amongst them to bee their prince and gouernour This Gracchus about 400. years after the natiuitie of our Sauiour gouerning this barbarous nation builded on the banke of the riuer Vistula a goodly cittie which after his owne name hee called Graccouia and for the better defence thereof hee erected a strong castel or fortresse on the mount Vaeuel Many ages after namely in the yeare 1320. Vladislaus Loko●k praesiding sent his Embassadors vnto the Pope being then at Auignion in France with request that hee might be crowned king of Polonia which suite of his being obtayned he receyued the Diademe and regall ornamentes in the Cathedrall church of Graccouia which city was then by the kinges praerogatiue made the Metro polis of the kingdome An Academie was in this Citie instituted by Casimire the second in the yeare of saluation 1361. which afterwarde namelie in the yeare 1400. was by Vladislaus at the instant and importune intercession of Heduigis his Queene ratified and confirmed with the Popes authority The Vniuersity is not in the principall cittie but in that parte which lyeth on the other side of the riuer is named from the first founder therof Cazimiria therin are two goodly Colledges in the one is professed Philosophy and Diuinity in the other Phisicke the Ciuil law the other inferior studies are there also learnedly taught with great diligence of the Readers In this Cittie haue I seene the bones of Stanislaus once Bishop thereof since canonized for a Saint carried about the towne in procession enclosed in a fayre siluer coffin with great reuerence and veneration of the beholders This Bishop was impiously martyred by Boleslaus a most dissolute and libidinous king because hee was by him once reproued with greater austerity then his patience could endure for his inordinate and adulterous life but the iust iudgement of God suffered him not long to remaine vnpunished for being shortly after by his owne subiectes the Pope first absoluing them from their obedience expelled his kingdome hee fell into a rauening Lunacy and so miserablie ended his dayes The moderne Archbishop of that cittie is a Cardinall of the Familie of the Radziuilles the principall and most noble race of Polonia the Palatine of this Cittie is next vnto the king in degree and authority who is therein most commonlie resident Posnania POsne is a cittie of no great circumference but exceedingly beautified with fayre sumptuous aedifices it is situated in the vpper Polonia and contayneth a Palinacie An Vniuersity was in this Cittie of late yeares erected by Sigismonde the present king of that nation and confirmed by Pope Clemēt the eight now presidinge The Iesuites enioy there in a goodly Colledge wherin they professe Theology Philosophy and the other inferior studies Koningsperge MOns Regius commonly called Koningsperge is the Metropolis of the great Dukedome of Prussia It was so called by the first founder thereof Ottocharus king of Prussia who being continually molested with the often inuasions of the princes of Germany for the defence of himself the confine of his kingdome hee erected this cittie on the highest toppe of a mountaine in Samogitia in the yeare of saluation 1255. This region was conuerted vnto the christian faith in the yeare 1000. by Adlobertus Bishoppe of Prage but afterwarde falling into a relapse they were againe reduced thereunto by the knightes of the Dutch order in the yeare 1220. who with licence of the Emperour Fredericke the second inuaded vanquished e and a long time possessed that countrie these knights were in the yeare 1525. expelled by Sigismonde king of Polonia who annexed it to his owne kingdome George Marquesse of Brandeburge then great maister of that order being contented to holde the same as Furdotarie from the king who beganne his warre in the time of Albertus Marquesse of Brandeburge This Albertus first erected in Roningsberge the Vniuersitie which hath euer since euen vntill this present time continually flourished Neare vnto that cittie is the Isle of Glessaria now knowne by the name of Sudaw where when the sea is troubled and tempestuous it casteth vppe Amber in great aboundance which from thence the inhabitants who by reason their countrie was so many yeares by the Germans possessed speake natiuely Dutch call at this day Glesse some imagine it to proceede from the gumme of firre trees where with all those Ilands of the Sounde are replenished others there bee which affirme that it groweth as Corall doth on the rockes which being by the violence of winde and weather washed from them by the often reuerberation of the waues congealeth and waxeth hard so is gathered of the Borderers I haue neare vnto this citty seene in the desertes and forrestes consisting all of mighty firre trees great store of wilde Bores Ours which is a kinde of wilde Oxe Alxes not vnlike vnto our fallowe Deere but thrice so big there are also great plentie of Beares Vilna VIlna commonly called the Wilde is a large and opulent Cittie in the great Dukedome of Lithuania or Littow whereof it is the Metropolis It lyeth 57. degrees from the eleuation of the North pole it is seated on the banke of the riuer Vilias in a valley betweene many mountaines and mightie forrests of Firre trees The Lithuanians in the yeare 1386. first embraced Christian religion in the dayes of Iagello great Duke who ioyning himself in mariage with Heduigis daughter to the King of Polonia annexed vnto that kingdom the Dukedome of Lithuania In former times the Lithuanians worshipped trees aspes and serpentes and especially holy fire for which they erected in the suburbes of Vilna a goodly temple of free stone which was by Iagello when he had obtained the Crowne of Polonia conuerted vnto a Cathedrall Church and is now consecrated vnto S. Stanislaus whose name I had occasion before to mention in the description of Craccouia Neere vnto the Church of S. Iohn Baptist was lately erected a goodly and spacious Colledge possessed by the Iesuites
as they say receiued a peculiar cope or holy vestment which in the celebration of Masse he was accustomed to weare from the handes of our blessed Ladie because hee had with great learning defended her perpetuall virginitie against the Heluedian Heretiques which did oppugne the same The Archbishoppe of this Cittie is Chancelor of Castile the Metropolitane and chief of al the ecclesiasticall persons in Spaine the reuenewes of this church amounteth to the summe of 200000. Duckats whereof the Archbishop receyueth 80000. Siuille ANdolusia is that parte of Spaine which lyeth betweene Portugale and the streytes of Gibralter it is in latine called Wandolicia from the Wandales which long time possessed that countrie It was in former ages called Baetica from the riuer Betis which to the Spaniardes at this day is knowne by the name of Guadalquiuer neare to the side of this riuer is situated that famous and renowned cittie Siuille vnto the which for neatenesse and magnificence of aedifices both diuines and prophanes for profession and exercises of the liberall sciences for infinite aboundance of wealth and cōmodiousnes of liuing no one citty that euer I haue heard or read of scarse Rome herself flourishing in the height of her glory may worthily bee paragonde it excelleth all other citties of Spaine in fertility of the soyle which bringeth forth all kindes of grayne and Oliues in great aboundance and is enuironed and hedged about with trees greene and fruitfull In this Cittie are alwayes maintayned 30000. Genettes for seruice of the king The riuer Guadalquiuer running thorough the same deuideth it into two partes that part which lyeth on the west side thereof is called Triana which is a suburbe contayning three thousand Cittizens and is ioyned to the maine Cittie with a fayre goodly bridge on this side standeth a castell of greate strength and Maiesty This Cittie contayneth 24000. Citizens euery one hauing his priuate peculiar house which are al diuided into eight tribes whereof the first and chiefest is S. Maries tribe wherein is a church of so rare and admirable workemanship and such venerable Maiesty that our christian world can hardly shew the like This church hath a tower erected in forme of a Pyramis of most incredible height with much laborious arte and industry from whence all the coast and country adioyning may easily bee seene Out of this citty the king receyueth yearely by way of custome 500000. crownes A prouinciall councell was held in this citty in the yeare of our Lord 584. in the time of Mauritius the Emperour and Pope Pelagius the second An other councell was here assembled vnder Heraclius Pope Honorius the first in the yeare 636. The Archbishoppe of Siuill is in decree next vnto the Archbishop of Toledo and hath vnder him three Bishoppes suffragans that is to say the Bishoppe of Cales Malaga and the fortunate slandes he receyueth yearly out of the Church reuenewes 24000. Duckats The Vniuersity herein is of great antiquity hath sent forth into the world many learned and excellent men as Pope Siluester the second Auiccn a profounde Philosopher and most excellently learned Phisition and Leander who by their industry and wisedome reclamed Hermigilde and Richarde kinges of the Gothes from Arianisme to the catholike faith herein also flourished Isidorus a man much renowned for sincerity profoundnes in learning In this Vniuersity is a rich and most renowned library neare to the fryers predicants Valentia VAlentia is a Region of Spaine confined on the east side therof with the Mediterrane Sea on the North with Arragon on the South with Nurcia and on the West with Castile through this kingdome runneth a Riuer called by Salust Priscian Pomponius Mela other ancient writers Turia or Durias which since of the Moores which inhabited that country was called Guetalabiar neare to the mouth of which Riuer is situated that noble and famous citty Valentia the chief and principall Cittie of that kingdome a place of maruailous antiquity wherein are reserued euen vnto this day many auncient marbles with Roman inscriptions on them among the which there is one with this inscription Colonia Iulia Valentia wherby it most euidentlie appeareth that it hath in former ages been a Colony of the Romans Some there bee which affirme that this Citty was first called Roma vntill being by the Romans vanquished they called it by a worde in their owne language of the same signification Valentia In this Citty is an Vniuersity which in the yeare of grace 1470. did admirably flourish Herein Saint Dominicke the first founder of the Fryers praedicantes did absolue the courses of Philosophy and Theology Herein also did S. Vincent a Fryer of the same order in his youth study and in his elder yeares publikely teach Diuinity Wee read that in Valentia was assembled a generall councell in the yeare of saluation 466. The yearely Reuenewes of the Bishopricke in this cittie amount to 1●000 Duckats In this countrie are made those porceline dishes which for pure temper of the mettall and exquisite artifice and workemanship so much desired in forrain nations The inhabitants of this kingdome retain yet a smacke or taste of the ancient Arabique tongue and some spices of the Mahumetane religion Granada THe kingdom of Granada is on the south side thereof limitted with the Mediterran sea it hath on the east side the kingdome of Murcia and on the West Andolusia in the middest of this kingdome standeth the Metropolis and chiefe and principal cittie thereof Granada from whence the realm hath deriued his name This Cittie and Countrie was possessed of the Moores and Saracins 800. yeares and were at last by the great and singular vertue of Ferdinand grandfather to Charles the fift together with their king Melis expulsed not onelie out of this kingdome but out of Spaine Since which time they neuer attempted any matter of great moment against the christians neyther durst they insinuate themselues into any one parte or corner of their dominions which wee haue spoken of before in the description of Toledo The greatest happinesse of this place consisteth in the fruitfulnesse and faecundity of the soile The houses of the cittie are builte all of free stone with curious and artificiall masonrie shewing great magnificence It is within replenished with many springes waters exceeding cold and most profitable for the cōseruation of health without it is enuironed with a large statelie wall contayning in the circumference thereof twelue gates and a hundred and thirty turrets or towers By the great bounty and liberality of the king of Spaine in this Cittie was founded and erected a most sumptuous and magnificent Colledge to the vse of the Iesuites who are authorized therein to professe Philosophy Diuinity and the other triuiall and inferior studies In this place had that mirror of Christendome Lewes of Granada whome all men haue admired but no one euer could imitate
his birth and education S. Iago GAllicia is a region lying on the northwest side of Spaine and maketh a headland or promontarie farre out into the sea commonlie called Capo de finisterre or the north Cape which seemeth in a manner violentlie to seperate the sea of Bisca from the Isles of Bayona neare to the promontary standeth the cittie of Compostella vulgarly called S. Iago more noble and famous by reason of many pilgrimages made thether by persons of great place and qualitie then for any other matter worth the obseruing therin contayned We read in ancient histories of the church that S. Iames after theascention of our Sauior trauelled into Spain preached the Gospel to the inhabitāts therof being as yet Pagans infidels But reaping there smal fruit of his excessiue labour paines by reason of the iniquitie and naughtinesse of those times he returned againe to Hierusalem where at the commandement of Herode being slaine he obtained a glorious crowne of martirdomes Vnto this Saint the Spaniards ascribing their first conuersion caused in honor and remembrance of him a rich and sumptuous temple to be erected in Compostella where his reliques are at this day visited with a wonderfull concourse of people and worshipped with incredible deuotion This Church was by Pope Calixtus the second highly aduanced and honored in the yeare of our Lord 1122. whence it proceedeth that this Church is immediately subiect vnto the Pope and to no other prelate or gouernor The Emperour Charles the great founded herein a goodly Colledge now gruerned after the rule of S. Isidore He also caused this Church to bee accounted among the seates Apostolique where is to bee vnderstood that in Christendome are three seates called Apostolique which before all other places of the worlde the Christian religion hath alwaies held in greater esteeme that is to say S. Peters at Rome S. Iohns at Ephesus and S. Iames at Ce●postella This cittie of ancient historiographers was called in time passed Brigantium from whence the Irish nation the Scots in Galloway our Northerne Yorkeshire men called in old authors Brigantes glory boast that they haue receiued the first originall of their race Valladolit ON the East side of Gallicia bordereth the kingdome of Legio which endured the cruell and heauie yoke of seruitude vnder the Sarracens aboue three hundred yeares and was restored vnto libertie in the yeare of grace 1216. by the kinges of Arragon Castile Portugall and Nauarre who assembling a mightie and puissant armie made here against Hilminolmius the king of the Moores returning from Auinion in Fraunce whither hee passed before as a conquerour harrying and spoiling the countrey as hee went with fire and sword and after a sharpe and bloudy battell vanquished his armie and recouered this kingdome In this realme is Valladolit named in olde authors Pintia a cittie though of no great circuite nor spaciousnesse yet of much and long antiquitie It was wont to be numbred among the seuen most auncient vniuersities of Spaine It hath beene long drowned in obscuritie euen vntill the dayes of king Phillip late deceased who because he was there borne did restore vnto it the antique priuiledges and prerogatiues thereto belonging and did his vttermost endeuors to raise it to his former dignitie He there hath lately erected a Colledge for the institution of yong English Gentlemen which haue abandoned their countrey Alcala de Henares VNto the kingdome of Legio is adioyned Caslile an Earledome which was by Ferdinand the third sonne to the Earle of Castile raised to a kingdome in the yeare 1017. vnited to the realme of Legio Among many great and goodly cities in that kingdome Complute which of the Spaniard is commonly called Alcala de Henares is not the meanest An vniuersitie was herein erected and instituted by an Archbishop of Toledo named Franciscus Xinerie●sis who was by profession a Franciscan Frier in the yeare 1317. Salamanca IN this kingdome of Castile lyeth that worthy and famous cittie Salamanca situated on the banke of the Riuer Thormes which falleth into the maine Riuer Duero in Portingall Although concerning the first erection and institution of this vniuersitie few writers as saith Sarabellus affirme any thing for certainetie yet are there not wanting some which hold for vndoubted truth that it first was founded in the yeare of Christs in carnation 1404. which in these our daies hath gotten great fame and credite and is well knowne throughout Christendome by reason of diuers and sundry priuiledges wherewith many kings and high Bishoppes of Rome haue liberally adorned the same Pope Clement the sift in a councell held at Vienna made a decree that the Hebrewe Arabicke and Chaldie tongus should in this Academie be continually taught Iohn Goropius affirmeth that for magnificent and sumptuously builded colledges scarce any vniuersitie of Europe may therewith worthely be paragond The which Pope hauing in his court certaine young Gentlemen of Spaine which he desired should bee trained vp in some place where they most might profit in vertue and good literature thought no Academie in Christendome so fit for that purpose as Salamanca because all kind of learning was there by most excellent men with incredible industrie professed In this Academie Pope Adrian the sixt before his Papacie liuing in Spaine tooke great pleasure and delight and after his election he held it in great price and estimation adorning amplifying and authorizing the same with many great and vnusuall prerogatiues Ignatius Loyola first founder of the societie of Iesu was in this vniuersitie a student Saragossa IN the extreamest confines of this kingdome of Castile euen on the banke or shore of the riuer Ebro wherewith it is diuided from Nauarre and Aragon standeth an auncient Cittie called of the Romaines Caesaraugustana or Augusta Caesariae which of the inhabitants is named Saragossa wherein the kings of Arragon are vsually accustomed to be crowned This Church was by Pope Iohn the 22. who was alwaies thereunto exceedingly well affected eleuared to the dignitie of an Archbishopricke by him also were the priuiledges of the vniuersitie restored and ratified Because in this Cittie had beene shed the bloud of many holy Martirs which suffered for the constant profession of the Christian faith during the raigne of those bloudie vnmercifull and impiously tirannous idolaters Datian and Richiouarus whose inexpleble thirst was neuer satiated with the bloude of innocent Christians it is at this day commonly entituled Saragossa the holy Siguença SIguença is also a cittie of Castile lying three daies iourney from Saragossa and three leagues from Medinacoeli wherein is an vniuersitie much frequented but concerning the foundation thereof or donation of the priuiledges thereto I haue not in any author read ought which I dare set downe for certainty Lerida ARragone is that part of Spaine which lyeth at the foote of the Pyraenean mountaine betweene Nauarre and Catallonia and is separated