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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A58639 The laws and acts made in the fifth session of the first Parliament of Our Most High and Dread Soveraign William, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden and begun at Edinburgh, May 9. 1695 by John Marquess of Tweeddale ... with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George, Viscount of Tarbat ...; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.; Tweeddale, John Hay, Marquess of, 1626?-1697. 1695 (1695) Wing S1269; ESTC R40608 63,831 77

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THE LAWS and ACTS Made in the FIFTH SESSION of the FIRST PARLIAMENT Of Our Most High and Dread SOVERAIGN WILLIAM By the Grace of GOD KING of SCOTLAND ENGLAND FRANCE and IRELAND Defender of the Faith Holden and Begun at EDINBVRGH May 9. 1695. By JOHN Marquess of Tweeddale Earl of Gifford Viscount of Walden Lord Hay of Yester and Lord High Chancellor of this Kingdom His Majesties High Commissioner for Holding the same By Vertue of a COMMISSION under His Majesties Great Seal of this Kingdom With the special Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament Collected and Extracted from the Registers and Records of Parliament by GEORGE Viscount of Tarbat Lord M cLeod and Castlehaven c. Clerk to His Majesties Councils Exchequer Registers and Rolls c. EDINBVRGH Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson Printer to His most Excellent Majesty Anno DOMINI 1695. CVM PRIVILEGIO LAWS and ACTS Made in the FIFTH SESSION of the FIRST PARLIAMENT Of Our Most High and Dread SOVERAIGN WILLIAM By the Grace of GOD KING of SCOTLAND ENGLAND FRANCE and IRELAND Defender of the Faith Holden at EDINBVRGH the 9 Day of May 1695. I. ACT For a Solemn Fast. May 16. 1695. THE ESTATES OF PARLIAMENT taking to their Consideration the great Important War wherein His MAJESTY continueth to be necessarly Engaged for Defence of the True Reformed Religion the Safety of this and His other Kingdoms and the Recovery and Establishment of the Rights Liberties and Peace of the rest of Christendom so much at this time Invaded and Disturbed with the continual Hazards to which His Majesties Sacred Person is thereby exposed As likewise the Dangers which do thence threaten this Kingdom and all that can be dear to his Majesties good Subjects therein either as Christians or Men both by Invasion from abroad and the froward Disaffection and restless Machinations of evil and unnatural Countrey-men at home And how much it is the Duty and Interest of all good Men for these Causes and on this Occasion to implore the Mercy Favour and Blessing of Almighty GOD for Preservation of His Majesties Royal Person and Directing Assisting and Prospering Him in all His Counsels and Undertakings And more especially that GOD would countenance and assist Him in the present War give Him Success to His Arms by Sea and Land and defeat all the Designs Counsels and Practices of His secret and open Enemies both at home and abroad for the Preservation of the True Protestant Religion securing the Safety of these Kingdoms and the happy restoring the Peace of Europe And the Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale now met at Edinburgh having made Application to my Lord Commissioner for this end Therefore His Majesty with Advice and Consent of the said Estates of Parliament doth hereby Command and Appoint that the second Thursday of Iune next being the thirteenth day of the said Moneth be set apart as a day of Solemn Fasting and Humiliation for making Prayers and Supplications to GOD for the Ends above-mentioned and that the said day be Religiously and Strictly Observed by all Persons within this Kingdom And Ordains all Ministers to read these presents publickly in their Congregations a Sunday at least before the said second Thursday of Iune next appointed for keeping the said Fast Certifying such of the Leidges who shal not give due Obedience or shal Contemn or Neglect the Keeping and Observing the said Day and Duties that they shal be proceeded against by Fyning not exceeding One hundred Pounds Scots Money And Warrands and Commands the Sheriffs Stewarts of Stewartries Lords and Baillies of Regalities and their Deputs Justices of Peace Magistrats of Burghs within their several Jurisdictions to proceed against the Persons guilty and exact the Fines accordingly to be applyed the one half to the Judge and the other half to the Poor of the Paroch And certifying such Ministers as shal fail in their Duty in not Reading this Proclamation and observing the Duties therein prescribed they shal be processed before the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council And hereby requires all Sheriffs Stewarts Lords and Baillies of Regalities and their Deputs Justices of Peace Magistrats of Burghs and their Clerks to make Report to the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council of these Ministers who shal fail of their Duty herein And Ordains these Presents to be Printed and Published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh and hail remanent Mercat Orosses of the Head Burghs of the several Shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom that none may pretend Ignorance And that Copies be dispatched in the usual manner to the Sheriffs and Stewarts Baillies of Regalities or their Deputs and Magistrats of Burghs as likewise to all Ministers that they may seriously exhort all Persons to a sincere and devout Observance of the Premisses II. ACT Regulating Citations before the Parliament May 28 1695. HIS MAJESTY with the Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament finding it necessary that the order of summonding privat Parties to appear before them be cleared and regulat Do therefore STATUTE and ORDAIN that the manner of summonding privat Parties in Actions raised either before or during the sitting of the Parliament shal be for hereafter and from the Day and Date hereof in this manner viz. That in prosecution of Protests for remeid of Law the Party at whose instance Summonds is to be granted may give in his Bill containing the matter of his Cause or Complaint Signed by himself or an Advocat for him which being subscribed by one of the six Clerks of Parliament and presented before the sitting of the Parliament to any of the Officers of State or the time of the sitting of the Parliament to the Lord Chancellor or President of the Parliament for the time or any of the said Officers of State the same may be by them past in Course and that as to all other Causes that may be brought before the Parliament Summonds and Warrands for Citation shal for hereafter only be granted by deliverance either of Parliament in time of Parliament or of the Lords of Session upon a summar Citation to abide neither Continuation or Roll in praesentia in the Recesses and Intervalls of Parliament upon a Bill containing Subscribed and Presented as above and no otherwise which Warrands for Citation being granted Summonds in his Majesties Name shal be thereon directed to Macers if the Party cited be within the Town of Edinburgh for summonding the said Party if within the said Town of Edinburgh on fourty eight hours and if elsewhere within the Kingdom excepting Orkney and Zetland upon fifteen days warning or if in Orkney or Zetland upon fourty days personally or at his dwelling House or if without the Kingdom upon sixty days warning at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh and Peer and Shoar of Leith to compear before His Majesty and the said Estates of Parliament where and when the Parliament shal be appointed to meet or shal be met for the time with
Forraign Trade conform to an Act made in their Favours in this present Session of Parliament Intituled Act for a Company Tradeing to Affrica and the Indies doeth hereby Statute and Declare that it shall be Leisum to the Magistrats and others the Administrators of the Common Good of Burghs As also to the Deacon Masters and other Administrators whatsoever of any Incorporation or Body or Company Incorporat or Collegiat within this Kingdom to Adventure and put in Money belonging to their respective Administrations for a Share and Part to be Purchased to the saids Burghs and Incorporations in the said Company mentioned in the said Act bearing the name of the Company of Scotland Tradeing to Affrica and the Indies in the Manner and in the Terms provided within the said Act and that their putting in the Money of the said Burghs Incorporations under their Care and Charge and Adventuring the same in the said Company shall be repute and held for a Deed of lawful Administration and though the Success and Event thereof should happen not to be Prosperous yet it shall never be construed to be a Deed of Lesion against the said Administrators but their Acting in this Behalf is hereby Declared to be Lawful and Warrantable for the Security of the foresaid Persons in all Events XLIII ACT Anent the Poor Iuly 17. 1695. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament doeth hereby Ratifie Approve and Revive all Acts of Parliament and Acts and Proclamations of Council for Maintaining of the Poor and Repressing of Beggers and Ordains them to be put to Vigorous Execution in all Points And further Impowers the Lords of His Majesties Privy Council to take the most effectual Course to make the said Acts and Proclamation effectual conform to the true Design thereof XLIV ACT Salvo Jure Cujuslibet Iuly 17. 1695. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD Considering That there are several Acts and others Past and Made in this Session of Parliament in favours of particular Persons without Calling or Hearing of such as may be thereby Concerned and Prejudged Therefore His Majesty with Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament Statutes and Ordains That all such particular Acts and others past in manner foresaid shall not Prejudge say Third Party of their Lawful Rights nor of their Actions and Defences competent thereupon before the making of the said particular Acts And the Lords of Session and all other Judges within this Kingdom shall be Obliged to Judge betwixt Parties according to their several Rights standing in their Persons before the Making of the said Acts all which are hereby Expounded and Declared to have been Made Salvo Iure Cujuslibet XLV ACT Of Adjournment Iuly 17. 1695. THE KINGS MAJESTY Declares this Parliament currant and Adjourns the same to the Seventh Day of November next to come Ordaining all Members of Parliament Noblemen Commissioners from Shires and Burghs and all others having Interest to Attend at Edinburgh that Day at Ten a Clock and that there be no new Elections in Shires or Burghs except upon the Death of any of the present Commissioners Collected and Extracted from the Registers and Records of Parliament by TARBAT Cls. Registri A TABLE Of the Printed Acts. Page 1 ACT for a Solemn Fast. 1 2 Act Regulating Citations before the Parliament 3 3 Act Adjourning the Summer-Session till the first of Iuly 1695. 4 4 Act anent the Justice-Court 5 5 Act anent Principals and Cautioners 6 6 Act Regulating the Sale and Payment of Bankrupts Estates 7 7 Act for Six Months Supply upon the Land-Rent 8 8 Act for a Company Tradeing to Affrica and the Indies 17 9 Act Adjourning the Session till the first day of November 1695. 23 10 Act for Pole-money Ibid. 11 Act against Blasphemy 27 12 Act against Irregular Baptisms and Marriages 28 13 Act against Prophaneness 29 14 Act for Restraining the Prophanation of the Lords Days by keeping Weekly Mercats on Munday and Saturnday 30 15 Act for Encouragment of Preachers at Vacant Churches be-north Forth 31 16 Act anent the Ease of Annualrents Due by Persons Restored and anent the Creditors Diligence to be Used against them 32 17 Act anent the Mint 34 18 Act anent the Quorum of the Commission of the Teinds 35 19 Act anent the Duty on Scots Muslin 36 20 Act anent the Post-Office Ibid. 21 Explanatory Act anent the Excise of Brandy 39 22 Act against Intruding into Churches without a Legal Call and Admission thereto 40 23 Act anent Lands lying Run-rig 41 24 Act for Obviating the Frauds of appearand Heirs 42 25 Act anent the Repetition of Fines 44 26 Act Discharging Popish Persons to prejudge their Protestant Heirs in Succession 45 27 Act concerning the Church 46 28 Act for the Additional and Annexed Excises 48 29 Act for Continuing the Additional Excise till March 1667 with Three Months farder Cess 51 30 Act for Preservation of Meadows Lands and Pasturages lying adjacent to Sand-Hills 52 31 Act for turning the Tack of the Pole 1693 into a Collection Ibid. 32 Act for Encouraging the Exportation of Victual 55 33 Act for the Levies 56 34 Act for Additional Imposition upon Forraign Commodities Imported 58 35 Act anent burying in Scots-Linen 60 36 Act anent the Skinners 61 37 Act anent the Justiciary of the Highlands 62 38 Act concerning the dividing of Commonties 63 39 Act Discharging the Venting of Rumm 64 40 Act anent Letters Passing the Signet Ibid. 41 Act anent Executry and Movables 65 42 Act allowing the Administrators of the Common Good of Burrows to Adventure their Stock or any part thereof in the Company of Forraign Trade 66 43 Act for Reviving the Acts of Council made anent the Poor Ibid. 44 Act Salvo Iure Cujuslibet 67 45 Act of Adjournment Ibid. A TABLE Of the Acts and Ratifications past in the Fifth Session of His Majesties first Parliament which are not here Printed HIs Majesties Commission to Iohn Marquis of Tweeddule produced The Earl of Annandale named President to the Parliament Protestations several Noblemen for their Precedencies in the Rolls of Parliament Several Excuses offered for several absent Members and received His Majesties Letter appointing the Lord Yester to sit and Vote in Parliament in place of the Lord High Thesaurer His Majesties Letter to the Parliament Address of Condoleance for the Death of the Queen Act anent the Election of the Burgh of Anstruther-Easter An Address by the Parliament to His Majesties High Commissioner for transmitting their humble Thanks to His Majesty for ordering an Enquiry in the matter of Glenco Act anent the Lords of Session who are upon Committees Act in Favours of Evan M cgrigor Decreet Sir William Scot of Hardin against George M ckenzie of Rosebaugh Warrand the Shire of Clackmannan for a new Election Warrand for pursuing the Earl of Broadalbane Act for a General Contribution for relief of some Captives Recommendation in Favours of Mrs. Martin Decreet Sir Iames Ramsey and his Lady against the