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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A50573 A Memento for English Protestants ... together with a preface by way of answer to that part of the Compendium, which reflects on the Bishop of Lincoln's late book. Sixtus V, Pope, 1520-1590. De Henrici Tertii morte sermo. English. 1680 (1680) Wing M1658; ESTC R9391 45,461 60

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Wisdom and Goodness as we have learned out of S. Athanasius his Creed when he says Tho Father Almighty the Son Almighty and the Holy Ghost Almighty yet by Attribution Power is ascribed unto the Father Wisdom unto the Son and Love unto the Holy Ghost whereof every several as they are termed Attributes are so proper unto every several Person that they cannot be attributed and referred unto any other By the Contraries of which Attributes we come to discern the distinction and greatness of Sin the Contrary to Power which is attributed to the Father is Weakness or Infirmity and therefore that which we do amiss through Infirmity or Weakness of Nature is said to be committed against the Father The opposite unto Wisdom is Ignorance through which when any man sinneth he is said to sin against the Son and therefore what we commit through natural Infirmity or Ignorance is more easily forgiven us The third Attribute which is the Holy Ghost's is Love and hath for its Contrary Ingratitude a Vice most detestable and odious which causeth men not to acknowledge the Love of God and his Benefits bestowed upon them but to forget despise yea and to hate them and from hence at last it comes to pass that they prove obstinate and impenitent And thus to sin against God is far more dangerous and dreadful than if it were done either through Ignorance or Natural Infirmity and therefore it is termed a sin against the Holy Ghost and because such Sins are seldom and hardly and not without great abundance of Grace pardoned in some sort they are said to be unpardonable Whereas Final Impenitence onely is really and simply unpardonable For whatsoever is done amiss in this Life although it be against the Holy Ghost yet by Repentance it may be wip'd out or done away before we die but they that persevere therein till Death are excluded from all grace and mercy hereafter And therefore for such Sins or Sinners the Apostle hath forbidden to pray after their Decease Now therefore because we understand not without great grief that the aforesaid King departed this Life without repentance or impenitent to wit in the Communion and Fellowship of Hereticks for all his Army was made up almost of none other but of such men and that by his last Will he commended and made over his Crown and Kingdom to the Succession of Navar long since declared an Heretick and Excommunicated as also in his Extremity and now ready to yield up the Ghost desired of him and such as he was then standing by him that they would revenge his Death upon those whom he judged to be the Cause thereof For these and such like manifest Tokens of his Impenitency we have decreed not to solemnize his Death with Funerals not that we presume any thing by these concerning God's secret Judgment against him or his Mercies towards him who could according to his good pleasure convert and turn his Heart even when his Soul was leaving the Body and deal mercifully with him but this we have spoken being thereunto moved by these external Signs and Tokens God grant that all being admonished and warned by this fearful Example of Heavenly Justice may repent and amend and that it may further please him to continue and accomplish that which he hath thus mercifully begun for us as we firmly hope he will to the ●●d we may give everlasting thanks to him that hath delivered his Church from such great and imminent Dangers When His Holiness had thus ended his Speech he brake up the Consistory and dismist them with his Benediction From this Speech I shall onely infer two things First That it is the Interest of all Protestant Princes if they love their Lives to suppress Popery in their Dominions Secondly That it is more particularly the Interest of His Majesty of Great Britain utterly to extirpate the Romish Religion out of England Scotland and Ireland there being a most damnable Hellish Plot against His Majesty's Royal Person and Government and his Protestant Subjects still carried on by the Papists Some of the most Remarkable Passages of Q. Maries Reign HAving given you the most famous Instances of the execrable Principles and Practices of Papists that I have met with in Forein History and shewed you that these Principles and Practices are derived from the Diabolical Doctrines of the Romish Church I shall now conclude with some Instances of the like nature that occur in the Reign of Q. Mary being the most considerable on Record in our own Chronicles As soon as Q. Mary heard of her Brother K. Edward's Death and that he had by his Will with the consent of his Council excluded her and nominated the Lady Jane Grey to succeed him the said Q. Mary having been before Bastardiz'd by her Father K. Henry VIII she rode 40 miles in one day from Norfolk to her Castle of Framingham in Suffolk where taking upon her the Name and Title of Queen she gave notice to the Protestant Nobility and Centry of the County That if they would assist her ingetting the Crown she would not any ways attempt the least Alteration of the Religion established by her Brother K. Edward VI. This Declaration caused many of the prime Protestants to repair to her and she having given them her Royal Word and her Faith for performance thereof did likewise as a further Confirmation sign certain Articles of Agreement to that effect Whereupon the Protestants assisted her and she presently wrote Letters to the Council in which she claimed the Crown and required them to proclaim her Queen of England in London which was done accordingly But she was no sooner got into the Throne than she broke her Word and Faith given to these Protestants and which is very strange and remarkable did afterward prosecute them more severely than she did any other Protestants in the Kingdom though she kept her Faith with all of them alike as you will see by and by In the mean time I shall give you a particular Instance of her Ungratitude and Breach of Faith toward a Protestant that hath faithfully served her and the story is briefly thus Sir James Hales a Justice of the Common Pleas who had been a great and eminent Stickler for her Succession having given a Charge at a Quarter Sessions in Kent upon the Statutes of Henry VIII and Edward VI. in derogation of the Primacy of Rome he was by her order committed to prison of which ill requital of his Services he grew so sensible that through discontent and trouble of Mind he once endeavoured to stab himself and though he was then prevented in his design yet not long after he drowned himself Now you shall see how she proceeded by degrees against the Protestants 1. On the third of August 1553 she rode through London to the Tower and on the fourth and fifth began to turn out the Protestant Bishops and to put Papists in their places and presently after she displaced all
Governours and other principal Officers throughout his Dominions to cause the like Massacres to be committed upon the Protestants in all Places without exception of which I shall forbear to give you a particular account here because I intend to mention the several sorts of barbarous Murthers invented by Papists and by them exercised upon the poor Protestants in Ireland for there was no kind of Butchery practised in France but was repeated with additions in Ireland Anno 1642. to which Story I refer you and shall proceed to acquaint you that together with the King 's secret Orders for the Massacres were sent his Letters to be Published in all Places signifying that his Majesty intended strictly and inviolably to observe the Treaty of Peace conoluded with the Protestants whereby the free exercise of their Religion was granted for by this means he design'd to surprise them by rendring them secure and fearless of danger which accordingly fell out for they depending on the King's Faith Honour and Justice had not the least suspicion of any Treachery intended against them otherwise a great many of them might have escaped that general destruction in which they were involved The French Popish Historians differ much about the number of those that were Massacred but the most Famous of them tell us that there were no less than 100000 Men Women and Children which is likewise asserted by the Bishop of Rhodes who was Tutor to the present French King in his Book lately publish'd of the Civil Wars of France I will give you but two Instances more of this King's Perfidiousness toward the Protestants one of which is That although he had Sworn to the King of Navar and Prince of Condé that they should not only enjoy their Lives and Liberties but their Religion too yet as soon as the Massacre in Paris was over he sent for them and told them that they must turn Roman-Catholicks or they should be Massacred as their fellow Hereticks had been Whereupon after some resistance they went to Mass and wrote Letters full of submission and obedience to the Pope though they were no sooner out of that snare but they renounced their new Religion saying that what had been obtained of them was extorted by force The other instance is that while he was making the deepest Protestations seconded with many dreadful Oaths that he would in all points exactly observe the Peace he had made with the Protestants he did at the very same time privately assure the Pope's Legate that notwithstanding the Peace and Marriage all he was doing was for the Interest of the Catholic Religion And one day taking him by the hand he desir'd him to assure the Pope that his design in this Marriage was that he might be revenged on those that were Enemies to God and Rebels against himself and that he would either cut them in pieces or lose his Crown All which he would do in complyance with the Advices he had received from the Pope who had as he said continually set him on to destroy them and that he saw no way of doing it so securely as by getting them once to trust him having tried all other Methods in vain c. But though this wicked Prince was scarce inferiour to any one recorded in History for Treachery Dissimulation Perjury breach of Faith Cruelty and Blood thirstiness and though he was successful in his wickedness yet he failed in his last design of fathering a Plot against him upon the Admiral and the Protestants for the Popish Writers of that time in France do confess that there was not the least colour to oblidge a Man to believe the said Plot and that it was invented to take away the Scandal of so black and hellish a Massacre as has been already said A certain Historian writing of this Massacre ends with these words Thus were the Protestants destroyed in Paris with a Treachery and Cruelty that the uncivilized Nations had never shewed to one another nor had the Heathens been ever guilty of any thing like it towards the Christians The Precedent which the Church of Rome had formerly given in the Massacre of the Albigenses was the likest thing in History to it for Barbarity but never had Treachery and Cruelty met together in such a manner before this execrable day And one of the French Writers adds that besides 100000 Protestants Slain there were as many sent a Begging But there is no Crime or Villany so execrable which his Holiness cannot Consecrate and therefore his Legate grants a Jubilee to all that had been employed in that Butchery and they were commanded to go every where to Church and bless God for the success of that action And so great was the Blasphemy that the Murtherers presumed to address to that merciful Being who abhors cruel and blood-thirsty men and that with hands defiled with Blood and also boasted of it as a Sacrifice to God which had been a sitter Oblation to him who was a I yer and Murtherer from the beginning than to the God of Truth and Father of Mercies The King also Gloried so much in this Massacre that he caused Medals to be made to represent the Memory of it but this was only a false shew of joy and triumph for he was inwardly tormented with the horrour of a guilty Conscience which the effusion of so much Blood did justly raise in him so that being often troubled with Visions he was frequently heard say Ah my poor Subjects What had you done But I was forc'd to it The strange manner of his death seems a signal Judgment from Heaven for that Bloody day for after a long Sickness Blood not only came out through all the passages of his Head and Body but through the very Pores of his Skin so that he was somtimes found all bath'd in Blood and he that had made his Kingdom swim with Blood at last died wallowing in his own An Instance scarcely to be parallel'd You have seen the Cruel Perfidious Tyrannical and Barbarous Practices of the French King Charles the Ninth against his innocent Protestant Subjects being the effects of his execrable and bloody Principles and those Principles founded on the abominable and hellish Doctrines and Maxims taught by his Holy Mother the Apostate Romish Synagogue as will appear by the following instance viz As soon as the tydings of this Massacre was brought to Rome being Sept. 6. 1572. a Consistory of the Cardinals was presently called and the Legate's Letter that contained a Relation of the Massacre being tend they strait went in Procession to St. Mark 's Church where they offered up their solemn Thanks to God for this great Blessing to the See of Rome and the Catholick Church Two days after another Procession was made by the Pope and Cardinals to the Minerva where they had High Mass and then the Pope granted a Jubilee to all Christendome and one of the reasons was That they should thank God for the slaughter of the Enemies of the