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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03780 An oration gratulatory to the high and mighty Iames of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, defendor of the faith, &c. On the twelft day of February last presented, when his Maiesty entered the Tower of London to performe the residue of the solemnities of his coronation thorough the citie of London differred by reason of the plague: and published by his Highnesse speciall allowance. VVherein both the description of the Tower of London and the vnion of the kingdomes is compendiously touched: by William Hubbocke. Hubbock, William, b. 1560. 1604 (1604) STC 13899; ESTC S104268 8,199 18

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Rose of the house of Yorke rightly named white as which having lost much blood by civil warre waxed pale wel nigh vnto death which both with their prickles stinging togither encountered oftener then was fitte with the Lion of Scotland do now offer themselues as coronets garlāds about your head As though God had now fulfilled that which he forespake by Ezechiel to this purpose Ezech. 37.16 Sonne of man take vnto thee two pieces of wood write in one to Iohuda in the other write To Ioseph with al the house of Israel Then frame them togither in one that they may be one in thy hand For thus saith the Lord. I wil take the house of Ioseph with the tribes of Israel the house of Iuda with his tribes and wil ioyne them by one fabricke in my hand will make them one nation and one king namely David my servant shall be Pastor over them neither shall they be anie more two nations nor henceforth devided into two kingdoms c. who doth not see loue the like proceeding of God with vs The wicked the desperate ruffins thought in the chāge to cast all in a hurly-burly the Popish crue hoped that the whole Iland would haue bin on fire with civil warre both of them out of the midst of the sturre did gloriously bragge of their golden day But through the rod of Gods providence over vs and by the prudent advice of the counselors of estate al their hopes hitherto haue beene made frustrate Psal 85.10 Yet iustice and peace do greete togither truth faithfulnes do kisse each other the kingdome of England is still the kingdome of the Gospell the kingdome of my king is the kingdome of my God yet there liveth the Defender of the faith defended by the faith the mainteiner of Iustice and most acceptably intertained in his most iust title to the kingdome a promoter of peace promoted by peace evē Iames the father of the church sonne of the same the heire of Queene Elizabeth in her kingdomes and vertues God hath given vnto you a kingdome vnto the kingdome a holy Religiō to a holy Religion peace and all these to you even by inheritance This neighbour nation to our natiue country not out halfe but full sister evē as it were a twinne of the same mother most neere of al other to one another in Religiō in blood in soile in right of crowne in language in common services and common hazardes surrounded with one sea as one wall I meane England and Scotland or to speake more truely One land hath God plotted into one by the golden and most loving knotte of your governement and that if our sinnes doe not overturne it even for ever Socrates was wont to curse them Cicero offic 2. who severed honesty and profit a sunder in their purposes which by nature cleave togither Christ greater then Socrates doth command Let no man seperate Matth. 19.6 that which God hath ioined togither The partition wall betweene these two kingdomes by the finger of God at your comming to the crowne is gone he hath made Israel and Iuda one in you Eph. 2.14 no more two kingdomes nor two kings nor two pastors nor two flockes nor two kindes nor two mindes nor two Regions nor two Religions One King one people one law and as it was in the beginning one land of Albion Al things in one heavenly God one al things in one earthly God for I have stiled you Gods Psalm 82. as the scripture speaketh One It is not good that in any heads beare rule in any land Homer Let one be soveraigne King and Lord and so decrees may stand Wherfore most mighty monarch make vse of this your magnificent estate possesse it enioy it bewtifie this your portion even your best inheritance which you are come vnto by right of nature proceed on in your princely vertue go forward in the worthy praise of these beginnings Seeke that God which is become your God wonderfully by such a heape of benefits and his kingdome also in this beginning of your kingdome the plague beeing much abated and the counsels of conspirators detected e●en with a perfit hart and with all your power even yet more earnestly if it may be Not only preserve religion but increase it Plant the Gospel throughout all your Dominions Give reputatiō to Arts Vniversitie Enlarge the patrimony of Christ that now at lēgth after long detinue restitutiō may be made vnto God of al that is due vnto God whersoever you haue to do Confirme ratifie the auncient lawes both in Church and Common-wealth except where we haue gathered any corruption either from Adam or Rome Command iustice to all mē but ease the lowe estate of the poore in following their suites Establish strongly by al meanes not only concord but indissoluble frendship betweene these sister natiōs and all the sisters children Finally receive vs and ours into your protection that we may alway sing vnto God a holy himne alleluiah of you may stil ring this peale among our selues Let live O God let vanquish let growe let prosper let flourish as long as mortality may endure evē Iames of England Scotland Fraunce and Ireland King togither with our soveraigne Ladie Anne his spouse with Henry Prince of Wales and the rest of the royal Progeny Let liue I say Iames of England and Scotland or to speake at one word King of whole Brittaine FINIS
of Iuda and rightly discended of Kings your great-great grandfathers Here is mony coyned The mynt the ioints sinewes of warre which now a good while since hath borne the image and superscription of you our Caesar Here are the Records of Estate Records the closet of the acts patents of our princes your renowned progenitors out of which I may boldly avouch it a truer story of our nation by far may be compiled then any is yet extant Here are dispersed in the severall quarters of this place Prisons certaine rounde turrets for the custody of offendors against the king This which is next Bloody Tower our elders tearmed the bloody Tower for the bloodshed as they say of those Infant Princes of Edward the fourth whō Richard the third of cursed memory I shudder to men●ion it savagely killed two togither at one time Then there presente h●● sel●e looking dutifully from a great heigth vpon you Square Tower but holding out brasen pieces of shot threatning slashings of fire and thunderbolts to your enemies a great and square Tower for martiall service the strength of this place a watchman for the City a keeper of the peace a commaunder of the country round about Caesars hall wherein antiquity hath especially made memorable the hall of the Romaine Caesar Here is the Iewell-house and the wealth of the kingdome The Iewell house containing implements of great valew aboue number and al the gold and silver plate The Wardrop with a most rich princely wardrop all which haue now long since powred themselues into your bosome as the iust owner ful heire to thē al. Here are that I may not name every thing moūtaines of bullets and most large places aboue and below for receipt of armour Armory with ordinance dartes pikes bowes arrowes privy coats helmets gun-powder finally with the whole furniture of chivalry for service on horse on foot by land by sea exceedingly stoared all these to subdue your enemies to defend your friends citizens subiects associats and confederats and to propulse danger annoyance violence feare from your owne person most puissant King from your dearest spouse our Soveraigne Queene your progeny estate and whole traine Wherefore we giue thankes as many as our heart can conceiue to him first by whom Kings raigne Pro. 8.15 by whom your Maiesty O Iames a sixt among others to vs a first in this sixt age of the world in your owne constant age in the declyning age of our kingdome doth enter your raigne now fully raigneth and the rather that in so great ods of dispositions so many sects cutting from one another such distractions of mens mindes you doe with such wonderfull agreement of all degrees every one acclaming to it no man reclaiming at it and without any stirring of weapon so peaceably raigne There is no country burrough precinct city hamlet out of which there haue not come openly of al sorts ages degrees of al estates conditions even from the most vtmost foreine parts embassadors to congratulate What wonderfull resorte out of good townes what concourse out of the field country of farmers with their wiues children as though some great festivall day of the everliving God were now celebrated So that there was not a more dutifull striving betweene Israel and Iuda to bring home David there king 2. Sam. ●9 then there is ready obsequiousnes of the whole kingdome of England as of one mā for the bringing in of our David a King after Gods owne hart For these two ornaments of arts and armes which in David were eminent namely the praise of holy learning to the height of a prophet the honour of victorious exploits abroad in warre these two do begin to shew themselues to bee with you who without warre vanquishing the prowde haue vpon the hearing of your name attained vnto most mighty kingdomes and haue written such worthy goldē bookes out of the circle of sacred sciences the finer learning that good literature which as vulgar lay despised seemeth now to be ennobled and by your raigne to raigne it selfe And verely as the sonne is brighter then when it is in the midst of heaven then whē it is in any other part so the shine of learning is both more orient and the fruite more abundant in a king thē in any other estate of men seeing thereby he may bee president in the courts of Iustice and chiefe moderator in schooles as of late you were to al our glory both to discerne the right with your owne eies and also to foster learning and to favour learned men much more And although we cannot but bee affected with the misse of now St. Elizabeth our late Queene yet seing whē as she as our sunne setting departing frō vs in the ripe time of her daies there followed so short and so cleare a night enlightened with so many starres of the kingdome The milkē way in heaven diverse philosophers haue called S. Iames way The last conspiracy chalking out one kings way as the milken way in heaven plainely as the olde sawe hath bin St. Iames way and seeing another sunne rose so carely vnto vs by cōfort whereof this whole now a yeare almost hath continued as one faire day without any stormy cloud towards but such an one as vanished in the verie gathering of it through the protection of God so that in this change we feele no alteration frō the raygne of Queene Elizabeth neither may we expect any other thinges at your Maiesties hands but even all the good things of Queene Elizabethes time saving that your māly prowesse and the induments of nature in the superior degree of your sex aboue her doth promise both greater and more notable attempts Apoc. 19.16 Vnto God first in whose thigh is written King of Kinges and Lord of Lordes the chiefe Prince among al your imperial electors for it was the doing of divine power and not humane with most thankful mindes we yeeld our selues and next in you O sacred King the annointed of the Lord we set our hearts at rest For this is the shouting and triumphant applause of al your subiectes that ioyntly welcome you vnto the crowne The cry of people sounds alike yet is their voice all one Martial Thou Iames our King of country art the father term'd alone Wherefore take vnto you the triumphs of peace receiue here the keyes of the kingdome take into your hand the helme of this Empire Enter into the possession of the chamber of your kingdome the chiefe citty London goe vp into the chiefe fort of your land the Principall armour house of the Realme this Tower of London Ireland wisely foreseeing your approach partly subdued partly yeelding is become totally yours The two Roses of England both the red Rose of Lancaster rightly called ruddie as beeing embrued in blood by wounds from her selfe til shee was almost spent and that other white