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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02915 A shorte declaration of the mistery of iniquity Helwys, Thomas, 1550?-1616? 1612 (1612) STC 13056; ESTC S4697 142,624 224

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be found fulfilled vpon the whole earth First the prophesie off Christ Mat 24. Off the Abhomination of desolation set in the holie place is not to bee seene the days of such great tribulation as was not from the begining of the world in which daies no flesh shal bee saved except they should bee shortned al flesh should bee condemned these daies are not yet heard of And the Prophesie off Daniel the Prophet 9.27 and 12.11 Who prophesied that the Sacrifices and the oblations shal cease and the daylie sacrifices shal bee taken away this Prophisie cannot yet bee come to passe if Rome bee beleevers in Christ and that their sacrifices and oblations bee the true sacrifices and oblations for Romes sacrifices ād oblations have never ceased and the Prophisie of thapostle 2. Thes 2. Who Prophesieth that there shal come a departing this prophesy is in no part fulfilled if Rome bee beleevers except it be fullfilled in them that have departed from Rome and then the Church off England and all the Presbitarie had need to looke to it who first departed But iff Rome and England and the Presbitarie and the Brownists bee al beleevers and of the faith of Iesus then hath there bene yet no departing from the faith but a great increasing far beyond the primitive times in that the scriptures no where shewe of whole Nations Kingdomes and Countries to bee of the faith off Iesus as now there is yea a great whole part of the world the like was never heard off nor Prophesied of iff all you bee beleevers as you either are all beleevers or al infidels for you are al of one faith ād baptisme But iff you bee beleevers there is no departing yet heard off neither is the man off sinne yet disclosed or reveiled nor exalted nor sits or hath sitten as God in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God there is no such prophesie yet come to passe And iff Rome bee al beleevers in Christ that prophesie Revel 11. Where it is prophesied that the people and kindreds and tongues and Gentils shall see the Corpes of the two witnesses of the Lord killed and lye in the streets of the great Citie which spiritually is called Sodome Egypt and that the inhabitants of the earth shal reioyce over them this prophesie cannot yet bee accomplished nor begun And if Rome bee beleevers then that prophesie of the first beast to whome is given a mouth to speake great thinges and blasphemies and to make war with the Saints and to overcome them and to whome power is given over every kindred and tongue and Nation so that all that dwell vpon the earth shal worship him And that Prophesie of the where that sits vpon many waters with whome have comitted fornication the Kings of the earth all the inhabitants of the earth are made drunck with the wyne of hir fornication All these prophesies ād manie moe cannot in anie measure bee fulfilled or begun iff the Church of Rome be beleevers and of the faith off Iesus And if these prophesies be not fulfilled nor begun then hath the misterie of iniquitie that began to worke in Thapostles daies to the exaltacion of the man off sinne givē ever working which were contrarie to the prophesie of Scripture and that may not bee Let Rome therefore and al that profession see and consider that al these prophesies of exaltations are fulfilled in that profession ād thus is their glorie their shame for they glorie in nothinge more then in their exaltation and great power aucthoritie and magnificencie of their Church and al that is true and thereby is this also true that all these prophesies are fulfilled in that their exaltation the which you of the Church of England and the whole Presbitarie confessing and protesting against them for the same you must needs hold them al infidels and vnbeleevers except you wil fal into great blasphemie and say that they are beleevers who execute the power of the man of sinne and cause the sacrifices and oblations to cease and to be taken away from the alter of the Lord so as there are no sacrifices offered vnto him Wil anie say that these are beleevers that take from the Lords alter his daylie sacrifices causing that none shal be offered vnto him if these be beleevers that vtterlie overthrowe the worship of the lord then can there be no infidels Further you cannot say the church of Rome are belevers except you wil say they are belevers that depart away frō the faith and are the ministers of the man sinne exalting a power above the power of God and setting vp this power the ministers whereof they are to sit as God in the Temple of God makeing shewe of that power that it is the power of God when it is the effectual working of Satā with al his power and signes ād lying wonders and they that are subiect in this power are such as the holy ghost testifieth receive not the love of the truth which beleve not the truth Cā you of the church of Englād ād you of the Presbitarie and you that are called Brownists that hold this Prophesie is fulfilled in that exaltation of the Romish profession can you hold these to be beleevers in Christ of whome the Lord saith they receive not the truth nor beleeve nor the truth but have pleasure in vnrighteousnes and exalted a power against God to bee worshipped as God wha● wickednes and blasphemie is this to say these are Christians and beleevers in Christ Moreover you cannot say that the Romish Professors are beleevers except you wil say they are beleevers that set vp the first Beast and are the ministers off that power or Beast which Beast or Power hath 7. heads and 10. hornes and vpō his hornes 10. crownes and he is like a Leopard and his feet like a Beare and his mouth as the mouth of a Lyon to whome the dragon gives his power throne authoritie all this doe they of that profession and not this onelie but they also worship the dragon which giveth power to the Beast they worship the Beast saying who is like the Beast who is able to feight with him and they being the ministers off this Beast or Power do in their ministration opē their mouthes to blasphemie against God to blaspheme his name and his Tabernacle and them that dwel therein and by this Power they have made warr with the Saincts and overcome them Can you without great blasphemie against the holie one off Israel the most high God say that these are belevers in Christ Iesus and Christians That do these fearfull thinges seeking to destroy God and the faith of Iesus and all his Saincts that hold the faith of Iesus if you cannot say that they which do such thinges are beleevers and Christians then cannot you say that they of the Romish profession are beleevers or Christians but that they are infidels and vnbelevers seeing you confesse this Prophesie
in hand let it bee truely observed whether those that are off the Romish profession servants of the first beast coming in question before this Hyrarchy have not found much more favour then those that have stood most for reformation and hath there not beene gnashing of teeth and gnawing off tongues with al extreame perversnes and contempt against the one when there hath bene good myld and eeven carriage towards the other Which good carriage towards them wee disaprove not nor envye not but could wish that the holesome word of doctrine withall the cords off love were applied and vsed vnto them for their information and drawing them from their blind errors But wee mention it to this end to shew what vprightnes there can bee to God or the King in this For first it is not possible but this whole Hyrarchy wil confesse that those which seeke reformation have much more light of truth and gifts of knowledg for the building vp of a people vnto God then the other and that the first and they are al of one iudgment concerning the doctrines off the Scriptures in the foundamental points of Religion as they speake and yet there is no comparison betwixt their pacient enduring them of the Romish professiō ād there impaciēt not enduring of the other is this vprightnes to God Secondly touching the King and State the Childrē in the streets knowe the treachery and infidelitie that hath beene found in divers of the one profession ād they themselves knowe the ever vntouched fidelitie of the other what vprightnes is this to the King and State the evident reason of this may appeare vnto the wise and may not this appeare to be● it That the Romish profession is but cheifly an enemy to the Kingdome of Christ and but dangerous in some of them to the Kingdome of the King approving of ArchBishops and Lord Bishops and could wi●h they were Cardinals But those of al sorts that seeke reformation are most cheifest enimies to the Kingdome off ArchBishops and LordBishops and would have them humble and faithfull Pastors to feed the f●oth and therefore in no wise are to bee suffered how true soever they bee to God and their King And doth not all this shewe the affinitie and nearnes betwixt the first and second Beast But least anie should stumble at this part of the prophesie Revel 13. vers 12. Where it is spoken that the second Beast causeth the Earth and them that dwel therein to worship the first Beast and therefore the Romish Beast being the first this Hy●archy cannot bee the second in that it do●h not cause men to worship the Pope off Rome Wee pray it may be observed how that it is shewed 2. Thess That the mistery of iniquitie is a working power of sathan which working power according to the degrees there of is set furth vnto vs in the booke of the Revel after divers maners ād discribed vnto vs in divers shapes or similitudes ād named vnto vs after divers names and in the hight off the exaltation thereof this power is set furth ād discribed vnto vs vnder the two names and similitudes of the first and second Beast both which exercising one power though in divers likenesses do bring al both smale ād great vnder the subiection of that one power both their harts being set to do mischief talking of deceipt at one table Dan. 11.27 And so doth the second beast cause al to worship the first in that it is al one power building vp one kingdome And the Popes person is not the mistery of iniquitie for then when the Pope were dead the mistery off iniquitie and the Beast were dead vntil another Pope were set vp and iff the Popes person were the man off sinne then the Lord by the spirit off his moueth should abolish and consume the Popes person but there is no such prophesie of scripture And then should the prophesies of the fal off Babylon bee vnderstood off the overthrowe and consumeing of the earthen or stone wals and timber houses off a Citie But this were too carnal an vnderstanding to conceive that the spirit off Gods mouth which shal consume the man off sinne spoken off 2. Thes 2. and shal shake in sunder the Citie which spiritually is called Sodom Egypt It were to carnal to vnderstād this to be of earthly houses and Cities ād fleshly persons they are not the matter ād substance that shal be abolished by the brigtnes of this his comeing here spokē off as we doubt not but wil easily appeare to the wise though some have bene and are much mistaken herein And that we may come to the true vnderstanding of this part of the prophesie Chap. 13. vers 13. And he did great wonders speaking of the second Beast so that he made fire come downe from heaven in the sight off men And to see how it is fulfilled in the second Beast wee must remember as we have formerly said that this is a spiritual prophesie of a spirituall mistery of iniquitie which none may deny and then doth it appeare that these wonders wrought by makeing fire come downe frō heaven are lying spiritual wonders and the fire is a false spiritual fire The which even as the true spiritual fire which is the holy Ghost doth truly worke wōderful powerfully vpō the harts and affections of them that beleeve the truth even so this false fire which is the spirit and power off Sathan doth worke effectually vpon the harts and affections off those that receive not the love off the truth and that after a wonderful manner off deceivablenes off vnrighteousnes so that men are strongly perswaded and beleeve that it is the true Fire from heaven even the spirit off God And this Fire hath the Hyrarchy off ArchBishops and Lord-Bishops made come downe from heaven especially in their former times when men had their word and power with their praier booke and al their Cathedral abhominatious in such admiration and with such zeale were affected vnto them and as yet some are to this day zealously perswaded off the holines and goodly order off these things al which in the Beast that hath two hornes like the Lambe made such a glorious shewe being compared to the former thinges as men were ravished in their spirits and thought and yet some fewe do thinke that their harts and affections were kindled with fire from heavē By this false fire which is by an effectual working power in al deceivablenes of vnrighteousnes even hereby hath and doth the first and second Beast worke all their signes and lying wonders and whilst men through great ignorance have and do looke for some straing seights from heaven to knowe the two Beasts by their harts have bene are with the pleasures of vnrighteousnes stolne away This can all that are of anie vnderstanding who now remaine vnder the power of the second Beast easily discerne how by a wonderful fiery blind zeale all those that
extendeth to all the goods and bodies of his servants And doth our lord the King require anie more wee knowe he doth not then let not our lord the King now be angry that wee his servants speake the second time vnto him Doth not the King knowe that the God or Gods and lord of ●ords hath vnder him made our lord the King an earthly King and given him all earthly power and that he hath reserved to himself a heavenly Kingdome a kingdome that is not of this world Ioh. 18.36.37 neither are the subiects of his kingdome of this world Ioh. 17.14 and yet this King was in this world and his subiects are in the world Vers 12. that with this kingdome our lord the King hath nothinge to do by his Kingly power but as a subiect himself and that Christ is King alone onely high Priest and cheife Bishop and there is no King no Primate Metropolitane ArchBishop lord spirituall but Christ onely nor may be either in name or power to exercise aucthority one over another Luk. 22.25.26 Mat. 23.11.12 And will our lord the King not withstanding all that Christ hath done for him in giveing him such a kingdome with such great dignity and power therein will the King not withstanding enter vpon Christs kingdome and appoint or by his power suffer to be appointed Lawes Lords Law makers over or in this kingdome of Christ who wee may be bold to say with warrant if he were vpon earth in the flesh he would be subiect to our lord the King in his earthly kingdome for so was he to Cesar Mat. 17. he paid him tribute and he comaunded to giue vnto Cesar thinges that were Cesars Yea he would not meddle with anie thing that belonged to the King not so muchas to comaund the two beethren to devide the inheritance nor to judg the woman taken in adultery Far be it thē from the hart of our lord the King to give his earthly power to anie to rule as lords over the Kingdome and heritage of Christ which he hath reserved to himself to rule and governe onely by his word and spirit where no earthly power may be admitted in that it is no earthly kingdome Behold now wee have begun to speake vnto our lord the King and wee are but dust and ashes and our lord the King is but dust and ashes aswell as wee therefore let not our lord the King be angry that his servants speake the third time vnto him wee knowe our lord the King may do what soever pleaseth him and who shall say vnto him what dost thou Eccles 8.3.4 Yet though he should kill vs wee wil speake the truth to him It is the Kings honor to search out a thinge Prov. 25.1 And wee knowe the King is a wise man and a man of vnderstanding thus then wee speake vnto him Will the King challeng to himselfe to sitt vpon the throne of David and to iudg Israell wee the Kings servants meane will the K. have the same power now over the church house of God that the Kings of Israell had vnder the law who satt vpon Davids throne will and ought the King to make a covenant and cause all to stand to it and must all stand to it and will ought the King to compell all that are found in his dominions to serve the lord as the King comaunds 2. Chro. 34.32.33 and will and ought the King to slay all that come not to the passover Num. 9.13 If our lord the King have this power thē he ought duly to execute it and then he sitts vpon Davids throne and then the King of Spaine hath the like power to compell all in his dominions to serve God as he comaunds so every king sitts vpon Davids throne and all Kings are herein to be obeyed for will not our lord the King that is a man of vnderstanding yeild that Queene Marie the Kings noble predecessor had the same power and aucthority by hir sword of justice over hir subiects that our lord the King hath and that hir subiects were bound to obey hir in all things and submitt to hi● sword of iustice as well as our lord the Kings subiects are to obey him and submitt to his sword of iustice for all earthly Kings have but one manner of power and sword Rom. 13. Chap. If our lord the King by his deseruing iudgment see this then our lord the King will easily see that as Queene Mary by hir sword of Iustice had no power over hir subiects consciences for then had she power to make them all Papists and all that resisted hir therein suffered iustly as evil doers neither hath our lord the King by that sword of iustice power ouer his subiects cōsciences for all earthly powers are one and the same in their severall dominions And if our lord the King will have anie other power it must be a spirituall power and thē that must be with an other sword even a spirituall sword for an earthly sword is ordeyned of God onely for an earthly power and a spirituall sword for a spirituall power and Offences against the earthly power must be puinshed with the earthly sword and offences against the spirituall power with the spirituall sword and with this sword the King of Kings make our lord the King mighty through him to cast downe holds casting downe the ymaginations every high thing that is exalted against the knowledg of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ 2. Cor. 10.4.5 Who is the fruit of Davids loynes concerning the flesh and onely sitts vpon Davids throne for ever Act. 230. Luke 1.32.33 Esa 9.7 And vpon his kingdome to order it to stablish it with iudgment with Iustice The rod of whose power is sent out of Syon who is ruler in the midst of his enimies whose people shall come willingly Psal 110.2.3 and requires not anie earthly power to build vp his Church as he sheweth when he declareth that all power was given him in heaven and in earth he bids his Disciples Go therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the father c. he that shall beleeve and be Baptized shal be saved But he that will not beleeve shal be damned Mat. 28.19 Mark 16.16 who when he ascended vpon high he led captivity captive and gave gifts vnto men he gave some to be Appostles c. for the reparing or gathereing together of the Saincts Ephes 4.5.12 Here is shewed vnto our lord the King that which wee knowe he is not ignorant of that Christ onely sitts vpon Davids throne to order it and wee the Kings servants shew it that the King might not be deceived by deceivers who would perswade the K. that he hath the same power over the Church of Christ that the Kings of Israel had over the Church of the old Testament to this end that they might vse the K. earthly power to rule over and build
vp as they pretend the spirituall Tabernacle Temple and Church of Christ which if the King shall suffer them to do he shall sinne against God in entring vpon the kingdome of Christ who onely is King of Israell Ioh. 12.15 whose power and sword are spirituall whose Tabernacle Tēple and house is holy made with out hands 2. Cor. 3.17.1 Pet. 2.5 Heb. 9.11 and therefore hath given spirituall gifts vnto men for the gathering together of the Saincts for the worke of the mistery and for the building vp of his body which is his Church and doth not will nor require to have people comaunded and compelled by an earthly sword or power as in the days of Hezekiah and Iosiah Kings of Israel for that was an earthly or carnall comaundement Heb. 7.16 and they had a worldly Tabernacle made with hands and worldly ordinances and Carnall rites Heb. and therefore were the Ordinances or law comaunded to be kept by a worldly power and the Tabernacle to be built by hands but now wee have a Tabernacle which the lord pight and not man Heb. 8.2 and that carnall comaundement is changed Heb. 7.12 and wee have a comaundement after the power of endles life vers 16. vnto the obedience of which law no earthly Kings power can cause or bring anie one man to obey in anie one thing and the which Tabernacle not made with hands no earthly power which consists onely of the strength of hands can cause to be built in anie one part thereof but all this is to be done onely by the K. of Israels power who hath all power given him in heaven and in earth whose power is all sufficient to bring vnder obedience all his subiects where vnto no earthly power can be helpfull whose sword is his word which is lively and mighty in operation and sharper then anie two edged sword Heb. 4.12 and therefore needs not the helpe of anie Kings sword If his sword will not prevaile to bring men vnder obedience to his owne lawes what can our lord the Kings sword do it is spirituall obedience that the lord requires the K. sword cānot smite the spirits of mē if our lord the K. shall force cōpell mē to worship eate the lords supper against their cōsciēces so shall he make his poore subiects to worship and eat vnworthily whereby he shall compell them to sinne against God and increase their owne judgments On let not our lord the K. suffer such evill to be done by his power little doth our lord the King know how many thousands of his people have bene compelled through troble and for feare of troble to worship and to eat the lords supper vnworthyly and so to worship and to eat and drincke to ther owne damnation who although they perish in their owne sinnes yet their blood wil be required at their hands that have compelled them so to sinne against their consciences and the lord in mercy give the K. a hart to looke vnto it that it be not laid to our lord the K. charg if he shall suffer them to exercise such powre by his authority And wee bow our selves to the earth before our lord the K. in greatest humblenes beseeching the K. to iudg righteous iudgment herein whether there be so vniust a thing and of so great cruell tyranny vnder the sunne as to force mens consciences in their religion to God seeing that if they err they must pay the price of theyr transgression with the losse of their soules Oh let the K. iudg is it not most equall that men should chuse their religion themselves seeing they onely must stand themselves before the iudgment seat of God to answere for themselves when it shal be no excuse for them to say wee were commanded or compelled to be of this religion by the King or by them that had authority from him And let our lord the K. that is a man of knowledg yet further consider that if the K. should by his power bring his people to the truth and they walke in the truth and dye in the profession of it in obedience to the Kings power either for feare or love shal they be saved The K. knowes they shall not but they that obey the truth in love whome the love of God constrayneth their obedience onely shal be acceptable to God 1. Cor. 13. Thus may our lord the K. see that by his Kingly power he cannot cause or make men bring an acceptable sacrifice to God and will the King make men whether they will or no bring an vnacceptable sacrifice to God and shall the King herein thinke he doth please God God forbid If the King will please God in such service then must he seeke to convert sinners from goeing astray Iam. 5.20 turne men to righteousnes Dan. 12.3 not with his sword of iustice but by the foolishnes of preaching for that is the meanes whereby God hath appointed to save them that beleeve 1. Cor. 1.21 and 27. for God hath chosen appointed the foolish things of the world the weake things the vile things the things that are dispised and things which are not to confound and bring to nought things that are and these things hath God chosen to set furth Christ the power of God and the wisedome of God Here is not the absolute auctenticall word of comaund nor the mighty powerfull punishing sword of our lord the King required to this worke of the publishing of the Gospell of Iesus-Christ And let the King call to mynd that which no doubt the King hath often redd in the gospell according to Luk. Chap. 9.52.56 That when the Samaritanes would not receive Christ and that his disciples said wilt thou that wee comaund fire to come dovvne from heaven and consume them Iesus rebuked them and said ●ye knowe not of what spirit ye are the sonne of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them wherby the King doth see that Christ will have no mans life touched for his cause if the Samaritans will not receive him he passeth by them if the Gadarens pray him to depart he leaves them if anie refuse to receive his disciples he onely bids them shake of the dust of their feet for a witnes against them Here is no sword of iustice at all required or permitted to smite anie for refusing Christ Then let not our lord the King suffer his swore of iustice which God hath given him with power from himself to defend and rule with aucthority keepe in all obediēce his owne people people of God vnto the Ks. owne lawes statutes which apperteynes to the well governing and ruling of the Kings state kingdome which is worldly and must fade away Let not our lord the K. suffer this sword to be vsed to rule and keepe in obedience the people of God and of the K. to the lawes statutes and ordinances of Christ which apperteyne to the well governing and ruling of the
kingdome of Christ which is heavenly and endureth for ever the sword of whose kingdome is spirituall by the power of which sword onely Christs subiects are to be ruled and kept in obedience to him by the which sword our lord the K. must be kept in obedience himself if he be a disciple of Christ a subiect of Christs kingdome And this takes away with out gain-saying all the Kingly power authority of our Lord the K. in the kingdome of Christ for he cannot be both a King a subiect in one and the same kingdome the Kings vndestanding hart will easily deserne this Then let our lord the K. in all happines prosperity sitt in his owne Princely throne of that mighty Kingdome of Great Britanne Which God hath given to the King and to his posterity and the lord give the K. a most wise hart to rule iudg his people and the lord give all his people faithfull harts to love obey him and let all those the K. enimies that would not that he should reigne over them bestayne before him And let our lord Iesus-Christ in power and Maiesty sitt vpon Davids throne the throne of the Kingdome of Israell which his father hath given vnto him let Christ according to his owne wisedome iudg his people Israell and let our the K. be his subiect the which our lord the King yeilding himselfe to be the K. must needs grant that as he is an earthly King he can have no power to rule in this spiritual Kingdome of Christ nor can compell anie to be subiects thereof as a King whilst the K. is but a subiect him self for there may be but one King in Israel And let not our lord the King be now angry and his servants will speake but this once Will our lord the K. being him self but a subiect of Christs Kingdome take vpon him by his Kingly power to make Primats Metropolitans Arch. Bishops and lord Bishops to be lords in the Kingdome of Christ and over the heritage of God And will our lord the K. do this against the whole rule of Gods word wherein there is no one tittle to warrant our lord the K. thertoo Will not our lord the K. be supplicated by the humble petition of his servants to examine his power authority herein Farr is it from the harts of vs the Kings servants to move the King to depart from the least tittle of his right that belongs to his Royall Crowne dignity and farr be it from the King to take from Christ Iesus anie one part of that power honor which belongs to Christ in his Kingdome Let our lord the King pardon his servants for medling in this matter for wee professe our selves bound vpon the perill of our soules to be faithfull subiects both to Iesus Christ our K. to our lord K. there fore it stands vs vpon to know what belongs vnto Christ our heavenly K. and vnto our earthly K. and Christ our spirituall K. hath freely spoken vnto vs cōmaunded vs to give vnto our K. that which is our Ks. will not our lord the K. say as freely vnto vs give vnto God that which is Gods Wee doubt not but our lord the King will say so why then we appeale vnto our lord the K. that is our earthly K. lett the K. speake according to the true iudgment of his hart will the K. say that it belongs to him to make spirituall Lords over the house of God And will the K. warrant his saying to be Good And if the King warrant it onely by his Princely prerogative may wee therepō give vnto the King this power in submitting our selves to such spirituall Lords and to their power were not this to take from our Spirituall Lord and King that which is even his owne name title and power and give it to another what greater evill can be comitted against Christ then to take his honor and power from him and give it to earthly mē who should feare tremble before him in giveing to him glory honor and not takeing from him Let not our lord the King be partaker in such great evill to suffer a power and name of blasphemy to be set vp so directly against the expresse comaundement of Christ who forbidds all Lordly titles and ruleing power one over another in his Kingdome we dare not but thinke it is done ignorantly both by our lord the K. who suffers this and by them that administer in this greatest evill wee the Kings servants say this greatest evill in that it is the abomination of desolation set vp in the high places which are the dayes of greatest tribulation that ever was or shal be the which dayes except they should be shortned no flesh should be saved And if it shall not yet appeare vnto our lord the that this Hyrarchy of Arch-Bishops and lord Bs. is this abhomination of desolation set in the high places then wee beseech the K. vpon our knees by his highest honor and renowne by his truest justice most righteous iudgmēt by his most Godly Princ-like care of the salvation of al his subiects and lastly above all by his cheifest love vnto God to his holy truth That our lord the King will with his Royall cōsent give way that this cause may come to an equall tryall but thus farr that the K. will but take hold his sword of iustice from this Hyrarchy that they may not smite the faith full true loyall subiects of the K. therewith neither to death nor to imprisoment nor to banishment for speaking or writing onely against their Kingdome And let our lord the King by the humble supplication of vs his servants be intreated to leave them to defend their spirituall power and names by the sword of the spirit which ought onely to be the weapon of their warefare if they be spirituall Lords as they pretend and then shall ●ur lord the K. see this cause truely decided to the Ks. honor and great comfort for the K. knowes that this Hyrarchy withall their learned dependancy if their cause be good they cannot lose it for want of learning in that they have wisedome learning if it be according to godlines sufficient to convince the whole earth and if they can with all that masse of learning mainteyne their Primacie and Prelacy Arch-Bishopry and spirituall Lordships then may our lord the King let them enioy it with comfort but if they cannot with all the spiritual weapons and armor they have vphold it then let it fall and go into the bottomles pitt from whence it is come Revel 9.2 and whether it must go though all the Kings on the earth should strive to vphold it Revel Let not our lord the K. therefore give the least support therevnto by the power of his sword The lord grant that wee may find fauour in the Kings eies in this so iust and equall a cause which
is that wee may but try the power of these called Spirituall Lords and that by earthly power they may not force men to yeild vnto their spirituall aucthority How can it but seeme equall in the Kings seight that spirituall lords should have no more spirituall authority then they can gett and mainteyne by spiritual power And if the Hyrarchy themselves thinke it vnequall that the doctrine of their power should be tryed be not most willing ready therevnto but shall by pollicie secret intimations shift it of then shall our lord the K. that is wise easily deserne that their deeds are evill and they hate the light neither cometh to the light least their deeds should be reproued Ioh. 3.20 But they that do truth come to the light that their deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought according to God Thus shal our lord the King all the world have a ful tryall of them whether their deeds are wrought according to God or no for if they will now come to the light of Gods word in the sight of all men and manifest their deeds to be wrought according to God then have they approved them selves but if they do not then hath our Saviour Christ here condemned thē with his owne mouth and let our lord the King also condemne them in his owne wisedome Shall wee need to be importunate with our lord the King in this cause of his poore people which concernes the condemnation of all their soules what need wee seeing our lord the King knowes that a King that iudgeth the cause of the poore rightly his throne shal be established for ever Pro. 20.14 Then let our lord the King here the cause of the poore and the rather in that the Kings most noble Predecessor hath before iustly adiudged the same cause and freed his people so far of the bondage wherein they were King Henry the 8. that Prince of great renowne freed his people from the bondage of the first Beast especially in these two great and maine perticulers in causing the scriptures to be set over and printed for the people in their owne language that so they might heare the word with their owne eares and also that their worship should be in their owne tongue that they might speake to God with theyr owne tongue and not in a straing tongue as they did Let heaven and earth iudg and let our lord the K. iudg let all the Kings people iudg whether this was not the depth of all darknes when men might not knowe what God speake vnto them nor knowe in their publique worship what they speake vnto God Let our lord the K. iudg whether ever there was such spirituall cruelty vpon the earth when the poore people of God for whome Christ died were debarred from the presence of God in their publique worship might neither heare god nor speake to God with their owne outward cares tongues but as the Ministers of the mā of sinne appointed and in astraing tongue as they taught them Wee knowe our lord the K. doth see that heere the abomination of desolation was set vp in the high places as also that the Corpes of the two witnesses of God prophesed of Reuel 11.8 which are the word and spirit of God lay dead in the streets of that great Citie there being no true vse at all of them and the people being deprived of the life of them for the word was a dead letter vnto them and the spirit a dead spirit The Kings predecessor of famous renowme thus freed his people from that bondage of the first Beast but there is risen vp a second Beast which exerciseth the power of the first Beast and now our lord he Kings people cry vnto the King with the sighes and groanes of their spirits and would cry also with a lowd voyce but for feare of the Beast and humbly besech the King that he would put too his helping hand to free his people from the bondage of the second Beast that their soules may not perish to everlasting perdition which all must do which are vnder the bondage of the same and so continewe And now let the King heare with an eare of compassion and see with an eie of pittie the cruell spirituall bondage that his poore people are kept vnder by the second Beast in these perticulers The Kings people have the word in their owne language and may pray in their owne tongue But they must not vnderstand the word but as the Lord Bishops will have it vnderstood and they must not pray nor administer in the holy things but as they appoint Now let the King with a godly wise hart consider in what woefull Spirituall bondage Gods people and the Kings are kept by this Hyrarchy Now plainely would our lord the King see the cruell Spirituall tyrany hereof if the King would make it but his owne cause Would not the King thinke it a must cruell tyranny if the King should be by force compelled to vnderstand and beleeve the scriptures as the Hyrarchy of Rome would have him And to worship God and administer in the holy thinges as that Hyrarchy would appoint And if the King would not so do that then that Hyrarchy should have power to put the King in prison and if that would not serve the turne to procure or cause the Kings life to be taken from him or at least to banish the King from his Kingdome nation would not our lord the K. thinke this great tyrany cruell bondage Wee knowe the King would for which cause the K. and his predecessors have cast of this bondage Then let the King see that the Kings people are vnder this same bondage for if they will not vnderstand the scriptures and worship God as the Hyrarchy of Arch. Bs. and lord Bs. comaund appoint they straight send a pursivant apprehēd them by violence and force imprison them sometimes divers yeres manie times not suffering so much as their wives to come at them and if their lives cannot be gotten then procure their exile or banishment The lord give the King a hart to pittie his people herein the King is ignorant of these dealings and none dare tell the King thereof the Prelacy have bene so mighty and so cruell And will it please the King to veiwe the cause of his people being true and faithfull subiects yet further what doth it profitt the Kings people to have the word of God to heare and read it seeing they are debarred of the spirit of God to vnderstand it but according to private interpretation by the the lord B. as though they had the spirit and could not err Oh that our lord the King that is a man of excellent wisedome would but bēd his wisedome to behold how that herin wherein the whole power of the Beast consists this Hyrarchy of Arch-Bs lord Bs. doth nothing differ from the first Beast for the first Beast kepes both the word and spirit
from the people and they kepe the spirit of God in bondage then is the word of God of no effect debarring the people of God thereof tying them to their spirits in the vnderstanding of the scriptures which none may try whether they be of God or no but must beleeve and obey or els go to prison and if they will not yeild either he hanged or banished Iudg O King is this a rule of direction and ordinance of the Lambe That comaund Bishops to be gentle towards all men apt to teach suffering the evill men patiently instructing them with meeknes that are contrary mynded proveing if God at anie time wil give them repentance that they may acknowledg the truth and come to amendment c. 2. Tim. By these fruits may our lord the King his people knowe the Bishops of the lambe that is lowly and meeke and bids learne so to be of him Mat. 11.29 but to pull men that are contrary mynded out of their houses by Pursevants to cast them into prison and cause them to lye there at excessive charges vtterly vndoeing them their wives and children and bringing them to all out ward misery and causing them to be banished from vnder their natural Prince to whome they are most true subiects furth of their native country and from their fathers houses and all their frends and familiars Will not our lord the King say that these are the Bishops of the Beast who is like a leopard and his feet like a Beares and his mouth as the mouth of a Lyon Reuel 13. of whome they learne to be proud and cruell And all these eviles and manie moe have come vpon the Kings people because they will not vnderstand the scriptures by the spirit of the lord Bs. and pray in their worship to God by the direction of their spirit Will our lord the K. heare the earnest complaint of his people herein and grant redresse that as the Ks. people by the meanes of the Kings most noble predecessor enioy that blessed liberty to read and heare the word of God in their owne language and to pray in their publique worship in their owne tongue that so by our lord the Kings meanes the Kings people may enioy this blessed liberty to vnderstand the scriptures with their owne vnderstandings pray in their publique worship with their owne spirits and then if men err their sinne shal be vpon their owne heads the Kings hand shal be innocent cleare from their transgression which it cannot be if the K. shall willingly suffer his power to be vsed to compell men to pray and vnderstand by the direction of the Lord Bs. spirit and if the King shall give his power to the Lord Bs. but to compell mē to eat meates which through our lord Iesus Christ are all cleane yet to him that iudgeth them vn cleane to them they are vncleame Rom. 14.14 in which case if a man freely of his owne accord do eat and doubt he is condemned because he eateth not of faith why then if a man in this case be forced by the Kings power whether he will or no to eat when he doubteth and so he be condemned vers 24. is not this to wound the weak conscience and to sin against Christ 1. Cor. 8.12 and can our lord the Kings hand be innocent herein When by the Kings power men shal be compelled to sin Oh that the King would then see that if he may not give his power to rule mens cōsciences in the least things that are indifferent much lesse hath the King power to comaund mens consciences in the greatest thinges betwene God and man This being so wee the Kings servants with all the humility reverence that can or may be given to anie earthly Prince do out of the true Loyalty obedience faithfulnes of our harts thus speake vnto the King Let it suffice our lord the King and let it not seeme a smale thinge that the God of Gods hath made our lord the King a mighty earthly K. over divers nations and hath given our lord the King an earthly power to make lawes ordinances such as the King in his owne wisedome shall thinke best and to change alter them at his pleasure to rule and governe his people by and to appoint Gouernors Officers to execute the Kings will and all the Ks. people are bound of conscience to God and duty to the King to obey the King herein with their goods bodies lives in all service of peace warr and who soever shall resist the King herein they resist the Ordinance of God and shall receive iudgment from God besides the punishmēt with the sword of iustice which God hath given to the K. to punish evil doers that trāsgresse the K. lawes And God hath also honored the K. with titles and names of Maiesty that are due vnto himselfe Psal 82.16 Dan. 5.18 hath comaunded honor to be given vnto the K. 1. Pet. 2. ●7 And God hath comaunded all his people specially to pray for the K. 1. Ti. 2.2 Let this Kingdome power honor fully satisfie our lord the Ks. hart let it suffice the K. to have all rule over his peoples bodies goods let not our lord the K. give his power to be exercised over the spirits of his people for they belong to another Kingdome which can not be shaken Heb. differing from all earthly Kingdomes for our lord the K. knowes that the cheife of earthly Kingdomes are compared to gold silver brasse iron Dan. 7.37.46 But this is the Kingdome which the God of heaven hath set vp which shall neuer be destroyed this Kingdome shall not be given to another people but to the holy people of the most nigh God all powers shall serue obey him dā 2.44 7.27 Therefore in this Kingdome let our lord the K. give vs his servants leave againe to tell the K. that he must be a subiect that our lord the K. hath no power nor prerogative as a King to make lawes for in this Kingdome there is but one law-giver who is able to save to destroy Iam. 4.12 neither hath our lord the King power to appoint Officers in this Kingdome and much lesse to make spirituall lords over this Kingdome to bring all mens spirits in subieccion to their spirits in the vnderstāding of the scriptures and worshipping God Wherein least wee may seeme to speake vntruely to the K. wee humbly beseech our lord the K. that it may be law full for his servants with his Princely fouour to shew the K. some few perticulers out of a multitude And first wee shew the K. that whereas our Saviour Christ Mat. 18.15 ●0 gives a rule of direccion to admonish a brother if he sin not speaking perticulerly of some sinnes but generally of all or anie one sinne as wee the K. servants vnderstād with all the vnderstanding that God hath givē vs. The
cruelty thereof executed by the Ks. power whereby they make our lord the K. gilty of all the imprisoment banishment persecution which by the Kings power they impose vpon all the faithfull subiects of the King who with stād their abhominations But aboue all let our the King for the glory of God and for the salvation of the Kings owne soule suffer vs the Kings servants thus far to prevaile with the King that our Lord the King would but search the scriptures whereby the K. knowes he must be directed if he wil be saved and let the King see with his owne eie what showe of warrant can be found that the King should take vnto himself power to Elect Bishops Oh wee beseech the King that the successive possession and the goodly apparence of this power may nothinge sway with our lord the King herein but let the King set before his eies the worthy recorded remembrance by the spirit of God of Cyrus King of Persia who brought furth the vessells of the house of the lord which Nabuchadnezzer had taken out of Ierusalem had put them in the house of his God Ezra 1.7.11 Not regarding the monuments of his predecessors great cōquest nor the dispoyling of his Gods of such bewtifull ornaments nor the departing with treasure of so great value All these respects could not hinder this King for restoring the vessells of the house of the Lord. Let our lord the K. be no lesse mynded to the house Church of God but let our lord the King freely restore at once to the Church and house of God the whole glorious power of Christ the onely King thereof and perticulerly that most bewtifull ornament of Election and ordination of the Bishops and deacons thereof who ought to be elected ordeyned according to the rule of the holy ghost Act. 14.23 6.3 and who ought to be qualified withall and every one of those gifts and graces set downe vp Th-appostle 1. Tim. 3. Tit. 1. yea their wives childrē also or els it is grevious iniquity to chuse them And who must onely by their Office beare those names titles which the holy ghost hath given them and lead or rule by that power which Christ hath appointed and by those lawes and ordinances and live by those maintenāces if they stand need And will our lord the King change all these and manie mo lawes statutes and ordinances which Christ Iesus the mediator and King of the new Testament hath appointed and ordeyned in his Church Will the King take this power to himself to Elect in such manner and such men as the King thinkes good And give names titles and power such as best pleaseth the King Hath Iesus-Christ with his blood purchased to himself this honor to be the head of his Church Ephes 5. And hath he shewed himself a faithfilll Mediator And hath he bene accounted worthy of more glory then Moses And hath he builded his owne house himself Heb. 3. And shall he be dispoyled of all his honor And will our lord the King be entised by evill men to enter vpon the inheritance of the Sonne of God in appointing and by the Kings power suffering to be appointed Lords and lawes in and over the house of God which are not according to the patterne Which lords because Christ is not their buckler nor faith their sheild nor the sword of the spirit the weapon of their warfare they have deceitfully seduced our lord the King bringing themselves vnder his protection for their defence and getting the Ks. sword into their hands to destroy all that speake or write against them preferring their owne Kingdome before either Christs Kingdome or the kingdome State of our lord the King as wee have already shewed vnto the King in that they with such loveing patience suffer and permitt so manie thousands of Romists who by their profession and the practices of some of them are dangerously opposite to the Kingdome of Christ and to the King and State But these Lords Bs. Cannot in anie wise endure one that doth faithfully seeke for reformation because such are onely adversaries to their kingdome Wee still pray our lord the King that wee may be free from suspect for haveing anie thoughts of provoking evill against them of the Romish religion in regard of their profession if they be true faithfull subiects to the King for wee do freely professe that our lord the King hath no more power over their consciences then over ours and that is none at all for our lord the King is but an earthly King and he hath no aucthority as a King but in earthly causes and if the Kings people be obedient true subiects obeying all humane lawes made by the King our lord the King can require no more for mens religion to God is betwixt God and themselves the King shall not answere for it neither may the King be iugd betwene God and man Let them be heretikes Turcks Iewes or what soever it apperteynes not to the earthly power to punish them in the least measure This is made evident to our lord the King by the scriptures When Paul was brought before Gallio deputie of Achaia and accused of the Iewes for persuading men to worship God contrary to the law Gallio said vnto the Iewes if it were a matter of wronge or an evill deed o ye Iewes I would according to right mainteyne you he drave them from the iudgment seat Act. 18.12.17 shewing them that matters of wrong and evill deeds which were betwixt man man apperteyned onely to the iudgment seat and not questions of religion The like is shewed by the Twne clerke of Ephesus in Act. 19.38.39 And further Paul being in like case accused of manie thinges Act. 24. in the 25. chap. he appeales to Cesars iudgment seat where he saith he ought to be judged approveing and justifieing thereby that Cesars power judgment seat was the holy Ordināce of God and our Saviour Christ is himself obedient therevnto comaunds teacheth his Disciples obedience but this judgment seat power which was of God had nothinge to do in the causes of the Religion of God as our lord the King may see for if it had then could not our Saviour Christ have comaunded obedience therevnto but he must have vtterly overthrowne his owne kingdome and power Neither could Th'appostle Paul have said he ought to be judged at Cesars judgment seat if Cesar had or might have judged in causes of Religion to God for then had he vtterly overthrowne the Office of his Appostle-ship and then had he submitted his Appostle-ship wholy to the judgment of Cesar and so had the power and aucthority of it bene altogether destroyed made of no effect which might in no wise be Now let our lord the K. whose honor it is wisely to judg in thinges that differ judg whether there be in these daies anie other earthly power or anie other spirituall power
of God did ever by example practice nor by rule comaund nor give power that anie should be compelled by anie bodily punishment to obey their lawes and Ordinances which were infalibly true holy and good How much lesse ought our lord the King to comaund or give a power to Arch-Bs lord Bs. men full of the spirit of error to make lawes Canons with aucthority from the King to compell by imprisoment sharpe persecutions the Kings true subiects and people of God vnto the obediente thereof who for their religion to God although they be contrary mynded to the K. therein ought not seeing they deserue not to be punished either with death or bonds this is cōfirmed to the K. by the testimony of King Agrippa and noble Festus the governor who adiuged Paul to have done nothing worthy of death or bonds but that he might have bene loosed if he had not appealed to Cesar yet Paul was contrary mynded to Cesar to the jewes in his religion to God But they iudged him by the lawe of Nations by the power of which law the Kings of the nations are to rule judg according to their owne severall lawes against which law Paul had not transgressed for his cause was concerning the faith of Iesus Christ which could not be judged by that law And let our lord the King give his servants leave to comend this to the Kings best observatiō which is worthy to be observed that where soever in the new testament throughout the professors of the faith of Iesus were adiudged by earthly rulers Governors for anie thinge that they did or held of conscience to God of faith to Iesus Christ if earthly Rulers and Gouernors tooke the cause in hand by their power the iudgment was alwaes wicked and abhominable And if our lord the King will but begin his obseruation at the fore-runner of Christ Iohn Baptist whome Herod put in prisō and beheaded And then let the King come to Iesus Christ whome they iudged and crucified finding no evill he had done And so if it please the K. to looke throughout the whole booke of the Act. there the King knowes how the disciples of Christ were imprisoned threatned beaten stoned The made Saul hauock with his letters of Comission and entred into every house and drew out both men wemen and put them in prison Then Herod stretched furth his hand and vexed certen of the Church and Killed Iames the brother of Iohn with the sword and Caught Peter and put him in prison Then were Paul and Sylas taken at Philippi by the Gouernors and people and were sore beaten cast into prison and the Iailer comaunded to kepe them surey being charged to preach Ordinances which were not lawfull for the Romans to receive nor observe Here may our lord the King see a true patterne how the people of God are persecuted when the Civill power doth iudg their cause of their faith and profession in their religion to God Thus have worldly Gouernors delt with the Church of Christ when the disciples fell vnder their censure for their faith to God And all these sentences of death bonds and persecutions the King can iugd to be vniust and vnlaw full in that these Rulers and Gouernors had no lawfull power nor aucthority to iudg Christ nor his disciples for matters of faith they being in all other thinges obedient to their lawes But men wil say all this is answered in one word They were heathen Rulers Now if our lord the K. will challeng a Prerogative or power becaus he professeth Christ then let it be lawfull for the King servants to tell the King that it he will professe to be a disciple of Christ that gives the King no power to do anie of all these thinges to imprison to banish to put to death that belongs onely to his earthly Kingdome for Christ and Appostles had no such power given them neither taught they the disciples to take vpon them anie such power and to execute it vpon the contrary mynded but taught them the cōtrary to instruct thē with meeknes and by preaching the word seeke their conversion with all long suffering and not to destroy them by severe punishments yea the disciples of Christ must wait and labor for the grafting in againe of the Iewes according to the prophesies of the scriptures Rom. 11.24.27 and therefore the King knowes they may not be destroyed although they be the greatest enimies of Christ that are vpon the earth and have and yet do cast the greatest reproach and contempt vpon Christ with such words as are most fearfull to vtter yet must the disciples of Christ wait for their conversion and not worke their destruction And let our lord the King call to mynd how the Appostle Paul teacheth all the disciples of Christ to be mynded towards all infidells Rom. 1. 14.15 where he saith Iam debter both to the Grecian and to the Barbarian both to the wise and to the vn wise And the same Appostle 1. Cor. saith To the Iewes I become as a Iew to them that are vnder the law as though I were vnder the law to them that are without the law as though I were without the law to the weake I become as weake that I may wīne the weake I am made saith Th-appostle all thinges to all men that I might by all meanes save some All these instructions and directions are for our lord the King to direct the King how he should go in and out with holines all meeknes before his people to wynne them to Christ and not to set vp a Cruell Hyrarchy to make havock of the K. people as Saul did pulling them out of their houses both men and wemen casting them into prisons forceing them to flee the land and persecuting them with all cruelty May the King suffer all this to be done by his power vpon this ground of being a Christian King the Kings servants shewe the King yet once againe in all humility that Christ the King did not so himself he never appointed to be punished anie one man for desobeing his Gospell with the least bodily punishment And therefore wee instantly exhort our lord the King that the King would be no longer seduced by those most dangerous deceivers that have gottē the Kings power to punish those that Christ the King of Israell would not punish that persuade the King that the King hath the same power in the Kingdome and over the house and people of Christ that the Kings of Israell had in that Kingdome and over that house and people of God as it was the Church of God Wee according to our great weaknes have shewed to our lord the King before that the King cannot challeng that power meaning onely in respect of Religion And wee will by the Kings favour repeat the substāce of the whole ground in few words and wee beseech the King that wee may the rather do
it in that the whole cause depends thereon And wee repeat it vnto the King in these few words which shall never be disanulled or made void whilst the heavens and earth endure not because they are our words God forbid anie such arrogancie should possesse our harts but they shall never be made void neither shall anie ever be able to gain-say them with anie shew of truth because they are the words of the everlasting God of truth whereby wee shew vnto the King that the King cannot have that power in respect of Religion to God in the kingdome and over the house and Israell or people of Christ now that the Kings of Israell had in the old Testament or in the tune of the law The ground wee repeat vnto the King is this That the kingdome of Israell was an earthly or worldly kingdome an earthly or worldly Temple Tabernacle or house an earthly or worldly people and the King an earthly King who in and over all that kingdome Temple and people could require onely earthly obedience But the kingdome of Christ now is an heavenly kingdome not of this world his Temple Tabernacle or house an heavenly Temple Tabernacle or house his people a heavenly or spirituall people not of this world and the King Christ Iesus a heavenly spirituall King requiring spirituall obedience Therefore our lord the King can not as a King have anie power over this kingdome Temple Tabernacle house and People of God in respect of the Religion of God because our lord the King his kingdome is an earthly kingdome and to our lord the King belongs onely all earthly obedience service and duty which ought to suffice anie earthly man And the God of all Grace give our lord the King a gracious hart fully to be satisfied and contented with that great honor power and dignity that belongs vnto the King and to give glory and honor to God for it that it may go well with the King and his posterity for ever And the God of heaven deliver the King from all such enchanters of Egipt as shall perswade the King to take vpon him the power of the Kings of Israel over the Church of Christ onely for the setting vp and supporting of their High Priest hood with vrim and Thummim with Pompe and power and the Leviticall revenewes of Israell which they challeng and hold as apperteyning thervnto forceing the Kings people by cruelty to obey them as though with them onely remayned the oracles of God And now if they will shew anie manner of vprightnes vnto God or faithfulnes to the King or anie regard to Gods people let them not mainteyne their kingdome which they have obteyned of the King by deceit and flatteries as is prophesied Dan. 11.21 Let them not mainteyne it by the Kings sword and power but let them come furth with that sword and power whereof they glory so much and vse so little and mainteyne their names power cruelty with it and wee professe before God the whole hoast of heaven before our Lord the King and all his people that if they can prove evidently to our consciences by the holy word of God that wee may obey them in all their Canons and decrees and give them those names and titles without the everlasting destructiō of our soules and bodies in hell yea if they can but prove that wee ought to rest or depend vpon their iugdments vnderstandings in the exposition of anie one part of Gods word or that they have power to ordeyne and appoint anie one Ordinance or the manner of administring anie one Ordinance in the worship of God and Church of Christ wee profess vnto our lord the King wee will yeild them all the obedience they require But if they will prove these thinges onely by Conuotation Canons how can our lord the King require that the Kings servants should dishonor God by casting his holy truth away and with it the salvation of our soules and depend vpon their Canons and yeild them obedience and perish both in soules and bodies Wee have rather chosen thus to say downe our lives at the feet of our lord the King in presenting the cause into the Kings presence Saying with Ester If we perish we perish for coming thus boldly vncalled into the Kings presence but we will wait with hope and expectation that through the gracious worke of the lord the King will hold furth his golden rod that wee may live and not so onely but also that by the Kings meanes comfort and delivrance shall appeare vnto Israell And that our lord the King will say as that great King of Persia said Ezra 1.2 The lord God of heaven hath given me many Kingdomes of the earth and hath comaunded me to build him an house in Ierusalem who is he amongst you of all his people with whome his God is let him go to Ierusalem build the house of the lord God of Israell And as King Darius said Ezra 6.7.16 Suffer the worke of the house of God that the Israelites may build this house of God in his place that they may offer sweet odours vnto the God of heaven and pray for the Kings life and for his sonnes And as Artahshashte King of Persia said Ezra 7.23 what soever is by the comaundement of the God of heaven let it be done spedily for the house of the God of heaven for why should he be wroath against the Realme of the King and his children Thus beseeching the director of all harts to direct the Kings hart in these thinges wee continew praying for the King and his Sonne and the Kings Realmes and children That the King and his seed to Gods glory may sitt vpon the throne of Great Brittane whilst the earth endures possessing from God wisedome and Riches and Honor befitting the dignity of their high Renowne that they may walke in the waies of god that god according to his promisse may prolong their dayes And the Lord give all the Kings people faithfull vpright and honest harts that they may all with one hart as one man Feare God and Honor and obey the King with all the honor and obedience that hath or can be due to anie earthly King or Prince which is all earthly and worldly obedience with lands goods bodie and life And wee most humbly supplicate our Lord the King and all the honorable and worthy Gouernors vnder the King that they will not suffer them selves to be missed in judgment in condemning vs as movers of Sedition and our bookes for seditions bookes because wee differ from the recieved profession of Religion in the land but that they will according to that great gravity and wisedome that is vpon them wey what Sedition is and they will easly find that to professe and teach a differing judgment in Religion to the State cannot be proved Sedition for then had our Saviour Christ and all his Disciples bene found seditious persons which neuer could be proved against
not if you might without danger or losse reforme your selves and as manie as you could according to that reformation you sue for your owne consciences can tel you you would If the King at first had made a law that al should have bene in subiection to the Bishops power and Goverment in the Church but he would have no man punished by imprisonment nor put out of their liveings that should refuse would you not al that make anie conscience off your waies have reformed If you would not then the reformation you plead for is not needful except the King wil approve of it and so have you striven al this while about needles things if the Kings comaundment may disanul the necessitie of them then are they needful if the King wil permit if not your reformatiō may be spared ād so ought you not to have gainsaied it as you have done And in this doth your iniquitie greatly abound in that you make so smale a matter off those thinges wherein you in iudgment differ from the Lord Bishops seeing the difference is no lesse then for the whole Goverment off Christ in his Church And the Lord give you and al his people Grace duely to consider off it how greatly you dishonor Christ and make a mock off him when you professe him to bee your King and yet say his Goverment is not of absolute necessitie so do you hold it of absolute necessitie to give him the name off a King but not to give him the power of a King what great impietie off high contempt is this What earthly King would endure this at his subiects hands Iff you should do so by our Lord the King off Great Brittanne acknowledg him to bee your Lord and King and call him by that name and title and bend and bow to him with words of al reverence but wholy submit your selves to bee Governed by the lawes and Officers off a forreyne power and that by Rebellious subiects who ought to bee obedient vnto the King and yet are set vp as Kings and take the Kings power from him were you not al worthy to bee accounted traytors and Rebels and would not the King cast you all out off his Kingdome or destroy you al in it would the king bee satisfied withall your words off flattery that you could vse in acknowledging him and calling him by the name off your King when he should see hee had no power to Governe you by his lawes and Officers but that you did submitt to bee ruled by the Lawes and Officers off his Rebellious subiects and enimies Would our Lord the King endure this Haveing power in his hand to avenge himselff off you would he not after his often proclamations made and his manie messingers sent vnto you to commaund you to come from vnder those Governors and that Goverment least ye bee destroyed with them and to submit your selves to him and he will bee your King and your defence if for al this you would not harken and obey would not the King come with his power according to his word and destroy you all together that would not suffer him to rule over you Certenly the King would do it in iustice and for his owne honor and haveing protested it with his word Evē so be you sure wil Christ Iesus your king do by you all if you stand stil in rebellion against him submitting your selves to that rebellious Hyrarchie of arch B. and lord B. who ought to be his subiects but are his enimies ād exalt thēselves above him governing you by aforteyne power and Goverment and not by Christs power and goverment and the kings proclamations are come vnto you comaunding you to Come out from among them and seperate your selves and be his Children and people And he will receive you and bee your God and Father 2. Cor. 6. And Go out of hir my people that ye bee not partakers of his sinnes that you receive not of hir plagues Revel 18. Thus doth Christ Iesus your King cal vnto you and if you will not yet harken to his voice but flatter with your tongues and say you acknowledg him to bee your King but submit not to bee governed by his power he wil certenly in his iustice for his honor haveing protested it by the word of his mouth come against you al and give you the Cup off the Wine of the feircnes of his wrath Revel 16.19 Oh people destitute of vnderstanding Oh Nation not worthy to be loved Can you thinke in your mynds that God hath given all earthly Kings power to make good lawes to rule and governe their people by and comaunded their subiects to be obedient thervnto And hath he not given Christ Iesus his beloved Sonne whome he hath set vpon Davids throne for ever and made King over his people Israell power to make true lawes and good ordinances to governe and rule his people by and hath he not comaunded al his subiects to be obediēt thervnto wil no king of power suffer his subiects to submit thēselves to be governed by the govermēt of anie other ād so to be deprived of that goverment which God hath given them over their subjects and can you bee so vnwise to thinke that Christ Iesus who is a King of greatest power will suffer it in his subiects Can you not see that a King is no King if his Goverment over his people bee taken away and can you thinke that Christ may bee a King without his goverment What vanitie doth possesse your minds whilst you make so smale a matter off Christs goverment saying you differ with the Bishops in no fundamental point but onely in matter of Goverment See if there bee anie sight in you if the Lord Bishops power of goverment were taken away where were their kingdome their names and titles would not support their kingdome and this they see and you find by their Can. 7. Anno 1603. which they have made for the firme establishing off their Goverment knowing it to bee fundamental without the which their kingdome would presently come to nought even in one houre even so have they brought Christs Kingdome to nought amongst you by takeing his goverment from him Who hath be witched you thus to say and teach and seduce the simple as though goverment were no fundamentall point knowe you not what Goverment is Can you devide Christs goverment as hee is a King from his power or his power from this goverment Will you make him a king without goverment Wherein then is he a King otherwise then in name If the Lord-Bishops should compel you to denie Christ off the name of a king in or over his Church would you not then say they overthrew a fundamentall point off faith And have you not vnderstanding to deferne that the power or Goverment of a King is off farr greater authoritie then the name of a king and were it not a much lesse matter for a king to bee deprived of the
Moses is worthy off more glory honor Heb. 8.5.6 and 9.11.23 and 3.2.3 and he wil punish with much sorer punishment those that dispise his Law then Moses could Heb. 10.28.29 Therefore take heed to your selves for you have brought an vtter confusion vpon the house of God by submitting vnto another goverment and other Officers then Christ hath appointed in his Church and so are al your sacrifices and services polluted as theirs would have bene in the Temple iff they had permitted anie such thinge and if the Goverment of the Temple was fundamental how much more the goverment of the Church of Christ Bee wise in spiritual wisedome and then you wil yeild that true goverment is of as absolute necessitie in the Church of Christ vnder the Gospell as it was in the Temple vnder the Law And if you will bee of vnderstanding according to all the vnderstanding off men you wil confesse that a kings owne goverment by his owne lawes and Ordinances is fundamental and of absolute necessitie in his owne kingdome and over his owne subiects or els he is a king but onely in name and not in power then must you needs confesse that Christs Goverment is of absolute necessitie and fundamental in his Kingdome or els you make him but a king in name and how can you in all true iudgment but acknowledg that it is much better to have the power and goverment of a King without the name of King then to have the name of a King and not the power and goverment of a King And therefore you might as well submitt to the Lord Bishops to take away Christs name of a King as submit to take away from him the power and govermēt of a King but therein lyes the depth of the misterie of iniquitie in the man of sinne in takeing wholly from him his power and yet professing his name and here by are al the Nations of the Earth deceived and this it is that blinds you al because you have the professiō off Christs name amongst you saying he is your king this makes you rest satisfied although you yeild vnto him no one thinge els that apperteynes to his Kinglie Office but onelie the name and title off a King That wee may make this plaine vnto you for you see it not that you give Christ onelie the name off a King in your Church wee shewe it vnto you thus all that can bee given to a King off his subiects is to give vnto him all the titles off honor due vnto his name and to submitt in obedience vnto his power This is al that God requireth to himself in the 1.2.3 and 4. Commaundements And this must everie King have their name and power and especially Christ our King Now the name of a King you give vnto Christ but no power of a King The which that it may appeare evidentlie vnto the simple wee pray you to consider that all the power of a king cōsists in punishing the evil doers rewarding the wel doers as is proved Rom. 13 1-4 where Thappostle shewes that al the powers that are they are of God ād they are to this end onely to punish the evil reward the good Speake now vprightly before God ād men hath Christ this power in your Church and are his Officers and people permitted to execute it are the good by Christs kinglie power cherished cōforted ād rewarded and are the evil by the power of Christ corrected and punished hath Christ power by his owne ordinances lawes and officers to receive ād keepe in the good and to cast out and keepe the bad out off the Church if you should say Christ hath his power in your Church you al called Puritanes are condemned at once for the most evil doers in the whole Church because you above al are most evil spoken of mocked contemned hated Cited silenced excomunicated ād imprisoned is al this done by the holie kinglie power of Christ then are you the most evil doers and thē are al the proud boasters cursed speakers malicious covetous and flatterers that have peace and prefermēt in the church weldoers is this the power of Christ if it be not as we knowe you wil al confesse it is not thē must you needs cōfesse that Christ hath not the power off a King in the Church For if he have no power to punish the evil doers ād reward the weldoers thē hath he no manner of power by his Kinglie Office among you and then do you give him but onelie the name of a King and so do you give him no more then Pilate gave him when he wrote a title and put it on the Crosse This is Iesus the King off the Iewes But in all this you thinke to excuse your selves in that you are innocent in these thinges and protest and seeke much to have it otherwise even so was Pilate he washed his hands and would bee innocent from the Blood off that iust Man Hee protested he saw no evill in him And he sought to loose him but when he saw hee availed not he belivered him to the high Preists and Elders to bee Crucified And thus doe you the best of you all that when you cannot prevaile that Christ might have his power sett vp as you pretend you deliver it into their hands that destroy it and submitt your selves vnto them also Wil you yet say Christ is your King When it is thus evident that he hath no power to rule over you wil Christ be such a King be not deceived God is not mocked he wil comaund you his enemies which would not that he should reign over you to bee slayne before him if you repent not no pretence of excuse shal bee admitted for comitting of evil neither excuse of feare nor of ignorance the Lord doth teach al men every where to repent they that beleeve obey shal bee saved they that do not beleeve shal bee damned which you shall all bee every one of you that submit to anie other goverment then that most holy and blessed goverment which Christ hath established in his Church whereof he is the Head King And therefore the Church of Christ is in subiection in every thinge Ephes 5.24 And our Saviour Christ wil no more bee the head nor savioux of such a Church that submits it selfe vnto the power of a stranger his ennimie then anie Godly wise husband wil bee the head of a wife that submits hir bodie vnto the power of another man although she make never so manie faire pretēces of excuses ād for this ēd and to shew al other love and duties hath the H. ghost aptlie heere by Thapostle compared Christ and his Church and a husband and a wife together to teach thereby al the love and duties of Husband and Wife one to another and to declare all Christs love to his Church and the duties of his Church to him againe how can the holy Ghost by more fit and plaine
comparisons to the capacitie of man shewe and declare the power and love of Christ over and to his church and the subiection that the Church is to yeild to him in everie thinge which subiection seeing your church wil not yeild to Christ but denies him the whole power off Goverment over it Christ cannot be head off such a Church neither can your Church bee his bodie for everie bodie is guided and Governed by it owne head and none of a● you that are members off that bodie are members of the bodie of Christ But the spiritual lord Arch Bishop and Lord Bishop are head of your Church in that it is in subiection to thē in everie thinge as you well knowe and therefore is it their bodie for everie head hath it owne bodie and you al are members of their bodie whereof Christ is not the Saviour but he is the Saviour of his owne body which is his Church whereof he is head Ephes 5.23 The God of grace give you grace to consider your feareful estates and standings herein and deliver you frō that dāgerous delightful securitie wherewi●h your harts are so overipred all your sences and affections being bewitched ād ravished by that ware of Gold Silver al excellent mettales of pearles al precious stones of silke scarlet al costly vestures of vessels of yvory and of al most precious wood off Cinamon and odours and oyntments frankincense and Wyne and Oyle and fyne floure and wheat and Beasts and Sheepe and Horses and Charetts and Servants and Soules of Men and Apples that your Soules lust after All these things hath the Holie Ghost set downe most larglie Revel 18. to discover the deceiveablenes of vnrighteousnes in al the precious delightful sweet and pleasant spiritual baites and snares that are in that your glorious professiō of Puritanisme whereby your soules are bewitched and ravished as also in al other professions amongst those people that are the waters wherevpon the woman arayed in purple and Scarlet doth sit Revel 17. Of which people you are in that you are in subiection vnto the power of the Beast and his image and therefore are al your sacrifices oblations ād incense in vaine your Prophesieings or preachings your praiers and praisings of God are an abhomination vnto the Lord your silver is become drosse your wine is mixt with water The Lord hath covered you with a spirit of flumber and hath shut vp your eies Your Prophets and your cheife Seers hath he covered because you come neare vnto him with your mouth and honor him with your lips in calling Christ your King but you have taken Goverment from his shoulder who is called wonderful Councellor the mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of Peace the increase of whose government peace shal have no end Esa 9.6.7 and here doth the Prophet shewe likewise that he sits vpō Davids throne vpon his Kingdome to order it but al this power you give vnto your strange Lords and yet you crie and say that Christ is your King Thus do you flatter with your lips dissemble with your tongues and your waies are not vpright before the Lord. What might we say to provoake you to set your harts to seeke the lord and to turne your feet to walke in his pathes and your eares to harken to his voice which seing you wil al with earnestnes professe to do do it with faithfulnes and cast away al ignorant hipocrisie and now that the abhomination of desolatiō is set vp before your eies heare this voice of the lord flee into the mountaines ād Come out of hir my people and turne not back to that which is left behind Remeber Lots wife Math. 24.15.16 Revel 18.4 Luk. 17.31.32 Wee will vse no more reasons to prove you are not come out of Babilon but you owne confessiō shal witnes against you in that you daylie complaine of your bondage therefore you may see you are in the house of bondage but there is no bondage in the house off God where the Children off the free Woman standfast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free Galat. 4.31 and 5.1 Why are you then stil in bondage vnder all those Ceremoniall Traditions which you say your soules abhor iff you be off those that Christ hath made free Shall we intreat you with Godlie advisednes to consider what the bondage is and see how you looke to bee delivered is not your bondage you complaine off a spirituall bondage in that you are restrained of spiritual libertie in the holie things Haveing Ceremonies and Ecclesiasticall Lawes and Canons pressed vpon you which of Conscience you cannot obey so is it plaine your bondage is spiritual And how would you bee delivered from your spiritual bondage ād who should bee your deliverer Can you bee delivered but by a spiritual power and cā you have anie deliverer but a spiritual Lord if you seeke to and depend vpon anie other Lord to bee delivered from spirituall bondage you take vnto yourselves another God and set vp a spiritual power against the power of God And whereas you should put on the whole armor of God and wrestle against principalities and powers and spiritual wickednesses which are in the high places and stand fast you have shrunck in the day of bat●le and have not faithfully contented for the maintenance off the faith given to the Saincts But have and do yeild to the Spirituall wickednesses which are vnder the power of those spirituall Lords the Arch Bishops and Lordbishops and have cast of the armor and sword off the Spirit wherewith you should resist and overcome and wherby these spiritual wickednesses shal bee consumed and abolished and you have taken vnto your selves a direction after the device off your owne harts seeking and sueing by petitions not to God but to mē that you might have leave as you pretend to sett vp Christ for your King and Governor and if you could get leave you make shewe as though you would reforme matters that are greatlie amisse but seing you cannot you are content to let them alone and grone vnder them for so you speake and not to bee too busie least you should make matters worse Of this same condition were the people of Israel when Moses was sent to bring them out of Egipt for when they saw that leave would not bee granted but that more worke was laid vpon them and that there was danger and trouble they would have made their peace and have groned still vnder their burthens as they had done and so have continewed in that their bondage as you do in your spiritual bondage but the Lord was merciful vnto them according to his owne promisse and brought them out by a mightie hand and with great signes and wonders and even so hath the Lord promissed to bring his Elect which are those that harkē to the voice of his Call out of this spiritual bondage of Babilon Egipt and Sodom
false Prophetts like these Prophets that wil teach you to seperate and Come out from Babilon and to touch no vncleane thinge And when they have done teach you to reteine the Baptisme received there which they teach and you professe to bee the seale of the Covenant of Grace so are you sealed vnto the Covenant of grace by Babilon so are you made Christians and members of Christ by Babilō for without this baptisme you are no Christians Oh how you crie out against the sweetnes of the stollen waters of Babilon and yet your selves cānot beware thereof but are bewitched therewith the which you retaine with as little vnderstanding as when you received it and were washed or Baptized therewith But your false Prophets to make good the reteining of your Babilonish baptisme like deepe deceivers with turning of devices plead that your baptisme must be reteined and is not to be repeated no more then Israels circumcision when they came to the passover in Hezechias time Oh that al men would see your deceiveablenes of vnrighteousnes herin that to draw simple people after you and to build your selves vp a kingdome you crie against the assemblies of England they are Babilon Egypt and Sodom seperate your selves bee not vnequally yocked with infidels What fellowship hath light with darknes What concord hath Christ with Belial c. Therefore a● must bee cast away no comunion is to bee kept But when you are vrged or called on for the reteyning off your baptisme you received in Babilon then Israels circumcision is your hold so make you England Israel and your selves Iudah pretending hereby as though you came out of Israel what deceitfull deceiving is this What turning of devices to crie Come out off Babilon and touch no vncleane thinge and to shew and declare in al words and writings that if anie man worship the beast and his image and receive his marke in his forehead or in his hand he shall drinke of the Cup of Gods wrath applying this perticulerly to England and when you have done come farth sealed in the forehead with the seale of baptisme as you cal●i haveing no other seale for your whole Christianitie for wee hope you wil not say that there may bee a Church of vnbaptized Christians and all this you prove good because Israels circumcisiō was good vnder Ieroboam so make you a shew in this perticuler as though you came but from Israel but if your first crie had beene come out from Israel and seperate your selves from Israell You might have cried long enough before anie that had feared God or had anie vnderstanding of his truth would have followed you to have built new Churches and set vp an Hyrarchie of Ruleing Elders as they and you brethren in evil therein also have done To draw to an end in this point if you be come from Israel then were you true Israelites before then al that you have left behind you are true Israelites as wel as you for al the Ten Tribes vnder Ieroborm were true Isralites and you and the assemblies of England from whence you came were all in one estate and conditiō off profession before you seperated and they stil remaine as you left them ād as you daylie leave them they are not become Samaritanes if they were non before if you like therefore to stand vpon this ground that you have brought your Baptisme fro rebellious Israel then you Iudah must needs acknowledg Israel to bee your sister for the Lord testifieth that Israel was Iudaes sister Neither did Iudah ever denie Israel to be hir sister therefore may not you vtterlie cast off England that is your sister Israel And whereas you acknowledg in your booke called the Apologie Pag. 113. Through ignorant dissimulation and flatterie that you never doubted but there are thousands in the Romish Apostacie in England which receive not the Beasts marke in their forehead or hand but bee careful to kepe the Commaundements of God and faith of Iesus must you not acknowledg except you bee destitute of al vnderstanding that these thousands that are baptized with the same baptisme that you are and that receive not the marke off the Beast and bee carefull to keepe the comaundements off God and faith of Iesus must you not acknowledg that these thousands are a true Church or true Churches as wel as you Dare you say more of your selves whereby to challeng anie preheminence are you anie more if you were so much then truelie baptized free from the marke of the Beast carefull to kepe the Commaundements of God and faith of Iesus What darke blindnes is this and palpable words of flatterie To confesse in words there are thousands in Englands Apostacie in as holie and blessed estate as anie people of God can bee and when you have so done both by practice writing and teaching denie all spirituall comunion with anie one of them and not to suffer anie one of them to have comunion with you except they make and submitt to a new Covenant with you which covenant you have made according to the devisings off your owne harts What Syon have you built that wil not open hir gates to men as you confesse truelie baptized haveing no marke off the Beast kepeing the comaundements of God and faith of Iesus how woefullie are you overtaken in these things how cā we thinke lesse of this thē that it is ignorant dissimulation and flatterie with such faire words to stopp the mouthes and blind the eies of Mr. Bilson and the Oxford Doctors and when you had walled vp that breach and dawbed it with morier of deceitfull temper then to professe and practice the contrarie Thus do you when it wil serve your turne make England Israel and when you please it is Babilon Sodom Egipt and hereby have you a long time and stil do like most subtile charmers charme the simple and ignorant so that they receive not the love of the truth that they might bee saved building and holding vp hereby your kingdome and throne ād if anie incline to returne from you to England againe then is England Sodom Egipt Babilon and worse iff worse could bee and if anie make question of casting away that Baptisme or washing received there then England is but rebellious Israel and let hir take away hir fornications out of hir sight and hir adulteries from betwene hir brests and she may still bee a wife What can bee said to this your deceitfull duble dealing wee must bee forced to leave a simple duble answere thus If you were Babilonians and have Babilonns baptisme vpon you then have you no rule nor example that the Babilonians circumcision could bee accepted and admitted to the passover and if you were true Israelites before you seperated and have Israels Baptisme vpon you and so become to Iudah then must you acknowledg Israel from whence you are come which is England your sister and so may you againe go follow the voice of that old deceiver that
pray when to pray and where to pray and what to put on when they pray Because you made ●o manie Preists and have so manie yet among you as niether knowe what to pray where nor when to pray nor what to put on when they pray in so much as if you did not allowe them a sume of made praiers they had beene and yet would bee altogether without praiers and this doth the misterie of iniquitie with the deceiveablenes of vnrighteousnes hide from the simple and from the great and wise by your made order of praiers For take your Common booke from them and then would the impudent bee ashamed of such a ministery Oh that ten of the best and cheifest off a thousand of those your Preists might bee debarred from you booke and bee set in a Congregation off verie partial herers of their side to shewe their best abilities for the Office of the ministery Baals Preists were not more discovered 1. King 18. Then they would bee for the fault was in their God in that hee had no care to heare But your Preists fault would be found in themselves in that they would have no one word to speake to Gods glory nor to edification How can you but knowe this as well as you knowe your right hand from your left How will you aunswere this when you come before the righteous iudg shal you be able to stād in his presence the Lord give you harts to repent otherwise how shal you thinke to escape the feirce wrath of the Lord. Did the Lord bring evil vpon the house of Ieroboam swept it away as a man sweeps away doung til al bee gone and did The doggs eate him of Ieroboams house that died in the Citie the foules of the aite eate him that died in the feild Because hee set vp Calves to worship and make Preists of the meanest of the people which were not of the sonnes of Levi. 1. King 14.10.11 and 12.31 And do you thinke to escape with lesse iudgments that set vp the image of the Beast and such a blind Preisthood to support it For you knowe that it is blind ignorance that supports the misterie of iniquitie And therefore shall the Lord by the brightnes of his coming abolish it What shall wee say of your bare-headed and bare-footed white sheet pennance wherevnto to mocke the Almightie is ioyned a written repentance Thus do you device mens praiers and device mens repentances and they must pray and repent as you by your power appoint them Have you power also to appoint the Lord to accept these praiers and repentances Or do you not care whether the Lord accept them or no so that you bee submitted vnto therein then do you seeke your owne Worship and not the Lords Iudg your selves and let all iudg betwixt the most Holy Lambe and the most poluted Beast and confesse and testifie whether these thinges bee of the Lambe or off the ymage of the Beast The like off these thinges are without our numbring and there would bee no end made iff wee should followe them But wee wil drawe to an end hopeing that they that see these wil see al. Yet let vs speake some thinge of your excomunicatiō by the power whereof are cast out those that most seeke to serve God in sinceritie and if the most wicked fal vnder it ●hey may bee remitted submitting to the power by paying large fees especially iff they bee rich and simple or meane off degree And whosoever withstands the power off this fortie days then vpon a writt off signification hee is to bee cast into prison without bale or maynprise Is this learned off the Lambe or off anie off his Apostles Wee read that Thappostles suffered such violences and tiranies but the word off God teacheth not the Disciples off Christ anie such administrations and this is not the meekenes off the Lambe but the ymage off the cruel power off the Beast The power off this excomunication is off another especial vse off profit in that by the power thereof are brought in al duties Tithes and Court fees What horrible prophanation off the holy ordinance of Christ is this to make it an instruement to compell men to bring in exacted fees and due●ies and tithes Wee read 1. Cor. 16. That Paul appointed in the Churches gatherings for the Saints and 1. Tim. 5. giveing direction for the releife off widowes hee also gives a speciall charge for providing for the Elders and especially for those that labor most The Elders saith Thapostle that lead go before or rule well let them bee had in duble honor especially they that labor in the word doctrine First here is shewed the power whereby they must lead go before or rule that is by the word and doctrine Thē thapostle proves by two reasons from the scriptures that such Elders are worthie off duble honor because the Scriptures say 1. Thou shalt not mousell the mouth off the Oxe that treadeth out the corne 2. The laborer is worthy of his wages And here is shewed what thapostle meanes by honor that is mainteynance But al this is from a voluntary liberal distribution as is shewed 2. Cor. 9.13 How vnlike is this ●o your ruling power and to your duble honor and maintenance Here is no imprisoning by power nor excommunication for fee● tithes and duties Wee confesse our Lord the King may give you what his pleasure is but it were to be wished that al those goodly Pallaces and possessions with al the previleges and prerogatives belonging to them were preserved for the maintenāce of the Kings State and dignity and they were much more be fitting for the King and his posteritie to support them in their due pompe and Royalty then to support the pride and pompe of such as pretend to be ministers of the Gospel Thapostle Paule was better worthy off duble mainteynance then you and al the Preists in al your Provinces and dioces ād yet he labored with his hands although he had the care of mo and more worthy churces thē are now vpō the earth that would willingly have administred vnto him but he would make the Gospel free Oh that we might live to see al them that preach the gospel if they stand in need to live off the gospel that is of the free liberalitie off the Saincts those Pastors would not devoure the flock but feed it And wee pray that the Lord would put into the hart of the King to take into his owne hands al those possessions and tithes wherewith those devouring shepherds that destroy the flock feed themselves That day shal be the most happiest day to the whole Land that ever was since it was a Land and that in these 4. thinges First it would overthrowe that high pride and crueltie off the image of the beast and misterie of iniquitie Secondly it would make a way for the advancement of the Kingdome of Iesus Christ in the sincere and humble profession thereof Thirdly
it would in-ruch the Crowne and fill the Kings coffers vpheaped with such a yerely revenewe as no peace nor war should ever be able to make thē half emptie and all this may be done by a holy good just and lawful meanes Fourthly it would in-ritch the whole land above measure and that in disburdening the land of al those Courts with al the suites ād services that belonge vnto them the taxations fees and penalties whereof are without number And the King would stand no need of taxes and subsidies although we would not wish the Kings people to with drawe the shewing off their loyale love to our Lord and King in those things Oh what a ful and ready consent would there bee in the kings people to these things how profitable would it be vnto them the Lord perswade his hart to it seing it would be for Gods glory his owne benefit and the so great good of his whole land and it would be the greatest and cheifest benifit of all to them to whome it may seeme the greatest losse for they should be disburdened of those things which although they he pleasant for a season yet they wil be most bitter in the day of account which wil come let them be sure and it would make them live moderately of that they have and vse good and honest endeavors to support themselves and there would be true comfort in such gaine Lastly to make it appeare plainly enough that this Hyrarchie of Arch Bishops and Lord Bishops is the image of the Beast let al behold the names off blasphemie which it bears and they are these so farr as wee knowe the number of them Arch-Bishops Prym●ts Metropolitanes Lords Spirituall Reverend-Fathers Lords Grace What names of blasphemy are here they are the titles and names of our God and of our Christ What words of detestation were sufficient to bee vttered against such blasphemous abhomination who is able to keepe silence If men professing Christ wil not speake the stones shal speake rather thē the lord wil be without witnesses Shal men be afraide to speake for feare of losse of goods of Lands or for feare of imprisonment banishment or death No no let them take al life and all Let them shed blood vntil they have enough and let the servants of God reioyce in the saieing of the Angel of the waters Revel 16.5.6 Lord thou art iust which art which wast which shal bee because thou haist judged these things for they shedd the blood of the Saincts Prophets And therefore haist thou given them blood to drincke for they are worthy This hath the Lord fulfilled vpon all those that are dead and have not repented of this abhomination and this wil the Lord fulfill vpon al that are alive if they repent not Is it not sufficient to dispoyle ād rob Christ of al his power but you wil also take frō him the rules of honor due vnto his name To passe by your derived Grecian names which wee to speake the truth are not able to our owne satisfaction to declare the interpretatiō of ād that no way lesseneth the iniquitie of them but rather shewes it more that you should get you names of such hidden blasphemy that simple men cannot vnderstand without an interpreter let vs speake with fearefulnes off that name which you might al tremble to heare off and that is Lords spiritual The verie artribute of the God of al spirits for he onely is the Lord spiritual and the spiritual Lord. And give vs leave to shewe you how you are hedged in that al subtile sophistry shal not helpe you out Beare you not this title by reason off your spiritual power and aucthoritie and do you not by this your spiritual power and aucthoritie make spiritual Canons and decrees and are not al your Courts spiritual Courts and do you not require spiritual obedience in al these things is not your title ād power a differing title and power from al other Lords see how the stile doth hedg you in which goes thus All the Lords Spiritual Temporal So that you cannot say you are spiritual Lords becāuse of your professiō for you wil not deny but the temporall Lords are spiritual Lords in profession as wel as you Therefore must it needs bee that you are spiritual Lords because off your spiritual power and spiritual power is over the spirits off men so then as Temporal Lords have power over mens bodies so must spiritual lords have power over mens spirits but there is onely one spiriritual Lord which is the Father of spirits and therefore whosoever taketh this title and this power vpon themselves they take vpon them the name title and power of God and this is the mā of sinne that sits as God sheweing himselfe to bee God which herein the second Beast doth according to or in the image of the first Do you thinke that God hath forgotten to bee iust and are his judgments gone for ever Can you see and condemne in your words and writings the exaltation off the man of sinne in the Romish profession and can you not see and condemne it in your owne to such saith thapostle Paul Rom. 2.3 O thou man that condēnest thē that do such thinges dost the same thinkest thou that thou shalt escape the Iudgmēt of God And for that duble degree of Reverend-fatherhood which you take to your selves some of you being most Reverend and some Right Reverend Fathers how might wee find out vnder what condition you beare this name It is plaine that you beare not that name because you have begotten all that people in Christ for most cōmonly you are their Reverend Fathers in God before they ever heard your voices then must it needs bee in you a name by inspiration seeing it is not by operation or worke So are you inspired with a Reverend Fatherhood vpon the instant time of your entrance before you have wrought anie worke amonge that people When you shall meet Christ in his coming what will you answere him for the breach of his strait commaundement herein where he saith Cal no man your Father vpon the earth for there is but one your Father which is in Heaven Are you not exalted above your brethrē by this name then you are they of whome Christ speakes of in this place and whome he wil bring follow Mat. For thus takeing vpon you the name of God and exalting your selves above the brethren And iff you have not sold your selves to worke wickednes which God forbid and if you thinke it robbery to make your selves equall with God let your harts tremble and your hands shake to subscribe to such names of blasphemy and let your eares tingle when you heare thē vttered and red in your presence and observe but what magnificency is vpon you when you sit vpon your high places ād heare your selves thus intituled and remember that hee sitts over you that will tread you vnder foote for thus