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A91275 A short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England. Comprising an exact chronological relation of their first admission into, their ill deportment, misdemeanors, condition, sufferings, oppressions, slaughters, plunders, by popular insurrections, and regal exactions in; and their total, final banishment by judgment and edict of Parliament, out of England, never to return again: collected out of the best historians. With a brief collection of such English laws, Scriptures, as seem strongly to plead, and conclude against their readmission into England, especially at this season, and against the general calling of the Jewish nation. With an answer to the chief allegations for their introduction. / By William Prynne Esq; a bencher of Lincolnes-Inne.; Short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into England. Part 1. Prynne, William, 1600-1669. 1656 (1656) Wing P4078; Thomason E483_1; ESTC R203287 90,701 118

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receiving strangers into their Cities and Countries were all much infested and some of them quite supplanted and ejected by them the rest enforced to expel them by force of arms Then he subjoyneth That the strangers admitted among Gods own people proved briars and thorns unto them and Solomon himself by many strange women fell into idolatry concluding thus The Spaniards in my judgement did not unjustly BANISH THE SEDITIOUS JEWES OUT OF THEIR COASTS propius non accedo sed Christum oro ne peregrinarum turbâ immanis turbo in civitate fiat As these Grecians in ancient times prohibited the introduction of strangers amongst them for the forementioned reasons so likewise did some of the wisest Romans Pennus in ancient times and Papius after him as Cicero relates Peregrinos Vrhibus prohibent eosque exterminant which although he thus censures as a cruelty usu verò urbis prohibere peregrinos sanè inhumanum est Yet he intends it only of excluding strangers from all trading and commerce not from cohabitation as Denizens from which he holds it just to debarre them there being a special Law then in force for that purpose which he thus expresseth Nam esse pro cive qui civis non sit RECTUM EST NON LICERE QUAM LEGEM TULERUNT SAPIENTISSIMI CONSULES Crassus Scaevola Hence Claudius the Emperour benished the Jews out of Rome Acts 18. 2 and Suetonius in his life And the mischief of admitting forraigners is largely argued in Cornelius Tacitus who were after his time banished out of Room as Coelius Rhodiginus relates out of Ammianus Marcelinus So the Carthaginians Scithians Scythotauri Jamphasanti Seres Indians and Aegyptians in some places The Aethenians also exluded forraigners company and conversation Ne cives longo usu dissimiles mores imbuerent in alienas leges ritusque transirent as Alex. ab Alexandro Gen. Dierum l. 4. c. 10. and Boêmus de Mor. Gentium record And we read of the Tartars and most politick Inhabitants of China at this day that they will admit no strangers into their Countries so much as to travel or traffick for fear of discerning their secrets and corrupting their maners and those few they admit by special licence to enter into their Country they will by no means suffer to return thence nor permit Merchants and Marriners there trading to walk abroad publikely in their Cities and Countries nor to lodge on land but only in their ships which practises of theirs being if not grounded on yet at least warranted by Gods own forcited Precepts to the Israelites and being warranted by the Jews own practise who had no dealings with the Samaritans John 4. 9. and the Samaritans reciprocal carriage towards the Iews whom they would neither lodge nor entertain Lu. 9. 51 52 53. Why we should not upon this account seclude those alien Jews so different from us both in manners customs Laws Religion and obeying not the Laws of our Saviour Christ Jesus it being not for the Kings or the Kingdoms profit to suffer them as Haman Esther 3. 8. once said of them in another case I referre it to all wise Statesmen to resolve since it may be truly said of such unwelcom guests Turpius ejicitur quâm non admittitur hospes Neither will this contradict that Gospel precept Heb. 13. 2. Be not forgetfull to entertain strangers or Deutr. 10. 18. 19. c. 23. 7 Mat. 25. 35 43. which extend only to Christian hospitality liberality and pity towards exiles travellers and other private distressed strangers coming in to lodge or sojourn with us for a short season in our houses or Country and standing in need of our releif as is clear by the Texts themselves compared with Rom. 12. 13. 1 Pet. 4. 9. 3. Iohn 5. but especially to such who are of the houshold of faith not Jews or Infidels Gal. 6. 10. Not to the reception of any whole foraign Nation or Colony into our Island to cohabit perpetually with us the only point in question which the Scripture noe where commands nor in ends but disallows in the forecited Texts and Neh. 9. 2. c. 13. 30. And these Scripture expressions Pro. 5. 10. Lest strangers be filled with thy wealth Isay 1. 7. your land strangers devour in your presence and it is desolate as overthrown by strangers Lam. 5. 2. Our inheritance is turned unto strangers our Houses to aliens Hosea 7. 9. Strangers have devoured his strength and he knoweth it not sufficiently manifest both the illegallity folly and sad consequences of our receiving Jews and other strangers in such a nature of which our Ancestors had sufficient experience in the Jewes themselves enforcing them for ever to exile them hence These general Reasons against the Jews readmission premised which I hope will satisfie most men I shall conclude with some particular Reasons drawn from late published Declarations of our Grandees which I conceive will best satisfie them of any other and for this end I hope without any just offence or Scandalum Magnatum I shall crave leave to presse them home in this common cause for the defence of the Glory honor Scepter Gospel Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ the only Potentate the Prince of the Kings of the Earth the King of Kings and Lord of Lords the head of all Principality and power and God over all blessed for ever before whose feet all other subordinate Kings and Potentates whatsoever ought to prostrate not only their persons but Crowns and most peremptory Royal Wills and Edicts too for whose pleasure honor and glory alone all things and powers likewise both are and were created in whose cause we must be most bold and zealous not fearing the faces of any Mortals My 1. Reason shall be drawn from the very words of the Declaration of 21 Novemb. 1655. inviting the people of this Commonwealth to a day of solemn Fasting and Hum liation on the 6. of December last a day of trouble and of rebuke of blasphemy provocation in respect of the violence acted on it that time seven years when the children were come to the birth and there was no strength to bring forth but only to obstruct and pull out the Members to prevent our peace and settlement The principal cause whereof they Declare to be The abominable Blasphemies vented and spreading of late through the Apostacy of and the abuse of Liberty by many professing Religion And to joyn with them in solemn and earnest supplications to the throne of Grace That the Lord will disappoint the designs of those that labour to lift themselves up against the interest of Christ and his people That he will rebuke the foresaid Evils and give his people to know the things that belong to their Peace that so we may with one heart and shoulder serve the Lord both theirs and ours The Jews of all other Nations in the world are the greatest venters spreaders of abominable Blasphemies against our Saviour
and subversion of our only Lord Saviour Redeemer Mediator Jesus Christ his Person Offices Kingdom Gospel and Christianity it self without any thoughts of turning Christians themselves In which case not to be passionately zealous not to contend earnestly for the Faith against these ungodly men turning the Grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ is in a great measure to deny and betray him together with our Church Nation at once unto these their inveterate enemies For whose Conversion not National but of the Elect Remnant of them as I shall pray so I cannot but pray and write against their Re-admission amongst us on these or any other terms for the Reasons here humbly presented to thy view and Christian Consideration by Thy Christian Brother and Companion in tribulation and in the Kindom Patience of Jesus Christ William Prynne Lincolnes-Inne 14 December 1655. ERRATA Title p. for quandam read quorundam p. 9. l. 12. est r. et p. 12. l. 7. homes r. houses p. 22. l. 21. p. 23. l. 26 r. Iuvel p. 37. six r. ten p. 48. l. 3. quod l. 8. co●um p. 51. l 16. ex●aecati p. 70. l. 2. dele record p. 88. l. 1. receive revive A short Demurrer to the Jews long discontinued Remitter into ENGLAND HOw the Nation of the Jewes once Gods own beloved speciall chosen People after their malitious crucifying of our Saviour Jesus Christ and imprecation That his Bloud might be on them and their children were for this their crying sinne especially made the saddest Spectacles of divine Justice and humane Misery of all other Nations in the World being quite extirpated out of their own Land almost totally deleted by the sword pestilence famine carried away Captives and dispersed like so many Vagabonds over the face of the whole Earth as the very off-scowring of the world and execration derision of all other people having no place City Form of Government or Republike of their own in any corner of the Universe according to Gods Comminations against them Levit. 26. 14. to 46. Deut. 28. 15. to 68. Jer. 9. 10. c. 13. 24. Ezech. 5. 2. to the mid c. 12. 15. c. 22. 15. Mich. 1. 21. Mat. 24. Or what banishments punishments oppositions restraints by penal Laws suppressions of their Synagogues Ceremonies they have received in all ages from Christian Kings Princes Republikes in Forreign parts for their implacable malice blasphemie against our Saviour Jesus Christ Christians Christian Religion and other Crimes and Misdemeanors to which they are most addicted is not the subject of my intended Brief Discourse and so fully related by Josephus Egesippus Eusebius Nicephorus Zonaras Paulus Diaconus the Magdeburgian Centuriators out of them and other Historians in their 2. to their 13 Centuries chap. 14 and 15. in Baronius his Annals and H●yl●●s Microcosm p. 568 569 570. where all may peruse them that I shall not spend time to recite them but wholly confine my self to a Brief Relation of their first admission into their ill deportment misdemeanors sufferings popular insurrections against them in and their final banishment by Judgement and Edict of Parliament out of England never to return again collected out of the best Historians to which I shall subjoyn a taste only of such Laws Scriptures and Reasons as seem strongly to plead against their re-admission into our Island especially at this season When the Jews came first into England appears not certainly by any Historians there being no mention of their being here in any of our British or Saxon Kings reigns to my remembrance Antoninus in his Chronicles Tit. 16. ca. 5. records That William the Conqueror King of England translated the Jews from Rhoan to London and the Magdeburg Centuries out of him Centur. xi cap. 14. Col. 686. adds thereto that it was OB NUMERATUM PRECIUM for a summ of money given to him by them which I find not in Antoninus Both these Authors intimate That this was their first arival in England yet in what year of this King they are silent With them concurs Raphael Holinshed Vol. 3. p. 15. where thus he writes Among other grievances which the English sustained by the hard dealings of the Conqueror this is to be remembred That he brought Jews into the Land from Rouen and appointed them a place to inhabit and occupy reputing their very first introduction a Grievance to the English and hard dealing Which John Stow in his Annals of England p. 103. thus seconds King William brought the Jews from Rhoan here to inhabit in England But this Law concerning the Jews inserted amongst the Laws in the Confessors time seems to prove their arrival and settlement in England to be before this Normans reign unlesse mis-placed in point of time amongst his Lawes by Hoveden being rather in my opinion a Declaration of the Jews servile condition under King William and Richard the first when Hoveden writ then any Law in King Edwards reign or before as the words import De Judaeis in Regno constitutis SCiendum est quoque quod omnes Judaei ubicunque in Regno sunt sub tutela defensione Domim Regis sunt nec quilibet eorum alicui diviti se potest subdere sine Regis licentia Judaei omnia sua Regis sunt Quod si quispiam detinuerit eis pecuniam suam perquirat Rex tanquam suum proprium or detmuerit eos vel pecuniam corum perquirat Rex si vult tanquam suum proprium as Sir Henry Spelman renders it This Law or Declaration being the first record making mention of their being and condition in England proves That as all the Jews when they came first into England were under the Kings protection and patronage where ever they resided that they were under him only as his meer Vassals their persons and goods being his alone that they could dispose of neither of them without his License Into which slavish condition they doubtlesse then put themselves being banished out of other Nations for their Villanies only to avoid the fury of the common people to whom they were most detestable who else would have quickly murdered or ston'd them to death and stript them of all their wealth as the sequell will declare The next Passage in Historians concerning the Jews being and condition in England is that of William of Malmsbury in William Rufus his reign The Jews writes he in his time gave a testimony of their insolency Once at Rhoan endeavouring by gifts to perswade and revoke certain men to Judaism who had deserted their error Another time at London being animated to enter into a combate or dispute against our Bishops because the King in merriment as I believe had said That if they should overcome the Christians and confute them by open arguments he would then revolt to them and become one of their Sect Whereupon it was managed with great fear of the Bishops and Clergy and
Wayland Chief Justice of the Common Pleas 19. E. 1 Rot. Parl. rot 12. and these Jews then banished Exilium Hugonis le Dispenser patris filii Tottles Magna Charta f. 50 51. The double banishment of Peter de Gaverston out of England assensu communi Procerum Magnatum and of the King in Parliament Walsingham Hist Angliae p. 68 71 72. The Statute of 1 Edward the 3. c. 2. 11 Richard the 2. c. 2 3 4. for the banishment of Belknap and other Judges into Ireland 21. R. 2. Rot. Pa● l. n. 16. 17. For the banishment of Thomas Arundel Arch-bishop of Canterbury The Statute of 35 Eliz. c. 1. of 39 Eliz. c. 4. For banishing dangerous Sectaries Rogues out of the Realm after conviction upon Indictment only not before which could not be done by Law before these Acts Cooks 2 Institutes f. 47. Mr. St. Iohns speech against the Shipmony Judges p. 22 My New Discovery of the Prelates Tyranny p. 166 167 168. VValsingham Hist. Angliae p. 394 and other Testimonies as also by 1 E. 3. r. 5. 4 H. 4. c. 13. The Statute for the pressing of Souldiers for Ireland 17 Caroli Exact Collect p. 435. The Petition and Protestation of the Lords and Commons in Parliament against serving the King in person or contribution to his wars in Flanders and other forain parts 25 E. 1. Walsingham Hist. p. 35 37 38 c. nor yet in Gascoigne France Notmandy Scotland or Ireland Cooks 2 Instit p. 528. 4. H. 4. n. 48. 1 H. 5. n. 17. 7 H. 5. n. 9. 18 R. 2. n. 6. So none once banished the Realm by judgement or Act of Parliament can may or ought by the fundamental and known common Laws of England to be restored and recalled again but only by a like judgement Act and Restitution in full Parliament as is adjudged declared resolved by the cases and Petitions of the two Spencers and Peirce Gaveston VValsingham Ypodig Neustriae p. 152. and Hist Angl. p. 68. 71 72. Holinshed p. 328. Speeds History p. 674. The Printed Statute of 20 R. 2. c. 6. for the restitution of Belknap and the other exiled Judges 28 E. 3. Rot. Parl. n. 8. to 14. and 29 E. 3. Rot Parl. n. 29. touching the Repeal of the Judgement in Parl. against Roger Mortimer Earl of March 17 R. 2. Rot. Parl. n. 18. for the pardon and restitution of the Justices banished into Irel. 21 R. 2. n. 55. to 71. for confirmation of the repeal of the exile of Hugh de la Spencer Father Son An. 15. E. 2. and the revocation of the repeale thereof in 1 E. 3. A notable full Record in point 3 H. 7. 10. 4 H 7. 10. 1. H. 7. 4. 10 H. 7. 22 b. 15. E. 3 Fitz Pet●t 2. 9. E. 3. 23 24. 9 E. 4. 1 b. with sundry other Records for the repeals of Iudgements and Acts of former Parliaments by the subsequent Judgments and Acts of other Parliaments in Cooks 4 Institutes c. 1. and Ashes Tables Parliament 16. and Statutes 68. Therefore the Jews being so long since by Judgement Edict and Decree both of the King and Parliament for ever banished out of England never since repealed or reversed neither may nor can by Law be readmitted reduced into England again but by common consent and Act of Parliament which I conceive they will never be able to obtain I have now presented you with a true Historical and exact Chronological Relation of the Jews first admission into England not in the time of the Emperour Constantine the great as some groundlesly would collect from his General Epistle to all Churches touching the Decrees of the Council of Nice and the Vnanimous observation of the Feast of Easter not after the Jewish computation wherein there is mention of the Churches in Britain as well as in Rome Africk Spain France and other places concurring with other Churches herein but not one syllable of any Jews therein or in Britain then nor in any other particular places but onely these general passages against Christians complying with them in their Paschal observation Ac primum quidem indigna res fuit sanctissimum eum diem imitatione atque consuetudine Iudaeorum celebrare qui manibus suis nefario flagitio contaminatis non injuria quoque animis sunt excaecato homines scelerati Quidni enim liceat gente ea rejecta rectiore verioreque ordine quem à primo passionis die hucusque servavimus ad futura quoque saecula observationis hujus ritum transmittere Item nihil nobis commune sit cum infestissima Iudaeorum turba c. Quin strictior ipsa atque exactior ratio flagitare videtur NEQUA NOBIS CUM IUDAEORUM PERJURIO COMMUNIO From whence no rational man can inferr that there were any Jews at that time observing their Jewish Passeover in Britain of which I can find no syllable in any Domestick or forreign Historians or Writers whatsoever nor yet that they inhabited here or were here in the Briton Saxon or Danish Kings reigns which if they had some of our Historians Synods Decrees and Laws in those ages would have mentioned it as well as the Gothish Spanish Histories Laws Councils and Constitutions where they resided in which there is not one syllable of them but only in the forecited Law foisled in amongst the Confessors to which doubtlesse it was puny but in Will the Conq. reign Together with their ill deportments misdemeanors suffrings massacres servile condition and manifold popular tumults against them during all the time of their residence in England final banishment out of it never yet to my knowledg collected into one intire History before The serious consideration whereof will in my weake judgement sufficiently satisfie convince the whole English Nation that they have just grounds and reasons in point of piety of policy never to re-admit them more into our Island and likewise resolve the very Jewes themselves that they have little cause or reason at all to desire to re-plant themselves in England where their ancestors in times past susteined so many miseries massacres affronts oppressions fleecings upon all occasions themselves can expect little better usage for the future To this principal part of my undertaking for fuller satisfaction I shall hereunto subjoyn a Taste of such Lawes Scriptures Reasons as seem strongly to plead yea conclude against their re-admission into England at least in that latitude and freedom as formerly they there enjoyed As 1. To erect new Synagogues Temples amongst us or turn any of our Churches Chapels into Synagogues for the free publique exercise of their Judaisme Jewish Worship Customes Religion diametrically contrary to the Gosple Person Kingdome Priesthood Offices Mediation Redemption of our Lord Jesus Christ which they thereby professedly deny renounce as false and fabulous 2ly To set up a Jewish Corporation or Fraternity amongst us in our Cities and Corporations distinct and separate from the English subject to their own immediate peculiar
seducers have subverted whole houses parishes and almost Cities and Counties too 6. 1 Thess 2. 14 15 16. For ye also have suffered like things of your Countrymen even as they have of the Jews who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own Prophets and have persecuted or chased out us and they please not God and are contrary to all men Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved to fill up their sins alway FOR THE WRATH IS COME UPON THEM TO THE UTTERMOST This Gospel character of the Jews expressing their transcendent malice to the Lord Jems their own Prophets the very Apostles themselves the Gentiles with their contrariety to God and all other men and Gods wrath upon them for it to the uttermost administer plenty of invincible arguments against our receiving them in again amongst us lest they bring along with them the extremity of Gods wrath upon the whole English Nation who have enough thereof already 7. Acts 18. 5 6 7. Paul was pressed in spirit and testified to the Jews that Jesus was Christ And when they opposed themselves and blasphemed he shooke his rayment and said unto them Your bloud be upon your own heads I am clean from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles And he departed thence and entred into a certain mans house named Justus who worshipped God c. compared with Acts 13. 44. to 52. The next Sabbath-day came almost the whole City together to hear the word of God But when the Iews saw the multitude they were filled with envy and spoke against those things that were spoken by Paul contradicting and blaspheming Then Paul and Barnabas waxed bold and said It was necessary the word of God should first have been spoken unto you but because ye put it from you and judge your selves unworthy of everlasting life LO WE TURN TO THE GENTILES For so hath the Lord commanded us c. And the word of the Lord was published throughout all the region But the Jews stirred up the devout and honourable women and the chiefmen of the City and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas and expelled them out of their coasts but they shock off the dust of their feet against them and came unto Iconium This malitious carriage and persecution of the Jews even against the Apostles themselves and their Doctrine and the Gentiles salvation and casting them maliciously out of their coasts with their Separation from them and turning themselves wholly to the Gentiles upon this account by Gods own command demonstrates what all Gods faithfull Ministers and we Christian Gentiles must expect from them now and that being formerly cast out of our Coasts by our Ancestors for their infidelity crucifying of Christ in his Members and such like misdemeanors and so being separated in cohabitation and communion from us we neither may nor ought now to resume them into our Land Bosoms or Communion again upon any pretence 8. When God was bringing the Jews into the promised Land which he gave them to inherit he gave them these special commands Thou shalt drive the Inhabitants of the land out before thee Thou shalt make no Covenant with them nor with their Gods THEY SHALL NOT DVVELL IN THY LAND l●st they make thee sin against me and it be a snare in the midst of thee Thou shalt make no Covenant with them nor shew mercy to them Nether shalt thou make marriages with them Thy Daughter thou shalt not give unto his Son nor his Daughter shalt thou take unto thy Son for they will turn away thy Sons from following me that they may serve other Gods so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against thee and destroy thee suddenly If ye do IN ANY VVise go back and cleave unto the remnant of these Nations and go in unto them and they to you know for a certain that the Lord will no more drive out any of these Nations before you but they shall be snares and traps unto you and scourges in your sides and thorns in your eyes until you perish from the good Land which the Lord your God giveth you But thus ye shall deal with them ye shall destroy their Altars and break down their Images and cut down their groves c. for thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God Now THE NOT DRIVING OF THESE NATIONS BY THE ISRAELITES FROM AMONGST THEM according to these commands of God is charged as a special sin upon them by God enticed them to Idolatry and brought his severe wrath upon them Judges 1. 27. to 36. c. 2. 2 3 12 13 19 20 21 22 23. and is thus expressed by the Psalmist Psal 106. 34 to 43. They did not destroy the Nations concerning whom the Lord commanded them BUT WERE MINGLED AMONG THE HEATHEN AND LEARNED THEIR WORKS they served their Idols which were a snare unto them yea they sacrificed their Sons Daughters unto Devils shed innocent blood even the blood of their Sons and Daughters whom they sacrificed unto the Idols of Canaan and their Land was defiled with blood Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people insomuch that he a●horried his own inheritance and he gave them into the hands of the Heathen and they that hated them were Lords over them their enemies also oppressed them they were brought into sub jection under their hands The morality ground and equity of which precepts as they justifie our Ancestors expulsion of the Jews out of England with their adulterous worship Ceromonies Synagogues heretofore So I conceive they strongly oblige all English Christians especially after our late solemn forgotten League and Covenant to seclude and keep them out from re-entring coming in mingling and dwelling amongst us now for fear they draw the self-same sad effects and bring down the same or like heavy Judgements of God upon us as these Scriptures threatned and God himself inflicted on the Israelites for transgressing them In brief the Parables of the Vineyard and Husbandmen the King going into foraign parts and Marriage Supper Mat. 21. 33. to 46. c. 22. 2. to 11. c. 23. 21. to the end Mar. 12. 1. c. Luk. 19. 12. to 28. c. 20 9. c. particularly applied to the Jews and notably setting out their desperate malice against our Saviours person Kingdom Government Ordinances Ministers Gospel and his rejection of them for it Together with Rom. 16 17 18 1. 32. 1 Cor. 5 4. c. Phil. 3. 2 3. Mat. 7. 15 c. 16. 7. 11. 12. 17. Col. 2. 8. 2. Pet. 3. 17. c. 2. 1. c. 7 8 20 21 22. 2 Tim. 3. 1. to 10 c. 2. 16 17. Titus 3. 10 11. Revelations 2. 9. 14. Hebrewes 6. 4. to 9. c. 16. 26. to 32. Phil. 4. 2 3. will all furnish us with sundry arguments against their re-admission amongstus as likewise Prov. 6. 27. 28. Psal 101. 3 4 5 6 7 8. Psal 119. 104. Ps 139. 21. 22. Num.
and the Gospel the greatest Apostates from God and abusers of Liberty of any professing Religion The greatest designers plotters and lifters up of themselves against the interest of Christ and his people as the Premises undeniably evidence And their introduction amongst us at this season when the generality of the people and professors of Religion likewise are so bent to Apostacy and all kind of Errors of Novelties in Religion will no ways allay but most certainly increase the venting and spreading of abominable Blasphemies amongst us multiply the Apostacies of and abuse of liberty by the professors of Religion and make thousands in probability turn Apostate Jews instead of converting any of the Jews to Christianity It will not disappoint but most of all advance the designes of those that labour to lift up themselves against the interest of Jesus Christ and his people this being as some justly fear the Jews very end and plot in pressing now to be received amongst us to seduce us unto Judaism to which many are now inclined and to deny our Saviour Christ in words as too many have denied him in their works and some in their opinions of late years It will not rebuke but foment the foresaid Evils obstruct Gods people both from knowing and pursuing the things that concern their peace and instead of enabling them with one heart and shoulder to serve the Lord divide them into more Sects and Schisms than formerly and set up Judaism to affront Christianity with open face as 2 Pet. 2. 1. Jude 3. 4. c. Tit. 1. 10. 11. 1 Joh. 4. 3. resolve so multiply the late Rebukes and Judgements of God upon the Nation Therfore their re-admission into England after such a Solemn Declaration and Day of Humiliation as this and some others formerly prescribed observed through the Nation for the late monstrous growth and spreading of Errors and Blasphemies amongst us if resolved and effected will be reputed by God and Men A most palpable violation yea contradiction of this Declaration and Humilation a most hypocritical Atheistical mocking of God himself to his face a most prophane abuse and perversion of this Solemn Fast and Humiliation a frustration of all the prayers hopes of most religious people thereon who observed it for far other prescribed ends and an high Provocation of Gods severest wrath against the perverters of it to this very end to introduce the long-since banished Jews the debate whereof was proposed immediately before and began the very next day after it My 2. Reason shall be deduced from the Declaration of the 24 Novemb. 1655. in order to the securing of the peace of the Commonwealth Declaring it necessary to use all good means to secure the Peace of the Nation and prevent future troubles within the same The bringing in of the Jews at this season when the people are so generally divided discontented and declare for ought I can learn their highest unanimous dislike and derestation of it is the most probable means to disturb the peace of the Nation and to engender future new troubles Tumults within it the generality of the people in England and in other Countries having in former ages frequently risen up in armes against them massacred burnt and destroyed them notwithstanding their Kings and Magistrates Proclamations and Edicts to the contrary And the Jews themselves in all ages having been principle firebrands of sedition both in their own Land and all places where they have been dispersed as the Texts and Authors in the 3. and 7. premised reasons with the foregoing Relations out of our English Historians attest Therefore their re-admission into England especially in this unquiet season must needs be diametrically contrary to the scope of this Declaration and neither in policy nor prudence to be resolved on but utterly rejected My 3d. reason shall be grounded on this clause of that Declaration That no person who hath or shall be sequestred or ejected for Delinquency or being in actual arms for the late King against the then Parliament or for Charls Stuart his Son c. out of any Benefice School or Colledge shall from and after the 1. day of December be kept as a Chaplain or School-master in any sequestred persons house Nor after the 1. day of January keep any School publike or private Nor preach in any publike place or private meeting of any other persons than those of his own family Nor shall administer Baptism or the Lords Supper or Marry c. upon pain that every person so offending in any of the premisses shal be proceeded against as by Orders therin mentioned is provided prescribing 3 months imprisonment for the 1. 6 months for the 2d and banishment for the 3d Offence as I am informed If native freeborn Englishmen formerly ejected out of any Benefice Colledge or School only for their old delinquency in adhering to the lare King and Prince though according to their Oaths duties and dictate of their consciences after some years publike liberty to preach Articles of Agreement confirmed by the Army and both Houses and that which some call An Act of Oblivion and future indempnity though orthodox in Doctrine unblameable in conversation and eminent in learning without any particular impeachment hearing conviction of any new Delinquency or misdemeanors whatsoever must not have so much liberty as to keep any School or preach Gods Word in publike or private or to be entertained in formerly sequestred Englishmens houses under the foresaid penalties at this season only in Order to the Nations peace Then much lesse ought Jews meer aliens who always have been and still are professed Enemies in arms against the Person Kingdom Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ which the late Parliament by their solemn Protestation Vow and Covenant engaged by all good means to defend and advance to be entertained by any English Christians or publikely or privately to teach preach spread propagate their Jewish Doctrines Errors and abolished Ceremonies in our Island but to be banished for ever from amongst us if any of them should publikely or privately artempt to creep in amongst us Else not only all sequestred Delinquents but the whole English Nation and world too will cry out and say x the faithfull loyal Chaplains Servants followers Friends of the late K. and Pr. though English Nativs Freemen ye our felow brethren Members in Christ are more execrable to more injuriously unchristianly uncharitably dealt with by their Fellow English Christians in present power only for their loyalty and conscientious adhering to their late temporal King and Prince than the very alien Jews who both denied rejected crucified the Lord Jesus Christ their own temporal Soveraign who was born King of the Iews and had this very title inscribed on his Crosse and their our only spiritual King and Saviour whose Honour Power Kingdom Gospel we a vowedly profess to advance that they enjoy lesse Christian or civil liberty for themselves their wives and families