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A54806 The arrainment of Christendom containing a revelation of the rys, growth & fulnes of the great whôr, man of sin or mistery of iniquity, with the comsumtion, ruin & utter destruction of the dragon's, beast's & fals profet's power, with the waters on which the whôr sits, & the sea out of which the beast arôs in Christendom. ... Being the trumpet of the Lord sounded forth which giveth a most sûr & certain sound to Leopold the present Roman Emperor, & to the present Pop of Rôm, ... I John, the servant of the most hy God, ... being a prisoner, (with my companions in travel) at a plâs caled Great Gomara, on a certain ysland in Hungaria, ... The living, eternal, & pur power of God moved in me, & revealed unto me that I should wryt, ... Philly, John.; N. Y. Corrector to the reader, concerning the orthografy or spel-ing herein us'd. aut 1664 (1664) Wing P2127; ESTC R220433 104,628 110

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his Counsels wouldst nôn of his reproof he now lafs at thy destruction moks at the fears which ar coming upon thee on every hand even as desolation thy destruction as a whirl-wind and althô thou cryest yet wil he not hear even to the Lord yet vvil he not answer thee becaust thou hast hated instruction rejected his warning and Counsels throuh his Servants Messengers Therfor shalt thou now eat the fruits of thy own doings be filed vvith the just revvard of thy own ways of vvickednes the tokens of thy south sayers vvil he frustrat mâk thy Divyners or Spiritual Men mad Thy Sun thy Moon thy Stars ar becom dark the Keepers of thy hous begin to trembel thy strong Men to bow themselvs dredful fears ar coming on thee on every hand becaus Man is now going to his long hôm the mourners begin to go about the streets he is coming forth out of the wildernes with his beloved leaning on him lyk Pillars of smoak who looketh forth as the morning and is terribel as an army with banners yea he is making hast as a Roe or yong hart upon the mountains of Bether and wil now most assuredly eas himself of his adversarys and aveng himself upon al his and his dear oppresed despysed and cruelly murdered Saints and Peepels enemys from the least to the greatest Thy youths shal faint and thy strong men shal utterly fal yea even becom as Tow and the maker of al as a spark in them and they shal burn together and non shal be abel to quench them The Lyt of Israel is becom a fyr the holy on A flâm in thee which shal not ceas burning til al the bryars and thorns in thee be utterly consumed burnt up the loftynes of Man is now bowing down the hauhtynes of man is the Lord now laying low the day of the Lords just wrath and vengeans is now com shal be upon al the proud that ar lifted up they shal be abased and laid low even in the dust and the Lord alôn in his sanctifyed ôns shal be exalted in throuh and over al in thee His and his dear despysed afflicted peepels enemys in mesur hav dayly mor and mor shal run into hôls and Cavs of the Erth for fear of the Lord and becaus of the greatnes of his glory pur Power presens in his Peepel who is how risen in them throuh them in mesur hath and dayly mor and mor shal shâk terribely the erth The Rod is sprung forth out of the stem of Iesse with the sword of his mouth is he smyting the erth and with the breth of his lips slaying the wicked the Lord hath raysed up ôn from the North who from the rysing of the sun hath cald upon his nâm and he is com coming upon thy Prinses as upon mortar and vvil tread them as the poter doth the clay in thee O Christendom And althô the Potentats Kings Prinses Rulers and Peepel do associat themselvs together yet they shal be kroken to pieces thô they tâk crafty counsel speak the word yet it shal not stand but be utterly frustrat com to nauht for the Lord God ommipent is in with his heritag who âr now becom a holy Tempel and dweling plâs for the Lord God of Jacob even apur tabernakel for the sun of ryteosnes vvho is novv risen in them rejoycing as a strong man to run his râs his glorios beams of pur and eternal lyt break forth over the tops of the mountains vvhich novv begin to smoak he is looking from the top of Amana and from the top of shynar Hermon even from the lyons dens and mountains of the leopards he hath caled his myty ôns for his anger even them that rejoys in his hynes The bauner of the Lord is now lifted up against spiritual Babylon in thee O Christendom the noys of a multitud is now breaking forth even a tumultuos noys of Kingdoms nations gathering together The Lord of hosts is mustering his hosts for the battel they com from the end of heven even the Lord and the weapons of his indignation to destroy the whol land to wit that Power and spirit in vvhich thy Potentats Kings Prinses Rulers VVariors Teachers and Peepel now stand and by which they ar now acted He that is Red in his apparel is now com forth shal dayly mor and mòr appear in dyed garments traveling in the greatnes of his myt who speaks in Ryteosnes myty to sav and to destroy the day of vengeans is in his heart and he wil tread the VVynpres of his fiers wrath in thee even tread down thy Peepel in his fury trampel upon them in his anger and stain al his rayment yea mâk them drunk in his fury bring down thy strength to the ground O Christendom His sword is in mesur drawn furbished for the slauhter he wil even bath his two edged sword in heven in thee thou that hast spoyled must now be spoyled the Lord with his great long sword in mesur hath dayly mòr mòr shal piers Levyathan that piersing crooked Serpent slay the dragon in thy sea he is novv declaring publishing among the nations the standard is up and spiritual Babylon in thee shal be confounded utterly destroyed and her Images ydols broken to pieces for out of the North ther cometh a nation against her vvho in mesur alredy hath and dayly mòr mòr shal màk her land desolat he is causing to com up an assembly from the North cuntrry vvho in mesur alredy hath dayly mòr and mor shal set themselvs in battel array against her and from thens shal shee be utterly destroyed not by myt or power of the arm of flesh but by my spirit even the sword of my mouth saith the Lord God their arrows ar as of a myty expert man nòn shal return in vain a sound of battel is in thy land and of great destructions the hammer of the whol Erth in thee shal be cut and broken to pieces spiritual Babylon in thee shal be an utter desolation among the nations thy yong men shal fal by the sword in battel and thy myty men of war be cut of the most proud shal utterly fal non shal be abel to rays him up yea a fyr is in mesur Kindled in thy citys which shal devour round about the sword of the Lord is drawing upon thy inhabitants upon thy Potentats upon thy wys men thy lying Profets fals teachers they shal doat upon thy horses upon thy chariots they shal fal be broken to pieces upon al thy mingled peepel they shal becom as VVomen upon thy tresurs they shal be Robed even a drouth upon thy waters and they shal be dryed up for thy land is a Land of graven images they ar mad upon their Ydols A peepel ar and shal
against the myty And when Oliver Cromwel their Servant had grasped the military power in to his hands ther with wrested the Power of the three Nations out of the Parliaments hands who was as the littel Horn spoken of by Daniel the Profet he provyding for their bellys they in outward shew practis cast of not only Pop King but Parliament also and own and addres themselvs to him and his son as their Lord Protector Sereen Hy-nes with dyvers other flattering Blasphemos Nâms and Tytels And when thos caled the long Parliament cam into their seats again they fel in again with them casting of their former Master Sereen Lord Protector And when Charls the II. Son of Charls the I was by another Parliament cald in restored to the Thrón Dominion of his Father he provyding for their Bellys they Readyly swear Allegians Supremacy to him get their on Surplises again fal to reading their Book of Common Prayer and bow and cring to their Idolatros Altars sing Pyp play on their Music in their worship if he wil hav them go bakagain and be reconcysed to their Mother whom themselvs cal the whor of Rôm they wil submit rather then to indanger their Persons or loos their prouision for their Bellys Yet further this old Serpent if it fynd or see away to have as provision for the Belly by a free Contribution hath and can appear as a Pastor of a seperat or gathered Congregation in words and profession declar against conformity to the World its ways and worships and impur communions Yet further seeing a way to go from plàs to plâs and have bak and Belly freely provided for it hath doth transform it self as an Angel of lyt or Minister of Ryteosnes appearing in the Assemblys of the Saints and Children of the lyt intruding into the Declaration of things which they hav not seen felt tasted nor experiensed in themselvs talking of the Salvation of God of Christ of the lyt Spirit and Power of God in the inward parts but by such as truly dwel and walk in the lyt lyf wisdom and Power of God ar al the ways and workings of that old Serpent in such seen felt discerned and judged who are the littel foxes that hurt the vyns with the tender grâps and their mouths by the Power and Wisdom of God must and shal be stoped But in al ages sins the entrans of transgression such as hav bin caled sent forth by the Lord appearing in the evident demonstration of the pur Power and spirit of God to declar his mynd wil unto Peepels the spirit and power of darknes in Rulers Teachers and peepel could never bear with such but hav màd a prey of them counting them as not worthy to hav a being turners of the world upsyd down Pestilent fellows blasphemers such as the land could not bear their words suffering at their hands mok-ing Scorn Contemt Derision Bonds Imprisonment Banishment Spoyling of goods whiping stoning racking Torturing Crucifying Hanging burning And now the switneses prophefying in sak-cloth being neer hand ended the spirit of lyf in mesur entred into the witneses of God they standing on their own feet appearing in the lyt lyf spirit povver of God to vvarn and turn Peepel from the evil of their ways from the darknes to the lyt from the Power of Sathan to know and obey the lyt Christ that spirit and power of God in them the whol body of sin Deth in the general and in ech particuler is moved heerat this causeth siknes to seiz on the hed and pain hevynes to fil heart and is as Mortal and Incurabel darts in the liver causing the old Serpent the spirit and power of darknes in the whol body to plung as Leviathan in the sea who in mesur alredy hath and dayly mor morshal mak it to boyl as a pot of oyntment this is as a flying rowl with the curs entering into the hous of the thief the adulterer and the whor causing the keepers therof to trembel and the strong men to bovv themselvs hed Tayl Branch Root in the houshold of wikednes even al sorts hav a mouth open against such as ar truly sent of God about this work The Potentats King Prinses Rulers of the darknes of this present world may say if peep●l be brouht to Christ the lyt lyf spirit Power of God in them the gift of God of whom the Scriptur saith that he is given of God to be King Ruler Lawgiver to in his Peepel Then they wil com to Knovv the lavv of the spirit lyf in their in vvard parts vvhich sets free from the law of sin and deth to be fellow heyrs with Christ of that Kingdom vvhich is pur Eternal Immortal vvhich fadeth not away and to Rein as Kings upon the Erth siting vvith Christ on his thron svvaying the scepter of Ryteosnes over al his enemys in them in that Dominton vvhich is living Eternal clothed vvith that Rob vvhich is pur undefyled crovvned vvith a Royal Dyadem of pur perfect glory beauty unto such our Crowns Scepters dignitys Lavvs and Rul vvil be rendred burthensom and usles unles it be as a scourg amongst such vvho ar mor bruitish then beasts so that our best and safest vvay vvil be to tak that vvholsom counsel long sins given by honest David that man after gods own heart to kis the Son to bow be subject to Christ the lyt VVisdom Power of God in our own hearts Inward Parts that so in this the day of the Kindling of his vvrath vve may not perish with al the vvorkers of Iniquity and to lay asyd our fading crowns Robs Scepters emty tytels of vanishing honor to sit even with his littel despysed flok to whom the Everlasting Kingdom is bequethed by Christ the eternal Father fountain of lyf wisdom Eternal Power and vvayt to feel his pur povver in us vvho is King of Kings Lord of Lords that so vve may com to hav an Inheritans vvith them that ar sanctifyed in that Kingdom which is never fading and to vvear that Crown and Rôb vvhich is living and pur in that Dominion honour and glory vvhich Man can nether giv nortak away Thos cald the Clergy the vvhol body of them even al sorts of teachers in al forms to the hyest in nam vvithout the povver may say if peepel be brouht to Christ the lyt lyf in them which hath Inlytened every ôn that cometh into the world the gift of God of vvhom the scripturs say that he is given of God to be a witnes in Peepel even his everlasting covenant in the heart inward parts of which al who partak com to know the Lord from the least to the greatest such need not to teach ón another for the Lord that spirit of truth in them teacheth them
and bulwarks But as for thee the pryd of thy heart hath deceived thee thou that dwelest in the clefts of the roks and sayest in thy heart who shal bring me down Thô thou hast exalted thy self as the eagel set thy nest among the stars yet from thens wil I bring thee down saith the Lord God ommipotent Wherfor hear O yee mountains giv ear yee strong foundations of the Erth in thee O Christendom for the Lord hath a controversy with you he is drawing neer to plead the caus of his crucifyed ●on his cruelly tortured and murdered saints his greatly burdened spoyled and oppresed Peepel in thee VVo VVo VVo to the bloudy city that is ful of lys robbery the noys of the whip the noys of the rateling of the wheels the cransing of the horser is coming on thee the hors man draweth near to lift up the bryt sword the glittering spear and a multitud of carkases shal fal and they shal stumbel upon the corps becaus of the multitud of the whordoms of the great skarlet whor the mother of harlots and mistris of witchcrafts that hath sold the nations throuh her crafts behold I am against thee saith the Lord of hosts and wil discover thy skirts upon thy fâs shew the nations thy nakednes and Kingdoms thy shàm cast abominabel filth upon thee màk thee vyl yea even set thee for a gazing stok al thy strong holds shal be as figtrees with the first Ryp figs which when they ar shaken shal fal into the mouth of the eater thô thou provyd for the sieg and fortify thy strong holds and garrisons yet a fyr shal devour thee the sword shal cut thee of and eat up thy flesh lyk fyr thou hast multiplyd thy marchants abov the stars of heven thy shepherds stumber thy Potentats Kings Prinses Rulers Counselers dwel in the dust thy Peepel ar as a flok scattered upon the barren mountains ther is no healing of thy breach thy wound is incurabel such as hear the report of thee shal clap their hands for upon whom hast thou not caused thy filth abominabel wickednes to pas continually The vision that was for an appointed tym is now speaking thô it hath tarryed long yet it is now surly com they shal suddenly awak that shal byt thee arys that shal vex thee thou shalt be for a booty unto them becaus of innocent bloud for the spoyl vyolens found in thee thou shalt be filed with shâm for glory the cup of the Lords Ryteos indignation is now handing forth unto thee shamful spewing shal be on al thy glory thy graven Images shal not profit thee for the Lord is in his Holy Tempel al the Erth shal be put to sylens befor him ●he is now drawing near to dryv in sunder the Nations to scatter the hy lofty mountains yea al the hils shal bow befor him whos way is everlasting Affliction dredful trembling is now seizing on thee for the Lord is near to march throuh thy Land in great dredful indignation yea he is going forth for the salvation of his peepel even for the salvation of his anoynted wil wound the heads of the hous of wickednes in thee O Christendom discover overturn the foundations of them scatter the wicked as with a Whirlwynd whos rejoysing hath bin to oppres spoyl murder the Poor Needy Innocent yea he wil march throuh thy Sea and trampel upon the heaps of thy great Waters The Day is now com that he is risen to the prey for his determination is to gather together the Nations to assembel the Kingdoms in thee to pour on them his most ryteos vengeans indignation even al his fiers wrath Anger the Erth shal be devoured with the fyr of his Jelofy But the Peepel of pur Languag shal cal upon his Nâm get them a prays a goodsavor fâm in every Land my Peepel shal never he ashamed saith the Lord God who is now shaking the Hevens the Erth overtu●ning the Thrôns of Kingdoms th●y shal be brouht down by the sword utterly broken to pieces The great Mountain in thee shal be com a plain befor him The flying rowl is seen which contains the terribel curs which is now going forth over the fâs of the whol Erth every ón that stealeth sweareth shal be cut of according to it The Lord hath brouth it forth it is entering into the hous of the thief of him that sweareth falsly by my Nâm saith the Lord which fals swearing hath bin the practis of thy Potentats Kings Prinses Rulers Magistrats at their Coronations or Instalments so caled into their Governments as also other inferior Officers Jurors Evidenses in thy Courts which ouht to hav bin Courts of trû Judgment Justis becaus of which oaths thy Land shal mourn The Holy City which is free the Mother of al the Children of tru freedom is in mesur descended from God out of Heven shal dayly mor mor appear whos wals Bulwarks ar salvation the gats therof Prays is now in mesur becom a Burdensom stôn to al Nations al vvho burden themselvs vvith her shal be broken to pieces yea she is becom as an herth of fyr among dry vvood as a Flaming Torch in the midst of a sheaf of dryed stravv or stubbel vvhich shal devour the vvicked in thee round about The lofty City he is bringing dovvn laying it lovv even vvith the ground the foot is treading it dovvn even the feet of the poor the steps of the needy The wynd is goten into the two womens wings bearing up the Epha vvherin the vvoman vvhich is vvickednes even the man of sin siteth vvhich must novv be born into the land of shynar and be sit and established upon her own Basis in which land was the building of Bâbel the begining of Nimrods Kingdom that myty hunter befor the Lord to wit the lâk or bottomles pit in every Particular mal femal eternal Judgment ther plased on the hed of the transgresing Power in the in ward parts which is the ground out of which it sprang even the Topht prepared for the King and every subject in the Kingdom Spirit and Power of darknes Dives the Rich man that hath bin cloathed in purpel skarlet fared delitiosly every day born after the flesh that hath bin cruel and mercyles Persecuting him that is born after the Spirit most now go to his Plâs of torment not hav ón drop of water to cool his tongu ' and Lazarus the man of sorrovvs must novv be carryed into Abrahams Bosom an eternal seperation must novv be mad betvvixt the tvvo seeds an irremovabel Impassabel Gulf fixed betwixt them both the man of sin the Man of sorrows he seed of ech of them must now be put ech in
in them becâm black as Sackloth of hair and their Moon hath bin turned into Bloud which hath manifestly appeared in thôs great Confusions Bloudy wars Destructions Desolations which hâv been amongst themselvs in every Kingdom Dominion throuhout Christendom and now they having filled up the Mesur of their Abominations the great notabl Day of the Lord is com in which the Lord wil throuh by the Turkish power carry on the finishing his Just Ryteos decree of VVrath Vengeans on them to wit Christendom they also shal becom not a peepl of any visibl or outward earthly Power or Government upon the fâs of the earth as of themselvs any môr for ever But according to the Word of the Lord throuh his Servants the Profets he wil Rays up in them a pûr seed which shal ferv him even a numberles number which shal with al the Ransomed ôns stand befor the Thrôn clothed in whyt Rôbs ascrybing salvation unto God which fireth on the Thrôn unto the Lamb saying Bles-ing Glory VVisdom Thanksgiving Honor Power Myt be unto our God for ever ever Amen The slain of the Word by the Lord of the Mouth amongst them shal be many And so both Jew Gentil shal be unyted becom ôn stik in the hand of the Lord ôn Holy Nation upon the Mountains of Israël ôn King shal be King over them al even David my Servant saith the Lord God they shal hâv ôn shepherd walk in the Iudgments of the Lord observ his Statuts to do them shal dwel in the Land even they their Children their Childrens Children for ever in the partipation of the new Everlasting Covenant of God his Sanctuary Tabernacl shal be in the midst of them he be their God they his Peepl for ever môr And when the Lord hath don his work in Zyon he wil also punish the stout heartednes of the King of Assyria bring down the Glory of his hy looks the loftynes of man in them also shal be a based brouht down that hautynes laid low even with the ground the Lord wil aveng the Bloud of the hous of Ahab upon the hous of Jehu caus that Kingdom to ceas for ever even al that Rûl Authority Power risen standing in the Spirit Power of the Dragon that old Serpent shal be thrust down under the feet of the pûr seed Christ the wisdom power of God in his Peepl even throuhout al the habitabel parts of his Erth so that Nation shal not lift up sword against Nation nor learn war any môr but the Kingdoms of this World shal becom the Lords and the Lord God Omnipotent shal rein in throuh over al for ever môr The other exampl which I shal mention is Nebuchadnezzar Belshazzar his Son who together in their power wer the Golden hed of that Imag which Nebuchadnezzar saw of which your predecessors together with you even you the present Roman Empyr with al other the Kings Prinses Heds Rulers throuhout Christendom the Dominions and Territorys therunto belonging in your their Power Military Civil Ecclesiastical so caled ar the feet Toes which the Stôn cutout of the mountain without hands is now smyting Nebuchadnezzar's arrogans Now it is vvriten concerning this Nebuchadnezzar that he was a King of Kings and that the God of heven had given him a Kingdom Power Strength Glory but he being ignorant of that God that mâd him gâv him that great strength larg Dominion did in the Pryd of his heart attribut that Glory myt Majesty Strength Dominion honor unto himself which was dû to the Lord God of heven alôn at his Dispôs exercysing cruelty oppression on whom he pleased making a law in his own vviked wil to caus al to bovv to that Imâg His work which he in his own Idolatros heart had invented sit up or els to Murder and Destroy the Refusers by fyr thô Othervvys Innocent guiltles of any evil don against him His visitation reward thô a King but even vvhylst he vvas in the pryd and arrogancy of his heart assuming that Glory Honor to himself vvhich vvas du only to the God of heven ther fel a voys from heven saying O King Nebuchadnezzar to thee be it spoken thy Kingdom is departed from thee they shal dryv thee from Men thy dweling shal be with ye Beasts of the field they shal mâk thee to eat gras as oxen seven tyms shal pas over thee until thou knowest that the most hy ruleth in the Kingdom of Men giveth them to whom soever the wil. His restoration when he giv God his glory again Which the sam hour vvas fulfiled upon him vvhich vvas a just Judgment yet a gentel vvarning from the the God of heven who after wards restored him to his Kingdom caused him ther by to acknowledg the God of heven that he ruleth in the Kingdoms of Men siteth up Puteth down whom when he pleaseth But Belshazzar his Son not taking warning being found guilty of his Fathers Iniquitys the God of heven did Justly visit the iniquitys of the Father upon the Son sending a hand wryting upon the wal even whylst he was in the Pryd of his heart drinking Wyn in the vessels of the Tempel of God That Son which succeeds in his fathers Vys shal inherit his fathers reward as wel as Crown praysing the Gods of Gold silver bras Yron VVood ston But the God in whos hands his Breth was he glorifyed not at the syt wherof his Countenans changed his Thouhts troubled him the Ioynts of his loyns loosed his knees smot ôn against another Which hand wryting was quickly fulfiled upon him by the most just impartial hand of God Himself being slain his Kingdom finished given to Darius the Median by al which it Evidently appears that the Lord God of heven is a God of most Ryteos Impartial justis on whomsoever they be that ar found persisting in ways of wikednes Rebellion against him non are abel to deliver ether themselvs or others out of his hand Now that which I hav Further to say is concerning your selvs your predecessors but most Nearly it concerneth your selvs of this present ag and Generation according as it was fôr seen fôr told by the Spirit of Prophesy and recorded in the scripturs of truth as wel as other Records so it is tru that they to wit your predecessors together with you wer ar that fourth Beast or Kingdom which was to arys out of the Erth dyvers from al Kingdoms which devoured the whol Erth or powers of the Erth treading them down breaking them to Pieces being dredful and terribel strong execedingly as Yron baving great Yron Teeth devouring breaking to Pieces and stamping the Residu under his
and ly down in the green fresh pleasant soul refreshing Pastur in them the holy Anoynting even the eternal Spirit of truth dayly teaching and leading them into al truth which sercheth al things even the deep things of God so that they need not that any man should teach them but as the sâm anoynting in them teacheth them And to feel the operation of the ôn pur faith which purifyeth and clenseth the heart and keepeth it clean The sound Doctrin pur fellowship breaking of bred Prayer which is not outward meat drink neither stands in outward Observations Carnal Ordinanses Declarations Dispensations but in the pur Power of the lyf which is endles immortal filing the heart inward parts with tru Pur Spiritual everlasting Lov Ioy Rest Peas in them manifesting it self dayly throuh them in the exercys of the pur wisdom Ryteosnes and Holynes of God in al manner of Holy Conversation even the pur fellowship which is in the Father and in the Son in them And to knovv the Father the Son to be ôn in them and to eat of the hiden Manna the tree of lyf in the midst of the Paradys of God hav Povver over the Nations to wit that Spirit Povver in which the nations stand by vvhich they ar acted in them to be cloath●d vvith the pur whyt Rayment becom as Pillars in the Tempel of God to sitdovvn vvith the Father Christ in the Thrôn of pur lyf Povver and Dominion over al that which is at enmity against God in them entring in by the gât or door to wit Christ the lyt in them the way into the Holy City the new Ierusalem which is in mesur com coming down from God out of heven in them in which the Lord God Almyty the Lamb is the lyt lyf glory for ever môr even he who is the sam as in the begining the first and the last the begining the end of al the works of God who was is for ever môr abyds neer at hand even in the heart in the mouth whom truly to know obey and constantly to follow is eternal lyf pur lov rest and peas for ever mor The manifestation of Christ in his Peepl the end of al outward institutions in vvhom al Carnal outward Typs Figurs Shadows Ordinanses VVars Kingdoms Citys Tempels Priesthoods al Divisions of the Earth Erthly Injoyments Possessions Gatherings Fellowships Intercessions Teachings Declarations Dispensations Baptisms both of the Profets Iohn With Christ his Mirakels Preaching Parabels last supper ar fulfiled ended of vvhich the brith lyf appearans sufferings of Jesus Christ that Lamb of God vvho vvitnesed a good confession befor Pontius Pylat and vvas betrayed denyed and rejected by the Ievvs vvhom they vvith cruel hands murdred slevv on a cros vvithout the gâts of Ierusalem vvith his Resurrection Ascension Appearans on in the Apostels vvaiting at Ierusalem vvas a Syn In whom I say al things hav their end Even al that vvhich vvas not in the begining vvith God vvhich hath risen in and throuh man in the faln Spirit povver vvisdom even vvith the ordinanses appointments of God ad ed becaus of sin transgression until the appearans coming of the tru pur seed Christ the Lord that Spirit the tru heyr of al vvho is God over al blesed for ever must novv Depart Vanish flee away end for ever mor as into the everlasting Covenant Man Kynd is brought But som may say he speaketh against Government Obj. I the Ordinanses appointments of God in the Church I ansvver Nay Answer And as concerning the exercys of povver Dominion throuh men over others this I say That al the Powers and Dominions that ar or hav been sins the entrans of transgression to this day hav been raised suffered to arys by God ether in mercy or judgment to them over whom it hath bin exercysed that every soul ouht to be subject to the hyer power The power to be obeyed what ever the instruments 〈◊〉 but let such tâk heed how they abus the Power which al who resist resist the ordinans of God what ever the Instruments or Persons be throuh whom the power is administred be they Gentel or froward wiked or godly and in câs they do abus the power commited unto them turning the sword bakward siting up such as work wikednes making a prey of such as depart from Iniquity yet ouht non to seek by outward fo rs in rebellions insurrections to oppos or resist them but wherin for consciens sâk towards God any cannot obey their unjust unryteos laws and commands they ouht to be subject by Patient suffering in the fear wisdom of God bearing their Testimony against the evil so commiting their souls into the hand of God as unto A faithful Creator Thus the trù Christians did stil do in so doing the spirit of glory resteth On such in du tym the Lord God of faithfulnes wil clear their Innocency caus it to shyn forth as the lyt his Iust wrath vengeans to tàk hold on that spirit Power by vvhich they hav bin màd unjustly to suffer It is the sâm spirit not the sâm Nam mâks the sâm Minister or ordinans of Christ. And as concerning the ordinanses Appoyntments of God in the church this I say that as God hath so he stil doth sit appoynt in the church Profets Apostels Evangelists Pastors and teachers with other helps in Government altho they hav not now the sâm Nâms yet appearing in the sam spirit and Power ar in truth substans the sam which shal continu in the church until that end be accomplished in Mankynd for which they ar Appoynted by God to wit for the work of the Ministry in gathering and Perfecting the saints the Edification of the Body of Christ until al com into the unity of the faith Knowledg of the Son of God unto A perfect man unto the mesur of the statur of the fulnes of Christ But som may say shal man Kynd be brouht Or Redeemed into such A stat Obj. II I answer Yea And the ground or reason of my faith Answ hôp heerin is first becaus the Lord God of Lyf Wisdom Power and faithfulnes hath promised and màd a Covenant with his own seed in man kynd and throuh his Servants the Holy Profets declared that it shal be so The promis Covenant of God in man kynd the ground of al tr● faith hóp to which the scripturav a witnes That the seed of the woman shal bruis the hed of the Serpent that al the familys of the Erth shal be blesed in throuh it that into it the gathering of the Peepl shal be that it shal hav the heathen for its inheritans the utmost parts
of the Erth for its possession rul them with a rod of iron al its enemys becom its footstool that as a ston cut out of the mountain without hands it should smyt the Imag ' to wit the Powers of sin darknes in the feet therof so that the Yron Clay Silver Gold therof to wit al the strength Glory of the Power Kingdom of Darknes from the foundation to the Top ston in that cursed building shal be broken to pieces together becom as chaf which the wynd carrieth away that the ston should becom a great mountain fil the whol Erth And the Dominion of sin transgression shal be finished an end put therunto everlasting Ryteosnes be raised up established in Man Kynd they in it that as in Adam al dyed so in Christ the seed al shal be mâd alyv as sin hath reined unto Deth so Grâs shal Rein throuh Ryteosnes the seed unto everlasting lyf John in the Spirit of Profesy heard him that sat on the Thrôn say Behold I mak al things new saw the new Hevens the new Erth wherin ryteosnes dweleth the Holy City the new Jerusalem into which nothing that defyleth or worketh abomination can enter or that maketh a ly but they who ar writen in the Lambs Book of Lyf wherby was for shewn The restoration of the seed Christ in mâl and femâl of them in it to that pur Dominion Glory which he had with the Father in Man-kynd Man-kynd in him befôr the foundation of the World which lyeth in wikednes began The promis fulfild in the hed many members a strong ground of Hôp II. Secondly he hath alredy in mesûr mád thos promises Covenant good performed it to in som to wit in Christ Jesus that Lamb of God who was the first begoten from the Ded the Hed of the Body the Church in whom the Eternal Word of Lyf the Seed of God slain from the foandation of the World which lyeth in wikednes was brouht forth in its Holy Pur perfect Estat of innocency in whom the old Serpent the Divel the Tempter found no Plas who pased the tym of his sojourning heer on Erth in that mortal body in the pur fear lyt lyf Wisdom Power of God his Father faithfully finishing the work given him by the Father to do in the sam Eternal pur Spirit offered up himself again unto God without spot returned into the Bosom of the Eternal Father fountain of lyf from whens he câm proceeded As also dyvers of the Saints and Holy Men of God by and throuh a participation of the Sam Eternal pur fulnes of God which dwelt in him wer turned from the darknes to the lyt from the Power of Sathan to the Power of God and witnesed Salvation from sin and had learned to deny al ungodlynes worldly lusts and to liv soberly Ryteosly holyly in this present World wer clensed from al filthines of flesh and Spirit and had overcom the wiked ón wer mâd free from sin becom the Servants of Ryteosnes risen with Christ siting together in hevenly plases in Christ Jesus and wer com to the new Jerusalem to Mount Syon the city of the living God to the innumerabel Company of Angels the general Assembly Church of the first born to God the Judg of al and to the Spirits of just men mâd perfect in them III. Thirdly Becaus the sâm Eternal Power which hath acomplished it in the hed Som of the members The Power of God sufficient to perfect the rest is abel to acomplish the sâm in every member according to it's plâs throuhout the whol body being abel to sav to the uttermost al that com to God in him who is abel to work so as non shal hinder for Heven and Erth shal pas and now is pasing away but not ôn Jot or tittel of al that he hath spoken or promised shal fal to the ground unfulfiled IIII. Fourthly The Day is now com in which an end to the World which lyeth in wikednes shal be put the Kingdom of darknes sin and transgression finished and the pur and everlasting Ryteosnes of God to wit Christ in mâl and femâl be mád manifest in and throuh mankynd and mankynd in it reconcyled to God and to ón another in the ever lasting Covenant of lyf never mor to be forgoten in which the whol creation shal hav deliverans from the bondag of corruption in to the glorios liberty of the Sons of God The grou●d of al outward Rul ordinanses in Church stat declared And as concerning al Rûl Dominion Authority Power whatsoever that hath bin or shal be exercysed in throuh man over others wirh al the Ordinanses Appointments of God in the Church The ground of the Rys Manifestation Administration Continuans of them al was is mans transgression in sining departing from the Lord the lyt Spirit power of God in the inward parts And mans Restoration redemtion from sin transgression returning again unto the Lord in obediens to the lyt Spirit The most universal gathering greatest glory to be after the Apostacy and power of God in the inward parts puteth an end unto them al. But according as it was fôrseen fôrtold by the Spirit of Christ in the Holy Apostels a faling away Apostacy from the tru Christian faith lyf should com that the most spreding manifestation of the most Excelent glory day of the Lord the most universal gathering into him was not to com except ther cam ' first a faling away the Man of sin revealed and Holy Paul in his Advys to the over seers of the flok told them that after his departur greevos wolvs would enter in amongst them not sparing the flok that from among themselvs should men arys speaking pervers things to draw Discypels after them further said that the Mistery of Iniquity did then already begin to work John in his Epistel advyseth them to whom he wrot to try the Spirits not to beleev every Spirit becaus many fals Profets wer then gon out into the World The ●ôp confesseth that the Christ cam in that on body of flesh saying that every Spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is com into the flesh is not of God that was the Spirit of Antichrist of which they had heard that it should com said then that it was already com into the VVorld that they went out from Among themselvs And so it was that the seed of the Serpent having found Plâs in som beguyling them as of old he did Eva drawing their mynds from the simplicity of the Spirit of Christ in them leading them out into the World Inclyning their hearts after outward visibel things it ceased not working even in a mystery of
Father to be Gods salvation in the ends of the Erth even the way the truth and the lyf in Mâl and femâl to lead out of stryf and discord up to God in vvays of lov truth peas and ryteosnes whol Christendom is becom lyk the Raging sea tos ed to and fro vvith every vvynd of Doctrin runing al on heaps contending and quarreling ôn vvith another about emty nâms ways forms professions in Religion ôn sort or sect crying lo heer another lo ther a third this is the way being al of them strangers aliens enemys to the Power Spirit of God in themselvs in his Peepel Ignorant of him who is the former of al things and is without form was befor al forms or visibel appearances and abyds the sâm vvhen they hav their end vvrangling and contending about outvvard bred and wyn and water Baptisms and Carnal ordinanses which wer figurs in their tym but the living bred of God vvhich cometh dovvn from heven in his saints and the Pur Wyn of the Kingdom of God vvhich refresheth and norisheth the lyf vvhich is pur eternal and Immortal of God in the Imvard parts is not truly fed on or drank of by them And the ón Baptism vvhich saveth even the pur living water of lyf which clenseth washeth the Inward man and sprinkleth from an evil consciens is not known felt or truly Experiensed in them Betwixt thos two to wit the Beast fals Profet the Civil Ecclesiastical Power so caled hath the lamb slayn from the foundation of the world which lyeth in wikednes bin crucifyed afresh as betwixt two theevs the ón being accuser the old accuser of the Brethren the other Iudg the third to wit the Military Power the executioner which is the Barrabas vvhich they hav chosen in rejecting crucifying of Jesus by vvhom al the Insurrections Murders divydings of his garment to wit the creation into particular Intrests casting lots on his vestur hath bin don commited sins the entrans of transgression to this day vvhos practis hath bin stil is to Rob spoyl plunder the nations of their tresurs fruits of their labors to uphold themselvs in pryd lusts eas Fulnes cruelty oppression over the Nations under fals pertenses of protecting teaching them in vvays of Peas ryteosnes and salvation Thes ar the Phisicians of no valu the Nations hav bin the woman vvith the bloudy Issu that hath gon to them for help cur but notvvithstanding vvel ny al hath bin spent on them the bloudy Issu hath not bin healed but rendred by far the mor Incurabel but blesed be the Lord the vvoman hath now met vvith Jesus the good Phisician goten a touch of the hem of his garment feels in her self the healing vertu the Bloudy Issu is in mesur stayed vvhich blesed healing vertu shal not ceas vvorking til it pas throuh the vvhol body of the Creation and the cûr and redemtion therof be compleated the thre that beare Record in bel Thes tovvit the Dragon Beast fals profet àr the three that bear record in Erth and hel vvhich ar ôn and Agree in ôn to vvit the Spirit of the old serpent in man its corrupting of Man-kynd its cursed fruits and operations throuh Man kynd And heer may be noted that which I may cal the living or essential differens betwixt the living tru Lord God the Devil the old Serpent the God of the World about which the learned Disputers eloquent Orators Comentators in the Spirit of the World hav bin so long Disputing contending and wryting larg Commentarys Contradictory ôn to the other But having nether the Key of David nor the Heffer of Sampson to Plow with could never truly open or unfold the Matter and al thô they hav mâd ûs ' of the Words of the Holy Men of God recorded in the Scripturs yet ar they therin found fals witneses being strangers aliens from that Holy Pur Spirit Lyt Wisdom of God in the Holy Profets by which they spâk and wrot The living tru God is that Eternal Pur Spirit of Lyt Lyf Wisdom Power which hath its being in of its self and was befor al Creaturs visibel and in visibel wer is the lyf former fulnes end of them al abydeth the sâm when they hav their end But the old Serpent the Devil the God of the World was not befor things visibel and invisibel wer but was màd manifest in tym throuh matter form and is not but by and throuh matter and form and ceaseth to be when they hav their end in every particular towit the Spirit of that old Serpent the carnal covetos mynd with the law therof which hath its Seat in the members the Erthly or sensual part of Man-kynd which is the Woman that was deceived first in the transgression both of mâl femâl which is Deth Hel a Devil in al in whom it dwels reins even the Kingdom and Power offin darknes the seat and Thrôn of al Iniquity and al who in that Spirit and Power Exercys Rul and Dominion ever others ar a hel of Devils and tormentors to them which is the Spirit of the Beast in Man-kynd that goeth downward and renders al in whom it Dwels ruls to be the Seed and Children of the Devil that old Serpent which is mor subtil then any beast of the field which the Lord God hath mâd whos curs and portion was is for ever shal be on their Bellys to go to eat dust al the Days of their lyf but the lyf which is pur of God in Man-kynd is not up held by bred alon but by the pur Word of the Lord of lyf and Power in the inward parts doth man liv whom God is now restoring and redeeming again up into himself to Partak o● his own pur Divyn Natur and fulnes and to bear his Imag to the injoyment of the gift which he freely gav to the Children of Men whom the Lord wil again Crown with his own pur lyf Plas in Eternal Dominion over the works of his hands The Son is in mesur risen and the day com in which al the devouring Beasts of Prey shal ly down in their dens sleep a perpetual sleep man goforth unto his labor until the evening from under the curs Power of transgression sin Deth hel in the blesing of Eternal lyf pur lov Peas Ryteosnes for ever mor. And so having slayn the Innocent murdered and crucifyed the just to and in themselvs the tru Lord and heyr of al cast him out of his inheritans and possesed themselvs therof they contryved hovv to mâk sur the possession therof to themselvs theyr heyrs and Successors in that Serpentyn Murderos oppresing Spirit Power if possibel to al ages generations And the woman the Ecclesiastical Power being deceived first in the
dayly mor and mor appear coming up from the North agreat nation many Kings shal be raysed up from the East and coasts of the earth cruelly their voys shal roar as the sea and shal set themselvs in array against thee Round about and the hands of thy Potentats Kings Prinses Rulers Peepel shal wax feebel sorrovv shal dayly mor and mortak hold on them as Pangs upon a traveling woman This is the decree irrevocabel sentens of the Lord against spiritual Babylon in thee O Christendom The Lords faners ar com and coming upon thee who shal fan and emty thy land shal not spâr thy Yong nien but utterly destroy al thy host the slayn shal fal in thy land they that ar thrust throuh in thy streets his Arrows ar making bryt the Lord is raising up the Spirit of the Kings of the East for his decree is against spiritual babylon in thee utterly to destroy it now is the day of the Lords most ryteos vengeans even the vengeans of his Tempel O thou that dwelest upon many vvaters abundant in tresur thy end is com and shal dayly mor and mor appear I wil fil thee with men as vvith caterpilars and they shal lift up A shout against thee saith the Lord of hosts who hath mâd the erth by his Power and established the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heven by his understanding who is the Portion of Jacob former of al things the Lord of hosts is his nâm and his own pur seed Immortal is the tru Israel even his Battel Ax and weapons of war with which he in mesur alredy hath and Dayly mor and mor shal break in sunder the Nations and destroy Kingdoms and render to spiritual Babylon al the evil which they hav don in Syon even in your syt saith the Lord God I am against thee o destroying mountain wil stretch forth my hand upon thee and rowl thee down from the roks and màk thee a burnt mountain the trumpet is blown and blowing amongst the nations and they ar preparing against thee the Kings of the east the Captains and Rulers of the land of his Dominion and thy land O Christendom shal greatly trembel for every purpos against spiritual Babylon in thee shal be performed to màk her an utter desolation Thy myty men shal fal becom as women they shal burn thy dweling plases and break al thy bars ôn post shal run to meet another to shew to the King of spiritual Babylon that his city is taken ar ôn end therof which is wel ny alredy accomplished mark that for the Passages begin to be stoped the Reeds ar in mesur burnt the Men of War ar affryted and yet a very littel whyl and the tym of her harvest threshing shal com saith the Lord of hosts who alredy in mesur hath dayly mor and mor shal Plead the caus of his Peepel with thee dry up thy sea yea even màk dry thy springs thy inhabitants shal roar lyk bears yel lyk lyons whelps and becom drunk and sleep a perpetual sleep and not awàk any mor saith the Lord who vvil execut judgment upon thy graven images and the slain shal fal in the midst of thee for spoylers ar com coming upon her from the north saith the Lord and as spiritual Babylon hath caused the slayn of Gods seed to fal so at Babylon shal fal the slayn of al the Erth Thy Broad wals shal be utterly broken and thy hy gats burnt thy wariors shal contend in vain labor in the fyr and I wil màk drunk thy Potentats Prinses wys men Captains Rulers and myty men and they shal sleep a perpetual sleep and not awàk any mor saith the Lord God The ston is cut out of the mountain without hands and in mesur hath and dayly mor and mor shal smyt thee and break thee to Pieces even thy military Civil Ecclesiastical Power so caled which ar the feet and toes of that imag with Nebuchadnezar savv and the Yron the Clay the Bras the Silver and the Gold in thee shal be broken to pieces and becom as the chaf of the summer threshing floor and the fiers wynd of the Ryteos vvrath of God shal carry them avvay and their plas shal no mor be found and the ston is novv in mesur becom A mountain even the mountain of the hous of the Lord vvhich shal be exalted on the top of al mountains and shal dayly and gradually mor and mor grovv til it fil the vvhol Erth novv is the God of heven seting up a Kingdom that shal never be destroyed nether shal it be left uuto another peepel but it shal break in Pieces and consum al Kingdoms in thee Thrôns ar novv casting dovvn and the Antient of days is novv siting vvhos thrôn is lyk a fyery flâm and his vvheels as burning fyr a fyery stream Issueth forth befor him ten thousand tyms ten thousand Minister unto him the Judgment is set the books ar in mesur opened and dayly opening the beast is now slaying and his body giving to the burning flam The littel horn that subdued three Kingdoms whos look was mor stout then his fellows his Power is taken from him and the tym is now com and shal dayly mor mor appear that the Kingdom Dominion and greatnes of the Kingdom under the whol hevens shal dayly mor and mor be given unto the Peepel of the Saints of the most hy whos Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and al Dominions shal serv obey him Troubelsom tydings Out of the * From the Fast outward armys with outward Weapons of cruelty from the North the spiritual Battel Ax from wheas Babylon shal be utterly destroyd not by myt but by the sword of the spirit or word of his mouto North East ar now seizing on thee the Lord wil gather thy nations together and bring them down to the vally and vvil plead with them ther for his Peepel and for his heritag whom they hav scattered and cruelly delt with spoyled and murdered in thee o Christendom he is preparing war and wakening up the myty drawing them near to com up beat their plow shars into swords and their pruning hooks into spears and they shal awak com up to the vally for ther wil the Lord sit to Judg al the Hethen in thee round about The harvest is even ryp the si●kel is puting in the pres is filing and the fats shal over flow for wickednes is Exceeding great in thee multituds multituds is the Lord gathering into the vally of decision The great and notabel day of the Lord is now appearing he is now roaring out of Syon and uttering forth his voys his terribel voys from his Holy habitation and the erth in thee shal terribely shàk trembel for the Lord is becom the hôp of his Peepel who hav a strong city to which God hath appoynted salvation for wals
to their proper plâs and in the injoyment of that which is the proper dû Ryt of ech of them by the just and Ryteos Lord God omnipotent and therin abyd forever who to and in the on and the seed therof wil be a lâk of utter darknes wher shal be weeping gnathing of teeth for ever The deth of deth what a Never dying worm and fyr that shal never be quenched and the breth of the Lord vvhich hath in mesur Kindled it shal as an inexhaustibel River of brimston keep it burning in the inward parts in every Particular which is the deth of deth the hel of hel the grav of the grav but to and in the other and the seed therof the Eternal pur Power wil be a pur endles and never fading Kingdom of lyf lov peas comfort Ryteosnes and joy unspeakabel and ful of glory vvhich is the heven of hevens vvhich conteins not him vvho is the eternal Incompehensibel father and fountain of pur lyf and fulnes vvho is in throuh and over al. The Lord is now com into his Tempel even the messenger of the covenant in whom his sanctifyed ôns delyt behold he is even now com shal dayly mor and mor appear but who may abyd the day of his coming or be abel to stand in his now appearing surly only such as can dwel with the devouring fyr with the everlasting burnings he is even com near to thee to judgment is becom in his sanctifyed on 's a swift faithful vvitnes against the sorcerer the adulterer fals swearer and the oppreser of the Fatherles widdow that turns asyd the stranger from his Ryt even the tru heyr of al vvho hath bin long as a stranger in the Erth vvho is the sâm as in the begining changeth not and therfor yee sons of Jacob ar not consumed yea the day that burneth as an oven is novv com the Proud yea al that do vvickedly in thee ar becom as dryed stubbel fited for the fyr the day that is now com in mesur alredy hath and dayly mor mor shal burn them up consum them even Root Branch saith the Lord God of truth his fan is in his hand he is Purging his own floor gathering the wheat into his garner but wil burn up the chaf straw and stubbel with unquenchabel fyr with such Judgment as the dragon beast fals Profet in thee hav judged they must now be judged such mesur as they hav met must now be mesured to them again the King of glory is now com to cal al his stewards and servants to account both great smal in thee and such as hav bin without compassion to their fellow servants taking them by the throat suing them casting them into prison about dets Carnal things wil he novv deliver to the tormenter til themselvs hav payd the uttermost farthing and such as in the absens of the Lord tru master of al hav bin found beating abusing thir fellow servants even cruely oppresing murdering the innocent vvil he novv cut in sunder and giv them their Portion with Hypocryts in the làk even in utter darknes wher is weeping vvayling and gnashing of teeth for ever and al the Ydel slothful servants vvho hav hid the Lords mony in them as in the Erth and not improved it vvil he novv bynd hand and foot and cast into utter darknes vvher their worm dyeth not and their fyr is not quenched and al the foolish virgins which ar found fluin bering and runing to the buyers selers to get oyl shal be shut out from the brydgrooms presens and althô both buyers selers may Plead that they hav Prophesyed in his nam cast out devils ear bred and drank Wyn in his presens that he hath tauht in their streets saying Lord Lord yet must they novv receiv this ansvver from him that is with in them depart yee Workers of iniquity I know you not And such as hav bin at work in the vynyard from the first hour of the day as shal be found with an evil ey murmuring against the good man of the hous becaus of his goodnes to others who com in as it wer at the last hour of the day shal be reptoved sent away with their own and the last shal be first and the first last for thô many be caled yet but fevv ar chosen The sun of ryteosnes is now com and coming in his glory with his Holy Angels and shal dayly mor and mor appear and is now upon his thron and befor him is he gathering al nations yea as a shepherd is he now divyding and making a seperation betwixt the sheep and the goats and al who hav not fed clothed risited pityed and refreshed him in his despysed oppresed spoyled robed Imprisoned Cruely Murdered massacred Innocent harmles littel on 's must now and dayly mor mor shal receiv this sentens depart from me yee cursed into everlasting fyr prepared for the Devil and his angels And if such who hav not sed him in them to wit his peepel when hungry nor gav them drink when thirsty nor clothed them when naked and as strangers nor visited them when sik and in prison must receiv such a dredful sentens o then vvhat must be the portion and sentens of such in thee o Christendom vvho hav spoyled them of their outvvard injoyments oppresed their familys cast their bodys into prisons nasty filthy and dirty hôls dungeons cruelly using and torturing them by wraks other cruel torturing instruments secretly openly murdering and sheding their dear and pretios blood For al vvhich vvith a numberles number of other hy cryms and abomnations which hav bin stil ar commited in thee o Christendom their most tender father even the the Lord God omnipotent is now com and entering into Judgment with thee and caling thee to an account vvrath vengeans to the uttermost even the bottom and dregs of the cup of his most just vvrath dredful indignation Plagu's vengeans is novv seizing upon al the workers of iniquity both great and smal in thee the Reapers ar now gathering the târs and bynding them in bundels for the fyr The sain Iesus vvho vvas received by a cloud up into heven out of the syt of his discipels is now com and coming in the clouds of heven in his holy ôns vvhom every ey in mesur doth and dayly mor and mor shal see yea even they vvho hav and stil do piers him in themselvs and in his dear tender innocent saints holy ôn's and al the tongu's and Kindreds of the Erth shal dayly môr and môr mourn becaus of him he vvil novv render to every ón great smal hy and lovv rich poor bond and free màl femal according to their vvorks vvithout respect of persons to them vvho ar contentios and obey not the motions of the lyt
Patient constant faithful lamb lyk sufferings vvhich ar the spirit water bloud of the lamb vvith vvhich they over com and stand in Pur Dominion over al their enemys both in them and vvithout them the great Erth quak ther to wit in England Scotland Yrland is wel ny over the tenth Part of the city neer hand fallen the seven thousand men of Nàm Rul authority in the Dragons Beasts fals profets spirit Power neer hand slayn in the Erth quak and that which Remains to be don and fulfiled on the Dragon's Beast's fals Proset's Power spirit and on the great sea out of which the Beast aros the many waters on which the skarlet whor sits is now in hand and shal dayly mor and mor be carryed on til it be finished fully don and accomplished The Battel of the great day of God almyty is in mesur com shal dayly mor and mor appear he is even com and coming as a thief in the Nyht blesed is he that watcheth he is gathering them together for the Battel the Kingdom of the great skarlet coulored beast in thee o Christendom whos present chief hed art thou O Leopold is now weihed numbered found to lyt 666. is determined by the Lord God for the finishing puting an end therunto The lamb is now standing on mount Syon the hundred forty four thousand ar in mesur gathered dayly gathering into him having his Fathers Nam in their for heds The new hevens ar in mesur opened the whyt hors him that siteth ther on in mesur appeareth in his sanctifyed ôn vvho is caled the word of God and in ryteosnes doth he judg and mak war is cloathed in a gartment diped diping in bloud whos nam is caled faithful tru the armys which ar in heven ar following of him out of his mouth goeth as harp sword with vvhich he in mesur alredy hath dayly mor mor shal smyt the nations rul them with a Rod of Iron having on his vestur on his thyh a nam written King of Kings Lord of Lords the fouls which fly in the midst of heven at caled caling to the super of the great God they in mesur alredy hav dayly mor and mor shal eat the flesh of Kings the flesh of Captains the flesh of myty Men the flesh of Horses them that sit on them of al men both free bond smal great And the Beast fals Profet already in mesur hath been dayly mor mor shal be taken a lyv cast into the Lâk of fyr burning with brimston al the fouls filed with their flesh in thee o Christendom Great Babylon is novv com into Remembrans befor God the gre at City is novv divyded into three parts viz Catholiks Lutherans Calvinists in the Roman Imperial Dominions vvith this Heds Hornt But in England Scotland Yrland under the nâms of Papists Episcopacy Presbytery And as for her suburbs thôs other Nâms Sects to the hyest of them under the Comand Government teachings of Man thô they be got A step in form profession beyond the other yet being gon from the mesur of the Spirit of grâs in them which drew them forth in mesur to seperat in form lyf practis from the other they ar novv becom ôn in natur ground practis with the great whor of Rôm And being found Partakers with her in her sins thy must also unavoydably receiv of her Plagu's which great City is in mesur falen faling as shee hath don must novv be dôn unto her yea doubel according to her vvorks In the cup vvhich shee hath filed must novv be filed to her doubel And according to that heiht in vvhich she hath glorifyed her self living delitiosly so much torment and sorrovv must novv be given unto her The ten Horns on the Beast's Hed in mesur do and dayly mor and mor shal hât the vvhor mak her desolat and naked eat her flesh and burn her vvith fyr The was betvvixt Michael his Angels the Dragon his Angels is begun and shal dayly mor and mor appear and be carryed on til it be fully finished The Lamb the Saints in mesur hav and dayly mor and mor shal hav pur Victory and Dominion over al his their enemys from the greatest to the least he that hath led into Captivity must now go into Captivity And that Spirit in Man which hath kiled with the sword must now be kiled by the sword even the sword of the mouth And the Hevens even the Spirit of the Holy Profets Aposlels in his Peepel of this present Ag●● generation shal rejoys over her thus with vyolens shal that great City Spiritual Babylon Sodom Egypt be thrown down as agreat Milston into the Sea be found no mor at al for ever for in her is found the Bloud not only of the Profets Saints but of al that hav bin slain upon the Erth This Generation shal not pas away until it be fulfiled thes ar the tru sayings of God he that hath an ear to hear let him hear But for the sak of the burdened oppressed slain Seed of God in thee O Leopold thee O Póp of Rôm al the Kings Prinses Rulers Governors with al in Authority under you of what degree rank or order soever Whether Civil Military or Spiritual and Ecclesiastical so caled with al Peepel by and low rich and poor bond and free smal and great mâl and femâl of what Nation Kindred Tougu or Peepel soever under the Command government and teachings of Man in the bowels of dear tender lov for the sâk of the slain Seed of God in thee O Christendom to the end that he who is in mesur already risen may dayly mor and mor arys to Judgment in thee to sav â al the meek of the Erth that the Sea Deth hel in thee may mor and mor deliver up the Ded incorrup●ibel in them and be judged every ôn according to their works and that the oppresed groaning creation in thee may mor mor be delivered from the bondag of corruption into the glorios liberty of the Sons of God which is the first Resurrection in which the Jews shal be visited in which al ar blesed who hav their parts for on such the second Deth shal hav no Power but the shal be Priests of God of Christ and Rein with him a thousand Yeers which with the Lord is but as ôn day in the end of which the seven thunders shal utter their voys the effects wherof ar of a larger Extent then Christendom containing in them the se●ching out to the bottom the hiden things of Esau and the laying of his mountain also utterly wast and desolat the compleat deliverans of the whol creation from the bondag of corruption the