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A27602 An exposition of the divinely prophetick Song of Songs which is Solomons beginning with the reign of David and Solomon, ending in the glorious kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ / adjusted to the expositor's line of time, and illustrating it, and composed into verse by T. Beverley. Beverley, Thomas. 1687 (1687) Wing B2143; ESTC R10740 98,849 88

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make a due Inquiry and then to adjoin themselves to greatest Evidences of Reason Together with which he may as he pleases extraordinarily awaken inject infuse into their Minds but so that the whole Assurance they have depends upon Evidence and all they claim to of Assent is upon the same Evidence where this then fails Mistake ensues and Assent is not due From hence it follows As they may mistake so they may differ and One be in the right upon better Evidence where another is in the wrong upon no Evidence or insufficient Evidence Or Both may be Right or in an Errour on the same accounts and yet Both these may be in great Things eminent Ministers of the Truth of God to his Church and agree therein being excited and conducted beyond the ordinary level of Men to attain Evidences true and firm in such Points where the generality yea where very few enter at all And therefore those Mistakes and Differences shall not in the least invalidate the great Truths wherein they have Evidence and wherein they Agree For all is to be valued by Evidence And Ignorance Inapprehensiveness Want of Diligence in others in Trying and Judging these Evidences to distinguish between Mistake and Truth and their Rejection of all for want of such Infallibility and Agreement makes no alterations in things themselves which neither will deceive nor can be deceived And withal observe here are no more Grains of Allowance required in this Case than in all kinds of Learning Knowledge Science and Arts in the World which do not proceed upon Infallibility nor determine in any greater Universality of Consent No not Theology it self beyond the very express Assertions of Scripture If Men have a greater Antipathy and Aversion to make out after to try or to receive Prophetical Knowledge and to think it Reason enough to do so because Men mistake and differ which same thing they do in all things and though their Agreements in grand Points as in all other Cases is so valueable It cannot be helped till a better State of the World cure this so general Malady But to return from this long but most necessary Digression upon this Occasion Although I do with all Thankfulness acknowledge the Helps I have received yet I humbly avow with lowliest Thanksgivings to God I have proceeded upon these peculiar Grounds deriv'd from his Word alone I find no way of Interpretation so like to Circumscribe and Define the Sacred Sense of this Song as a Prophetical Course of Time which the Church passing through under the various Elevations and Depressions of the Kingdom of Christ it becomes capable of these so various Pictures And as in the Course of Time God requires and calls back what is past into wonderful Agreements with what is present and to come upon which Solomon says There is no new thing under the Sun So in this Song supposing it such a Table of Time the Figures and Allegories in which those past things are pourtray'd may be requir'd and repeated For the States come to be repeated in their likenesses also and so the old Emblems are often recall'd and no new ones chosen for them 1. This then laid in the Foundation I farther observe From the very Beginning to the End of this Song there are under the Emblems of Spices of sweetest Smell and richest Perfume couch'd a preparation to a Royal Annointing in agreement with the Great Title of Christ Messiab or Annointed and also in allusion to Paradise the Palace Royal of his Kingdom in all these there is a Designation of his Kingdom who is the Bridegroom and the Beloved of his Church His Spouse and Bride which makes this Song Panegyrical or Inaugurative 2. Again therefore I observe There is from the Beginning to the End of this Song a constant Design of drawing all the Preparations to a Marriage and Nuptial Solemnity by the holiest purest and most ardent Affections and all kind of Ceremonies and Retinue and Courtship for Espousals and for the Glories and solemnization that agree to the Nuptial Love and Honour Christ is pleas'd to put upon his Spouse and Bride the Church And that as Marriage which is a great Mystery as the Apostle says speaking concerning Christ and his Church was instituted in Paradise and there had its Beginning So in the Paradise of God it hath its Complement and Perfection Now hereunto agree the so often mention of Flowers Gardens Virgins a Bed Espousals and innumerable the like by which this Song looks so like an Epithalamium or Marriage-Song between Christ and his Church Revel c. 19. c. 21. 3. Further Because as the Grandeur of a Kingdom was by the Ancients addulced and sweetned with the Emblems of the Tenderness Care and Propriety of a Shepherd in his Flock and that the Entertainments of Love and Amorous Contemplations were agreeable to the Shepherd's Life Therefore in this Song there is so often mention of Kids Sheep Goats Roes and Hinds Lyons Leopards Roes and Hinds of the Field of a wilder Race of Shepherds and the Mountains They and their Flocks walk upon whereby this Song hath so much of a Pastoral in it 4. And lastly Because Enemies are oft to be overcome before Kingdoms can be enjoyed in Peace and Lustre there is therefore so often mention of Valiant Men Arms Armory and Armies by which this Song becomes Heroic and Triumphal And all these things are drawn into Song according to the general Usage in ancient Times to Compose into Poesy both their Wars the Glory of their Kings and also their Amours and Pastoral Divertisements From these Considerations then we may have a general prospect and view upon the Frame and Model of this Song and so as to fix it and not leave it to the Pleasure of every Mercurial Phantasie 5. Seeing every Course of Time that is to be limited and circumscribed and pourtrayed as in a Model and Table must have a Point when it begins and when it ends and a medium or middle Line in which it runs along I observe there are great Inducements as possibly we can desire to begin the Song in David who was the first Royal Ancestor of Jesus Christ the King of his Church and the most Eminent Typical Messiah or Annointed of the Lord Annointed with holy Oyl A King raised from a Shepherd to be so wherein he was as it were by Education fitted to a Pastoral Government and prepared to become the sweet Singer of Israel in agreement so far with this Song and a most renowned Warrior who Atchieved by Conquest his Kingdom and was therein eminently a Prophet and a King and not without some providential Resemblance of a Priest in being girded with the Priestly Ephod before the Lord Thus every way in so Eminent a Personage this Song was to begin who was so great a Type and also in his Psalms so great a Prophet of Christs Kingdom as therein to give the Kisses of Christs mouth as he in his several Annointings
in the Red Horse of War in the Apocalypse and given in Daniel but in the way of Appendage to the Cutting off the Messiah But most fully given Ezek. c. 16. c. 23. To Conclude as I humbly Beg the Prayers of All who have Favour for Endeavours in the Clearing of Prophecy So I most Humbly and Ardently Pray for Blessing from Above upon what is here Presented that we may Read and Understand this Prophecy and may wait and come to the End of the 1335 Days For the Time is at Hand A TABLE OF THE GRAND EVENTS Relating to the Kingdom of Christ and the States of his Church from the Kingdom of David begun to his own Glorious Appearance in his Kingdom given in this Song AFTER the general Argument Solomons Preface and the Expositors Preface p. 1. p. 2. Years of the World 2949 Davids Reign began and with Solomons Reign made eighty years p. 3. p. 4 5. Years of the World 3029 Jeroboams Reign and the parting of the Kingdoms p. 6 7. Rehoboams Reign p. 8. Asaes and Jehosaphats Reign p. 9. The Reign of Ahaziah Joash Amaziah omitted in the Genealogy of Christ compar'd to a bundle of Myrrh in the Night p. 10. Abiiam Joram Ahaz Manasseh before Repentance Amon those worst Kings bundled with Uzziah and Jotham and Manasseh after Repentance as Camphire or Cypress giving some sweetness p. 11. Hezekiahs and Josiahs Reign p. 11. The Reigns of Jehoahaz Jehoiakim Jeconiah Zedekiah p. 12 13. Years of the World 3389 The Captivity of the seventy years beginning in Jehoiakims sixth and seventh years p. 13 14. The return of the Captivity p. 15 16 17. Years of the World 3459 The setled State of the Church under Ezra and Nehemiah p. 17 18. The division of Time by the Mountains of Bether before and after the Captivity p. 19 20. Antiochus Epiphanes making the Sanctuary desolate according to Daniels Prophesie and the History of the Maccabees p. 21. The Recovery of the Temple-Worship and Christ in it till the Incarnation p. 22. Years of the World 3987 The Incarnation of Christ p. 24. Years of the World 4020 The Death and Resurrection of Christ p. 25. Year of Christ 33. 34. A Description of the Apostolick Church p. 26 27. The Ascension of Christ p. 28 29. The sending down of the Holy Spirit p. 29 30. The Gentiles call'd and becomming a Sister Church p. 31. The Gentile Church becoming as the only Church and the Jews under silence with the Scripture Admonitions in that case p. 32. The sealed Time entring wherein the Kingdom of Christ is stay'd and the State of the Churches under the Apocalyptick Symbols of Ephesus and of Smyrna under the Heathen and under the Christian Emperours p. 33 34 35 36. Of the World 4424 Year of Christ 437 The Apostacy of the Christian Church under the Church of Pergamus symboliz'd in the Revelation p. 37 38 39 40. The distribution of the 1260 Days of the Witnesses Sackcloth the Woman in the Wilderness under the Gentiles 42 months and the Beasts 42 months knitting one into another and becoming equal with the 1260 dayes p. 41 42. Year of Christ about 1400. The Description of the Churches true Beloved in the Church of Thyatira in opposition to Antichrist p. 43 44 45 46. Year of Christ 1527 and forward The Churches of the Reformation Thyatyra Sardis and Philadelphia searching for the Beloved and call'd Protestants p. 47 48. World 5684 Christ 1597 The State of the Philadelphian Churches Interval or the last 75 years of the 2300 p. 49 50 51. The calling of the Jews of the two Tribes p. 56. The Spouse praises the Jewish Body coming into Vnion with it p. 58 59 60 61 62. The Jews return thus distinctly plac'd the Song returns to the one Spouse so grac'd who now speaks p. 63 64. The earnest desire of the Church for the Personal Appearance and Reign of Christ in Humane Nature p. 64 65. The Appearance of the Ten Tribes as on the sudden p. 65 66. The Spouse concerning those Ten Tribes newly return'd and the Answer of the Ten Tribes p. 67 68. Year of the World 5759 Year of Christ 1772 A Description of the supreme Kingdom of Christ under the Parable of Solomons Royal Vineyard with a Conclusion comprizing Christs Incitation of his Church to desire his Appearance and the Churches Prayers for it like the end of the Revelation p. 69 70. Cant. 8. 13 14. Revel 22 17 20. compar'd Cause me to hear the Companions Hearkning to thy Voice Make haste my Beloved and be thou like a young Roe on the Mountain of Spices The Spirit and the Bride say Come Let him that heareth or hearkneth to this Voice say Come ALL SAID Come Lord Jesus come quickly The Argument AN Exposition of the Divinely Prophetick Song of Songs which is Solomons The Epoch or Beginning of which is to be Fixed at David's Unction Year of the World about 2950. or Annointing into the Kingdom of Judah and Israel who was the Grand Typical Messiah The Period of this Song is in The Glorious Kingdom of Jesus Christ the True Solomon King of Peace King of Glory the Son of David the Only True Messiah In a Prayer for this Kingdom This Song of Solomon Jedidiah the Beloved of the Lord Ends Thus Make haste my Beloved And be Thou as a Roe or a young Hart on the Mountain of Spices chap. 8. ult Even as the Beloved Daniel Ends in the Blessedness of that End of Dayes Dan. 12. ult And the Beloved Disciple John in that Prayer Even so come Lord Jesus shuts up his Revelation The Exposition is compos'd into Verse in Imitation of the Divinely Inspired Poesie in which the Holy Spirit Dictated it to Solomon The Persons speaking are The Spouse of the King The True Church The King himself Jesus Christ God-Man The Chorus or Quire The Saints of every Age. The Sacred Text with the Times of each Stanza or Canticle of this Song Adjusted to the Expositor's Line of Time and Illustrating it is given with short Marginal Notes for the Explication of any Difficulties in Words or Sense Solomon 's Preface Chap. 1 ver 1 The Song of Songs which is Solomons THis Divine Song of Songs To Solomon belongs The Type to Solomon The Life to Christ alone The Preface of the Expositor MAy th' Holy Breath now fill my humble Sails That swell'd King Schelom's Thoughts with first born Gales While Sp'rite Divine did th' Royal Phant'sy steer He sung the Song the World of Songs can't Peer A Song that Sacred Senses Enterweaves With Prophecies so high that Sybils leaves So fam'd to Ballads dwindle in Compare Or silenc'd Oracles This does declare That Princely Stem whom David's Kingly Root From Low Beginnings did in Schelom shoot 'Bove Earthly Kings and still in David's Son And Lord much higher lifts true Solomon Till Heaven opens and on Skies he rides Triumphant and all
the Heavens back again I bow In a serene and perfect Cloudless Day All shadows gone and darkness flown away Chorus The King Himself this brightest Morning Star By his own glorious Presence brings from far The Day so long Exil'd When He all Crowns Shall in his Kingdom swallow when the Frowns Of his bright Face as Thunder shafts shall send The Dark Kings with their Night to their black End So He ascends this Kingdom to receive And to return at time of Sacred Breve This in Parenthesis is interpos'd Amidst the Churches Praises and dispos'd On purpose so that thus the time made plain From Christs Ascension to 's Return again The flowing Cantoes might with Time keep touch And th' Churches various States fit Emblems couch First as its Spotless Apostolick state It self to Salvage Gentiles did dilate Of which how high the Sequent Emblems play Their Airs to listen is our next Essay The King goes on The sending down of the Holy Spirit Now when my Love my Hand hath form'd thee true To my own Image and I Thee endue By th' Holy * Paraclete sent down from Me As my Triumphant Bounty Ample Free With Gifts and Graces Oh Thy Fairest hue Thou Beauties highest point in this Review Dost spotless touch 'T is now thy Beauties clear Without a Blemish now Thou dost appear Like the first Church in Paradise compriz'd Which by the Serpent Fell Thou art repriz'd From th' Serpents Hand To stand see that thou choose Lest thy first Candlestick its Place should loose And now my Song of Love doth thee Enroll Into the state of Spouse Thy Nuptial stole My Gospel Graces are The Gentile wolds Come we 'll survey now which the Devil holds As Dens of Lyons and the Leopards mounts Although my Kingdom 's right by holy Counts From Canaans Mountains let us give them view Which lye within the Holy Lands purliew From Liban come my Spouse come thou with me From Liban come from Aman's Top look thee From Shenir's and from Herman's Brows with Eye Of Grace le ts look where Lyons Leopards lye The Chorus The Gentiles Call'd and becoming a Sister Church with the Jews First and after some Ages the only Church in view till the Jews Conversion Upon this Gracious prospect from the Hills The Sister-Church the following Cantoes fills The King goes on How soon I see a Sister Spouse arise So fruitful is the Favour of my Eyes How soon the Gentile Church that Sister-Spouse One Body with the Jews in my Love grows Thou art Adopted now one of the Eyes That does complete the Beauty its surprize My Heart transports as does that lovely Chain Which to the Head unite does thee retain In whole as by one Neck and still recalls Thy Name my Sister-Spouse which thee installs In Nuptial Rights so that thy Love enshrines Thy Beauty in my Heart 'bove richest Wines Which Sacrifices grac'd now out of date In this new Spoused Jew and Gentile State The Odours of thy Oyntments much excell The Spices that in Typic Unguents smell For Gifts and Graces are my Spirits Oyl To which most Fragrant Matter 's but a Foil The combed Cells which sweetest Honies fill Drop not the Pleasures Spouse thy Lips distill The staple Dainties of the Promis'd Land Honey and Milk are in thy Tongues Command The potent Flavors of Thy Vests confine Those fainter of the Mount Liban Chorus Thus Divine Influxes make the barren Wilds out-do An earthly Canaan and its Types out-go Its Doctrines Sufferings Graces all combine As sweetest Odours and the richest Wine For now the Jewish Spouse in silent shade Vales off this Song Ensuing Emblems laid Are in the Sister-Spouse Till all the Tribes First Two then Ten returning It describes So now the Gentile Church Great Israels Name Inherits as the onely Spouses claim But Fear Ingrafted Israel the fate Of native Branches Dread t' usurp the State Of Church so Catholick as if the Root Thou Bor'st from whence the Branches shoot And not the Root Bare thee a Branch at will Standing by Faith but pruned off if Ill. Or as without the Nat'ral Israel Thou Couldst be the Perfect Spouse Proud Fancies glow Thus in the Roman Breast Conceits its own Are Canoniz'd for Wise But Gents alone No more than Jews this Catholick can be Jews first split on this Rock and now Fear Thee Besides 't is now the Gentiles Times run deep While Jewish Church and State thus lye asleep Then in the Gentiles Times a Gentile Pest Will likely Rise a Gentile Church t' infest Of these Adopted Jews some false Christs Preach And Antichrists Supplants True Christ impeach The King Thou Gentile Church Thou Sister in a Spouse Thy whole Time in a Glance my Fore-sight showes A Garden Barr'd a Spring shut up a Fount That 's Seal'd throughout Thy Emblems I recount For when Seals open All my Kingdom strait Will open with Them But I patient wait Even till that Israel of which I come Joyning with Thee make up my Israels Sum That Time my Father set Successive seals Still therefore stay my Kingdoms just Appeals Each sealed Time I 'll Character to Thee Successions each in Order thou shalt see First Ephesus the Seat of Truth reveal'd Each Plant an Orchard of Pomegranates seal'd With Heavens Impress I depaint Chorus Then Truth did flow As if each Plant a Paradise would grow The King goes on Next Thee a Spicy Region I describe Where thrive where smell Spices of ev'ry Tribe Those of the Royalty those Popular All justly mix'd each in their Order are The Camphire meets the Spike Spike Saffron meets The Aromatic Reed with Odours greets The Fragrant Bark Sweet Frankincense indents With Myrrh the flavor'd Aloes joyns scents Chorus Thus Spices of Afflictions bitter Taste Bruis'd by the pondrous Pestel while they waste Into Perfumes give Smyrna's suffring Days Which lasted till the Christian Empire sways The King goes on 'T is then as if unseal'd I do allow Thy Gardens to stream out Thy Springs to flow As if a Fount of Gardens Thou A Mount of Wells That roll down with sweet streams of Liban's Smells The Winds that Fan thy Redolent Perfumes With Gales so brisk each point my Care Assumes First the stern North and then the softer South That all thy Spicy Atoms as from Mouth Of Arab's Gummy Land may blow I Joy In publick'st Graces when of pure Alloy All Virtues from thee I let out but In To Thee shut out the subtle streams of Sin Now cause That Man of Sin hath his sworn Time Before my Kingdom To turn back that slime Foul as the Serpents see thy Springs new barr'd Thy Fountain seal'd under Hermetic Guard Now Satan's Synagogue is creeping out Thy
AN EXPOSITION OF THE Divinely Prophetick SONG OF SONGS WHICH IS SOLOMONS Beginning with the Reign of David and Solomon Ending in the Glorious Kingdom of our Lord JESUS CHRIST Adjusted to the Expositor's Line of Time and Illustrating it And Composed into VERSE By T Beverley London Printed for the Author 1687. THE PREFACE TO THE Exposition of Solomon's Song by way of Justificacation that the Exposition ought to be Prophetical THAT This Book of Holy Scripture hath been under a high Character of Honour in the Church of God and hath Imprinted an Awe and Veneration of it self upon the Minds of Wise and Holy Men is out of doubt both among Jews and Christians It is enough known that the Jews prohibit any to read it till the Sacerdotal or Thirtieth Year of Age Now though this may savor of an over Fear which in Religious Matters dwells at the next door to Superstition Yet still it shews of how sublime a Majesty and Estimation this Song appear'd to them And with the same profound Reverence all Christians approach it who have any serious Sense of the Dread due to Sacred Oracles This Thing therefore is not of any doubt But it is a Question of much greater Intricacy and Perplexity what the drift scope and design of so uncontestably a Divine and Spiritual Song is The generality of Interpreters look upon it as a Catholick seat or Universe of Allegories representing the Mystical Communion betwixt Christ and his Spouse the Church and every Believing Soul in it Now although I defer as much as Any of the most Devoted to such Holy Spiritual and Heavenly Meditations as are deriv'd with Advantages of Piety and Prudence from this stupendious Allegory Yet I cannot for this very great Reason Rest in that Expository Sentiment that makes it the grand scope of the Holy Spirit to give Rist to such Meditations And this is my Reason All parts of Scripture have some so limited determinate defined scope and end that they cannot be misled from it by any Interpretation But it cannot be imagin'd or with any semblance suppos'd that from this Song there can be drawn a Frame or Platform either of the state of the Church or of particular Souls in Relation to their Communion with Christ or of Religious Discipline or Rules of Life that should traverse and cut with variety of Motions backward and forward that so Indefinite variety that these so manifold both new and repeated Emblematisms require If then there be not a Frame and Model to stint and confine Interpretation this Song must be left to the differing Phantasies of all its Interpreters how many soever and nothing left to controll or correct them who do but keep to the general Analogy of pious Sense and natural Knowledge For when the whole Universe serves the Images of thi● Sacred Poesie and that every Sprig may some way resemble God It may consequently be made serviceable to some spiritual Meditation and moral Document and so proportionably seeing the Communion betwixt Christ and his Church is of the same Divine Spiritual and Holy Nature every Particle of Nature used in this Song shall be subject to as many Descants upon it as there are Ingenies to extract them agreeably to that foresaid Analogy of Faith and common Philosophy And so the Song and the several parts of it unstable as Water having no consistent Figure of their own shall receive s●ape from every Vessel the Interpreter brings to it But it surpasses my Understanding or Belief that so infinitely Wise and divinely Prudent an Author as the Holy Spirit should write in such a Laxity as this Known to whom are all his Works of Scripture from the beginning to the end and all the various Censures and Senses each Iota of them shall undergo and hath supreme and determinate Counsels of his own which shall Over-rule them all And so in this Song And indeed if this Liberty and Largeness of Interpretation were allowed It would yet be never possible to give any decent and congruous Agreement betwixt the Spouse of Christ and a Company of Horses in Pharaohs Chariot Teeth like a Flock of Sheep bearing Twins Eyes as Fish pools Locks bushy and black as a Raven that should express the Communion betwixt Christ and his Church without some other Key of Interpretation that keeps the whole Tight to such a Frame and Model of things as was before desir'd There are some Interpreters therefore though so very few as hardly to escape the Note of singularity and of very Venerable Name who have understood by it a portraicture of the various States through which the Kingdom of Christ hath pass'd in relation to his Church and so reciprocally of his Church in relation to his Kingdom And from these I confess I receiv'd the first Thoughts that such a Table is most agreeable to this Divine Composure And herein I am not asham'd to acknowledgde I have borrowed most light from that very Admirable Man Mr. Brightman with whom Mr. Cotton that great Light of the Church of God in New England Symbolises And yet I have retired from them in a careful Avoidance to press these Divine Figures too hard lest wringing them should bring forth Blood or to make the pursuit too far lest the Exposition should be too curious and minute For in all Prophetical Expositions I think there is most safety of Truth in resting upon the Bulk and Body of Scripture Prophecy and of History when only Humane History leads the Application but when Sacred History conducts it One may be much more bold or where the Instance is singular and notorious as in Antiochus Epiphanes And as I have retired in these particularities of Interpretation from those two by me so honoured Expositors of this Song so I have as freely dissented from them wheresoever I see Reason And upon this occasion I take liberty to make this Digression and to observe It is a very frivolous Undertaking to attempt to bl●st the Interpretation of Prophetical Interpreters as of Mr Mede Mr. Brightman and that to me above all others most Indear'd Name of the most Learned Pious and Honoured Dr. More on Daniel and the Apocalypse and Others Because either Events have not answered their Calculations or because they differ among themselves For herein is the great Mistake Men are angry These Prophetical Expositors do not as inspired Writers give Oracles Whereas God may wonderfully and beyond the ordinary standard assist his Servants in some grand Points to bring Light into the World and to make great Efforts into the retired parts of Scripture viz. the Prophecies and yet leave them in many Particulars to the Fallibility of their own Minds and so to Mistakes For this is the Distinction betwixt the immediate Assistances of God vouchsafed to the Sacred Pen-men and Those whom he leads by the Mediation of their own Learning Search and Judgment To the one He dictates wholly from himself To the other by an Excitation of their Faculties to
as it were the Type and the Antitype The Type c. 3. before the Incarnation The Antitype c. 6. before the preparation of All Things and their running on to the Glory of Christs Kingdom in c. 7. c. 8. And while there is an Agreement the due Distances are also maintain'd Thus the Epoch and so much of the Running on of the Course being Remonstrated upon let us consider the Period and Conclusion and see if the Song does not draw all things to their Consummation in the Glory of Christ's Kingdom as into the Time of the Fullest Confluence of all to the True Church of Christ as one Gentile Church viz. the Fulness of the Gentiles The Antichristian Converts and the Reformed Churches Then the Jews or two Tribes Congregated to it as the Princes of the East looking out as the Morning and at last the Ten Tribes And then the whole Mountain of Spices flows into an Everlasting Unction of Christ into his Kingdom who is then Annointed with the Oyl of Joy above his Fellows A Kingdom above all Kingdoms and beyond which There is nothing but Eternity And Concurrent with this End is the Highest Purity the most Ardent Love betwixt Christ and his Church the fullest Enjoyment as in not only a Supreme but an only Kingdom and as in the Paradise of God as is so Remarkable that it cannot be miss'd in the latter part or the three last Chapters of the Song What then can if This does not deserve to be the Period and Point of the Course of Time and of this Song Commensurate to it and so Adequate to Daniel's last Words of Prophecy and the drawing up all to an End in the Revelation Upon the whole then There cannot be a greater proof of a Frame system or Model in any Writing that doth not openly declare it self to be so than to find out a just Order and Series and due Connexion in the Parts Nor in a Mystical Frame than that the Parts do fairly Express and Expose the Things that in such a Frame They are supposed to Expose And if it be accounted in Philosophy a good Discharge to give an Hypothesis or Scheme of Nature agreeable and to keep All Appearances safe in Relation one to another I hope it will be Esteemed a good Acquittal of my Undertaking not only to Project a Frame or System of this but to find that Frame laid in Scripture-History and Prophecy or in Scripture-Prophecy and Uncontestable Humane History as of Antiochus his Tyranny just now to this purpose Instanc'd and to find the Images of Prophetick Song all along Agreeing And I hope it will be no more disallowed to Expound this Song into a continued Parable without dowright Demonstration than it is to Expound the Parts of this Song in several and particular Parables with as little Demonstration as General Interpreters do In fine that the whole Song so laid into a Parable may be Accepted as well as any other Theological Parable of which there are Examples seeing all the Parts and Lines on which it is grounded are undoubtedly Divine and the Exposition so fairly put for to be Justified as Divine also For I acknowledge That which enabled me to bring this Song into the Contexture wherein it is now Presented and that which gave me also the occasion and the Engagement to do it is The Scripture-Line of Time I lately Published To which I have in the Title declared It is Adjusted and which I have pursued along in the Exposition of the Song both in the Signification of the Emblems and in the Notes of Time And it is upon This Hope that These two may give Light and Strength one to another For the same Things variously Represented make them clearer and easier to general Apprehension Some Things being plainer to some in one Dress to some in another and each gives Light to the other when They are Compar'd And in this Song and its Exposition Things lye much nearer and closer one to another They are more suddenly seen and Apprehended more easily Grasp'd and more easily Remembred And what requires either fuller Discourse or Proof may be sought in those larger Prophetical Discussions of the Line of Time But above All The Compare of these Three Great Prophets besides others viz. Solomon Daniel John the Three Beloveds does exceedingly inlighten and strengthen my Prophetical Scheme For when the Three Frames differ in Circumstances and yet agree in Essentials There can be no greater Conviction of a Design'd Scheme of Prophecy nor happier Conduct into it than their compare one with another And such a three-fold Cord is not easily broken And in the Mouth of not Two but Three Witnesses every word is Established I have chosen to Present this Song in Verse in Conformity to the Divine Poesy not pretending to Excel herein much less to come within any distance of the Original but to come something nearer the High Spirit and Lofty Air of this Song than plain Exposition in Prose could do I am also in Hope that the Diversion and Acceptableness of Words in number and measure may Invite to the Consideration of the Matter so convey'd and that while the Poetry is Censur'd and Condemn'd yet the Sense may slide in and lay hold of the Judgment And lest any Difficulty in such a stinted Form of Words should occur I have by brief Notes Explaining Words and sense endeavoured to Illustrate such Difficulties And as I desire This Poem should look backward to the Line of Time I have already or shall with this offer to any Hand so I desire It should look forward to a second Part now in the Press and wherein I Beg the assistance of all who shall be induc'd to favour the Undertaking To conclude That all Things may be made most plain I have plac'd this Table as in Entrance to the Exposition of this Song That every one may run and Read those great Heads of Prophecy in their order and in the Series of Time wherein they are set the Events themselves none can deny to be the greatest that can be found in Scripture-History or suppos'd in Scripture-prophecy nor call in question their successive Order in Time So that every one may compare the Images which are undoubtedly Divine and then set them close to the Exposition which is in the Line of Time endeavour'd to be prov'd Divine also by immediate Scripture Consequence and when their place in Time cannot be contested what can be doubted There is but one grand Event which I can think of which can in this Song be suppos'd to be omitted And that is the Desolation of the Jews by the Romans But that asunfit for a Song of Loves is glided over and rather suppos'd by the Gentile Church entring into the whole play of the Song then describ'd even as Gods Casting the Ten Tribes out of his sight is silently made known by the Songs Reference to the House of Judah only And observe those Jewish Desolations are shaded over
Grace I stood so Fair That as a Princely Spouse with Royal Air Surround'd I Favour found And His Delight Is now to Honour me with Spousal Right Chorus A Description of the Supreme Kingdom of Christ under the Parable of Solomon's Royal Vineyard King Schelom had a Royal Vineyard plac'd So that Hamon's Name its Grandeur grac'd Princely Abundance that Great Name Imports This Schelom could not Grasp within the Efforts Of his own Eye though Greatest Wisest King With Caution therefore that each Farmer bring A thousand Silverings He Lets it out Thus to his State the Circle runs about The Fruits in Silver thus return'd supply By Right th' Expence of Schelom's Dignity The King While This some shade to th' Royal Vineyard gives That I call Mine as Paint gives to what Lives How Dark yet and how Dead are still the Lines How short of the Great Life For my True Vines With their whole Plat are always in my Eye Each Keeper that I place I will stand by And by my Eye Guide All No Errour shall So much as in a Point this State Appall For as my Saints alike my Vineyard keep So I Them All whose Eye 's ne're chain'd by sleep Chorus The Thousand then whole Glories perfect Sum To Thee the Great the Schelom True must Come Two Hundred without hazard Run Reward Those Thou acceptest as thy Vineyards Guard Now as the Parrity Aggrands the Rate So that no Loss can be Blesses the State How Royal is't that the chief Shepherds Ten Two as reward Communicates For when Old Salem's Priest-hood Decimate but one In Ten to a Community the Tone Of Bless'd Salem's Priests is stretch'd alike And to each Saint twice one in ten doth strike For when Ten Hundred to the King doth Rise Two Hundred to each Saint He doth demise For ev'ry Saint's a Priest and keeps the Vine Himself The Vineyard by an equall Line Rises from every Vine So the Reward Runs Equal to this Equal Priestly Guard This is Essential Glory yet Degrees May vary as in Light the Stars One sees The King Oh Thou that in the Gardens yet dost Dwell Which to Mount Paradise of God shall swell In Beauty and in Fruits Now Now that All Is thus prepar'd My Spouse I 'de hear thy Call Ecchoed by every Saint in Harmonie And then I Come I quickly Come to Thee The Spouse My Voice Lord Jesus Thou shalt hear thy Bride One Spirit Tunes to say with Holy Pride At such a Day Approaching Come yea Come As youthful Harts and Roes on Hills do Roame With Bounds so Quick that ev'ry where They'reseen Thou on the Spicy Mount without all screen Of shade be seen let no Dark Spot appear Unguilded by thy Lightning Quick each where So let the Redolency of thy Air Perfume each Point and no Ill Blast empair Those sweetest Breaths Now be there no Delay Haste thee Lord Jesus Come yea Come Away Thee to Annoint the Mount of Spices Grows And to an Endless Royal UNGUENT Flows THE EXPOSITOR'S CONCLUSION THough not in Babel's Land but Babel's Times This Sion's Song I sing As its sweet Chimes I Skill not to Tune High So the Repike Of untun'd Ears its True sounds back do strike With Disacceptance But One Decad more Of Years to Light springs Prophecies deep store Then will a New Composure soon Enflame Each Salem's Daughter to Rechant the same Then I Great Schelom's Humble Poet whom Contempt now Locks into a silent Tomb Shall by the Comment of those Brighter Days Rise better Understood and Crown'd with Bays This in Diviner Warmths I dare Predict And if before that Time My Soul 's Relic't Lye down On it This Epitaph let Sit IN PROPHECY ON SONG OF SONGS HE WRITT To Him be Glory by Jesus Christ for Ever Amen FINIS The end of the 70 years * At Cyrus his first year the same 3459 when began Daniels 2300 Even Morn and after 75 years of the words going forth the 70 weeks of years The same 33. and 34 years The beginning of the 1260 Days It is done It is done Christ says The Answer of all Notes explaining the Senſe. a Christ is plainly the Truth of what Solomon was the Shadow or Image And his Wives both Jewish and of the Gentiles most especially Pharaohs Daughter are fit Emblems of the Church Notes explaining the Senſe. b A Prayer for the Assistance of the Divine Spirit in so mystical a Book Notes explaining Words. 1 Solomon from the Hebrew Schelomoh Notes explaining the Senſe. c Allow this a Prophecy as undoubtedly it must as hath been set out in the Preface and it must be above all the Names of Prophecy in the world Notes explaining Words. 2 The great Pagan Prophetess suppos'd yet to foretell Christ Notes explaining Words. 3 Heathen Oracles struck dumb by Christ the Great Pan or Shepherd as Plutarch witnesseth Rev. 19. 9. Notes explaining the Senſe. d It runs from David to Christs Supreme Kingdom Notes explaining Words. 1 Holy Veils or Likenesses in Parables Notes explaining Words. 2 Make famous Notes explaining the Senſe. e The Song hath great Sense even where the Types are lowest and plainest Notes explaining Words. 3 Full of Sense Notes explaining the Senſe. f There is by the several words used My Love or Beloved by the Spouse my Love or Companion Spouse Sister Spouse by Christ and Persons of a Third or middle betwixt both and calling Christ the King a plain distinction of the Persons viz. The Spouse of the King the King the Chorus or Quire of Saints g The kisses of Christ's Lips are a most proper Emblem of David's time because David was so eminent a Prophet and King and the Pen-man of so excellent a Book of Scripture so full of Divine Truth as the Book of Psalms wherein are also so great discoveries of Christ's Kingdom Notes explaining Words. 4 or Quire Notes explaining Words. 5 Grieves with Notes explaining Words. 6 Rejoyces with Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth Notes explaining Words. 7 A rich Drink Notes explaining Words. 8 Flowes out Thy Love is better than Wine Notes explaining Words. 9 Mutual Discourses Because of the Savour of thy Good Oyntments Notes explaining Words. 1 Christ Dan. 9. 25. Notes explaining Words. 2 nam'd Notes explaining the Senſe. h This Symbol also of Oyntments is most proper to David God's Annointed whose Anointing with holy Oyl and to an Everlasting Kingdom is so often mention'd in Scripture from which Annointing Saul was rejected Now all this referrs to Christ the true Prince David or Messiah whom David though his Son in spirit calls Lord. Thy Name is as Oyntment poured out Notes explaining Words. 3 Small Motes flying from Bodies Notes explaining the Senſe. i An Emblem of which were those Songs of the Women Saul hath kill'd his thousands and David his ten thousands 1 Sam. 18. 7. k Solomon a Prince of Peace had this the great Glory of his Reign That he built the Temple elegantly here call'd Chambers viz. of Love and State l Wine is an Empharical Symbol or Representation of the Dedication of the Temple with those magnificent Feasts The remembring of the Love of Christ more than Wine implies Solomon's Fall into Idolatry and yet the sincere
and Hinds of the Field The Awes therefore of their Salvageness was to keep them from Murmuring and Repining at Gods Hand in their Captivity and to wait his appointed time And this is thus Poetically Express'd I Charge you c. Notes explaining Words. 1 The Captivity yet allow'd Peace and Quiet The Voice of my Beloved Notes explaining Words. 2 The Cell and the Mountains are oppos'd one signifying Captivity the other Liberty Behold he cometh leaping upon the Mountains skipping upon the Hills Notes explaining Words. 3 The Earth it self seems to fly in the Airy leaps of those Creatures Notes explaining Words. 4 The Churches moves upon the Mountains in return from Babel are set out by the Motions of her Beloved even as Christ is Resembled with the Churches Condition My Beloved is like a Roe or a young Hart Behold he standeth behind our Wall He looketh forth at the Windows shewing himself through the Lattise Notes explaining the Senſe. a There Cannot be a more exact Description of the state of the Church when Cyrus Proclaimed its Liberty Ezr. 1. And the Adversaries of Judah hinder'd the Progress of Things till Darius Ezr. 1. And Darius Retriv'd all Ezr. 5. and Artaxerxes fully settled them in their former state Ezr. 7. and throughout his and Nehemiah's History Notes explaining the Senſe. b It seems on all accounts of Scripture and History most probable Artaxerxes called Longimanus was by Esther the Son of Xerxes Ahasuerus spoken of Esth 1. c. Notes explaining the Senſe. c The Word here fully went forth according to Ezr. 6. 14. compared with Dan. 9. 23. 25. Notes explaining Words. 1 Artaxerxes last Decree Ezr. 7. My Beloved spake and said unto me Rise up my Love and Fair one come away Notes explaining Words. 2 All the Tokens of the Spring are made use of to set out this Liberty For lo the Winter is past the Rain is over and gone The Flowers appear on the Earth The time of the Singing of Birds is come and the Voice of the Turtle is heard in our Land Notes explaining Words. 3 The Summer is like the setting out of a Royal Navy The Fig-tree putteth forth her green Figs and the Vine with the tender Grapes give a good smell Arise my Love my fair One and come away O my Dove that art in the clefts of the Rock in the secret place of the Stairs Notes explaining Words. 4 The delay of the Jews returns is most Elegantly set out by Clefts of Rocks and secret Stairs and by Haggai and Zechariah were given out and by Ezra and Nehemiah the continued Calls of Christ to come away Let me hear thy Voice Notes explaining Words. 5 By the Churches Voice and Countenance we may understand the Order of the Temple Worship so taken care of by Artaxerxes and Ezra commissioned by him Notes explaining the Senſe. l There cannot be a clearer Explanation of this part of the Song than the compare of it with the History of Ezra and Nehemiah Let me see thy Countenance for sweet is thy Voice and thy Countenance is comely Notes explaining Words. 1 Sanballat Tobiah c. Nehem. 6. Take us the Foxes the little Foxes for our Vines have tender Grapes Notes explaining Words. 2 Ezra the ready Scribe in the Law of God Ezr. 7. 6. Notes explaining Words. 3 Nehemiah the Tirshatha Nehem. 7. 65. Who were Rais'd up by God under the fore-nam'd King ●rtaxerxes called Longimanus to restore the Temple and the whole Order of the Jewish Law Notes explaining Words. 4 While the fore-said Sanballat and Tobiah by a Fox-like Cunning pretended to Build with them as is to be seen in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah Notes explaining Words. 5 This is the Circle He is mine I am His. My Beloved is mine and I am His He feeds among the Lillies Notes explaining Words. 1 Feeding among the Lillies represents the Churches pure state in Faith Worship and Life wherein Christ delights Notes explaining the Senſe. a When Nehemiah had settled the Jewish State according the Law of God then was this mutual Affiance betwixt Christ and the Church Vntill the Day break and the shadows fly away Notes explaining the Senſe. b The Church prays for the speedy returns of Christ foreseeing times of his Absence as Daniel calls them Troublous Times which as Christ and his Apostles especially the Revelation assure us are to continue till his Coming Turn my Beloved And be thou like a Roe or a young Hart on the Mountains of Bether or Division Notes explaining Words. 2 As the Equinoctial-Line divides the Year into its two halves of Summer and Winter before each of which the Sun comes upon that Line so the two halves of the Worlds time are in Cyrus divided into the times of old and the latter times Notes explaining the Senſe. c There could not be a more Elegant Description of the last half of time then by the Mountains of Bether and of the state of that Time as a time with Troubles then by such a desire of Christs sudden Visits after some short Absences nor of the end of it then by Christs Glorious Appearance then by Shades flying away and the bright Morning Star appearing and shaded no longer by such wav'd Dicisions of Absence and Presence or of Eves and Morns Notes explaining Words. 3 The last half is fitly signified by the Mountains of Bether or of Division and Dissection viz. of time parted and cut asunder from its self and also divided betwixt Christs Absence and Presence as Eves and Morns Notes explaining Words. 4 The end of this last half of time is that all shades fly away and the Day of the Glorious Kingdom of Christ appears Notes explaining Words. 5 Whole Time being compar'd to a Globe the two halves may be compared to two Hemispheres or half Globes while Eternity as before and after Time flows round the whole Globe of Time Esay 45. 1. Notes explaining Words. 1 Among all the Heathen Kings named in Scripture Cyrus alone is called Gods Annointed Notes explaining the Senſe. a The Years from the Creation when the Womb of Eternity brought forth Time computed first by the Patriarchs Lives to the Flood thence to Abraham's Sojourning at Terah's Death thence to the going out of Aegypt thence to Solomon beginning the Temple thence to Solomon's Death thence to Cyrus by Ezekiel's 390 and 40 Prophetick Years arise just to 3459 years as will appear on Tryal Notes explaining Words. 2 Numbred Numbers are Numbers plainly set down in the Scripture Calendar or Account of Time Notes explaining the Senſe. b Ezekiel's 390 Years accounted by the Reigns of the Kings of Israel till their Captivity as they ought to be because this Sin of Israel was born in them then by the Kings of Judah till the City Smitten then by the 14 years after the City Smitten rise exactly so many at the Vision of the New Jerusalem which Vision accomplished they shall be Restored and their Sin no longer borne The 40 Years of Judah being the remainder of the 70 Years Captivity from that Vision run to their Redemption by Cyrus when their Sin no longer borne and so ought to be joyn'd to the 390 as is said in the Verses Ezek. 4 5 6. Ezek. 41. 1. c. Notes explaining the Senſe. c Daniel's 2300 Even Morn and the thousand Years make the other half of Time together with the little Time after Satan loosed at the end of the thousand Years Notes explaining the Senſe. d The thousand Years are an entire
Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 4 With how great Skill is this Parenthesis or Description of Christs Ascension and Return with his Kingdom here brought in to settle Time Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 5 And how Admirable the Churches most spotless State when the Holy Spirit was given and the Gentiles Call'd subjoyn'd to it as we shall next see Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 6 The Church form'd as Man by the Image of God at first so now by the Image of Christ is pronounced perfectly Fair and without spot John c. 14. c. 15. c. 16. Translated the Comforter Notes explaining the Words and Senſe together. 7 The giving of the Holy Spirit call'd by Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or the Paraclete was like breathing into Adam the Breath of Life Thou art all Fair my Love Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 Now the Church is pronounced Pure as Adam was made Upright There is no spot in thee Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 Ephesus the Type of this Church as leaving its first Love lost its Birth-right and the first Place of its Candlestick Translated to Philadelph upon which the New Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Christ are settled till when the Apostolick Glory does not Return My Spouse Come with me from Lebanon with me from Lebanon Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 Here in this Gospel state the Church is call'd Spouse the first Time For though it was so before yet to distinguish Times the Title is reserv'd till now and this State is most suitable to such an Honour Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 Wolds are wild and desert Places where wild Beasts inhabit Look from the Top of Amana from the Top of Shenir and Hermon from the Lyons Dens and from the Mountains of the Leopards Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 What more graceful Description of the Heathen World in order to their Conversion going out from the Land of Canaan then the view of the Mountain of Leopards and the Dens of Lyons from the Mountains of Judaea next the Gentiles or more orderly Succession in course of Time or how could there be a fitter Figure of the Wicked Heathen World than by wild Beasts so Dan. c. 7. c. 8. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 6 Or within the Lines of its Borders My Sister-Spouse Thou hast ravished or taken my Heart with one of Thy Eyes With one chain of thy Neck How fair is thy Love my Sister my Spouse How much better is thy Love than Wine And the smell of thy Oyntments than of all Spices Thy Lips oh my Spouse drop as the Honey Comb Honey and Milk are under thy Tongue And the smell of thy Garments is as the smell of Lebanon Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 What can come more just with the Time as we have settled it then this very Word Sister-Spouse when the Gentiles came in to be one Body with the Jews 2 The Gentile Church as another Eye was so unexpected to the very Apostles that Christ is pleas'd to express himself as taken by the very Heart as the Hebrew word signifies Such is the importance of one Chain of the Neck 3 There is a very plain preferring the state of the Jew and Gentile Church united above the single state of the Jewish Church So the rich Wines of the Sacrifice the Perfumes us'd in the Kingly Priestly and Temple Oyntment the Honey Milk and Cedars of the Promis'd Land and the state of this Church common by them and preferr'd before them Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 The Spirit poured from on High the Church compos'd of Jews and Gentiles wild by Nature much excells the Jewish Church alone and as in its earthly Canaan Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 After the Gentile Church came in the Israelitish Church was still declining till all mention of it was lost and so this Song especially minds the Gentile Church as the Israel of God Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 By what follows it will appear the Gentile Church was in a decayed State Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 The Apostles Caution to the Romans ch 11. 17. c. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 For any Church or Churches of what Name soever to look upon themselves as in the perfect state of the Evangelick Church much more as the Catholick Church before the Jews converted is to be onely Wise in our own conceits Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 6 The Roman Name of a Church hath certainly dash'd on that Rock of assuming to it self as the Jews dash'd against To be the Root and to be the Catholick Church * Gentiles The Chorus goes on The Chorus goes on Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 The whole Time of the Gentile Church till the Kingdoms of this World become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ is in the Revelation given undér several Sealings First of seven Seals open'd then of the 144000 Sealed and the Temple measur'd and shut then of the seven Thunders Sealed c. A Garden inclosed is my Sister my Spouse A Spring shut up A Fountain sealed Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 The Kingdom of Christ proclam'd The Gentiles come in in Fulness The Natural Israel Call'd and so the whole Israel sum'd up The Kingdom of Christ Appears Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 Ephesus as the Apostolick Primitive Church may be most fidy compared to a Paradise of Truth Thy Plants are an Orchard of Pomegranates with pleasant Fruits Camphire with Spikenard Spikenard and Saffron with all Trees of Frankincense Myrrh and Aloes with all chief Spices Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 The Church of Smyrna in its Sufferings is fitly compar'd to a Region of Spices which by pounding send out their Smells Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 From the Reign of Constantine during the time of the Christian Emperours all Apostolical Truth flowed out as a Fountain of Gardens c. A Fountain of Gardens a Well of Living Waters streaming from Lebanon Awake oh South-Wind Blow O South-Wind upon my Garden that the Spices may flow out Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 Christ was pleas'd to use the North-wind First of Persecution then the gentle South-wind that the Odours of Christianity might flow How Elegant is this Hieroglyphic how agreeable with the Time Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 4 The Time Times Half Time sworn by Christ Dan. 12. 7. Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 5 The securest way of Sealing us'd by Chymists Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 6 In the Revelation Cap. 7. Immediately after the Ruine of Heatheanism by the Christian Empire follow'd a second Sealing with Agreeable Symbols importing the delay of Christs Kingdom and the securing his Servants for it from Corruption * Shut up close within Walls Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 1 The Mystery of Iniquity began in low degrees in the Apostolick Times and in Ephesus forsaking its First Love and grew up to a Synagogue of Satan under Smyrna's Suffering Martyrs From whom it took occasion to exalt it self Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 2 Yet Christ accounted the Church it self Pure and made use of the South-wind of Prosperity under the Christian Emperours to draw out its Graces Although by Accident Corruptions shewed themselves also Notes explaining Words and Senſe together. 3 Superstition and worldly Riches and Pleasure grew up together 4 The great Pretence for the first bringing in Superstition into the Christian Church was as it were to Christianize Heathenish Customs But as Atoms sent out by Bodies into a Contagious Air return to those Bodies that sent them out with Infection so the Christians sending out their Principals as it were to better Heathenish Customs
The False Prophet so intimate to and united with the Beast speaks as a Dragon Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 Those three Churches make the Order of the Reformed Churches Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 It is not possible the state of the Reformation could be more notably described than by this Portraicture of Christ and the Churches harkning to it and seeking after Him This State shall last till the Year 1697 as is made out by the Line of Time Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 The one Church of the Reformation is Represented by three in regard of different Circumstances and especially different intervals of Time in which first Thyatyra then Sardis then Philadelphia have the ascendency successively and all with a Continuance near to the Glorious Kingdom of Jesus Christ Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 The Reformation of the Church of Thyatyra Rev. 2. 18. attended with Burnings alive Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 The Protestants of Hungary France and in other Popish Countries are the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the remaining sufferers till the Kingdom of Christ in every Eye to this Day * Revel 3. 24. Notes explaining the Senſe. 6 How far those Sufferings may spread over other Protestant Countries is known to God who knows the Secrets of all future Events Notes explaining the Senſe. 7 A certain Blessed End we know but what may fall out before is as to particulars concealed though we certainly know Then shall be a Church of Thyatyra of Sardis till the approach of Christs Kingdom Notes explaining the Senſe. 8 How much clearer and brighter shall Christianity and the knowledge of the Churches be when that Morning Star appears Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 Sardis is the state of the Protestant Churches where they are protected by States and Laws and so is ready to believe there is not to be a higher and a more glorious State of the Church in the World except its undefiled Names who look principally to the Appearance of Christ and bewail the Low State of the Church till then Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 Philadelphia rises out of the Suffering Saints in Thyatyra and those undefiled Names in Sardis who cannot be satisfied in any present state of the Church but wait for Christs coming It is settled upon the pure Laws and Ordinances of Christ resting upon the consent of Christians in that and in his Power and Favour working this brotherly Love of Christianity however it come to have the Favour of Princes and States also after it comes to its Interval Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 The Synagogue of Satan is that which rises out of the worst part of Sardis that contend hard for the old Antiquity not resting wholly on Gods Word and finding fault for want of Fasts Feasts Episcopal Power c. which is especially while the Church of Philadelphia is low and is not come to its proper Interval Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 The great Dispute hath been about Jurisdiction or the Power of the Keys Christ will resolve that by shewing this supreme Key of David 5 Philadelphia being as was said a Church that lyes scattered in the suffering Protestants of Thyatyra and the undefiled Names of Sardis its Door is endeavoured to be shut and not to be acknowledged by the Synagogue of Satan they are zealous for the Rites and Customs of the Primitive Church for the four first Centuries and would reduce all under pain of Excommunication and all severe Penalties to that Time not considering the Apostasie rose gradually from thence 6 But when Philadelphia comes to its proper Time Christ shows David's Key His Key of Supreme Jurisdiction and that Synagogue sits low and learns of Phidelph And All of the Reformed Churches seek Christ together Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 All Protestants agree concerning Christ the only Head and Supreme of his Church against Papal Tyranny but they differ'd where he was to be found whether in the present Order and Government of the Church or in a greater Glory of his Kingdom Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 It hath been look'd upon hitherto by too many as Faction and Schism to desire a greater Reformation of the Church than we see yet Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 When the Kingdom of Christ comes to be Proclaimed at 1697 it shall then be agreed by all the Reformed Churches to seek Him and wait for his coming in greater Glory Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 With how great Elegancy is Satan's Synagogue which gave the Elevation of the Apostasie in Smyrna again parallelled to that Over-zealous Contention to bring things in the Reformed Churches to that state again as the most perfect state whereas the Apostasie rose out of it but to show Christs Favour to all of the Reformation He brings these to acknowledge their Errour and to acknowledge also Christs Love to a Church settled by his Word and not by Antiquity which is here by this Song given in the Daughters of Jerusalem waiting so long to hear the Description of Christ's Person e'er they all agreed to seek him with the Philadelphian Church as we shall find they did agree in the following Chapter The Chorus by Salem's Daughters Whither is thy Beloved gone Oh thou Fairest among Women Whither is thy Beloved turned aside Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 Here is the very Worshipping of the sleepy Sardians even superstitiously fond of Antiquity at the Feet of Philadelphia express'd by owning her the Fairest of Women by seeking Christ with her as the True Spouse That we may seek Him with Thee Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Revel 3. 2. the Things that remain are properly Express'd by Remainders in order to the Kingdom of Christ which were to be strengthned in Sardis as ready to dye My Beloved is gone down into his Garden Notes explaining the Senſe. 2 It cannot but be observed by every Thoughtful Reader that the Account the Spouse gives of Christ Return'd is just opposite to the State of the Apostasie before Chap. 5. to v. 9. To the Beds of Spices Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 Before Christ had come into his Garden as a Time past and then could not be found To Feed in the Gardens and to gather Lillies Notes explaining the Senſe. 4 He had Eaten and gathered c. and left all to other Beloveds Now He is again returned to the Beds of Spices and to gather Lillies I am my Beloveds Notes explaining the Senſe. 5 Before the Church had put off its Coat and wash'd its Feet and could not open to Christ now it saith I am my Beloveds This is in Revel c. 14. 1. the Servants of God having his Name on their Fore-head Notes explaining the Senſe. 1 Before the Church could not find Christ now Christ is the Churches 2 It is very observable ch 2. v. 16. These Words are us'd but in another Order then it is first said My Beloved is mine For in the Captivity the Church was under Judgment not under Apostasie So the first Remarkable was Christ Return'd to his Church in Mercy which thereupon cried out My Beloved is Mine Here the Church having been under Apostasie Expresses first its own Loyal Return to Christ I am my Beloveds And as that was the Triumphal Note of the Return from Litteral Babylon so now with this Remarkable Alteration it is taken up again as the Motto of its Return from Spiritual Babylon And He is mine Notes explaining the Senſe. 3 The constant Allusion of this