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A17024 A new manual of old Christian Catholic meditations, & praiers faithfully collected and translated, without any word altered, or added, except in tytles of chapters, citations of places, & some few merginal annotations, for the most part taken forth of Holy Scriptures, or the Holy Fathers within the first four hũdred yeares of Christ ... Broughton, Richard. 1617 (1617) STC 3900; ESTC S1530 87,081 260

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pray enter into thy chamber and the doare being shut pray thy Father in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret wil rewarde thee And when you pray speake not much as the heathens doe for they think to be heard in their much speaking therefore be not likned to them for your Father knoweth what you need before you aske him Therefore so you shal pray OVr Father which art in heauē Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen Geue The grecke Acton epionsion Supersubstantial Bread vs this day our daily bread And forgeue vs our trespasses as we forgeue them that trespasse against vs. And lead vs not into temptation But deliuer vs from euil Amen S. Ambrosius lib. 3. de virginitate Repeate often in thy chamber psalmes with our Lordes praier either when thou awakest or before thou goest to sleepe A deuout Meditation or exposition vpon this our Lordes praier out of S. Chromatius Bishop of Aquileia in cap. 5. Mathei O How faithful blessed a praier is this vnto vs whose order was instituted by the Doctor of life and heauenly maister And how blessed may we also be if we obserue not onely with duty of mouth but with most faithful deede of cōuersation these wordes of our Lordes praier Therefore our Lord ordained this forme of praying for his Disciples for the hope of mannes saluation saying Our Father which art in heauen How great is the loue of our Lord toward vs how exceeding his mercy and piety who haith bestowed a guift of such grace vpon vs that him which is our Lord and god we which are but seruants may lawfully cal our Father By which name he doth not onely demonstrate vs now to be the seruants but also the sonnes of God Therefore because we haue obtained the grace of so great a guift that we are made not onely seruants but sonnes also we ought to do and behaue our selues as the children of god that by spiritual doing we may prooue our selues to be that which we are called according to that of Iohn He that is borne of God committeth 1. Io. 3. not sinne because his natiuity of god doth keepe him and the deuil toucheth him not But he that committeth sinne is not of God but of the deuil because the deuil sinneth from the beginning And therefore keping the sacrament of our heauenly natiuity we ought to be free from al sinne that we may deserue truly to be called or be the sonnes of god And the holy prophets knew the grace of this diuine mercy in which it is permitted vnto vs to cal god our Father as Isay saith For thou art our Father because Abraham haith not knowne vs Israel Is 63. haith not knowne vs but our Lord our Father from the beginning thy name is vpon vs. Likewise also Malachy witnessith in his booke saying For there is one Father Mal. 2. of vs al. How great is the mercy of our Lord We which before by our owne wil had chosen the deuil for our father now being borne againe by water and the holy Ghost begin to haue god our Father And therefore we ought to walk as the children of God l●st doing otherwise thē becometh gods children we be holden guilty vnder the vsurpation of so great a name Therefore he saith Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name not because the name of god can be hallowed of any man when he halloweth al men which saith by the prophet Be you holy as I also am holy saith our Lord. L●uit ●0 But therefore we request his name to be hallowed that it may be hallowed in vs by the workes of iustice by the merit of faith by the grace of the holy Ghost which sanctification that we may receaue by such guifts the ayde of his mercy is necessary but he that is the fountaine of euerlasting holinesse needeth not any sanctification Then he saith Thy kingdome come Likewise we do not aske that he should be King who is King of euer-during worldes whose kingdome haith neither beginning nor end but that the kingdome which is celestial which he haith promised vnto vs may come But it is a signe of great confidence and sincere conscience confidently to aske that this Kingdome of our Lord may come And therefore because we alwaies pray that the Kingdome of God may come we must shew our selues such in the faith of our Lord and his commaundements that we may be worthy of his kingdome to come After this he saith Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen where also there is the like maner of vnderstanding for no man can resist or hinder god that he do not what he wil seing al thinges both in heauen and earth consist by his wil But we pray that his wil may be done in vs. And the wil of God is that beleuing in him with al our heart we fulfil those thinges which he haith commaunded to be done of which wil of god the Apostle witnesseth saying The wil of god is your sanctification that 1. Thes 4. you abstaine from carnal concupiscences Therefore when ●e say Thy wil be do●e in earth as it is in heauen This we pray that as the wil of god is faithfully kept of the Angels in heauen so also we must with a Religious and faithful deuotion desire the helpe of gods assistance or Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen that as in heauen that is in holy and heauenly men the wil of god is fulfilled so also in earth that is we pray that the wil of god may be done by beleefe of faith and knowledg of the truth in them which haue not ye● beleeued Then he saith Geue vs this day our dayly bread This saying of our Lord we vnderstand two waies first that we do not aske any thing but our daily foode For we are not commaunded to aske riches or superfluity of worldly thinges but our daily bread which to Christians that liue by faith is onely necessary for this present life as the Apostle saith Hauing foode wherewith to 1. Tim. 6. be couered with these we are content But w● must cons●der that this is spiritually commaunded vnto vs that we aske our daily bread that is that heauenly and spiritual bread which we daily receaue for the curing of our soule and hope of eternal saluation of which our Lord saith in the Gospel The heauenly Io. 6. bread is my flesh which I wil geue for the life of the world And therefore we are commaunded daily to aske this bread that is that through the mercy of God bestowing it we may deserue ●aily to receaue the bread of the body of our Lord. And forgeue vs our debtes as we also forgeue our debtors This is plainely a iust and necessary saying for al men First that we acknowledge our selues to be sinners
A NEW MANVAL OF OLD CHRIstian Catholick Meditations praiers faithfully collected translated without any word altered or added except in tytles of Chapters citations of places some few merginal annotations for the most part taken forth of holy Scriptures or the holy Fathers within the first four hūdred yeares of Christ And not any one in probable opinion after the first sixe hundred yeares nor forth of any Authour but such as are by al english Christians accompted Sainctes and to be in heauen that none professing Christ can except against them or any of them Is 35. 8. This shal be vnto you the direct way so that fooles can not erre by it 1617. TO ALL ENGLISHE Christians of all degrees My dearest beloued AS you professe your selues in Religion to be Christians so I am most assured none of you wil be so prophane and impious as willingly to be deemed people without Religion or to haue the most odious and impious name of irreligion or atheisme ascribed vnto you Al that be Doctors Preachers Rabines in Religion among you do teach that euery christian at least must vndoubtedly hold all pointes of faith which they call fundamental substantial namely those articles Creede which the Apostles of Christ deliuered vnto Christians Then the first principal of them which are I beleue in God the Father almighty maker of heauen earth And in Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our Lord are principally to be embraced Denyal of the first denieth god affirming prouing such denyers atheists Doubting or denyal of the second condemneth al beleefe in Christ and the some of christianity and taketh away al articles of christian Religion substantial or not substantial if any such can be in a true Religion which I may not now dispute but onely demonstrate this If there be a God almigh●y maker of heauen earth both you and I and all thinges els are his worke and creatures we haue receaued our essence being al of him In al thinges we depende of him he of none but independant and we owe and must pay and render vnto him al diuin● worshippe praiers supplications ●oueraigne dutie and Adoration If Iesus Christ be his Sonne our Lord came to redeeme the world he tauhgt true Religion vnto it And that Religion could not dy● with him whose death was death to death but foundatiō and life of religi●n and life redemption to vs and al to th● end that shal be sa●ed The scriptures say He shal reigne for euer and of his Kingdome there sbal be Luc. 1. 28 Dan 7. 14 17. noe ende Al people Tribes tongues shal serue him His Father haith geuen him Mich. 4. 7 Dan. 3. 100. Dan. 4. 31. Ps 2. 7. the nations his Inheritance his possession the eudes of the earth The law of the Gospel teacheth and al good Christians doe and must beleue● that the law of Moyses was but tēporary a pedagoge to Christ and in him euacuated and ended That Christ was the Messias taught an euerlasting Law no other to succeede it the world shoulde neuer want a true Religion the eternal King and Bryde-grome must haue subiects a Spouse for euer The Iewes and Thalmud acknowledg that the Law of the Messias was to succeede that of Moyses when it had reigned two thousand yeares and this of the Messias to endure for euer Mahumet that monster such a pretēded reformer as in these dayes haue prou●d many freely confesseth the truth longe continuance of the Religion of Iesus Christ and was vnborne when it had ruled aboue sixe hundred yeares Your english protestant Doctors and rule●s in Religion are farre deuided frō the Romane Church yet they freely and generally graunt It was pure and immaculate sixe hundred yeares neare that seducers time For my purpose your good and contentment at this time I aske noe more but this to which al but atheists haue geuen allowance That we are bound to pray and the doctrine praiers vsed in the primatiue Church within the first sixe hundred yeares are holy to be vsed and frequented except you will not allow his warrant that said It behoueth alwaies to pray and not to be weary 1. Thes ● Pray without intermission or any of you sha● be so desperate to equal or preferr your selues in pride to Lucifer to think ther● is any time thought word o● d●ede wherein you neede not the helpe of God or are not dependant of him Therfore to make alsecure in these vnfortunate dayes of dissention in Religion and take all euasion away frō all euen those that seeke to excuse excuses in sinne I haue collected this manual of psal 104 old Catholick deuotions such to be breefe as the title thereof enformeth you And such as by the best testimony of God him self his holy Primatiue Church and best learned Saincts thereof together with your owne conscience and al presēt consent neither wil nor can deceaue you Yet I haue not in this Treatise but slenderly in respect handled any controdersies of this time but propose vnto deuotion Meditations and Praiers dayly necessarily to be vsed of al priuate and vnlearned persons which may pretend daunger to bes●duced in so great variety of doctrines The contentes wil appeare either in a particuler Table or if that be omitted in the titles of the Chapters and spiritual Exercises If any desire better to enforme their vnderstanding of the cheifest questions in Religion handled in these dayes by this Religious maner methode of disputing by the praiers them selues of the primatiue Church Sainctes thereof although they may c●●i●ct●r● by ●he great wordes brags of many desiring to be called learned that none of the Romane Church wherof ●am●●●e●st vnworthy ●an performe it for that religion or ch●ife points therof I remit them to my late booke dedicated to our present Queene and her Ladies of that order in disputing and subiect where they shal find the doctrine of the external sacrifising Preisthood external Sacrifice Transubstantiation real presence of Christes blessed body bloud there Inuocation and patronage of the blessed Virgin Mary al holy Angels and Sainctes both in general and particular Purgatory Praier for the dead inuincibly I confidently affirme it wil mantaine it and demonstratly proued by the prayers them selues of the primatiue Church holy Fathers within the first fiue hundred yeares of Christ The serious consideration of these two workes I commend to your equal Iudgments and best deuotions to geue sentence how you haue bene led or nusled vsed or abused in this so vrgent and important businesse And I make euen the vnlearned and enemies to be Iudges in this cause whether the mouth of ●hose that speak vniust things be stopped or noe that at least we of one ps 62. nation kingdom and kinred with one faith and minde may singe that holy songe with the heauenly Angels Glory in the highest to God
thou didest assist thine Apostles in bandes Tecla in the fyre Paul in persecutions and Peter in the waues Thou who sittest vpon the seauen Thrones at the right hand of the Father looke vpon vs and deliuer vs from the destruction of eternal death one in one the Father in the Sonne the Sonne in the Father the holy Ghost by whom and with whom is to thee in the holy Church Honour Power Glory Maiesty Authority Benedictiō Immortality both now for euer alwaies and world without end Amen A Praier to auoide damnation out of S. Andrew Archbisbop of Cesarga soone after S. Basile OVr Lord graunt that we shewing forth by liuely workes sincere and true faith in Christ may neuer heare that terrible voice of Christ Amen Amen I say vnto you I Math. 25. Luc. 13. know you not And that other Departe from me al you workers of iniquity But But may heare with open eares that blessed and euery way desireable saying Come you blessed of my Father possesse Ib. the Kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world By the grace clemency and mercy of him who for vs willingly did vndergoe the Crosse that is of Christ god and our Lord with whom to the Father together with the holy and vinificant Spirit be glory now and euer and world without end Amen A Praier to the blessed Trinity out of S. Augustine Medit. ca. 32. O Blessed Trinity with my lips and heart and al the power I am able I praise I blesse I worship thee and to thy clemency and goodnesse geue thankes for al thy benefites and sing an Himne of glory vnto thee holy holy holy I cal vpon thee to come in me and make me a temple worthy of thy glory I besech the Father by the Sonne I beseeh the Sonne by the Father I besech the holy Ghost by the Father and the Sonne that al vices may be driuen away from me and al holy vertues planted in me Keepe me the worke of thy handes hoping in thee and trusting onely in thy mercy Keepe me I besech thee here and euery where now and euer within with out that no place for the enemies lye open in me Thou art god omnipotent the keeper protector of al that trust in thee without whom no man is saif no man deliuered from daungers Thou art god and besides thee there is not any other god neither in heauen aboue nor in earth beneath who dost wonderful and meruelous and vnscrutable thinges without number Praise becometh thee honour be cometh thee himne becometh thee To thee al Angels to thee the heauens and al Potestates do say Himnes and sing laudes incessantly as creatures to their Creator seruantes to their Lord souldiers to their King euery creature doth magnifie euery spirit doth praise thee blessed and vndeuided Trinity An other praier to the blessed Trinity out of the same S. Aug. Meditat. cap. 33. GRaunt vnto me o Lord that so long as I am in this fraile body my heart may praise thee my tongue may praise thee and al my bones may say O Lord who is like vnto thee Thou art god omnipotent whom three in parsons and one in substance of Deity we worship and adore The Father not begotten the Sonne the onely begotten of the Father the holy Ghost proceeding from both and remaining in both the holy and indeuided Trinity one god almighty who when we were not hast mightily made vs and when by our offence we were loste by thy piety and goodnesse thou hast meruelously repaired vs. Suffer vs not I besech thee to be vngrateful for so many benefites and vnworthy so many mercies I do besech intreate and desire thee increase my faith increase my hope increase my Charity Cause vs by that I doe thy grace to be alwaies stedfast in faith and effectual in worke that by right faith and worthy workes of faith by thy mercy we may come to eternal life that there seeing thy glory as it is we may adore thy Maiesty and may say together whom thou shalt make worthy to see thy glory Glory be to the Father that haith created vs Glory to the Sōne who haith redemed vs Glory to the holy Ghost that haith sanctified vs Glory to the highest indeuided Trinity whose workes are inseperable whose rule remaineth without end Praise becommeth thee Himne becommeth thee al honour is due to thee To thee benediction and glory to thee thankes-geuing to thee our God honour power and strength for euer Amen A praier for al true beleeuers both deceased and liuing out of S. Basil in Anaphora or whosoeuer in the primatiue Church authour ther of but commonly attributed to S. Basile O Lord creatour of bodies and soules remember at thy heauenly Altar al those that are departed forth of this wretched world and refresh them in thy Tabernacle ful of al bewty Passe them ouer beyond the horrible mansions of torment and place them in thy most lightsome Tabernacles Deliuer them from the wāt of light and darknesse and take them forth of tribulation and greif and let thy countenance appeare peaceable vnto them neither enter into iudgment with them nor seuerely examine their former life but whether in word or worke they haue sinned as men in flesh forgeue abolish their errours And conuerted haue mercy on vs which yet beliuing For behould daily we moue thee to anger by our filthy and detestable maner of liuing Because there is one alone that haith not sinned and deliuereth from sinne our Lord and our Sauiour Iesus Christ by whom we al hope to obtaine mercy remission of sinnes A praier for remission of sinnes by the intercession of the B. Virgin al Sainctes out of S. Augustine Med. cap. 35. O Holy and most merciful Lord be not made vntreatable vnto me because of my sinnes but for thy goodnesse receaue the praiers of thy seruant and graunt me the effect of my petition and desire the glorious Virgin Mary thy Mother my Lady together with al thy Sainctes making intercession and praying and obtaining it Amen The vsual Hymne of the Church Te Deum We praise thee God composed first as witnesith S. Dacius Bishop of Milane lib 1. Cron. ca. 10. betwene S. Ambrose his predecessour S. Augustine when he was baptised WE praise thee God we confesse thee our lord Thee the euerlasting Father al the world doth worship To thee al Angels to thee the heauens and vniuersall powers To thee the Cherubim and Seraphim with vncessible voice do cry out Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Saboath Ful are the heauens and the earth of thy maiestie of glory Thee the glorious Queare of the Apostles Thee the laudable number of Prophets Thee the whyte cloathed army of Martyres do praise Thee the holy church throughout the world doth confesse The Father of infinite maiestie Thy venerable true onely Sonne And also the holy Ghost the comforter Thou o Christ the King of glory Thou art
15. 16. 17. and taken me forth from the wicked time Therefore I wil confesse speake praise vnto thee and blesse the name of our Lord. Heu heu heu o Lord god behould Ierem. 32. thou hast made heauen and earth in thy great strength and stretched arme nothing wil be dificult to thee who shewest mercy on thousandes and payest the iniquitie of the parents into th● bosome of their children after them o most strong great and mighty the Lord of hostes is thy name great in coūsaile incomprehensible in cogitation whose eyes are open vpon al the wayes of the children of Adam that thou mayest render to euery one according to his wayes and according to the frute of his inuentions Blessed art thou o lord god of our fathers Dan. 3. and to be praised and exalted for euer And the blessed name of thy glory holy and laudable and exalted in al worldes Blessed art thou in the holy temple of thy glory and exceedingly to be praised and eminently glorious for euer Blessed art thou in the throne of thy kingdome and superlaudable and extolled for euer Blessed art thou who behouldest the depthes and sittest vpon the Cherubim and laudable extolled for euer Blessed art thou in the firmament of heauen and laudable and glorious for euer I wil ioy in our lord and reioyce in Habacue 3. god my Iesus A breefe excercise of meditations prayers for such as desire to obserue al canonical houres of prayer vsed in the primatiue church stil among the religious And first for prime or first houre of the day THe sunne is risen and man shal Ps 103 goe forth to his labour and worke vntil euening A wise man wil geue his heart early Ecclesiast 39. to watch to our lord that made him wil make his prayers in the sight of the highest The kingdome of heauen is like to a Math. 20. man that is an houshoulder which went forth in the morning to hyre workmen into his vineyard and hauing made couenant with the workmen for a penie a day he sent them into his vineyard And very earely the first of the sabothes Mare 16. they come to the monument the sunne being now risen we must preuent the sunne to blesse Sap. 16. thee and worshippe thee when the day appeareth whē morning was come al the cheefe Ma●h 17. Prei●●es and aun●i●nts of the people consulted tog●ther against Iesus that they might put him to death and they bring him bound and deliuered him to Pontius Pilate the pres●dent From the holy primatiue Fathers AT these houres let vs y●ld thākes S. ●enedictus in Regula S. Ch●●s●st l. ● de orando Deum to our Creatour Matins Prime c. We ought in forsaking our beddes to preuent the sunne rysing with diuine worshippe Tel me with what countenance wilt thou behould the sunne except first thou hast adored him that sendeth that most sweete light to thy eyes Meditate in the holy s●riptures Athanasius l de virginitate haue the psalter and learne the psalmes let th● sunne rysing see a booke in thy handes A meditation out of S. Athanasius ser in id profecti c. inuenietis pullum alligatum c. THe scribes pharasies came together into the court of Caiphas tooke counsaile against Iesus For those most desperate men were ignorant that his death would geue vnto vs immortalitie and this descending procure vnto vs our ascending into heauen for our lord arose the third day from the deade hauing spoyled hel trodden the enemy vnder foote abolished death broken the boundes of sinnes wherewith we were holden deliuered those that were bound saying arise let vs depart hence being deliuered from the se●uitude of the deuil Therefore let vs acknowledge our benefactor let vs glorifie the Father with the Sonne and holy Ghost let vs confesse one deitie for so ordering our life we shal possesse the kingdome of heauē in Christ Iesus our lord An other meditation out of S. Ciprian de orat dominica BEsides the houres which were aūciently vsed now both the spaces and Misteries are encreased For also we must pray in the morning that the resurrection of our lord may be celebrated by morning prayer If in the holy scriptures Christ be the true sunne and the true day no hour is excepted from Christians but God ought often alwayes to be adored that we which are in Christ that is in the sunne and the day apply our selues to supplicatiōs and to pray al the day A meditation and prayer out of S. Andreas Bishop of Cesaraea in Capadocia c. vlt. in Apocalip SVrely our Lord is a consuming fyre warmeth the soule which chastly and quietly conuerseth with him although it be could with sinne maketh it capable of that fyre which was borne to cons●me vncleanes Euen also as the sunne whylest it doth more forceably reflect vpon a vessel of glasse ful of water by a certaine kind of boyling and refraction draweth fyre out of it though being could Therefore this being so let vs exhibite our selues not as a filthy and earthen vessel or such as cannot receaue impression of the heauenly beames but as the Temple Cor. 6. of the holy Ghost and cleane and bright glasse to the sunne of iustice that is to Christ who would al men to be saued and 1. Tim. 2. come to the knowledge of truth and doth bestow and offer vnto al so plentifully and without offence the grace of his brightnesse although it be not equally participated of al but according to the measure of the purity of the inward eye Our merciful Lord that for our sake suffered in flesh that is Iesus Christ our God graunt that we may obtaine this pure and chaist eye of minde To whom together with the Father and holy and viuificant spirit is due al glory honour and adoration now and euer for euer Amen A praier for this hour out of S. Clement Constit S. Apost lib. 8. cap. 44. O God of spirites and al flesh in comparable wanting nothing who hast geuen the sunne to gui●e the day and the moone starres to rule the night Behould vs now with thy merciful eyes and receaue our morning geuinges of thankes haue mercy vpon vs for we haue not stretched forth our handes to a straung God for there is not any new god to vs but thou euerlasting and infinite who hast geuen vnto vs by Christ that we might be by him hast bestowed vpon vs that we might be wel Now by him make vs worthy of euerlasting life to whom with thee and the holy ghost be glory honour and worship for euermore Amen A Praier out of S. And●eas of Cesarea super cap. 47. GOd almighty graunt that our conuersation and order of life be such that it may be cause of confusion and deiection vnto the deuils and bring occasion of gladnesse vnto the Angels that together with
them we may celebrate a f●●●●uity with voice of exultation a●d sounde of conf●ssi●n and may geue thankes for victory obtained against the wicked deuils vnto Christ one god with whom glory is due to the Father and holy Ghost now and euer and world without end Amen A Meditation vpon Christs being brought before Caiphas out of S. Leo ser 6. de pas Domini IEsus being brought to Caiphas cheife of the Preistes whether the Scribes and al the preistly order were assembled false testimonies are sought against our Lord and Caiphas to ex●ggerate the enuy of the speach which he heard r●n● his garmentes not knowing what he signified by this ma●nesse depriued him self of preistly ●onour O Caiphas where is the Rationale of thy brest Where is thy Girdle of continency Where is thy Superhumerale of vertues Thou spoil●st thy selfe of that mistical and consecrated attyre and with thine owne handes pullest into Peeces thy Pontifical vestiments forgeating that precept which thou hadst red of the cheife Preist He Leuit. 22. shal not lay of the Cidaris from his head and shal not breake in sunder his garments But thou from whom this dignity was now alienated thou thy self to thy self art executioner of reproach And to manifest the end of the old Testament belongeth the same rending in peeces of the preisthood Meditations and Praiers for the 3. Isodor l. 1 eccl offic c. 19. Hour or midle space betwene Sunne rising Noone Direction out of Scripture PIlate againe answearing said vnto Marc. 15. them what wil you then that I do to the King of the Iewes But they againe cryed crucify him c. And it was the Third Hour Sodainly there was made a sound from Act. 2. heauen and there appeared to them parted tongues as it were of fire and it sate vpon euery one of them and they were al replenished with the holy Ghost v. 15. c. It is the third Hour of the day Direction out of the Fathers Ignatius Epist ad Trallian At the Third Hour Christ by his Fathers permission receaued sentence of Pilate At the Sixt Hour he was crucified And at the Ninth Hour yelded vp the Ghost And before the Sunne setting was taken from the Crosse and buried in a new Sepulchre We finde that in making praiers the Ciprian de orat domin see S. Hieronim epist 122. c. 16. ad Eustochium three childrē with Daniel obserued the Third Hour Sixt Hour and Ninth Hour doubtlesse in mistery of the Trinity which was to be manifested in the last times it was after made manifest that they were misteries in old times that before the iust men praied in that maner For the holy Ghost descended vpon the Disciples at the Third Hour who fulfilled the grace of our Lordes promise Make your praiers early in the morning S. Clem. Co●st S. Apost l. 8. c. 4. at the Third Hour c. At the 3. Hour because at that hour our Lord had sentence of Pilate A Meditation out of S. Basile l. q. diffus explicat q. 37. ABout the Third Hour let vs arise to praier remembring the guift of the spirit which was geuen to the Apostles about the Third Act. 2. Hour Let vs pray al with one minde that we also may be made worthy to rec●aue sanctification asking of him direction and instruction to that which is profitable according to him that said O god create in me a new heart and renew Ps 50. a right spirit in my bowels Cast me not away from thy face and take not thy holy Spirit from me Restoare vnto me the gladnesse of thy saluation and confirme me with thy principal Spirit And in an other place Thy good Spirit wil lead me into the Ps 142. right land A Meditation of Christes bearing his Crosse out of S. Leo. ser 8. pass Domini OVr Lord deliuered ouer to the wil of raging men to the scorne of his Kingly dignity was commaunded to be the bearer of his owne punishment that it might be fulfilled which Esay the Prophet had foreseene saying Behold a Child is borne Is 9. a sonne is geuen vnto vs whose rule is vpon his shoulders Therefore when our Lord bore the tree of his Ctosse which he would turne into the scepter of his power this surely was a great scorne among the eyes of the vngodly but it was shewed for a great mistery to true beleuers because the most glorious c●̄querour of the deuil the most mighty subduer of the enemies strengthes in a bewtiful shew did carrie the Trophee of his triumphe and bore vp●n his shoulders of inuincible patience the signe of saluation to be adored of al Kingdomes as though euen th●n he would with the Image it self of his worke confirme al his followers and say He that doth not take his Crosse and Math. 10. follow me is not worthy of me A prayer out of S. Basile de Ieiunio concione 1. OVr Lord that haith brought vs vnto this instāt of tyme vouchsaife to giue vnto vs as to men in cumbate that to these cumbates we may shew firmnes and strength of constancie and come to the appointed day of crouning now of the remembrance of his sauing passion and in the world to come of retribution according to our life in the iust iudgment of Christ him selfe To him be glory for euer Amen An other out of the same Father l. exercitam ser 6. HE that cometh vnto god ought to embrace pouerty and in al thinges to be perced through with the feare of god according to him that said Perce my flesh with thy feare I haue feared for thy iudgmentes Our Lord graunt vnto vs that with al perfection we may receaue those thinges that are referred to the glory of god and shew forth frutes worthy of the spirit according to the wil of god and cooperation of our Lord Iesus Christ Amen A prayer for graces of the holy Ghost out of the masse attributed to S. Marke the Euangelist O Ruler our lord Iesu Christ the eternal word of the Father without beginning who for our saluation didest become like vnto vs in al thinges excepting sinne who sent thy holy Disciples and Apostles to preach and teach thy gospel and to cure al sicknesse and infirmities in the people now also o Lord send forth thy light truth and illuminate the eyes of our minde that we may vnderstand thy diuine wordes graunt that we be fitte hearers of them not onely hearers but that we may be made doers of thy word that we may encreace and bring forth good frutes from thirtie to an hundred that we may be accompted worthy of the kingdō of heauē And let thy mercies soone lay hould on vs for thou art our Euangelisme or message of good Sauiour keeper of our soules and bodies o Lord god and we offer vnto thee glory and thankes-giuing thrice holy himne to the Father and the Sonne and holy Ghost
Meditat. cap. 33. GLory to the Father which created vs glory to the Sonne who redemed vs glory to the holy Ghost who haith sanctified vs glory to the highest indeuided Trinity whose workes are inseperable whose rule remaineth without ende Praise becometh thee Himne becometh thee al honour is due to thee blessing and brightnesse to thee thanks geuing to thee honour to thee power and strength to our God world without end Amen Meditations prayers before meate WHen thou shalt eate and Deut. 8. shalt be f●l●ed blesse thy Lord thy God c. ● They shal eate and pra●●e our Lord. Is 62. Math. 14. He blessed and brake and gaue the loues to his di●ciples Whether you eate or drinke c. 1. Cor. 10. do al thinges to the glory of God S. Chrisost hom 79. ad popul Antioch de orat ante med IT is needful for vs both comming vnto and going from table to geue thankes to god For a man prepared to this wil neuer fal into drūkennes or insolency wil neuer be broken with surfet but hauing expectatiō of prayer imposed for a br●dle vpon his senses wil with due modesty take of al thinges set before him and fil his soule and body with much blessing For a table taking beginning from prayer wil neuer faile but more plentifully then a fou●taine wil bring vs al good thinges Therefore let vs not pretermit so great a profit for it is absurd that our Seruāts should geue thankes vnto vs and goe away with blessing if they receaue from vs any part of those thinges that be set before vs and we which enioy so many good thinges not to render so much honour to god S. Athanasius l. de virginit siue meditat EAte thy bread geuing thankes to god in this maner Blessed be god who norisheth me from my youth who geueth foode to al flesh fil our heart with ioy and gladnesse that in al thinges hauing sufficient we may abound in euery good worke in Christ Iesus our Lord with whom to thee be glory honour rule to gether with the holy Ghost world without end Amen When thou shalt sit at table and begin to breake bread signing it three tymes geue thankes in these wordes We geue thankes to thee o Father for thy holy resurrectiō by Iesus Christ whom thou hast made knowne vnto vs that as this bread was somtyme dispersed in many cornes now gathered together is made but one so thou wilt vouchsaife to gather together thy church from the endes of the world into thy kingdome because thyne is power and glory world with out end Amen S. Clem. Rom. lib. 7. Constitut Apost cap. 48. et S. Chris in cap. 16. Mat. idem hab Precat Syr. apud Seuer Patriar Alex. de eisdem GLory be to the Father and to the Sōne to the holy Ghost O Lord god graunt this thy nurishment and fulnesse and plenty vpon this Table which thou hast prepared for thy seruantes and worshipers and multiply it in thy blessinges and goodnesse which doe not passe away nor faile because thou art good merciful ouer euery creature which thy holy handes haue framed o Father and Sonne and holy Ghost world without ende Amen Aurelius Prudent Cathomer in Himn ante cibum O Good Christ Crosse bearer maker of light omnipotent holy word begotten borne of the Virgin but before mighty in thy Father before the starres earth Sea were made I besech thee with a fauourable aspect bow downe thy sauing face with a chearful countenance and shyne vpon vs that vnder the honour of thy diuine power we may receaue this foode Praiers and Thankes after meat S. Athanas lib. de virginitate supra WHen thou shalt rise from table againe geuing thankes three times thou maist say Our gentle and merciful Lord haith geuen meate to those that feare him Glory be to the Father and to the Sonne and to the holy Ghost And againe after the glorification ended finish thy praiers with these wordes God omnipoteut and our Lord Iesus Christ a name that is aboue al name we geue thankes vnto thee and praise thee because thou hast vouchsaifed to make vs partakers of thy good thinges thy earthly good thinges We aske thee and cal vpon thee o Lord that thou wilt geue vs heauenly meate graunt that we reuerene and feare thy venerable and precious name that we breake not thy commaundements Place thy name iustifications in our heartes sanctify our spirit and soule by thy beloued Sonne our Lord Iesus Christ with whom to thee be glory rule world without end Amen Precat Syriac apud Seuerum Patriarch Alexand. in precat GLory be to god for his goodnesse glory to god for his blessinges glory to god who haith fed vs glory to god that haith filled vs glory to our merciful god who haith taken mercy on vs al by the intercession of the Mother of god Mary and al Sainctes world wit●out end Amen Prudentius supr himn post cibum NOw we haue fed our bodies and receaued foode which the weakenesse of our body requireth let vs geue praise to god the Father the Father that holdeth and ruleth the Cherubim his sacred seate and his Seraphim leaning vpon his highest Throne S. Chrisostom in cap. 16. Math. GLory to thee o Lord glory to thee o holy glory to thee o King because thou hast geuen vs meate in gladnesse fil vs with the holy Ghost that we may be found without shame in thy sight when thou shalt render to euery one according to their workes Amen A priayer before receauing the B. sacrament out of S. Hierome apud Eusebium Cremon de morte Hieron sic Trithem l. de scriptor Verep l. prec et alii O Holy Iesus thou whose magnificence Euseb Cremon scholler to S. Hierom l. de morte Hieronim Tom. 4. oper S. Hieronim Basil impress An. 1565. is so great that no creature can expresse it whom the heauens sea and al thinges which are contained in their circuite cannot receaue thou at thy pleasure ruling preseruing al thinges art contained vnder so smal a portion of bread not by peeces but wholly and perfectly inseparably O vnspeakable admiratiō o nouelty of al nouelties eyes behold whytnes taist perceaueth sauour smelling sent touching findeth subtilty but hearing presenteth to the heart that those accidentes are not in thee but exist alone without subiect for thou art not bread as seemeth to humane sence but whole Iesus Christ as thou sittest god and man at the right hand of the Father in heauen Haile bread of life who dece●dedst from heauen geuing life to those that worthely receaue thee surely hee that worthely receaueth thee although his soule be seperated from his body by temporal death he shal not die eternally For that seperation is not death but a passage from death to life O great vnsearchable mistery The accidētes of bread are broken by peeces and yet thou remanest whole perfect Christ in euery parc●l as thou wast before O noble banquet in which vnder the forme of bread wine whole Christ God and man is receaued and so whole in the forme of bread and e●ery parcel therof and in the forme of wine and euery drop thereof as in the forme of the whole bread and wine together For al perfect and whole Christ remaineth vnder the forme of bread euery least parcel thereof the same in the forme of wine and euery drop thereof Missa Rom. D. Petro Apost asscripta And vsed in the primatiue church O Lord Iesus Christ let not the receauing of thy body which I vnworthy presume to take come to me to Iudgment and condemnation but by thy piety let it profit me for defēce of soul body receauing cure who liuest and reignest with God the Father in vnity of the holy Ghost God world without end Amen Laus Deo