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A02825 [The image of bothe churches after reulacion of saynt Iohan the euangelyst] Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1545 (1545) STC 1296.5; ESTC S110909 105,128 291

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this present tyme remaynynge the other head is not come as yet but wyll come her after This head remayninge is the sixt and it is that feble empyre that Rome now holdeth and haue holden sens Iohans tyme. The power of this empyre is ruynouslye demynyshed and the notable fame therof decayed betwixt the Popyshe prelates and the Frenche menne a great part of the landes becommynge Saynt Peters patrimonye To make it a fytte head of the Beast to the vpholdynge of this whorishe churche the auctoryte therof maynteyninge her lawes Gregorye the fift Pope cōmytted the emprours chosynge vnto .vi. princes of Germanye .iij. of them beynge Archebyshoppes He appoynted also the kynge of Bohem for the seuenth than beynge trybutarye vnto him and his owne feed man as an odde persons to waye vpon their sydes yf nede place and tyme shuld requyre yt Prouyded alwayes that he shuld take his othe and receyue his crowne imperyall at Rome So that now thowgh it styll be the same in tytle that it was in Iohans dayes yet is it so dyuerse from it through dimynishment of power and so vnlyke in outwarde magnifycence as it neuer had bene the same 7 The seuenth head that is not yet come is the Papysticall kyngedome of owr Romyshe spiritualte For therof apered nothynge in Iohans tyme nor yet more than .v. hondreth years after it The Byshoppes of Rome as they call them from Peter to Syluester were verye poore sowles symple creaturs and menne not regarded but despysed of the worlde They were no newe lawe makers for the more part but rather they gaue their whole dilygence to se those lawes obserued whom the holye ghost had made to their handes Neyther were they anye Masse sayers sowle syngers or procession goers but as was Saynt Paule with the other Apostles symple preachers onlye and for theyr syncere preachynge they suffered the deathe of theyr bodyes But after the Donacyon of Cōstantyne and other plentuouse almesses commytted vnto theyr handes for the socoure of the poore they became all confessours and toke them to their ease at home Than was laboure verye tedyouse vnto them preachynge verye troblouse and peynefull Than stodyed they all to please the powers peceablye to holde styll their plesaunt possessions and by spyrituall polycyes to increase them more and more the poore in a maner forgottē Then came in that holye ceremonye and that with latten howres seruynge of Sayntes ād prayenge for the dead to prouoke men to offer to Corban Thus crept they vp in hypocrisye daye by daye tyll soche tyme as Iohan of Constantinople contended with Gregorye of Rome for the supremyte In the which contencion thowgh Gregorye layed for him self Saynt Peters keyes with manye other sore argumentes and reasons yet was he commaunded by Mauricius the Emperour after the generall Synode to obeye the sayd Iohan as the vnyuersall head bisshop of the whole worlde Than were these holye fathers compelled to tarrye a layser and vnder craftye colours to wayte their praye In processe of tyme whan Phocas was Emprour Bonifacius the thirde a manne of a wylye practyse perceyuynge him moche geuen to bayne glorye and couetousnesse greatlye also to dissalowe the actes of Mauricius his predecessour through flatterye and mede obtayned of him that the churche of Rome shuld be holden from thens forth for the head churche of the worlde ād he for the head byshop Whā this was ones gotten than rose they vp so hygh that the Emprour became their fore stole and all other chrysten princes their waytynge ●laues to ryde and ronne make and marre stryue and fyght slee and kyll at their commaundement and pleasure Thus became the Romyshe Pope the seuenth kynge that was in Iohans tyme yet to come If thu marke in the crouycles good reader thu shalt fynde that Phocas the first Pope maker slewe his master the Emprour Mauricius signifyenge in my sterye the sayd Pope makynge to be an vtter destruccyon to the empyre The Popes name was also at that tyme Bonifacius which is as moche to saye as bona facies a good face Which betokened that this newe raysed kyngedome shuld shewe a fayre face euermore or a shynynge pretence of holynesse what myschef so euer it wrought eyther agaynst God or manne in abhominable supersticyon 8 And whan this seuenth kynge commeth sayth the text he must contynue a space or abyde a lytle season He must haue a tyme by the permyssion of God strongelye to delude the vnbeleuers whych wyll neyther se nor heare reade nor yet thankefullye receyue his worde of saluacyon so gratyouslye offered them So corrupt are the fleshelye affectes of menne that moche more prone they are to lyes and supersticyons than to the veryte of the lorde which is to be lamented Chryst came first in the name of his heauenlye father but him wyll they not receyue The Pope commeth in his owne wycked name and to hym ronne they by heapes Whose contynuaunce here hath bene but a tyme. For yet is it not a thowsande years sens the Papacye first beganne vnder Phocas which is but as a daye before God and that daye wyll he shorten by hys owne promes for hys electes sake whych to remember is their great conforte And a great cause whye For sone after that shall they be fullye restored in to the perfyght nombre of the chyldren of God 9 And the execrable beast sayth the text that of late dayes was in auctoryte ouer all the worlde yea syttinge aboue God in the conscyences of menne and now is become of no reputacyon amonge menne God openinge his myscheffes is euen the eyght in nōbre And yet neuer the lesse is one of the .vij. heades For both is he the beastlye bodye it self comprehendynge in him the vnyuersall abhominacyons of all the earthlye kyngedomes and in that poynte dyuerse from the seuen heades and so the .viij. in nombre 10 And also he is one of the .vij. heades and the seuenth in nombre in vsurpynge this proude worldlye kyngedome thus after a vayne temporall sort Ouer besides all this maye he also be called the eyght in the cursed remnaunt which after the peceable sylence of christen lyberte Sathan loosoned shall most cruellye persecute Chrystes congregacyon a freshe as in the .xx. chapter here folowynge wyll apere 11 This Beast with his carryage the Antichrist with his churche or Sathan with his Sinagoge shall not onlye go in to destruccyon here by the mightye breathe of Goddes mouthe or the true preachinge of his Gospell but also into dampnacyon euerlastinge in the ende of the worlde with the deuyll his angels The Text. 1 And the ten hornes which thu sawest are ten kynges 2. whych haue not yet receyued the kyngedome 3. but shall receyue power 4. as kynges 5. at one houre with the Beast 6. These haue one mynde 7 and shall geue their power strēgthe vnto the Beast 8. These shall fyght with the lambe 9. and the lambe shall ouercome them 10. For he is lorde
were cast out with him which is not els but that they are reserued to eternall dam●nacion For seruynge the creature rather than the lorde that made all God hath forsaken them and geuen thē ouer to their owne shamefull lustes All grace ād goodnesse hath he takē frō them and in all darkenesse hath he lefte them Nothinge is now behynde but helle fyre prepared for the deuyll ād his angels The churche thus first bryngynge forth Christ amonge the Iewes ād so by their cruelte dryūe out into the wyld desert of the Gentyles hath bene there fedde of God in persecucyon euer sens ād shall be styll tyll the terme come out of the aforesayd thowsande two hondreth and thre score dayes whose ende is in the lordes handes The text 1 And I harde a loude voyce which sayd 2. In heauē is now made saluaciō and strength 3. ād the kyngedome become our Gods 4. ● the power his Christes 5. For he is caste downe which accused them before God daye night 6. And they ouer came hym by the bloude of the lambe 7. and by the worde of their testimonye 8. And they loued not theyr lyues vnto the deathe 9. Therfor reioyce ye heauens and ye that dwell in thē 10. No to the inhabyters of the earthe and of the see 11. for the deuyll ys come downe vnto yow 12. whych hath great wrathe 12. bycause he knoweth that he hath but a short tyme. ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And I harde a myghtye great voyce sayth saynt Iohā which is the whole agremēt of all the sacred scripturs And the voyce sayd thus vnto me 2 Now is there in heauē saluacion In the churche is the helthe of sowle now that the Idolatrie with other abhominacions is throwne forth she cleane delyuered frō their beggerie Now apereth the power of the lorde that his gospell is trulye preached 3 Now is it become our Gods kyngedome that their doctrine is not of menne 4 Now hath yt the whole srengthe of hys a noynted All Christes labours merytes and deseruynges hys natyuyte passyon resurreccyon and ascencyō ys now her owne good Christes vyctorye ys theirs hys crowne hys scrpture hys seate kyngedome ys theirs Yea the possessyō of hys fathers ryght hande vs theirs 5 For the enemye of oure bretherne is throwne downe which cruellye accused thē before God daye and nyght The ad̄uersarye Sathā which quareled before the lorde agaynst paciēt Iob and vexed hym sore in hys substaūce and fleshe neuer ceasynge to thys daye to troble the ryghtouse with Antichristes and tyrauntes ys now ouer comen by the vyctorye of faythe and hys power greatlye demynyshed in hys members Now is the kingedome of God increased moche peple beinge vnfaynedlye cōuerted vnto Christ 6 Conquerred hym they haue by no power of their owne neyther merytes nor workes but through the inestimable strēgthe which ys in the bloud of the immaculate lābe Iesus Christ and through the in vyncyble worde of hys veryte which they to the worlde haue testyfyed 7 In the wytnesse therof haue they constauntlye suffred and through faythe in them haue they with hym aptayned vyctorye ouer the worlde synne helle deathe the deuyll Not their owne bodyes haue they spared to wynne this cōquest 8 But moche more haue they loued Christ and hys truthe thā themselues accountynge yt auauntage to geue theyr lyues for hym 9 Therfor reyoyce ye heauens and all yow that in them doth dwell Ye angels a boue ordayned for mannes confort ye sayntes departed from the myst●yes of this worthe ye faythfull beleuers remay●inge in this lyfe and ye feruent fauorers of the lordes veryte be glad that your bretherne hath gote the vyctorye of the deuyll and his angels to the glorye of Christ. 10 But woo vnto the wreched inhabitauntes of the earthe and of the see No small daunger is towardes them that hath harde the voyce of the lorde and styll yet wyll folowe the course of thys wordle No light parel hāgeth ouer thier heades that are inconstaunt fickle and wauerynge geuynge backe with euery blast for the plesure of their fleshe 11 Take hede of yt therfor for vnto yow that are soche the deuyll ys come downe with hys subtle suggestyons ād craftes with hys wylye cauteles and ingyns ●monge yow doth he remayne watchynge to haue his praye as he ded amonge the chyldren of Israel whan they were become vnfaythfull 12 Tares wyll he sowe to destroye the good sede for his wrathe is great to se him self thus deiected ād his hate is excedinge beholdinge his kingedom decayed Amonge yow must he wreake his anger for he cānot harme the faythful Through his enuye same deathe first in to the worlde If ye wyll escape his snares loke ye geue no place vnto hym but in faythe resist him manfullye 13 He wexeth now madde and fretteth with him self He mindeth to make hauock and to do moche myschef because he knoweth that his tyme is shorte No longe season shall he haue from hence forth to deceyue The latter daye he perseyueth not to be farre of wherin great tormentes abydeth both him his And that maketh him so wode That maketh him so insaciablye desyerouse to noye not carynge what spyght he worketh agaynst God And no wycked wyle leaueth he vnsought to perfourme his cruell intent Woo vnto them therfor that in these dayes taketh no hede Woo vnto them that Rombreth in wanton pleasurs whan most daunger is and the deuyll most bysye not attendynge to the call and warnynge of God The Text. 1 And whan the dragō same that he was caste vnto the earth 2. he pursued the womā which brought forth the man chylde 3 And to the womā were geuen two wynges of a great Egle. 4 that she myght flye into the wildernesse 5 into her place where she is noryshed for a tyme tymes and halfe a tyme. 6. from the presence of the Serpent 7. And the Dragō caste out of his mouthe water after the womā as it had bene a ryuer 8. that he myght cause her to be caught of the floode 9. And the earthe holpe the woman 10. and the earthe opened her mouthe 11. and swalowed vp the ryuer whych the Dragon caste out of hys mouthe 12. And the Dragon was wroth with the woman 13. and went and made warre with the remnaunt of her sede 14. which kepe the commaundementes of God 15. and haue the testymonye of Iesus Christ. 16. ād he stode on the s●esande ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And whan the Dragon or most furyouse serpent the deuyll the head master of pryde and father of lyes sawe that he was throwne downe vnto the earthe by the valeaunt ho●te of God Or soche tyme as he perseyueth the Idolatrye superstycyon pompe Hipocresye ād other abhominable fylthynesse destroyed by the worde of God in hys malygnaunt Synagoge of proude paynted prelates 2 Thā persecuteth he the poore woman whych brought forth the manchylde Than vereth he the true congregacyon that teacheh nō other but
christen reader and with all thē that seaketh of the scrypturs the sauynge helthe in them cōtayned without quarellynge Amen The seconde part of the Image of both churches after the most wonderfull and heauēlye Reuelacyon of Saynt Iohan the Euangelist ce ¶ Compyled by Iohan Bale The .xi. Chaptre UNto Iohan was delyuered after that he had thus deuowred the boke a rede not vnlyke to the metewande of .vi. cubites longe and a spāne whych was geuen vnto Ezechiel nor verye farre different from the measurynge lyne in Zacharie And what ys this els but that the administracion of Gods heauēlye verite is secretlye of him committed vnto them whych hath afore receyued yt and in faithe digested it that they shuld ther with ryghtlye measure discerne ād iudge all thinges Nō other is yt to prophecye ageyne in this sixt age but thus to mete the temple the aulter and the worshippers therin and to proue them in length bredeth heyth and depeth ¶ The text 1 ANd than was geuen me a reede 2. lyke vnto a rodde 3. and yt was sayd vnto me Aryse 4. and meete the temple of God 5. and the aulter 6. and them that worshippe therin 7. And the quere which is within the temple cast out 8. meete it not 9. for it is geuē vnto the gētiles 10 And the holye cyte shal they treade vndre fote xlij monethes 1 And there was geuen me sayth saynt Iohan a rede Both receyued I the wysdome of God and also a mouthe to vtter yt So that my tonge became the penne of a redye writer For so moche as I abhorred iniquite the lord anoynted me in wardlye with the oyle of gladnesse and gaue me stomake to vtter hys worde 2 The rede which God delyuered me was lyke vnto a rodde For hys worde ys the rodde of right order And the scepture of hys kingedome With this rodde spredde he oute the heauens and layde forth the fyrst foūdacyon of the earthe This rodde of his power hath the lorde now graciouslye sent us out of Syon by menne hauinge his speciall grace as by Iohan ●o haue dominyō here in the middest of his enemies 3 For vnto Iohan yt was sayd for this age Aryse frō vayne stodye from cares of the bodye from consideracion of earthlye causes 4 And mete the holye temple of God which is his congregacion or churche Proue all beleues whether they be right or no. Examyne their workes whether they springe of Gods commaūdemēts or of mennes tradicions And in so doynge trye by the scripturs the ●orne from the chaffe Marke out the peple of God from the synagoge of sathan and delaye not to norryshe them with the swete frutes of the sprete 5 Measure the aulter also which is Iesus Christ vpō whō the full sacrefice of redemptyon was offred For manye false cristes are a brode in the worlde to seduce the peple The pope boasteth hym self for gods owne vicar Mahomete calleth him self the grete prophete of the lorde And both they to subdewe the gospell hath sett vp newe lawes The pope hys detestable decrees and Mahomete his abhominable alchorane Both thei haue wrought soche wōders and soche signes in superstycion as myght deduce into erroure yf God were not mercyfull the verie elect persons The mōkes sayth that Christ ys in the desert the prestes sayth he is in the boxe but admonishe my peple that in no case they beleue yt The chanons sayth he is here the fryres sayth he is there but coūsell my flocke that they go not forth For God dwelleth in nothinge that is made with hāde In the faythfull hart is Christ onlye foūde There remaineth he That is his dwellynge place 6 Therfor now last of all measure them also that worshipp in the temple Considre them onlye to be his peple which seke hym in sprete and in veryte and that worship not in outwarde shaddowes nor in the elementes of this worlde nor yet with obseruacyō of dayes tymes They are not his sonnes that for the ●euen of the Pharisees which ys the doctrine of hypocrites forsaketh the bread of children which is his lyuinge worde They are not his lābes but vyle gottes that rather attēdeth to the voyce of straūgers thā to the trewe sheparde Christ. 7 And therfor the quere which ys wythin the tēple cast out The prelates prestes and religiouse which are not of the common sort seclude from Christ from his churche and from the companye of true worshippers Throwe forth the bonde woman ād her sonne the Rome churche with her children and Mahomete with hys rable For the bonde shall not inherete with the fre 8 Measure not out that chaunsell of charmers that college of Galaās bretherne those marked Madianytes and cursed Ismaelytes Allowe them not by the scripturs cōmende not theyr coūterfet ryghtousnesse Admyt thē not for the mēbres of Christ but iudge them to be the sinagoge of Sathā And speare thē out of the kingedome of God with the keye of Dauid For they are those swine that tread perles vnder their fete those cruell dogges that turne agayne to deuowre mēne Medle not with that quere haue not to do with that wycked generacion 9 For it is geuē vnto the gētiles Whollie are those Antichristes addict to the supersticiouse rytes of the heythē in their sacrifices their ceremonies their obseruatiōs their holy dayes theyr vygils fastinges ● praynges knelinges all other vsages cōtrary to the admonyshement of Christ. That they shuld in no wyse entre into the wayes of the gētiles Wherfor God hath detested thē with his owne mouthe cleane geuē thē ouer vnto theyr owne fylthye lustes Now reygne they al in their owne wisdome thinkynge euermore their owne fleshlye fantasies best wholly they are become Gētiles 10 ▪ And the holye cyte of whom gloryouse thynges are spoken they shall treade vndre fote the space of .xlij. monethes Not the earthlye Hierusalem ys thys cyte buylded of menne and made holye by the out warde obseruacions and ceremonies of the iewes as manye expositours hath fātasyed For of that like as Christ prophecied ys not left one stone standinge vpon an other But thys cyte ys the sure buyldinge of God grounded vpon the stronge foūdacion of the Apostles ād Prophetes euen vpon the harde rocke stone Iesus Christ. This is the plesaunt possessiō the wholsom howsholde the sure holde and the dylectable vyneyarde of the lorde of hostes This ys the liuynge generacyon of them which feareth loueth and seketh their lorde God in faith sprete and veryte and not in outwarde shaddowes These are the childrē of promes the true of springe of Abraham the chosen howse of Israel and the kyngedome of the holie ghost Pure cleane ād holye hath Christ made this cyte by nō other thinge but the onlye shedinge of his preciouse blood 11 Thys cyte treade they vnder fote that kepeth downe the treuthe of the gospel that persecuteth sleeth goddes people for it that defeateth his worde for their owne
so the a vniuersall quyet 5 Yet shall there happen in those dayes voyces thonderynges and lyghtenynges Voyces of swete blessynges ād dylectable promyses to the faythfull congregacyon Thonderynges of terrour to the vnfaythfull multytude commaundynge thynges contrarye to the fleshe And fearefull lyghtenynges of condempnacyon to the reprobate hypocrytes and desperate obstinates 9 And all from one worde of the lorde or one Gospell preachynge in dyuerse respectes no small earthquake folowynge vpon the same What commocyons heuye complayntes fearefull tremblynges sorowes cryes grefes syghynges waylynges grudgynges gruntynges gronynges wepynges and hādes wryngynge wyll be amonge the earthlye mynded Antichristes and hypocrites byshoppes prestes prelates holye water mongers and parryshe clarkes lawers whores caruers paynters and waxe sellers whan their who●ishe churche shall be turned ouer by the iudgement of the sayd worde yt is easye to coniecture 7 Soche a one wyll this earthquake be sayth the text so myghtye and so stronge as neuer was yet sens menne war vpon the earthe or sens that earthlye generacyon first beganne Than shall be cleane taken awaye the carnall churche of Antychryst or the smered Sinagoge of sha●elynges Neyther shall the Pope wyth hys dysgysed rable anye more be seane here nor yet Mah●mete with his monstruouse muster 8 In soche wyse shall their lawes secdes and ceremonyes be destroyed in those dayes that no manne shall be fownde so bolde as ones to allowe one of thē openlye Than shall the glorye of christes name shyne the worlde ouer he makynge of his enemyes hys f●te stole 9 More ouer in this terrible earthquake the great spyrytuall cyte called Sodome ād Egypt or the holye whoryshe mother the churche shall be disseuered into in partes of the which .ij. shall styll be wycked the thirde conuerted vnto godlynesse Two partes shall be dispersed sayth Zacharye the thirde shall remayne to the lorde Of them which haue and shall go out of mynsters and monasteryes collegys and couentes churches and cloysters patryshes and nonneryes one sort shall inwardlye be geuen to Antichristes superstycyousnesse and Hipocresye An other sort vpon dyuerse fleshelye consideracyons shall faynedlye fall to the Gospell The thirde sort onlye of loue towardes God and zele of helthe in their neybers shall vnfaynedlye cleaue to the Scripturs Thus shall the vngodlye sort be coupled styll with the Godlye in euerye lande and prouynce and be the moche greatter nōbre Yet shall they for that tyme attempt nothinge agaynst them the trewthe so strongelye regnynge Neuer thelesse yet ys yt not to be thought that they shall than haue nothinge to suffre consyderynge that it is a kyngedome of sufferaunce Christ to head of that congregacyon suffred oned incommodyte or other alwayes so longe as he was here lyuynge It shall therfor behoue thē which are his misticall mēbers alwayes to suffre For the seruaunt is no better than his lorde nor the souldiour thā his head captayne And to make his good the lorde sayth in Zacharye The same third part wyll I leade through fyre and pourge yt as syluer or golde in the fornace Than shal euerye godlye creature folowe Christ in bearynge hys crosse They shall mortyfye their fleshlye members s●●ynge all fornicacyon fylthynesse Idolatre couetousnesse pryde anger and malyce They shall helpe suffer and forbeare one an other hauynge pytefull compassion vpon the weake sycke and nedye No dewtye besemynge a chrystyane shall they leaue vndone 10 Therfor this great or generall cyte thus deuyded all other particuler or nacyonall cytees must also fall The blasphemouse Pantheon of Rome ones peryshinge all other churches of the vnfaythfull must nedes folowe sone after in their course For the foūd acyon taken a waye the buyldynge can not endure So that from thens forth shall be no popyshe sectes no supersticiouse ceremonyes no heythnyshe obseruacions nor open Idolatrye in all the worlde But whan the remnaunt of the wycked shall attempt a freshe to rayse vp agayne soche abhomynacions the lorde shall so●enlye wythout warnynge fall vpon them with his most fearefull and terryble last iudgement 11 Great Babylon the aforesayd mother of all whoredom and fylthynesse shall than come in remembraunce before God He shall than consyder her abhomynable blasphemye her pryde cruelte murther and synnes wythout nombre wayenge them in right balaunce accordynge vnto iustyce 12 He shall also rewarde her to drynke the fearce cuppe of his wrathe or wyne of his great indignacyon which is the perpetuall deathe of sowle The verye dregges of his Ire shall she tast yea vnspekeable sorowes and peynes without ende For non other is it to come in remembraunce before hym at that daye but to be condempned and receyue ponnyshment accordynge to her dedes 13 Thā shal leuerye Ile which is a place of refuge within the see flee awaye and not tarye The mountaynes that are wonte to geue socour vnto thē that be on the lande shall not at that daye be fownde No confort shall she than haue nor sure helpe anye where 14 No remedye wyll be at that daye to flee from the fearefull face of the iudge Than will neyther merytes nor ye● sowle Masses helpe neyther blessynges nor knelynges sacrifices nor sēsynges wawlynges nor ryngynges bussinges nor synginges but will she nyll she nedes must she abyde hys heuye and terrible sentence 15 And there fell great hayle sayth the text as yt had bene wayghtye talentes Alwayes must yt be remembred that cōmōlye the tyme past ys vsed in this prophecye for the tyme to come for the te●tente of the thynges here spoken This hayle ys non other than the heuye tempest or plage of the seyd fearefull and terryble iudgementes of the lorde which shall on that woofull daye fall sodenlye ●s a thycke hayle vpō the miserable multytude of them that boasted themselues to be the holye churche and vpon their wycked folowers compared here vnto Babylon 16 This plage ys here also for non other cause lykened vnto talentes bu●●●r that yt ys in wayght and measure to be mynystred vnto them by the preordynacyon of God So moche peyne and sorowe ys due vnto that whoryshe generacyon as she hath glorifyed herself in fylthye delyghtes and so manye ponnyshmentes to be rewarded her Yea double must she haue accordinge to her workes 17 Out of heauen shall this vehement hayle fall from the fearefull sentence of the lorde Iesus Christ which shall than sit as a iudge in the middes of his faythfull congregacyon they sittynge with hym as the bodye with the head in condempnacyon of the wycked 18 And vpon the menne shall yt lyght For the great whore or the cyte called here Babylon is in this place to be takē for that yt comprehendeth euen for menne in whom also are included womē by the common vsage of the Scripturs 19 These menne shall spyghtfullye blaspheme God because of the hayle plage or terrour of their tormentes They shall crye out of hym wysshinge that he had no soche powre so to torment them 20 For
of all lordes 11. and kynge of all kynges 12. And they that are on his syde 13. are called and chosen and faythfull ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And the .x. hornes sayth the Angell vnto Iohan which thu sawest here vpon the heades of this rose coloured Beast are in significacyon .x. kynges Some hath taken these .x. kynges for all those Emprours of the larynes sens Charle mayne which haue sworne them selues obedyent to the Bishop of Rome Some haue thought them to be those prynces which here in Europa haue afore tyme bene subiect to the Empyre of Rome As the kynges of Englande Fraunce Spayne Portyugale Castele Denmarke Scotlande Dngarye Goheme and Napels But these considre not that they be yet more in nombre as Aragone Nauerre Cycyle Cypresse Sardyne Swethen Pole and soche other and are all included in the seuen heades as members of the afore rehersed empyres Neyther marke they that they are aboue the heades as hornes ād more in nombre than the heades betokenynge a rygorouse auctoryte and ferce power which they proudelye vsurpe ouer them euerye where Afore they were but suggestyons but here are they ernest doers For in euerye region hath the beastlye Antichrist of Rome his Metropolytanes and primates As in Englande are Caunterberye and Yorke in Fraunce Thuronensis and Remensis in Spayne Tholetanus and Te●raconēsis in Portingale Hispalensis ād Bracarensis in Irelande Armachanus and Dublimensis in Dennemarke Lundensis and Opsalensis in Germanye Colon●ensis and Maguntinus in Hungarye Serigon●ensis and Colocensis in Italye Pisanus and Rauennas in Sycyle Panormitanus and Messanensis with an infynite nombre of byshoppes prelates prestes and religiouse besydes the fyghtynge orders of the Rhodes the Prussyanes the Redemers of captyues the Aragondes the Beorgyanes called de alga the Monteseanes the Castylyanes the Lusitaneanes the Calatraneanes and Saynt Iames warryours 2 These had not yet at that tyme receyued the deuylyshe kyngedome of pestilent vsurpacyon ouer the sowles of menne For though in Iohans dayes arose certen Antichristes as Hebion Cerinthus Diotrephes Carpocras and so the lyke yet were they nothing to these 3 But now in dede they haue receyued the same self auctoryte and power with the Beast that he toke afore of the Dragon in maner of kynges to rewle in the hartes and consciences of menne to his behoue 4 For so moche as their auctoryte is not of God lyke as is the auctorite of kynges it is sayd here as kynges or as menne counterfeatynge them in vsurpynge a gouernaunce not frelye geuen them of God but of the deuyll 5 All at one houre receyued they thys auctoryte wyth the Beast And that I suppose was in the generall counsell of Laterane at Rome gathered vnder the tytle to recouer Hierusalem agayne Where as confession in the eare was cruellye extorted of Christen peple vnder peyne of deathe and dampnacion by the whole consent both of the princes and bishoppes at the former suggestiō of innocent the thirde besydes other wicked thinges As to heare lattyn seruyce to go procession on Sondayes to praye vnto dead Sayntes to worship Images to bye Masses for the dead to fast the fridayes with purgatorye pardons merytes and fryres orders In the sayd counsell became the Metropolytanes as kynges 〈◊〉 by the auctorite therof appoynted they that 〈◊〉 Balyues and other 〈◊〉 as byshoppes Curates and Pari●●he Prestes to haue cure and charge of so idle and in the sayd eare confession to receyue theyr accountes 6 These counterfett kynges are all of one deuyllishe mynde practyse and purpose agaynst God and his ▪ veryte 7 And fullye they are fixed to geue their whole power their stodye and theyr strēgthe vnto the behoue of the Beast ▪ Not accordinge to Gods mynde wyll they rewle but all after his wyll pleasure agreynge alwayes vnto him as mēbers to their heade to serue wickednesse after wickednesse in Babilō His popisshe decrees wyll they seke his deuylishe decretals wyll they folowe his ceremonials wyll they obserue nothynge of the sacred scripturs What lerning so euer they haue what giftes of nature fortune or grace all must be to the maintenaunce of his fantastycall fopperyes To hym are they sworne to do hym homage to obeye his lawes to kysse hys fete for hys gloryes sake to persceut● the Gospell 10 And in so doynge they shall fygh● with the lambe which ys Iesus Christ. They shall impugne hys truthe whan they thinke to do hym seruyce For that myschese they do to one of his they do to hys owne persone 9 But be they neuer so dogged yet shall the lambe ouercome them in hys faythfull members yea by pacyent sufferaunce onlye The vyctorye sayth Sayn● Iohan which ouercometh the worlde is a sure Christen faythe Vpon their syde fyghteth he which ys most myghtye ād stronge yea the lorde that ys valeaune in battayle And he shall first ouercome them in this lyfe with the myghtye breathe of hys mouthe scatterynge them awaye as dust from the earthe And after thys shall hys terryble iudgement for euer condempne them 10 For he ys by the auctoryte geuen hym of hys father the lorde of all lordes and by hys owne eternall Godhede the Kynge of all kynges hauinge all power in heauen and in earthe He ys constyt●●te iudge of the quycke and the dead hauynge alone the euerlastynge Empyre with his father and the holye ghost and of his kingedome shall neuer be an ende ▪ 11 By his permyssion doth all kinges regne he hath their hertes in his hande and iudgeth their thoughtes Both maye he geue them hys sprete and also take yt frō them and of his enemyes he shall make hys forestole He ys the same sto●ne after Danyell that without anye ha●●des was cut out of the mounte which breaketh the Irō the copper the earthe the syluer and the golde in peces By whome are ment the vnyuersall kyngedomes of this worlde 12 Of this hys vyctorye are all they pa●●tyners with hym which are vpon hys sy●de by faythe Most specyallye those tru● seruauntes of hys which after they ar● called by grace and chosen by faythe perseuer styll constaunt feruent fayth●full and sure in his veryte to the latte● ende of their lyues 13 Not onlye the lambe therfor shall o●uercome the Beast but they also afte● the doctryne of Paule that are called ād chosen in him not fallynge from his tr●●che for anye temptacyō or grefe but stā●dinge fast by yt vnto the verye deathe For those that the lorde hath prefixed afore he hath called iustifyed and allowed These auaunceth not themselues with the proude but mekelye they submit their crownes referrynge all vyctorye to the lambe as menne that coulde haue done nothinge in that behalfe with out hym The Text. 1 And he sayde vnto me 2. The waters which thu sawe it where the whore sitteth 3. are people folke and nacyons and tūges 4. Ad the tē horns which thu sawest vpon the beast 5. are they which shall hate the
whore 6. and shall make her desolate naked 7. ād shall eate her fleshe 8. ād burne her with fyre 9. For God hath putte in their hartes to f●lfyll hys wyll 10. and to do w●th one consent 11. for to geue her kyngdom vnto the beast 12. vntyll the wordes of God be fulfylled 13. And the woman which thu sawest is the greate cytye 14. which reygneth ouer the Kinges of the earthe ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And after this longe communicacyō sayth saynt Iohan the aforeseyd Angel sayd thus vnto me to make vp his tale with 2 The wauerynge waters which thu sawest here now of late in mysterye where as the Babylonyshe whore sitteth vpon the rose coloured Beast are in sygnyficacyon all maner of peples of the carnall nacyons and the superstycyouse folke of manye sondrye tonges 3 Not onlye in one place of the worlde rewleth this wanton relygyon of Antichrist but in euerye lande in euerye domynion in euerye cumpanye amonge all occupacyons and languages The folyshe multytude euerye where beynge blynded by their subtyle sorceryes neyther hauynge faythe nor yet the feare of God before their eyes as a ragynge flood the bankes broken downe ●o●●eth headlynges into all blasphemie and deuyllyshnesse 4 More ouer the afore named .x. hornes sayth the Angell which thu by the will of God beholdest here in sprete vpon the seyd Beast of destruccyon are those verye persones which also shall hate the whore Her abhominacyons ones knowne by the Gospell preachinge they shall abhorre her lawes despyse her auctoryte and contempne her customes They shall defeate her of those landes and possessyons which now she vniustlye ho●deth 5 They that afore were her fryndes shall than be her mortall enemyes denyenge her both tribute obedyence and seruyce so leauynge her without all co●fort Not onlye are these the temporall gouernours as the kynge of Englande the kynge of Denmarke the Duke of saron the Landgraue of hesse and other Princes of Germanye with soche other as wyll here after folowe the same pryncyples but also the Metropolytanes and Byshoppes the Doctors and Prelates As are all redye Thomas Crāmere the arche Byshop of Caūterburye Hermannus de weda the archebyshopp of Coleyne Godryck the Byshop of Holye Barlowe the Byshop of Saynt Dauids Byrde the Byshop of Chestre Thu●●leby byshop of Westmynstre 〈◊〉 tymer and Nicolas Sharton of late years Byshoppes of Worcester and Salysburye with soche other lyke as wyll here after folowe their trade Though they were afore the hornes of the Beast for defence of the whore yet are they now fallen from hym and more shall euerye daye to make her desolate of honoure ād naked of rentes and possessions 6 So shall they chace that Babylonyshe harlot Rome with their preachers that neyther shall they leaue her coloure nor yet bewtye Considre what Iohā Reuclin Martyne Luther Erasmus Occolampadius ●winglius Pomeran Buter Capito Melanchton Grineus Calninus Brencyus Frances Lābert Bullinger ād soche other hath done agaynst her alredye Lyke wyse here in Englande Bylneye Cyndale Frith Barnes Cromwell Couerdale Turner George Ioye Rose Rydleye Warde Becō ād other els leauynge her neyther Rellyques nor Rodes Sectes nor Shrynes Abbeyes nor Pryoryes manye more cōmynge after them of the same sort These shall make her so desolate that no māne shall in processe of tyme regarde her They shall leaue her so naked that all the worlde shall abhorre her that shall lo●● vpon her Yea in the conclusyon they 〈…〉 her fleshe 7 Besydes the takynge awaye of her carnall profyghtes and pleasurs they shall confounde her fl●shelye vnderstandinge of the scripturs and vtterlye consume the superfluouse obseruacyons of her whoryshe c●remonyes 8 Finallye with fyre shal they burne her in brynginge vnto nought all her abhominable rewles customes kyndes of Idolatrye All these ones plucked awaye by the euydent worde of God no longar shall this harlot apere For no lōgar contynueth the whore than the who redome ys in pryce Take awaye the rytes and Ceremonies the Iewels and ornamentes the Images and lyghtes the lordeshyppes and fatherhodes the aulters and Masses with the Byshoppes and Prestes and what is their holye whor●she churche any more Not onlye is this fleshe eatynge and burnynge declared now adayes in outwarde experymentes as in the rebellyouse Monkes and Prestes of Englande and in thē that arose there in the Northe specyallye in fryre forest and Margare●● Chenye which were for their churche consumed lyke as were Baals chaplaynes at the broke of Cyson by Helyas but also misticallye in that is spokē of here afore 9 For God hath sayth the Angell all blindenesse secluded put it into the hartes of those and soche other Godlye menne by the infusyon of his sprete to fulfyll hys decreed will so pleasure in this behalf as vtterlye to destroye the Popyshe relygyon or fylthye abhominacyons of Antichrist 10 He hath geuen yt them more ouer to do these thynges to hys glorye through the agrement of faythe that they haue in the vnyte of his Godlye truthe to the abolyshment of all Sectes false Prophetes and coniurers of Egypte 11 Fynallye by hys grace he hath moued them through knowlege of his worde to rendre vp her blasphemouse kyngedome whom sumtyme of ignoraunce they vsurped vnto the malygnaunt Beast agayne as the hornes of hys pestylēt heades After this sort ded good Latimer and Shaxton geue ouer their Bysshop-ryckes and so hath dyuerse other Godlye menne their promocyons and liuinges as manye more yet here after wyll do 12 For as they haue begonne so shall they contynue in demynyshynge the abhomynacyōs of this whoryshe churche tyll the wordes and promyses of God by hys Apostles and Prophetes which can neuer fayle be whollye fulfilled in effect and tyll hys last iudgement do fynyshe all But thus do not all they which haue done of the yoke of the Popes obedyence or blotted out hys name For the greatter nombre of them retayneth styll the blasphemouse obseruacyons and Ceremonies of hys Romyshe relygyon some makynge newe lawes of deathe for the establyshment of the same as ys in Englande the acte of the .vi. Artycles with dyuerse other more And for this remayneth here styll the Beast as receyuynge the rendred kyngedome of the whore In whome ys also comprehended the wycked rēnaunt that shall worke the last myschefe whome the lorde shall ende with hys seyd iudgement This Beast ys not without hys lyuelye Image styll workynge the same feates that hymself wrought afore though his head be greuouslye wounded in diuerse quarters of the worlde Neyther ys he without craftye Phesycyanes to mynystre lyfe to the same Who euer forswore the Pope more ernestlye thā ded Stokyslaye and Sampson Gardyne● and Tunstall wylson and fryre wattes with soche other holye prelates Yet labour they tothe and nayle to haue Babylon styll Babylon Sodom Sodom Egypte Egypte But maruele not of the ordynaūce of the lorde which all at one tyme prouyded Moyses to gyde his peple and yet