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A69089 An excellent and godly sermon most needefull for this time, wherein we liue in all securitie and sinne, to the great dishonour of God, and contempt of his holy word. Preached at Paules Crosse the xxvi. daye of October, an. 1578 by Laurence Chaderton Batcheler of Diuinitie. Chaderton, Laurence, 1536?-1640. 1578 (1578) STC 4924; ESTC S117846 46,847 118

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me Lord Lord shal enter into the kingdome of heauen Neuerthelesse the principal meaning and drift of Christ is to terrifie the false prophetes and preachers of the word with this feareful threatning of the second death as the wordes of the 22. verse doe necessarilie proue confirme Many vvill say vnto me Lord Lord haue vve not by thy Name prophesied c. which none could truly alledge for themselues but such onely as had bene preachers of the word workers of miracles A gift in that time almost peculiar to the Apostles ministers of Christ for the confirmation of the certeinty truth of their doctrine This dreadful declaration of the iust condemnation of al hypocrites fained professors of the true Gospell conteineth two general principal parts The first is a diuision of all such as professe the trueth into two sortes fully and plainely expressed in the 21. verse the second is a meeting with an obiection conteining both a kinde of defence whereby the preachers of the worde and workers of miracles by reason of their great knowledge and rare giftes myght seeme as to cleere and defend them selues so to auoide and escape the iust sentence of eternall curse and malediction set downe in the 22. verse Many shall say vnto me in that day Lord Lord c. And also a most wise and perfect though very fearefull answere of Christ there unto in the 23. verse And then will I confesse to them c. wherein notwithstanding these glorious works alledged in the former verse for their defence he sheweth that because he neuer acknowledged them by reason of their hyprocrisie and because in doing such works they brought forth iniquitie therefore he must necessarily forbid them his presence wherein onely is all ioye and felicitye as contrarily to be secluded from his presence is all sorowe and extreme miserie Thus we see both the summe and true meaning and also the plaine and naturall disposition of this part of Christes sermon conteined in these three verses Whereof I purpose to speake particularly not in the excellencie of wordes or in the inticing speach of mans wisedome but in plaine euidence and demonstration of the trueth Not euery one c. Here our Sauiour Christ diuideth al the worshippers of God and the professors of his Gospell into two sortes for the first sentence of this verse is equiualent or al one in sense with this particular saying Some men saying vnto Christ Lord Lorde shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen wherein as he noteth the first sort of professors so he describeth them by their external confessing of Christ to be their Lorde and Master and also by their end The second sort he noteth in the latter and also describeth them by their fruites end in these wordes But he that doeth my Fathers will which is in heauen shall enter into the kingdome of heauen which ende although it be not expressed yet it is necessarily to be supplied out of the former part Therefore the true meaning of these words is this Of the external professors of Christ some doe onely professe in outward shew and some others doe both outwardly professe and also doe the Fathers wil which is in heauen so that the author of this diuision is our Sauiour himselfe and therefore it is in no wise to be doubted of Yet because the common and vsuall conuersation of Christians is so corrupt that it euidently declareth them to be contented and satisfied with an outward seruing of God void of inwarde synceritie and true beliefe it shal be requisite and needfull in few words to shew out of the word the certaine trueth of these two sortes of men In the first age of the worlde when there were but foure persons which serued the true God the Creator of heauen and earth the holye Ghost teacheth that Habel and Cain albeit they both did externally professe their religion by offering of the first fruites of sheepe and of the grounde yet Cain his profession was onely in outwarde shewe because his outwarde sacrifice being voyde of fayth was not regarded of god But Habels profession was both in outwarde shewe and also in doyng the will of god for the spirit of God commending him testifieth that by faith he offered a sacrifice of greater price then Cain and by that faith obteined witnesse of God that he was righteous for which cause it is said The Lord had respect to him and to his offering In the families of Abraham and Isaac being then onely the visible Church Ismael Isaac Iaakob and Esau receiued Circumcision the externall signe of their profession by reason whereof euery of them were accompted true worshippers of the God of Abraham yet Isaac and Iaakob onely were doers of the will of God as the Spirit of God testifieth in the eleueth 12. to the Hebrewes In the 50 psalme the Lord him selfe expostulateth and with great authoritie reasoneth with the first sort of professors saying What hast thou to do to declare mine ordinances that thou shouldest take my couenant in thy mouth seeing thou hatest to be reformed and hast cast my wordes behinde thee But vnto the other sort he speaketh thus in the same psalme He that offreth praise shall glorifie me and to him that disposeth his vvay aright I vvill shevv the saluation of God. wherin he forbiddeth and condemneth the outward profession of his worde and ordinances beyng separated from the right disposition of the heart and life but being ioyned together he promiseth thereunto eternal saluatiō A place therfore most fit to warrāt confirme these two sortes of professors of Gods worde The Prophet Esay doeth not onely describe these sortes of professors in playne wordes but also threatneth against the former sort a wonderfull iudgement of God saying Because this people come neere me with their mouth and honour me with their lippes but haue remoued their heart from me and their feare towardes me was taught by the precept of men therefore beholde I will againe doe a marueilous worke in this people euen a marueilous worke and a wonder for the vvisedome of their wise men shall perishe and the vnderstanding of theyr prudent men shall be hid Woe vnto them that seeke deepe to hide their counsell from the Lord for their workes are in darkenesse and they say Who seeth vs and vvho knovveth vs In which wordes it appeareth both that there be in the visible Church of God aswell hypocriticall seruers of God whose wicked woorkes though in respect of God they bee done in the light yet in respect of men they are in darkenesse as also true and syncere worshippers which with mouth lippes and heart doe honour and feare the Lorde according to his precepts It were to long and in deede needelesse in so plaine a matter to cite and alledge the witnesses of all the Prophets who as they had great experience of both these kindes of
gouernment of Israel so also did he in the acknowledging publishing vnto them this doctrine as appeareth in the 22. chap. of his booke saying But take diligent heede to doe the commandement and lawe vvhich Moses the seruant of the Lord commanded you that is that ye loue the Lord your God vvalke in all his waies keepe his cōmandements cleaue vnto him serue him vvith all your heart vvith all your soule Wherein the same doctrine concerning both the worke and the maner of doing almost in the same wordes is plainely confirmed Iohn Baptist the forerunner of Christ preached the same saying Bring foorth therefore fruits vvorthy the amendment of life Iames the Apostle of Christ vtterly condemneth all profession of faith as vaine vnprofitable if it want workes when as he saieth What auaileth it my brethren though a man say he hath faith vvhen he hath no vvorkes can the fayth saue him as if he shoulde say in plaine words Faith outwardly professed without good works can be no pledge or testimony at all of our saluation Peter in his 1. Epistle teacheth that because Christ hath suffered for vs in the flesh therefore we shoulde suffer after a sort in our flesh by dying vnto sinne and liuing to God so long as we remaine in the flesh For he saieth speaking of the regenerate that he henceforvvarde should liue asmuch time as remaineth in the flesh not after the lustes of men but after the vvill of God. Iohn also in his first Epistle denieth vs to haue any felowship with God or any benefite of the blood of Christ if we walke in darknes and not in the light of trueth and godlines For he saieth If we saye that we haue felowship with him and walke in darknes we lye and doe not truely But if we walke in the light as he is in the light we haue mutuall felowship with him and the blood of Iesus Christ cleanseth vs from all sinne Paul in the sixe twentieth of the Actes professeth before king Agrippa that he taught this doctrine touching the necessitie of workes both to Iewe and Gentile saying Wherefore king Agrippa I was not disobedient vnto the heauenly vision but shewed first to them of Damascus and at Ierusalem and throughout all the coastes of Iudea and then to the Gentiles that they should repent and turne to God and doe workes woorthie amendment of life Moreouer the Spirit of God witnesseth in the twelfth to the Hebrues that without workes no man shall see GOD saying Followe peace vvith all men and holines vvithout the vvhich no man shall see the Lorde an especiall place to prooue the necessitie of workes Lastly our Sauiour Christ in the fiue and twentieth of Matthew teaching that in the day of iudgement all flesh shal be tried and iudged according to the workes of loue and mercie done in this life towardes him in his members confirmeth and establisheth in his owne person and worde the infallible trueth of this doctrine in whom as in all other pointes of religion so especially in this we ought fully and perfectly to rest For there it is briefely concluded that they which gaue vnto his members meate drincke lodging clothing and visited the sicke and imprisoned shal be pronounced righteous and goe into life eternall But the vnmercifull being voyde of these workes shal be pronounced cursed and goe into euerlasting fire and paine Seeing then we haue so many heauenly witnesses of this trueth and that all the Prophetes in their prophecies doe most earnestly and zealously call the people of GOD to the obedience of his lawe and most pitifully complaine of the want thereof threatning both temporall and eternall punishments against disobedient malefactors we may safely conclude and determine that the workes of the first and second table are necessarilie required to the doing of the Fathers will. Nowe then if it be truely preached that without workes there is neither doing of the will of God neither entrance into the kingdome of heauen O Lord what shall we thinke of the licentious life of our English Protestantes or what shall become of this barren and fruitlesse profession of the glorious Gospel of Christ for a man may trauaile almost from the one ende of the land to the other before he can finde one man like vnto iust Iob that feared God and eschewed euill or one woman like vnto Dorcas full of good works and almes As therefore our sauiour Christ the Prophets and the Apostles had most iust cause to complaine in their times of the want of workes and to be grieued with the sinnes of the people so we in this last age haue no lesse cause to complaine neither lesse occasion of sorowe For to come vnto particulars what estate calling or degree is there which doth not content it selfe onely with saying Lorde Lorde being notwithstanding so barren in the bringing foorth of good workes And first concerning the state Ecclesiasticall and vs that be ministers and preachers of the worde whome this place principally doth concerne where are the lippes of those ministers which doe preserue knowledge or those messengers of God at whose mouthes his poore people shoulde seeke his lawe Naye rather where be not whole swarmes of idle ignorant and vngodly Curates and Readers who neither can nor will goe before the deare flocke of Christ in soundnes of doctrine and integritie of life The cause of which enormitie resting principally in the persons them selues and then in those which sent them and nowe suffer them in the Church I charge in the Lord the one that they seriously waying the worthines of the Lordes embassage for the which they are most vnworthie would voluntarily forgoe that calling wherein they can not doe the Fathers will and betake them to some other which they may in a good conscience without offence in some godly and profitable measure discharge The other I counsell and beseeche as a brother in the Lorde that they would more diligently looke vnto their ministerie committed vnto them lest not onely this grieuous offence but also all other their sinnes against God and their brethren be laide vnto their charge when the heartes of all men shal be made open and manifest before the Lorde of life And to proceede to the learned gouernours of the Church is there no tything of Mynt Anyse and Cummin and pretermitting waightier matters of the lawe as Iudgement Mercie and Fidelitie Doe they feede the flocke of God willingly and carefully as being examples vnto it and not for filthie lucresake as being lords ouer Gods heritage yf these things be so howe can they thinke they are doers of the Fathers will What shall I saye of our domme dogges non residents and all those that serue mortall and sinfull men with symonie flattering wordes and seruile obedience not lawfully to obtaine one roome in the vineyard of the Lorde but two three foure or moe places which is
in deede in whom was no guile of the Centurion that there was not the like fayth in Israel of Anna that she liuing a widdowe foure score and foure yeeres went not out of the Tēple but serued God with fasting and prayers night and day finally of all the primitiue Church both men and women immediatly after the ascension of Christ that they continued with one accord in the Apostles doctrine felowship in breaking of bread in prayers supplications eating their meate together with gladnes singlenes of heart praysing God yea that the multitude of them that beleued were of one heart and of one soule neither any of them said that any of that which he possessed was his owne but they had all things common Wherefore seeing we are compassed with so great a cloud of witnesses of kings of Prophets of Iewes of Gentiles of men of women which haue serued the Lorde in this right maner of doing let vs also cast away euery thing that presseth downe and the sinne that hangeth so fast on let vs runne with ioye pacience in this straight race which is set before vs without wearines and fainting For doubtles the want of those things ioyned with the practise of the contrary vices are the causes of all the punishments of God that are or haue bene in the world For whence commeth warre famine pestilence translation of Monarchies Kingdomes ouerthrowes of families Townes Cities whole Countries but from this that we doe not the will of our heauenly father as it is done in heauen For want whereof we that liue nowe in this peaceable land flowing with milke and hony and in the light of the Gospel shining vnto vs for the space of twentie golden yeeres are of all other most inexcusable For who can tell repeate the warnings whereby God in mercie hath called vs to repentance and reformation of our liues But who hath shed foorth as yet the Christian teares of repentance Not foure yeres agoe the Lord did as it were with his owne hand set a starre in the heauens whereof the wisest Astronomer that liueth can giue no reason Since that we haue bene admonished by a great and strange Comete in the ayre by earthquakes inundations of waters all which signes forerūners of Gods wrath are returned to him again as being vnable to mollifie our stony hearts that we might turne vnto the lord Onely his glorious Gospel abideth with vs but alas it grieueth me to consider howe litle place it findeth in our hearts how carelesly receiued and how generally by the life conuersation of Christians it is defamed discredited so that I greatly feare that within short time it also will depart from vs and by the commaundement of God goe vnto a people which shall as the Thessalonians did receiue it not as the word of men but as it is in deede the worde of god Well in the meane time for the better auoyding and turning away the iudgements of God which hang ouer our heads namely this present plague whereby the Lorde in mercie hath visited this Citie I am to request in the Lordes behalfe the right honorable the Lord Maior of this Citie and the reuerend Father the Bishop that they would ioyne together in gathering together the people and calling a solemne assemblie and sanctifiyng a generall and publicke fast according to the commaundement of God and the necessitie of this present time This dutie and christian exercise is the rather to be done least our English Church for want thereof may through ignorance iudge it either altogether vnnecessarie or not much materiall But if this cannot be obtained to be done in a publicke solemne maner with all zeale and feruentnes in prayer and hearing the worde of God which I most heartily wishe and desire then I doe admonishe euery one priuately both to vse this and all other good meanes to turne from vs and this Citie all those punishments which our sinnes haue most righteously deserued For it is not the cleane keeping and sweeping of our houses and streetes that can driue away this fearefull messenger of Gods wrath albeit as I approue these lawfull ordinarie meanes so I mislike the desperate tempting of God which I heare to be in some but the purging sweeping of our consciences from all the stincking filthe and drosse of sinne deliuereth from the feare and perill of all euill and maketh vs pure and holy vessels meete for the holy Spirit of God to dwell in If you will imploy all your labours studies and cares hereunto and offer vp this sacrifice of praying fasting preaching and thankes giuing euen from the morning vnto the euening according to the example godly practises of our fathers which haue gone before vs who knoweth deare brethren yf the Lorde will returne and repent and leaue a blessing behind him euen the precious treasure of his glorious Gospel which now we haue and the benefit of helth which as yet we want But if this exhortation and request shall fall to the ground and bring forth no fruit as commonly the woorde of God doth amongst vs such is the hardnesse of our stonie heartes then your sinne lieth at the doore and abideth but my dutie though in great weakenesse and feare is discharged Nowe therefore I commende vnto you both this speciall and singular woorke of publike and solemne fasting and all other godly woorkes with faith hope loue feare and watchfulnesse wherein consisteth the syncere doing of the Fathers will desiryng and beseeching you all to receiue approue and fulfill them vnto your liues end that you may enter most ioyfully into the kingdome of heauen Thus much by good occasion I haue spoken concerning the two sortes of professors nowe I am to speake by order of the Apologie defence of the former sort for the auoyding of the finall sentence of condemnation conteyned in these wordes Manie will say vnto me in that day Lorde Lorde haue we not by thy Name prophecied and by thy Name cast out deuils and by thy Name done manie great workes In these wordes Christ bringeth in not the vnlearned but the learned and those that seemed to be the chiefest and best professors of the Gospell reasoning with him selfe touching the matter of entring into the kingdome of heauen They alledge for themselues two principall and worthie workes not common vnto all but almost proper and peculiar ●iftes to the Ministers and Apostles of Christ that is to saye preaching the word ment here by prophecie and working of myracles vnderstoode by casting out deuils and doing many and great workes It may seeme strange and marueylous in our eyes that those which can in trueth alledge for them selues these two workes shoulde be secluded from the kingdome of heauen seeing that of preachers it is witnessed that because they turne many vnto righteousnesse they shal shine as the starres for euer euer of others that whosoeuer shal
To the right worshipfull Master Richard Martin Warden of the Queenes Maiesties Mints and Alderman of the Citie of London Grace and peace from God the Father through Christ Iesus our Lord. I Haue sent vnto you right worshipfull and dearly beloued in the Lord according to your earnest request and my promise the summe and effecte of my Sermon preached at Paules Crosse desiring you to receiue it as a most certaine token of my vnfayned loue towardes you in Christ For although it come from an olde friend and brother in the Lord yet I send it vnto your worship for a Newe yeres gift to testifie a newe increase of my Christian loue towards you so many as shal reade it with purpose to liue according to the rule of sound doctrine and godlines And concerning you of whose integritie I haue good experience I perswade my selfe that our most mercifull Father by this meanes vvill vvorke in your heart the plentifull increase of the giftes and invvard graces of that nevv man vvhich is framed according to the Image of his dearely beloued sonne Christ Iesus For as you haue bene most earnest to haue in vvriting this doctrine so I doubt not but you vvill be most diligent in the practise thereof for vvhich cause I commit it into your hands to vse to Gods glorie the profit of his children to your ovvne comfort Grace peace and loue vvith faith from God the Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ be vvith you novve and euer Amen From Cambridge by your most louing friend and brother in the Lord Laurence Chaderton To the Christian Reader AS much reading is a wearines to the flesh so there is neither end nor profit in making many bookes True wisdome escheweth both but the folie of our time neuer ceaseth to write nether can be satisfied with reading the new and variable inuētions of men A fault amongst wise Philosophers much misliked how much more ought it to be cōdemned eschewed of al learned Christians But vaine glory desire of popular fame in the writers desire of filthy lucre in the Printers haue stuffed our English studies with many superfluous vnnecessary books to the great hurt of many good wits to the hinderance of cōstant iudgemēt in the soūdnes of Christiā doctrine A matter most necessary to be reformed by such as haue receiued authority to this end that neither our Church nor cōmon weale shuld be hurt but rather bettered by the writings of men For my part I wish with all my heart that we had fewer bookes greater skill in the old newe Testament of Christ wherin are bequeathed vnto vs most heauenly precious Iewels legacies of the immortal inheritance to which most sure word Testament if we take heed as vnto a light that shineth in a dark place we shal be directed aright in the strait way that leadeth to immortalitie happines Now touching this my Sermon if I did thinke deare Christian Reader that it would quench in the mind of any the desire of hearing the Gospell preached not rather inflame their heart both to hearing faithful working I would rather haue buried it in perpetuall silence then committed it to writing But being fully perswaded that by this meanes the Lord God in mercye wil bring into the minds of those that heard me a fruitfull remēbrance of his mighty working by the power of his spirit at that present to their singular comfort I haue in some part satisfied the earnest importunat sute of many deare Christians and brethren who did both by letters word of mouth after a sort compel me to write it The summe and effect of al I haue set downe not in the same words I spake for the Lord knoweth I neuer writ it and therfore could not but in other so plainly as I could for the capacity and vnderstāding of al. I haue added those things whereof then I could not partly for lacke of time partly for other necessary occasiōs intreat And albeit mine owne inabilitie in this kinde of writing wherein I am altogether a stranger and the feare of the seuere censure of the learned eloquent diuines did greatly disswade me yet my earnest desire both to leaue behind me some smal testimonie of my saith cōscience religion also to haue my iudgement touching faith workes approued of the English church did as it were violētly carie me to this dutiful worke of loue Now my harty desire is that this my labour may be acceptably receiued louingly expounded of all my prayer vnto God is shal be that euery one of vs according to the measure of the gift of Christ may be inabled by his spirit to hold fast the sound doctrine of pure religion in life and in death with al ioy of the holy Ghost sincerely to practise the same to the glory of Christ the edificatiō of his Church But let no man thinke that the reading of this can be half so effectual and profitable to him as the hearing was or might be For it wāteth the zeale of the speaker the attention of the hearer the promise of God to the ordinary preaching of his word the mighty inward working of his holy spirit many other thīgs which the Lord worketh most mercifully by the preaching of his glorious Gospel which are not to be hoped for by reading the written Sermons of his ministers Neuerthelesse I trust that he will blesse the reading hereof to the praise of his owne name the cōfort of his Church To him therefore by Christ be al praise honour in the Church for euer Amen Matthewe vij 21 Not euery one that saith vnto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth my Fathers wil which is in heauen 22 Many will say to mee in that daye Lord Lord haue we not by thy Name prophecied and by thy Name cast out deuils by thy Name done many great works 23 And then will I professe to them I neuer knewe you depart from me ye that worke iniquitie THese three short verses are a principall part of that heauenly sermon which our sauiour Christ preached in the mount vnto his own disciples and the people The summe and meaning hereof is a dreadful declaration of the final destruction and eternall condemnation of all counterfait and hypocritical professors of Gods true Religion For although in the former verses Christ did particularly describe vnto his auditorie false and dissembling prophets by their fruits to the end they might better know them yet in this 21. verse he ascendeth from that particular to a general description of all false fayned professors of the trueth of what calling and function soeuer they be of in the Church or common wealth as appeareth most plainly both by the similitudes generally vsed in the 17.18 19. verses going before and also by these words Not euerie one that saith vnto
ye me Master Master and doe not the thinges that I speake Wherein as he sheweth that nothing in all the worlde ought to mooue vs to professe our selues to be his seruants except we doe and fulfill the things which he commaundeth so he condemneth euery kinde of profession which is voide of this faithfull obedience Thus we see what the first sort of woorshippers be euen such as in worde confesse and by hearing the Gospell preached receiuing the Sacraments and calling vpon God professe themselues to be his seruants notwithstanding they securely pretermit the dooing of Gods will and therefore shall iustly be secluded from the kingdome of heauen For these men though they crie in the Church neuer so loude Lorde Lorde they shall neuer be heard though they in worde most gloriously doe confesse Christ to bee their Sauiour yet in the daye of iudgement he will not confesse them though they say they knowe him in this life yet then he will professe that he neuer knewe them though they seeme vnto men most diligent woorkers of righteousnes and pietie yet he then iudging not according to the outward appearance but the sincere puritie of the heart will saye vnto them Depart from me ye workers of iniquitie Finally though they seeme to liue and to be the children of light yet they are dead and are the sonnes of darknes and therefore shall not as it is affirmed here in this place enter into the kingdome of heauen which is the second thing whereby they are described Beholde therefore all ye hypocriticall callers vpon the Name of God your ende your porcion and the lot of your inheritance which you haue by the hardnes of your hollowe hearts which can not repent treasured vp vnto your selues against the day of wrath and of the declaration of the iust iudgement of God who will rewarde euery man according to his workes For you shall not onely be cast out of the kingdome of heauen from the glorious presence of the king of all glorie but you shall drinke as a iust recompence for your iniquitie the bitter cuppe of Gods eternall wrath and indignation in the kingdome of darknes and in the fearefull presence of Satan and all the cursed enemies of Gods grace Repent therefore and turne vnto the Lorde circumcise the foreskinnes of your heartes and bring foorth fruites woorthie amendment of life and thinke not that because you are by the iudgement of men counted Christians or because you are partakers of the worde and Sacraments of Christ and of Christian prayers thankesgiuing you shall therefore in the generall iudgement of all fleshe stand in the assemblie of the righteous for euen nowe also is the axe put to the roote of the tree so that euery tree which bringeth not forth good fruite shal be hewen downe and cast into the fire For there is no respect of persons with God but as many as haue sinned and transgressed the lawe of nature which was by the finger of God written in two Tables committed to Moses shal be iudged by the same But that the knowledge of this first sort of professors of their miserable end may be more effectuall and profitable to worke in vs a perfect hatred of their corrupt life a godly feare of their dreadful death I will briefely set downe some particular notes whereby they may be the better knowen and al other may more truely examin their own hearts so clerely see whether they be of that nomber or no. First he that saieth onely vnto Christ Lord Lord doth not the will of God he hath in his heart if he doe iudge himself aright according to the Apostles precept a far greater care and desire to be accompted a good christian amongst men then in deede and trueth to be so in the sight of God. Therefore our Sauiour Christ forbiddeth vs as in giuing of almes and praying so in all other workes to be like vnto these hypocrites whome he affirmeth to haue this great loue and desire to appeare righteous in the sight of men Secondarily this hypocriticall caller vpon God doeth more busie his head about the outward and generall worke commaunded then about the spirituall maner of doing which he seldome or neuer sincerely obserueth For so Christ teacheth and also denounceth a fearefull woe against them saying Woe be to you Scribes and Pharises hypocrites for ye are like to whited tombes which appeare beautifull outward but are within full of dead mens bones and of all filthines so are ye also for outward ye appeare righteous vnto men but within ye are full of hypocrisie and iniquitie Moreouer the hypocrite worketh his saluation securely coldely and carelessely not in feare and trembling as the Spirit of trueth commaundeth in the Epistle to the Philippians the second Chapter and the twelfth verse For he striueth not against his owne corruption to suppresse all rebellious affections lustes which striue against the lawe of God neyther to obtaine those graces and giftes of regeneration which he seeth wanting in himself nor forgetteth with blessed Paule that which is behinde nor yet indeuoureth him selfe to that which is before folowing hard toward the marke for the price of the hye calling of God in Christ Iesus and therefore manifestly bewrayeth his secure carelesse conscience Againe the hypocrite hath no full setled and resolued purpose in life death to professe and obey the trueth and will of God but is mutable wauering and inconstant in all his wayes In consideration whereof Barnabas comming into Antiochia seeing the grace of God most mercifully multyplied vpon many earnestly exhorted al that with purpose of heart they would cleaue vnto the lord A true note to discerne betweene him that feareth God and him that doeth not Agayne the hypocrites care studie is to stay the outward and grosser sinnes of life flowing from the filthy fountayne of his natural corruption is altogether carelesse to stoppe the fountayne it selfe Wherein as he bewrayeth great want of heauenly wisdome great abundance of carnall folly so he can neuer say with inward and sensible feeling of the lawe of the members and of the Spirit as the Apostle Paule sayth O vvretched man that I am vvho shall deliuer me frō the body of this death I thank God through Iesus Christ our lord Then I my selfe in my mind serue the lavv of God but in my flesh the law of sinne A peculiar worke of Gods Spirit in all his elect which none of the children of this world euer tasted of to their comfort neyther can do Agayne the hypocrite is stirred vp to work wel in the iudgement of men by some worldly reason pleasing his owne fantasie and fleshly appetite not constrayned as Gods children are with the mercy of God and loue of Christ as it is in the 130. Psalme in these words But mercie is vvith thee that thou mayest be feared And also in
the 2. Epistle to the Corinth the 5. chap. the 14. verse For the loue of Christ constrayneth vs because vve thus iudge that if one be dead for all then vvere all deade And he dyed for all that they vvhich liue should not hēceforth liue vnto themselues but vnto him which died for them rose againe Wherefore as the doer of Gods wil doth abstayne from euil because it is contrary vnto the wil of God and doeth good because he is constrayned with the loue of him which is onely good so the hypocrite contrarily abstaineth from euyll for feare of punishment and doth the thing which seemeth good not constrained with the loue of God but mooued of his owne will by desire of prayse or hope of reward Finally the hypocrite in all his counsels wordes workes doeth although he sometimes playnly perceyue it not more and oftener regarde the feare fauour and prayse of men and his owne priuat cōmoditie and pleasure then the feare fauour praise of God commoditie of his brethrē Seeyng therfore that the life of these men consisteth in a shewe of godlines not in the power therof in the outward works not in an acceptable maner of doyng in carelesse securitie not in a reuerēt feare to displease God in a wauering mind not in a resolued purpose to perseuer vnto the end in the staying of the riuers of sinne neglecting the fountaine to conclude in seeking themselues rather then the glory of God cōmoditie of their brethren Let vs not onely detest and abhorre it with all our heartes and soules but also examine euery one his own estate and condition that we may see whether we do truely stande in the grace of God or no. For assuredly if the outwarde workes of our Christian calling be done in this sorte and maner they neyther are nor can be vnto vs the pledges and seales of our saluation but rather the subtile sleyghts of Satan and the deceites of sinne whereby these two myghtie enemies of our redemption bewitche vs and depriue our heartes of the sure hope of our promised inheritance and saluation Let him therefore that standeth both take heede least he fall and labour also to become not only a continuall eschewer of these euills but a newe creature framed according to the image of Christ But alas I feare me if all English Protestants woulde confesse freely to Gods glory and their owne shame the whole corruption of al their thoughts in this behalfe we should see such a huge masse and lumpe of hypocrisie as no man is able to cōceiue in heart muche lesse vtter in worde For then no doubt a great nomber would say All my religion is mere dissimulation all my glorious profession of the Gospell is nothing but a vayne shewe of Christianitie yea my whole life tryed and wayed in the balance of Gods law is lighter then vanitie it self And I woulde to God that wee were all come to this humble and godly acknowledging as of all other our sinnes so especially of this secure and carelesse hypocrisie wherein almost all professours are so drowned that except the most mercyfull God by his mighty and strong hande doe rayse them vp by faith and repentance they shall perish euerlastingly without any hope of redemption Nowe therefore deare brethren for the loue of God let vs not put our trust and confidence in these and such lyke lying words as to say The Temple of the Lord the Temple of the Lorde and to call Christ Lord Lord Master Master or to say I am baptized I knowe the trueth I professe the Gospell and such like because except we can iustifie this outward profession of our faith to be syncere and pure by the integritie of our workes our sauiour Christ telleth vs heere that we shall neuer enter into the kingdome of heauen Thus much for the former sort of professors their maner of cōuersation their final destruction contained in these wordes Not euery one that sayeth vnto me Lorde Lorde shal enter into the kingdome of heauen Nowe followeth the seconde sorte in these wordes But he that doeth the vvyll of my heauenly Father vvhich is in heauen Wherein Christ describeth the lawfull heires of his Fathers kingdome by their fruites all which fruites be comprised in this one sentence Which do my Fathers vvill Wherfore we must learne and know that the doyng of the Fathers wyll is of two sortes First syncere and also perfect which kinde of doyng is to be founde and seene onely in the natural Sonne of God Christ Iesus for his Father gyueth this testimonie of him that in him he is well pleased The second syncere onely and imperfect Nowe as the former is peculiar to the naturall Sonne so this latter is onely proper to the adopted sonnes of god Who therefore are most fitly and wisely by it described in this place of our Sauiour for he meaneth not here the perfect doyng of the Fathers will for then no fleshe shoulde be iustified in the sight of God but the syncere faithful obseruation of those things which are agreeable vnto the will of God the obseruers wherof shall enter into the kingdome of heauen which words though they be not plainly expressed yet they are necessarily to be supplyed as is before declared Nowe considering that the doyng of the Fathers will declareth who shall be saued let vs heare what the doing of the Fathers will is The knowledge hereof ariseth of two things which are necessarily required to the acceptable working of the same that is to say the workes of the lawe or actions thēselues the maner of doyng the whole want of either of which is a manifest token eyther of infidelitie or hypocrisie For the first that works are necessarily required to the accōplishment of the Fathers will the scriptures in many yea almost infinite places do teach a few whereof to auoyd tediousnes in so plaine a matter I haue chosen for the cōfirmation of this doctrine In the 5. of Deut. the meeke faithful seruāt of God Moses cōmandeth all Israel not onely to learne know the ordināces lawes of god but also carefully to obserue them saying Heare O Israel the ordinances and the lawes which I propounde to you this day that ye may learne them and take heede to obserue them Againe in the 10. of Deuter. hee hath written to the same effect these wordes And nowe O Israel vvhat doeth the Lorde thy God require of thee but to feare the Lord thy God to walke in all his wayes to loue him and to serue the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soule c. Wherein by the way is to be noted that the Lord God requireth not only the workes themselues consisting in his wayes feare loue and seruice but also the right maner of doyng in these words with all thy heart and with all thy soule Iosua as he succeeded Moses in the
and holy bread offeringes carnall fastinges crossinges anointinges with infinite moe of the same sorte All which inuentions of men are directly contrary to that worship which our Sauiour Christ witnesseth to consist in Spirit and trueth and therefore iustly condemned For if bodily exercises which may be well vsed are neither profitable of them selues neither anye parte of the worshippe of God doe we not iustlye abhorre and detest the traditions which are after the commaundements and doctrines of men And nowe as it is certaine that they fayle in these thinges so also in the ende whereby all our actions must be measured and esteemed For in that they ascribe righteousnesse in parte to their workes which they haue done they may with as good reason challenge a part of the glory of their redemption whereby the Lord of necessitie must be robbed of his honour to whome belongeth all glory and dominion Thus much I haue spoken only of skilful malicious and obstinate Papists not of the poore ignorant ones which neither haue knowen the trueth neither haue their conscience set fixed in heresie Albeit I dare affirme that neither these neither any other obstinate and wilfull heretike or ignorant person doeth or can doe the Fathers will Because as heresie is strong to cōdemne so ignorance is blinde and causeth vs to fall into the pit of condēnation Seeyng therefore that this doctrine of our Sauiour Christe condemneth Atheists Infidels Iewes Libertines Papists and al other sects of heretikes ignorant persons euery one that is not of the true Church of God we had neede with all care and studye to trie and examine the very bottome of our heartes and rippe vp all the inwarde and secret corners of our consciences least we also be iustly reprooued and condemned by the same For assuredly we must all in the day of iudgement be tried and made knowen to the worlde by the practise of this doctrine to the glory of God the comfort of our owne hearts whether we haue truelye tasted of the gifte of God in Christ or no but if we do content our selues with the shadowes of inwarde godlynesse as with the outwarde vse of Baptisme and the Supper of the Lorde with lippe seruice and such externall kinde of profession denying the power thereof in our heartes and workes wee deceyue our owne heartes we depriue our soules of the ioyfull fruition of Gods presence and walke as fast as can be towards the place of darkenesse and endelesse destruction For this is the doctrine of the Sonne of God Not euerye one that sayeth vnto me Lorde Lorde shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the will of my heauenly Father which is in heauen Goe to then you carnall and worldely Protestants that saye Lorde Lorde God be praysed and God be thanked for all his giftes c. I demaunde this of you in the person of Christ whose seruant I am though most vnworthie shewe me this your fayth and professed religion by your workes and iustifie it before me the Church of god For was not Abraham our father iustified through woorkes when he offered Isaac his sonne vpon the altar Was not Rahab the harlot iustified through woorkes when she had receyued the messengers and sent them out another way Knowe therefore for a certeintie all you that professe the feare of God that fayth professed without woorkes is dead Yea as the bodie without breath so fayth without woorkes is cleane dead and therefore but a shadowe of the true fayth which woorketh by loue But ye wyll say We knowe and beleeue that Christ is the Sonne of god What then the deuils beleeue also tremble yea and confesse IESVS wee knowe and Paul wee knowe but who are yee Yea but wee by Baptisme and the Sacrament of thankesgiuing are become the professours of Christ Was not Iudas a professour also yea a preacher and a worker of miracles But wee are no enemies and persecutors of Christ as he was No more were those dispersed Christians to whome Iames wrytte nay they suffered manye troubles for the outwarde profession of the trueth whome notwithstanding he condemneth for want of workes These thinges therefore are but clokes of hypocrisie and wordes of lyes whereby Satan carryeth away manye from the wayes of godlinesse and life into the paths of wickednesse and destruction It is not then the outwarde shewe of Christianitye in countenaunce worde and worke that auayleth any thing but onely a newe creature in Christ In consideration whereof I heartily desire and beseeche you all from the hyghest vnto the lowest both to flye this damnable corruption of worldly and carnall men and to giue all diligence to keepe and obserue this heauenly maner of doing the Fathers will. Take vnto you aboue all thinges fayth ioyne vnto faith hope vnto hope loue and brotherly kindenesse vnto brotherly kindenesse reuerent feare of the Maiestie of GOD vnto a reuerent feare a continuall and ●●cefull watchfulnesse in all good workes For if these be amongest you and abound more and more according to the measure of the gift of Christe they will make you that ye neyther shall bee idle nor vnfruitefull in the profession of Christ and his Gospell But he that hath not these thinges what face and countenance so euer he carrieth of religion wisedome learning and vertue he is blinde and can not see farre into the mysterie of godlinesse or els hath through ingratitude altogether forgotten that he was purged from his olde synnes Seeyng then by this meanes not onely an entring shall be ministred vnto you into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lorde and Sauiour IESVS Christ but also your effectuall calling and eternall election shall be fully ratified vnto your owne heartes and consciences so as you maye knowe perfectly that nothing can separate you from the loue of GOD if there be any consolation in Christ if any comfort of loue if anye fellowshippe of the Spirit if anye compassion and mercie thinke on those thinges which you haue now heard fulfill these things and you shal neuer fall but the God of peace shal be alwayes with you neither shall the comforter euer depart from you But peraduenture some will say O Lorde who is able for these things In deed in respect of man it is vnpossible but with God as all other things so this is possible and hath bene by his power wrought in man For doeth not the holy Ghost witnes of Dauid that he was a man according to Gods own heart of Hezechia that he did vprightly in the sight of the Lord according to al that Dauid his father had done of Iosia that he turned to the Lorde with all his heart and with all his soule and with all his might according to all the lawe of Moses of Zacharie and Elizabeth his wife that they were iust before God and walked in all the ordinances of the Lord without reproofe of Nathanael that he was an Israelite