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A66758 Meditations upon the Lords prayer with a preparatory preamble to the right understanding, and true use of this pattern : contemplated by the author during the time wherein his house was visited by the pestilence 1665 and is dedicated to them, by whose charity God preserved him and his family, from perishing in their late troubles / ... by ... Geo. Withers. Wither, George, 1588-1667. 1655 (1655) Wing W3169; ESTC R11913 123,479 218

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interpreted by the Spirit and cherished by that Anointing Oyl which the foolish Virgins never had in their Vessels nor they who pretend they have it to sell I heartily pray we may be found among those wise Virgins who were watchful that we may distinguish the Bridegrooms voice from Impostors lest we be shut out from entering when he cometh 11. I hereby intend nothing in opposition to them who believe the Rumors aforementioned but leave them to credit them as they are perswaded until they find cause to the contrary expecting from them the like indulgence to me For if I hear unquestionably that such a remainder of Israel by Miracles and Divine instinct are come into their antient Inheritance shall there be setled by way of preparation Then having Repentance wrought in them shall have their eyes opened to see by Faith and confess with their mouthes that Jesus Christ whom their brethren betrayed sold and crucified was their promised King I shall know it is of God and rejoyce in it as much as any But till then I shall be warie of giving credit to what I hear and wish all other men so to do least they be deluded by mistaking the meaning of those Prophets who foretold the bringing back the Captivated Israelites to their Country thinking those Predictions which were fulfilled before and at Christs first coming are still expectant as relating to their Temporal Kingdom For I believe that the gathering together of the dispersed Israelites presaged by the Prophets intended not those only which were Jews according to the Flesh but those Jews and Gentiles who are the spiritual seed of Abraham by Faith dispersed throughout the World and such Jews as Paul meant Rom. 2. 28 29. where he saith He is not a Jew who is one outwardly neither is that circumcision which is outwardly in the flesh but he is a jew who is one inwardly and Circumcision is that of the heart and in the Spirit not in the Letter which being so we may justly suspect they have mistaken the meaning of the Prophets who apply their predictions to such a carnal Restauration of the jews as is now expected That mistake as I believe might be cured by observing that immediately after such Prophecies as foretold their temporal Restauration the coming of Christs Kingdom is frequently presaged in the Texts following in the same Chapters If there seem to be any Prophesie which predicts such a returning of the jews as is now looked for after the Birth Death and Ascension of our Redeemer Let it be well considered whether it means any more then a returning to their Countrey by way of Preparation to their Spiritual returning unto the Kingdom of their rejected King or whether as I rather believe the main intent of all the Prophets who Prophesied ought in relation to what should be after Christs Ascention when the Partition-Wall was broken down and Jews and Gentiles made one people had not respect to Christs Kingdom only on Earth as it should be manifested at his first coming or at the second till the end of the World Isaiah in his 60. Chapter and to the end of his Prophesie and Daniel in the last of his Prophesie concur with St. John in the last of his Revelation in predicting the glory of that Spiritual Kingdom which though it be upon Earth will not be an Earthly Kingdom nor so inglorious as that will be at best in respect thereof which shall be confined to Sion and Jerusalem in the Land of Canaan For When the new Heaven and the new Earth shall be created the old Name shall be left as a curse and the Servants of the Lord called by a new Name Esa 65. This and other Prophesies concerning Christs Kingdom to come upon Earth are as I understand him well considered by my good friend Mr. T. M. of W. Senior in a Tract of his which I have lately seen with respect to the Jews temporary condition and Country so far forth as they seem to concern them by way of preparation to what shall be hereafter For their antient Country being as I think a part of that Garden which God planted Eastward in Eden shall no doubt when Christs Kingdom more visibly appears have many Prophesies there locally and literally as well as spiritually fulfilled and my intent is not to contradict what other men believe of that Mysterie but rather to prevent such mistakes as may be repugnant to the Essentiality thereof When I contemplate the said Kingdom of Christ and his personal Reign here on Earth looking backward and forward upon that Experimental knowledg of good and evil which Mankind is likely to acquire in the Six days of a 1000 Years apiece and the Knowledg also which will be gotten in that seventh part of time wherein Christ shall come both to the full Illustration and destruction of all that is Evil and to the plenary Demonstration and Perfection of all that is Good for restoring the Saints who shall live and reign with him to that Paradisical Estate out of which our first Parents were excluded When I say I contemplate this I have such a strong desire to express what I glimmeringly apprehend of it that being unable to perform it it makes me so sick and faint in Body and Spirit when I attempt it that I am forced to desist from those contemplatings to recover strength lest distracted by the variety of Notions I might in that weakness either extend my expressions to more then this Generation can yet bear or to that which may be misapprehended being forced to cry out in my heart with St. Paul Oh the depth of the riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his Judgments And his Wayes past finding out 12. I set no bounds to Gods Mercy nor am hopeless of the extent thereof to any whilst they are in the flesh until they have utterly excluded themselves by wilful malicious and final obstinacy and who they are I cannot certainly know Therefore neither judge peremptorily of any or neglect to pray for them No not to pray for the persons of Antichristian Prelates who have perverted the true intent of Evangelical Episcopacy which I reverence For I believe it possible for some of them to repent and be saved though they are the worst of all men who seem to be Members of Christs Visible Church Nor am I incredulous that there are were and shall be in every Age a Remnant of those called Jews though the worst of all men without the Visible Church preserved according to the Election of God and brought into Christs Fold But whether there shall be such an Vniversal return as some think I am yet doubtful it being nothing pertinent to my personal saving Faith For though it was expedient as David Prophetically prayed in the 59 Psalm that they should be scattered and not utterly rooted out to preserve Gods people mindful both of his Mercy and Severity yet by the words of
the king is such is the Kingdom or Government and such will be the people as we find it to have been in all the Kingdoms of the Earth But the King and Kingdom for whose coming we pray are stablished by Wisdom and Power so perfect that no wrongs can be done by the King thereof nor any suffered by those who are under him by any unrighteous Law in that Kingdom and happy are those Kings and the Subjects of those Kingdoms who endeavour to Govern and Obey according to the righteousness of that King and the Constitutions of his Kingdom so near as they shall be able To that end the same Kingdom is partly come into those in this Generation who belong thereunto to shew it forth to Kings and Subjects in the Kingdoms of this wold by their Doctrine Life and Conversation that the Contemners thereof may be inexcusable For though it seems to be a Kingdom not now in being but to come hereafter it is an Eternal Kingdom which now is always was and ever shall be without beginning or ending and is termed a Kingdom to come in respect of that more full manifestation which it shall have here upon Earth and within the Saints who are and shall be sharers therein reigning together with Christ Some call it the fifth Monarchie as it is in relation to those Monarchies prophesied of by Daniel but it is the first that ever was and the last that ever shall be in Heaven or Earth and is such a Kingdom as we are not able in the state wherein we yet be to conceive much less to express in that mode wherein it shall be manifested though we have many metaphorical descriptions of it whereby we may apprehend so much of the Glory of it as may make us believe and expect it with joy 2. The Soveraignty of this Kingdom was eternally in the Deity before all worlds and after the Creation was joyntly and distinctly exercised by the Father Son and Holy Ghost according as the Manifestations thereof were decreed before time and evidenced by occurrences in the progress of Time Thereof I will declare so much as God hath revealed unto me by his Word and Spirit During that intelligible point of Time which was called Beginning being the first of those five Notions wherein I conceive all things to be included to wit Eternity Beginning Time End and Everlasting even in that Moment of Beginning and immediately after the Angels and Adam were created and Fell the Prince of the Spirits elapsed began to Usurp a part of Gods Kingdom by that permissive Power which he still retained and he forthwith practised upon innocent Man on whom God had conferred a Vicegerency under himself over all subcelestial Creatures And Adam being compounded of those Elements which rendred him subject to mutability the Devil prevailing by subtlety drew him to disobedience and rebellion which God foreknowing might had he so pleased either have prevented it or in a moment destroyed the Vsurper with all his Confederates But this consisted not with his Eternal Decree whereby mankinde was to have experience in a natural way of that Good and Evil which our First-Parents desired to know Therefore according to the same Decree God suffered that part of his Kingdom which was to be visible on Earth to be for a while shared between two contradictory Powers the Devil to continue in possession of what he had Usurped and his Eternal Son to whom the whole Kingdom by right appertained to exercise also his Kingly Office therein so far forth as neither his Interest with that which is really good might be totally destroyed not the Devils power so limited that the utmost extent of evil might not be fully known so here hath been ever since two Militant Kingdoms upon the Earth contending for Superiority 3. The Incarnate Son of GOD was first externally inaugurated when it was said that The seed of the Woman should break the Serpents head and the Messiah was then spiritually conceived by Faith in the hearts of Adam and Eve and there began this Kingdom to be first in the earth though the seed of the Serpent did also fructifie by that seminal corruption which he had injected to make entrance for his Kingdom And when their two first Children being born into the world Had attained ability to demonstrate unto which Kingdom they adhered the Contest which hath ever since been maintained between them did presently begin Cain slew his Brother Abel upon that quarrel and the consequence thereof together with Cains male-contented Demeanour gave occasion of GODS declaring somewhat unto him which I conceive to be pertinent to their consideration whose Faith and Patience were to be exercised under tyrannous Governments in all future Generations until his Son shall bring them to an end by assuming the whole Kingdom For before Cain had slain his Brother God said That he should Rule over him and his desire be subjected unto him Moreover after the murther was committed and when GOD had so cursed Cain for it who was the first Tyrannous abuser of his Authority that by the judgement of his own conscience he seemed worthily exposed to slaughter by every one who met him God nevertheless affirmed that whosoever slew him his blood should be avenged sevenfold upon the slayer and it is written that God set a Mark upon him to prevent his slaughter from whence it may be inferred as I think that all Private persons ought to be wary they lay not violent hands upon those to whom God hath subjected them how wicked soever they be lest that Mark be fouud upon them which renders them liable to a seven-fold Vengeance 4. The visible Kingdom of GOD our Father How it was conferred upon his Son What opposition it should have in the world by Kings and Nations The Vanitie of their Reasons of State the fruitlesness of the Plots Counsels and confederacies of the people The establishment of his Throne upon his holy Mountain the spiritual Sion in despight of opposition The proclamation of what was eternally decreed concerning it The Vniversality and powerfulness of his Domion How it will beseem all earthly Kings and their subordinate Judges and Officers to demean themselves under him VVhat will befal to them who shall be rebellious or refractory and the happiness of all those who shall do homage unto him and be obedient as they ought to be All this was foretold in the second Psalm which is a Literal not a Typical Prophecy of the Kingdom of Christ the true David Yet this Kingdom had for a long time a very slow increase was confined to a very narrow circuit and hath been from that time hitherto also of small estimation in respect of the Kingdoms of this World except onely in the days of Enos and Noah for in the days of Enos it is recorded that men began to call upon the Name of the Lord and in the time of Noah this King of kings assumed the sole Government of his
in which sense that Scripture had no relation to the Jews nor many other things which were predicted by the same Prophet but in a Mystical sense onely With reference to Jews and Gentiles united in the Kingdom of Christ after the partition-Wall was broken down according to that interpretation which I believe our Saviour made of them when he opened the Book of Isaiahs Prophecie and finding these words Isa 61. 1. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to Preach good tidings unto the meek he hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted to proclaim liberty to the Captives and opening of the Prison to them that are bound c. And a little after it is said They shall build the old Wasts they shall raise up the former Desolations and they shall repair the wast Cities the Desolation of many generations c. And after all this he added that this Prophecie was that day fulfilled in their sight and if then fulfilled there is not such a fulfilling to come as is expected in a Carnal mode But a compleating of that Spiritual Kingdom which was then begun Meditate seriously the Prophecies of Isaiah beginning at the 60 Chapter to the last and they will evidence that though there be some hints particularly relating to the Kingdom and Nation of the Jews whilst they were under the Law their principal intent was the Estate of Christs Kingdom both at his first coming and afterward until his second coming to Raign more visibly upon Earth and to demonstra●●● unto his Church consisting both of Jews and Gentiles made one Flock what should befall them by reason of their many prevarications after his first coming which have since that time been equivalent to the Jewish Apostacies before and at his first Advent For I will be bold to tell this Generation that the Christians have followed the Jews since the coming of Christ in all their former Deviations as if they had taken them for their Pattern yea just as they did from the day wherein Moses gave unto them the Law until their Messiah came And if he come not again quickly the Professors of the Gospel will be as much corrupted as they and fall by degrees into an Apastacy and Obduration parallel to theirs But I hope God will prevent it by making the Apostacies Impostures and wickednesses of depraved Jews and Gentiles now called Christians to be at last as Advantageous to the Kingdom of Christ as the Perversness of the Jews was to the Gentiles at his first coming That which first occasioned some who seem to insist on it as an Article of our saving Faith to believe there will be such a Restoration of the Jews to their Temporary Kingdom as is now expected was the vain curiosity of those Christian Doctors who to be reputed Learned in Rabbinical Mysteries followed the Interpretations of the Jewish Rabbins who lived since the Ascension Some of whose malicious falshoods in perverting the Interpretations made by their Rabbies before Christs first coming I long since discovered in my Exposition of the second Psalm particular the falshood of Rabbi Solomon who in his Exposition of that Psalm written in a Language known then to few but themselves confessed it was by their Predecessors expounded literally of Christ to come But then was as he said to be expounded literally of David to answer Hereticks meaning the Christians This Exposition of mine upon the second Psalm with nine other Psalms was lost in Manuscript when my House was plundred not likely to be recovered What might be said more to this purpose would fill a Volume by it self and take up more time then I can spare at present All therefore which I profess to believe touching the Calling and Conversion of the Jews is this That as David saith In the Evening they shall return c. Psal 59. That is they having notwithstanding the Preaching of the Gospel now almost 1700 years run rambling and snarling like Dogs round about the City in their impenitence grumbling and unsatisfied shall return in the Evening of the world in the beginning of that seventh day of a thousand years in which Christs personal Raign is to begin at least so many of them whose incredulity as Pauls did proceeded from ignorance onely and not from malice For then he who at his first coming said unto them who believed not VVhere I am thither cannot you come shall come again to them and they seeing him whom they crucified and pierced in his Glory shining round about them as Paul saw him at his Conversion shall with hearty penitence mourn over him as one lementing for his onely Son and then shall the Joy of Jews and Gentiles and the Kingdom of their Christ begin to be at full upon earth and be full in perfection at the close of that day 14. I have been so large in this seeming digression because I fear there are many Professors of Christ so weak and wavering that if they should see a temporal prevalency wrought out by the Jews whilst they persevered in their malitious Judaism they would be more prone as it seems intimated by one of the Prophets To take them by their garments and say We will go with you and take share with them in a such temporal King and Kingdom as they look for rather then continue constant in persecution to him whom they have professed Pardon this fear for I have seen too many causes of it as well in other respects as by the misapprehensions of some who transported beyond sobriety have raised preconjectures from the Rumors aforementioned of accomplishing that thereby which they had formerly resolved within themselves to be the fore-determined Decree of God For they seem to believe that it will shortly succeed in the mode by them fancied and as they themselves wish it might be Indeed If as the Proverb is whishes were Thrushes we might all eat Birds But I believe it will not so fall out The digging for a Trumpet in a great Mountain by the sound whereof as the Report goes the Nation must be gathered together may be a long work and it is sufficient to discover that the whole matter may be fabulous on justly suspected so to be or that if it be not a Jeer or a device to befool some there is an Imposture as aforesaid hatching to a worse end For what usefulness is there of a Mat●rial Trumpet digg'd out of the Earth to proclaim the approach of the Eternal King and his Kingdom or to call a Nation out of every nook in the wide world Such whimsies I am not taken withal nor can believe the perfecting that Kingdom which we look for upon the earth depends on such Absurdities as are fancied by many in other modes To gain credit to the aforesaid Rumour it is written that they who call themselves Israelites have a wise and holy Prophet among them to be their Conducter by whom their Design is carried on and some with
it will then evidently and universally appear whether of the two is most powerful and that neither the Evil which is it the worst men or the Good which is in the best men could thitherto or shall at that day do any works of their own which they think they had to do that will be prevalent to those evili or good ends which they proposed to establish their respect 〈◊〉 Kingdoms For then will be the Day of his Power whose Kingdom was lirerally prophesied of in the 110 Psalm and the Will of his willing ones be accepted instead of working Their King alone be the able to conquen all his Adversaries letting loose the Devil to use the utmost of his Usurped power will break the Head of Malignity together with all the Kings of the opposing Kingdoms and then his Subjects the Spiritual seed of the true Abel and Abraham by Faith who for the most part of the former six thousand years have been subjected in their temporary concernments to Cain and his Successors and ever since his time been persecuted in relation to their worship of God and their King shall be totally set at liberty for ever and rest and Reign with him in that Kingdom judging those Kings and Nations by whose Tyranny they were oppressed and against whom the Supream-Judg of that Kingdom which they despised and we pray for shall pronounce this sentence of Condemnation Depart ye cursed into everlasting fire 25. But though we believe there is such a Kingdom to come shall fully know the nature of it whose it is what advantages we may have by it which are innumerable and intimated in this Evangelical promise Seest first the Kingdom of God and all other things shall be Ministred unto you if we do our formally seek it for carnal ends only it will nothing avail us when it comes openly into the Earth until it comes into our hearts also A Dominiou is there to be exercised and it is the first place into which the Kingdom of Heaven enters upon Earth Every Saint hath a Kingship there to be managed whereby he must have a Probation and be prepated for a Throne in that which will Universally appear that will be performed by cherishing those Vir●●●● which may make his Microcosme or little World a true Province of that large Kingdom expected and by subjecting to Reason and to the Evangelical Laws all those natural Desires Passions and Affections which have been Rebellious and Repugnant to the Purity and Justice thereof subduing and keeping them under by a spiritual Militia We ought therefore to endeavour it diligently and to take heed that we let not in the kingdom of the Devil instead of Christs or admit into us the Kingdoms of this world For most men are deluded with false appearances in this case whereof I have had had experiments a long time in relation to my self and if I shall be credited may say much to prevent those fallacies in others Hear then with seriousness what I shall now express to that purpose I will begin with some of those deceivable Marks whereby very many think they are made Children of God and Inheriters of his Heavenly Kingdom before they have any evidences thereof but such as these ensuing whose invalidity let them consider They had an Initiation into the Kingdom by being Baptized with water in the Name of the Father Son and the Holy Ghost and had God-fathers and God-mothers who for obtaining that Priviledg promised many things in their Names to be performed on their behalf But so were many thousands who being heedless of such promises seem by their Lives and Conversations to be Children of the Devil and belonging to this kingdom They have been outwardly partakers of the Lords Table so was Judas by what seems a probability thereof as well as the rest of the Apostles yet we know he was reprobated They have done Miracles so did Simon Magus Jannes Jambres and others yet were Impostors They have caft out Devils in Christs Name so did some to whom he will say I know ye not They have Prophecied concerning him so did Balaam and Caiaphas They have builded goodly Temples so did Herod whose like was not in the world yet he was a Tyrant and murthered the innocent Children and John the Baptist They have maintained many such Priests and Prophets as they affected so did Jezabel yet was a Strumpet and became Dogs meat They were frequent hearers of them who preached the Gospel so are many who are no Doers of what they hear and some who came but to intrap the Ministers of God as others did to insnare Christ or else came to see and be seen or more to be reputed Religious then with sincere Devotion They have been Preachers of the Gospel and Assertors of the Truth so have not a few been who held and professed it in unrighteousness or preached rather to uphold contention then to edifie their hearers and who through neglect of endeavouring mortification in themselves have been Reprobates when they preached Salvation to others They have fasted much given Alms and said many long Prayers so do Hypocrites and so did the hypocritical Scribes and Pharisees oft devouring VVidows houses under those pretences They have undergone severe penances and grievously afflicted themselves so did the Priests of Baal heretofore and so do many superstitious Romanists and others at this day They have been sufferers so have Malefactors been Innocent Heathens and in finite numbers who probably 〈◊〉 evidence within themselves or sence of the Kingdom we pray for Other such-like Marks I could enumerate wherewith multitudes are deluded VVe must therefore finde out better Marks to ascertain us That the Kingdom of God is within us and these that follow will also be such demonstrations thereof as if we be not Traytors to our selves may make it unquestionably known to be within us 26. If the Kingdom of Christ be within us we shall feel that we love him who is King thereof with all our hearts yea more then our selves we shall be obedient to all his Commands and Laws to our utmost power Zealous of his Honour and of magnifying his Name and maintaining all the Prerogatives of his Kingdom even to the loss of our lives if need be and sorry when we fail therein through infirmity we shall love our selves no more then to make it a true Rule whereby to measure out the love we owe unto our Neighbours and Brethren VVe shall always have as well a charitable Love for our Enemies as an affectionate love for our Relations and square out all Actions by the Evangelical Law of that Kingdom VVe shall do good for evil bless them that curse us pray for them who persecute us forgive as we would be forgiven be merciful to all Gods creatures according to their kinds use them with sobriety and thankfulness and be afflicted for it in our hearts when we are knowingly or ignorantly defective in these of any other duties as soon as
those little innocent Children to whom Christ said the Kingdom of Heaven appertains 11. And whereas we hear many such sayings as these or to the like effect The way is broad that leadeth to destruction and the Gate so streight which gives admittance to Salvation that few enter in thereat That many are called but few chosen That though the People were as the sands of the Sea a small number should be saved That the Righteous in respect of the Wicked were but as here and there an Olive-berry upon the boughs after gathering-time or as a few Grapes after the Vintage with such-like asseverations These I acknowledge to be true yet my belief is notwithstanding all this that a far greater number shall be saved then condemned at the last Judgement For I cannot believe these expressions have respect to all Mankinde dispersed throughout the world from the beginning to the end thereof but as relating comparatively to those onely who are and were Members of those visible Churches and Provinces of Christs visible Kingdom upon earth to whom the ordinary means of Salvation were and are dispensed whether Jews or Christians the greatest number of whom for their wilful neglect of that means for their turning the Grace of God into wantonness for their seeking gain by pretended Godliness and for their meer formality and hypocrisie shall be shut out of that Kingdom whereof they judged themselves to be sole Inheritors and all the rest of the world to be cast-aways So did many Jews believe of themselves heretofore and so do many Christians now who will at last finde it to be a spirit of self-love which possessed them producing no better fruit then the Apples of Sodom are said to be These as I conceive are those of whom the sayings in holy Scripture aforementioned shall be verified and of whom onely they were intended These reputing themselves the onely Children of the Kingdom boast of their Priviledges such as the having Abraham to their Father The Temple of the Lord or the Word and Sacraments of the Gospel among them how much soever abused or neglected and these alone are concerned in those places of holy Scripture which declare the paucity of that number who shall be chosen in comparison of them who are called and the paucity of those among them who shall be saved in respect of their numerousness who shall perish by their neglecting or abusing those advantages which were put into their hands I conceive to be thereby meant For I cannot think that such sayings had a purposed relation to them unto whose knowledge that means neither came nor was likely to come whilst they lived after they were born into the World Such in particular as are many millions of Heathens in the remotest parts of the world As also little Children dying before they are capable of understanding what they hear and who must inavoydably and everlastingly perish if God hath provided no other means of their Salvation by Christ then such a way of preaching it as is vouchsafed to us 12. Therefore in my judgement they should have little hope of pardon for their many actual transgressions who knowing God hath provided means of life and nourishment for Children in the Mothers Womb when they can neither breath nor eat as when they are born if they shall not believe that God who is infinite in Mercy hath not provided as sufficient a means to nourish their Souls and Bodies to eternal Life who by Death in their infancy or otherways are without their personal default incapable of the ordinary means It is in my understanding so great an injury to the Goodness and Mercy of God to affirm he hath exposed to everlasting destruction all those Innocents by leaving them totally without remedy that they seem to me incapable of Forgiveness through Gods Mercy to them until they repent of their blasphemous mis-belief of his Fatherly compassion who hath given them no just cause to imagine he neglects to make provision for the wellfare of all his impotent Children Therefore that we may not obstruct the Forgiveness of our Debts and Trespasses which we pray for or charge God with so much cruelty as to expose his own Children by Creation at least to be a prey to the Devil and which is more abominable to teach other men to believe be hath eternally decreed the Reprobation of all Mankinde except a very few in comparison of the rest I will endeavour to make it more evident though I have alledged much to this purpose already that a very few shall be everlastingly damned in respect of them who shall be saved by the Mercy of God in Jesus Christ and that this is sufficiently provided for by GODS eternal Decree of Election and Reprobation which hath by many been misunderstood to the dishonour of his Divine Justice contrary to the light of Reason renewed and santified by Grace and to that illumination which is added thereunto by Gods Word and Spirit And though to make odious that Doctrine which I assert it is called Heresie Arminianism Popery and what else they please who oppose it I hope it shall be so generally received that all good Christians will ere long be ashamed of it and make it appear so wicked that it will hardly be believed by many in future times if there were not so many great Volumes written to uphold their error For who in Reason can believe that he who created all things in Love by Love and to be beloved of his Creatures for whose good he created them did fore-intend to make the greatest number of them everlastingly miserable and design them to that unhappiness before they had being or possibility to do good or evil yea that he necessitated them to do that evil for which they should be condemned what love was there in this or what love could be expect from those who should be taught thus to believe or what Truth is in such Teachers who incourage their Disciples to think so of him who hath said and sworn he desired not the Death of sinners but that they should repent and live Verily if there be any madness in Bedlam more extravagant then this I am greatly deceived 13. It is true that God hath absolutely predestinated some to Salvation and ordained some to condemnation of old with respect to their Qualifications in time and to a Covenant between him and them but none absolutely to condemnation nor either with respect or disrespect to their persons before time or before they had a temporary being though he fore-knew what the one and the other would be David tell us in his fourth Psalm who they are whom God Elected even the GODLY that is such as he fore-saw would hear heed and be conformable to the dictates of his Word and Spirit and who when he had inlightned their understanding and renewed their wills would endeavour perseverance to the end according to the power he gave them not trusting to that obedience or to any
gathering ought as Bees do from flowers growing without me but spinning out like the Silk-worm that onely which God had stored up within me And having put into words that which was as it were distilled out of my heart by fire as were my Remembrances to this Nation in the great Pestilence this time forty years I do now as a Testimonial of my thankfulness bequeathe it to my friends by whose Charity I was then and heretofore seasonably furnished with such necessaries as have hitherto preserved me and mine from likely rnine and in the first place offer it for a Thank-Oblation to God who enabled me to finish it during those few days which I might probably have conceived would have concluded my life GOD the Father GOD the Son GOD the Holy Ghost one Eternal Deity always joyntly co-operating intrinsecally by invisible workings and distinctly in what is externally personated by a triple manifestation thereof to our humane Capacities sanctifie me and all my thoughts words and actions to his glory now and for ever Amen THE PREFACE OF The LORDS PRAYER Offering many Particulars to consideration pertinent to other Duties an Objects of our Christian Faith as well as to the true understanding and right use of that Prayer without imposing upon any ought more then he shall conscientiously believe till convinced by better informatiion which the Author humbly prays all his Readers to remember for prevention of uncharitable Prejudice Matthew 6. 9. After this manner pray ye or as it is written Ink. 12. 2. When ye pray say Our Father which are in Heaven hallowed be thy Name Thy Kingdom come thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Give us this day our daily bread And forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil For thine is the Kingdom the Power and the Glory for ever Amen OUr blessed Redeemer having in the words next preceding these reprehended these who used such vain Repetitions in praying as the Heathens did who thought to be heard for their much babling or that God else knew not or would not heed their wants It pleased him for preventing such practices and misapprehensions to leave this Catholick Form and Pattern of Prayer and Praise to his Apostles and his Church for all future Generations including therein one conditional Petition not grantable without performance of that condition required to wit the forgiveness of our sins which condition is both Affirmatively and Negatively declared in these words next following If you forgive men their Trespasses then will your heavenly Father forgive you But if you forgive not them then will not your heavenly Father forgive you This precaution is heedfully to be observed at all times lest our Prayers be turned into sin and we imprecate a Curse upon our selves instead of a Blessing For God is Love and whosoever brings a Petition into his Presence with a malitious or implacable heart toward his Brother or Neighbour shall have all his suits rejected and his sins even his sins formerly forgiven recharged upon him and be laid in prison until he hath pay'd the utmost farthing of his debts That qualification for Prayer is in this Generation very defective in a great number And perhaps it proceeds from a want of Charity in this kinde whereof their own consciences accuse them that so many have neglected the use of this Prayer even because they cannot forgive as they would be forgiven and therefore are afraid to speak in that Form of words not considering that God remembers that condition though they mention it not in their prayers nor peradventure observe that though God sets before us his Love and free forgiveness to be a Pattern whereto he requires conformity as near as possible we can he is not so severe as to expect our forgiveness should equal his in perfection but onely in that proportion which our finite and frail nature is capable of This Hint is proper to the Fifth Petition yet not impertinently here offered to remembrance because peradventure some may meet it here upon the threshold who will never look further into the Book 2. The Texts of Holy Scripture prefixed to this Prayer contain a Precept or Injunction teaching how to pray it For the Evangelist Matthew saith After this manner pray ye and St. Luke says When ye pray say thus Our Father c. whereof little more need to be said then what the words and authority of the Author sufficiently explains and warrants to take away all scruple of praying both in the same words and according to their Genuine sence in such other words as the Spirit of God shall dictate unto our understandings upon such occasions as are offered for the two Evangelists by the words afore-specified the one biddding us to pray in this manner and the other to say thus makes this assertion doubtless and they are very ignorant who shall either suspect the lawful use of a Form so authorized or that the help to Devotion thereby intended was not as well vouchsafed to direct and inlarge our conceptions in whatsoever is pertinent to the duty of Prayer as to restrain us from vain Tautologies or other superfluous impertinencies 3. As it is hinted in my preceding Preamble our humane Capacity is not capable of spiritual Objects or to communicate them intelligibly to each other unless they are imbodied in some sensible Form Therefore in that respect this may be called the Body of Prayer and I finde it consists of a Preface six Petitions and an Epilogue or Conclusion The Preface is comprehended in these words Our Father which art in Heaven in which there are several particulars observable first that this Prayer is not singly personated by this word MY but by the Pronoun Collective OUR comprehending many persons mysteriously incorporated which implies that it is not to be offered up to God by Individual persons or congregations with respect to themselves onely or to their personal duties or necessities but with regard also to the whole Catholick Church-Militant and to the necessities of every member thereof in being or in a potentiality of being yea in some respects with regard to those Saints whose quondam visible being is at an end for a while considering their Resurrection to life Eternal with all the Priviledges of the Everlasting Kingdom petitioned for in this Prayer belonging to the Quick and Dead and concerns their Bodies now in the Grave no less then their bodies who yet live and therefore they are to be comprehended In our Prayers in such respects with those also who were or shall be as well as on the behalf of our selves and of those who yet live in regard they are Objects of the Universal Faith Charity and Resurrection as well as we and their Resurrections no less necessary to be pray'd for then the Kingdom to come though both will come to pass notwithstanding we pray not for them This Doctrine will not be justly offensive to
Kingdom into his own hands proclaimed his fore-intended Judgements to all his Subjects for their cruelties and rebellions and at the time appointed executed his sentence of Condemnation to the Destruction of all the Oppressors Tyrants and Kingdoms of the Earth by VVater as he will after Christs last coming by Fire and what will then become of his proud and malicious Enemies it may easily be foreseen 5. A while after the Deluge during the Paternal Kingship of Noah the Kingdom of our Father prevailed but within a few years after the Flood the kingdom of the Devil begun to be again inlarged and that of GOD to be thrust into a little Room and for some Generations to be visible in a few Families onely so obscured that the world took small notice thereof uutil the times of Moses and Josuah in whose days the judgements executed upon Pharaoh and on the Cananites made it evidently manifest that there was a more Powerful King then those who usurped the Kingdoms of the Earth And though this Kingdom was again after that obscured several times by their wickedness who professed obedience thereto yet the power of it appeared more and more especially during the Reign of David Solomon Jehosophat Ezekias and other Kings of Judah yea and was much heeded by the prevalency which it had in some degree upon Nebuchadnezzar Cyrus and Darius three of the greatest Earthly Monarchs who were constrained to confess the power of their Supream Soveraign and it had some other manifestations thereof before the true King thereof appeared in the Flesh But then it began to shew it self in another mode so differing from all temporary Kingdoms that it seemed to the men of the world to have nothing in it like a Kingdom and the King thereof to be nothing less then a King For a mean Carpenter was his reputed Father a poor Virgin was his true Mother when he was born she had no Pallace but a despicable Inne to give her entertainment No Chamber to lodge in but a Stall with Beasts No Cradle under a rich Canopy to lay this King in but a Manger No Heralds but Shepherds to proclaim his Birth and call him a high and mighty Prince as is usuall at the Birth of Kings But that defect was recompenced with a Complement more Magnificent then the Nativity-Ceremonies of all other Kings put together For a glorious Angel brought them a Commission to publish it A Celestial Army celebrated his Birth with a Nativity-Song and the kings of the East came to do him homage and brought him presents being directed unto him by a Star 6. When years had rendred him fit to exercise his Kingship according to what was proper to the Initiation thereof he had no great Pallace to dwell in no not a place wherein to rest his head He had no Princes Dukes Marquesses or Earls to attend him but a few despised Fisher-men instead of a triumphant Chariot he rode through jerusalem upon the silly Foal of an Ass and instead of a Foot-cloth the people put their Garments under him When he came to be Inthroned with his Title in three Languages written over his head his Royal Apparel was a Purple Robe contemptuously cast upon him he was scornfully saluted as King in mockage onely reviled and spit upon To be a Septer they gave him a Reed instead of a golden wreath beset with pretious Stones they Crowned him with sharpe Thorns his Throne was a Cross whereto they nailed his hands and his feet There he gave up his Ghost and having no Sepulchre of his own was buried in another mans Grave This is quite contrary to the mode and pomp of the Kings and Kingdoms of this world yet even then as at his Birth his dignity was extraordinarily evidenced for by the power of his Almighty God-head he to the affrighting of his Enemies obscured the Sun by a a supernatural Eclipse he rent the Vail of the Temple shook the whole Globe of the Earth raised the Dead but of their Graves and himself again to life conquered Death and Hell shewed himself alive to his Disciples ascended up to Heaven in their sight and when the Devil and his confederates supposed his Kingdom to be everlastingly at an end it became so signally powerful in that external weakness and contempt whereby it seemed to be disabled if not annihilated that it destroyed all the sumptuous Temples of the Gentles with those gods which they therein worshipped yea the Temple and Religion of his Crucifiers who boasted and trusted in the holiness thereof and this King and Kingdom will at last utterly root out of the world that mystery of iniquity which hath been raised up since the subversion of heathenish and Jewish Opposers thereof even that great Malignant Kingdom with all the supporters and vassals thereof which hath now tyrannized in several forms over the Saints and Subjects of the King of kings almost six thousand years But notwithstanding all this Christs now pretended Vicar though he calls himself the servant of the servants of God and makes counterfeit shews of humility as many others do is not contented with such a Kingdom and therefore hath reduced his into such a one as makes it apparent he hath accepted of as much as he could get of that offer with Christ refused when the Devil tendered unto him the Kingoms of the world with all the glory of them on condition he would fall down and worship him 7. It seems by what is recorded of the Tribe of Issacher to their commendation 1 Chro. 12. that we are to take notice of what concerns the times wherein we live and perhaps it will not be impertinent to the Kingdom here mentioned to add what I am inclined to express by occasion of Letters and Reports much credited concerning an Army of Israelites repairing toward the Ancient Habitation of their Fore-fathers which was heretofore a visible Province of that Kingdom until the Inhabitants for their Treason and Murther committed against their Soveraign Lord or the greatest party of that Nation were thereupon rejected and scattered through the world to wander as Vagabonds like Cain their Type without any certain abiding place That is the condition of those who at this day are called Jews but whether they are assuredly the Off-spring of the Patriarks Abraham Isaac and Jacob neither I nor they know as I believe For I understand not how they in these parts of the world commonly reputed to be of the Tribe of Judah and of those other Tribes which adhering thereto continued in their own Country until about forty years after the Crucifying of their Messiah can possibly know whether they are Jews or not so considering that throughout Europe as Histories inform us they were not onely banished and expelled from place to place but the Records of their Genealogies taken away also and burnt A great number likewise if not the greatest number of those whom we term Jews are probably such Natives of the Countries wherein
Christ to the Pharisees and chief Priests the Representatives of that Nation John 7. 34. Ye shall seek me and not find me and where I am there ye shall not come as also by what David presaged of their distempered composure when they should make shew of preparing to a Return in the Evening of the World we may have cause to be jealous that the preparations now rumoured are but a Preludium to some designe of the Devil to stir up and bring together GOG and MAGOG all open and secret Enemies of Christs Kingdom to prosecute their last Attempt against it For I hear not of any change in those Jews or Israelites from their Apostacies and Malicious Blasphemies but only a seeking after their old earthly Inheritance and things merely pertinent to this life whereof there is no promise to them who first seek not the Kingdom of Heaven We are not as some imagine to depend on the Jews Vniversal calling as if the Kingdom of Christ should not be compleated until then For our dependancy is not grounded upon what they or any other shall do We were of those Nations who sate heretofore in darkness and in the shadows of Death but have now a Light shining upon us to the increase and confirmation of our Joy A Son is born unto us upon whose shoulder the Government is imposed his Name is Wonderful Councellor the Mighty GOD the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace of whose Government there shall be no end The Kingdom of David is already setled upon him and the Jews do seek in vain to bring to pass what they hope for as appears Isa 9. who affirms they should say in the pride of their hearts The Bricks are fallen down but we will build it with hewen stones But They turn not saith he to him who smote them nor seek the Lord of Hosts and for that cause saith the same Prophet They shall be cut off head and tail root and branch in one day even their Leaders and they that led them Moreover he presaged what horrid confusions should come upon them and that GODS hand after several visitations should be still stretched out against them That but a Remnant of them should return though they were as numerous as the Sea-sands and that a passege should be made for that Remnant as miraculous as when they came out of Egypt Isa the 9 10 11. Chapters These Prophecies considered with what ye find Isa 75. and in other Scriptures incline me to believe that whatsoever is predicted concerning the Israel of God after the Ascension of Christ relateth not singly to Jews or Gentiles but to both as they are united and made one People in him and I leave them who think otherwise to their own Judgment till they see cause to the contrary as freely as I desire upon the same terms to enjoy my own For be it still REMEMBRED that this is cautionarily intended without purposing ought in opposition to what is believed by others upon better information then I have yet had 13. I will a little more enlarge my self as touching those Prophecies relating to the Jews for when my heart inclines me to express what I think pertinent to Gods Glory in my Generation it will be required at my hands if I neglect it though my Cautions and Remembrances be little regarded The foresaid Rumour seems but a trifling occasion yet that impression which I perceive it hath upon many and the event which it may have if there be any truth in it makes that very considerable which I offer to be heeded He whom we believe to be the Antichrist hoping to divert us from taking him to be that Mystical man hath a long time pretended and caused it to be written and preached that Antichrist must be a Jew And now perhaps the Devil who first laid the foundation of his kingdom and mysterie of Iniquity is hatching somewhat to improve that Fallacy by a Jewish designe and by cherishing an Opinion that the Jews are to have their Temporary Kingdom established again in the Land of Canaan And many Prophecies which I am perswaded never intended it are interpreted to that purpose by some who would not have made such interpretations if they had heeded what evil consequences it may produce Let therefore my Caveats be well heeded though I am worth little regard lest we concurring with the Jews in misunderstanding their Prophets invalid the Interpretations which the Apostles and all Orthodox Primitive Christians made of those Predictions which foretold the spiritual Kingdom of Christ and strengthen the Jews in their Judaism and infidelity to the destroying also of our saving Faith For if we grant those Scriptures ought so to be interpreted as they are by some among us then the Jews will affirm that those Scriptures also ought so to be understood whereby we are confirmed in believing the true Messias is come Yea this they will then say notwithstanding all we shall alledg to the contrary if we varie from that sense in which they were applied by Christ and his Apostles and we shall thereby shake the Foundation of Christianity in regard those Prophecies now interpreted to signifie the Jews recovering a Temporal Kingdom after the Ascension of Christ are some of those Prophecies upon which our Belief is grounded Much is expressed of GODS love and respect to Jerusalem and Sion in Palestine and no doubt they being the Seats of Gods onward worship and the most eminent Places of their Habitation who were then his chosen people he had respect unto them for their sakes and loved them more then all the dwellings of Jacob. But after the Messias was rejected and by them crucified it were a very low and mis-beseeming Opinion of GODS love and regard to imagine he had any respect thereunto after he had made it a Desolate and Ruinous heap For my part I do not believe that he hath any more regard of that City and Hill then of our City of London and Tower-hill annexed or that the glorious things which were to be fulfilled after Christs Incarnation and Ascension and predicted by the Prophets had relation any otherwise then to the Spiritual Sion and that Jerusalem which is to descend from Heaven It is said Isa 60. 19 20. to the Church of Christ Typified by Sion The Sun shall be no more thy Light by day neither for brightness shall the Moon give Light unto thee The Sun shall no more go down neither shall the Moon withdraw her Light for the Lord shall be thine everlasting Light To the same effect it is said thus Rev. 21. of the New Jerusalem The City had no need of the Sun neither of the Moon to shine in it for the glory of God doth enlighten it and the Lamb is the Light thereof This is not likely to intend that Earthly Sion and Jerusalem which is in Palestine where there will be need of the Sun and Moon whilst they are in Heaven even in a literal sense
us do suppose him to be Elias though Christ himself hath told us he is come already And some other think him to be that beloved Disciple mentioned in the 21 Chapter of St. Johns Gospel where our Saviour presaging in what mode Peter should suffer and he then asking What that Disciple should do was thus answered If I will that he tarry till I come what is that to thee follow thou me Whereupon some inferred that Disciple he should not die though as was then averred in the words following Christ said not so nor as I believe intended it should be so understood yet that interpretation is retained by some to this day and now as I hear made use of to countenance the forementioned Rumour whereof I confess my self incredulous for the reasons afore expressed Doubtless when such an occasion was given to have it explained Christ would not have left that ambiguous which was misunderstood and so l believe of every mysterious expression which is necessary to be known by all men as pertinent to their Salvation unless it be to make us wary by what Spirit we interpret holy Scripture lest that which leads into all Truth may by our negligence or vain curiosity lead us into errors if misapprehended If there be any point mentioned in holy Scripture relating to the Kingdom to come which is topical or national let them look to it whom it concerns for I conceive not that it any otherwise concerns us then as it shall have an Universal Locality upon earth without respect to any Nation or Place in particular as appears to me by the words of our Saviour to the woman of Samaria John 4. 21 22 33. Woman said he believe me the hour cometh when ye shall neither in this Mountain or in Jerusalem worship the Father Ye worship ye know not what c. But the hour cometh and now is when the true worshippers shall worship in Spirit and Truth c. VVhence I collect that if Place were not essential to the true VVorship of God when Christ first came into the world it will be less essential thereunto at his second coming or to have it limited to a narrower extent then to the whole Earth and all Nations 15. I am not doubtful but that in the last times there will be some extraordinary and eminent transactions and some in the next year after this 1665. and during four or five and thirty years after 1666. in relation to the approaching Kingdom of Christ and to those who have been so many Ages reputed the Off-spring of the Patriarks scattered throughout the world and I believe God will in his own time fulfil all his Judgements threatned for their Apostacies and obstinacies as also his gratious promises made unto their Fore-fathers but when that will be accomplised that or in what manner will be done which is expected concerning the Jews I leave it to Gods good pleasure and unto them to search in what mode it will be who think it concerns them more then I do who am contented with those manifestations which I finde in the Word of God not repugnant to each other or above my understanding There will be such Signs VVonders and Miracles as have been fore-told as also extraordinary preparations by Divine Providence before Christs second Advent which the Elect shall have sufficient means to know and make such use of as most tends to Gods Glory and to preserve them faithful to the end Yet unsafe it may be and an occasion of multiplying needless fears and troubles upon our selves to make such Ideas of Christs Kingdom and Raign upon Earth or such signs of its approach as are not plainly warranted by the VVord of God whose hidden wayes are past our finding out and so much as is revealed will be obscure to them whose unsanctified hearts seek after it in curiosity onely or with more desire to finde them sutable to their own imaginations that they may have somewhat wherein to glory then to make their ways conformable to Gods VVe are much taken with Novelties especially when we our selves first bring them to light and very apt superstitiously to repute things holy or unholy which Have neither holiness or unholiness in them except by our abuse VVe esteem some unholy which are sanctified some other to be holy which have no holiness in them but rather that which is most contrary For Example That is said to be the Holy-land which hath been during many Ages the most accursed of all Lands That to be a holy War which was but a wicked-politick divertisement of Antichrist to prevent the Interruption of his growing Grandeur by the Kings and Princes whom by that Engine he fool'd into an employment far from home That is said to be a holy Nation which hath had a long time no more holiness in it them Judas who betrayed Christ They are invocated and hallow'd as Saints and holy Martyrs who were Traytors both to God and men and whilst they lived not reputed so holy as some of their Neighbours And that Cross whereon our blessed Saviour was crucified is not onely called holy but reputed worthy of Divine honor also and hath many costly buildings dedicated thereunto and the chips of it sold for precious Relicks at dear rates though in truth it is not so holy as the Gallowes at Tibourn because that was intended for the execution of Justice upon Malefactors only though perhaps innocents do suffer thereupon otherwhile while We have many Inventions of our own The Devil hath so many deceitful Wiles also whereby to make false shows that he is promoting Gods VVork with him in every Dispensation that I suspend my belief of new Apparitions until I am fully convinced by a better Light then mine own bearing witness thereunto and therefore have here thrust in such Caveats as came into my heart to be a memorandum both to my self and others believing that whensoever Gods Kingdom comes openly into the world or invisibly into my heart where I feel it to be in some degree it will always evidence it self without delusion For it is the Kingdom of our heavenly Father which we are taught to petition for in this Prayer and nothing like the Kingdoms of this world 16. This is that Kingdom whose coming the Saints have long expected and though I mis-judge not of their so doing who call it the Fifth-Monarchy I think that Title too mean an Appellative in regard it is an Eternal Kingdom having no relation to Earthly Monarchies in respect of their precedency or otherwise but an Absolute Kingdom depending on it self and on him onely who is the Supream King thereof And when it comes into the World it will be little available to those who shall not find it to be in some measure come or so coming into their hearts that they may be made one with it and with the King thereof by Faith and Love This is not a Kingdom like that of the Nations which the Israelites foolishly
if she would cast her self into the bosome of their Church as they perswaded her to do And it appeared by her own expressions that a secret spiritual pride made her to glory in those voluntary sufferings as more to be depended on then Christs But I hope this spirit of delusion will be cast out of her when she is better informed for by trusting to false lights and by admitting a self-merit of being divinely illuminated and called to the highest Form of Sanctity not onely produceth a melancholly madness and many wicked fooleries to the scandalizing of Piety with the sincere professors thereof and to the advancement of the mystery of Iniquity whose abetters do secretly sowe and cherish the seeds of Impostures every where to that end 15. Nevertheless we must not exclude these out of our charitable hope and care nor disaffect their persons though we approve not their follies For even the Apostles misapprehended the nature of Christs Kingdom until they were perfectly inlightned and affected vain superiority as it seems by the Sons of Zebedeus when they got their good old Mother to intreat their Master that one of them might sit at his right hand and the other at his left yea they were tempted by the spirit of persecution when they would have had fire called down from Heaven and God doth now as heretofore permit errors and vouchsafe signal cautionary dispensations as the sins and errors of the times require to be sometimes personated by his servants in such manner that they seem ridiculous and offensive to good men and are in the Kingdom of this world reputed Fools and Phanaticks These things I have so well considered that I am afraid to indulge my own will so far forth as to pray absolutely for those lawful things which are most pleasing to my flesh and seem very pertinent to my natural well-being because I finde not my self wise enough to know how much either of sufferings or ease are best for me or what I might well use or abuse if I should be mine own chuser Therefore I pray absolutely for nothing save Gods Grace but bound my Petitions with this Clause Thy Will be done And this is now made easie because as I have often professed I want nothing with a repining sence of want so long as God is pleased to with-hold it from me in regard I am sure he knows what is best for me and hath love enough to vouchsafe it in that measure and at that time wherein it shall so be I naturally feel pains and desire ease as much as other men I perceive as well as they when my Field wants Rain or fair weather am as desirous of those good gifts whereby I might benefit my self or others and cannot root out of my heart a natural desire of desirable Objects yet I permit not my desire to be further inclinable thereto then shall consist with Gods Will and am assured it is then more acceptable then when we have no temptation or desire to the contrary For what obedience is there in him who shuns those forbidden things which he naturally abhors to do or in him who is constantly obedient to those commands onely which he is most inclinable to do There is more submission due to Gods Will then this even an absolute submission in that whereto our natural will is most violently prone And God hath so far forth freed the will of every Man born of a Woman ever since it was promised That the Seed of the Woman should break the Serpents head That by his promised assisting Grace which never shall be wanting to them who ask it in Faith he may not withstanding any permissive power in the Devil or any irresistible defect in himself conform to the Will of God when by his VVord and Spirit the choice of good or evil death or life is to him offered For if it be not so man can have in him no more sin or righteousness then a stone This I believe and all they who believe this are in a good forwardness toward submitting their will to Gods 16. How Gods will may be done by us on earth as it is in heaven according to our measure I wil endeavour to demonstrate as well as I can We may collect from his holy VVord being interpreted by his holy Spirit which makes no part repugnant to the whole and main scope thereof that when the Kingdom of Christ is come to a perfect manifestation upon Earth the VVill of God will be there as perfectly fulfilled as in heaven because all the Subjects of that Kingdom being One with the King thereof and the whole extent of it with all therein though infinite being seen in him and fully known to all the will of every Creature shall be swallowed up in his and he be all in all This superintelligible Mystery cannot be fully demonstrated to our apprehension as we now are So much onely we are capable of as that we may know the deficiencies of our own will with the hazzards of adhering thereto and become thereby inclinable to resigne our selves to God at first perhaps through fear and at last for love But when that manifestation comes they who are of his houshold and Kingdom will abhor every thing how pretious soever it hath been that may divide or take up any part of that love which is due to their heavenly Father hate all who love him not as perfectly as natural men hate their personal Enemies renounce all things even themselves if cause be for his sake with whatsoever may not consist with the purity and glory of that Kingdom They being all of one Minde there will be no disputes as now about Doctrines and Disciplines no arrogating an exorbitant judging power over persons and Causes whereof they have neither perfect cognizance nor lawful jurisdiction no such unnecessary arguings as are here concerning Faith and Works or whether Repentance be before Faith with such like trifling Questions as have not a little disturbed the Peace and Concord which ought to be preserved For though Spiritual Graces appear to have precedency in time one before the other in regard we cannot take notice of such Objects one view or in what order they are wrought within us Yet all that which is by degrees manifested in time as pertinent to our Spiritual well-being is in one moment conceived in us by the Holy Ghost as the Soul is together with the Body in the womb of a Woman When the Kingdom we look for is come upon Earth there will be no such distinct Interests as are now here All things will be common in a more excellent manner then in the times of the Apostles and no such Self-seekings and Hypocrisie as was then discovered in Ananias and Saphira because as it is mystically expressed in the Revelation of St. John the very pavement of the City of our King will be pure and transparent gold which presignified as I conceive that all mens walkings will be then perfectly
Mercy on whom he will have Mercy and hardneth whom he pleaseth and GOD is no such accepter of persons as they misconceive him to be who misapply that Text wherein it is said that GOD hated Esau and loved Jacob before either of them had done good or evil and think it implies Esua's Reprobation for though Jacob being the third Patriark who was separated or sanctified to be the Fore-father of Christ according to the flesh and Esau in that respect but a common or prophane person and worthily lost his Birth-right for selling it at so base a price yet that rejection as to the Election of being the person from whom the Messiah should descend warrants not me to aver that he was reprobated in respect to the Salvation of his Soul for those words 〈◊〉 mentioned were spoken perhaps with regard to Gods fore-knowledge of what he would do or rather as I believe with respect to the works of the flesh and of the Spirit onely Esau being a Type of the one and Jacob of the other as Sarah is said to be of the Gospel and Hagar of the Law they being Progenitors of differing Nations For the works of the Spirit are pleasing to God and always loved of him and the works of the flesh abominable and by him hated both before and after they are done 16. That Text is misunderstood also to the dishonour of God which mentioneth a Potters power over his Clay to make thereof a Vessel of honour or dishonour as he pleaseth For though God hath more power over his work then a Potter over his Clay yet to infer positively from thence that God had purposely made some to be Vessels of wrath is an unjustifiable inference from that allusion And that obscure place of St. Pauls Epistle to the Romans where the Potters freedome to make what Vessels he pleaseth out of one and the same Lump is misunderstood to imply what is aforesaid for if it be so expounded by the context and other places of holy Scripture that the whole and every part of Gods Word may agree in one Truth we shall never understand Pauls meaning as some do The holy Ghost alludes not our most wise Creator to a foolish Potter who because he might make what he would of his Clay did therefore make the greatest number of his Pots to be broken again to shew he had as well a power to break them as to make them or that onely to evidence his displeasure without cause he made them ugly and unserviceable Doubtless God so made all things that not one of his Creatures hath so much cause of dislike as to say Why hast thou made me thus He is resembled to a wise Potter who makes both Vessels of honour and dishonour out of the same Lump of Clay no Vessels of wrath came so made out of his hand but every one a vessel useful for his service without injury or grievance done thereunto A Chamber-pot made for that use or a Pipkin to serve always in the Fire are as well pleased to be serviceable in their kinds as drinking-cups and other Vessels employed at the Table though reputed more honourable then the former The Literal words of Scripture may be and in some places are vitiated by the heedlesness of Transcribers as we perceive by differing Copies yet the true Genuine sence will be always found intire and every part consonant to each other in the truth if read with submission to the dictates of that Spirit which always accompanies the same and so are the Texts aforementioned 17. I will add a few line more to declare why I believe as is aforesaid that God hath predestinated a far greater number to eternal Life then he hath left liable to final Reprobation by their own default and I beseech all my Readers to peruse it with patience and without Prejudice for no affectation to singularity but a conscientious Zeal to vindicate Gods honour by illustrating the infiniteness of his Mercy and Love to all Mankinde hath inclined me there unto In my understanding that which may be considered by contemplating Gods Word in the spirituality thereof he hath as it were distributed all mankinde into three Regiments which have been governed by the invisible and visible operations of the holy Trinity ever since the Creation and during most part of that time hitherto by the third Person who still governs it and shall until Christ comes personally again upon earth The first Regiment consists or all those who lived to be Members of the Visible Church made up both of the natural and spiritual Seed of Abraham as well under the Law of works as of Faith Jews and Gentiles Hypocrites and true Professors These in many preceding Generations were very few and so they yet are in respect of the rest of Mankinde and were obliged to work out their a Salvation by a respective conformity to those Laws and Dispensations which in their distinct times and seasons were vouchsafed in various modes they who lived before Christ came in the Flesh in one manner and they in another who were to come after that time but both one in Substance though differing in Types Ceremonies and other circumstances For we of the later time cannot be saved but by believing in Christ Jesus the Son of God conceived by the holy Ghost born of the Vigin Mary c. as it hath been revealed by the Apostles with those Attributes and circumstances contained in the Old and New Testament relating to Christs Evangelical Kingdom whereby both Jews and Gentiles now called Christians are equally priviledged and obliged The Jewish outward Duties before Christ consisted in observing and conforming to those Types and Ceremonies under which that was vailed which we profess They had the same Christ for the Object of their Faith and Worship though so little known to them according to the manifestations we have had that very few except their eminent Prophets understood the Mysteries of his Kingdom yet were saved by being obedient thereto according to the measure of their understanding These together make up the Brigade of those Souldiers in the Church-Militant who fight the Battles of the Lord against the enemies of his Kingdom some in pure Love to him and his Cause some as Hirelings onely for their Wages And they among them who become faithful continuing so to the end shall be Crowned with Victory and Glory above all other Saints because exposed to the greatest sufferings and dangers in this Life Now though these will be a very small number in respect of that great number which consists of them who have been either false Pretenders Traytors Apostates or unprofitable servants to their General yet they are said to be as numberless as the Stars in the Firmament these are Davids worthies and as it were the Life-guard of the Kingdom and a small Regiment compared unto the other two whereof I am next to speak Yea these are that part of GODS Elect to whom this saying hath
sufferings with a surplusage to the augmenting also of their former poor Estates and Reputations until by degrees they grew rich in superfluities and from being contemptible to be of general esteem which revived in them a gust of carnal delights and accommodations that they began to be weary of those prosecutions whereunto they were ingaged by what they had begun to profess and practise in relation to the honour and service of God And though this secret Apostacy they discovered not openly the Devil discerning it by many Symptoms he and his Confederate the World knowing how useful such persons may be to their ends and to the upholding of their Kingdom tempted them at the first with an addition to their livelyhood in certain whereby they might be freed from depending upon uncertain contributions at the will and pleasure of their Benefactors after that they doubled their favours upon them as they perceived them to operate for their purpose and finding them so to fall away more and more from their Integrity by those temptations that they were likely to be serviceable to whatsoever they should employ them the world then conferred upon them the highest Dignities which she had power to bestow and whereof their qualifications made them seem capable Then these became their servants in body and soul so perfectly corrupted that both the light of Reason and Grace which formerly shined in them were extinguished GOD was quite forgot with what concerned their own eternal happiness and they bewitched with the Pleasures and Preferments of this life repolluted themselves with all gross sins as at the beginning Notwithstanding all this back-stiding so superaboundant is GODS long-suffering and patience that to reclaim some of these before they arrived at the hight of their wickedness and Apostacy he gratiously intermingled Judgements and Mercies first humbling them again by such oppressions and persecutions as they had inflicted upon others pouring such contempt upon them that it forced them to wander where was no way or abiding place and raising storms which caused them to stagger to and fro like drunken men from one resolution to another and brought them to some consideration what they were likely to stumble into and into a fear left the gods whom they last trusted in had either for saken them or were not able to help them This a while reduced them again to a little formal Humiliation but before they had improved it into a true Repentance the World prevented it by supplying what might keep them constant to her Interest and GOD permitting her to prevail for purposes by these unheeded they recovered again their lost temporary hopes Estates and Dignities with an advantage and that makes them so confident our God Almighty so favours them and is so well pleased in all their compliances with Anti-christ in his Mystery of Iniquity that they more malitiously and more furiously persecute them who protest against it then heretofore and are fallen off a degree further form Grace and Penitence This is the condition of many yet even they who have prevaricated in this mode and slipt so deep and so far down into the Whirl-pool of Reprobation may be capable of recovery by Gods Mercy if whilst life continues the can look up again towards him by Faith when the Holy Ghost shall vouchsafe them another Call as sometimes he doth at the brink of Hell yea delivers some of those from the evil of these Temptations if they can heartily joyn with the Catholick Church in this Prayer to which end and to no worse I have offered this to their consideration whom it may concern 9. Some other in a differing manner from these and are as dangerously tempted unto wickedness having a beginning and progress in the Spirit end at last in the Flesh also through defect of due watchfulness and by being unmindful of praying for deliverance from such Temptations These are such as being puffed up with a superficial Knowledge of some Divine Mysteries by External Mortifications by strict observance of the Moral Law by supposed Revelations by frequent Hearing Praying and outward performances of Holy and Pious Duties by their gifts of Preaching Prophesying or doing Miracles or by a constancy in long and extream sufferings or with such-like are so filled with a Spiritual Pride and overweening of their own Sanctity and personal Meritoriousness that they separate themselves from all other Christian Societies with such an affected singularity as may seem to call out like Jehu Come see our Zeal For these presuming themselves only and those who are conformable to their Judgements and Practices to be the Elect of GOD judge all other men to be in a Reprobated condition their Morality and Piety to be but Fruits of the Flesh their Illuminations to be but Ignes fatuis Phanatick Fires and false lights how true soever And forgetting to do to others as they heretofore desired other men should do to them persecute both with hand and tongue as far as their power will extend all those who are not in every punctilio of their Judgment And not a few of these either fall at last into gross fleshly sins which do shamefully bedurt them before they are humbled into an exemplary Repentance or else are hardned into a final Obduracy The pretended Piety of such as these and the evident Prophaneness of others have like two Mil-stones so ground those between them who sincerely profess and practice Honesty and Piety according to their Conscience and Understanding that it hath almost rooted Peace out of the world and begotten so inextricable a confusion that all reasonable men stand at gaze to observe what it will amount unto at the last For since I first knew the world most things are so metamorphosed from what they then were in my judgement that I see little essential difference between the greatest numbers of those who are Phanaticks reputed and those who so repute them yea there is such a change in their Countenances in their Years in their Education in their Habits and in their Deportments both among subordinate Magistrates and those under their Authority In Governours of Counties Cities and Burroughs and those who are to be governed and in Reformers with such as should be Reformed as if the Head and Tail had changed places and would hazzard the reducing all into an Anarchy ere long 10. I have observed other mixt Temptations partly spiritual and partly carnal which it will concern us both to strive and pray against lest they draw us into fleshly pollutions before we are aware One is that strong natural affection which is frequently begotten between men and women by a true esteem of the Piety and Moral Virtues which they mutually apprehend in each other and which had beginning at first without any respect to their bodily Beauties perfections For by long conversing together finding themselves to be reciprocally much edified and comforted by those qualifications it so inflames the natural affection of the best disposed
to work in regard the propagation and setling of Truth in the Profession and practice of Religion must be endeavoured by the Spiritual Sword and those Instruments which are not carnal Therefore they who profess Christ whatsoever Piety or Zeal they pretend to his honour and Kingdom and yet seek to force other men to believe and practice as they do by persecuting them in Body or Estate are therein confederates with Antichrist and do not that to other men which they would that other men should do unto them It will concern them very seriously to consider this who are lately made sensible of that in their own persons whereof they were insensible in the persons of their Brethren For uncharitable censurings revilings or an Offensive Sword appertains not to the Saints in any private avengement though at sometimes a Defensive Sword may be more needful then their Garments as appears by the words of Christ Luke 22. 36. and then it may be used for their safeguard not to avenge themselves no not to avenge the blood of their Brethren in such manner as many conceive it may For it is said Revel 16. 5 6. that it is He who IS and WAS and SHALL BE that Judgeth them who shed the blood of the Saints and who shall give them blood to drinks as they have deserved And they whom he shall employ to make use of that Sword to do execution upon the BEAST and the Mother of Harlots so far forth as it will be requisite shall be her own Vassals and Confederates St. John also saith Revel 17. the ten Horns or Kings which received power with the BEAST and being of one minde with him in joyning their powers against the Lamb shall hate the Whore make her desolate naked eat her flesh and burn her with Fire God will put it into their hearts to execute his will upon her though until his time cometh they shall outwardly submit unto the Beast and both they and the Whore which rides her dissemble with each other till the day of her utter desolation and then as it is prophesied Revel 15. 3. the Song of the Saints shall be to this effect Great and wondrous are thy Deeds LORD the Saints Almighty King Righteousness from thee proceeds True thou art in every thing Fear'd and glorified O Lord Thou shalt be of every one And of Nations all ador'd For thou holy art alone And thy Judgements every where Fully manifested are 3. This I conceive to be the meaning of that Prophecy and that the power of Christs Word which is called a Sword proceeding out of his month better beseems the Dignity of the Saints then that which is committed to the Hangman and to every Ruffian-like-Souldier though the use of that Sword is honourable when employed as it ought to be The Saints who are often subject to the ignorances and infirmities common to men should well consider as I believe they will what disadvantage it hath been and may be unto themselves and their Brethren to pretend unto the Civil sword until God puts it unquestionably into their hands and mean while betake themselves to that onely which is proper to their Warfare not supposing all the Actions of the Saints recorded in the Old Testament are to be exemplary Rules to us in every thing wherein they did well For though to Josuah David and others the temporal sword was proper to the work they had to do and to conquer that temporal Inheritance which God had given to his people and to avenge him upon his and their Enemies and is so now in their hands to whom it is given to the like purposes yea though under the Law to take an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth and to give rewards to their Enemies according to their Cruelty yet by the Doctrine of Christs Gospel it is not so lawful in our personal and private quarrels for we are thereby taught to do good for evil To seek their welfare who persecute us and not so much as to pray against their persons but onely against their wickedness much less then are we to plot or combine against the Civil Power whereunto God hath subjected us notwithstanding we are oppressed thereby but must wait patiently for deliverance by him in his own way and in his own time This is my private Judgement which having not without Cause declared I leave those who are contrarily minded unto their own opinions until Gods Judgements or Mercies have wrought it out of them For though some perhaps may think it would strengthen the hands of Persecutors and Oppressors if this were generally professed and practised I know this is agreeable to the patience of the Saints and that they who kill with the Sword in avengement of their own Cause to the scandalizing of their Christian Profession and to the exposing others to a destructive suspition shall at last perish by the sword or by somewhat equivalent thereto either in their own hands or in the hands of those Avengers whom God will animate or permit to execute Justice both against private and publick Vsurpers of the temporal sword how politick powerful holy or secure soever they think themselves to be Revel 13. 10. Therefore as it is written in the last words of that Chapter If any man hath an ear to hear let him hear 4. For Ever This word EVER is of a larger extent in this place then it usually hath and signifies as much as Eternally For the Person to whom this Kingdom Power and Glory appertaineth being External so are also his Kingdom Power and Glory whereas when other Kingdoms or any thing else is said to be For Ever we are not to understand them to be Everlasting without end but to continue so long onely as the persons or their Posterity on whom they are conferred shall continue in being and in performing the Conditions whereupon they are granted or during the Term limited and preordained by the Granter to the things granted and this King Kingdom Power and Glory being as aforesaid without Beginning Limitation or Condition premised are Co-eternal The meaning of this word Ever is here to be thus largely taken and the true Nature of it is rightly understood and made use of in that sence by the Professors of our Common-Law here in England as the meaning of our Law For when Lands or Tenements are given and granted by Deed to any man For Ever he hath an Estate therein but during the term of his life onely that being his personal Ever but when it is given and granted unto him and his Heirs for ever they have all a perpetual Interest of Right thereunto whilst the world lasteth and any Heir of his therein surviveth VVith respect to the particulars expressed in these Meditation I do offer up this Prayer to God implicitely by intention though not explicitely in words at all times and having often spoken it in the Original and in the words of our English Translations in Prose I