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A17221 The summe of the foure Euangelistes comprehending both the course of the historie, and also the seuerall points of doctrine set foorth in the same pointing foorth as it were with the hand, that Iesus is Christ, the only, perfect, and sufficient Sauiour of all the faithfull. Written in Latine by the reuerend, learned, and godly father, Master Henrie Bullinger minister of the Church of Zurich. Translated into English for the profite of the vnlearned by Iohn Tomkys. Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Tomkys, John. 1582 (1582) STC 4077; ESTC S118851 67,670 150

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contemne them if they tend to the contumelie derogation and contempt of God his worde And because the Pharisees the patrons and defenders of mens traditions were offended at this wholesome doctrine of the Lord the Lord sheweth foorthwith that no accomptes at all ought to bee made of such kinde of offence and of such kinde of men declaring the meane season that man is not defiled with outwarde thinges but rather with those euill thinges which proceede out of the closets of the harte l From the 21. verse vnto the 29. After that withdrawing himselfe from those indurate and vnthankefull men hee departed into the cuntrey of the Gentiles where forthwith a woman of Syrophenissa being indued with a most strong faith made a most earnest request vnto him in whome there is set foorth most manifestly both a merueylous example of true faith and also the effect therof For after the reproofe of false doctrine which is the mother of false faith there is set foorth with great diligence in these 15 16 and 17 chapters as was also in the 8 and 9 chapters true faith in the Lorde and the true nature of faith and also in the same are opened the chiefest articles of our faith m From the 29. verse vnto the ende of the chapter Moreouer returning againe into Galilee he feedeth againe the common people which followed him shewing by this benefite also that it is hee which can feede both the soule and the bodie and that therefore this foode must bee sought for by faith only and most earnestly at the hands of the shepheard Christ * The 16. chapter n From the first verse vnto the 5. Afterwardes he repelleth and putteth backe the Pharisees requiring a signe whereby he might proue himselfe to be the Messias by shewing them the signe of his death of his resurrection o From the 5. verse vnto the 13. then doth he commande his disciples to beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees Sadduces the which thing althoug hee had taught in the beginning of the 15. chapt yet both he here speake of it againe in the 16 chapter as a matter very necessary for the Church p From the 13. verse vnto the 21. After that returning to the commendatiō of faith he layeth the foundation of fayth buildeth the Church vpon the foundation and pointeth forth as it were with the finger whiche is the true faith of the Catholike Church which is the true and right confession shewing also howe the same may be planted q From the 21 verse vnto the end of the chapter Where vnto hee forthwith adioyneth a most manifest doctrine of his passion and resurrection also of the deniyng of one his selfe and of the bearing of his crosse after Christ and of the iudgement to come that is to say of the greatest articles of our faith and of the holy duety of Christians a doctrine altogether pertayning to the perfectnesse of faith * The 17. chapter r From the 1. ver vnto the 14. Againe least any should be offended at this sorowful doctrine ful of labours paines touching the bearing of the crosse Matthewe adioyneth here vnto immediatly the glorious transformation of Christ the Lorde in the mountaine whereby he partly gaue vs a tast of what sort he shoulde be in his glorie and what the maner of the glory to come is whiche is prepared for thē whiche faithfully and paciently beare the crosse of Christ and partly he sheweth also most euidently that he is very Christ promised in the lawe and the prophetes that hee might confirme the faith of all which beleeue in him And hee proposed those thinges so manifestly to his disciples that they did nowe plainely vnderstande that Iesus was Christ and that therfore they did moue the question of the coming of Helias the messenger of the Messias where vnto the Lord answering forthwith affirmed plainely that hee was the Messias that Iohn Baptist was Helias s From the 14 verse vnto the 19. Lastly he restored a certaine Lunatike man vnto his father which made sute for him declaring againe by the same benefit that he is the king of his people and the conquerour of the Diuell t From the 19 verse vnto the 22. shewing also howe great the power of faith is and howe greate the euill of vnbeleefe is concluding that by temperance and abstinence proceeding from a true faith the force of the Deuill is chiefely broken v In the 22. and 23. verses And herunto doth he forthwith adioyne the preaching and forshewing of his death and passion not without great and plentifull fruite x Wherof Matthew intreated last and wherof he speaketh next Faith in the Lorde Iesus beyng well taught and the true knoweledge of the kingdome of the Sonne of God being well obtayned whereof Matthewe hath hitherto intreated at large he passeth nowe wisely to those thinges which almost stande in the outwarde conuersation of man and which notwithstanding perteyne to the kingdome of Christ y From the 24 verse vnto the ende of the cha Of the whiche kinde the question concerning the Magistrate is What Christians owe vnto him The Lorde sheweth therefore by his owne example what wee ought to doe herein rightly * The 18. cha z From the 1. ver vnto the 7. Like vnto this is the question touching ecclesiasticall preheminence Who should be the greatest in the kingdome of heauen Here the Lorde withdraweth the mindes of his disciples from ambition and from the disputations raysed touching the primacie and chiefe authoritie and teaching thē most diligently humilitie a From the 7. vers vnto the 15. Then doth he adioyne herevnto a profitable admonition for the auoyding of offence b In the 15. and 16. verses where he intreateth also of brotherly admonition c From the 17. verse vnto the 21. of reprouing offenders openly and d From the 21. verse vnto the ende of the chapter of forgiuing a trespasse wherein grauely perswading all men hee setteth foorth a most goodly parable concerning the same matter * The 19. cha e From the first vers vnto the 10. Hauing finished these thinges he disputeth of diuorse he restoreth and reformeth the olde and holy institution of holy matrimonie f In the 10.11 12. verses he reciteth the kindes of chaste menne shewing that single life is the singular gift of God g In the 13.14 and 15. verses And because mariage was ordeyned of God cheefly for the procreation of children he sheweth next after the restitution of mariage how children are esteemed of God h From the 16 verse vnto the 21. He bringeth forth also the example of a certaine young man to teach vs therby that it belongeth to yong men also to seeke the kingdome of God and that God his desire is that youth be well brought vp And there is shewed which is the way to
peraduenture they might be ouercome with gentlenes lōg suffering prescribing by the very same deed of his a forme to his ministers what they should do also in the like cases and with such maner of men But hee shrinketh not from his office hee leaueth not off to doe good neither forsaketh hee the vndertaken defence of the trueth yeeldyng no whit at all in these points to his enemies q In the 22. 23. verses Therefore he deliuereth from the Diuell one possessed with a Deuill which was brought vnto him being blinde and dumbe restoreth vnto him the vse of his tongue and of his eyes r In the 24. verse and because the Pharisees did detract this diuine deed ascribing it to the working by the Diuell ſ From the 25. ver vnto the 30 the Lord taketh vpō him the defence of the truth proueth by most strong argumēts that his myracles workes yea and all his doings were wrought by the power of God not of the Diuell and that therefore the kingdome of heauē was now come And here doth he againe most plainely set forth that which lately wee said was the chiefe point of our religiō namely that Iesus is Christ t Frō the 30. ver vnto the 46 And foorthwith hādeling his aduersaries as they deserued hee rebuketh thē most grauely For he sheweth at large their want of belief or rather their vngodlines declareth what shall become of the contēners of the kingdom of God v From the 46 ver vnto the end of the Chapter Lastly he putteth backe his mother his cousins which were desirous to speake with him by a somewhat hard answere signifiing therby that the least must not be yelded to carnall affectiōs so oft as the affaires of the kingdome of God are in handeling x A briefe repetition of the 3. chapters last before going In the three chapters last before going Matthew hath intreated of the Ministers of God his worde and of certaine chiefe pointes of our religion y The matter bandeled in the 2. chapters following and nowe doeth there followe a more plentifull treatise of the woorde of GOD of the vertue fruite and price thereof which is fitly knitte to the matter before going For the ministerie of the worde of God is occupied in the verie word of God And this treatise is set foorth in parabolicall speaches and similitudes that at the least by this meanes the mindes of the godly might be stirred vp to the searching forth of the trueth and mysteries of God * The 13. cha z From the first vers vnto the 24. And the first parable proposed touching him which sowed seede in the fielde sheweth that there be diuers kindes of hearers of God his worde and that God doth not allowe all the hearers of his worde but them onely in whom the seede prospereth vntill it bring forth due fruite a From the 24 vers vnto the 31. Forthwith by an other parable that is to say by the similitude of the tares hee pointeth forth as it were with the finger an other fault also and plague of tilled land teaching in the meane season howe good seede may be preserued sounde b In the 31.32 33. verses In the 34. and 35. verses is shewed the cause why Iesus spake by similitudes From the 36 vnto the 44. verse christ repoundeth the parable of the tares After this by two other similitudes taken from the graine of mustarde seede and from leuen hee sheweth howe great the power of the worde of God is and howe euidently it worketh in them by whome it is receiued although it seeme to the worlde vile and contemned c In the 44 45 and 46. verses In the fourth place by two other similituds proposed touching a treasure hidde in the fielde and a most precious pearle he signifieth that the price of God his worde is so great that in comparison hereof we ought to contemne all thinges in the worlde although they bee neuer so precious yea that we ought with the very losse of all our goodes to prouide vs the worde of God d From the 47 verse vnto the 51 Againe in setting forth the similitude of the net cast into the sea he sheweth plainely what shal become of them especially which intermedle them selues in the assembly of the godly and yet are hypocrites and counterfeite godlinesse teaching the meane while that wee must not lightly condemn any forthwith but leaue euery one to his owne iudge e In the 51 and 52. verses When as he had set foorth these things after this maner he commaundeth his ministers also diligently to way the similitudes and for the playner setting forth of the trueth and of the glorie of the kingdome of GOD and for the profite of the Churche to vse all the kindes of elocution and apt speach f From the 53. verse vnto the end of the chapter And although the Lord taught in such sort that no man was able to accuse either his faithful dealing or his diligence yet was he litle regarded and accepted of his cuntrey men which contemned and laughed to scorne the heauenly doctrine of godlinesse But he bare this with a valient minde giuing an example to all his ministers that they may also take the matter paciently if the world also litle regard them * The 14. cap g From the first verse vnto the 13 And then doth Matthewe forthwith sette foorth the wonderfull example of that very good man Iohn the Baptist who also was very euill rewarded of Herode for his faithful seruice being most pitifully beheaded of him h From the 13 verse vnto the 22. After this he fed in the wildernesse by his diuine power a great multitude of men which with merueylous feruentnes thirsted the preaching of the word shewing by the miracle that the faithful folowers of the word of God shall want nothing at any time especially of those thinges whiche are necessarie and not superfluous And by the same fact he taught his disciples to helpe the faithfull people hauing neede i Frō the 22. verse vnto the ende of the chap. Lastly he deliuereth his disciples which were in perill of the stormes of the sea and of a great tempest and whiche looked for nothing els but most present death declaring so vnto his that hee is hee which can deliuer all from all perils and can saue al men by his power and grace chiefely the ministers of his worde Therefore if the cruell and fearefull example of Iohn did any whitte terrifie them these two great and goodly benefites of God do confirme and comfort them againe * The 15. cha k From the 1. ver vnto the 21. Vnto the treatise of the word of God is fitly ioyned by Matthewe the disputation touching the traditions of men or the ordinances and constitutions of Fathers as contrary to the worde of God Christ teacheth vs manifestly to
and water guisheth out of it n In the 35 36 37 ver Iohn which sawe it doth holily witnesse the truth o From the 38 ver vnto the end of the chap. And lastly come godly deuout men whiche take downe the dead bodie of the Lorde from the crosse and spice it most honestly and burie it p What followeth Iohn in this last part of his Gospell rekoneth vp with great trust and diligence the most manifest testimonies and proofes of the glorious resurrection from the dead of our Lord Iesus Christ whereby he sheweth fully and plainely that hee rose againe frō the dead truely with his true liuely body He was not very carefull touching the maner of the resurrection concerning the natural order of the reuelations For he sawe that the other Euangelists had plentifully handled plainely enough set the forth therfore he setteth forth the most chosen proofes * The 20. cha q In the 1 ver and from the 11. vnto the 18 And in the beginning he sheweth howe hee shewed him self aliue to Marie Magdalen For Marke also saith r Marke chap. 16 ver 9. When Iesus was risen early the first day after the Sabboth he appeared first to Marie Magdalen out of whō he had cast seuen deuils s In the 2 and 18 verse Nowe shee declareth to the apostles forthwith what she had seene t From the 3 ver vnto the 11 two of the whiche running to the sepulchre finde by certaine signes tokens that shee had reported no vaine matter v In the 19 and 20. verses Now the Lord himselfe being willing to shewe manifestly his manifest resurrection to the ten disciples gathered together commeth into the middest of them sheweth them openly his hands and side marked with the prints of the wounds prouing so the trueth of his true resurrectiō x In the 21 22. 23 ver Forthwith he committeth and inioyneth the apostles the ministerie of preaching saluation redemption putting thē in trust with the kayes of the kingdome of heauē y In the 24. ver Whē these thinges were in doing the rest of the disciples being assēbled in one place Thomas onely was away z In the 25 ver vnto whom returning shortly afterwardes the disciples reioycing greatly report that they had seene the Lord. He suspecting that they had bin deluded by some phantasme denieth that hee will beleeue except he beholde the body of Iesus openly with his owne eyes yea and handeling it with his handes touche the truth of his body a In the 26. and 27. verses Therefore after eight dayes when as all the eleuen disciples were come togither againe into one place the Lord Iesus is present againe and offereth himselfe most manifestly to Thomas both to be beholden of his eyes to be handled of his hands b From the 28. verse vnto the end of the chap. who being ouercome with the euidencie truth of the matter crieth out that hee doth nowe acknowledge and worship Christ for his Lord God c Where these things were done And these things were done in the very citie of Hierusalem and about the verye graue of the Lord the which although they might suffice fully to confirme the faith of the resurrection * The 21. chap d From the 1 ver vnto the 15 yet doeth Iohn adde a certaine notable proofe whereby he declared in Galilee that he was risen from the dead by dyning also with his disciples For the Lord had promised as well by his priuate promise as by the promises of Angels that it shoulde come to passe that they shoulde see him in Galilee e In the 15 16 and 17 ver And vnto this reuelatiō Iohn ioyneth the talke which the Lord had with Simō Peter immediatly after dinner whō he restored to his ministerie f In the 18 19 verses foretelling him his sorowfull destenie g Frō the 20 ver vnto the 24 Peter merueiling what should become of Iohn heareth that euery one ought to looke vnto his own calling h In the 24 last verse of the chapter Lastly Iohn making a protestation that he hath described the matters of our lord Iesus very faithfully shutteth vp the historie of the truth of the Gospell Here endeth the summe of the Gospell by Saint Iohn FINIS
MATTHEW setteth forth in the first chapter the kinred and parentage of Christ the Lord The first chapter From the first verse vnto the 18. shewing of whō he was descēded true man after the flesh according to the oracles of the Prophetes b From the 18. verse vnto the end of the chapter Vnto the declaration of his stocke he ioyneth his concepcion and natiuitie prouing that Christ the Lord was purely conceiued of the holy Ghost and not of the seede of Ioseph and borne of the pure Virgine Marie * The second chapter c The sūme of the whole chapter Then hee sheweth that this Christ was borne for the Iewes and the Gentiles and that the Iewes care not much for Christ but the Gentiles diligently seeke him finde him and worshippe him d From the 1. verse to the 3. For God to declare by some famous appearaunce and notable shewe this mystery of saluation giuen to the worlde immediately after the incarnation of the Lorde stirreth vp Easterne men euen the * The great learned and wise men amōg the Persians were called Magi. Magies that is to saye chiefe and wise men who iourneying from the East by the prouocation of a starre come to Hierusalem to seeks the king and redeemer of the worlde where when as by their plaine reporte it was made knowen that the Messias the king of Israel was borne e In the 3. ver king Herode beeyng afraide f In the 4. ver calleth together all the wise men of the Iewes and commaundeth them to searche diligentlye the oracles of the Prophetes touching the birth and countrie of the Messias g From the giver vnto the 8. They aunswere foorthwith that the captayne of Israel shoulde be borne in Bethlehem a citie of Iurie h From the 8. ver vnto the 11 Therefore the wise men take their iourney to Bethlehem i In the 11. ve where they finde the Lorde his * Masshiah in Hebrue is as much to say as Annoynted in English Messias very poore and of small reputation yet doe they reuerētly worship him honour him with mysticall presentes and witnesse by this their deede first that this child although he seeme to be of contemptible conditiō is the Lorde of all men and the king and deliuerer both of the Iewes Gentiles secondly that the same ought to bee woorshipped and honoured of all men k From the 16. ver vnto the 19 The meane season that olde serpent the Deuill practiseth his ancient artes For hee stirreth vp Herode the king of the Iewes to destroye Christ the true king of Israel in the beginning of his grouth Therefore the cruell and ambitious tyrant through crueltie not hearde of before filleth the coastes of Bethlehem with the most innocent blood of infantes if by chaunce in this slaughter of infantes beeyng two yeeres olde or vnder hee might destroye the king of Israel also l From the 12. ver vnto the 16 but this abhominable and wicked hope deceiued that moste vile and filthye wretche For the Lord is conueyed by the counsell of the Angell of the Lorde into Egypt m From the 19 ver vnto the end of the chapter where hee laye hidde vntill the vengeance of GOD had destroyed that wicked murtherer n The mysticall sense of the 2. Chapter whiche thinges were forewarning tokens of the kingdome of Christ and of the affaires to come of the Church wherin Christ the only saluation the appoynted king ouer all the worlde is alway assaulted of the wicked and yet doeth hee the meane while woorke the saluation of the faythfull and by suffering continually obteineth the victorie and yet so that the Godlye notwithstanding are exercised with continuall temptations and afflictions to their owne profite and glorye o A briefe argumēt of the third and fourth chapter The third and fourth Chapter sette forth vnto thee reader a clearer and plainer manifestation of our Lorde Iesus Christe the Sauiour of the worlde For the Father doth not now shew his Sonne to a fewe and to certayne chosen for the purpose or by one or two reuelations as hetherto wee sawe hee did but made him knowen to all the worlde and that by innumerable and moste euident demonstrations and proofes and proposed him to bee beholden most manifestlye with all his treasures The 3. chap. p From the first verse vnto the thirtienth For first hee calleth foorth Iohn the sonne of Zacharie the priest the verye Helias promised in the Prophetes a man of most holye life and of verye greate authoritie emong the people of the Iewes and maketh him his messenger to preache the comming of his sonne into the fleshe and too prepare the mindes of all men that they might bee the more readye to receiue Christ when hee came Therefore this Helias Iohn the Baptist commeth forth and exhorteth all men to repentaunce and to prepare themselues for the Lord against his comming * In the 2. chap. For he addeth expressely that the kingdome of heauen is at hande i What is meāt by the kingdome of heauen that is to saye that that time approched yea was present wherein GOD by his Prophetes had promised that hee woulde powre foorth by his Sonne all the treasures of his grace and giftes vppon men and that hee woulde raigne in them * In the 6. ver Vnto this doctrine hee addeth the famous and holy Sacrament of Baptisme whereby hee might represent euen visibly the mysteries of GOD to the woorshippers of GOD and geather together into one bodye the faithfull people and graffe them into Christ q In the verse And then the heauenly father calleth forth also his own sonne forth of Galilee where he lay hidde hitherto into Iurie that because the mindes of the common people seemed now sufficiently prepared by the baptist to receiue Christ he himself might come foorth in open view now declaring shewing himself to the world no longer by the testimonie of others but by his own doctrine and by his owne vertues Therefore the Lorde commeth into Iurie vnto Iordane where Iohn taught and baptised into Christe and hee also is baptised of Iohn r In the 14. 15. verse Moreouer the Baptist acknowledgeth forthwith the Sauiour of the world and therefore witnesseth in most manifest woordes that this verie selfe same is the Sonne of GOD the lambe of GOD whiche shoulde take awaye the sinnes of the worlde of whom hitherto hee spake for whom hee commaunded all men to wayte and now repeating the very selfe same thing feruently he sendeth all men to Christ onely ſ In the 16. ve Furthermore the heauēly father addeth hereunto from heauen his honourable and strange witnesse For after that the heauens were opened and the holy Ghost was lighted vppon the head of Christe in the visible likenesse of an heauenly doue hee saieth as it were poynting foorth his finger
tongue which hee vseth foorthwith in setting foorth the prayses of God v From the 67. ver vnto the 76 For hee also singeth a song of praises wherein he prayseth the truth of God in his promises his goodnes iustice in his deedes x In the 76. 77. verses Thē he prophesieth certaine thinges of the office of his sonne y From the 78. ver vnto the end of the chapter and of the benefites to be bestowed vpon the world through Christ * The 2. chap. z The argumēt of the chapter Which things being finished Luke breaketh of the historie concerning Iohn maketh hast to describe the natiuitie of Christ a In the 1.2 3. verses Therefore he sheweth the time b In the 4. 5. verses and describeth the place of the natiuitie of the Lord c In the 6. 7 verses and the maner therof d From the 8. ver vnto 13. And the angell appeareth againe publisheth the birth of the Messias to the shepherds and expoundeth vnto them the fruite of his natiuitie e In the 13. 14. verses In the which place all the heauenly host flocketh together with merueylous thankefull reioycing singing a birth songue to their newe borne King f In the 15. verse And the shepheardes seeke the childe which was borne with great diligence as they were commaunded g In the 16. ver they finde him h Frō the 17. verse vnto the 21. they wonder and publish to all men the greate workes of God i In the 21. ver Nowe the childe is circumcised the eight day and is named IESVS k In the 22.23 and 24. verses Then he is presented also vnto the Lord in the temple of Hierusalē after the maner of the first begotten sonnes l From the 25. ver vnto the 34 Whereby God his ordinance Simeon the iust commeth in which receiueth the little childe into his armes reioyseth in reioysing sheweth howe great things the Father hath giuen vs in his sonne m In the 34 35 verses therewithal he prophesieth of his crosse the many should stumble at him through vnbeliefe n From the 36 ver vnto the 40 And there is also Anne a widowe of most commendable life which also herselfe giueth thankes to God and prayseth the great benefite of the father in the sonne giuen vnto vs. o From the 40. ver vnto the 51 Afterwards Luke toucheth in fewe wordes the childhood grouth and youth of Christe the Lorde For he declareth howe hee beeing twelue yeres of age beeing sought by his parentes sorowfully was founde in the Temple among the Doctors disputing so of the chiefest pointes of religion that all wondered at it p In the 51 52 verses Whereunto hee addeth that leauing the disputation he was obediēt vnto his parents leauing it as it were to be esteemed by these most assured tokens of what sort al his groweing and young age was And thus hath Luke comprehended in a merueilous brief summe whatsoeuer seemeth to be profitable and necessarie to bee knowen and to be beleeued touching the Parentage of Christ his childhood his grouth youth q What went before In the two chapters before going there is an entrance made into the matter handeled in this Gospell r What followeth But nowe Luke setteth foorth the beginning of the Gospel the wonderfull progresse and successe thereof * The 3. cha ſ In the first 2 verses shewing at what time t In the 2. 3 verses in what place v In the 2. and 3 verses by whome and howe both Christ himselfe and his Gospel was preached openly namely by Iohn Baptist x In the 3 verse also which baptized and taught in a great assembly of men y From the 4. verse vnto the 10. And hee giueth foorth certaine tastes of the preaching of S. Iohn what he taught al men generally z Frō the 10. verse vnto the 15. what certain mē particularly a From the 15. ver vnto the 19 to be brief what he taught what things he witnessed of b In the 19 20 verses Lastly he noteth that for the preaching of the truth he was cast into prisō by king Herod c Wherof he speaketh next Which thinges being in deede briefly knit together yet in such sort as might be sufficient for the godly Reader hee passeth ouer to the description of the affayres of the Sauiour himselfe our Lorde Iesus Christe whose forerunner Iohn was d In the 21. and 22. verses and foorthwith in the beginning hee teacheth who hee was and howe great thinges wee haue from him he was anointed and authorised by the father the King and Priest of the people of god namely in that he was anoynted with the holy Ghoste that hee is the sonne of of God and of man e From the 23. ver vnto the end of the chapter for the which cause hee draweth foorth along his genealogie or pedegrue euen vnto Adam * The 4. cha f From the first ver vnto the 14 Moreouer our Lorde being authorised in his function and kingdome and Priesthood according to his office beginneth nowe to work our saluation and first setting vpon Satan hee ouercommeth him in an harde conflict at the last putteth him to flight g In the 14. 15. verses And being a conquerour hee commeth foorth and publisheth the Gospell of the kingdome and of deliuerance throughout all Galilee h From the 16 ver vnto the 22. Hee hath left described an excellent tast of his preaching namely his sermō made in the city Nazareth i Frō the 22. ver vnto the 31 But whē as his wholesome doctrine was not so receiued of the Citizens of Nazareth as had becomed them leauing them k In the 31. 32 verses hee went to the famous citie Capernaum where hee teacheth againe l The vse of myracles And he ioyneth certaine wonderfull deedes to his doctrine whereby he approued that which hee taught namely that he is the Sauiour of the world m From the 33 ver vnto the 38 Therefore hee deliuereth a man possessed with a Diuell by casting out the deuil n In the 38. 39. verses hee restoreth to health Peter his wiues mother which was sick of a feuer o In the 40. 41 verses and to be briefe he cureth all kinde of diseases p In the 42.43 44. ver But the meane while he preacheth the gospel diligently * The 5. cha q From the first ver vnto the 12 the which because his will is that it should be preached cōtinually in the Church he chooseth to himself certaine witnesses whō he draweth vnto him by working of a myracle r From the 12 ver vnto the 17 Hee declareth againe by his workes that he is the Sauiour of the worlde
diligence coulde heale * The 14. cha Then hee taketh from the louers of godlinesse errours certaine no light faultes and teacheth them the dueties of godlinesse e From the 1 ver vnto the 7. For he remoueth againe the error of the Sabboths religious obseruation f From the 7. ver vnto the 12 He presseth downe the pride loftines of the Pharisees graffeth in modest humilitie g In the 12 13 and 14. ver teacheth vs also bountifulnes h From the 15 verse vnto the 24. Herevpō taking occasion by the outcrie of a certaine gest which pronounced him blessed that may eate breade in the kingdome of God he exhorteth al men to faith least they make them selues vnworthy the kingdom of god through vnbeliefe where the Lord setteth forth also the coūsel of God touching the sauing of the world that with he saith is despised of certaine through the desire of thinges present i In the 24. ver vnto whome also he threatneth punishment And these things hath he spoken of those whiche hinder the calling of God k Frō the 25. verse vnto the ende of the chap. On the contrarie parte he opposeth the doctrine how we ought to followe the Lord calling vs to obey his calling that is to say of what sort the disciples of the Lord ought to be what they ought to promise to thēselues by the gospel * The 15 chap l From the beginning of the chap. to the end vnto these things he knitteth certaine most comely similitudes whereby he declareth againe the reason of true repentaunce yea and the reason of the forgiuenesse of sinnes chiefly namely of the grace and vnmeasurable mercie of God reproouing euery where the pride and hypocrisie of * They may be called Iustitiaries which hold that a man may be iustified by his own works Iustitiaries * The 16. cha m In the whole chapter After these things he reasoneth plentifully of the duties of the faithfull to witte of charitie and bountifulnesse towardes our neighbours to be breefe of the contempt of earthly thinges against couetousnesse in the behalfe of pitifulnesse of the vse and abuse of earthly thinges And all these thinges doeth he shadowe foorth and as it were propose to be vewed with our eyes in the parables of the false stewarde and of the rich glutton and of Lazarus the begger * The 17. cha n The occasion of that which followeth There be not a fewe wicked men vnto whome whatsoeuer is preached concerning heauen and hell seeme fables and they infect successiuely not a few with their poysoned and blasphemous tongues o In the 1. and 2. verses Our Lorde sheweth therefore consequently howe great their offence is before God p In the 3. and 4. verses Agayne he teacheth thee to forgiue trespasses if any bee committed against thee q In the 5. and 6. verses The which thing because it can not bee done without the help of faith wholesome doctrine touching faith is forthwith adioyned r From the 7 ver vnto the 12 After the which he placeth streight way doctrine touching the same that wee ascribe nothing vnto our selues but yeeld all the glorie to the Lorde who onely purgeth vs and giueth vs strength to worke good workes for the which cause we ought to giue him great thankes s From the 12 verse vnto the 20. And this point is set foorth as it were to be vewed with our eyes in the historie of the tenne leapers which were cleansed t From the 20. ver vnto the 26. Now because there is mention made very often times of the kingdome of God throughout all this historie the matter is handeled more plainly v From the 26 ver vnto the 31. Then is it adioyned what they shall suffer which wil not beleeue that the kingdome of God is come x From the 31 ver vnto the end of the chap. Moreouer it is shewed what troubles and calamities shall come to passe in the worlde euen vnto the ende of the worlde and howe the faithfull ought to beare them selues in the same * The 18. cha y From the first ver vnto the 6 Where he exhorteth his disciples earnestly to most feruent prayers z In the 6.7 and 8 verses promising that God also will auenge his elect a From the 9. ver vnto the 15 And because there were many which trusted in them selues he proposeth the parable of the Pharisee and the Publicane which went vp into the temple and teacheth which is true righteousnes and howe men are iustified b In the 15.16 17. ver Which thinge being expounded he instructeth vs what we should thinke of the saluatiō of infants c From the 18 verse vnto the 23. What good thing euery one should doe that hee may possesse the kingdome of God d From the 23 ver vnto the 28 howe hardly rich men enter into the kingdome of GOD e In the 28 29. 30 ver what inwarde is prepared for them that leaue their worldly substance for the Lord his sake f From the 31 ver vnto the 35 In the same place the Lorde sheweth his disciples what hee him selfe must suffer g From the 35 verse vnto the end of the chap. Then followeth the historie of the blind man which receiued his sight * The 19. cha h From the 1. verse vnto the 11. the calling of Zacheus that famous Publicane and his receiuing into the fauour of Christ whereby wee are taught how all men are illuminated receiued into fauour and iustified and what they which are iustified shoulde worke or howe they shoulde behaue them selues towards God and towardes their neighbours i The occasion of the parable following Our Lorde Iesus executed the priest his office all the time of his dispensation but chiefly in those last dayes wherein he fully finished our saluation by dying and rysing againe Therefore the nearer hee commeth vnto the citie the more plainely he declareth him selfe to bee the king and priest of God his people and thorowely doth the office of the priest and king And first because there were some euē among his owne disciples which supposed that the kingdome of Christ should be earthly and that it shoulde rise vp forthwith the Lorde taketh away this errour k Frō the 11. verse vnto the 28. and teacheth by a similitude what maner of kingdome the kingdome of Christe is and when it shall come l From the 28 ver vnto the 41 Foorthwith sitting vppon an Asse and being caried into the citie hee declareth by that his glorious comming although it were humble that he is that expected king of the people of God m From the 41 ver vnto the 45 And yet before he entereth into the citie he bewayleth with teares the destenies and calamities of the blinde citie which hee