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A33342 A new description of the world, or, A compendious treatise of the empires, kingdoms, states, provinces, countries, islands, cities, and towns of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America in their scituation, product, manufactures, and commodities, geographical and historical : with an account of the natures of the people in their habits, customes, warrs, religions, and policies &c. : as also of the rarities, wonders, and curiosities of fishes, beasts, birds, rivers, mountains, plants, &c., with several remarkable revolutions and delightful histories / faithfully collected from the best authors by S. Clark. Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. 1689 (1689) Wing C4554; ESTC R26606 137,166 242

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remaine doubtful for as soon as Historians make any considerable mention of it we find it Inhabited by divers Nations held to be Greek Colonies who transported themselves at sundry times the people of the Sea Coast being said to come thither under Janus Anno Mundi 1925. After them Saturn out of Creet then Evander or Oenotrus out of Arcadia and then Aeneas with his Trojans with many others but after the Romans grew powerful they brought the whole Country into subjection and held it in spite of the frequent Invasions of Phyrus Hanibal the Gauls Cimbri and others till the time of Honorius the Emperor at what time the Goths Vandals Herulies Huns and other Barbarous Nations passing the Alps rent it from the Empire and devided it amongst themselves establishing many Kingdoms and Principalities and when these were in a manner subdued by the Valour and Conduct of Narses Bellarius and other Imperial Generals Albonius King of the Lumbards seized upon the greatest part of it calling it Longobardia vulgarly Lumbardy but they a considerable time after were brought under by Pepin King of France called in by the Bishop of Rome who reduced their Kingdom to a straight compass after which the seat of the Roman Empire was fixed in Germany and Italy parcell'd out amongst sundry Princes and the usual Division is into six parts viz. Lumbardy the Land of the Church Nap●ls ●ascany Genoa the Signory of Venice but more particularly into five greater and six lesser as for the first the Kingdom of Naples the Papacy the Signory of Venice the Dukedom of Florence and the Dukedom of Millain the lesser are the Dukedoms of Mantoua Vrbine Modena Parma with the States of Genoa and Luca and of these in their Order The Kingdom of Naples Described c. AS for the Kingdom of Naples it is Governed at this day by a Vice-Roy under the King of Spain and is scituate in the most pleasant part of Italy devided from the Territories of the Church by the River Axofenus being on the other parts Inviornd with the Seas making many commodious Havens and contains the Provinces of Lavaro Calabria Inferior and Superior Otranto Apulia Puglia Abruzzo In Lavaro is founded the City of Naples from whence the Kingdom takes its Name and many others of lesser note but that which is most noted is the Mountain Vesuvius lately called Somma being exceeding high and casting Flames out at the top of it in a dreadful manner though all the borders or parts of it are otherways very pleasant and fruitful abounding in Vines Flower-Gardens Olive-Yards and rich Pastures many of the Houses of the Gentry and Country Villages the City it self being seated at the foot of the Mountain and other Hills that branch from it extending from the South-West to the North-East in a manner Triangular and so Fruitful is the Country in Corn that the Importation of Bread is forbidden upon great penalties As for the Buildings they are of free Stone many of them four Stories in height and the Tops flat the Windows are generally covered with fine Linnen or Tiffany in stead of Glass which gives an equal Light and keeps out the heat of the Sun Nor consists the City of Naples of any more than three considerable broad Streets called La Vicaria La Lapuan and La Toletano the rest being inconsiderable Lanes and places of less note having 8 Gates towards the Sea and as many towards the Land strongly walled and defended with three Castles The Women here are very beautiful and through the abundance of Silks found in these parts the meanest Citizens Wives go clad in it the people are very thrifty and industruous especially about their Gardens from whence they derive a great part of their Food in Fruits Herbs Roots c. as living very spare and temperate though the Country abounds in plenty The Estates of the Kingdom of Naples as we may properly call them under the Spanish Vice-Roy are held to be 14 Princes 25 Dukes 30 Marquesses 54 Earls and 400 Barons and Gentlemen having 4 publick Houses called the Segij in which they meet to consult Affairs of Importance as also places are appointed for the meeting of Merchants in the way of Trade Calabria is another Province of the Kingdom of Naples bounded with the Jonian and Tyrrenean Seas and with the River Jano said to be 500 miles in compass divided into the higher and lower Calabria The chief Cities of the former being Consentia and Salernum the chief resort of Italian Physitians pleasantly scituated and well inhabited the Buildings agreeing with those of Naples though not in the General so sumptuous and all the Neighbouring Countries are full of Villages and very Fruitful and in the latter Calabria Cuterzary is seated as principal being a strong City well Walled and Fortified and formerly this Country was called Magna Graecia from the many Greek Collonies that seated themselves in it Otranto is on three parts bound with the Sea and on the other with Puglia having Tarentum and Brundusum for its chief places formerly boasting it self one of the best Havens in Europe but for some years past choaked up or much obstructed by shoales of Sand carry'd in by the Sea so that a Ship cannot without some difficulty enter by which means the places are much reduced Here are found likewise the Towns of Otranto and Gallipolis very plentious in Oyls Wines and Manufacturies of Silks and other matters of value there are found great store of Corn Mellions Citron Saffron c. and what is one thing observable no Partridges pass the Limits of this Country Apulia another Province of Naples extends it self from the confines of Brundusium to the River Fortore and is properly devided into two Provinces and has for its principal City that of Manfredo Scituate beneath the Hill of St. Angello accommodated with many stately Buildings and is the Seat of the Arch-Bishop of Siponto and that which adds more to its advantage is that it has a capacious Harbour capable of receiving Ships and Galleys of great burthen and is defended with a very stong Castle the Country all about it being very Fruitful Puglia is bounded with the Rivers Tronto and Fortore and has for its chief Cities Barlet which has a good Haven belonging to it and held to be one of the 4 strong holds of Italy and Cannae the Country though somewhat Hilly or Mountainous abounds with Cattle Saffron and many other Commodities incident to Italy Abruzzo is in like manner a part of the Kingdom of Naples having for its chiefest Cities or Towns Aquino giving Birth of Thomas Aquinas and Sulmo Famous for the Birth of Ovid the Poet both pleasantly seated and well inhabited The Papacy Described c. AS for the Papacy commonly called the Estate of the Pope Inherent to the See of Rome it consists of two Natures or Jurisdictions as Spiritual and Temporal principalities as touching the latter of which it has under its Jurisdiction many large Terretories lying
and was once reckoned to ●ontain 100 Cities though now it comes very short of that number The chief are Leuctres Amyclae Thulana near to which Hercules is said to kill the Hydra Salass●a Epidaurus seated on the Bay of Malvasia a Town well Built and Fortified and Sparta so called from Spartus a Prince of Argos as for this part it is wonderful fruitful and lies very commodious for Traffick and Navigation greatly abounding in all the Commodities common to Greece being pleasantly watered with the River Eurotas and other Streams of lesser note having many fair Promontories Bays and Havens ARGOLIS is bounded on the South with Laconia on the West with Corinthia and Achaia-Propria and on the East and North with the Sea taking its name from the City Argos its Metropolis once the Head of a famous Kingdom and in this City King Pyrrhus the great Grecian Conqueror after he had Victoriously forced his entrance was slain with a Tile thrown at him by an old Woman from the top of a House and besides this it has Traezan Tyrinthia Nemea and some others and grew in times past from a small Province to a powerful Kingdom being once the chiefest of Greece in strength giving Birth to many renowned persons and the most famed for the breed of Horses CORINTHIA though but a little Region is yet nevertheless exceeding pleasant and fruitful lying towards the Istmus or neck of Land that joyns the rest of Greece to Peloponesus between Argolis and Achaia Propria containing only the Territories of Corinth and the chief Towns are Cincrea Corinth memorable for the Epistles Saint Paul wrote to the Inhabitants commodiously Scituate for the command of all Greece but that the Inhabitants give themselves more to Merchandise than War and although it has been a long time in the hands of the Turks it was the last year taken by the Venetians and is Seated on the bottom of the neck or Istmus the Ionian Sea being on the West and the Aegean on the East washing its walls and makeing on each side a Capacious Haven and was formerly exceedingly Fortified but of latter times the Security the Turks supposed themselves in on that part of their Empire made them little mind keeping it from running to decay And thus much may briefly suffice as for that part of Greece called Peloponesus As for the other Achaia it is properly divided into Attica Megaris Baetia Phocis Aetolia Doris Locris and the chief City accounted amongst these is Athens once the head of a famous Common-wealth and sometime a Kingdom and is Seated very advantagiously making a Port into the Sea and was once the Mistriss of Arts and Arms and in St. Pauls time who wrote his first and second Epistle from hence to the Thessalonians a very flourishing City but by the Wars and Misfortunes it has sustained is now only noted for what it has been more than for what it is MEGARIS is but a small Region yet very pleasant and much abounding in Corn and Fruits and has for its chief City Magaria BAETIA is much larger than the former and was once all the Dominion or Kingdom of Thebes that famous City so much noted to be built by Cadmus the Phaenician being the Metropolis and in this Tract are found likewise Aulis and Platea and is watered with divers pleasant streams PHOCIS is memorable for the Mountain Parnassus and was much noted for the Temple of Apollo at the foot of it but now that stately Structure where the Delphic Oracle gave Answers is ruined and scarcely any part of it remaining AETOLIA is another considerable part of this Tract divided by the River Pindus from Epirus once a country of great note and full of Towns and places of strength but now retains at present few of note except Chalcis and Thermum however the whole Country is pleasant abounding in Pastures watered with many Rivers yielding some Mines and great store of Cattle LOCRIS though it is but a small Region yet lies Commodiously on the Sea Coast and has for its chief Town Lepanto in sight of which was fought the famous Battle or Sea fight between the Turks Venetians and consederate Christians in which 29000 of the Turks were killed 4000 taken Prisoners 140 Gallies Burnt Taken and Sunk and 1200 Christian Slaves rescued in the year 1571. and as for the Trade here it consists in Leather Oyl Tobacco Furrs Wheat Barly Rice c. And is again in the Possession or under the Power of the Venetians DORIS is a small Province bounding upon or rather appertaining to Locris and has for its chief Town or City Amphissa bordering upon the Mountain Parnassus here is also found Guidas where the stately Temple of Venus stood and where St. Paul continued a long time And as for this Tract it is very Pleasant and Fruitful watered with small Rivers but none of note Epirus was once a Famous Kingdom of which Pyrrhus who Invaded the Romans in Italy was King but more memorable for being under the Regency of the great Scanderbeg who with a handful of Men stood out against the whole Power of the Turkish Empire in the Reigns of Amurath the Second and Mahomet the great defeating and destroying Prodigious Armies of the Infidels and has for its chief Cities Cro●ja Petrela Petra Alba and Stelusia the Country is very Fruitful tho' somewhat Mountainous and was once accounted next to Macedon the most powerful in Greece and at this day greatly abounds in Cattle rich Pastures and Corn. ALBANIA is bounded with Macedon Sclavonia Epirus and the Adriatick Sea and has for its chief Cities Durazzo and Albinopolis memorable for its Breed of Horses which the Turks use mostly in their Wars and the Courage of its Inhabitants whose Country being but Indifferently Fruitful and too strait for the Inhabitants they like the Swiss rather choose the Exercise of Arms than Husbandry MACEDON once Famous for being Head of the Greek Empire is bounded with Missa Superior Migdonia Epirus and Achaia and is a very Rich and Flourishing Country though the Turks greatly oppress the Native Greeks and make them labour that they may reap the greatest Profit and abounds not only with Cattle Corn and some Wine but in it are found Mines of Gold and other Mettals and of this Country Alexander the Great was King who not only Conquered the greatest part of Asia but brought all Greece into Subjection founding here the third Empire of the World And as for the chief Cities they are Aedassa Andrastus Eriba Scidra and Philippus or Philipopolis Built by Philip the Father of Alexander and to the People of this City it was that St. Paul Wrote his Epistle THESSALY was once likewise a Kingdom lying on the South of Macedon abounding with Pleasant Valleys and Hills and amongst the latter are found that of Olympus so famed for Transcending the Clouds Othris Pelion and Ossa so often struck with Thunder and Fabled to be laid one upon the other when the Giants went about
as many as they can few having less than Ten and here the Men and Women go naked till they are Married and then have only a Covering from the Waste downward Superstitiously raising the Skin with three slashes of a Knife from the Navel to the Privy Parts as a mark of their hopes of Salvation NVBIA a considerable Countrey stretching from Gaoga to Nilus has Dangula for its chief Town and some other of lesser note and affords amongst other Drugs the mortalest of Poysons insomuch that the tenth part of a Grain will dispatch a Man in a quarter of an hour and affords moreover Civit Sugar Sanders Ivory c. The Kingdom taking its Name from the Nubiaea a certain people that inhabit it and is well refreshed with Rivers and Lakes and the people were generally Christians a strong and potent Nation well Skill'd in War in so much that Cyriacus one of their Kings hearing the Christians were oppressed in Egypt raised an Army of 100000 Horse to succour them but being about to enter that Kingdom to the great Terrour of the Turks and Sarazens he was met by the Patriarch of Alexandria at whose Supplication and Entrcaty he returned without enterprizing any thing Memorable nor has it been long since they for want of Spiritual Guides to strengthen and confirm them have faln off from the Christian Faith and embraced the Superstitions of Mahomet Aethiopia Superior described in its Kingdoms and Provinces AETHIOPIA SVPERIOR has on the East Sinus Barbaricus and the Red Sea on the West Lybia Interior and the Kingdom of Nubia and part of Congo in the other Aethiopia on the North Egypt and Lybia Marmarica on the South the Mountains of the Moon parting it from Aethiopia Inferiour and had its present name from the Grecians and is scituate on both sides the Equinoctial extending from the South Parrallel of 7 Degrees to the North end of the Isle Meroe scituate under the Fifth Parallel on the North of that Circle being accounted in length about 1500 Miles and in breadth about half as much in Circumference 4300 Miles containing the whole Countrey of Aethiopia as before limited the greatest part of it being the Abyssine Empire or Dominion of Prestor John the rest comprehending the Kingdoms of Adel and Adea the Provinces Quiola and Melindi though the last are reckoned parts of Aethiopia Inferior the Island of Meroe in the North possessed by Mahometans Enemies to Prestor John all on the South of Nubia and the West of Nilus is Inhabited by the Anzichi a Cannibal and Idolatrous People who have a King of their own and all the Coast of the Red Sea as well within the Coast of Babel-mandel the Port of Erocco only excepted is in the Possession of Moors and Arabians who pay Homage to the Kings of Adel and Adea As for the People of Aethiopia properly so called they were formerly held to be great Astrologers the first Ordainers of Sacred Ceremonies from whom the Egyptians had their Instructions always counted good Archers yet Treacherously shooting with Poisoned Arrows they go ill Cloathed and as bad Housed for the most part extreamly inclined to Barbarisin and unless they Swear by the Life of their Emperor not to be credited in matters of Weight their Colour is an Olive Tawny inclining more to Swarthiness except their Emperor who as a mark of the true Prince and are held to be Converted to the Christian Faith by the Eunuch of Queen Candace Converted by St. Philip the Evangelist which Flourishes amongst them to this day and comes very near in all the Material Points to the Orthodox Religion of the Reformed European Church c. and are under a Patriarch The Country of the Aethiops is like all other Countries in this Tract Fruitful in some Places and Barren in others yet it generally abounds in Rice Barley Beans Pease Sugars Minerals of all kinds Cattle viz. Goats Oxen Sheep Horses and have great store of Flax and Vines yet make neither Cloth nor Wine unless peculiarly for the Emperor Patriarch or great Men being much given to Sloth nor do they indeed know how to bring their Minerals to Perfection nor will they trouble themselves to Fish or Hunt tho' the Woods and Rivers are infinitely stored with Fish and Venison As for the Provinces comprehended at this time within the bounds or limits of Aethiopia they are Guagere Tigremaon Angote Damut Amma Bagamedrum Goijami Adel Adea Barnagassum Danculi D●bas Fatigar Xoa and Barus though not all as I intimated within the Circuit of the Abassine Empire and of Note amongst these are viz. BARNAGOSVM Scituate upon the Red Sea extending from Suachen almost to the Mou●● of the Streights and hath for its Sea Port Frooco the only Port of the Empire held Tributary from the Turks who sometimes since took it from the Aethiopians with the Town of Suachen for which they pay yearly 1000 ounces of Gold. TIGRAMAON lying between Nilus Marabo and Angote is a pleasant Kingdom though of no great extent and has for its chief City Cazunia supposed to be the Regal Seat of Queen Candace whose Enuch St. Philip Baptized ANGOTE is a Province considerably Barren lying between Tigramaon and Amare insomuch that being deficient of Gold or Silver or any other valuable Commodities Iron Plate or Rings and hard Loaves of Salt made to sundry degrees of bigness pass as Current XOA is more Fertile than the former as having many green Pastures where a great Number of Cattle Feed as likewise abounding with Fruits and is almost in all parts Grateful to the Husbandman FATIGAR is noted for having in it a Lake of that Name 12 Miles in compass being on the Top of a high Mountain from whence divers Rivers well stored with Fish descend to water the Country GOIJAMI is famed for the Mines of Gold found as also for the Unicorn who makes his abode in the Hills of the Moon large Mountains so called because the Moon upon her rising appears first from behind them to that Country and although the Beasts are rarely taken by reason of their Swiftness yet their Horns so famous for expelling Poison are found which at a certain Period of Time they shed GVGERA otherways Meroe is an Island of which we intend to speak hereafter and in this Country is found the Hill Amara which is a Days Journey to ascend and 30 Miles in compass in Form round and on the top of it are sundry pleasant Plains and Pallaces the Air being much cooler than that beneath and here the Princes of the Blood dwell As for the Emperors Stile by reason of the strangeness of it we think fit to insert it viz. P. I. Supream of his Kingdoms and the Beloved of God the Pillar of Faith sprung from the Stock of Judah the Son of David the Son of Solomon the Son of the Column of Sion the Son of the Seed of Jacob and the Son of the Hand-maid of Mary the Son of Nahu after the Flesh the
accounted to be in length from North to South about Six score Leagues running along the Sea-Coast and consequently not answerable in breadth in which it disproportions as in some places Twenty five some Thirty and in other Fifty Leagues This Kingdom especially of late years has made its self famously known throughout the World by its Discoveries and Trafficks in Navigation so that no Trading part of the Universe has escaped its Knowledge As for the Provinces attributed to Portugal they are principally Six which are as many General Governments Inter-Dueras and Minho Tralos-Montes Beyra Estremadure Aleuteio and the Kingdom of Algarue and of these Inter-Dueras and Minho are the most noted as being exceeding Fruitful and well Peopled that for Eighteen Leagues in length and Twelve in bredth it possesses One hundred and thirty Monasteries One Thousand four hundred and sixty Parishes Five Thousand Fountains or Springs of Water Two hundred Stone-Bridges and Six Sea Ports The chief City in these Parts is Porto called by the English Port à Port from its delightful Scituation and the Advantage of the Commodities of the Country there in abundance found this place contains Four thousand Houses and is much traded to by divers Nations the next to this is Braga famed for the many Councils held there Tralos Montes is a part of this Kingdom stored with Rich Mines and in it is found the City of Braganca the Capital of the Dukedom of that Title besides which there are Towns of lesser note and the Princes who are derived from this Title usually reside at Villa-Viciosa being now in Possession of the Crown and had before their coming to it a Prerogative beyond the Grandees of Spain to sit in publick under the Royal Canopie of the Spanish Kings Beyra another part of this Kingdom is exceeding fertile producing store of Millet Rye Apples Chestnuts Catle Corn c. And in it is scituate the Famous City of Coimbra noted for its University and the See of a Bishop c. Estremadure abounds in Wines Oyls Salt and Honey gathered from Citron Flowers and in it is seated Lisbon the Principal City of the Kingdom upon five little rising Hills on the Right bank of the River Tagus or Taio and Arch-Bishops See the usual Residence of the Kings of Portugal and a City of great Trade having the Advantage of the Ebing and Flowing of the Sea as being but Five Miles from it held to contain Thirty two Parishes Three hundred fifty Streets Eleven thousand Houses and One hundred sixty thousand Inhabitants the Compas computed to be near Seven Miles accounting the Subburbs and was once the greatest Emporium of Europe Santarim a place much in Request for the abundance of Olives that grow about it insomuch that the Natives boast but how truly I know not that they could make a River as big as the Tagus of their Oyl Setuba an other Town in this Tract is accommodated with one of the best Havens in the Kingdom being no less than Thirty Miles long and Three broad abounding with Salt-Pits and Wine which bring a great Revenue into the Kings Coffers Alenteio extreamly abounds with Corn insomuch that it is held to be the Grainery of the Kingdom and has in it the City of Elvara the second to that of Lisbon near which the Portuguez won a considerable Victory against the Spaniards in 1663. And next this Elvas claims Place for the many Sieges it has held out against the Spaniard and the plenty of Oyls the Neighbourhoods produce c. Ourique is the place near to which was fought the Famous Battle which occasioned the proclaiming the King of Portugal of the House of Braganca Portelegar is a Bishops See. Algarve though little in extent has the Title of a Kingdom and was re-united to the Crown by the Marriage of Alphonse the Third with Beatrice of Castile abounding in Eggs Almonds Olives Wines Corn. Cattle c. And for the Chief Towns they are Tavila Faro Silves and Lagos The Natives of this Kingdom are very frugal yet live in much plenty the Earth producing every where abundance Nor did their Navigation in former days less conduce to their Support and Grandeur being held the first Europeans that publickly Trafficked into the remote parts of the World to bring it to any considerable Perfection The People are generally straight Limbed and well proportioned very soft skinned but somewhat inclined to swarthiness by reason of the heat in those parts the Air is very healthy and the Country for the most part Hilly though few of note The Roman Catholick Religion is only publickly professed There are three Arch-Bishopricks viz. at Lisbon Braga and Elvora and Ten Bishopricks They have Parliaments as occasion requires it held at Lisbon and Porto and Twenty seven places have their Generalities and the Revenues of the Kingdom is held to be about Ten Millions of Livers not accounting their Collonies in the East-Indies And although Portugal was seized on by the King of Spain after the fatal Battle of Alcazar in Affrick and the Death of King Henry who Succeeded Sabastian slain by the Moors it revolted in the year 1640. And is governed by a King of its own as a separate Kingdom from Spain and thus much for Portugal A Description of Italy In its Kingdoms and Dominions c. ITaly is a very Fruitful Country and held for its Pleasantness to be the Mistriss of all Countries as it once was Empress of the World and is incompassed with the Adriatick Jonian and Tyrrian Seas Except towards France and Germany from which it is parted by the Alps which renders it in a manner a Penjusula but more peculiarly it has on the East the lower part of the Adriatick and the Jonian Sea deviding it from Greece on the West it has the River Varus and some part of the Alps parting it from France on the North a part of the Alps divides it from Germany and on the other parts the Adriatique Sea devides it from Dalmatia being held by the Antients to be in form like an Oak-Leaf This Country branched out into sundry principalities and Provinces is scituate in a most Fruitful and temperate Air under the fifth climate of the North temperate Zone which is totally taken up so that the Longest day is 15 hours and three fifth parts of an hour Northward and Southward not much above 14 hours and the parts mentioned and is reckoned in length from Augusta Praetoria now called Aost unto Otranto the most Easternly part of Naples 1020 miles and in bredth from the River Varo which parts it from that Province to the Mouth of the River Arsa in Friuli where it is the broadest 410 miles and where the narrowest which is about Otranto exceeds not 23. so that the whole compass by Sea reckoning windings and turnings is held to be 3448 miles but reckoned in a straight line upon the coast it falls much short as not above 2550. As for the first Inhabiters of this Country they
Actions formerly much inclined to War and search of Adventures insomuch that they assisted with a great Fleet in the Holy War and taking of Jerusalem by the Christian Army and aided Phillip the French King with 10000 Men against Edward the Third of England where in one Battle they were most of them slain They Aided likewise the Spaniards in 1588 to Invade England with several great Carracts and Galleys which were either lost upon the Coast or cast away in their Flight homeward which loss they have never since fully recovered yet they lately made a stout Defence against the Naval Power of France which could effect no more than beating down some part of their City by Bombing it at a distance as being well assured they had no Fleet capable of Engaging The Country abounds in all the Plenties of Italy and here only the Women have the greatest Freedom without the Jelosie or Suspition of their Husbands of any Italians and as a further Honour to this place it gave Birth to Christopher Columbus the first Discoverer of the New World or Country of America The State of Lucca Described THe State of Lucca is held to be scituate within the Dukedom of Tuscany or Florence comprehending the Town and Terretory of Lucca As for Lucca it is seated in a fruitful Plain strongly fortified with a good Wall and incompassed with pleasant Trees so that at a distance it seems to stand in a Wood and the Plain wherein it is seated is invironed with Mountains or large Hills except towards Pistola where it opens to the Sea and is three miles in compass as for the Streets they are narrow and paved with broad Freestone and in it are many Palaces and Merchants Houses curious built of Free-stone according to other Building in Italy and was formerly a place of great Trade for Silks Stuffs Carpets Cloth of Gold and the like there being a great concourse of Merchants call'd Luccois Merchants that were wont to meet there at several Fairs or Marts held for that purpose but of late the Trade is declined however the Inhabitants inrich themselves by their Manufacture which they send to other places of greater Trade And here there is a strict Law that no Person shall wear any Weapon no not a Knife unless it be blunted the People being generally very courteous to Strangers And thus much for what may be properly call'd Italy which taken in general is one of the most fruitful and pleasant Countrys of the World of which Europe being call'd the Head this is accounted the Face But for brevity sake I must desist any further Comment and proceed to other parts adjoyning The Dukedom of Lorrain Described THIS Country is Invironed with a part of Belgium Alsatia the Country of Burgundy and Campaign and is about 180 Miles in compass exceeding Fruitful in Corn Wine store of Cattle but especially Horses of an Excellent Breed the Rivers and Lakes abounding with Fish and the Soil with rich Mines The chief Town is Nancy seated upon the River Meuse and in it the Ducal Pallace much resorted to for Wines Brandies and other Commodities the Buildings are very stately and commodious most of them of Stone and well fortified with a Wall of great Strength The next to this are St. Nicholas and Vancoleus very strong and well Garisoned by the French into whose hands the Country fell in the Reign of King Lewis the 13. though the present Duke of Lorain now warring in Hungary is on all hands concluded to be the rightful Prince As for the manners and Customs of the people they are a mixture of Germany and France as being seated between those Countries c. The Dukedom of Savoy and Country of Peimont Described c. AS for Savoy it is a very Mountainous Country bounded by the Dauphenet Bress Switzerland Peimont and the Alps the Antient Inhabitants were the Allobroges who submitted to Hanibal when he entered Italy with his Carthagenians to War against the Romans at what time Bruncius and his Brother being at variance about the Succession to the Kingdom he reconciled them afterward it was made a Roman Province and was called from one of the Kings that then Reigned being a Favorite to Augustus Caesar Alpes Coctiae but in the declining of the Roman Empire it became a part of the Kingdom of Burgundy and passed with other rights of the Empire to Germany but now is independent under a Duke who is soveraign Lord of the Country The Chief Towns of Savoy are Chambiers Scituate in a pleasant Valley amongst Mountains and is graced with a Ducal Pallace and many stately buildings of the Nobles who are for the most part very Gentile Active and Airy though the Country people on the contrary are very Imbicil and Slugish Tarantaise an Arch-Episcopal See Scituate amongst Mountains as the former full of pleasant buildings Aquabelle Mauridune another Arch-Episcopal See. Under the power and Jursdiction of the Savonian D●ke it is Peimont unless a small part of it claimed by the Duke of Mantoua seated at the Foot of the Mountains and bounded on the East with Milain on the West with Savoy on the North with Switzer-land and on the South with the Mediterranean being more fertile than the other containing 52 Earldoms and 15 Marquesats besides Barronies and Lordships and here dwell the progeny of the Albigenses who about the year 1100 stood for the Liberty and Doctrine of the Church of their Predecessors and about the year 1250 were near all destroyed and ruined by the Popes and French Kings when the remainder prefering their Concience before their Country retired up into the Mountains and by their Industry and Indefatigable Husbandry made the very Rocks bring forth Grass and Herbage for themselves and their Cattle c. and here they worshiped God according to the Worship of rhe reformed Churches greatly increasing in number as being followed with blessings untill the latter end of the Reign of Francis the first at what time happened the Massacre of Merinianum or Mariguan Gallis and Chabriers and in the year 1662 and 1663 they were again persecuted by the Savoiard and since that in the year 1684 we had a Mellancholy account of their treatment and although there are many good Towns under the Government of Savoy yet the Duke chiefly resides at the City Turin Scituate on the River Po and is the seat of an Arch-Bishop and a University where Erasmus took his degree and for Scituation is accounted one of the plesantest in Europe The Seignory of Geneva and the Alps Described GENEVA is within the Limits of the Dukedom of Savoy the whole Seignory not exceeding Eight Leagues in compass Scituate on the Lake Lemanus and devided into two parts by the River Rosne The City strongly walled and fortified as being the head of a Free state containing a flourishing University Governed by a Common Council or 200 of the chief Burghers four of which are called Sindiques As for the Church Government it is
two other Kings of this Country mentioned in Genesis Berzamna Caparosa Gamararis Elasa Rossa Rhinocurura Raphia and others with many scattered Castles and Villages and of this Country the Horites are thought to be the first Inhabitants amongst whom Esau upon the discontent he received by his Brothers circumventing him of the Blessing went to dwell and took to him Wives of the Daughters of the People of the Land and as though the two Brothers Difference had been inherent to Posterity the Edomites alwaies proved mortal Enemies to the Israelites not only siding with their Enemies but making continual War and Inroads upon them their selves The other Parts of Palestine which may properly be so called are the Divisions of Peraea and Ituraea and the first of these lies between the Mountains of Arnon and the River Jordan abounding with Olives Vines and Palm-Trees the Soil every where being exceeding Rich and was formerly the Habitation of the Midianites Moabites and Ammonites as also of the two Tribes of Gad and Reuben The Quarter of the Midianites was at the South Side of the Dead Sea at the very entrance of the Country and were held to Descend from one or more of the 5 Sons of Madian the Son of Abraham by Keturah mentioned in Gen. 25. 4. and had for their chief Cities Recome Built by one of the 5 Midianitish Kings slain by Joshua and Midian on the bank of the Dead Sea and these were they that by the advice of Balaam sent out their Beautiful Women to Insnare the Israelites upon their entrance into the Land of Canaan The Moabites Possessed all that part of the Country from the boundards of the Midianites on the South as far as Esebon on the North on both sides the River Arnon having the River Jordan on the West and the Hills of Abarim on the East first possessed by the Emmims a Race of Giants whose Principal City was Sheneth Kirjathaim but they being Vanquished by Chedorlaomer and driven thence their forsaken Seats were possessed by the Moabites Descended from Moab one of the Sons of Lot and had for their Cities in chief Rabbat the Regal Seat of Balak King of Moab Diblathum Gallim Muthana Nathaliel Bamath Mispha Hor Kirhajareth and some few others of little note and this Country God commanded Moses to spare because he had given it for an Inheritance to the Sons of Lot. The Ammonites had their Habitations on the North-East of the River Arnon and possessed all that Tract from Arnon on the ●ead of the River to the City Rabbah and on both sides the River Ja●oc as well within as without the Mountains of Galaad Antiently the Seat of the Raphaim and Zamzummins a Race of Giant-like People and had for their chief Cities Rabbah before which Vriah was Slain on the account of his Wife Dothema Mitspa and others of lesser note and had continual War with Israel God appointing them as a Thorn in their side because they had not at first rooted them out of the Land. The Reubenites or Tribe of Reuben had their Dwellings appointed on the East side of Jordan having the Gadites on the North and the Arabian Desarts on the East and on the South the Land of Moab parted by the River Arnon whose chief Cities were Abel Sittim Bethabara or Beth-bara Machaerus Lasa or Lesha Medeba Bosor or Bozra a City of Refuge to the Levites Livias a Town Built by Herod in Honour of Livia the Mother of Tiberius Caesar Kedmoth Adom Heshbon Bamothbal and within their Territories is the Mount Nebo from whose Top Moses took a view of the Land of Canaan and joyning to it is the Hill Pisga or to say more truly one of the Tops or Spires of the same Mountain The Gadites so called from Gad the Seventh Son of Jacob begot on Zilpha the Hand-maid of Leah had their Lot of the Promised Land between the Reubenites on the South and half the Tribe of Menasses on the North the River Jordan on the West and the Mountains of Arnon on the East and inhabited the Cities of Aroer upon the Banks of the River Arnon Dihon towards Jordan Beth●mrah Natoroth Beth-haram Beth-ezob Mahanaim so called from the Apparition of Angels Succot● Jahzor Ramoth Penuel c. All the Plains of this Country being exceeding Fruitful as on purpose prepared for the Favourites of Heaven yet the People who had been brought out of Slavery with a mighty hand growing fat in these fruitful Fields soon forgot their Maker and went a Whoring after the Gods of the Strangers for which the Canaanites had been cast out of the Land. There were moreover in this Tract called the Land of Palestine the Trachonites inhabiting the Hilly Country bordering on the Ammonites called the Mountains of Gilead extending Northward as far as Libanus living as Josephus tells us for the most part in Woods and Caves upon Prey and Spoil c. The Batanea a People living in a part of the Kingdom of Basan but their Kingdom upon the Arrival of the Children of Israel was given to the other half Tribe of Manasses and contained many fenced large Cities The chief was Pella formerly called But is but the Name changed by Seleucius the great Assyrian King of the Greek Race destroyed by Alexander Janaeus a King of the Jews for refusing to admit the Law of Moses but afterward by Pompey the Great restored to its former Luster And more memorable in Church History for the Voice heard from Heaven admonishing the Christians then in Jerusalem to retire thither that they might escape the Destruction that the Roman Army under the leading of Titus was about to bring upon that great and sinful City Gessur since called Aurantis the last Division of Ituraea is North of Basan and was once accounted a Kingdom and had for its chief Cities Hauran Gessur Mahacath Chatsar Hevanus and others of lesser note As for the Country of Palestine in general or the promised Land it is taken by some to be the place where the Terrestrial Paradise stood and is indeed Fruitful even to a miracle for in most places there is an Eternal Spring and in Summer the Flowers alwaies smiling and the Vernant Trees seldom casting their ripe and mellowed Fruit before Blossoms and green Fruit take place and are naturally of extraordinary growth insomuch that we read when Caleb Josuah and others went up to spie the Land they brought a cluster of Grapes as an earnest of the rest so large that they were obliged to carry it upon a Staff between two of them And thus much for the Land of Palestine as it flourished in its most glorious daies but now its antient Inhabitants are scattered over the face of the Earth and Turks possess their pleasant places The three ARABIA'S Described in their Countreys and Provinces 1. ARABIA DESERTA called by the Turks Beriara is bounded on the East with the Babylonian Territories on the West with some part of Palestine and Arabia the stony on the North
their Dominion from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Indus the Men especially very formal in their Habit wearing Robes trailing on the ground their Hair exceeding long and their Caps so steeple Crowned that they seem like Pyramids Perfuming themselves and Adorning with Jewels Rings c. and a Staff of Ivory Rich Wood or some precious Mettal in the form of a Scepter in their Hands and as for the ancient Custom it was to expose the fairest Women to Sale in open Market not as Slaves but to be purchased as Wives and with the Money they put off those of the courser sort that were more deformed happy for our English Doudies were the Custom in use amongst us And as for the Celebration of Marriage it is a little strange viz. The Bride-groom sees not his Bride before the Wedding-day but takes her upon the good report of his Friends and others when having made the Bargain with her Parents they meet in the Chancel of the Church and there the Cassisse or Priest obliges the Bridegroom to put his hand through the hole of a Partition and take the Bride by the Hand which done her Mother with a sharp Bodkin pricks his hand all over with much eagerness and if so for all that he holds her fast and wrings her hand till she squeak they term it a presage of lasting Love but if he let go the contrary and if the first Year a Male child is born the Father loses his Name and is called Abba or Father the Sons Name being added to it ASSYRIA is principally watered with the Tygris so named from its swiftness and rapidity Into which as Ptolomy affirms discharge themselves the Rivers Cuprus Lycus and Gorges with some other Streams or Rivulets and the whole Assyria was divided into six parts viz. Araphachits Adiabene Calacine Sitacene Arbelites and Apoloniates and has for its chief Cities Calach one of the four Cities built in the Land of Assur by Nimrod Sittaca about Two Miles from the Banks of Tygris Athela Apollonia Geguamela Memorable for the first great overthrow given by Alexander to Darius the Persian wherein 90000 Persians are accounted to be slain with the loss of 300 Macedonians only Reboboth another City said to be built by Nimrod but now supposed to be that called Birrha On the Tygris Rhesen another said to be built by the same party Ninive first built by Nimrod and so named from Ninus his Son or Nephew the City to which Jonah was sent and in those days accounted Sixty Miles in Circuit which may properly enough in those hot Countreys be accounted three days Journey Mosul seated on the Tygris Arzeri and Scheheruzal the chief Residence of the Turkish Bassa Governour of this Countrey As for the Profession of the Natives and some Strangers mingled amongst them 't is that of the Nestorians but the standing Religion is Mahometism imposed by the Turks 3. MESOFOTAMIA has on the East for its boundard the River Tygris parted by it from Assyria on the West the Euphrates on the North Mount Tauryus on the South Chaldaed and Arabia Deserta and is frequently in Scripture called Padan-Aram which in the Latine signifies Syria Culta and was anciently Inhabited by the Aramites and is full of Rich Pastures the Soil very fruitful in Corn abounds with Vine-yards and store of Cattel and is indeed so well furnished with all things necessary for Humane Support and Pleasure that Strabo calls it Mesopotamia Felix tho in the extream South there are a few barren Desarts and some rough Mountains or Hills and though it is a kind of a Compounded Countrey yet the people are very Active and Industrious improving Natures Bounty more than any in this Tract though being but a small Countrey it has always been in Subjection and is watered with the Rivers Tygris Euphrates and Caboras or Abaras The chief Cities found in this Countrey are Edessa Cologenbar Nisibius and Vr as for their Religion as far as relates to Christianity it is in a manner Orthodox agreeing in most Points with the Reformed Churches of Europe I might now proceed to say something of the Two Kingdoms in the great Mountain Taurus named from their two last Kings the Kingdoms of Aledeules and Bahaman the first subdued by Selimus the First Emperour of the Turks and the last by Abas the Persian Sophy but having nothing but Rocks and barren Mountains to deal with and indeed the difficulties the Inhabitants struggle with being more to be wondered at than any thing else I shall thus briefly pass them over and proceed to Turcomania Turcomania described in its Provinces c. TVRCOMANIA or the Land of Turky so called from the Turks Inhabiting it before they got by Stratagem the Persian Empire is on the East bounded with Media and the Caspian Sea on the West with Cappadocia Armenia Minor and the Euxine Sea on the North with Tartary and on the South with Assyria and Mesopotamia and is properly divided into four parts viz. Armenia Major held to be the true Turcomania Colchis now called Mengrelia Iberia now called Georgia and Albania called by some Zuirca and of these in their order ARMENIA MAJOR now called Turcomania is a very Hilly Countrey as much overspread with the Spurs of Mount Taurus and Anti-Taurus though between them are many fruitful Valleys that produce store of Cattle The greatest business of these people when exempted from War being to feed Sheep upon the Mountains and other Cattle on the lower ground driving them from place to place where the Pastures are best and where they find the most commodious Springs carrying with them their Families Tents and Provision and usually go Armed not so much for fear of Rovers as Wild Beasts that possess the Caves of those Mountains The People being large of Body comely of Personage much used to the Bow and Spear patient of all kind of Labour The Women are very homely but of a manly aspect and when occasion requires addict themselves in Disguises to the Wars and mingled with the Men perform equal Exploits and in Towns where they are setled their Families are very great by reason they co-habit under one Roof to the third or fourth Generation the eldest commonly bearing Rule and being in all things absolute as King of the Family yet those live not idle but employ themselves in making Tapestries Gograms Watered Chamlets and other Manufactures dispersed into all parts and some tho not many of them are considerable Merchants dispersing themselves over the Eastern Countrey and from a Mountain of this Armenia called Abas has the great River Araxis its Fountain and the people generally are Christians The chief Cities and Towns of this Country are Artaxata the Royal seat of the Antient Kings of Armenia Sebastia now called Suassia seated on the Euphrates Tigranes Certa Arsamosata Clamassum Cholna Baraza Chars Colonia Thespia and others of lesser note as for Forrests or Woods this Country has very few and none considerable COLCHIS the
double increase so that they want nothing fit for the sustaining the Life of Man or whatever may tend to Recreation or Delight The Kingdoms and Provinces generally abounding with Precious Stones Spices Perfumes Medicinals Mines of Gold and Silver and Minerals of all other kinds Copper and Lead excepted and that they may not so abound as to reject the Traffick of other Countries they are deficient in Wheat and Vines and have but few Horses the Creatures they use for Service being Camels Elephants and Dromedaries with other Creatures of lesser note Though the Woods Plains and Rivers abound with Tygers some Lyons Rhinocerots Apes Serpents and Crocodiles and in the Seas are found Whales of a monstrous size as 66 Cubits in length and 20 in thickness with lesser Fish of sundry forms not found in the European Seas nor perhaps in any other The Natives of India are different according to the Climates they inhabit but in general of a-Swarthy Complexion Tall of Stature Strong of Body and in most places very much Civiliz'd and Exact Dealers and altho the common sort are but meanly clad and many only with Garments capable of hiding their Privities and others meerly for Decency yet those of the better rank observe a Majesty in both Sex as to their Raiment and Attendants Perfuming themselves and wearing besides Rich Attire Jewels and other Ornaments of great value and tho the Women are barred of that Perfection of Beauty the Europeans posses yet have they many lovely and attractive Features wearing their Hair long and loose yet covered with a Veil of Calicut Lawn their Ears hung with Rings and Jewels so heavy that the weight distorts and disproportions them they have also Jewels in their Noses according to their degree and are very submissive and loving to their Husbands insomuch that they frequently leap into the Funeral Fires and perish with the dead Body in hopes to enjoy him in another World those that refuse it being looked upon worse than common Prostitutes and not only hated but severely persecuted to the hazard of a worse Death by their own Relations The Religion of the India's is mostly that of Gentilism tho Mahometism has made a considerable progress and since the Europeans have Traded here Christianity has considerably prevailed or rather revived it being held on all hands that St. Thomas the Apostle planted the Christian Religion in these parts of which upon the first Arrival of the Portugals many marks remained and in this Countrey it is held he suffered Matyrdom being run through the Body with a Spear as he was at his Devotion by the Command of an Indian King and if we take India in general it consists of a mixture of five sorts of people more especially viz. Indians Moors or Arabians Jews Tartars and European Christians who have planted divers Colonies on the Sea Coast and in the Islands strongly fortifying themselves against the Power of the Natives and other Strangers This large Countrey especially on the Continent is principally divided into India intra Gangem and India extra Gangem and then subdivided into Kingdoms and Provinces and the chief contained in the former are Narsinga Mallabar Balassia Cambaia Mandoa Bengala Ostrian Conora and Dellie and of these in their order NARSINGA lies on the East of the Golf of Bengal properly accounted a Kingdom and is 3000 miles in Compass the King whereof is not subject to the Great Mogul but for his support and the defence of his Countrey keeps 40000 Men in pay and can raise upon occasion a far greater Number the Countrey is very fruitful as being watered with many pleasant Streams besides what the Ganges contributes towards it and has for its Chief City Melleaper otherwise called St. Thomas in Memory of the Apostle said to be Martyred in it Bisnagar a Town of considerable Beauty and Trade as also Narsinga from whence the Kingdom seems to take its Name and here the Women burn themselves with their Husbands MALLABAR formerly called Aurea Chersonesus is a Countrey extreamly well peopled yielding Corn Spices Cocoes Jaceroes and although it has not above 25 Leagues of Sea Coast yet it has in its Tract the Provinces of Kanonor Calecut Cranganor Cochin and Cariolam and is of large Inland extent the people upon many parts of the Coast addicting themselves to Piracy and prove very inhospitable to Strangers eating Humane Flesh and giving their Virgins to the Priests or Strangers to be deflowred before they suffer them to be Bedded by themselves when Married with many other Barbarous Customs as their changing their Wives and their having sometimes but one between seven or eight of them BALASSIA called the Kingdom of Bocan tho but very small is nevertheless famed for the Mines of Gold and Silver found therein by which the Neighbouring Countreys are enriched having for its Chief Towns Senergian Balassia and Bocan very Fruitful in many parts and much Traded to CAMBAIA called by some Guzant is accommodated with 500 Miles of Sea Coast very Fertile and is full of Cities and Towns many of them considerably Traded to and altho Cattle of sundry kinds abound here the people are so Superstitious that they will eat no Flesh but live upon what else the Countrey affords fancying like the Pythagoreans that the Souls of Men pass into Beasts c. though they spare not to kill the Elephants for their vory and have for their Chief Sea Towns Daman Curate Bandora Ravellum and for those more inland Campanel Tanaa Mollar and Cambaia the last giving Name to the whole Kingdom MANDOA a Province very Fruitful and stored with considerable Towns and above the rest Mandoa from which it takes its name being 30 Miles in compass and said to be so well Furnished for Defence that it held out a Twelve years Siege against the Armies of very Powerful Kings Molta where the Women imitating the Men ride a stride with Boots and Spurs on c. BENGALA is a very large and no less Fruitful Kingdom lying upon the great Golf of the Sea to which it gives Name making 120 Leagues of Sea Coast watered by the River Chaberis on which are seated many considerable Inland Towns full of people but such as are exceeding Crafty and Deceitful thinking it no crime to cozen or over-reach Strangers nor the Women to prostitute their Bodies to any that will give them Money the Fathers letting the Daughters to hire for so long as is desired to do the Work at Bed and Board it being the Custom of the Countrey being a place much resorted by reason of the rich Commodities found there as Ginger Long Pepper Silks Cottons and others c. As for the Chief Cities they are Bengala scituate on the Bay or Golf Chatigan or Satigar and Gouro and in this Tract the beast called the Rhinoceros is chiefly found ORISTAN or Orixa is a Province not very large yet furnished with Rice Cloath of Cotton a fine Stuff like Silk made of Grass and there called Yeva
liberally bestowed in Marriage on sundry of the Natives And near this place is the mighty Water-fall or Cataract of the River Arenoque whose horrid noise makes the Mountains tremble which may well fit the Words of the Poet viz. Cuncta tremunt undis multo murmure Montis Spumeus invictis albescit Fluctibus amnis The Noise the Mountains shakes who roar for spite To see th' Unvanquish'd Waves clad all in White In an other part of this Province they have a strange custom with their Dead for when the Flesh is worn off the Bones by Putrefaction they hang up the Skeleton in the Chamber or House where the party died decking the Skull with Feathers of divers Colours and hanging Jewels and Plates of Gold about the Arm and Thigh Bones As for the Towns of note in this Tract they are Mano called by the Spaniards El'Dorado from the abundance of Gold and Silver Coin Armour and Utensils found there held to be the largest of all the Country though some question the Truth of this place Caripo Gomeribo Tanparanume Morequuto St. Thome and St. Joseph with some others of lesser note which they are obliged to build upon Hills Rocks or the like advantageous Places forasmuch as the Rivers yearly overflow a great part of the Country obliging the Natives to live in Trees with their Families building them Hutts in the Branches like Birds Nests PARIA another considerable Province lies on the West of Guiana divided into the lesser Countries of Cumana Venezuela St. Margaita Cubagna and some Islands and here the Nature of the Soil and People are different though in general the Country is very Pleasant being watered with the Rivers of Rio-de-Cacioas Rio-de-Neveri Cumana de Bardones and others of lesser note and has for its chief Towns Maracapana once a Spanish Garrison Venezuela New Cadiz and some others and in this Tract the Pearl Fishery is used those valuable Commodities being gotten by Diving and they bring up a Fish much like an Oyster out of the Shells of which they take the Pearls supposed to be Ingendred there by the falling of Dews when the Fish opens to receive the Air upon the Shoar and though the People in the Province of Cumana have Plenty of Fruits and Cattle with other things whereby to subsist even to Riot yet they rather chuse to feed upon Insects and Vermin as Batts Spiders Horse-leaches Worms c. each Man being allowed as many Wives as he can maintain though they never have the Maidenheads of any prostituting them the first Night to their Piacos or Priests or their appointment who for small matters turn over that Drudgery to Strangers nor do they at any time think their Guests welcome unless they will do the Office of Men to their Wives Sisters c. blackning their Teeth and Painting their Bodies of diverse Colours in this Tract are found diverse Mines of Gold some of Silver and other Minerals and here the Spaniards met with many disasters as well the Ecclesiasticks as Military being frequently expulsed or cut off by the Salvages who are in general a Stout and Warlike People and here are found the Capa a Beast the Soles of whose Feet are like a Shooe and a Hog of monstrous size with Horns like a Goat living altogether upon Ants Pismires Parrots and Batts and could I have added to this Bill of Fair Booksellers and Printers the World might have taken this Monster for a meer Robin Hog c. Cattle this Country affords in great Quantities insomuch that Instructed by the Europeans they make Butter and Cheese of their Milk in sundry places which the Natives take as the Prince of Rarities And thus much Reader may suffice for the Empires Kingdoms Provinces and States of the Universe relating to the Continent of Europe Asia Africa and America from which we proceed for the greater Satisfaction of the Curious to the Description of the Islands scattered in the several Seas attributed to the four Parts of the World and of these in their Order A Description of the Islands of Europe and their various Scituations in their sundry Seas c. Great Britain Described GREAT BRITAIN being in a manner known to most that Inhabit it may occasion some to reflect upon this brief Description as superfluous however having undertaken to omit nothing material in this great Undertaking which indeed wanted nothing but the permission of a larger Scope to render it more Illustrious we will not be wanting to give a modest Account of the Princess of Islands or Epitome of the Universe being properly and not without just Reason stiled the World Minature and in this case we must divide it into two Parts viz. England Wales c. and Scotland comprehending the Ocean Islands England described c. ENGLAND has for its Eastern boundard the German Ocean on the West the Irish Sea on the South the British Ocean and on the North parting it from Scotland the River Tweed and Solway Invironed as to the whole Island with the main Sea guarded in most parts by such Rocks as render it Inaccessible from Forreign Invaders if the Shoars be but indifferently Defended though its Walls consists in its many more Powerful and Impregnable Defendants than those of Stone which notwithstanding it had not always to defend it as appears by its becoming a Prey to the Romans its being harassed by the Picts Scots and wild Irish and the Subjection it was brought under by the Saxons Danes and Normans but at this day the often Languishing Island lifts up her head as high as the tallest of the Daughters of the Nations upon Earth As for the Soil improved by industrious hands it is in most parts exceeding Fruitful as well in Grain as Herbage Fruit Trees Rich Pastures c. as all other things necessary and conducing to the support of Life with Mines of Iron Tin ●ead c. but exceeds other Nations in the Woollen Manufacture nor is making of Stuffs Silks and other Curious Arts wanting in a great measure but more especially the Traffick abroad where for our Native Commodities we command the most valuable things in the Universe ENGLAND in particular holds from 50 to 54 degrees of North Latitude the Air Pleasant and Temperate by vicissitude of Heat and Cold as also the varying of Night and Day but more for the wholesome Laws good Constitution of the Established Government and Nature of the People whose Generosity and Valour has famed them in all parts of the known World and the whole divided into 39 Shires or Divisions viz. Middlesex Essex Kent Sussex Hampshire or the County of Southampton Surry Buckinghamshire Bedfordshire Cambridgshire Cheshire Cornwal Cumberland Darbyshire Dorsetshire Durham Glocestershire Huntingtonshire Lancashire Leicestershire Lincolnshire Northamptonshire Notinghamshire Rutlandshire Shropshire Somersetshire Wiltshire Warwickshire Westmorland Yorkshire Norfolk Northumberland Oxfordshire Staffordshire Barkshire Devonshire Hartfordshire Suffolk and Worcestershiye Herefordshire all of them extreamly replenished with Woods Parks Rivers Cities and Towns
Behold How Providence In all Affairs Governs the world Earth water Aire fire Stars Men and the Glorys of the Mighty frame Depend upon the bright Celestial Dame. A NEW DESCRIPTION OF THE WORLD OR A Compendious Treatise of the Empires Kingdoms States Provinces Countries Islands Cities and Towns of Europe Asia Africa and America In their Scituation Product Manufactures and Commodities Geographical and Historical WITH An Account of the Natures of the People in their Habits Customes Warrs Religions and Policies c. AS ALSO Of the Rarities Wonders and Curiosities of Fishes Beasts Birds Rivers Mountains Plants c. With several Remarkable Revolutions and Delightful Histories Faithfully Collected from the best Authors By S. Clark. LONDON Printed for Hen. Rhodes next Door to the Swan Tavern near Brides-Lane in Fleet-Street ●689 Licensed August the 11th 1688. THE Introduction Addressed to the READER WHEN the great and wise Creator of the Universe thought it in Eternal Wisdom convenient to build the Mansion all Creatures now inhabited he left nothing undone that might contribute to the Glory and Magnificence of so great a work and lest Mankind the top of the Creation should grow supine and neglect the filling or peopling every part of so admirable a Frame he even compelled them to do it by confounding their Language at Babel and thereby obliging them as they multiplied to scatter over the Face of the Earth that none of his wonderous works might remain obscure or unobserved to those for whose use and pleasure they were made by which means the people in sundry Tribes wandering from place to place incroaching by degrees as men began to multiply planted themselves in the most advantagious Countries every one striving for the best however through Wars Pestilence Inundations and other strange Revolutions and Accidents it is past all peradventure that the bad as well as the good found possessors as at this day Though Reader I shall not trouble you in this place with entring upon the original Peopling of Kingdoms and Countries ●s to particulars but let you know that my care has been to present you with Geographical and Historical Description of the World as it formerly stood and at present stands and though upon first thought it may seem strange that in so small a Volume so large a one can be contained yet upon perusal you will find that nothing material is omitted that can be required to render satisfaction upon this occasion insomuch that by well considering this Work a mean Capacity may suddenly know how the Worlds mighty Fabrick is disposed and soon become acquainted with every Country under Heaven enough to render him capable not only of contemplating the Goodness of the Almighty in his VVorks and Creatures but readily Discoursing even with the most knowing Travellers and without hazarding the danger of treacherous Seas Winds Robbers and a VVorld of Inconveniencies that attend an expensive search into these Affairs securely Travel in Imagination from Pole to Pole. For to be brief there is no Kingdom Province or Estate that is wittingly left out of this History or Treatise and as to what is most material the Account is considerably large wherefore recommending it to the benefit of my Country Men I remain Reader Your Friend to serve In what I may S. Clark. Of EUROPE a brief DESCRIPTION EVROPE is the least of the Four parts of the World yet nothing inferiour in Goodness to the rest in the Generosity of People Riches Worth and Vertue and exceeding them if we consider the Flourishing of the True Religion and is said to take its Name from Europa the Daughter of Agenor King of Phoenicia containing many Flourishing Kingdoms and Provinces as will appear in the sequel And is accounted in length 2800 miles In breadth 1200 bounded on the West with the main Ocean on the East with the Aegean Sea Pontus Euxinus the Fenns of Maeotis and the River Tanais from which a right Line conjecturally drawn from the Bay of Granvicus it is dis-joined from Asia In the North it is bounded with the Hyperborean Sea and on the South with the Mediterranean divided into Continent and Islands the Continent Intire and the Islands dispersed In the Greek Ionian Aegean Adriatick Mediterranean Cretan and Northern Seas divided chiefly into France Spain Italy the Alps Germany Britain Belgium Denmark Swedeland Hungary Sclavonia Russia Poland Dacia and Greece with the dispersed Islands And in Europe beside the Latin Tongue which is now rather Scholastical than National there are other diversities of Language besides the Italian and French supposed to be corruptly derived from the Latin and has been Famous by twice giving Laws to the World during the flourishing of the Greek and Roman Empires and at this day though the least of the four parts it excels in what may be called solid good the other Three c. A Queen she Reigns upheld by strictest Fate Whilst th' other Three on her as Hand-Maids wait With Tribute Glories to enrich her State. A Geographical AND Historical Description OF THE KINGDOM OF FRANCE In its Particular Countries Provinces Cities Towns c. THE Flourishing Kingdom of France being the nearest part of the Continent on which we border I have thought for the observing the most regular method to begin this History of the World with the Description of it and its appendances As for France or so much as is generally understood of it it is bounded on the East with a branch of the Alps passing between Dauphin and Peimont Switzerland Savoy some part of Germany and the Neitherlands on the West with a Branch of the Pyreenian Mountains dividing Spaine and with the Aquitane Ocean on the North with the Brittish Seas and part of Belgium and has on the South the rest of the Pyreenian Mountains and the Mediterranian Sea being in a manner Square accounted in Length from Calais to Toulon 620 Miles reckoning 73 to a Degree and in Breadth from the borders of Lorain to Brest or from Nice in Peimont to Bayon 492 Miles though of late the Teretories have been much inlarged by the new Conquests and Acquisitions but being to speak of them in the Counrries where they properly have their Scituation I willingly here omit them This Country is called by the English France by the Italians Francia and so by the Spaniards by the Germans Franckreich by the Turks Alfrangua and is the antient Gallia of Caesar and Pliny lying excellently in Compaction between the most Flourishing Kingdoms and States of Europe Scituate in the middle of the North Temperate Zone between the middle Parralells of the Fifth Clime where the longest Day is 13 Hours and the middle Parralell of the Eighth Clime where they extend to 16 Hours and a half So that the Air is very Healthful the Country every where Rich and Fertile and the People numerous as likewise the Cities and Towns no less than 4000 being reckon'd of note especially the greatest part of them and was Distinguished by four
Parts or Divisions when the Romans not without great blood-shed brought it under their Subjection viz. 1. The Narbonensis or Bracatta containing Dauphir Languedock and a part of Savoy 2. Aquitanica taking its denomination from the City Aquae Augusta and now known by that of d' Aeque containing Gascoigne Limoisin Guinne Sanctogne Querci Peregort Bourbonnois and Aurergne 3. Celtica comprehending the Provinces of Normandy Britagne Anjou Tourain Maine Labeause part of Campagne the Isles of France the Dukedom of Burgundy and the County of Lionoise 4. Belgica containing Picardy a part of Campaigne Burgundy and the Spanish Netherlands But in the time of Honorius the Emperor the Goths having over-run Spain and Italy sent their Forces to Invade the Norbonensian Gauls and having Subdued them called their Country Langue de Goth and from thence Languedock nor did they stay here but extended their Conquests to the River Ligeris now the Famous Loire founding themselves a Kingdom and making Tholouse the Regal Residence nor was it long before the Burgundiones or Burgundians who had Seated themselves in a part of the Country of Cassubii and some of the Teretories of Brandenburg joyning with the Vandles and Sweths seized upon other parts of France and grasped them with so hard a hand that they in spight of Opposition founded themselves a Kingdom called the Kingdom of Burgundy but afterward reduced to a Dukedom and now in the hands or possession of the present French King. The Kingdom of France is Hereditary to the Males but not to the Females who are disabled by the Salique Law and the Heir or Eldest Son is stiled Dauphin of France nor can the Younger Son of the King by the Law of Apennages have any part in the Government with the Elder And this Monarchy has been upheld ever since the Year 420 by the Races of Three Kings viz. the Moravinian Carolinian and Capitine in a Descent of 63 Kings and here the Christian Religion is held to be first Planted amongst the Gaules by Martialis but amongst the French or the latter setled People of the Kingdom by Remigius much latter as for the Arms Royal now boren by the Kings they are Three Flower de Luces Azure in a Field Or being a Device taken by Charles the Sixth This Kingdom is composed of Estates and Orders threefold viz. the Clergy the Nobility and the Commons and here are usually found 16 Arch-Bishops and 106 Bishops not accounting those of Arras Tournay and Perpignan 16 Abbots Heads of Orders and Congregations and about 30000 Curate-ships and not accounting other Governments there are 12 Peers chiefly appointed or ancient Peer-ships besides others of new Creation and the Order is that of the Holy Ghost There are likewise 11 Parliaments 8 Chambers of Accounts 22 Publick Places of Receipt or Generalities of the Kings Revenues The Rivers of this Kingdom are principally Four viz. the Rhone or Rosne the Loire the Garonne and the Seine who receive into them many other Rivers and wash the Walls of the chief Cities and Towns c. the first arising about 3 Miles from the head of the River Rhine the second about the Mountains of Avergne the third from the Pyreenian Hills and the Fourth has its Spring in Burgundy The Mountains of most note are those of Avergne part of the Alps and the Pyreenes on the latter of which Nature strangely expresses her self for that part of those Mountains toward rich and wealthy France are altogether barren but that towards Spain exceeding Fruitful as if it had divested it self to cloath the one and robbed the other In the Year 1614 Lovis the 13 convened the Estates of the Provinces under 12 Heads or great Governments four of which lying towards the North border upon the Seine and the other Rivers that augment its Stream viz. Picardy Normandy the Isles of France and Campaigne adjoyning towards the middle to the Loire Orlenoise Britagne Burgundy and Lionoise and the other Four towards the South near the Garonne viz. Dauphin Guienne Lauguedock and Provence and under the Orlenoise are contained Maine Perche and Beauce on the hither side of the Loire Nievernois Anjou and Touraine and above this River beyond Poctou Berrey and Burgundy hath Bresti and under Lionoise are comprehended Lionois Auvergne Burbounois and Marche under Guienne is Bearne Gascogne and Guienne Saintogne Perigort Limosin Querci and Rovergne and under Languedock is found Cevenes The chief Cities are 1. Paris situate in the Isle of France anciently called Lutetia by reason of the Clayeness of the Ground about it which for Riches Stateliness of Building the many Magnificent Pallaces and Churches that every where adorne it and the Fruitfulness of the Soil about it and number of its Inhabitants may compare with most in Europe 2. Lions or Lugdunum 3. Orleance 4. Bullogne taken by Henry the ●ighth of England 1544. 5. Amiens 6. St. Quintiens where the English Forces under the Command of the Earl of Pembrook in the Quarrel of Philip the Second of Spain overthrew the French Anno 1557. 7. Burdeaux 8. Roane or Rovenysenlis 10. Rhemes 11. Claremont 12. Tholouse 13 Calais which being taken by Edward the 3 of England remained in the hands of the English 220 Years and was lost in the reign of Queen Mary soon after the Battle of St. Quintines and the occasion as many conjecture of hastning her end she giving out That if she were opened when dead they might find Calais written on her Heart c. Many other Cities and Towns there are of note whose names for brevities sake I must omit and in general proceed to say there is no Kingdom better stored with considerable places nor more abounding in plenty of what ever may conduce to the Commodity and suport of Humane Life abounding with almost all the sundry sorts of Fruits that Europe produces as also store of River and Sea-Fish a great number of Cattle plenty of Wine Corn Salt Linnen Cloth Flax Hemp Wool Saffron Paper and many other Products and Manufactories very considerable for which the Natives c. as it were command the Commodities or ready Money of most Countries as for the Coins those chiefly in use are the Pistole of Gold and the Crown of Silver As for the people of this Kingdom they are great pretenders to Antiquity deriving their Original as to the Inhabitants of the Country from Meseck the sixt Son of Japhet though the first Inhabitants mentioned with any credit in History were the antient Gauls a people thrifty and valiant who under the leading of Bellovessus conquered the heither part of Italy called Gallia Cisalpina and soon after under the conduct of Segovesus subdued a great part of Germany nor resting there under Brennus another of their Commanders they discomfited the Roman Army and Sacked even Rome it self and so passed Conquering on into Asia where they fixed a Government calling it Gaul-Asia since corruptly Gallatia on which the Learned Dubartas discants viz. The Antient Gaul in roving
South Aragon being a Campaign Country not subject to Woods or Inclosures yet abounds with Trees in the nature of Hedg-rows considerably fruitful and has for Its chief Cities Victoria Sanguessij Viana and Pampelune Garisoned as the chief defence of the Spaniards against the Incursions of the French in time of War who 's King though wanting the Possession has the Title of that Kingdom the Revenues whereof has been estimated at One hundred Thousand Duckets Corduba is a very fruitful Province accounted and judged as it is the richest in all Spain abounding in Cordivant Skins Mallago Sherry Oranges Cattle Fish Corn great store of Fowl and has in it divers fair Cities as 1st Corduba the Principal from which it takes its Name 2d Xeres 3d. Sevil. 4th Granada 5th Mallaga 6th Almeria 7th Guadalcanal where the rich Mines are found Galicia is a Country very Mountainous many of which cannot be passed without great difficulty and others by reason of their Craggyness held not passible yet in this Province are found the Cities of Compostella the Seat of an Arch-Bishop called St. Jago in Honour of St. James the Apostle whom they impute to be buryed here Bajonna a place very pleasant for its Scituation and Corronna or Groynne This Country is held the Principal in Spain for the breed of Jennets and here is found the Promontory Nerius formerly held to be the Ne plus ultra Bisca makes a Famons Bay into the Ocean yet many times proves dangerous to Sailers and although the Country is Mountainous yet it has many pleasant Valleys and is adorned with Cities and Towns of note as St. Sebastian Tholosa Fonterabia Bilboa c. And from the Mountains of this Country the Rivers that water the greatest part of Spain have their Springs being accounted no less than One hundred and fifty and great store of Timber for Shipping is found in those parts with some Iron Mines c. Toledo a part of New Castile takes its name from the principal City scituate on the banks of Tagus or Taio exceeding pleasant and is ordinarily the Residence of the Nobility and of Merchants that Trade in these Parts being the See of an Arch-Bishop who is above the rest of the Bishops of that Kingdom his Revenue being accounted Three hundred thousand Crowns and here the Kings of the Goths and Moors held their Courts there are likewise found the Cities of Calatrava and Talboia one scituate on the Ava and the other on the Tagus Murica contains the City Murica the Town of Alicant and New Carthage being a Country very plentiful though thinly peopled and hence come the Alicant wines and curious Earthen Vessels with much fine silks Nor did the Romans in their Conquest for some time reap a less benefit than Twenty five thousand drams of Silver a week from this Country only Castile Old and New contain the Towns of Soria Segovia Valodolid Salamanca a University c. Madrid the Kings Principal Seat Alcala and Alcaltura most of them very pleasantly scituate as being posited in the heart of the Kingdom of Spain abounding with Corn Fruits and Cattle and the latter watered with the River Tagus and Ava which much inrich the Country As for Portugal it is now a separate Kingdom wherefore I intend to speak of it in its due place as more proper in a work of this Nature The Principal Rivers appropiated to Spain are the Tagus or Taio the Duero or Duerius the Guiadiana or Anas which for a good space Ingulfs it self and runs under ground giving the Spaniards Occasion to boast that they have one of the fairest Bridges in the World on which Ten thousand Cattle feed and over which an Army with extended Wings may March the other Rivers of note are Gualdahquiver and the Ebro called by Strabo Baetis and Iberus As fot the Mountains they are distinguished into six great Ridges continued knit together whereof the lesser are but parts the chief of which are the Pyreenians that extend from the Cantabrian Ocean to the Mediterranian Sea. As for the People of Spain they are swarthy of Complexion black-Hair and of a good Proportion stately in their Actions and grave of Deportment very serious in their Carriage and Offices much addicted to Religion and very Observant and Faithful to their Prince not prone to alter their Determination but patient in Adversity in War they are very Deliberate and Cautious not much regarding Arts but adict themselves much to Women and are generally very much conceited of themselves As for the Women they carry themselves very sober and discreet and are tolerably handsome Those that are marryed are in great Subjection to their Husbands and extream loving though the men are naturally Jealous In matters of Religion they are Roman Catholicks only there are some Churches of Toledo where the Mus-Arabick Office is used As for the Language it is not all the same for in some parts it has a mixture of French in others much of the Moorish and in some again the Gothish Arabick but generally and vulgarly the Old Spanish is used which has much Affinity with the Latin and as for the Civil and Imperial Laws used amongst them they are intermixed with many Customs of the Goths and the King governs his Provinces by Vice-Roys or Ministers of State and though this Couutry is not very fruitful in Corn and Cattle yet it generally abounds in Wines Oyls Sugars Rice Silk Liquoras Honey Wax Saffron Anniseeds Rosin Almonds Oranges Lemmons Cakes Soap Anchovies Soda Barrilla Shumack Wool Lamb-Skins Tobacco besides the great Treasures of Gold and Silver that comes from America from whence it is conjectured since the first discovery that above Fifteen hundred thirty six Millions of Gold has been brought into Spain As for the Buildings they are every where more solid and durable than stately and magnificent unless at Sevil in Relation to which the Spaniards usually say he that has not been at Sevil has seen no stately Building As for Apparrel they affect rather Gravity than Gaudiness and their Diet is as sparing consisting for the most part of Herbs made into Pottage with minced Meats and Salads though there is scarcely a Mechanick in any noted Town but when he goes abroad has his Cloak on and his Rapier by his side and walks in as much State as the greatest Don in the Kingdom A Description of the Kingdom of Portugal THIS Kingdom was in the time of the Roman Conquests accounted a Province of Spain but since been a Kingdom of about Five hundred years standing bounded on the North with the River Minio and Ava which parts it from Gallicia on the East with the two Castles and Estremadure on the South with Algarve and on the West with the Atlantick Ocean and was anciently called Lusitania deriving its present Name from Porto a Haven Town scituate in the mouth of the River Dueras the usual Landing place of the Gauls and thence corruptly called Portugal or the Gauls Port and is
Minor or Anatolia Asia Minor or Anatolia described in its Kingdoms and Provinces c. ASIA MINOR or Anatolia is bounded on the East with the River Euphrates on the West with the Thracian Bosphorus Propontis Hellespont and the Aegean Sea parted by them from Europe on the North with Pontus Euxinus or the Black Sea on the South by the Rhodian Lydian and Pamphilian Seas and several parts of the Mediterranean extending from 51 to 72 degrees of Longitude and from 36 to 45 degrees of Latitude and is accounted in length from the Hellespont to the Euphrates 630 Miles and in breadth from Trabezond a City so called to Sinus Issicus in Cilicia 210 and is under the middle Parallel of the Fourth to the Sixth Clime by reason of which the longest Day in the Summer Southward is but 14 Hours and a half and differs not above an Hour in the extreamest North which is longer insomuch that the Air is very Temperate and the Soil very fit for any sort of Grain or Fruit but that Husbandry is neglected by reason of its being under the Turkish Yoak though the Rich Pasture of its own accord breeds great store of Cattle and an excellent Race of Horses and here stood the Famous City of Troy so much renowned for its sustaining Ten Years Siege against the whole Power of Greece nor did this Country formerly boast of less than 4000 Cities and Towns but at this day most of them are found to be Ruined by War and Earth quakes As for the Division of this part of Asia it is properly divided into Bythinia Pontus Paphlagonia Galatia Cappadocia Armenia minor Phrygia minor Phrygia major the greater and the lesser Missias Aeolis and Ionia Lydia Caria Lycia Lycaonia Pisidia Pamphilia and what in the time it appertained to the Roman and Greek Empires were under the Province of the Rhodes and of these in their Order BITHYNIA is a very pleasant Province of Asia minor formerly called Bebrycia and afterwards Migdonia taking the present Name from one Bithynius who was King thereof when a Kingdom though 〈◊〉 will have this Name derived from Thyni a People of Thrace who Subdued and Possessed it The Country is naturally Rich on that part bordering upon the Bosphorus opposite to Constantinople which is Scituate on the European Shoar full of little rising Hills and grassy Plains and was once the Delight of such as sailed those Seas or Streights but the Turks who affect neither Art nor Sumptuousness in their Retirements or Recreation have neither Improved nor kept up the pleasant Gardens and Pallaces they found in it The Principal Towns of Bithynia are Scutari facing Constantinople Chalcedon memorable for the Fourth General Council there Assembled for the Suppression of the Nestorian Hereticks Nicomede so named from Nicomedes once King of Bithynia Libussa memorable for the Death and Sepulchre of the Famous Hannibal the Carthaginian General who fell by Poison Prusa once a considerable City and the Residence of the Turkish Kings till Mahomet the First removed to Adrianople Nice or Nicaea Scituate on the Fenns of the River Ascanius Famous for nothing more than the first General Council held there under Constantine the Great Anno 314. to Settle the Peace of the Church greatly disturbed and put out of Order by the Arian Heresie where there Assembled no more than 318 Bishops yet in such Esteem for Learning and Piety that to this Day it is highly approved by all good Men and here after the taking of Constantinople by the Latin Princes the Greek Emperor held his Residence and the Rivers of this Province are Phillis Ascamius Sangaris or Sangri but for Hills or Mountains none of note appear PONTVS or Metapontus is a Bordering Province on Bithynia has for its chief Cities Flaviopolis Claudiopolis Juliopolis Diospolis Heraclea Amastris Phillium and others formerly very famous but o● later Times not of much note and in that Part called the Eastern Pontus is Sinope pleasantly seated on a long Promontory shooting into the Main and memoralble for the Sepulchre of King Mithridates who held a Forty Years War against the Romans Themisciyra now called Fanogoria Amasia the Birth Place of Strabo the Geographer Cabira afterward called Diopolis noted for the overthrow Lucullus gave King Mithridates near it when to retard the Pursuit of his Enemies he was obliged to scatter his Treasure in the way and thereby escaped their Hands with the greatest part of his Forces As for the Rivers in these Parts or any other Division of Pontus they are not except Thermodon on whose Banks the Amazonians formerly Inhabited of any considerable note PAPHLAGONIA though a Country of little compass yet once was the chief Seat of a Powerful People but ruined by Cyrus for their Assisting the Lydians against him and the Principal Cities were Gangra now memorable for nothing more than the Council held there in the Year 339. Conica or Coniata Pompeiopolis Germanopolis Xoana and Andrapa and from this Country the Venetians had their Original as sprung from a People called Heneti antiently Inhabiting a part of it and as the rest the Soil is very Fruitful in places where it is Manured The Inhabitants are a mixture of Greeks and Turks with some Christians and Jews amongst them but not very many nor have they any considerable Traffick at Sea which renders the Province poor GALATIA deriving its Name from the Gauls when they over-ran these Parts who called it Gaul-Asia and corruptly Galatia it was likewise called Gallo-Graecia from the mixture of Galls and Grecians and here to this day the Antient Language of 〈◊〉 Galls is much spoken or at least mixed with that of the Greek This Country above what we have mentioned is very plentiful in Fruits and other things necessary for the Support of Man-kind and in this part only is the Amethist that great Preservative against Drunkenness found and here the People of Old had the Vanity to throw Written Papers into the Funeral Fires of their Friends as conceiting they would read them in the other World and thereby know the Sorrow they made for their Departure and were so much given to Sacrifices that it is Noted by Athenaeus how a Rich Galatian for the space of a Year Feasted the whole Province with the Flesh of such Beasts as were ordained for Sacrifices To perswade them from which and confirm them in a more Glorious Religion St Paul Wrote his Epistle to this People As for Rivers of note there are none that rise in this Country however it is supplyed with refreshing Streams from Halys and Sangarius The chief Cities are An●yrana now called Angauri Olenus Agriama Tavium or Tanium Androssi● Fabarena Thermae and Talachbacora there are likewise sundry lesser Towns and Villages but of no Note CAPPADOCIA is on the East of Galatia and is a Country abounding with Wine and sundry kinds of curious Fruits many Mines of Brass Iron Silver and other Minerals in the Mountains and other Parts as also store of Allom
his Business SYRO-PHAENICIA is a third Provinc● of this Kingdom and has for its chief Cities and Towns Aleppo a considerable Mart Town though not bordering on the Sea but standing within the Land for hither the Merchants of Egypt Arabi● and Persia come over Land with their Camels Laden with Silks Cloth of Gold and Silver Drugs Spices c. Biblis Tripolis a place taken and possessed by the Western Christians in their Expedition to the Holy Land and is a very considerable Sea-Port Town Fortified with a strong Wall and many Towns and has many Store-houses for the Accommodation of Merchants and that part of the Mountain Libanus that stretches upon it like a Curtain abounds with Fruit Trees Vines and Trees harbouring abundance of Silk Worms but of this Country Antiochia is accounted the Metropolis and not far from it is the River Orontes which beginning in Coelo-Syria ingulfs it self and riseth near Apamea watering Antiochia and passing thence 16 Miles falls into the Mediterranean Sea and from hence come the greatest part of our Tapistry Hangings The Building in this Country and indeed in all Syria is one high Roof with a plain Top Plaistered or Terrassed to walk on the Plat-form and Arched Cloisters before the Doors so that People may walk dry in the Streets in all Weathers As for Religion they are as the first a mixture c. A Description of the Land of PALESTINE PALESTINE is bounded with the Hills of Hermon on the East parted by them from Coelo-Syria and Arabia Deserta on the West with the Mediterranean Sea and some part of Phaenicia on the North with Ante-Libanus and the remaining part of Phaenicia on the South with Arabia the Stony called Palestine from the Philistines a People that Inhabit it but it is not conjectured they held any more than a part of it but being very Powerful gave a general Name to this Country as the Asiaticks usually call the Europeans Franks from France which is only a small part of it however we will take it as formerly it stood viz. its Division into Galilea Judea Idumea and Samaria accounted 200 Miles in Length though not above 50 in Breadth possessed by the Tribes of Israel as the Land Promised to Abraham c. GALILEA is accounted the most Northern Part of Palestine being divided into the higher and lower the first allotted to the Tribes of Napthali Asher and part of the Tribe of Dan is a pleasant Country abounding with all manner of Fruits and Exuberant that for its Plenty this Conjunct with the rest was called a Land flowing with Milk and Honey the chief Cities being Apheck whose Wall falling slew 27000 of Benhadad's Soldiers Giscala the Birth-place of Jehu who Slew Joram his Master and took upon him the Kingdom here is likewise found Capernaum where our Blessed Saviour healed the Centurions Servant and Fed 3000 with 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes not far from it Ribla where Unfortunate King Zedekiah after he had seen the slaughter of his Children had his Eyes put out and to these we may add Genesareth Hamath and Ramath As for the lower Galilea it contained the Tribes of Zebulon and Issachar and the first of these had for their chief Cities Cana where our Blessed Saviour wrought his first Miracle Bethsaida the Birth place of St. Peter St. Andrew and St. Philip. Hippopolis Tiberias on the Sea Coast and some other Towns of lesser note as Nazareth and Bethulia here is likewise found the Mount Tabor on which our Lord was Transfigured as a manifestation of his Glory as also the Brook Kishon out of which flows the Famous River bearing that Name The principal places appertaining to the Tribe of Issachar were Tarichea on the side of the Lake about Eight miles from Tiberias and was so stoutly defended against Vespatian that it cost him the Lives of 1200 men before he made himself Master of it Chishon a City of the Levites Rameth called also Jarmouth another City of the Levites where the Hills of Gilboa take their beginning and pass Westward to the Mediterranean and East to Jezreel En-haddad near which Saul being discomfited by the Philistins slew himself in dispair Nai● on the Banks of the River Kison where our blessed Saviour raised the Widows Son to Life and on the Banks of the same River standeth Haphraim or Aphraim Endor the place where Saul consulted the Witch about the raising Samuel Deborath one of the Cities of Refuge Arbela c. And although these Tribes are held to be carried away by Salmanasser and the Galileans placed in their stead yet they were strict Complyers with the Jewish Ceremonies and Customs and so zealously affected that neither Threats nor Force could oblige them to offer Sacrifice to the Health of the Roman Emperors SAMARIA The Country taking its name from the chief City is bounded on the East with the River Jordan on the West with the Miditerranean Sea on the North with Galilee and on the South with Judea And gives in all parts a curious Prospect of pleasant Fields and Valleys with little rising Hills from whence issue refreshing Streams and is every scattered over with Fountains affording abundance of Grass and consequently a great number of Cattle and the People were for the most part Assyrians sent thither by that Conquering King to supply the places of the Captive Israelites and were Gentiles at first till better instructed by the Lyons God sent amongst them and afterward by the Priest who returned with the Five Books of Moses and taught them the manner of the God of the Land 2 Kings 17. However they frequently relapsed and forsook their living Strength as may be seen in Holy Writ and this Province upon its being first possessed by the Children of Israel was allotted to the Tribe of Ephraim and the two half Tribes of Manasses the one seated on the Mediterranean and the other beyond Jordan In the half Tribe of Manasses on the Mediterranean the chief Cities were found to be Bethsan Terza Acrabata Thebes Ephra or Hophra Asophon Bezek Jezreel Megiddo Dora or Dor Caesarea and others many of them memorable in Scripture upon sundry occasions The Tribe of Ephraim had for their chief Cities or most considerable places Saron on the Mediterranean Lydda Ajalon or Helon a City of the Levites Thenath-Chares given to Josuah Adasa or Adarsa where Judas Macchabeus overthrew with 3000 men the vast Army of Nicanor Jefleti or Pelethi giving name to the Pelethites that were of David's Guard Silo scituate on the top of a lofty Mountain and the receptacle of the Ark till taken by the Philistines Michmas Najoth Bethoron the City of the Levites Pirhathon Simor and Samaria the Metropolis of the Kingdom of Israel founded by Omri one of their Kings on the top of the Mountain Samron taking thence its name overlooking the Sea-coast and was very stately and magnificent vying with Jerusalem but much impaired by the Wars that have frequently happened and at this day scarce to be
second Division of Turcomania on the North of Armenia is Inhabited by a rude uncivillized people however the soil is fertile producing naturally much plenty and the Vines of their own accord twist themselves about Trees creeping up into the spreading Branches and affording much Wine but that which in Antient times rendred it most memorable was the abundance of Gold found in the Sands of the Rivers issuing from the Mount Caucasus for which Jason made his Expedition and thereby gave the occasion of the Fable of the Golden Fleece there were likewise found divers Veins of Silver in the Mountains though at present for want of working or being exhausted the People deficient in Coin are obliged to Barter Goods for such things as their necessities require however they are much given to Riot and Excess nor do they refuse to prostitute their Wives and Sisters to the pleasure of their guests upon any slight Entertainment as not thinking they can be otherways sufficiently welcom nor do the Women refuse a complyance And here the chief Cities are or were Dioscurias Sibaris once the Royal Seat of the Colchine Kings Siganeam Aeopolis Neapolis Phasis from whence the Phesants were first brought into Europe by the Greeks Alvati Mechlessus Zadris and Sirace though at present none of them considerable however the Christian Religion continues here though the Turks have possessed themselves of the Country IBERIA takes its name from the River Iberius running through it though lately the name is changed to Georgia as some will have it from St. George the Capadocian Martyr who first planted or at least greatly improved the Christian Religion amongst them The Country is Mountainous Woody and a great part of it covered with Snow three quarters of the year so that the Soil not being very fruitful the people addict themselves much to War so that for a long time they lived in freedom under their own Princes till the Persian War at what time they partly by force and partly by submission became Tributary to the Ottoman Emperors so that it contains not any Cities of note however amongst them are reckoned Artaxissa Vasada Lubium and Armastica so named by P●olomy though at present Cremen and Cachet are in most esteem and to keep the people in aw the Turks have fortified many places and amongst others the strong Castle of Teflis the Key of Media now called Servan Garrisoned with 6000 men and has in it besides other Ammunition 100 pieces of Ordnance ALBANIA in Asia distinct from that in Europe East of Iberia is accounted to be first peopled by Gether Son of Aram and Nephew of Japhet and rested out of the way of War till the Romans time when siding with Tigranes King of Armenia Major and Mithridates King of Pontus they were brought under subjection by Pompey The Soil of this Country is very rich in many parts as being watered with the Rivers Saonia Cyrus Gerrus and Albania and on the latter is seated a City of that name the chief of the Province here are likewise found Chabala Thelbis Getara Namechiae and Telebae The chief commodities are Corn Cattle Wine and some Manufactures and has over it a Turkish Bassa and from these Countries the Turks are held on all hands to descend as in the History of that people appears more at large Media and Persia described in their respective Provinces c. MEDIA the first that occurs in order is bounded on the West with Armenia Major and some part of Assyria on the East with Parthia and some part of Hyrcania and the Provinces of Persia on the North with the Caspian Sea and Georgia and on the South with other parts of Persia held to take its name from Madai the Son of Japhet who first planted it though at this day it is called by the Turks in whose possession the greatest part of it is Sheirvan or Servan the word in their Language signifying a Milky plain alluding thereby to the great plenty of the Country and is of large extent once famous for a warlike people that over-run the greatest part of the East yet this Country like all others differs in degree of fertility for although the South part is exceeding fruitful yet the North part lying between Mount Taurus and the Hyrcanian Sea is very barren insomuch that the people make their Bread of dryed Almonds and their drink of the Juice of certain Herbs no Fruit trees flourishing there nor any considerable quantity of Corn. As for the Kingdom of Media we may properly divide it into two Provinces viz. Atropatia and Media Major the first of these contains the northern parts of the country and is held to be that where Salmanasser the Assyrian King placed the Israelites whom he carryed into Captivity and is watered by the River Gonza and had for its chief Cities or Towns Hamadum Gonzavia Mandagarsis Gelin Bochu Ere 's Sumachia or Shamaki the last built by Cyrus the Persian and much Illustrated by others and in it as a Monument stands a Pillar Interwoven with the Heads of Noble men all of Flint curiously wrought c. This Province is very Mountainous as having the Spurs of the Taurus branching out and the body of the Mountain it self c. MEDIA-MAJOR on the South of Mount Taurus is a very pleasant Country yielding Corn and Wine in abundance with many pleasant Fruits and good Pastures watered every where with fresh streams so that Cattle especially Horses encrease in great numbers the men being generally expert Riders and much redoubted in War. The chief Cities that were here found are the great E●batana to which Semir amis took such a liking that she caused for its better Accommodation water courses to be cut through the Mountain Orontes reckoned to be in compass 24 Italian miles and fortified with a Wall of 70 Cubits high 50 broad with 100 Gates and Towers built over them of smooth stone and had formerly six lesser Walls though now little of it remains Taurus a City pleasantly scituate under the shadow of Orontes opening to a curious fertile Plain on the South once a place of great Trading but having been often ruined by the Turks in their Wars with the Persians it has lost much of its former splendor Arsacia built by some of the Parthian Kings in their Conquest of this Country Casbin scituate in an open Plain on the Banks of a small River but of no considerable Trade though the Persian Sophies have a Pallace in it Rages Nassivan Ardovile Sultania Turcoman and Marant The Christian Religion is held to be first planted here by St. Thomas and though it was not Universally Embraced yet it flourished till Mahometism was introduced more by the power of the Sword than the Peoples Inclination Persia Described PERSIA has for its Eastern boundard India for the Western Media Assyria and Chaldaea the Northern Tartary and the Southern the main Ocean so named if you will credit the Story from Perseus Son to Jupiter and Danae
Long Pepper Ginger Mirabolans and other Commodities So that from the Haven of Orissa 25 or 30 Ships have been laden with the Commodities of this Province in a Season and here the people differ from the foregoing as being very honest and just in their Dealings and has for its Chief City Raman where the Governour for the Mogul resides CANORA is a Kingdom of considerable strength and largeness but famed for nothing more than the Quarries of Adamant where likewise Diamonds of Considerable Value are found and that none may purloyn them a Wall is drawn about the Hill and a Guard set upon the Gates As for the chief Cities or Towns they are Lispeo Dangar and Vltabat with some other of lesser note DELLIE is accounted as the former a Kingdom the Prince or rather Governour of it living in great State and is so highly Reverenced by his Subjects that they not only kneel when he passes in a Rich Chair of State carried on Mens Shoulders but upon Notice given that he shaves his Beard or has his Hair Cut a Jubile is kept throughout his Countrey As for the Soil it is not very Fruitful as lying considerably Northward and more subject to Frosts than the rest It s Chief City is Dellie from whence the Kingdom takes its Name besides which there are of note Fremel Fultaber and Besmer and these People above other Indians addict themselves much to the study of Magick In this Tract of Intra Gangem are found the Provinces of Cochin where the Portugals hold a considerable Trade and have some Collonies Cranganor a small Kingdom mostly inhabited by such as stile themselves the Christians of St. Thomas and is very plentiful as well in Product as Manufacture Conlam is a small Dominion of about 80 Miles extent Governed by a Petty King but for want of good Havens or Sea-coast not much Traded to though it comprehends Three and twenty Walled Towns. India Extra Gangem IN this part of India are found divers Rich Countreys viz. ARACHAN an Inland Region invironed with Mountains and Woods yet exceeding Fruitful and in it are gathered from the Rough Rocks c. great quantities of Precious Stones as for the Chief City it is Arachan MACHIN a little Kingdom wherein grows the Wood Aloes much esteemed and valued and has Machin for its Chief City CAMBOIA a large Countrey full of People abounding with Elephants and Rhinocerots also with Gold Silver and Aloes and other Commodities of considerable value put to Sale in Camboia its Chief City COCHIN China a Countrey once belonging to the Chinese but now under the Mogul Governed by his Deputed King abounding with Porcelain Aloes Silks Gold Silver c. having its Chief City of the same Name BRAMA once a Kingdom of no account but now by the Conquests the Kings have made it has under its power Cal●● P●o●a Melinta M●a●da Decan Tangu Ava Machin Aracan Odia Pegu Siam and others so that it is the most powerful in this Tract and the City of Pegu is the Royal Residence of that King. SIAM once a powerful Kingdom the King thereof styling himself Mighty but now as before intimated it is Tributary to the King of Brama and is however a very Fertil Countrey having Malucca for its Chief City possessed by the Portugals and much Traded to by other Nations for Spices PEGV was formerly so powerful that the Kings thereof have brought Armies of 11 and 900000 men into the Field extending their Conquests very wide but now the good Fortune of the Bramanian holds it in subjection These are the places of chief Note upon the Continent however there are found in this large Tract the Provinces or Kingdoms of Dulsinda Pengab Agra Sanga Camboia Decan Botanter Patanaw and Jangoma many of them very spacious abounding with Fruits Cattle Minerals Precious Stones and the like This Countrey rarely failing any where to produce something worthy of Note The Principal Rivers are Ganges Indus and Hydaspes the first in such esteem with the Natives that they come many miles on Pilgrimage to it Superstitiously imagining that if they drink the Water of this River before they die they shall undoubtedly possess their Imagined Felicity in another World and in the last are found a great number of Precious Stones washed from the Rocks and Mountains by the sudden Showers and to these Streams above 40 considerable Rivers contribute fatning and enriching the Soil in every part where they flow As for Mountains of note except some Branches of Ta●rus there are but few A Geographical and Historical Description OF AFRICA In its Kingdoms and Provinces c. AFRICA larger than Europe but less than Asia is bounded on the East with the Red Sea and Arabian Bay parted by them from Asia on the West with the Main Atlantick Ocean separating it from America on the North with the Mediterranean Sea dividing it from Europe and Anatolia and on the South with the Aethiopick Ocean separating it from the Southern Continent and joyns only to Asia by an Isthmus of 60 Miles over which Cleopatra the Queen of Aegypt when she fled with Antony from the Naval Fight at Actium purposed to draw by main force her Ships and Galleys into the Red Sea but was disswaded from it by being put in hopes of a better Fortune AFRICA is held to have taken its name from Affro or Apher descended from Abraham and is properly held to contain Six principal Regions besides other of lesser note viz. Barbary Egypt Numidia Sarra the Countrey of the Negro's and the Dominions of Prestor John and is in form like a Pyramid reversed the Basis of which from Tangier to the Straights of Gibralter to the Point where it joyneth to Asia is counted 1920 Italian Miles the Cone of it very narrow but to reckon from the Cone or Pyris to the Northern parts of the Basis it extendeth it self 4155 Miles and is scituate for the most part under the Torrid Zone being crossed by the Equator almost in the midst which made some of the Ancient Writers conceive it not habitable by reason of the excessive Heat in the middle and more southern parts in which they deceived themselves for altho in some places it is full of Sandy Desarts yet the greatest part of those Regions that lie near or under the Line are furnished with so many Fountains Rivers and little Brooks Cedars and other lofty Trees casting a large Shade as well as bearing delicate Fruits and at all times stored with Blossoms that the place is not despicable but much to be desired and especially places more Northward but leaving it in general we proceed for the better satisfaction of the Reader to particulars A Description of Egypt c. EGYPT once a Famous and Flourishing Kingdom now in the hand of the Turks is bounded on the East with Idumaea and the Arabian Bay on the West with Numidia Barbary and part of Lybia on the North with the Mediterranean Sea and on the South with
of Note insomuch that of considerable Rivers there are found 352 and on them 847 Bridges of Note Cities 25 Market Towns 588 Parishes 8760 Arch-Bishopricks 2 Bishopricks 23. Forrests 61 Parks 752 Chaces 12 and had before the grand unnatural Rebellion 134 Castles but during that tedious VVar many of them were demolished the whole Countrey consisting of pleasant Valleys moderately rising Hills flourishing Fields and Medows that it may suffice to live upon its own plenty without the help or assistance of any other Nation and for stately Buildings and many other Curiosities too many to be contained in a much larger Volume if no other Countreys were spoken of We must wave them seeing we are at home and suffer the Experience of the knowing Reader to supply the omission WALES is properly a part of England but seeing it is generally divided or accounted a Principality c. we think it not amiss to speak of it by it self viz. This Countrey is from East to West about a 100 Miles and from North to South 120 and in it are found 965 Parishes 55 Market Towns 4 Bishopricks 67 Castles 230 Rivers 99 Bridges of note 28 Parks 6 Forrests and 1 Chase and is divided into the Shires of Brecknock Anglesey Cardigan Carmaerthen Carnarvan Denbigh Flint Radnor Glamorgan Merioneth Montgomery Pembrook and Monmouth containing both North and South Wales stretching into the Sea like a large Promontory Fruitful in many places where the Mountains raise not their Heads especially the Isle of Anglesey which of it self is held sufficient to feed the whole Countrey for its store of Cattle and abundance of Corn this Countrey yielding sundry Commodious Harbours and Landing Places commercing at once with England and Ireland and has for its Chief Towns Radnor Carnarvan Brecon St. Davids Cardriff Carmaerthen and Monmouth most of them very pleasantly seated and of considerable Trade the Natives very Industrious and much given to Labour Frugal and for the most part Thrifty nor may we spare to sum up these two Countreys so mostly distinguished in the Epitome of the Poet viz. For Mountains Bridges Rivers Churches fair Women and Wooll they both are past compare SCOTLAND is the next considerable part that compacts the British Empire or Kingdom of Great Britain separated from it only by the Tweed and Solway and the Hills extending from one to the other and is held to be 406 Miles in Length tho in Breadth not proportionable being in some parts but 60 from Sea to Sea divided properly into two parts by the River Tay viz. South and North the former Division being both Fruitful and Populous and again sub-divided into the Counties of Merch Tevi tdale Lothian Liddesdale Eskedale Annandale Niddesdale Galloway Carrick Kyle Cunningham Arran Cliddesdale Lennox Sterling Fife Stratherne Menteith Argile Cantire Lorn all comprehended in South Scotland Loquabrea Braidalbin Perth Athole Angus Merns Mar Buquhan Murrey Rosse Southerland Cathaness and Strathavern North Scotland and in this Kingdom are found Two Arch-bishopricks viz. St. Andrews and Glascow under whom are Eleven Suffragan Bishops and here the Chief City is Edenburg a City principally composed of one large Street about a Mile in length of very good Building the rest less considerable tho throughout the whole Kingdom are many fair Cities Towns and Villages The Principal Islands lying upon the coast of Great Britain and Subject to it are the Islands of Wight Man Anglesey Jersey Guernsey the Orcades or Isles of Orkney 30 in Number the Chief of which are Pomania Hethy and Sheathland all very Fruitful abounding with Cattle and Corn The Hebrides 40 in number but many of them rather Rocks than Islands the Chief being Illa and Jona the ancient Burying place of the Scottish Kings Mulla where the Redshanks Inhabited once so frightful to the English The Sorlings containing 145 Islands but none of note except Armath Sansod and Scilly after the name of which the rest are called for the most part some others there are on this Coast but scarcely worth noting as yielding little Trade or Commodity IRELAND a Kingdom in Subjection to Britain by right of Conquest separate from England only by a tempestuous Sea of about a days Sail and is as all other Islands of note scituate in the Ocean or invironed with Sea c. containing in Length 400 and in Breadth 200 miles and especially divided into four Provinces viz. 1. Munster divided again into the Counties of Limrick Kery Cork Waterford Desmond and Holy Cross in Tipperary 2 Lemster again divided into the Counties of the East and West Meaths Kilkenny Caterlough Kings County Queens County Kildare Weixford Dublin and Wicklock 3. Connaught divided into the Counties of Clare Thumond Galloway Majo Slego Letrim and Roscommon 4. Vlster divided into the Counties of Tyrconnel or Dunhal Tyrone the upper and nether Fermanagh Cavan or Cravan Monaghan Colrane Antrim Down Armagh and Lough And of this Kingdom the chief City is Dublin mostly inhabited by the English pleasantly seated and very commodious for Trade which renders it the chief Seat of Justice and a Bishops See besides which are Waterford Tredagh Limrick Armagh and others of lesser note The Country is in many parts very fruitful but being incumbred with Hills and Boggs a great deal of it lies waste and the more for the sluggishness of the Natives who agree not with Labour though otherwise Sharp and Crafty hardy of Temper and Living upon slender Fare however the Rivers abound with Fish especially Salmon and the Hills and Valleys with Cattle insomuch that a Cow or a Horse may be purchased at about half a piece of our Money and one thing remarkable here is that no poisonous Creature can sive upon this Coast and of such force is even the Wood brought from Ireland into England and other Countries that no Spider will fasten a Cob-web on it The Isle of Oleron is scituate against the French Province of Xaintoigne South of the Isle of Rhee famous for the Maritime Laws established here by Richard King of England tho for nothing more than the quantities of Salt sent hence into France and other parts RHEE or REE is a pleasant Island about 10 English Miles in length and 5 in bredth and has in it the Towns of La Butte de Mont St. John de Mont St. Hillary and St. Martins famous for the defence the Protestants made here against the power of France but fatal to the English in their attempt to rescue them ALDERNY is an Island distant about 6 miles from Cape Hagge in Normandy very Rockey and hard of access and not exceeding 8 miles in compass consists but of one considerable Town called from the name of the Haven Lacrab it not containing above 100 Families nor is the Island of any considerable Trade The SARK is an Island about 6 Miles in compass not much distant from the former and is subject to it being of little Trade or Moment and these being all of note in the Neighbouring Seas we
Mud drew down Which parted by the Inter-running Seas Made as thou seest the five Echinades And indeed they are rather Rocks or hardened Earth than any Island of note and so we leave them CEPHALONIA is in Circumference about 156 Miles and contrary to the Echinades very Fruitful as yielding Figgs Olives Rasins Currants Hony Sweet Water Mulberries Pine Date Malvasi Muscadel Vino Leatico Wooll Cheese Turkeys Drugs and Dyes besides Cattle Corn and Rich Pastures and has for its chief Towns held under the Venetians Guiscardo Nolo and Argostoli Inhabited by Greeks and Venetians the people Civil and very honest Dealers CORFV is another Island in the Ionian Sea 44 Miles in Length and 24 in Breadth taking its name from the City of Corfu seated at the foot of a large Mountain on which to strengthen it tho strong in it self are two Fortresses but chiefly out of the natural Rock and tho the Southern part of this Island be mountainous and subject to hot Blasts yet the whole in general produces Corn Oranges Lemons Pomegranets Fig Trees Olives Wax Honey some Drugs and many other pleasant Fruits tho it has not in it any Rivers of note ITHACA is a small Island giving a name to Vlysses who was born there tho now it has lost its own name and is called Val de Campare in compass not above 56 Miles and of little note unless for the Reception of Pyrats that haunt this Sea. St. MAVRO formerly called Leucadia is a small Island inhabited mostly by Jews formerly the Venetians but taken from them by the Turks and altho at present it is not much set by yet formerly was it of such esteem that the Inhabitants cut an Isthmus of Two Miles breadth that joyned it to the Continent and was famous for the Temple of Apollo seated in it from the top of which those that leaped into the Sea were held to be cured of extravagant Love better believed than experienced Of the Adriatick Sea and the Islands therein THe Adriatick Sea is that at the bottom of which the City of Venice is seated it being accounted 700 Miles in Length and 104 in Breadth and has in it these Isles viz. MESINA an Island about 150 Miles in Circumference yielding considerable Plenty and has only a strong Fortress for its Defence the Towns being mostly unwalled and but indifferently stored with Houses or Inhabitants LISSA or Clissa is another of the Adriatick Islands 20 Miles over and 60 in Circumference very Fruitful and in Subjection to the Venetians who only defend the Sea Ports and by that means hold the rest in Subjection CVRZOLA a place not exceeding 60 Miles in Circumference yet of great moment to the Venetians in rendring them Wood sufficient to build their Ships and Galleys having the Chief Town of the same name with the Island defended by Two strong Fortresses Commanded by a Governour revoked or changed yearly and altho the Island it self affords no extraordinary Merchandise yet it lies Commodious for Ships Trading in those parts The Mediterranean Sea Considered together with the Islands therein THe Mediteranean Sea is so called from its Midland Scituation as being environed with the Earth c. and in it are found these Islands of Note viz. SICILY about 700 Miles in Circumference famed throughout the World for its Fertility producing Oyl Corn Wine Rice Sugar Alloms Salts Fruits Mettals Corral and of Cattle such abundance that it feeds not only it self but a great part of Italy and other Neighbouring Countries and was accounted the Granary of ancient Rome nor can the New well subsist without its supplies And here is found the Flaming Mount Aetna which frequently has such horrible Eruptions that it not only sends Stones and Cinders with Fire into the Air an incredible height which scatter over many parts of the Countrey but to the great Misfortune of the Inhabitants and many times to the overthrow of Towns and Cities emitteth streams of Liquid Fire or melted Minerals which have been known to run in a Fiery Torrent a mile into the Sea before the Waves could extinguish them and here the Chief Cities are Mesina and Syracuse and the whole Countrey at present is under the King of Spain tho formerly it was an entire Kingdom Governed by a King of its own the Kings of Sicily lately stiling themselves Kings of Jerusalem and the people are much of the nature of those in Italy from which the Island is divided by a small Arm of the Sea only MALTA anciently Melita the Landing Place of St. Paul in his way to Rome when the Viper clave to his hand and he shook it into the Fire is a fair Island tho but little in Compass yielding store of Oranges Lemons Figgs Citrons Cottoons Pomgranats and many other delicious Fruits but is so unhappy to be mostly deficient in Wine and Corn by which it is supplied from Sicily and other parts however it is one of the Chief Sea Fortresses or Bulwarks of Christendom against the Turks Commanded by an Order of Knights called the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem tho vulgarly termed or named the Knights of Malta the whole Territory being 10 Leagues in Length and 4 in Breadth yet contains 60 Villages and 4 principal Cities the Chief Valet a strong and well Fortified City wherein the great Master of the Order has his Palace and the Knights their Chambers as also a Tower from whence a Prospect may be taken of the whole Island CORSICA Scituate over against Genoa being 325 Miles in Circumference and of a very Fruitful Product yielding Corn Wine Figgs Raisins and Hony and has in it Iron Mines Mines of Allom and other Minerals and has for its chief Cities Bastia pleasantly seated on the North East part of the Island on a commodious Haven Mara Gallera St. Florence St. Boniface and some others of lesser note and is under the Government of Genoa and affords a Beast rarely found but in this Island called Mufoli with a Skin like a Deer but harder by many Degrees and Horns like a Ram and here are bred an Excellent Race of good Horses and is an Island much noted for its good Havens upon the Account of the Reception for Shipping Trading in the Mediterranean SARDINIA is another Island of this Tract not above 7 Miles distant from the former though much larger as not held to be less than 560 Miles in compass abounding with Corn and Fruit as being but little troubled with Hills and though the Soil is Rich yet no Poisonous nor Offensive thing is found in the Island having for its principal Cities Coliaris well Inhabited and Fortified seated upon a good Haven being an Arch-Bishops See Reparata Bossa and Aquilastra and in the whole Island are two other Arch-Bishops and 15 Suffraga● Bishops the People throughout this Island demeaning themselves courteous to Strangers and are very just in their dealings The Baleares are sundry Islands found in this Sea and the greatest of these are Majorca and Minorca