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A20217 The ruine of Rome: or An exposition vpon the whole Reuelation Wherein is plainly shewed and proued, that the popish religion, together with all the power and authoritie of Rome, shall ebbe and decay still more and more throughout all the churches of Europe, and come to an vtter ouerthrow euen in this life before the end of the world. Written especially for the comfort of Protestants, and the daunting of papists, seminary priests, Iesuites, and all that cursed rabble. Published by Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South-Shoobery in Essex. Dent, Arthur, d. 1607.; Culverwell, Ezekiel, 1553 or 4-1631. 1603 (1603) STC 6640; ESTC S117456 184,102 332

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plainly appeare By the tenne hornes of this beast is meant the great power and large dominion of the Roman Empire or as the Angell himselfe doth expound it chapter 17.12 thereby is meant tenne kings that is manie kingdomes which should be subiect to the Roman Monarchie and wherein in verie deede the power and strength of the Empire did consist For by these hornes the Roman Empire did not only push downe other nations but especially dosse against the Church and as it were cruelly gore the sides thereof Nowe then we see that the Roman Emperours both in homes and heads were like their Father the diuel or the dragon By the tenne crownes vpon his tenne hornes are meant his great and manifolde victories ouer other countries and kingdomes The hornes of this beast are said to be crowned not his heads because the Roman Empire hath alwayes more preuailed by power then by policie by strength then by subtilty But the Dragon hath his heads crowned and not his homes because he hath alwayes done more hurt by policie then power by subtiltie then strength One thing in all this is greatly to bee heeded that the holy Ghost in this chapter doth specially speake of the Roman monarchie as the Popes were heads thereof or as it was vnder the dominion of the Popes in their pride when as the Emperours were almost troden vnder foote and not simply and soly as the Emperours were heads thereof Moreouer it is said that vpon the seuen heads of this beast was written the name of blasphemie For besides the blasphemies of Caligula Nero Domitian Dioclesian Iulianus and the other old heathenish and persecuting Emperours which haue arrogated vnto themselues diuine honour wee shall anon heare of the surpassing blasphemies of the Popes against God ver 5.6 and all goodnesse vers 2 And the Beast which I saw was like a Leopard and his feete like a Beares and his mouth as the mouth of a Lyon and the Dragon gaue him his power his throne and great authoritie Here the Roman Empire is described of the likelihood of qualities which it had with the other three Empires going before it For first it is compared to a Leopard for swiftnesse to pray vpon others and also for fircenesse and subtiltie as did the Greeke monarchie Secondly it is compared to a Beare for rapine and rauening as the monarchie of the Medes and Persians Thirdly it is compared to a Lyon for pride and insolencie as the monarchie of the Chaldaeans So then by this description it is verie cleere that this beast signifieth the Roman monarchie because it containeth in it the whole power of the other three Empires and is here described as a compound of diuers beasts yea as a verie monster of monsters hauing the body of a Leopard the feete of a Beare and the mouth of a Lyon Moreouer it is said that the Dragon gaue him his power and his throne and great authoritie Which plainely sheweth that the power and authoritie of the Roman Empire is of the diuell in respect of the euill qualitie thereof that is fraud rapine chapter 17. v. 8. and oppression In which respect it is said to ascend out of the bottomlesse pit as was declared before But the substance of it and the gouernement it selfe was of God For the powers that be are ordained of God as saith the Apostle And I saw one of his heads vers 3 as it were wounded vnto death but his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondred and followed the beast Heere Iohn in a vision seeth one of the seuen heads of the beast almost wounded vnto death There bee diuers and differing opinions of the learned touching this wound of the Empire both when it should bee and howe and by whom Some vnderstand it of the death of Iulius Caesar some of Nero some of the oppression of the Gothes and Vandales some of the great preuailing of Iohn Husse and Ierome of Prage in the greatest part of Bohemia But to let all these passe if wee do wisely consider and weigh with our selues that by a beast in this place is not meant anie lawfull administration of gouernement but a tyrannicall power in persecuting the Church wee shall find that a head of the beast was then wounded when Constantine the Great slew Maxentius and Licinius the two last persecuting Emperours set vp true religion and brought peace to the Churches For hereby the Roman Empire was greatly wounded as touching the tyrannie of it The holy Ghost doth not set downe which of the seuen heads were thus wounded but in generall saith one of them Nowe it is verie probable that he meaneth the sixt head For we doe not reade of anie such wound in the former fiue which were past Neither can it be vnderstood of the seuenth head which was the Papacie because it receiued no such wounde as yet It followeth then that the wound was in the sixt head that is in the Empire But we reade of no Emperour that did so wound the beast as did Constantine the Great And therefore it is verie probable nay an hundred to one that the holy Ghost here pointeth at him But it followeth that his deadly wound was healed to wit by these wicked Emperours which succeeded Constantine as Constantius Iulianus Valentius and others which afresh did set vp Idolatrie and persecuted the Church Nowe vppon the healing of this wound it is said that all the world wondred and followed the beast that is manie nations or the greatest part of the world did submit themselues to the Roman tyrannie For sure it is some kingdomes were neuer subiect to the Empire of Rome as some part of Asia and some part of Africa vers 4 And they worshipped the Dragon which gaue power vnto the beast and they worshipped the beast saying Who is like vnto the beast who is able to warre with him Now is shewed how all the subiects of the Roman Empire did worship the Dragon that is they maintained that worship which he liked and loued that is the worship of idols which the Apostle calleth the worship of diuels And it is said also they worshipped the beast that is they did all with one accord submit themselues both to the religion and authoritie of the beast that is to the Popes as they were the seuenth head of the Empire For as I said before so I say againe the holy Ghost heere speaketh of the Empire when it was in the greatest glorie and exaltation yea when all the worlde wondred and followed the beast yea when all admired the great and large dominion of the Roman empire and said within themselues who is like vnto the beast who is able to warre with him Now the Empire of Rome was neuer so great and powerful as when the Popes were heads thereof I meane when they executed the whole ciuill iurisdiction of the empire besides their Ecclesiasticall power which now did both meete in one For now the
pleasure so much giue yee to her torment and sorrow And therfore I affirme that no man ought to be moued with any compassion or pittie for the ouerthrow of Rome But heerein that saying of the Prophet is true Blessed is hee that taketh and dasheth her children against the stones and againe bend thy bow shoot at her spare no arrowes For she hath sinned against the Lord. Moreouer wee are to obserue that forasmuch as the Lord willeth commandeth all men to reward Rome as shee hath rewarded vs to giue her double according to her works therefore wee ought euery one of vs as much as in him lieth and as his calling will beare to doe his vttermost to pull downe Rome the Magistrate by the sword the Minister by the word and the people by their prayers For euen Christian kings and princes and all the nobles of the earth must not bee negligent to fight against Rome For heerein that saying is true Cursed is hee that doth the worke of the Lord negligently and cursed is hee that keepeth backe his sword from bloud For this cause I doe vpon my knees night and day most humbly and instantly intreate the God of heauen that as hee hath put into the heart of our most gratious and excellent Queene to hate the whore of Babylon and to be his greatest instrument in the whole world for the weakening and ouerturning of Rome and defence of his most glorious gospell which is her crowne and glory in all the Chuches and her great renowne in all Christian kingdomes so shee may constantly continue and neuer cease drawing out the sword of Iustice till she haue vtterly rooted out of her dominions all the cursed crew of popish Iebusits and all such as haue receiued the beasts marke and especially the Iesuits and seminary priests which are the diuels brokers the popes agents and the king of Spaines factors in all kingdomes Here also I doe most humbly euen vpon my knees with dropping eies yea if it were possible with teares of bloud beseech and intreate the learned and reuerend fathers of our Church that they would bend all their power and authoritie with might and maine against the Romish strumpet and the rather because in these dayes shee seemeth to make a head againe hauing so many and great fauourers that shee and her complices dare perke with their nebbs and very boldly and confidently prate of a tolleration Heere also I doe most humbly and earnestly intreate all my learned and godly brethren the ministers and preachers of this Church of England that in all their publike teachings and priuate proceedings they would make strong opposition against Rome and Romish religion And I beseech the God of Gods that wee may all ioyne together with vnited forces to march on valiantly against the armies of Antichrist and to spread the euerlasting Gospell far and neere to the vtter ouerturning and beating downe of this westerne Babylon and that howsoeuer wee may amongst our selues differ in iudgement in some things yet that there may bee no breach of loue or alienation of affections amongst vs but that wee may all goe together hand in hand and arme in arme to preach Gods euerlasting truth and to set our selues against the common aduersaries For if wee will not set our selues against them yet they will be sure to set themselues against vs. And thus much concerning the third maine point which is the finall fall of Rome euen in this world Now it followeth to speake of the fourth maine point which is by whom and when Rome shall bee ouerthrowen But for the better vnderstanding of this point concerning the persons that shall ouerthrow Rome wee are to obserue that S. Iohn describeth the whore of Babylon sitting vpon a scarlet coloured beast hauing seauen heads and tenne hornes whereby is meant the Romane monarchie as hath beene shewed before After this the Angell expoundeth vnto Iohn what the heads and hornes of the beast meane and saith that the ten hornes are ten kings or ten kingdomes ver 12 which yet haue not receiued a kingdome but shall receiue power as kings at one houre with the beast The sense is that these tenne kingdomes had not receiued such power and authoritie vnder the Emperours as they should vnder the Popes for there was great difference in these kingdomes vnder the Popes from that which they had beene vnder the Emperours For they receiued far greater power and they carried an other minde toward the papacy then the nations did before toward the empire for they did submit themselues to the papacy for conscience and loue euen as to the holy Church which they neuer did to the Empire And this is the reason why the holy ghost saith they had not receiued a kingdome but should receiue power as kings at one houre with the beast Which is not to be vnderstood simply but after a sort for they had receiued kingdomes vnder the Emperors but not in such sort as afterward they did vnder the Popes For the Romane monarchie vnder the dominion of the Popes was in his greatest height and altitude and the kings of Europe grew vp together with the papacie in power might and dominion And S. Iohn addeth that these ten kings or kingdomes were all of one minde and did giue their power and authoritie vnto the beast that is they did with might and maine labour to vphold the Babylonicall strumpet But the Angell telleth Iohn flatly that the ten hornes that is the ten kingdomes of the empire which before had giuen their names their power and authoritie to the beast to vphold her and defend her should now in these last daies all change their mindes and turne against her For saith the Angell to Iohn chapter 17.36 The ten hornes which thou sawest vpon the beast are they that shall hate the whore and make her desolate and naked and shall eate her flesh and burne her with fire Heere then it doth plainely appeare who they bee that shall ouerthrow Rome and by whom it shall bee destroyed To wit by the tenne kings of Europe or kingdomes of Europe which some very learned doe reckon vp to bee these England Scotland Germany France Spaine Denmarke Sweueland Poland Russia and Hungary S. Iohn words are plaine that these kingdomes which tooke part with the beast shall take against her pull her downe But we know that all the kingdomes of Europe did take part vvith her therefore it followeth that all the kingdomes of Europe shall take against her And therefore it is very probable that in time France Spaine and Italy shall turne against the beast Wee know that the rest of the kingdomes are already turned against the beast and the beast hath lost seuen of his hornes the eight which is France beginneth to be somewhat loose and to shake a little which if it fall off the rest will follow after a pace The reson why the kingdomes which were subiect
Papacie was aloft and the Roman Empire ioyned with it so that the eyes of the world were dazeled with the pompe and magnificence thereof and they said What is like vnto it or who is comparable to the Pope the seuenth head thereof For then the blinde worlde thought that the power of the Popes was not onely aboue all things in this world but also did reach euen vnto heauen and hell For they imagined that the Pope might carie to heauen whom hee would and whom he would he might cast downe to hell and therefore who could warre with the beast And thus wee see the reason of their wonderment and of their speech All stories and experience it selfe doe shew that there was neuer anie power in the world so wondred at as the vsurped power and maiestie of the Pope after he came to bee the head of the Roman monarchie For then the world supposed that hee had power euen as God and that he might depose and set vp kings and Emperours at his pleasure Then it is cleere that vnder the dominion of the Popes Rome hath beene in her highest exaltation and glorie For the Papacie was the seuenth head of the beast whereby the whoore of Babylon was supported in her most magnificall pompe and pride vers 5 And there was giuen vnto him a mouth that spake great things and blasphemies and power was giuen vnto him to do 42. moneths ver 6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwel in heauen Here are set down the proud and blasphemous speeches both of the old and new Romane Empire and of the old and new Romane Emperours For this beast as I said before comprehendeth al the Roman Empire both vnder the Heathen Emperours and the Popes Touching the great things and blasphemies which the old persecuting Emperours haue belched out against the God of heauē it wold require a volume to set them downe in particulars I wil therfore only mention two or three for exampels sake As first that of Caius Caligula which would haue his image set vp in temples to be worshipped as God and that the people should sweare by his name Nero also did openly blaspheme the name of Christ and required diuine honour to be giuen vnto him Domitian commanded that he should be called God and Lord. Many others required the like things and so al the world woondred and worshipped this blasphemous beast Now as the sixt head which was the old empire of Rome was ful of the names of blasphemy so the seuenth head which is the new Empire vnder the dominion of the Popes which he here chiefely speaketh of did most of al blaspheme For the Pope did challenge vnto himselfe al power both in heauen and earth he would be worshipped as God he vsurped authority ouer the worde of God he did take vpon him to forgiue sinnes He did most blasphemously incroach vpon all the offices of Christ as king priest prophet He hath commāded the Angels He hath erected blasphemous images and caused pictures to be made of the Godhead He boasteth and craketh great things of his Papal power of Peters keies of Peters chaire of Peters succession of his miracles of his two swords and of his manifold praerogatiues roial One of the Popes poisoned his God another cast his God into the fire another would eate his peacocke in despite of God Some of thē counted the religiō of Christ a tale or a fable some drank to the diuel some said they could doe as much as God It were infinit to set downe al their blasphemies for it is saide of the whoore of Babylon that she was full of the names of blasphemy Let this suffice for the vnderstanding of this text that as the olde heathenish Emperours did blaspheme so the Popes being heades of the Empire did most of al blaspheme And as it is here said they did not only blaspheme the name of God but also did open their black and blasphemous mouthes against his tabernacle that is his church calling it a cōpany of heretickes schismatickes apostataes and such like and also against them that dwell in heauen that is the spirits of iust and perfect men which are in heauē as Luther Caluin Melancthon and such like Moreouer it is to be noted that this mouth was giuen vnto this monstrous beast thus to blaspheme and speake great things But this is to be vnderstood that it was giuen in the wrath and iust iudgement of God vpō the world to plague them withal because they regarded not the knowledg of the truth But it is added that this power of the beast thus to worke his actions was limited vnto 42. monethes so that although he rule and rage for a time yet shal he not long continue ver 7 And it was giuen vnto him to make war with the Saints and to ouer come them and power was giuen vnto him ouer euery kindred and tongue and nation ver 8 Therefore all that dwell vpon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the booke of life of the Lambe which was slaine from the beginning of the world These two verses do set forth the great power which was giuen vnto this beast both in fighting against Gods people and also ouercomming of them and murdering of them by heapes As we reade of thousands murdered in the first ten great persecutions and ten thousands by the Popes since they came to exercise the ciuill authority and iurisdiction of the Romane Empire and that in al countries and kingdomes of Europe as it is here said that power was giuē vnto him ouer euery kindred and tongue and nation And it is added that all that dwell vpon the earth that is al the subiects of the Roman monarchy shal worship the beast and make a God of him as we read they haue don And the chiefe motiue therof was his blasphemous mouth boasting threatning great things if any did withstand him and also his mighty power and authority whereby he bare downe al before him For if any did but mute against him he was sure to smart for it And thus through his tyrannicall power he subdued al nations vnder him and made them stoupe and fal downe and worship him But it followeth that for al this none of Gods elect did worship him or submit themselues to his religion and authority but only those that dwell vpon the earth that is earthly men as papists atheists and reprobates and al such whose names are not written in the booke of life Christ is called the Lambe slaine from the beginning of the world because the sauing power of his death was from the beginning to all beleeuers although hee was not actually exhibited vntil the fulnesse of time Yf any man haue an eare let him heare Yf any lead into captiuity he shall goe into captiuity ver 9 ver 10 yf any kill with a sword he must be killed by a
to the Romane empire are compared to hornes is because that as hornes are the strength defence of a beast wherewith also hee pusheth downe other creatures so the strength and defence of the Romane empire and the papacie was in the kingdomes which were subiect vnto them and tooke part with them whereby also they did mightily push at other nations and kingdomes Moreouer wee are to obserue that whereas S. Iohn saith the same hornes which did vphold and defend the whore shall pull hir downe it is not to be vnderstood of the same men but of their successors in the same kingdomes For the kings of England Scotland Denmarke Polonia and other countries which gaue their power and authoritie vnto the beast are dead and gone If vvee respect the persons of the men and those which succeed them novv in these kingdomes and pull downe the whore are other persons but because they succeed gouerne in these kingdomes they are said to bee those ten hornes of the beast Then thus it is these ten kings which novv hate the harlot are called the ten hornes of the beast not because they bee any defence and strength vnto him but because they sit vpon the same thrones of their auncestors which did vphold and maintaine him But this one thing is very cleare and apparant out of the interpretation of the Angell that the same kingdomes which haue maintained Popery shall put it downe as we see alredy fulfilled in England Scotland Denmarke the rest which haue embraced the Gospell And it is very likely that the other kingdomes which as yet haue not embraced the Gospell shall Gods good time embrace it For this seemeth vnto mee to bee a very good argument taken from the words of the interpreting Angel Those tenne kingdomes which haue vpheld Rome shall pull downe Rome but France Spaine and Italy haue vpheld and doe vphold Rome Therefore France Spaine and Italy shall pull downe Rome To this may be added for confirmation that the euerlasting Gospell shal be preached in these last dayes to euery nation and kindred and tongue and people Which I vnderstand of all the nations of Europe which were subiect to the Romane Empire and the Papacie And further that the holy ghost saith that the preachers of the Gospell from Luthers time shall publish Gods truth among people and nations and tongues and many kings which I vnderstand as before I am not ignorant that some good diuines make it doubtfull whether Rome shal be ouerthrowne by the Kings of Europe onely or by the Turke also and the kings of the East For mine owne part I dare not resolutely determine of it being a thing to come but the euent shall declare and they that liue shall one day see it It may be the Turke and the Easterne princes may haue some hand in this businesse For the Romane Monarchie did stretch far that way whē it was in his highest eleuation But that which is alledged of the drying vp of the waters of Euphrates that the way of the Kings of the East might be prepared Proueth nothing because it is an allusion to Darius and Cyrus which were kings of the East and tooke old Babylon by drying vp the vvaters of Euphrates and leading ouer their armies as we haue heard before I doe thus then resolue and conclude that the Turke and the Easterne Kings may happely haue some stroke in this work But it seemeth most probable vnto mee that the kings of Europe shal be the greatest agents in this action For the vvords are plaine that the Kings of the earth vvhich sometimes were subiect to that monstrous beast should now at last shake of the yoke of her seruitude and vvithdraw the obedience of their subiects from her chapter 17.16 And should hate and abhorre the harlot of Rome and should make her desolate By vvithdrawing their subiects from her obedience and naked by spoiling her of her treasures and shall eate her flesh and teare her in peeces for pure hatred and burne her with fire that is bring her to vtter destruction So that she vvhich beefore at her pleasure might commaund all Princes to beegin vvarre to cease from vvarre to defend her quarrells and to annoy her enemies now is glad to flatter a few seduced Princes to take her part that shee bee not vtterly forsaken of all men Or else to practise by treason and treacherie subborning the Iesuits those rogues and vagabonds to stir vp tumults among the people and to trouble godly estates and commonwealthes that despise her dominion but assuredly vvithout all hope euer to recouer her auncient tyrannie But heere it may bee obiected that the preaching of the gospell is the greatest and strongest meanes to ouerthrovv Babylon And therefore hovv can it bee done by the Christian princes I answere that it is true indeede that of all other meanes the gospell is the strongest but the thing is this First the gospell beeing set abroach shall detect and discouer the vvhore of Rome and all her abhominable doctrine and filthinesse which the Christian princes espying shall renounce her make vvar vpon her and slay in the field thousand thousands of her souldiers as vvee haue heard before And hitherto concerning the persons that shall ouerthrovv Rome Novv it followeth to speake of the time vvhen it shall bee destroyed Which of all the rest is a thing most hard to bee decided For the holy ghost faith why should not the times hee hid of the Almightie So as they which know him should not forsee the times appointed of him And againe the words are closed and sealed vp vntill the time determined And againe it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father hath put in his owne power Yet euen in this point I vvill by Gods asistance set downe so much as is reuealed and so much as God hath giuen me to see First I doe confesse that God in his vvord hath set downe the iust period and precise determination of all the greatest afflictions persecutions that euer came to his Church before the comming of his Son in the flesh for the comfort thereof as that of Egipt after the expiration of foure hundred and thirtie yeeres that of Babylon after the date of seuentie yeeres that of the Medes Persians after the determination of an hundred thirtie yeeres that of Alexanders state after sixe yeeres that of Magog and Egipt after 294 yeeres So likewise that of Christs death and resurrection after seauentie seauens or seauentie weekes which make 490 yeeres as the Angell Gabriell foretold vnto the prophet Daniell But concerning the iust period and precise determination of the persecutions of the Church since Christ by the Romane Empire and the papacy we find not the like set downe heere of there may be two reasons yeelded First because the Church of the Iewes were not vnder so cleere and pretious promises as
of a Chrysoprasus the eleauenth of a Iacinth the twelft of an Ametheist And the twelue gates were twelue pearles ver 21 and euery gate is of one pearle and the street of the citie is pure gold as shining glasse As we haue heard of the forme of this goodly citie so now wee are to heare of the matter of it that is to say of what stuffe it is made First S. Iohn telleth vs that the whole Citie is of most pure and glittering gold like vnto glasse and that the wall was of Iasper most greene and flourishing and also that the very foundation of the wall was beautified and adorned with twelue sundry kindes of pretious stones which hee reckoneth vp We count it a great matter heere below to compasse and close in our houses with a wall of bricke and none can do it but men of place but alas what is that to his wall what is bricke to precious stones pibbles to pearle But S. Iohn addeth that the gates were of pearle and the streete of the citie of pure gold Oh how braue how beautifull how glorious how glittering how gorgeous how admirable a citie is this for if the gates be of pearle the streets of gold then what are the inner roomes what are the dining chambers and what are the lodging roomes But heere we may not grossely imagine that the kingdome of God is of such mettall and matter inded as is heere described But the holy ghost would giue vs some tast of it and after a sort shadow out vnto vs vnder these things vvhich are in most pretious accompt amongst men vvhat the glory and excellencie of the immortall kingdome is For otherwise there is no comparison betwixt gold pearle and pretious stones and those heauenly inuisible immortall things which vve looke for and hope for thorough Christ vvhich in very deed are so great so glorious and so vnconceiuable that gold pearle pretious stones are scant so much as any shew shadow or resemblāce thereof ver 22 And I saw no Temple therein for the Lord God almightie and the Lamb are the Temple of it ver 23 And this Citie hath no need of the Sunne neither of the Moone to shine in it for the glory of God did light it and the Lamb is the light of it ver 24 And the people which are saued shall walke in the light of it and the kings of the earth shall bring their honor glory vnto it ver 25 And the gates of it shall not be shut by day for there shal be no night there ver 26 And the glory and honour of the Gentiles shal be brought vnto it ver 27 And there shall into it no vncleane thing neither whatsoeuer worketh abhomination or lies But they which are written in the Lambs booke of life In this new Ierusalem there is no Temple as was in the olde Ierusalem For there shal be no neede of any no neede of doctrine of Sacraments of prayer as in the olde Temple wherein the law was taught sacraments administred sacrifices offered and many other rites and ceremonies obserued But Saint Iohn saith that now God and Christ shal be all in all They shal be the Temple of this most holy Citie And all they elect shall fully know them and dwell with them for euer And as this Citie hath no neede of any Temple so hath it no neede of any light either of Sunne or Moone For the glory of God and the brightnesse of the Lamb doe light it for euer vvhose incomprehensible brightnesse doth as far excell the brightnesse of the Sunne and Moone as they doe excell a little candle at noone day But it may be demaunded vvho shall dwell in this so glorious a Citie and in this so great a light Saint Iohn answereth that the people that are saued shall walke in it that is all the Israell of God all true beleeuers vvhich are happy that euer they vvere borne that they may come to the possession of such a kingdome as is heere described For Saint Iohn saith that the resplendent brightnesse of this Citie is so great that euen the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honour vnto it And also that the glory and honour of the Gentiles shal be brought vnto it Oh how vnspeakeable is the glory of this citie that Kings shall throw downe their Crownes and Scepters beefore it counting all theyr pomp and glory but as dust in respect of it And the magnificence and pomp of all the potentates of the earth shall heere bee laide downe And albeit none of the kings and nobles of the gentiles might bee admitted into the old Ierusalem yet all of the gentiles that beleue shall be admitted into this new Ierusalem made free denisons therof for euer And although the gates of this citie alwaies stand open both night and day as not fearing any danger of enemies yet no vncleane thing shall enter into it but onely they which are written in the Lambs booke of life Thus wee see how gloriously the holy ghost hath described vnto vs this citie of the Saints and habitation of the iust for euermore He must needes bee a very blocke that is not moued with the consideration of this endlesse felicitie For this citie is described vnto vs in so glorious admirable a manner to bring vs into loue with it and to worke in vs an vnquencheable thirst desire after it Oh therefore let vs spend many thoughts vpon it let vs enter into deepe meditations of the inestimable glory of it let vs long till wee come to the fingering and possession of it euen as the heire longeth till hee come to the possession of his lands Let vs thinke euery day tenne and euery yeere twenty till wee bee in possession let vs with the Apostle sigh and grone desiring to be clothed with our house which is from heauen let vs in the meane time cast away all things that may hinder vs in our christian course let vs shake off euery burden and run with patience the race that is set before vs let vs as they which prooue masteries abstaine from all lets and hinderances And sith wee striue so exceedingly for a corruptible crowne how much more ought wee for an vncorruptible For what paines what cost what labour can bee inough for a kingdome let vs therefore striue and straine to get into this golden citie where streets walles gates and all is gold all is pearle yea where pearle is but as mire and durt and nothing worth Oh what fooles are they which depriue themselues willingly of this endlesse glory for a few stinking lusts Oh what mad men are they which bereaue themselues of a roome in this citie of pearle for a few carnall pleasures and delights Oh what bedlames and straught beasts are they which shut themselues out of these euerlasting habitations for a little transitorie pelfe Oh what intollerable sots and fops are all such as will
to passe nor fulfilled and therfore more hard for them to interprete and vnderstand for those things in this Prophesie which are not yet fulfilled are hardest for vs of this age to vnderstand and resolue of But when a Prophesie is fulfilled it is an easie matter to say this was the meaning of the Prophet Some things in this booke were fulfilled before the daies of the Fathers and some thinges in the daies wherein they liued and both those they did clearely vnderstand Some things were fulfilled after their daies as the rising and raigning of the great Antichrist which they did not so clearly see into Hereupon it commeth to passe that many things which vnto them were very obscure are vnto vs most cleare manifest as being already fulfilled insomuch that all which are not wilfully blinded may see and vnderstand them yea the most vnlearned Be not therefore discouraged gentle Reader at the darknesse difficultie of this booke Doe not preiudicially resolue and set downe with thy selfe that the naturall sense of this booke cannot be giuē nor the true meaning found out but that we must be faine when we haue done all that we can to rest in vncertaine coniectures some following one sense and some an other as seemeth most like and probable But no man can say confidently and precisely this is the meaning of the holy Ghost Oh be not of that minde good Christian brother for if we haue not an vndoubted certainty for the sense meaning of this Prophesie we are neuer the nearer and that is it which the Papists would driue vs vnto But know for a certainty that the naturall sense of this booke is to be found out as well as of other bookes of the Scripture And that we might not be left to our selues in the darke and to our vncertaine coniectures and doubtfull interpretations Behold the mercifull goodnesse of God to his Church who himselfe doth expound the darkest and most misticall things in this Prophesie or at least so many of them and so far as the rest are thereby laid open and made manifest The Lord himselfe expoundeth some things in the first Chapter which giue cleare light to the first vision The Angell expoundeth diuers other things In the 17. Chapter which is the key of this prophesie the Angel doth of purpose open and interpret all the greatest doubts of this booke as who is the Whore of Babylon who is the beast what be his seuen heads what be his 10. hornes what be the waters which the woman that is the Whore of Rome sitteth vpon Moreouer for the better vnderstanding of this Prophesie we must note that the writings of Moyses and the Prophets vnto which there bee sundry allusions and from the which sundry things are drawne do cleare diuers things in this Reuelation The knowledge of antiquities ministreth much aide to the vnderstanding of this Prophesie The knowledge of the histories of the Church and the particular state thereof in diuers ages bringeth great light The obseruation of the phrases and maner of speech vsed by the old Prophets doth helpe also not a little The serious and deepe weighing of all the circumstances of the text conferring one thing with another the cōsequents with the antecedents the antecedents with the consequēts furthereth greatly for the bolting out of the true natural sense And furthermore as the spirit of God is the author of this prophesie so the same spirit is the best interpreter of it doth opē and reueale it to all such as vsing al other good meanes are earnest and humble suters vnto God for the illumination thereof whereby they may vnderstand both this and all other the mysteries of his will which the Apostle saith God hath reuealed vnto vs by his spirit For the spirit searcheth all things yea the deepe things of God To all this may be added the knowledge of artes tongues and the learned writings and interpretations of sundry excellent men which all do bring great furtherance to the vnderstanding of this Prophesie Sith then there be so many helpes for the opening and expounding of this Reuelation why should any be discouraged from the reading and study thereof But if any man demaund a reason why Saint Iohn writeth this Reuelation in such misticall and allegoricall maner I answere that there may be diuers reasons yeelded hereof First that the world being blinded might fulfill the things herein specified Secondly because Iohn was to publish this Reuelation in such maner and forme as he had receiued it from Iesus Christ which was figuratiue and allegoricall Thirdly because it was much more wisedome to foretel the destructiō of the Romaine Empire which al that time bare the sway almost ouer all the world vnder couert and figuratiue speeches then in plaine tearmes least the Romaine Princes should rage more against the Christians euen in that respect The like also may be said for Daniels darke maner of deliuering his Prophesie For if he had vttered those things in plaine tearmes which he spake darkely and allegorically it might haue cost him his life For the heathen enemies would neuer haue endured to heare that all their Empires glory and renowne should fall one after another and one by another and that the Iewes were the onely holy people whome God did defend and to whome in the ende God would not onely giue a quiet possession of their owne land and kingdome but also a kingdome euerlasting that through their Messias and great deliuerer But to grow to a conclusion gentle Reader thou shalt find in this poore trauell First an exposition of the first 13. Chapters after thou shalt find the next 6. Chapters vnto the twentith reduced all to one head which is to proue the 5. points propounded and last of all the 3. Chapters following briefely and plainely expounded If any through lazinesse will not or through want of leisure cannot read ouer this short trauel yet for his cōfort let him read those things only which are written vpō the 14. Chapter And thus Christian Reader hoping that thou wilt not neglect that which may be for thine owne good I commēd thee to God to the word of his grace which is able to build further and to giue thee an inheritance among all them that are sanctified Thine in the Lord Arthur Dent. Vpon the 14. Chapter of this Booke these fiue points are handled First that Babylon in this Booke of the Reuelation is Rome Secondly that Rome shall fall and how Thirdly that Rome shall fall finally and come to vtter desolation in this life before the last iudgement Fourthly by whom and when it shall be ouerthrowne Fiftly the causes of the vtter ruine and ouerthrow thereof Apoc. 18. vers 4. I heard a voice from heauen say Goe out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sinnes and that ye receiue not of her plagues THE RVINE OF Rome or an Exposition vpon the Reuelation Wherein is plainly
and by the vertue of his Propheticall office the whole will of God is made knowne vnto vs. For God hath sent him as the great Prophet to instruct the world in righteousnesse and hath reuealed himselfe to vs in him and therefore hee is called the Image of the inuisible God the brightnesse of his glorie and the ingrauen forme of his person And therefore hee said to Philip Hee that hath seene mee hath seene my Father also And if you had knowne mee you should haue knowne my Father also And againe No man knoweth the Father but the Sonne and hee to whom the Sonne will reueale him Thus then wee see that Iesus Christ is that faithfull witnesse and Prince of Prophets in whom the will of God and all the counsels of his Father are reuealed vnto vs. The manner of Iohns calling to receiue this Prophesie is set downe in these wordes vers 9 I Iohn euen your brother and companion in tribulation and in the kingdome and patience of Iesus Christ was in the I le of Pathmos for the word of God and for the witnessing of Iesus Christ vers 10 And I was rauished in the spirit on the Lords day and heard behinde mee a great voice as it had bene of a trumpet saying I am Alpha and Omega vers 11 that first and that last and that which thou seest write in a booke and send it vnto the seuen Churches which are in Asia c. Now out of these three verses fiue things are to be obserued First that Iohn is commaunded by the voice of Christ which he heard behinde him as loude as a Trumpet to write and record the visions which he sawe and being so written and recorded to commend them to all the Churches for the common benefite and vse thereof So that herein Iohn doth nothing of himselfe nothing of his owne braine but all things by special warrant and authoritie from Iesus Christ that Alpha and Omega which doth call him and authorize him to this great businesse which now he is set about Secondly Iohns rauishment in spirit to the ende he might be made more capable of all these heauenly visions which were shewed vnto him Thirdly his great humiliation whereby also hee was fitted to receiue and vnderstand these great mysteries For God will guide the meeke in iudgement and teach the humble his wayes yea his secrets are with them that feare him Therefore although Iohn was a great Apostle and had seene wonderfull visions yet hee is not thereby puft vp with pride and conceit of himselfe but in the greatest humiliation of his soule calleth himselfe a brother and companion of all the faithfull vers 9 but specially of such as patiently suffer for Iesus Christ and his kingdome Fourthly the time when Iohn was called which was the Lords day Fiftly and lastly the place where he was called which was the I le of Pathmos as formerly hath bene shewed The description of Christ the person that calleth Iohn to this new office is set downe in the next fiue verses following wherein the excellent glorie of Christes person is described vers 13 First from the place where Christ did appeare vnto him Secondly from the seuerall parts and members of his royall person vers 14.15 vers 16 Thirdly from his prouident care ouer his true ministers and all his faithfull people Touching the place where Christe in a vision did appeare to Iohn hee saith it was in the middest of the seuen golden Candlestickes For saith hee I turned backe to see the voyce that spake with mee and when I was turned I sawe seuen golden Candlestickes and in the middest of the seuen Candlestickes one like the sonne of man c. The 7. vers 12 vers 13 golden Candlesticks are interpreted by Christ himselfe in the last verse of this Chapter to be the seuen Churches The Churches are saide to be of golde because Christ delighteth in them as much as we do in golde he valueth euery true member thereof as we do golde for euery beleeuer is all glorious within euery true Christian is faire and beautifull euery regenerate man is all as golde euen as most pure golde It is said afterward that Christ walketh in the midst of these seuen golden Candlestickes that is he is alwaies present with his Church to feed it gouerne it defend it comfort it The Prophet saith that Christ hath seuē eies which goe through the whole world whereby is signified his watchfull prouidence for his Church for hee is alwaies looking out for the good of it to defend and protect it against all aduersary power whatsoeuer Which thing was figured in the Rammes skinnes Badgers skinnes wherewithall the Arke was couered to defend it against all violence of winde and weather Euen so the mercifull protection of Christ is as it were the continuall couering of his Church As touching the parts and members of his royall person hee is described of his head and haire vers 13.14.15 of his face of his eyes of his voice of his feete of his garments and of his girdle As concerning his head and haire they are said to be as white as wooll and as snowe vers 14 which signifie his great wisedom knowledge to performe all things in his Church for wisedome and knowledge for the most part do accompany white heads and gray haires His face shineth as the Sunne in his strength Which signifieth that Christ is the same to his Church that the Sunne is to the world For as the Sunne lighteneth the whole worlde with his brightnesse So Christ with the brightnesse of his face lighteneth his whole Church His eyes are like a flame of fire that is exceeding bright and piercing into all places yea the very harts of men for nothing is hid frō his sight with whom we haue to do He hath Egles eyes to foresee all dangers intended and plotted against his Church that he may in due time preuent them His voice is compared to the sounde of many waters because it should sounde throughout all the world by the preaching of the Gospell Waters is expounded Chapter 17. verse 15. of multitudes nations and tongues Christs voice therefore is like many waters because his voice should goe through many countries and kingdomes His feete are compared to fine brasse to signifie both the perfectiō of all his waies and also his mightie power to treade downe all his enemies He is cloathed with a garment downe to the ground to signifie that he walketh as King and Priest in the midst of the seuen golden candlestickes For Kings and Priests in olde time did weare long garments specially in the execution of their offices He is girded about the pappes with a golden girdle for as Kings and Priests did gird their garments close vnto them least otherwise they might be hindred in the execution of their offices So Christ girdeth himselfe close to his businesse for he is no idle beholder of the
sword Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints Here is shewed that the things spoken of this great beast are very secret and mystical and can be vnderstood of none but those onely whose eares and eies God openeth to heare see and vnderstand that is the very elect of God as for al papists and worldlings their eares eies are sealed and shut vp they cannot vnderstand them but doe stil worship the beast ascribing vnto him diuine power and honor In the 10. verse the iudgement and vengeance of God is denounced against the Romane monarchie both former and latter which as it hath long oppressed the church with cruel bondage and drawne thousands into perpetual captiuity so it selfe also should be cast downe with al the adherents thereof both in this life and that which is to come For as the Romane Empire did tyrannise ouer the world and led millions into spirituall captiuity and bondage so here it is auouched that according to the iust lawe of quittance it selfe should be brought to the same lore And as this beast had murdered many by the sword so he him selfe must be murdered by the sword also As the Apostle saith God is iust and therefore will recompense tribulation to them that trouble his Church Now al this seemeth vnto me to be a cleere prophecy of the fal and final destruction of the Romane Empire which indeede considering the pitch that it was at may seeme a thing strange and incredible and therefore the Holy-ghost stirreth vs vp to attention in the ninth verse as to a thing of great woonderment and admiration for if the Romane monarchie fall the Papacy must of necessity fal with it For the Romane Empire is that beast chapter 17. verse 3. which beareth vp the whoore of Babylon as appeareth in the 17. Chapter of this prophecy where we shal God willing plainely and at large heare of the ioint destruction of them both together It is added Heere is the patience and faith of the Saints That is here is required great patience of al Gods children to waite and carry til the performance and accomplishment of those things and also faith and ful assurance to beleeue that they shal in Gods appointed time come to passe For few doo beleeue these things and therfore wait not with patience for the accomplishment thereof And I beheld another beast comming out of the earth ver 11 which had two hornes like the Lamb but he spake like the dragon Hauing described the first beast which is the Roman Empire now the Holy-ghost commeth to describe the second beast which is the Papacy or the kingdome of the great Antichrist for although hee bee described before in regard of his monarchy that is the ciuill iurisdiction which hee exercised as he was the seuenth head of the beast and head of the Empire yet here he is described after another sort that is according to his ecclesiastical authority and therfore he is called another beast or a beast differing from the former in that he exerciseth an other power besides the power of the heathen Emperours of Rome which is his spirituall iurisdiction in which respect he is called the false prophet This second beast riseth out of the earth as the former rose out of the sea then it appeareth that Antichrist is by his breed a sonne of the earth obscurely borne by little and little creeping vp out of his abiect estate as did the Turke It is here most truly said that the kingdome of Antichrist ariseth out of the earth is the very breed of the earth for assuredly it neuer came from heauen It was first hatched out of couetuousnesse ambition pride murders treasons poisonings sorceries enchantments and such like For al stories do shew that from these roots the Papacy grew to his exceeding height and altitude This second beast hath two hornes like the Lambe Whereby is meant his ciuil and ecclesiastical power or his kingdome and Priesthood which he falsly pretendeth to come from the Lamb and therefore he giueth in his armes two keies and hath two swords carried before him So Boniface the eight shewed himselfe one day in apparrel as a Pope and the next day in armour as the Emperour and the two hornes in the Popes miter are signes hereof But the Holy-ghost here telleth vs that these two hornes are not the hornes of the Lambe but only like the hornes of the Lamb for he receiued not his power from the Lamb Christ but from the diuel that is the dragon with ten hornes Then thus it is the Papacy is the seauenth head of the first beast that is the Empire yet a beast by it selfe with two hornes like the Lamb in respect of his ioint power and authority both ecclesiastical and ciuil in which respect he is called euen the eight and one of the seuen Chap. 17. ver 11. Although this second beast haue two hornes like the Lamb yet he spake like the dragon that is al his words and workes practises and proceedings lawes and decrees are for the dragon of whom he hath his power and throne and great authority So that whatsoeuer he pretendeth in religion and matters of Gods worship as though he would be like the Lamb yet assuredly hee is altogether for the dragon and the diuel he is assured vnto them as al experience doth manifestly witnesse And he did all that the first beast could doe before him he caused the earth them that dwel therin vers 12 to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed Here is shewed that this second beast was as mighty and stronge as the first beast and could doo as much as he euen in his presence Whereby is noted the great power and authority of the Papacy in performing as much in the seruice of the dragon against God and his church as euer the Empire of the heathen and those wicked Emperours could doo yea he did much more against Christ and his religion then euer the persecuting Emperours could do euen then when they were at their highest pitch And al this he did in his presence that is in the sight and open view of the whole Empire or whole world And he caused the earth and them that dwell therin that is al Papists and worldlings to worship the first beast that is to receiue the worship and religion of the old Roman tyranny which set vp and maintained Idolatry So then although the power in the Papacy came vnder the name of Christ yet in truth it was the same that the power of the persecuting Empire for the heathen emperours condemned the true worship of God and set vp false worship euen the worship of diuels which is Idolatry and so do the Popes also So then we see that this second beast is al for the first beast that is he leuieth al his power and authority to set vp the worship and religion of the old Romane tyrants and to force al men
should fulfill them might be blinded whilest the eyes of Gods elect are opened to see into the truth of all these matters Well to come to the point Saint Iohn doth onely heere set downe the numeratiue letters of the beasts name Hee wrote in Greeke and he onely setteth downe three Greeke letters or characters which in Greeke numeration make sixe hundred sixtie sixe Now further wee are to note that the numeratiue letters of the Greeke word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doe make iust this number And yet further we are to obserue as a verie speciall thing that Irenaeus an ancient Father of the Church who liued verie neere vnto the Apostles times mentioneth this worde Lateinos as the name of the beast And moreouer affirmeth that it was a common receiued opinion in his time and before that the Beast should be so called Now then let vs consider how this fitteth First we know that the numeratiue letters of Lateinos doe iustly fit Saint Iohns Greeke numeratiue letters Secondly we know that Antichrist is the head of the Latine Church or Latine Empire and therefore this verie Lateinos For here we doe not enquire after the name of anie particular man but about the name of a kingdome for the beast is a kingdome and a succession of men Now Italy in old time was called Latinum the Italians Latini which noteth of what countrey the beast should come Moreouer the beasts name or name of the Romane Empire is Lateinos because the Empire both vnder the heathen tyrants and the Popes especially had all their religion seruice prayers lawes decrees writings and translations in Latine all was in Latine Latine The Pope preferred his Latine translation of the Bible before the Hebrue and Greeke originals Thus then it is Saint Iohn telleth vs flatly that the number of the beast is sixe hundred sixtie sixe Irenaeus saith that Lateinos is his name which containeth iust that number Therefore heere wee haue his name heere hee is found For if his name bee Lateinos wee neede search no further wee know who it is we know who is meant for is not the Pope Lateinos are not the succession of them Latini are they not the heads of the Latine Church and Latine Empire Haue they not all their worship and seruice in Latine Are they not Latines for what is the name of the Romane Empire but Lateinos And what is the name of the Popish Hierarchie but Lateinos True it is indeed which the papists say that manie names may bee inuented whose letters make this number but the Spirit of God speaketh not of fained names for thereof can come nothing but vncertaintie but he willeth vs to count the number of his name which then the beast had that is Lateinos I doe thus then conclude The beast is a kingdome and the Papacie is the kingdome of the Latines Therefore the Papacie is the beast The papacie is Lateinos and containeth the number of the beast For what other monarchie can bee shewed since this Reuelation was giuen whose numeratiue letters containe this foresaid number Assuredly none And therefore out of all doubt Saint Iohn pointeth at the Roman Empire and monarchie of the Popes For Lateinos doth both containe the number of the beast according to Saint Iohns computation and also his name which is the Latine Empire or Romane Empire And thus haue wee heard the description of these two huge and monstrous beasts the sea beast and the land beast which both from the Apostles times hitherto haue indeede played the beasts against Christ and his Church and still doe play the beasts and will neuer cease playing the beasts till their hornes and hoofes heads and bodies be cleane cut off which will be shortly as we shall heare anon CHAP. XIIII WE haue heard in the former chapter the description of the two great and dreadfull beasts We haue also heard how mightily they haue preuailed now manie yeeres raigned as monarches of the earth Now in this chapter wee are to heare of the fall and ruine of them both So that the maine drift and scope of this chapter and all the chapters following vntill the twentith chapter is to shew that both the Roman Empire and the Papacie shall ebbe as fast as euer they did flow shall wane as fast as euer they did waxe shall decrease as fast as euer they did increase and fall downe as fast as euer they did rise vp euen vntill they come to vtter ruine and desolation This Chapter containeth seuen principal things First vers 1 it sheweth that God had his Church vpon the earth euen then when it seemed to bee vtterly extinct by the preuailing of the two outragious beasts Secondly vers it sheweth that the poore persecuted Church did sincerely zealously worship God euen in the fire and flames of afflictions Thirdly ver 6.7 it sheweth that the Gospell shall be preached with great successe in these last daies throughout manie kingdoms Fourthly ver 8 it sheweth that Rome shall fall downe at the preaching of the Gospell ver 9.10.11 Fiftly it sheweth that all Papists shal be condemned and cast into hell fire for euer ver 12.13 Sixtly it sheweth that it shall go well with Gods elect which hauing refused the worship of the beast do liue and die in the Lord. ver Lastly it describeth the day of iudgement wherein all both good and bad shall haue according to their deserts Text. ver 1 Then I looked and behold a Lambe stood on mount Sion and with him an hundred fourtie and foure thousand hauing the Fathers name written in their foreheads Nowe at last the holy Ghost bringeth in Iesus Christ vpon the Theater of the world as it were to play his part in this tragedie and to helpe the poore weake woman which we heard of before against the Dragon and the two monstrous beasts which would haue torne her in peeces and vtterly deuoured her if this Lambe Iesus Christ had not stept in and rescued her Well now commeth in our Lord Iesus and beginneth to stirre in these matters and to take vpon him the protection and defence of the poore helplesse woman against both the dragon the dragons two great instruments But may some man say What is a poore Lambe to encounter with a dragon with a Lyon with a Leopard and a Beare I answer that although Christ be a lamb to his church euē the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world and the Lamb that was a slaine sacrifice from the beginning for the redemption of his elect Yet to all his enemies he is a most strong and terrible Lyon euen the Lyon of the Tribe of Iuda as he is called before chapter 5.5 Now this most terrible Lyon euen the Lord of hosts the Lord mightie in battell commeth forth to protect and defend his Church against all her enemies who is of such infinite might and puissance that neither the old Dragon nor his young imps nor
coloured beast whereupon the woman sate chapter 17 9. The seuen heads sayth he are seuen Kings that is seauen orders or states of kingly gouerment for seuen Kings in this place are not put for seuen seueral men which were Kings as some do take it but for seuen seueral gouerments as it is taken in Daniel The foure great beastes sayth the Angel there are foure Kinges that is foure kingdomes gouerments or monarchies as al men know So here by seuen Kinges is meant the seuen seuerall regiments of Rome That is to say by Kings Consuls Decemuiri Dictators Triumuiri Emperours and Popes wherof the first fiue were then fallen when Iohn wrote one was chapter 17.10 that is the Empire and one was to come that is the Papacy My last argument is this Babylon is that City which is situate vpon seuen hilles but onely Rome of all Cities in the world is situated vppon seuen hilles therefore Rome is Babylon The proposition is auouched by the Angel which saith in the seuenteenth chapter that the seuen heads of the scarlet coloured beast are seuen mountaines whereon the woman sitteth that is seuen hilles whereon the City of Rome is scituated whose names are these Capitolinus Palatinus Auentinus Exquilinus Celius Viminalis and Quirinalis as al Poets and Historiographers doo testifie One sayth thus of Rome Septem quae vna sibi muro circundedit arces another thus Septem vrbs alta iugis toto quae praesidet orbe Another calleth Rome 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the City with seuen heades that is seuen hilles It is cleere then by these reasons that Babylon in this place signifieth Rome As for the exposition of the Papists which affirme that Babylon here signifieth the vniuersall society of the wicked it is fond ridiculous for the Holy ghost sayth Babylon is that City which raigneth ouer the Kings of the earth But to say that the vniuersall society of the wicked raigneth ouer the Kinges of the earth is absurd and ridiculous Therefore to say that Babylon is the vniuersall society of the wicked is absurde and ridiculous The distinction of the Iesuits here is also as friuolous as their exposition for they say if Babylon be Rome then it must be vnderstood of Rome vnder the heathen Emperours but not vnder the Popes But the Angel sayth the woman that is the whoore of Babylon or Antichrist sitteth vpon seuen mountaines ergo shee sitteth at Rome and Rome is the seat of Antichrist and consequently Rome vnder the Popes is Babylon Moreouer we may reason thus against the Popish distinction That which was Babylon vnder the heathen Emperours is the same which is here prophecied to bee the chiefe City and seat of Antichrist But Rome was then Babylon ergo Rome is now Babylon for Rome is that City which the Angel sayth shoulde bee the seat of Antichrist And this book doth shew that the great Antichrist shoulde raigne in the same City where the heathen Emperours had raigned therfore it standeth firme that Rome vnder the Popes is Babylon This then beeing graunted that Babylon here is Rome it followeth that Rome shall fall for the Holy-Ghost sayth Babylon is fallen speaking in the present tense as the maner of y e scripture is in prophecying of things to come For whatsoeuer God hath determined to cōe to passe is as it were already don because of the certainty of it and for this cause also the word is doubled It is fallen It is fallen Wee see then most cleerly that almost 1500. yeers before Rome began to fal the certaine fall thereof was foretold This place of it selfe is cleere inough to prooue my second point which is that Rome shal fal But my purpose is to reduce and gather all the fiue Chapters following to certaine heades to prooue the maine points which I haue propounded first then I reason thus to proue the second point that Rome shall fall That City and kingdome which hath the seuen vialles of Gods wrath emptied and powred downe vppon it cannot stand but must needes fall But Rome is that City which hath the seuen vialles of Gods wrath powred downe vppon it Therefore Rome cannot stande long but must needes fall The proposition is manifest and not to bee denied The assumption is prooued throughout al the sixteene Chapter and especially in the tenth and the twelfth verses chapter 16. Ver. 10 Vers 12 where the vials of Gods wrath are expresslie saide to be powred downe vpon the throne of the beast and in the second verse of that Chapter it is auouched ver 2 that the second viall was powred down vpon the men which had the marke of the beast and vppon them which worshipped his image Howe then can the throne of the beast hould out or how can they which haue receiued the beastes marke stand vp long For there is a great Emphasis or vehemency in the manner of speeche For he dooth not simply say the wrath of God chapter 15. verse 7. but the fulnesse of Gods wrath he dooth not say should bee a little sprinkled but powred downe as it were by pailefulles vppon the kingdome of the beast How then can the kingdome of the beast stande which hath so many great ordinances and so many double cannons discharged and shot off against it Surely it must needes fal My second reason is this The beast that was and is not and yet is shall go into perdition chapter 17 But Rome is the beast that was and is not and yet is Therfore Rome shal goe into perdition The assumption is set downe Chapter 17. verse 8. For the Romane monarchie was great in the daies of Iulius Caesar Augustus Claudius Tiberius and therefore it is said that it was But in the raigne of Nero Otho Galba and Vitellius it was greatlie decayed and therfore it is said it is not meaning so great as it had beene and yet in some sort it was and therefore it is said and yet is Now this beast shall go into perdition Therefore the Romane monarchie shall bee destroyed and consequently the Papacie For the Romane Empire holdeth vp the Papacie as it is written that the woman or whoore of Babylon sitteth vppon the Scarlet coloured beast which had seuen heades and tenne hornes that is the Roman monarchie which beareth vp the whoore and beareth vp the Papacy but the Holy-ghost sayth this beast that is the Romane Empire shall go into perdition chapter 17. verse 8. Then it followeth that the papacy shal follow after for if the beast that she sitteth vpon which beareth her fal vnder her then shee must needes fall together with him But we see God be thanked that the Roman monarchie is in a manner quite fallen therefore the Papacy cannot stand long My third argument is this The beast that was and is not being euen the eight one of the seuenth shall go into destruction But Rome is the beast that was and is not being the eight and one
that they gnawed their tongues for sorrow that is they were ful of furie and rage ver 10 barking and grinning like mad dogs or rather like helhounds against all such as set the Gospel abroach wherby their Babylon began to shake For at the first when the Gospel began to peep forth they did despise it as a thing which they could easily suppresse but within a short time they found that neither by excommunications wherewith in former times they had euen as it were with lightening and thunder caused kings and nations to tremble neither by force of warres and bloudy slaughters neither by anie skill in learning nor by treacheries they could any thing preuaile but that the Gospell did still more and more lay open their filthinesse and shame then did they become and so do they continue til this day euen as mad men in sorrow and rage which the holie Ghost expresseth in saying chapter 16. v. 11. that they gnawed their tongues for sorrowe and blasphemed the God of heauen c. Wherby it is euident that the beast and all that haue receiued his marke are full of firie hatred and malice and cannot tell which way to be reuenged For the more they striue the more they lose dayly Faine would they haue Poperie restored to his ancient credit and dignitie and they deuise what they can to bring it about but it will not be For their kingdome waxeth darker and darker weaker and weaker and that is a dagger vnto them a griefe of all griefes which maketh them gnaw their tongues and gnash their teeth for sorrow But yet for all this chapter 16. v. 11. they repented not of their works saith Saint Iohn and therefore God is more incensed against them and causeth the sixt Angel to poure out another vial vpon the great riuer Euphrates and the water therof dried vp as wee haue heard Now then obserue carefully and note it diligently that the frogges come forth vpon the darkening of the kingdome of the beast the drying vp of their Euphrates For who knoweth not that the pope his cōplices perceiuing y e weakning diminishing of their kingdome haue sent out these Iesuits and Seminarie Priests into all parts of Europe to repaire the ruines of Rome if it were possible And this is one circumstantiall reason to proue these three frogges be vnderstood of the Iesuits But let vs proceede to open the whole description of the holy Ghost that it may yet more plainely appeare First these frogges are called vncleane spirits chapter 16. v. 13. because they are the verie limmes of the diuell full of all filthinesse and vncleannesse Secondly they are called spirits because they come out of the mouth of the Dragon ●he beast and the false Prophet Thirdly they are called three in number being in the truth neerer vnto three thousand because they proceed out of three seuerall mouthes the Dragon the beast and the false Prophet that is the diuell the Roman Empire and the Papacie Three horrible monsters three terrible bug-beares which with one consent conspire together against the Gospell to vphold their Babylon and to stop the leake of their Euphrates Nowe these three Frogges are said to come out of the mouth of the Dragon the beast and the false Prophet because they come with the verie mind and message of the Pope and the Roman Empire and so consequently with the verie mind and spirit of the Dragon For they are the verie breath of the Pope and the spirits of the diuell as like him as if they had beene spitte out of his mouth They are sent on the diuels errand and the Popes embassage into all countries and kingdomes and are taught their lesson what they shall say and instructed what they shall doe and what courses they shal take with all sorts of men both Kings Nobles and the meaner sort and for this cause the holy Ghost saith they came out of the verie mouth the verie heart and the very bowels of the Pope and of the diuell And although these Iesuits and seminarie priests are called of their fauorits Catholike doctors holy fathers c. yet the holy Ghost saith flatly they are the spirits of diuels working false and fained miracles and with great efficacie of errour deluding and deceiuing the simple and blind multitude Wee see then that the holy Ghost in al this description doth plainly note out the Iesuits and seminary priests For to whom can these things here spoken of agree but only to thē And do not we which liue in these daies sensibly see and discerne the fulfilling of al these things Surely we can not but see feele thē vnles we be wilfully blind and do of purpose blindfold and hoodwink our selues But the holy ghost goeth yet futher and doth more fully as it were demonstratiuely point them out vnto vs describing thē by their office which is to go vnto the kings of the earth of the whole world vers 14 to gather thē to the battel of that great day of God Almighty Who is ignorāt that the Iesuits seminary priests are sent out to al kings Nobles of the whole world that fauour thē their proceedings Are they not croking in corners thicke and threefold in all parts of this land Are they not practising of treacheries tresons against our most gratious Queene and the whole state are they not plotting the destruction subuersion of this Church common wealth Nay as the holy Ghost saith the chiefe end of their comming abroad is to sollicite gather y e kings of the earth vnto battel against God against Christ and against all true professours of religion The bettell betwixt them is heere called The battell of the great day of God Almighty that is that Battell wherein the Almightie God will haue the day and goe away with the victorie For it followeth that the Iesuits and seminarie Priests did preuaile with the seduced kings of the earth so farre as to gather them together to place which in Herbrue is called Armageddon that is to say a place where they shall be destroyed and that with such horrible slaughter that the place shall take a name thereof For it was an vsuall thing among the Hebrues to call the place where anie famous thing fell out by a name which did report y e same vnto all posteritie as Kibroth Hataanah the graues of Concupiscence Hamon Gog the multitude of Gog and diuers such like And so here Armageddon the destruction of an armie because the kings of the earth and their armies which shall fight against the Church at the instigation of the Iesuits shall come to a place where they shall haue a notable ouerthrow This word Armageddon may fitly bee deriued of two Hebrue words that is to say Cherem which signifieth destruction and Gedudh which signifieth an armie that is the destruction of an army or as some say that verie iudicially it may come of Gnarmah
Gidnon which signifieth the subtiltie of destruction because the blinde kings and Nobles of the earth shall by the subtiltie and craftie perswasions of the Iesuits and Seminarie Priests be entised to fight against the Protestants in a place where they shall haue a famous foile Some deriue Armageddon of Har which in Hebrue signifieth a mountaine and Megiddo which is the place where the godly king Iosias was slaine and so this place should be called Armageddon the mountaine of Megiddo for the slaughter of kings that shall be there To the which the Prophet Zacharie alludeth saying In that day there shall be a great mourning in Ierusalem as the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddo Well we doe see that all these significations and deriuations of Armageddon come to one thing in effect which is that the great armies which assemble themselues in battaile against the Lord shall bee destroyed and therefore it is not much materiall to dispute which is the more likely signification of the Word But this let vs obserue for our comfort that whensoeuer wee shal see the kings Captaines Nobles and Potentates of the earth being solicited by the Iesuites priests and the false Prophet to leuy great armies and make great powers to fight against the Gospell and the true professours thereof for the maintenance of great Babylon they shall not preuaile but bee vtterly ouerthrowne and destroyed As in part wee see fulfilled in the yeare of our Lorde 1588. when the great and inuincible Armado of the Spaniards as they thought which was long in preparing against vs and at last by the instigation of the Iesuites brought vpon vs came to Armageddon as we know God be praised And in all time to come in the like case let them look for the like successe Well now to grow to some conclusion of this point wee doe plainely see that Rome falleth their kingdome waxeth darke their Euphrates drieth vp they espie it The Dragon the beast the false Prophet send out their frogs into all countries and kingdomes hoping to preuent it by the help of the kings of the earth and especially the king of Spaine but alas all in vaine for they must come to Armageddon when they haue done all that they can For God fighteth from heauē against them God bringeth them downe and no power of man is able to vphold them But now let vs proceede to prooue the third maine point which is that Rome shall fall finally and come to vtter desolation For all sound Diuines are perswaded of the fall of Babylon and doe graunt that it falleth and is in falling but all are not so thoroughly perswaded of the finall fall thereof in this life Therefore now I wil proue by manifest Scripture that Rome shall fall for a doo First if the things be deeply considered and narrowly looked into which Saint Iohn saith shall fall out vpon the pouring forth of the seuenth vial of Gods wrath by the seuenth Angel they doe fully portend a deadly downfall and vtter ouerthrowe of Rome For the seuenth vial is not poured vpon the earth or sea or fountaines of waters or on the Sunne as the first foure vials were which signified some particular iudgements but it was poured forth into the verie aire chapter 16.17 which signifieth the vniuersalitie of it and containeth the most general and most grieuous iudgment and vengeance of Almightie God vpon the whole bodie of the kingdome of Antichrist a little before the last day The text saith that vpon the pouring forth of this viall there was a loud voice heard out of the temple of heauen from the throne that is vers 17 from the verie presence of God saying It is done It is dispatched The vtter ouerthrowe of Rome is fully concluded of and all things finished which belong to the pouring forth of the seuen vials which containe the seuen last plagues wherein the whole wrath of God is fulfilled as appeareth chap. 15. as before it is said Babylon is fallen chapter 15.1 because it should certainly fal So heere God himselfe saith It is done because it shal certainly be done For whatsoeuer God hath determined to be done is as it were alreadie done because it shall most certainlie be effected Sith then the Lord hath pronounced this of Rome there remaineth nothing but a dayly accomplishment of it and let all the papists know for a certaintie that they must go to their geare they must come to their paiment there is no way of euasion For hath the Lord spoken it and shall it not come to passe Now vpon this that God saith It is done followeth presentlie that there vvere voices and thunderings and lightenings chapter 16.18 and there vvas a great earthquake such as was not since men were vpon the earth euen so mightie an earthquake What is meant by thundrings lightenings and earthquakes in this Booke I haue before shewed to wit chapter 6.12 commotions seditions tumults vprores and alterations of states kingdomes and common-wealths and then the meaning of this place is that there shall be horrible shakings cōcussions tumults great alteration of states in al y e kingdoms which are subiect to Antichrist none of them shall escape For this seuenth viall of Gods wrath vpon the kingdome of the beast is compared to a most horrible and blustering tempest raised vp in the whole aire that is in all places of Antichrists dominions And it is specially to be noted as a thing of great moment that the holy Ghost saith There was neuer such an earthquake as this since the world beganne and since men were vpon the earth For assuredly so soone as the seuenth Angell poureth forth his viall the kingdome of Poperie shall go downe a maine which shall not belong before the end of the world as all circumstances heere doe shew After all this Saint Iohn telleth vs the effect of this thundering lightning and extraordinarie earthquake which is chapter 16.19 that the great citie was diuided into three parts that is there shall bee a most horrible rent and diuision in the citie of Rome and throughout all the Popes dominions What this rent and diuision is and how it shall bee I cannot determine being a thing to come as all the rest comprehended vnder the pouring forth of the seuenth viall But this I am sure of that Rome shall go downe and there shall be such tumults vprores rents diuisions dissipations and concussions in Rome and throughout all the Romish iurisdiction as neuer was heard of nor read of since the world began For Saint Iohn addeth that Babylon came in remembrance before God vers 19 to giue vnto her the cup of the wine of the fiercenesse of his wrath That is God doth now at length call to mind all the wrongs done to his people all the righteous bloud shed for the space of seuen or eight hundred yeers by the whoore of Babylon that he may be fully reuenged and execute the
bee the flesh of kings and Captaines c. Now out of all this may be strongly concluded that heereafter in all time to come when the armies of the Pope which is the beast the armies of the king of Spaine who hath giuen his power and authoritie vnto the beast is his great vpholder when the Armies of the Cardinall his great confederate whē the armies of the Leaguers his great adherents yea whē al these all other Popish armies shall ioyne band thēselues together against the christian kings and defenders of the Gospell they shall haue a notable ouerthrow insomuch that their dead carkesses shall euen couer the earth and the foules of the aire shall come to their great supper which the Lord of hosts will make readie for them For assuredly and out of al doubt they that liue shall see the fulfilling of all this and shall see the popish armies go downe by heapes in all countries and kinstdomes and be made meat for the foules of the aire For the holy Ghost saith chapter 16. v. 16. They shall come to Armageddon that is the place where their Armies shall be destroyed And againe If anie leade into captiuitie chapter 13. v. 10. he shall goe into captiuitie If anie kill with a sword he must be killed with a sword For as the Popish forces haue in former time taken captiue the people of God and cruelly murdered them so nowe the time draweth on apace wherein they themselues shall be taken and put to the sword And therefore now at last I conclude that Rome shal fall finally and come to vtter destruction in this life For as Rome did rise vp by degrees in this life so Rome shall fall by degrees in this life As Rome grew vp to her full height and highest pitch in this life so it shall come to her lowest ebbe and greatest declination in this life I meane before the comming of Christ vnto iudgement For the falling downe of haile like talents vppon the kingdome of the beast shall bee in this life The extraordinarie earthquake vpon the dominions of Antichrist shall be in this life The comming of the Popish Armies to Armageddon shall bee in this life The mourning of the kings merchants and marriners for the ouerthrowe of Babylon shall bee in this life The great battaile betwixt the beast and him that sitteth vpon the white horse shall be in this life before the day of iudgement The pouring foorth of al the seuen vials of Gods wrath vpon the kingdome of the beast shall bee euen in this life For it were an absurde thing to say anie of these things shal bee after this life or to say that these things shal not bee til the verie comming of Christ for they are all things to be effected heere in this earth and the holy Ghost doth describe them as things to be done vpon the face of the earth for otherwise wee could haue small comfort in anie of these things if they should not bee done heere in earth or if they should all bee deferred till the verie comming of Christ and in the meane time Antichrist shal stil preuaile But it wil be obiected that Saint Paul saith The Lord shall consume Antichrist with the spirit of his mouth and abolish him with the brightnesse of his comming Therefore before his comming he shall not be vtterly abolished True it is indeede hee shall not vtterly be cut off in all his members til the verie comming of Christ For there will bee some Papists remaining in all countries euen vnto the end there be some nay manie that will carie the beasts marke euen til the last day But the holy Ghost in this Prophesie speaketh of the reuolting and falling away of kingdoms and countries from the sea of Rome whereby it shal come to passe that it shal bee exceedingly weakened and brought so lowe that the kings of the earth shall easily take it or as the holy Ghost speaketh shal easily passe ouer their Euphrates chapter 16. v. 12. being dried vp and enter their Babylon But then wil some man say Shal there be no Pope at all a little before the comming of Christ I answer and not I but the holy Ghost for mee Hee shall bee a poore Pope chapter 17. v. 16. a naked Pope a desolate pope a Pope whose flesh shal be torne whose flesh shal wither as wee shall heare anon He shal be such a Pope as Ishbosheth was a king when Abner and all Israel fel away from him He shal bee such a Pope as the king of Portugall is a king But it will be obiected How knowe you this are you a Prophet can you foretel of things to come I answer Saint Iohn was a Prophet and indued with a prophetical Spirit in this matter of his visions and reuelations and I speake no more then Saint Iohn hath set downe And therefore I hope I speake within compasse for I do but relate Saint Iohns words and explaine them in such measure as I am able This Prophesie doth plainely declare that Babylon shall fall Rome shall come downe the Pope shall neuer be esteemed againe And I doe beleeue it to bee so I beleeue God I beleeue his word I beleeue all that is spoken in the Scriptures and I doe endeuour to perswade others also For sith the holy Ghost hath so plainely and so fully foretold it why shoulde we not beleeue it Why are we so slowe to beleeue all that is written in the Scriptures Hath God spoken it and shal it not come to passe Shall any iote of his word faile Shall wee thinke hee iesteth with vs when hee doth so often and so seriously tell vs of the downefall of Rome Surelie surelie the cause why men are not fully perswaded of the finall fall of Rome is because they doe not diligentlie peruse this booke of the Apocalypse But let men be studious and diligent in this booke and they shall bee out of al doubt that Rome is the great whoore of Babylon that the Pope is Antichrist and the Papacy the beast But nowe mee thinketh I heare some man say how is it like that Popery shal fal downe more and more heere amongst vs sith it hath so many friends backers and vpholders and seemeth to gather strength and make an heade againe I answere that al is but a lightening before death I answere that al is but the stopping of a water-brooke or making a damme ouerthwart it which wil cause it to swel more and breake ouer with greater violence I answere that all is no more then is foretolde that 2the Iesuits shal come forth like frogges out of their puddles and marish groundes and keepe a croaking for a time til they haue croaked their owne destruction and many others For they shal neuer set vp Popery here in England to stand and continue doe what they can I must needes confesse that our sinnes beeing so horrible and outragious as they are and being
grown to such an height and ripenesse do deserue some fearefull vengeance and that God hath a iust controuersie against vs as sometimes he had against Israel because there vvas no mercie nor truth nor knowledge of God in the land but swearing lying killing stealing and whooring and bloud toucheth bloud and therefore saith God the land shal mourn c. But yet I hope for his couenant sake for his great mercies sake for his names sake for his glory sake and for his Church sake he will be gratious and fauorable vnto vs not bring vpon vs that vēgeance which our sins haue deserued or at leastwise though he correct vs as indeed he hath iust cause we may iustly feare it yet he will doe it in mercie for our amendment and not in wrath to our destruction as he saith by his Prophet I will not vtterly destroy thee but I vvill correct thee by iudgement and not vtterly cut thee off But howsoeuer it shall please the most wise God to deale with vs yet this I say and am perswaded of that Poperie shall neuer bee established againe in this kingdome my reason is because the euerlasting Gospell caried abroad by the Angell that flieth in the middest of heauen shall spread still more and more throughout all the kingdoms of Europe chapter 14.6 as appeareth Chap. 14. ver 6 for otherwise how shal Rome fal how shal the Iewes euer be conuerted how shall fire come downe from heauen and deuour both Gog and Magog chapter 20.9 as the holy Ghost foretelleth shall come to passe and as we shal heare more anon Moreouer Saint Iohn telleth vs plainly that in these last dayes the Gospell shall bee preached to many people and nations and tongues and to many kings And further he saith that in this age wherein wee liue many shall renounce Idolatry repent and giue glorie to the God of heauen But some man may say how proue you that this kingdom is one of them which S. Iohn speaketh of and which he meaneth wherein the gospell shall be preached vnto the end of the world I answere that it is prooued out of the 17. chapter of this prophesie where the holy ghost telleth vs flatly that those ten kingdomes of Europe which had a lōg time ben the ten hornes strength of the beast chapter 17. verse 13 being of one minde had giuen their power authority vnto the beast should now in these last daies rise vp against the whore of Babylō make war against her hate her make her desolate But this kingdome is one of those ten hornes ver 16 and one of those ten kingdomes which a long time had giuen her power authoritie vnto the beast Therefore as this kingdome hath happily begun to hate the whore and to make her desolate and naked so vndoubtedly shee shall continue vnto the end of the world For if this kingdome and other kingdomes which now hate the whore doe not continue how shall shee bee made desolate and naked c Then it should seeme the beast shall reuiue and recouer himselfe againe and so S. Iohn shall be found a false prophet But God is true and all men are liers Saint Iohn shall bee found a true prophet and therefore these kingdomes of Europe which haue begun to hate the whore shal cōtinue neuer giue her ouer till as the holy ghost saith they haue eaten her flesh burnt her with fire that is till they haue vtterly deuoured her But heere it will be obiected that in the latter daies iniquitie shall haue the vpper hand I answere first that I finde no such place of scripture But this I find that our Lord Iesus foretelleth his disciples that very shortly after his death resurrection many seducers and false teachers should arise which should deceiue many and draw them away from the loue of the gospell and saith hee because iniquitie shall bee increased the loue of many shall bee cold But this speech of our sauiour doth not properly concerne our times But yet it must needes be granted that the wicked shall wax worse and worse the world shall not amend but still bee worse and worse chapter 14. ver 1 14 18. and grow to a greater height and ripenesse of sinne as appeareth in this prophesie Yet for all this wee must note withall that the number of true beleeuers in those last daies chapter 11. ver 1 ver 11. ver 13. shall bee very many as this booke doth also teach But it may bee obiected how can this geare stand together that in the last daies there shall bee multitudes and millions of reprobates and most wicked abhominable persons and yet withall a great increase of true beleeuers I answere that the world will bee alwaies like it selfe impious and vnbeleeuing But the church shall purely worship God and that with daily increasing euen vnto the end But now me thinketh I heare some man say what likelyhood is there of all this which you write touching the ouerthrow of Rome Doe wee not see that Rome is yet strong Doth not Italy Spaine the greatest part of France and Netherland and Germany stand for her defence Hath not the whore still many and great bearers and vpholders what likelyhood is there thē that euer she shal be brought so low as you speake of I answere that in this case we must not aske this question what likelyhood We must not consult with flesh and bloud Wee must not take counsell of humane reason For God is maruellous in his deuises and when hee hath once decreed and determined of any future euent he will compasse it by meanes far surpassing all humane reach and capacitie yea by such plots and deuises as mans wit could neuer haue once dreamed of For hee hath all meanes in heauen earth in his hands and is admirable in all his proceedings and therefore we may not aske this question what likelyhood or how can it bee or how can it possiblie come to passe What likelyhood was there an hundred yeeres past when Rome was in her height and all the kingdomes of Europe stood for her that euer she should haue been forsaken of so many of her old friends as at this day shee is What likelyhood was there that when the Pope could commaund the Emperor and all the kings of Europe and their kingdomes that euer hee should haue beene brought so low as at this day hee is God bee thanked What likelyhood was there that euer poore Martin Luther should stand out with the euerlasting gospell in his mouth against the Pope Emperour as it were the whole world yet dye in his bed in a good old age What likelyhood was there that Henry the eight of famous memory should renounce Rome oppose himselfe against the Pope and suppresse the Abbies Priories and Monasteries in this kingdome and take their lands and liuings into his owne hands Therefore I
whom hee calleth the rest of the dead and hee saith these shall not liue againe meaning the life of God or the life of grace and whereas hee addeth vntill the thousand yeeres be finished he meaneth neuer or not at all for so the word vntill is often taken in the scriptures and it is sure that after the expiration of the thousand yeeres they did not liue the life of God and the life of the spirit For then the diuell was let loose vpon the world to worke his pleasure and to seduce with all efficacie of error and iniquitie Whereas it is said this is the first resurrection he meaneth the rising from sinne to the life of righteousnesse which was in the thousand yeeres of the gospells preaching and therefore hee addeth that he is blessed that hath part in the first resurrection c. and saith that all such shall raigne with Christ a thousand yeers Which is meant of the raigne of the faithfull euen vpon earth for the space of that thousand yeeres in which Sathan was bound but yet excludeth not their eternall glory in the heauens ver 7 And when the thousand yeeres are expired Sathan shall bee loosed out of his prison ver 8 And shall goe out to deceiue the people which are in the foure corners of the earth euen Gog and Magog to gather them together to battaile whose number is as the sand of the sea ver 9 And they went vp vnto the plaine of the earth and they compassed the tents of the Saints about and the beloued cittie But fire came downe from God out of heauen and deuoured them Now S. Iohn telleth vs that after the determination of the thousand yeeres Sathan shall be let loose vpon the world for their vnthankfulnesse and contempt of the Gospell to seduce and deceiue euen as much as euer hee did No maruaile therefore that the two great and monstrous heresies of Popery and Mahometrie did now beginne mightely to grow and increase in the world For what other thing can bee looked for after this letting loose of Sathan But wee are to obserue that as Sathan was bound by degrees through the ministery of Christ and his Apostles and their immediat successors so also he was loosed by degrees by the preuailing of heresies till the great Antichrist was hatched and brought into the possession of his cursed chaire For Sathan was not fully loosed till the yeere of our Lord 998. At what time Siluester the second came to bee Pope who was in league with the Diuell Stories doe report that at his death hee called for the Cardinals and confessed that hee had familiaritie with the Diuell and how hee had giuen himselfe vnto him body and soule so that hee might come to the papall dignitie After him succeeded sundry other Popes which were notorious monsters some of them murderers some poisoners some sorcerers some coniurers By whom the diuell was fully loosed all light of the gospell and true religion being in a manner cleane put out most abhominable Idolatrie all manner of villany spreading ouer the face of the earth therefore S. Iohn saith that Sathan being thus fully loosed hee went forth to deceiue the people which were in the foure corners of the earth euen Gog and Magog c. This seducing by Sathan heere spoken of is the same with that which is spoken Chapter 13. onely this excepted that this of Gog and Magog is more generall Wee reade there how all nations kindreds and tongues were made to worship the image of the beast and to receiue his marke but that is to bee extended no further then to those kingdomes which were subiect to the papacie But heere by these armies of Gog and Magog are vnderstood all the chiefe enemies of the Church in these last daies since the loosing of Sathan both open and secret both Turk and Pope for the Turk is an open enemie the Pope a more close enemie Gog signifieth couered Magog vncouered wherby is noted the Pope the Turk For the Pope cōmeth couered vnder the name of Christ and Christs vicar Peters successor c. But the Turk commeth vncouered for hee openly denieth and impugneth Christ Moreouer the names of Gog and Magog are heere set downe to note of what countries these chiefe enemies should spring to wit out of Scithia Siria Arabia Italy and Spaine For Magog was the sonne of Iapheth Gen. 10. ver 2. of whom came the Sythians Gog was the name of a great Captaine in the lesser Asia which built a citie and named it after his owne name Gogkartah that is the citie of Gog. And it is put in the prophesie of Ezechiel for the whole region of the lesser Asia and Siria Whereby the prophet did foretell that the great enemies of the Church should arise out of those coasts As in very truth they did for out of Egipt Scithia Siria and the lesser Asia did spring vp Ptolomeus Silencus Antigonus Cassander and the rest of Alexanders posteritie which vexed and oppressed the Iewes by the space of 294. yeeres euen vntill the comming of the Messias at what time the deuided Greeke empire was ouerthrowen and translated to the Romanes Furthermore it is to bee noted that the prophet Ezechiell saith that Gog is the chiefe prince of Mesech and Tuball By Mesech hee meaneth Arabia and by Tuball Italy and Spaine noting thereby the countries and kingdomes from whence the great persecutors of the Church from the returne out of the captiuitie of Babylon vntill the comming of the Messias should arise For assuredly those enemies were collected of diuers nations but serued chiefely vnder the princes of Asia the lesser of Siria and of Scithia Now then to conclude Gog and Magog in Ezechiell are put for the princes of those coūtries which were the chiefe Captaines in gathering great and mightie armies vnto battaile against the children of Israell after they were come out of the captiuitie of Babylon And the prophet there in one summe vnder the armies of Gog and Magog comprehendeth all the enemies that fought against them from time to time after the captiuitie vnto the comming of Christ And now for the application of this vnto the enemies of the Church vnder the Gospell wee must first note that through this booke the figures and phrases of speech are taken out of the law the prophets Now therefore when the Lord would set foorth in one summe all the enemies of the Church which Sathan mustereth after the time of his loosing out of prison before the comming of Christ to iudgement there is no one place more fit to set foorth all these armies then those armies of Gog and Magog therefore the names euen Gog and Magog are heere brought in to set foorth these huge ar●ies of the Turk and of the Pope and of all the enemies of the Church in these last daies which should gather thēselues to battaile being in number as the sand of the sea as S. Iohn saith
1.3 Iohn 14.7 Math. 15.27 Psal 25. Psal 45.13 Cant. 4.1 Can. 1.9.10 Can. 6.9 Zach. 4.10 Zach. 3 9. Exod. 2.6 Gal. 4.14 1. Tim. 5.17 1. Thess 5.12 1. Cor. 16.18 1. Cor. 16.10 Phil. 2.29 Tit. 3 13. 2. Cor. 8.23 Ier. 3.14 Luk. 10.16 Hos 4.9 Heb. 1.4.5 Heb. 2.1 Apoc. 2 9. Apoc. 3.8 Apoc. 3.1 Apoc. 3.16 Apoc. 2.5 Apoc. 2.13 Apoc. 2.14 Apoc. 2.19 Apoc. 2. Verse 20. Heb. 5.4 Rom. 4. Iohn 5. 2. Cor. 3. Heb. 4 13. 1. Tim. 6.16 Psal 18.10 Psal 80.1 Psal 104 2. Psal 36. Psal 1.2.16 Psal 149.5 Ps 103.20 Ioh 15.15 Math. 3. Math. 17.5 Gen. 49.9 Esay 11.1 Rom. 1.3 Esa 53.7 Iohn 1.29 Apoc. 13.8 Zach. 3.9 Psal 97.7 Heb. 1.6 Apoc. 14.2 Psal 14 1.2 Pet. 3.12 Zach 1.8 Psal 45. Act. 8.8 Rom. 10.15 Psal 45. Heb 4. Act 2.37 2. Cor. 10. Tertul. Lament 4.9 Leuit. 26. Ezec. 4. 5. Ioh. 14 3. Ioh. 12 32. Math. 10. Chap. 3.18 Chap. 7.13 Chap. 19.8 Psal 116.15 Act. ● Cant. 4.16 Mal. 3.1 Luk. 1.78 Iob. 1. Math. 8. Gen. 7. Gen. 19. Exod. 12. Ezech. 9. Rom. 11. 1 King 19.18 Math. 27. Iud. 18. Ezech. 1. Zach. 1.8 Zach. 6.2 Zach. 6.1 Zach. 6.6 Zach. 6.8 Zach 1.10 Ezech. 1.14 Act. 14.22 Ephes 26. 2. Thess 2. 1. Iohn 51. Col. 1.12 Phil. 3.20 Math. 13. Chap. 1. ● Heb. 1 1● 2. Sam. 24.16 2. Kin. 19.35 Esay 6.6 Math. 3 11. Act. 2.3 Math. 10.34 Math. 7. Psal 1. Esay 40. Luke 3.5 In the first 12. verses In the last 9. verses 2. Thess 2.4 Ioel. 2. 2 Pet. 2.3 Math. 24. 1. Cor. 15. Iob. 24.1 Dan. 12.9 Amos. 6.1 Mal. 3 14.1● Psal 58.11 Ezech. 40.5 Zach. 1.16 Zac. 2.1.2 Apoc. 21.15 Chap. 12.12 Chap. 17.10 Chap. 20.3 Dan 9. Deut. 19.15 Iohn 8.17 Hebr. 10.28 Hagg. 2.5 1. Cor. 14.3 2. Thess 5.20 Exod. 30.31 Psal 45.7 1. Iohn 2.20 2. Cor. 10.6 1. King 17. Exod. 4. 2. Cor. 10.6 Psal 79.2 Luk. 1.17 Mal 4. 5. Math. 17.12 Math. 2● 1· Cor. 15.24 Apoc. Apoc. 16.1 2. Sam. 6.2 Psalm 78.61 Eph. 2.18 Psalm 11 vers 6. Iohn 15 Mal. 4.2 1. Cor. 4.15 Galat. 4.19 Matth. 2. Isa 11.4 1. King 17. Numb 11. Numb 14. Dan. 10.13 Iud. 9. Col. 1.16 Rom. 4.25 Rom. 1.3 Rom. 8.33 Ioh. 10.28 Ioh. 6.37 Ioh. 6.40 Matt. 16. Ephes 2.2 2. Tim. 2.21 Exod. 15 Iudg. 5. 1. Sam. 18 King 11.2 Gen. 3.15 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 13. Dan. Dan. 7.17 Dan. 10. Dan. 11. Rom. 13.2 1. Cor. 10.20.21 2. Thes 1.6 Chap. 16 Ver. 13. Chap. 19. Ver. 20. 2. Thes 2. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Iren. lib. 5. contra haeres Psal 48.2 Mich. 4.2 Chap. 17.1 Chap. 17.15 1. Pet. 1.25 Psal 119. Deut. 33 10 Isay 42.4 Zeph. 2 3. Psal 119.13 Fiue maine points How Rome is to be taken Chap. 11 Vers 8. A reason why Rome is called Babylon Babylon is Rome Dan 7.17 Virg. Georg. Propert. Chap. 17. Chap. 18. Rome shall fall How Rome shall fall The kings of the earth in this age renounce the Pope The Iesuits bestir them and why The Iesuits compared to frogs and why Note this The holy ghost calleth the Iesuits the spirits of diuels Chap. 16.14 The Iesuits by their craftie perswasions shall bring the popish kings and their armies to a place where they shal be destroied Numb 11. Ezech. 39. Zach. 12 11· Rome shall fall finally Isa 47. Iob. 23. Iob. 9. Ezech. 22. Amos. 1. ver Amos 2. ver 2.5 Ier. 51. ver 61 62.63.64 Rome shall fall without all hope of recouery Rome shall come to vtter desolation Isay 13.19 The Protestāts shal haue the day The popish armies shal go down by heaps Rome shal be vtterly destroied in this life 2. Thess 2. An obiection answered The Pope shall be brought very low 2. Sam. 3. Hos 4. Ier. 30.11 Ier. 46.28 Ier. 10.24 Rom. 11.24 Apoc. 10. ver 11 Apoc. 11. ver 13 Apoc. 17 ver 12.13.16 England and other kingdomes which haue forsaken the beast shall so continue vnto the end of the world Math. 24.12 Wee may not say what likelyhood is ther of this 2. Chro. 20. Exod. 14. Ios 6. 2. King 19. 2. Chro. 14. 2. King 6. Iud. 7. 1. Sam. 14. Gen. 14. 1 Sam 17· Iud 4. Iud. 9. Dan. 3. Ion. 2. Dan. 6. Exod. 14. Ios 10. The vtter ouerthrow of Rome concluded of Apoc 14.8 Apoc. 16 2. Apoc 17.8 Apoc. 17.11 Apoc. 18.21 Apoc. 18.8 Apoc. 17 16. Apoc. 18 22. Apoc. 18.9 Apoc. 16.16 Apoc. 19.20 Apoc. 81.4.5 Gods people are to reioice in the ouerthr●w of Rome Apoc. 18.20 Apoc. 19.1.2 Apoc. 8.6 Psal 137. Ier. 50.14 Ier. 48.10 Apoc 17.4 Cap. 17. ve 13. * If the holy ghost by the ten hornes do not meane a defi●●t number that is iust ten yet assuredly he meaneth all the kingdomes of Europe and whatsoeuer else did once vphold the beast It is probable that France Spaine and Italy sh●ll f●rsake the whore Apoc. 14.6 Apoc. 10.11 Apoc. 16 12. The kings of Europe shall ouerthrow Rome Iob. 24.1 Dan. 12.9 Act. 1.7 Dan. 8. Dan. 11. Dan. 9 42. Napier in Apo. 14. page 183. Apoc. 8.1 Apoc 10.2 ver 10.11 Apoc. 14. voc 6.8 Apoc. 16.16 It is very probable that Rome shall fall finally in this age Apoc. 10.6.7 If any man see further I will easely yeeld vnto him and thanke God for his light The causes of Romes vtter downefall Nomb. 24. ver 24. Apoc. 14. ver 9 10. 11. Apoc. 14. ve 20 Ios ● 1. Cor. 10. Act. 14.16 Luke 10.18 Ezechiel 38. Gen. 10.2 Ier. 17.2 Ver. 13. 2. Pet. 3. Rom. 8 19. Rom. 8. Chap. 4.6 Chap. 8.8 Chap. 13. ● 1. Tim 6. Math. 8. Ephe. 2. Ezechiel 40. Zacharie 2. Heb. 12. ve 28 Iohn 1.4 2. Cor. 52 ●er ●er Psal 16. ●er 15. Eccles 11. 1 King 22.15 Math. ●6 45