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A05439 The lives of all the Roman emperors being exactly collected, from Iulius Cæsar, unto the now reigning Ferdinand the second. With their births, governments, remarkable actions, & deaths.; Sommario delle vite de gl'imperadori romani. English Paoli, Gio Antonio de.; Basset, Robert.; Brathwaite, Richard, 1588?-1673. 1636 (1636) STC 1558; ESTC S101064 79,050 401

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to satisfie the world and expresse his magnanimity he voluntarily restored him his kingdome againe giving his daughter unto him in marriage And having reduced all matters to a generall peace he fell sicke and dyed at the age of seventy three at Gemersheym and was interred at Spires 139. Adolphus AFter the death of the good old man Adolphus An. Domini 1292. Marquesse of Anassona borne ●n Nassau attained to the Imperiall dignity in the yeere of the Incarnation 1292 with the unity of consent of the Electors This man was also adorned with all the riches of vertue but very poore in wordly estate and weake in men of Armes And although he were not crowned by the Pope neverthelesse peradventure by advice and councell or at that time indiscreete not reflecting that impresses of Warre should be performed rather by superiority the better to secure the victory than by inconsiderate temerity and rashnesse hee laboured with those small forces which he had to recover some places defected from the Empire And fighting against Albertus sonne of Rudolphus now Emperour in the Countrey of Spire although hee behaved himselfe very valiantly neverthelesse through the small quantity of soldiers he was by the same Albertus overthrowne and slaine neare Spires and lyes buried there In this Emperors Reigne Anno Domini 1303 the Chaire wherein the Kings of England are crowned at Westminster was brought out of Scotland by Edward King of England which the Scots called the fatall chaire in the yeare 1310. The knight-templers in Germany France England and other countries were all cut off many of them burnt alive Chron. Montford 140. Albertus ALbertus Anno Domini 1269. the son of Rudolphus late Emperor deceased borne in Nassau a man most expert in ar●●es succeeding in the Empire demanded divers severall times of Boniface the Pope his coronation who being against it and repugnant would by no meanes condescend thereto Afterwards by the reason of jarres and discords betweene Philip king of France and the Pope he did not onely crowne and confirme him Emperor but gave him also the kingdome of France subjecting the king to his Imperiall government and command which was an occasion of infinite slaughters discords intestine and civill warres in Christendome This man having ever spent and emploied the greatest part of his time in warres and heroicall actions labouring day and night to recover the secure harbour of tranquillity and peace on a certaine day disembarking himselfe having passed over the Rheine he was slaine at Rheinveld in Germany by anephew of his for certaine dissentions between them which before had happened in Arabia and hath his ashes inurn'd at Keningstadt In this Albertus his time lived that famous Doctor Ioannes Duns Scotus who died at Coloyn being supposed to be dead having onely an accustomed fit of a Lethargy which afterwards was evident when they that were his friends came caused him to be taken up again having found him to be alive by many bruises on his face and his flesh eaten off of his armes and shoulders and many other signes tokens to thegriefe of many a worthy scholler 141. Henry the 7. THis Henry was Marquesse of Luxemburghe where he was borne Anno Dom. 1368. son to Henry and Beatrice elected in the yeare of grace 1308 and confirmed by Pope Clement upon this condition that at the end of two yeares he should according to the accustomed manner goe to solemnize his coron●tion at Rome which he persorming was entertained with all pompous manner and jncredible magnificence by the Cittizens and Communalty and after that was crowned by 3 Cardinals and there he appeased many dissentions which were then afoote in the Countrey of Italy many parts being taken His returne was by Tuscany where his soldiers did much mischiefe Being arrived at Buonconvento within 12 miles of Siena he fell grievously sicke and caused himselfe to be carried to the Bath of Macereto and that availing him nothing he returned againe to Buonconvento where his sicknesse increasing and the best Art in Phisicke working no good effect within few dayes after hee dyed and was inhumed at Pisa 142. Fredericke 3. The Popes chaire was vacant two yeares three moneths and seaventeene dayes THis Fredericke was Duke of Austria Anno Domini 1314. where hee was also borne the sonne of Albertus Caesar and elected to succeed in the Imperiall Throne At the same time 2 Emperors were chosen by the Electors viz. this Frederick Lewis and both being crowned there ensued not onely betweene them but also all the world over most cruell and bloody civill warres And each pretending his cause juridically lawfull enabled themselves to their utmost possibility with what forces they could for warre the better to march whithersoever occasion should call upon them Matters standing upon these termes each of them for his best advantage and security fortune brought them in processe of time to a meeting victory hovering over the battaile which was not without great effusion of blood on both sides But in conclusion the Catastrophe fell worst upon Fredericke to his utter ruine so he falling into a deepe melancholy was therein in a short time lost passing to another life leaving his enemy Lewis to enjoy the seate Imperiall he dyed in Austria expecting his resurrection at Murbach A Fable of this Emperor Fredericke propounded to the Embassador of King Lewis the 11. in the 6. yeare of his Reigne Charles Duke of Burgundy having planted his siege before the City of Nuce which was succoured by this Emperor and the Almaines King Lewis the 11 of France who sought nothing more than the ruine of the said Duke of Burgundy sent his Embassador to the Emperor Fredericke to pracsise and perswade with him to seize consiscate into h●s owne hands all those lands and signorie which the Duke of Burgundy held of the Empire and that hee for his part would doe the like for the Country of Flanders Artois Burgundy and other dependants of the Crowne of France The Emperor upon this motion made the Embassador this answer Neere unto a certaine City in Almaine did once haunt a most cruell Beare which did many mischiefes and displeasures to the inhabitants adioyning now said the Emperour it hapned that 3 merry companions a● they were drinking in a Taverne and having little money to pay their shot they agreed with their Host to venture upon the Beare and to kill him and then make sale of his skinne and t● pay him with the money and for the performance thereof they prepared themselves presently to goe and take him the bargaine being made and dinner ended they put themselves in quest of the Beare and approaching to the cave where hee was lodged the beare issued out upon them so fiercely that being surprized with a suddaine feare one of them fled away backe tewards the towne the second saved himselfe by climbing up a tree and the third being overtaken by the Beare fell downe under him as dead
governe the Empire any longer but to resigne it his wife Ariadna forbad them strictly to doe it so he miserably perished 90 Anastasius Anno Domini 491. THis Emperour was by Nation of Macedonia in Greece Anno Domini 491. and having taken possession the better to confirme himselfe in that esse combined by a present and speedy course and by donatives of great value with Clodoneus King of France by whose meenes hee wase stablished in the Dignity and State He seemed a great lover of the Christian Religion but afterwards by the perswasion of Acatius Bishop of Constantinople a man tainted with the heresie of Arianisme began to follow and embrace it for which being reprehended by Hormisda Bishop of Rome by the way of Embassadors slighting thē with contempt and dismissing them saying That it belonged to the Emperour to reprehend the Popes and the Popes ought not to reprehend Emperours and this answer he made with great indignity and supremacy Wherupon as * Sūmario delle vite de gl● Imperatore Romani c. an Italian Author saith were it for so great an insolency and pride or other errors in the presence of his Peeres and all the Court by the divine judgement hee was wounded with a Thunderbolt and so dyed suddainly after hee had governed 26 yeeres Appendix A little before his death saith Baronius Baro. there were seene terrible earthquakes and other prodigies and hee was often terrified in his sleepe with fearefull visions amongst which this was one A man of a sterne looke holding a booke in his hand saying Ecce ob perversitatem fidei tuae annos quatuordecim vitae tuae deleo See for thy perversnesse of beleefe I put out fourteene yeeres of thy life And being premonished by the Oracle that he should dye by fire although hee sought all possible precautions and preventions thereof Anno 518. 9 of Iuly a most fearefull lightning with a clap of Thunder terrified his very heart so that he went from chamber to chamber from couch to couch and was carried into the heathermost part of his Palace in a cave or cellar where no light did appeare yet for all that was strucke dead with lightning at Constantinople Annot. Misc 11.15 Zonar Annot. part 3 and no substance or moisture found in his body at all but dryed like a pot-sheard or a bone burnt in fire 91 Iustinus Anno Domini 523. IVstinus a Thracian by nation An. Dom. 523. was called out of bondage to the Empire He was really a lover and professor of Christian Religion and as it were a defender thereof he opposed all heresie and banished all Arrians out of Constantinople Whereupon King Theodoricus a fautor of that Sect being much disgusted forced and constrained Pope Iohn with many of the noble men of Rome to goe to the Emperour to perswade him to restore the Arrians and recall them otherwise that hee would doe the like nay worse to all the Clergy and Bishops in his Kingdome which through feare was by the Pope performed And returning backe with the Roman Barons the Kings demand being not performed the Pope was immediately imprisoned and there starved through hunger The good Emperour perceiving this and being now very aged had no desire of revenge but dyed with griefe as all Authors report in his chiefe City of Constantinople to the great discontent of the Christians having chosen his Nephew Iustinianus to be his successor In the eight yeere of his Reigne on a Fryday at Constantinople 5 Calend Iunij at dinner-time there was such a suddaine Earthquake that with it and other strange magicall charmes the Winds blustering every where in the house blowing the Kitching-fires about bred a double destruction to the people both of ruines and fire mixing together Euagr. lib. 4. cap. 5. and Euphrasius Bishop of that City having at that time his head strucken off by the disaster was intombed in the fire 92 Iustinianus Magnus Anno Domini 527. IVstiman An. Domini 527. an Illyrian by Nation was a very zealous man in the Christian Religion and of a singular learning and wit rather Angelicall than Humane Hee reduced all the Imperiall lawes into one volume and to the Codex hee inserted the Digests and Authenticks by the which the whole world is directed for the maintenance and conservation of States He overcame the Vandals tooke the City of Sal● and freed all Italy from the tyranny and cruelties of the Goths He subdued the Moores which wasted and spoyled Affrica with whose spoiles the famous Captaine Bellisarius built two stately Edifices in Rome and founded a worthy Monastery in the City of Oreti and endowed it with sunicient revenues for the maintenance of the religious as also many famous Churches By the example of his Captaine Generall this Emperour also in Constantinople famous all over the world in the honour of the most holy Trinity and St. Sophia And having to his most honorable memory enlarged the Empire hee fell into a strange disease and became a starke foole and so he dyed franticke and was buried at Constantinople in the yeere of his age 83 and of his Empire 38. Anno 560 in this Emperors reigne Clotarius King of France having a sonne Chramnus who had often flowne out and after some reconciliation had having forgotten his former promise and duty to his King and Father fell into an open rebellion against him and after that received remission At length hee raised Armes the third time against his Father in the lesser Brittannia and being taken alive was by the command of Clotarius shut up in a cottage together with his wife and children by whose instigation hee was spurred on to this rebellion wherein they were all burnt to death 93 Iustinus Iunior Anno Dom. 566. QUite contrary to his worthy Antecessor was this most unworthy Iustinus Anno Domi● 566. an Illyrian by nation and a man most bitter cruell avaricious unjust perfidious fraudulent a contemner both of God and man he would often utter these words With whom shall wee live at last wee kill armed men in Warre and the unarmed in peace But by the divine Justice he lived not long in impunity defiling himselfe with sundry sorts of basenesse because dietings and the most exquisite nutriments nor Physicke could afford him any assistance at all but grew continually from bad to worse Whereupon because Sophia his wife although wise enough for a woman governed the Empire untill the time of Tiberius the second but being a woman shee was not much feared because in her time the Longobards over-ranne and possessed all Italy but before this Iustinus recovered he adopted Tiberius as his sonne and pronounced him Augustus And as some say he built a City in Istria now called by his name Iustinopolis Againe falling sicke his disease fell into his feete whereof hee dyed at his Imperiall City of Constantinople not having any great pompe or state at his funerall all being rather glad in
difficulty Anno Domini 985. because there was a great confusion about him and Henry Duke of Bavaria but afterwards the Electors all accorded to Otho and this their election was confirmed by Pope Benedict of those times He was not any way different from the conditions o● his predecessors for he was a great defender of the Church And in all his warres which were many he remained invincibly victorious having alwayes a brave spirit wherefore he was called the wonder of the world Finding all in quiet and peace he intended to go into Italy which he did and came to Rome and was crowned by Gregory the fifth with wonderfull solemnity and being very desirous to returne into Germany he was poisoned by the Romanes and died suddenly in Rome the eightenth yeare of his Empire committing his body to his sons to be conducted solemnly into Germany there to be interred at Aquisgrane and his ashes to be inurn'd after the Romane fashion This Emperour married Mary the daughter of the king of Arragon which Mary often entised a young Earle a man of a singular chastity as being himselfe also married to the satisfaction of her lust but being by him repulsed she complained to Otho that the Earle had forced her to his desire Wherefore Otho commanded him to be beheaded The Earles Lady taking up the head of her husband came and threw it before Otho as he was at that time in the seate of Iudgement with many teares and word charging him that hee was guilty of innocent blood which shee proved by taking before his face and the rest of his company a red hot Iron in her hand 〈◊〉 custome it ●as among ●●e Romans ●at whosoe●er did take a ●●d hot Iron 〈◊〉 his hand ●●d was not ●●rt wa● held ●●nocent of ●●at act wher●● he was ac●●sed which never hurt her Otho seeing that and the Lady thereupon insulting promised her his owne life in satisfaction But the Peeres after much intreaty somewhat pacified the Lady and the matter being more seriously sifted the whole crime fell upon the Empresse whom Otho commanded to bee burnt and gave the Widdow 3 Castles to her and her children for ever Barro This Emperour also appointed divers Offices in the Empire as Chancellor Dapifer Pincerna and the like adding those places as honorable to those Earles and Counts upon whom hee conferred them thenceforth to be irremoveable for ever 125. Henry 2. HEnry the second borne in Bavaria Anno Domini 1001. was by the Electors created Emperor in the yeere of Grace 1001 being at first Duke of Bavaria Hee was an excellent and Saint-like man and had a Lady to his wife worthy and like himselfe adorned with all compleat perfections This man by the reason of serious occupations concerning the Imperiall affaires could not for a certaine space come into Italy but dispatching his businesses of greatest importance he came to Rome not in a pompous manner but with a conveniet and due greatnesse and was by Benedict 8 then Pope crowned Emperour Afterwards he went toward Capua against the Saxons and staied them out of Italy together with many Greeks which favoured the Turks At length having well composed the Empire and founded the bishoprick of Bamberge he matched his sister in marriage to Stephen king of Hungary afterwards falling sick in a short time died I finde it not recorded where to the great greife of all men and lieth enterred at Bamberg before mentioned 126. Conradus 2. NOt without great contention two yeeres after the death of Henry this noble and sublime Prince borne in Franconia Anno Domini 1024. was lawfully chosen Emperour who immediately made warre upon Elibrand Duke of Milan and besieged him although out of his owne clemency and noble minde and by the intreaty of the Arch-bishop of Colonia he raised his siege Departing thence hee went to Rome and by Pope Iohn was crowned Emperour with great solemnity and triumph After some dayes departing from Rome he warred against the Sclavonians and bravely overcame them He ordayned many most commodious and profitable lawes amongst which this was one That what Prince soever violated the peace hee should lose his head It is not found nor certainly knowne when how nor where this most Christian Emperour dyed Neverthelesse it is credibly to be supposed that a good end concluded so good beginnings and so vertuous a life but had ininterment at Spires Glaber amongst other Authors reporteth that on the Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul the 29 of June Anno Domini 1033 at sixe of the clocke in the morning the Sunne began to be eclipsed and continued untill eight in a very strange manner the Suune seeming to bee of the colour of a Saphire being in the upper part like the Moone in the last Quartile and the countenances of men seemed of the colours of the dead pale and wanne and whatsoever was in the Ayre seemed of a yellow or Saffron colour to the terrour of all men so that the greatest Philosophers and learnedst of those times could not give any other reason but that it portended mortality and demonstrated a power incomprehensible by humane nature and reason 127. Henry 3. AFter the good Conradus Anno Domini 1039. Henry his sonne borne also in Franconia succeeded in the Empire In the beginning of his Reigne hee fought very fortunately against Hurdericus King of Bohemia and made him tributary so that he never after disturbed him He overthrew the Hungarians and restored Solon to his Kingdome of which hee had beene deprived by Ladislaus About this time there grew many ●issensions in Rome amongst the Pre●ates concerning the Popedome and ●●e with singular prudence laboured ●o pacifie them and caused a Coun●ell to be called in which Clemens ●he second was elected as true Pope ●nd by him was crowned Emperor After wards hee made warres upon ●he Sarazens Returning into Germany he built a ●ately and sumptuous Church in Samberge dedicating it to St. Gregory and obtained it to be a Cathe●rall with an obligation of sending ●certaine quantity of Incense to the Pope and a white Horse with due Furniture Bertholdus reports this That Hen●y beginning to loath and hate his wife ●ho was a most innocent and vertuous ●oman committed her to prison ●here he compelled many to violate and ●orce her he commanded his second sonne Conradus to doe the like which he refusing being his step-m●ther this Henry denied him to b● his sonne and after some other inward infirmitie besides his Apoplexy as peradventure iealousie which many times breeds from a meer but false suspition and causeth perpetuall dissention and debates which by continuance altereth the nature of love converting it to a loathing and hatred oftentimes to the ruine of one or both parties He died in Aquisgrane leaving his sonne Henry to inherit the crowne imperiall and had his funerall obsequies performed in a most royall and glorious forme and thus buried at Spires 128. Henry 4 TOr the memorable
and lamented all over the Christian world as an exemplar punition by the All-powerfull hand of the God omnipotent 133. Henry the 6. Henry the sonne of the aforesaid Ferderick borne also in Swede after his election went to Rome in great magnifiscence and triumph An. Don. 1190. was there crowned Emperor by Pope Caelestinus He fought with Tancredus and beleaguered him in Naples tooke in the citty and the said Tancredus was slaine by the souldiers and his sonne William with his two sisters were carried away prisoners into Germany to the Emperour who was already removed for feare of a suspected plague But they together with a great number of Bishops and Prelates were most cruelly murthered For which outragious cruelties Pope Caelestine excommunicated him although afterwards upon great submissive humiliation hee was againe restored and absolved and was made by him King of Sicily Afterwards falling grievously sicke in Mesan●a and having recommended his brother Philip and his owne sonne Frederick to Pope Innocent hee gave up the ghost in Panorma and after the Roman custome was richly entombed there In this Emperours time lived one Hugo Bishop of Lincolne who in his visitation comming to the Abby of Godstoe and entring into the Church to doe his devotion and beholding a new Hearse covered with funerall ornaments very richly adorned asked whose it was answer was made of Rosamunds hee presently commanded it to be taken thence and the corpse to be buried not in the Church because shee was an unchaste woman 134. Philip. A Great dissention did arise amongst the Electors upon the death of Henry the sixt Anno. Dom. 1199. because some stood for this Phillip Duke of Swede and brother to the late Emperor an other some stood for Otho Duke of Saxony who was Grandchilde to Lotharius Emperor Whereupon Pope Innocentius in consideration that Fredericke and Henry the ancestors of this Philip had beene rebelious to the Church declared Otho to bee the right and true Emperor Wherefore Philip being much distasted by the assistance of Philip King of France hee made warre against Otho In the meane while Innocentius excommunicated Philip together with all his adherents which either savoured or assisted him Afterwards there followed a pacification on condition that Philip was declared Emperor of Germany but hee governed with great perplexity and molestations Within a while after he was murthered at Bamberg by Altigranus Prince of Turigia and by that meanes there ensued a generall peace and quite He was conveighed to Spire and had a stately funerall celebrated for him with a monument there 135. Otho IN the yeare 1199 Anno Domini 1199. Otho borne a Saxon and Duke of Saxony was elected Emperor And having taken an oath not to violate the Church who not long after his coronation by Pope Innocentius he violated his oath by ransacking many churches for he was a man more covetous than religious and immediatly after he beganne to warre against the Romans by whom he was chased out of Rome and overthrowne but being more enraged he opposed himselfe against the Pope and against Fredericke sonne of the late Emperor from whom hee too●e with little or no resistance many lands and places Which Innocentius understanding called a Counced in Rome and deposed him of the Empire and by the assistance of many Princes against him in the behalfe of the Pope hee had such a great overthrow that he lost all his men Whereupon the Electors accorded to elect Fredericke King of Siclia Emperor For Othe returned againe into Germany there to make all possible preparations for the defence of his Crowne and dignity And having mustred up all his power and strength pitched a battaile against Fredericke wherein he lost the day together with his life being wounded in thirty severall places in his body and was interred at Brunswicke 136. Fredericke the 2. OTho being deprived of the Empire Anno Domini 1220. Fredericke a Saxon borne was elected who was crowned by Honorius Pope by whose asistance he was restored to the kingdome of Sicily although that favour was very ill requited because he suddenly made open wars sacking wasting and spoiling many places that did belong to the Church wherefore he was excommunicated and deprived of the Empire but he slighting and contemning all the Popes censures became far more cruell against the Church and the more to injure the Pope upon no occasion he slew many Prelates Afterwards the Parthians Guelfs and Gibellines overcomming the countrey of Italy upon this oacasion many citties were wasted sacked spoiled and razed After this returning to Fuglia a violent feaver came upon him and whilest he intented to recreate and refresh his army he was then by Manfred his bastard sonne strangled at Taranto and lyes buried at M. Regalis 137. Henry 7 THis Henry sonne of the aforesaid Fredericke and Constantia was at ten yeeres of age elected and crowned Emperour in Aquisgrane and being come to age An Domini 1●20 he married Margaret the Daughter of Leopoldus Du●e of Austria And remembring his father stood excōmunicated by the Pope and thinking it was undeservedly hee bent himselfe to revenge and with an infinite number of souldiers arose against him in open warres but upon better advice and doubtfull peradventure of the successe turned his forces against Otho which made his father suspect that he would in time be of sufficient power already knowing his boldnesse of courage and apt to deprive him of the Crowne Imperial wherupon hee imprisoned him with a strong guard over him and with a strict charge of custody in which misery he at length dyed having no obsequies at all confered upon him 138. Rudolphus RVdolphus borne at Habsburg Anno Domini 1273. was elected Emperor in Lions in the time that a generall Councell was there holden in the yeare 1273. He was a man of exquisite valour and most excellent in all matters very able of body of a beautifull resemblance replenished with singular prudence and wisedome The yeare after his election he went to Rome there to be crowned and although as some say the Pope would not condescend or grant him a coronation neverthelesse he obtained the Imperiall governement of Germany Anno 1282 an army of French-men being in Sycily in preparation for Africk the Sycilians upon Easterday in the afternoone which fell at that time upon the 30 of March upon the ringing of the bells to Even-song set upon the French not dreaming of any such matter especially on Easter-day and slew them every man woman and childe to the number of 8000 persons and those women which were with childe by the French were bowelled that not a sprigge might sprout from a French stocke the memory of this is not extinct for the French know les vespres de la Sycile The Sycilian Evensong Genebrard Returning backe he moved warre against Agesilaus king of Bohemia and so subjected him that he held him in servitude and slavery many yeares but afterwards willing
of his urine hee left Rudolphus his eldest sonne Emperor himselfe passing to a better life at Ratisbon about the age of 50 or thereabouts to the discontentment of all Christendome and lyeth entombed at Lintz in Austria 154. Rudolphus THe Imperiall Majesty as it were an inheritance of the noble house and family of Austria Anno Dom. 1576. was after the death of Maximilian conferred by the Electors upon his son Rudolphus King of Bohemia and Hungary who was borne in Austria who also accepting the degree which deservedly suited with his goodnesse hee alwayes carrying himselfe in his actions as a pious and just Emperour and in particular a defender of the Christian faith Hee ordained in his Diets excellent holy lawes Continually as it appeares he laboured to reduce to the bosome of the Church both by his good example and power in Armes all those which by their owne deficiency had fallen from it Hee recovered what hee could things usurped by the Imperiall enemies and adversaries to the Christian Religion It pleased Almighty God to grant him alwayes victory and to heare the prayers of his subjects and humble honourers of the great worth of this great Caesar in the service of Christendome and the glory of that eternall Majesty upon which all others doe depend but the manner of his death and inhumation I read not of 155. Mathias THe Emperor Rudolphus had given an intimation for an Imperiall Diet in Francfort Anno Domini 1612. with a preparation to goe thither for an election of a King of the Romans although he were surprized with sicknesse and deprived thereby both of Empire and life having reigned 36 yeares Whereof Mathias King of Bohemia and Hungary having intelligence he went from Vienna to Prague and there having solemnized the funerall exequies of his late brother and leaving good order and directions for the interregne hee went to the Diet where on the 13 of Iune 1612. he was by the Electors chosen Emperor with a generall applause and proclaimed and solemnly sworne in the Church of Saint Bartholm●w where also upon the feast of Saint Iohn Baptist hee tooke the Iron Crowne to which solemnity he rod with 10000 horse by the reason of the concourse of so many Princes Lords to so famous a spectacle The next day he caused his wife to bee crowned Empresse This Mathias the first of that name was a Prince of a high spirit and a good souldier He swaid the Empire onely 6 years 9 moneths and 7 dayes and dyed at the age of 63 to the great griefe of all men 156. Ferdinand 2 THe Emperor Mathias being departed from Prage to Vienna where his brother the Arch-Duke Maximiliā was An. Dom. 1619. And now there was a preparation for an Electorall Diet for the election of the Arch-Duke Ferdinando de Gratz to be King of the Romans who was already chosen King of Bohemia and Hungary after which departure the Protestants in the Kingdome of Bohemia rebelled and upon the 20. of March 1619 the afore said Mathias departed this life After that Moravia Slesia Lusaria and part of Austria rebelled likewise through the sway of some powerfull Protestant commanders and Princes who shrunk out of the coller of obedience and refused to performe homage in vigour of a cession made by Albertus the Arch-Duke brother to the aforesaid Mathias Maximilian being lately dead so that the rebellion dilated it selfe in the Kingdome of Hungary Now came on the prefixed time for the Electorall diet to be held a● Francfort where some of the Electors were present for the election of a new Emperor and Ferdinand himselfe as King of Bohemia and Hungarie one of the seven Electors stept in although the aforesaid Bohemiā yet persisting in their rebellion sought what possible they could to prevent him He was neverthelesse by three Electors chosen Emperour with an universall applause the 2● day of August being the festivall day of Saint Austin Ferdinand the second of that name was borne the 9 of Iuly 1578. He was alwayes a stout defender and observer of the Roman Church and upon the 8 of November with a powerfull Army and great slaughter of the adverse party recovered the City of Prague which is the Metropolitan City of the Kingdome of Bohemia whereupon great hopes are conceived of his prosperity of government FINIS