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A06832 The gouernaunce of vertue teaching all faythful christia[n]s, how they oughte daily to leade their lyfe, & fruitfully to spend their time vnto the glorye of God & the health of their owne soules. Newlye corrected & augme[n]ted by Thomas Becon. 1566 Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1727; ESTC S101289 136,978 330

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called w e his own name wonderful the geuer of coūcell the mighty god y ● euerlasting father y ● prince of peace ●… In that day it shal be said Lo this is our god we haue wayted for him he shal saue vs. This is the Lord in whō we haue hoped we shal be mery and reioyce in the saluacion that commeth of hym They shall see the glory of y ● Lord the maiestie of our god And therfore strēgth the weake handes cōfort the feble knees say vnto thē y ● ar of a feare full hart be of good chere feare not Behold your god cōmeth to take vēgeaunce you shall see the reward y e god geueth God commeth his owne selfe will deliuer you Thē shall the eyes of the blind be lightened and the eares of the deafe opened Then shall the lame mā leape as an hart and the dumme mans toung shal be losoned O that thou wouldest cleaue y ● heauens in sonder and come downe Behold I see foure men goyng lose in the middest of the fire and nothyng hurt and the fourth is lyke the sonne of god to looke vpon Out of Egipt haue I called my son This is our god ther shal none other be cōpared vnto him It is he that hath found out all wisedome and hath geuen her vnto Iacob hys seruaunt and to Israell his beloued Afterward did he shew him selfe vppon earth and dwelt among men The Lord said vnto me thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten thee Thy seat O god endureth for euer the scepter of thy kyngdome is a right scepter The Lord hym selfe had me in possession in the beginning of his wayes or euer he begā his workes afore time I haue bene ordeyned from euerlasting and from the begynning or euer the earth was made When I was borne there were net ther depthes nor springs of water Be fore the foundaciōs of the moūtaynes were layde yea before all hils was I borne The earth and all that is vpon the earth was not yet made no not y e ground it selfe For when he made the heauēs I was present when he set vp y ● depthes in order whē he hanged the cloudes aboue when he fastened the springs of the deepe when he shut the sea within certayne boundes that the waters shuld not go ouer their marks that he cōmaunded When he layd the foundacions of the earth I was with him ordryng all thinges deliting dayly and reioysing alwaye before him I came out of the moste hyest fyrste borne before all creatures I caused the lyght that fayleth not to aryse in the heauen and couered all the earth as a cloude I will be his father and he shal be my sonne ☞ Examples out of the old Testament WHen god created the earth and all thynges therein he sayd Let vs make manne in our Image after our owne lykenesse this worde vs. doth euidently declare that there bee three persōs in the godhead the father and the sonne and the holy ghost Wherof it manifestly foloweth that as the father is god and the holy ghost god so likewise is the sonne god yea true and naturall god hegotten of god the Father from euerlastyng Abraham sawe three and worshypped one saying Lord I beseche thee if I haue founde fauour in thy sight go not away from thy seruaunt ☞ Here it is euident also that there are three persons in the deity and yet notwithstanding they three are one God Therfore lyke as the first and the second persons in the deitie are ve ry God I meane the father the holy ghost so likewise is the second person in the trinitie I meane the sonne true naturall God worthy all honour and glory for euermore GOd sayd vnto Moses I am the god of thy father the god of Abrahā the god of Isaac and the god of Iacob ☞ Here also is euidently declared the blessing and glorious trinitie and that there be three persones in the godhead and yet one God so that as the father is God and the holy ghost God so lykewise is the sonne God IN the same yeare that kyng Osiah dyed I saw the Lord sayth the Pro phete Esay sittyng vpon an hygh and glorious feat and his trayne filled the temple And about hym stoode Seraphins wherof euery one had 6. wings With twayne eche couered hys face with twayne hys feete with twaine dyd he flee They cryed also eche one to another on this maner Holy holy holy is the Lord of hostes The whole worlde is full of his glory ☞ This worde holy thryse rehearsed doth also manifestly declare that there are three per sones in the godhead and that they three are one God Christ therfore the second person in the Trinitie is very God Kyng Nabuchodonosor commaunded these three men Sidrach Misach and Abdenago to be cast into an excedyng hote burning ouen because they would not become Idolatours and at his commaundement fall downe and worship the golden Image And whē they were bounde in theyr coates bosen shoes with their other garmentes and caste into the hote burnyng ouen the kyng looked into the ouen sayd vnto his counsell did ye not cast these three men bounde into the fyre They aūswered vnto the kyng yea O kyng He aunswered and said lo for all that yet doo I see foure men goyng lose in the middest of the fyre and nothyng corrupt and the fourth is lyke the son of god to looke vpon Here is a manifest testimony y t Iesu Christ is the son of God and God hymselfe as we shall euidently learne of the histories of the new Testament ☞ Sentences out of the newe Testament Hys name shall be called Emanuel which is by interpretation God wyth vs or God and man This is my welbeloued sonne in whome I haue great pleasure Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuyng God Without all doubte thys was the sonne of God He shall be great and shall be called the sonne of the most highest That holy thing which shal be born shall be called the sonne of God In the beginning was the word y ● word was w t god the word was god We sawe the glory of the worde as the glorye of the onely begotten sonne of the father No man hath sene god at any tyme the onely begotten sonne whiche is in the bosome of the father he hath declared hym Thou art the sonne of god y ● art the kyng of Israell He that beleueth not is condemned already because he beleueth not in the name of the onely begotten sonne of god The father loueth the sonne and hath geuen all thinges into his hande He that beleueth the sonne hath euerlastyng lyfe and he that beleueth not on the sonne shall not see lyfe but the wrath of god abideth on hym I am that liuyng bread which came downe from
of Abraham that is to say was made and became ve ry true and naturall man of the kinrede of Abra hā accordyng to Gods promise So that all that euer he had concerning his humanitie he had it of the blessed Uirgine which came of y ● stocke of Abraham ☞ Agayne he saith in all things it became hym to be made lyke vnto hys bretherne Here saint Paule confesseth that Christ was made like vn to vs in all thynges which thyng by no meanes could be true yf he had not taken vpon him our nature and substaunce If he belyke vnto vs in all thynges sinne alone excepte so followeth it that he is of the same nature of the same fleshe and bloud that we are or els could not he be like vnto vs in all thynges And so should thys holy apostle and al other godly writers and teachers haue brought vs in errour But let god be true and all heretikes lyers ☞ Now haue we learned both truly and fullye of the holy scriptures which are infallible verities that Christ was cōceiued by the holy ghost and borne of the Uirgine Mary By the which worde of we beleue that he toke his humanity of her substaunce and had none other begynnyng as touching his humanity than in her and of her by the operation of the holy ghost so that we may truely conclude that as Christ is very God of God the father wythout a mother so is he very man of Mary his mother wythout any Father Therfore may hys God head be as iustly denied as hys manhode and flesh takyng of the blessed virgine Mary But Christ abydeth very god and very man whatsoeuer the wicked hiretikes hable Cursed therefore bee Cerdo Marcian and Manes which taught that christ appeared as man and yet had no parte of true manhoode in hym but onelye had a fantasticall bodye ☞ Cursed be Cerinthus which taught that Iesus was begotten of Ioseph and Mary after y ● maner of other men and that Christ came down from aboue vnto Iesus ▪ Cursed bee the Ebionites the Theodosians the Antimonians and the Photinians which affirmed that Christe was borne of the virgine onely man not God Cursed be Appelles which taught that Christ had his body of the elements in the ayre Cursed be Ualentinus which sayd that Christ brought his body wyth him from heauen and tooke no fleshe of the Uirgine Mary but passed through her as water through the pype Cursed be hys Apes the Anabaptistes ▪ which in these our dais haue raysed vp that most detestable and horryble heresie Cursed and confounded be all they which wyth theyr hartes do not beleue wyth their mouthes vnfainedly confesse that Iesus Christ is both God and man to whom be glory for euer Amen Against the grosse and fantasticall opinion of the papistes which affirme that Christes naturall body and bloud is carnally eaten and dronken in the lordes supper IF the deuill or the pope or any of their impes go about with sophisticall reasons to persuade thee that Christ is naturall in the sacramentall bread and wyne or that the bread and wine is turned vnto the reall and naturall body bloud of Christ euen as he receaued it of the blessed Uirgine suffer not thy selfe to bee beguiled and mocked but valiauntly resiste them wyth these sentences and histories of Gods moste holye worde ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament THe Lord is in his holye temple the Lordes seat is in heauen The Lord lord looked downe from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that would vnderstād and seeke after god God is gone vp wyth a mery noyse and the Lorde wyth the sounde of the trompet God sitteth vpon his holy seate Thou art gone vpon hie O Christ thou hast led captiuitie captiue receiued giftes for men Syng vnto God O ye kingdomes of the earth O sing praises vnto the lord which sitteth in the heauens ouer all He looked downe from his sanctuarye euen out of heauen did the Lord behold the earth that he might heare the mourninges of such as be in captiuitie and deliuer the children appointed vnto death The Lord hath prepared hys seat in heauē and his kingdom ruleth ouer al. O Lord my god thou art become excedyng glorious thou art clothed wyth maiesty and honor thou deckest thy self with light as it were with a garment and spreadest oute the heauens lyke a curtayne Thou layest the beames of thy chambers in the waters makest the cloudes thy charets and walkest vpon the winges of the winde The Lorde sayd vnto my Lorde sit thou on my right hand vntill I make thyne enemies thy footestole The Lorde is hie aboue all heathen and his glory aboue the heauens Who is like vnto the lord our God that hath his dwellyng so hie and yet humbleth himselfe to behold the things that are in heauen and earth Wherefore shall the heathen saye where is now their god As for our god he is in heauen he hath done what so euer pleased hym Unto thee O Lord lift I vp my eies which dwellest in the heauens Whither shal I go from thy spirit or whether shal I flee from thy presēce If I clime vp into heauē thou art there c Wil god dwel on the earth Behold the heauens and heauens of all heauēs are not able to contayne thee And how should then this house do it that I haue builded The house which I build shal be great for great is our god aboue al gods But who is able to build hym an house whē that heauen and heauen aboue all heauens is not hable to receiue him God is hyer then heauen what arte thou able to do Deper then hell howe wilt thou then know hym His length excedeth the length of the earth and hys breadth the breadth of the sea Thus saith the Lord heauen is my seate and the earthe is my footestoole where shall now the house stand that ye will build vnto me And where shall be the place that I will dwell in Sentences out of the new Testament IF any man say vnto you Loe here is Christe or there is Christe beleue it not For there shall arise false annoynted and false teachers and shall shewe greate myracles and wonders in so muche that yf it were possible the verye electe should be deceaued Beholde I haue tolde you afore Wherfore if thei say vnto you behold he is in the desert goe not ye forth behold he is in y ● secret places beleue it not For as the lightnyng commeth out of the east and appeareth into the West so shall the commyng of the sonne of man be Ye haue the power alwayes w t you but me shall ye not haue alwayes And when the Lord had spoken vnto them he was receiued into heauen and is set downe on the right hand of god It came to passe as Christ
of the world and yet suffer themselues still to be led with traditions as these for an example touch not tast not handle not c. Which all perish through the verye abuse after the commaundements and doctrins of men which thinges outwardly haue the similytude of wisdome by superstition and humblenes of minde c. Thapostles of Christ would not burden the christen congregations with new and superfluous tradicions but only charged them with such thinges as were necessary Sainct Paule in his Epistle vnto the Galathians inueieth against them which after they haue known god turne agayn vnto nedie and beggerlye ceremonyes traditions or ordinaunces obseruing dais monethes times and yeares Against the folowing of vngodly forefathers If thou through temptation of the Deuil or the ●…alse perswasions of Antichrists Prophets be m●… ●…ed at any time to doubt of the truth of gods word which the papistes at this daye cal seditious doctrine new learning and heresy because thy forefathers haue both beloued and done the contrary ▪ call these scriptures to thy remembraunce Sentences out of the olde Testament Folow not the multitude to do euill Doo not you these thinges that they haue done which were before you neither be ye defiled in them I am the Lord your God kepe my commaundements The Lord sent his prophets to his people saying returne from your vnrighteous wayes and keepe my preceptes and ceremonies according to all the lawe that I commaunded your fathers But they would not heare but became stifnecked euen as their forefathers were stifnecked whiche would not obey the Lord God Let them put their hope in God not forget the works of the Lord but seke after his commaundementes Let them not be like their forefathers whiche were a frowarde and a spitefull nation a nation that would neuer be true harted nor bear an vpright mind toward God Be not hard harted as your forefathers were saith the Lord whiche chyde and rebelled against me We haue sinned with oure forefathers we haue done vniustly and commited iniquitie Trust not in rulers nor in the sonnes of men in whome is no health For whē theyr breath goeth away they return vn to their earth In y ● day shall al their thou ●…hts counsels deuises and imaginations come to naught I haue alway sayd vnto your forefathers synce I brought them out of the land of Egipt euen vnto thys daye heare my voice but they would not hear nor once bow their eare vnto it But euery one of them is gone astray in the fr●… wardnes of his wicked harte ye the people of Iuda and the men of Ierusalem are also fallē vnto the wickednes of their fore fathers which would not hear my words Insomuch that thei ar alredy gone away after straunge Gods and serue them The house of Israel the house of Iuda haue brokē y e couenaunt which I made w t their fathers Therfore thus saith the lord Beholde I wil bring in extreme punishments vpon thē so y ● they shal not escap frō thē They shall crye v●…to me but I will not heare them The cityes of Iuda and th●… inhabiters of Hierusalem shall goe crye vnto them to whom they offered sacrifice and yet shall they not saue thē in the time of their trouble According to the number of thy cities were thy Gods O Iuda and after the number of thy waies O Hierusalem haste thou set vp altars of abhomination to do sacrifice vnto Baalim Your forefathers haue forsaken me sayth the Lorde and they are gone awaye after straunge Gods and haue serued thē and worshipped them yea they haue vtterlye geuen me ouer and haue not kept my lawe But you haue wrought more abhomination than all your forefathers haue done For behold euery one of you walke after the leudnesse of his own wicked harte and will not heare me Their forefathers haue broken my couenaunt euen vnto thys day and they to whom I send thee are children without all shame and of such an harte as can not be reclaimed Walke not in the commaundementes of your fathers nor keepe not their ordinaunces neither pollute your selues with their idoles For I am the lord your God Therefore walke in my preceptes and kepe my iudgementes and do them Confusion of face and vtter shame be vnto vs vnto our kings vnto our rulers to our forefathers which haue sinned Be not like your forefathers vnto whō the Prophets in tymes past cryed saying thus sayth the Lorde of hostes turne from your euill waies and from your abhominable thoughtes but they would not harken nor geue any attendaunce vnto me sayth the Lord. Our forefathers haue sinned and haue done euill in the sight of the Lord our god For they haue forsaken him and turned awaye their faces from the tabernacles of the Lord our God Be not lyke your forefathers and brethren which rebelled against the Lorde God of their fathers and he gaue them ouer into desolation as ye see your selues Be not ye hardnecked now as were your forefathers but offer your hande vnto the Lorde and come to his sanctuarie which he hath sanctifyed for euer and serue the Lorde your God so shall the indignation of his wrath turne away from you Examples out of the olde Testament CAin ●…lewe his brother Abel and followed his forefather the deuill which was a mansleyer from the beginning Nadab king of Israell folowed his forefather Hieroboam cōmitting idolatrie against the lord his God Therfore Baasa destroyed him and his kingdome all the house of Hieroboam so that one of the stocke remained not aliue Ozochias king of Israell followed hys wicked forefather Achab greuously sinned against the lord his God He therfore reigned but a litle time and also died a miserable death Amon king of Iuda followed hys Idolatrous forefather Manasses and dyd that whiche was euill in the sight of the Lord his God He reigned but two yeres and was slaine of his seruauntes in hys own house Ioakim kyng of Iuda for●…oke the godlye waies of his moste vertuous father king Iosias and followed the steppes of his wicked forefathers The Lorde therefore suffered him to raigne but three monethes in Ierusalem and gaue him ouer into the handes of his enemies Sedechias king of Iuda followed hys wicked forefathers and prouoked y ● lord his God vnto anger He therfore was depriued of his kingdome sawe his children slaine before his eyes and afterward he hauing his eyes plucked out of his head was bound in chaines and miserably caryed away into Babilon ¶ Sentences out of the ne●… Testament All that come before me are theeues and robbers but my sheepe haue not heard them O ye stifnecked and vncircumcised of hartes and eares ye haue alwayes resisted the holy ghost ▪ as your forefathers did so do ye Which of the Prophets haue not your forefathers persecuted See that ye passe the
wyll caste an hunger vppon the earth not the hunger of breade nor the thirst of water but of bearing the word of the Lord. And they shal go from sea to sea and walke aboute from the South to the East sekinge the worde of the Lorde and yet shall they not finde it ☞ Examples out of the 〈◊〉 Testament GOd the Father wrote the law of the ten cōmaundements in tables of stone with his finger and commaunded Moyses to declare them vnto the people The people are commaunded of God not only to rede his holy law but also diligently to exercise them selues in the me ditation therof so long as they liue and to teach it their childrē yea to talk of it both in their house and when they go abroad and to write it vpon t●…e thresholds dores and postes of their houses that it may bee ●…er in their sight For man shall not liue with breade alone but with euery worde that procedeth from the mouth of God A kinge is commaunded to reade the boke of the law of the Lorde all the dayes of his life that he may feare the Lorde his God Iosua was commaunded that the boke of the Lordes law should not depart from his mouth but that he shoulde study in it day and night that he might kepe and do all thinges that are written in that boke King Saul was cast down from his roy all estate because he was negligente and disobedient to the law of God When Dauid lay on his deathe bed he saide to Sallomon thou shalt prosper and come to great renoume if thou kepest the commaundementes and ordinaunces which the Lord commaunded Moses Ioas when he was crowned in y ● temple had the law of the Lord deliuered vnto his handes that he shoulde keepe and maintaine the same Iosaphat that walked in the commaundementes of the Lord loued Gods word so entierly that he sent hys princes Leuites and priestes to teach in all partes of Iuda which had the booke of the Lordes law with them and went about in all the cities of Iuda and taught the people Ezechias diligently walked in the law of the Lord purged his realme of all idolatry set vp againe the true worshipping of God exhorted all his subiectes to followe the lawe of their Lord God Iossas that most godly king which walked so purely in the waies of the lord that he declined neither on the ryght hand nor on the left when the boke of the law was deliuered vnto him did not only cause the booke to be red before hym but he himself also red it before all his people both small and great and all idolatry destroyed restored the true religion to hys kingdome Esdras red the law of the Lord plainly and distinctly to the people they gaue very earnest and diligent attendaunce to the bearing of it Susan from her infanci●… was so diligentlye brought vp of her parentes in the lawe of God that she did not onely feare god but also chused rather to be stoned vn to death then she would once transgresse the law of god by committing adultery Sentences out of the newe Testament Man shall not liue with breade alone but with euery worde that commeth out of the mouth of God Uerely verely I say vnto you this age shal not passe till all these things be done Heauen and earth shall passe awaye but my wordes shall not passe away Blessed are they that heare the word of god and kepe it Blessed is he that eateth bread in the kingdome of God They haue Moyses and the Prophets let them heare them If they heare not Moyses and the Prophets neither will they beleue though one shoulde rise from the dead Thys is condemnation that lyghte is come into the world and that men loued darkenes more then lyght because theyr workes were euill For euery man that doth euill hateth the lyght neyther commeth he to y ● light least his workes should be reproued but he that doth truth commeth to light that his deedes myghte bee known how they are wrought in god Search the scriptures for ye thinke to haue eternall lyfe in them and these are they which testifie of me neyther will ye come vnto me that ye may haue life The wordes that I speake to you are spirite and life Lord to whom shal we go Thou hast the wordes of euerlasting lyfe He that is of god heareth the wordes of god But ye heare not bicause ye are not of god If a man kepeth my worde he shal neuer see death My sheepe heare my voyce and I know them and thei folow me and I geue them euerlasting lyfe Walke while ye haue light least darknes ouerwhelme you He that walketh in darknes knoweth not whether he goeth While ye haue light beleue in the lyghte that ye may be the children of lyght He that hath my preceptes and keepeth them he it is that loueth me If any man loueth me he will kepe my word and my father will loue him and we shall come to him and dwell with hym This is euerlasting life euen to knowe thee the alone true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. Euery one that is of the truth heareth my voyce The gospell of Christ is the power of god vnto saluation for so many as beleue Except the Lorde of bostes had left vnto vs sede that is hys most blessed word we had bene as Sodom and might well haue bene likened to Gomorra Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God Whatsoeuer thyngs are written afore time are writtē for our learning that we thorowe pacience comfort of the Scriptures might haue hope The word of the crosse is to them that perishe folishnesse but to vs ▪ that obtaine saluation it is the power of God If the gospell of Christ be yet byd it is byd among them that are loste in whom y ● god of this world hath blinded y ● minds of them which beleue not least the light of the glorious gospel of Christ which is the image of God should not shyne vnto thē Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wysedome Teach and monish one an other Quench not the spirite Despise not the studies and preachinges of the holy Scripture Proue all thinges and that is good holde faste God will all men to be saued and come vnto the knowledge of the truth Geue thy minde to reading exhortation and doctrine continue in these things Continue in reading the holy scripture which is able to make thee wyse vnto saluatiō thorow the fayth which is in Christ Iesus For all Scripture geuē by inspiration of God is profitable to teache to improue to amend and to instructe in ryghteousnes that the man of god may be perfecte and prepared to all good workes The word of God is
liue by faithe Christ hath deliuered vs from the curse of the lawe whyle he was made accursed for vs. As manye of you as are iustified by the lawe are fallen from grace We loke for and hope in the spirite to be iukified thorowe fayth Christ is our peace he hath broken down the walle that was a stop betwene vs he hath also put awaye thorow his fleshe the cause of hatred that is to say the lawe of commaundementes contained in the lawe written be so making peace hath reconciled vs to God thorow his crosse Christe hath put oute the band wrighting that was agaynst vs contained in the lawe written and that hath he taken out of the way and hath fastned it to his crosse and hathe spoyled rule power and hath made a shew of them openly and hath triumphed ouor them in his owne person Be it knowne to you ye men and brethren that thorowe this manne Christ Is preached vnto you the forgeuenes of sinnes and that by him all that beleue at iustified from al things from the whiche ●… could not be iustified by the law of Moses Examples out of the new Testament MAthew was a tol gatherer The Apostles were ambicious and did striue amōg them who should be highest and of greatest authoritye Mary Magdalen was a greuouse sinner Peter denied and forsoke Christ thrise Paule persecuted the congregation of Christe Al these yea and why not transgressed the lawe of God for as Christ sayth Moses hath geuen you a law and yet none of you do fulfil it not with standing for theyr repentance and fayth in Christes bloud they obteyned remission for their sinnes and are made the sonnes of God heires of God felow heyres with christe of euerlastinge glory For if righteousnes come by the lawe then died Christ in vayne but euerl●…sting life is y ● gieft of God thorow Iesus Christ our Lord. Against disperation for thy late conuersion and turning vnto God IF Sathan lay to thy charge that thou commest very late and turneste vnto God out of tyme and therefore there is no hope to bee looked 〈◊〉 set these scriptures before thine eyes and euer remember that there is no conuersion vnto God to late in this life ●…f it come of faith but at whatsoeuer houre a sinne●… repenteth beleueth and turneth vnto God he is well accepted and freely receiueth remission of all his sinnes ☞ Sentences out of the olde Testament Let the vngodly man forsake hys owne wayes and the vnrighteous his owne imaginat ions and turne againe vnto the Lord so shal he be merciful vnto him to our God for he is very ready to forgeue Returne O thou rebel Israel saith the lord and I wil not turne awaye my face from you For I am holy sayth the lord I wil not turne away my face from you For I am holy saith the Lorde and I wyll not be angry for euermore As truely as I liue saith the Lord god I haue no pleasure in the death of the wic ked but much rather that the wicked turne from his way and liue Turne you turne you from youre vngodlye waies O ye of the house of Israell Oh wherefore will ye die The wickednes of the wicked shal not hurt him whensoeuer hee conuerteth from his vngodlines If the wicked shal repente him and turn from al his sins which he hath wroughte and shal kepe all my precepts and do iudg ment and righteousnes he shall liue and shall not dye I will not remember all his iniquities which he hath wronght In his righteousnes which he hath wroght shall he liue It is not my will saith the lorde that the wicked should dye and not rather that he shoulde turne from hys wayes and liue Turne and repent ye from al your iniquities and your iniquityes shall work you no displeasure Cast away from you all youre wickednesse wherein ye haue offended make you a newe hearte and new spirite And wherfore wyl ye die O ye house of Israell For I wyll not that any man should dye sayeth the Lord. Returne therfore and liue Turne to the Lord youre God for he is great and merciful pacient and of much kindnes and redye at all tymes to forgeue yea euē whē he is at the point to punish At all tymes when a sinner turneth vnto me sayth the lord I wyll no more beare hys iniquityes in my mynde but freely forgeue them God appointeth here no time of our cō uersion but whensoeuer we turne he pro miseth vs fauour life mercy and forgeuenes of sinne Examples out of the olde Testament After that the Prophete Nathan at the cōmaundement of god had rebuked kinge Dauid for his dissolute manner of liuing Dauid strait waies with a sorowful repen taunt hart turned vnto the Lord and hūbly confessed his sinnes saying I haue offended the Lord. The Prophet immediatly answered the Lord also hath put away thy sinne Dauid did not so sone conuerte but that he was as sone forgeuen to signifie vnto vs that at what so euer time wee vnfainedly turne vnto the Lorde our god he will haue mercy on vs and forgeue vs. The Niniuites for theire abhominable liuyng were thretned vtterly to be destroi ed within forty dayes but they falling vnto repentaunce and turning vnto the lord theire GOD were forgeuen spared and not destroyed Sentences out of the new Testament They that are whole haue no nede of a Phisicion but they that are sicke I came not to call the righteous but sinners vnto repentaunce Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden and I shall refreshe you Heere Christ prescribeth no time he only biddeth vs come and be the burthens of our sinnes neuer so greuous and heauy yet wyll be ease vs of them The Sonne of man came to seeke and saue that which was lost God wil haue all men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the truthe If any man sinneth we haue an aduocate with god the father Iesus Christ y e righte ous one And he it is that obtaineth mercy for our sinnes not for our sinnes onely but for all the worldes Examples out of the new Testament The labourers in the Lordes vineyarde that came last of all receiued their peny s●…wel as they that came in the morning nei ther had one more then another The history of the thefe which was ful of wicked deedes and neuer turned vnto God vntil the very houre of his deathe declareth manifestlye that there is no con uersion in this life to late if it be accompanied with true repentaunce and vnfained fayth The thief hanging on the crosse and at the poynt of death onlye sayd to Christ Lorde remenber me when thou cōmest into thy kingdome And Christ wel acceptīg his conuersion sayd vnto him truly I say vnto thee this day shalt thou be with me
in Paradise Against sinne death and hell IF Sathan in the time of sicknes or els whā goe about to fray thee to quenche thy spirit either with the greatnes of thy sinnes or els with the error and fearcenes of death and hell be not dismayd but with a lustye courage resiste his temptations with these most swete and comfortable scriptures Sentences out of the olde Testament I am he indede sayth god he which puteth away thy sinnes yea that for myne own sake will remēber them no more As for thine offēces I haue driuen thē away like the cloudes and thy sinnes as the miste Turne thee againe vnto me for I haue redemed thee Where is ther such a god as thou art●… that pardonest wickednes and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thine heritage He keepeth not his wrathe for euer And why for his delighte is to haue compassion He shall turne againe and be mercifull to vs hee shall putte downe our wickednes and caste al our sinnes into the bottome of the sea Out of the power of death sayth the lord wil I deliuer them yea from the death it self wil I redeme them O death I will be thy death O hel I wil swallow thee vp Examples out of the olde Testament That holy king and prophet Dauid being fully perswaded that by Christ which was to come Sathans head was broken a sunder sinne was vanquished death was ouercome hell was swalowed vp that they could nothinge hurt that faythful man lamented sorowed that he continued so long in this vale of misery and moste hartelye wished to be deliuered out of thys prison and to goe vnto the Lord his God That godly and aunciente father Toby knowing that neither sinne death nor hell can do any thing against gods chosē people which in Christe haue gotten the victory ouer them al so that they nede not to feare death nor anye thing to come after this life praied to god on this maner Nowe O lord drale with me according to thy wyl and commaūd my spirite to be receiued in peace for more expedient were it for me to dye than to liue Sentences out of the new Testament CHriste shall saue hys people from their sinnes Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world There is no damnation to thē that are graft in Christ Iesu. Christe came into the worlde to saue sinners The bloud of Iesu Christe maketh vs cleane from all synne Thorow the name of Christ al Prophets beare witnes that so many as beleue in him shal receiue remissiō of their sinnes Death is swalowed vp into victory Wher is thy sting O death Wher is thy victory O hell The sting of deathe is sinne and the power of sin is the lawe But thankes bee to God which hath geuen vs the victory thorow our Lord Iesus Christ. By death hath Christ put him to flight that had lordshippe ouer deathe that is to saye the Deuill that he myght delyuer them which thorow the fear of death were all theyr lyfe tyme in daunger of bondage Examples out of the new Testament SO sone as the auncient father Simeon had seene and receiued Christe into his armes he fering neither sin death nor hel shewed himselfe redy to depart out of this world and spake with a ioyful voice O Lord now lettest thou thy seruaunte depart in peace c. Blessed Paule knowing that thorowe Christ the power of synne death and hel is so altogether weekened that they can do the faithful no harme wished to be losoned out of this world and to be with Christ. ¶ Against them that deny the resurrection of the body IF that olde enemy Sathan labour to perswade thee that there is no resurrection of the dead but as the bodye returneth to death so shall it for euer continue in the earth neuer receiue lyfe again nor line either in glory or in peace after this present life that therfore thou maiest liue as thou iust defende thy selfe against his cruel assaults 〈◊〉 these sentēces exāples of the holy scripture Sentences out of the olde Testament The Lorde killeth and maketh alyue againe bringeth downe to the graue and stretchet●… vp againe I am sure that my redemer liueth and that I shall rise out of the earth in the latter day and that I shall be clothed againe with this skinne and see god in my flesh yea I my self shall beholde him not wyth other but with these same eyes These that be deade will I raise vp againe from their places and bringe them out of the graues Thy dead shall liue euen with my body shall they rise againe Awake and singe ye that dwel in the dust For thy dew is euen as the dew of hearbes and the earthe shall cast out of her them that be vnder her the earth shall disclose her own bloud and shal no more hide ●…em that are slaine in her Your bones shall florish like an herbe Beholde saith god I wil put breath in to you that ye may liue I wil geue you sinowes and make fleshe growe vpon you and couer you ouer with skin and so geue you breath that ye may liue knowe that I am the Lord. Thus saith the Lord god behold I wil open your graues O my peo ple and take you out of your Sepulchres Many of them that slepe in the duste of the earth shall awake some to euerlasting life some to perpetuall shame and reproofe Examples out of the olde Mestament THe Prophet Helias raised vp frō death vnto life the Sonne of the widdow of Sarepta which is in Sidon Helizeus obtained of God a Childe for his Hostesse which dyed and as afterward by the prayer of Helizeus raysed vnto life Read and mark diligently the 37. Chapiter of Ezechiel A certaine woman with her 7. Children were cruellye put to death because they would not eate swines flesh contrary to gods worde at the commaundement of the kinge The seconde of the brethren saide vnto the kinge thou moste vngracious person puttest vs now to deathe but the kinge of the worlde shall raise vs vp which dy for his lawes into resurrection of euerlasting life The mother of the 7. Children sayde thus vnto them I cannot tel how ye ●…am in my wōbe for I neither gaue you breath nor soule no nor life It is not I that ioyned the members of youre bodyes together but the maker of the worlde whiche fashioned the birth of man and began all thinges Euen he also of his owne mercye shall geue you breath and life againe like as ye now regard not your own selues for his lawes sake ☞ Sentences out of the newe Testament AS touching the resurrection of y ● dead haue ye not reade what is said vnto you of god which saieth I am Abrahams god and Isaackes god and god is not the god of