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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02915 A shorte declaration of the mistery of iniquity Helwys, Thomas, 1550?-1616? 1612 (1612) STC 13056; ESTC S4697 142,624 224

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extendeth to all the goods and bodies of his servants And doth our lord the King require anie more wee knowe he doth not then let not our lord the King now be angry that wee his servants speake the second time vnto him Doth not the King knowe that the God or Gods and lord of ●ords hath vnder him made our lord the King an earthly King and given him all earthly power and that he hath reserved to himself a heavenly Kingdome a kingdome that is not of this world Ioh. 18.36.37 neither are the subiects of his kingdome of this world Ioh. 17.14 and yet this King was in this world and his subiects are in the world Vers 12. that with this kingdome our lord the King hath nothinge to do by his Kingly power but as a subiect himself and that Christ is King alone onely high Priest and cheife Bishop and there is no King no Primate Metropolitane ArchBishop lord spirituall but Christ onely nor may be either in name or power to exercise aucthority one over another Luk. 22.25.26 Mat. 23.11.12 And will our lord the King not withstanding all that Christ hath done for him in giveing him such a kingdome with such great dignity and power therein will the King not withstanding enter vpon Christs kingdome and appoint or by his power suffer to be appointed Lawes Lords Law makers over or in this kingdome of Christ who wee may be bold to say with warrant if he were vpon earth in the flesh he would be subiect to our lord the King in his earthly kingdome for so was he to Cesar Mat. 17. he paid him tribute and he comaunded to giue vnto Cesar thinges that were Cesars Yea he would not meddle with anie thing that belonged to the King not so muchas to comaund the two beethren to devide the inheritance nor to judg the woman taken in adultery Far be it thē from the hart of our lord the King to give his earthly power to anie to rule as lords over the Kingdome and heritage of Christ which he hath reserved to himself to rule and governe onely by his word and spirit where no earthly power may be admitted in that it is no earthly kingdome Behold now wee have begun to speake vnto our lord the King and wee are but dust and ashes and our lord the King is but dust and ashes aswell as wee therefore let not our lord the King be angry that his servants speake the third time vnto him wee knowe our lord the King may do what soever pleaseth him and who shall say vnto him what dost thou Eccles 8.3.4 Yet though he should kill vs wee wil speake the truth to him It is the Kings honor to search out a thinge Prov. 25.1 And wee knowe the King is a wise man and a man of vnderstanding thus then wee speake vnto him Will the King challeng to himselfe to sitt vpon the throne of David and to iudg Israell wee the Kings servants meane will the K. have the same power now over the church house of God that the Kings of Israell had vnder the law who satt vpon Davids throne will and ought the King to make a covenant and cause all to stand to it and must all stand to it and will ought the King to compell all that are found in his dominions to serve the lord as the King comaunds 2. Chro. 34.32.33 and will and ought the King to slay all that come not to the passover Num. 9.13 If our lord the King have this power thē he ought duly to execute it and then he sitts vpon Davids throne and then the King of Spaine hath the like power to compell all in his dominions to serve God as he comaunds so every king sitts vpon Davids throne and all Kings are herein to be obeyed for will not our lord the King that is a man of vnderstanding yeild that Queene Marie the Kings noble predecessor had the same power and aucthority by hir sword of justice over hir subiects that our lord the King hath and that hir subiects were bound to obey hir in all things and submitt to hi● sword of iustice as well as our lord the Kings subiects are to obey him and submitt to his sword of iustice for all earthly Kings have but one manner of power and sword Rom. 13. Chap. If our lord the King by his deseruing iudgment see this then our lord the King will easily see that as Queene Mary by hir sword of Iustice had no power over hir subiects consciences for then had she power to make them all Papists and all that resisted hir therein suffered iustly as evil doers neither hath our lord the King by that sword of iustice power ouer his subiects cōsciences for all earthly powers are one and the same in their severall dominions And if our lord the King will have anie other power it must be a spirituall power and thē that must be with an other sword even a spirituall sword for an earthly sword is ordeyned of God onely for an earthly power and a spirituall sword for a spirituall power and Offences against the earthly power must be puinshed with the earthly sword and offences against the spirituall power with the spirituall sword and with this sword the King of Kings make our lord the King mighty through him to cast downe holds casting downe the ymaginations every high thing that is exalted against the knowledg of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ 2. Cor. 10.4.5 Who is the fruit of Davids loynes concerning the flesh and onely sitts vpon Davids throne for ever Act. 230. Luke 1.32.33 Esa 9.7 And vpon his kingdome to order it to stablish it with iudgment with Iustice The rod of whose power is sent out of Syon who is ruler in the midst of his enimies whose people shall come willingly Psal 110.2.3 and requires not anie earthly power to build vp his Church as he sheweth when he declareth that all power was given him in heaven and in earth he bids his Disciples Go therefore and teach all nations Baptizing them in the name of the father c. he that shall beleeve and be Baptized shal be saved But he that will not beleeve shal be damned Mat. 28.19 Mark 16.16 who when he ascended vpon high he led captivity captive and gave gifts vnto men he gave some to be Appostles c. for the reparing or gathereing together of the Saincts Ephes 4.5.12 Here is shewed vnto our lord the King that which wee knowe he is not ignorant of that Christ onely sitts vpon Davids throne to order it and wee the Kings servants shew it that the King might not be deceived by deceivers who would perswade the K. that he hath the same power over the Church of Christ that the Kings of Israel had over the Church of the old Testament to this end that they might vse the K. earthly power to rule over and build
weeke which are three daies and a half Iohn saith Revela 11. The two witnesses the Word and Spirit off Truth lye killed in the streets three daies and a half And Reve. 12. The Woman which is the Kingdome of Christ the heavenly Ierusalem the mother of al the faithful Gal. 4. fleies into the wildernes for a time times and half a time which may with good warrāt according to these prophesies be expounded to a day two daies ād a half Thus then we cōclude The true sacrifices and oblations of the people of God The word and spirit And the Heavenly Ierusalem the spowse of Christ Ceasing speing dead in the streetes and being fleed into the wildernes it must needes followe that there was an vtter desolation off all the holy thinges and of all the meanes of salvation For further confirmation of this see the wordes of Thapostle 2. Thes 2.3 speaking of the last day where he saith That day shal not come except there come a departing first It were much weaknes in anie to thinke that this is not spoken of a general departing in that there were manie particuler departings in Thappostle times But here he speakes of a departing from the truth and an exalting of an adversarie the man of sinne to sit in the Temple of God as God shewing himselfe that he is God whome the Lord shal consume with the spirit of his mouth abolish with the brightnes of his cominge These wordes shewe to the vnderstanding of the most simple that there is an vtter departing in that there must bee a comeing againe for the abolishing of this wicked man And here may bee discovered by the way the damnable heresie of those men which are twice dead and plucked vp by the rootes and those are they which are fallen from grace which were once dead and have beene quickned by the word and Spirit of God ād are dead againe which now hold ād say that the man of sinne sitts and rules in the Church off Christ In this place it is shewed that the spirit of the Lords mouth consumes the man of sinne and the brightnes of Christs coming abolisheth him Now wee confesse if there can bee a Church of Christ where the spirit of the Lords mouth is not and where his brightnes shineth not in such a church the mā of sinn may sit and rule as God and these men are onely fitt subjects for such a Kingdome but let the children off God learne to knowe and professe that in the Church of Christ there is the spirit of the Lords moueth and his shininge brightnes which consumes and vtterly abolisheth the man of sinne and therefore they cannot both cule in one house Now for the bare words about which they contend thus much wee say not to them but to such as may bee in danger to be seduced by thē These are the words Thappostle speaking of the man of sinne who exalteth himselfe against al that is called God or that is worshipped saith thus So that he doth sitt as God in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God Now as it is said he sits as God shewing himselfe that he is God even so doth he sitt as in the Temple of God shewing it to be the Temple of God This exposition is agreable to the ground of the scriptures and according to the proportion of faith for the scriptures teach vs every where and wee beleeve that Christ is the head of his Church And he walkes in the midst of the seavē goldē c●ndlestickes he sits in his church being God ād the mā of sinne cānot sit with God as God in the tēple of God Therefore we say vnto these mē as our saviour Christ said vnto Sathan hence from vs. It is written 2. Cor. 9.15.16 What concord hath Christ with Belial And what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols etc. and 1. Cor. 10.21 Ye cannot drinck the Cup of the Lord and the Cup of Devils yee cannot bee pertakers of the table of the Lord and the t●ble of Devils But seeing these men can find no better a pretence to followe and to helpe to heale the deadly wound of the head of the Beast then by pret●ding that they have found him sitting in the Temple off God they looking with the same eie may find also in the same place that he sheweth himselfe that he is God and if they wil abide by the letter of the Scripture herein likewise then have they found a new temple and a new God most fitting for them because that their Temple and God and they shall all perish together wee meane those onely that have bene enlightned with this truth that Christ and the man of sinne cannot rule and reigne or dwel together in one house ād now have they found as they most blasphemou●●y affirme Christ and the man of sinne exalted both in one Temple In al this we have not digressed from the matter in hād in that we have shewed that by the departing the man of sinne was exalted ād therefore the departing was general and the mā of sinne his exaltation general as doth further appeare by the words of Daniel 9.27 where he saith speaking of the sacrifices for the overspreading of the abhominations he shall make it desolate Answerable to this prophesie is that prophesie in the booke of the Revel 13.7 where it is writtē it was givē vnto him speaking of the Beast that had 7. heades and 10. hornes to make warr with the Sa●cts to overcome them power was given him over every kindred tongue nation Who can deny but this is general evē a general desolatiō whē the Sainctes are overcome And whē al that dwel vpō the earth as followeth vers 8. Shal worship the Beast All our perticuler knowledg of the fulfilling of this prophesie wil make it more evidēt And who doth not knowe and see that this prophesie is fulfilled in that Romish misterie of iniquitie who yet sits vpon manie waters with whome have comitted fornication the Kinges of the Earth the inhabitants of the earth are dranken with the Wine of hir fornication Revel 17.2 Wee doubt not but manie will agree with vs in this vnderstanding and wee that wish vnfainedly the salvation of al and that they would come to the knowledg of the truth do earnestly desire that those that are over-whelmed in this misterie of iniquitie and vnder the power of this deceaveablenes of vnrighteousnes would but consider which way it can bee avoided but that this prophesie is fulfilled in that great exaltatiō of the man of sinne in that Romish profession and if they would come out to the Scriptures and perticulerly vnto this booke of the Revel they should be forced either to deny the prophesies of this booke to bee true or els they must needes yeild that they are fullfilled in that their profession for how shal they bee able to point our vpon the face of the whole earth