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A73425 A right godly and learned exposition, vpon the whole booke of Psalmes wherein is set forth the true diuision, sence, and doctrine contained in euery Psalme: for the great furtheraunce and necessarie instruction of euery Christian reader. Newly and faithfully set forth by a godly minister and preacher of the word of God. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1586 (1586) STC 25625; ESTC S123330 621,027 551

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those that can hardly be tamed and bee full of wantonnes and sport as it were such as calues be when they are very fat that tread vnder féete i. that do contemne despise and set little by as Matth. 7.6 pieces of siluer thinges that ought to be regarded and estéemed putting one for al of the like sort scatter sée ver 1. of this Psalme the people that delight in warre i. take pleasure thinke it to be the greatest ioy when they may contend or fight most Ver. 31. Then i. when thou shalt bestow these great graces vpon thy children and ouerthrow thine enemies shall the Princes vz. moued partly through iudgments and partly by thy mercy come out of Egipt vz. to yéelde obedience vnto thée and to submit themselues to thy Lordship and gouernment Ethiopia i. the people inhabiting that land shall hast i. make hast and speede to stretch her hands i. to pray vnto or readily to offer giftes in signe of obedience and subiection putting the signe of prayer or obedience for the things themselues vnto God i. vnto thée speaking of God to God in the third person Ver. 32. Sing vnto God vz. prayse and thankesgiuing for your conuersion calling for these verses comprehend the calling of the Gentiles to the kingdom of Christ O ye kingdomes of the earth i. O ye people which inhabite the kingdomes of the world putting the places inhabited for the persōs inhabiting as sundry times before sing prayse vnto the Lorde the saying is doubled the more earnestly to prouoke men thereto Verse 33. To him that rideth vppon the heauens i. to him that gouerneth them and their course as hee that rideth vppon the Horse doeth the Horse this is spoken of GOD according to man and is nothing else as a man woulde say but a description of Gods excellent maiesty and when hee sayth most high heauens hee speaketh it also according to men who are wont to make sundry heauens as the Philosophers yet doe not that there are so for all that they babble of that matter is vayne but that men so esteeme it and yet notwithstanding in Scripture wee see that the worde heauen is sometimes vsed in Scripture for the ayre as when wee say foules of heauen sometimes for the firmament which is also aboue the ayre and so this place may bee expounded thus let men imagine neuer so many heauens yet God ruleth them all whiche were from the beginning as appeareth Gen. 1.1 and so haue since that time continued and still shall continue al which tendeth to expresse the great power of almighty God behold he will send out by his voice a mightie sound by Gods voyce he vnderstandeth the thunder the diuers effects whereof sée at large Psalme 29. And by mighty sound he meaneth not only large sound but also great which euen shaketh the earth as it were Verse 34. Ascribe the power to God i. giue vnto him all the prayse of power both in himself and in you for his maiestie is vpon Israel i. is declared mightily toward his people and Church as Psalm 14.7 and his strength is in the cloudes i. is not onely made manifest in the same but also he vseth the cloudes and all other creatures whatsoeuer to set out his power Verse 35. O God thou art terrible vz. to thine enimies and aduersaries out of thine holy places q.d. Thou shewest euident testimonies and tokens thereof out of thy tabernacle and he vseth the plurall number holy places eyther in respect that the arke was set vp in sundry places before the temple was builded or else in respect of the distincte places of the arke as Heb. 9.2.3 all which were called holy or else in respect of the heauenly holye place and the earthly holy place which was a shadowe of that heauenly one as Heb. 10.19 the God of Israel i. the God of his Church and faythfull people is he vz. alone that giueth vz. of his own goodnesse and mercye onely without any merite or desert of theirs strength and power vz. to defend themselues and to beat back their enimies meaning by strength and power all the meanes whereby these great workes may be performed vnto the people vz. whome he hath chosen vnderstanding the people of Israell for that time and the Church for euer praysed be God vz. for that his mercy and greate goodnesse towards them Verse 1. Teacheth two things Do first that God hath all power in his hande to destroy his enemies seconde that the enemies of the Church cannot prosper Verse 2. Setteth out the sodayne destruction of the wicked Verse 3. sheweth that when the wicked shall be beaten downe Gods children shall be lifted vp in spirituall ioye and mirth Verse 4. teacheth vs continually to prayse God for his incomprehensible maiestie and power Verse 5. Teacheth vs what greate care God in mercy carrieth toward the distressed persons Verse 6. Teacheth vs that fruitfulnesse of body deliueraunce of extreme daungers and plagues and punishments of what sort soeuer vpon the vngodly come all from God Verse 7. Teacheth vs to thinke vpon Gods graces performed of old that therby our fayth may be strengthened to escape daungers Verse 8. Teacheth that all creatures are not able to stande before the presence and maiestie of God Verse 9. Teacheth that plentifulnesse and the means thereof are all in Gods handes Verse 10. Teacheth that though the wicked haue a great portion of the earth in possession yet that the Lord hath properlye prepared it for them that feare him Verse 11. Teacheth vs that we can not haue our mouthes open to speake much lesse to speake well til God giue both the matter and vtterance also that the weakest meanes as women when God inableth them shal be sufficient to expresse his prayse Verse 12. teacheth that neither multitude strēgth nor authority can preuaile agaynst the Lord and his people otherwise then he himselfe séeth good Verse 13. Teacheth that the afflictions of the godly doe no whit at al hinder the beautie of the godly but rather are the instruments which God doth use to make them more glorious Verse 15. Setteth out the excellency beauty and continuance of Gods church Ver. 16. Teacheth that al congregations though outwardly neuer so glorious and glittering in respecte of it are nothing Ver. 17. Sheweth that Gods power is inuincible and his armies to performe his purpose are innumerable Verse 18. Sheweth that God will triumphe ouer al the faythfull willingly and vnfainedlie subiecting themselues and the other whether they will or no. Verse 19 teacheth vs two things first to yéeld thanks to God for his mercies secondly that his goodnes toward vs neuer ceaseth Verse 20 teacheth vs that euen in the greatest daungers God deliuereth his children to the end all glory might be giuen to him therefore Verse 21. Sheweth that the wicked enemies of his Church shal not long escape vnpunished Verse 22. teacheth vs that Gods promises of deliuerance saluation c. are the
bée séene and glorious in beholding as these places palaces that are builde on high hilles and mountaines like the earth which he stablished for euer vnderstande and like the earth for this is an other similitude expressing the firmitie and continuance of the Church which shal indure vppon the earth vnto the comming of Christ and afterwardes for euer and euer in heauen Verse 70. Hée chose Dauid also his seruant after that he had spoken of the Arke religion and seruice of God hee commeth to speake of the kingdome and politique gouernement for these two things were principal signes of Gods goodnes and grace and tooke him from the shéepefoldes i. from a poore and meane estate for hee was no better then a shéephearde as it were Ver. 71. Euen from behind the ewes with young i. as hee followed the ewes either ready to eane or hauing eaned all ready for the worde I take it may be referred to both to féede his people in Iaakob i. to rule and gouerne his people Iaakob vz. those that came of Iaakob his inheritaunce in Israel i. the Israelits which were his inheritance I knowe these words in Iaakob and in Israel may haue an other sense as though hee put the names of the father of the people inhabiting the place for the place it selfe but mee thinketh the other is more simple Verse 72. So hée fed them i. ruled and gouerned them according to the simplicity of his heart i. as he was of a single mind so hée gouerned iustly and holyly and guided them i. went in and out before them exercising holy and lawfull gouernement ouer them by the discretion of his hands i. by most iust rule and gouernement for the worde hande is in many places of Scripture by metonimia put for worke rule and gouernement because kinges in their handes did vse to beare their Scepter a signe and seale of their gouernement All this serueth to shewe that Dauid did not vnaduisedly handle the thinges that hee was to passe through but did that which apperteined to his office through wisedome aduisedly also and with iudgement Verse 1. Teacheth vs to bring attentiue eares with vs Do. to the exercises of the worde Ver. 2. That the more darke and high the thinges are that are propounded the more diligent should we be in hearing and meditating thereof and not discouraged as many men are with the hardnesse Ver. 3. Teacheth that the workes and worde of GOD which either wee our selues haue tryed or other in trueth haue tolde vs of should bée great grounds of strength to our consciences and perswasions Ver. 4. Teacheth vs to haue a care for posterity that the worde and works of God may in trueth and sinceritie continue with vs and our séede for euer Ver. 5. Sheweth that Gods word bestowed vpon any people is no small signe or token of his fauour or loue towardes them Ver. 6. Sheweth that God giueth his word to the end that the people present and they that should come after might be instructed in sound knowledge of his truth Ver. 7. Teacheth that Gods word is ordeined to two especiall purposes the one is to increase hope in the heartes of his children and the other is to worke obedience Verse 8. Teacheth that fathers are not alwayes to bee followed and therefore that they say nothing that say they will treade in the steppes of their fathers Verse 9. Teacheth that weapon and armour are nothing where GOD his strength and fauour is not ioyned with them Verse 10. Teacheth that disobedience and rebellion against GOD is a grieuous sinne Verse 11. Teacheth vs howe fowle a sinne forgetfulnes of Gods goodnes is Verse Setteth out Gods great loue towardes his people who maketh thinges against nature to prouide for them rather then they shoulde bee hurt or want any thing that were good and all this hée doeth to the ende that they might haue their fayth stedfastly stayed vppon him and his goodnes Verse 17. Teacheth that sinne against GOD after benefites receiued is very horrible and monstrous Verse 18. Teacheth vs that euill motions of the heart are sinne Verse 19. Teacheth that there can no greater dishonour bee offered to God then to call his power and will into question Verse 20. Sheweth howe the wicked peruert those things that God doth for them so the increase of their distrust and infidelitie Ver. 21. Teacheth two thinges first that the Lorde séeth the thoughts of the hearts heareth the words of mens mouthes conceiued or spoken against him secondly that sinne shall neuer bee vnpunished Verse 22. Teacheth that distrust in God is a most heinous and grieuous offence Verse Expresse Gods great loue in giuing the people whatsoeuer they desired and that in wonderfull plenty and abundaunce to the ende that by that meanes he might bring them to amendment Ver. 30. Teacheth that the wicked are not drawne to repentance by Gods benefites but rather goe on forward more and more in their sinne Ver. 31. Teacheth that the abuse of Gods goodnes and mercy shall neuer bee left vnpunished also that God respecteth no persons in the execution of his iustice but hee that hath offended of what countenance soeuer he be shall smart for it Ver. 32. Teacheth that there are a sort of people so setled in their sinnes that no graces of God will pul thē out of them Ver. 33. Teacheth that hasty and sodaine destruction oftentimes ouertaketh the wicked Ver. 34. Liuely painteth out the nature of hypocrites their counterfeite repentance so doth verse 35.36.37 Ver. 36. Teacheth that the abuse of mens mouthes and tongues must be answered to the Lorde Verse 37. Sheweth that God specially regardeth an vpright heart Ver. 38. Doeth wonderfully commend the riches of Gods grace and goodnes Ver. 39. Doth marueilously set out the vanity and frailtie of man in all his glory Ver. 40. Teacheth howe the vngodly cease not sinning but procéede from one iniquitie to another Ver. 41. Teacheth that to set god his bounds is a grieuous transgression Ver. 42. Teacheth that the forgetfulnes of gods benefits towardes his children or of his iustice vpon his and their enemies is a grieuous transgression In that description of gods wrath executed vpon the wicked Egiptians and comprehended Ver. Wee may learne many thinges first that the enemies of gods people shall neuer escape vnpunished which also expresseth gods iustice against persecutours Secondly wee sée the mightie power of the Lorde who wil arme the least of his creatures with such might as all the Monarchies in the worlde shall not bee able to resist Thirdly in that there are so diuers and sundry punishments reckoned vp we learn that the Lord hath all his creatures at commandement to vse them for the manifesting of his glory either in the maintenance of his seruants or for the punishing of the wicked Ver. 52.53 Do not only expresse gods great loue towards his children but also they teach howe that in
strength and power and the Rock i. the assured staye that I haue sée Psalme 18.2 of my saluation i. that I shall be deliuered from all the daungers and distresses wherein I am sée Psal 3.8 al that is here spoken of Dauid ought in truth also to be referred to Christ Verse 27. I will make him i. I will haue him in that regard and account my first borne vz. that firste borne children are wont to bee had in whome the scripture sheweth to haue had great priuiledges and honor and estimation q.d. I wil greatly aduance and honour him higher i. I wil aduāce him higher then al the Kings of the earth i. he shal be the most excellēt among them al by the fauor that I wil shew him and the graces that I will giue him And marke that this cannot appertain to Dauid but only so farre forth as he was a figure of Christ and this we must further marke that when Dauid Solomon and others are set out as figures of Christ sometimes that whiche is spoken agréeth to the figure only sometimes to Christ onlye who is figured by them and sometimes to both vz. the fygure and the thing fygured so that it behoueth the Reader to haue a diligent regard thereto of this somewhat hath ben sayd before Psalme 2 and also Psalme 45. Ver. 28. My mercy will I kéep for him for euer i. I will neuer vtterly destitute him of my louing kindnesse mercy howsoeuer I séeme for a time to withdraw it and my couenaunt i. the couenant that I haue made with him shal stand fast vz. for euer q.d. I wil faithfullye performe whatsoeuer I haue promised with him i. betwéene him and me Verse 29. His séede also i. his posterity wil I make to indure vz. in the gouernment of the kingdome for euer i. for a very long time if you referre it to Dauid But if to Christ and those children that thorow him are brought and begotten to God by the sanctification of the spirite of whiche sée Heb. 2.10 then it signifyeth euerlastingnesse of time and his throne i. his kingdome and state sée verse 4. of this Psalme here must bee repeated I will make as the dayes of Heauen i. perpetuall and continuall Heauen is here put for that state of eternall glorye preserued for the faythfull whiche shal neuer decay Verse 30. If his children i. if his séede and posteritie forsake my lawe i. departe awaye from it and that rule of righteousnesse which it prescribeth them to walke in in their conuersation and walke not i. frame not their life as Psal 1.1 Ephes 4.17 in my iudgements i. according to those rules of iustice and iudgement which I haue prescribed he meaneth nothing by all this but if they shall sinne against him and his word Verse 31. Is the same altogether in sence though it differ somewhat in wordes with verse 30. If they breake vz. eyther thorow ignoraunce or knowledge my statutes i. the thinges that I haue ordeyned them to walke in kéepe not vz. in thought word and déede my commaundementes i. the thinges that I haue commaunded them Verse 32. Then i. when they shal haue dealt thus wickedly with me will I visite i. correct and punish sée Psalme 59.5 Isaiah 26.21 their transgressyons vz. which they haue committed agaynst me with the rod and their iniquity with strokes i. I wil punish them for their sinnes committed against me meant by transgressions as before and against men vnderstood by the worde iniquity with the rod and with strokes i. with sundry kinds of punishmentes and all to bring them home to my selfe by repentance and amendment Ver. 33. Yet q.d. for all my threats and punishments my louing kindnesse i. my riche and vnspeakeable mercy will I not take from him vz. continuallye or for euer q.d. I will not vtterly or altogether reiect him neyther will I falsifie my truth vz. promised and sworne vnto him q.d. I will not faile or breake in the accomplishment of the promises which I haue made him Verse 34 My couenaunt i. the couenaunt which I of mercy haue made with him will I not breake but stand stedfastly to the performaunce of it and euery part thereof nor alter the thing i. chaunge the sentence or matter that is gone oute of my lippes i. which I haue vttered and spoken q.d. I will not be inconstant for I will neyther chaunge my purpose nor vnsay that which I haue sayde Ver. 35 I haue sworne this is spoken in the person of God and the Lordes oth is added not for any insufficiency that is in him but to ratifye the matter more sufficiently in the mind of Dauid and his posteritie Gods oth is to promise by an othe sée Heb. 6. from verse 13. to the end of the 18. once and therefore will not goe backe from it This word importeth that Gods oth was irreuocable by mine holinesse i. by my selfe because he had no greater to sweare by as Heb. 6 13. and not as some expound it by the sanctuary wherein Gods Maiestie did visibly appeare that I wil not fayle Dauid i. disappoint him vz. in any thing that I haue promised him Ver. 36. His séede shall indure for euer i. his posteritie shall haue a long and continuall roote sée verse 29. of this Psalme and his throne i. his kingdome putting the signe of a kingdome for a kingdome sée ver 4.29 of this Psalme shal be as the Sunne i. shall continue as long as the Sunne and he alleageth the Sunne and verse 37. the Moone as a witnesse of the continuaunce of Dauids kingdome not because these creatures are eternall but because they haue more stedfastnesse then the earth the ayre c. whiche are subiect to many things before me i. in my presence and sight Ver. 37 He vz. in his own person and the person of his séede shal be established vz. in the seate of the kingdome for euermore how this is to be vnderstoode of Dauid and Christ sée before verse 29. of this Psalme as the Moone sée verse 36. of this Psalme as the Moone sée verse 36. of this Psalme and as a faithfull witnesse i. as the faythful witnesses meaning the starres Planets c. putting also the singular for the plural number in the Heauen i. in the Firmament for the Lord hath there placed the Sunne Moone and Starres c. as witnesses faythfully to distinguish betwéene time and time sée Genesis 1. verse 14. c. hée meaneth nothing else but that Dauids kingdome and posteritye shall haue a long continuaunce as the Sunne Moone and Starres c. haue Verse 38. But thou hast reiected i. cast away and that from thy fauour as it should séeme q.d. thou that hast promised to be so gracious to Dauid and his séede séemest now to haue no care of eyther of them And this he speaketh not as accusing God eyther of inconstancye or lying but eyther vsing the wordes and expressing the mind of the enimies of God
in height greatnes strength like a Cedar of Lebanon of these Cedar trées wée haue hearde before Psalm 28.5 and in other places Verse 13. Such as bée planted i. such as haue taken déepe roote and bée well setled for hee speaketh not here of hypocrites which kéepe or occupy a place onely in the Church but of all faithful people in the house of the Lorde i. in the Church as 1. Timothie 3.15 and it is called Gods house both because that GOD taketh a delight to dwell there as it were and also because his exercises are there obserued and hee sheweth him selfe more familiarly to that company then to the rest beside shall florishe i. shall yéelde great store of fruite through Gods blessing in the Courtes of our GOD i. euen in the Church or assembly of the Sayntes hee speaketh of Courtes because both the tabernacle had sundry Courtes and also afterwardes the temple vz. one for the Priestes and Leuites and an other for the people Ver. 14. They shal bring forth vz. through Gods blessing and great goodnes fruite i. abundaunce and store of fruite in their age i. euen in their olde age q.d. although they bee neuer so olde yet they shall not bee barren but shall plentifully yéelde foorth fruites of righteousnesse being watred thereto through the working of the spirite what these fruites are hee sheweth in the next verse they shal be fat and florishing vnder these metaphores he meaneth that they shal be not onely in good liking but couragious and apt to all good thinges through Gods goodnes Ver. 15. To declare vz. abroade in euery place and to all men that the Lord my rocke i. that the Lorde who is my sure defence sée Psal 18.2 is righteous vz. in all his waies and namely when hee blesseth the good and powreth vengeaunce vpon the vngodly and that no iniquity vz. at all is in him vz. either in respect of his being or doings so that hee sheweth that this is one excellent fruit which the godly yéelde to confesse gods iustice and righteousnes Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth vs that it is profitable euen for vs to praise GOD for his mercy and might Ver. 2. Teacheth vs to yéelde thankesgiuing continually vnto God Ver. 3. Teacheth vs to vse all lawful meanes to inforce our selues to that whereunto wee are so dull and backwarde Ver. 4. Teacheth vs that euen the very beholding and consideration of Gods workes ministreth great ioy vnto many of Gods children Ver. 5. Teacheth two thinges first the excellent maiesty of God which in some measure appeareth in his workes secondly that Gods iudgements and wayes are a bottomlesse depth vnto man Ver. 6. Teacheth that the wicked haue very litle or no regarde at al of Gods iudgements workes or wordes Ver. 7. Teacheth two things first that the wicked and vngodly haue in this life great prosperity secondly that they shall come to a perpetual and sodaine destruction Ver. 8. Teacheth that though man bee weake and wauering yet the Lorde is full of power and alwayes like vnto himselfe Ver. 9. Sheweth not onely what great plagues shall fall vpon the enemies of God and his trueth but also how assuredly they shall fall vpon them Ver. 10. Teacheth that howsoeuer God punisheth the wicked yet he wil remēber his own with an euerlasting mercy Ver. 11. Sheweth that God will execute iudgements vpon the wicked to the end the godly may bee strengthened in the assured perswasions which they haue in the trueth of his promises Verse 12. Setteth out the glorious and prosperous estate of the faithfull Verse 13. Teacheth that it is a good thing to ioyne our selues to the assemblies of Gods Saints for there is the place of all godly and plentiful fruites Ver. 14. Teacheth that Gods children are not voyde of the fruites of faith Ver. 15. Teacheth that this is one excellent fruite of faith vz. to set out and prayse the strength power goodnes and iustice of almighty God Psalme 93 THe faythfull in this Psalme Di. doe magnifie and prayse GOD for many thinges they doe commende and prayse him first for his great glory and euerlasting eternity and this is in the two first verses Secondly for his most excellent and mighty gouernment of all thinges and this is in verse 3.4 thirdly of the singular regarde that hee hath of his Church and this is in the last parte of the Psalme This Psalme hath no title and of this sort are Psalme 1.2.10 Se. and sundry others Verse 1. The Lorde reigneth vz. ouer all the earth but specially amongest his owne people and that not onely in ruling and gouerning the course of nature but specially by his doctrine and worde so you shall sée the worde raigning taken Psalm 96. verse 10. Psalm 97.1 Psalme 99.1 and is clothed with maiesty i. decked with great glory which by effect is declared in euerye place maintaining mankinde with a wonderfull power iustice and wisedome yet wee must note that this worde clothed signifieth not any thing that commeth from an other to him for hee hath the fulnesse of all thinges in his owne power and possession but hee speaketh in this and the next verse following of GOD according to the manner of earthly Kinges who beare rule amongest men and for their great maiesty are clothed with the most costly apparell and rich iewels the Lorde is clothed and girded with power vz. both to withstande his enemies and defende his children hee meaneth by the worde clothing that the Lorde hath power continually with him as a garment and by the worde girding that he hath it on euery side and in a readinesse to make it manifest as pleaseth him the worlde also vz. which hee hath created and made vnderstanding thereby al things in the world whatsoeuer shal be established i. preserued and maintained in the right gouernement thereof though men labour to disturbe it that it can not be moued vz. by any thing that man can imagine or doe against it hee commendeth in this verse Gods great power which hath so established the earth and all thinges therein that men can not so much as shake the least part thereof Verse 2. Thy throne i. thy kingdome and the gouernment thereof Sée Psal 89.4 putting a part of the kingdome for the kingdome and gouernement it selfe is established of olde i. was not onely setled thē but hath from that time hitherto indured and so shall for euer and euer and that word which we terme of olde is in Hebrewe before them i. before there was any certaine or set time of which men might pronounce this worde then sée Prouerb 8.22 thou art from euerlasting vz. and so shalt continue for euer euer Ver. 3. The floods i. all floods of the seas and waters haue lifted vppe their voyce i. haue made a great noyse as men doe when they inforce themselues to speake or sing loude some vnderstande by this manner of speach the enemies who with great violence did breake in vpon gods
admonition of God who will not the death of sinners but rather that they should repent wishing them in time for feare of after punishment to turne to his Maiestie from verse 10. to the ende of the Psalme Se. Ver. 1. Heathen put for people not being Iewes If you vnderstand this Psalme of Dauids kingdome if otherwayes of Christes kingdome as it is referred thereto Acts. 4.25 Then vnderstande by Heathen and people of the enemies of Christ whiche were of thrée manner of sorts and in this first verse he noteth two kindes of them some that through rage were caried to outrage and violence and othersome that were not so cruel and yet murmuringly opposed themselues in wordes Some reade the later part of the first verse thus And the Nations meditate or thinke vpon a vaine thing i. a matter that can not be brought to passe but shall lack his effect the sence commeth all to one effect Ver. 2. The kings of the earth i. they that had the highest authority bend themselues or after some stand vp meaning that they cōsent and conspire together as it were and the Princes i. the great men by whose counsel and wisedom kings gouern their countries noting hereby that neither might nor councell was wanting in Christs aduersaries are assembled or after some do take counsell together agaynst the Lord A strange matter that men like Giaunts should arm thēselues against God against his Christ i. his annointed one meaning either Dauid as the figure or Christ himselfe as the truth ver 3. the Prophet putteth down the vngodlies spéeches Let vs breake q.d. Let vs ioyne all our force to assay to breake not that they can but that such purposes they haue in their hartes and wordes in their mouthes their bandes i. God the fathers lawes published by Dauid and Christ which hee calleth bandes because that by them as it were by certaine bandes the subiectes are wont to be bound kept in their dueties their cordes or as some terme it thick i. strong cords from vs I suppose that the Prophet vnderstandeth by cords the rule and authoritie that God hath giuen to Dauid and his son Christ the meaning is Let vs not obaye say the wicked their lawes and let vs labour that they may not rule ouer vs ver 4. He that dwelleth others reade He that sitteth in heauen a notable description of God wherby the Prophet meaneth to show that they are not able to match with him and they are Dauids words q.d. Howe wil these wicked men as wicked as they are fight with him that is so high aboue their reach shall laugh or in the present tense as some reade it doth laugh i. maketh no account of al their rage and murmuring and this is spoken of God as the rest of the words in this verse and the next that follow are according to many and as his capacity is able to cōprehend shal haue them in derision or as others read it doth deride them it is a repetition being the same in effect that the former part of the verse is by which doubling the holy Ghost noteth the certaintie assurednes of the thing Ver. 5. Then vz. when time shal require and at that very instant which God in his eternall decrée hath appointed shall he i. God speake vnto them vz. the wicked and vngodly eyther by his wordes or by his rods Iob. 33.14 c. but chiefly by his roddes as Iob in his wrath i. being angry with them meaning that hee will most vehemently and sharpely rebuke them and vexe them i. plague them so that they shall be vexed greeued in his sore displeasure he meaneth that being moued with great wrath he wil destroy and ouerthrow thē Ver. 6. amend thus Saying vz. God himselfe but I annoynted my kingly placing him in his kingdome putting the signe of his imagination or entrance into his kingdom vz. annoynting for the possession enioying therof And putting these words my king for him whom the Lord had aduanced thereto either Dauid or Christ had made him ruler ouer Sion which place was the seat of Dauids kingdome as may appeare by sundrie places the Prophet vsing a part for the whole land and the people contained therin and a figure also of Christs Church Isaiah 2.3 the Mountains of my holines i. My holy mountaines for so do the Hebrues sundry times speak vsing the Substantiue for the Adiectiue now it is called Gods holy mountaine because that Dauid brought thither Gods own arke and there were the holy exercises of his religion obserued till the Temple was builded sée 1. Chron. 15.16 Chap. and this verse comprehendeth God the fathers wordes sitting in iudgement as it were and condemning the wicked who laboured the ouerthrow of his kingdome Ver. 7. I will declare i. I will faythfullye shew and set abroad the decrée vz. which the Lord hath determined cōcerning men thou art my sonne vz. by adoption if we vnderstand it of Dauid and by nature if we vnderstand it of Christ This day if you vnderstād it of Dauid you must refer it to the time of his first annointing so forward If you vnderstand it of Christ you must refer it to his first manifestation in the flesh not but that he was begotten of the Father from before all beginnings and this 7. verse are the words of Dauid or Christ declaring Gods eternal decrée touching their gouernments Ver. 8. are the wordes of the Father inuiting Dauid or Christ to aske somewhat of him and as it were a prophecy of the inlargement of their kingdomes In Dauid somewhat more narrowly thus that the Heathen round about him and namelye those that inhabited the coasts nigh to the land of Iudea as Ammonites Moabites c. should be brought in subiection to him as may appeare in the Histories in 2. Samuel in Christ more largely to wit that of all the nations and peoples vnder heauen he should haue diuers subiected to his kingdome by the ministerie of the word Ver. 9. is declared the power of Dauid or christ Thou shalt crush or after some thou shalt breake them together vz. not onlye those enemies mentioned in the beginning of this Psalme but all others whatsoeuer that shall rise vp or rebell agaynst thée with a scepter or after some with a rod of yron whatsoeuer it be the holy Ghost meaneth vnder these termes to sette out the inuincible power and force of Dauid or of Christ agaynst their seuerall enemies And breake them in péeces or after some shalt scatter them abroad vz. being already broken which I rather allow of lyke a Potters vessell vz. which is broken alreadye noting by this maner of spéeche not only a iudgement to bee executed vpon the wicked but such a iudgement as the vngodlye shall bée past all hope of repayre and recouery Ver. 10. Is a notable exhortation to Rulers in time to turne to the Lord and his obedience Now i. while it is time before such
of this Psalme perfourme all thy petitions i. doe that that thou hast prayed for and this is a good place to prooue that by offerings ver 3. Must bee vnderstood praiers also ver 6. Know I a sodaine chaunge of numbers speaking in the person of one thereby to note the vnitie and consent of the people to this praier as though they had beene alone and vttered it al with one mouth His annointed that is his King whom he hath established Sée Psal 2.2 Psal 18.50 heare him sée ver 1. of this Psalme from his sanctuarie Immanuel readeth from the heauens of his holines meaning from heauen where his holines dwelleth which I well like of of his right hand i. power and strength this is spoken of God according to man because man commonly hath most strength in his right hand and it is called mightie helpe because it is such as none is able towithstand ver 7. Is a comparison betwéene the faithfull and the vnbeléeuers these trust in outward meanes of all sortes for that is vnderstoode by chariots and horses and so robbe God of his glory the other cleaue to only Gods vertue power and grace for so is the word name taken as ver 1. 5. of this Psalme and giue him the whole glory ver 8. Brought downe fallen vz. notwithstanding all the trust that they had in the outward meanes q.d. they that sayd they would do al things by mans meanes and strength therefore are lifted vp in pride and lustines are notwithstanding all these imaginations of their owne brought downe and fallen i. lie flat by the fall they haue receiued by setting themselues against God but we are risen and stand vpright q.d. notwithstanding the great miseries and afflictions wherin we were we are become strong and mightie rising vp from vnder the burthen of them ver 9. Saue Lord vz. vs and our king pursuing vs continually with thy fauor in such short kind of spéeches there is great grace in the Hebrewe tongue Let the king heare vs. This is diuersly read and according to the seueral readings hath seuerall sentences Immanuel readeth the king himselfe wil heare vs applying it to Christ and the assurednes that the faithfull men haue that he will heare their praiers othersome take it to be a quick passing from the second person to the third q.d. O king whose office kings in the earth haue in part communicated to them hearken vnto vs so often as we shal seeke thine ayde me thinketh that the Geneua text and note is as plaine as any of these Do. Ver. 1. And so forth teacheth people to pray for their magistrates it teacheth also that the day of affliction is a notable time to pray in also that no ayde is to be had but from God alone ver 3. Teacheth that kinges shoulde be giuen to religious exercises ver 5. The prosperity of the king is the florishing of the people and on the other side the welfare of the people is the Kinges glory Ver. 6. Teacheth those that pray to haue both before and after their prayer an assurance of obteyning ver 7. Sheweth that Gods children must not at any time trust in any thing saue in God alone whatsoeuer the wicked doe whose strength and purposes GOD ouerthroweth vers 8. Declareth Gods iudgements against the vngodly and his fauour to his children vers 9. Teacheth vs to vse earnest prayer in affliction for that doth hee meane by these termes in the day that we do cal vz. vpō thée Psalme 21 THis Psalme hath two principall partes Di. In the first the Prophet sheweth what great benefites and blessings the Lord had bestowed vpon him before he came to the kingdome and in that time also after that he was established therein from ver 1. to the ende of the 7. In the second part he prophecieth of gods great and wonderfull power against his enemies and of their vtter ouerthrow and confusion from ver 8 to the end of the Psalme The title is expounded before Psalm 4. Ver. 1. Se. In thy strength vz. which thou shalt bestow vpon him to stand against to ouercome al his enemies yea how greatly q.d. it can not be expressed in thy saluation i. in that deliuerance that thou shalt bestow vpon him his people giuing them victory ouer their enemies in this verse Dauid speaketh of himself in the third person ver 2. His hearts desire i. whatsoeuer his heart could wish sée Psal 20.4 Hast not denyed him i. hast yéelded and graunted vnto him for by not denying the Hebrewes vnderstand euen as it were performing the request of his lippes i. whatsoeuer he praied rightly vnto thée for vsing in that praier his lippes and other instruments natural whereby the voice is framed ver 3. With liberall blessings i. with abundance and fulnes of all good thinges some particulars wherof he reckneth in the verses folowing diddest set a crowne of pure gold vpon his head i. diddest appoint him to be king most good and glorious vsing setting of the crowne vpon his head which is but a signe as anointing was of his entrance into the kingdome for the ful possession inioying therof ver 4. He asked life vz. in this short life a long life i. more long then he desired for euer and euer i. yea not only life in this life but eternal life also ver 5. His glory i. the glory that thou hast giuen him laid vpon him is great i. is very much inlarged in thy saluation i. through or by the deliuerances and victories that thou hast bestowed vpon him laid vpon him euen of thine owne good wil and in despite of his foes that would haue hindered him therefrom ver 6. Thou hast set him i. appointed him as blessings vz. vnto thy people he vseth the plurall number by which he noteth the wonderfull abundaunce of gods graces bestowed vpon the people by him for euer i. for a long season as we haue had it sundry times before With the ioy of thy countenance i. through the grace and fauour that as it were with a pleasant countenance thou hast shewed him ver 7. The king trusteth the prophet sheweth here the meanes whereby the king shal be established vz. by hope and trust in God he shall not slide vz. from the prosperous successe of his affaires and state ver 8. Thy hand here Dauid speaketh to God meaning by hand power also by right hand in this verse he meaneth the same thing shal find out i. ouertake and lay hold vpon though thine enemies would think to hide thēselues from it ver 9. Like a firie ouen he meaneth that God wil through his wrath make them to burne stil as a firie ouen doth and so in the end consume and ouerthrow them as an ouen cōtinually heat must néeds be spoiled by which maner of speach he noteth two things first that there shal be no intermission of plagues and punishments secondly that these punishments shal not tend to
to set out her glory and these handmaydes are called her companions not because they were her equals but because they were continually in her company as it were Ver. 15. He sheweth after what sort this glorious troupe shal come vz. with ioy gladnes i. with al mirth that possible may be see Psal 43.4 Ver. 16. In stéed of thy fathers i. thy auncesters q.d. there is no cause why thou shouldest think vpon them for thou shalt haue multitudes of children and thy posterity shal be wonderfully inlarged yea aduanced to great and wonderfull honour for that meaneth hée by making them Princes throughout all the earth meaning by earth the land of Iudah which promise was not fulfilled in Salomon and his séede not because God was not able but because the couenants and conditions on his part and his wiues were not performed Ver. 17. Are the words of the Prophet conteined wherein he promiseth to publish and that for a long season the glory and renowne of Salomon and his kingdome and that the people shal for a great while yeeld him prayse for his peaceable and quiet gouernement For so must the word Many generations world without ende bee vnderstood as referred to Salomon And thus wee sée howe it agréeth to him nowe let vs gather the doctrines out of it and sée howe in trueth it agréeth to our Sauiour and his time Do. Ver. 1. Teacheth vs first to take héed that we vtter nothing but good things and secondly to do that willingly and readily lest wee bee preuented by death or some other occasion and thirdly to dispose our selues with all the power we haue to set foorth holy marriage specially that which is betwéene Christ and his Church of which sée Hoshea 2.19.20 Ver. 2. Is fulfilled in Christ not in mans iudgement as appeareth Isaiah 53.2.3 But is to bee séene by the eye of faith only whose glorious beauty and gift of perswasion may appeare that hee in the ministery of his Apostles conuerted of all nations vnder the heauen some to imbrace the Gospel and when it is said that God hath blessed him it must bee vnderstoode in respect of his humanitie for otherwise in respect of his deity he is God equal with his father Ver. 3. Christs sword is spiritual is in déede Gods word of which sée Isaiah 11.4 Heb. 4.12 Reue. 1.16 Wherein also standeth his glory and worshippe when he is serued according to that and not as man deuiseth and in this verse Christ is called most mighty because he hath all power both in heauen and in earth Math. 28.18 And doeth whatsoeuer pleaseth him Ver. 4. Christ is admonished in respect of his humanitie to talke vppon him and to execute his gouernement séeing hée is so replenished with giftes and is described like a triumphant conquerour amiable and comfortable to his owne people but terrible and fearefull to rebels as 2. Corinth 2.15.16 Ver. 5. Hée describeth Christes weapons and the munition of his kingdome which are not carnall but mighty through God to cast downe holdes and imaginations and euery high thing c. sée 2. Corinth Ver. 6. Setteth out the euerlastingnes and equity of Christes kingdom of which sée Heb. 1.8 Ver. 7. First marke one manner of speach which in the sense I haue omitted louing one thing and hating another which kind of rehearsing by the contraries the Iewes often vse and hath in it great force vz. to note the earnestnes and soundnes of loue toward righteousnes and well doing and the sincere hatred of all sinne and corruption Howe this was verified in Christ wée néede not to stand vppon God is called Christes God in respect of his manhood and Christ in that respect also is said to be annoynted with the oyle of gladnes because hee had the fulnes of the spirite so that of his fulnes haue we al receiued euen grace for grace i. abundance of grace as Ioh 1.16 And by oile of gladnes is ment the fulnes and anointing of the spirit through whom it commeth to passe that the kingdome of God is righteousnes peace ioy in the holy Ghost Rom. 14.17 And by fellowes he meaneth not equals but generally all Christians who yet notwithstanding through faith are partakers of his dignitie Ver. 8. Doth allegorically set out the swéetnes and pleasure that is to bee found in our Sauiour and when hee speaketh of some that haue made him glad hee meaneth Christians who are called the friendes of the bridegrome because they stand and heare him and reioyce greatly by reason of his voyce Iohn 3.29 Ver. 9. Is described the glory of the church which is but one wife if wee respect it generally or else many if wee respect either the seuerall congregations or the particular members of the seueral congregations as wee say that euery part of a bone broken is a bone and euery part of earth is earth and yet there is but one bone and one earth Ver. 10. Christ requireth of the Church faythfulnes in him and denyall of her selfe Ver. 11. Hee sheweth what profit shall come to the Church by obedience to Christ Ver. 12. Setteth out the inlarging of Christes kingdom by the calling of the Gentiles Ver. 13. Sheweth that the glory of the Church standeth not in outward shewe and brauery Ver. 14. Setteth out the glory of the Church generally which is amplified by this circumstance that particular Churches which the holy ghost resembleth to handmaydes wayting vpon her shall adorne and beautifie her Ver. 15. Sheweth the manner howe the faithfull shoulde appeare in the presence of God in his assemblies Ver. 16. Expresseth the wonderfull inlargment of Christes kingdome which wee haue séene performed and the great glory that his children shall haue though not here yet eternall in the heauens Ver. 17. Teacheth that the prayses of our Sauiour who is the onely head of the Church shall continue for euer and that there shal bee no end of his kingdome as Luke 1.33 Other good Lessons may here and there be gathered as ver 2. that beauty and eloquence are good gifts in a Prince Ver. 3. That it becommeth a magistrate to be couragious Ver. 4. That he should professe and practise truth meekenes and righteousnes Ver. 8. That sumptuousnes in apparell for Princes is not altogether to bee condemned of Salomons apparell fée what our Sauiour sayth Matth. 6.29 Ver. 10. That marriage requireth forsaking of all that the wife may cleaue to the husbande and the husbande to the wife Gene. 2.24 Ver. 17. That the faithfull generally and euery one of them particularly shoulde carefully indeuour to aduance and set foorth the great glory of GOD and of our Sauiour Christ Psalme 46 THis Psalme may bee diuided into two partes Di. In the first the Prophet declareth howe that nothwithstanding the great trouble they were in they were sure they shoulde bee deliuered through Gods goodnes from ver 1. to the ende of the 7. In the second hee exhorteth others for their comfort
Iewes as Gentile clappe your handes vz. for ioy as Nahum 3. ver 19. Hee putteth the outwarde signe of ioy for inward and outward ioyfulnes sing loude vnto God c. in this part of the verse the Prophet requireth of the people on the Lordes behalfe willingnes chearfulnes and gladnes for in all seruices performed to him hee specially regardeth these thinges as 2 Corinth 8.12 Ver. 2. Is high vz. not onely because hee dwelleth in the high heauens but also because hee hath highest yea all authoritie and terrible i. fearefull or méete to bee feared not onely of his children for their good but of the wicked for their punishments a great king vz. as whose power no creature is able to resist ouer all the earth i. such a king as to whose authoritie all the quarters corners of the earth are subiect Ver. 3. He i. God hath subdued vz. by his word spirit the people i. of all the people of the world some vnder vs i. vnder the exercises of his religion seruice which wee professe putting the persons professing a thing for the thing professed vnder our féete by this maner of speach is ment that the gentiles shold be schollers the Iews scholemasters as it were to them for to sit vnder the feet or at the feete is vsed in scripture for being a scholler or learning as Act. 22.3 And not that the Iews had euer such a large Lordship ouer the Gentiles Ver. 4. May be the words as it were both of the Iewes and Gentiles conuerted to Christes kingdome shewing what graces he hath bestowed vpon them hee q.d. he that knoweth what is better for vs then wee our selues hath chosen i. not onely layd out but also appointed and that of his owne good will and mercy towards vs our inheritance i. not onely all thinges méete for this life as landes countries possessions c. but euen all other things that concerne the hope of a better life euen the glory of Iaakob i. euen all these excellent thinges that he gaue and promised to Iaakob wherin he might glory and reioyce The faithful meane that they had as great both abundance and assurance of Gods grace and goodnes as Iaakob euer had Ver. 5. God i. the arke of God which was a true token of Gods presence and so is the word Lord also vsed as Psal 132.5 Is gone vp hee speaketh this no doubt in respect of bringing the Arke into the mount Sion of which sée 2. Sam. 6. Throughout the chapter with triumph vz. against the enemies which also was ioyfull to Gods people euen the Lord with the sound of the trumpet this is euen the same that was sayd in the first part of this verse sauing that here hee addeth the instrument which many times striketh terrour into the enemies and addeth courage to the faithful and by this manner of speach hée meaneth to note out the great glory of the Lord and of the triumph and victories that our Sauiour gotte as Colos 2.15 Ephes 4.8 Ver. 6. The foure times repeating of these woordes sing prayses hath great force q.d. let all your care and study tend to this to prayse the Lorde and his sonne Christ Ver. 7. For God this is a reason why they shoulde extoll the Lorde King of all the earth i. hath power ouer all and exerciseth an Vniuersall kingdome the particulars and the maiesty whereof hée setteth out in the next verse Ver. 8. Holy throne hée meaneth either the Tabernacle or else the heauen for both of these in scripture are called Gods holy throne because he that had the fulnes of holines in himselfe gaue manifestation of himselfe from both these places sée Mat. 5.34 Matth. 23.22 Whatsoeuer it is or howsoeuer it is to be taken the Prophets purpose no doubt is to describe God as a iudge ready to yéelde iustice both to good and bad according to their seuerall causes Ver. 9. The Princes of the people q.d. not onely meane men from among the Gentiles but euen the mighty are gathered vz. by the mightie woorking of Gods spirit and the exercises of the word the Prophet meaneth by this manner of speach that the Gentiles should make profession of true godlines as well as Iewes and he speaketh of it as though it were already performed for the certainty of it people of the God of Abraham i. the Iewes for from Abraham they came according to the flesh And he calleth him the God of Abraham thereby to distinguish him from al the false Gods of the Idolatrous gentiles the shields of the world i. the defence and the protections of the whole earth he vseth shields which are good meanes of defence for defence it selfe belong to God is his right q.d. seeing that the worlde is preserued and maintained by God great cause is there why men shoulde reuerence his so great and high maiesty and therefore he addeth hee is greatly to bee exalted i. feared and praysed Ver. 1. It becommeth all sects of people to praise God Do. and that willingly and chearefully Ver. 2. Sheweth that wée ought to praise him for his maiesty and power Ver. 3. Declareth that it is God alone that draweth mens heartes to the imbracing of his trueth Ver. 4. Gods loue is the first and onely cause of all the graces we haue Ver. 5. Setteth out his maiesty and might Verse 6. Teacheth how earnest we should be in praising our God Ver. 7. Sheweth that both our praises and all the seruices that we shall yéeld to the Lorde must procéede from an vnderstanding heart Ver. 8. In that God is described as a iudge it conteineth matter of comfort to his children of terror to the wicked Ver. 9. God calleth of all states some to the imbracing of his truth also God alone is the defender of the whole world and of all the people 's therein and that therefore he is worthylie to be magnified Psalme 48. Di. THis Psalme may bee diuided into three partes In the first is conteined a commendation of Gods power and goodnes manifested especially to the citie of Ierusalem from Ver. 1. to the end of the third In the seconde is declared that all the conspiracies practises and forces of the wicked against that Citie shal be ouerthrowne because God will defend it from ver 4. to the end of the 8. In the third the faithfull set out the assured perswasion that they had of Gods goodnes towardes them praying for the continuance therof both vppon themselues and the whole Church from verse 9. to the end of the Psalme Se. The title would bée thus a song or Psalme meaning such a Psal or song as both by voyce and instruments was sung the rest is expounded Psal 42. Ver. 1. Great is the Lorde vz. in respect of his power and glory and greatly to be praysed q.d. and therefore no smal prayse doth belong to him in the citie of our God i. in Jerusalem which is called Gods Citie because God had
thou diddest dearely loue to féele and sée things that might minister and haue ministred great sorrowe and heauinesse to them thou hast made vs to drinke the wine of giddinesse he speaketh of some venemous and infected drink which taketh from men their sence and vnderstanding and as a man would say bewitcheth people and maketh them drunke q.d. Thou hast made vs dull and blockish in our euils euen as drunkards are or people that are inchaunted Not that God was eyther the author of euil or did thē any iniury but that he had iust cause thus to plague thē and giue them ouer for their sinnes Verse 4. But now thou hast giuen a banner i. a playne signe of thy fauour and of good hope to vs ward giuing vs by the chaunge that is fallen out matter and occasion of courage and reioysing in hope that the dispersed shall be gathered together and thinges broughte into good order he meaneth that God by the light of his promises and by his ayde and namely by the new victory he had giuen them whereof mention is made in this Psalme would take into his guiding againe the people whome he had séemed before to forsake and go before them now as it were with a banner displayde sée Psalme 20.5 because of thy truth because of thy most true and assured promises that thou hast made to them in that behalfe Verse 5. That thy beloued i. those whome thou cariest a singuler fauour to may be deliuered i. set from daunger and distresse helpe with thy right hand i. with thy wōderfull might and power as sundry times before and heare me i. graunte my request and prayer Verse 6. God hath spoken vz. by his seruaunt and Prophet Samuel in his holinesse some reade it by his holinesse if we reade in his holinesse then he meaneth thereby Gods sanctuary and Arke whiche is called his holinesse because he that is holinesse it selfe did dwell and appeare there If we reade by his holinesse it is as much as if he should saye hee hath called his holinesse to witnesse and pawned it as a man would saye for the certainty and assuraunce of that which was promised him I will reioice i. comforte my selfe in this as good cause I haue indéede so to doe I shall deuide Shechem and measure the valley of Succoth Shechem was the name of a place on this side the Riuer Iordan as the valley of Succoth was on the other side this riuer He nameth some parts of the land putting them for the whole kingdome in the full possession thereof though he were not by reason of the diuision betwéen him and Saules house yet he assured himselfe vpon the promise of God that hee should inioy the same in good tyme and by deuiding and measuring he meaneth nothing but that they should come vnder his subiection as the other parte of that land was alluding to the manner of diuiding and measuring out lands by cordes the owners thereof being the principall dealers most commonlye in that matter and it is as much as he should say I will not looke to haue my share measured out by others but I will diuide it and measure my selfe and will be the right owner and possesser thereof Verse 7. Giliad shall be mine and Manasseth shall be mine these are other partes of the kingdome whiche Dauid assureth himselfe shall come into his possession Ephraim also i. that whole tribe and people shal be the strength of mine head i. the stay and power of my kingdome because that this tribe was very mightye and well peopled in so muche that the very name of it in the Prophets is put for the whole kingdome of Israell Iudah is my lawgiuer i. that Tribe obtayneth the righte of gouernment and kingly authority amongest the people of GOD. Sée for the better vnderstanding of these two last spéeches Deutronom 33.17 Genesis 49.10 Verse 8. Moah i. the Moabites and nowe he speaketh of forrayne people shal be my Washpot i. so base and contemptible in my sighte that I will fréelye breake them as a potshearde and if I shall reserue anye of them I will put them to filthye seruices as 2. Samuell 8.2 ouer Edom i. the Edomites will I cast out my shoe i. I will boldlye treade them downe as altogether in subiection to me for I will bring them altogether vnder mine obedience and that with as much ease in a manner as casting my Shoe ouer them Palestina i. O ye Philistines shewe thy selfe ioyfull for me q.d. at the least make outwarde shewe though thou haue nothing inwarde that yée are gladde that I shall raigne ouer you Verse 9. Who will leade mee i. me and mine that are with me q.d. none canne doe this but God alone into the strong Citie vz. of myne aduersaries and here he putteth one for many Verse 10. Whiche haddest cast vs of vz. for a tyme and diddest not goe forth vz. to Warre ayding and strengthening the hands and hartes of ours in the daye of Battaile Verse 11. Vayne is the helpe of man vz as it commeth from man Verse 12. Through GOD i. through the assuraunce we haue of his succour and ayde and by the strength that hee shall giue vs we shall doe valiauntly vz. agaynst his and our enimies for he vz. eyther by himselfe extraordinarilye or by our ministerie as by a meane but whatsoeuer it is he ascribeth all to God shall tread downe our enimies vz. vnder his féete and vnder our féete so that they shall not bee able to rise vp agayne Do. Verse 1.2.3 Teach that God doth sundry times and in sundry sorts afflicte his people and that very sore Verse 4 teacheth that yet he doth neuer vtterlye take away his louing kindnesse and mercy from them but that at the length he giueth them assured testimonies and signes of his fauour Verse 5. Teacheth that Gods power is all in all for the sauegarde and deliueraunce of his Seruaunts Verse 6.7 Teacheth Princes that it is GOD alone that tyeth the hartes of their owne people in holy affection fast vnto them Verse 8. sheweth that it is God onely that must subdue all enemyes both forrayne and at home Verse 9. Teacheth that strong cities and peoples are nothing when God will haue them subdued and sacked Verse 10. deliuereth the same doctrines that Verse 1.2.3 and 4. of this Psalme Verse 11. Teacheth two thinges firste earnestly to pray to God in all our troubles and secondly neuer to make accounte of man otherwise then of man that is as of a vayne thing without God Verse 12. Teacheth that God is our only strength and that whatsoeuer victorye wee get we must ascribe it to him alone Psalme 61. THis Psalme hath thrée partes Di. In the firste the Prophet prayeth vnto the Lord to graunt him his request and to set him frée from the force of his Aduersaries and this is comprehended in the two firste verses In the seconde the Prophet strengtheneth his owne fayth by the particular
vz. with thy gracious raigne or abundance thereof when it was weary i. faint and not able to yéelde fruite through drought or some other discommodious season Ver. 10. Thy congregation i. thy people of Israel which is called the Lordes congregation because hee had gathered it out of all the people of the world dwelled vz. long agoe and euen at that present when this Psalme was made therin i. in the land of Canaan hast of thy goodnes i. of thy méere mercy without any merite or desert at all on mens behalfe prepared it i. long agoe appointed it for the poore i. for thine owne people as ver 7. of this Psalme not onely to set out the great goodnes of God who despised them not for that but also because they came of poore auncestry and were in miserable case in Egipt and when they came out of it sée Deutron 26.5.6 Ver. 11. The Lorde gaue matter vz. not only of speach but also of praise and thankesgiuing to the women who were wont amongest Gods people to sing songes after a victory gotten against the enemies as Exodus 15.20 Iudg. 5.1 c. Iudg. 11.34 1. Sam. 18.16 to tell i. to speake largely and to set abroad of the great army vz. ouerthrowne and cast to the ground by Gods people and by one armie hee vnderstandeth many Ver. 12. Kinges of the armies i. Kinges furnished with mightie armies comming out against Gods people as Sihon king of the Amorits Og the king of Bashan c. did flée vz. away from the face and presence of Gods people they did flée i. they were in déede discomfited and not able to stand for the repetition of the worde maketh for the certaintie of the thing and she that remained in the house i. weake women who in deede shoulde bée housekéepers as appeareth 1. Timothie 5.13 Nowe he speaketh of one comprehending vnder her all the rest who this was can hardly bee determined but most likely it was to bee Iael of whom sée Iudges 5.24 deuided the spoyle i. either was an instrument that the spoyle was diuided amongest others by slaying Sisera or else hee meaneth that the bootie shoulde bee so great that euen the weake women which taried at home in their houses or tentes shoulde haue part thereof Verse 13. Though yee haue lyen among pots i. haue béene in very great misery and liued as it were in great deformity for lacke of trimming or looking too for this is a metaphor taken from slaues or skullions that followe campes who in the night season labour in some sort to keepe thēselues from wind and weather as we say by sitting in chimney corners or lying on hearthes and therefore commonly are all ouer black Now this is vsuall in Scripture by blackenes to haue aduersitie and affliction signified yet shall ye bee vz. through the grace and fauour that I will shewe you as the winges of a Doue i. yée shall shine and haue a glorious colour and shalbée purged from all your blackenes for yée shalbée like to the wings of a Doue that is couered with siluer i. yée shalbée all white and cleane and glittering for so much hee meaneth by this similitude and that which foloweth in this ver and not that any Doues were couered ouer with siluer or had golden fethers but hee speaketh it thus q.d. if it were possible for a Doue either in winges or feathers to haue as goodly a shewe as golde or siluer yet assure your selfe of this that you shall come to as much cleannes Ver. 14. Scattered kinges i. confounded them causing them either to flee or killing them sée verse 1. of this Psalme in it i. in the lande of Canaan which hee gaue to his people it was white i. florishing and fresh by reason of the slaughter of the enemies and the great victory God had giuen that people against them as the snowe in Zalmon this was a mountaine on this side Iordan Iudg. 9.48 Which some affirme was wont to haue snowe continually lying vpon it whether it were so or no it is not much material I rather take it to be a part of the land of Canaan put for the whole meaning that after the ouerthrow of these kings the land was as glorious and glittering to behold to as any snowe could bee Ver. 15. The mountaine of God i. mount Sion which is called Gods mountaine because it pleased him that in that place his worshippe should be vsed is like the mountaine of Bashan i. most fruitfull and plentiful in all blessings as Bashan is but it excéedeth it in spiritual graces it is an high mountain as mount Bashan q.d. there is nothing commendable or praise worthie in Bashan but a mā may find as much and more also to cōmend in mount Sion Ver. 16. Why leape ye i. why do ye reioyce for ioy lift vp your self in pride you high mountains vz. because of your height q.d. there is no cause why you should so do as for this mountaine vz. of Sion God delighteth to dwell in it vz. by his spiritual presence the exercises of his religion the Lord wil dwel in it for euer i. for a long season as sundry times before we haue had the word so vsed q.d. GOD hath not chosen you or any of you for al your height to that purpose and therfore good cause why you shoulde leaue of lifting vp your selfe in pride and no doubt but by Sion he signifieth the estate of the kingdome of the Messias and of his Church which is farre aboue all height in the world Ver. 17. The chariots of God i. the armies that God hath or his power putting the thinges wherein men were caried for the men themselues or else because in olde time they thought great strength to stand in chariots and horses hee vseth them for Gods might are twenty thousand thousand Angels i. infinite and innumerable Angels a certaine number for an vncertaine sée 2. King 6.17 and the Lorde is among them vz. to commaund order direct and guide them that all things may be rightly done as in the sanctuary of Sinai i. in as great glory as he appeareth in the holy place or mount of Sinai where the lawe was giuen The Prophet meaneth that the maiesty of God did shewe it selfe no lesse forth in the sanctuary at Sion then it did in the mountaine at Sion when the lawe was published Verse 18. Thou art gone vp on high the Prophet speaketh vnto God meaning that by the manifestatiō of his power he had obtained excellent honour thou hast led captiuitie captiue hee putteth captiuitie for persons in captiuitie as prisoners alluding to the custome of those dayes wherein the princes after victory obtained were wont to haue the prisoners takē in warres lead before them in token of renowne and victory and marke in this verse that though in Dauids time warres were made vnder his conducting notwithstanding the prayse of the victory is wholy ascribed to God and receiued gifts
is not one prophet more vz. amōgst vs to instruct vs to teach vs according to the law and in an ordinary ministry for so I would take the word prophet in this place nor any vz. extraordinarily stirred vp that knoweth vz. to tell vs howe long vz. this calamitie and misery of ours shall indure Ver. 10. reproch thée this is ment not only because the wicked vttered reproches against God himselfe but also because he succoured not his people against their rage whose dishonour did after a sort redounde also to him blaspheme thy name i. speak euil of thy maiesty power as though thou either couldest not or wouldest not helpe vs for euer i. a long time or continually or as it were without ceasing Ver. 11 Why withdrawest thou thine hande i. why withholdest thou thy power from deliuering vs and plaguing thy enemies euen thy right hand i. thy power ful of might strength to both effects he speaketh this of God according to men whose right hands are commonly more strong then the left draw it out of thy bosome i. declare by effectes that thou hast care ouer vs and power to destroy them it is a metaphor taken from slothful sluggish persōs as appeareth Prouerb 19.24 also 26.16 and consume them vz. by thy iustice iudgment Ver. 12. Euen I would rather read but or yet q.d. notwithstāding these gret distresses dangers I rest my self vpon him that neuer wil faile me God is my king i. one that careth for me receiueth me into his protection so that I shal not néede to feare deliuerance and marke the sodaine change of the number the faithful speaking in the person of one because al the rest were of that assured perswasion of old i. al time heretofore therfore hee wil not destitute vs now working saluation i. deliuerance out of danger and that for his people in the middest of the earth i. openly and in the sight of all the people of the world putting the earth conteining the people for the people conteined Ver. 13. Thou diddest deuide the sea i. the red Sea when the people came out of Egipt Exod. 14.21 thou brakest the heades i. diddest ouerthrow the power yea diddest take away the life of the Dragons or Whales hee meaneth by this speach Pharaohs men whome for their courage and cruelty hee compareth to great Dragons or Whales in the waters vz. of the redde Sea Ver. 14. Thou brakest the head i. ouerthrewest the power as before verse 13. of Liuiathan in pieces what this beast was Sée Iob. 40.20 also 41. throughout Sée for the better vnderstanding of this place Isaiah 27. verse 1. c. also Ezech. 29.3 from whence you shal haue great light and gauest him to bee meate Immanuel readeth this part of the text farre better thus thou gauest meate to the people passing through the wildernesse vnderstanding it of manna and quailes of which sée Exod. 16. and Numbers 11. and this agréeth better with that that goeth before ver 12. when they sayd god had beene their king of old not onely in punishing their enemies but in shewing grace and fauor to thē also with that which foloweth where other particular benefits are rehearsed Ver. 15. Thou breakest vp i. thou causedst to breake vp and that out of the ground a harde mountaine the fountaine and riuer i. abundance of water euen as plentiful as any fountaine or riuer could be sée Exod. 17. ver 1.2 c. also Numbers 20● 2 c. thou driest vp mighty riuers as the redde Sea spoken of before and the flood Iordan as Ioshua 3.14 c. into which riuer also many other riuers runne or flowe and therefore hee speaketh heere in the plurall number Verse 16. The daye is thyne both because he created it and gouerneth it according to his good pleasure and the night is thine i. at thy disposition and appointment as before in this verse thou hast prepared the light vz. of the night as the moone and starres sée Gene 1.14 c. and here by the word preparing he vnderstandeth both creating appointing and gouerning and the sunne vz. for the day as the other for the night and he expressedly nameth this because it is the principall instrument whereby light is communicated to men Verse 17. Thou hast set al the borders of the earth this may bée vnderstoode either of the listes of seuerall Countries or kingdomes because GOD hath appointed to men such portion of grounde as he knoweth to be sufficient for them or else of all the borders of the whole worlde as though God had appointed how much should be earth howe much water or Sea and this I rather incline vnto by reason of that which is written Gene. 1. verse 9.10 thou hast made Summer and Winter i. not onely created then but appointed them for these distinct times and seasons Sée Gene. 1.14 Ver. 18. Remember this q.d. though thou shouldest forget thy olde mercies and our great miseries yet at the least thinke vpon the blasphemies of thine enemies hath approched the Lord the thirde person put for the second q.d. reproched thée O Lorde which was done in that Gods children were cast downe into sclaunder and contempt and the foolish people i. the wicked and vngodly as Psalm 14.1 blasphemed thy name sée ver 10. of this Psal Ver. 19. Giue not the soule i. deliuer not ouer the life for otherwise the wicked can not touch the body vnlesse the Lord appoint and permit the same as for the soule in déed they can no maner of way come nigh it Matth. 10.28.29 c. of thy turtle doue i. of thy Church which is compared to a turtle or doue because it is smal weak simple méeke as a turtle or doue is sée Cantic cap. 2.14 cap. 5.3 cap. 6.8 so also Mat. 10.16 vnto the beast vz. which séeketh to deuour it take it away by beasts he vnderstandeth men of beastly conditions altogether giuē to rauening and spoile and by one he meaneth many and forget not i. séeme not to forget for God in déed neuer forgetteth his the congregation of thy poore i. the company and multitude of them that though they bée afflicted from thée yet suffer notwithstanding for thy cause for euer i. for a long season as we haue had the worde sundry times before Ver. 20. Consider thy couenant vz. which thou hast made with our fathers and vs q.d. the enemies suppose that thou thinkest not vpon it because thou giuest vs ouer to their lust and our owne faith is wonderfully shaken because we are so afflicted on euery side for the darke places of the earth are full of the habitations of the cruell Immanuel readeth this place farre better thus for the darke places of the earth are ful vz. of the outrage cruelty of the wicked q.d. there is no place so darke and secret but the rage and tyrannie of these wicked men will fetch men out of it they are very
which thou O God hast appointed me for the obteining of the ful gouernment for that time only is conuenient which God hath set Immanuel readeth this part of the text better thus when I shal receiue the couenant i. when I shal be admitted king ouer all Israel according to the couenants that the Israelites consented vnto Abners Counsell sée for this purpose 2. Sam. 3.17 2 Sam. c. also 1. Chronic. 11.3 1. Chronic. 12.23 to the ende of the Chapter I will iudge vz. the people and their causes righteously i. with vpright iudgment this saying he wil do meaneth not that he had not done it before but that then though his charge should be the greater yet hee woulde not be discouraged but rather incouraged therby to the faithful executiō of his office and though thinges had passed vnder Sauls gouernement very corruptlye yet hee woulde deale vprightly Verse 3. The earth i. the land and kingdome and the state both of the Church and common wealth as you would say and al in the inhabitants thereof i. all the people are dissolued vz. from their strength glory and fruitfulnes and that by ciuil warres slaughters and dissentions betwéene the house of Saul and Dauid But I will establish the pillers of it I will labour through Gods assistance to repayre the ruine and decaies thereof the Prophet vseth in this verse two excellent metaphors the one to set out the ruine of the state conteyned in this worde dissolued as though it had beene like water powred vpon the ground or like a house out of frame or a body out of ioynt in euery particular member The other to expresse the restoring thereof when hee sayth hee will set vp the pillars of it meaning that hée will looke that the kingdome shall haue a good foundation and sure proppes which are specially two godlines and righteousnesse Verse 4. I sayde vnto the foolish i. vnto the wicked men the Prophet sheweth what good counsel hée gaue them bée not so foolish i. bée not so wicked as to resist God and set your selues against him lift not vppe the horne i. bée not proude and fearce it is a metaphor taken from wanton lusty and butting beastes vnderstanding by horne strength and power q.d. lift not vp your selues in your power for you can not preuaile Verse 5. Lift not vp your horne on high this is the same metaphor that wēt before ver 4. Immanuel readeth it thus lift not vp your horne against the high GOD q.d. GOD is the author of my kingdome as appeareth 2. Samuel 3.18 so that you can not set your selues against mee but you striue against him and this I take to bée the better sense neither speake vz. against mee and of your selues with a stiffe necke i. loftily and proudly as though you woulde wrastle and striue against Gods will and it is a metaphor taken from stubburne cattle that refuse to beare and drawe in the yoke Verse 6. For to come to preferment i. to bee exalted aboue other men and to obteine the gouernement of a kingdome is neither from the East to the West nor from the South i. it commeth not from this place or that quarter of the worlde out of the earth as other naturall thinges doe but onely from God who as he sheweth in the next verse onely beareth sway in it That worde that wee reade South in the Hebrew text is Wildernesse and therfore Immanuel turneth it nor from the Wildernesse that is from the North or from the South for Judea was on both these quarters compassed in with a wildernesse whatsoeuer it bee the sence is all one and this is nothing but a reason of his former spéech Verse 7. But God is the Iudge q d. it is he alone that rightly determineth these causes he maketh low and he maketh hye sée Psalme 113.7.8 also 1. Sam. 2.7.8 Verse 8. For in the hand of the Lord i. in his might and power as we haue had the word sundry times vsed is a cuppe i. iudgment and vengeance and by saying it is in his hand he noteth also the readinesse and preparation thereof and the wine vz. in the cuppe is red i. strong and pearsing and that sodainlye to the brayne The redder the Wines are in these easterne partes the more pearsing they are both in respect of their own nature and in respecte of the heate of the countrie Sée Prouerbs 23.31.32 Immanuel readeth for red troubled but me thinketh that is the better and is full mixed i. full of mixture he séemeth to allude to those that mingle spices with their wines to make them more hote and pearsing noting by this spéech the greatnesse of Gods vengeance againste the wicked and he i. God poureth out vz. in great abundaunce and plentye of the same vz. Wine that is iudgement and vengeaunce vppon the wicked surely this word serueth to note the certaintie of Gods plagues all the wicked of the earth i. all they that on the earth continue in their sinnes and sette themselues in it shall wring out and drinke the dregges thereof this parte would be better translated thus shall drinke the dregges thereof i. shall haue it euen euery droppe poured vpon their heads in despite of their téeth vnderstanding thereby the great vengeaunce that God will take vpon the wicked which vz. dregges they haue wrung out vz. agaynst themselues and that by their notoriousnesse and setlednesse in sinne Sée Isaiah 51.17 and Iere. 25.15.16 c. Verse 9. But I will declare vz. Gods wonderfull workes and excellent prayses as it followeth in the end of this verse the God of Iaakob i. the God of Israel or of the Israelites putting the name of the Father from whome they came for all his posterity vsing it also as a difference betwéene him and all the false Gods because he whom that people worshipped was the onely true God sée 1. King 18.31 Verse 10. All the hornes i. all the forces might and power of the wicked yea their very pride as verse 4.5 of this Psalme will I breake vz. to péeces and poulder so that they shall haue no hope to hurte the godlye but the hornes of the righteous i. the strength and power of good men shall bée exalted i. lifted vp and as it were daylye more and more extolled by mee And all this Dauid speaketh in his owne person shewing what hée will doe when God shall haue once aduaunced him to the quiet gouernment of the kingdome Verse 1. Do. Teach the faythfull to be thankfull to God for his mercye goodnesse Ver. 2. Teacheth Gods people to purpose good thinges with themselues and to labour to performe the same Verse 3. Teacheth that no disorder or confusion should hinder vs from doing of that which God requireth of vs. Ver. 4.5 Teach vs to admonish reproue the wicked in and for their wickednesse Ver. 6. sheweth vs that Fortune as men call it is a wicked dotage of their own yea that all that man
the kingdome for euer i. for a long time if you referre it to the outward gouernement but if you referre it to Christ it signifieth perpetuity and euerlastingnes of time and set vppe vz. to continue and abyde thy throne i. thy kingdome putting a part of the kingdom for the whole from generation to generation sée ver 1. of this Psalme there are two partes of this promise the one is heires and successours the other is the kingdome Sée Genesis where the like order is obserued in promising two things Ver. 5. O Lorde euen the heauens i. either the firmament it selfe the thinges therein contained as the Sunne Moone starres c. or else the Angels or rather in déede both together Sée Psalm c. shall praise thy wonderous woorkes i. they shall magnifie that great power of thine by which thou doest as it were miraculously vpholde thy Church yea vz. they shall prayse and set out thy trueth i. thy faythfulnes in kéeping and perfourming promises made in the congregation of the Saintes i. in the society fellowship and assembly of the children of God in the Church meaning that the Angels and heauenly spirites should bee Gods instruments to publish the same vnto men and to shewe them also matter of praysing God Ver. 6. For who is equal vz. in name maiesty power c. to the Lorde vz. the onely God in the heauens i. amongest all that glorious company of Angels and blessed spirites which are in the heauens putting the thing conteining for the thinges conteined q.d. not one of them no not all of them together are in any respect equall to him and who is like to the Lorde vz. in power maiesty might c among the sonnes of the Gods some vnderstande this Angels who in déed may be so named because they haue not their beginning from the earth neither clothed with a corruptible body but are heauenly spirits beautified with diuine glorye for mine owne part I woulde rather turne it thus amongest the sonnes of the mighty i. amongest the most mightiest of the earth of what state or condition soeuer they bee and so haue you the worde vsed before Psalm 29.1 also Ezech. 17 13. and chapter 32.21 and then it may bee the same in sense with that which is Psalme 73.25 Verse 7. GOD is very terrible i. hée sheweth manifest tokens of his maiestye and might which strike terrour into all in the assemblye of the Sayntes it skilleth not much whether wee take it for the company of Angels or for that which verse 5. of this Psalme is called the congregation of the Sayntes but I woulde take it rather in the latter sense because of that which followeth in this verse the Prophet meaning in my mynde that GOD is terrible both to men and angels and to be reuerenced aboue all i. more to be feared then all Angels or whatsoeuer else that are about him i. Angels or heauenly creatures whatsoeuer who are sayd after the manner of men to bée about as those that are alwaies ready to execute his commaundement Neither doeth the holy ghost meane in saying that God is to be reuerenced aboue all that therefore the Angels and dead Saints may haue a seruice and reuerence dedicated vnto them for if they will referre it to them why then should not the Sunne and Moone which the gentiles also worshipped as well as the Papists do Angels and dead Saintes be worshipped séeing that they are about God and attend vppon him to execute his will Verse 8. O Lorde God of hostes i. thou God who hast all thy creatures euen as it were so many armies to execute thy will and commaundement who is like vnto thée q.d. surely none for the Hebrews vse by such interrogations strongly to deny which art a mighty Lorde vz. a most mighty Lorde and an eternall being for hee vseth the name of God Iah in this place and thy trueth i. thy faithfulnes and constancy in all thinges and namely in perfourmaunce of thy promises is about thée i. compasseth thee in on euery side q.d. thou art full of all faithfulnes and trueth Verse 9. Thou rulest i. thou stillest makest calme as appeareth by that which followeth in this ver the raging of the Sea i. the mighty waues thereof which rage and roare and make a feareful noyse when the waues thereof arise vz. by some great wind or tempest thou stillest them i. thou makest them calme and still Verse 10. Thou hast beaten downe vz. to the ground and that by thy might and power Rahab i. Egipt as before Psalm 87.4 and here he toucheth the deliuerance of the people out of Egipt of which sée Exod. 14.15 c. as a man slayne vz. with the sword hee meaneth that God by the waues of the Sea destroyed the Egiptians as one man doeth an other by the edge of the swoorde thou hast scattered thine enemies i. thou hast discomfited them as men put to flight in a battaile runne some hither and some thither and so being out of aray lye open to be wounded and slayne of their enemies with thy mighty arme i. with thy great force power and strength so wée haue had armie vsed sundry tymes before Verse 11. The heauens i. the thinges themselues and all other things whatsoeuer therein conteined are thine i. at thy commaundement to be vsed when where and howsoeuer it shall please thée the earth also vz. with al things therein conteined is thine i. is at thy commaundement as before he meaneth that all thinges both in heauen and earth are at his commaundement which séemeth wonderfully to expresse the great maiesty and power of God thou hast layde vz. by thy almighty power the foundations of the worlde vz. in such sort that it shall not bee mooued and all that therein is vz. thou hast created and established Verse 12 Thou hast created the North and the South i. the whole worlde putting these two partes of it for the whole Tabor it is the name of a mountain towards the West of this mention is made Iosh 19.22 and Hermon this is the name of a mountaine towardes the East of which mention is made Deut. 3.8.9 and they are two high mountaines in Iudea by which no doubt he meaneth the whole land of Canaan shal reioyce in thy name i. shall prayse thy great power and maiestie Vere 13. Thou hast a mightye arme i. thou art of great power might and force strong is thy hande vz. thy left hande vnderstanding thereby the smallest manifestation of Gods power meaning that euen there is such strength as none is able to resist and high vz. in greatnesse and might is thy right hand i. thy mighty power and the full manifestation thereof Verse 14. Righteousnesse and equitie q.d. although thou art mightie in all manner of power yet thou gouernest not by power or strength only but in all vprightnesse iustly rendring vnto thine enemies that they haue deserued and faythfully perfourming to thy
and his people or else speaking it according to the present affection and féeling of the flesh resting notwithstanding resolued howsoeuer his fayth were shaken for a time yet that god wil graciously performe his promises These words also which is to be marked are verified in Dauid and Christ in Christ because God for a season forsooke him as may appeare when he cried My God my God why hast thou forsaken me Matth. 27.46 and in Dauid when it séemed vnto him that Gods promise shoulde take no place and that God had as it were vnsayd the same and when he was driuen out of his kingdome by Abshalon his sonne sée Psalme 3. thorowe out and abhorred i. loathed and despised him as it were thou hast bene angrye which thing also thou hast declared by effects as appeareth in the verses following with thine annoynted i. with the King whome thou thy selfe hast annoynted and chosen to that roome sée Psalme 18 5 Verse 39. Thou hast broken i. it séemeth vnto vs so in the eye of flesh and to our enimies the couenant of thy seruaunt i. the couenaunt which thou haste made with thy seruaunt and it is called his couenaunt not because he made it or was the chéefe in it but because he was one to whome and with whome it was made and profaned his crowne i. brought it to great dishonour and contempt specially among the prophane people as the Gentiles c. and by crowne he meaneth his kingly dignitie casting it on the ground i. ouerthrowing it taking it as it were from his head setting it vpon the ground whether he spake it of Dauids abiection by the hand of his sonne Abshalon or of the renting of the kingdome in the dayes of Rehoboan or of their captiuity vnder Salmanazder and Nebuchadnezar it is not certayne I suppose that without any iniury to Gods spirite a man may well apply it to them all Verse 40. Thou hast broken downe vz. and that vnto the ground all his walles i. al the walles of his kingdome meaning by walls not onely all the strong places thereof but all the instrumentes and meanes that he had eyther for his owne defence or for the annoyaunce of his enemies for to those two endes doe walles serue thou hast layd his fortresses in ruine i. thou hast vtterly ruinated and destroyed and as a man would saye made euen with the ground all his strong holds Verse 41. All that go by the way q.d. he and his kingdome is so weakened that euen way faring men can easily spoyle them there néedes no souldiers or men ofwarre to doe it spoile him vz. and his people meaning that they take away from them euen what they list sée Psal 80.12 he i. he his people kingdome and all is a rebuke i. is such a one as his neighbours that is those that are round about him rebuke contemne and despise sée Psalme 79. verse 4. Verse 42. Thou hast set vp the right hand of his enemies i. thou hast aduanced their power and strength so that they are not onely become more mightie then he and his but in that mighte haue also preuayled agaynste them and made all his aduersaries to reioyce vz. because of the victorye they haue atchieued and the ouerthrowe that is layde vppon the others Verse 43. Thou hast also turned the edge of his sworde i. thou haste blunted it in such sorte that it could not wound and hurte his aduersaries meaning by this manner of spéeche that euen the verye meanes they had of weapons as swordes speares c. to defende themselues and to annoy their enemies were vtterly vnprofitable vnto them and haste not made him i. him and his people to stand vz. stedfastly and in the face of the enemies and agaynst them but to flée and fall before them in the battaile i. at what time the enemies and they came to ioyne battail together Ver. 44 Thou hast caused his dignity i. the great honour and aduauncement that thou hast layde vpon him to decay vz. in the presence of men and in the sight of his aduersaries and cast his throne i. his maiesty and Kingly gouernmente sée verse 36 of this Psalme to the ground i. rased it and layde it flatte with the earth as it were sée verse 39 of this Psalm Verse 45. The dayes of his youth hast thou shortned this the Prophet speaketh of the king and the state of the kingdome both together meaning that the Lord hath broughte both the king and the kingdome to a very poore and weake estate before eyther of them came to their perfection as it were as if a man shoulde before he came to the flowre of his age or his ripe yeares and couered him with shame i. hast altogether made him a reproche and shame for the worde couering and what it importeth sée Psalme 44.19 Verse 46. Lorde the Prophet ioyning this prayer with his complaynts sheweth that howsoeuer his fayth was shaken yet he did not despayre of the truth of Gods promises how long wilte thou hide thy selfe vz. from vs meaning by hyding of himselfe shewing them no signe of fauour and grace for euer q.d. Wilt thou doe this for euer shall thy wrath vz. agaynste vs our King Lande and people burne like fyre vz. to consume vs quite and cleane who are as it were but stubble before fire in respecte of thée and thy wrath Verse 47. Remember of what time I am i. thinke how shorte the time of my life is and this is an argumente taken from his owne estate to moue the Lord to pittie him and his Wherefore shouldest thou create in vayne i. to little or no purpose at all all the children of men i. all men and their posteritie In these wordes hee vseth an other Argumente to mooue GOD to compassion taken euen from the ende of his creation And this hee speaketh because that if in this life wée féele not some taste of Gods goodnesse it should séeme that he had in vayne created vs séeing that this is one end of our creation euen in this lyfe to féele and fynde his liberalitie towardes vs. Verse 48. What man liueth vz. at this presence or shall liue hereafter that shall not see death i. taste of Death or dye q.d. There is no man but hee must passe that waye sée Hebrues 9.27 shall he deliuer his soule i. his bodye and lyfe soule put for body as Psalme 16.10 from the hand of the graue i. from the power of Death putting the graue whiche followeth death for Death it selfe q.d. Both the one vz. to liue and not to die and the other vz. to bee fréede from the force of death is vtterlye impossible sée Psalme 49. almoste thorow ou●e and all this is q.d. Séeing mans lyfe is so shorte if thou doe not in good time shewe thy selfe a Father towardes them thou shalte haue no more occasion to make them féele thy fauoure in this lyfe Verse 49. Lorde where are thy former mercies vz. whiche
headed men dreame to the contrary secondly that he doth vpon the earth euen whatsoeuer pleaseth him Ver. 34 teacheth that sin and vngodlines is the mean to turn al plenty into pouerty and al blessings into cursings Verse 35 teacheth vs that fruitfulnesse of ground and plenty of al things is Gods only gift Ver. 36 teacheth that God in great mercy prepareth abundance for them that want and giueth them safety shilter from al their enemies Ver. 37. Teacheth Gods children euen in the middest of Gods blessings and abundance yet notwithstanding to imploy themselues in ordinary trauayle and labour Ver. 38 teacheth vs that it is not the trauayle of man but Gods blessing that maketh men rich sée Psal 127.2 Verse 39 teacheth that afflictions are good means to bring men to the right knowledge of God and themselues Verse 40 teacheth that the estate of Princes and great men is not so sure as they commonly fantasie Ver. 41 teacheth vs that preferment commeth not from the east nor weast but from the Lord only sée Psalme 75 6. Verse 42 teacheth that godly men may reioyce as in the benefites of God bestowed vpon others so in his iudgements poured forth vpon the wicked it teacheth also that Gods mercies vpon his children and his punishments vpon the vngodly bring forth an other effect in the wicked that is taketh from them all sence so that they neyther haue harts to conceiue nor mouthes to speake either with or against god in his dealings Ver. 43 teacheth first that men ought déeply to weigh Gods wonderful workes secondly that the number of thē that do so in déede is very small in respect of the other thirdly that the consideration of his works is one good means to make vs sée and féele not his power and prouidenee only but also his eternall goodnes and incomprehensible mercy Psalme 108 THis Psalme as I take it may be deuided into two parts Di. In the first the Prophet stirreth vp himself to prayse God calling also vpon him for helpe and deliuerance from verse 1. to the ende of the 6 verse In the second the Prophet assuring himselfe by reason of Gods promises that his enemies should be ouerthrowne maketh his prayer vnto God for strength to performe it And this part reacheth from verse 7 to the end of the Psalme Se. The title A song or Psalm of Dauid sée before Psal 48. in the title and in that it is sayd here a Psalm of Dauid it is euident that he was the author of it Though it be true that this Psal be made of two Psalmes before going that is of Psal 57 from ver 7 to the end of the Psal and of Psal 60 from verse 5. to the end of the Psal frō whence also the sence doctrines might very wel be fet yet notwithstanding because there is some difference somwhat shal be sayd in this place Ver. 1. O God mine hart i. my inward man is prepared vz. to prayse thée for thy mercies so is my tongue i. mine outward man also putting a part for the whole q.d. I am ready both in the inward man outward mā to magnify thée for thy graces I vz. my self none other for me wil sing gyue praise vz. vnto thée alone Ver. 2. Awake Viol and Harpe he incourageth not only himself but also his instruments to praise God that euen thereby hee himselfe might be the better prouoked thereto I will awake vz. from my sléepe and rise vp from my bed early vz. in the morning the Prophet meaneth that he will euen breake his sléepe to performe seruices to God Verse 3 I wil praise thée O Lord vz. for thy mercies great and vnspeakeable among the people vz. whom thou hast chosen vnto thy selfe and I will sing vnto thée vz. prayses and thanksgiuing amongst the nations vz. round about vs the Prophet meaneth that he would so publish Gods prayses that euen the Gentiles should heare of it Ver. 4. For thy mercy vz. towardes all men but speciallye towards thy sonnes and seruaunts is great i. is so great that it is aboue the heauens i. higher then the heauens themselues so that as the space betwéene heauen and earth is infinite so is thy mercy and thy truth vz. reacheth he vnderstandeth by truth Gods faythfulnesse in making kéeping and performing promise vnto the Cloudes by these maner of spéeches hée meaneth nothing else but that Gods mercy is vnmeasurable and incomprehensible as it were in respecte of the greatnesse of it Verse 5. Exalt thy selfe O GOD vz. by thy mighte and power aboue the heauens i. aboue the highest thinges that may be not that he meaneth that God was not then and alwayes is exalted but that he prayeth the Lorde by effect to shew it amongste men and let thy glory i. the praise that appertaineth vnto thy glory be vz. dispersed farre and wide vpon al the earth i. in euery place of the worlde The Prophet sheweth in this verse that the firste thing that moued him to make this request is Gods glorye In the nexte Verse hée sheweth that an other reason is the saluation and deliueraunce of his people Verse 6. That thy beloued vz. people that is suche people as thou fauourest and louest of thine owne mercye onely without any merites of theirs may be deliuered vz. out of the great daungers distresses and feares wherein they are helpe vz. both them and me and euerye one of vs in this case for it shoulde séeme that Dauid made this Psalme at the beginning of his Kingdome when thinking vppon his enimies and his owne weakenesse it was tyme to craue helpe at the Lords hands for himselfe and his people with thy right hand i. with thy mighty power and strength that so thereby I may ouercome these enemies and heare me vz. praying vnto thée for my selfe and my people vnderstanding by hearing graunting his requestes Verse 7. GOD vz. himselfe hath spoken vz. openlye and playnlye and that by his holye Prophet Samuell that hee will establshe and inlarge the kingdome in my hande yea he hath spoken it in his holinesse i. hée hath holilye and assuredly promised it mée so that I néede not doubte any more of it then of his holinesse therefore vz. for this his mercye I will reioyce vz. greatlye for séeing he hath promised mée I knowe that I shall diuide vz. as the right owner and possessor of it Shechem Shechem is the name of a place on this side Iordan as the valley of Succoth was beyond Iordan Hée nameth certayne places of the land whiche by reason of Saules stocke and those that tooke part with him as Abner and such like he had not at the enterance into his Kingdome in his possession and yet notwithstanding assured himselfe that he should haue them and measure vz. to euery man his portion as Ioshua did by which the prophet noteth his gouernment kingdome ouer it the valley of Succoth this is expounded alredy before euen in this verse
open vnto him euen as though the Sacrifices were already present and ready that I may go into them vz. willingly chearefully and gladly and praise the Lord vz. with all my hart for his graces bestowed vpon me Ver. 20. This is the gate of the Lord q.d. seing that these gates belong vnto the Lord it is very méete they should be opened to his seruaunts the righteous shal enter into it vz. there to prayse the Lord and to pray vnto him Ver. 21. I vz. the people of Israell and Iudah the holy Ghost speaketh of them all as though they were but one because they all make but one body and here beginneth the third part of the Psalme will praise vz. with my whole hart and continuallye thée vz. O Lord for thou hast heard me i. granted my praiers and requests made vnto thée and hast ben my deliueraunce i. him that hath deliuered me out of al trouble Verse 22. The stone vz. which God himselfe had appointed as méete for the building to stay vphold and bind together the whole kingdome whiche vz. stone also the builders refused i. the principal gouernors both in the church and in the Kingdome in Saules time and in the dayes of Ishboseth if wee respect Dauid but if we respect Christ then the Priests Pharises and all the rest who by duty should haue built vp the Church and not destroyd it is vz. now thorow Gods appointment the head of the corner i. the chéefe stone in the building not only because it is sette in the most excellentest place of the whole building but also because it doth sustayne the whole waight of the house In this verse referred to Dauid the people shew how that though the greate men stood agaynst him yet God exalted him to the kingdome maugre all their deuises which as it followeth in the next verse was a wonderfull thing But it is truly accomplished in our Sauiour Christ as appeareth Matt. 21.41 Act. 4.11 who is indéede the true corner stone Ephe. 2 20. in whome all the building coupled together groweth vnto a holy Temple in the Lord Ver. 23. This vz. exaltation of the chéefe corner stone so contemptuouslye reiected of the greate men of the world was the Lords doing vz. only and that in mercy towardes vs miserable men whether wee respect Dauid as the figure and so apply it to the people of the Iewes or else referre it to Christ as the truth and substaunce and it is meruaylous in our eyes i. we déeme it and take it to be a wōderfull thing far beyond the reach of our wit and reason and yet we know and beléeue the same to be faithfully performed Ver. 24. This is the day vz. in which the Lord sheweth by effect that he is gracious towards vs in giuing vs so good a King which the Lord hath made vz. for our comforte and good let vs reioyce vz. before the Lord and be glad in it vz. for the graces which hée hath bestowed vpon vs. Verse 25. O Lord I pray thée vz. euen for thy owne names sake and for thy mercy sake and the word I is to be taken here as verse 21 of this Psalme saue now vz. our King thy seruaunt vnderstanding by the word sauing not only deliueraunce from daunger but aid and succoure to ouercome al our enemies and that word now importeth a present supplye without delay not that they prescribe God a time but to the ende the enemies might be quickly ouerthrowne O Lord I pray thée now vz. at this present wherein good occasion is offred giue prosperity vz. to our King and to vs in his ministery These be the prayers of the people wishing good vnto their King and themselues sée for this purpose Psalme 20. thorowout Verse 26. Blessed be he vz. with all kind of graces both outward and inward that commeth vz. to rule and gouerne amongst vs in the name of the Lorde i. by power and authoritie giuen him from the Lord q.d. That thrusteth not in himselfe but taketh the kingdome vpon him by the commandement and appointment of God Sée this applyed to our Sauiour Christ Mat. 21 9 We vz. which are the Lords Priests and wayt vpon the Altar haue blessed you vz. both King and people vnderstanding by blessing praying for them and wishing them all good which was a part of the Priests office as appeareth Deutron 10.8 Num. 6 23 c. out of the house of the Lord he noteth the place frō whence this blessing was pronounced vz. euen in that place where God was serued and in which place both Priests and people were assembled to worship him and these are the Priests words and prayers Verse 27. The Lord vz. which hath done these things for Dauid and vs is mighty vz. aboue all both in heauen and in earth and hath giuen vs vz. thorow his great mercy goodnesse light i. prosperity and al kinde of gladnes for so much do the Hebrewes comprehend vnder the word light sée Esth 8 16. binde the sacrifice vz. of praise and thanksgiuing which you offer to the Lord putting one number for an other and vnderstanding by one many as may appeare because he addeth with cords for many cords néed not for the tying of one sacrifice but hee meaneth that they should bind and bring al their sacrifices together and haue them in a readinesse as it were presentlye to offer them vp to the Lord vnto the hornes of the Altar he meaneth by this spéech that they shoulde bring them together and fill as it were the whole court of the Lord for further then that place it was not lawfull for the people to goe so that he meaneth by bringing them to the hornes of the Altar nothing else but presenting them before the Lord that as nigh as they might by warrāt of the law go so that Dauid minding to ioin the outward ceremonies of the law with the inwarde affection and seruice of the hart exhorteth euery one to prepare to present that which is necessarye to offer vp to God for the sacrifice of thanksgiuing The hebrew word whiche is here turnd sacrifice doth properly signify a sacrifice offred on some feast day the word that is translated cords signifieth a cord made of many thréeds or ropes put together and hath his name as it should séeme of the thicknes of it Ver. 28 Thou art my God i. he that alone hath mightily deliuered me from mine enemies These be Dauids words vttered either in his own name or in the Priests name concluding the Psalm with thanksgiuing as he had before taken vpon him that person both of the people Priests ver 21. ver 26. of this Psalme I wil praise thée vz. for thy goodnes mercy power manifested vnto me euen my God q.d. Though thou art a God vnto al yet by particular experience I haue found thée so chéefely vnto me therfore I wil exalt thée vz. amongst men with praise thanksgiuing Ver. 29.
followeth as a citie that is compact together in it selfe i. as a faire glorious and round city whose buildings are euen and proportionable one of them with an other and by this hee compareth the concord which was amongst the citizens of Ierusalem to buildings houses wel proportionably set together Ver. 4. Whereunto i. to which Ierusalem the exercises of religion obserued there the tribes i. the twelue tribes of Israel euen the tribes of the Lorde i. the tribes which the Lorde himselfe hath to be his speciall portion and inheritance for this is added both for explication of the former to set out also the excellency of the persons goe vp vz. to worship and serue God and he vseth the word of going vp because the City stood vpon an hil according to the testimony to Israel i. according to the ordinance that God had ratified established amongst the Israelites by which he sheweth that they did nothing in that behalfe but by warrant from god Immanuel turneth it thus to the testimony of the Israelites i. to the Arke of the testimony which god gaue to the Israelits and for that end he allegeth Exod. 25.21.22 others read it thus which is a testimony to Israel vz. of the couenant made betwéene god and them but methinketh the first sense is most plain of al to praise the name of the Lord i. to set forth by praise and thanksgiuing the maiesty power and glory of God and he putteth one part of Gods seruice for the whole and note that in this verse he commendeth Ierusalem for the exercises of religion as in the next for the execution of iustice equity Ver. 5. For there i. in Ierusalem are thrones set for iudgement i. iudgement places are erected and established putting the places of publike iustice for iudgment and iustice it selfe the persons that administer the same because it were in vayne to haue the places without the men the matter euen the thrones of the house of Dauid i. thrones appointed by God to Dauid and his posterity for so I take house to be vsed in this place and this repetition importeth that it was Gods purpose to haue the prerogatiue of the kingdom established in Dauids posterity vntil such time as the true eternitie of that kingdom were manifested in Christ who hath his throne in the middest of his church Verse 6. Pray vz. O al ye good and faithful people for he vttereth his speach in the plural number for the peace of Ierusalem i. the felicity prosperitie and quietnes of it both publike priuate inward and outward as may appeare by the words following to the end of the Psal let them prosper vz. in al goodnes thus hee teacheth them to pray not only for it but for all them that cary any good affection to it that loue thée vz. vnfeignedly and with a good heart Ver. 7. Peace i. al maner of prosperity and blessednes as ver 6. of this Psalm be within thy wals i. within thy houses O Ierusalem which are compassed about with wals the Hebrew word doeth signifie a ditch wherewith cities are commonly compassed and that maketh some to turne it thus in thy ramparts that is in places about thée appointed for thy defence whatsoeuer it is he wisheth well to the Citie and people and prosperitie within thy palaces i. in the greate and noble houses that are within thée so that he would haue al sortes blessed the city it selfe both within and without Ver. 8. For my brethren vz. which serue God with me dwel there and repaire thither for the exercises of gods religion as I do and neighbors sake to whom I am bound to doe good by gods lawe to loue as my selfe I wil wish thée now i. euen at this present and not onely now but al the dayes of my life if my wishing can do thée good thou shalt not want it prosperity i. all maner of prosperous and good things And these be Dauids owne wordes testifying his great loue to the place of Gods worship and his brethren assembled there Ver. 9. Because of the house i. because of the seruice of the Lord which is in that place where the Arke is so hee putteth the place of worship for the worship performed in it of our God i. of the Lord whom we al serue I wil procure vz. by all the meanes that possible I can thy wealth i. al prosperity and goodnes for thée so he sheweth that hee sought not his owne profit only or the profit of those that were his but generally of the whole Church of God Ver. 1. Teacheth vs that we ought to be very glad Do. to sée or heare the people zealously and willingly giuen to the seruice of God Ver. 2. Teacheth vs to delite and continue in those places and assemblies wherin God is truely and sincerely serued Ver. 3. Teacheth vs that not only glorious buildings but chiefly vnitie and concord are a singular ornament to any City or commonwelth Ver. 4. Teacheth vs that the exercise of Gods worde and religion doe specially commend a Citie or Countrey to vs. Ver. 5. Teacheth vs that the administration and execution of publike iustice is a notable commendation also to any towne or countrey Verse 6. Teacheth vs to exhort others to pray for the state of the Church and teacheth vs also in our owne persons to pray for it and for them that fauour and affect it Verse 7. Teacheth vs to pray both for the outwarde and inwarde quietnes of Gods Church Ver. 8. Teacheth vs to haue a care for our brethren and neighbours in respect of godlinesse euen as for our selues Verse 9. Teacheth vs that euen a holy loue to Gods Church should cause vs to do any thing for the benefit profit and good therof that possible we can Psalme 123. THis Psalme though very short Di. consisteth yet notwithstanding of two parts In the first the Prophet sheweth how earnestly he wayted vpon the Lord for helpe and deliuerance out of all his dangers ver 1.2 In the second hee prayeth to the Lorde for the redresse thereof shewing that euen his own misery and the miseries of others prouoked him earnestly thereto and this is cōprehended in the two last verses The title A song of degrées or Psalm of Dauid this is expounded before Se. Psal 120. and Psalm 122. Ver. 1. I vz. being distressed on euery side séeing all ayde of man to forsake mée lift vp vz. earnestly and attentiuely hoping looking for helpe from thence mine eyes i. not onely the eyes of my body but of my mind and fayth also to thée vz. O my God and Lord which dwellest in the heauens i. which art God almighty he meaneth by this title that God is exalted farre aboue all creatures and that he guideth and gouerneth them according to his good pleasure it setteth out also the power of God ouer all creatures and his gouernement and prouidence and declareth further that
oppresse mee and ouerwhelme me as waters do the drowned body and thy feare i. the feares that haue béene wrought in mee by the troubles and afflictions which thou hast layd vpon mee haue cut me of vz. from liuing in this worlde or from being amongst men he meaneth that they had euen vtterly as it were destroyed him Ver. 17. They i. the assured testimonies and tokens of thy wrath came roūd about me i. cōpassed me in on euery side so that there was no way to escape or get out yea they take hold of me both inwardly outwardly dayly i. continually and without ceasing as it were like water i. in great abundance and with great force as surges or waues that would swallowe mee vp sée ver 7. of this Psalm and compassed mee together i. euen at one time as it were and with al their violence they set vpon me Ver. 18. This is the same both in sense and almost in worlds with ver 8. of this Psalme hee meaneth that none of those which were linked to him either by nature or kinred would come out for to helpe him Ver. 1. Teacheth vs to be earnest and continual in prayer vnto our God Do. Ver. 2. Teacheth vs to pray to the Lord to make vs féele vs the effects and force of our praiers Ver. 3. Teacheth two things first that very great heapes of afflictions are the ordinary portion of Gods children in this life secondly that the more miseries we haue the more spéed we should make to God by prayer for the redresse of them Ver. 4. Sheweth in what regarde the wicked of the world haue Gods children in the time of their affliction Ver. 5.6.7 Teach that Gods hand lyeth very sore many times vpon his dearest children and yet for all that hee loueth them neuer a whit the worse Ver. 8. Teacheth vs that euen the losse of our friends falleth out according to Gods appointment which rightly considered should minister no smal comfort to Gods children Ver. 9. Teacheth vs that as our miseries increase or continue so our prayers to God should increase or continue Ver. 10.11.12 Shew how sharply the faith of gods children is in their afflictions assaulted so that many times there séemeth to be little difference betwéene hope and dispaire Ver. 13. Teacheth that howsoeuer the godlines fayth be expressed for a time yet it is not vtterly ouercome but bursteth foorth into victory at the length and to earnest praier Ver. 14. Sheweth that nothing gréeueth Gods children so much as to féele a separation betwéene God and them selues Ver. 15. Teacheth that the afflictions of Gods children are continuall euen from youth to old age and from the day of our life vnto the houre of our death Ver. 16.17 Declare that Gods children are not slenderly tryed with some meane crosse but that stil the latter end of one trouble with them is the beginning of an other and as one flood or waue commeth thicke and thréefold in an others necke so do afflictions assault them Ver. 18. Deliuereth the same doctrine that ver 8. doeth also it teacheth vs that we should not be much dismaid when wee sée our friendes and acquaintaunce forsake vs in our miseries for as much as Dauid and many other of Gods Saints haue felt the same Psalme 89 Di. THis being a very long Psalme and handling sundry matters may yet notwithstanding be diuided into three partes In the first part Ethan the Ezraite setteth out and prayseth Gods goodnes which he manifesteth by many thinges but especially by the description of his workes and power and of his mercy and loue towardes his owne people and this reacheth from ver 1. to the ende of the 7. In the seconde part hee maketh expresse mention of Gods couenaunt made in Dauid and his séed a singular testimony no doubt of his vnspeakeable mercy shewing that hee will establish it for euer and yet notwithstanding conuert them if they goe astray from verse 18. to the ende of the 37. In the thirde parte hee séemeth to bewayle the want of performance of that mercy promised praying the Lorde to looke and that in time vppon the great desolations of the Lande concluding in hope of deliuerye with a thankesgiuing vnto the Lorde and this reacheth from verse 38. to the ende of the Psalme Se. For the title of this Psalme sée the title of Psalme 88. Ver. 1. I will sing i. I will by song set foorth the mercies of the Lorde i. his manifold and sundry mercies q.d. wee haue tasted of more then of one of his mercies yea wée haue felt all his mercyes and therefore I will prayse the same for euer i. all the dayes of my life Sée Psalme 146.1 with my mouth will I declare i. I will openly speake of in my wordes and with my voyce for hee putteth the worde mouth which is an instrument to frame the voyce by for the voyce and woordes themselues thy trueth i. the faithfulnesse and constancy that thou hast in all thinges and namely in keeping thy promises from generation to generation i. to al posterities meaning that by leauing it in writing behind him hee woulde bée an instrument as it were to conuay it from hand to hand to all posterity Verse 2. For I sayde i. I beleeued it in my heart and spake it with my tongue as Psalme 116.10 by which he sheweth the assurance of faith that he had in his heart out of the abundaunce whereof the mouth did speake Matth. 12.34 mercy vz. of God shal bee set vppe i. shal bee exalted builded and continue as a very faire strong and artificiall house thy trueth i. the stedfastnesse and stay of thy promises shalt thou vz. O God establish i. ratifie and confirme in the very heauens i. euen the place appointed for the elect sée for this sense Luke 10.20 Others expound the whole verse thus the promise of God shal be as certaine as the state of heauen vnderstanding thereby not the visible firmament but the place of eternal ioy which is exempt from all chaunge Ver. 3. I haue made a couenant a sodaine change of the person from his owne to Gods for this and the next verse are spoken in the person of God with my chosen i. with Dauid whom I haue chosen preferred before al others euen his owne brethren to be king ouer the people of Israel I haue sworne not as though there were any distrust to bee had in Gods worde but for the more strengthening of the couenant in Dauids heart sée ver 49. of this Psalme also Psalm 132.11 and this is to be vnderstood that God by an oth had promised the performance of those things that follow vz. that his séede should continue to Dauid my seruant i. to him whom I haue appointed and chosen to bee my seruant and to serue me my people in the gouernment of the kingdom Ver. 4. Thy séed i. those that shall come of thée as thy posterity and successors wil I stablish vz. in