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A69234 Lectures vpon the foure first chapters of the prophecie of Hosea Wherein the text is exponded and cleered, and such profitable instructions obserued, and applied, as naturally arise out of this holie Scripture, and are fit for these times. By Iohn Dovvname Bacheler in Diuinitie, and preacher of Gods word. Downame, John, d. 1652. 1608 (1608) STC 7145; ESTC S110223 535,213 680

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are to liue like Gods subiects and doe seruice to their Lord and Sauiour who hath redeemed them to this purpose 1. Cor. 6. 20. and then to the kingdome of glorie where they shall receiue a rich reward for their seruice euen a crowne of glorie and euerlasting happinesse First then they must ascend out of the kingdome of darkenes Of our comming out of the power of darkenesse by vocation and iustification sinne and Satan into the kingdome of grace which is done first when as Iesus Christ hath effectually called them gathered them into his Church and vnited them vnto himselfe making them members of his owne body by vertue of his holy spirit and the fruit thereof a liuely faith By which vnion they haue right and propriety vnto the righteousnes death and merits of Christ their head whereby they are iustified in the sight of God for the iustice of God being fullie satisfied by the death and merits of Christ and the debt of our sinnes being discharged they are pardoned and done away and we being clothed with his righteousnesse and actuall obedience are accepted and reputed of God as iust and so reconciled vnto him and adopted for his sonnes in Christ And this is the first kind of our ascending out of the land and kingdome of darkenesse when as we are freed and deliuered out of the power of Satan and sinne in respect both of the guilt and punishment thereof so that now it cannot condemne vs nor any longer detaine vs as prisoners vnder the arrest of the law in the prison of death and vtter darkenesse And of this ascension the Apostle speaketh Ephes 2. 4. 5. 6. Secondly they ascend out of the kingdom of sin Satan Ephes 2. 4. 5 6. Our cumming out of the power of sinne by sanctification into the kingdom of Christ when as being vnited vnto him they haue part in his death and resurrection by the vertue and power whereof sinne is mortified in them and they raised from the death of sinne to holinesse and newnesse of life so that now their harts and affections their words and actions their life and conuersation is quite changed for whereas whilest they liued in the land of darkenesse vnder the kingdome of sinne and Satan they were wholly earthlie carnall and diabolicall now being ascended out of the land into the kingdome of Christ they are spirituall and heauenly their heart and affections which in former times did lie groueling on the earth minding nothing but worldlie and carnall things are now mounted aloft so that though their bodies be on the earth yet their conuersation is in heauen from whence they expect their Sauiour the Lord Iesus Christ Phil. 3. 20. And being risen with Christ they doe not Phil. 3. 20. seeke those things which are on the earth but those things which are aboue as the Apostle speaketh Col. 3. 1. And as Col. 3. 1. they rise aloft in heart and affections so also in words and actions which are not as in former times carnall and earthly but spirituall and heauenly Of this ascension the Apostle speaketh Rom. 6. 4. 5. 6. And this is that first resurrection of Rom. 6. 4. 5. 6. which Iohn speaketh in which whosoeuer haue their part are blessed because on such the second death hath no power Apoc. 20. 6. Apoc. 20. 6. And thus the Church and people of God ascend out of the land of darkenesse and the kingdome of sinne and Satan first by their iustification whereby they are freed from the imputation guilt and punishment of sinne so that it cannot Rom. 8. 33. 34. accuse and condemne them and secondly by their sanctification when by vertue of Gods spirit dwelling in them and applying vnto them the death and resurrection of Christ they doe by little and little subdue and mortifie the power of sinne so that it doth no longer reigne and rule in them as Rom. 6. 12. in former times and hauing lessened and abated the corruption doe begin to rise from the death of sinne to newnesse of life yeelding voluntarie obedience to Gods commandements The second manner of the Churches going vp or ascending Of our ascending out of the land of darkenesse into the kingdome of glorie out of the land of darkenesse the kingdome of sinne and Satan is when they ascend into the kingdome of glorie whereof there are three degrees the first whereof is in this life which is onely in hope and in respect of the certaine assurance of their full and perfect deliuerance out of the kingdome of sinne and Satan and of their entrance into and possession of the kingdome of heauen The which their hope and assurance is grounded vpon their vnion with Christ for being assured that Christ their head clothed with their flesh is ascended into heauen they haue no lesse assurance that they his members shall also ascend thither seeing the vnion betweene them is inseparable And this is that ascension of which the Apostle speaketh Ephes 2. 4. 5. Of which in respect Ephes 2. 4. 5. of the certaintie of faith Gods people haue such full assurance that they are said not onely to hope for it but alreadie to haue entred into it and to haue taken possession of it Ioh. Ioh. 3. 36. 3. 36. He that beleeueth in the Sonne hath euerlasting life So 1. Ioh. 3. 14. We know that we are translated from death to life 1. Joh. 3. 14. because we loue the brethren The second degree of their ascension out of the kingdome of sinne and Satan into the kingdome of glorie is at the time of their dissolution when their bodies resting in the graue their soules haue entrance into a reall possession of the heauenly ioyes And of this the Wise man speaketh Eccles 12. 7. And dust returnes to the earth as it Eccles 12. 7. was and the spirit returnes to God that gaue it And the Apostle Paul thus desireth to bee dissolued that his soule might be with Christ Phil. 1. 23. Phil. 1. 23. The last degree is their full and perfect liberty which shall be at the day of the generall resurrection when as body and The last degree of our liberty soule shall be vnited together and being fully freed from the power of Satan sinne death and corruption shall for euer inherit the vnspeakeable ioyes of Gods Kingdome And this also they attaine vnto by vertue of that vnion which they haue with Christ whereby their bodies and soules being inseparably ioyned vnto him they by vertue of his spirit dwelling in them and applying vnto them the power of his resurrection are also raised and ascend into heauen that where he their head is there they his members may be also And of this the Apostle speaketh Rom. 8. 11. But if the spirit of him Rom. 8. 11. that raised vp Iesus from the dead dwell in you hee that raised vp Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortall bodies
we are defiled and deformed with the foule and filthy spots of our transgressions we should be as carefull to applie vnto vs the precious blood of Christ by a liuely faith that thereby being cleansed and purged we may be restored to our former beautie and perfection Fourthly we may here obserue that when a people professing Those who will not serue God shall be made slaues to their enemies religion doe cast off the yoke of Gods gouernment and in the pride and stubbornesse of their hearts contemne all meanes of their conuersion then the iudgements of God lie waiting at the dore and are readie to enter vpon them and because they will not submit themselues to be ruled by the scepter of Gods kingdome he will thrust them from vnder his protection cause them to be led into captiuitie and suffer their enemies to tyrrannize insult ouer them So in this place because the Israelites were become like vnrulie Heifers and would not beare the yoke of Gods gouernement he threatneth that they should become the captiues and slaues of their enemies and vnder their tyrannical thraldome indure manifold miseries and calamities Many examples might be brought to cleare this point In the time of the Iudges when the people rebelled against the Lord contemned his word and denied him their seruice and allegeance hee gaue them ouer into the hands of their enemies as the Canaanites Midianites Philistines and diuers others When the Iewes would not serue the Lord their soueraigne King hee made them serue tyrannicall Lords in a strange countrie both before and since the comming of Christ When Manasses and Zedechias would not regard the word of the Lord but persecuted his Prophets and made warre as it were against Heauen the Lord pulled downe their pride and broke their stubborne and rebellious hearts with the manifold calamities of a miserable captiuitie And this is that which the Lord threatneth against the rebellious potentates of the earth who in furious rage combined themselues against the kingdome of Iesus Christ namely that he would vexe them in his sore displeasure and because they would not be ruled by the scepter of his word he would crash them with his scepter of yron and breake them in peeces like a potters vessell Psalm 2. 2. 5. 9. So our Psal 2. 2. 5. 9. Sauiour Christ hath taught vs that those his enemies who had shaken off the yoke of his gouernement and would not let him raigne ouer them should be haled into his presence and slaine before his face Luk. 19. 27. Luk. 19. 27. And surely this is iust with God that those who deny vnto him their obedience and allegeance which is the Lords lawfull right both in respect of their creation continuall preseruation and of those manifold benefits which they haue receiued vnder his gouernement should be vsed as rebellious traitors and feele the extreamest rigour of his righteous lawes that those who will not bee ruled by the scepter of his word should be cut off with the sword of iustice and that they who will not serue their gracious Lord who richly rewardeth their imperfect seruice with the vnderserued wages of both temporall benefits in this life and eternall glorie in the life to come should in their bodies be yeelded vp to the tyrannicall gouernement of their insolent enemies who will reward their seruice with iniuries indignities and manifold calamities and both in bodie and soule become the vassals and slaues of sinne Satan the world and their owne vnrulie lusts whose wages is eternall death after a wretched and miserable life The vse hereof is that we labour to conforme our selues in holy obedience vnto the will of our heauenly King and submit our selues to be ruled by the scepter of his word and then he will keepe vs vnder his protection defend vs from the malice and furie of all our enemies and greatly inrich vs with his blessings and benefits Whereas on the other side if we deny vnto him our allegeance he will take no further charge of vs but will lay vs open to the common spoyle if we be proude he will finde meanes to humble vs if stubborne and vnrulie he will take a speedie course to tame and rule vs and if like vntamed heifers we shake off the yoke of his gouernement which is light and easie hee can hamper vs well enough by laying vpon our neckes the yron yoke of our tyrannical enemies which will gall vs not onely to the quicke but euen to the heart Lastly wee may here obserue how wretched and miserable The miserable estate of those who are thrust from vnder Gods protection their estate is who for their rebellious stubburnnesse are thrust from vnder Gods gouernement and protection For they shall be as a lambe in a large place that is as the poore lambe is in a most desperate condition which wandreth alone in some vast wildernesse without any sheepheard to tend defend him or damme to feed him in danger either of pining or of deuouring so alike wretched is their estate who for their stubburnnesse and vnrulinesse are thrust out of Christs sheepfold from vnder his gouernement and protection For whereas whilest they were at his guiding hee led them into his greene pastures feeding them with his sweete milke and pleasant grasse of his word and Sacraments now they are depriued of this food of their soules so spiritually pined and starued whereas he fenced them in and kept them from wandring with the strong hedges of his benefits and gentle chastisements now the fence being taken away they stray abroad and wander vp and downe in the desert of this world both pinched with want of all spirituall foode and exposed to all maner of desperate danger whereas whilest they were vnder his direction they were vnder his protection also who by his prouidence and power defended them from worldly wolues and beares and from that ramping and roaring Lion fierce red Dragon Satan who daily assailed and earnestly laboured to deuoure them now being disarmed of his assistance they lie open to the common spoile being altogether vnable either to slie away or make resistance And this was the state of the first rebellious sheepe our great grandfather Adam when as by his Gen. 3. 7. sinne he had made himselfe naked this was the case of the Lords flocke the people of Israel when as they also had Exod. 32. 25. made themselues naked by their idolatry whilest they were in the wildernesse and into this condition they often brought themselues in the time of the Iudges For howsoeuer whilest they serued the Lord they had prosperitie peace plentie of all things and were so hedged in on all sides that all their enemies could not hurt them yet when as they made a desection from vnder his gouernment and for their grieuous sinnes were disarmed of his protection how speedily did their enemies inuade them how sharply did they assault them and how easily did
of their natiuitie or of some dutie which by them was to be performed And so this name was giuen to the Prophet by his parents partly to signifie their desire and hope that he should helpe forward the saluation of the people and partly to put him in minde of the performance of this dutie And thus haue I shewed the signification of his name and the causes why it was giuen him The doctrines which hence we are to learne are these First whereas this name by Gods all-ruling prouidence is giuen to his Prophet hence wee learne how we are to esteeme of Gods true Prophets Apostles and Ministers namely as petty or instrumentall Sauiours because God vseth them as his instruments and means for the conuersion and saluation of his people and this the Apostle plainly setteth downe 1. Tim. 4. 16. 1. Tim. 4. 16 But how farre men are from this conceit of Gods Ministers appeareth by their vtter neglect of them neither yeelding vnto them the honour of reuerence nor the honour of maintenance c. 1. Tim. 5. 17. The Elders especially which labour in the word and doctrine are worthy of double honour 1. Tim. 5. 17. And good reason for if our carnall fathers are iustly to be honoured which beget vs in the flesh how much more our spirituall fathers who beget vs vnto God Furthermore if Gods Ministers saue vs by the ministerie of the word and by this liuely seede regenerate vs without which regeneration there is no saluation Iohn 3. 3. Hence John 3. 3. we learne highly to prize the Ministerie of Gods word and with all reuerence to giue heede vnto it seeing it is the onely ordinarie meanes of our regeneration and saluation Secondly we learne to giue vnto our children such names as may signifie our faith hope and earnest desire that they Fit names to be giuen vnto children may be gracious and vertuous and also put them in minde of some good dutie which when they come to age they are to performe according to the example of the godly in former times and not suffer them to bee called by heathenish and prophane names whom we desire should be godly and religious no though such names be contained in the Scriptures as Apollos Fortunatus Hermes Tychicus Syluanus and such like for although such names being giuen may lawfully be vsed because the chiefe end of a name is to distinguish one from another yet it is vnlawfull or at least very inconuenient to impose them But here it may be demanded whether it be not lawfull to name our children by our ordinary names which haue no signification I answer that although those significant names afore spoken of be the best and fittest yet I thinke these not vnlawfull or inconuenient in some cases as namely when as they put vs in minde of some of our neere and deere friends called by such names who haue beene or are vertuous and religious for as the other names signifie in themselues some good grace or duty to be performed so these put vs in minde of the like in the persons of our honest and godly friends whose example we are to propound vnto our selues for our imitation And so much for the Prophets name he is further described by his parent that he was the sonne of Beeri What this Beeri was there is no mention in the Scriptures For whereas The sonne of Beeri as the Hebrewes affirme that hee was that Beera mentioned 1. Chro. 5. 6. It is without warrant neither hath it any great 1. Chro. 5. 6. probability seeing their names are diuersly written There is mention also of one Beera 1. Chro. 7. 37. of the Tribe of Asher but neither can this be he if ancient writers truly affirme 1. Chro. 7. 37. him to haue beene of the Tribe of Issachar Leauing therefore to search in the darke for that which if wee found were not Hieron in gl ord Isidor greatly material let vs further consider why mention is made heere of one Beeri Some of the Hebrewes affirme because he was also a Prophet the which reason is grounded vpon a common obseruation amongst them that where the father of the Prophet is named we are to conceiue that he also was a Prophet Where the grandfather is also mentioned it is to signifie the dignitie and honour of his stocke The like rule they haue vnto this namely that where no mention is made of his countrey we are to conceiue that hee was a Citizen of Ierusalem But these obseruations being pressed vpon vs without any reason may without reason also bee denied especially seeing it is their vsuall custome stifly to affirme that which they weakely or not at all proue Others affirme that mention is made of his father because he was of famous and honourable parentage that hereby his 1. Cor. 1. 26 27 28. prophecie might receiue more authoritie and credit But this likewise hath no ground nay contrariwise we know that it is not the manner of Gods Spirit to seeke authority vnto his writings from the nobility of his penmen but rather sheweth his wisedome in mans foolishnesse and his glory in mans basenesse that God may be all in all Leauing therefore others opinions who leaue the light of Gods word and grope for the trueth in the darkenesse of their owne inuentions the likeliest cause why the Prophets father is here named is that hee might bee distinguished from others of his name for foure names being common to many surnames were added to put a difference betweene one and another which amongst the Hebrewes were vsually taken from their fathers and grandfathers as the manner among the Welchmen is at this day So Simon was called Peter Matth. 10. 24. to distinguish him from Simon the Cananite Iames the sonne of Zebedeus to distinguish him from Iames the sonne Verse 2 3. of Alpheus Whereby also it appeareth that this was vsuall not onely when they were of noble but also of meane and poore parentage And so much concerning the instrumentall cause of this The time wherein Hosea prophecied prophecie In the last place wee are to obserue the time wherein and how long hee prophecied expressed in these words In the daies of Vzziah c. That is in the raigne of these Kings of Iuda and Israel or in the yeares wherein they In the daies of Vzziah c. raigned which by a figuratiue speech common with the Hebrewes is called daies because raignes times and yeares consist of daies The Kings of Iudah in whose time Hosea prophecied are foure Vzziah Iotham Ahaz Hezechias of the Kings of Israel one onely is mentioned namely Ieroboam who is said to be the sonne of Ioash to distinguish him from Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat who first vsurped the Kingdome of Israel Not that hee raigned onely all this time for Hosea prophecied in the time of fiue other Kings of Israel if they may be all called Kings seeing some of them
were tyrannicall vsurpers to wit Zachariah Shalem Menahem Pekahiah Pekah and as it is very probable in the daies also of Hosheah but mention is made of him that light might be giuen to the Cronologie that it might appeare how long Hosea prophecied as we shall shew afterwards The causes why mention is here made of the raigne of these Kings are First to shew the certaintie of this prophecy in that the particular time wherin it was deliuered is specified Secondly because in Cronologies no fitter course can be taken for the numbring of times and yeares wherein things were done then by the raignes of Kings because the time by this meanes is better obserued and remembred Kings raignes and the things done by them being often repeated in common discourse Thirdly because it giueth light vnto the vnderstanding of the prophecie by hauing recourse to the historie of these Kings where vnderstanding their disposition life actions wee may thereby guesse at the state and condition of the Regis ad exemplem totus componitur orbis times and people ouer whom they raigned seeing the subiect either for feare or fauour vsually imitateth and conformeth himselfe to the nature disposition and behauiour of his Prince Fourthly that it might appeare that these prophecies were not deliuered for priuate ends and respects but for the publike vse and profite as well of their people as of their Princes that all with one accord both by Gods sweete promises and seuere threatnings might bee brought vnto true repentance Lastly that we might know how long the Lord vsed the constant ministerie of his Prophet in mouing the people to How long Hosea prophecied forsake their sinnes before he would inflict the punishments which they deserued the which may be gathered out of this Cronologie of the raigne of these Kings of Iuda and Israel For Vzziah who is called also Azariah raigned two and fiftie yeares in whose raigne hee beganne to prophecie and lest we should thinke that hee beganne to prophecie in the latter end of his raigne he addeth also that hee prophecied in the daies of Ieroboam who raigned one and forty yeares ouer Israel 2. King 14. 23. And in the seuen and twenty yeare of his raigne began Vzziah to raigne ouer Iuda 2. King 15. 2. King 14. 23. 1. So that if we reckon but from the last yeere of Ieroboam it 2. King 15. 1. will appeare that Hosea prophecied in the time of Vzziah thirty seuen or almost thirty eight yeares to these if wee adde the time of Iothams raigne which was sixteene yeeres 2. King 15. 33. And of Ahaz which was sixteene yeeres more 2. King 16. 2. it commeth in all to 69. or 70. yeares 2. King ●● 33. 2. King 16. ● Now it is likely seeing mention is made of Ieroboam and Hezekiah that hee prophecied also in some part of their raigne and according to Ieromes iudgement he prophecied fiue yeares vnder the raigne of Ezechias For as hee saith of him he did foresee the future and bewailed the present destruction of the Kingdome of Israel which was effected by Salmanasser in the sixt yeare of Ezechias raigne To all which time if wee adde some yeeres of Ieroboams raigne it will amount in all almost to eighty yeeres For whereas some imagine that the yeeres of Iothams raigne are to be numbred with the yeeres of his father Vzziah because in his time he being strucken with leprosie Iotham gouerned in his fathers stead it is very probable that besides this time he raigned after his fathers death sixteene yeeres For it is not said that he raigned as King while his father liued but that hee gouerned his fathers house and ruled the people of the land 2. King 15. 5. 2. Chronicles 26. 21. Namely as Vice-roy or his fathers Lieuetenant or Deputie 2. King 15. 5. 2. Chro. 26. 21 The doctrines which we hence gather are diuers First we Gods mercy in affording to his people the meanes of saluation may obserue Gods infinite mercy towards this people of Israel who before he would destroy them as their sinnes deserued he continued this and other of his Prophets ministery for a long time together to the end that they might be turned vnto him by true repentance and so escape his iust iudgements threatned Of this mercy we haue the like example in the daies of Noah before the captiuity of Iuda and the vtter destruction of Ierusalem in the times of Christ and his Apostles and in our owne daies Secondly we may obserue the obstinate wickednes and inflexible obduratenesse of this people who notwithstanding The hardnes of the peoples hearts this mercy of God and meanes of their conuersion continued in their sinnes without repentance The which obstinacie and rebellion is not proper vnto them but common with vs in these times wherein we stubbornely refuse the like or greater mercy and make no profitable vse of far greater meanes which God hath giuen vs for our conuersion But if we continue in the hardnesse of our hearts let vs not expect or hope for immunitie of punishment for as in the time of this Prophet after the people had long contemned Gods mercy he brought vpon them his fearefull iudgements so will he deale with vs c. The vse which we are to make hereof is that seeing our hearts are so hard and inflexible we doe not onely labour to bruise them by the hammer of Gods word and by applying vnto them the threatnings of the Law but seeing this is not sufficient in respect of their more then adamantine hardnesse we are often to implore the assistance of Gods holy Spirit for that onely is that precious oyle whereby they are suppled softned and made plyable to Gods will Thirdly we may heare obserue the painefull diligence The patience and diligence of our Prophet and vnwearied patience of the Prophet who for the space of so many yeeres continued his laborious ministerie and that not with a religious and obedient people which might haue yeelded vnto him some comfort and incouragement when as he did see the fruit of his labours but with an idolatrous and stiffe necked nation who scorned and despised his ministery The vse hereof serueth to stirre vs vp to follow his example in our seuerall places and callings though they seeme tedious and toilesome vnto vs especially Gods Ministers haue here a patterne of diligence and painefulnesse for their imitation which that they may imbrace and follow they are often to call to minde the recompence of reward promised Dan. 12. 3. Dan. 12. 3. So likewise the hearers of Gods word may here learne patiently to harken to the word of exhortation and reprehension and not to waxe wearie and tired though Gods Ministers doe for many yeares together inueigh against their sinnes and denounce Gods iudgements due vnto them as the custome of many is who though they be neuer wearie of sinning yet they are presently weary of
hearing their sinnes reprehended Fourthly we are to obserue that this our Prophet was sent as Gods ambassadour when he was but young and continued No age exempted from Gods seruice it vntill his old age Whence we learne that no age is exempted from Gods seruice nor any time so vnfit but that if it please the Lord to grant the assistance of his Spirit a man may in it aduance the glory of God and benefit the Church And therefore we may not excuse our selues by our youth as though it were not time for vs to begin to serue God nor by our age as though that should exempt vs from Gods seruice as being too painefull and laborious but as we are to beginne betimes so we are to hold out to the end seeing nothing is more honourable then a gray head in the waies of righteousnesse Pro. 16. 30. Prou. 16. 30. More especially the people may here learne not lesse to The youth of Gods Ministers not to be despised esteeme Gods ambassage by reason of the youth of the ambassadour seeing the Lord hath called both young and old and fitted the one as well as the other for this seruice to the end that we should not rest and depend vpon the person of the Minister but vpon his owne ordinance the ministerie of his word and on the blessing of his holy Spirit whereby onely it is made effectuall for our saluation Ieremy was but a childe that is young in yeares when he was called to be a Prophet Ier. 1. 6. but yet he must not be afraid to speake to Jer. 1. 6. 8. the ancient and mighty because God was with him to deliuer him vers 8. Timothy was called to be an Euangelist whilest he was yong but yet no man might despise his youth 1. Tim. 4. 12. 1. Tim. 4 12. Hosea prophecied in his young daies but they were not excused hereby who would not heare him nor exempted from feeling Gods iudgements Fiftly we may here obserue that he did prophecie the ruine The ruine of Israel foretold when it most flourished of the kingdome of Israel not in the declining state thereof but in the raigne of Ieroboam vnder whom it most flourished when there was no appearance of such future calamities as were foretold by the Prophet for Iehoash his father had gotten the vpper hand of Amaziah King of Iudah and had carried away the treasures of the Temple and the Kings house and Ieroboam himselfe hauing obtained many notable victories against his enemies inlarged the borders of the kingdome to her ancient limits So that now the idolatry of those times might be defended in that it had more prosperous successe then the pure worshippe of God in the kingdome of Iuda but in these times God sendeth his Prophet being young of yeares to reproue King and people for their idolatrie and to denounce and foretell the vtter subuersion of the kingdome Where first we may obserue the vndoubted truth of this prophecie seeing he could by no other meanes but by the inspiration of Gods Spirit attaine to the knowledge of the ruine of the Kingdome when in respect of the present flourishing estate thereof there was nothing lesse feared or expected Secondly whereas it is said that the Prophet prophesied The Prophets courage in the time of Ieroboam and in that flourishing estate of the kingdome foretold the ruine thereof hence we obserue that notable boldnes and couragious fortitude of this Prophet who durst vndertake and go through a matter of such great difficultie and danger For seeing the victorious King and people were made drunke with prosperitie exceedingly lifted vp in pride in their good successe and long hardned with their customable liuing in all maner of wickednes it may easily be guessed with what scoffes and taunts they entertained the Prophet and vnto how many dangers hee exposed himselfe where he prophecied of their destruction which they not so much as feared The which serueth to teach Gods Ministers in these times boldly and couragiously to deliuer Gods embassage euen before Kings and great Potentates when they are called hereunto and not to be daunted with the face of man when they speake in the place of God nor to be discouraged with scoffes taunts and reproches difficulties and dangers which they vndergo in performing their dutie for hee that hath set them on worke will giue them their wages so that they shal not suffer the lest thing for his sake which he wil not recompence an hundred fould Thirdly wee obserue Gods maruelous and miraculous preseruation of this his Prophet in the middest of all these Gods power in preseruing his Prophet dangers for the space of many yeeres together so that though he was compassed about with wicked men and was vnder the gouernment of Idolatrous Kings against whose idolatrie he inueighed yet God deliuered him in the middest of all these perils and brought him in peace in his very old age vnto his graue as Epiphanius writeth The consideration whereof should encourage Gods Ministers to goe on in the performance of their dutie euen through the middest of dangers seeing the speciall prouidence of God watcheth ouer them and will preserue them in their waies though it seeme neuer so impossible so farre forth as God thereby may be glorified and their saluation furthered Examples of this marueilous preseruation wee haue in Noah Lot Moses Elias Iohn the Euangelist Martin Luther and many others Fourthly in the example of this Prophet Gods Ministers Vices are to be reproued when they most prosper may learne to set vpon and inueigh against vices not onely when they are discountenanced with Gods iudgements and vnder foote but then most especially when they are intertained with most prosperous successe and do seeme to be approued by God in regard of that peace and prosperitie which doth attend vpon them Lastly heere we learne that we are not to iudge of Gods loue and fauour nor of the vertues and religious godlinesse Prospertie no true signe of Gods loue of a State by their good successe and prosperous affaires for vnder the gouernment of this King Ieroboam such was the estate of this kingdome and people and yet the Lord sendeth his Prophet to shew them that they were out of his fauour and that he would diuorce them from him for their manifold adulteries that their religion which was accompanied with prosperitie and all worldly felicite was false idolatrous and superstitious and that they abounded in all sin and wickednesse ANd thus much concerning the inscription now it followeth that we speake of the legall comminations where first is set downe their sin and secondly their punishment Their maine and capitall sinne was idolatrie which is signified vnder the typicall mariage of the Prophet with a wife of fornications the which is enioyned by the Lord vers 2. and vndertaken by the Prophet vers 3. Vers 2. At the beginning the Lord spake by Hosea and the
wickednesse with the heauy burthen of our corruptions And therefore Let vs cast away euery thing that presseth downe and the sinne that hangeth so fast on and let vs runne with patience the race which is set before vs as the Apostle exhorteth Heb. 12. 1. and according to Heb. 12. 1. his example Let vs forget that which is behind and indeuour our selues to that which is before and follow hard towards the marke for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus as it is Phil. 3. 13. 14. The vertues of our parents are not hereditarie Phil. 3. 13. but their vices and their godlinesse will not priuiledge vs from falling into all wickednesse vnlesse we striue and labour non solùm ad Ruborem sed sudorem with all paines and diligence to follow after them in their steppes for through our owne corruption we easily degenerate and if at any time we cease to become better we then beginne to become worse Thirdly we may obserue that as it little auailed the people Outward titles nought auaile vs without inward vertues of Israel to be the sonnes of Iacob according to the flesh when they nothing resembled him in the spirit nor to be intituled with his name whē as they disclaimed his graces and vertues seeing notwithstanding all this God now threatneth and soone after inflicteth vpon them most feareful punishments so it will little profit vs to be entitled Christians if we liue as prophanely as infidels to be called the Church of God if in our conuersatiō we resemble the synagogue of Satan to be counted professors of religion and the children of God when in our liues we denie the power thereof and spend our times like the sonnes of Belial to be the children and posterity of the godly if we degenerate from their Christian profession holy practise For God is not pleased with shadowes but with substance not with outward titles but with truth in the inward parts neither wil our parēts vertues exempt vs from feeling Gods heauie iudgements if we like a degenerating ofspring be euill and vitious And this appeareth Ezech. 18. 10. 13. and in the examples of Cham Ezecb. 18. 10. 13 Esau Absolon Adoniah Iehoahaz and many others ANd thus much concerning the name wherein the punishment of the people is typically signified Now we are to speake of the reason hereof wherein this punishment is plainely denounced For yet a little and I will visite the blood of Iisreel vpon the house of Iehu and will cause to cease the kingdome of the house of Israel Vers 5. And at that day Verse 4. 5. I will also breake the bow of Israel in the valley of Izreel In which words are contained first the time of the punishment The exposition when it must bee inflicted yet a little 2. the punishment it selfe I will visit 3. the sinne for which the punishment is inflicted The blood of Izreel 4. the obiect or subiect of this punishmēt which is threefold 1. Iehu and his posteritie 2. the state of the kingdome of Israel 3. the whole power and strength of the Commonwealth Lastly the place appointed for execution in the vallie of Izreel The time is signified in these words yet a little whereby he intimateth two things first that the Lord would not presently inflict these iudgements threatned but that he would yet giue them some time of repentance and for a while deferre his punishments which long agoe they had deserued 2. That though hee spared them for a while yet the time should not be long vnlesse they preuented his iudgements by forsaking their sinnes and turning vnto him For in all threatnings though neuer so speedie this condition is to be obserued the which the Israelites neglecting the punishment was accordingly inflicted For at the most the Prophet prophesied but 14. yeeres before the end of Ieroboams raigne and after that his sonne Zacharias had reigned but sixe moneths he was killed by Shallum and so the kingdom 2. King 15. 8. 10. ceased in the house of Iehu at which time God begun to visit the people the which his visitation not onely of the sins of Iehu but of the house of Israel hee accomplished in the reigne of Hosea when as the King and people were led into captiuitie by Shalmaneser King of Babylon So that the sense of these words is thus much as if hee should haue said Although your rebellions bee great and the measure of your sinnes full yet such is your hardnesse of heart and carnall securitie that you promise vnto your selues immunitie from punishment putting the euill day farre from you as though you should euer escape but doe not thus flatter your selues for assuredly the Lord will very shortly visit you for your iniquities and pay you home for all It is true indeede that although your outragious wickednesse doth crie out for present vengeance yet the Lord to shew his patience and long suffering and to leaue you quite without excuse will a little deferre his punishments and expect your repentance but let not Gods delaies and mercifull patience cause you to deferre your conuersion for vndoubtedly if you obstinately persist in your impenitencie the Lord will very quickly execute on you these iudgements which he hath caused mee to denounce against you And this is the meaning of these words yet a little The The doctrines doctrines which hence we gather are these First we may obserue 1. Gods patience and long suffering Gods infinite mercy patience long suffering in sparing of this rebellious people long after their sins cried for vengeance in the meane time sending his Prophets vnto them to inuite thē to repentance that so they might escape his iust punishments He is long before he threatneth and rather striueth to master mens stubburnnes to incline them to obedience by his mercies and benefits and after he threatneth he is long before he is drawne to punish and after that his iustice vrgeth him to resolue vpon this and that the hainous sinnes of his people crie out in his cares that it is more then time that deserued punishment were inflicted yet hee spareth a little and like a louing father after he that hath taken his rod into his hand and hath lifted it vp to fetch his stroke he yet pauseth and staieth his hand expecting our submission and repentance that so hee may spare vs. And thus hee dealt with the old world as appeareth Gen. 6. 5. 12. 13. with Gen. 6. 5. 12 13. the Amorits who though they were most wicked idolaters yet he deferred their punishment 400. yeeres Gen. 15. 16. Gen. 15. 16. And thus also hath the Lord dealt with vs. So that the Lord is content to attend our leasure being more loath to punish then we to suffer punishment and therefore when the time is more then past wherein iustice b●ggeth for vengeance mercie intreateth yet a little that iudgement may be deferred yea and after
off either by death or conspiracies treasons and seditions the state and kingdome is miserably turmoiled with ciuill warres tumults murthers and massacres wherewith being weakned it is laid open as a prey to the forraigne enemie as it notably appeareth in this present example of Iehu and his successours The like whereof this land hath had experience of in the time of those ciuill disscensions betweene Yorke and Lancaster Whereby it further appeareth that it is farre better for a State to be gouerned by a succession of Princes which are not of the best sort then that there should be an anarchy which is accompanied with ciuill warres tumults murthers and innumerable mischiefes seeing the most tyrannicall gouernment doth not subiect a State to such and so great euils Iehu and his posterity were wicked and idolatrous Princes but whilest the succession was continued in his house the Common-wealth in some sort flourished but after that by treason Zachariah was slaine then their land was miserably afflicted with ciuill warres the fruitfull mother of all misery And therefore a wise people after the succession is established will indure many iniuries oppressions and insolencies at their Princes hands rather then they will by treason and rebellion seeke their ouerthrow seeing the destruction of the Prince is vsually accompanied with the ruine of the kingdome The vse which we are to make hereof is this that with thankfull hearts and bended knees we praise the Lord who when we were in danger of all these miseries hath establishshed the kingdome by giuing vnto vs a religious Prince who hath confirmed our peace and continued the Gospell vnto vs and hath not onely giuen vs assurance of these benefits for his owne time but also by Gods blessing seemeth to promise the continuance hereof by the establishment of succession in his royall posteritie The third obiect of punishment is the whole Common-wealth and people of Israel in these words v. 5. And at that day I wil breake the bow of Israel in the vally of Iizreel The meaning wherof is this By that day we are to vnderstad the The exposition day of Gods visitation when as the measure of the peoples sinne being full and come to ripenes hee would not onely ouerthrow Iehues posteritie and the state of the kingdome but also bring the like destruction vpon the whole Commonwealth and bodie of the people By breaking of the bow we are to vnderstand the defeating and subuerting of their whole power by a vsuall synecdoch of the part for the whole so Psalm 44. 6. I trust not in my Psalm 44. 6. 1. Sam. 2. 4. bowe So that it is as much as if hee had said that he would destroy and ouerthrow al their munition warlicke furniture and prouision yea all their power and strength in whatsoeuer it consisted so as they should not bee able to resist their enemies From whence we learne first that although Princes and Doctrines superiours shall be most seuerely punished because they haue not onely sinned themselues but also by their authority The subiect is not acquitted when his Prince leadeth him into sinne and example haue drawne and allured their inferiours into like wickednes yet the subiects who haue obeyed their lawfull authority in vnlawful things and haue followed their example in euill shall not be excused but as they haue been partakers with them in their sinnes so likewise they shall be partakers with them in their punishments For if authority be an argument to preuaile with them then the authority of God which is supreme should be of greater force to continue them in holy obedience then the authority of man to draw them to sinne if examples doe strongly allure and perswade then the example of God himselfe and of Iesus Christ should more forcibly restraine vs from sinne then of the greatest Prince in the world to intice vs to commit it The vse hereof is that we be not forced with any humane authority to fall into sinne for when they haue done their worst they can but kill the body and blessed are they who chuse rather to giue their liues dearest blood then to pollute their consciences with knowne wickednesse for by sinning against God they prouoke his wrath against them who is able to destroy the body and after to cast body and soule into eternall torments Matth. 10. 28. Secondly we may obserue what was the estate of this Matth. 10. 28. kingdome when this threatning was denounced by the Prophet No strength can vphold that State which sinne pulleth down namely so strong flourishing and prosperous that the people feared nothing lesse then such approching destruction for they abounded at this time in multitude munition walled townes and strong holds they had prosperous successe against their enemies and had obtained many famous victories so that now they were lulled asleepe in deepe security fearing no danger and yet at this time God threatneth and soone after bringeth vpon them sudden destruction Whence we learn that there is no strength nor power which will vphold any State when the sinnes thereof pull downe Gods iudgements vpon it And therefore farre be it from vs to trust in our owne multitude power and munition and so to be mooued and incouraged thereby to goe on in our sinnes for the Lord can easily breake the bowe and turne all humane strength into weakenesse so that when it seeming greatest we trust therein it shall most faile and deceiue vs. And so much for the subiect of the punishment In the last place is set downe the place where this punishment should Exposition principally be inflicted namely in the vally of Iizreel which was a spatious plaine ten miles in length situated by the Hierome Citie Iizreel and extended it selfe neere vnto Samaria where in a battaile fought between the Assyrians and the Israelites the people of Israel were ouerthrowne Where first wee may obserue that they were not ouercome in a strange Country or in some place of disaduantage Doctrine but in the very heart of their kingdome where their Worldly helpes vaine when God opposeth chiefe strength consisted wherein they put such great confidence Whence we learne how vaine the best worldly helpes are when God opposeth himselfe against any people c. Which should teach vs in our most flourishing estate not to trust in our owne power and strength but to rest vpon Gods prouidence and promised assistance which will neuer faile vs. Secondly as the Lord by ouerthrowing them in this chiefe place of their strength did teach them the vanity of their We must be admonished by the example of others selfe-confidence so doth he hereby iustly and fitly punish an other sinne of theirs namely the neglect of his former iudgements for in this valley the Lord had brought a fearefull destruction vpon the family of Ahab for their grosse idolatry of which the Israelites should haue made profitable vse by flying their sinnes lest they should be
off as being a desperate cure and finally reiecteth them from being his Church and people Yet he doth not presently execute this last punishment after he had inflicted the former for after they were led into captiuitie and liued as captiues in the land of the Medes vnder the Empire and gouernment of the Assyrians they retained still amongst them some relicks of their owne manner of worship and vsed their ceremonies in their owne assemblies and in respect of this outward seruice and communion which was amongst them they had not altogether lost the name of Gods people but when as Deioce the first King of the Medes preuailed against the Assyrians they were driuen out of the countrie of the Medes and scattered into diuers parts of the world so as they could not any more assemble together nor exercise their owne worship nor vse their owne ceremonies And so mixing themselues in marriages with the Gentiles and imbracing their religion they were wholly excluded out of Gods couenant and losing both the name and priuiledges of the people of God were numbred amongst Pagans and infidels But here it may bee demanded how this can stand Obiection with Gods couenant made vnto the posteritie not only of Iuda but of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and how it can agree with the words following that the children of Israel should be as the sand of the sea c. I answer that howsoeuer the Answer Lord reiected the whole bodie and Common wealth of Israel generally considered yet not all and euery person amongst the Israelites for he had in this generall defection many who serued him in the sinceritie of their hearts and therefore in this common reiection he retaineth many as his people both in respect of the time present and future For many in that generall defection of the 10. Tribes vnder Ieroboam who hated idolatrie and imbraced the pure and sincere worship and seruice of God left their patrimonies and possessions in the kingdome of Israel and adioyned themselues to the house of Iuda as appeareth 2. Chron. 11. 13. 16. 2. Chro. 11. 13. 16. Some also in the reigne of Asa fel frō the Kingdom of Israel and subiected themselues vnto his gouernment when they saw that God was with him as it is 2. Chron. 15. 9. Diuers 2. Chron. 15. 9. others were vnited to Iuda in the reigne of Ezechias as appeareth 2. Chron. 30. 11. 18. 25. of which number though 2. Chron. 30. 11. 18. 25. some after the celebration of the Passeouer returned into their owne countrie yet it is verie likely that when the Prophets of God foretold their captiuitie when Gods religion was wholly reiected and prophaned and when the Assyrians made cruell warre against the kingdome of Israel both they and many more who beleeued Gods word in the mouth of his Prophets expected the execution of those punishments which were threatned against their countrie left their owne habitations and adioyned themselues to the kingdom of Iuda and were led captiue with them into Babylon and likewise with them returned out of their captiuitie as appeareth Ezra 2. Ezra 2. Moreouer God no doubt had his number amongst those who were led captiue by Salmanasser who though they lost the outward name of Gods people and the notes of a visible Church the purity of doctrine publikely preached and the right vse of the Sacraments publikely administred yet they wanted not the spirituall graces of his Spirit not were excluded out of his Church inuisible and howsoeuer they were reiected from the old couenant yet they had their part in the couenant of grace Lastly for the future time many of these who were scattered ouer the face of the earth after the comming and ascension of Christ were by the ministery of the Apostles and Gods Ministers conuerted to the faith and receiued together with the Gentiles into the couenant of grace and admitted as true subiects of Christs Kingdome And yet notwithstanding all this because the greatest number of the people who were led captiue remained in their impenitency it might bee said that Israel should be Lo-ammi none of Gods people the farre greater part giuing the denomination to the whole In the last place as he reiecteth them from being his people so he denieth himselfe to be their God therefore I will not be yours the Hebrew hath it I will not be vnto you the meaning is that he would not be their God which is not expressed but to be vnderstood by mutual relation So Ier. 11. 4. Jer. 11. 4. Ye shall be my people and I will be your God But he vseth this speech as being more emphaticall and doth not onely say vnto them that he would refuse to be their God but that he would not be vnto thē intimating thereby that they should haue no manner of part or interest in him nor any thing to doe with him for their benefit so that though his being giueth being and all goodnesse and happinesse to his creatures yet this should not profit them because he would not be vnto them c. As though he should say seeing you haue vngratefully abused my benefits and stubbornely contemned my iudgements and notwithstanding all the meanes I haue vsed to reclaime you ye continue in your rebellion security and hardnesse of heart forsaking me your gratious God and neglecting my pure worship and seruice and haue made choyce of false Gods and committed with them from time to time grosse idolatry therefore seeing you haue refused me I will likewise refuse you seeing you reiect me from being your God I will reiect you from being my people and howsoeuer my being being infinit in goodnesse deriueth vnto those that feare and serue me all happinesse yet it shall not be vnto you for your good and preseruation but rather as your sinnes deserue for your punishment and vtter destruction And so much for the meaning of the words Now we are to set downe such doctrines as do arise out of them The first The Do ∣ ctrines thing which here we obserue is that when the people of Israel were not reclaimed with the two former punishments God inflicteth more heauie punishments where lighter will not amend vs. the Lord goeth forward vnto the third which was farre more grieuous then both the other because they did not onely goe forward in their former wickednesse but also added this vnto the rest the neglect and contempt of Gods iudgements So that this physicke of Gods correction either worketh vpon the conscience and purgeth away the corruptions of sinne or if it haue no operation it maketh the party diseased worse then he was before and moueth the Lord our Physitian to administer a purgation of greater force And therefore let vs learne to make profitable vse of lesser punishments or else the Lord will inflict those which are more grieuous either till he haue amended or else destroyed vs. Examples hereof we haue in Pharaoh the Iewes and many others Secondly
we may obserue that the more heauy the iudgement is which is denounced the longer the Lord deferreth The greater the iudgement is the more loath the Lord is to inflict it to inflict it as though he were loth to vse extremities if mans wickednes did not deserue it and his iustice require it seeing lighter punishments will not preuaile When Iizreel was borne Lo-ruchamah was soone after conceiued but she conceiueth not Lo-amni whereby the vtter reiection of the people was signified before Lo-ruchamah was weaned all which time the Lord gaue them to make vse of his former iudgements and expected their amendment with admirable patience that he might not vtterly reiect them Wherein the Lord behaueth himselfe like vnto a good and tender-hearted Surgeon who leaueth no good meanes vnassayed before hee will cut off the member which is ill affected c. Thirdly we may note that before the Lord doth vtterly God taketh away his liuerie before he turne men out of his seruice reiect them from being his people he first weaneth them from the milke of his word and foode of his Sacraments debarring them of all their publike assemblies the meanes of his worship and seruice and taking from them all their priuiledges and prerogatiues which they inioyed whilest they were his people Like vnto Noble men who vpon the ill behauiour of their seruants first pull off their liuery before they turne them out of seruice not onely because they are vnworthy of any such credit or protection as it might cause vnto them but also because they should not by abusing themselues in such habits dishonour their Lords who haue reiected them Fourthly we may here obserue the greatnesse of this punishment That it is a fearefull punishment to be reiected from being Gods people which may be considered in the inestimable benefits whereof they were hereby depriued and in the intolerable euils and miseries into which they were plunged whilest Iehouah was their Lord and King they were vnder his protection and so secured from the danger of all enemies they were prouided for by his al-sufficient prouidence and therefore sure to want nothing indued with many noble titles prerogatiues and priuiledges as being his seruants children heires yea his spouse partakers of many vnualuable benefites temporall and spirituall his word Sacraments and such like and after a short time of their seruice here on earth they were assured to receiue for wages an immortall Crowne of glorie and eternall felicitie and happinesse in his Kingdome But as soone as they are cast out of his Kingdome and reiected from being his people they were stripped of those benefits exposed to the danger of their enemies sinne Satan and the world who speedily assault and easily ouercome all those who are out of Gods protection and so taking them captiue inthrall them in a miserable seruitude the wages whereof for the time present is misery horrour of conscience and desperation and in the life to come eternall death Rom. 6. 23. As therefore we iudge their case most wretched Rom. 6. 23. who hauing been the subiects and seruants of some gratious Prince vnder whom they haue inioyed all the benefits of a peaceable and well gouerned kingdome are for their crimes and misdemeanors banished into a Country in it selfe vncomfortable and amongst the middest of cruell enemies so and much more miserable is the state of those who are banished out of the kingdome of grace where is all good and felicitie and liue in the kingdome of Satan where is nothing but all woe and misery And this is that punishment which here is threatned Now let vs further consider vpon whom it is inflicted euen Gods former mercies priuiledge not a rebellious people from future iudgements vpon the people of Israel the chosen people of God vnto whom in former times he had bestowed innumerable benefits Whereby it appeareth that though a people haue in former times been partakers of neuer so great priuiledges and neuer so much inriched with Gods benefits though God haue made his outward couenant with them of his grace and the continuance of his fauour yet if they breake their couenant which interchangeably they haue made with God denying vnto him their obedience and liuing in all sin and wickednesse all this wil not priuiledge them from Gods fearefull punishments no not from finall reiection and destruction And therefore let vs not thinke it enough that God hath outwardly made his couenant with vs vnlesse it be also written in our hearts and we perform at least in our holy indeuour that part thereof which concerneth our selues for vnlesse we liue like his people and seruants he wil not acknowledge vs for such but will cast vs off as he did the Israelites Now the sinnes for which especially the Israelites were Idolatrie and impenitencie the cause of the peoples reiection reiected were first their grosse idolatrie whereby they had forsaken God and betaken themselues to the seruice of idols and secondly their obstinacie and impenitencie in their course of rebellion from which they would not be reclaimed neither by Gods bountifull benefits nor by his seuere threatnings nor yet by his chastisements and more grieuous punishments which first like a tender father and after like a iust Iudge he inflicted on them but rather grew worse and worse and more and more intolerable in their wickednesse For this is the last course and meanes which the Lord vseth for the conuersion of a sinner which when it will not preuaile he giueth them ouer as being past all help seeing they are past all grace If the skilfull surgeon find that healing salues are not fit to heale a deep festered wound he vseth drawing corrasiues and the lancher but if he seeth the part diseased notwithstanding all good and fit meanes vsed to be past cure he will no longer lose his labour and cost but cutteth it off The gratious Iudge when he hath for the offenders first fault giuen him some fatherly admonition or threatned some seuere punishment if he offend again he punisheth him with a whip or with a burning iron but if all these chastisements and punishments will not reclaime him he condemneth him to exile or death as being past hope of amendment And so the Lord when he seeth that neither the healing plaister of his gracious promises nor the sharpe corrasiue of his threatnings and punishments will cure a people of the deepe festered sores of sinne when hee seeth that neither admonition nor gentle chastisement nor seuerer punishment will restraine the sinner from outragious wickednesse then doth he cut and cast them off as men of a desperate estate and past all cure And this was the estate of the Israelites in this place and of the Iewes of whom the Lord complaineth Esa 1. 5. and of Pharaoh Saul Esa 1. 5. and many others The vse which we are to make hereof is that wee doe not neglect Gods mercifull visitations and fatherly corrections
this is signified when as it is said that his children should be called in Isaac who was not borne vnto Abraham according to the course of nature for Abraham was almost an hundred yeares old and Sara was likewise stricken in yeares and barren Rom. 4. 19 20. but his birth was rather to be ascribed to the free promise of God apprehended by the faith of Abraham and not to naturall strength and ordinary generation And hence it is that he is called the child of the promise and not the child of the flesh as Ismael was who was borne according to the ordinary course of nature and likewise according to his example those are reputed the true childrē of Abraham who are the children of the promise begotten not according to nature but Gods free grace indued with the faith of Abraham and not like Ismael his children onely according to the flesh And this may further appeare by plaine testimonies of Scripture Rom. 4. 11 12. the Apostle saith that Abraham Rom. 4. 11 12. was the father not onely of the circumcised but also of the vncircumcised who beleeue and walke in the steps of his faith The which argument he more fully handleth verse 13 14 15 16 Gal. 3. 7. 17 18. Gal. 3. 7. They which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham Lastly the Apostle Paul who was indued with the same spirit of God that our Prophet was and therefore most fit to interpret his meaning expoundeth this prophecy of all the faithfull both Israelites and Gentiles as appeareth Rom. 9. 24 25 26. so Pet. 1. Epist 2. 10. Rom. 9. 24 25. And thus it appeareth whom we are to vnderstand by the children of Israel In the next place we are to consider the number of the Church which is expressed comparatiuely as the sand in the sea which cannot be numbred nor told In which words he alludeth vnto the promise of God made to Abraham Gen. 22. 17. Therefore I will surely blesse thee and Gen. 22. 17. will greatly multiply thy seede as the starres of the heauen and as the sand which is by the sea shore c. so Gen. 15. 5. and withall Gen. 15. 5. expoundeth that promise shewing of whom it was meant namely of the whole Church of God Israelites and Gentiles who being indued with the faith of Abraham were alone to be esteemed his seed as the Apostle likewise interpreteth it Rom. 4. 18. The like place vnto this we haue Ier. 33. 22. Rom. 4. 18. Jer. 33. 2. By all which is signified that the Church of God after the comming of Christ gathered together by the preaching of the Gospell should be in numbers numberlesse euen like vnto the sands by the sea side which howsoeuer God infinit in knowledge can number yet vnto man they are innumerable And not onely so but that also it should not as in former times be contained within the narrow limits of Canaan but extend it selfe very spatiously ouer the face of the earth For here he vseth two words the first is referred to a continued quantity of place which cannot be measured the other to a discrete quantity that is to the number or multitude which cannot be told By both which ioyned together he sheweth that the Church of God and Kingdome of Christ should be so spatious that it should be contained in no limits and so many in multitude that it should be defined with no number But here it may be demanded how this can stand with the saying of our Sauiour Christ who calleth his Church a little flocke I answer that Christ speaketh of it being compared with infidels worldlings which are not of the church in respect of whose huge multitude the true church of Christ is but a little flock but yet being considered in it selfe the number thereof is great euen like the starres of heauen and sands by the sea shore which cannot be measured nor told And thus much for the number of the Church In the next place is set downe the time in which this increase of Gods people should be not in the time present but in the time to come euen after the comming of Christ when by the preaching of the Gospell the Gentiles should be called and ioyned to the Church of the Iewes So that first the children of Israel who were the children of Abraham according to the flesh onely must be cast off before his children according to the spirit should be receiued into the couenant first the naturall branches of the Oliue must be broken off because they were vnfruitfull and then the wilde branches must be grafted in and therefore their reiection should be so farre from bringing Gods Church to ruine that God after their casting off would exceedingly multiply and inlarge it And thus haue I shewed the meaning of the first point The Do ∣ ctrines The doctrines which from hence arise are these First we may learne what is the disposition and behauiour of hypocrites The disposition of hypocrites to boast themselues in outward titles who boast themselues of their outward titles shewes and ceremonies whereas they are destitute of al correspondency in substance sincerity and truth and together how we may beate downe their pride and answer their vaine brags The Israelites resting in the outward titles of the posteritie of Abraham the Church and people of God and in performing some externall worship consisting rather in ceremonies then in substance in vaine shewes and shadowes and not in spirit and truth were hereby so puffed vp in pride and lulled asleepe in such deepe security that they imagined God could not be true of his word vnlesse they were preserued and that there was no way but the Church must needes vtterly perish if they were ouerthrowne and reiected and therefore against all the threatnings of the true Prophets they opposed these titles and shadowes that they were the posterity of Abraham the Church of God his chosen people who were in the couenant and such as had the Temple Arke and Law amongst them and with these bucklers they fenced and bore off all threatnings of their ruine and destruction and kept them from wounding their consciences with vnfained sorrow for their sinnes and withall were moued hereby to condemne the Prophets to be liars who spake not frō the Lord but according to their own melancholie phantasies and discontented conceits To these our Prophet by a Prolepsis answereth that though they were the posteritie of Abraham and Iacob yet they were not true Israelites but degenerated Iizreelites such as had onely outward titles shewes ceremonies and external prerogatiues but that they were not the children of Abraham according to the spirit not in the couenant of grace which they had often broken not the true Church and people of God seeing they had forsaken him and in stead of his true worship which ought to be performed in spirit and truth they offered vnto him a false worship according to
their owne inuentions and in the hypocrisie of their hearts And therefore though the Lord should reiect them yet this should bee no impeachment to his truth in his promises nor bring any damage to the Church for as much as he would in their stead who were hypocrites rotten members and the sonnes of Abraham only according to the flesh make choice of sincere professours true beleeuers and the sonnes of Abraham according to the spirit vnto whom hee would make good his couenant and promise and multiplie them in innumerable numbers The like obiection at this day is made by the Papists in The Papists like the idolatrous Israelites 1. Tim. 3. 15. their pride and securitie against those who charge them with their errours and apostasie For say they the Church of Christ cannot erre seeing it is the pillar of truth 1. Tim. 3. 15. nor fall away in life or doctrine seeing Christ hath promised to leade it in all truth and to continue with it ruling and guiding it by his word and spirit vnto the end of Math. 23. 20. the world but we say they are the Church of Christ as may appeare by our vnitie vniuersalitie antiquitie and succession of Bishops and therefore if we fall away the Church falles away and consequently Christ cannot bee true of his promise But vnto them we may answere as the Prophet to the Israelites that they are the Church onely in name and not in deede seeing they haue forsaken the pure worship of God described in his word and in stead thereof haue imbraced their owne wil-worship superstition and idolatrie and therefore they are not now the spouse of Christ but adulterous harlots which are for their whoredomes diuorced from him they are not the true Church of God notwithstanding those outward titles and notes thy bragge of seeing they want the chiefe and onely vnfallible notes of the true Church Gods word sincerely preached and his Sacraments purely administred And though they bee reiected yet this will not infringe the truth of Gods promises made to his Church neither will God want a Church though they be cast off seeing in their places hee hath and will multiplie his faithfull children the true posteritie of Abraham as the sands by the sea shore vnto whom he will accomplish his promises of his presence protection and direction in all truth The like obiection also is made by carnall gospellers and secure hypocrites who professing religion doe in their liues denie the power thereof and drawing neere vnto God with their lips whilest with their hearts they goe farre from him and therefore we may fit vnto them the like answere c. The second thing which wee are to obserue is that the The execution of Gods iudgements no hinderance to the performance of his promises execution of Gods threatnings is at no time any hinderance to the performance of his promises nay rather he vseth the one as an occasion of the accomplishing of the other as in this place the reiectiō of the idolatrous Israelites for the fulfilling of his gratious promise concerning the multiplying of his Church the true posteritie of Abraham according to the spirit And therefore when Gods faithfull children heare his fearefull denunciation of iudgements denounced against the wicked let not them doubt that this will be an impediment to stay the performance of the gracious promises which are made vnto them for although they bee not accomplished in that maner and by those meanes which they expected yet the Lord will not faile to performe them so as in his infinite wisedome hee knoweth most fit for his owne The multitude of Gods people in the time of the Gospell glorie and their saluation The third thing to be obserued is the great multitude of Gods people and children vnder the kingdome of Iesus Christ in the time of the Gospel for it is here said that God would multiplie them as the sands and starres The Israelites supposed that if they should be reiected God would want a Church and people to worship and serue him but they were wholly deceiued for vpon the occasion of their reiection who were but hypocrites he multiplied the number of his faithfull seruants And as the riuer when the course thereof is stopped in his owne channell breaketh ouer the bankes and ouerfloweth the whole countrie making it fruitfull which in it selfe was drie and baren So the streames of Gods sauing mercies which in former times plentifully flowed in the land of Canaan as in their proper current being stopped and as it were dammed vp with the huge heape of their grieuous sinnes and traiterous rebellions ran ouer the bankes and borders of Iurie and ouerflowed the whole earth making the Gentiles who formerly had been barren in all goodnes fruitefull in his sanctifying graces and holy obedience And this our Sauiour signified in the parable of the great Supper to which the Iewes who were the inuited guests refusing to come vpon the occasion of their refusall the seruants are sent into the streets hedges highwaies to inuite the poore maimed halt and blind Gentiles that they might supplie their roomes as appeareth Luk. 14. Luk. 14. The pride of hypocrits reprooued and beaten down The consideration whereof may serue to beate downe the pride of hypocrites who thinke God beholding to them for their profession and seruice imagining that he will neuer reiect them for his owne honours sake seeing if they were cast off he should want seruants to worship and glorifie him But let such know that God who is in himselfe absolute and infinit in all perfections standeth in neede of no man and though it were supposed that he did yet not of them who by their seruing him doe dishonour him for he is able of stones to raise vp children to Abraham Matth. 3. 9. He can destroy Matth. 3. 9. Iob. 34. 24. the mightie and set vp others in their stead as it is Iob 34. 24. When the Iewes forsake him he can make the Gentiles seruiceable when the ancient by their praises doe not glorifie him hee can giue strength to babes and sucklings to performe this dutie which they neglect Psalm 8. 2. and though Psalm 8. 2. they likewise should say nothing yet the heauens with their dumbe eloquence would declare the glory of God Psal 19. 1. Psalm 19. 1. Yea and if all these should hold their peace yet the stones themselues would become the heraulds of Gods praises Luk. 19. 40. And therefore let not hypocrites securely goe Luk. 19. 40. on in their sinnes thinking that for their outward seruice and professions sake God will not reiect them for as the Lord spake of Coniah the sonne of Iehoiakim Ier. 22. 24 Ier. 22. 24. though they were the signet of his right hand yet he wil plucke them off Secondly whereas it is said that the Church of Christ The dotage of the Brownists confuted should be multiplied like the sands by the sea side
wisedome and knowledge of God c. And this is Gods vsuall course in all his iudgements towards his seruants so hee suffered Adam to fall into sinne that hee might haue more ample occasion of shewing his mercie he banished him out of the the earthly paradise that he might receiue him into the kingdome of glorie hee punished him and his posteritie with a temporarie death that it might be an entrance into eternall life hee subiecteth their bodies to weakenesse and corruption that they may rise in power incorruptible and immortall he laieth vpon them light and momentarie afflictions that they may cause vnto them a superexcellent and eternall waight of glorie as it is 2. Cor. 4. 17. The consideration whereof should make vs 2. Cor. 4. 17. patiently to submit our selues when wee are afflicted vnto Gods good will and pleasure seeing his iudgements end in mercie and seeing in respect of his infinite wisedome and almightie power he can and in respect of his loue and fatherly kindnesse hee will raise benefits out of punishments and make those things turne to our good and eternall saluation which in their owne nature seeme to bring destruction and vtter damnation Heb. 12. 9. Heb. 12. 9. B●●n● adopted the sonnes of God wee must walke according to our high calling Secondly as hereby we are put in mind of Gods mercie so also of our owne dutie namely that being exalted to this high dignitie of being the sonnes of God we walke according to our high calling and demeane our selues like Gods children for as it is an vndecent thing that one who is raised from base estate or taken out of the gallies and aduanced to be the adopted sonne and heire of some great Monarch should now behaue himselfe according to his former base condition so much more vncomly is it that one exalted to this high dignitie of being son heire to the King of kings should be haue himselfe like a child of Satan and bondslaue of sinne liuing as in former times in the blindnesse of minde peruersenesse of will vncleannesse of affections and in the lusts of the Gentiles in a base sort suffering his minde to lie groueling on the earth wallowing himself in the filthie puddle of worldly vanities in the meane time forgetting his high calling whereunto he is aduanced to be the sonne of the liuing God For honours should change our manners and as soone as we are aduanced to this high dignitie we should like Saul haue another heart and not suffer our selues any more to be ruled with our own base lusts and concupiscences but being the sonnes of God wee ought to bee guided and directed wholly and only by his spirit otherwise wee can haue no assurance that we are admitted to this glorious state and condition for they who alone are led by Gods spirit are his sonnes as appeareth Rom. 8. 14. Rom. 8 14. The difference betweene God and idols The last thing which wee are to consider is the difference betweene the true God and the false gods of the Gentiles for he is the euerliuing Iehouah whereas they are either without life dead or mortall The consideration whereof may serue first to restraine vs from transgressing the commandements of our God seeing he euerliueth to take punishment on vs for our sinnes secondly it is a strong inducement to holy obedience seeing our Lord and Master euerliueth to reward our seruice and lastly it ministreth to all Gods children matter of sweete consolation in that they haue a God in respect of his power almightie in respect of his loue and good will alwaies readie that euerliueth to giue vnto them the good things which they desire and to deliuer them from the euils which they feare and as he hath life in himselfe so he will giue life vnto them that together with him they may reigne in all happinesse and eternall felicitie in his kingdome For as he hath giuen to his first borne Iesus Christ to haue life in himselfe so he hath giuen vnto vs John 5. 26. his adopted sonnes in Christ that we should haue life in him as it is Col. 3. 3. Col. 3. 3. ANd so much concerning the dignity of the Church and people of God In the next place is set downe their vnity and vnanimity verse 11. Then shall the children of Verse 11 Iuda and the children of Israel be gathered together and appoint themselues one head In which words he alludeth vnto Exposition their separation and diuision which was betweene the Israelites and the Iewes when as for the sinnes of Salomon 1. King 11. 11 12 they were disunited and disioyned in the raigne of Rehoboam into two seuerall Ringdomes vnder the gouernment of their two Kings and likewise to their scattering and dispersing amongst the Gentiles in the time of their captiuity when as they wandred like sheepe without a shepheard shewing that at the comming of the Messias they who were disioyned should bee reunited and they which were dispersed should bee gathered together and whereas in former times they were either without a King or diuided vnder the gouernment of two Kings vpon which followed bloody warres desolation and misery now they should be gathered together into one Kingdome vnder the rule of Christ their onely King vnder whose gouernement they should inioy peace happinesse and abundance of all blessings as it is plainely set downe Ezech. 37. 22 23 24. Ezech. 37. 22 23. But let vs come to the words more particularly where first is set downe their reunion into one Kingdome who by discord and dissension had been disunited The which is signified by this phrase of gathering together for whereas the people of Israel and Iuda had like sheepe gone astray and had dispersed themselues amongst the Gentiles as in a waste wildernesse the Lord promiseth that by the great Sheepheard of our soules Iesus Christ they should be recollected and gathered into one flocke and one sheepfold The parties then who being dispersed should be gathered together are the Israelites and the Iewes where as before by Israelites we are to vnderstand the sonnes of Abraham according to the Spirit that is all the faithfull and true beleeuers both Israelites and Gentiles and by Iuda the people of the Iewes who also belonged to Gods election and were indued with the faith of Abraham neither were all the Iewes according to the flesh added vnto Christs Kingdome but onely the true Iewes who were children of the promise for as the Apostle saith All are not Israel which were of Israel Rom. 9. 6. so he saith he is not a Iew which is one outward but hee is a Iew wihch is one within Romans 2. 28 29. so Rom. 9. 6. Rom. 2. 28. 29. Apoc. 2. 9. Apoc. 2. 9. Now the order of their gathering together may be obserued out of the order of the words for the Iewes haue the first place because they were still the Church and people of God and were not reiected out
obtained mercie The which is the voyce and glad tidings of the Gospell containing effectuall motiues to moue all to ascend into the kingdome of Christ if they be not already ascended or more and more to ascend if they be already gone vp For the first those that are the people and subiects of God are not to dwell in the land of darkenesse vnder the gouernment of sinne Satan and the world but to ascend into the kingdome of their owne King but we are now become the people and subiects of God for though in former times our sinnes moued the Lord to reiect vs from being his people and to exile vs out of his kingdome suffering vs to be dispersed as captiues in the land of darkenesse and in the bondage of Satan yet now Christ our head hath satisfied Gods iustice for our sinnes appeased his wrath reconciled vs vnto him so that now againe he is content to admit vs for his people and subiects and therefore let vs no longer abide in the land of darkenesse and in the captiuity of Satan from which Christ hath freed vs but being deliuered and admitted Gods subiects and people let vs now adioyne our selues vnto his kingdome and obediently submit our selues to his gouernment So those that haue already begun to ascend may be hereby moued more and more to goe forward in this course and that both in respect of their faith and in respect of their affections for if they be admitted the people of God and haue obtained his mercy why should the huge waight of their sinnes weigh them downe and keepe them from ascending in the assurance of faith seeing God is gratious vnto his owne people and inheritance and in his mercy hath done away all their sinnes and therefore seeing they haue obtained Gods infinite mercy they haue a sufficient medicine for their greatest misery If they be the people of God who haue obtained mercy then may they bee moued hereby to ascend in their affiance trusting in the prouidence of their al-sufficient and most bountifull King and not suffer their mindes to be tied vnto earthly meanes and secundary causes presuming in their abundance and despairing in their want If they bee Gods people then may they ascend in hope that they shall being his subiects be admitted into his kingdome both of grace and glory and be made partakers of the riches and royall benefits of them both and not suffer transitory trifles to be the end and top of their hopes seeing they are aduanced to higher dignities Then also are they to ascend in their feare for if they be the people and subiects of God then are they to feare the anger and displeasure of their Soueraigne as the greatest euill and in regard hereof to be much more carefull and fearefull lest they offend him then any mortall man And so likewise in their loue for if they be Gods people who haue obtained mercy and assurance of Gods kingdome then what sottish folly were it to place their loue vpon the vanities of the world which are of no value nor continuance and not rather on God heauen and heauenly ioyes which are most excellent and permanent And this is the meaning of these wordes The doctrines which from hence arise are diuers First here we learne that The Do ∣ ctrines when we haue assurance of those maine benefits our effectuall That wee ought to reioyce in the fruition of Gods benefits calling and vnion with Christ our redemption iustification sanctification and eternall saluation more to reioyce in them then if we were made owners of the whole world neither must we smother this ioy in our selues but with mutuall congratulations communicate it with our brethren For this is a consequent duty and effect of the former benefits receiued as appeareth in this place as also Rom. 5. 1 2 3. To which Rom. 5. 1 2 3. duty we shall easily be moued if we often call to minde our passed misery and present happinesse For if beggers when they attaine to great riches bondmen when they are redeemed out of miserable seruitude and euery one who escapeth out of desperate deadly dangers are euen so rauished with such tickling ioy that their hearts like too strait and weake vessels would breake to containe it vnlesse they did vnburthen them by cōmunicating them vnto others then if we consider our former beggerlinesse and basenesse and our present honours and preserments our cruell and miserable seruitude vnder sinne and Satan in time past and our glorious and happy liberty vnto which wee haue now attained the great and mortall dangers of plagues and grieuous punishments the anger of God the curse of the law and eternall death and condemnation all which we haue fully escaped being not onely deliuered from the euill which we feared but possessed in the certainty of assurance of such happinesse that we could not hope for nor so much as conceiue and wish for how can our hearts containe such rauishing ioyes how can our tongues be silent and not vnburthen our mindes by congratulating them with those who are made partakers of the like happinesse And if thus wee not onely ioy in our selues but all reioyce with others then shall wee hereby be stirred vp to praise the Lord who is the chiefe and onely cause of all our ioy and happinesse and by this holy exercise of our thankfulnesse wee shall more and more confirme our assurance of the former benefits for these are mutuall causes one of an other Whereas contrariwise our not praising God argueth our little ioy and our small ioy our little assurance and base esteeme which we make of this vnspeakeable happinesse Secondly as we are to congratulate this our ioy with those That wee ought to perswade others to communicate with vs in our ioy who are partakers of it so are we by our perswasions and exhortations to moue others who haue not yet tasted of it that they labour to attaine vnto it for this the law of charity requireth at our hands our loue towards God which we manifest when as we labour for the aduancement of his glory in the inlarging of his kingdome and our loue towards our neighbour which is principally shewed in seeking their conuersion and eternall happinesse With which charity whosoeuer is indued he cannot chuse but performe this duty for as the Sunne cannot keepe vnto it selfe his light but communicateth it to the good and comfort of other creatures and as the wood which is kindled and inflamed doth also kindle other wood which ioyneth vnto it so they who are illuminated with the light of knowledge cannot keepe it from shining vnto others and those who are inflamed with the zeale of Gods glory and loue of their brethren cannot chuse but labour to make those who are about them like vnto them and partakers of those benefites which they inioy Examples hereof wee haue Iohn 1. 41. 45. and chap. 4. 28 29. Thirdly we are to obserue to whom this
duty doth appertaine namely to all those who are made members of the That all the faithfull must labor to gaine others to the Church church whether they be publike or priuate persons for there is none which are in respect of their meannesse of gifts exempted seeing there is not any who hath receiued such a small talent but that if he will profitably imploy it he may thereby gaine some glory to his Lord and maister and in some respect or other bring some benefit to his brethren either by instruction consolation exhortatiō or holy example of life But howsoeuer this duty belongeth to all yet especially to Gods Ministers who are appointed of God both to be the spirituall fathers by whom men are begotten vnto God and conuerted to the faith and also to be the nurses who by the milke of the word are to nourish and bring vp in their spirituall growth those who are regenerate and added to the Church And therefore they are with all care and diligence to preach the word in season and out of season instructing the ignorant exhorting those that are backward perswading the obstinate confirming the weake and comforting and incouraging those which are ready to faint and by all meanes labouring that those who are not conuerted may be gained vnto Christ and likewise that those who are already added to the Church may bee more and more strengthened and confirmed in their spirituall vnion with Christ and communion with the Saints Fourthly we are to obserue to whom this duty is to be performed namely to our brothers and sisters that is those who are already and those that may be hereafter our brethren and sisters and in y● we do not know who these are because Gods That we must labour to informe all in Gods trueth secret counsaile decree of election is known only to himselfe therfore we are to exhort instruct and perswade all to become members of the Church so far as in regard of our state and calling we possiblie can for the Spirit bloweth where it listeth and can easilie cause Lions Tigers and Cockatrices to become the sheepe of Christ hee can make idolatrous Abraham the fether of the faithfull bloodie and barbarous Manasses an humble conuert a persecuting Saul a preaching Paul and a leaud cheefe a holy confessor and therfore say not in thy heart I will spare my labour because this or that man is too wicked too worldlie too couetous too proud to make a Christian seeing the Lord is able of stones to raise vp children vnto Abraham to humble the most proud and obstinate and to sanctifie the most prophane neither is hee onely able to doe it but also often doth it to shew the infinite riches of his wisedome power mercie and goodnesse and that our saluation is not for our owne works or worthinesse but of his owne free grace and vndeserued loue that so he may be all in all and haue the whole glorie of his owne worke Fiftly we are to obserue the maine arguments which the The arguments which we must vse for the conuersion of others faithfull are to vse that they may perswade others to ascend with them out of the land of darkenesse into the kingdome and Church of Christ namely because they were the people of God and therefore they are to ascend into the kingdome of their Lord and redeemer And lest their sinnes and Gods iustice and wrath should discourage them it is further said that they haue obtained mercie and remission of their sinnes and are now reconciled vnto God in Christ Whence we learne what is the strongest inducement and most forcible argument to mooue any to leaue the kingdome of darkenesse and to adioyne themselues vnto the Church of God namely when they heare and hearing beleeue that they who were aliants and strangers are now in Christ become Gods subiects and seruants that they whom the law for their grieuous sinnes excluded from all mercie and made obnoxious to Gods wrath are now in Christ made partakers of Gods mercie whereby they haue the remission of their sinnes and are so reconciled to their Lord and Soueraigne So long as a malefactor who hath deserued death knoweth that his Prince is iustly displeased with him and intendeth to prosecute the law against him hee fleeth his kingdome and liueth in voluntarie exile but if hee heare that the princes sonne fauoureth him and hath obtained his fathers pardon and reconciled him vnto him this is a strong motiue to perswade him to leaue the strange countrie where he liueth and to returne againe into the kingdome of his Soueraigne So we who are grieuous malefactours which by transgressing Gods law haue made our selues subiect to to his wrath and obnoxious to the punishment of the law eternall death whilest wee remaine in this case flee from Gods presence and as much as in vs lieth though it neuer lieth in vs we banish our selues out of his kingdome and iurisdiction but when we heare that Christ his dearely beloued sonne hath obtained our pardon and reconciled vs to his father then and not before we approach his presence and adioyne our selues to his kingdome It is then the preaching of the Gospell which gathereth vs into Christs kingdome For it is Gods strong power vnto saluation to al that beleeue whereby he perswadeth vs to come out of Satans kingdome and to adioyne our selues vnto his Church And therefore those who seeke the conuersion of others they must not onely denounce legall threatnings against sinne for this will make men rather flee from God then come vnto him but hauing by the law brought them to a sight of their miserie in regard of the curse thereof the anger of God death and condemnation which they haue deserued then they are to preach the glad tidings of the Gospell whereby they may be assured of the remission of their sins and reconciliation with God and so be mooued to come vnto Christ and to adioyne themselues to his Church Examples hereof we haue Act. 2. 38. 39. 2. Cor. 5. 18. 19. 20. Act. 2. 38. 2. Cor. 5. 18. Gal. 3 26. That we must continuallie labour to conuert others to the faith Gal. 3. 26. 27. 28. Now we are further to obserue that we are not to deliuer this glad tidings of the Gospell for the conuersion of those who are not yet called once or twice or diuers times but continually till they be conuerted we must teach them perswade and exhort them to ascend out of the land of darkenesse into the kingdome of Christ for hee doth not define and determine a certaine number but indefinitely and absolutely commandeth vs that we should speake vnto them For God calleth not all at the same houre but some at one time and some at another neither doth he make the word effectuall for the conuersion of all sinners at the first hearing but in some he lets it often outwardly sound in their eares before by the inward working of
his Spirit he openeth them and inclineth their hearts to beleeue and imbrace it lest wee should ascribe the whole praise of our conuersion vnto the ministery of man which is principally due to his holy spirit who is the chiefe cause thereof As therefore the poole of Bethesda did not at all times cure diseases but onely when the Angell descended and infused vertue into the water and yet neuerthelesse the people at all times watched that they might be readie to put in their friends when the opportune time came so these riuers and streames of the Gospell which runne from the sanctuarie haue not alwaies vertue and power in them to heale our diseases and sores of sinne but then onely when the spirit of God descendeth and by his secret working infuseth vertue thereunto and therefore wee are continuallie to watch for this time in the meane while vsing the meanes continually appointed by God to this purpose Neither doth he determine the presence before whom or the place where this dutie must bee performed but indefinitely and absolutely hee inioyneth vs to speake vnto our brethren and sisters Whence we learne that there is no presence or place exempted from this dutie but wee are to exhort all in all places to come vnto Christ and to leaue the kingdome of darkenesse publickly in the ministerie of the word and in priuat conferences at home and abroad in the congregation and in our chambers as occasion shall be offered for gaining our brethrē vnto Christs kingdom For as the spirit of God is restrained to no time so neither to any place but he conuerteth both when he will and also where he will The sixth thing to be obserued is the change of the names Great difference betweene the effects of the law and the Gospell Lo-ammi into Ammi and Lo-ruchamah into Ruchamah wherby is signified that there is a great change in the time of the Gospell from the state of things vnder the law for those whom the law scattered the Gospell gathereth those whom the law made strangers and enemies the Gospell maketh subiects and friends those whom the law debarred of mercy are by the Gospel receiued to mercy those whō the law condemned the Gospel iustifieth and saueth so that now enmity is turned into frendship iudgement into mercy death and condemnation into life and eternal saluation in by Christ our Sauiour The consideration whereof as it should fill our harts with sound comfort so also with true thankfulnes and our mouthes also with Gods praises who hath caused this happy change turned our griefe and sorrow into ioy gladnes Lastly whereas God inioyneth vs to inuite others vnto Mans miserie the lawes impotencie and Christs sufficiencie Christ by calling them Ruchamah that is such as haue obtained mercie he herein includeth their miserie the lawes impotencie in freeing them from it that through Gods mercie and Christs merits alone we haue saluation For the first it is include in the word mercie for mercie doth presuppose miserie both in respect of our sinnes and also the punishment which for them was due vnto vs and the lawes impotencie for if we could haue obtained saluation by the law then should wee not haue needed mercie because wee should haue been saued by our owne merits and lastlie that we haue not saluation of or by our selues but in Christ and for his merits for when God was displeased there must be some meanes to pacifie him when wee had excluded our selues from Gods mercie there must be some other way to recouer it which could not be any meanes of our owne for wee in stead of pacifying God for our old sinnes were continually readie to anger him with new and in stead of mercie wee by our new transgressions heaped vpon our selues new punishments and therefore in Christ alone Gods mercie is obtained who hath satisfied his iustice and appeased his wrath by discharging our debt bearing our sins and suffering that punishment which wee by them had most iustly deserued ANd so much for the consequent dutie to bee performed of the faithfull after themselues are made partakers of the Euangelicall benefits In the next place the Prophet returneth to the legall threatnings in these words Vers 2. Pleade or contend with your mother pleade with her Vers 2 for she is not my wife or as the word is sometimes taken that shee is not my wife neither am I her husband but let her take away or that shee may take away her fornications out of her sight and her adulteries from betweene her breasts Where the Lord commandeth that a diuorce should be proclaimed betweene him and the Israelites and withall sheweth the cause or end of this denunciation namely that they might repent and turne from their spirituall whoredomes But let vs come to the exposition of the words and after Exposition obserue the doctrines which arise out of them Plead with your mother These wordes may seeeme to contradict the former for there the Lord promiseth that he would gather his Church and vnite them vnto Christ that he might be her head she his members he her husband and she his spouse and now presently he threatneth that he wil giue her a bil of diuorce and break off the mariage between them But we are to know that the former words were an Euangelical promise which was not presently to be performed but in the time of the Gospel after the cōming of Christ but in the meane time because the Israelites were not terrified with the former threatnings nor allured to repētance by Gods gracious promises therfore hauing by y● former consolations comforted Gods children amongst them who were truely humbled now hee beginneth againe to thunder out Gods threatnings against the obdurate and impenitent shewing that notwithstanding God would extend such mercie to the faithfull in the time of the Gospell yet this should bee no priuiledge to exempt them who liued in impenitencie from Gods iudgements but hee would for their sinnes certainely reiect them vnlesse they speedelie repented of them And this is vsuall with the Prophets to intermixe mercie with iudgements consolations with threatnings that neither the humbled may despaire nor the obdurate and impenitent presume as also to mingle their prophecies which concerned the present time with those which concerned the kingdome of the Messias in the time of Gospell for as their maine end was to point at Christ that at his comming their prophecies being fulfilled in him he might be receiued so they were not to neglect their present auditorie but by shewing their sinnes and Gods iudgements to bring them to God by true repentance And if this bee obserued it will giue great light to the vnderstanding of them whereas contrariwise the not obseruing hereof causeth great confusion and obscuritie But let vs come to the words themselues Plead with your mother c. Where we are to consider who they are whom the Lord commandeth to plead as children secondly who this
them pliable to holy obedience that forsaking their false gods and idolatrous worship they may worship the only Iehouah in spirit and truth Where still hee continueth the allegorie of mariage as though hee would say Her louers that is her idols haue inticed her with many baits to commit spirituall whoredome with them but they shall no longer seduce and abuse her for I her louing husband offering vnto her innumerable benefits and eternall happinesse will allure and perswade her to forsake her louers and to returne vnto me And whereas hee saith that hee will bring her into the wildernesse the meaning is that they shall not passe presently out of their miserable seruitude of sinne and Satan into the heauenly Canaan but shal for a time make their abode in the wildernes of this world where they shall be tried with many calamities and afflictions wherewith being throughly humbled they shall enter into their heauenly countrie according to that Act. 14. 22. Wee must Act. 14. 22. thorow many afflictions enter into the kingdome of God Others translate these words thus I will allure her after I haue led her into the wildernesse as though the time were herein implied when the Lord would perswade and conuert his people namely after he had first brought them into the wildernesse of affliction and thereby throughly humbled them But howsoeuer this exposition may be thought not repugnant to any thing in the text yet I rather embrace the other as being more plaine and simple without the changing of any word from his owne signification and also because it more fitly answereth to the deliuerance of the people of Israel vnto which it is manifest he here alludeth and lastly because it well agreeth with the like place Ezech. 20. 34. 35. 37. where the same allusion is vsed Ezeth 20. 34. 35. And this is the first benefit The second is expressed in these words and I will speake friendly or comfortably vnto her The originall hath it thus and I will speake vnto her heart by which is signified that he would speak vnto her such pleasant and acceptable words as should replenish her hart with true ioy and comfort though they were in the middest of the wildernesse of affliction And thus this phrase is vsed Esa 40. Esa 40. 1. 2. Gen. 34. 3. Iud. 19. 3. Ruth 2. 13. Ioh. 11. 19. 1. Thess 2. 11. 1. 2. Gen. 34. 3. Iud. 19. 3. Ruth 2. 13. And so in the new Testament whereas it is in the Greeke they comforted any the Syriacke hath it they spoke with their hearts So Ioh. 11. 19. 1. Thess 2. 11. The meaning therefore is that as when hee had brought his people into the wildernesse he spake vnto them deliuering his law vnto which were annexed manifold promises of his great benefits by which the people for the present were somewhat comforted in the middest of the afflictions which they suffered in the wildernesse so hee would in the time of the Gospell after hee had deliuered his people out of the thraldome of sin and Satan speake comfortably vnto them whilest they were vexed and molested with manifold afflictions in the wildernesse of the world that so being filled with consolation they might patiently and cheerefully through the middest of these miseries march towards their heauenly countrie Now this speech of comfort of which he here speaketh is nothing else but the glad tidings of the Gospell wherein we are assured of our deliuerance out of our spirituall thraldome vnto sinne and Satan of the free pardon and remission of all our sinnes of our peace and reconciliation with God and of euerlasting happinesse which Christ by his death and merits hath purchased for vs. The which speech of the Gospell is much more effectuall for our comfort and consolation then the speech of the Law For then the Lord spake to the eare but now hee speaketh to the heart that comfort was but for the present because being grounded vpon the condition of their obedience to the law that prouing impossible their comfort was changed into horror and despaire but this is eternall hauing his foundation not in our owne workes and worthinesse but vpon the free mercie of God and merits of Christ apprehended by a liuely faith And lastly because the Gospell offereth vnto vs farre greater benefits then we are promised in the Law and therfore filleth our hearts with greater comfort And of this consolation the Apostle speaketh 2. Cor. 1. 3. 4. 5. 7. 6. Act. 9. 31. 2. Cor. 1. 3. 4. 5. and 7. 6. Act. 9. 31. Luke 2. 25. Of which our Sauiour Christ is the principall cause and therfore he is called the consolation of Israel Luk. 2. 25. And so much for the meaning of the words The doctrines The Do ∣ ctrines which from hence arise are these First we may obserue that howsoeuer the Lord being prouoked to iust displeasure by The Lord doth not retaine his anger for euer the sinnes of the people doth not onely threaten his iudgements but also inflicteth deserued punishments yet he doth not retaine his anger for euer nor yet delighteth in the afflictions of his Church but hauing with his fatherly chastisements humbled them and brough them vnto vnfained repentance hee turneth his frownes into smiles his threatnings into promises his iudgements into mercie and withdrawing their afflictions and punishments hee multiplieth vpon them his gratious benefits For hee is slow to anger but abundant in goodnesse and truth Exod. 34. 6. 7. He will not alwaies Exod. 34. 6. 7. Psal 103. 8. 9. chide neither keepeth he his anger for euer Psal 103. 8. 9. And though he afflict vs yet he dealeth not with vs after our sinnes nor rewardeth vs according to our iniquities as it is verse 10. neither retaineth he his anger for euer because mercie pleaseth him as it is Mic. 7. 18. An example wherof we haue in this Micha 7. 18. place where after his sharpe threatnings he adioyneth gratious promises likewise in the Israelites in the time of the Iudges in the Iewes lead captiue into Babylon and afterwards restored but there needs but few examples to confirme that of which we our selues haue so manifold experience c. Secondly out of the connexion of this with the former The mercie of God infinitely exceedeth the mercie of mā verse wee may obserue how infinitly the mercie of God exceedeth the mercie of man for whereas man being offended maketh this conclusion because hee hath iniured me therefore I will reuenge my selfe vpon him the Lord contrariwise in this place concludeth that because the people had grieuously prouoked his anger by their obstinacie in their idolatrie and forgetfulnesse of him therefore hee would allure them to repentance by his benefits and speake comfortably vnto them as though he should say Though they be so peeuishly obstinate that they care not wilfully and desperately to go on in their sins to their vtter destructiō yet I wil not set my