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A60361 The compleat Christian, and compleat armour and armoury of a Christian, fitting him with all necessary furniture for that his holy profession, or, The doctrine of salvation delivered in a plain and familiar explication of the common catechisme, for the benefit of the younger sort, and others : wherein summarily comprehended is generally represented the truly orthodox and constant doctrine of the Church of England, especially in all points necessary to salvation / by W.S., D.D. Slatyer, William, 1587-1647. 1643 (1643) Wing S3983; ESTC R38256 385,949 1,566

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Magistrates that set forth his honour 2. All faithfull Pastors Prelates and Teachers that set forth the true faith 3. All godly Elders that governe well and give good example 4. All holy Confessors and Saints that have so set forth his glory 5. All glorious Martyrs Apostles Prophets Patriarkes and good men that have done and do their best endeavours to set forth and witnesse the truth 24. What doe you then pray for in this respect That God will be pleased to enable them with his graces more readily and cheerfully to set forth his glory as that 1. The King and Magistrate may be Carefull and zealous Prudent and Religious Just c. 2. Pastors and Prelates may be Faithfull in their places Diligent in their duty Conscionable and carefull of their charge all others may be godlily disposed according to their severall offices and duties and so to praise God for any his excellencies and graces appearing in them to the advancement of his Kingdome 25. What is opposite to this Kingdome The Divell and all his wicked agents and instruments raised up against God and his truth such 1. All evill Princes and Lawes 2. All evill Magistrates and negligent Pastors and slothfull 3. All evill and false Prophets and Idolaters 4. All evill blasphemers and 5. Generally all ungodlinesse and vanity 26. What of these That God would be pleased to overthrow root out and destroy all such as the power of the kingdome of Satan and opposite to his Kingdome 27. What in summe is there then expressed or intimated in this Petition 1. The part expressed as before shewed the 1. Petition it selfe for our selves 2. Intercession for others let thy Kingdome come for all our good II. The part intimated both a First confession of a 1. due that Gods Kingdome ought to be advanced 2. Duty from us and others that we ought so much as in us lies to advance that Kingdome 3. Defect in us and others too common to be too negligent hereof Secondly deprecation against all oppugners and opposition thereof whether in our selves or others Thirdly thanksgiving and praise 1. For the graces in us or others tending to the propagation of his Kingdome 2. For his so gracious government of us and of all things 28. How sum you up this in order 1. Confession of a 1. Due that it is most holy and just that Gods Kingdome should come and his power thereof declared 2. Duty of our selves and others that O Lord it is our duty all of us to endeavour the same and wish and seeke by all meanes to advance it 3. Defect that there is even too supine a negligence in us and others in this as well as in many other good duties II. Our petition for 1. Gods power to be shewne in advancing it 2. For our owne well disposednesse that it may be such that we may doe our best to promote it and that his Kingdome may come in us III. Our intercession for others that others may be as well disposed as we our selves and that his Kingdome may come in their hearts IV. Our deprecation that God will be pleased to pull downe all enemies of his Kingdome and all opposition and opposers with their malice and envy V. Our thanksgiving that it hath pleased him 1. So graciously to governe all things as hee doth to a good end 2. To give us grace to desire the same and to seeke it as well as many others 3. Further to assure our selves and soules of that his Kingdome so to be encreased perfected and consummate in his due time in us and others to the glory of his grace and power 29. What the third petition That Gods will may be done as readily by mee and all Gods people upon earth as by those blessed Saints and Angels in heaven where it is to be done with all joy courage and alacrity 30. What is the order of it After the desire of sanctifying Gods name and of the advancement of his Kingdome that in that Kingdom his will may be done by us and all men whereby better to be assured we are his subjects as well as those willing and ready Ministers of his Saints and Angels in heaven that his illustrious Kingdome of glory 31. What the parts The 1. Object the will of God 2. Action to be done or performed 3. Collimation of the action after the sublimed rule of Angels obedience and duty 32. What is the will of God Understood to be either his 1. Secret will which we are not to search into but he will see in due time and manner performed 2. His revealed will which is for us and other children which is required of us to be knowne and performed and so for us and our instruction revealed in his holy Word Law and Gospel a most sure and true record written for our remembrance 33. What the doing or performance of it Our holinesse in the 1. Faith knowing and beleeving it 2. Practice of good workes and obedience answerably to be thought on and proposed by us to be done as it is required at our hands by God and so herein professed obedience generally to Gods holy will and commandements and that in speciall sense as not only the actions but the heart and cogitations submitted to the performance thereof as in the last Commandement the very inmost cogitations of soule and thought to be reduced to this obedience and the love of God and thither tendeth that following collimation and direction 34. How is this that rule of direction or imitation In earth as it is in heaven understood either I. Improperly in 1. Our bodies and members that are earthly as well as in our soules and mindes that are heavenly 2. The lower parts and powers of our affections as well as higher power of will 3. Those that are yet uncalled as well as those that are called and already in the heaven of the Churches bosome and Kingdome of grace 4. In our owne selves endeavouring as in Christ to perfect the same II. Properly in earth by us that dwell in this world in the midst of many temptations and provocations to sin as well as by the inhabitants of heaven Saints and Angels free from all temptations and discouragements 35. How is it so done If as by them usually performed so we strive to doe it obeying both 1. Voluntarily which is with all our hearts willingly freely cheerfully readily without hypocrisie grudging repining murmuring griefe or delay 2. Totally endeavouring to his whole will for the matter of it manner of it every part of it so his will and not ours to the denying of our selves 3. Continually so with Constancie in our good intention Perseverance to the end and thus striving to perfection of obedience we yeeld true and sincere obedience which though in us imperfect when thus regulated by this perfect obedience and aiming at that perfection of Angels though not attaining unto it is accepted of God and so to the proportion of our ability here
their owne accord perversnesse and pride when mans disobedience by the meanes subtilty and solicitation of that wicked one the old Serpent and enemy of mankinde one of those rebellious Angels the originall of his owne and Adams f●ll and so all our ruine 57. There is then onely that meanes left of mans salvation Onely in Christ the Mediator and Redeemer one of our owne bloud as man and one with God and in whom we are sons and beloved 58. This is then a great priviledge The greatest priviledge and prerogative that can be and most glorious title to be the sonnes of God for if Kings sons on earth bee honourable how much more sons of the King of heaven 59. What benefit by this priviledge or prerogative To be inheritors of the kingdome of heaven due onely to the sonship and to no other worthinesse or workes 60. How is the inheritance of heaven then due to us As sons not without doing good workes nor yet for the workes sake but for Christ in whom God is well pleased with us and our workes that would else bee but splendida peccata even our best works without Christ. 61. Why did the Lawyer then say Master what shall I doe to inherit eternall life A solecisme in both Law and Divinity to think that inheritance should descend by workes or doing and not by filiation or being sonnes which as sons will doe the will of their Father yet hope to have the inheritance not for doing the works but by being sons 62. The question was not then well proposed It shewed the propounder was no perfect scholler in Christs schoole and howsoever signifieth his good intention yet arguing him in that point neither good Lawyer nor found Divine 63. How is heaven then an inheritance As it belongs to the sons of God and by them to be inherited as they are members of Christ. 64. Are they inheritors then onely so Onely as they are thought worthy to have the prerogative to be accounted sons of God being members of Christ so accepted in him and made acceptable by him who is the true Vine and naturall Olive and all the elect the branches 65. How is it said a kingdome As it hath all the honour nobility splendor and glory that can be ensignes or annexed to dominion or majesty with stability of peace and eternity of durance in that most happy estate and in so high measure of contentment that all earthly Kingdomes State and Majesty are but drosse and contemptible in comparison of the same 66. How a kingdome of heaven In regard of the excellency and eminency of glory in that highest degree that nothing can bee more whereas in the kingdome of grace a small sparke of peace and comfort is onely seene to the soule and conscience of the faithfull all true sons and servants of God there God himselfe in full and beatificall vision is seene in the heavenly Jerusalem the City of God and supernall Palace and Courts of that great King filled with his glory presented before and in presence of Cheruh Seraph with all those heavenly Quires Orders and Hierarchy that celestiall company innumerable Saints and Angels 67. Is this the benefit of Baptisme It is thereunto ascribed as whereby I am so admitted into the Church the visible company of the faithfull and being engrafted into Christ accounted a childe of God and heire in hope of the kingdome of heaven SECT 4. The third Question The Godfathers promise in Baptisme for the performance of our Christian duties Of repentance faith and obedience our Repentance in forsaking world flesh and Divell The Divell and enmity to God man being anthor of all evill and sin in heaven paradise ●on the 〈◊〉 continually by his wicked motions and suggestions and Agents or instruments so sowing tares in Gods field Sin in the heart of seduced mankind The Divels works being sias of all sorts so evill and opposite to the works of God as sins of omision ana of commission of ignoranc● and of mal● of weaknesse of infirmity Or presumption and the like All workes of the Divell the wicked world with her ompes and vanities Or vain pompes how to be understood and distinguished from the necessary ornaments of the Prince or State How sinne is vaine and all worldly things vanity the sinful lusts and corruptions of the flesh all evill how to be resisted of faith and how we make profession of it in Baptisme and reason Of it The fruit of faith obedience So then also professed showne in our diligence to seeke learne and will therein revealed with constancy all the dayes of our life 1. VVHat did your Godfathers and Godmothers then for you They did promise and vow three things in my name 2. What is meant by promise and vow That they did Both promise the matter and for assurance Confirme it with a solemne vow for me and so not Only simply and Barely promise though promise bee much to be respected and kept in all honest and lawful things but solemnly vow and confirme that promise by publique profession and protestation Made Before God and the Church To God and his Church so In the face of his Congregation and for such things so Good holy and Just and My duty that had they neither been promised vowed or protested yet in all right ought to have beene so soone as knowne acknowledged and to the utmost of my power performed 3. Wherefore is this question here put To shew the reason of the ancient custome and use to have sureties at Baptisme 4. What is that To undertake for us between God and us so before the face of his Church our Christian duties 5. How our Christian duties here described By these three things in the answer propounded Of 1. Forsaking evill The Divell and all his works The world and the flesh 2. Beleeving the Articles of the Christian faith 3. Both Keeping Gods holy Will and Comandments Walking Diligently in the same Continually all the daies c. 6. Whence is this question and answer taken From the very words of the Liturgy where the things here repeated in the ordinary administration of Baptisme are required of the Infant and sureties and by them vowed and promised according to the Churches laudable and most ancient in stitution 7. Recite these three things briefly Repentance faith and the fruits thereof obedience 8. How Repentance To forsake all evill 9. How faith To cleaveto God by believing on him and pursuing that which is good 10. How obedience In that generall duty to feare God and keepe his Commandements 11. How is repentance described here By forsaking all evill in these three branches intended comprehended the Divell World Flesh. 12. What is the Divell The ancient and accursed enemy of Adam and all his posterity who fallen from God expelled out of heaven devoid of grace is the author of sin and of our ruine and misery 13. How fell he from God By disobedience and pride and so called 1. In
Father c. as let thy name be sanctified by all 12. What farther intimated Very apparantly also a I. Confession of a 1. Due to God to have his name hallowed 2. Duty of our selves and others to sanctifie the same 3. Defect that it is too often and ordinarily prophaned and so we pray for reformation II. A deprecation against that abuse and prophanation and that God will be pleased to vindicate his honour III. Profession of praise and thanksgiving for that measure of grace whereby we are able to desire this That hope we have to have it performed by our selves and others 13. How summe you up all these together I. Our confession of a 1. Due it is sit O Lord that thy name should receive the glory and be sanctified 2. Duty of our selves others it is just O Lord that we should give thee praise 3. Defect it is too manifest O Lord that thy name is not honoured as it ought to be but by us and others too much dishonoured and prophaned II. Our petition O Lord let thy name be hallowed by us III. Our intercession we pray not only for our selves but O Lord let thy name be hallowed and sanctified by us all and thy glory among all Nations IV. Deprecation we beseech thee to vindicate thy name and honour and let not thy name be prophaned by the enemy V. Our thansgiving for this well disposednesse to his honour that it hath pleased thee O Lord to give us this grace Our hope in respect of our selves and others that thou O Lord hast ordained thy name by us and many others to be hallowed 14. What the second petition That Gods Kingdom may come the number of true beleevers encreased the Kingdome of grace enlarged and his Kingdome of glory hastened 15. What the order of it That after Gods name sanctified his glory desired and advanced his Kingdome and power of grace is thereby promoted extolled within us in our heart by faith and the working of his good Spirit to the subduing of sinne and all that is against God and without us in the world in which Kingdome we and all that are his may readily obey him and doe his will both men on earth with willingnesse as Saints and Angels in heaven with all readinesse joy and alacrity 16. What parts of this petition Two the 1. Object Gods Kingdome 2. Action to come 17. What meane you by his Kingdome That mighty power and infallible providence seen in guiding governing and directing all things to good end for his glory and we use to shew a threefold Kingdome of his as of I. Power in his universall Kingdome the world unto which all creatures are subject both men and Angels yea and Divels and this Kingdome Gods fold and field and draw-net c. as in the Parables and the parts both 1. Good and bad sinners and others 2. Wicked men and tyrants 3. Who are the tares drosse chaffe goats cockle and the like c. 4. As the godly the sheep and the like wheat gold c. and all shall bow under Gods hand II. Grace in his Church militant on earth of which only the godly are subjects as the wheat gold sheep that shall be severed from the tares and chaffe drosse and goats 3. Glory in the Church triumphant in heaven in the which Angels and Saints or soules of the just after the separation are his subjects 18. What meane you by the action come That his Kingdome may be 1. Erected where it is not 2. Continued and confirmed where it is 3. Restored where it is decayed 4. Encreased and enlarged by his effusion of his graces more abundantly 5. Perfected in us and our translation to felicity 6. Consummate in all and in due time compleat to his glory in eternity 7. Universally ruled and guided according to his good pleasure and will 19. How make you application particularly of the action to the object For the universall Kingdome that it may be so universally governed and if it be his good will all Turkes Pagans Infidels and Hereticks converted or confounded all evill men reduced to godlinesse tyrants and persecutors tamed the Divell and his wicked instruments brideled that his power may be seen in all things and celebrated by all and his good pleasure performed 20. What for his Kingdome of grace That it may be erected where it is not both in our hearts by faith and praces of his Spirit and in all places of the world where it is not or where it never was planted so among the heathen and to the ends of the earth that they may glorifie God with us 2. That it may bee continued and strengthened by his gracious presence and blessings where it is both within us in our hearts and without us where ever in the world 3. That it may be daily encreased and enlarged by more abundant measure of his graces and effusion of his Spirit into our hearts and upon all flesh to his more honour and praise and more and more willing obedience 4. That it may be restored where ever by Satans malice decayed whether within us by temptations of sinne from the world the flesh or the Divell or without us in any others or in the vastity of those decayed but sometime flourishing Churches where Gods honour did formerly stand and as among the Turkes and Jewes at this day in that wonder of the world Jerusalem and her Sion now under Turkish bondage and slavery those famous Churches in Asia Greece and Alexandria now oppressed by savage Barbarisme and Mehometicall insidelity and tyranny and where ever else the true faith now oppressed or opposed that God will be graciously pleased to relieve and restore it 21. How for the Kingdome of glory That as begun in grace in us and others by the power and earnest-penny of his Spirit and gracious revelations of his presence that it may be more perfected by our translation to that beatificall vision of his glory and for as much as it is daily tending to more perfection in the encrease of the number and approaching of the determinate consummation that finally he will hastening the marriage of the Lambe consummate and make compleat that number and give them full complement of all joy in eternity that all Saints and Angels together in fullest happinesse and felicity may set forth and enjoy his glory everlastingly 22. What is the Scepter of this Kingdome of God The power of Gods Spirit ruling every where most perspicuously and over all creatures universally as more particularly by grace in his Church militant and in most excellent glory in his Church triumphant 23. What instruments doth God exercise in it Even all creatures generally as instruments of his glory so shall the very Divells be wicked men and tyrants though unwillingly and constrained godly men more willingly and with readinesse and joy Saints and Angels most willingly cheerfully and speedily and more particularly seen by us in this Kingdome of grace 1. All good Kings and
and expedient Extended over all creatures whatsoever life and death heaven and hell that hath the keyes of both time and eternity Paradise and hell and will doe as he please shutteth and no man openeth openeth and no man shutteth giveth life or taketh but referreth all to his glory 8. What is that glory The scope and end of all things in the manifestation of his power and excellency of his Kingdome proposed 1. By God himselfe to all his actions of mercy justice 2. To men that they should seek it 3. To Angels and Saints eternally to desire and doe and sing it 4. To the Divells and worst creatures that though unwillingly in their misery shall shew it and in his justice be made spectacles of his glory and so we see to which end all things are and shall be referred 9. Wherein his glory most seen 1. In his creatures heaven and heaven of heavens Sun and stars that he ordained Men his Image c. Angels his glorious Courtiers c. 2. In his actions of creation redemption governance c. Mercies to all that desire them Benefits to all creatures especially Men and Angels Wisdome truth justice c. 3. In his house or Church in 1. Earth where his graces praises c. 2. Heaven where Saints and Angels perpetually his glorious servants and delight in setting forth his glory 10. How the eternity In that all other Kingdomes and Empires have their periods and ends as the heavens their revolutions but Gods Kingdome no end all other power is limited Kings nor Tyrants whose breath is in their nostrills their hearts and all in Gods hand can doe but what he appointeth nay the very Divell is herein limited that else would as a roaring Lyon be a more terrible Dragon and destroyer onely Gods power is without limit of time or coertion bounded only by his holy and good will and pleasure and to eternity and all earthly glory and beauty is fraile and mortall like that of the lillies or flower of the field though in Solomon and his royalty and shall have end yea the heavens and Sunne and Moone as they were create though of long continuance at last will perish They wax old as doth a garment but his glory in the heaven and in his servants that attend it are to endure for ever and so in his presence is fulnessesse of joy life and power kingdome and glory for evermore 11. How the certainty of it In the truth and consistency of this being who is I am who was who is and who is to come blessed for ever who is true and the truth even eternall truth and fountaine of life and of truth and so kingdome power and glory is truly and for ever his the Divell did say of the power and glory of the kingdomes of the world that they were his and he would give them but he was a lyar and that not the truth but all earthly glory power kingdome and dominion is from God and truly his and heavenly kingdome power and glory more appropriated to him and his as more fitting the Majesty of his glory and thus certainly a King powerfull and glorious holy and blessed for ever 12. How is this ascribed By all good inen Saints and Angels by the tongues of all creatures in their kindes The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth c. So the Sunne and Moone hoasts of heaven showres and dewes earth and seas and all things praise and magnifie him for ever but most especially all spirits and soules of the righteous and all holy and humble men of heart and his servants shew his glory and confesse that his is Kingdome power and glory for ever 13. What doth this teach Princes To remember to whom they owe a tribute of praise who hath given them that high estate who is absolute King of Glory and Lord of Hoasts and their Lord as King of Kings and Lord of all lords and so to doe according to his will exalt his honour follow his Law which will bee their honour and happinesse when they come to render an account of their stewardship and Kingdome to him that is their Lord Paramount and King for ever 14. What to Magistrates To remember of whom they and all Kings have that power and from whom and to what end derived unto them so to use their power so committed to them to his glory who gave or sent it them remembring also their accounts that they must make of their power and authority to him that is King of eternall power and glory 15. What to any other of high condition To remember from whom they have all their glory and high estate and so to use it as to his glory and praise him for it who is the King of glory and hath ordained all things for and to the same 16. What to all other the faithfull To erect and raise up their mindes and cogitations to heaven where they have such a Father who hath all Kingdome and Empire Power Majesty and Glory at his dispose and in his hand yea most eminently in his person for ever to whom all earthly Kings and Emperours compared are but wormes and their greatest glory to be his servants and vassalls in whose service also who most humble most honourable and so to consider the excellent dignity of the Sonnes of God to the despising and contemning of all earthly things as but clay and durt and drosse in comparison of this 17. What else learne you out of this conclusion The summe of the Lords Prayer and our desires briefly recollected and recommended to us in this close and words of the same 18. How is that observed 1. The Preface Our Father which art in heaven signified in the eternity and certainty of his Kingdome power and glory 2. The first Petition his name hallowed by this setting forth his praise and excellency of his glory 3. The second Petition his Kingdome come in the acknowledgement here of his eternall Kingdome 4. The third Petition his will be done by his Almighty power both now and for ever 5. The fourth Petition for our good comprehended in his glory for which and to which referred they ought to be desired and not else to the confidence and assurance of all of them asked in faith in the last word Amen 19. What or whence the ground of our confidence Manifested partly in the Preface and more fully in the conclusion and so most amply in both joyned together well considered here included or as I. In the Preface Our Father which art in heaven his love mercy and compassion His eternall Majesty and eminencie II. In the conclusion our Father his 1. Kingdome and dominion over all 2. Power ruling and governing all 3. Glory to it guiding and directing all 4. Eternity the happinesse of all 5. Certainty and truth that is Amen 20. How is Amen understood Either as a 1. Nowne the truth it selfe and so God and Gods word who is Yea
to be continued here and consummate in glory where all teares shall be wiped from our eies and in token of full forgivenesse all misery done away 9. How in the sixt Petition I. In our confession of 1. Gods graces first preventing to preserve us from evill and temptation to sin Subsequent to defend and keepe us in temptations from contagion of sin and to deliver us from evill or turne it to our good 2. Our weaknesse how apt to fall unable to resist evill or doe good how ready to faile in temptation 3. Our sufficiency in any measure from thee O Lord so O Lord we confesse our weaknesse without thy graces and that all our sufficiencie is from thee II. Our request or petition for our selves and intercession for others O Lord not lead nor suffer us to fall or leave us in any temptation whether of sin or calamity to despaire or forsake thee but relieve us with thy saving graces and turne the temptations to our good and give a happy issue III. In our deprecation of all evill included and infolded in the petition the chiefe part of it Lord remove all evill of temptation sin guilt or punishment asswage the power and malice of the Divell and deliver thy chosen and Israel from all their sins and infirmities and feare of the enemy Thanksgiving for all our temporall and spirituall deliverances from all calamities sinne and temptations to sinne and happy issue given to such temptations or misfortunes Thanksgiving for his graces continually infused and present with us in our distresses and miseries whereby we are enabled to passe through or beare them Thanksgiving for our hope and assurance of such further graces and the continuance of them that O Lord thou hast beene so powerfully present with us in all our needs and necessities and wilt so continue as having promised to be with thine to the end Our father 's trusted in thee and were delivered and thou O Lord wilt deliver Israel from all her sinnes as thou hast delivered thy Saints and we will therefore praise thee with joyfull lips 10. How in the conclusion In the voice of joy and thanksgiving ascribing all praise to him and magnifying him and his holy name shewing that he only is worthy of all honour and to whom wee are so particularly bound for his blessings and so we and all creatures do acknowledge the might of the Majesty of his glory the ground of our confidence whereby we are assured to be heard drawne from 1. Matter acknowledged his due all Kingdome and dominion Power and might Glory and Majesty 2. Manner originally absolutely and eternally his and at his dispose Circumstances of 1. Person thine O gracious God and loving Father in Jesus Christ. 2. Time and eternity they are thine for ever and ever 3. Certainty in truth and indeed as thou art true and thy word Yea and Amen And thus in this confidence we conclude with the ascribing all praise and honour to him in the way of thanksgiving for his mercies and manifestation thereof saying For thine is Kingdome power and glory for ever and ever Amen 11. What other exposition of this Prayer can you briefly shew As some expound these six Petitions by them to be divided into seven to be understood in particular so many deprecations against the seven deadly sins and prayer for the vertues to them opposed both in the generall and in the branches 12. In what manner The first Petition Hallowed be thy name that all pollution and luxury may be removed and chastity and temperance given that so both our bodies and soules may be fit and spotlesse temples of the Holy Ghost and his holy name neither in us or by our words lives or actions dishonoured or blasphemed The second Petition Thy Kingdome come that covetousnesse and so the dominion of earthly things as serving Mammon may be removed and contentednesse peace and poverty of spirit in humility may be given us because Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the Kingdome of heaven The third Petition Thy will be done c. that idlenesse and loathing of goodnesse removed and devotion and divine love given us that inflamed therewith we may be willing to perform obedience both in body and soule and so Gods will done in earth as it is in heaven The fourth Petition Give us this day our daily bread that gluttony and drunkennesse may be removed and sobriety and temperance given us that having moderate necessaries to relieve and comfort us we may there with be content and possesse our soules and the gaine of godlinesse The fifth Petition Forgive us c. that all anger and rancour or malice removed charity and patience may be given us that we forgiving others in love and mercy may be forgiven The sixt Petition Lead us not into temptation that pride whereby we seem especially to tempt God and to be tempted to leave God in all sin may be removed and humility given us that not trusting in our owne strength but in Gods wee may be defended The seventh Petition But deliver us from evill that envie the malicious root of mischiefe whereby the Divell enoying at Adam as man his God and his obedience and felicity neglected sin so entred may be removed and love the fountaine and grace the beginning of all good may be given whereby we delivered from evill 13. How is this exposition approved Though well and conveniently used for the morall application and tending to the planting of vertue and supplanting of vice in all these capitall heads the seven deadly sins and their Lernean poyson where with they infect the soule yet not so fully accommodate to the textuall explication whether in the letter or genuine sense and meaning of the Text. 14. Wherefore say you so Because not only one of the same sinnes in such severall petition but in each petition rather every one of the same seven deadly sins in the generall and most of them and their branches are desired to be removed and the opposite vertues planted as may be seen manifested in particular 15. How is this seen or shewne 1. As in the first Petition Hallowed be thy name all sinne is an unhallowing or prophaning of Gods Image and name and so prayed to be removed and virtue in generall planted 2. As in the second Petition Thy Kingdome come all sinnes are the power and kingdome of Satan which wee desire removed and Gods Kingdome in virtues and graces to be planted 3. As in the third Petition Thy will be done c. as all virtue and grace in us is Gods will and al sin against it both in generall and in particular we consequently desire done or removed 4. As in the fourth Petition Give us c. as we desire moderation of contentednesse in godlinesse which can never be but in the forsaking of all sin and desire of grace and vertue 5. As in the fifth Petition Forgive us c. we pray expresly against all sinnes