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A48358 Holy characters containing a miscelany of theolocicall [sic] discovrses that is theology, positiue, scholasticall, polemicall, and morall built upon the foundation of scriptures, traditions, councils, fathers, divided into two books / written by George Leybvrn ... Leyburn, George, 1593-1677. 1662 (1662) Wing L1938; ESTC R18553 388,184 688

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portransibit gladius she endured grieuous afflictions and painefull sorrows S. Iohn Baptist who exceeded in sanctity all others of his sex by Christ's owne testimony did practice extream penance and the calamities that holy Iob suffered were greater then his sin 's required as himself witnesseth in the sixt Chapter of his book saying Oh that my sins were weighed wherby I haue desernad wrath and my miseries together in the ballance as the sand of the sea this would appeare heauier in like manner it may be turly said of the passions endured by other blessed Saint's wherfore since the supream prouidence doth reward euery good work beyond what it deserueth vndoubtedly he hath assigned reward 's suitable thereto that is both in order to merit and satisfaction according to that of S. Luke cap. 21. There shall not an hair of your heads perish Wherby Christ promiseth a recompence to each good work how litle soeuer it be But if the works of blessed Saint's as meritorious only and not as satisfactory should receiue reward many baires of their head 's would perish that is many of their good works as they are satisfactory should not be recompenced which is contrary to Christ's promise Sithence the cōdition of satisfaction is such that it is applyable by him that satisfyes for others distinct from himselfe as appears by S. Paul that wished to be Anathema for his bretheren and by Moses that beseeched God to blot him out of the book of life for the conseruation of the Israëlites it is conformable to reason and diuine iustice which hath a reward for euery good work that the aboundant and exceeding satisfactions of blessed Saints that remaine vprecompenced be laid vp in the Treasury of the Church vnto the remission of temporall paine due to sin which is the reward that good works as satisfaction specially challenge and vndoubtedly * 2. Cor. 12. Ego autem libentissimè impendam super impendam ego ipse pro ani●●bus vestris Et S. Timoth. 2. omnia sustineo propter electos the saints themselues now departed in as much as they were inuested with the grace of charity when they did exercise their voluntary satisfactions and endured their violent passions had at least a virtuall intention to assist and profit therby the rest of the faithfull the law of charity requiring that * Vnum inquit Paulus corpus in Christo sumus Et Gal. 6. alter alterius onera portate all members of the holy catholick Church concurre mutually to the perfecting of the whole body one bearing anothers burthen and one satisfying for an other applying a meer price for temporall paine due to sinne * In Bulla Pij 5. damnatur propositio Michaelis Baij dicētis per passiones sanctorum cōmunicatas Jndulgentijs non propriè redimi debita which is the consistency of Communio Sanctorum that christians profess in the Nicene Creed and the Apostle practiced saying Now reioyce I in my suffering's for you and fulfill the rest of the afflictions of Christs in my flesh for his bodies sake which is the Church Neither hence ought any man to infer the saint's to be our Redeemers because their satisfactions for others in order to remission of temporall punishment's if Christ's satisfactions were to be laid aside would signifie nothing being founded therin (g) Though the blood of Christ be sufficient enough to olenst a soul from both the guilt and the pain of sin neuertheless it does not procure that deliuerance vnless it be applyed by the Churches Sacraments or by acts of faith and contrition and indeed euen sectaries assert a necessity of saith and contrition vnto remission of sinnes In consequence wherof wheras Christ is said Hebra 10. with one oblation to haue consummated foreuer them that are sanctifyed it is meant as to sufficiency being that one oblation without the application thereof doth not sanctify indeed and effectually and he alone is properly our Redeemer in and by whose proper merit 's through the effusion of his blood was purchased our redemption vnto forgiueness of sinnes Collos 1. And that was Christ only One mediator of God and man and as no man ought to be said his own Redeemer according to the form of proper speech for as much as through good works of painfull satisfaction he payeth a ransome for temporall punishment's corresponding to his sins or for as much as he exerciseth an act of perfect contrition whereby his sin 's are remitted so the blessed saint's ought not to be called the Redeemers of such as receiue remission of temporall paines due to sinn's through the application of their satisfactions Neither hereby are Christ's satisfaction 's preiudiced For as the prayer that one belieuer on earth maketh for another doth nothing at all diminish the dignity of Christ's dayly praying for vs at the right hand of his diuine Father * Rom. 8. quotidie interpellat pro nobis Rom. S. since the efficacy of it is founded in the merit 's of his death and passion so the satisfactions of the blessed saint's applyed for the remission of paine due to sin doe dot lessen the infinite valour of Christ's satisfactions being they receiue from them all their worthiness and efficacy And doubtless Christ's own will was to haue it so to the end that his faithfull on earth might exercise reciprocall works of charity towards one an other and exhibit honour to such as he had translated to his kingdom of eternall blessedness being the honour done to a seruant doth redound to his lord and Master Power to dispence this spirituall Treasure of Indulgences or pardons is committed to the Catholick Church as appeareth euidently by Christ's own word's Mat. 16. saying And I will giue vnto thee the key 's of the kingdome of Heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde vpon earth shall be bound also in Heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt * Quoad verba Christi quodcūque solueris nomine solutionis non intelligitur sola absolutio iudiciaria sed etiam omnis dispēsatio imo omnis fauor gratia ex vi illius potestatis facta proinde Indulgentia concessa pro extensa ad defunctum à summo Pontifice eius enim solius est dare Indulgentias per defunctis infallibiliter prodest defuncto per modum suffragij id est pro modum auxilij adiutorij Ecclesiastici eidem defuncto applicata si caetera sint paria puta si Jndulgentia fiat ex rationabili causa sique defunctus existat in gratia c. his suppositis Indulgentia applicata defuncto alicui semper est valida rata apud Deum luxta tamen Ca●etanum Henricum Indulgentia non babes infallibilem effectu● respectu animae defuncti sed liberum est Deo eam acceptare vel non acceptare loose an earth shall be loosed also in Heauen wherby Christ promiseth to S. Peter and his successors in Church-gouernment authority and power for the remouing of all
an other place or receptacle besids the Heauen of the blessed and the Hell of the damned Caluin that he might the rather deny Purgatory he deny'd Limbus and that he might the better deny Limbus he denyed that Christ descended into hell otherwise then by suffering on his Cross the torments of a damned soul which saith Caluin in cap. 26. mat vvere so grieuous that euen vvords of dispaire came from him So impudently this great reformer of religion blasphem'd against Christ but the Catholick Church teacheth that Christ truly and properly descended into hell that is the soul of Christ remoued out of his body with its proper presence penetrated the lower receptacles of the earth where good souls were detained as pr●sonners and brough with him from thence such as were ripe and fit for the kingdom of Heauen Lege S. Jgnat Epis ad Trallia Clem. Alex. l. 2. 6. stromatum Basil in Psal 48. visited the lower parts of the earth comforting such as were departed in perfect grace afore his coming thither From his sepulcher he leapt again into the world from whence after that he had setled a Priestly ministery that should be of perpetuall vse in his vineyard that is the Church like a hunter that gladly rejoyces in his obtained prey went with joy home leading captiuity captiue that is rendering happy the captiuity of just souls detained as it were in a prison vnder ground and carrying them with him in glorious triumph for he opened the gates of his Fathers Pallace which were euer afore shut against them As clamorous hunting so couetous playing * Aleae lusus Clericis interdictus à Concilijs Patribus Canonibus Aristoteles Aleatores latronum praedonumque societati inserit at cardes or dice for mony is an exercise vnworthy Priests which ought to seek no other lucre then the gaining of souls vnto Iesus-Christ who is their proper treasure and * Sacerdos dicit Christo tu es qui restituis haereditatem meam mihi heritage and mony betrayed him sould Ioseph and damned Iudas * Augustinus vocat Theatra cau●as turpitudinis publica● professiones flagitiorum laudantur Massilienses quod sic abhorrebant à spectaculis vt mimis locum in scaena non conceder●nt Again stage-playes as they be commonly exhibited in our country are incōsistent with Priestly function for as much as the outward words and counterfeited Gestures of the players representing reciprocall passages of wicked louers tend to carnall wantonnes and vncleanes and such a a Theater Saith S. Chrysostom is the chair of pestilence schole of incontinency and shop of luxury that sets out to sale the lusts of the flesh howeuer stage-playes are laudable recreations in order to lay-people while they represent but heroicall actions of gallant persons vnto imitation and vn godly enterprises of wicked men vnto detestation therof or while they exhibite delightfull fictions without obscenes Furthermore Missionary Priests must not affect to be counted * 2. Timoth. 2. homo militans Deo non se implicet negotijs saecularibus statesmen they being priuat persons professing a spirituall vocation which hath not any relation to the temporall affaires of state The supream prouidence hath set bounds to euery vocation * Tractent fabrilia fabri nec sutor vltra crepidam vt fert vetus pronerbium nor ought any man to put his sickle on strang ground Let Priests mannage what is theirs and Christs business and the affaires which pertaine to Caesar let them leaue to Caesar and the ministers of his Council yet there are some wanton witts which like the raging sea transcend their prefixed limits lifted vp aboue the hight of the clouds with an opinion of their own science fancying to themselues knowledg of all things though indeed the greatest part of what they know * Sapiens ille Mercurius Trismigistus maxima ●orum inquit quae scimus est minima pars eorum quae nescimus is the least part of what they know not and thus wantonly carried away entangle themselues with publick affaires of ciuill Magistrats before they be called thereto Howeuer Priests ought to know nothing * Apostolus Paulus profitetur se nihil scire praeter Iesum Christum hunc Crucifixum but Iesus-Christ and him crucified and if the supream prouidence hath bestowed on one alone a better memory and witt then on others contemporary with him he is to vse his aboundant abilities according to charity temperance and sobriety for otherwise he shall by his high attempts vnhappily verifie the old Prouerb much witt little iudgment Besids great wanton wits are not without a mixture of madnes And truly experience shewes that common wealths are vnfortunat when the things named witts manage the affaires therof t is iudgment not flashes of witt that makes gouernements happie FINIS I. BOOK The faultes escaped in printing a curteous Reader will easily correct and pardon THE SECOND BOOK OF HOLY CHARACTERS containing a Miscelany of Theologicall discourses THAT IS THEOLOGY Positiue Scholasticall Polemicall and Morall Built vpon the foundation of Scriptures Traditions Councils Fathers CHAR. I. OF SACRIFICE THE CONTENTS Proper sacrifice defined no Preists Priesthood taken in the proper sense if proper sacrifice be laid aside asserting of improper metaphoricall sacrifice onely bringeth confusion and rendereth priestly function common to all alike SAcrifice taken in a spirituall generall sense is euery * Aug l 10. de ciuit Dei c. 6. ait sacrificium generaliter sumptum esse omne opus quod agitur vt sancta soci●tate inbaereamus Deo● work that a belieuer imployeth to the end that he may continue in holy society and freindship with God There are (a) According to S. Thomas two kinds of sacrifice taken in the generall sense are offered vpon the altar of Christ whereof one is called deuotion in order to God the other pity or compassion in order to our neighbour two kinds thereof the one is deuotion towards God comprehending all such actiōs inward and outward of the minde and body as tend to the honouring and praysing of God the (b) The Apostle Hebrae 13. exhorteth vs to do works of Almes and charity saying that such sacrifices promerite God that is procure his grace and fauour and according to Ecclesiastes cap. 5. Those offer sacrifice which shew mercy other is pity or compassion towards our neighbour including the works of mercy and iustice to both kinds of spirituall sacrifice the Royall Prophet Dauid exhorteth all God's people of whatsoeuer condition or sex saying * Psal 15. tibi sacrificabo hostiam laudis Et psal 4. sacrificate sacrificium iustiti● Offer to God hosts of prayses and sacrifice sacrifices of Iustice and according to the Apostle spiri uall sacrificers of these kinds are * 1. Pet. 4. vos autem genus electum vegale Sacerdotiū Idem habetur Apoc. 5. kings and Preists investedwith the honour of royall Preisthood and indeed deuout
impediment's inconsistent with the enioyment of heauenly blessedness wherfore since not sinn's alone but pain 's due thereunto obstruct the passage to the kingdome of Heauen according to Christ's own preaching Mat. 5. Verily 1 say vnto thee thou shalt not come out thence till thou hast paid the vtmost farthing it is euident that the power of the Church doth not only extend vnto the remitting of sinn's but likewise to the releasing of temporell punishment's due thereunto this catholick Truth is clearly euidenced by S. Paules proceeding with the incestuous Corinthian whom he had commanded afore to be deliuered vp to Satan as to destruction of the flesh that his spirit might be saued 1. Cor. 5. For when the Apostle heard that the incestuous adulterer had exercised great penance for his sin least he should be swallowed vp with ouer much sorow at the earnest request of the Corinthians he for gaue the rest or surplus of the pain he had inflicted on him writing to them thus Whom ye forgiue any thing I forgiue also for if I forgiue any thing to whom I forgiue it for your sakes forgiue I it in the person of Christ 2. Cor. 2. by these words plainly appeares that the Apostle forgaue something and since what he forgaue could not be sin in order to the guilt therof for by the Epistle it is clear that the adulterer had exercised great contrition in consequence of which he had receiued remission of his grieuous offence as to it's malice or guilt It followeth of necessity that the thing forgiuen was part of the temporall punishment which the greatness of the sin had deserued and indeed in order to that alone the Corinthians presented their request Hereby further appeares the authority wherwith Church-gouernours are inuested for the remission of temporall pain 's remaining after sin's are forgiuen which is the power of granting Indulgences proper to the Vicars of Christ in whose room they exercise it And the word 's sett down beare euidently this sense viꝪt videlicet In the person of Christ As the Apostle did deliuer vnto Satan the adulterer in the name and by the power of our lord IESVS CHRIST 1. Cor. 5. so 2. Cor. 2. * In 1. Cor. 5. Patianus Epis contra Nouatianū Vide inquit Apostoli Jndulgentiam proprias etiam sententias temperantis he did moderate his sentence by remitting part of his temporall affliction * S. Ambros l. 1. de poeniten c. 6. agens con Nouatianos ait ex eo quod Apostolus dicit se condonare in persona Christi ipsū vendicasse ius à Domino acceptum non indebitum vsurpasse challenging to that effect authority receiued of Christ whose person he represented in the dispensation of that pardon or Indulgence Neither is this doctrine infirmed at all because of the Apostles request directed to the rest of the Corinthians wherby he hearing of the said adulterers exceeding griefe for his sin exhorteth them to pardon and comfort him saying It is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked of many so that now contrary wise ye ought rather to forgiue and comfort him lest exceeding heauiness should swallow him vp Cor. 2. For though it was not said to all the faithfull of the Church ioynt and seperate Whatsoeuer ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heauen But to the Apostles and their successours in Priestly function such only being Christ's ministers and Vicegerents to whom the power of loosing is cōmitted properly as to the iuridicall exercise of it (b) A belieuiug Christian that hath nothing of iurisdiction can by way of request or prayer obtaine for an other remission of the pain due to his sin for example a man that is bound to suffer pain or punishment may notwithstanding transfer and apply the prize of that satisfaction to the aduantage of his freind for as the Apostle saith Charitas patiens est Charity is patient wherfore a charitable man is inclinable to suffer affliction vnto profiting his Neighbour whereof the Apostle Collos 1. giues euidence euough saying Novv rejoyce I in my sufferings for you and to fulfill those things that vvant of the passions of Christ in my flesh for his bodies sake vvhich is the Church though Christs Passions were wanting in nothing as to sufficiency for he was made vnto vs iustice sanctification and redemption 1. Cor. 1. that is according to the same Apostle 1. Cor. 6. he was made the Author giuer and meritorious cause of our iustice sanctity and redemption neuertheless as to efficacy there was something wanting viz. the application of Christs merits which is made by the Sacraments of the Church vnto remitting both the guilt and pain of sin and by our own afflictions charitable offered in order to our Neighbour vnto remitting of temporall punishment due to sin remitted afore But no man can satisfye for the sin of an other as to the guilt therof for he diuine Iustice will remit no man his sin that shall not be sorry for and dereste it himselfe according to the holy scripture Luc. 13. Except yee do penance that is except ye haue in ward sorrow and detestation of your sinnes yee shall all perish Besides neither the guilt of a mortall sin nor eternall pain due thereto is forgiuen and taken away without the infusion of sanctifying grace according to the Council of Trent sess 6. c. 7. nay veniall sin according to the common opinion of Catholick Doctours is not purged out of a soul vnless grace be infused into it howeuer neither of both is remitted to those which are come to full yeares of discretion without an act of detestation and sorrow Wherfore when the Popes Bull 's whereby Indulgences are granted mention remission of sinnes they mean remission of the temporall pains due vnto them And indeed the Popes declare in their Bull 's that they grant their Indulgences to such as are contrite and truly penitent Again accordiug to holy scriptures sin is taken sometymes for the paine due thereto namely Machabae 2. neuertheless all the faithfull together with their Pastours forgiue and loose by consent desire (i) The Apostle 2. Cor. 8. in saying Let your aboundance supply their vvant that also their aboundance may supply your vvant gaue hopes to the Corinthians whom he exhorted to furnish Titus and Luke with corporall necessary's that the spirituall aboundance of the same Titus and Luke might supply and enrich their spirituall want through their good work 's prayers and corporall satisfactions And truly this sacred Text shew's euidently that not only worldly goods as Almes may be rewarded through spirtuall riches namely prayers and other holy works but that the Saincts or godly persons may as well applye their aboundant satisfactions vnto supplying the spirtuall want's of others as those which abound with worldly riches may supply with their superfluities the corporall necessities of their Neighbours commiseration outward ward good works and holy prayers offered to God
S. Mat. cap. 24. the Church of God bears the name of the kingdom of Heauen And S. Hierom stileth the Church the arke of Noe that contained Leopards kids wolfes and lambs that is to say both good and wicked men dwel in the Church of God and though she is faid Eph. 4. to haue no spot or wrinckle yet that is meant in relation to faith and doctrine which are holy and without blame Howeuer S. Austin l. de perfec iustorum expounds the sacred Text set down also in order to the Church triumphant which is without spot or wrinckle the great house of God wherin are not only vessells of gold and siluer but also of wood and of earth and some for honour and some for dishonour 2. Tim. 2. howeuer no man is so irreuocably a vessell vnto dishonour but that he may be translated into a vessell vnto honour sanctified and meet for our lord IESVS if he will cast from him all his transgressions committed after baptism wherby he was incorporated into this great house which made him a vessell vnto dishonour The Church is called catholick that is vniuersall in as much as it sendeth forth the marueilous light of christian faith from the rising of the sun vnto the goeing douwn therof For Christ that redeemed vs to God by his bloud out of euery kindred and tongue and people and nation Apoc. 5. hath not confined the knowledg of his faith * Aug. ser 13. Ecclesia inquit à solis ortu vsque ad occasum vnius fidei splendore enititur within the bounds of one kingdome Moreouer the Church is rightly named catholick or vniuersall in respect of time that is to say of perpetuall succession of pastours and Teachers for the prouidence of God towards man of necessity preserueth the Church from perishing himselfe hauing prouidently instituted it as the common ordinary way to lead man vnto his kingdom Again its vniuersall because of the obligation euery man hath to embrace it that will aspire to eternall life As out of the arke of Noe there was no deliuerance from the generall deluge (t) According to S. Cyprian trac de vnit Eccle. whosoeuer hath not the Church for his Mother shall not haue God for his Father And according to S. Fulgentius who was contemporary with S. Austin l. de fide Such as are not incorporated into the Church how charitable soeuer they be cannot be saued and this Catholick assertion S. Austin professes likwise li. 4. de baptismo besids according to the holy scriptures no man that is not within the Churches bosome can obtaine heauenly benediction in consequence of which to rebell against or fall from her is execrable and damnable so out of the true Church there is no saluation and indeed the Church is the sole Mother that conceiueth bringeth forth and nourisheth children vnto heauenly blessednes Lastly the true Church is called apostolicall because it hath doth and shall preach in all times to the end of the world christian religion planted by the Apostles vpon whom as the foundation it was built Eph. 2. By the forementioned marks or tokens ioyntly the Church of Christ is shewed and distinguished from euery false congregation The Synagogue of Iews and Mahometans cannot challeng Apostolicall foundation where of Christ himselfe is the Chief corner stone nor catholick propagation from the rising of the sun to the goeing down therof for their religion is neither christian nor spread in all parts of the world and the false Churches of sectaries though they carry the name of christian neuertheless they haue nothing of vnity as to the faith of Christ nor of perpetuall succession as to pastours and Teachers down from the Apostles to these present times for they set vp a new mysticall body of Christ composed of reformed members saying that Christ in regard of sundry great scandalls and errours hath elected the old mysticall body wherof he was head afore that is the Roman Church which seemeth a strang thing because that Church according to their own confession was once in possession of the true faith and true religion * Ad Rom. 5. gratias ago Domino Deo quod fides vestra Romana annunciata Est in vniuerso mundo and the Apostle witnesseth as much writing to the Romans I thank my God through Iesus-Christ for you all because your faith Roman is published through out the whole world and no one expresse scripture testimony can be alledged to shew that the Roman Church hath deuiated from that true faith in consequence of which sectaries that will belieue nothing without express scripture ought not to belieue that the Roman Church is deuested of the true faith which it was once in possession of and therby deserted and truly it is not to reason credible that Christ after being marryed to the Roman Church for sundry ages should repudiate her especially hauing promised by the mouth of his holy Prophet that * Sponsabo te mihi in aeternum he will neuer chang the spouse of the new law saying I will espouse thee for euer it is not as to reason credible that Christ that cast out the bill of deuorce practized in the old law should be the first to bring it again into practice nor is it as to reason credible that the spouse which Christ chose without sport or wrinckle and put vnder the conduct of the holy Ghost should cast away her spousall innocence integrity and fidelity and turne to vncleaness fornication and idolatry Wherfore it is plainly euident that the Roman Church is not repudiated or deserted wherefore she and no other is the true Church of Christ that since the first age for 1660. yeares hath not deuiated from one holy catholick and Apostolick faith neither is * Apostolus scribens ad Rom. dicit fidem vestram meam sed fides S. Pau. erat vniuersalis catholica Roman Church and catholick or vniuersall Church less consistent together then christian Church and catholick Church or apostolicall and catholick Church for Christ was a singular person whence the word Christian is deriued and the Apostles were particular men whence the word Apostolicall comes and as the catholick Church is named christian because of Christ that is the supream inuisible head therof and as the catholick Church is called apostolicall in respect of the Apostles which were the foundation of it so the Catholick Church is called Roman from the Bishop of Rome that is the visible head therof subordinate to Christ * Concil Alexand loquens de Roma Eccl. sacer inquit vertex inquo omnis Ecclesia vertitur and indeed the Roman Church taken properly doth not signifie precisely and only that Church which is at Rome but cōprehendeth euery Church through out the whole world that professeth the same faith with it and acknowledgeth obedience to the same (u) According to S. Anaclete S. Anaclete S. Peters disciple and his third successor in the Pontificate