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A26468 VindiciƦ sabbathi, or, An answer to two treatises of Master Broads the one, concerning the Sabbath or seaventh day, the other, concerning the Lord's-day or first of the weeke : with a survey of all the rest which of late have written upon that subject / by George Abbot. Abbot, George, 1604-1649. 1641 (1641) Wing A66; ESTC R3974 196,378 288

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Iohn 17. 3. This is life eternall to know thee c. shewing that the life of grace in a man is called eternall life because it hath its beginning from that life which shall never cease but increase to ever-lasting perfection So that the Sabbath is unalterable in regard of the individuall number but not in regard of the individuall day The number being kept the day upon occasion might bee altered And of the truth of this wee have good reason to perswade us for the issue proveth it by the divine authority of the Apostles For this fourth commandement being no Iewish ceremony but a commandement in the Decalogue and equall with the Law of nature ought for the substance of it to bee esteemed perpetuall and especially seeing that now in one of these senses to wit in the number wee see it preserved inviolable by the example of the Apostles and the practise of the Church ever since and yet in respect of the order by the selfe-same examples altered from last to first And which alteration is very agreeable to the time of the Gospell where many that are first shall bee last and last shall bee first Even as Iohn Baptist who being the last of the Prophets was therefore the greatest because nearest unto Christ yet hee that is least in the Kingdome of Heaven that is in the time of the Gospell is greater then hee So this seaventh day though the last in order and greatest in dignity during the supereminency of the old creation because of Gods example yet now is the number retained and the order exchanged from the last to the first of the weeke in honour of the new creation of the new Heaven and new Earth which comparatively was prophecied and promised to ea●e out the old in the 65. of Isa. 17. I will saith God there create a new Heaven and a new Earth and the former shall not bee remembred that is the solemnity of it shall cease and shall give place to the new for els remember it wee both doe and must doe for the memory of both may consist together and the one confirme the other in regard that our redemption restores us to a lawfull Dominion once forfeited over the whole worke of creation And why must there bee this change Why because of the greater excellency of the second creation which shall bee solemnized in stead of the first under the time of the Gospell when Christ shall bee come and shall have finished the worke of my Mercy which shall bee greater then was the worke of my goodnes in the creation Each creation must have its Sabbath of commemoration for els should God magnify his lesser worke of creation before his greater worke of redemption And therefore this is the day which wee now celebrate which the Lord hath made for us to rejoyce in now like as that was then And thus wee see it in all points now fulfilled But you will object that this new Heaven and new Earth is meant of the differing state of the Church under the Gospell to that it was under the Law Ans. I grant it whereof the solemnizing of our redemption which principally nay I may say onely made the change in stead of our old and first creation unto which wee lost all right but that it was revived by and therefore worthily changed into the second is a principall part And therefore hath the holy Ghost expressed this change in those tearmes of old and new creation rather then any other And as in the 2. of Peter 3. 13. there at the perfection of the Kingdome of Heaven hee prophecies of a reall change of the old Heaven and old Earth by an absolute dissolution of them by reason of the succession of a better condition to the people and Church of God So here in Isaiah at the inchoation of the Kingdome of Heaven I meane the time of the Gospell hee prophecies of a proportionable reall change leading unto the other of the old Heaven and old Earth by way of mitigation by reason of a more excellent benefit that redoundeth to the Church and children of God For those words according to his promise in the aforesaid text of Peter have reference to this of Isaiah By the compa●ison of which texts it is evident that there is as well a literall as a mysticall sense in these words which was to bee fulfilled gradatim in the Kingdome under the Gospell which was the time of the adequate accomplishment of their prophecies as well as in the Kingdome of Heaven hereafter which is the time of accomplishing our prophecies or theirs as they are transferred over to us So that if you grant it requisite to sanctifie a seaventh day or the seaventh day in respect of number I say with you but now to sanctifie the last day in the weeke were to memorize our creation above our redemption our being above our wel-being and to contradict promise and prophecy example and reason For in commemorations the lesser gives way to and is enwrapped in the greater Now then Christs resting on the first day from a greater worke then that of the creation was just cause to adjourne the great duty of commemoration to that day which finished the greater and more beneficiall action But on the other hand to keepe no seaventh day were likewise to goe against the example of the Apostles and to blot out one of the tenne commandements and so to make a morall Law Iewishly ceremoniall For there is no reason why the Apostles should weekely celebrate the day of Christs resurrection if it were not in reference to the fourth commandement seeing that if they had meant it as a bare institution of the Church they might have done by the day of Christs resurrection as wee doe by the day of his birth that is have kept it yearely And lastly it were to crosse this prophecy of Isa. 65. 17. for what reason have wee to thinke that God would simply have the remembrance of the creation lessened nothing lesse but onely respectively no more then hee would have the Egyptian deliverance forgotten because hee would have the Babylonish deliverance remembred but onely comparatively For hee would have us that are under the Gospell to celebrate the worke of our redemption above the worke of our creation and to acknowledge the day of the consummation thereof to bee the day which David speakes of Psalme 118. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which the Lord hath made wherein wee will rejoyce and bee glad In which words as one saith I see not how the making of the day can bee intended for the common regulation of the dayes in the creation but it appeareth to bee some dedication to an holy use of joy and gladnes sutable to the description of a Sabbath which is called a delight for our unspeakeable deliverance And not as Bishop W●ite would perswade pag. 191. that the day of Christs passion was every way as blessed a day in respect of mans redemption as
Supposing that the number of seaven bee mysticall it followeth that wee are freed from it and not from the seaventh day onely for what have wee to doe with the Iewish darke mysteries in this cleare Sun-shine of the Gospell The weeke by this Doctrine should rather bee a mystery or shadow then the Sabbath for the Sabbath was but one day of the seaven as the first was or any other Indeed the Sabbath was the last of the seaven but what of that Saint Paul tearming the Sabbath a shadow joyneth it with the Holy-dayes and new Moones if now they will have the Sabbath be a shadow in regard it was the last of the weeke the New-moone maysome say was a shadow in regard it was the first of the Month and the holy-dayes in regard they fell at other times 3. If the number of seaven or last of seaven bee mysticall must it not bee so from the beginning And thus must the Sabbath bee a mystery or shadow from the first institution as all other shadowes were Secondly in respect of their strict rest but I know nothing of any moment God himselfe rested strictly for hee rested from all his works Gen. 2. 2. unlesse Gods example teacheth us to rest strictly it teacheth us nothing which they bring for proofe hereof and why of the strict rest and not of the whole Certainely wee shall rest wholly in Heaven And if the Sabbath was ceremoniall in respect of the strict rest then it seemeth hee that laboured all day or a good part thereof brake the morall part and so sinned Moreover the holy-dayes joyned with the Sabbath Col. 2. may seeme to want the ceremony seeing no such strict rest was in joyned in them as was shewed before Chap. 2. 3. in respect of the sacrifices offered therein Ans. First If sacrifices offered on such a day made the day a shadow then every day of the weeke was a shadow as well as the Sabbath for sacrifices were by the Law to bee offered every day Secondly Then shall wee have three Sacraments for the administration of the Lords supper is as well a part of sanctifying the Lords day as the offering of sacrifices was a part of sanctifying the Sabbath If then the sacrifices made the Sabbath a ceremony like to themselves the Lords supper maketh the Lords day a Sacrament like to it selfe also Thirdly If a ceremoniall duty enjoyned on the Sabbath made it partly ceremoniall a morall duty enjoyned on the holy-dayes made them partly morall And thus should the feast of Passeover bee partly morall as well as the Sabbath Answer I grant you that the Sabbath was a shadow or signification of the blessed rest to come and that not as it was a seaventh day * In respect of any mystery contained therein but as the seaventh day was a Sabbath But hence you would deduce a wrong conclusion that therefore it is as was the Iewish shadowes abrogative in the comming of Christ and that wee are not bound to darke mysteries say you in this cleare sun-shine Ans. Wee are not bound indeed to any mystery but to the duty contained in the number of seaven Yet to the signification of the Sabbath wee are bound which is not darke but cleare for so the Scripture hath made it to bee in the fourth Hebr. And although this Sabbath was shadowish yet was it neither of like nature with their other Sabbaths nor yet with other things whose signification reached to Heaven as well as it First I say it differed from other Sabbaths because it properly signified our rest in Heaven as wee see in the fourth Hebr. where it alone is mentioned and they properly our rest on earth by Christ and therefore were they so many and it but one and the same from the beginning to signifie that our rest here was to bee with manifold intermissions and in great variety Secondly I say it also differed from other things whose signification reached to Heaven as well as it For mostly they had a double signification the one proper and proximate as Iewish types signifying the rest and flourishing prosperity that the Church should have in the time of the Gospell the other Analogicall and remote intimating that in the end Heaven should bee the accomplishment of our Gospell graces and benefits like as in the mid way they were the accomplishment of their types and shadowes * For all the Iewish types being ordained for Christ must bee fulfilled in and by Christ in the time of grace which is his time of regiment by administring grace as now hee doth being our high Priest entered into the holy of holies with blood to make intercession for us and by compleating grace which hee shall doe hereafter when asking hee shall come in glory to set us at liberty from all our enemies in that great Iubilee when the day of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord and then after that wee have done our part and Christ his wee shall a compleate Adam in soule and body and cloathed with perfect innocency enter into our Masters everlasting rest and joy But the Sabbath had precedency of these having for its signification properly and adequately one rest in Heaven and the other abrogative Sabbaths subservient to it for the abrogative part as appeares by the significant difference of rest that was imposed upon them in the wildernes as I have else where observed more at large it being Catholicall and the Churches inheritance beginning with it and ending with it and they being that Churches inheritance in like manner receiving their beginning and ending with it If it bee objected that the Sabbath is as much fulfilled on earth as many other Iewish types for many of them have not their perfect signification accomplished here but in Heaven as the Iewish circumcision shall not bee perfected till wee bee in the Kingdome of Heaven and our everlasting rest hath its inchoation here in the soules of Gods elect what difference then Ans. The difference consisteth in the immediate object which the types primarily and principally eyed For the Iewish types primarily eyed the happy estate of the Church on Earth under the time of the Gospell thereby to invite and bring their soules into a Gospell state by beleeving so that though they are perfectly fulfilled in Heaven yet they are properly fulfilled on earth and secondarily or remotely its perfection in Heaven For the time of the Gospell was as I may say properly their Heaven as it may appeare in that it is said the Prophets and righteous men have desired to see to wit looking through their types and shadowes the things that you see c. Matth. 13. 17 these being their primary and proper object and as may appeare in the second place by the faultines of their covenant Hebr. 8. 7. and the faultlesnes of the Gospell covenant But this type of the Sabbath contrarywise primarily and principally eyed the happy estate of the Church in Heaven Hebr.
was commanded to sanctifie the seventh day in the state of Innocency therefore it is morall to sanctifie one day in a weeke I thinke it best to make answer to this Argument particularly 1. Adam was commanded to sanctifie the seventh day Answ. It doth not appear that Adam received such a Command as is said before As I commanded your fathers Ier. 17. 22. rather we would thinke as I conmanded Adam in the beginning if it had been true Consider also this saying and made known to them thy holy Sabbath N●hem 9 14. Chap. 1. And had God given such a Command why should it not be recorded He that will have us believe more then is set downe must alledge some Scripture or some reason why it was not set down It will be said unlesse Adam was commanded to sanctifie the seventh day wherfore did God sanctifie it in the beginning Answ. Because thou a man knowest not a reason of Gods doings this is not a sufficient reason or warrant for thee to affirme that he did more then thou findest that he did in the Scriptures And consider that others may know some reason hereof though thou and I do not This that followeth whether they be reasons or not I leave it to thy consideration I dare not say so I was not with God when he laid the foundations of the earth 1. It appeareth by Heb. 4. as is said before that Gods Resting the seventh day wherein God rested and which he sanctified was a Type of the Rest that remaineth to the people of God 2. God might sanctifie the seventh day in the beginning for a purpose not present but to come namely that the Israelites should sanctifie the same when they came into the land of Canaan another Paradise as it were and a Type also of the kingdome of heaven A blessed time and a blessed place an holy day and an holy land sort well together When a man shall stand before Christs judgement seat and being demanded wherefore didst thou say that God commanded Adam to sanctifie the seventh day when the Scripture saith not so in any place Consider whether this answer I could see no other reason of Gods sanctifying the seventh day will not prove like Adams breeches of fig-leaves I am well assured it will Answer To your answer I rejoyne That this example of God thus declared by himself was in the nature of a Command as appeareth plainly by the paralel case We see Gods creating Man male and female was a law justly inferred thence obligatory enough to binde one man to marry but one woman at once and to love her and live with her as appeareth Gen. 2. 23 24. compared with Marke 10. 6 7. where there is concluded from this exemplary action of God a perpetuall binding dutie to all mankinde without any expresse Commandement to that purpose But Gods blessing and hallowing the seventh day must needs enforce a Command if we consider that as Christ saith the Sabbath was made for man that is saith M r. Hilder sham for the great benefit and behoofe of man so that man could not no not in Innocency have been without it And if this of the Sabbath were of no obligatory ●orce I pray you then why doe you as before say that Adam if he had continued in Innocency should have kept it Me thinks he should rather then have kept every day Sabbath then we now and yet you say It is likely he should have wrought sixe dayes and sanctified the seventh Therefore as Christ saith in the case of separation it was not so from the beginning So say I in this case of the Sabbath that it was so from the beginning on Gods part actually and on mans part it both should and would have been so had he continued upright And therefor● as well in this of the Sabbath as in that of Marriage ought it to be so now Nor did mans fall abrogate the Sabbath any more then it did the rest of the morall Law * Know that all the Commandements given in Innocency were morall either by a naturall or positive moralitie as you would seeme to perswade in your first Chapter For God used the self same authoritie to reinforce it when he gave the Law the second time to wit his own example and the Creation both which he used in his first institution And therefore however we may think of the Sabbath in our corrupt reasonings or by other mens examples as the lewes might doe of Marriage from the example of the Patriarchs polygamy or the toleration of Moses y●t it was other wayes from the beginning and let God be true though men be lyers As touching your marginall note God as I may so speake had no reason to goe so farre of for an inforcement as to Adam especially it having been so long intermitted when he might have it fresh and neerer hand which he the rather chose to use for that this iteration of the Law was more peculiar and a greater Demonstration of his speciall love to them in way of Covenant and so more pressing and remarkable And yet doth he not utterly omit to make use of the first institution for he useth the same Arguments to them as to Adam for the observing it to wit his own example and the memory of the Creation which sheweth that it was to be understood as a Commandement laid then upon Adam as well as now upon the Israelites And by this rule you may say The promise and Covenant of Grace was not given to Adam because Gal. 3. 17. The Apostle draweth his Argument of refutation from that Covenant which God confirmed with Abraham 430 yeeres before the Law was given and not from the Covenant made with Adam at the first Touching the latter part of your marginall note I have answered it a little before from Psal. 147. 19 20. It may well be said as a Rejoynder to your second answer that unlesse the sanctifying of the Sabbath was instituted as an Ordinance for Adam to observe wherefore did God sanctifie it for Christ saith The Sabbath was made that is appointed or created in the beginning for man And if God had a reserved and secret intent in this why was it revealed especially when the thing was done and past seeing things revealed belong to us and to our children And from your own reason That the Sabbath was a Type of the Rest that remaines to the people of God a man may justly argue the use of it to the Church and consequently the necessitie and universalitie of it For by the people of God is not meant any visible particular but the whole Catholike Church And why God who instrict sense rested no more on that day then on others did yet so declare himself to have done ad captum vulgi and did also spin out the creation into six dayes which else he could have done in a trice if it were not for example sake I leave to any indifferent judgement And
needfull for our instruction Seeing then we finde not mention of any such matter I cannot beleeve that Christ or his Apostles gave Commandement to sanctifie the Lords-day Obiect Every thing to be done by us is not mentioned in Scripture Answ. No marvell though some particulars be not mentioned but consider that were it ●ods expresse Commandement we should sanctifie a day this were a matter of great moment concerning all men and very often and therefore it may well seeme a wonder that Christ and his Apostles should be so silent herein as never to exhort any man to sanctifie the Sabbath or Lords-day nor to reprove any for the prophaning of either of them We see how often Moses and the Prophets called upon the Israelites to sanctifie the Sabbath and how often and earnestly many now cry out for the sanctifying of the Lords-day no man can be ignorant Obiect The Precept of the Sabbath was in force during Christs time yet Christ never moved the people to sanctifie the Sabbath nor reproved any for prophaning thereof Answ. Though it were then in force yet its strength began to weare a pace from the dayes of Iohn Baptist and therefore no marvell seeing the Sabbath and other Ceremonies were shortly to give up the ghost though Christ passeth them over as he doth contenting himselfe to preach the Kingdome of God which is not meat nor drinke nor times nor places but righteousnesse and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost Rom. 14. 2. Saint Luke taketh upon him to write the Acts of the Apostles and it were very strange that if any thing had been done by the Apostles concerning the changing of the Sabbath into the Lords-day he should wittingly omit such a weightie matter In the 15 Acts he giveth us to understand that after the Gospel was preached to the Gentiles some would have them to be circumcised and and keepe the Law of Moses one part of which Law was the sanctifying of the Sabbath or seventh day Hereupon the Apostles and Elders came together to consult at which meeting there was not one word that we find of changing or observing any day whatsoever although no doubt they which urged Circumoi●ion urged the Sabbath in like manner For Baptisme might serve In stead of Circumcision as well as the Lords-day in stead of the 〈◊〉 Had they befo●e made a Dec●ee concerning the changing of the Sabbath into the Lords-day 〈…〉 just occasion was 〈…〉 same To handle the point and not to in●●mate so much as any difference between daies if any there were had not beene wisdome in Paul especially writing to strangers the Romanes must needs have thought him contrary to their former teachers or if they had 〈…〉 something concerning this matter After this time it is not likely that the Apostles 〈◊〉 met together in Councell●gain 3. Had the 〈…〉 would have charged all men to observe the same Decr●ee 〈…〉 one man to esteeme of dayes one way and to another another way as he doth Rom. 14. 5. One man esteemeth one day above another another esteem th everyday alike Let every man be fully perswaded in his minde The Apostles I know used to beare for a time with the weake but they would not have born with those who held new and ungodly opinions as he did that esteemed every day alike if every day had not been alike He that esteemed every day alike no doubt used every day alike and had this been tolerable in any sort were it Gods Commandement to sanctifie any day This Chapter doth much trouble some in these dayes and they feare not to tearme him weake there after Saint Paul that esteemeth every day alike howsoever he be strong that esteemeth every meat alike But is he to be tearmed weake that esteemeth a day sanctified by God like unto all other dayes rather ignorant and ungodly would not Saint Paul presently have such an one instructed in this matter The weake brother esteemed one meat above another and one day above another the strong brother beleeved that he might eate all things and so esteemed every day alike according to Paul and it is good holding of Paul herein 4. Saint Paul alone by way of Doctrine teacheth of dayes Rom. 14. Col. 2. Gal. 4. he teacheth of them purposely in three severall Epistles in these he delivereth as much as is needfull to be taught about this matter And now all that can be gathered by his Doctrine is that there is no more account to be made of one day then of another Saint Pauls Doctrine saith M r. F●x putteth no difference nor observation in times and dayes In the summe of Saint Pauls doctrine before Acts and Monuments It is a true saying and worthy of all men to be received In a word Christ and his Apostles never commanded to observe a day they never reproved for not observing Saint Paul reproved the Galathians for observing dayes and writing to the Romanes and Colossians he sheweth the indifferency of dayes as of meats speaking of one as of the other among these he had never been The Galathians turned from the Gospel he had preached to them so that he had diverse times just occasion to shew his minde fully in this point Yet doth he never so much as intimate the least difference between dayes or between dayes and meats Now what Christ or his Apostles could doe more to make us know that Religion is not placed in the observation of dayes I cannot imagine Answer I have in the introduction of this Treatise shewne you M r. Calvins opinion of the fourth Commandement Com. on Gen. 2. to be universall and perpetuall and how but by the succession of the first day of the weeke to the last Zanchy saith In 4. Pracept Morale est mandatum quatenus praecepit ut è septem diebus unum consecremus c. quatenus tale nunquam fuit abrogatum nec abrogari potest And yet if the fourth Commandement be not observed in the Lords-day it is abrogated The Book of Homilies maketh this good likewise of the divinum ius of the Lords-day as it is the seventh day from the fourth Commandement as hath been shewed before and so hath your objection been answered in respect of the peoples choosing the Lords-day by a reference to M r. Cleaver his Moralitie of the Law pag. 137. And now of this opinion am I. I have ever granted you that the Christian Sabbath is not by any expresse precept from Christ or his Apostles enjoyned nor is it needfull * Nay it had been prejudiciall as Eatonus observ●th pag. 69. Novum praeceptum ferre dere illâ quae v●teri praecep●o stabilit● fu●rat esset v●tus praec●●tum abolere quod ●●ristus venit impl●re to be due jure divino but forsooth the Sabbath must be jure humano for if upon this ground you will conclude it to be an arbitrary practise and not de iure divino * They can allow Tithes you may as well cry