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A13881 A full and plaine declaration of ecclesiasticall discipline owt off the word off God and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same.; Ecclesiasticae disciplinae, et Anglicanae Ecclesiae ab illa aberrationis, plena è verbo Dei, et dilucidà explicatio. English Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635.; Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1574 (1574) STC 24184; ESTC S118505 144,991 206

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ther dewties off the helpe off Deacons as the Apostles had Let them remember that the bodye would bee destroyed yff there were no member in yt but the eye And that churche in like manner wherin no man beareth any office but the Bishopp Let them remember that god hathe so made the bodye that there is a merueilous necessary vse off the diuers membres theroff which variety off partes and members must needes be preserued yff we would haue the bodie whole healthfull and stronge Let this infinite Ambition and desyre off rule and off medlinge with euery thinge that is in the Lord Bishoppes be corrected Let the Consistorie and Assembly off the Elders being so necessarie and so profitable for all the affaires off the churche be established wherin they may haue indeede the fyrst place in respect off the worthines off ther office S that they leaue the second to the Doctors and the third to the Elders For the churche perceiue the howe hurt full a thinge yt is that they should take all vnto them selues and can beare yt no longer perceiuinge well that the shamfull prophanacion off the Sacramentes the manifold and intollerable abuses off excommunication which is the highest Iustice off the churche and other innumerable euilles flow and springe from no other fountaine then from this pride off the●●● and busy medling very hurtfull and daungerous for the state off the churche And thus muche off Ecclesiasticall officers off whom because I haue spoken more at large how they ought to be appointed for that in the appoyntinge off them Ecclesiasticall discipline dothe in a manner wholie consist I will recompense yt with the shortenes off that part which followeth which is touchinge the dewtie off all the Saintes and faithfull Vnder the name off the Sainctes are conteined all the rest off the churche which doe not exercise any publique office or function therin whose dewtie as in all other societies ys only this to suffer them selues willingly to be ruled and gouerned by those whom god hathe set ouer them whervnto there is a short but a notable and pithy exhortacion off the apostle to the Hebrevvs wherin he exhorteth them ād by them all other churches to obedience vnto them who haue the ouersight off thē that they may geue vp their accōpte of the charge off sowles which they haue taken in hand with ioye and comforte and that they maye readilie ād with good courage beare for the churches sake all suche labor grees cares and sorwes as are ioined vnto ther offices Neither let Magestrates think allthough in respect off ther ciuill authoritie the churche be subiect to them that in this behalffe they are to be exempted from this precept and commanndement off the Appostle who chargeth euery one to be subiect to those who in Lord are set ouer them for seing they ought to be carefull as well off the saluacion off the Magystrate as off others and that the sowle off the magystrate as well as of the rest is committed to theyr charge They must also as well as the rest submit them selues and be obedient to the iust and lawfull authoritie off the Officers off the churche For seinge they not onlie rule by the authoritie off Iesus Christ but in a māner do represent his person seing they rule not as they them selues list accordinge to ther owne will but only accordinge to this word and commandement Is it not meete that euen kinges and the highest magystrates should be obedient vnto them For yt is meet that all the princes and Monarches off the world shold geue vpp their sceptres and crownes vnto him whome god had made and appointed the Heyre off his kingdome and Lord off heauen and earthe I might alledge heare oute off the histories off all times diuers examples off godlie princes who submitted them selues to the order and gouernment off the churche apointed by god Who allthoughe as touching this life they did rule and gouerne yet they despised not the discipline ād correction off the Lord I might name out off the most auncient historye and holie Chronicles off the Hebrevvs kinge Azarias who allthoughe he proudely and boldly vsurped the priesthood yet when he was stryken by the Lord with a Leprosy and was therfore cast out of the temple and seperated from the cōmon society off men by the highe priest accordinge to the lawe which God had made therin He obeied the priest cōmandinge according to God his word and letting his sonne rule is his steade passed the rest of his life in solitarines alone by himselfe Amonges the Christian Emperors allthoughe ther be many worthy examples which now a dayes Princes may set before them to follow yet those two which the ecclesiasticall story reherseth off Philipp the first Christian Emperor and off Theodosius conteine a singuler example aboue the rest off godlie subiection wheroff the one beinge commaunded to absteine from the Sacramentes vntill he had first professed him selffe to be a penitent for that he had committed certen faultes and had made open protestacion off his Religion for that he was suspected He willinglie obeied the Bishopp or rather the word off god And both protested openly his grefe and srowe for the synnes he had committed and professed before all the churche his faithe and Religion The other that is Theodosius being not admitted by Ambrose into the churche into the which he would haue come did likewise so willinglie obeie that prostratinge hym selffe vppon the grownd and pauement off the temple in the sight off god and his Angells and all the churche followinge the meeknes off Dauid reprehended off Nathan declared the wūderfull sorowe which he had for his wiked fact and the slaughter committed at Thessalonica by his commaundement rehersing these wordes out off the Psalme My soule did cleane vnto the pauement Therfore all the faithfull and euen the princes and magistrates them selues ought to be subiect to the word off god and to Ecclesiasticall Discipline and then is the churche in florishing estate when bothe they who beare rule do commannd according to gods word and the● who be subiectes do willingly obeye But the Magistrates haue this proper and peculier to them selues aboue the rest off the faithfull To set in order and establishe the state off the churche by ther authoritie and to preserue and mainteine it according to godds will being once established Not that they should rule the Ecclesiasticall matters by their authoritie for this belongeth vnto Christ alone and to hym he hath committed this charge but for asmuche as the Apostle teachethe that they are apointed off God to th end that we may lyue a godlie ād a peceable life ād that the kinges off Israell by the apointement off god had charge to see the execution off all the lawe they ought to prouide and see that the seruice off god be established as he hathe appointed and administred by suche as ought to administre the same and afterwardes preserued
when the rest off the Egyptians for famyn were compelled to sell ther flockes and droues and euen ther landes and possessions for corne vntill that ar the last all the country by this means was come into the kinges handes he suffered not the priestes to sell theirs neither would he encrease his treasure by ther losse and hinderaunce But contrarywise ordeined that they should be prouided for geuinge them euen that which was his owne So likewise all other nacions and kingdomes prouide for ther priestes and Religious men and think that god would be greuously offended with them iff they should neglect them And we see how beneficiall and liberall Papistes were to the mainteininge off Idolatrie and superstition for yt ys allmost incredible what cost they made vpon there Idolatry and that shewe and shadowe off Religion which they had And how costly and swete odors they bestowed as it were vpon the deade corps off Christ But we forsake him aliue and raised vp againe So that it is to be feared that he will one day vpbraide vs with his pouerty and need and complaine that we left him naked hungry thirsty and forsaken without helpe or succor But he is not only forsaken beinge naked But euen robbed off that apparell which he hathe So that yt apperethe that some men thought to crucifie hym againe when they thus parted his garmentes amonges them and cast lottes for his coate But allthoughe ther be many waies off spoilinge yet me thinck none more greuous then impropriation the only name wheroff declarethe how litle right ther is in it which is the translatinge and the alienatinge off the goodes off some churche to an other that hathe no right vnto them But seinge this wholl matter off the most vnworthy spoilinge and robbinge our church is fully handled by that worthy and lerned man Master Bucer in that booke off his which I named in the beginninge and seing that in the same booke he handlethe not only impropriacions but also first fruites which is a certen kind theroff presentacions collacions resignations and diuers other kind off robberies I had rather thes thinges were sought for in the lerned wrightinges off that worthy man that the matter might carie more credit and authoritie with it As for me I lament with him this miserable state of our church which allmost in euery place is destitute off fit Pastors and ministers seing no man is willing to take that condicion wherby after he hathe taken neuer so great paines he shal be scarce able to mainteine his life Neither is it destitute only at this present tyme but it is to be feared that it is alwais like to be so here after and that the studie off god his word shal be neglected For no man will willingly follow that trade off life wherin he hathe only no hope to liue honestly and with some commoditie but wherin besides the infinit trauell and greefes that follow that profession he shal be afflicted also with neede and pouertie And iff we had not rather be wise by our owne domage and losse then by other mens ther ruyns off the churches round about vs might sufficiently teache vs how daungerous this spoilinge off the churches goode is and this neglect off mainteninge the holy ministery Therfore iff we prouide not otherwise let vs assure our selues that euen this fault doth threatē the vndoubted ruine off the churche and that so worthy gestes as the preachers off the gospell cannot long tary in an In̄e wher they be so ill receiued and interteined And iff we compell them to leaue vs surely they will take away wi h them that peace and blessinge which they brought and which we may truly professe came into England with them Therfore let vs not so lightly esteeme the great care that the Lord hath ouer vs in feeding ouerseinge and rulinge vs by his seruantes lest at the last he breake his shepherdes hooke in his anger ād cast awaie all care ouer vs and go his way and leste that being prouoked with this thirty pence a notable hire that we pay him he leaue vs and depart in his anger as some times he threatned the Iewes not caringe any more whither the broken be bound vp or the lost be sought againe Therfore let vs at the last amend this shamefull neglect off the ministers off the word off god and seinge as the Apostle saithe they sowe spirituall thinges to vs and suche as belonge to euerlasting life let vs not thinck muche iff they reape carnall thinges off vs againe and some commodities off this present life yea rather seinge this is a most gainfull husbandry for the churche off this so vile seede to reape thos most precious fruites off the Spirite Loue Peace Ioye Long Suffering Goodnes Faith Meeknes Temperance and at the last that golden haruest off life euerlasting let vs sowe plentifully and with good corage that we may reape a more plentifull haruest Neither let vs now be more weried with sowinge whiles it is sowinge time then we will be weary hereafter when haruest shall come in reapinge and gatheringe most precious fruit into our barnes Therfore let vs embrace the ministers off the gospell with all loue kindnes and dutie and that so muche the more liberally and plentifully for that what so euer is bestowed vpon them euen to a dishe off cold water shall not only be muche more richely requited and recōpensed againe but accompted euen as it had bene bestowed off Christ him selffe But we ought not only to lay our clothe and spreade our Table for Christ whom we haue bidden vnto vs as Symon the Pharisie did in S Luke iff we wold haue him know that he is well come to vs and that we loue him with great affection but also embrace him and kisse him and washe his feete with water and anoint his heade with oyle and finallie to receiue with all seruice and dutie so worthie a guest as both becometh his honor and also is meet for the great loue we beare vnto him And this is the dewty off all men But kinges that are wont to receiue no man off any countenaunce or estimation but honorablie and with great magnificence and ther Equalles with more princely port and stately manner how ought they to take heed that they be not to pinching and to sparinge when they receiue Christ the Lord the kinge off heauen and earthe off whom they as Vasselles hold ther kingdomes and lordshippes as off see nor commit any thing that may offend so noble and worthie a guest and rather be carefull that all thinges heere be magnificall gorgeous and princely But I would not that any man should thinck I say thus as iff I thought vnder pretence off Christ nothing cold be to muche that were bestowed vpon Bishopes and ministers or that I would haue them made dronke with the delightes and pleasures off this world who ought to be an example to other men off
be suffred to sitte vpon the pompe let this be the faulte off men and not off the lawes I speake off the thing yt selfe But some man will saye that the Bishoppe hath this power by the worde off God And they haue yt off the Bishoppe whose office and authoritie in this behalffe they execute What the Bishoppes power is and that the authoritie which he hath is common also with him to the Pastors and Elders and hath no proper nor peculiar authoritie in this pointe we shall after see in dewe place But let vs put the case that only the Bishoppe had this power and authoritie graunted to him to gouerne his owne churche according to Goddes word Is yt therefore lawfull for him to sitte yd●e and dreamyng at home and let an other doe his off●ce abroade But admite allso that yt were lawfull for him to haue an other to doe his office yet yt is not lawfull for him to substitute whome he listeth in his place but only some other mā in the same degree that he is of and that is in equall place and authoritie with him For neyther in olde tyme could the Consulles off Rome leaue any man to doe there office for them but only such as were off the Consulles state and dignitie Nor now adaies can the maire off a towne leaue any Burgesse to execute his office for him but onlie an Aldermen and one off the same degre and companie How muche more vnmeete is it to trust any man with the keyes off the howse off Dauid but onlie suche to whome the Sonne and Heire who is set ouer the gouernment off the howse hath commanded to deliuer them For how greatlie is it to be feared lest that they oppen and shutte they care not how and order all thinges not according to the Sonne and Heires commandment but there owne will and pleasure How greatelie I saie is it to be feared lest they cast the lordes Iewells before swine lest they sette open his holie misteries to be abused by euerye one Lest they receyue and enterteine stranngers and put out ād refuse thē off the housholde fynally Lest they prophane and abuse all that they take in hande And suerlie experiēce teacheth vs how greatlie they haue erred who haue put thē in trust with the kepīg of so waightie thinges For we haue oftē times sene and trulie doe see these thinges to happē which I haue spoken off that some off this courte for a grote or some small dewtie wil excommunicate and as it were banyshe out off heauen the most honest citezens off the kingdome off God and Curse them and cast them headlong into Hell And conterwise accompte off enemies often times as off free men and cytezens and suffer them to be partakers off all the freedomes and liberties off the citie off god For it commeth to passe with them as with the hirelinges off whome our Sauior Christe speaketh in the tenth off Iohn who because they doe not there owne office but an other mans care not how faithfullie nor with what credite they vse thē selues but rule and order all thinges for ther owne commoditie and pleasure But hereoff I trust we shall speake more at large hereafter Now to goe forwarde Let vs admitte bothe That the Bishoppe hath this authoritie and that he may appointe whome he liste to excute it for him yet how can we thincke it lawfull that a man should be admitted to ordinarie and perpetuall office in the churche without a right and lawfull calling which as after shal be declared consisteth in these twoe poyntes fyrst that he be chosen and after that he be ordeined seing it is generall and belongeth vnto all without exception who doe bare any office in the churche which I laide in the begynning as the foundacion off all this disputacion that is to saie that no man take this honor vnto him but he that is called vnyt as was Aaron But seing Archdeacons and Channcellors are apointed onlie by the Bishoppes pleasure and the other vnder-officiers by theres and seing that nothing is vsed in the apointing off them which shal be shewed to be necessarie in the calling to any eccleasticall function Seing there is no Election no praiers no Ordeining no laiing on off handes and suche life as bothe are wont and owght to be vsed in such a matter naie seing there is not so much as an othe geuen them without the which no office off any waite in the common wealthe is committed to any man It must nedes be confessed as the thing it selfe declareth and I haue proued by sure and vndoubted argumentes That all this rabble and company exercise authoritie in the churche off God without any lawfull vocacion at all or calling Wherfore seing so many voluntarie officers haue without any lawfull calling taken vpon them the gouernment off the churche whereby as I haue shewed the wrath off god is most greuously prouoked against vs why doe we not fiftene yeres after that by the grace off God his holie Gospell is preached emongest vs whie doe we not I saie in the ecclesiasticall officers that which the Romanes did euerie fyue yeres in all degrees that is to saie whie doe we not make a searche and assaie off euerie mans calling That Right and lawfull authorie being discerned from that which is vniust and vnlawfull those impudent officers who were chosen by them selues or crepte in at the backe dore and were not called thereunto by the authoritie off God and off his churche maie be compelled to leaue there places and be put out off office Therfore let enquirie be made into euerie mans calling Let them shewe how they were chosen and ordeined as the leters and seale off ther calling let them rehearse there genealogies and the race off there descente let them bring there roddes and set them before the Arcke off God And they who cannot shewe the markes and tokens off there Creaciō and Election They that cannot fetche there Pedigree from Aaaron and whose roddes remaine deade before the Arcke and neyther blossome nor florishe let them by the most iust authoritie off the worde off God be displaced and put out off those offices which they most vniustlie and wrongfully haue desyred and vsurped And thus muche maie be sufficient to proue the necessitye off a lawfull vocacion and calling Now let vs see the vse fruite and com̄oditie off the same which semeth to me to be so greate that althoughe there were no punishement for the neglecte and contempte off yt yet yt were to be taried and waited for for the meruailous vse and commoditie that yt bringeth with yt For what can so strengthen a man against all daungers which hang ouer hym discharging his dewtie faithfully as the remēbraunce that he is placed in that standing by the cōmandement and authoritie off god which as it placeth him so it will be alwaies readie to defend him against the enmyties and lieng in waite off all men For then only
like desyer off the Apostles desyring and longyng after suche thinges he detested all this lordinge and exercisyng off domynion togither with the titles off princes and honorable personages and such like titles and names professinge freely that thes honors wer ciuill and wordly and therfore to be sought for at other mens handes which they should not thinck might begotten at his handes that had no such like thing in all his kingdome By whom they wer called indeed to greater offices greater I say and more honorable in respect off trew honor allthough not for the outward shew And this the Apostles wer taught not only by the preceptes and voyce off ther master but after also by ther owne experience that this spirituall charge to be well done can be ioyned with no other so that they gaue ouer off them selues euen the charge off the pore with is an ecclesiasticall office and so neere off kindred vnto the other that it seemed they might well haue stode togither and lymited ther office in he seruice off God alone And iff it be so that the ministers off the word off god ought not to be charged with prouiding for the widowes and for the poore that being free from any other charge they might wholy bestowe them selues vppon ther owne how much lesse lawfull is yt that they should be called away from ther owne office and dewty to do worldly thinges and belonging to the ciuill Magistrat For thus thow dost not only gather hinderances vnto thy selffe to hindre thē that thow do not thy duty otherwise then either good souldiors or conninge wrestlers are wont to doe but also dost wronge vnto an other into whose ground and possession thow breakest in by force which thing seinge the Apostle in the xij off the Romans chargeth with ambytion and 〈…〉 busines euen in ecclesiasticall offices whe● 〈…〉 ●●ligently from this being wiser then we ought to be exhorteth vs to a Christian like modesty and to be soberly wise how muche more shall he be giltie off the same cryme that mingleth and confoundeth togither thinges so farr different and diuers off nature For who knoweth not that the office off the Magistrate especially consisteth in thos thinges which belong to our life and to our goodes and hath not to doe with the holie ceremonies but only to see by his authoritie that it be administred by them by whom and in what manner it ought to be by the word off God but that he admynistred nothyng hym selffe And agayne who knoweth not that the Byshoppes Office is bounded and limited with spirituall matters and cure off sowles and hath no charge off the common wealth nor off the state off this life Or that the Magistrates are carefull for the body and thinges belonginge therunto The Bishoppes of the sowle and that which apparteineth vnto the soule And that the Magistrates are carefull for this fraile and britie life but the Ministers off that blessed life which endureth for euer Therfore seinge the Lord God vnder the lawe beinge about to plant the priesthoode as a tree hard by the Mgistrate his neighbors grownd knowinge well what the nature off this tree was namely that it enlargeth and spreadeth out his rootes farr abrod as the figg tree or the olyue tree doth and therfore was to be set furder off lest that any contention or striffe should affterward arise seuered yt by a most greate distance and greater then the space off ix feet which Solon commanded in such like trees from the Magestrates grownd that lay hard by let godly Magistrates diligently take heed beinge admonished both by the ordinance off the most wise god and the example off the Roman Empire that they suffer the Bishoppes to chalenge nothinge vnto thē with in ther ground nor secretly so roote them selues with in the same that they be afterwardes compelled as we reade many Emperors haue done to striue with them for ther owne right and patrimony And seinge God hathe punyshed the transgression off this his law touchinge the distinction off the two estates in a noble prince and godly otherwise why do we not feare that he will shew the like punyshement in the like fault off the Bishoppes And seing Christ hym selfe did refuse the kingdome being offered him nor would handle the lest eyuill matters no not to agree brethren therby Seinge the Apostles would not ioyne any other office thoughe it were off the same kind with ther owne no not the charge off the poore and widows that they might bestowe them selues wholy and attend vpon ther owne seinge this agreethe better with the kingdom off Christ and the other with the kingdomes off this world what iust excuse can they lay for this ambition and busyinge off them selues or why do they storme so when we call them frō the ciuill courtes to the churche from the Iustices benche to Moses chaire from a kingdome and a lordshipp to a Bishoprick and ministerie We reade in the holy history that Azariaz the highe priest cast out kinge Vzzrah out off the holy place and that worthelie because the lawe so commanded And Sozomenus telleth that when Theodosius themperor would haue gone vp to the highe part off the temple Ambrose for badde him because as he said that was the Bishops place and com̄anded him to sit belowe with out the chancell whiche I do not reherse to this ende that I do allow off those superstitious and proud separations off the bishopps from other mē but seing this ther inordinate desire off catching to them selues to stirr vp kinges and magistrates to a iust care of maintaining ther owne right and in like manner to bownd and lymit them within there chancelles and quyres and commande them to keep them selues with in ther bondes and limites and to know also ther barrs and ranges And iff they had carefully seene to to it when this plage beganne first to creepe in surely the ambition off churche men had neuer come to that vnspeakable pride that we haue seene it at that they might glory off the power off both estates and as we vse to speake off both the swordes off a triple crowne off treading vpō the Emperors neckes and suffering kinges to hold ther stirruppes But seing they loked not vnto it neither regarded it at the last when the Apostles wer dead who as in old tyme that noble worthy Gedeon desired not any vnlawfull kingdome or Lordshipp in Israell and ther naturall children desyred lickwise no suche thing At the last I say this bastard Abimelech rose vp that ambitiously sought an vnlaufull kingdom and named hymsellffe bobothe a father and a kinge but it is to be hoped that same end and the like destruction will come vpon this Tyrant that in old tyme came vpon Abimelech for I doubt not but Ioathans parable is as it wer an orackle vttered against this ambicion And it is alltogither to be hoped that as the empyre is weakened and allmost
yet when Iames was slaine they did choose nome into his Roume or the Roume oft any other off the Apostles when they died So that yt is plaine that this office is abolished Which beinge playne off the Apostles must be likewise vnderstood off the Euangelistes who serued and mynistred vnto them and were after a sort ther vicairs and deputies For as it doth appere in the Actes This was the office of the Euangelistes to accōpany the Apostles whom they when they had gathered any company off a churche together and must needes depart left behind them beinge instructed by them in what sort ād order to stablishe the churche who hauinge set the churche in order and prouided pastors and Elders to gouerne yt left it ād followed the Apostles againe So they as Emperors and Generalles when they had ouercome any citie left as it were some chiefe captaines behinde them vntill thinges could be brought to a better stay and that ancientes and elders as certen perpetuall garrisons were set ouer them for the Apostles were appointed to cōquere and to ouercome The Euangelistes to establishe and set in order The elders to mainteine and preserue the churche of god Therfore this office off the Euangelist must needes cease seinge the Apostleshippe is ceased allreadie As for the Prophetes office althoughe it consisted in expoundinge the scriptures yet seinge it was ioyned with extraordinary gyft off foretellinge thinges to come necessary for the primitiue churche but now no more in vse yt can not be doubted but that the office ys ceased as well as the gyft wherupon we may conclude That seinge as Saint Paule witnessethe onely Apostles Euangelistes Prophetes Pastors and Doctors were geuen by Christ to the edifyinge off the churche and the work off the ministery That the three first ceasinge there remaine only Pastors and Doctors perpetuall and ordinary ministers off the word In deede sometymes the lord extraordinarily in a confused state where is no place off ordynary callinge stirreth vp as be did in our tyme as yt were certen newe Apostles to lighten the world agayne with the light off the gospell And Eusebius maketh mencion off some who saith he with a heauenly zeale off followinge the Apostles went preachinge the gospell to the Indians But I speake off the Ordinary state off the churche suche as oures ought to be after so many yeeres Therfore Sainct Paule in the xij to the Romans speakinge off this state makethe no mencion off Apostles Euangelistes or Prophetes but only off Teachers and exhorters callinge Pastors Exhorters as it shall appeere hereafter Neither was i● needfull that they should continewe any longer in the churche no more then it is needfull after the platforme be drawen that the master builder tarie any longer but that there be carpenters and workmen to builde and raise the worck as he hathe appointed And it seemethe that our Sauior Christ in the stablishinge off his kingdome followed a kind off order not diuers from that which is vsed by earthly kinges and princes Who at the daie off ther coronacion and for a certen time after make many officers for diuers and sondry vses who serue not only for a solemnitie pompe and shewe but also to great vse and seruice for that time but when thinges are set in order and the kingdome stablished are vsed no longer So Christ our lord and king when as beinge ascended into heauen he was as it were inuested into his kingdome created Apostles and suche other officers which should set his kingdome in order and appoint and ordeine a certen ordinary state for the gouernment and administracion off it which being so established and set in order Those offices should cease and the kingdome should be gouerned as they had appointed Therfore theris no cause why we should think the loue ād care off our Sauior towardes his churche to be diminished for this cause or that he dealethe not bountifully and liberallie with vs no more then subiectes for the like cause haue occasiō to suspect ther kinges good will and fauor to be chaunged towardes them For these thinges are but for a certeyne time and perteine to the beginninge off the kingdome which time seemethe necessarilie to require some other kinde of order then all the rest that followeth Therfore to cōtinewe the same similiritude after he was crowned-kinge he scattered in great aboundāce spirituall giftes off knowledge prophesyinge healinge and other graces as gold and siluer amonges his people All the conduites ranne with sweet and most pleasant wyne All the pipes and cockes ranne with rose water and other sweet and plesant waters But allthoughe he geueth vs dailie all thinges liberally and plentifully yet he geueth vs not dailie a Largesse as at the tyme off his coronacion Therfore we ought to be content with that liberalitie which the lord shewethe vnto vs and not to looke to haue allwais alike The same reason is off the perpetuall mynisters off the word with whom he would haue vs to be contented and not to wishe for the first and those which were extraordinary and apointed to serue but for a tyme For as some thinge was geuen more liberally and extraordinarilie to the extraordinary tymes off the churche So we are sufficiently prouided for off all thinges which belonge to the continuall and necessarie vse off the churche Therfore beinge content with this meane estate and condicion Let vs vse that which is giuen vnto vs and seeke not for offices which serued but for a tyme in the perpetuall gouernment off the churche nor wil he extraordinary functions in an ordinary state Wherfore we ought to haue Pastors and Doctors appointed in our churche and not to reteine still the extraordinary office off preachers which yet I reproue more sparingly for the respect I haue to many worthie men who haue labored with some fruite after this sort for I see that some by the negligence off those who ought to haue prouided meete Pastors for the churches for the loue they had vnto the gospell thought it lawfull for them in these tymes to take vpon them this Apostolicall or Euangelicall kind off office and embassage wheras rather they owght to haue vrged the full and perfit reformacion off our churche and to haue striuen by the word off god that euery church might haue bene prouided off a fit Pastor And that the Lordes heritage might be no more left barren and vntilled left that at the last the Lord be angry with vs and take it from vs and let out his farme to other that will dresse it better But iff there be any which please them selues to muche in this gadding abroade thorough out the churches and will contend they may do so by the example off the Apostles and Euangelistes let them shew vs the signes off ther Apostleship as Saint Paule did to the Corinthians Let them proue that they are indewed with those Apostolicall gyftes off knowledge and vnderstanding tonges healinges doinge off