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A13844 The book of prayses, called the Psalmes, the keyes and holly things of Dauid translated out of the Hebrevv, according to the letter, and the mystery of them, and according to the rule and methode of the compile-er, opened in proper arguments vpon every psalme, following the same, by Alexander Top Esquier. Top, Alexander. 1629 (1629) STC 2415.2; ESTC S4135 410,327 284

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this his gratious ones his Ministry must bless him ps 145. with all their might and all the wayes they can PSALM CL. THe things in this Psalme to bee set out are the everlasting strength of God by his judgement and justice and his holynes and his great stature and estimation by his victories and salvation and his great prevailing and overcomming by the Law and that in his sanctuary and in the highth of his hollynes and all solemnityes And for creation and conservation that all things breathing should again and again prais him and evermore extoll him glorifye him world without end with many an Amen and many a hallelujah and God be praised for the same The voice of God in his sanctuary requireeth great strength and glory as psal 29. and great confidence in the firmament of the heavens therof ps 68. And because his word and all that is spokeen in his Temple is glorious hee must have a lofty and a bold utterance and a loud pronuntiation even in the skyes for the syncerity therof Because the scriptures bee the creators of the children of God so they bee their Elders their father and authorityes and witnesses to judge all men quick and dead and by their testimony to disscide all strife and contention So hee that speaketh from hence speaketh soundly and ther is no replyeing against the authority heerof This prooff and testimony putteth the Divil to silence and this of great validity in judgement Becaus it belongeth to all partes of the sylogisme to proov or reproov the same So that the commandements beeing positive and the Cases divers that rise from thence and all condemnation is by judgement so in all cas●es testimony must bring foorth truthe and truthe an upright sentence which in this psalme for an approbation of all men hee willeth the whole Church to confirm and to justify all that is spoken and that in a high majesty in his Church and that they should prais God in a firmament of faith and confidence as the faithfull and true witness Amen That they should prais him for his victoryes dignity and excellence and for his great magnificence and worthynes honour and estimation as ps 146. And for testimony that hee should protest and witness the same and prais him with all kinde of musique yee the lowdest and willeth that every breath and gasp and aspiration should testifye the judgement and applaude it and sing prais of God Becaus by this the way of God and all just men is manifest and plain as ps 1. Ther is no witnes like the father and a testimony of the Scripture is a good demonstration So to conclude the strength of the Law and lawes and judgements therof with judgement as ps 99. and all the praises of Israel with prais hee hath thus finished the book for the Church that ther is salvation for the people of God ps 3. and that by the Law psal 4. and Kingdom of righteousnes ps 5. with this high glory to God above the heavens ps 8. and worship over all the earth Now is the wrath of God upon the gentiles com and the time of the dead that they should bee judged ps 145.149 and that hee should give reward to his servants the Prophers and to the sainctes and them that fear his name to small and great and should destroy them that destroy the earth Deut. 28. Apoc. 11. and all the mystery of God and of the Law and of the Prophets revealed and finished Apoc. 10. Construction Quopb to compass is heer meant by praising and assemblies about him as the last declareed the person ps 48. the Church is the element of his strength and principall dwelling of the Law and word of God by the preaching and extolling of it ps 29. compared to the sunn as ps 19. for visiting all men with all kinde of lustre and grace about them as Saul Act. 9. as the mighty king according to the power and greatnes of him being possessor and conquerour of heaven and earth Gen. 14. by the letters Quen a nest seat or possession Ier. 22. psal 84. of Quanah to get or obtein or conquer That his name Iah may spring and grow in the sunn as psal 72. according to the letter Nun or N. to grow for his publike prais by musick full of aspiration to express his name Iah exceeding triumph for his exceeding greatnes Hu is a name of God from Iehovah as well as for his excellence and onelynes In respect wherof the term is heer so oft repeated and affixed to praise to wit 11 times the number of the two letters hee is praised in respect of his onelynes wher and wherin and in measure also wherwith and those bee the instruments iust 11. Deuteronomy A hundred and fifty dayes the flood increased so have the praises of God who sitteth upon the flood as ps 22. Hee is king for ever and the strength of his Law is infinit that hee giveth to his people and feedeth them withall ps 28.29 that they should for ever prais him and ever comment upon him and confess his wonderfull kindenes to the children of men Praised bee God FINIS psalmes 26. the law and first prophets 2 Cor 22. P●o 1 4 2 Co● 17. the last proph the n t Mic 6 Ier 15 23. psalmes a m 40 112 119 111 101 119. psalmes 37. the law and first prophets Deu 17.6 Pro 1. Ios 1. the last proph the n t 2 Pet 3 3 psalmes 44 137 the law and first prophets Nu 24 the law and first prophets 1 K 18 the last proph the n t Eze 17.31 47 Ier 16 17 Isa 44 Apo 22 psalmes 37 112 the law and first prophets Gen 39. Pro 7. 2 Cro 31. psalmes 37 18 69.68 35 125.69 the law and first prophets Deu. 18 18 Iob 21. the last proph the n t Mth. 2 Ih 21 Hos 13 Ier 13 Is● 29 Mal 3 Isa 41 29 Mth 3 Dan 2 the law and first prophets Ios 22. psalmes 103 144 37● the law and first prophets 1 Sa 16 25 P●o 14. Lev 5. Iob 8.17.29 the last proph the n t Ier 6 psalmes 83.35.64 149 the law and first prophets Pro 11 26 the last proph the n t Act 4. psalmes 31● 64 71 129 107 18● 105 the law and first prophets Iu 4 5.6 7.8 the last proph the n t Is 30 Is 8● Eze Ie● 5 27 Na 1 the law and first prophets Prov. 1. psalmes 59.52 the law and first prophets Prov. 11 26 1 S● 16 Iu 4.5 6 7.8 Exo 4 6 23. Exo 4 6 23. 2 S● 6 7. Iob 12 De 26 27 32 19 20 29 N● 9 1 Cro 12 Lev 20. Num 10. psalmes 69 81 3 psalmes 40 45 the last proph the n t Is 37. psalmes 89 44.80 35 105. the last proph the n t Hos 11. Act 13 4 Luc 1 Mt. 2 psalmes 22 72 111 11.81 the last proph the n t H●b 1 5 13 the
speaketh falshoods shall not bee established in my sight I will soon dissolve all WICKED ones of the earth whē I shall cut off from the Citty of the ETERNALL all Workers of Greeff CII A Prayer of the Poore when hee fainted powered out his Complaint before the ETERNALL O ETERNALL hear my PRAYER and let my SHOVTING come vnto thee Hide not thy FACE from mee when I am in Distresse turne thine eare vnto mee and heare mee quickly when I CALL Because my dayes are consumed in smoke and my bones on fire like a brand my hart is strooken and withered like an Herb that I forget the eating of my meat By my loud sighing my bones ste●k vnto my skinn I am like an OWLE of the Wildernes and a skrich OWLE of Waste place-es I am like a folitary bird watching vpon the House top All the day doe mine ENIMYES revile mee and my DEFAMERS coniure against mee That I eat Ashes like bread and mingle my drinke with Teares because of thy fomeing Indignaton for thou hast cast mee away My dayes are like a declineing shadow and I am withered like an herb and thou ô ETERNALL remainest for ever and thy REMEMBRANCE for all Generations ô vp and haue MERCY vpon Sion for the SETTIME is come to haue COMPASSION on it because thy Servantes like the stones thereof and hold the dust thereof gratious That the Heathen all Kingdomes of the earth may fear thy GLORYOVS NAME ô ETERN ô let the ETER that hath built Sion appeere in his GLORY regard the PRAYER of the SHAKEEN not despise their Prayer That this may be written for an other generation and that the People to be borne hearafter may prayse the ETERN O let the ETERNALL look out of Heauen his holly HIGHTH and look down vpon the Earth To hear the Prisoners groneing and to let a brode the CONDEMNED to tell out the NAME of the ETERN in SION and thy PRAYSE in JERVSALEM vvhen the Nations and Kingdomes are gathered together to Serue the ETER Hee that beat dovvn my Strength in the vvay and shortned my dayes J SAY O my ALLMIGHTY GOD take mee not avvaye in the midst of my dayes and thy yeers dureing all Generations O thou that vvast before the Earth vvas founded and the Heauens the vvork of thy Handes vvhich shall perish and thou shallt remaine and they all shall goe old like a Garment and thou shallt shift them and they shall be put off like clothes and thy yeers are neuer consumeed let the Children of thy Seruantes abide still before thee their Seed bee established in thy PRESENCE CIII Of DAVID BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVL all my FORCES blesse his holly NAME ô BLESSE the ETERN ô my SOVLE and forget not his GOOD DEEDS That Pardoneth and healeth all thy greevous Iniquity that Redeemeth thy life from the Pit Gardeth thee with KINDENES and MERCY that Supplyeth thy youth with the Goodnes of thine ORNAMENTS as an Egle reneweth her self The ETERNALL that doth Just IVDGEMENT to all the oppressed and maketh his Wayes knowen to Moses and his Excellent WORKES to the Children of Israel The ETERNALL is mercifull gratious and patient and of great KINDENES hee vvill not striue perpetually nor keep contention for euer hee hath not don vnto vs according to our sinnes nor bestovved vpon vs according to our Jniquityes but as the Heauens are highe aboue the Earth so excelleth his KINDENES ouer them that fear him As farr as the East is from the VVest so farr hath hee put avvay our Transgression from him As a Father hath Mercy vpon his Children so hath the ETERNALL mercy vpon them that fear him Because hee Knovveth our CREATION and is mindefull that vvee are but Dust. A Sorrovvfull Mans dayes are like grass as a flovver of the Feeld so hee florisheth but the VVinde passeth ouer it and neither hee nor his Place is any more to bee discerned But the LOVING KINDENES of the ETERNALL is from age to age vpon them that fear him and his RIGHTEOVSNES to their childrens children to them that keep his COVENANT remember to doe his VISITATIONS The ETERNALL that hath confirmed his THRONE in Heauen and his KINGDOME in all Domination Blesse the ETERNALL yee his ANGELS that haue mightey Power to doe his COMMANDEMENTS and to hearken vpon the VOYCE of his WORD Blesse the ETERNALL all his EXCERCISE-ERS and MINISTERS that doe his will Blesse the ETERNALL all his WORKES in all places of his Dominion BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVLE CIV BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVL ô ETERN my GOD thou art exceeding great and CLOTHED with REVEREND MAIESTY Putting on the LIGHTE as a Garment and spreading the HEAVENS as a Couertain That maketh his CHAMBER FLOORES vpon the vvaters and his RIDEING vpon the Cloudes and goeth vpon the VVINGES of the vvinde making the VVINDES his MESSENGERS and Flameing fire his MJNISTERS That founded the Earth vpon her stayes that it can not be mooued vvorld vvithout end VVHOM the Deep couereth like a Garment and the VVaters that did stand aboue the Hilles but at the chideing VOJCE of thy THVNDER they make haste to flye the Hilles ascending and the Beaches descending to the Place vvhich thou hast founded for them and hast set a bound that they shall not passe nor return again to couer the Earth That sendeth the Springs into the Brookes running betvveen the Hilles that vvater all the beasts of the feeld the vvilde beasts breake their thirst by vvhich the birdes of Heauen haue their dvvelling and charm out of the thick boughes That from his CHAMBER FLOORES vvatereth the Hilles that vvith the fruit of thy VVORKES the Earth may be satisfied That make-eth grasse to spring for bease and herbes for the seruice of Men that hee may bring foorth bread out of the Earth vvine to cheer a Sorrovvfull-mans hart to make a gladsom Countenance vvith oyle and bread to sustein a sorrovvfull-mans hart that they may bee satisfied vvith the Ceders of Libanon the Trees of the ETERNALL vvhich hee hath planted VVher the birdes doe make their nestes and the Firr Trees are the House of the Stork the highe Hilles are for the Roe-deer and Rockes a succour for the Cunnys Hee made the Moon for Seasons the Sunn to knovv his going dovvn thou puttest foorth Darknes and it is Night VVherin
signe his keeping himself undefile-ed in religion His keeping of Gods word and not denyeing his name and holding his fayth Now Salomon sayth the way of God is strength to the upright man like a Ps. 18. and so may the King well delight in his salvation Ps. 24. hee that looseth his fay●h looseth his strength And this strength in this Psalme is called the morning strength or strength of youth the strength of the Law of God and way of godlynes Which as the adulterers bestow the same upon the harlot and strange woman so they that revolt from it are called adulterers and make the members of righteousnes the mēbers of an harlot Ps. 73. and this is the matter of Davids complaint in this Psalme That God hath left off saveing of him cry hee never so sore and his strength fayleth Psal. 71. and why hee should not be saved by his faith as well as the fathers of the church before him like Hebr. 11. seeing his trust was upon God from his mothers brest and had no other succour but was wholeley cast upon him all his life And why hee receiveth all reproche in the world while they are highly commended that his trust was so notable that hee suffered all kinde of floutes and mocks and skorn for the same His adversity is the terriblest enimyes set upon him in the terriblest manner and hee is as a man without any strength and like a dead man Psal. 88.71 with neither courage nor strength to save himself or face to look upon them But is like water spilt on the ground of no strength quite lost and undon his bones hang not together his hart is molten his marrow is dryed and his tong cleaves to his Iawes and that God hath even turned him to dust They tear him in peeces and quarter him like dogs and lions that hee may see his bones in their mouthes by their looks upon him and his clothes divide-ed among them Now that hee hath made himself so strengthless so helpless so vile in Name and so sore in affliction that of all men hee saw himself moste contemptible and his distresses so nigh hee prayeth to add continuall presence and favour and his speedy might again to deliver him and save him That hee and all that fear God the seed of Iacob and Israel may declare and praise his name in the church and glorifye him and stand in aw of him for his grace and countenance and attendance to the humble and aflicted and they that seek God may feed upon his doctrine with full contentment and refresh their hartes for ever that the ends of all the earth may therby bee converted and haue minde to com to God and Iaphet may dwell in the tents of Sem. And becaus the Kingdom and rule of all nations is Gods that all the fanilyes of the Hethen may bow down and worship before him yea the miserable soules that haue no life in them and are going to their grave may be fed and bow down and worship like him That the gentiles may com in to prais God and serve him and be counted for his children and declare his Iustice and tell what things hee hath don to all that shall be born heerafter The summ af all is this that seeing hee was cast upon the Eternall from his birth and hath had no friend but God in al his life hee that for deliverances had all the praises of Israel and that hee hath committed no aduletry that way Ps. 73. now in extreame distress hee prayeth for speedy comfort and not to bee cast off that hee may also prayse God and so that all people may be fed with his doctrine that even the very hethen may admire it and worship the eternall for his infinite Kingdom and likewise becom his childeren to prais him That God leaveth not his servant in any low estate nor despiseth them for any affliction nor turneth at any time from his servants and children that turn not from him his servants beeing counted for his children and generation that all sortes should seek him and not for any affliction change their God seeing hee is King of all nations Construction The letters are to extinguish or put out from Cabha or to bee extinguished as the seed of the godly shall never bee This is seen in repetition of the word seed of Iacob the seed of Israel the Seed that serveth the Lord and feareth the Eternall shall be an everlasting posterity and no affliction or adversity shall extinguish it That feed upon the word and adore the Eternall Thes words also are repeted as caph to bow ●arang outcasts and afflicted Dust Ashes aged feeble all degrees and kindes of extincts His misery can not extinguish him becaus the unquenchable spirit of the word comforts him Caph a hand for might beth for be ezra helping be as the grammarians call and this sense and wordes is three times repeated Far from may help be not far whē distress is nigh and I haue no helper Ps. 32. Is. 58. and ô Eternall my might make hast to my help as goe the letters so goe their allusions together easy to be marked Genesis The mighty God hath left him helpless and is far off and the just God heareth him not for all his calling Though the fathers triumphed in his deliverance But hee hath his delight in the mercyfull Eternall upon their faith and cryeing to him Their quiescency is their faith his quiescencey is in his fayth in the Eternal and his Kingdom in the help of God The token therof is in El Ejaloth For might the same word in a double forme perfect and imperfect and the words of delivering often repeated and fayth the means of help be gnezra ha El by the help of God Hee is delighted with the invocation upon the Eternall Ps. 14. which also is a reformation of man PSALM XXIII WHen God is sheepheard then is the church the flock Psal. 80. and the scriptures and word of God the pasture hee that in this Psalme is sheepheard in the last and in the Psalme following is King as you see Heer in David findeth such refreshing and releeft in distresses that hee reckoneth himself heerby to abound to be strong and rich in all want and poverty and persecution what soever that hee hath ever stusteined him that hee need not despaire for hee wanteth nothing that is good Ps. 37. Now becaus ingratitude is a theevery and not to restore as great a stealth as taking by force and hee hath received heerin and heerby the high●st blessings that can bee and that they have been his guide his meat his drink his companion his feast his anoyntment his mirth his peace and plenty in darck and cloudy times of adversity and that in the sight of his persecutors and hath still brought him through for his own names sake and to shew the power and strength of his word as in Psal. 22. and therfor from hence hee getteth this
mighty hand and long reaching arm all the wonderfull works in the world of his goodnes and his mercey Psal. 23. and his everlasting Kingdom of kindenes and compassion in cutting off the ungodly and saveing of the Church in thinking upon them in their low estate and setling them in their enimyes land and provideing food for all flesh the unperishing food of his word the searching wherof is the bread of eternall life and an everlasting nuriture So the wicked are visited justly for ignorant worship and workmanship to the sowerth degree of the ungodly and disobedient but his mercy is to last for thousands even for ever to the Godly and obedient rebellion against the word beeing a sinn of witche craft and transgression moste wicked idolatry Ther was no imagination presented or propounded with it but that all tricks formes and fansyes of man wear vain and hatefull and abominable Psal. 119. S. For this Godhead of understanding beeing the God of all possiblity and to whom nothing is impossible or hard but all his wayes are secrets and miraculous in the eyes of man wherby all was made and facioned and revealed preserved and maintened and by perpetuall judgement defended and saveed how absurd then is the imploreing of sensless aide against all rule of creation and against the Kingdom of grace prayed for Yf hee doth the things which no man els doth why beleeve they him not yf not for his own sake yet for his works hee ought to bee beleeved in and trusted unto Therfor that they worship that wonderfull Creator defender and preserver the God of heaven that made the heaven and the earth the sea and all fountains for his infinite works of mercey grace and compassion in his Kingdom by his heavenly light of wisdom reason and knowledge invented disscerned and brought in frame and not so placable Gods of their own makeing wherin against all reason and understanding the Creature is set in place of the Creator and a man worshipeth what hee will and contenteth himself as hee will which is moste monstrous For this invention yeeldeth no correction nor am●ndment and is no part of the Kingdom prayed for seeing no obedience is due to the work of a mans own hands no more then the father should obey the childe or child●en lay up and provide for their parents Therfor who so ever receiveth not the Kingdom of God as a litle childe for correction and obedience hee shall not enter therinto Construction Quoph of Jaquaph to compass by kindenes ps 32. worship and adoreing of the ministers tormentors the contrary Lamed for lerning the word of creation and preservation The Eternall his existens is of so great extent and power and wisdom by his ministry that it maisters all the gods and kings and lords of the world Deut. 10. Ex. 34. The divers vowelling of Iehovah used but once all the psalme intendeth but rule and might and mercie ps 102. repeated according to the letters Iehovah twenty six times Vav a hook or crook hee brought them out c. hee freed them from c. Lord and worship agree Ier. 22. Ps. 8. Mark the repetition The three letters make quolo his voice or word as Ps. 29. Deuteronomy the Ministers are set to prais and bless and worship 1 Cro. 16. so in the last psalme and this the Eternall is the mighty Actor of salvation by his grace Mark the first and last words and the continuall burden of the song for a rehearsall Gods kindenes twenty six times repeated according to the number of 26 made up just by the letters of Jehovah PSALM CXXXVII IN this psalme the Iewes shew care in pleasing God rather than man their Creator Redeemer and Inductor rather than their captiveer and suspender for either they will not sing at all and hang up their harps or if they will have them to sing it shall be that which they have little pleasure to hear for fear of takeing Gods name in vain and transgressing his will in vain rejoyceing in their heavy season against their harts or makeing their enimies mery with their sacred and good things which God would not allow of So that after they have made it a hard thing to sing for people in their case and harder to rejoyce with holy songs of Sion and that they did not think it meet to sing thes holy things among such houndes in a strange and an enimies land yet that the name of Sion and fame of Ierusalem may not be forgotten by them they take down their harps and apply their fingers and looss their tongs from the rooffs of their mouthes to shew that all their joy and delight was in Ierusalem and not with them all their song is nothing but a bitter prayer to God for a terrible revenge and payment upon them That as the Edomites incouraged to destroy Ierusalem to the ground to the utter ruine and desolation of it and no less could content them and the destroying citty Babel performd as much that now God would remember all their dealing and make them happy that should require them treble ps 94. with a merciless revenge and destruction uppon them that ther may be no mercy to the merciless or their children but that it may pleas God to dash them all in peeces against the stones with an utter confusion and destruction of them And this lest they should transgress the third commandment and displeas their God at their enemies request to use his name unprofitabely and deserv new punishment and disobey his known will and be worse beaten than before after their return home And becaus all pleasure is a kinde of idolatry but the true and only worship of God they will not pleas themselves nor their enemies with one word of their lips ps 16. nor shed one drop of prais or sacrifice any commendation to them at all Construction Quoph to compass Captiveers Inthraulers hanging takeing Lamed lerning his tong and hand shall be disused and all cunning forgotten Babel is repeated for a town of confusion and destruction of learning Gen. 11. Ierusalē for perfection alludeing to both mount Sion opposed to the rivers also So weeping and mirth remembring c. by Zain to hear by singing Song the sens rule of relation as the eares are the daughters of songs Eccl. 12. they shall be happy that pay thē with cōfusion that seek it Obadiah mark the repetitiō you shall see the A. B. C. confoūded also by words of purpos under words of song which is also vers he conceals a return or torment Deuteronomy Singing is heer the act of repeating for a memoriall It shall be life eternall to punish persecutors So he hath still minde of his wonderfull way of salvation mark the repeating of these words happy repay dealt down with it c. PSALM CXXXVIII HEaring is the way to Christ and Moses and the Prophets are the Doctors to draw men unto him for they shall be all taught of God
of the kingdom expressed and way of eternall life for a confession celebration or rehearsall PSALM CXLVII BEcause Gods prais is so desireable a thing and so comely and God so good and so pleasant for building Ierusalem as a nest for his Saints and a Synagogue of all the Church to salve all their dispersion cure their broken har●s bindeing up their grief keeping the number of all his starts ministers in the book of life and makeing a catalogue of them becaus their lord is of great power and of infinite understanding continueing the lowly makeing the weakest to last longest and humbling the wicked and proudest and strongest to the ground for covering the heavens of understanding with parabolicall clouds and makeing lerning to rain on the earth and grass and food for all creatures that call for it and hath his onely delight and pleasure in them that fear him and wait for his kindenes and not in mans desires or humane delights as ps 37.33 Because hee hath made their citty strong gates of salvation by the doctrine of the Prophets to keep it as ps 127 and blessed their children with the comfort of the word of God within it as ps 28.29 and peace and plenty of fine wheat flower in all her borders sending out his word and servants that most speedily runn through the whole land that when a winter season of frost and snow and hard clumpers of ice are cast out to possess the intractable hearts of men to correct the stubbornnes of man and to mollifie their hardnes and to make them more fruitfull and to add strength unto them for increas and multiplication of them hee by and by sendeth his spirit the south and warm winde of his word and thaweth them and they yeeld doctrine that no other nation should know his judgements which follow properly after the commandements as just payments for the breaches of them and a perfect recompens of all mens works giveing them waight for waight and measure for measure Therfor according to ps 92. hee willeth to prais God and chant out his prais and becaus his wisdom in this psalm is so infinitely set out as his speciall property heer hee ascribeth that unto him and willeth that they sing psalms to him with thanks on the harp ps 92 and that Ierusalem and Sion above all should commend and prais him for their so great benefit for the service of him ps 92. Furthermore haveing done with the preacher hee commeth now to the sermon which is righteosnes and this is the content of all the Scriptures and summ of them the word of God and sword of the spirit which hee handleth ps 141· Therfor in this psalm hee reckoneeth the books of the bible as Ovid reckoned the books of Virgill Am. Eleg. 15. then fo this work and authority and first the five books of the Law then the first Prophets conteining Iosuah Iudges Samuel and Kings the charets and horsmen of Israel and lastly the sixteen last Prophets the strong barrs of the citty gates of Ierusalem as ps 127. the garrison of peace in their borders and plentifull provision of chois blessings within it with sweet annotations for mention of them wherein hee sheweth that although God hath given the church the cup of his wrath to taste and sent them the hard weather of his swift judgement by the law of condemnation and makeing their hearts as cold as hard as a stone yet turning the winde about ther commeth a thaw of comfortable doctrine out of the Prophets to save them So that the whole Scriptures and scope of them and the iudgements and prescripts and comfort and salvation beeing onely known unto the Church all the world could not compare with them as ps 47. And heerin is the pleasantnes and sweetnes of the everlasting And this is a most seemly prais and that which best becommeth Preachers and that which they are bound unto Construction Quoph to compass or invireon by the building of Ierusalem by the walls borders and limits that contein them Lam. 3. g. seeing the termination of the word Ierusalem is peace another part of the kingdom Mark the doubling of the word kindes of compassing gathering bindeing and summing or telling c. Scatter Mem waters his saying word prescripts judgements sending drop waters rain thaweth snow frost ice and cold for properties Zain to hear or make to hear by the coactive sens and this is by words of declaration tell number declare all doubled His hearing is by contenting them that call and giveing them dayly food and sustenance of the word Miqra the Scripture and accepting of them Mat. 6.4 to them that hee delighteeth in and wait for his kindenes Mark the doubling and definition bread wheatenflower morsels c. according to Quemach the number of the next psalm which is flower or meal Deuteronomy The confession heer is in all kindes of words of prais and commendation of the eternall in three places of the psalm For his sundry acts of his way of eternall life in sundry manners by Ierusalem for his goodnes to them and especiall regard of them Mark the doubling PSALM CXLVIII IN this psalm because Gods words and commandments have formed them and made them that they are hee willeth that of right and by good reason they should all creatures in the world do his commandment and set forth his prais out of heaven in the highest as ps 92. and that hee willeth his angels and ministers of his church and all the army of them beeing the whole hoste of heaven and heavenly sanctuary to doo And out of the earth all the instruments and organs of his wrath ps 72.18 that are his executioners as in the Revelation that they prais him the great mountains and kingdoms of the world the most glorious trees and liveing creatures to prais and commend his creation and the installing of man to a second and a better wisdom of repentance and amendment of life and reformation and regeneraon of the Church of God that bringeth still their salvation and all sorts of people to doo the same Becaus his name onely is to bee exalted and his worship spread above and over all the earth and the heaven and all ●lements psal 68. for exalting the church For now is salvation in heaven by a cleer judgement and separation of the clean from the unclean and just to life and the unjust to damnation by his message of ill angels ps 90. the whirling and side-long wheeles of Gods angry judgement Is. 5. Ezek. 10. Like tempestuous whirlwindes from the creation Gen. 1. That all the starrs of the ministry should prais God out of the Scriptures in lofty stiles for their glorious creation and limitation from the Law even the angels that sail above the heavens in the waters therof as Abraham Isaac and Iacob and the tribes Moses and Aaron and the Levites and all low degreees of crea●ures either by sinne or destiny to prais him
out his handy worke Day vpon day and night vpon night it vttereth speech and manifesteth knowledge and in all languages their tonge is vnderstood For their Rulles goe over all the erth and their wordes are heard in the farthest part of the worlde In them hath hee made a dwelling for the SVNN that riseth like a Bridegroome coming out of his Bride Chamber cheerfull like a strong man to runn a race The end of all the Hevens is his going out and his compasse towards the endes thereof that nothing can be hid from the heat thereof The LAW of the ETERNALL is most perfect and converteth the minde his Testimony is faithfull to advise the simple The Statutes of the ETERNALL are plain and cheere the hart The Commandement of the ETERNALL is pure and lighteneth the eyes the feare of the ETERNALL continueth euer cleare the Iudgements of the ETERNALL are true and Iust. They are better to mee then gold yea then much fine gold and sweeter then honny and the dropping of the honny combes Yea by them is thy Servant warned and for keeping of them I haue good reward There is no man that vnderstandeth all his owne faultes wherefo●e clense mee from my hidden ones and restrain thy Servant from proud presumptions that they doe not overcome mee That I may be perfect and cleere of much transgression and all my wordes and thoughts be in acceptation before thee ô ETERNALL my Creator and Redeemer XX. For the Cheeff A Psalme of David THE ETERNALL heare thee in thy destresse the CALLING vpon the God of Iacob fortifie thee and send the help from his Holy place and support from Sion and thinke vpon thy meat offerings and fatten thy burnt offerings surely and giue the thy hartes desire and fullfill thy minde That wee may sing out vpon thy salvation and in the NAME of our God put vp our coulours Now I know the Eternall saveeth his anointed by the vertuous salvation of his right hand and heareth him from the heavens of his Sanctuary Som set their mindes on chariots and som on horses but wee make allwayes mention of the NAME of our God the Eternall They haue crouched and are fallen but wee stand vp and are yet remaining The ETERNALL save the King and heare vs when wee call XXI For the Cheeff A Psalme of David O ETERNALL let the King reioyce in thy STRENGTH and be very glad for thy Salvation Thou hast given him what his heart could wish and denyed him nothing that his lips requested Surely Thou hast set before him many blessings and hast put a crowne of fine gold vpon his head and thou hast giuen him the life hee asked of thee long dayes everlasting and perpetuall Great is his glory by thy Salvation worship and honour thou hast layd vpon him because thou puttest vpon him blessings perpetually and makest him cheerfull before thee and seing the King trusteth in the ETERNALL by the Grace of the moste High hee shall not bee mooved Let thy hand finde out all thine Enimies and thy right hand them that hate thee Sett them as a firy oven at the time of thy presence that the ETERNALL in his anger may devour them and his fire consume them Destroy their fruit and let their seed fade away from among men for intending euill against thee and imagining mische●ff beyond their might Set them as a butt and vpon thy string make ready against their facees Be thou exalted ô ETERNALL in thy STRENGTH that wee may sing out thy power and chaunt thy worthynes XXII For the Cheeff vpon Ajeleth Hashahar A Psalme of David MY God my mighty God why hast thou left mee and art farre from my Salvation considering my roaring My God I cry all day and thou answerest not and all night and haue no attendance and thou the Holy one that inhabitest all the PRAYSES of Israel In thee our Fathers trusted and thou reskuedst them to thee they cryed and were delivered in thee they trusted and were never abashed But I am as a worm and not a man the skorn of men and the basest of all the people every one that seeth mee mocketh mee and they lett passe with their lips wagging their heads Hee trusted in the ETERNALL let him reskew him let him deliver him because hee hath delight in him Because thou wast my creeping out of the belly and my trust vpon my mothers brest vpon thee was I cast from the bearing and thou hast been my MIGHTY God from my Mothers womb ô bee not thou farre from mee when my destresse is at hand and there is none to help mee Many mighty bulles of Bashan inviron mee about they com with open mouthes vpon mee like roaring and preying Lions My bones are fallen out of ioint my hart is like molten wax in the midle of my bowells and I am powered out like water my virtue is as dry as a sheard and my tong steeks to my iawes and thou puttest mee even in the dead dust For a company of malitious doggs are come about mee and like Lions teare mee hand and foot They stand looking on mee while I tell all my bones they divide my clothes among them and cast lotts for my garments but thou ô ETERNALL be not farre from mee make haste to help mee ô my MIGHTY-ONE Deliver my life from the sword and my solitary soul from the doggs save mee from the Lions denn and from the Vnicorns hornes receive mee I may declare thy Name to my Bretheren and in the midle of the congregation praise thee All yee that feare the ETERNALL praise yee him yee that are of Iacobs SEED glorifie him and all yee the SEED of Israel stand in aw of him For he doth not despise nor disdain the MISERY of the afflicted nor hideeth his face from him but heareth him when hee cryeth vnto him From thee shall bee my Praise in the great Congregation and I will pay my vows before them that feare him that the lowly ones may eat their fill they that seek him praise the ETERNALL that your harts may be refreshed perpetually Let all the endes of the erth haue minde to com to the ETERNALL and all families of the Hethen worship before thee For all KINGDOM is the ETERNALLS hee rulleth the Nations Let all the ashes of the erth worship and eat and all that are going to dust and they whose liues haue no
from the Paradise and church of God Gen. 2. for the rivers of Doctrine flowing hence Ther is a well of life in the Law and a great depth of judgement in the word of God and the righteousnes therof the light to walke by the wicked are proud and skorn it and are condemned for their extreame trespas against it and therfore hee prayeth for grace out of it that pride of minde lead him not into temptation nor wicked counsell draw him to fall into the damnation of it like them that never rise again which is an utter defection for want of grac● the fear of God Ps. 34. Construction Lamed lerning The doctrine heer is grace and reprobation or approbation and rejection the one word answering to the other by the like repetition ech thrise to import it Which are the contrary studyes of the Godly and the wicked The one calleth for Gods favour or his kindenes which is life ther is a fountain of it that will never be drawen dry and an everlasting light yf it shine upon us the other studyeth nothing but greeff and molestation so kindenes and greeff be the wordes repeated And hee maketh nothing of sinn The word Gnenau his eyes commeth twise in a hard construction to shew it The letter Vau for a hook or crook is for the instrument of drawing of the same kindenes by a metaphor for lerning which is a kinde of drawing as wee draw knowledge out of the word And this instrument Christ used that the woman of Samaria perceived not Likewise pride and the powerfull hand of the wicked draweth to damnation as pride goeth before the fall Prov. 16. the two letters together Lo doe signify property or habit to wit his or belonging to him In the first wordes the wickeds habit is shewen by which hee is condemned in the next Gods property by which all are saved that love it And this for a standing or falling perpetuall Genesis He beginneth with the wickeds trespass and endeth with his utter fall and defection which sheweth that of him and of his end hee speaketh The letters Aven for the word greeff bee defective letters also Lamed which is intended by a repetition a construction Chadal to Leav off and Maas to refuse betoken the defectives also and utter falling PSALM XXXVII HEe exhorteth to that heavenly kingdom of Christ that is fayth patience in all distress For allurements therto hee propoundeth to the just prosperity cleernes of judgement everlasting success continuance upon earth harts desire peace after affliction satiety in time of dearth certainty and blessing in proceeding unguiltynes in judgement and all help salvation and deliverance from the Eternall And willeth them not bee troubled at the wicked course and prosperity of naughtie men as Psal. 79.73.86 seeing the end of them their posterity is suddain whē they once persecute the Iust like growing grasse that is in the flower cut to wither and not suffered to seed Ps. 92.109 and like a brave Imp that is soon broke-en off or dyeth So vanisheth and consumeeth all their bravery honour and advancement like smoke in the ayer that love not God The note of the Iust man is compassion bountyfullnes liberality and consolation in the Eternall wise comunication and dayly meditation on the Law of God that hee fall not The note of the wicked hee ever worketh and deviseth by all meanes against the just hee hath not pitty and will borrow not pay again hee will not bestow but rob Now because in this Psalme the just mans part is true meaning waiting for the Eternall trusting and delighting in him that is the observing of his Law shunning evill and dooing of good the beginning of wisdom and understanding the form of the Psalme is an A B Cc like instruction in the Hebrew That ther bee no imprudencey left to God his spirit heer is exposition of every letter in the Rew. Therfor mark the interruption mark the Iteration the acceptation and imbraceing of som and reprobation and exprobation of other letters of the rew and the generall allusion to the termes of them as Nun yong c. that yf they would wait 430 yeers Quoqh Shin Lamed in Quoph they should inherit the land Canaan mark the letters Tsar Tsade Resh for Tsadiq and Rashang the righteous and the wicked Therfor mark the replenishing of the mouth and minde of the righteous in Tsade and the Arring and currishnes of the wicked by this Iteration of all these Arres and Gnains in his Raithi or the letter Arr or Resh Persius Sat 1. wher is taught 400. also And leaving out Gnain in the rew c. to shew the cutting off of the wicked beeing the last letter of the term Rashang for his posterity and the blessing of the righteous with peace and prosperity Ps. 128. and long life Psal. 34. and posterity in Shalom the holding out of the Iust 930 the yeers of Adam as Ps. 144. in Tsel a shadow Tom va jasher in Shin for the space from the promiss to the Temple of Salomon likewise the same number from the Temple to Christ all perfection and uprightnes even twise 930. as in Quoph also And thus in the Chronicle from the promiss to Christ the Prince of Peace with many a gooly stage of salvation refreshing of fayth Psal. 25. Out of his experience of the Law his fayth hee prayeth the Church to be patient and wait a while And they shall haue peace enough and the wicked shall be cutt off and the inheritance shall be theirs shewing that the birth of righteous men hath a painfull travaile but a comfortable and a joyfull deliverance at last as Ps. 34. Construction Lamed lerning The doctrine heer is the way of God Psal. 1. the truthe and life Io. 14. the Law and Gospell of Christ the end wherof is salvation by righteousnes and judgement The meanes is patience and the Enimy anger For all helps are lost by not indureing and impatience and headynes and rashnes and hasty malice which is the speedy cutting off of the wicked For by this their attempts turn all against themselves but God helpes the Godly because they beleeve wait for his promiss By their patience they are made perfect and by perfection are they prolonged to Eternity For all his speech and thoughts are of the wisdom and judgement of the Law of God and all his steps according to that brest plate the power of God and induement of his sainctes that his carriage failes not The letter Zain for conception and apprehension is the same The repetition of these wordes shall proov it Way Iudgement help salvation wait and rely rescue c. right and perfection Lamed and Zain together is Laz to decline from this true way which is abomination to the Lord and therfor are such justly and speedily cutt off Vau abounding in the last verse out of his place sheweth that God is saveing redeeming and
PSALM XCII MOste sweetly by the fowerth doth this Psalm hang to the former two for that Psalme hath all partes of the th●ee Haveing obteined their request and deliverance from evill dayes they can not but bee merry and sing the wayes and wo●kes of the Eternall with solemn worship evening morning to advance his Name Which they acknowledge to bee a benefit of high transscendence and excellent consequence to them and past the understanding of the beastly and froward kinde of men which is let the wicked the Molesters of the Church and the Enimyes of God flowerish never so well and look never so green they note they shall bee rooted out for ever and perish as Ps. 109. and bee soon dissevered one from an other and all their combination frustratee● when God shall survive for ever and hold up the horn and glory of his Church with a fresh anoyntment And they shall have a whispering intelligence out of the word by examples of all plottes and practises against them and shall behold their Tormentors as plain as in a glass And they the Iust as Ps. 36. shall bee green and flowe●ish in their age bee in good likeing that are planted in the hous of God and grow as upright as Cedars to shew the uprightenes of the Eternall and their rock that ther is no wrong in him This from Eden the garden and plantation of God Gen. 2. for the Congregation Construction Tsadeh for meat or food and this is the Sabbath instruction out of the word of God the continuall praising and preaching therof the Sabbath service early and late hee makeeth it meat and drink to think upon and relate his creation Psal. 1. of so deep a cogitation Hee dealeth upon the effect as far of feeding with fresh oyle I am all perfused c. Deut. 32. Ne. 9. Prov. 21. to wit oiley o● fat Again they shall bee still farr and fresh c. that bee preachers of righteousnes Beth a hous the second letter for the plantation of his hous and courts and congregation And bothe the letters make Tsab or Tsaba to play the minister or to exercise the Ministry and leitourgy of the church to tell out c. to declare c which is to feed The food is Kindenes and faythfullnes and uprightnes c. also a kinde of feeding is seen by a flourishing and prospering and freshnes and greenenes Tsab also of Iatsabh to stand or abide Eljon above or surmounting as between God and his Enimyes is heer plainly argued Mark the repetition of the wordes for the eternity of the godly life and the vanity and frailty of the contrary This for the same number of verses must be considered to think of Iah for Iehovah 15. in bothe Mark the relation to Eljon All alludes to Eljon the Highe Numbers The wildernes heer is the sottish rude bruteish and froward kinde of people and wrong dooers and enimyes to the creation of Man and all reformation of manners which are against all culture and manureance of the church Thes for their wickednes in all their prime flower are supplanted rooted out perish When Gods hous and plantation and colony of the just shall flowerish with all manner of prosperity for ever It is a good thing to be thankfull for our reformation and to be disciplined unto eternall life Mark the repetition of wordes and also of kindes PSALM XCIII THis Psalme farther prooveth the benefit of the Sabbath service which according to Ps. 29. setteth out the strength and statelynes of the Ministry that at this time and place the word of God beareth swey that amaseeth judgeeth and confirmeth all the world It is the pretious attire of the Eternall imagined by the costly jewells stones and softnes of rayment which the priesthood ware Wherfor to this psalme and the former and the rest of the sabbath belongeth the whole epistle to the Hebrewes much of the revelation and Ezekiel and a great part of Exodus all buissines of the Tabernacle The Eternall is the righteousnes of the word of God and his Throne the Scriptures bo●h ancient of dayes from everlasting antiquity the gaynes of habit and ornament therof is wisedom and the cincture truthe which is the whole strength and stay of the world and this is the law of God that holdeth all the world uprighte The rivers great waters and the seas all the degrees of the Heathen have lofty things to utter but the word of God far passeth all His Testimonyes and Law his protestation and covenant bee moste firme things and sure to leane unto ther is no fault or dissembling in them and that makeeth the holynes of his hous for which all the world have their affection and resort therunto as long as the world lasteth Construction Tsade for meat or food which is heer the word of God Deut. 8. Math. 4. intended by the iterateing of the termn voice as the moste high voice of the Cryer in the wildernes Math. 3. Mark 1. Luc. 3. Io. 1. Is. 52.40 the preaching of the word the raigneing and prevailing of the righteousnes therof what a wonderfull and everlasting nourishment the kingdom of God yeeldeth to the Godly and appetite of the faythfull after their creation and reformation It yeeldeth food and rayment Is. 59. Math. 6. Ps. 29. The word is indued with high excellencey and with great might And this is the strong angelicall food Ps. 78. Io. 6. even fayth the holynes of his hous mark all the repetition and relation to the Sabbath Ghimel hath a contrary sens heerunto as to wayne and may not bee useed heer but is useed in the next peece wher Daleth is spareed becaus it maketh the first letter by spelling Both the letters make Tsag of Iatsag to constitute or place For the place or constitution church or assembly Numbers The paradise of God Gen. 2.3 a place moste expetible and desireable a Kingdom and Dominion raised out of rudenes a requiteing and bearing down of the Nations called the waters by the waters of the Law farr excelling with all power and Glory and sanctification everlasting inclosed PSALM XCIV NOw when righteousnes reigneth is a time for the Church to call for Iudgement upon their oppressours Seeeing God that is the Iudge of the world doth hear and see and understand all the workes of the proud and wicked heathen and correcteth them and bringeth them to knowledge beyond and contrary to their imaginations hee well knowing the vanity of mens thoughtes Now seeing Iudgement is according to Iustice and answereth to all upright mindes after the Law they are sure to doe well and prosper at the last notwithstanding their correction Which beeing for the Law and for rest dureeth but while a pit of utter destruction is in makeing for the wicked which as great bodyes moove slowly so their end beeing delayed is surviveed by Iustice and patience at last Hee that makeeth the senses is not sensless but full of light and full of
the kingdom of heaven for the righteousnes and peace and salvation therof For this hee sheweth all kinde of of rejoycieing approoving therof amendment of life and a welcom singing leaping daunceing vaunting of all creatures and boasting and publishing therof which is the meat offering in his courtes at Ierusalem the joy of all the earth for the raigning of righteousnes and of the word And so commeth the kingdom of heaven to bee meat and drink by joy in the holy ghost and a heavenly delight in the power and glory therof the prevailing of the word in man and the lustre of a godlye life Mark the wordes and the insisting theron For Vav a crook or to take hold hee dealeth by the contrary to give and offer and bow unto and doo reverence and worship and tremble by the word yeeld c. Take up presents c. Mark the iteration Tsav of Tsivvah both the letters signify commend commaund or bequeath or send to the same purpose for the comming of the kingdom for which wee pray Math. 6. As all kingdom is with power and strength and commande Ps. 68. Numbers The wildernes heer is the wilde nations and marches of the Heathen wher the word of God and this Kingdom of a godly man is to bee preached and published all abroad to setle them in a sound doctrine that they may never bee moved more What a delight they have to entertain it what a rejoyceing and a welcom is at the comming of righteousnes Is. 52. when the nations bee conquered by it and the church increased mark the doubling of the word Hethen Nations familyes people c. what a God hee is in respect of their Idoles that is so to bee commended mark the charge bless him preach him tell out his glory c. And this for true and righte Iudgement the stay of the whole world Mark the doubling again PSALM XCVII THe kingdom of heaven of righteousnes and of God is not with outward observation but hee reigneth in darknes with a cloud about him in a dark and obscure stile of speaking that his Enimyes may not perceive him For right judgement and understanding of the minde is his Throne and the fire of the Law hee sets before him that burns round about his foes The flashes of his lightnings make all the earth afrayed and the hartes of great kingdomes the Mountains of the world to melt as wax at his presence and to becom soft and yeeld unto him And his Glory beeing like the heavens putteth down all idolatry and bragging worship and saveth his gratious ones from the wicked and to preserve their lives by forsakeing of ill by that subintellectuall light which is preached unto them And for these benefits may the Ilandes rejoyce and triumph keep holy Sabbath for the peace that preserveth their trade Mount Sion and Iudah for his Iudgements and advauncement of their God aboue all the Godly for their preservation and the just for light and understanding Construction Tsade for meat or food which is the delight which they have in the Kingdom of God and raigning of righteousnes by preaching and instruction of the Sabbath that all the earth may bee glad of And also for Gods excellent Iudgements of Zion Ps. 19. to rejoyce in Another part of the kingdom of God is his judgement and punishment sevenfold upon his foes when hee teacheth the Godly and his deer ones how to save their lives and this by fire work of his wrath out of the Law before him according to the letter Zain for sevenfold Mark the doubling of both partes of the throne the one part is of justice and of light and the other of darknes and of firey judgement The buissines of rejoyceing is all over light to the righteous and judgement upon the wicked that the earth tremble at Mark all the repetitions and relative speeches for that Numbers The wildernes heer is Gods Enimyes opposed to his beloved and deer ones and the Idolaters of the Nations and Image-makeers they are the cheeff that bee daunted and abashed at his Glory inviteed to his worship for his excelling of all Gods for judgements beeing Lord of all the earth Mark the relation and repetition between light and darknes God and Idoles rejoyceing c. And this for the glory of the kingdom PSALM XCVIII WOnderfull strange workes of salvation hath the Everlasting wrought by the Dexterity of his holy ministry and his righteousnes in the Law called his right hand and holy Arm even in the sight of the heathen which hee fullfilled in carrying them through the sea and drawing them out of mighty waters as Ps. 18. beeing kinde and faithfull to Israel that all the world have taken notice of the salvation of their God Therfor now they are to sing a new song unto him And that with all solemnity and greatest triumph that can bee before their king with Iubeling and chaunting psalmes and sonets with hart and musicall voice with shrill soundes of trumpets that the sea and all that is in it the world and all the dwellers in it rivers and hills and all creatures wher ever men goe may thunder and sound out Echoes of Ioy and gladnes and rejoyce and keep holy day before him hee commeth to judge the earth that judgeth all justly divideing the word Construction Tsade for meat or food They are fed with the great joy of his salvation by revelations and cleer interpretations of his mysteryes and hid things of the word Act. 14. Ier. 15. At his comming and raigning with righteousnes Eph. 3. and a cleer judgement within them Wherto all the world ought to bee obedient they are made wise unto salvation and to judge right with in them selves His food of mercy and truth they live by Mark the repetition salvation wonderfull work and reveled made known remembred and see relatives Mark the doubling of all the words reacting his prais joy The two letters Tsach cleer or to cleer Is. 66. by loudnes shrillnes plainnes c. the letter Cheth for fear is spareed becaus of the insisting upon rejoyceing the contrary Numbers The wildernes is implyed by the Heathen the endes of the earth and the confuseed world and her inhabitants that before the comming of the word unto them were without God in the world or any true judgement unto salvation to delight in Mark the repetition word judge justly c. They must needs therfor greatly rejoyce at the comming therof PSALM XCIX HOw bewtifull are the feet of him that preacheth good tideings and bringeth news of peace and salvation in his lips Now Righteousnes raigneth in the Ministers the Angels and Cheru●s woe bee to the Gentiles and nations of the Heathen And while God is so great in Zion and so farr exalted above them they were best to incline to his Kingdom and worship his Name that is so great so reverend and so holy For all the strength of a Kingdom is the lov●ing of Iudgement and prepareing
judgements of God upon Israel though long euen seventy sevenfold Gods justice cuts the band of wrong and sets them at libertie and releaseth them out of the hands of Satan their captivity sore distress Caph bowing or stooping is the plowing upon their backs and oppressing of them by so long ridges upon them there is a ridge of furrows and a ridge of a house or hous top for a back as they torment one kinde that the other may fail and they may turn the back Caph a hand also for holding and griping c. oppression is rewarded with improsperitie as the wicked keep down the Church so they accursed for want of maintenance do fade Teth to decline and bow also for the soil where the tillage is Mark the repetition of the words Hee is still in the story of Abraham hee will curs them that curs him c. Gen. 12. Ps. 80. Deuteronomy Hee observeth the frequent and sore adversity of Israel from a childe yet God still mainteined them and cut off their enimies therefore they should justly confess him They that hate the church shall be accursed PSALM CXXX THis is the way unto Abrahams bosom this way men know Abraham and keep him company in the kingdom of God prepareing for grace and mercy and not for justice and judgement Ps 143. The Church weighing their iniquity and their suffering they finde their afflictions nothing to their deserts And weighing their afflictions with the glory that they look for they finde their crosses short of it and not to be accounted worthy of such an eternall weight as is promised to the children of God by their adoption which live in admiration of all spirituall glory and not of temporall things which by suffering are made heirs and com unto the kingdom of God and so rare and so high a calling and freedom from corrupt slavery of sinn For this cause is every creature of God brought under hope and waiteth continually to see their day of redemption and considering their vanity with unexpressible fervency grone for it and the spirit that knoweth their minde helpeth them By which hope and long waiting in as much as it is with all stedfastnes as Ps. 40. they get their degree in the kingdome of God and are saved with much rejoycing and continuall prayer never to be ashamed of This hope commeth by patience and comfott of the scriptures becaus all thes afflictions happen to him for love to the word and observing Gods commandements Ps. 119. Z. Sh Which hope is laid up for them in heaven to be fullfilled with all knowledge and spirituall understanding and the mystery of God by the grace of God And heerof have you for example Noah Daniel and Iob their blessed end This hope is for things not to bee seen all things working for the best thus their degree to bee predestinated and called and chosen and justified and glorified and saved Therfor no tribulation nor no persecution nor famine nor nakednes nor perill nor sword nor any other adversity or prosperitie loss or preferment present or future high or low or any thing els in the world can cut off their waiting for this glory and this kingdom but they shew themselves approved in all things and tryed men in all crosses of the world which are the very Accents of holines And for this is their uncessant calling upon God in their deep distresses not to regard their sinnes and iniquities but seeing he was so reverend for pardon and forgivenes and was so kinde and so full of redemption which is the hope of Gods calling and that he would hear him and set Israel in the right way forgive him and redeem him and this with an exceeding hope more then that of the watchmen for their r●st Construction Quoph to compas iniquities Ps. 49. Deeps Ion. 2. Ps. 69. where ther is no standing so all are cast by iniquities which have hold of them Lamed learning is waiting and attending and contending redemption and forgivenes and releas of captivity and bondage of the divell and all their enimies Is. 64. Ier. 33.31 Prov. 16. Neh. 9. Hos. 14. both the letters make Quol a voice the Lords attention and revealing of his word releaseth and redeemeth being full of pardon and grace Quol is taken also for word which is the promised forgivenes and redemption from tr●spass This belongeth to Rulers and therfor Lord is doubled Quol also is thunder which is terrible judgement out of the word that no man is able to abide it Qual is gentle light and easy as is forgivenes Mark well the repetition of all the termns and reckoning of the kindes of voices waitings and forgivenes c. His waiting is to be set once free of his crosses and his incumbrances which he calls iniquities by proper grace of the Eternall Like a servants waiting for his maisters comming Mat. 24. Deuteronomy It is wrought upon the story of Iacobs wrestling Gen. 21.32 Hos. 12. and waiting and earnest request is a kinde of wrestling for grace As Iacob wrestled so Israel must wait Mark the doubling of Israel and repeating of Lord so oft to signifie might and power of prevailing uppon El in Isra-el the mighty And this reciteth a wonderfull grace and blessing of God and kindenes to his people PSALM CXXXI BLessed are the poor in spirit the lowly and meek the humble and quiet minded men and such as suffer persecution for righteousness for they shall raign and excell in heavenly gifts and also inherit the earth Ps. 37. And be called the children of God O Zion behold thy king commeth meekly sitting uppon an ass By meeknes and gentlenes every thought and imagination against God and every high thing is cast down and captiveed and subdued and made nothing worth for all the kingdome of God is in suffering and willing and gentle submission and obedience by which by haveing themselves in command they overcome and cast down invincible holds A little contenteth these men and all things are bestowed upon them they seek the celestiall kingdome and riches of godlines and want nothing that is good so as when they suffer it is in hope and also in meeknes not grudgeing nor resisting nor murmuring therfor he subdueth his mind from high conceits and far and forrein hopes and great and secret things to the plain and easy things of the law and commandments neer at hand and hard by him In this subjection he hath his minde by the Law that meekly waiteth on him like a wainling so that the Law and hee are inseparable and his minde alwayes a companion with God by haveing his word alwayes in his mouth and in his heart and thus he would have Israel wait upon God for ever Construction Quoph to compass is heer the compassing of the heart the wilde affection of the minde Eccl. 7. Is. 10. Ps. 101. Pro. 6. known by thes tokens the lust of the flesh and of the eyes and pride of life all worldly
pitty and compassion for his long patience and great benignity kindenes for his goodnes and mercyes to and over all his works because his Kingdom and power and glory is eternall for susteining them that are falling and in decay and setting upright them that are declineing and giving all things their meat in due time and liberally and freely and bountifully satisfyeing all living creatures with his open handes For his justice in all his wayes and kindenes upon all his creatures of his Church for his neernes to them that call upon him faithfully by performing what soever they request and hearing them and saveing them and destroying all the wicked as Psal. 92. That therfor seeing this Kingdom is of this kinde of heavenly operation not of the world which is the seed of the word sowen in the hart of man to govern him hee now as in the conclusions of all the rest of the books exalteth greatly this God and King of his and blesseth his name and the calling upon him for ever and ever Which exaltation and hallowing of his Name is a new work after the petition is ended to finish all which shall last for ever as Psal. 111 for makeing him sundry wayes ripe in the word of God and cherishing him therwith for setting him in the doctrine that lasteth for ever and ever That ever generation from the beginning to the end might prais his workes and the power therof And that hee will esteem the glory of his worshipp and tell of his wonderfull acts by the mystery of the priesthood and that they may speak of and confess the reverendnes and the strength of all his worship as Psa. 92 and mighty terrors ps 90. Hee hath thus reckoned his magnificence and greatnes that all his works and holy creatures might confess him and bless him and tell out his glory ps 57. and speak of his power to make known to all the children of men his powers and most inestimable glory of his kingdom that all eyes do wait for for their food of wisdom and understanding which is never out of season ps 1. For which he would that his mouth should alwaies speak Gods prais and all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever Construction Quoph of Jaquaph to compass or circuit as 1. K. 7. Heerto hee bringeth the greatness of his mercy and huge extent of his kingdom and power and glory therof by his infinit working without all circuit or bounds to receive all that call Mem waters for a kingdom rule domination Is. 8. the king is Jehovah as ps 24. by the curious takeing of the letters of his name in a new spelling of Iehovah for Iod He and Vav his miracles glory and mercy the salvation is the Scriptures for his kingdom of drawing and allureing when men hear and read and are ruled by them which is the calling upon them and serching them drawing and governing Ier. 31. Is. 54. Io. 6. behold for the admirable glory and shineing of it in all his creatures as by all words of utterance and declaration Quamah to stand or endure for the eternity perfection and infinite stature of his name for his exaltation and therfor the defective letter Nun or N. is left out of the row of the A. B.C. also Quamah for a field of standing corn Mark the doubleing of the words in all Deuteronomy The confession is the continueing of words of declartion of his acts of eternall life and wonderfull kindenes and way and workes of salvation and exaltation of his name Mark the repetition PSALM CXLVI IN this psalme hee considereth that hee will make his confidence sure and then spend all his life in prais and psalmes unto his God as ps 92. Therfor takeing away all vanity of worldly confidence hee seeketh the heavenly happines therof that the God of Sion and the Church and his righteousnes is to reign for ever and to bee exalted and praised Therfor heer as ps 118. hee willeth not to trust in unchariritable princes or any human men which know not the high wisdom of God nor the depth of the mysterie therof determined for the glory and safety of the Church which have no salvation or help in them that by and by consume and turn to earth as soon as the breath is out of them and in the same day all their estimation and reputation and thoughts are at an end and perish hee now sheweth a more than fleshly revelation to them that love him that is the godly of a sound rock to build upon that spirituall things must be set to spirituall things our faith in spirituall charity becaus God is spirit and this a healing faith hee commendeth greatly the beleeff in God and his word the Creator maintainer and restorer of all things and the happines of him that reposeeth all his help and hope in him setting him forth by his heavenly properties Tell Iohn what things ye have seen a preserver of truth and keeper of faithfullnes for ever a Releever of the oppressed and a graunter of his request and a righter of their caus a feeder of them that hunger for him a resolver of all that be tyed in ignorance and doubt or haesitation a giver of sight and knowledge to the blinde and unlearned and a streighter and director of them that bee of a wrong and a crooked opinion or lame and declining in their understanding and a lover of them that be right and most charitablely preserveth strangers with hospitality and mainteineth parents for orphans and husbands for widdowes as ps 68. a perverter crosser of all the wayes works of wicked men as ps 1 that they may perpetually bee seen to perish and com to naught the everlasting God and his most charitable word of righteousnes the God of Sion that reigneth and helpeth for ever for all ages and throghout all generations And thus much concerning a right beleeff confidence as in the 15 psalmes of deg●ees as uppon the end of the petition Construction Quoph to compass hee keepeth 2 Kin. 11 salvation for walles Is. 26. faith salveth thy faith hath made thee whole c. Mem waters Lam. 3. G. the working doctrine of the Kingdom of the king God Iehovah Eternall the works of righteousnes great works of God by the word doeing makeing for his mighty reforming of all sorts Is. 42. Mark the repetition for one part of the kingdom Vau a hook or crook faith hope and love for affection and appetite the distinction and opposition of his trust The tree letters Quomo are for the raiser and comforter Is. 26.42 the opposition is God and man the one a releever and a reformer of the godly of all sortes Am 7. and the other a decayer Is. 2. God is an euerlasting erecter and helper of his and an overthrower of the wicked Mark the repetition Deuteronomy The praising and blessing of the Eternall doth intend his miraculous Acts and works of eternity and