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A13339 The amendment of life comprised in fower bookes: faithfully translated according to the French coppie. Written by Master Iohn Taffin, minister of the word of God at Amsterdam.; Traicté de l'amendement de vie. English Taffin, Jean, 1529-1602. 1595 (1595) STC 23650; ESTC S118083 539,421 558

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whereof the one doth signifie Be ye better aduised or learne to know your ignorance or fault and the other as much as if wee should saie Returne and conuert By the first the holy Ghost teacheth that it is a great folly to offend God considering that God exhorting vs to amend commandeth vs to be wise and aduised And the other confirmeth it to be in truth a great folly For when God saith Conuert returne to me namely by amendement he giueth vs to vnderstand that by transgressing his law we go to the deuill by amending we turne backe and go from the deuill to the liuing God And in deed if anie man list to demand what waie the idolaters fornicators whoremongers dronkardes couetous persons dreamers blasphemers and to bee short all they that giue themselues to the world and to the lusts of the flesh doo take the aunswere is certaine and readie euen they that take the waie that leadeth to hell that forsaking life they go to death and running from God they draw neere to the deuil Saint Paul making a catalogue of these people doth resolutely pronounce 1. Cor. 6.10 Rom. 6.23 Deut. 27.26 that they shall not inherit the kingdome of God also that the reward of sinne is death and cursed is he that keepeth not the commandements of the law And because there are few that take care to obey God to amend their liues Math. 7.13 our Lord Iesus Christ pronounceth that broade is the gate and path that leadeth to destruction As therefore if a man departing from Paris taketh his waie into Spaine and yet giueth out that hee wil take his waie through Flanders or Holand euerie man will scorne him as a foole or take pittie of him as if he were a senselesse person that goeth farre amisse euen so is it with him who taking no course to amend but continuing in offending of God doth neuertheles say vphold that he will go to heauen for euery man may iudge him to be senselesse and greatly out of the waie because he taketh the contrarie course which leadeth to hell 2 Now if there be no greater madnes or pernitious folly than by offending God to take the waie to hell and euerlasting fire Iesus Christ in commanding vs to amend doth iustly saie Be ye wise better aduised and conuert returne to me And in deed if God should aske the sinner Wilt thou amend Wilt thou go to hel fire into weeping and gnashing of teeth with the deuills There is no man so desperate but that he will answere No Lorde God forbid yet hath not God good cause to replie Why thou takest the way thether thy workes doo leade to hell and euerlasting destruction and therefore amend But how Lord be better aduised As now thou turnest thy backe to me and thy face to the deuill so turne conuert thou to mee Where thou goest from heauen and drawest neere vnto hell turne backe leaue the world the flesh and all the corruptions of the same walking in my commandements amend thy life Thus turning thy backe to the deuil thy face vnto me going from hell thou shalt come to me the fountaine of life euerlasting And in deed saith S. Augustin we draw neere vnto God who is euery where Prosper in his sentences out of Augustine Se. 91. Sc. 195 not by remouing from place to place but by alteration of manners For as dissimilitude separateth vs frō him so doth resemblance and imitation conioyne vs with him And what a woe is this saith he by displeasing God to abandon this soueraigne felicitie which is in all places Let this commandement therefore Amend that is to saie Be ye better aduised and conuert vnto me waken and inflame our hearts to amend our liues and to be wise and aduised to conuert vnto God If a marchaunt seemeth willing to trust another that is redie to be banquerout with all his goods one warning will be inough to reclaime him ye shall not need to praie him to beware or to alleadge many reasons to withhold him The only feare apprehēsion of the losse of all his goods wil be reason and exhortation sufficient What shall wee then doo when Iesus Christ saith Be ye better aduised that is Amend and note that by offending God so taking the waie to hel we indanger our selues yea we do euen assure our selues to loose both bodies and souls for euer Is it not meere madnes and vngrateful rage to continue and not to be wiser and better aduised that wee may conuert to God and by amendement preserue our bodies and souls vnto life euerlasting The eight cause of Amendement taken of the reason added by Iesus Christ where he saith For the kingdome of heauen or of God is at hand Chap. 8. NOw let vs especially consider the reason added by Iesus Christ For the kingdome of heauen or of God is at hand And for the better vnderstanding therof let vs note three significations of the kingdome of heauen First by this kingdome is signified the blessed estate and incomprehensible felicitie that wee shall inioye after the resurrection is when Iesus Christ sayth Math. 8.11 Many shall come from the East and from the West and shall sit at the table in the kingdome of heauen with Abraham Isaac and Iacob Agayne Math. 7.21 Not euery one that sayth Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but hee that doth the will of my father shall enter into the kingdome of heauen Againe Suffer little children to come vnto mee Math. 19.14 for vnto such belongeth the kingdome of heauen And so in many other passages Secondly by the kingdom of heauen is signified the estate of the regenerate man which consisteth in the true knowledge of God in faith in mortification of the olde man and in newnesse of lyfe As when Iesus Christ sayth The kingdome of God is in you Luke 17.21 Also in this saying of Saint Paul The kingdome of God is not meate or drinke but righteousnes and peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Thirdly Rom. 14.17 the kingdome of heauen many times signifieth the ministerie and preaching of the Gospell As when Saint Paul speaking of certaine faithfull seruants of Iesus Christ sayd Col. 4.11 Math. 11.11 These onely are my companions in the worke of the kingdom of God Againe as where Iesus Christ saith He that is best in the kingdome of heauen is greater than Iohn the Baptist Whereto wee also refeere this saying of Iesus Christ Math. 13.3 13.44.45 The kingdome of heauen is like vnto seede that fell in diuerse groundes Thereby signifying that the holy ministerie bringeth not fruit in all men Likewise where he compareth the kingdome of heauen to a treasure hidden in the earth and to a marchant that sought for good pearles thereby to shew how highly wee are to esteeme of the holy ministerie 2 All these significations of the kingdome of heauen ought
vs in that drunkennes vnreadye and vnprepared to expect this kingdome of heauen in assurance ioy Let vs take heede that we doe not wittingly abuse our selues saying When I haue attained to such wealth or to such dignity I wil take my ease and come forth of this tauerne to serue God First it is an ordinary course that the more beere or wine that a man drinketh the more he may and the more the drunken man drinketh the more drunke he will be Euen so the more wealth and dignitie that thou hast the more shalt thou find thy cares to encrease and the more they encrease the more drunken in them thou wilt be Secondly we must take great heed that when God calleth vs to repentance and amendmēt we appoint him no time Prosper in his Sent. out of Aug. Sent. 71. He saith S. Augustine that hath promised forgiuenes to him that repenteth hath not promised another day to him that deferreth his amendement ●●●sius in 〈◊〉 Hebrew ●●●bian apo●●● lib. 1. Among the sentences of the wise men that liued among the Iewes after their return from the captiuitie of Babylon we reade of one Eleazar the sonne of Hircanus who being demanded when it woulde bee time to repent and amende aunswered One daie before death And when the other replied that no man knew the daie of his death he sayd Beginne then euen to daie for feare of failing 12 Inasmuch then as dayly we expect not onely death but also the day of iudgement that in that respect the kingdome of heauen commeth two solde vpon vs that we may the more earnestly be moued to our duty to amend let vs remember this saying of Iesus Christ Mat. 24.43 If the good man of the house knew at what watch the theefe would come he would surely watch and not suffer his house to be broken Therefore be ye also readie for in the houre that ye thinke not will the son of man surely come And therefore he addeth Blessed is that seruant whom his master when he commeth shal finde doing his dutie And this is also represented vnto vs in the parable of the virgins For the foolish ones that tooke no oyle in their lamps were shut from comming in to the marriage Mat. 25. but the wise that had made their prouision came in Sith therefore that the kingdome of heauen is at hand let vs amend our liues and make good prouision of holy oyle increasing in the knowledge of God in faith loue holynes and all other good works let vs in time put on our wedding garments that when the bridegrome commeth if it be so dainly as himselfe hath warned vs we may be readie and prepared to enter into the marriage with him Neither let vs forget that as Iesus Christ doth aduertise vs Apoc. 22.20 It shall as a snare come on all them that dwell on the face of the earth And as he addeth Let vs watch and praie continually that we may be accounted worthie to escape all these thinges that shall come to passe Luke 21.34 and that we may stand before the sonne of man Your selues doo know perfestly sayth S. Paul that the daie of the Lord shall come euen as a theefe in the night 1. Thes 5. 2. For when they shall saie Peace and safetie then shal come vpon them sodaine destruction as the trauell vppon a woman with child and they shall not escape And then to comfort the faithfull hee sayth But ye brethren are not in darknes that that day should come vpon you as a theef ye are all the children of light and the children of the daie And thereupon he also taketh occasion to exhort them to theyr duties saying Therfore let vs not sleep as doo other but let vs watch be sober putting on the brest plate of faith and loue and the hope of saluation for an helmet Let vs beware that we folow not the euill seruant who seeing that his master was long in comming saide in himselfe that he wold not come therupon gaue himself to work wickednes Mat. 24.48 But as Iesus Christ addeth His master comming at an houre when he looked not for him cut him off and punished his iniquitie and incredulitie 13 Saint Peter warneth vs. that in the later daies there will come lyke people whō he termeth mockers which will walke after their lusts saie Where is the promise of his comming For since the fathers slept 2. Pet. 3.3 all things continue alike from the beginning of the creation But by a notable example he sheweth that they doo wittingly and willingly deceiue themselues in such discourses For when Noah foreshewed the floud and built the arke for his owne safetie the like mockers rise against him who seeing no apparance of the flould for aboue a hundred yeres thereof concluded that the world continuing in that estate shoulde not perish but were surprised and swallowed vp in the floud Inasmuch therefore as Iesus Christ commanding vs to amend doth affirme that his kingdom is at hand lest seeming to be long in comming we should therfore falsly conclude that it will not come let vs diligently note what S. Peter addeth Derely beloued be not ignorant of this one thing that a thousād yeres is with the Lord as one daie and one day as a thousand yeres The Lord is not slacke as concerning his promise as some men account slacknes God is patient toward vs and would haue no man to perish but would all men to come to repentance But the day of the Lorde will come as a theefe in the night in the which the heauens shall passe awaie with a noise and the elementes shall melt with heate the earth with the workes therin shall be burnt vp Then doth he thereof gather this earnest exhortation to repentance amendement of life Seeing therefore that all these things must bee dissolued what maner of persons ought ye to be in holy conuersation and godlynes Looking for and hastning vnto the comming of the day of God wherein the heauens being on fire shall be dissolued and the elements shal melt with heat But we loke for new heauens new earth according to his promise wherein dwelleth righteousnesse c. 14 Albeit therfore it seem to our flesh that this kingdome is long in comming yet let vs not slacke our amendement Ioel. 2.12 but let vs euen this daie conuert and thinke vpon the saying of the prophet Ioel Euen this daie conuert vnto me sayth the Lord. Wherein he sheweth that he yet giueth vs this daie to repent but assureth vs not of to morrow Let the remembrance therfore of the drawing neere of the kingdome of heauen induce vs to amend 2. Tim. 4.8 to the end that in amending we may gather argument to long after the comming of Christ as it is the dutie desire of all the children of God Luke 21.28 And when we shall see the signes of his comming more more fulfilled let vs lift vp our heads reioyce because our deliuerance is at hand and that shortly wee shall be gathered and brought into the fruition of his kingdome and eternall glory FINIS
more of man than of God and that confessing God with our lips we renounce denie him in our hearts and workes That we may therefore Amend our liues let vs renounce this so pernitious solly to esteeme more of man than of God And contrarywise let vs loue and feare God reposing our whole confidence in him onely as in him who only is vnto vs all in all for man is nothing but in God The third Folly To thinke that we shall liue euer Chap. 4. ANtigonus who succeeded Alexander the great in parte of his dominions beeing recouered of a certaine sicknesse sayde Plut. in his Apothegines That by the same among other documentes hee had learned that hee was mortall Wherein hee layeth open the common opinion of man who thinketh that hee should liue euer And in deede such is our inclination to incredulitie that vppon the long dela●e of anie thing that wee haue a while expected wee conclude that it will neuer come to passe So the euill seruant mentioned by Saint Mathewe seeing his master tarrie awaie so long Mat. 24.48 imagined and concluded that hee woulde neuer come 2. Pet. 3.3 Heereto hath the saying of Saint Peter relation In the last d●ie there will come mockers which will saie Where is the promise of his comming for since that our fathers dyed all things continue alyke from the beginning of the creation Thus wee see how the scorners only of the dela●e of the comming of Christ can take occasion to beleeue that hee wyll not come at all As also when God himselfe by his seruants threatneth them wyth death they turne it to a scorne saying Let vs eate and drinke Esa 22.13 Esa 28.15 to morow we shall die Again We haue made a couenant with death and with hell we are at agreement Though a scourge run ouer and passe thorough it shall not come at vs. Euen so we likewise when we heare of death yea and dayly see the examples thereof yet because it forbeareth vs a while taketh no hold of vs do imagine with our selues Cicero in hi● booke of old age that it shall neuer come at vs. And this is it which a certain Ethnike the prince of all Latine Orators signified Where he sayde that there is no man so ouer taken with age but that hee weeneth to liue yet one yere longer Thus doth he thinke to liue euer considering that albeit he hath liued a hundred yeres yea two hundred yet still he is of opinion that hee may liue one yere longer and when that is past yet one yere more and so by one and one for euer 2 This doth the common course of man confirme Wee all with our lippes do confesse that once we must die and that death is the gate either to heauen or to hell which not withstanding what one person doth liue as either hoping to goe to heauen or fearing to goe to hell If we see that resolutely within two or three dayes we must die then is there none of vs but is sorrie that he offended God that euer he liued in fornication drunkennesse deceit ryot and other excesse in a bad conscience deuoide of the feare of God Then will we desire to recouer that we may Amend Then will we vow to God that if he will prolong our liues we will walke vprightly Then will euery one with that he had cut off some of his pleasures and excesse to the end therewith to haue releeued the necessitie of the poore Then who could not be content wholy to haue beene giuen to the seruice of God to haue had more care of his soule then of his bodie of the life to come then of the life present We confesse that when death draweth neere we will vse these and such like complaints and lamentations Yet now whiles God graunteh vs time and meanes to liue according to the same why doe we it not Wherefore do we not make hast to liue in like sort as being at deaths doore we wish we had Surely because wee neuer thinke to die 3 When a man after condemnation is returned to prison all his mind runneth vpon death he detesteth his former life he falleth vpon his knees to pray to God he regardeth no soft bedding delicate fare or costly apparell Yea if he bee such a one as feareth God all his cogitations are bent to life euerlasting and forgetting the world and worldly businesse hee conce●●eth great ioy in that he is so neere the gate and possession of the kingdome of heauen This sentence of death passed vpon vs the first day that wee came into this world Our soules are as in a prison in our bodies wee attend onely the time of execution wee all confesse wee must die yet w●t wee not whether within a day or an houre All this notwithstanding who either feeleth or sheweth himselfe readie or who prouideth to die as doth he that hath receiued his sentence from an earthly iudge But what is the cause of this our dulnesse and folly Euen because wee thinke not to die but doe imagine that our liues shall last for euer 4 If either woman or maiden preparing costly rayment with exquisite attires wherein to shew her selfe at some marriage feast shoulde beginne to finde her selfe euell at ease and withall that her Doctor or Phisition hauing felt her poulse shoulde assure her to dye within one fortnight would shee thinke any longer to proceede with her pompe feasting and pastimes No shee would then fall to weeping and prayer to giuing of almes and reprouing the vanitie of the world shee would aduertise her cōpanions to beware and to auoid the same But God who knoweth the length of our daies hath alreadie warned vs of our death hee saith it is at hand he hath not promised fourteene dayes neither two nor one no not one houre Wherefore doe our mindes then runne vpon the course of the world Why doe we so delight in vanitie ryot and excesse Wherefore doe wee not rather employ our selues vpon meditation of heauenly and eternall felicitie And why doe we not bestow our time in such workes as in our death may minister comfort and ioy Forsooth because we thinke to liue euer 5 Wee do reade of Philip king of Macedon and father to great Alexander that euery morning one of the gromes of his chamber at his first waking saide vnto him O king remember thou art a mortall man There is also a common posie written vpon many tablets and ringes Cogita mort that is Thinke to dye Why Was kinge Philip so forgetfull of his mortalitie that hee must be put in minde thereof euery day Or must wee Christians bee put in minde of death by painted tablets or ringes But as the end as well of the speech to the king as of this tablet tendeth onely to aduertise vs to liue as wee shoulde dye so are they likewise obiections to conuince vs of such folly and giddinesse as maketh vs to thinke that we
earth shall perish from the earth from vnder these heauens He hath made the earth by his power c. Wherein we are to note that albeit Ieremie writ al his prophecies in Hebrew yet this one sentence is set downe in the Caldean or Babilonian speech therby admonishing the captiue Iewes to disaduow Idols to cōfesse the true God plainly sensibly in a language knowen to the Idolaters If this confession bee required of these poore captiue Iewes how can these men be excused who being at libertie to depart from among the Idolaters do assist at their Idolatry thereby to giue the world to vnderstand that they also are Idolaters therefore dare not vtter one word in reproofe of the Idols 9 Sith therefore that the first sermon both of Christ of Iohn the Baptist do notably proclaime Amend your liues Let all such as haue attained to the knowledge of the truth resolue with thēselues to renounce all Idolatrie superstition vtterly to denie all assistance participation whatsoeuer therin either in hart or body Let them remember that all abandoning of their bodies to Idolatrie is a prophanation of the temple of God That the yeelding of the body to the deuill reseruing the hart to God is intollerable sacriledge That the denial of the true God the worshipping of the deuill is detestable hipocrisie That thereby they blaspheme Iesus Christ honor the Idol that they giue offēce to their neighbours as well by confirming some in their errors as by inducing others to follow their examples But especially let them remember that their pretended excuse will redound to their double damnatiō For if he who thinking to worship God yet of ignorāce throgh worshiping an Idoll offendeth deserueth death surely then he that boweth his body to worship that which he knoweth to be an Idoll 1. Con. 10.20 Luk. 12.47.48 yea a very deuil as S. Paul calleth it offendeth in far greater measure deserues greter punishmēt And so doth Christ himself pronounce concerning the disobedient seruant who knowing his masters wil not doing it Exod. 20.5 shall be beaten much more grieuously thē he that was ignorāt therof And indeed it is not only a simple sinne and transgression as in the ignorant but more contempt and misprision against the maiestie of the law-giuer as God in many places complaineth of his people that they haue dispised him Rom. 5.20 yea euen hated him as himselfe faith in his law And hereto likewise may be referred the sentence of the Apostle where hee saith That God gaue the law that sinne might abound because the knowledge of the law taking away ignorance maketh the transgression to be conioyned with contempt and despising of God 10 The more therfore that we know the inconuenience of Idolatrie the more we are to detest abhor and flie from it and neuer flatter our selues in the presence of God who knoweth our hearts It is but a foolish enterprise to vndertake to deceiue the Lord or to thinke to prosper by offending him We feare the losse of our goods dignities countrie and life if we go not to masse with other men and counterfeate our selues to bee Idolaters as they are yet we feare not to loose the treasure and inheritance of heauen life euerlasting and the kingdome of God by polluting our bodies in Idolatrie euen by the assured testimonie of our owne hearts We are not to order our duties after the easements of our flesh but according to the word of God The meanes to obtaine safetie and felicitie consisteth not in prouoking God to wrath by seruing of Idols but if we desire his mercie and fauour towardes vs wee must renounce and denie our selues and the world that wee may worship and serue him onely Let vs obey S. Iohn who saith 1. Ioh. 5.21 Psal 97.7 1. Cor. 6.20 My little children keepe your selues from Idols And let vs remember that the holy Ghost pronounceth woe to all those that worship Idols And contrariwise blesseth all those that adore and glorifie God both in hart and minde That it is not enough that we seperate our selues from Idolatrie vnlesse we also ioyne with the Church of Christ by frequenting Sermons communicating in the Sacraments and comming to common prayer Chap. 2. AS repentance and Amendement of life consisteth in this that we forsake sinne and applie our selues to goodnesse So it is not enough that we keepe both bodies and soules from Idolatrie and superstition vnlesse that also seperating our bodies from Idolaters we adioine our selues to the Church of Christ by hearing his word receiuing the Sacraments calling vpon God in the name of Iesus Christ The titles that the holy Ghost attributeth to this Church do euidently declare vnto vs of how great importance to the glory of God saluatiō of mankind this duty of ioyning with the true Church is First it is in many places called the kingdom of God yet not without great cause For as this kingdome consisteth in euidēt assured knowledge of the true God of his Son Iesus Christ in faith righteousnes peace and comfort of the holy Ghost in sanctification to be briefe in euerlasting life glory So is it in the church wherin God manifests himself reueales his truth pleasure To the mēbers therof he giueth faith righteousnes holines peace ioy and finally life glory euerlasting Contrariwise the kingdom of Sathan cōsisteth in ignorance Mat. 13. infidelity corruptiō vice sin iniquity in a bad conscience trouble of mind dispaire death damnation The members therfore of Christs Church are the kingdome of God retired from the power dominion of Sathā to the end that God may raigne in them by his spirit the scepter of his word as contrariwise al that are without the Church do belong to the kingdome of Sathā as S. Paul also doth say of the excōmunicate that they be deliuered to Sathā who raigneth without the Church of Christ 1. Cor. 5.5 1. Cor 6.9.10 Luk. 13.28 Act. 1.47 This likewise is confirmed in that the same title of the kingdom of God wherby the Church is signified is also attributed to that blessed glorious estate which the elect shal enioy after the resurrection Wherin we are taught that theris such a cōiunction betweene the Church that glorious kingdom of Iesus Christ that it is as it were the suburbes gate thereinto wherupon also al they that refuse to ioyne with the Church can pretend no portion in this kingdom of heauē For the path to felicitie importeth an ascention frō the kingdome of God vpon earth to the kingdome of God in heauē And that doth S. Luke note saying that God did dayly adioyne vnto the Church those that should be saued thereby signifying that such as refuse to adioyne themselues therto do minister no occasion to imagine that they haue attained the way to saluation and life euerlasting 2 By another title are the
it were at the hand of God all meet reliefe for their necessities thereby praise God for his care ouer them for the meanes that he vseth in releeuing their want and necessitie Let them therefore beware of murmuring at their owne pouertie because others haue such plenty welth Let thē think that this is ordred by the skilfull prouidence of God who being their father loueth them and louing them wisheth their good and saluation And as hee is able to do whatsoeuer he willeth so would he make them as rich as other men if hee thought it expedient but being wiser than we we ought as obedient children to be content to be lead by him 27 Besides praier it is also conuenient that euerie one shoulde labour in his vocation to maintaine his familye by caring for to keepe it without almes Exod. 20 9 except vpon great necessitie First God hath commanded that we should labour sixe daies in the weeke wherein euerie one is so to discharge his duetie as if hee were to giue account vnto God for such time as he looseth in idlenes whē he might worke Psal 1●8 2 but doth it not Secondly they are to remember that as Dauid saith the man is blessed that eateth the labors of his owne hands wherin he sheweth that as such as will not work that they may liue of theyr owne labours doo therein feele the curse of God so doeth not mans felicitie consist in hauing great riches heaped vp for him but rather in that he laboring in his vocation and contenting himselfe with a mediocrity doth eate the fruit of his owne labours In correspondence whereof in the time of Saint Paule 2. Thes 3.11 when there were some that alreadie walked licentiously in idlenesse who liued curiously and medled in thinges nothing appertaining to theyr vocation he chargeth and exhorteth thē in the name of Christ to labor to eate their bread in quietnes How grieuously would he now therefore reprooue those that neuer worke but against theyr wils and doo lesse than well they are able waiting vppon the reliefe of the Church as if it were a certaine rent and take no care to husband that which they get either by worke or by such reliefe Yet how much more sharply would the Apostle reproue others who beeing wholie giuen to idlenesse the mother and nurse of all mischiefe doo haunt Tauernes there in stead of getting by theyr labours to spend in drinking suffering their wiues poor children in the meane time to starue for hunger if they had not reliefe from others whereon also they will depend 1. Tim. 5.8 shewing themselues cruell and vnkinde to theyr wiues and children yea euen worse than Infidels as the Apostle tearmeth them because they haue no care of theyr families Let such therefore as receiue the almes and reliefe which they might well spare eyther by earning by theyr owne labors or soberly sparing that is ministred vnto them thinke and well vnderstand that they are but as Church robbers in the sight of God who seeth all and to whome all must yeelde account in the day of iudgement 28 Moreouer if the poore doo thinke theyr calling to be base and contemptible in the sight of the worlde let them looke vpon Iesus Christ the prince of glorie theyr sauiour who made himselfe poore to inriche vs and comfort themselues in that they beare his image in their pouertie 2. Cor. 8.9 which they maye assure themselues selues is blessed sanctifyed and made honorable in the pouertie of theyr head Iesus Christ Let them imagine that the seruant which is as well vsed as his master hath no cause to mislyke If they bee poorely or meanely housed let them beholde Iesus Christe the creator of heauen and earth borne in a stable in stead of a cradle laid in a manger afterward protesting Math. 10.24 Ioh. 15.20 Luke 2.7 Math. 8.20 Gen. 18.11 2. Cor. 11.27 that the foxes haue holes and the birds of heauen neasts but the son of man hath not wheron to rest his head If their lodging be homely and base let them looke vppon the Patriarke Iacob who tooke a stone for his pillow If their clothing be pore let them remember that S. Paul was molested with nakednesse If at anie time they hunger thirst or bee a colde let them hearken to the same Apostle protesting that himselfe also hungred thirsted and was a colde as also that the same which he saith of himselfe he also affirmeth in his fellowe labourers of the Lordes worke Vnto this houre we both hunger and thirst 1. Cor. 4.11 and are naked If in sicknesse or otherwise thirsting they haue but water or small beere let them behold Iesus Christ vpon the crosse Iohn 19.28 to whom in his thirst they ministred vineger to drinke If after wealth and dignities they be fallen into pouertie Heb. 11.24 let them thinke vpon Moses who when he might haue bin called the sonne of Pharao Exod. 3 1 refused it and accounting reproch with Christ to bee greater riches than all the treasures of Aegypt forsooke all and became a shepheard and not for his owne but for another mans 29 If rich men haue as it seemeth greater commodities as concerning the flesh and are in greater estimation with the world let the poore think that many times they sleep not so quietly as they also that theyr carnall commodities haue theyr recompence in cares and labours of minde wherewith they are more troubled than the poore Let them also remember Math. 13.22 that riches make not a man blessed in the sight of God for they are also common to the wicked Luke 16.9 yea and oftentimes doo minister occasion to offend God as also they be sometimes tearmed thornes vnrighteous Mammon Math. 19.23 And in that sense Iesus Christ pronounced that it was a verie hard matter for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of heauen And contrariwise Luke 2.8 Math 11.5 Iames 2.5 as in old time the good tidings of the birth of our Lord Iesus Christ was by the Angell first deliuered to the shepheards so vsually the Gospell is especially preached to the poore As also S Iames saith that God hath chosen the pore of this world which are rich in faith and heires to the kingdome that he hath promised to them that loue him To bee short in beeing poore 1. Tim. 6.17 they haue not anie such occasion or temptation to to be proud or to trust in the vncertaintie of their treasures as the rich men but to repose themselues vpon the liuing God to depend wholy vpon him and dayly to saie Giue vs this daie our daily bread and dayly to waite for the same Luke 15. as for Manna descending from heauen To conclude as the prodigall childe hauing goods in the wasting of them gaue himselfe to the world and the flesh but hauing fallen into pouertie thought vpon his fathers house and returned thereto so shoulde
him and in offending him to cast our selues into the gulfe and bottomlesse pit of this eternall wo The same is an euident token that wee are either Atheists or Saduces that beleeue neither the resurrection of the bodie nor the immortality of the soul To be short neither heauen nor hell 10 When therefore we heare that Christ to the end to induce vs to amendement alleadgeth this reason For the kingdome of heauen is at hand Let vs stedfastly beleeue that there is a kingdom of heauen replenished with glorie immortall ioy let the apprehension of such a felicitie inflame our harts with a feruent resolute desire to denie our selues the world and the flesh so to amend our liues that louing God and our neighbors and endeuouring to yeld vnto him all obedience we may conforme our actions to his holy and good will as in hart to seeke nothing so much as to please him and to abhorre nothing more than the offending of him Let vs alwayes thinke with our selues that wee are no beasts who after death haue no feeling of good or euill but contrariwise let vs consider that at the seperation either of the body or of the soule the soule must goe either to heauen or to hell also that the bodye must followe after yea night and day let vs thinke and meditate vpon the difference that shal be betweene those that shall goe into the kingdome of heauen and the others that shall departe into hell 11 Let vs remember that not for a thousand yeares but euen for euer and infinitely we shal be either in soueraigne blisse or in extream misery Can we then possibly apprehend the glory and felicity of this kingdome of heauen Mat. 7.13.21 Luke 13 2● without vnspeakable ioye and feruent desire to attaine thereto either consider of the cursed estate of the reprobate without trembling and feare let vs therfore think vpon the saying of Christ Labour to enter in at the narow gate least when you shall say Lord open vnto vs the gate of the kingdome of heauen that we may come in he answereth I know ye not depart from me ye workers of iniquitie There shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth when he shall see Abraham Isaac and Iacob and all the prophets in the kingdome of God and your selues shut out at dores Let vs beholde the difference betweene the two theeues that were hanged on either side of Iesus Christ of whom the one departed into hell Luke 23.39 and the other ascended into the kingdome of heauen as Iesus Christ sayde vnto him This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Let vs looke vpon the soule of Lazarus by the Angels caryed into Abrahams bosome where it rested in ioy as hee testified Luke 16.19 and the soule of the cursed rich man cast into torments as S. Luke witnesseth and himselfe confesseth saying I am tormeneted in this flame When he praieth to be refreshed with a little water but was denyed To be short let vs beholde the great multitude of the blessed that stood before the throne and in the presence of the Lambe clothed in long white garments with branches of palmes of victorye in their handes seruing God day and night gouerned by the Lambe and by him leadde to the liuely springes of water Apoc. 7. 9. and withall let vs looke vpon the others speaking to the rockes and mountains saying Fall vpon vs and hyde vs from before the face of him that sitteth vpon the throne and from the wrath of the Lambe Let vs I say beholde them cast into the lake of fyre and brimstone to be tormented day and night for euer Apoc. 6.16 Apoc. 19.20 and 20.15 For who is it that will not be earnestly touched in hart hastely to departe and retyre out of the way into hell and diligently and constantly to walke by amendement of life into the kingdome of heauen Can it be possible if we should not think vpon them or can God think vpon them and not amend either can we amend and not feel our selues blessed by being gotten into the way of such a felicitie Apoc. 6.16 that wee may constantly perseuere vntill that God fulfilling his worke in vs doe receiue vs into the fruition of this kingdome of heauen to enioy the same for euer and euer The ninth cause of amendment taken hereof that the kingdome of God which we looke for in heauen doth admonish vs that we are strangers pilgrimes and trauelers in this life Chap. 9. THe holy scripture doth many times tearme vs strangers pilgrims and trauellers neither is it onely as it was with Abraham Gen. 23.4 when he spake to the Cananites saying I am a stranger and a forrener amongst you and as it is daylye with those who flying from persecution and forsaking the land of their natiuitie doe goe to dwell in another prouince and kingdome wherein they are strangers but we are so tearmed in respect of the kingdome of heauen our true and eternall countrey And indeed if we be Burgesses of heauen Eph. 2.10 Prosper in his sentences out of August Sent 17. as S. Paul teacheth we are strangers to the earth according to the saying of S. Augustin also All they that belong to the heauenly Cittie are pilgrimes and strangers in this worlde so long as this their tēporary life doth continue they do liue in an others countrey And that wee maye the better vnderstand this we call that land our countrey wherein we were borne and brought vp wherin our parents and ancestours successiuely haue made their abode and wherein we haue our principall goods possessions and inheritances Now whence doe we take our spirituall birth but frō our father which is in heauen Phil 3.20 where doe we receiue the soule of our spirituall birth but in the Church which is the kingdome of God or where is the house of our father but in heauen and there dwelleth our eldest brother Iesus Christ and al other our brothers and sisters in him 1. Pet. 1.4 Moreouer our treasure immortal inheritāce vndefiled and vncorruptible are reserued in heauen as saith S. Peter for vs that beleeue in Iesus Christ heauen is then our true coūtrey and in respect thereof are we here called strangers pilgrimes and trauellers on the earth 2 This doth the Apostle writing to the Hebrews euidently declare Heb. 11.13 where speaking of the ancient fathers he saith All these died in the faith and receiued not the promises but saw them a farre of and beleeued them and receiued them thankefullye and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth For they that say such things declare plainely that they seeke a countrey And if they had beene mindefull of that countrey from whence they came out Gen. 12.1 they had leisure to haue returned But now they desire a better that is an heauenly Wherfore God is not ashamed of them to be called their God for he
hath prepared for them a Cittie Heere the Apostle sheweth that Abraham Isaack and Iacob were strangers in the land of Canaan in respect of Vr in Chaldea from whence they came when Abraham at Gods commandement left his countrey his kinred and the house of his father But in that they were called forreiners and strangers it was not in that respect but in respect of heauen where God had prepared a Cittie for them and therefore albeit they had time to returne to Vr their natiue countrey yet sought they a better namely the heauenly and in that regarde conuersing vpon earth they are called strangers 3 Now the remēbrance that we are strangers pilgrims trauellers ought to induce vs to lift vp settle our thoghts minds cogitations vpon our heauenly country that in the cōtemplation of God of the glory of Christ and of the excellency of our inheritance we might reioyce with the angels souls of the saints that are already gathered thither and incessātly sing praises vnto God with them And indeed as the Apostle saith Heb. 12.22 Wee that beleeue in Christ are come to the hill of Syon and to the cittye of the liuing God to the heauēly Ierusalem to millions of angels to the church of the first born that are written in the heauens to God who is the iudge of all to the soules of the righteous that are sanctified and to Iesus the mediator of the new couenant Being ascended so high hauing our cōuersation in heauen as Burgesses therof if frō thence we look vpon the earth and cast our view vpon the kingdomes riches dignities men and the most excellent things in the world all will seem in our eyes so small that wee will be euen ashamed to esteeme of them yea euen so much as to think vpon them so far will we be from setting our affections thervpon and truly goe vp vnto a high steeple and look from the top therof looke vpon men that go in the streets and they wil seem to you not to be men but children their houses euen cabbins for if it were possible to climbe fiue or six leagues higher ye should see no men yea the greatest townes would seeme but as one house and the Sea a poole Moreouer if possibly ye could ascend to the heauen of the moon which is the lowest the greatnes of the whole world would seem nothing it would not shew so much as a good pinnes head hanging in the middest of a great Church What would it be in case hee were in the highest heauen among the starres or aboue the heauens in the house of our father and in the heauenly citie wherof we are burgesses Much rather in those dayes will the vniuersall worlde be vnto vs nothing at all 4 To this purpose doe we read of a great Romain personage who in a dreame or conceit being ascended into the region of heauen among the Starres Cicero in Scipios dreame and beholding their greatnes and brightnesse thence casting downe his eyes vpon the earth it seemed that the whole worlde was so little that hee was ashamed of the Romain empire which neuerthelesse extended into so many realmes Now as this Ethnick could in his discourse clymbe no higher so if wee that are burgesses of heauen doe ascend aboue al heauens there conuersing in spirit doo behold the glorye of God and his pallace of light of an incomprehensible extent and afterward shal looke downe to the earth we will be ashamed of the smalnesse thereof and of all the kingdomes therein which thence will not shewe so great as a graine of sande but euen nothing at all The three Apostles when they had seene some parte of the glorye of Christ in his transfiguration vppon mount Thabor were so mooued that they saide Mat. 17.4 Lord it is good for vs to be heere let vs builde three tabernacles What then would we doe if we should conuerse in heauen and there beholde the maiestye of God and the glorye of Iesus Christ wold not euen the apprehension therof allure vs to wish to dwell there and to forget and despise the earth or then remembring and looking towardes the same woulde wee not reproue our selues as that Romain was reproued by his father who saide vnto him why dost thou yet cast downe thine eyes vpon the earth 5 Among other the vanities that men doe seeke and so feruently desire is glory and the reputation of vertue valour riches power wisedome and such other like but this Romain Ethnick being in a dreame rapt aboue the starres is by his father admonished in the smalenesse of all the worlde to contemplate the vanity of this ambition men will talke saith hee of thee and thy vertues but wher be it throughout the Romain Empire yet shall not thy fame passe such and such mountains there will no man once speake of thee What a folly is it therefore so to delight in the reputation of great welth ornaments of body excesse in banquets goodly houses honourable functions euen wisedome and humaine discretion sith all this fame and glory shal be shut vp in so small a corner of the worlde that when thou art ascended into the Citie whereof thy selfe art a Burgesse thou shalt not be able to see it most men labour to haue faire houses gardens of pleasure lordshippes and to heape vp possession vpon possession as if themselues should dwell alone vpon the earth as Esay saith Esay 5.8 and yet when they haue purchased whole townes and kingdomes if they should from heauen looke vpon them they would disdaine and contemne the smalnes and basenes of them And indeed let a man looke vpon a towne platted in foure leaues of paper hee shall somewhat discerne the order of the streetes and houses thereof but afterward laye downe in the like quantity of paper the whole prouince wherein that cittie standeth and the same will not shew so great as a mans nayle And lastly let him represent the whole worlde in asmuch paper and he shall see neither house nor towne yea scarsely the whole prouince perhaps hee may finde the names of the realmes and see their extent in the breadth of two or three nayles and looking from heauen the whole worlde will not seeme so much What a folly then or rather a madnesse is it for those that are strangers vpon earth and burgesses of heauen diuersly and by sundry meanes to offend God Gen. 25 34. Heb. 12.16 for the getting of so small a portion of earth which is as nothing wherein they resemble Esau who for a peece of bread and a messe of pottage solde his birth-right 6 Againe such as are strangers in a forraine countrey and haue parents and great wealth in their natiue soyle being hardlye entreated where they soiourne and vpon the pointe to returne home into their countrey are vndoubtedly very glad thereof euen already they seeme to see their houses lands and possessions and in their concei●s doe
word may be confirmed And if he will not vouchsafe to heare them tell it vnto the Church if hee refuse to heare the Church also let him be vnto thee as the heathen and publicans Verely I say vnto you whatsoeuer ye bind on earth shall be bound in heauen and whatsoeuer yee loose vpon earth shal be loosed in heauen This sentence threatning ought so neerely to touch our harts that we shold not despise the exhortations admonitions that tend to amendment For if the impenitent be detained in the bonds of Satan vntill by amendment they be vnbounde As their estate is truely wretched miserable so is there nothing that we should haue in greater regard then by amending our liues to be dissolued and vnbound Thus may we see how the holie ministerie signified by the kingdome of heauen considered in all the principall parts thereof ought to bind vs in all affectionate desire to amend The twelfth cause of Amendement taken of this That by the kingdome of heauen is signified the most blessed felicitie of the children of God in heauen The kingdome of God in vs and the holy ministerie in the Church Chap. 12. THis is one thing worthy the noting that by the kingdome of heauen or of God is signified the felicitie of Gods children in heauen the kingdome of God in vs and the holy ministrie or the Church This title The kingdome of heauen common to these three seuerall estates doth sufficiently shew that albeit there be a great binding coniunction betweene thē yea euen such that as being in the kingdome of heauen that is in the Church and vsing the holy ministerie we are in the waie to heauen so the kingdom of heauen proceeding there hence being in vs we are assured to enter into the kingdome of God which is in heauen And in deede these are as it were two steps to climbe vp and two gates which we must passe through to get in And therefore who so desireth to be resolued whether hee bee of the number of the elect and heires of the kingdome of God let him seeke the certaintie knowledge therof in himselfe For if he be a member of the Church and inioy the holy ministerie men may haue some ground and are euen bound to account him a child of God belonging to his kingdom but if he be gotten vp the second step and seeleth the kingdome of God in his heart let him bee assured that God accounteth him his child and that he shall enter into his kingdome of eternall glorie Nowe as there is no greater felicitie than to inioy the kingdome of God in heauen so is ther nothing to be more desired than to enter thorough both the first and second gate of this kingdome of heauen This is one sharpe spurre to induce vs to practise this commandement of Iesus Christ First seeke the kingdome of God Math. 6.36 and the righteousnes thereof and consequently let vs amend our liues For if the apprehension of the kingdome of glorie that is in heauen ought euen to rauish vs into a feruent desire to attaine theurnto Likewise that we cannot attaine thereto vnles the kingdome of heauen bee also in vs that is to saie if wee haue not faith fructifying in good workes amendement of life Furthermore that we cannot haue this kingdome of heauen in vs vnlesse we also be members of the Church and vse the holy ministerie It followeth that there is nothing that we should so feruently desire and so earnestly seeke for● as the kingdome of heauen that is to inioy the holy ministerie in the Church and by the vse thereof to establish the kingdome of heauen in vs and thereby finally to enter into the fruition of the kingdome of God in heauen 2 But ordinarily wee doo the contrarie Wee seeke first the things that concerne this present life and as for those that belong to the kingdome of heauen we seeke after them but seldome slightly and as it were for a fashion Our reason Because wee doo naturally loue the bodie more than the soule and the goods and commodities of this temporall life more than the treasures of spirituall riches Wee resemble little children that esteeme more of an apple or morsell of Sugar than of an assuraunce of rents Neyther need we to open our eyes verie wide or to vse any spectacles to see this corruptiō in men experience doth but too plainly shew it And for our more manifest conuiction heereof let vs consider fiue proofes which wee may note vppon all the fingers of one of our handes that we may the better remember them and so take some care to correct them First wherupon we do first think when we wake that is what is neerest to our hands for sometimes euen the care of some matter doeth waken vs. If thou findest that thy first cogitations when thou doest awake are such as concerne the bodie and this present lyfe and do nothing concerne the kingdome of heauen the dutie saluation and comfort of thy soule this is one pin vpon the sleeue and a pricke in one finger to make thee to remember that thou carest more for earth than for heauen for the bodie than for the soule 3 Secondly Iesus Christ sayth that of the abundaunce of the heart the tongue speaketh Mat. 12.34 When therefore thou goest to bed thinke what speech communication thou hast had all that daie so shalt thou be forced to confesse that peraduenture thou hast spoken little of the kingdome of heauen or of the saluation of thy soul but rather or at the leastwise that the greatest part without comparison hath concerned the bodie and this present life The third point concerneth the care and affection that in many doth appeare to be greater for the getting of goods and other the appurtenaunces of this life than for the obtaining of the kingdome of God his righteousnes And in deede most men and the wisest in the worlde doo not so much as vnderstand the meaning of the kingdome of heauen and the righteousnes thereof so farre are they from seeking it rather than the riches commodities of the flesh wherewith they be better acquainted and which naturally they doo more desire The fourth resteth in the care which without comparison is greater for the preseruation of the bodie and this life present than for the keeping of the soule or anie thing that concerneth the kingdome of heauen And indeed al men do take more care to nourish the body than the soul also to preuent the diseases or woūds of the bodie rather than of the soule The fifth consisteth in this that according as our loue or inclination to any thing is great or small so is our sorrow for the losse thereof more or lesse If through dronkennes falling into the fire we chance to burne our face it troubleth vs more than when by dronkennes we lose the image of God and cast our soules into hell fire The loosing of
and to the felicity of the Children of God in heauen doth admonishe and teach vs that we must first enter into the Church and vse the holy ministery secondly thereby increase in faith and amendment of life and so attaine to the fruition of the incomprehensible felicity and glory prepared in heauen for the children of God The thirteenth cause of amendment deriued of this saying of Iesus Christ The kingdome of heauen is at hand Chap. 13. THis saying of Iesus Christ The kingdome of heauen is at hand may be referred first to the kingdom of glory which we waite for in heauen Secondly to the renewing restauration of man and thirdly to the preaching of the gospel And indeed the kingdome of heauen considered in these three points Gen. 3. 23. did truely at the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ come very neere vnto man As concerning the kingdome of glory that is in heauen we know that our first parents Adam and liue when they had transgressed the commaundement of God were driuen out of the garden of Eden also that God placed the Cherubins on the east side of the garden with a flaming sworde continually mouing to keep the way to the tree of life Then God thereby hauing shewed that man was put forth and banished out of heauen and life euerlasting by the building of the tabernacle and afterward of the temple in Hierusalem gaue vnto his people some figure of a passage into heauen through the Messias that was to come For in that the people remained in the porch might haue no accesse into the holy sanctuarye Exod. 28.9 the figure of heauen God gaue them to vnderstand that they were vnworthy to come in but in that the high priest once in the yeere did enter with the twelue names of the twelue tribes vpon his shoulders and his breast God thereby signified that when Iesus Christ figured in this high priest should come he by his death should open vnto them the gate of heauen and should enter thereat not for himselfe onelie but as it were carying his people in with him And thereupon at the death of Christ the vaile of the Temple that seperated and did hide the holy Sanctuary did cleaue and rent to the bottom Mat. 27.51 Heb. 9.8 thereby to shew that the way of heauen was now open to the members of Iesus Christ which was not before reuealed as the Apostle saieth to the Hebrews Thus did the kingedome of heauen beginne to be at hand 2 Yet drew it nearer when Iesus Christ rising from death ascended into heauen For as the high Priest entring into the holy Sanctuarie vpon his shoulders and brest carryed the twelue names of the twelue tribes of Israel So Iesus Christ entred not alone into heauē but we also with him as saith Saint Paule Eph. 2.5 That God quickened vs together with Christ and raiseth vs vp together and made vs sit together in the heauenlie places in Iesus Christ And in an other place the same Apostle saieth If we be children we are also heires euen the heires of God and coheyres with Iesus Christ And this he sayeth to assure vs Rom. 3.17 that Iesus Christ hath so taken possession of heauen that it is not onely for himselfe but also for vs his coheyres As if vpon the confiscation of an inheritance common to many brethren when the prince afterward maketh a release the eldest brother taketh the possession for assurance that himselfe and his bretheren are restored to their goods the same is an assurance to the coheires with the eldest that in the person of their eldest brother themselues are put in possession of the inheritance common to them all Thus did the kingedome of heauen draw neare at the comming of Iesus Christ and this is it that he first wisheth vs to note for our amendment when he saith Amend your liues for the kingdome of heauen is at hand 3 The auncient fathers could neuer discerne this kingdome but a farre off and very obscurely God promised to Abraham Isaac and Iacob the land of Canaan Not that they should settle their minds vpon the fat of the earth but that it might be to thē as an image of this kingdome of heauen wherto they should aspire Heb. 11.13 But saieth the Apostle They are all dead and receiued not the promises but saw them a farre off and beleeued them and receiued them thankfully And this he meaneth not simply by the land of Canaan but principally by the opening of heauen approching of this kingdome of heauen fulfilled at the comming of Iesus Christ Howe neare then is this kingedome of heauen commen vnto vs by the comming of Iesus Christ in respect of them sith he toke possession both for himselfe and vs whom also we cannot behold in the fruition of this heauenly kingdome but we must withall behold our selues with him because he is our head and keepeth his members vnited to himselfe and our spouse who communicateth with vs all his goods in which sence Saint Paule also calleth vs Burgesses of heauen Doth not Iesus Christ therefore when he saieth Amend your liues iustly alledge this reason For the kingdome of heauen is at hand Ephes 2.19 And in deed If Abraham Isaac Iacob the Prophets Iohn 8.56 and the rest of the faithfull before the comming of the sonne of God in the flesh whilest the kingdom of heauen was yet so farre from them and from their view did notwithstanding reioyce as it is written of Abraham and accounted themselues Pilgrims and strangers in this world and lyued deuoutly righteously and religiously to be short did amend their liues as aspiring to this kingdome of heauen How much more earnestly ought we to feele in our selues that we are strangers pilgrims vpon the earth whereto his kingdome is come so neare that we do therein behold Iesus Christ and our selues with him Howe much rather I say should we be euen rauished to asp re to this kingdome which we see open by denying the world the flesh and all that might keepe vs backe that by amending our lyues we might increase in faith loue holynesse in euery good thing that might be vnto vs as a path a Chariot horse to transport vs really into heauen When winter is ouer the nearer that the Sun draweth vnto vs the more doth the earth being warmed by the heat therof fructifie And the longer that the dayes are the more worke may we do Euen so the nearer that the kingdome of heauen doth draw vnto vs by the cōming of Iesus Christ especially by his ascention into heauen the more should we be heat in the loue of God and charity to our neighbors to bring foorth the more fruite of holines be the more adicted to al good works 4 Secondly we are to consider the drawing neere of the kingdom of heuen in the restauratiō renewing of man Whē Christ died for our sins Rom. 4.25 Rom.
6. Heb. 2.14 rose againe for our iustification when by dying he mortified our old man by rising againe raised vs vp into newnes of life when by his death he destroyed him that had the empire of death did he not by destroying this kingdome of Satan bring the kingdom of heauen nearer vnto vs And in deed this kingdom of heauen was neuer so neare our fathers other the beleeuing Iews in old time Wel had they the promise that the seed of the woman should bruse the serpents head but we do see the performance thereof in Iesus Christ who by his death hath ouercomen the deuill and the power of Hell Well had they the pascall lambe to figure vnto them that for the auoyding of eternall death they must be washed in the bloud of Christ But as Iohn the Baptist euen with his finger pointed to this Lambe Iesus Christ saying Behold the Lambe of God that taketh away the sinnes of the world Iohn 1 2● so this lambe did afterward really shed his bloud for the remission of our sinnes to free vs from eternall death Well did they stay and ofter innocent beastes in sacrifice as it were laying their sinnes vpon them that by their death signifying the death of Iesus Christ to come they might haue as it were an assured pledge of the remission of their sins consequently hope of life But there was not as yet any payment or satisfaction for sinnes And therefore these sacrifices were as it were bonds with sureties wherein man the principall debtor Coloss 2.14 acknowledgeth the debt Iesus Christ vndertooke as a pledge and surety 5 In this sence did Iesus Christ in his death make ful paymēt for the sins of al the elect consequently also of those that liued vnder the first testament as the Apostle saith which also S. Paul vnder the same cōsideration termeth the former sins Coloss 2.14 Heb. 9.15 Rom. 3.24 not that they were not pardoned to the beleeuing Iews But because vntil that day there was no price laid downe for the satisfaction of Gods Iustice And in that sence dothe the same Apostle say that he nailed those obligations to his crosse as hauing then satisfied discharged the same And therefore were the expiatorie sacrifices circumcision with other like ordenances of the law abolished at his death Neither could they haue been kept as necessary but that they would still haue been witnesses that Christ stood yet bound Besides not content to haue by this abolition as it were canceled these obligations he hath also ordeined Baptisme and his holy supper to be vnto vs as it were authenticall acquittances and witnesses of payment made 6 It is likewise the benefite for the which he cōmandeth vs to amend adding this reason For the kingdome of heauen is at hand For it is as if he had said Behold this is the time that I will breake the serpents head and destroy him that hath the empire of death and banish the prince of the world Now do I goe to make payment for al the sins of the elect to crucifie the old man that he may no longer raigne in them to purchase for them newnesse of life To be short to reestablish them in state requisit cōuenient for the children of God Is not the kingedome of heauen then very neere at hand Amend therefore for it is time that you feeling your iustification and attonement to be made with God shold be at peace in your consciences should renounce the deuil the flesh the worlde and your selues mortifie the olde man who is crucified with me and become new creatures by vertue of my resurrection But if contrariwise you remayne hardened in your sinnes and will not giue ouer and mortifie the ambition pride couetousnes fraude whore dome insolencie dronkennes ryot hatred enuy malice and other corruptions and doe not amend by growing in al good workes shal you not so much as in you lyeth quench the kingdome of heauen that is in you and with most villanous ingratitude tre●d vnder foote this incomprehensible benefit heere offered The heathen that neuer heard speaking hereof for their continued impenitency shall be iustly cōdemned The Iewes who had some knowledge albeit obscure and a farre off shal be more grieuously punished because they did not amend But you to whom this kingdome of heauen is neare at hand vnlesse ye amend shall incurre a condemnation without comparison more horrible and fearefull And the beleeuing Iewes who neuer sawe this kingdome of heauen but from far off and obscurely and yet as the Apostle saieth to the Hebrewes did beleeue it and reioyced and walking in the feare of God did amend Eph. 3.9 shal be your iudges to your confusion 7 We are furthermore to consider the preaching of the Gospel signified also by this kingdome of heauen Iesus Christ saieth Verily I say vnto you among them that are begottē of women arose not a greater then Iohn Baptist Heb. 11. notwithstanding he that is the least in the kingdome of heauen is greater then he He doth not heere meane that the least in the christiā Church shal either in piety or in glory in the kingdome of heauen excel Iohn Baptist but that they shal be greater Prophets then he that is to saie that they shal be able more amply perticulerly and euidently to speake of euery thing that concerneth our redemption saluation in Iesus Christ And indeed what euident assured knowledge hath there been reuealed to the Christian Church concerning the person of Iesus Christ that he was conceaued by the holy Ghost borne of the virgin Mary very God and very man likewise of his offices that he hath receaued the anoynting of the holy Ghost to be our Priest king Prophet Consequently of his sufferings death resurrection ascentiō into heauē of the certitude of our iustification saluatiō not by workes but by grace by the merits of his death Moreouer how the Gospel of saluation was directed to the Gentils wherby there was reuealed to the world a mistery secret Mat. 11.11 which as S. Paul saith hath from the beginning been hiddē in God cōteining a wonderful wisedome then reuealed to the Angels And albeit the ancient fathers we●e neuer destitute of the spirit of God Yet had they it not euer without cōparison so plentifully as it hath bene communicated by the preaching of the Gospell 2. Cor. 3.8 And therefore doth S. Paul call it in excellency the ministery of the spirite And Iesus Christ termeth it regeneration Mat. 19.28 as whē he saith to his Apostles ye that haue followed me in regeneration shall sit vpon twelue thrones Truely therefore in regarde of the preaching of the Gospell Iesus Christ did saye that the kingdome of heauen was at hand and that therefore we must amend As indeed Mat. 19.28 what excuse may we pretend if hauing such a sonne of light before our eyes we be neuerthelesse giuen
Ephe. 5.16 we are in these long sittings to consider the losse of time for Saint Paul to the contrarie commandeth vs to redeeme time But how By forsaking the lustes of the flesh that wee may the better and the rather employ our selues in our vocation If sitting at such long feasts we would enter into meditation and think that we sit there in the presence of God who beholdeth how vnprofitably we wast time which is so precious glutted with delicacie when many others starue for hunger we would be euen ashamed and say what doe we here Doth this life beseeme the children of God Doe we thus watch for death and the day of iudgement Likewise albeit the soule bee not fed with past three or fower Sermons in a weeke while the bodie hath at the least fourteene yet will we complaine of the preacher if he stand aboue his houre and neuer finde fault with a feast that lasteth fower or fiue For custome and inclination breedeth content It would be thought strange if a man to a feast should bring his black hower glasse for a full end as he must to a Sermon 10 Some excuses men will aledge yet grounded likewise vpon vice And indeede this obstinate continuance in excessiue and sumptuous banquets proceedeth of the ambition and vaine glorie before mentioned Euerie man seeketh to make shew of his riches and liberalitie aboue his companion No man will remaine endebted to him that inuiteth him to a feast Euerie one thinketh that he shall be noted of pouertie or pinching if he do not as an other man But why should he not rather looke to bee reputed sober a reformer a man willing to giue example to others to chaunge vice into vertue Po●tius Cato Liuie lib. 34. A certaine heathen sayth Where there is a law for sobrietie and modestie which a man obserueth it is not to bee imputed to pouertie couetousnesse or sparing but to obedience and obseruation of the law How much rather ought wee Christians whome God by so manie preceptes and decrees hath commaunded to keepe modestie and sobrietie constantly to reiect such reproches of the world and the flesh and to bee content with the testimonie of our owne consciences that our modestie and sobrietie proceedeth from the feare of God and a feeling of our owne duties which bindeth vs to yeeld obedience to his ordinances But we cannot resolue so to doe Why Because that still wee will seeme better then other men greater then wee are and of more abilitie then wee may beare Oh cursed ambition and pride Which to maintaine wee doe reiect the will of God wee offend our neighbours and wee neglect the releefe of the poore If thou sayest thou art able Remember that thy abilitie commeth of God who hath not giuen it thee to boast of but that thy plentie may bee an argument to releeue those that neede and to magnifie the riches of the goodnesse and power of God to his glorie 11 Well doe wee confesse that God aloweth vs to feast and thereof we haue examples in the holie Scriptures neither doe wee restraine men to bread and water or halfe an howers respite God hath created meate and drinke to bee vsed Yet that according to the exhortation of Iesus Christ wee may Amend our liues it must bee in sobrietie and modestie They must bee powdered with Christian speeches and discourses beseeming Gods children There must bee no excesse either in plentie in delicacie either in long sitting Wee must remember the needie and such as are in tribulation Amos. 61 Our guestes must bee such as to maintaine amitie and to take occasion to prayse God To conclude the roote of ambition that lurketh therein must bee plucked vp that contrariwise in the aboundaunce of Gods benefites wee may confesse his liberalitie to his glorie Let vs not expect others to bee examples of our duties but let vs purchase this holie glorie in the sight of God to bee the first that through his grace shall reforme our selues in practise of the saying of Dauid O Lorde I haue made hast Psal 119.60 and delayed not to keepe thy commaundementes Of Voluptuousnesse in generall Chap. 15. THe vanitie and excesse in banquetes before reprooued doeth heere minister occasion to speake of the lustes and pleasures of the flesh first in generall Then perticulerlie in some kindes as in drunkennesse gluttonie licorousnesse and fornication As concerning voluptuousnesse in generall wee haue a number of sayings euen of the heathen whereby with common consent of all the world and in all ages the same haue beene reproued and condemne as daungerous pernitious and not beseeming man Architas the Tarentine sayde Cicero in his booke of olde age there is no pestilence more mortall then voluptuousnesse adding that thereof proceede all treasons against the countrie subuersions of common wealthes secrete communications with enemies to be short that there is not any enterprise so wicked but by voluptuousnesse a man may bee wrought thereunto And proceeding in his argument by many reasons he proueth that nothing is more repugnant to the excellencie of man or more detestable and pernicious then the same And concludeth that there can bee no fellowship betweene lust and vertue and therefore that in the kingdom of voluptuousnes vertue cannot subsist He saith farther that about the same time that Cayus Fabritius was sent to King Pirrhus hee heard that at Athens there was one that maintained that euery thing that man doth ought to haue relation to voluptuousnesse and that when two Romaine Lordes heard him talking thereof they wished that the Samnites and King Pirrhus then their enemies might be perswaded to that doctrine that so they might with greater facilitie be ouercome The like did Antistenes hearing one commaund pleasures also wish to his enemies As also the like counsell did Cyrus follow and put in practise against the Lydians Iustine in his first booke whom he had subdued for taking away their horse and armour hee commaunded them to follow theyr lustes and pleasures to the ende that thereby loosing their accustomed valour and vertue they might together therewith forget also all courage to rebell 2 This voluptuousnesse engendereth so manie vices and villanies that such as compare it to a dreame the pleasure whereof at a mans waking vanisheth awaie doe say somewhat yet nothing to the purpose The Emperour Adrian goeth a little farther when he compareth it to pils outwardly fairely guilt and rouled in Sugar but within full of bitternesse Yet goeth he farther then they all which sayth that pleasure and sorrow are twinnes For pleasure is no sooner hatched but repentaunce is at hand holding her as it were by the head readie to supplant her And thereupon some haue saide that shee resembleth a smile which presently is turned to sorrow and teares And indeede pleasure flyeth and slideth away leauing rather cause of repentaunce then occasion of remembraunce Other haue compared her to a painted sepulcher faire without but within full
will take no pleasure therein Dronkennesse sayth Plutarch is a passion full of tumult deuoyde of sense and reason Many sayth Augustine transported with wine haue committed most wicked and detestable murthers The example of great Alexander is notable who in his dronkennesse slew Clytus one of his deerest and most faithfull seruants which when he knew hauing disgested his wine hee woulde haue died for sorrow Heereto may wee referre that notable saying of Pythagoras that the vine yeeldeth three grapes the one of pleasure the second of dronkennesse and the last of outrage is also the saying of Anacharsis that the first draught is for thirst the second for sustenance the third for pleasure and the fourth ingendereth wrath And which is more the dronken man is a lyon to himselfe in that hee iniureth and wasteth both his bodie and his goods Bas Ser. against Dronkards It is maruell sayeth Basil that the bodyes of dronkardes beeing by nature of earth beeing so moistned do not dissolue into claie and morter Plut. Sim. dis li. 3.4.5 August to a holy virgin To such men sayth hee the soule is but salt to preserue the bodie for a time from rotting Dronkardes sayth Plutarch doo soone wax olde balde and graie before theyr time As Alexander the conqueror of so many kingdomes was ouercome by wine Seneca in his 84. Ep. to Lucil so many townes long time besieged haue beene taken and burned while the watch men haue beene dronke and a sleepe Seneca speaketh more largely What calamities saith hee haue growen of dronkennesse By her haue strong and most warlyke people beene deliuered to theyr enemies by it haue townes that haue long helde out agaynst the enemie beene opened and taken by it haue whole Nations Iust l. 1 that obstinately haue reiected the yoake of dominion of others bene subdued To be short such as in warre haue bene inuinsible haue by wine bene ouercome Iustine propoundeth a notable example in the Scithians of whome he saith that they were ouercome first by wine then by wepons Neither are we to maruel that it commeth so to passe for the dronkard peruerteth all that hee gouerneth hee maketh his bodie to reele he along he stoppeth and reuerseth the principall actions of his soule he drowneth the shippe that he guideth he ouerthroweth the chariot that hee driueth he looseth the army that hee leadeth but which is the fulnesse of his mishap by dronkennes becomming twice a childe hee reiecteth the gouernment of others but chiefely the couenant of God and so casteth himself headlong into ruine and euerlasting damnation 7 As Iesus Christ admonisheth vs to amend our liues so truely shoulde the consideration of the premises moue vs to shunne this accursed dronkennesse as a pestilence as Aeschilus in old time called it But especially the remembrance of the spirituall dangers mischiefes and inconueniences euen of euerlasting death the fruites of this dronkennesse ought mightily to mooue our heartes wholly to renounce it First as there is no exercise more profitable for the children of God for theyr saluation or wherein God is greatlyer glorified than in prayer thankesgiuing and praises to the Lord so is there nothing that sooner quencheth the vse of the same than dronkennesse Also if ordinarie sobrietie yea euen extraordinarie fasting bee sometimes requisite in praier that wee may bee the better disposed thereunto what can the dronkardes praiers bee but either none or meere mockeries And how shall we reade Gods worde or heare anie sermon when our heads are fraught with wine or strong drinke Againe if the sober doe many times fal on sleep therat what are we to expect of the dronkard but brutish sluggishnesse which depriueth him of all profite by the word of God And is there anie greater miserie than voluntarilie to depriue our selues of the fruite of praier Gods word When the Secretarie or Counseller is to conferre with his prince about matters of great waight or importance shal he make himselfe dronke or come dronke into his masters presence If wee ought dayly to praie vnto almightie God and by reading wherein truely consisteth and dependeth mannes great felicitie heare him speaking vnto vs doo not wee when we are dronke depriue our selues of this so familiar profitable and most comfortable communication with God 8 Againe how can a man that is giuen to dronkennes imploy him selfe in his vocation It is not for kings O Lemuel sayde his mother vnto him Prouer. 31.4 It is not for kings to drinke wine nor for princes strong drinke least hee drinke and forget the decree and chaunge the iudgement of all the children of affliction And in that consideration the holy Apostle Saint Paul ordayneth 1. Tim. 3 3.8 Tit. 1.7 Leuit. 10.9 Num. 6.3 Esay 5.11 that Bishoppes Elders and Deacons should not bee giuen to wine to the ende the better to discharge theyr offices Likewise in former daies the Priests in their wayting time and the Nazarites might drinke no wine Esay also speaking more generally declared this inconuenience thereto adding a threatning of Gods horrible iudgement for the same Woe bee vnto thē sayth he that rise vp early to follow dronkennesse and to them that continue vntil night till the wine doth inflame them And the harp and violl timbrell and pipe and wine are in their feasts but they regarde not the Lordes worke neither consider the worke of his hands August in his 231. sermon of shunning dronkennesse 9 But let vs more particularly enter into consideration of the inconueniences and mischiefes growing of dronkennesse to those that are giuen thereto First as a long and sore raine sayeth Saint Augustine moystneth the earth and so conuerteth it into mire that it cannot bee tilled to bring foorth fruit euen so our bodies distempered with too much wine cannot receiue the spirituall husbandrie neyther yeeld anie fruite beseeming the immortall soule Chrisost ho. 1. vpon these wordes Modico vino c. Wee are sayth hee farther to beware that our bodyes ouer moystned with wine growe not as it were into saltes or marishes where ther groweth nothing but weeds frogges serpents and other lyke beastes The dronkard sayth Chrisostome is a voluntarie deuill deuoid of excuse for his destruction or obloquy with men Dronkennesse sayth Saint Augustine is the mother of all wickednesse the argument of all offences the roote of all transgressions Aug. to a holy virgin distemperaunce of the head destruction of the senses a storme of the tongue waues of the bodie shipwracke of chastitie losse of time voluntarie madnesse infamous languishing corruption of manners dishonour to lyfe reproach to honestie and death of the soule Then hee addeth Dronkennesse is an amiable deuill a licorous poyson and a sweete sinne Hee that hath it hath not himselfe and hee that is dronke doeth not simply sinne but is wholy conuerted into sinne In a mightie storme sometime both the shippe and the men are saued by casting the goods into the sea
peruerse permit no murtherers or periured persons to liue that hee vpholde the Church feed the poore establish iust men in publike offices retaine ancient wise and discreet counsellers that in anie wise hee apply not himselfe to the superstitions of deuiners magitians and pythonicall spirites that he deferre his displeasure and defend his Countrie from his enemies with magnanimity and iustice that he repose his whole confidence in God that hee bee not puffed vp in prosperitie and with patience beare aduersitie that hee maintayne the Catholike faith and suffer not anie wickednes in his children that he allot certaine houres to praier vnto God and eate not but in due season for woe be to the earth where the gouernors doo arise early to eate These things sayth Saint Augustine doo minister prosperitie in this lyfe and doo leade the king to a better dominion euen to the celestiall and eternall kingdome Seeing therfore that our Lorde Iesus Christ exhorteth vs to amend our liues let all magistrates examining themselues by that which hath bin before spoken concerning their duties determine aduise themselues to amend such faultes as may be in them that they may imploy themselues to gouerne theyr subiects more and more in vertue wisedome and holynesse to the glorie of God and the benefit and saluation of themselues and their sayd subiects Of the dutie of Subiects to their Magistrates Chap. 7. NOw let vs proceede to the duetie of subiectes to their Magistrates As in the fifth commandement of the Lawe the word Father signifyeth all superiours that haue charge conduct and gouernment of others and consequently all Magistrates so the word Honour includeth all duties and offices wherein the subiects are bound to the superior powers And this doth Saint Peter confirme 1 Pet. 2.17 saying Honour the king Where this word Honor doth especially import loue reuerence subiection obedience assistance to conclude praiers and supplications for them As touching the first point that is to loue them God commaundeth it in his lawe for the summe of the second Table thereof importeth that wee loue our neighbour as our selues And if all men bee our neighbours how much rather the Magistrates who in the fiftth commandement are signified by the worde Father the rather to admonish vs that we ought to loue them as our fathers and in deed they be many times tearmed fathers of the people Moreouer if the image of God that resteth vppon all the children of Adam doth binde vs to loue them howe much rather are wee to loue those who besides the image common to all the rest of Adams brood haue yet one particular and most excellent portion therof in that they are as it were Gods lieutenants to gouerne his people and of the same doo beare the title of God I haue sayde yee are Gods and the children of the highest sayth the prophet Dauid Psalm 82.6 Agayne God sitteth in the assemblie of Gods he iudgeth in the midst of the Gods 2 This consideration bindeth vs to loue them albeit they discharge not their duties to theyr subiects For theyr faulte taketh not awaie the Image or priuiledge of God The king sayth Saint Augustine beareth the image of God and must therefore be honoured and loued If not in respect of his person yet for his calling and office howe much rather then shoulde the people loue theyr magistrats when they shew themselues to be the seruants of God for our good and as their office requireth to draw vs to liue a quiet and peaceable lyfe in all godlynes and honestie and so to make vs happie For were it not a monstrous and vnnaturall matter not to loue those by whose handes care wisedome power and authoritie God vouchsafeth to establish and preserue vs in a blessed estate both of bodie and soule 3 This image and title of God which they doo beare doth also admonish vs to reuerence and regarde them both in heart and minde in worde and worke For surely he that despiseth them despiseth God in them And that is one cause why hee forbyddeth backbiting of them saying Thou shalt not speake euill of the Iudge neither shalt thou curse the prince of thy people Exod. 22.28 And because many doo presume to murmure and backbite them as imagining that they shall neuer knowe of it Salomon warneth vs not to deceiue our selues in that point saying Curse not the king no not in thy thought for the foules of heauen shall carrie the voice Besides Preach 10.20 albeit the same bee kept secret from man yet God that heareth it wyll reuenge the wrong done to his maiestie Saint Peter and Saint Iude doo declare 2. Pet. 2.10 Iude. 8. that euen in theyr time there were some that contemned the superiour powers and dominions proude persons giuen ouer to theyr owne sense euen such as dyd not abhorre to reproue and controll authoritie And some there be in these our daies that shew themselues to haue bene their schollers for they maintaine that a faythfull man the childe of God cannot exercise the office of a magistrate especially as concerning the vse of the swoorde agaynst transgressours Doo not such men tread this holy ordinance of God vnder foote when they affyrme that superior power beseemeth none but the wicked and vnbeleeuers 4 Besides the loue and reuerence due vnto Magistrates we are also to yeeld vnto them subiection and obedience as Saint Paule admonisheth vs saying Let euerie soule bee subiect to the higher powers Rom. 13.1 for there is no power but of God and the powers that be are ordained of God Whereupon hee also inferreth and that iustly that whosoeuer resisteth the magistrate resisteth the ordinance of God and they that resist shall bring vpon themselues iudgement The same Apostle writing to Titus Titus 3.1 sayth Put them in remembrance that they be subiect to principalities and powers and that they obey their gouernours And surely sith God hath printed in the person of the Magistrate the characters of his image and maiestie wee haue greate reason to beware of offending him And this wee reade of the people of Israel in the behalfe of Iosua That the Lord did magnifie him in the sight of all Israel and they feared him as they had done Moses all the daies of his life Iosua 4.14 This feare of offending the magistrate is grounded vpon two reasons first vpon the authoritie and power that God giueth him to punish such as are rebellious as the Apostle sayth If thou doest euill feare the magistrate for hee beareth not the swoorde for naught Rom. 13. 4. but is the minister of God to take vengeance on him that doth euill Secondly because albeit hee were not armed with this power yet we ought to feare God who commaundeth vs to be obedient to the Magistrate and to bee subiect vnto him And this doth Saint Peter note saying Submit your selues vnto all manner ordinance of man 1. Pet. 2.3 Rom. 13. 5. for the Lordes
mightily to moue vs to amendement First when by the kingdome of heauen is signified the blessed estate and incomprehensible felycitie that wee shall inioy in heauen therein are wee taught that our estate is farre different from the estate of bruite beastes who by their death are reduced to naught For as for men when they die all is not death with them but they that beleeuing in Iesus Christ haue amended their liues shal depart into a life replenished with all glorie ioy and incomprehensible eternall felicity heere signified by the kingdome of heauen as contrariwise they that remaine hardned in theyr euill doinges shall for euer bee tormented with the fire of Gods wrath Dan. 12. Many saith Daniel that sleepe in the dust shall awake some to life eternall and others to eternall reproch and infamie Iohn 5.28 This sentence doth Iesus Christ confirme saying The houre shall come that all that are in the graues shal heare the voice of the sonne of man and shall come foorth euen they that haue done good to the resurrection of life they that haue done euil to the resurrection of condemnation And to this end shall Iesus Christ come to iudge the world that the childrē of God that haue amended their liues may be exalted into the fruition of the kingdome of heauen contrariwise the disobedient swallowed vp with the deuill his Angels in hell That we may the better feel the efficacie of this reason For the kingdom of heauen is at hand we are vndoubtedly to beleeue it is in deed an article of our faith that Iesus Christ shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead And in this respect S. Paul writing to Timothie 1. Tim. 4.4 saith I summon thee before God before the Lord Iesus Christ who in his appearance and kingdome shall iudge the quicke the dead Acts. 17.31 As also the same Apostle in another place saith God hath ordained a daie when he shall iudge all the world in righteousnes This was an old resolute point of the Iews religion as it appeareth by these sentences of Iesus Christ The men of Niniue shall rise in the day of iudgement to condemne this generation Math. 12.41 Math. 10.15 Againe If it shall be more easie for Sodom in the daie of iudgement than for those townes that woulde not receiue the Gospel These threatnings wold haue bin of smal waight with the Iewes had they not bin perswaded that there was a daye of iudgement wherein the children of God should be receiued in to the kingdome of heauen and the vnbeleeuers and obdurate in wickednes cast into euerlasting death 3 To the end the rather to confirme vs in the expectation of this daie of iudgement so much to be desired and so blessed for those that do amend their liues but so terrible to the rebellious obstinate Math. 25.31 S. Mathew representeth vnto vs the form therof saying Whē the son of man shall come in his glorie all the angels with him then shal he sit vpon the throne of his glorie and he shal separate the sheep from the goats and he shall set the sheep on his right hand the goats on his left to thē on his right hand he shal say Come ye blessed of my father inherite the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world And to them on the left hand hee shall saie Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fyre which is prepared for the deuill and his Angels and they shal go into euerlasting paines and the righteous into euerlasting life Let vs therefore bee fully resolued that the daie will come that such as haue amended theyr liues increasing in faith working in loue and fructifying in good workes shall bee gathered into the fruition of the kingdome of heauen and the others into euerlasting fyre And in deede sith it is so sayth Saint Augustine that all thinges before prophesied in the holy Scriptures August in his Epist 42. to Mandarens haue come to passe and beene fulfilled in theyr season as the floud the bondage of the seede of Abraham in Egypt and theyr deliuerie the captiuitie of Babylon and the returne from the same the comming of Christ in the flesh and all that concerned his passion his resurrection and ascension into heauen his promise to send the holy Ghost to the Apostles the calling of the Gentiles other like matters what reason haue we to doubt of this day of iudgement which hath bin foreshewed in so many passages of the holy Scripture 4 Neither can we anie way doubt thereof if we haue anie reason or vnderstanding For if we beleeue that there is a God which all nations in the world doo confesse we must also beleeue that hee is righteous if he be righteous hee will reward the righteous that amend their liues punish the disobedient that are giuen to wickednes But this reward or punishment is not performed in this life but in part and that verie seldome as both the Prophet manifestly declareth in the 71. psalme and experience doth dayly teach It followeth therefore that after this life there is another wherin the righteous haue their reward euen the fruition of the kingdome of heauen and the disobedient shal be punished with euerlasting torments This discourse doth S. Paul confirme in expresse words for he seeing the persecutions of the faithful 2. Thes 1.5 and their grieuous afflictions least they should be shaken with some opinion that there were no prouidence or iustice in God he vpholdeth to the contrarie doth shew that the persecutions afflictions that they suffered were a manifest demonstration of the iust iudgment of God To the end saith he that ye may be accounted worthie the kingdome of God for the which ye do also suffer For it is a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you that are troubled rest with vs. But when shal that be Euen when the Lord Iesus shal shew himselfe from heauen with his mightie Angels In flaming fire rendering vengeance to thē that do not know God which obey not the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christ which shall be punished with euerlasting perdition from the presence of the Lord and from the glorie of his power when he shall come to be glorified in his Saincts to be made maruellous in all them that beleeue If then it bee a righteous thing with him to recōpence tribulation as is aforesayd to those that trouble vs euen vs I say that are pore vpon earth how much more righteous will it be with him most horribly eternally to punish those that haue persecuted euen the person of Iesus Christ the welbeloued sonne of God In this sense is this daie called the daie of the restoration of al thinges because the disorder and confusion that seemeth now to be in the gouernment of the world Act. 3 21. shall bee then
our bodie lyfe or earthly goods for anie offence cōmitted by vs doth without comparison more daunt and quaile vs than the desert of euerlasting death and the losse of the kingdome of heauen 4 Let vs therefore plainly confesse the truth that naturally wee loue the bodie better than the soule the goods commodities of this temporal life better than the tresures of eternity And consequently that in lieu of seeking first the kingdome of heauen and the righteousnes thereof and thereupon expecting that all other things shall be giuen vs according to the promise of Christ wee contrarywise setting the ca●t before the horse doo first and much more seeke that which concerneth the bodie and this present life than anie thing that toucheth the soule the kingdom of heauen And yet he that knoweth not that the body is more than the soul hath no soule neither hath anie vnderstanding or reason and is no man but a beast And he that confesseth not the kingdome of heauen to be infinitly better than all the kingdomes of the world sheweth himselfe to bee most peruerse and malitious 5 That we may therefore correct these corruptions so amend our liues Math. 13.44 45. let vs remember that Iesus Christ likeneth the kingdome of heauen to a treasure hidde in the field which when a man hath sound he hideth it and for ioy thereof departeth and selleth all that he hath buieth that field Also to a pearle of great value for the purchase wherof the marchant selleth al that he hath But what was this so excellent treasure or pearle of so great price euen the Church or holy ministerie The kingdome of God in vs and the kingdome of glorie in heauen This kingdome of heauen therfore must we first especially seeke after and after the example of those marchants sell all we haue that is to saie forsake all that we account to bee precious concerning this life that wee may inioy this kingdome of heauen 6 And in deede first they that beeing members of the Church doo vse the holy ministerie are accounted to bee the children of God and members of Iesus Christ who also imployeth this holie ministerie to driue from them the kingdome of Sathan and to establish his And so are they gotten on to the first step and entered in at the first gate In the meane time because there be also hypocrites that do enter and abide there for a time in shew keeping the place of Gods children it is requisite moreouer that the kingdom of heauen be in vs. For as all they that are possessed with righteousnesse Rom. 14.17 peace and the ioy of the holie Ghost which Saint Paule calleth the kingdome of God are certaine to enrer into heauen so is it in vaine to pretend to enter into the kingdome of God which is in heauen vnlesse the kingdome of heauen which is the gate be first in vs that is to saie if we haue not the true knowledge of God and of his sonne Iesus Christ a liuely fayth a feruent charitie vnles wee increase in sanctification of bodie of soule and of minde vnles in our selues wee do feele a good conscience conioyned with peace and ioy in the holie Ghost and vnlesse wee bee regenerate in newnesse of lyfe As also Iesus Christ himselfe doth plainly say That vnlesse wee bee borne againe wee cannot see the kingdome of God And in deede it is written Iohn 3.3 1. Cor. 6.9 That neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor wantons nor theeues nor couetous men nor dronkardes nor euill speakers nor rauishers shall inherite the kingdome of God Yet before hee pronounceth this sentence hee wakeneth vs saying Deceiue not your selues to the end that casting off all illusions and sweete baites of the world the flesh and the deuill we may be assured that by amendement correcting of these vices and other lyke corruptions we shall inherite the kingdome of God Wherefore as where there bee two gates to a towne it is not inough that wee enter the first vnlesse wee also passe through the second so is it not inough that wee beeing members of the Church vsing the holie ministerie which we haue sayd to be as the first gate to the kingdome of heauen vnlesse wee thence proceede to the second in liuing as true and liuely members of the Church declaring the effectes of the holy ministerie by the testimonies of our faith mortification of the old man newnesse of lyfe in briefe by dayly amendement For albeit wee haue preached the worde of God yea and wrought myracles yet shall wee not therefore enter into the kingdome of heauen vnlesse wee also amende our liues as Iesus Christ also sayd Not euery one that saith Lord Lord Mat. 7.21 shall enter into the kingdome of heauen but hee which doth the will of my father which is in heauen Manye will saye vnto mee in that daye Lord Lord haue we not by thy name prophecied and by thy name cast out deuils and by thy name done many great workes Then will I professe vnto them I neuer knew ye Departe from me ye workers of iniquitie 7 The parable of the seede sowen in sundry sorts of ground doth euidently declare that for the establishing of the kingdom of heauen in vs Mat. 13. also that we may assuredly enter into the kingdome of God which is in heauen we are to amend in three points First as the seede that fell by the way side and so was deuoured by the soules of the aire so must we beware that our harts be not so hard and impenitent that the woorde heard when it cannot enter into thē vanish away and be as it were euen violently caught away by satan Secondly we must be so firmly resolued to beare in patience the losse of parents brethren sisters goods dignities yea euen of life that being possessed with this good humour of patience a good conscience and faith the sunny heat of persecution may not make this sacred seede vnfruitfull or vnprofitable or cause vs to forsake the Church which is the kingdome of heauen and so fall againe vnder the tiranny of Satan as a dogge to his vomite or a washed sow to her myre Thirdlye 2. Pet. 2.12 as the seede that fell among thornes cōmeth at the last to be choaked vp and stiffeled so must we beware that the cares of worldly affaires the earnest desire of the cōmodities of this transitory life do not choak vp the good seede of the heauenly doctrine These three pernicious inconuemences must we au●id and amend in case we desire to enter into the kingdome of God that is in heauen 8 Now where it is said in this parable that only the fourth part of the seed did bring forth fruite we are thereof togather for the inducing of vs to amēdmēt of life that the number of those that shal be saued in the kingdom of God which is in heauen sha●be small and this doth our