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A09432 A godly and learned exposition of Christs Sermon in the Mount: preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and iudicious diuine M. William Perkins. Published at the request of his exequutors by Th. Pierson preacher of Gods word. Whereunto is adioyned a twofold table: one, of speciall points here handled; the other, of choise places of Scripture here quoted Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1608 (1608) STC 19722; ESTC S113661 587,505 584

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bold-hardie that they will rai●e vpon and defie the deuill and command him to be gone But without a calling thereunto we may not so doe Indeede if by Gods prouidence we be called to liue in such places necessarily then this we may doe we must not reason with the deuill but betake our selues to God by humble and earnest praier and complaine of Satans vexation making God our shelter and defence both for soule and bodie els if we presume to meddle with him without a calling from God we may iustly be foyled and abused by him as the sonnes of Sceva were because we haue no promise from the Lord to be protected from him For thine is the kingdome and the power and the glorie for euer Amen These words conteine the reason of the former sixe petitions touching which we must obserue two things in generall first that they are not a reason to mooue God whose wil is vnchāgeable but to perswade the child of God that prayeth thus that God will graunt his requests Secondly that this reason is not peculiar to the last petition but generally belonging to them all as halowed be thy name because thine is the kingdome power and glorie and so for the rest The meaning Kingdome This here imports three things in God first that he is al-sufficient of himselfe to doe all things whatsoeuer needing no helpe nor instrument beside his soueraigne will Gen. 17. 1. I am God al-sufficient Secondly that he hath a soueraigne right and title to all things in heauen and earth as a King hath to those things which belong to his territories and iurisdiction Thirdly that he hath soueraigne rule and authoritie ouer all things in heauen and earth gouerning them as he pleaseth and bringing them into an absolute subiection Further the kingdome of God is twofold The kingdome of his prouidence whereby he rules and gouernes all things in heauen and earth euen the deuill and all his angels and instruments and the kingdome of grace whereby he gouernes his Church by his word and spirit and both these are here to be vnderstood Thine The kingdome is here called Gods for two causes First to shew that God hath his kingdome of himselfe and from himselfe alone thus the kingdome of grace and of prouidence are both his Secondly to distinguish God from earthly kings for though they haue a kingdome power and glorie as Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzer yet they haue all these from God not of themselues but God hath them of himselfe alone and not from any other Now because our nature is blind in the things of God I will here propound some reasons to prooue that God hath such a soueraigne kingdome as also to shew the excellencie of it First this appeares by that excellent order which God hath set in all his workes by their creation for how fitly doe times and seasons as spring time and summer autumne and winter succeede one an other how sweetely doe the heauenly creatures the sunne moone and starres serue for the creatures here below as hearbs and plants how doe these serue for beasts and foules and all of them for the vse of man as this prooues against the Atheist that there is a God so it shewes the soueraigntie and most wise regiment of his kingdome When a man sees a great armie in good array and euery one keeping his place and standing constantly he will presently commend the wisdome and authoritie of the leader why then should we not acknowledge the power and souerangntie of the almightie in that constant station of the creatures in that sweete order which they obserue from the creation Secondly the terror accusation of a guiltie conscience doth argue euidently the absolute soueraigntie of Gods kingdom for when a man hath committed some grieuous sinne either against the law of nature or the written word of God though it be so secretly that no man know of it yet wil his conscience accuse and fright him which it would not doe vnles he were to answer for that fact to God the soueraigne Lord of al. Thirdly men of death that is such as by some notorious crime deserue death though through the ignorance or negligence of magistrats they be let to escape yet ordinarily they are ouertaken with some fearefull iudgement and one way or other meete with their desert which is a speciall worke of Gods soueraigne prouidence Fourthly the Gospel preached is as contrarie to mans corrupt nature as fire is to water and yet hath it in all ages wonne men vnto it to professe it and to loue it so as they haue been content for the Gospels sake to forsake house and lands wife children yea and life itselfe This no word of man could euer doe therfore it argues plainly that some supernatural power worketh with it which draws the heart of mā vnto it Here some may say that the Deuill hath a kingdome contrarie to Gods kingdome wherein he raigneth and therfore Gods kingdome is not absolute Ans. If we regard the malice of Satan or the practise of the wicked it may seeme Gods kingdome should not be absolute because they continually rebell against his reuealed will but consider the power of God which ouerruleth Satan and all his instruments disposing most wisely of all their works to his owne glorie the good of his Church and their own ruine and then we shall plainly see that God ruleth ouer all for howsoeuer the deuill and his angels and all other his instruments oppose themselues vnto the word of God which is the law of his kingdom of grace yet God willingly permits all such works and restraines them all at his pleasure so as that which comes to passe against Gods reuealed will is not contrarie to his absolute will Thine is the power By power is meant an abilitie in God whereby he can doe whatsoeuer he will and more then he will doe for the better conceiuing of it note these two things First that God is not onely powerfull but euen power it selfe in regard of his nature as he is goodnesse and wisdome c. Men and Angels are called powerfull as receiuing power from God but God onely is power it selfe because his nature is infinite in power as in all other properties Secondly that power and will in God are one and the same for our better conceiuing of them they may be distinguished but in themselues they differ not for Gods willing of a thing is the effecting and doing of it It is not so in vs for we will many things which we cannot doe but whatsoeuer God willeth that he doth and that which he cannot doe he cannot will The Scripture saith God cannot lie nor denie himselfe nor die c. now as he cannot doe these things so neither can he wil them for they are no workes of power but of weakenesse and frailtie and therefore is God omnipotent because he can neither doe nor will the same Thine is
whereof Hatred is the roote and the rest are the branches Thirdly Christ laies downe the cause for which this persecution shall be inflicted namely for my sake or as S. Luke saith for the sonne of mans sake which expoundeth this phrase for Righteousnes sake v. 10. to wit for professing beleeuing and maintaining the doctrine of the Gospel taught by Christ touching remission of sinnes and life euerlasting to them that beleeue The vses in generall We see that Christ vrgeth this Rule of blessednes more largely then the former this he doth for speciall cause first hereby he would teach his Disciples and vs in them that it is the will of God his Church in this world should be vnder the crosse in such affliction and persecution as their blood shall be sought for the maintenance of the faith And this hee will haue to bee the state of his Church for speciall causes First that the members thereof by their afflictions may be acquainted with their owne wants and infirmities which they would not much regard if they were freed from the crosse Secondly that by affliction they may be kept from many grieuous sinnes into which they would fall if they liued in peace Thirdly that others seeing the correction of the Church for sinne might learne thereby to hate and auoide sinne and lastly that the Church might glorifie God in a constant and couragious maintenance of his truth vnto death for euen in persecution is Gods truth preserued against the reason of mans wisdome patient suffering for the truth beeing faithfull witnes-bearing thereunto Secondly Christ had newely called the Twelue out of all his Disciples to be Apostles whereupon they might thinke that they should be aduanced to some outward honour ease and peace but Christ hereby calles them from that conceit puts them in mind of affliction which should befall them in time to come that when it came they might the better indure it And thus he prepares all churches to suffer affliction yea and we our selues must hereby learne in time of peace to prepare our selues against the day of triall because his will is that whosoeuer would liue godly in Christ Iesus must suffer affliction Thirdly hereby Christ intends to lay a ground of comfort to his disciples in their persecution by a plaine and ful declaration of their happines that suffer for righteousnes sake in that they haue sure title to the kingdome of heauen out of which estate no sound comfort can be had And this same must we lay vp in store against the time to come for we liue now in peace by Gods mercie but we know not how long it will continue we haue beene threatened and dangerously assaulted by our enemies many a time beside the rodde of God shaken with his owne hand against vs and wee may not thinke our peace will last alwaies but seeing our sinnes increase we may be sure our ioy and peace will one day bee turned into sorrow and therefore it will be good to haue this Rule engrauen in our hearts that they are blessed which suffer for righteousnesse sake If therefore tribulation come for the defence of the Gospel we must haue recourse to this promise of blessednesse and that will be our comfort More particularly In the words of this Rule Blessed are they c. Christ would let vs see that deadly hatred which the world beares vnto Gods Church for so much the word persecute importeth The reasons of this hatred may be these First the Church of God in the ministerie of the Gospel seekes the ruine of the diuels kingdome who is the Prince of the world the diuell therefore rageth and inflames the hearts of his instruments with malice against Gods Church that they may persecute and quite destroy it if it were possible Secondly Gods Church is a peculiar people seuered from the world in profession doctrine and conuersation and therefore the world hates them Ioh. 15. 19. And this very point may serue to stay our hearts when we shall bee persecuted for the profession and embracing of the Gospel of Christ for the world doth hate Gods Church and will doe to the end there must be enmitie betweene the seed of the serpent and the seede of the woman as then he that was borne of the flesh persecuted him that was borne after the spirit so is it now Gal. 4. 29. Secondly obserue that this hatred of the world is not onely against the members of Gods Church but euen against Christs holy religion so Christ saith for my sake or for my Religions sake This is to be marked as a most excellent argument to perswade our consciences that the Gospel of Christ which we professe is the true and blessed doctrine of God because the wicked world doth alwaies hate it yea it hateth vs also for the Gospels sake now if it were a doctrine of men it would fit their natures well and they would loue it for the world doth loue his owne Ioh. 15. 19. Thirdly if they be blessed that suffer persecution then how may any man lawfully flie in persecution Answer A man may flie in persecution with good conscience these two things obserued first that he be not hindred by his particular calling secondly that he hath libertie offered by Gods prouidence to escape the hands of his enemies The intent of this verse is not to forbid flight but to comfort such as are in persecution and cannot escape for the word signifieth such persecution as is by pursuite and oppression which cannot be auoided Lastly seeing they are blessed that suffer for righteousnes sake Whether are they alwaies cursed that suffer deseruedly for an euill cause for the contrarie reason is in contraries Ans. They are alwaies accursed saue in one case to wit vnlesse they repent for their vnrighteousnes for which they are afflicted but by true repentance they become blessed The thiefe vpon the crosse had liued in theft and was therfore attached condemned and crucified and so he suffered for vnrighteousnesse but yet hee was saued because hee repented and beleeued in Christ. It is added for righteousnesse sake In this clause we are taught a speciall lesson namely that when God shall lay vpon vs any affliction or persecution as imprisonment banishment losse of goods or of life it selfe we must alwaies looke that the cause be good and then suffer willingly This is a necessarie Rule for we must suffer affliction either publikely or priuately if we will liue godly in Christ Iesus Now it is not the punishment but the cause that makes a Martyr and to this purpose Peter saith Let none of you suffer as a Murtherer a Thiefe or a busie-body but if any man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed but glorifie God in this behalfe and therefore we must be sure the cause be good yea this we must looke vnto in our particular priuate crosses Verse 11. Blessed are ye when men reuile you and
lewdnesse nor frowardnesse in them yea the Law of the Lord is perfect his statutes are right and his iudgements true and righteous altogether Now the consideration of this integritie and perfection of the law and word of God must mooue vs to studie the Scriptures with great diligence so saith our Sauiour Christ Search the Scriptures that is shake and sift them as the word signifieth search narrowely till the true force and meaning of euery sentence yea of euery word and sillable nay of euery letter and iotte therein bee knowne and vnderstood conferre place with place the scope of one place with another things going before with things that come after yea compare word with word letter with letter and search it throughly This manner of studying the Scripture is most necessarie as beeing the thing indeede which preserueth and vpholdeth the Church of God and the puritie of religion for about foure or fiue hundred years agone men left off to studie the Bible after this sort and betooke themselues to the writings of men occupying their wits wholly in vaine quid●ities in Philosophie and in hid mysteries of Diuinitie by which meanes it came to passe that Poperie and Apostacie from the truth spread it selfe ouer the world for many hundred yeares together Afterward God of his meere mercie put into the hearts of some men to bee carefull searchers in the word of God by which meanes the truth appeared as light out of darkenesse Thus God stirred up Luther about the yeare of our Lord 1517. who by diligent search in the Scripture and especially by serious meditation with praier vpon these words of the Apostle Roman 3. 21. That now by the Gospel without the Law the Iustice of God is made manifest did finde that by the perfect obedience of Christ our iustification was wrought and thereupon began to maintaine and professe Iustification before God to be free through and by faith in Christ onely without helpe from the works of the law against the doctrine of the Church of Rome and so by further diligence and industrie in the Scripture the truth of God shone forth more and more Let all men but especially Students in diuinitie consider this effect of searching out the Scriptures as a spurre to diligence in this behalfe By this means also errors and heresies are auoyded and suppressed the will of God is plainly reuealed And here by the way we may see how profitable and necessarie the gift of Interpretation is It is a most excellent gift of the spirit pertaining to the Ministerie and therefore most commendable necessarie is the vse thereof in Schooles of Learning Eightly this immutabilitie ascribed to Gods law that euery part thereof shall be accomplished to the full teacheth all Princes and Magistrates not onely to be keepers of Moses law in their owne persons but also within their rule and dominions to doe their best indeauour that the same bee fulfilled and kept by others For this cause did the Lord command that the Prince of his people should haue the Law written before him in a booke to read vpon continually that hee may learne to feare God and to keepe all the words of the Law to doe them and that which is there enioyned vnto Princes belongeth also vnto all Magistrates Masters and Parents within their places and charges they must be carefull to see the whole law of God practised and obeyed both in their owne persons and of those that are vnder them Lastly by this immutabilitie ascribed to the Law wee may learne what it is to fulfill the law namely to keepe and obserue to the full euery particular thing which the law commaunds vs and vpon this wee may ground two conclusions against the Papists First that no man can come to life euerlasting by his owne righteousnesse and obedience for hee that would come to heauen by his owne righteousnesse must be able to fulfill the whole law perfectly in euery respect but since Adams fall no man could keepe the lawe in all things sauing our Sauiour Christ both God and man Secondly that our fulfilling of the law must be in the obedience of Christ for he onely was answerable to the whole law in all things and therefore if we would come to heauen we must not come in our owne righteousnesse but in his as Paul wisheth to be found of God Phil. 3. 8 9. Verse 19. Whosoeuer therefore shall breake one of these least commandements and teach men so he shall bee called least in the kingdome of heauen but whosoeuer shall obserue and teach them the same shall bee called great in the kingdome of heauen Our Sauiour Christ hauing plainely propounded in his Apologie for himselfe the stabilitie and eternitie of the whole law doth here laie downe two notable conclusions for the vpholding thereof 1. Because the Law is immutable and eternall therefore he that breaketh one of the least of the commandements and teacheth men so shall be called least in the kingdome of heauen 2. Because the Law is eternall therefore he that keepes the commandements and teacheth men so shall bee called great in the kingdome of heauen For the first by least commandement he meaneth the precepts of the Morall lawe though in the former verse by Law he vnderstood the whole law in three parts Iudiciall Morall and Ceremoniall And he calleth them litle not simply in regard of themselues as though they were so indeede for in it selfe euery commaundement of God is great and waightie but hee speaketh according to the opinion of the Iewes for the Scribes and Pharises had ordained certaine rites and ceremonies according to the tradition of their Fathers the obseruation whereof they made a greater matter of conscience then the keeping of some of Gods commandements and so esteemed them little Againe saying these least commaundements hee pointeth out what particular commaundements of the Morall law the Iewes esteemed lesse then the traditions of men namely those which afterward he expoundeth in this Chapter touching Murther Adulterie Swearing and the rest for they esteemed not all the commaundements of the law lesser then their traditions Shal be called least in the kingdome of heauen Here Christ sets downe the punishment of a false Prophet which breakes Gods commaundements teacheth men so to wit his base esteeme in the Church of God for the kingdome of God is two-fold the kindome of grace and the kingdome of glorie The kingdome of grace is the societie and companie of Gods faithfull seruantes here on earth The kingdome of glorie is the blessed estate of all the Saints in heauen Now here by kingdome of heauen he meaneth the kingdome of grace which is the militant Church on earth and so Iohn Baptist calleth it Math. 3. 2. Repent and amend for the kingdome of heauen is at hand that is the Church of the old Testament is now abolished and the Church of the new Testament is ready to take place
by Christs comming and therfore repent and amend and Math. 11. 12. from the time of Iohn hitherto the kingdome of heauen suffereth violence So then the meaning of this first conclusion is this Whosoeuer breaketh one of these least commandements of the Moral law which afterward I shall expound and teacheth men so to doe he shall be contemned and not counted worthie to bee a member of the Church of God in the new Testament In this conclusion in the practise of the Iewes Christ setteth forth two notable corruptions of an hollow heart towards God The first to set little by the commandements of God esteeming no more of them nay lesse then of mens lawes and traditions but Saint Iames saith he that breaketh one commandement bee it neuer so little is guiltie of all though hee make shewe of keeping all so likewise hee that maketh light and base account of one commandement contemneth all though he seeme to honour the rest neuer so much Though Herod heard Iohn gladly and obeied his doctrine in many things and so seemed to make some account of some commandements yet because he would needs liue in incest against the seauēth commandement he did in effect contemne and breake them all so at this day there are many who professe religion and giue testimonie thereof by hearing the word and receiuing the sacraments and herevpon they would be counted louers of Gods lawe yet in the course of their liues and in their particular callings they will not sticke to oppresse the poore and to deale vniustly for their aduantage to prophane the Sabbath for a little profit or pleasure and to sweare and curse when they are a little prouoked Now howsoeuer such persons may make a glorious shew of profession outwardly yet by these and such like particular actions they shew plainly that they haue but Pharisaicall hearts which indeed make little or no account of Gods commandements Let vs therfore euery one looke into our waies and search in our owne hearts whether this corruption be in vs or no and if it be let vs repent and forsake it and labour to become like Dauid who had respect vnto all Gods commandements and so shall we not be despised in the Church of God The second corruption of an hollow heart noted likewise of Christ in these Iewes is to place the ceremonies rites and traditions of men aboue the commandements of the Morall law Herewith he doth expresly charge the Iewish teachers Matth. 15. 3. Why doe ye transgresse the commandements of God by your traditions And this is also the practise of the Church of Rome at this day they account eating flesh in Lent and on their fasting daies a deadly sinne yet they will dispense with threasons murthers of Christian Princes they allow of Stues they permit and pardon Sodomie and yet vtterly forbid mariage in some estate which the holy Ghost calleth honourable among all men In these and many moe they preferre their owne traditions before the most holy commandements of God yea many ignorant persons among vs are tainted with this corruption for be not some feast daies appointed by the Church as Christs natiuitie all Saints and such like obserued by them with greater conscience and reuerence then the Lords owne Sabbath Though the memorie of Christs natiuitie may be celebrated yet the Lords day should haue the speciall honour Now for the reforming of this corruption we must labour to haue the same minde that was in Dauid who grew into admiration with Gods commandements and thereupon invred himselfe to the obseruation of them We must therefore labour to haue an high estimation of the lawes of God and this will be a notable meanes to drawe vs to a reuerend feare and obedience towards to the same one cause why men do not so highly aduance the law of God as they ought is because they doe not sufficiently waigh the dignitie thereof In euery commandement therefore we must first deepely consider the waight thereof then labour to vnderstand it aright thirdly learne to admire the wisdome and iustice of God therein and lastly endeauour to yeeld loyaltie and obedience thereunto Secondly in this Rule our Sauiour Christ puts a difference between a false Prophet and a true The false Prophet breakes the commandements of God in his owne person and also by his doctrine teacheth others to doe the like But the true Prophet and seruant of God in the Ministerie endeauoureth the aduancement of Gods glorie as well by integritie of life as by soundnesse of doctrine Thirdly in the punishment of a false Prophet here set downe wee haue good direction for our iudgement touching the present Church of Rome namely that shee is not worthie to be esteemed a part of Christs Church on earth by the sentence of our Sauiour Christ because shee breakes Gods commaundements and teacheth men so for whereas the second commandement forbiddeth the worshipping of Images yea and the making of Images to resemble God the Church of Rome doth not onely allow the contrarie against this commandement but teacheth others so to doe saying that it is lawful to resemble the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost in Images either painted or carued and to worshippe them therein yea and to worshippe the very Images of Christ and of Saints as also the Saints themselues with religious worship Againe they plainely breake the tenth commandement which forbiddeth the first motions vnto sinne with delight though without cōsent of wil by teaching that concupiscence after baptisme is no sinne And as they deale with the commandements so deale they with the Prophets who giue testimonie vnto Christ for first they destroy his manhood by their forged transubstantiation secondly they ouerturne his kingly office by making the Pope the head of the Church and giuing him power to make lawes to binde the conscience Thirdly they ouerturne the Priesthood by their massing Priesthood wherein they daily offer vp an vnbloodie sacrifice for the sinnes of the quicke and the dead Fourthly they rob him of his propheticall office in giuing liberty to the Pope to make new Laws to expound the Scriptures as supreame iudge these things they teach therefore that Church is not worthy to be counted a member of Christs Church But seeing God in great mercie hath vouchsafed vs this fauour in this land that we should receiue and embrace his holy word to publish and teach the same and so esteemeth vs worthie to be accounted a member of his Church wee are therefore to reioyce in this mercie and to praise God vnfainedly for this vnspeakable blessing and to shewe forth our thankefulnesse not onely by teaching and receiuing the truth of his word but also by yeelding obedience in all things thereunto yea our earnest and daily prayer must be because it is so great a blessing to be counted worthie of his kingdome that
God would continue the truth of his will to vs and to our posteritie for euer The second Conclusion Whosoeuer shall keepe them and teach men so the same shall be called great in the kingdome of heauen that is hee shall bee honoured in the Church of God and esteemed a worthie member thereof because by this meanes he endeauoureth to keepe the law vnchangeable for euer In this conclusion two points are to be considered the office of a faithfull Teacher and his reward his office is two-fold First in his owne person hee must be a doer of Gods commandements Secondly in his publike Ministerie hee must teach men so to doe Here first obserue the order of these duties Doing must goe before Teaching This order Christ propounds and that doubtlesle on speciall grounds First because a man cannot with ioy and comfort fitly teach others before himselfe bee a doer of the thing hee teacheth for if a man teach others from the instruction of the spirit hee shall finde his owne heart inclined by the same spirit to the obedience of the word he teacheth Againe the experience of the fruite and efficacie of the word in his owne person is the best Commentarie a man can haue for the opening of it vnto others The writings of men with the knowledge of artes and tongues are excellent helpes yet if a man want the spirit of God framing his heart to beleeue and obey the word hee teacheth whereby he should become a doer of it doubtlesse the word wil seeme but a dreame or riddle vnto him neither can he fitly apply the same vnto others hauing neuer had experience of it in his owne soule This then should mooue all Ministers and such as set themselues to this calling first and chiefly to labour to become doers of the word themselues other helpes of learning are to bee fought for with all diligence to make them fit and able Ministers of so great mysteries but especially they must labour for the spirit of grace to frame their hearts to embrace and their liues to obey the word which they teach that so they may be fitted according to our Sauiour Christs direction Now this spirit is attained by knocking ut hea●●n gates by praier Luke 11. 13. and by opening the doore of our hearts when our Sauiour Christ knocketh thereat by his wo●d Reuel 3. 20. Secondly in ●aying downe this dutie our Sauiour Christ propoundeth a singular comfort to such faithfull Ministers as be grieued with the vntowardnesse of their people hee propoundeth not the conuersion of the people as a propertie of a faithfull Teacher but the doing and teaching of the will and word of God And doubtlesse a man may bee a faithful Teacher and yet not conuert many vnto God hence the Prophet complaines that hee had laboured in vaine and spent his strength in vaine nay the same Prophet is sent to blinde the eies of his people to make them dull of hearing and to harden their hearts by his Ministerie which was a heauie case but yet that saying of the Apostle Paul must be remembred that howsoeuer vnto some his Ministerie was the sauour of death yet vnto God it was alwaies the sweet sauour of Christ So that a Minister mourning truely for his people to see their hardnes of heart may comfort himselfe with this that in a good conscience hee endeauoureth to obey the word of God and to teach men so II. Point The reward of a faithfull Teacher is this hee shall bee counted great in the kingdome of heauen that is he shall be honoured and counted worthie to bee a member of Christs Church both in this life and in the life to come This must be remembred to incite all Ministers to become faithfull Teachers both in life and doctrine To get respect in Princes courts is much sought after on earth O then how should this high respect with God preuaile in our hearts to incite vs to be faithfull in this calling Verse 20. For I say vnto you except your righteousnesse exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharises you cannot enter into the kingdome of heauen These words are commonly taken to bee a Reason of the former verse by way of answer to a secret obiection which the Iewes might frame there-from to this effect Thou saiest whosoeuer breaketh one of these least commandements and teach men so shall be called least in the kingdome of heauen But our Teachers the Scribes and Pharises looke to haue chiefe place in the kingdome of heauen and yet if thy doctrine be true they breake Gods commandements and teach others so to doe Now here-to Christ should answer thus I say vnto you except your righteousnesse exceedes theirs ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heauen But if we marke well the words may more fitly be referred to the 17. verse as a third reason to prooue that Christ came not to destroy the Law or the Prophets but to fulfill them because he exacts at euery mans hands a more perfect and exact righteousnesse then that which the Scribes and Pharises either haue in themselues or require in others without which no man can enter into the kingdome of heauen In this verse are three points to be handled First what these Scribes and Pharises were Secondly what was their Righteousnesse and thirdly what is that true Righteousnesse whereby a man may enter into the kingdome of heauen and stand iust before God For the first a Scribe is a name of office whereof there were two sorts among the Iewes Ciuill who as Publike Notaries did register the affaires of Princes and such a one was Shimshai Ezra 4. 8. And Ecclesiasticall who were imployed in the expounding of the Scripture such a one was Ezra Ezra 7. 1 5 6. And those of whom our Sauiour Christ saith Matth. 13. 52. Euery Scribe taught vnto the kingdome of heauen is like a good housholder and Matthew 32. 2. the Scribes and Phraises sit in Moses chaire that is they are expounders of the law of Moses And such Scribes are meant in this place to wit men in Ecclesiasticall office descending from the tribe of Leuie who expounded the Law vnto the people and these were all one with the Priests and Leuites vnder the Law and therefore Ezra is called both a Scribe and Priest Nehem. 8. 1 2. The name Pharise betokeneth a sect not an office for there were three speciall sects among the Iewes The Essenes the Sadduces and Pharises The Essenes were like Popish Monkes and Friers which did separate themselues from the people vowing and dedicating themselues to liue in perpetuall sanctitie The Sadduces were a sect that did expound the law according to the letter and syllable and with-all denied the resurrection and the immortalitie of the soule as is plaine Acts 23 8. The Pharises were such as did forsake the common exposition of the Scribes and taught and framed a more exact
mooue vs hereunto I. from the necessitie hereof in Gods Church and children for Gods name is dishonoured ouer all the world In the great dominions of the Turke God is acknowledged but yet out of the Trinitie And the Iewes confessing God denie Christ The Papists in word confesse and acknowledge the Trinitie but yet by their Idolatrie they greatly robbe God of his glorie they robbe Christ of his offices and giue diuine worshippe vnto creatures And in the bosome of the Church are many Atheists blasphemers oppressors drunkards adulterers and voluptuous persons whose bellie is their God all which though they will professe God in word yet by their workes they denie him so that vnlesse Gods children seeke to maintaine and aduance Gods glorie it is like to be trampled and troden vnder foote II. There is great daunger to Gods children in omitting and neglecting this dutie for by calling they are brought neare vnto God now God will be glorified in all that come neare him if we doe not honour him according to our profession his hand will be vpon vs for his glorie in our confusion hence it was that God slew Nadab and Abihu the sonnes of Aaron for offering straunge fire before the Lord and he debarred Moses and Aaron out of the promised land because they glorified him not at the waters of strife This made the wrath of God to burne like fire against the house of El● for the iniquitic of his sonnes which their father saw in them and yet staied them not and so honoured them aboue the Lord. We had neede therefore to looke vnto our selues that we glorifie God in himselfe and in his workes els his hand will be vpon vs in soule or bodie goods or calling or some other way for the glorie of his iustice for God will not loose his glorie III. If wee say Halowed be thy name with our mouth and seeke not his honour in our life we bewray in our selues damnable hypocrisie and make profession of that sinne which the Lord vtterly detesteth we esteeme very basely of dissemblers among men but much more edious is this sinne in the matters of God and therefore let the practise of our liues shew the sinceritie of our hearts when we pray for the glorifying of Gods name Fourthly this petition teacheth vs that wee our selues must bee halowed and sanctified for else we cannot halow Gods name They that beare the vessels of the Lord in his sanctuarie must be clean Isay 52. 11. How much more ought they to be holy that beare the glorious name of God When Ananias doubted of going to Paul the Lord tels him he is a chosen vessel vnto me to beare my name alluding to that state of sanctification whereto the Lord had lately called him whereby hee made him a fit instrument for the glorie of his name in the ministerie of the Gospel And the same state must we labour after if we would be answerable to that we seeme to desire in this petition We must therefore labour to be new creatures changed in minde and heart for an vnholy person cannot truely desire the glorie of God but when wee once feele the grace of sanctification then will the desire of Gods glorie breed in our hearts and we shal know how worthy the Lord is to haue all glorie giuen vnto his name Fiftly if we compare this petition with the reason wherewith Christ concludes this praier wee shall see that the praise and honour of God is the beginning and end of Christs praier and so as it were the first last thing with Christ whence we learne that wee ought to bee more frequent and plentifull in thanksgiuing vnto God then in petition and request Thus we deale with those that be bountifull vnto vs on earth we giue them many thankes for one good turne and therefore should we much more abound in thanksgiuing to our heauenly father from whom we receiue euery good gift that we enioy It beseemes not the childe of God to be alwaies and onely begging as though he had nothing but withall he must be plentifull in thanks and praise for that argues he hath a taste of Gods mercie towards him this made Dauid say Praise is a comely and pleasant thing it well becommeth vpright men to be thankefull Our life of glorie shall be spent in praising God and therefore we should invre our selues thereto in this time of grace and indeed according to our thanksgiuing is our grace little praise little grace but he that abounds in thanksgiuing abounds in Gods blessings Againe heartie thanksgiuing for that we haue is an effectuall praier for more increase Lastly the place wherein this petition is set in this praier teacheth vs to seeke the glorie of God simply and absolutely before all other things This ought to be the affection of Gods child though he should receiue no blessings from God for looke what God preferres in his direction that must we alwaies prefer in all our actions though no good should follow vnto vs thereupon for this ende God giues vs time to liue in this world that wee might glorifie God in our places and callings and hee that imployeth himselfe otherwaies profaneth Gods name and transgresseth this heauenly order here set downe by Christ who is the wisdome of his father Verse 10. Thy kingdome come The Coherence Christ hauing taught vs to pray for the sanctifying of Gods name in the former petition doth in this and the rest which follow as it were expound the same by directing vs to the meanes whereby Gods name is halowed of vs for then doe we glorifie Gods name when he sets vp his kingdome in vs and we suffer him to rule in our hearts when we doe his will depend vpon his prouidence for the things of this life trust in his mercie for the pardon of our sinnes and on his power and strength against temptation Now of them all this second hath the neerest dependance vpon the former as beeing an especial meanes thereof for men ought to glorifie Gods name on earth but of themselues they cannot doe it till God rule in their hearts by his word and spirit and so set vp his kingdome in them The meaning Gods kingdome is two-fold Generall and Speciall Gods generall kingdome is his absolute power and soueraigntie whereby he ruleth all things in heauen in earth and in hell euen the deuils themselues Psal. 103. 19. The Lord hath prepared his throne in heauen his kingdome ruleth ouer all and this wee acknowledge in the ende of this praier For thine is the kingdome Now this wee pray not for because it is alwaies euery where no creature can hinder it no not all the deuils in hell for euery creature is subiect hereunto and can doe nothing but that which God either willeth or permitteth according to his will hee worketh in the armie of heauen and in the inhabitants of the earth and none can
stay his hand nor say vnto him what doest thou Gods speciall kingdome is that whereby hee ruleth his elect and chosen people working his will not onely by them as he doth in his generall kingdome by the deuils themselues but in them also by his holy spirit and it is called speciall because it is not exercised ouer all the world but onely ouer the elect whom hee hath ordained to eternall life This speciall kingdome of God is two-folde either of Grace or of Glorie The kingdome of grace is a spiritual estate wherein God makes men willingly subiect to his written word by his spirit I call the kingdome of grace a spirituall estate both because it is principally exercised in the conscience and also because this regiment in the conscience is by the spirit of God Secondly I shew wherein it consists namely in a voluntarie subiection of the whole man in soule and bodie and spirit to the will of God reuealed in the word Psalm 110. 3. Thy people shall come willingly in the day of assembling thine armie in holy beautie And this subiection stands in three things in Righteousnesse Peace and Ioy in the holy Ghost Rom. 14. 17 18. In Righteousnes that is First in Christs righteousnesse imputed and secondly in the righteousnesse of a good conscience the ground whereof is sanctification by the spirit which Christ giues to them whom he doth iustifie In Peace that is peace of conscience towards God and peace with Gods Church yea with all creatures so farre forth as is needfull for them Now vnder peace we must comprehend loue and all duties of loue for as righteousnesse concernes the person in soule and bodie so peace respects all duties and actions of the life Righteousnesse is the root from whence springeth this peace with euery action thereof for when the heart is sanctified the life is reformed Lastly in ioy in the holy Ghost this is a fruite of both the former respecting especially the state of affliction for when a man is iustified and sanctified and hath peace towards God then ariseth in his heart a spirituall delight in God in all estates yea though great afflictions light vpon him for Gods cause yet he beareth them with inward ioy and delight knowing that the spirit of glorie of God resteth vpon him and that he shall be glorified with Christ if he suffer with Christ which things while he compareth together hee little esteemeth the afflictions of this life in respect of the glorie that shall be reuealed for the light affliction that is but for a moment causeth vnto vs a farre more excellent and eternall waight of glorie These are the branches of this spirituall subiection which whosoeuer hath is a good subiect in the kingdome of grace as the Apostle saith in the next verse he that in these things serueth Christ is acceptable vnto God and approoued of men The kingdome of glorie is the blessed estate of Gods elect in heauen whereby God in Christ becomes all things vnto them immediately 1. Cor. 15. 28. This estate of glorie is a subiection also but yet such a subiectiō as is indeed a glorious regimēt for there we raigne with Christ in whom and through whom God himselfe becomes honour peace health foode raiment and all things needfull to the perfection of felicitie Now these two beeing Gods kingdome differ thus The state of grace is the beginning and entrance to the state of glorie and the state of glorie is the perfection of the state of grace This state of glorie is the citie and the state of grace as it were the suburbs of it In this life wee liue in the kingdome of grace but the kingdome of glorie is reserued for the life to come and this speciall kingdome of God in both these estates doe we here pray for Thy kingdome This imports that there is another kingdome euen the kingdome of Satan which is a kingdome of darkenes full of all disorder and confusion through sinne which greatly hindereth annoyeth Gods kingdome of grace especially Come That is to vs men in the world and then it commeth when God doth erect establish the same in their hearts now vnto perfection it comes by 5. degrees 1. When God giues vnto men the outward meanes of saluation wherein he doth reueale his grace fauour in Christ as the Gospel preached which is therefore called the word of the kingdome Matth. 13. 19. And so Christ hauing relation to his preaching which he confirmed by miracles among the Iewes saith The kingdome of God is come vnto you Luk. 11. 20. and beeing demaunded by the Pharisies when the kingdome of God should come he tels them it was among them Luk. 17. 21. meaning that it was brought vnto them by the ministerie of Iohn Baptist of himselfe and of his Disciples although indeed it were without profit to many of them 2. When the word preached inlightens the minde so as a man knowes and vnderstands the mysterie of the Gospel which is the law of this kingdome 3. When a man is thereby regenerate and so brought into this kingdome for by regeneration we haue effectuall entrance into the state of grace wherein Christ rules in vs by his word and spirit and wee yeeld subiection vnto him 4. At the ende of this life when the bodie goeth to the earth but the soule to God that gaue it beeing translated to the ioyes of heauen in the glorie of this kingdome 5. At the last iudgement when body and soule beeing vnited againe are both made partakers of the glorie of this kingdome and this is the full and perfect cōming of it So then our request to God in this petition is to this effect O Father let thy kingdome come to vs that be pilgrimes and strangers here on earth prepare vs for it and enter vs into it that be yet without renue vs by thy spirit that we may be subiect to thy will confirme vs also in this estate that our soules after this life and both soule and bodie at the day of iudgement may be fully glorified yea Lord hasten this glorie to vs and to all thine elect The Uses 1. Wants to be bewailed The wants we are taught to bewaile in this petition either concerne our selues or others First we must lament and mourne for our owne miserable estate by nature whereby we are the seruants of sinne and so in thraldome and bondage vnder Satan sinne leads vs into bondage for he that committeth sinne is the seruant of sinne and where sinne raigneth there the deuill hath dominion And hence it comes that wee rebell so much against the kingdome of God and refuse to stoop to the scepter of his word Indeede this bondage is weakened in Gods children but none is wholly freed from it in this life as Pauls complaint declares Rom. 7. 14. The law is spirituall but I am carnall sold vnder sin The naturall man is dead
in sinne and feeles it not wee therefore must labour to feele in our selues this spirituall bondage vnder sinne and when we feele it we must bewaile it and so shew some life of grace to be in vs. This Paul did Rom. 7. 24. O. wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the body of this death Looke as the prisoner feeles his bolts and fetters so sensibly should we feele the chaine of sinne wherewith our soules are kept in bondage and till we feele it and bewaile it the kingdome of Christ doth not come vnto vs wee must therefore euery day crie vnto Christ our Lord that he would shew himselfe to be our Redeemer by breaking the fetters of sinne wherewith our soules are kept in bondage and giuing vs that free spirit which may fully erect his blessed kingdome in our hearts for where the spirit is there is libertie 2. Cor. 3. 17. Secondly wee must bewaile the sinnes of all the world in the transgression of Gods law whereby God is dishonoured and his kingdome hindered and the kingdome of darkenesse furthered 2. Pet. 2. 7 8. Iust Lot vexed his righteous soule with the vncleane conuersation of the wicked of his time 1. King 19. 10. When Elias saw the children of Israel forsake Gods couenant breake downe his altars and slay his Prophets with the sword then he became very zealous for the Lord of hosts Psal. 119. 136. Mine eies saith Dauid gush out with riuers of water because they keepe not thy Law Vers. 139. My zeale hath euen consumed me because mine enemies haue forgotten thy law Mark 3. 5. Christ mourned for the hardnesse of the hearts of the people and Luke 19. 41 42. Hee wept ouer Ierusalem for that they knew not the day of their visitation Now looke how these were affected with the raigning sinnes of their times so must we also mourne for their sinnes that raigne among vs as Atheisine and profanenesse contempt of Gods word blasphemie sabbaoth breaking oppression crueltie and pride all good subiects are grieued much when they see forraine enemies displaie among them banners of victorie how much more then ought the godly to grieue when they see impietie practised with an high hand which is as it were a flagge of defiance in the kingdome of Christ and a speciall ensigne of Satans triumphing in the increase of his kingdome of darkenes When the deuil sees one that hath liued in sinne but cast a looke toward the kingdome of Christ hee rageth greatly and labours by all meanes to turne him backe and when we see those that haue made profession of religion returne againe to the lusts of their former ignorance O it should grieue our soules and cause vs to pray thy kingdome come Doe we perceiue the Turke or Pope or any instrument of Satan either by subtiltie or tyrannie to hinder the Gospel preached which is the scepter of Christs kingdome and the aime of God whereby hee puls men from the kingdome of darkenesse O then we should mourne Or doe we see the want of Gods ordinance in preaching sacraments and discipline which serue for the furtherance of Christs kingdome or the Lords people committed to ignorant or idle Ministers to scandalous teachers either for life or doctrine In all these we haue cause of mourning and they should stirre vp our hearts to crie vnto the Lord Thy kingdome come Use 2. Graces to be desired As we must mourne for the wants and hinderances of Christs kingdome so we must hereby learne to haue our hearts inflamed with spirituall desires after all helpes and furtherances vnto Gods kingdome both in our selues and others as First for the preaching of the Gospel and all other diuine ordinances whereby Gods kingdome is erected and maintained our hearts desire to God must be that these may bee set vp and continued where they are wanting and that God may blesse them where they are vouchsafed Secondly that God would enlighten the eies of our minds that we may see the wonders of his Law as Dauid did that so the Lords ordinance may be blessed vnto vs. Thirdly that we may be wholly subiect vnto Christ and that of conscience not onely in our outward behauiour but in minde and heart in will in all our affections wee must make sure this holy desire bee in vs indeede and therfore must denie our selues and subiect our selues wholly vnto God as a willing people to serue him and none but him and then we may be sure his kingdome is come vnto vs. Fourthly we must desire to be dissolued and to be with Christ in the kingdome of glorie for this end that we may make an ende of sinning and become more obedient subiects vnto Christ yea wholly ruled by him though for the good of others we must be content to liue Fiftly that Christ would come in iudgement when all things shall be subdued vnto God and all his obedient subiects shall be fully glorified This wee may desire in heart though we must leaue the time to Gods good pleasure still waiting for it by faith in his promise Sixtly that God would inlarge his sanctuarie here on earth gather his elect more and more and still defend and maintaine his Church in euery place in the world when these desires affect our soules then doe wee truely say Thy kingdome come 3. Use. Duties to be practised Whatsoeuer we aske in praier that must we endeauour after in life and conuersation else we mocke God saying well and doing nothing First therefore as we say Thy kingdome come so must we seeke to meet it striue to enter into it for this end God giues vs time to liue in this world that here we might enter the gate of grace and wait for the fruition of glorie and therefore we must diligently frequent the suburbs of this heauenly Ierusalem euen the preaching of the word and therein labour both for true humiliation and conuersion or else wee cannot enter into this kingdome Math. 18. 3. Iohn 3. 5. First we must haue the pride of our hearts pulled downe and become as little children beeing humbled in our selues through the knowledge of our sinnes and the feeling of that miserie which is due vnto vs for them yea wee must confesse them vnto God and crie vnto him for mercie and by this meanes lay aside this burden which hinders our entrance into the gate of grace Secondly we must bee conuerted and changed by the renuing of our mindes our hearts must cleaue vnto God and we must carry therein a resolute purpose not to sinne when these things be in vs we enter into Gods kingdome but till we endeauour after them in some truth we say in vaine Thy kingdome come Secondly wee must bee carefull to bring forth the fruites of Gods kingdome for therefore doth he send it among men and for want hereof doth he take it from them Matth. 21. 43. Now these fruits are Righteousnesse peace
c. Here also we say Gods power is his owne that is of himselfe alone not receiued from any other as is also said of kingdome and glorie to distinguish the true God from all creatures who haue not power and kingdome and glorie of themselues but from God whereas all these in God are of himselfe alone And the glorie By Glorie is meant excellencie and maiestie and this propertie rightly ariseth from the two former for seeing he hath an absolute soueraigntie ouer all things and power answerable to dispose and gouerne them at his pleasure therefore of right all glorie and maiestie and excellencie belongs vnto him yea the glorie of all creatures is from him so that sinnefull man must say with Daniel Vnto vs belongs shame and confusion Dan. 9. 7. but vnto God be honour and glorie and power and dominion for euermore The vse I. This reason thus conceiued and vnderstood containes a notable ground of trust and confidence in God and of praier to God in all distresse of life and death for we haue a father whose is kingdome power and glorie now his power assures vs that he is able to helpe vs and is he our King and we his subiects then he is willing to helpe vs. Is glorie his why what can make more for his glorie then to shew mercie to his people in hearing their praiers and helping them in distresse Psal. 50. 15. I will heare thee and thou shalt glorifie my name II. These words are a notable forme of giuing thanks and praise to God for when the heauenly creatures are said to giue thanks to God they doe it to this effect Rev. 4. 9. 11. Thou art worthie O Lord to receiue honour and glorie and power Againe Phil. 4. 6. Be distrustfull in nothing but in all things let your requests be made knowne to God with giuing of thankes where we see praier and thanksgiuing must goe together Now this beeing a perfect forme of praier must needes comprehend thanksgiuing with petitions as therefore in the sixe petitions Christ taught vs to aske all needefull things of God so in this reason he teacheth vs how to giue thanks for these three kingdome power and glorie doe generally comprehend all matter of praise and thanksgiuing vnto God yea it is a summe of all the Psalmes of praise and therfore when Dauid blessed God it was to this effect 1. Chron. 29. 11 12. Thine O Lord is greatnesse and power and glorie and victorie praise for all that is in heauen and earth is thine thine is the kingdome O Lord and thou excellest as head ouer all both riches and honour come from thee and thou raignest ouer all and in thine hand is power and strength c. This point well obserued directeth vs in two Christian duties first that we must be earnest and frequent in giuing prayse and thanks to God for the first thing we aske is grace to glorifie Gods name and the last thing we here doe is to ascribe glorie to God indeede Secondly here we see in what maner we must giue thanks to God namely in euery blessing we must ascribe kingdome and power and glorie vnto God as in the vse of meate and drinke first therein labour to see and accordingly to ascribe the kingdome to God that is acknowledge Gods soueraigntie in that creature that the right and interest thereto belongs to God and that thou hast it from him and not of thy selfe Secondly see and acknowledge the power and prouidence of God in that creature his prouidence in that thou hast it and his power in that it serues for thy good and comfort in thy nourishment and refreshing Thirdly when thou art comforted therewith giue honour and glorie to God so thou shalt be truly thankefull And thus must we be thankefull to God for his word and all other blessings that we enioy Yea this direction must we obserue for our behauiour in affliction we must labour to see and acknowledge Gods soueraigntie and power ouer vs as we are his creatures and that he hath right to dispose of vs at his pleasure and therefore we must humble our selues vnder his hand desiring grace so to behaue our selues therein that we may glorifie his name And thus shall we honour God euen in affliction III. Here we see a way whereby we may obtaine the things we aske of God namely we must confesse our owne vnworthinesse taking shame and confusion to our selues and giue all praise and honour and glorie to God Thus did Iacob Gen. 32. 10. I am not worthie of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which thou hast shewed vnto thy seruant so Dan. 9. 7. To thee O Lord belongeth righteousnes but vnto vs open shame And thus comming in humilitie of heart renouncing our selues and all that we can doe and endeauouring to giue all glorie to God we shall finde mercie with the Lord for the obteining of all our requests IV. Is kingdome power and glorie Gods then is he to be feared aboue all creatures for howsoeuer Satan and earthly Monarchs haue dominion and power yet it is not of themselues but from God they can doe nothing but by power and permission from God but God of himselfe can punish and destroy Lastly hereby we must be mooued to loue God and to yeild obedience vnto him in all good duties for to such will he shew his soueraigntie and power for all good things that so they may giue the glorie of all to God that giues them Amen We haue heard the preface and the petitions of this praier now we come to the third part of it which is the Conclusion in this word Amen which is as much as verely truly It is commonly taken to be a word of wishing in this place importing as much as So be it I wish it be so or such like But we must know that it hath here a further vse to wit not onely to expresse our desire of the things we aske but also to testifie our faith in assurance of receiuing them according to our desire for so it is vsually taken in the new testament where it is vsed to affirme or asseuere a thing with vehemencie and certentie Againe our Sauiour Christ giuing both direction and incouragement to praier saith thus Whatsoeuer you desire when ye pray beleeue that ye shall haue it and it shall be done vnto you Mark 11. 24. where he shewes two principall things required in prayer the first an earnest desire of the grace and blessing we aske the second is faith whereby we beleeue that God will graunt vs the things we aske Now our desires were sufficiently expressed in the sixe petitions and therefore this beeing a perfect platforme of praier here vndoubtedly is propounded the testification of our faith to this effect As we haue craued these things at thy hands O Lord so doe we beleeue that in thy good time thou wil● for Christs sake graunt
haue wronged vs. Thirdly consider the examples of worthie men in this case for our Sauiour Christ neuer sought reuenge but bare wrong patiently committing all to him that iudgeth righteously leauing vs an example to doe likewise 1. Peter 2. 10. Yea when hee was cruelly and vniustly crucified he praied for his persecutors Luke 23. 34. Steuen also praied for them that stoned him Act. 7. 16. and Dauid though a King would not suffer reuenge to be taken on Shime● that cursed him 2. Sam. 19. 9 10. neither would hee euer touch Saul who sought his life though he had him often in his hands nay his heart smote him for cutting off the lap of his coate so farre was he from seeking reuenge Fourthly in the fift petition wee pray Forgiue vs our sinnes as we forgiue our trespasses but if wee carrie grudging in our hearts we praie God not to forgiue vs but to condemne vs for we will not forgiue but be reuenged on them that offend vs. Now this is a most fearefull case that a man should pray for vengeance vpon himselfe Fiftly it is not meete in common reason that the same partie should be the accuser and the Iudge and yet if a man might reuenge himselfe this should be so and therefore ●f wee would be Christs Disciples we must arme our selues with patience in suffering wrong and referre reuenge to God that iudgeth righteously Yet some will say If we alwaies put vp and suffer wrong wee shall neuer bee in quiet but still be abused Answer Though in our own person we may not reuenge our selues yet wee may craue the helpe of the Magistrate either for the preuenting or for the punishment of wrong done vnto vs for the Magistrate is Gods Liuetenant to releeue the oppressed and to execute vengeance on malefactours thus did Paul send to the chiefe Captaine to preuent a conspiracie that the Iewes intended against him and appealed to Caesar to auoyde the danger of the Iewes at Ierusalem and yet when wrong is done vnto vs wee must beare it patiently without seeking priuate Reuenge although the wrong were doubled or trebled vpon vs. Thirdly our Sauiour Christ here calling the wrong doer an euill one giueth vs to vnderstand that it is the propertie of an euill man to doe wrong vnto others and this title is giuen to the wrong doer to teach vs that wee must suffer wrong patiently though hee bee an euill man that offereth it vnto vs. It is the propertie of a good man to doe good continually but to doe wrong is the marke of an euill man who herein is like the deuill which must teach vs not to doe wrong to any one in his bodie goods or name either by word or deede but rather applie our selues to doe all the good we can to euery one within the compasse of our calling Hereby wee shall see what our estate is for if in our callings wee set our selues to hurt others either by word or deede wee are in the sight of God euil men such are our vsurers and extortioners and all those that vse fraud and deceite in their callings But if wee would shewe our selues to be good men approoued of God in Christ then wee must referre our bodies and soules and all that wee haue to the good of others Although men by nature be like to sauage beasts as Lyons Woolues Cock ●trices c. whose propertie is to deuoure and hurt other creatures yet when it pleaseth God to receiue them to mercie and to place them in his kingdome then they laie aside their cruell nature and liue peaceably one with another for in all the Mountaine of Gods holinesse none shall hurt or destroie verse 9. It is a prophecie of Christs kingdome that therein the sword and speare which are weapons of warre shall bee turned into scythes and mattocks which are instruments of common good in time of peace whereby was signified that when men are conuerted and become true children vnto God they laie aside all malice and giue themselues to doe good and become seruiceable vnto all for the good of all This was notably verefied in Paul who of a persecuter became a preacher yea he became all things to all men that by all meanes hee might win some And thus doing we are like to our heauēly father who doth good to all but if we giue our selues to wrong doing we are euill ones and herein like to the deuill himselfe Fourthly Christ here forbidding priuate reuenge which is vnlawful doth hereby establish that reuenge which is lawfull and iust Now lawfull reuenge to speake somewhat hereof is the worke of a iust and lawfull power requiting euill for euill This iust reuenge is two-folde Diuine and Humane Diuine reuenge is the worke of Gods absolute power taking vengeance vpon offenders of the lawfulnesse of this reuenge in God there is no question onely this we must remember that God executes this vengeance daiely in the manifold miseries of this life and likewise in the iust condemnation of the impenitent after death Indeed as a father he chasteneth his Church and children for vengeance in Christ becomes nurturement but as a seuere iudge hee plagues the wicked powring vengeance on them both temporall and eternall Humane reuenge is the ordinance of God whereby men beeing therevnto called by God doe execute vengeance in the name of God and it is twofold extraordinarie or ordinarie Extraordinarie when men are extraordinarily stirred vp by the spirit of God to execute vengeance vpon offenders in the name of God Thus P●i●e●as slew Zimri and Cosbie and thus many of the Iudges of Israel specially Ehud Sampson tooke reuenge vpon the enemies of Gods people thus Elias the Prophet slew Baals priests 1. King 18. 40. and destroyed the two Captaines and their fifties with fire from heauen 2. King 1. 10. 12. thus Peter killed Ananias and Saphira and Paul stro●ke Elimas with blindnesse This kind of reueng is now rare for wee are not to looke for extraordinarie instincts we know Christ rebuked his Disciples for seeking to execute this extraordinarie reuenge vpon the Samaritans and therefore when we haue a conceit hereof in our selues wee may iustly suspect what spirit it is that mooueth vs. Ordinarie reuenge is that which men ordinarily put in execution in the Church and common wealth according to Gods will beeing thereto called by God it is twofold Lesser or Soueraigne Lesser reuenge is the inflicting of lawfull correction vpon offenders in word or deede not reaching to the case of life and death this kinde of reuenge is committed to parents ouer their children and masters ouer their seruants to schoolemasters ouer their schollers and Tutors ouer their pupils Soueraigne reuenge is that whereby the Magistrate may lawfully punish men according to their offences in bodie goods or life it selfe this I call soueraigne not simply but because it is
and ioy in the holy Ghost Rom. 14. 17. whereof we haue spoken before all which we must labour to finde in our hearts and to expresse in our liues else this kingdome shall be taken from vs we shall neuer see the glorie of it Thirdly hence we must learne to bee contented in all estates of this life whatsoeuer the hope of the glory of this kingdome which we pray for must swallow vp all the sorrowes that earthly calamities can bring vpon vs This it was that made the Patriarks to walke contented in the state of Pilgrimes and Strangers here on earth Hebr. 11. 13 14. Yea this renues the inner man it cheeres the heart and keepes it from fainting though the outward man perish to looke after the ioyes of this kingdome which are the things not seene and therefore Christ herewith comforts his Disciples against the sorrow of afflictiō saying Feare not little flocke it is your Fathers good pleasure to giue you the kingdome Luk. 12. 32. Fourthly wee must all labour in our places and callings to bring one another into this kingdome one neighbour another one friend another Ezek. 18. 30. Returne saith the Lord to the house of Israel and cause one another to returne This the Prophet Isay noteth as a practise of the subiects of this kingdome that they shall say one to another come let vs goe vp to the mountaine of the Lord Isay 2. 3. But masters of families especially must looke to the practise of this dutie and labour to bring Gods kingdome into their families for this ende they must see to these things First that there bee no manifest or open sinne permitted in their families ridde thy house of such a person if thou canst not reforme him Psalm 101. 7. Secondly instruct thy familie in the way of the Lord that they may know to liue righteously and vprightly both before God and man Thirdly set vp and maintaine the priuate worship of God in thy familie ioyne thou with them in holy duties especially in daily calling vpon the name of God In regard of these and such like duties it is that the Scripture ascribes saluation to a familie where the master or the gouernour of the house is conuerted to the faith And for the practise hereof the holy Patriarkes are commended to all posteritie God saith of Abraham I know him that hee will command his sonnes and his houshold after him that they keepe the way of the Lord and Iacob commands his family to put away their strange gods and to clense themselues and Ioshuah prosessed publikely that he and his familie would serue the Lord. Fiftly hence wee must learne euery day to prepare our selues to die for by death our soules enter into the glorie of this kingdome which we pray may come vnto vs and therefore we must be ready to receiue it euery day that whensoeuer our King commeth vnto vs either by death or in the last iudgement wee may passe from grace to glorie And indeede wee cannot with comfort make this petition vnlesse wee bee in some measure prepared for death and that euery day Now beeing prepared wee must waite as Iob did euery day till our changing come Looke how the godly in the olde Testament looked for our Sauiour Christs first comming in the flesh so must we waite for his comming to vs either by death or iudgement neither must any thing dismay vs in this waiting no not death it selfe for the sooner we die the sooner wee may enter into glorie And here wee may take a viewe of the monstrous hypocrisie of the world for who will not say these words Thy kingdome come but yet the most men neglect to prepare themselues for entrance into this kingdome nay many contemne the word and praier which are the meanes whereby we haue admittance into the state of grace and are prepared for the kingdome of glorie Sixtly wee may here learne of our Sauiour Christ the practise of humilitie and in all things to giue all glorie to God for though this kingdome pertaine equally to him as hee is God with the father yet because he hath it from the father as he is the son therfore he will haue it wholly attributed vnto him for he teacheth vs to say Our father thy kingdome come Lastly here obserue the necessitie of this petition in respect of our outward estate for the comming of this kingdome to any estate is a speciall cause of prosperitie and happinesse vnto it for where this kingdome is Gods hand of blessing and protection is in a speciall manner here the Lord raigneth and his glorious and blessed Angels which are mightie in strength and power keepe watch and guard in that kingdome and about that people who haue the Lord for their King and God Hence it is that this our Kingdome hath so long enioyed peace and protection from many dangerous assaults because we embrace and professe the Gospel which is the scepter of Gods kingdome and if wee could doe it in sinceritie and walke worthie of the Lord our King our prosperitie should bee as the stoods and our peace as the Sunne and Moone in heauen And therefore they that loue the peace of this kingdome must embrace and obey the Gospel and pray for the happie and flourishing estate thereof for therein standes our peace Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen The Coherence This petition dependeth on both the former thus as a meanes whereby wee doe that which wee desire in the first petition for Gods name is glorified when his will is done and as a manifestation of that which wee desire in the second petition for there wee pray that Gods kingdome may come vnto vs and hee rule in our hearts by his word and spirit now here we craue that we may doe his will and so testisie our selues to be his loyall subiects The meaning This petition is propounded in a comparison which naturally standeth thus As thy will is done in heauen so let thy will bee done in earth And it hath two parts The first respects the grace of obedience which wee pray for Thy will be done in earth The second shewes the right manner of performing it as it is in heauen For the first Thy will c. Gods will is onely one considered in it selfe as God is one yet for our vnderstanding it may be thus distinguished It is either absolute or reuealed Gods absolute will is the will of his good pleasure whereby according to his eternall counsell hee determines of all things what shall be done or what shall not be done and in what manner This absolute will extendeth ouer all creatures and ouer all their actions Ephes. 1. 11. Wee are predestinate according to the purpose of him that worketh all things after the counsell of his owne will Roman 9. 19. Who hath resisted his will Matth. 10. 26. Without this will
feruently to call for mercie and for this cause the Scripture many times ioynes prayer and fasting together IV. Point The causes or occasions of a religious fast which may iustly mooue vs thereunto and they be seauen First when we our selues haue fallen into any grieuous sinne or sinnes whereof our conscience accuseth vs and whereby we procure the wrath of God against vs then to resonne our selues and to escape the wrath of God we had neede to giue our selues to prayer and fasting 1. Sam. 7. 6. The Israelites hauing fallen to Idolairie put away their strange gods and turne vnto the Lord with weeping and fasting and when they kept the feast of Expiation which was a type of their forgiuenes by the Messias then they humbled themselues in fasting before the Lord Leuit. 16. 29. Secondly when some among vs fall into any grieuous sinne though wee our selues bee cleare from it yet then wee must fast because for the sinnes of others Gods iudgements may iustly fall vpon vs. Hence it was that Paul blames the Corinthians because they sorrowed not for the sinne of incest committed among them And in this regard euery godly person ought to humble himselfe because of the grieuous sinnes of Atheisme blasphemie oppression c. which abound among vs. Thirdly when the hand of God in any iudgement lies vpon vs so did the Israelites when they fell in battell before the Beniamites and so ought we to doe for many iudgements of God that haue laien long vpon vs. Fourthly when the hand of God in any fearefull iudgement lies heauie on others among whom we liue though we our selues be freo in this case Dauid oft times humbled himselfe not onely when his child gotten in adulterie was sicke 2. Sam. 12. 16. but euen when his enemies were sicke he fasted Psal. 35. 13. Fiftly when Gods iudgements are imminent as it were hang ouer our heads so did I●hosaphat when his enemies came against his countrie and in this regard we ought to humble our selues for the professed enemies of Gods grace are daiely plotting our subuersion Sixtly when we stand in need of some needfull blessing of God especially such as concerne saluation thus Cornesius besought the Lord in prayer and fasting when he desired true resolution concerning the Messias and so ought we to doe to get assurance of our recōciliation with God in the pardon of our sinnes Seauenthly for Gods blessing and good successe vpon the ministerie of the Gospel so did the Church for Paul and Barnabas when they sent them to preach Act. 13. 3. and so ought we to doe at this day These be the iust occasions of fasting mentioned in the word whereto wee may referre the rest and when any of these befall particular persons families congregations cities countries or kingdomes then they ought to humble themselues in fasting before the Lord U. Point The time of a religious fast this now is free in regard of conscience Indeede in the old testament they had a set time of fasting to wit the tenth day of the seanenth moneth but in the newe testament there is no set time which bindes the conscience onely men must fast as iust occasion is offered If it be said that diuers reformed Churches haue set times of fasting I answer those fasts are set for orders sake and not to binde conscience and they are ciuill fasts and not religious for the Church may al●er them at her pleasure The time of a religious fast is the time of mourning which is vncertaine vnto any Church and therefore the time thereof cannot be set which must bee marked because the church of Rome doth herein erre in that they bind mens consciences to their set times of religious fasts Tollet instr Sacerd l. 6. c. ● UI. Point The kinds of a religious fast and they are two priuate and publike A priuate fast is that which is performed priuately either by one man alone for some of the forenamed occasions peculiar to to himselfe as Cornelius did Act. 10. 33. when he desired to know the true Messiss or by a priuate familie vpon peculiar causes mouing them thereto and so did Hester fast with her maides Hester 4. 16. This fast was foretold by Zacharie The land shall bewaile euery familie apart the familie of the house of Dauid apart and their wines apart c. A publike fass is that which is performed publikely by diuers families assembling in one or in many congregations and this publike fast is appointed partly by the Church partly by the Magistrate the Church must iudge of the time and occasion thereof and the Magistrate must authorize and proclaime it Againe a religious fast may be distinguished otherwaies in respect of the time of continuance and manner of abstinence therin for sometime a religious fast is onely from one meale for one day as Iudg. 20. 26. sometime it is from one meale for many daies together as 1. Sam. 31. 13. they fasted seauen daies together for Saul and Ionathan abstaining from their dinners and taking some refreshing in the euening and so Daniel fasted for three weekes of daies that is each day from morning till night Dan. 10. 3. And sometime it is from all kinde of sustenance for many daies together so Hester and her maides fasted three daies Hest. 4. 16. Now the two former may be vsed of vs as occasion serueth but this last is very dangerous for it is not with vs in this regard as it was with the Iewes they liued in hot countries and so had colde stomacks by reason whereof they might fast three daies without any great inconuenience but wee that liue in colder clymates haue hotter stomacks and so haue neede of more and oftener refreshing then they had neither can we fast so long without endangering life or health now fasting must bee to humble and afflict the body but not to destroy it Thus much of fasting in generall now I come to Christs doctrine of fasting here propounded And first of his reformation of the abuses thereof then vsed among the Iewes When ye fast looke not as the hypocrites c. Quest. How doth this agree with the commandement of God Ioel. 1. 13 14. where hee bids them howle and crie in their fast which cannot be without a mournfull countenance and indeede in a true fast rightly celebrated the sorrow of the heart must needes be testified by some conuenient signes and gesture in the bodie Ans. Christ doth not here simply condemne a sorrowfull countenance in fasting when as iust occasion of sorrow therein is offered for Nehemiah looked sad but onely the hypocrisie of the Pharisies who when they fasted had a sad countenance without a sorrowfull heart for all their heauie lookes they had no broken spirits this therefore Christ saith carrie not a sad and heauie looke when thou hast no sorrowfull mourning heart mind not thy outward
field Mat. 13. 24. is the same ministerie of the Gospel called expressely the kingdome of God And therefore when the Church demaunds of Christ where shee shall finde him he bids her follow the steps of the flockes to the tents of the Shepheards Cant. 1. 7. that is the assemblies of the Saints to the preaching of Gods ministers and therefore if euer wee looke to get this kingdom we must diligently frequent the ministerie of the word labour to profit by it because hereby God doth not only reueale but cōuaie his kingdome vnto men Secondly when we haue found this kingdome we must seeke to enter into it for it is not enough to be where it is or to haue it among vs for so the Pharisies had in the time of Christ Luk. 11. 20. Now we cannot enter in of our selues without the speciall worke of Gods holy spirit so saith our Sauiour Christ Matth. 18. 3. Except ye be conuerted and become as little children ye cannot enter into the kingdom of God where two things are required in him that would enter into this kingdome To become as little children and to be conuerted Wee become as little children in humilitie meekenesse and freedome from pride disdaine for we know the child of a Prince will without disdaine associate himselfe in play with a poore mans childe and so we in conscience of our owne sinnes must be humbled in our selues and made base in our own eyes laying aside our naturall pride and selfe-loue and disdaine of others for a heart swelling with pride and selfe-loue cannot enter into the straite gate of this kingdome Againe wee must be conuerted and regenerate by the spirit of God for except a man be borne againe of water and of the spirit he cannot see the kingdome of God This conuersion is not a change of the substance of the soule or of the bodie or of the faculties or parts thereof but onely of their euill qualities and actions whereby the Image of Satan in sinne and corruption is abolished the image of God renued for knowledge righteousnesse and true holinesse both in heart and life When this worke of regeneration is truely begun in vs then doe we enter into Gods kingdome euen in this life for herein the ignorant deceiue themselues that think we enter not before the time of death Thirdly wee must waite for the fruition and full possession of it this we cannot get before the day of death and therefore wee must endeauour all our life long after our conuersion to keepe faith and a good conscience walking in righteousnesse and true holinesse before God in the practise of loue vprightnesse and mercie towards our brethren When the question is who shall dwell in Gods tabernacle and rest in his holy mountaine that is remaine a true member of Gods Church for euer Psal. 51. 1 the answer is vers 2. He that walketh vprightly worketh righteousnesse Hereby we testifie our selues to be alreadie entred for Gods kingdom stands in righteousnesse Rom. 14. 17. And thus haue Gods children done that haue waited for this kingdome Matth. 25. 4. The wise virgins tooke o●le in their vessels to light their lamps when the bridegroome came And Ioseph of Arimathea that noble counseller who waited for the kingdome of God was a good man and a iust Luk. 23. 50 51. Thus we see the way to get this kingdome for our selues now the necessitie of our endeauour in these duties with all care and diligence appears by this that out of this estate for true interest to this kingdom is nothing indeed but woefull miserie vnder the curse of God and the power of Satan in the kingdome of darkenesse but in the fruition of this kingdome is true happinesse here is righteousnesse peace and ioy in the ●oly Ghost yea ioy vnspeakeable and glorious for the things that eie hath not seene eare hath not heard neither euer entred into the heart of man to thinke hath God prepared for them that loue him and they are all to be had in this his kingdome Wherefore as we desire to escape the woe and miseri● of the deuils kingdome and to bee partakers of the ioyes of heauen so let vs looke vnto the performance of the former duties shewing herein the resolution of the wise marchant that parted with all hee had to get that pearle of price Matth. 13. 46. This kingdome of God is here set out vnto vs like a citie with suburbs and two gates the suburbs of this citie are those assemblies where the word of God is truely preached and dispensed and hereinto come not onely the elect and godly but hypocrites and reprobates The first gate is the true state of grace whereinto the elect of God alone doe enter by regeneration in which estate they continue in this life going on from one degree of grace vnto a greater with endeauour in all things to keepe faith and good conscience both towards God and men and so waite to enter the gate of glorie which is set open vnto them and they enter in at the howre of death And therfore let vs not deceiue our own soules as the foolish virgins did with their burning lamps and content our selues that we come to Church and liue ciuilly though these be good things yet an hypocrite may goe thus farre all this while wee are but in the suburbs of this kingdome but if euer we looke for the glorie of heauen we must in this life enter the gate of grace by regeneration and become new creatures Thus much of the commaundement The reason to enforce it is a gracious and bountifull promise And all these things shall bee ministred vnto you The words are very significant in the originall for the phraso which Christ vseth is borrowed from bargainers to this effect as those who sell come or other things by measure or waight vse to giue some ouer-plus to better the bargaine on the buyers part euen so the Lord promiseth to those that seeke his kingdome and righteousnesse beside the fruition thereof to giue or cast vnto them as the word imports food and raiment and all things needfull to this life Qu●st How is this true seeing we read that Gods children haue beene many times destitute of things necessary as Paul was oft in hunger and thirst in fastings in colde and nakednesse 2. Cor. 11. 27. and many whom the world was not worthy of were destitute afflicted tormēted wandring vp and downe in sheepe skinnes and goate skinnes Heb. 11. 37. Answer Christs promise in this place and all other made of temporall blessings must be vnderstood with the exception of the crosse that is they shall haue such and such blessings vnlesse it please God by the want thereof to correct them for some sinnes or to exercise their faith in the triall of their patience The vse First by this promise of Christ we haue the most excellent direction of him