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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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gentle méek too the intent we should not shu● him as a cruell Tirant but rather come vntoo him with full confidence and demaund of him the saluation promised And wheras hée setteth him foorth poore that is too bée referred too the state of this present life Whoose will it was too bée poor for this purpose that he might with his spirit enrich vs that are poore and make vs blissed for euer ¶ Of the thirde THe Citizens of this King are described vnder the persons of Christes disciples and of the people whoos 's example wée must followe if wée wil bée reckened among the Citizens of Christes kingdome First therefore let vs with Chrystes disciples bring the Asse vntoo him That is to say let vs too whom the ministration of the woord is committed doo all things that are appointed vs too the glorie of Christe and the enlarging of his kingdome Secondly let vs lay our clothes vpon the Asse whiche thing wée shall then rightly doo when wée employ all oure power and abilities too the preseruation of the Ministerie Also wée must cut downe bowes from the trées cast them before Christe that is too say wée must preache Christe and acknowledge him too bée the eternall king whose kingdome wée shall wishe too flourish for euer like the Palme trée that it may not sinck downe vnder the burthens of the miseries of this world Wée must cry Hosanna that is too say wée must call vpon him with faith and confesse him too bée our King assuring our selues that his kingdome is blissed in the highest And héerevpon wée may bréefly gather what is the right vse and helthfull meditation of this feast concerning the helthful comming of Christe The first vse therfore is to endeuour that this king may come vntoo vs. And how shall that bée brought too passe He is called too vs by true repentance kept by substanciall faith and delighted by pure worshipping The second is too put vs in minde of thankfulnes that wée glorifie him with heart voice confession and behauiour Whoo for our sakes came vntoo vs who béeing made man gaue him selfe for our sinnes too deliuer vs out of this present euil world according too the wil of God our father too whom bée glorie for euer and euer Amen The ij Sunday in Aduent ¶ The Gospell Luke xxj THere shall bee signes in the Sunne and in the Moone and in the Starres and in the earthe the people shall bee at their vvits end thorovv dispaire The Sea and the vvater shall roare and mennes heartes shall fayle them for feare and for looking after those things vvhiche shal come on the earth For the povvers of Heauen shal moue And then shall they see the Sonne of man come in a Cloude vvith povver and great glorie VVhen these things begin to come to passe then look vppe and lift vp your heades for your redemtion dravveth nie And he shevved them a similitude Beholde the Fig tree and all other trees vvhen they shoot foorth their buddes yee see and knovve of your ovvne selues that Sommer then is nigh at hand So likevvise yee also vvhen yee see these things come too passe bee sure that the kingdome of GOD is nie Verely I say vntoo you this generation shall not passe til all be fulfilled Heauen and earth shall passe but my vvoordes shall not passe Take heed vntoo your selues therefore least at any time youre hartes bee ouercome vvith surfetting and dronkennesse and cares of this lyfe and that that day come on you vnvvares For as a snare shall it come on all them that sit on the face of the vvhole earth VVatche therefore continually and pray that yee may obtaine grace too flee all this that shall come and that yee may stand before the sonne of man The exposition of the text LIke as the last Sunday the church celebrated the remembrance of Christs comming in the fleshe so this lesson of the Gospell entreateth of his second coming and belongeth too that Article of our faith wherin wée confesse with hart and mouth that the same Lorde whiche came héeretoofore too bée a mediator and Sauior of them that beléeue in him shall come héereafter too iudge the quick and the dead that they which in this life haue receiued Christe and acknowledged him too bée their sauior should bée raysed ageine in their bodies be rewarded with euerlasting life and that those whiche haue despised him in following their owne affections too the dishonor of God should bée punished euerlastingly with deserued torments Of this Euangelical lesson let there bée made thrée places 1 Of Christes comming too iudgement 2 The vse frute of the forewarning of y e same comming 3 Christes exhortation too his Disciples that they should bée ready without let ¶ Of the first OCcasion of this sermon concerning Christes comming arose vpon the talke betwéene Christe and his disciples in the Temple of Ierusalem For when the disciples woondred at the sumptuousnesse of the Temple the Lorde him selfe answered that the time would come it shoulde bée so wasted one day that one stone should not bée left vpon another His disciples hearing this demaunded him of the time Too whom hée answering declared the tokens that should go before the destruction of Hierusalem strengthning them leaste they shoulde bée discouraged in their mindes for the euils that were at hand Héerevpon taking occasion hée passeth on too the vniuersall and last iudgement and reckeneth vp the signes that shall goe before it Howbéeit too the intent al things may become the cléerer vntoo vs first wée will examine fiue circumstaunces whiche the text comprehendeth And afterward wée wil describe the iudgement it selfe according to the Scriptures The first of the circumstances therfore is concerning the time ▪ For he sheweth the time by signes cōfirmeth y e same by comparison And there are many kindes of signes whiche go before the comming of the Lord vnto iudgement The first signe is séene in the Sunne and the Moone and the starres which what maner of one it shall bée Marke in his .xiij. chapter vttereth in these woords The Sunne shal be darkned y t is too say there shal be many Eclipses of y e sunne And y e moone shal not yéeld foorth hir light namely while she also suffreth eclipse And y e starres shal fal frō heauen y t is too wit shal séeme too fal That many of this kinde of signes are alredy past our present age beareth witnesse For there neuer hapned so many eclipses either of the sun or of y e Moone The second signe of the iudgemēt at hand is the perplexitie of people through despaire the méening whereof is as Mathew and Marke interprete it that nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and no place shall bée frée from warres And doth not these dayes testifie the world too bée full of such signes The thirde kinde of signes are of the sea of flouds of the aire of tempests of
this little ship for that the Churche reprooueth the woorkes of the worlde that is too say blameth the worldly wyse men of follie condemneth the rightuous men as giltie of sinne and aduaunceth not the riche men but pronounceth them vnhappie and wretched vnlesse true godlinesse bée the gouernoure and ruler of their riches And this is it that Christ promised when hée sayde The holy Ghoste shall reproue the world of sinne of rightuousnesse and of iudgement What had Abel offended against Caine who horribly murthered him Iohn answereth Abels woorkes were good and his brothers were euil What did Noe What did Hieremie What did Esay What did Christe and too bée short what did so many martyrs from the beginning of the world vntoo this day They would haue brought the worlde backe from darknesse vntoo light that menne renouncing worldy lusts might liue godlily honestly and vprightly in the world This is the thanke that the worlde is woont too requite his benefactours withall For it woulde drown them in his waues Howbéeit all things fall not out as hée would wishe he cannot destroy this little ship vtterly for out of the bloud of the martyrs spring vp other newe martyrs ageine Wée may therefore learne hereby a holy arte against the stumbling blocke of persecution and fewenesse If the tossing of the ship trouble thée haue an eye vntoo Christe whoo is present at hand in the ship If the fewenesse trouble thée haue an eye too the Arke of Noe too the Sodomites and too the rest of the whole world Those things that are best did neuer like but the fewest The Churche at the beginnning was very small in the middes it was biggest and in the ende it shalbée so small againe that what with the malice of the Deuil and what with the leude doctrine of Diuels and what with wicked maners it may séem ouerwhelmed with waues In these waues therfore let vs learne too waken Christe with oure calling vppon him whoo is neuer away from his ship but guydeth it with his holy spirit his woord his sacraments and his discipline Too whome with the Father and the holy Ghoste bée honour and glorie worlde without end Amen The .v. Sunday after Epiphany ¶ The Gospel Math. xiij HE put foorth another parable vntoo them saying The kingdome of Heauen is like vntoo a man vvhich sovved good seede in his feeld but vvhile men slept his enimie came and sovved tares among vvheate and vvent his vvay But vvhen the blade vvas sprong vp and had brought foorth frute then appeared the tares also So the seruants of the housholder came and sayd vntoo him Sir didst not thou sovve god seede in thy feeld from vvhence thē hath it tares He sayd vntoo them the enuious man hath done this The seruants sayd vntoo him vvilt thou thē that vve go and vveede them vp But he sayd nay least vvhile yee gather vp the tares yee plucke vp also the vvheat vvith them let both grovv togither vntill the haruest and in the time of haruest I vvill say too the reapers gather yee first the tares and bind them togither in sheaues too bee brent but gather the vvheate intoo my barne The exposition of the text OCcasion of this Gospell was giuen by Christes hearers of whom some were Hipocrites who notwithstanding liked very wel of them selues that they were accounted of Christes flocke and other some were sincere and good How bée it bicause they sawe a confused mixture of the good and euill toogither their mindes were not a little troubled Too the intent therefore that the Lord might both warn the one of their hipocrisie and of the punishment that shoulde one day ensue for it raise vp the other too stedfastnesse and vnvanquishable confidence by laying béefore them the seperation and reward that was too come he propounded this parable vntoo them Whereof the meaning is this that the euil must be mixed with the good in the church as long as this world stādeth which in the end of the world shall bée seperated one from another so as vntoo the godly may be rendered reward and vntoo the wicked deserued punishment This Gospel therefore serueth too this purpose too put the hipocrites in feare and by setting foorth their punishment too prouoke them too repentaunce and too comforte the godly arming them too the sufferance of euils And the places of this Gospel are foure 1 What maner of kingdome Christes kingdome in this world is 2 Of the enimies of this kingdome 3 The prayer of Christes disciples ageinst the enimies why God suffreth enimies in his Churche 4 Of the punishment of Christes enimies and of the reward of the godly ¶ Of the first THe kingdome of heauen is takē diuersly in scripture For first when Iohn sayeth Repent and amend for the kingdome of heauen is at hand the kingdome of heauen is none other thing than the newnesse of life wherby GOD setteth vs vp ageine intoo the hope of blissed immortalitie For deliuering vs out of the bondage of sinne and death he taketh vs too him selfe that wandering as Pilgrimes vpon the earth we may before hand possesse the heauenly life through faith Therefore where as hée sayeth the kingdome of heauen is at hād he meaneth that the restoring of vs vntoo blissed life yea and the verye true and euerlasting felicitie is offered too vs in Christe Besides this it signifieth the Gospel of Christe it selfe whereby the Citizens are gathered toogither intoo the kingdome of heauen as when the Lord sayth the kingdome of heauen is within you Thirdly it signifieth the frute of the Gospel preached in the hearts of the godly and then it is as Paule defineth in the xiiij too the Romaines righteousnesse ioy spirite and peace of conscience Fourthly it signifieth the felicitie too come in euerlasting life after the iudgement as when Christe promiseth it should come too passe that manie shall come from the East and from the Weast and sit down with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdom of heauen Fifthly it signifieth the verie visible Churche it selfe in this world wherin are good and euil mingled toogither vntil haruest time that is too say til the end of this world In this signification is the kingdome of heauen taken in this Gospell of which kingdome I wil nowe speake a fewe things out of this present parable The kingdome of Heauen is like a man that sovved good seed in his feeld c. The man that soweth is Chryst verie God and verie man The féeld is the world The séed are the children of the kingdom Eche of these thre doo teach many things For first when Chryst is called a sower these things are ment therby First how great the dignitie of the Church is which hath the sonne of God too hir founder Secondly that the wise of the world doo not sowe the church for that belongeth alonely vntoo Chryst and therefore that it is not preseued by the wisedom of the world Thirdely that it
things then it is too bée vnderstād that Christ came for twoo causes The first is to destroy the works of the diuel and the other too bring the blissyng vpon the children of Abraham y t is too say vpon all that shall receiue Christ by fayth as Abraham did For when Adam had by his fall yéelded him selfe and all his ofspring bondslaues vnder the Tirannie of Sathan and cast them intoo deserued curse the rightuousnesse of God required that either wée should suffer due deserued punishmēt or else that some of mankinde should satisfie Gods iustice Now forasmuch as no meane power was able too vanquish the diuell and pacifie Gods wrath the sonne of God cōmeth foorth of his secret dwelling place he cōmeth intoo y e world he becomes man he taketh our case vpon him he ouerthroweth the kingdome of the deuill and pacifieth his Fathers wrath being made vntoo vs both our sacrifice and our préest This selfe same thing doo many types figurate as the sacrifices of the Fathers the pascall Lambe the sprinklyng of the red cowes blood vpon the people and moreouer the Arke of couenant and all the Aaronical sacrifice with all the rites and ceremonies thereof Innumerable sayings of the Prophetes doo declare these selfe same causes of the Lordes commyng with agréeable consent as Esay 53. He suffered our diseases and bare our sorowes in déede he was wounded for our transgressiōs and was torne for our iniquities The Lord did take vpon him the iniquities of vs al. Many such testimonies as these are in the Prophets which for bréefnesse sake I omit The woordes and woorkes of Chryst at his comming doo proue the same thing Come vntoo mée sayth he all yée that labour and are heauie loden and I will refresh you Also he that beléeueth in mée shall not perishe but haue life euerlasting Also For these do I sanctifie my self that is to say I offer my selfe a sacrifice too God the father for the purgyng of their sinnes Which thing not onely the great numbre of miracles that he did and by which he destroyed the woorkes of the diuell doo assuredly proue but also his very death and his glorious victorie ensuing the same The testimonies of the Apostles who is able to numbre Paule sayth He dyed for our sinnes and rose ageine for our iustification The same man wryteth thus Him that knewe no sinne hée made sinne too the intent that wée might bée made the rightuousnesse of god in him Iohn Baptist cryeth out Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde Iohn the Apostle Iesus Chryst clenseth vs from al our iniquitie The same apostle making a bréefe summe of Christes benefites writeth Christ appéered too destroy the diuels woorkes Finally the whole Churche of Christ ioyfully through Christes spirit confesseth these selfe same causes of Christes cōming singing thus Thou taking vpon thée to deliuer mā didst not abhorre the virgins wombe Thou when thou haddest ouercome the sharpnes of death didst set open the kingdome of heauen to all beléeuers Now if yée demaund the time of his cōming the Apostle Paul answereth After that the fulnesse of time was come God sent out his sonne borne of woman boūd vnder y e law too the intent he should redéeme them that were giltie of the law that wée might receiue the adoption of childrē He came therfore neither later nor slowlyer than hée ought too come Concerning this time of the Lords comming the Prophets Iacob and Daniell spake before Of which thing more shalbée spoken in the day of the Lordes birth One thing more is yet behind namely the way by which hée commeth This also is too bée sought out diligently that wée may méet him rightly Therfore like as too our saluatiō he came once in the flesh visible so too saue eche mans soule wheresoeuer his woord is thought vpon red or preached hée commeth daily in spirit and inuisible yea rather hée is there alwayes present according too his promise I will bée with you vntoo the end of the world And then againe shal hée appéere visible too iudge the quick the dead too the intent that they which héertofore held scorne too take him for their phisitian and sauyour shall then féele him a most iust iudge and punisher of their wickednesse Of which comming wée shall héere more the next Sunday And thus much bréefly concerning the comming of the Lord. ¶ Of the seconde THe second place which the text of the Gospel conteineth importeth the description of Christ our king and of his kingdom Which description is confirmed by the testimonie of Zacharie which the Euangelist alledgeth that wée may vnderstand how this pomp was not instituted rashly but foreshewed long before according too the wil of God and the secrete counsell of the Trinitie For this pomp teacheth vs many things of the state of Christ our king and of his kingdome First this pomp of Chrystes riding intoo Hierusalem maketh a difference betwéen Christ our king and the kings of the world and sheweth the diuersitie of their kingdomes For this base pompe dooth sufficiently argue that neyther Chryst is a worldly king nor the administration of his kingdom worldly For worldly kings to the intēt they may bée counted honorable of their people are gorgeously apparelled In likewyse the administration of worldly kingdomes requireth gorgeousnesse and sumptuous furniture Secondly this storie teacheth y t vnder this base pompe lieth hid a certeine almightinesse godhead For when hée sayeth loose yée and bring vnto mée and ageine the Lord hath néed of them and also he shall by and by let them go Christ our king giueth vs too vnderstand that by his heauenly power hée is able too bring too passe what hée listeth yea and that hée hath the hartes and willes of men in his hand Therefore although the kingdome of Christ séem dispisable in this world yet notwithstanding if a man look vpon y e power diuinitie of y e king nothing is more stately nothing is more mightie nothing finally is more glorious than it Moreouer the prophecy of the Prophete conteyneth thrée things First an exhortation too the churche at that time cast downe and vtterly vnder foot Be glad saith he and leap for ioy thou daughter of Sion Héereby wée are taught that the Gospel perteyneth too them that are cast down vnder foot and altoogither broken in spirit Secondly this prophecie coteyneth a cōmaundement from God that wée should doo homage too this king like as y e second Psalme exhorteth wher it sayeth kisse the sonne Thirdly this prophecy conteineth a description of the person of Christ namely that he is y e king that was promised too the church Beholde saith it thy king cōmeth As if he should haue said héer is at length that king that was promised thée of whom are written so many testimonies which shall restore the kingdome of God that the diuel hath inuaded destroyed through sinne He saieth that this king is
Angel that Chryste is risen This is the summe of the storie The women are willed not too bée afrayd This is the frute of this benefite and the women séek Chryst raysed from death By the example of whom is commended vntoo vs the helthful vse of our Lords resurrection Wherefore not without cause Paule wryting too Timothie sayth Remember that Iesus Chryste is risen from death For as the same Apostle saith in the .10 too the Romains If thou beléeue in thy harte that God hath raysed him from death thou shalt bée saued How bée it too the intent this Article of oure fayth may be the better confirmed vntoo vs I wil handle thrée places in this sermon whiche are 1 How many wayes there are too proue the Lorde resurrection 2 Why hée arose the third day 3 What is the frute of Chrystes resurrection ¶ Of the firste BY thrée kindes of Testimonies is the Lordes Resurrection confirmed For there are Testimonies that go before and that go with it and that come after it Of which I will speake in order Christ admonisheth vs in the .xxiiij. of Luke that we should aduisedly wey the testimonies that went before the Lordes Resurrection where he sayth So is it written and so ought Christ too haue suffered and risen agein the third day and repentance and remission of sinnes to be preached in his name vntoo all nations But where is this written He himself answereth and saith In Moises and the prophets the Psalmes it is written of mée Therfore in Moyses in the Prophets and in the Psalmes must wée séeke for the Testimonies that go before our Lords resurrection In Moyses there is a double kinde of Testimonie concerning the Lords Resurrection For it is both foretolde in expresse woords shadowed with many figures The expresse woordes are these The womans séede shall breake the Serpents head that is too say Chryst shall ouercome the Deuil which thing could not bée doone but by Chrysts rising ageyn from death ▪ For if Chryst had taried stil in his graue the deuil had had the vpper hand of Chryst. For as long as Chryst lay in his graue Christ had no victorie that is he had no triumph But assoone as our Lorde opened his graue and came out of it aliue he shewed him selfe conqueror and triumpher ouer Sathan Héerevnto also perteyneth this saying In thy séede shall all the nations of the earth bée blissed Now as in death is the curse so is blissing too bée séen in y e life of Christ. Also it is shadowed with figures in Moses Adam dying and afterward being raysed ageyne was a figure of Chryste dying and rysing ageine For thus sayth Augustine Chrystes resurrection was prefigurate in our first father Adam because like as Adam rising after sléepe knew Eue shaped out of his séede So Christ rising agein from the dead builded the church out of the wound of his syde Isaac also being laid vpon the altar too bée sacrificed and yet beyng deliuered by the Angell was a figure of Chryste offered vp vpon the Crosse and afterward raysed from death by the power of God Ioseph being cast into prison afterward brought foorth vntoo high honor did betoken the death resurrection of the Lord. In the Prophets also are both sayings and figures of this Resurrection Esai 53. chapter If he giue his soule for sinne he shall sée long lasting seede and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand Daniell telleth openly that Chryst shall bée put too death and that he shall reigne for euer Oseas also sayth the thirde day he shall quicken vs. Among many other figures are these Sampson is shut within the Citie and the gates fast locked And our Lord is closed in the graue fast sealed Sampson breaking the lockes and bearing away the gates escapeth without harme And Chryste breaking the powers of hell goeth out frée Like as the shippe should haue perished if Ionas had not bin cast out so should the woorld perish if Chryst had not suffered And like as Ionas was in the belly of the Fishe thrée dayes and afterwarde was cast out on lande So Chryste was thrée dayes in the earth and afterward came foorth aliue out of his graue In the Psalmes also are Testimonies and Figures of Chrystes resurrection The second Psalme entreateth altoogither of the kingdome and préesthood of Chryst. The fiftene Psalme Thou shalt not suffer thy holy one too sée corruption The .xxij. Psalme preacheth the Lordes Passion and resurrection The Cx. Psalme He shall drinke of the brooke by the wayes side therfore shal he lift vp his head The same Dauid doth shadow the death resurrection of the Lord. Dauid fléeing so oftentimes at length being aduaunced too the kingdom was a figure of Chrysts abacemēt by death of his glorificatiō by rising agein Such maner of proofes of y e lords death resurrection there are many in Moises in the Prophets and in the Psalmes but I haue recited but fewe for shortnesse of time To the furtherance héerof cōmeth it also y e Chryste oftentimes forewarned his Disciples of his deathe and resurrection Of testimonies that go with it there be twoo sorts namely expresse woords signes In this Gospel the Angel sayth He is risen he is not heer The signe was séen the graue was emptie there was an Earthquake the Lorde shewed him selfe first too Mary Magdalene afterward too the more part of the Apostles and then too fiue hundred bréethren hée is conuersant with his Disciples fortie dayes and at the ende in the sight of a great number he ascēded visibly intoo heauen from whence the .x. day after his ascencion hée sendeth the holy Ghost according too his promise whiche holy Ghost conuinceth Chryst too haue ascended intoo heauen in déed as triumpher ouer death and hel The testimonies that folowe are of twoo sortes also The preaching of the Apostles whiche is confirmed wyth sundry miracles afterward the recorde of the whole Churche confessing Chryst their Lord and mediator ▪ Besides these there bée other signes also The inward signe is Chrysts spirit in the harte of the beléeuers whiche testifieth vntoo them that Chryste liueth The outwarde signes are Baptime and the Lords supper For by Baptim is figured Chrysts death buriall and resurrection as Paule teacheth the .vij. too the Romaines The Lordes Supper dooth also represente vntoo vs Chrystes resurrection Hee that beléeueth not these testimonies going before it with it and comming after it shall one day sée him comming in the Clouds too be his iudge whome hée acknowledged not too be his Sauiour héer on earth ¶ Of the second WHy arose he ageine the third day Why did he not put it of till the last day that wée mighte haue risen toogyther with him He rose ageine the third day first too fulfil the Prophecies For it was tolde before by the Prophet Oseas and prefigured in Ionas that he should rise ageine the third day Secondly too make
Chryst only was méet too bée sent for the latter purpose that is too wit too teach were sent in olde time all the Prophets and afterwarde the Apostles and all men that are lawfully called to the office of preaching Therfore as in respect of teaching Chryst sendeth his disciples as hée was sent by the Father Héereby wée may gather twoo things First the difference betwéene the kingdomes of the world and the administration of the churche or betwéen the gouerners of the world and the gouerners of churches For the ministers of the woorde are not sent too bée Lordes on the earth For Chryst tooke no Lordship vpon him neyther are they sent too the pomps of this world which Christ despised but too teach the Gospel too set vp the kingdome of God and too preach saluation vntoo men Secondly héerby is too bée gathered what authoritie y e woord is of whiche they preach that are called to the ministerie As my father hath sent me sayth he so send I you that you may speak not in your own name but in mine Héere vnto perteyneth that saying of the Lorde vntoo his disciples Math. 10. He that héereth you héereth mée and he that despiseth you despiseth mée Héere haue they that teache the woord a comfort and they that héere it a weightie admonition For when those that teache the woord godlily in lawful vocation do suffer any thing at the thanklesse world they haue a comforte in this that they beare the roome of Chryste and that Chryste suffereth wrong with them who wil in time reuenge himselfe And they that héere the woord are admonished first of the aucthoritie of the woorde for they are bounde too héere the woorde none otherwise than if they herd Chryste himselfe speaking Next they are warned too make accompt of the godly ministers of Gods woorde as of Chrysts ambassadours Besides that they are put in minde of the penaltie which they incurre by the iust iudgement of God as many as despise either the word preached or the ministers themselues Also the ministers of the woord must cōsider too what degrée of worship they ar exalted that they doo not either infect the purenesse of the doctrine or estraunge their héerers from them by their euill conuersation The thirde part And vvhen he had said he breathed vpon them and said vntoo them Take yee the holy Ghost These woords cōtein a singuler doctrine For Christ by these woords sheweth from whence the woorde whiche is preached by the voyce of the ministers hath his power and woorking which vndoutedly is not inclosed in the voice of y e minister nor hāgeth vpon the holinesse and woorthinesse of man but all the power and woorking of the woord procéedeth of the vertue of Christs spirit For when as Chryst héere breatheth vpon the disicples and biddeth them take the holy ghost he giueth too vnderstād y t the holy ghost shal always be present at y e ministery of the word as if he had said behold ye shal be the ministers of the new testamēt which shall build me a church in y e woorld by preaching the gospel and I know how weake you are too go through with so great a woork specially séeing the deuill the world and all mannes reason shal set themselues ageynst you Wherfore I wil that the holy ghost shal be present in this your ministerie by whō your labor shall become effectuall For he by his power shall bring too passe that my woord which you shal preach shal not return to you in vaine Héere wée may gather a profitable doctrine and admonition The doctrine is that the holy ghost is tyed too the woord and wil be effectual by it The admonishment or comfort is that therby as wel the techers as the héerers may rayse vp themselues at the presence of the holy ghost ageynst the enemies of their saluation The fourth parte VVhose sinnes so euer yee shall release they are released vntoo them and vvhose so euer yee shal vvithholde they are vvithholden In these woords he ordeineth and establisheth that spiritual power of the church which we cal the power of the keys aud the key is shewed wherwith the kingdome of heauen is opened and shut Notwithstanding too the entent this most profitable doctrine may bée euidently vnderstood of al men I will diuide it intoo certeine points which are these From whence is the power of the church what it is in whom it resteth wherein it consisteth These poynts being well vnderstood there is no man but he shal handsomly perceiue what and what maner of thing the Ecclesiasticall power is From whence then is this power From God by Iesus Christ. For if ye haue an eye no further than on mā it is but a single ministerie But if ye haue an eye too Chryst it is an high power than the which there is none vpon earth either greater or profitabler or of more woorship For Chryste sitting at the right hand of the father in the throne of his maiestie ordereth and directeth this power He therefore that dispiseth this power both is bereft of the frute therof and also dishonoureth the sonne of God What is the power of the Churche It is the power of releasing withholding sinnes that is too say of preaching the Gospel whiche who so beléeueth too him is the kingdome of heauen opened and he that beléeueth not too him it is shewed that the kingdome of heauen is shut vp In whom resteth this power In the Church For when our Lord gaue the keyes too Peter and the other Apostles he bestowed these keyes vpon the very Churche at the whiche the ministers fetche the keyes as the handmayde hathe the keyes of hir mistresse In what thing consisteth the power of the keyes In the effectuall woorking of the holy Ghoste who in the woorde and by the woord is mightie of operation woorketh faith in the héerers of y e woord So the woord is as it were one key which the minister of the woord occupyeth and faith is another key which the holy ghost putteth too and whē these keyes are put too both toogither then is the kingdome of heauen opened Now that wée haue in this wise expounded these things let vs wey the woords of this text somewhat déeplyer Firste therefore when hée sayeth whose so euer stay thy selfe and consider of this woord whose so euer First that the promise of grace is vniuersall Set thou this vniuersall promising ageinst the temptation of particularitie and include thy selfe within the generall promise Nexte set this woord whose so euer ageinst the multitud of sinnes And when thou art tēpted too despaire for the multitude of thy sinnes let this promise of the Lorde come too thy minde whose so euer c. Hée sayeth not if a man commit a few sinnes or many neyther sayth hée if hée be a Iew a Gréek a gentleman a commoner a rich man or a poore man but he saith whose so euer Moreouer this place do●th vs too
Chyrst too him intoo the ship Therfore according too Peters example giue thou credit vntoo Chryst bée not slacke but labour in Chrysts name and thou shalt sée how the Lord will blisse the● But I sayst thou sée the woorst men commonly most too bée luckie and contrarywise I sée the godly oftentimes most miserable I say no more but marke the end Wherfore consider this answere of Dauids whiche is in the .xxxvj. Psalm I sawe the vngodly sayeth hée lustie and flourishing as the gréene Bay and I passed by and beholde hée was gone and I sought him and hée was not too bée found So all the glory of the vngodly is a vanishing smoke Contrarywise hée that feareth the Lorde shall not bée remoued for euer Wée haue examples I pray you wher are now those glorious Gia●ts They are swalowed vp in the floud Where is the rich glutton Hée lyeth in torments On the contrary parte where is Abraham where is Dauid where is poore Lazarus In heauen wher they enioy true blissednesse These mennes examples let vs folow ¶ Of the fourth WHiche thing vvhen Simon savve hee fell dovvne at Iesus feete saying Departe from mee O Lorde for I am a sinner Sée héere what happened too Peter and his fellowes by this taking of fishe Peter is sore afrayd and willeth Chryst too depart from him What ought he not rather too haue sayd Lord tary still with mée that wée may haue good lucke in fishing Like as Peter vppon this miracle acknowledged him selfe a miserable sinner so acknowledged hée Chryste too bée rightuous endued with the power of the Godhead Wherfore hée falleth downe at his féete also Uerely men desire the presence of GOD How bée it as soone as they perceyue him too bée come by and by they flée awaye and are afrayde by reason that their conscience accuseth them of sinne vntill they bée chéered by the voyce of God and féel comfort ageinst the remorse of sinne according as the Lord in this place chéereth vp him that was afrayde saying Feare not from hence foorth thou shalt bee a fisher of men Héere hée not onely chéereth vp Peter but also chooseth him too bée an Apostle that in his time hée may catche men with the woorde of his preaching For as fishes are caught with a net so are men caught by the woord of preaching gathered out of the Sea of their sins intoo the churche of Chryst not too bée killed but too liue blissedly for euer through Iesus Chryst our Lord too whom bée honor praise and power for euer and euer Amen Vpon the .vj. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospel Math. v. IESVS sayde vntoo his Disciples except your rightuousnesse exceede the rightuousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisies yee cannot enter intoo the kingdome of Heauen Yee haue herde that it vvas sayde vntoo them of olde time Thou shalt not kil vvhosoeuer killeth shal bee in daunger of iudgement But I say vntoo you that vvhosoeuer is angry vvith his brother vnaduisedly shal bee in daunger of iudgement And vvhosoeuer sayth vnto his brother Racha shal bee in danger of a counsel But vvhosoeuer sayth thou Foole shal bee in daunger of Hel fire Therfore if thou offrest thy gift at the altar and ther remembrest that thy brother hath oughte ageinst thee leaue there thine offring before the altar and go thy vvay firste and bee reconciled too thy brother and then come offer thy gift Agree vvith thine aduersary quickly vvhiles thou art in the vvay vvith him leaste at any time the aduersary deliuer thee to the Iudge and the Iudge deliuer thee too the Minister and then thou bee cast intoo Prison Verely I saye vntoo hee t thou shalt not come out thence til thou haue payd the vttermoste farthing The exposition of the text THis text is a péece of that sermon that Chryst made too his Disciples in the mountain after he had newly chosen them wherin too speak bréefly hée teacheth them that hée came not too breake the law but too fulfill it And bicause the Phariseys béeing interpreters of the law misconstrued and wrested the law of God Chryst correcteth their errour and interpreteth the law For they thought that the doctrine of the lawe perteyned only too the outward déedes Contrarywise Chryst proueth that it perteineth too the innermost conceits of the hart Afterward in the same sermon Chryst prescribeth a forme of giuing Almesse an order of fasting and the maner of praying All which things tende too this end that men should vnderstand how farre they are off from the perfection of Gods law and how néedfull Chrysts comming was on whom whosoeuer beléeueth is exempted from the power of the law and frō damnation Thus much concerning the effect of Chrysts sermon in the mount How béeit this parcell of that Sermon which is red in the church this day as you haue herd fyndeth fault with the Pharisaicall rightuousnesse and alledging the fifthe commaundement of the law sheweth how farre the Pharisies ouershot thēselues in interpreting the law For like as these thought it ynough too abstein from killing with the hande so Chryst denounceth them giltie of this lawe not only which commit outward murther but all those that think any thing ageinst their neighbour according as wée shall héer anone The places are two 1 Of thrée sortes of righteousnesse Pharisaicall of the law and Chrysten 2 An exposition of the fifth commaundement ¶ Of the third EXcept your rightuousnesse exceede the rightuousnesse of the Scribes and Phariseys yee shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen Too the intent wée may vnderstande these things aryght wée must néedes speake of thrée sorts of rightuousnesse Of the Pharisaicall rightuousnesse whiche Chryste reproueth héere Of the Ryghtuousnesse that commeth by the law which God commendeth too vs by his owne voyce of the christen righteousnesse through which only we stand before God The Pharisaicall righteousnesse is described Math. 15. of which description these bée the peculiar poyntes First they accuse Chryst so farre is it from their thoughte too acknowledge him for their redéemer Ageyne they doo all things too the intent too bée séene of men They are hypocrites appéering outwardly religious and holy wheras for all that they are enimies of God and all godly men whom they snatch at like mad doggs Also they make Gods cōmaundement voyde for mens traditions sake For in place of Gods commaundementes they thruste in mennes deuises too worship God withall whither he will or no. This is the greatest stubbornesse ageinst God that can bée For in this case not only god is despised and more is attributed too mans folly than too Gods wisedome but also through mens traditions the zele of Religion is abolished too godward and the woorks of charitie plucked vp by the rootes Ouermore they preace vntoo God with their lips and their hart is farre from him Besides this they are layde too deuour widowes houses while they draw them to thēselues couetously vnder pretēce of holynesse
office Fifthly if it happen them too bée cast intoo prison and too bée put too torture for performing their dutie accordingly what shall they then doo Shall they denie Chryst in no wyse But they shall sende theyr Disciples vntoo Chryst not fearing them that an doo no more but kil the body but him rather who as hée can destroy bothe body and soule so also can hée saue them bothe Thus much is spoken bréefly concernyng the first place ¶ Of the second ARt thou hee that shall come or doo vvee looke for an other The errour of Iohns disciples con●erning y e Messias gaue occasion of this message and demaunde For they béeing partly offended at the outward appéerance of Chryst as it appereth by the Lords answer and partly béeing begiled through affection too theyr maister mystooke Iohn too haue béen the Messias Iohn too the intent too rid his disciples of this errrour sendeth them too Chryst too enquire of hym whether hée were the very Messias or whether some other were styll too bée looked for that by this meanes they myght bothe by words and déedes of Chryste himselfe bée more fully instructed concernyng Chryste that he was the true Messias and not Iohn Iohn then sendeth not his disciples to Chryst for that he himselfe douted of Chryst but too procure the saluation of his douting disciples Let vs therefore learne of Iohn too haue a lowly opinion of our selues that wée take not any thing vppon vs arrogantly And let vs learne of his disciples to performe obedience too our superiours and specially too them that by woorde and lyfe doo send vs the right way to Chryst. ¶ Of the third BUt what aunswereth Chryst Go and beare Iohn vvoord vvhat ye heare and see The blinde see the lame vvalke the lepres are clensed the deafe heare the dead rise ageyne the poore receyue the glad tydings of the Gospell and blissed is he that is not offended at mee This answer conteineth foure things signes vndoutedly shewing the true Messias the image of the Churche in thys life to whome the Gospell perteyneth and an admonition that no man should bée offended at the outwarde appéerance of Chryst and his Church The proofe that Iesus himselfe is the very Messias is this Whosoeuer by his owne power giueth sight too the blinde to the criples ablenesse too go vpright to the lepres helth too the deafe hearing to the dead lyfe and preacheth the glad tydings of the gospel too the poore that is to say too the consciences that are broken and sorowful with the féeling of sinne Hée out of all doubte is the true Messias For Esay prophesieth of the Messias in these Ye weake hearted bée of good comfort feare not Behold your God shall bring a discharge of vengeance God himself shall come and saue vs Wherby shal we know him the Prophet answereth Then shall the eyes of the blinde bée opened and the eares of the deafe shall heare and the lame shall leape as a hart and the toongs of many shal be loosened And the same prophet sayth The spirit of y e Lord is vpon mée bicause he hath annointed mée to preach glad tidings to the poore that I should remedie them that are broken in heart and preach libertie too prisoners and let them out that are shut vp In as much then as yée sée mée according too the foresayings of the Prophets too perfourme these things by mine owne power why doo yée not acknowlege mée to be the Messias And so Christ by this demonstration proueth himselfe to be the true Messias and teacheth that it is his office too giue aide too the miserable and afflicted Furthermore y e image of the church kingdom of Christ is séene héere to be despised before the world The hearers of Christ are the poore the sick and the despised in the sight of the world vnto these doth Christ preach y e way of saluation and healeth their diseases And like as he did then heale the diseases of the body euen so at this day healeth he the cōsciences of sinners woūded with sin bringeth spiritual gladnesse to their hartes whiche thing they féele in very déede which in true inuocation doo heare the voice of the Gospel Where he sayeth that the poore receiue the glad tydings of the Gospell he sheweth to whom the Gospel belongeth namely to the poore that is to say to the broken in hart for the filthynesse of their sinnes Whereupon it is sayd in the psalme A sacrifice too god is a troubled spirite a contrite and humbled hart O God shalt thou not despise And an other Psalme Whiche healeth them that be of a broken harte And Esaye the .57 GOD dwelleth with the broken and lowly spirite too quicken the spirite of the lowly and too quicken the heart of the broken The Gospell then perteineth only too such as féeling their owne sinnes are sorie for them and are afrayde of Gods iudgement and cast away purpose of sinning any more The Gospell therfore is a ioyfull tydings of the forgiuenesse of sinnes and a comfort in the heart through the woord and the holy ghost which belongeth vntoo them only that repent and beléeue the Gospell receyue remission of theyr sinnes are endued with the rightuousnesse of Chryst which béeing imputed too them for theyr owne they appéere as ryghtuous in the sight of God are endued with the holy Ghost and being now made a newe creature in Chryst beginne too obey Chryst through Faith and endeuer daily too abounde in all knowledge and vnderstanding Philip. j. The Lords admonishment Blissed is hee that is not offended at mee giueth an inckling héere first that Iohns Disciples were offended at the person of Christ secondly it warneth all men in generall not too bée offended at the outward appéerance of Chrystes kingdome so as they should eyther not receiue the Gospell at all or else hauing receiued it should reiect it after which sort many are in all times offended Cicero in his time was so offended at the bondage of Gods people that hée would not receiue the Doctrine of the Churche Euery citie sayth hée too Laelius hath his peculiar religion and wée haue ours Though Hierusalem were in prosperitie and that the Iewes were in quietnesse yet notwithstanding should wée for the glory of our Empyre the maiestie of our name and the traditions and customes of our auncetors holde scorne of the superstitions of their religion and now much more bicause that nation hath shewed what good wil it beareth to our empire by warres and how déere it is too the Gods immortall in that it is subdued and let out too ferme c. These foure things doo the Papistes also boast of at this day Glorie maiestie of name traditions of elders Lordship But Christ in this place biddeth vs take héede that wée suffer not our selues too be deceiued with such ghosts but rather that we should ioyne our selues with the litle and despised flock which heareth the voice of
of our Lord Iesus Christ graunt vs his grace that being confirmed by this miracle wée may in the true feare of God and in faith yéeld true glory too God the father Christ and the holy Ghoste too whom being only the immortall and liuing God bée honour glory and dominion for euer world without end Amen The third Sunday after Epiphany ¶ The Gospell Math. viij WHen hee vvas come dovvne from the Mountaine much people follovved him And behold there came a Lepre and vvorshipped him saying Maister if thou vvilte thou canst make mee cleane And Iesus put foorth his hande and touched him saying I vvil be thou cleane and immediatly his Leprosie vvas clensed And Iesus sayde vntoo him tell no man but goe and shevy thy self too the preest and offer the gyfte that Moses commaunded too bee offered for a vvitnesse vntoo them And vvhen Iesus vvas entred intoo Capernaum there came vntoo him a Centurion and besought him saying Maister my seruant lieth at home sick of the Palsey and is greeuously peyned And Iesus sayde vvhen I come vntoo him I vvill heale him The Centurion aunsvvered and sayde Sir I am not vvorthie that thou shouldest come vnder my roofe but speake the vvoorde onely and my seruant shall bee healed For I also am a man subiecte too the authoritie of an other and haue souldiers vnder mee and I say too this man goe and hee goeth and too another man come and hee commeth and too my seruant doo this and hee dooth it VVhen Iesus hearde these vvordes hee maruelled and sayde too them that follovved him Verely I say vntoo you I haue not founde so great faith in Israell I say vntoo you that many shall come from the East and VVeast and shall rest vvith Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of Heauen but the children of the kingdom shal bee cast out intoo vtter darknesse there shal bee vveeping and gnashing of teeth And Iesus sayd vnto the Centurion Goe thy vvay as thou beleeuest so bee it vntoo thee And his seruant vvas healed in the selfe same houre The exposition of the text THis gospel setteth before our eyes the affectiō of Christ towards mankinde especially towards them that flée too him in heauinesse affliction for looke what he promised in woords saying Come vntoo mée all yée that labor are heauy loden and I wil refresh you and yée shal find rest vntoo your soules the same thing dooth hée shew héer by his déede For after that hée had taught his fathers woord on the mountaine hée came down and fulfilled the thing in woork which he had taught in woord confirming his doctrine with miracles For hée woorketh héere twoo miracles With his woord he healeth the Lepre and by his commaundement hée healeth the sonne of the Centurion absent The vse of these miracles is both too prooue Christe too be the true Messias too witnesse that the self same Christe wil helpe the afflicted that call vppon him as wel as hée helped the Lepre and the Centurion that called vpon him Howbéeit too the intent the present miracles may serue too our better instruction I wil intreat of .iiij. places whiche are these 1 A generall doctrine of all Christes miracles 2 Of the Lepre and of his healing and of the circumstances thereof 3 Of the heathen Centurion of his faith and of his care for his seruaunt 4 The praise of this heathen mans faith ¶ Of the first BIcause the Euangelical storie conteyneth many of Christes miracles wherwith hée manifesteth his glory cōfirmeth his doctrine and encreaseth faith in the hearers I wil bréefly set foorth a general doctrine the vse wherof shal serue in all particuler miracles of Christe Why the Lord addeth miracles too his woord it is tolde in the last Sunday euen héer a litle before I haue repeated it in the beginning How be it too the intent wée may haue the ful doctrine of miracles mo things are too be serched out whiche too enclose within number certein I wil put all vnder these .v. questiōs What the persons bée what the ends bée what is the maner what is the vse and why miracles are not wrought at this day The persones are of thrée sortes first suche as are oppressed with diseases and with the Deuils tirannie Then the beholders of the miracles And lastly Christe that woorketh the miracles The ends are many One is that Christ might shew foorth his owne glory Another that he might seale vp his doctrine the thirde that the faith of them that behelde the miracles might bée confirmed the fourth that God might bée glorified by the sight of his woonderfull woorkes the fifth that by little and little the Diuels kingdome might bée destroyed What miracles so euer are doone for any other ende than these are condemned as sleights of the Deuil Math. 24. The manner is diuers for sometime hée woorketh a miracle by his woorde alone as in this place Another time too the intent too shew the preciousnesse of his body he layeth to his hand One while he turneth him selfe to GOD with giuing of thankes before hande and another while hée woorketh by his onely power without his woord as when he turned the water intoo wine Too the manner also perteyneth the faithe of him that is healed by the miracle as is read in this Gospell Miracles serue too thrée vses That hée that is healed by miracle should sinne no more that the beholders should put their trust in the healer and that wée whiche read of the miracles of the Lorde shoulde bée confirmed in the glorye and doctrine of Christe and therewithall conceiue faith in him that he is none otherwise affected towards vs than he was towards them But why are no miracles wroughte now a dayes Hée is starke blinde that séeth no miracles at these dayes The churche of Christe is a little flocke whiche the Deuill the King of darknesse and Antichriste the Pope doe persecute and bend all their force too this end that they may extinguish the true religion of Christe and yet they can not All the whole worlde persecuted that one poore man Luther and yet they touched not one hear of his hed And why God miraculously defended bothe him and also his little flocke This presence of God in his churche is miraculous inough so that wée néede not too séeke other miracles Moreouer miracles and the power of healing mens bodies and the visible giuings of the holy ghost were bestowed onely vpon the primitiue churche too the intent they might confirme Christes glorie his doctrine our faith for euermore in all that should come after The vse of which too vs ward is that wée may know they were certein seales of ful authoritie wherwith God would haue his doctrine confirmed and sealed for euer ¶ Of the second IN the Lepre that is healed ▪ let six things be considered his infirmitie the state of his person his faith his inuocation his pacience and his confession The infirmitie of the
their vndooing vnlesse they amende The thirde difference is taken of the effects For the godly doo blisse God and call vpon him in their crosse as Iob dyd But the vngodly freat at God and are angry with him The godly are nurtured the vngodly are confounded The godly are tried the vngodly are distroubled The godly vnder the crosse doo hope the vngodly do despaire The fourth difference is taken of the time The godly are afflicted for a shorte time that afterwarde they may bée glorified with Christ their head but the vngodly are wrapped in mischéefe for euer Whose present affliction is as it were a handfull of their endlesse paines in hell The fifth difference is taken of the place The godly are chastized in this world only but the fire of the vngodly shal neuer bée quenched For héere they are tormented with an euill conscience and in the woorld too come they shal bée ouerwhelmed with Gods euerlasting wrath and suffer punishement that neuer shall haue ende So haue wée the differences of the crosses of the godly and the punishments of the vngodly Now wil I adde a few things concerning the comforte wherewith the godly muste raise vp them selues vnder the Crosse. From whence then is comforte too bée sought First the godly that is pressed vnder the crosse shall consider two thinges in his affliction namely iudgement and mercie Iudgemente that hée is punished for his sinnes Therefore sayeth Chryste Sinne not leaste some woorser thing happen vntoo thée And mercie that hée is punished too the intent hée shoulde turne and repent according too this text 1. Cor. 11. When wée are iudged of the Lorde wée are chastized that wée bée not damned with this worlde Therfore when the faythful is exercised with the crosse let him séeke comforte at the fatherly mercy of God Secondly the godly in his crosse shall take comforte by examples whereof many are recited in the .xj. too the Hebrues And Paule dooth oftentimes lay before vs the example of Chryst too which it behoueth vs too become conformable vnder the Crosse that wée may be gloryfied with him in time too come For the godly suffereth with Chryste as it were a mēber of his For like as Chryst suffered first that hée might obey the Father and secondly that hée mighte vanquishe and condemne our sinne so must wée also obey GOD vnder the crosse bothe too vanquishe and too condemn our owne sinne not by making satisfaction for it as hée didde but by mortifying it Thirdly the godly shall fetche comfort at the endes of the Crosse. For the godly is not chastized with the Crosse too the end hée should perrish but too the end hée may bée holden in and as it were reyned with a certeine brydle from falling away from God Fourthly the godly shal cōfort him self with the presence of God for thus saith God I am with thée in tribulation For if God defēded vs not with his presence in our crosse our harts would vtterly faile and wée should renounce our profession Fiftly the godly shall take comforte at the promise of deliuerance asuagement of paines and at Gods helpe Our fathers cryed vntoo thée sayeth the Psalme and thou heardest them Sixtly the godly shall séeke comfort by comparing the present affliction with the glory too come The one lasteth but a moment the other is eternall Let this suffise concerning the crosse of the godly GOD graunt vs grace too glorifie him with true patience vnder the Crosse through our Lord Iesus Chryste too whom bée honour and glorie world without end Amen The iiij Sunday after Easter ¶ The Gospell Iohn xvj IEsus ●ayed vntoo his Disciples Novv I go my vvaye vntoo him that sent mee and none of you asketh mee vvhyther I go But bycause I haue sayed suche things vntoo you your harts are ful of sorovv Neuerthelesse I tel you the trueth it is expedient for you that I go avvay For if I go not avvay that comforter vvill not come vntoo you But if I depart I vvil send him vntoo you And vvhen he is come he vvill rebuke the vvorld of sinne and of ryghtuousnesse and of iudgement Of sinne bycause they beleeue not on mee Of rightuousnesse bicause I go too my Father and yee shall see me no more Of iudgement bicause the Prince of this vvorld is iudged alreadie I haue yet manye things too say vntoo you but yee cannot beare them avvay novv hovv be it vvhen he is come vvhiche is the spirite of truthe he vvil lead you intoo all trueth Hee shall not speake of him selfe but vvhatsoeuer he shall heare that shall he speak and he vvil shevv you things too come He shall glorifie mee for hee shall receiue of mine and shall shevv vntoo you All things that the Father hathe are mine therefore sayde I vntoo you that he shall take of mine and shevv vntoo you The exposition of the text THis gospel is a péece of that sermon that Christ made after Supper the night before he suffred wherin as I tolde you this day seuennight he warned his Disciples aforehande of his Passion Death and Resurrection and disputed of the persecution and comfort of the Churche and the state of his kingdome of what sorte it shoulde bée vntoo the ende of the world and that too this end that his Disciples should be confirmed in the faith and not renounce their profession for the crosse and stumbling blockes thervpon risen among many This also was the cause of this Sermon that I haue rehearsed the effect wherof is that Chryst promiseth to his church an aduocate teacher and gouerner the holy Ghost Wherby is shewed the difference betwéene the administration of the ciuill gouernement and the kingdome of Chryst. For that hath néede of outwarde sinues as lawes decrées of magistrates open punishmentes c. But this is gouerned by the woord by the spirite by fatherly discipline and by sacraments The places are thrée 1 The profite and néedefulnesse of Chrysts departure too the Father wherein the kingdome of Chryste is described 2 What the holy Ghost dooth in the world 3 Of the saying I haue many things too say vntoo you but you are not able too beare them away at this time ¶ Of the first I Go too him that sente mee and none of you asketh mee vvhither goest thou that is too say Nowe is my death at hande and my victorie ouer death which when I haue obteyned I will ascende too my father That the Lorde speaketh so darklye hée dooth it too this purpose too stirre vp his Disciples too make more diligent enquirie of his Death and resurrection But they for all that thought nothing lesse than that he whom they had acknowledged too bée the Messias should bée deliuered too so reprochful a death so blinde is reason in matters perteyning to God It créepeth héer vpon ground it can not déeme aright of heauenly things and of Chrysts kingdome Bicause sayth he I haue tolde you these things your hartes are filled
sorts visibly and inuisibly Hée came visibly intoo the Apostles vppon Whitson-Sunday as wée shall hear when the time commeth He commeth inuisibly intoo mennes harts when the Gospel is preached and he sealeth vp the truthe of the Gospell in the hartes of the hearers Chryste speaketh of both the commings of the holy Ghoste For that whiche went before in the Apostles visibly the same followeth inuisibly wheresoeuer the Gospel is taught purely But too what end tendeth the doctrine of the holy Ghoste He shall not speake of him selfe but vvhatsoeuer he heereth that shall he speake That is the holy Ghoste shall teache you the same doctrine that I haue taughte you shall tel you whatsoeuer shall come too passe That is hée shall reuele vntoo you what maner of kingdome my kingdome shalbée bothe in this life and after the generall resurrection And he shall glorify mee bicause he shall take of mine and shevv vntoo you That is the holy Ghoste shall by his recorde and effectuall woorking stablishe the glory whiche the Father hath giuen mée so as the gates of Hel shall not bée able too preuail a whitte ageinste my kingdome for they can neuer darken my glory ¶ Of the third NOw remayneth too speake of this saying I haue yet many things too say vntoo you but you cannot beare them avvay as novv This place doo the Papists abuse as thoughe the Apostles had not deliuered a ful doctrine too the churche And this they vpholde too the end they may stablish their Masses prayings too Saincts Rosaries Pardons holy water and other deceits of Antichrist But Chryste speaketh according too the capacitie of his Disciples and of the weaknesse that was in them before his death of the gift that they should receiue after his resurrection vppon Whitson Sunday As if hée had sayd I would speak many things too vntoo you cōcerning my kingdome and other misteries but as yet yée are not fully throughly taught by the holy Ghost whom I wil giue you in his time who shall lead you intoo all trueth that is too say intoo full knoweledge of my kingdome This full trueth did the Apostles obteine vpon the very day of Pentecoste or Whitson Sunday whiche afterward they did put in wryting We must séek the same trueth and holde our selues contīted therwith if wée minde too be the Scholers of the holy Ghoste too whom with GOD the father and the euerlasting Sonne bée praise and glory for euer and euer Amen The .v. Sunday after Easter ¶ The Gospell Iohn xvj VErely verely I say vntoo you vvhat so euer yee aske the Father in my name he vvil giue it you Hithertoo haue yee asked nothing in my name Aske and yee shall receyue that your ioye may bee full These things haue I spoken vntoo you by Prouerbes The time vvill come vvhen I shall no more speake vntoo you by Prouerbes but I shall shevv you plainely from my Father At that day shal yee aske in my nam● And I say not vntoo you that I vvill speake vntoo my Father for you For the Father him selfe loueth you bycause yee haue loued mee and haue beleeued that I came out from GOD. I vvent out from the Father and came intoo the vvorlde Againe I leaue the vvorlde and go vntoo the Father His Disciples sayde vntoo him Loe novv thou talkest plainly and speakest no Prouerbe Novv are vve sure that thou knovvest all things and needest not that any man should aske thee any question Therfore beleeue vve that thou cammest from GOD. Iesus ansvvered them novv yee doe beleeue Beholde the houre dravveth me and is already come that yee shall bee scattered euery man too his ovvne and shall leaue me alone And yet am I not alone for the Father is vvith mee These vvoords haue I spoken vntoo you that in mee yee might haue peace for in the vvorlde shall yee haue tribulation but bee of good cheere I haue ouercome the vvorld The exposition of the text FOr a good consideration is this Gospel read in the church as vpon this day For it conteyneth the chéefest woork of Christians and the woork that is peculier to them For onely Christen folks can performe this seruice of Inuocation vntoo God For after that vpon last Sunday was declared what is true Faith what is righteousnesse what is iudgement and too bée bréef what is the kingdom of Christ and in whom it consisteth In very good time order is mention made this day of the chéefe seruice that the Citizens of Chrystes kingdome can performe which is the true calling vpō god And bicause no exercise of the godly is more néedful than prayer and that no woork is more hard than too pray aright I wil in this sermon entreat of praier only And too the intent wée may the eassier vnderstand this doctrine I wil say two things concerning prayer which are these 1 What Christian prayer is and how many sorts there bée of it 2 What are the conditions that must goe with euery prayer For when I haue discussed these two places I hope there shal bée no man so he yéeld himself easie to bée taught which shal not clerely and plainely vnderstande what thing Christian prayer is and how néedefully the seruice of prayer is required at our hands ¶ Of the firste WHat thing is Christian prayer It is a lowly lifting vp of the minde vntoo God in desiring ought at Gods hand or yéelding thanks for benefites receiued Now y t there bée two sorts of lifting vp the mind vntoo God first it is confirmed by y e record of Dauid who going about too pray saith in the .25 Psalme Unto thée O Lord haue I lift vp my soule and secondly by the forme of praying appointed too vs by the Lord Our father which art in heauen Moreouer by the gesture of them that pray whoo as they are praying are woont too lift vp their eyes vnto heauen This therfore it behooueth vs to know that prayer is not a pratling of the spéech only but that it is an humble lifting vp of the hart vntoo God with which humble lifting vp of the hart woords also procéede out of the mouth But of how many sorts is Chrysten prayer It is of foure sortes Deprecation Adoration Intreatance and thanks geuing These foure kinds of prayer will I declare bréefly Deprecation is an humble lifting vp of a mannes minde vntoo God wherby is desired deliueraunce from such things as trouble or ve●e him As when wée desire too bée deliuered from Tirannie violence diseases famine and other things that séeme sharpe vntoo vs. Adoration is a lowly lifting vp of mans soule vntoo God wherby wée desire some benefite at his hande as when wée desire encreasements of faith loue patience chastitie and when wée craue those things that wée haue néede of toward the maintenance of this life Intretance is an humble lifting vp of a mannes mind vntoo God wherby one maketh sute for an other as when wée pray for
it procéeded of faith but the Pharisies déede was abhomination bycause the persone pleased not GOD. Twoo husbande men tyll their grounde the one dooth God high seruice ploughing in the feare of GOD and looking for blessing from God And the other pleaseth not God bicause hée is voyde of fayth and the feare of God And yet haue bothe of them commaundement of the woorke In the sweate of thy browes shalt thou eate thy breade The handmaydes that doo seruice obedientlye too their mistresse peraduenture in swéeping the flore haue bothe of them the commaundement also But shée that bringeth fayth with hir too hir businesse dooth seruice vntoo GOD where as shée that wanteth Fayth thoughe shée doo in déede that whiche shée is bound too doo of duetie yet cannot hir woorke bée called a seruice of God Furthermore the woork that is commaunded wrought in Fayth must tende too Gods glorie chéefly This is confirmed by the testimonie of Esay Euery one that calleth vpon my name haue I created too mine owne glorie I haue shapē him I haue made him But what is it too glorifie GOD In fewe woordes it is too attribute all glorye vntoo him and too praise him with hart with mouth with confession and with behauiour Now foloweth that whiche I promised too speake of in the fourth place That is too witte who they bée that are able too yéeld true woorship vntoo God Although this may bée gathered of the things that wente before Yet notwithstanding I wil shew it bréefly héer They only can doo seruice and woorship vntoo God that haue accesse vntoo him but the children of God onely haue accesse vntoo him wherfore they only can doo him seruice aright His children are all those that beléeue in his name Iohn 1. And these haue accesse vntoo the Father through fayth Rom. ● And for the same cause Chryst teching his Disciples too pray biddeth them say Our father whiche art in Heauen meaning that none but his Children can call vpon him Let this suffise cōcerning the true seruice of God the summe wherof is conteyned in louing God our neighbour Now remayneth that I speake of the third doctrine ¶ Of the thirde WHhat thinke you of Chryst sayth he vvhose sonne is he They say vntoo him Dauids The Pharisies thought themselues rightuous by the law but if that had bin true Chryst had bin promised in vayne For thus sayth Paule in the seconde too the Galath If rightuousnesse come by the lawe then Chryste dyed in vayne Our Lorde therefore asked them of the Messias that is of Chryst that by making mention of him he might stirre them vp to know and consider to what end the law was giuen and too thinke wherefore the Messias was promised Whiche thing if they hadde doone aright they should haue reasoned thus The Messias was promised too take away sinne like as Esay witnesseth He bare our diseases Gen. 15. In thy séede shall all nations bée blissed Therefore it is néedefull that the sonne of Dauid should bée not only man but also God the Lord of Dauid according as the Psalme testifieth The Lord said vntoo my Lorde c. By this kinde of reasoning they might haue iudged aright bothe of the lawe and of Chryst and so they had embraced Chryste the Sauiour too whom bée honour world without ende Amen Vpon the .xix. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Math. ix IESVS entred intoo a shippe and passed ouer and came intoo his ovvne citie And beholde they brought too him a man sicke of the Palsey lying in a bedde And vvhen Iesus savv the fayth of them he sayde too the sicke of the Palsey Sonne bee of good cheere thy sinnes bee forgiuen thee And behold certeine of the Scribes said vvithin them selues This man blasphemeth And vvhen Iesus savv their thoughtes hee sayd vvherfore think ye euill in your harts vvhether is it easier to say Thy sinnes bee forgiuen thee or to say arise and vvalke But that yee may knovv that the sonne of man hath povver too forgiue sinnes in earth Then sayth he too the sicke of the Palsey Aryse take vp thy bed and goe vntoo thine house And he arose and departed too his house But the people that savv it marueled and glorified God vvhich had giuen suche povver vnto men The exposition of the Text. THis Gospell conteyneth one of those miracles wherewith as our Lorde testifieth his power will and office so hée confirmeth the certeyntie of his doctrine It is shewed in this present story how Chryst healed a man y t was diseased of the Palsie Whiche déede his héerers accept not all with one mind For the Pharisies blaspheme the cōmon sort by beholding the miracle are put in minde of the presence of God and are confirmed in Chrystes doctrine wherby they not onely conceyue feare ▪ and faythe but also vtter the true frutes of fayth by setting foorth y e goodnesse of God This gospell therfore is as a certeine picture wherin Chrystes kingdome in this worlde is paynted out in which there bée some that bring the diseased vntoo Chryste and some that murmure as the Pharisies in all times and other some that feare god aright and glorifie him for his déedes Among these sundrie sortes of héerers standes Chryste in the middes receyuing all that come vntoo him despising no man for his miserie healing their woundes releasing our sinnes and with his holy spirite as with a most precious balme he assuaged our brooses and healed them This is the summe and the drift of this dayes Gospell which for instructions sake I will diuide intoo thrée places 1 Of those that broughte this man that was sicke of the palsie in a bedde vntoo Chryste that he might heale him 2 The murmuring of the Pharisies accusing Chryst and his defence 3 The end and vse of Chrystes miracles ¶ Of the firste ANd Iesus taking Ship c. Héere firste and formoste is too be considered the occasion of the miracle wrought in this place by our Lord. Chryst taking ship sayth hée passed ouer and came intoo his owne Citie that is too witte Capernaum For hée kept there very muche What was the cause of this his going thither Hée had bin in the lande of the Gergesenes where bée healed a man that was possessed of the Deuil and when the Deuilles desired that they mighte enter intoo the swine the Lord agréed and so the herd of swine ranne headlong intoo the Sea and were drowned When the inhabiters saw this they came vntoo Iesus desiring him for too depart from them for they did set more by their swine than by Chryst and his Gospell And surely they haue many felowes in these dayes whom wée may rightly call Gergesenes Twoo things therfore are too bée obserued héere one whiche is set foorth for vs too eschue and another whiche is commended too all godly folke too folowe The vnthankfulnesse of the Gergesenes is too be eschued that set more by a péece of Bakon than by their soule
sequele therof For they shall possesse the earth by right of inheritance not for that we shal liue vppon the earth but figuratiuely For the land that was promised in old time vntoo the Fathers was a figure and representation of the heauenly kingdome and therfore the very thing it selfe is called by the name of the shadowe of it They that abuse this place too stablish the doctrine of merits as though wée could earne heauen by our owne power are fooles and vnderstand not Chrysts woords He saith they shall possesse the earth by right of inheritance Wher is that right of inheritance Are wée not therfore heires bicause we are fréely adopted in Chryst by faith Doth not Paul say Eternal life is gods gift through Iesus Chryst our Lord It is another matter too speake of the causes of saluation and too speake of the new qualities of thē y t are heirs of y e saluation Blissed are those that hunger and thirst after rightuousnesse for they shall bee satisfied Christen folke in this life shal neuer draw so much water out of the fountaynes of saluation but that they shal bée more thirstie than before Wherfore héer the Lord comforteth them promising that the time shal come that they shal bée satisfied for the which satisfying and suffizance they shall professe themselues happy Whosoeuer hungreth and thirsteth after rightuousnesse wisheth two things First that God may bée openly glorified by right doctrine holy life and profession And secondly that ech man priuatly should acknowledge God conceiue faith in Chryst bée filled with the holy Ghost and mind gods rightuousnesse in holy and pure life Of this filling speaketh Dauid sayth it shall then bée when his glory shall appéere For there as it is in the Apocalips the Saincts shall neither hunger nor thirst any more Blyssed are the mercyfull for they shall obteyne mercye Héere is commended vntoo vs mercy towardes those that bée in miserie For Chryst will haue his Disciples not only too bée touched with their owne misfortunes but also too rue other folkes miseries Which thing vndoutedly is the duetie of true charitie Neyther dooth Chryst require only that wée should bée sorye with other men for their harmes and miseries But he requireth our déede therewithall Hys wyll is that wée should put too our helping hand And least they might bée discouraged with the vnthankefulnesse of men he addeth a promise For he promiseth that he which is mercifull too his neighbour shall obteyne mercy ageyne and that not only with God but also among men God promiseth mercy too the mercifull and bringeth too passe also that wée finde mercy among men while he boweth their mindes too doo vs good Blissed bee the pure in hart for they shall see God Cleannesse of hart is héer commended vnto vs which is set ageinst two very great vices craftinesse and lustfulnesse When it is set ageinst craftinesse it is a simple or single good mening wherby we deale with men vnfeinedly and plainly without crooked fetches too deceiue them This saying of Chryst therfore is quite ageinst the iudgement of most men For a numbre thinke themselues then happy then when they can craftely compasse men and wind them in too deceyue them In respect whereof they hunt bothe for the commendation of wisedome and for gayne and also gape for the fauor of great men Notwithstanding Chryst will not haue his Disciples doo so but rather that they should be contented with a simple well mening so as their hart hand and tongue may séeme al too agrée throughly at one Too these dooth he promisse that they shall sée God in the sight of God consisteth the highest blisse But whē cleannesse of hart is set ageinst lustfulnesse it is the very true chastitie whiche Paule calleth holynesse when he saith Performe holinesse without the which no mā shal sée God For like as God abhorreth lustes so he is excéedingly delighted in the chastitie of the faithfull Blissed are the peace-makers for they shall bee called the children of God Héere Christ commendeth too his Disciples a great vertue and a rare Peacemakers and those that endeuour too make and mainteine peace and quietnesse These bicause they haue a contrary desire too the children of Sathan shal bée called the children of God as who after the example of God their father are authors of peace quietnesse and do helpe delight many with this their séeking of peace For like as precious balme filleth all the whole house with his swéete sent so one man that is a séeker of peace is able too bring too agréement a great companie that is at oddes And therfore not without cause dooth Dauid commend the desire of concorde and peace singing thus Beholde how good and pleasant a thing it is for brothers too dwell in vnitie As the excellent oyntment that runneth downe from the head vppon the beard euen vppon the beard of Aaron and droppeth downe by the skirtes of his garmentes As the dew of Hermon that falleth vppon the mountayns For as the dew maketh the ground fat through the blissing of y e Lorde so whersoeuer there bée many peacemakers there are fruitefull and happie common weales Churches and householdes Contrarywise where as is not the loue of peace there is scorchyng and droughte that is too say extréeme miserie and wretchednesse Blissed are they that suffer persecution for rightuousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Bicause the stumbling blocke of persecution dooth moste shake the mindes of the weake he dooth in very good season put his Disciples in mynde of the Crosse too the intent they shoulde not bée dismayde with the sharpnesse of persecutions and so renounce their profession but rather looke wisely vpon the kingdome of heauen which is set before them the desire of atteinement whereof might make them striue more earnestly too enter intoo it by many tribulations Therfore let vs folow the example of those that runne in a race who alwayes haue an eye too the prise that is appoynted by the mayster of the gaming and so runne foorth chéerfully till they come too their races end So will Chryste haue his too do he will haue no loytering but vnwéeryable endeuer of running tyll they come too the end of their race which is the kingdom of heauē Ageine wheras Chryst nameth but one cause of persecution namely Rightuousnesse his méening is that wée shoulde so order our life that wée bée not compelled too suffer for our owne fault or for our owne misdéedes For then should persecution bée a iust punishment and not a testimonie of the defence of rightuousnesse and truth And Peter admonisheth vs that wée should not suffer as euill dooers but as well dooers and that after the example of Chryste the Prophets Apostles and many Martyrs Blissed are you vvhen men reuyle you and persecute you and falsly reporte all maner of euill sayings ageynst you for my sake He expoundeth what it is too suffer persecution for
horrible tumultes and of certaine vnaccustomed and vehement windes And hathe not our age séene very many signes of this sort The fourth kind of signes issueth out of the second third which is a pining away for feare and for looking after those things that shall come vpon the whole world The fifth sort is that the powers of heauen shall bée moued that is too say there shalbée vnwoonted sights in heauē and earthquakes in the earth Too bée short both heauen and earth shall after a sort resemble the countenaunce of the angry iudge that sinners béeing moued by these tokens of Gods wrath should repent and turne vntoo the Lord. These signes doth the Lord apply in this wise too the last iudgement Behold the Figtrée all other trées when they haue shot foorth their buddes yée séeing it doo know of your selues that sommer is nye at hand So likewise when yée sée these things come too passe vnderstand yée that the kingdom of god is nye For these signes out of all creatures which are caried vp downe shal bée as it were messengers by whose mouth such men shal bée summoned to appéere at y t dreadful iudgement seat as running at ryot héere in this world haue neglected their owne saluation and like dronken men haue despised Christ the author of saluation Besydes these fiue sortes of signes whereof the text maketh mention there are others also Math. 24. Marke 13. 2. Thes. 2. Daniel 2. 7. Apoc. 17. all which are as it were certaine visible sermons of repentance by which god forewarneth men too flée too his sonne our Lord Iesus Chryste in whom only is saluation The second circumstance is that he which is the sonne of God and man Iesus Christ shalbée a iudge Wherin bothe the godly and vngodly haue to learne The godly too knowe that hée shall bée their iudge who had promised eternall life too all that beléeue in him adding an othe Uerely I say vntoo you all that beléeue in mée shall not perishe but haue life euerlasting This promis confirmed with an othe cannot by any meanes fayle And the vngodly haue too lerne either too repent and forsake the rable of the wicked and so too enioy their saluation purchased by Chryst or else too remember that he whom they haue refused too bée theyr Sauyoure shal adiudge them to endlesse paines that then at least wise they may too their great miserie learne howe horrible a thing it is too fall intoo the hands of the liuing God The third circumstance is that hée shall come in the clouds glorious and terrible not a seruaunt as before but a Lord not too bée iudged but too iudge not now too allure men too repentance but too punish vnrepentant persones with eternall paines and that as a righteous iudge The fourth circumstance is that he shall come mightie with power and great glorie wherby it is too bée learned that he can bothe damne the rebellious is able too rewarde the beléeuers with eternall life The fifth circumstance expresseth the cause of Chrystes comming vntoo iudgement so farre forth as it perteineth too the godly Your redemption is at hād By which saying like as Christ sheweth that his Churche shall not bée wel at ease in this world for before that day it can not be deliuered frō the vanitie of the world so he dooeth too vnderstand that the accomplishment of Chrystes benefits towards his Churche is the ful deliuerance from all euils wherwith is ioyned the perfect fruition of the eternall God with euerlasting ioy These things therfore perteine too the comfort of the godly But as touching the vngodly this day of the Lordes comming shall bée a day of wrathe and sorrowe and not of deliuerance a day of mist and darknesse and not of light a day of moorning and not of mirth a day of destruction and not of saluation And the maner of the iudgement is described in the .25 of Mathew by these words When the sonne of man shal come in his maiestie and all the Angels with him then shall he sit vppon the throne of maiestie and all nations shalbée gathered toogither before him and he shal seperate them a sunder as a shepeherd putteth his shéepe a side from the Gotes and shall set the shéepe on his right hand and the Gotes on his left Then shal the king say too them on his right hand come yée blissed of my Father and possesse you the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world For I was hungry and yée gaue mée too eate c. And vntoo them on his left hand he shal say Away from mée yée cursed intoo euerlasting fyre which is prepared for the Diuell and his Angels For I was hungry and yée gaue mée no meat c. And so the vngodly shall go intoo euerlasting punishment but the rightuous intoo euerlasting life And in the Apocalipse 20. chapt Hée shall sit vppon a great white throne at whose looke the heauen and earth shal flée away and the dead both great and small shall stand in the sight of his throne and then shalbée opened the booke of life and the bookes of consciences they shall bée iudged by those things that are written in those bookes according too their woorks They that haue doon good shal go intoo euerlasting life and they that haue doone euill intoo euerlasting fire Now in the sentence of iudgement twoo things are too be considered On Gods behalfe blissing on mennes behalfe good woorks When he sayth come yée blissed of my Father he méeneth that they are fréely saued through Iesus Chryst whom they haue receiued by Faith For in Chryst only are men blissed receiued intoo Gods fauor fréely iustified But when he calleth foorth too good woorks the Lord dooth it not for that they are causes of saluation but for other respectes Namely for that they are witnesses of true fayth the feare of God and moreouer that by setting before them a recompence of the miseries which they abide in this life hée may the more stirre them vp too godly and holy conuersation ¶ Of the seconde WHy Christ forewarned his disciples of his cōming too iudgement he declareth when he sayth When these things begin too come too passe looke vp and lift vppe your heads c. All these things wil put vs in minde of a certaine continuall repentaunce in this life But what doo wée wée sée the last day redy too light in our necks and yet neuerthelesse wée delay too repent and féede our owne fansies What doo noble men What doo princes what doo learned men what doo vnlearned men what doo townes men what doo countrey folke and too bée short what doo in maner al men What is hée that earnestly myndeth this forewarnyng of Christes Wée make more accompt of a ferme in the countrey than of the kyngdome of GOD. Yea rather who is hée that preferreth not the commodities of this life bée they neuer so slender before the
health of his soule ¶ Of the thirde BIcause Chryst foresaw with what euils the world should ouerflow about the time of his comming hée framed an exhortation partly to the intent they shuld eschue the things which at that time should exclude the greatest part of the world from the promised saluation and chiefly too the intent they should shewe them selues stout souldiers too fight with watching and Prayer against this world vnder the standarde of only Iesus Chryst. And too the intent they may bée the readyer vntoo bothe hée alledgeth reasons too persuade them For hée both telles them that that day shall come vpon the sodain and also declareth plainly that by this meanes they shall bée quite rid from all euils and bée set in the presence of the sonne of God Therfore he sayth Take héede too your selues that your harts bée not at any tyme ouerloden wyth surfettyng and droonkennesse and the cares of this worlde These then are the thyngs that are too bée eschued that is too say surfetting dronkennesse and the care of this world namely vngodly and Heathenish care which quencheth the faith of Christ. In as muche as it is most manifest that all estates of the worlde are wrapped and snarled in these euils so much the more ought this exhortation of Chrystes too bée in our sight least wée perishe béeing deceiued with the euill trades of this world Furthermore where as the Lorde addeth Watche yee continually in Prayer hée teacheth with what things it béehoueth those too bée occupied y e couet too escape the euils that are too come In that summe he requireth the shunning of euill things and the earnest folowing of good things Bothe these the Apostle ioyneth toogither in his Epistle vntoo Titus writing Renouncing all vngodlinesse worldly lusts let vs liue sobrely vprightly and godlily in this world looking for the blissed hope and the coming of the glorie of the great GOD too whome bée praise soueraintie and glorie world without end Amen The thirde Sunday in Aduent ¶ The Gospell Luke xj WHen Iohn being in pryson heard the vvorkes of Christ he sent tvvo of his disciples and said vntoo him Art thou hee that shall come or doo vvee looke for an other Iesus ansvvered and sayd vntoo them Go and shevv Iohn ageine vvhat yee haue hearde and seene The blinde receiue their sight the lame vvalk the leapres are clensed and the deafe heare the deade are raised vp and the poore receiue the glad tidings of the Gospell and happie is he that is not offended by mee And as they departed Iesus begā too say vntoo the people cōcerning Iohn VVhat vvent ye out intoo the vvildernesse too see A reede that is shaken vvith the vvind or vvhat vvent yee out for to see A man clothed in soft rayment beholde they that vveare soft clothing are in kings houses But vvhat vvent yee out for to see a Prophet verily I say vntoo you more than a Prophet For this is he of vvhome it is vvritten Beholde I sende my messanger before thy face vvhich shall prepare thy vvay before thee The exposition of the text THis gospel describeth vntoo vs the kingdom of Chryst and peinteth it out in his proper colours so much at least wise as perteyneth too the outward appéerance therof which is séene with outwarde eyes For if yée regard his secrete power with the eyes of faith it is a most bright a most glorious thing In this place therefore is intreated only of his outward shape The forerūner lieth in prison Wherby wée are warned y ● Christes kingdome is put vnder the crosse The disciples being in doute are sent foorth howbeit vntoo Chryst only Chryst the king himself is conuersant among the poore the blind the deafe and the leapres These are healed and receiue the glad tydings of saluation which things the mighty noble and wise men of the world despise In fewe woords as this Gospel peynteth out the Kingdome of Chryst so it confirmeth the mynistery of Iohn by assured arguments proueth that Christ is the true Messias that was promised to the fathers Notwithstanding for more plentiful doctrines sake let this Gospell bée distributed intoo foure parts which are these 1 Is shewed bothe the lot and office of the ministers of the woorde 2 The question of Iohn 3 The aunswere of Chryst. 4 The commendation and praise of Iohn ¶ Of the first ANd vvhē Iohn being in prison heard the vvorks of Christ he sent tvvoo of his Disciples vntoo him Iohn béeing bound in gyues teacheth by his owne example what is the lot of the ministers of the word And the same Iohn by sending his disciples vnto Chryst sheweth the true dutie of the ministers of the worde I will therfore speake of either of them in order and first of their state in this lyfe Iohn exhorteth men to repentance and findeth fault with their wickednesse And what happens to him for it that doth the storie tell Math. 14. for there it is shewed that bycause Iohn reproued Herode and told him it was not lawfull for him to haue his brothers wife he was cast in prison and at lengthe lost his heade This rewarde receiued the holy Baptist at the vngodly tyrantes hande For as a Surgion if he touch the wound of a mad man and go about too cure it can looke for none other thyng but that the mad man should fall vpon him and render euil for good euen so if the minister of Gods woorde reproue the sinne of any vngodly man especially of any tyrāt to the intent he should repēt and hée heled of the wound of sin let him loke for none other than threats reuilyngs and death How true thys is not only Iohns example techeth but also the storie of the whole Churche and the storie bothe of the olde and newe Testament For this haue so many béen famous through martyrdom For this haue so many Prophets béen put to death for this were the apostles persecuted for this was Paul murthered Peter crucified diuers others diuersly tormented which things doo put vs in mynd of the lot of the sain●tes in this life But happy is y e Crosse which Chryst auoucheth too bée noble Blissed is the Crosse whiche is the waye too true and euerlasting victorie by Chryst Iesus And therfore the mynisters of the Gospell must not bée slack in their dutie bycause of persecution but béeing stirred vp by the example of Iohn they must doe theyr duetie manfully which consisteth chéefly in these poynts First let them preache Chryst and shewe the Lambe that taketh away the sinnes of the world Then let them rebuke sinne For they are the instrumēts of the holy Gost who by them reproueth the world of sinne as wée sée in Iohn Thirdly let them beautifie their mynisterie by their holy and godly life Fourthly let them despise the threatnings of the world as Iohn did putting them selues in a redynesse too suffer any tormēts rather thā to séeme slack in their