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A00753 Comfortable notes vpon the bookes of Exodus and Leuiticus, as before vpon Genesis Gathered and laid downe still in this plaine manner, for the good of them that cannot vse better helpes, and yet are carefull to read the Scriptures, and verie desirous to finde the comfort in them. By the Reuerend Father in God Geruase Babington ... With a table of the principall matters contained in this booke. Babington, Gervase, 1550-1610. 1604 (1604) STC 1088; ESTC S100580 531,878 712

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people were forced to make bread of Fearne rootes And to go no further of Acrone bread in Quéene Maries time Were there now so many egges a penny and all cheape cheap Yet Poperie swaied in blinded hearts too much No no The calamities which haue béene in places where this Ignorance ruled haue béene equall or greater than vnder the Gospell euer as all Stories tel vs. Hath Rome it selfe neuer béene affected hath the Pope himselfe neuer béene taken prisoner Haue Romish warres euerprospered or Popish conspiracies had their wished effects Blessed be the God of Heauen for it they know the contrary And that Spanish Romish and Diuelish attempt in the yéere 1588 yeildeth them matter of wisdome if God so please and vs eternall cause of thanks-giuing vnto God for it Euer praised from our heart roots be the glorious Name of him that so respected vs. But yet this is not the matter for if they had euer had plenty and euer scarcity true Religion is not measured by the belly by flesh-pots or great leaues or any outward prosperity or aduersity but by the Rule which God hath left vs in his holy Scriptures Therefore although wee could obiect vnto them the vnspeakeable blessings of God vpon this Land of ours and thereupon reason as Gamaliel did yet doo wee not but throwing our selues downe at his féete who gaue them all wée rest our selues vpon his Word and so both know truth and hate error as in mercie he enableth leauing flesh-pots and all fleshly reasons to such doughtie disputers as they are that stand vpon such arguments and to strengthen our hearts against this great sinne héere noted in the Israelites Weelooke vpon Demas whose shame liueth in Gods Booke for imbracing the world and forsaking Paule Wée thinke vpon that fearefull crie One drop of water to coole my tongue When all the pleasures of the world which eyther he had or we can haue coulde not helpe And as Elias couered his face with his mantle so do we hide our eies from beholding this world and the deceipts thereof Wée assure our selues Saint Hierom said true Difficile immo impossibile est vt praesentibus quis futuris fruatur bonis vt his ventrem ibi mentem impleat vt de delitijs transeat ad delitias vt invtroque seculo primus sit vt in coelo in terra appareat gloriosus It is hard yea it is impossible that one should enioy both present and future good things that heere he should fill his belly and there his minde that from pleasure he should passe to pleasure that in both worldes he should be chiefe and both in earth and heauen appeare glorious So wee leaue the fleshpots of Aegypt to all earthly Israelites and beséech the Lord to bring vs to his kingdome although it be through many tribulations 6. Then said the Lord to Moses behold I will cause bread to raine from heauen to you and the people shall goe out and gather that which is sufficient for euery day c. O Admirable Mercie and bottomlesse Fountaine of all comfort and pitie Will he now rayne bread from heauen to these vngratefull Murmurers who much rather should haue béene destroyed from the face of the earth Let neuer penitent sinner than despaire of mercie let neuer troubled spirit cast away comfort For how can the sighes of a groaning heart sorrowing for sinne bée neglected of so swéet a God when such proud offendours finde mercie neuer neuer can it be assure your selfe Therefore lay vp this place in your minde and féeling your selfe grieued either for things committed or omitted bée not too much shaken as one out of hope but with faithfull assurance say chéerefully O kinde Father and sweete GOD doo not cast away thy creature that crieth and flieth vnto thy mercy I am vnworthy full wel I know it but thy goodnesse hath no bottome and with ioye I remember it These murmurers and complainers against thy mercies thou yet shewedst more mercie vnto and thy poore seruant suing for grace wilt thou cleane reiect No deare father thy nature is not so and therefore by this fauour to thē I gather cōfort beseech thee to be as thou hast euer been my kinde my gratious and louing Lord. 7 And can God raine bread from heauen why then wée all sée that albeit the fields should faile and the whole earth grow barren yet can the Lord nourish his people and send foode to al those that trust in him It is most true and it is most comfortable leauing no cause why wée should in any distresse be cast downe too much seeing the Lord is not tyed to ordinarie meanes nor our maintenance to the fruites of the earth The Rauens shall both finde meate and bring meate to Elias if he commaund and a little oyle shall continue running till many vessels be full when he so pleaseth Infinite is his power and infinite are his waies to comfort them that cleaue to him Lift vp your thoughts therefore aboue the course of Nature when you thinke vpon GOD and although you haue neither bread nor money nor the whole land any corne yet past hope take hold on hope take hold on hope and leaue God to himselfe Iacob was prouided for in that extreme famine and Gold was brought to Mary and Ioseph from far when they thought not of it What the LORD will doo hee can doo and on our partes Faith onely is required that wee may see his Glory and incomprehensible mercy 8 But why did not God thus comfort his people before they murmurd Surely because he might open vnto them the hidden corruption of their nature and so make them sée all posterity also that not merit in them but mercy in him drew all the fauoures that were shewed to them And remember euer this vse of affliction how it is often sent of God to discouer vs not vnto him who knoweth vs well but to our selues who dote vpon our worth and thinke wée are farre otherwise than wee are yea and to the worlde also which many times is deceaued by our golden shew Stand wée therefore alwaies vpon our watch when the crosse knocketh at our doores and know there is a spic ētered a very tel-tale He wil looke into vs draw-out frō vs what is within our faire looks shal not deceiue him but as we are he wil make vs shew that we may be knowne How Iob and his Wife differ hée wil describe Sarais infirmitie and Zipporahs waspishnesse against their good husbands he will open and in one word hée will tell all Pray we therfore with Dauid euer O let my hart be sound in thy statutes that I be not ashamed Sound without glosing faining haulting sound without grudging and inward complainiug that from soundnesse within may flow holinesse without euen patient comfort in Gods Will and so no Shame grow where no shamelesse thing is done c. The Lord graunt
inward trueth and cleanenesse of heart euer fit for such as belong to him and without which none can be accepted of him At this therefore as I sayd wée must carefully ayme that we may be holy as our heauenly Father is holy And among all vncleanenesse beware of that which is noted by such things as goe vpon their pawes Namely to professe the Gospell for lucre-sake For where that is the cause the effect will fayle with the cause and whilest it continueth and faileth not yet is it hatefull to GOD for his ground The Gospell must bée loued to gaine Heauen and not to purchase the earth by it further than GOD shall please to cast it as an adiacent by his promise Seeke first the Kingdome of GOD and the Righteousuesse thereof and all these things shall be cast vnto you Saul his Armour was not fit for Dauid neither could hée march well against Goliah till hée had put it off no more shall men clogged with earthly cares couragiously and effectually goe against Satan that proud Philistim that would destroy them Peter walked aboue the water and Peter began to sinke vnder the Water Whilest thou louest GOD vnfeynedly thou walkest and when thou louest the world thou sinkest Loue not the world therefore neither the things that are in the world c saith Saint Iohn 1. Epist Chap. 2. verse 15. For it flattereth vs to deceiue vs it allureth vs to slay vs and it lifteth vs vp that it may throwe vs downe with a greater fall But meditate further with your selfe what inconstancie in earthly things you haue ●éene and let this suffice of this Chapter CHAP. XII IN this Chapter is contained the maner of VVomens purifying in those dayes after Child-birth A thing not to bée forced vpon vs in maner and forme as it then was vsed no more than other the Ceremoniall Lawes of Moses Yet is the Law and honestie of nature still and euer to be obserued amongst all people And forasmuch as in the Gospell there is mention made of the Blessed Virgins Purifying let vs bréefly consider this custome and labour to draw fit profit from it to our selues 1 Moses is willed to speake vnto the Children of Israel that is to the men that when a Woman hath brought foorth seede c. Why should the Law for VVomen be published and giuen to the men and not rather to the women themselues Surely to the ende that men might ioyne also with the women in a care to sée it obserued and kept according to the Commandement As the Lawes of Kings and Princes which belong to Labourers are giuen to Lords to sée them executed and performed Let Men note what trust God reposeth in them to sée that their wiues kéepe his Lawes and Ordinances and let them neuer be vnfaithfull to one of such loue towards them to trust them and of such power to punish their breach of trust Let Womē note it to mooue their hearts to thinke both of their Husbands charge and their duetie They may not breake a Ceremonie but their Husbands shall be shent for it much lesse the substance of all Religion and obedience to God What a happy grace then for both to ioyne together and either to striue to excell other in carefull kéeping of God his Lawes 2 By this Ceremonie of Purification the Iewes and in them all men were put in minde of their naturall corruption and led as it were by the hand to the remedie against the same Christ Iesus Of the former plainly speaketh Dauid in his Psalme when hee sayth Behold I was shapen in wickednes and in sinne hath my Mother conceiued mee Before our birth and in our birth wée are vncleane and from our vncleanenes our mothers also become vncleane Which very plainly and truely confuteth that grosse error of Pelagius denying the propagation of sinne from Parents to children and affirming that by Imitation onely and not originally wée became euill But if the birth were cleane the mother by the birth should not become vncleane as this Ceremonie of Purifying did shadow that shee was God would therefore haue all men know what they are by Nature and inheritance from their Parents and what by grace through the remedie prouided Christ our onely righteousnesse and puritie Also that God had rather haue them neuer enter into the Church than to enter with corruption vnsorrowed for and vncared for 3 But why then was the Virgin Marie purified since the Childe shee bare had no vncleanenes or corruption in him being neither conceiued nor borne in sinne but the immaculate Lambe and the Sonne of God The Answere is that although Christ in himselfe was not onely pure but euen puritie it selfe and the Virgin Marie his Mother was not indéede properly and directly subiect to this Lawe because shee conceiued not by mans seede of which the Law was meant and Christ was Lord of the Lawe Yet forasmuch as it pleased him to take vpon him the person of all mankinde which was corrupt and sinfull so and in that respect both hee and the Blessed Virgin became obedient to the Law He saith the Apostle that he might redeeme vs from the curse of the Law who were indéed subiect to it as also by this his voluntary submission to it He might take away abrogate and giue an end to this Ceremonie so that now it is not néedfull to present any children in the Temple with an Offering as then was vsed but all puritie and cleanenes is to be sought for in Christ Iesus himselfe onely the body and truth of all these Figures and shadowes in the Law 4 A Question againe may bée asked why the time of Purification was doubled in a woman-childe to that it was in a man-childe And Answere is made by some that it was in respect of a naturall cause in the body which I leaue Others because in women there is more vice and euil than in man A hard iudgement and without any Warrant for who knoweth what is in either but onely God I meane the greatnes and full measure of euill Thirdly therefore it is answered and with more probabilitie that it was because the woman was the beginning of our fall deceiuing her husband when she was deceiued her-selfe and so drawing all her posteritie into the like fall and ruine with her But the last Answere and best as I thinke is because a man-childe was circumcised and not the woman therefore the punishment of being vncleane was lessned in the Male and doubled in the Female 5 The Difference of Offering allowed to the poorer sort very comfortably sheweth the gracious care God hath of our pouerty meane estate as also how little he passeth for any of our pompe riches accepting aswel of two Turtles or two yong Pigeons as of a Lambe when abilitie serueth not to bring a Lambe Let the due meditation hereof raise vp our hearts if wée
although it were not of the nature of other Cloudes but a more Diuine thing higher than mans minde is able to comprehend by which in the daie time the heate of the Sunne was tempered and in the night a comfortable light giuen saith Greg. Nyssen writing of the life of Moses The comfort and vse I take from it is this that in new perilles the Lord can haue new remedies at his pleasure Now before vs and now behinde vs and euermore with vs if wee bee with him by a sure trust in his goodnesse blessed be his Name euermore for it The winde which the Lord vsed to cause the Sea to runnebacke was not for any néede of such meanes but that he might shew his power ouer all creatures to vse them commaund them at his wil. So by the water of Iorden he healed Naaman when he could haue healed him without it By clay and spittle he opened eies and diuers such things in the Scriptures when at other times by his only Word he did as much without any meanes at all Then went they through on dry land and the waters stood as a wall vnto them on the right hand and on the left If you aske how they durst aduenture to passe so dangerously seeing the waters might haue gushed together againe and haue ouerwhelmed them The Epistle to the Hebrewes telleth vs That by faith they passed through the Red-sea as by dry land which when the Egyptians had assaied to doo they were swallowed-vp If you looke at the waters on either side you may see the condition of Gods Children in this world beset on the right side with a floud of prosperitie beset on the left side with a floud of aduersitie yet through a true faith walking through both and hurt by neither they arriue on the other side safely when by either of these many others are destroyed pray we then euer for this Faith 8 The Egyptians féele the Lord against them and then would flie but it was too late And let it euer preach vnto our mindes the danger of deferring our conuersion to GOD. For when wée would wée shall not but euen perish and die as here did the Egyptians O what newes in Egypt was this when it came what woe and what weeping what wailing and wringing of hands by wiues for their husbands children for their Fathers and friends for their friends which now were deuoured of the cruell Sea But it is too late Had I wist commeth euer behinde saith the old Prouerbe And therefore a notable Example is this to all degrees one to perswade with an other vnto Religion and the true seruice of God that such fearefull newes may neuer be brought to our friends of vs. For the Lord will not euer beare with our contempt but as here was a heauie Morning when the Sea roaring returned together and they flying and crying in the middest of it so assuredly shall there be either a morning or an euening of miserie vnto them who proudly disdaine to be taught of their God happy are they that thinke of it in time 9 The glorious victorie of the Church here is a thing worthy all due consideration yeelding vs comfort to the worlds end in all our perplexities For how doo they see their enemies destroyed and themselues deliuered how triumph they in Songs of ioy and gladnesse in the next Chapter verse 1. c This is the Word and we must beléeue it these are his promises and we must be strong in them The Church is Christs body therefore it shall not be forsaken It is the house of God therefore it shall not be forsaken He hath bought it with his bloud Acts 20. 28. 1. Pet. 1. 18. therfore it shall not be forsaken It is his spouse Hosea 2. 19. 2. Cor. 11. 2. Apoc. 21. 2. 9. therefore it shal not be forsaken It is built vpon Christ Mat. 16. 18. therfore it shal not be forsaken In a word the Ga●es of Hell shall not preuaile against it neither of his kingdome shall there be any end Math. 16. Luke 1. 33. The harmers of his Church shall in their time be punished and the fauourers of it euer blessed I will blesse them that blesse thee saith God to Abraham and curse them that curse thée Sehon King of the Amorites and Og the King of Basan with all the rest of that sort how did they fall before Gods people and were destroied The Great Mona●chies of the world the Chaldaean the Persian the Graecian and the Roman which were not obedient to his Truth and fauourers of his flocke where are they On the other side how blessed be the Midwiues that were kinde vnto his people how saued he Rahab and all her familie The Widow of Sarepta lost not her loue to his Prophet neither the Ethiopian in Ieremie nor any other So is his Church right deare vnto him you plainely sée and it is the comfort strong of euery member For the loue of the body draweth a loue of the hand and foote and euery part we see in experience by our owne bodies No part can perish without a great greife to the whole neither the vilest part bee but a little touched without an offence to the very heart What comparison betwixt vs and Christ in our loue and his None none and the more he exceedeth vs the more is our comfort ioy We neuer saide that God wanted a Church before Luther as wee are either foolishly vnder●●ood or maliciosly reported but we know he blesseth not all times alike punishing mans ingratitude often with Cloudes yet euer he hath his people and euer shall haue to the end In regarde of which variable estate the Church is resembled to the Moone which after full hath a wanne and neuer abideth still full It is compared to a ship tosse● and tumbled in the Sea and in great perill many times of which you may often thinke with much profit How the Arke of Noe●igured ●igured the Church you may reade in the Notes vpon Genesis Chapter 6. And if you desire to peruse the old Fathers these marginall places may direct you Nauis non ex vno ligno constat sed ex diuersis c. A ship is not made of one board saith Epiphanius No more dooth the Church consist of one man or of one sort of men A Ship is narrow at the beginning and then much broader in the middle so the Church at first is small and farre greater in time yea euen spread abroad in the world Narrow and straight is Abel and Sheth little and small in No● and his famil●e but seuenty Soules came into Egypt yet thousands thousands grew of thē Narrow was the Ship in Elias time but Achab Iezebel beeing gone it grew broader The Apostles Disciples were but few but when at one Sermon there were added three thousand Soules the Ship you see grew broader And so of those
children of Israel c. Secondly an argument drawne from the former benefits of God to them in these words Yee haue seene what I did to the Egyptians and how I caried you vpon Eagles wings and haue brought you vnto me Thirdly an Argument from future benefits If you will heare my voice indeede and keepe my couenant then you shall be my chiefe treasure aboue all people though all the earth be mine Yee shall be to me a Kingdome of Priests and an holy Nation All which if you will applie vnto your selfe and make vse of them then may you in like sort euer stir vp your hart and prepare your minde to good things in this sort and by the selfe same Arguments As for Example to goe to the Church and to ioyne with the Congregation both in prayer hearing of the word preached First because it is not mans Cōmandement but God requireth the Minister to call speake to you for it as here he did Moses Secondly the fauours of God passed to you require it Thirdly future fauors if you do it shal be added vnto you It is also worthy marking still how he ioyneth here hearing keeping together saying If you will heare my voyce indeede and keepe my couenant Keepe without hearing you cannot hearing without keeping will neuer profit you or any Joyned therefore you sée they must néedes be as the Lord shall make vs able Moses doing as God bad him teacheth all Ministers to bee faithfull and to doo their Message Many are the Commaundements in Scripture to them to speake to crie to lift vp their voyces like trumpets and to tell their people what God requireth If they doo it great is their reward with God and if they bee false and idle and negligent men-pleasers and time-seruers as great againe is their iudgement Grandis est dignitas sacerdotum grandis est ruina si peccant Great is the dignitie of Priests by their office and as great is the fall of them if they offend It can neuer be too often repeated nor too much remembred The peoples aunswere to Moses what is it They answered all together and said all that the Lord hath commaunded wee will doo A most notable patterne for a Christian congregation to looke vpon and to followe Thus should it be betwixt Pastor and People euer Hee to speake what God commaundeth and they to heare answere zealously we will we will doo what God commandeth vs. O swéete ioy where this agreement is Such care and such conscience both in pastor and people will giue no place to iarres and contentions to sutes and vexations or to any thing that displeaseth God and is offensiue to the world c. 2. The particular preparation followeth frō the 9. verse to the end of the Chapter hauing 4 members First the maner of Gods Communicating of himselfe to Moses namely in a thick cloud together with the end thereof that the people may heare whilest I talke with thee and that they may beleeue thee for euer A singular instruction to all men in the world that desire to please God and especially to Great Ones shewing them how carefull they should be to grace and countenance the Ministers of the word before the people to the end their wordes may haue more weight with their hearers and their seruice and paines doo more good Would men doo thus O how comfortable to the painfull and faithfull Teacher and how profitable to the Church would it bee The Lord would sée it and acknowledge it done for him and with eternall comforts reward it for euer But now it is otherwise with too many For Great men must shewe their greatnes in disgracing the Lords Prophets and meaner men must shewe their malice in spreading false rumors of their spirituall Teachers in open assemblies and priuate conuenticles motes are made mountaines and spots surmised where none are Neuer I thinke since the world was did mens eares so itch and their hearts so boile in this sinne as at this day But what shall wee say Surely euen turne to the Lord in prayer and comfort our selues in this example of the Lords goodnes who as hee is not Moses his God alone nor Moses alone his messenger so will not he tye his countenance onlie to him but giue euery true labourer in his good time his due credite notwithstanding all the malice of man and Deuill O Lord doo it for thy Name sake and as thou gracedst héere Moses that hee might euer be beléeued so couuert or confound these Disgracers of thy Ministers whose iniquitie tendeth to hinder Beleefe and consequentlie to destroy the soules of thy poore people Encrease the number of them that followe thy example and labour by all meanes to further thy worke in the hands of thy workemen Set a Crowne of glory vpon their heads and dailie reward their loue into their bosomes with thy good blessings vnto them and theirs 3. The second branch of this particular preparation is laid downe in the 10. verse and the rest following to the 16. consisting in certaine outward matters vsed in those times among those people and figuratiuely teaching inward puritie and cleanenes of heart to come to God with all As washing of their cloathes not comming at their wiues and such like The Ceremonies are taken away but the truth remaineth namely that we are all by our corruption most vnfit profitably to heare the word of God vnlesse we be sanctified and prepared thereunto by the good Spirit of God And therefore we ought to make readie for so holy a worke by all due care before hand to purge our hearts from other cares troubles and impediments whatsoeuer The word of GOD is not to be handled with vncleane hands neither will enter into vncleane hearers It is a precious pearle it should not be cast before Swine For this cause assuredly many heare and reade without profit because they came without feare and reuerence in their mindes This abstaining from their wiues noteth no impuritie in holy Matrimonie but by this particular figuratiuely teacheth a godly abstinence from all worldly pleasures whatsoeuer in generall for a time that wee may more fully attend the seruice of God wee goe about vpon speciall occasion To which end the Apostle Paul also requireth the like by consent for a time to giue themselues to fasting and prayer and then to come together againe that they be not tempted of Sathan to incontinencie Thomas Aquinas himselfe could say thus of it Hoc ex sepeccatum non erat sed multa tunc ad carnis munditias exigebantur quae iam non sunt necessaria quia lex uostra spiritualem munditiam requirit non carnis This was not a sinne of it selfe but many things were then required to the outward clensing of the flesh which are not now necessarie because our lawe requireth spirituall cleanenes not an outward of the flesh onely c. 4. The markes that
foorth Read you the text and marke euerie particular thing as it is expressed For exposition whereof you may know that first this Arke was an out-ward signe vnto that people of God his presence amongst them and therfore as in other things the name of the thing signified is attributed to the signe so is it in this For you read Dauids words so when he sent to fetch the Arke of God WHOSE NAME IS CALLED BY THE NAME OF THE LORD OF HOSTES THAT DVVELLETH BETVVEEN THE CHERVBIMS And in the Booke of Numbers when the campe remooued they spake to it as to God Vp Lord and let thine enemies be scattered c. Secondly as men are apt and prone to abuse outward signes and Sacraments tying God to them and too much trusting in them so did the Israelites abuse this Arke For in the time of Heli that Priest when they had war with the Philistines and were put to the worse streight way they sent for the Arke out of Shiloh and alledge this reason That it might saue them out of the hands of their enemies And when it came into the host they shouted a mightie shout so that the earth rang againe when God was not tied to the Arke but could be present with them without it neither could the outward matter of the Arke profit them So abuse some men that words of the Scripture as of S. Iohn his Gospel hanging thē about their necks and putting trust in that outward words whereof S. Chrysostom much complaineth if that be his work vpon Mathew which is ascribed to him Thus in our time is the Sacrament of the Lords bodie abused by carying the outward signes vp down on horsback foot and giuing that to the signe which is proper to the thing signified Thirdly for that Name you may obserue it is called the Arke of the Couenāt the Arke of the Testament the Arke of the Testimonie The reason because in this Arke was the law kept written in the two tables which law is called the book of the Couenāt Exo. 24. 7. or the Testament of God Psal 78. 10. or the Testimonies of God ps 119. Blessed are they that keep his Testimonies I haue had as great delight in the way of thy Testimonies as in all maner of riches And in this Chapter Thou shalt put in the arke the Testimonie which I shal giue thee v. 16. for the like cause also shall you read the whole Tabernacle called the Tabernacle of the Couenant or of the Testimonie because it contayned this Arke wherein the lawe was Fourthly for the significatiō some make this Arke a figure of Christ and resemble it thus The wood wherof the Ark was made was Sittim wood a durable and lasting wood not subiect to wormes and corruption as other wood is so representing and shadowing the humanitie of Christ whose bodie in the graue felt no corruption or putrifaction as other mens flesh and bodies doe neither was subiect to sinne That wood was ouerlaid with pure gold both within and without so shadowing out the diuine nature of Christ vnited to his manhood the incomprehensible excellencie whereof wee haue nothing heere in earth more precious than Gold to resemble and yet euen in that no comparison The crowne of gold that went about it shadowed the Maiestie of his kingdome of which so great things are spoken in the Scripture The Ringes and the Barres by which the Arke was carried were shadowing figures of the preaching of the Gospell by which Christ is caried borne from place to place through the world as his owne diuine will shall appoint The Barres remained euer in the Rings might not be taken out so figuring that preaching Christ must not be seuered but euer be together Wherefore whosoeuer teacheth preacheth mans merits as eyther wholly or partly the cause of saluation y● Preacher Teacher pulleth the Barres out of the Rings seuereth them from the Arke a thing forbidden vnlawfull offending God hurting eternally the partie so doing without vndeserued mercie The Arke must be carried onely by the Leuites and not by euerie Tribe so is there a calling still to the preaching of the word and euerie man indifferently may not do it those Leuites were able to carrie the Arke and so should men called to the Ministerie be able to preach in some measure though not in like measure as neither had the Leuites like bodily strength neither had like burdens imposed vpon them They were also willing and carefull to do what they were able and commaunded to do and certainly euen so should it be in preaching power and paines should goe to gether otherwise the sinne is as great now as it should haue béen then in that kind of bearing that material Arke the figure and shadow of Christ and of this bearing of him before our brethren if it had béene then neglected eyther for want of strength or will Hence are the Ministers called the pillars of the Church A thing not so deepely considered of many Ministers as it should and as I pray God make it to be To the calling we come of carying the Arke but from the paines many runne and let the Arke alone It will not euer be borne of a iust God and therefore happie he that returneth soonest to his office This Arke as hath beene said was a signe of Gods presence so that when the Arke was there God was thought to be there but how much more is Iesus Christ the cause that God is present with vs from whom our sinne had so seuered vs as where we were hee would not bee and where hee was wee could not be In this Arke was the lawe to shadow how Christ for vs should vndergoe the lawe satisfie and fulfill it in all points and so free and deliuer vs from it There was the pot of Manna shadowing that Christ should be the true bread from Heauen nourishing to eternall life all those that faithfully feede vpon him And thirdly there was Aarons rod that budded so to represent the Priesthood of Christ for euer after the order of Melchisedech and his Resurrection who being dead liued againe as Aarons rod dead and drie budded and bare againe Finally where the Arke was there was it lawfull to serue God and not in euerie place and where Christ is there is the Church and without him no seruice nor labour acceptable in whom and by whom only we can please What an excellent figure then was this Arke of Christ and how rightly though some-what obscurely for so then it pleased God to deale did it lay before the Iewes their future Messiah Others haue made it a figure of the Church and followed the application that way As for the name the Arke as you haue heard was called the Arke of his Couenant and what is the true Church but the people of his Couenant that is a peculiar flocke and companie chosen of God with whom he
and worketh righteousnesse is accepted In the Gospell therefore there is now no difference of meates but all meate frée with Thanks-giuing That which goeth into the mouth defileth not the man but that which commeth out of the mouth that defileth the man saith our true Teacher Christ Iesus and wée must marke it His Apostle after him Saint Paul I know and am perswaded through the Lord Iesus that there is nothing vncleane of it selfe but vnto him that iudgeth any thing vncleane to him it is vncleane Whatsoeuer therefore is sold in the Shambles eat yee and aske no question for conscience sake Neuerthelesse there shall come in the latter dayes some that shall forbid to marry and command to abstaine from meates which God hath created to bee receiued with Thanks-giuing For it is sanctified by the Word of God and Prayer But these forbidders and commanders are departed from the Faith giue heed vnto the spirits of errour and doctrines of Deuils They speake lyes through hypocrisie and they haue their consciences burned with an hot iron O note these things earnestly with your selfe and acknowledge Gods goodnesse in thus plainly fore-warning vs long before of that which wée sée in these dayes fulfilled Vnto the pure saith the same Apostle all things are pure but vnto them that are defiled and vnbeleeuing nothing is pure but euen their minds and consciences are defiled c. That Commandement to abstayne from things offered to Idolles and from blood In the Acts of the Apostles was but for a time and is ended also in Christ or els it was no Ceremonial law But you thinke per aduenture with your selfe may not the Church in these dayes also forbid some kinde of meate as flesh c The answere is that cause and circumstance must bée considered Ciuilie the Magistrate may that is for the good of the Common-wealth in maintaining Mariners for seruice in helping the yong bréed of Cattle that victual may be more cheape by sparing the eating for a time and so foorth but not for Religion and Conscience as if one meate pleased God more than another for as you heard Peters sheete with all sorts of meates confuteth that many other Scriptures also which yo● may read your selfe ouer But what if one pretend the Magistates law being indéed popish and making difference of meates for religion You must néedes confesse such an one is an Hypocrite and therefore odious to God who hateth hypocrisie and cannot be mocked And what if hée do it in déede for Religion Then hée denyeth in effect that Christ is yet come and hath taken away this Ceremoniall Law of vncleane meates and as the Apostle saith of Circumcision that if we be circumcised now Christ profiteth nothing so is it true also that if wée yet hold a difference of meates for Religion and Conscience Christ to vs is no Christ and wée shall perish What if I sincerly in regard of the Magistrates Ciuill Law for the good of the Land forbeare to eate any flesh vpon times named by Law yet well knowing my libertie in Christ You doe most well and would God the Land had more of these that would obey godly Lawes according to their meaning and abandon all sinfull ryot and libertie contrary to them GOD should bée pleased the Magistrate pleased our Countrie profited and wée knowen to God and man for people of g●ouernment and order 2 But how did God in this Law of his call that vncleane which himselfe had made and saw to be good as all his workes were good Surely in respect of Creation and of themselues nothing is euill or vncleane but in respect of vse forbidden as God hath libertie to forbid at his good pleasure without impeachment of himselfe or of his Creature Euen as the Tree of Knowledge of good and euill hurt not of it selfe or the apple but the transgression after Commandement the thing in it selfe good but the vse forbidden If you say that which goeth into the mouth defileth not and therefore not the apple it is true for the apple defiled not but the breach of Gods Commandement You shall not eate So that euer it was true The Kingdome of GOD is not meate or drinke c. 3 How were beastes called vncleane in the time of Noah when they entred into the Arke before this Law was made except of themselues and their Nature they were so I answere you truely they were then so called not in respect of any fault in themselues or of eating but in regard of the Sacrifices from which God did then exclude them as here hée did from being eaten And as well might God then at his good pleasure choose what he would haue offered for Sacrifice and what not as now what he would haue eaten and what not all being his and his prer●gatiue to doe with his owne as hée pleaseth As now therefore that which was forbidden to be meat is called vncleane yet not so in Nature but in regard of vse therof forbidden so then was that called vncleane which was forbidden to be Sacrificed and not for any euill nature at the Creation but only because of this prohibition of vse that way Now let vs a little looke at the words of the Chapter 1 In the Chapter you sée three sorts Namely beasts of the Land Fishes of the Sea and Foules of the Ayre and these are distinguished or noted by Names and by Signes The Names that are héere set downe Wée are not so well acquainted with some of them because in those East-parts there were diuers creatures not knowne to vs in these Countries by their Names The Signes therfore is the best note for vs and in the beasts they are these diuiding the hoofe and chewing the cudde for so saith the Text. Whatsoeuer parteth the hoofe and is clouen footed and cheweth the cudde amongst the beasts that shall ye eate But if hée did the one and not the other or neither hée was vncleane Read the words your selfe You saw before that these were but shadowes of other things For doth God regard Oxen saith the Apostle and careth hée for diuiding or not diuiding the hoofe chewing or not chewing the cudde who made them all as they are and could haue made them all of one sort otherwise than héereby to resemble berter matters No. And therefore consider with your selfe that in this difference of beastes the Lord shadowed out a difference of men and women in this world some cleane and some vncleane The cleane beastes resemble the Godly and Elect which being clensed by Faith in Christ from their sinnes and sanctified by the Spirit of GOD earnestly and feruently loue the Word of God heare it learne it embrace it Night and Day meditate of it labouring to kéepe it by framing all their words and works counsailes and actions according to it The vncleane beasts resemble the wicked and reprobate that despise the Word and liue