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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07679 The foƫtayne or well of lyfe, out of whiche doth sprynge mooste swete consolations, ryght necessarye for troubled conscyences to thyntente they shal not despayre in aduersitie and trouble.. 1548-1549? (1549) STC 11211.2; ESTC S92562 41,703 145

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king of Siria and not in the lorde god therefore the kynge of Syria dyd escape out of thy power Were not also the men of Iuda Libia hauynge manye mo charettes and horsemē and also a moche greatter multitude of people whom whan thou dydest put thy truste in thy lorde god he them delyuered in to thy handes and power The eyes truly of the lorde doth behold all the worlde he gyueth power and fortitude to them whiche with a perfecte harte doth beleue i● hym therfore thou dydest folyshly and for that also warre shall aryse agaynst the in thys present tyme ¶ The payer of Asa kynge of Iuda THis prayer sayd Asa 〈◊〉 to the Lorde whan 〈◊〉 that zara a man of the bl●● mores came agaynst him w●● ten C M souldyers and 〈◊〉 of warre and also withe th●● hundreth charettes O good lorde in the there●● no difference whether thou ●● helpe with few or weth ma●● O our Lorde God helpe vs 〈◊〉 we truely hauynge onely o●● trust and confidens in the ●● in thy name become agan●● this great m●ltitude / thou●● oure God and agaynste the ●● man can preuayle It chau●sed therfore that the mory●●● were despersed and the kyng● dyd streke them vnto theyr destuction and death The exhortaciō of Azarso● to Obed in tyme of warre THe lord is withe you for ye were withe hym yf ye seke hym ye shall fynde hym but yf ye forsake hym he wyll forsake you Many daies shal passe in Israel without a true god and without a prest with oute preacher and also wyth out a lawe And whā they shal ●etourne agayne in theyr trouble and crye to the lorde god of Israell and also seke hym thē shall they fynde hym at that tyme there shall be no peas to men goynge forth and goynge in but great horrible fear in euerye place amongeste all the Inhabytours of the earth for nation shall fyght againste nacion and cytie agay●ste cytye for the lorde shall vexe them in al affliction therfore be you of good cōforte an let not youre hoste be disolued and broken for ye shall haue rewarde for your labour the which tht● whan the kynge harde he w● greatly comforted c. O lord the god of my fat●● Symeon which gauest to h● Iudi. 9. a sworde for his defēce ag●● straungers that were rau●● shours in theyr vnclennes al● discouered y● chastite of a v●●gin to theyr confusion ¶ The prayer of Ezet●● as agaynst Sennacher●● 4. Reg. 9 O Lorde god of Israell that sy●cest aboue Cheruby●● thou are the onely god abo● all kynges of the earthe tho● madest bothe heuen and eat●● Inclyne thyne eare lorde am here open thyne eare lorde an● all the wordes of Sennach●rib that he dyd sende to vs c●sting in our teth our god that is lyuynge Truely Lorde th● kynges of Assirya haue put a parte and dyspersed bothe the people and landes of all men and haue caste theyr goodesin to the fire For truly they were not goddes but workes made wyth the handes of mē of tymber and stone and they lost them Therfore now our lorde god preserue vs from the handes of them that all the kyngdomes of the earth may know that thou art only the lord god The prayer of Iosaphat 2. Par 20 against hys enemyes O Lorde god of our fathers thou art god in heuen and hast dominaciō auer all kyngdomes of people in thy hande is both strenght and power to resyste c. but in vs is not so moch power to resyst wythstande thys multitude that in●adeth vs Notwythstandynge seynge we are ignoraūt what we maye do thys onely remaineth that is to say to dyverte oure eyes to thy good●● ¶ The exortacion of I●bell sonne of zachari● 〈◊〉 the people HEare ye not nor drede 〈◊〉 this multieude for sur● it i● not your batayle but i● the bataile of god The exortaciō of Iosaph● in the middes of the peop●● Oye mē of Iudah and all ●● iuhabytours of Ierusall here what I shall saye bele●e and trust in your lord god 〈◊〉 you shall be in sauegarde p●● also your cōfidence in his pr●phetes and all thynge to yo● shall fortune prosperous ¶ The admoniciō of y● se●uaūt of god to king Ama● IF thou thynkeste that the victory of varre do cōsist in the hooste God wyll caust the to be ouercome of thyne enemies for why it is at y● pl●●sure of God both to helpe an put to flyght ¶ The exhortacyō of Iudas Mach abeas to the people AFter that the people perceyued the hoste cōmingto i mach 4. mete them they sayde vnto Iudas Howe shall we beynge so fewe and also weryed thys daye with fastynge fyghte agaynst so great and stronge amultitude to whome Iudas ▪ answered and said It is sone done to conclude many in the power of few and there is no diuersite in the sight of godin heuē to delyuer with many or els with fewe for why the victory in warre doth not stande in the multitude of the hoost but all the fortitude and power therof commeth from heuē They do come vnto vs with an-enuyous and proude multytude to sprede abrode vs oure wynes oure chidrē th● myght spoyle destroy v● we wyll fyght for oure s● also for our lawes and hym selfe wyl cōsume the●fore our faces therfore d● in no wyse feare thē And that he hath spoken his n● and ceased sodaynly they ded went vpon theyr en●cs shortely theyr aduers● was brought to confusi●● penly in his syght ¶ The exortacion o● das to the people When certayne of th● ple wold haue fled depar● Iudas Machabcus exo● thē sayeng although our ● draw nere yet let vs dye ● māhod for the loue of our thrē and let vs not brynge hououre to rebuke ☞ FINIS ❧ ¶ Imprented at Lu●du By William Hill at y● Signe of the hyll
the father may Iohn 18 Iohn 14 Iohn 16 be glorified in the sonne If ye do aske any thynge of me in myne owne name I wyll do it Truely truely I saye vnto you yf ye aske the father any thinge in my name he wyll geue it vnto you hytherto ye haue asked nothing in my name Aske and ye shal haue that Ioh. 4. your ioye maye be full The true worshippers shal worship the father in spirite verite for the father sekethe out such that may worshipe hym Aske and it shall be geuen Math 7 vnto you seke you shal finde knocke it shal be openned vnto you who that asketh receyueth and he that sekethe fyndeth and it shal be opened to him that knocketh Is the●● anye man amonge you that wolde profer his sonne a ston● yf he asked hym breade Or yt he asked hym a fysshe wolde he profer hym a serpent If y● then whiche are euyl can gyue to your chyldren good gyftes howe much more shal your father that is in heuē gyue good thinges to such as aske of him Whersoeuer are two or thre Mat. 18 Mat. 21 Luc. 18 gathered togither in my name I am in the myddes of them Al that euer ye wyll aske in prayer beleuynge ye shall receyue it Shall not god reuenge his electe that crye vnto him both nyght and day yea though he defarre them I tel you he wyll Mat. 29 / reuenge them that quyckely Wake and pray that ye entre not into temptacions the spirite is alwayes readye but the fleashe is weake Let your loynes be gyrded aboue and your lyghtes brennynge in your handes And ye your selues lyke vnto mē that loke after theyr mayster when Luc. 12. he wyll returne frō a wedding Take no thought for your lyuyng what ye shall eate nor for youre bodye what ye shall put on The lyfe is of more value then meate and the bodye is more of value then raymente Marke well the rauens for they neither sow nor repe whiche neither haue storehouse ne barne and yet god fedeth them howe much more are ye better then the foules Do not seke what ye maye Mat. 6 eate or what ye maye drynke and be ye not lyfte an hygh If god then dothe so clothe the haye of the felde growyng this daye and that to mor● shall be caste into a furnace how moch more wyll he clothe you oh ye endewed with lytell faythe Therfore seke fyrst the ky●dome of god and the iustice of it and all these thinges shal be mynistred vnto you Whā thou wylt pray ent● into thy chambre and shyt shy dore and pray vnto thy father Mat. 6. which is in secrete and thy father that seeth in secrete shall rewarde the openly For youre father knoweth whatts nedefull for you before that ye make peticion vnto hym therfore ye shall praye in this wyse The Pater noster wyth other lytell prayers of the Byble beynge gathered togyther into a compendyous ordre in the commendacyon or prayse of the excedynge and incomparable mercy of God for the behoue of the deuoute reader that prayeth not in waggyng of his lippes but wyth the feruent M●t. 6. desyre of harte OVr father whych arte in heauen halowed be thy name Thy kyngdome come Thy wyll be done in carth as it is in heauen Gyue vs this daye our daily breed And for geue vs oure trespaces as we forgeue them that trespace against vs. And lette vs not be led into temptacyon But delyuee vs from euyll Amen For it is thy kyngdome power 2. para ● and glory for euermore Blessed art thou lord god of Israel oure father euerlastyngely for it is thy magnificens O Lorde thy power 〈◊〉 ●y and victory prayse to 〈◊〉 O gouernour / lorde god 〈◊〉 teful and benigne pacient 〈◊〉 of great mercy whiche dost ●●tende thy mercy vnto thous●des Exo. 34 whiche takest awaye w●kednes myschefe and syn●● and none of him selfe is in●●cente before the. I beseche 〈◊〉 that thou wylte take a w●● our wyckednes and synne I beseche the Lorde god● Nu. 14. heuen strong / mighty and ●●rible which kepest couena● and mercy wyth suche as lo● the and obserue thy cōmau●mentes Let thy eares be h● kenyng and thyne eares op● that thou mayst here the pra●er of thy serua●nt Nec 1 O lorde which art pacie●● and of great mercy and take● away our iniquitie mischefe c. forgyue I beseche the th● ●he synne of this thy people after the greatnes of thy mercy Lorde God do not destroy thy people and thyne enherytaūce which thou hast bought Deu. 9. thorowe thy power Thou haste bene guyde in the mercy to the people which hast redemed Forgiue the people though Exo 15 ● para 9 they be synners for thou arte my god Let thyne eyes I beseche the be open and thyne eares intentyfe vnto the prayer that is made in this place O lorde thou art our father and we are but claye thou art Esa 49. oure creatoure all we be but the workes of thine handes O lorde be no● ouer much angry and be no more myndefull of our inquitie Beholde haue Psal / 129 respecte / al we are thy people Lorde thy mercy is euerlasting do not dispise the worke of thyne handes O thou lord whych art o●● father our redemer thy name hathe ▪ ben euermore For we do not prostrate ou● prayers before thy face in iu●●fienge Iud 7. Ess 6. our selues but in truste of thy great mercy herkē lord be pleased o lord attende and do be not slacke my god for thyne owne sake for thy name hath ben called vpō this cytie and vpon the people Lorde god here the clamor of Dan. 6. Num 20 this people and open vnto thē thy treasure the well of the water of lyfe Let all that knowe thy name lorde truste in the for thou haste not forsaken them that seke the. psal 9 / Thou verely whych a●t a god mercyfull meke and py●full pacient and of hygh compassion hast not forsaken thē Aryse Lorde helpe vs rededeme vs for thy name sake Do not remembre our olde in●●uities but lette thy mecy preuēt vs quickely for we are psol 4● psal 78 made very pore Helpe vs our God and for the glorye of thy name lorde delyuer vs and be mercyful vnto our synnes for thy names sake I shall do sacrifice vnto the wyth good wyll and shal confesse psal 53. psal 85. thy name for it is good For lorde thou art swete and gentyl and of plentuous mercy vnto suche as call vpon the Lorde heare our prayers our peticions and delyuer vs out for thi sake Heare O lord haue mercy Bar. 2. Bae 3. for thou art a merciful god and haue mercy on vs for we synned agaynst the. We haue synned with our fathers we haue done vniustly ▪ we haue commytted 〈◊〉 nes Thou that art holy 〈◊〉