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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A84597 The scorned Quakers true and honest account, both why and what he should have spoken (as to the sum and substance thereof) by commission from God, but that he had not permission from men, in the Painted Chamber on the 17th. day of the 7th. month 1656. before the Protector and the Parliament then, and there met together, with many more of no mean account, who were not of them, yet were then crowded in among them. Fisher, Samuel, 1605-1665. 1656 (1656) Wing F1057; Thomason E889_10; ESTC R202114 32,531 40

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but what patience the Rulers would have had with me had not the people been so unruly as to hinder me I know not the multitude gave me but little audience for no sooner did I cry aloud as I was bidden to do and lift up my voice like a trumpet to tell them of their sins and their transgressions which in the visions of the Lord I saw for all their fasts if not fasted from would be their ruin but I was handled after the old sort as at other times even hurled from my place and haled up and down by some and thulched on the breast by others that I might not speake and speaking notwithstanding in the power of the Lord all along as I went with my face inward toward the Auditory so much of the burden that was on me as will leave them without excuse and witness against them for ever yet whether they will hear or forbear they were warned by word of mouth from the Lord to repent born away by the people and at last thrust backwards out of doors such were then the fruits yea even the first f●uits of that dayes fast and yet not the first fruits of such like fasts as are ordained and observed at the will of man for such like and far worse fruits even more despitefull doings to the Lords servants for their obedience unto him and declaring the truth when he had sent them in love their very souls that do hate them have before this attended some other Parochiall fasts in some other places which rude doings of the people then I le not impute either to the Magistrates or to the Ministers that were there sith in that croud if they would they could not help it though in many places both Magistracy and Ministry may find cause in their own consciences to condemn themselves as accessary to the sufferings of the Lords servants by their discountenancing of them in the work of the Lord and their connivance at these that do abuse them nor do I relate these things as one at all disturbed at what disturbance then befell my self for verily I have my peace and am at rest in the Lord at rest in my bed with all those who are every one of them found walking in his uprightness however the tongue is drawn out and a wide mouth made against them by the sons of the Adulterer and the whore and however I am judged of by the naturall man that hath the vail still ore his face and lives yet but in the dimme Moon-shine of mans day of judgement who takes upon him to judge before his time and so speaks evill of what he knows not it matters not much sith among those spirituall men that judge all while themselves are truly judged of no men who see with open face as being in the Spirit and in the Sun-shine of the Lords day arising on them I am not unknown nor to the Lord and so could most sweetly sit down in silence nevertheless that the truth may be still kept clear from the clouds of false censures with which it is often overcast to the darkning of it so that men who might else embrace it thereby perish from the blessed sight of it and that for ever I am again moved and made willing by the Lord at my departure hence to my own outward being which as it had likely been ere this if this service had not been put upon me so if the Lord so please may be so soon as it is performed to unburden my self in writing of that heavy burden of the Lords word that lay upon me to have spoken at the time and place forementioned and to leave behind me that which is written hitherto to declare what true Right I had then and there to speake and that which now follows after to declare what true and right things might have been spoken so far as the Lord should have drawn me forth and enlarged me in the uttering of them as he hath since to writing of them here if I might have spoken without resistance Samuel Fisher THE BURDEN OF THE MESSAGE OF The Lord it self as it lay on me from the Lord to speak it or so much of it as he had I had mans leave to speak should have been pleased to assist me to utter and as it lay upon me from him and was given in unto me by him in this fiery flying Role to commit to writing THus saith the Lord Repent O all ye sinners that are here present both Ministers and people and ye powers of the Earth for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand the Kingdom of our God and of his Christ is at hand That Kingdom into which no unclean thing nor unclean person no Drunkard no Riotous one no Epicure nor Belly-God nor worldling nor wanton nor self-seeker nor time server nor men-pleaser nor backslider nor dissembler nor formall professour nor proud one nor any transgressour of any sort whatsoever shall ever enter unless he be justifyed washed and sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God And therefore I say unto you all again in the name and power and in the word of the living God yea thus saith the Lord God himself unto you all though by an earthen vessell Repent and that not of nor for onely as hitherto ye have often done but also from all your iniquiti●s Repentance not for but from dead works is the very first of those first principles of the Oracles of God which till ye come not to talk of barely for there is too much of that while so little of the other to witness ye have not yet for all the fair shews ye have made in the flesh by your forms and your frequent namings of the name of Christ so much as truly begun to be true Christians nor are your mournings of any worth at all till ye come to mourn with that Godly sorrow that worketh repentance to salvation the sorrowing after a Godly sort it worketh care and fear to offend and zeal and desire and indignation and taking a revenge upon your selves and such like so that at last ye overcome and return not again to those iniquities ye mourned for so that what pride and filthiness and wickedness of any kind ye see and are sensible of in your selves and are afflicted for you cease from and fall into no more for ever which to do is according to the true Proverb like the Dog to return to his vomit again and the Swine after washing to wallowing in the mire that repentance which brings to a salvation of you from those sins you profess to repent of is the onely true repentance that can stand you in any stead in the sight of God all other will come once to be repented of yea thus saith the Lord God repent ye this day not onely for your sins but for all your old repentances and for all your humiliations and all your fastings also in which services you
whom I will lead thither with many supplications and tears and tremblings as blind ones by a way they know not in a strait way wherein yet their feet shall not stumble for I am a God unto them saith the Lord by the way of the wilderness wherein yet they shall not be weary nor in want nor in fear nor miscarry nor lose their way that wait on me for I will be with them to refresh them saith the Lord with Bread from Heaven and water out of the Rock and to overshadow them with a Cloud and go before them in the likeness of a flaming fire so that they shall eat the same spirituall meat and drink the same spirituall drink as the Fathers of old who drank of the same Rock that followed them which Rock was Christ and shall pass to their rest under the same protection providence and illumination as my people that were the Type of them by which light wherewith I enlighten them will I puzzle and dazle and blind all your Egyptians which pursue them saith the Lord till you have brought your selves into inextricable perplexities into the very Javvs even of inevitable destruction see therefore that ye touch them not they are the sheep of my pasture saith the Lord whom I am gathering from under the conduct of those careless false Shepheards that have fed and serv'd themselves of them and not fed but starved them and stenched the pure pasture and trodden it down and fouled the pure water they should drink of and forced t●em to drink of their ovvn pudled vvaters vvhich they have fovvled vvith their feet see that ye stand not in the cross vvays as Esau did of old to cut off saith the Lord the Remnant of Jacob that are novv escaping and returning to their own home and Country saith the Lord out of all places and Countries forraign forms fellovvships Churches Companies and strange lands and ways of vvorshipping of me saith the Lord vvhereinto they have been scattered and shattered up and dovvn in the dark and gloomy day and though they are a people scattered up and dovvn in all parts and Provinces of these Dominions and every vvhere complain'd on and accused by proud Hamans Generation that ever hated them because they could not honour them vvho vvere accursed of God and bow according to their haughty expectations as a certain odde people that keep not the Lavvs and live not as other men do but are every vvhere and every vvay cross because so to the carnall vvills of men and disturbers of the peace so that it cannot be for the Common-vvealth nor profit of the Nations nor of the povvers thereof to suffer them and are sold as sheep to the slaughter in the vvicked vvishes of their malevolent and blood-thirsty Adversaries that they vvould not care vvhat they paid almost into the Common treasury to have them hanged or banished or any way however spoiled saith the Lord yet take good heed to your selves ye powers and people of medling too much at the wills of such as suggest evill to you of them and if at their suggestion ye vvill do any thing against those that oppose me and are my enemies yet take heed that under pretence of that ye sight not unawares against me and be opposers your selves of those that are my friends and speak to you both for and from me saith the Lord for if they be of the seed of the Jews before whom Haman and his seed begin to fall they will never recover themselves till they have brought the very mischief they have hatched for my beloved ones upon their ovvn Pate saith the Lord yea though my people are low and weake and few in number and silly and contemptible in your eyes yea afflicted and ready to dye from their youth up yet I live saith the Lord who am a protector and redeemer to them vvho neither slumber nor sleep but vvatch and am Almighty to avenge them on all their enemies and I will do it saith the Lord yea let the Heathen rage and the people imagine and the Kings of the earth set themselves and the Rulers take Counsell together against me and mine anointed saith the Lord yet will I set my King upon the holy hill of Sion and give him the Heathen for his inheritance and the utmost parts of the earth for his possession yea and all in whom he reigns shall raign as they have suffered with him In an inumerable multitude of which he is coming to judge the earth in righteousness and the people with equity to pass a judgement upon all and to convince all that are ungodly of all the ungodly deeds they have committed and of all the hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him and he in them and they in him shall rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron and breake them to pieces as a Potters vessell even as they have received of me their Father saith the Lord and though they are now laughed to scorn and had in dayly derision by high and low saith the Lord and condemned by all and made the very strife of all tongues and made ashamed in all places where ever they are and all people make a noyse and roare against them like the roarings of the Sea and as the noyse of many waters yet will I get them praise and same in every Land wherein they have been put to shame and every tongue that riseth up in judgement against them shall they condemn and I that sit in Heaven will laugh at the calamity of those that hate them and mock when their fear cometh yea I will have them all in derision and they shall be as my people have been among them a very proverb of reproach and I will Roar upon them out of Sion and utter my voice from Jerusalem against them as a Lyon and the Heaven and the earth shall shake and I will overthrow the thrones of Kingdoms and destroy the strength of all the Kingdoms of the Heathen and be my self a wall of fire about my people for their defence and the hope and strength of my chosen ones in the day wherein I do this saith the Lord God yea I will never rest till I have made all their foes their footstool and howbeit the powers of the earth are of me and for conscience sake to me-ward are to be obeyed and not resisted and have been obeyed and not resisted in things not contrary to my own commands by my holy ones that have ever suffered as evill doers under them of whom they ought to have had praise yet if that which was once mine own outward Ordinance for the punishment of evill doers and to be a terrour to evill works as Rulers are ever away when they are as they ought to be continue to be so abhominably perverted as in the pride and stoutness of their hearts making their own lusts and not my light their Law to be a terr our unto works and ways