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A79857 A voice from the temple to the higher povvers. Wherein is shewed, that it is the work and duty of saints, to search the prophesies and visions of holy Scripture, which concern the later times: and that Jesus Christ will reveal the understanding of them, neer the end of their accomplishment. And so much, is here clearly proved, and the objections to the contrary answered. Also severall prophesies are here opened, concerning the time of the end; as what is the present work of the Lord in the world: and wherein the saints (whether the higher powers or others) are now to move and follow him. Likwise [sic] what will be the work of the Lord forward, and all along from year to year, till the mysterie of God be finished, both among the Christian gentiles, and Jewes. By John Canne. Canne, John, d. 1667? 1653 (1653) Wing C443B; Thomason E699_16; ESTC R207049 36,136 47

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Sion Psal 102.13 His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the East and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the East and toward the West and there shall be a very great valley and halfe of the mountaine shall remove toward the North and halfe of it toward the south Ioel 3.2 And he will plead with them there for his people and for his heritage Israel The Turk now totally and finally shall be destroyed His army probably beside the Sea of Gennezaret Ezek. 39.11 Joel 3.2 Isa 60.8 Am. 9.14 15. Ezek. 37.21 22. Isa 60.18 Ezek. 34.31 Isa 49.19 20. Ezek. 37.22.24 Hos 1.11 Rev. 21.24 Isa 49.23 Zeph. 3.19 20. otherwise called the lake of Tiberias and the Turk himselfe at or neer Jerusalem Upon this shall follow a speedy and sudden conversion of the Jewes In one day and at once as the Prophet speaks And after this they shall dwell in their owne Land in safety inhabite all the parts of it as before their Countrey shall be more fertile and populous then ever it was a most flourishing State of Church and Common-wealth There shall be after this victory once obtained no separation any more of the tenne Tribes from the other two but both shall make one entire Kingdom All Nations shall come in to them and honour them and willingly or perforce submit unto the Government of Jesus Christ But to return to the year 1655. It is the opinion of many and I am of the same mind that sixe thousand yeares from the Creation doe meet with the ending of this year 1655. which is neer at hand and great Revolutions are look't for at that time For the particulars I find them not exprest but to me these fearefull and terrible changes seeme to be these five 1. The Turke his coming against Italy with such multitudes will fill all Europe with terrour and amazement and howsoever his stay here shall be short as was said before yet it will be the occasion and rise of marvellous changes to follow afterwards 2. In this year will the Lord most eminently appear shaking the Earth Hag 2.22 and overthrowing the Thrones of Kingdomes every where in Europe By this time I verily think the Thrones will be set Isa 26.11 and the Ancient of dayes sitting thereon The Prophet saith Lord when thy hand is lifted up they will not see but they shall see and be ashamed Hitherto what God hath done in overturning overturning overturning the Bishops first the King next the Parliament last it is not observed as the righteous hand of God 2 Pet. 3.4 All things continue saith the Scoffer as they were from the beginning of the Creation But know this in the year 1655. the Viall shall be so full poured out so fast and lye so close hot upon the persecuting powers of the world as they shall then see and be ashamed begin to take notice that it is the wrath of the Lamb which followes after them It is reported of Moles that a short time before they die they see a little but never before So the blind Pope and his creatures and the Kings of the earth as blind as he a little before the finall extirpation of their State something they will see as of God fighting from Heaven against them though they repent not to give him glory 3. At this time great changes and revolutions will be in respect both of persons and things For howsoeve I am assured that every change amongst us shall be for good unto the Nation as this present Government and what followes a great deale better then the former yet I question whether the Lord will throughly purge his floore in sweeping out all corrupt and selfish men untill that time But some wil stil creep in unawares not serving the Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellie Neverthelesse this I would have the Reader observe that about the yeare 1655. Psal 149.8.7 the righteous alone shall flourish and be exalted A two-edged sword is in their hand to execute vengeance upon the Heathen and punishment upon the people to bind their Kings with chaines and their Nobles with fetters of iron To execute upon them the judgement written And this Supream Power shall abide with them four or five yeares without interruption untill they have broken in pieces the fourth Monarch 4. Another terrible and fearfull change in likelihood will fall out in the year 1655. or the year after that is the * There are some Prophesies which mention the burning of Rome in the yeare 6000. from the Creation sacking and burning of the Citie of Rome After which it shall never be inhabited neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation but wilde Beasts of the Desart shall lie there and their houses shall be full of dolefull Creatures And Owles shall dwell there and Satyrs shall dance there Isa 13.2.21 22. And the wild beasts of the Islands shall cry in their desolate houses and Dragons in their pleasant palaces and her time is neer come and her dayes shall not be prolonged And this instrumentally shall be done by the Saints of the most high whose hearts and hands the Lord will raise up for that work It is possible that the Pope Cardinals Arch-bishops Bishops c. may escape as being reserved to perish afterward with the worshippers of the Beast Num. 31.8 as Balaam perished amongst the Midianites 5. The last is the rising of the Jewes of which I have spoken and shall make no repetition Having opened some Prophesies and applyed them according to the grace received I come now to the other particular which is to shew the time in which wee are and our present work And this is a special Voyce from the Temple unto the higher Powers In the generall I have expressed my opinion already Christ hath his right foot on the Sea and his left foot on the Earth So then to follow the Lamb it is to break in pieces those two Powers Kingly and Antichristian Who is on my side saith the Lord Who Throw her downe Come against her from the utmost border Ier. 50.26 open her store-houses cast her up as heapes and destroy her utterly let nothing of her be left There is now a price put into your hands a faire opportunity and a door opened before you He that letted is taken out of the way If a Marriner should be asked in winter why he is at home and not at Sea to speake of the unseasonablenesse of the time might be a reason sufficient but if the Winter be past and the season good here he hath not the like excuse to make for himselfe When Kingly power stood and the Lords Spirituall and Temporall which was worse and the last Parliament little better that some in Authority did little good much might be said for their excuse But now seeing all these things are
Lord and of his temple upon the Antichristian Kingdome Here still I speak of things and not of persons To the other Objection I answer thus 1. The glory of God in fulfilling his word is to be prefer'd before all outward prosperity A Heathen could say Let Justice be done and the world perish Shall Saints then hold back their hands from executing the righteous Judgments of the Lord only through a base fear of worldly inconveniences 2. Prov. 21.30 There is no wisdome nor understanding nor counsell against the Lord. If he be breaking now as certainly he is the fourth Monarch we and they may take counsel together but it shall come to nought What man seeing his neighbours house on fire would willingly set his own by it for so they would both burn and fall together The Lords fire is already kindled in Thrones and Kingdomes And therefore the further off we keep from associating our selves with them from coming near them in Leagues and Covenants the more likely it is that our Common-wealth wil be happy and flourish But 3. I would not have the people of this Nation to imagine that these Changings and Turnings in the world are in order to their better trading God intends it otherwise It 's for trading indeed but for his owne To breake the Kings Merchants and great men of the Earth that the Kingdomes of this world may be his and his Christs Worldly men have had their time for Trade and they have had a long time of it The Lord now is putting an end to that and setting up a better I write this for my Countrey-mens sake to let them know howsoever I hope Those which shall be next in place will doe just and good things take off what burthens they can and make the Nation as happy and prosperous as they are able Yet I have no hope that the Times will be any better for civill Trade but more troublesome and warrs daily increase And therefore they should now begin to look up to God and after his work and the Great Trade which he is carrying on and with-draw their minds from this old world which is perishing and going out and prepare for the world to come whereof we speake wherein dwelleth righteousnesse Heb. 2.5 and which will be much better for them if they be of that number who looke for the blessed hope Tit. 2.13 and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ For Conclusion there is one word more from the Temple to the higher Powers and so I have done And it concerns a main thing in order to our late great victory at Sea which the Lord gave us over the Dutch It was some trouble unto many when they heard that the Holland Merchant Ships were returned safely home and not met with by our Fleet It is true the Lord could have given them into our hands but he would not And why not the one as well as the other The reason is as the Lord hath put it strongly on my heart to have it known In this he tels us what our proper worke is namely not to look after Merchants as to grow great and rich by the wealth of other Nations but to break their power strength in pieces The Lord gave their men of Warr into our hands not their Merchant Ships Speaking here I say as it were from heaven that it is not prizes or the Enemies goods our hearts or hands should desirously be upon But to destroy Babylon stain the glory of Kings and Kingdoms and lay low the high and great mountains of the earth Rev. 22.10 Seale not the sayings of the Prophesie of this Book for the time is at hand Hos 14.9 Who is wise and he shall understand these things prudent and hee shall know them For the wayes of the Lord are right and the just shall walke in them but the transgressors shall fall therein FINIS
been cast by the enemies of the truth upon all good men ever since who have been zealously earnest for reformation But 2. Such as are godly wise or able to put a difference between lying prophesies and foolish visions and a grace given unto Saints to understand the mind of Jesus Christ in holy Scriptures 2 John 2.20 John saith Ye have an unction from the holy one and ye shall know all things To you saith (y) Mat. 11. Christ it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdome (a) Psal 25 14. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him Again (b) Prov. 3.32 His secret is with the righteous Are not these Gospel promises and Saints Priviledges and attainable by the exercise and acts of faith (c) Pet. 2.6 He that believeth on him shall not be confounded Because the Spider turns many things into poyson is the honey wormwood and gall which the Bee makes 3 I could shew in severall particulars how contrary as light is to darknesse the carriages and practises of the Munster Impostors first and last were to what is either said or done by the godly of this age who are of my opinion namely that the prophesies of the last times shall be revealed unto Saints near the end Let Sleidan or any other who hath written the Historie of Munster be perused by any impartiall Reader and he shall not find any ground to frame a parralell neither in reference to matter manner men I have some thoughts seeing there is such a noise of Munster shortly to discover the absurdity ignorance and malice of such people who seek to disgrace good men and through their sides to pierce the glorious work of God now begun amongst us by raking into the businesse of Munster 4. It is worth the observing how sutably Satan hath carried on his Designe to keep men in ignorance supestition and bondage and to hinder them from embracing the things belonging to their peace Though he could never certainly and perfectly reach the knowledge of prophesies as to the very time of their accomplishment yet knowing that such and such things should come to passe and having some conjecture near the time his manner hath been beforehand to corrupt the minds of the people some way or other with a prejudice against them that so when the thing it self should come to passe men might neither believe nor receive the same Thus he raised up many false Christs and why that the true Christ might not be received when he came So for this Munster Businesse The Devill knew in the latter dayes Tyrants and oppressors would be throw down the Antichristian kingdom destroyed good men and good things advanced Now mark the craft of this wicked one when the appointed time should come in which these things were to be fulfilled to the end that men might not then believe He stirred up before hand a company of Seducers to beguile the ignorant and simple people meerly I say upon this account that when the time should come that Tyranny and Oppression should be supprest Babylon cast down righteousnesse exalted this work might not finde acceptation among the people he having as I said poisoned before hand the mindes of the people Note by suggesting Munster and the effects of that businesse So then in short the summe is this The Devill in causing that work at Munster intended that it should be a snare to the people of this Age. Having spoken to the Objections I come now to Arguments to prove that the knowledge of the times is needfull possible yea required and ought to be searcht And so to justifie Gods people ministers and others who by Faith Prayer Conference meditation reading are now upon the work 1. Because this is a part of the written word of God Dan. 7.25 and 9.25 26. and Rev. 11.2 3. and 12.6.14 and 13.18 Now (d) John 5.39 Christ commandeth us to search the scriptures the whole and all and not some part as we think good to pick and chuse (e) Rom. 15.4 Whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our ledrning that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope (f) Dan. 29 29 Those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever A servant being commanded to doe severall things if he do onely a part of them what he thinks fit and best as easiest and not the rest the master will not be pleased so here 2. Because the knowledge of the Times is part of that Prophesie and those good things to come which the (g) Rev. 1.1 father gave unto his son to send and shew unto his servants Christ did not send the letter without the sence But intended that it should be known and understood therefore the sense and understanding is to be searcht 3. It is said of the whole Prophesie and consequently of the Times therein contained (h) Rev. 1.3 Blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophesie I think no man takes it of an ignorant and fruitlesse reading and hearing without understanding for surely such a hearing or reading i Acts 8.30 makes no man happy Besides it is such a reading and hearing as may be the rule and ground of practice Hence it is added and keep those things which are written therein Consequently then it must be a reading with understanding and knowledge Observe hence the rashnesse of some Teachers who seek to discourage Saints from that work unto which alone is pronounced the promise of blessedness They will allow men to read the years and times in the text but they must not seek for the understanding Just for all the world as to bid a man to catch at the shaddow but with all charge him not to toucht or take the fruit 4. Let Christs words be well observed When (k) Mat. 29 15 yee therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the Prophet stand in the holy place who so readeth let him understand he hath reference no doubt to Dan. 9.27 and 11.31 and 12 11. where the times of the end are declared and Characterized Christ here cals upon us not for reading but for understanding Daniels weeks dayes times Now doth Christ bid us understand Daniel yea in his numbers how dares any mortall creature reproach any for searching his Prophesies (l) Acts 4.2 Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more then unto God judge yee A servant in not doing his duty cannot be excused but yet is more in excusable when with all he shall smite his fellow servants for doing their duties I leave the application to the Reader 5. It must be granted that the holy scripture either holds forth a certain and set time and period of years in respect of the breaking of the fourth Monarchy the destruction of the Antichristian kingdome the end of the Turkish Empire
vexeth and grieves the more When corrupt and deceitfull men shall see the very thing come to passe upon them which before in the word of the Lord was told them namely within such a time if they turn not from their evill wayes and make their wayes and their doings good the Lord will pluck them out of their dwelling places lay them aside break their power to pieces Lord what a torment and vexation this will be to them that notwithstanding warned and admonished as from God they should yet harden and hearten themselves to their own destruction Prov. 5.12 How have I hated instruction and my heart despised reproof and have not obeyd the voice of my teachers nor inclined mine ear to them that instructed me 4 For this cause likewise will the Lord have the book now opened viz. to advance the honour and holinesse of his blessed word we are in an age wherein most things are questioned not only water-Baptisme and whether there be a true Church but whether there be a true God a true Christ a true Word c. Now as this is atime wherein Satan appears against the holy Scriptures and the truths therein contained more violently and blasphemously then ever heretofore so I confidently affirm and will abide by it that the Lord will now arise and appear for the vindication of the holy Scriptures more gloriously and eminently then ever And wherein can the excellency of them be more advanced the truths in them more manifested the contemners of them more ashamed and silenced then that the wise should understand For what Athiest will not blush and be confounded when he shall most evidently see such things come to passe this year and the next and so forward till the year 1770. as was foretold And that in order to the fulfilling of prophesies and visions recorded some fifteen hundred years others two thousand years before and more Having proved by severall Arguments that the knowledge of the times is possible and ought to be searched and wherefore the same though concealed from former ages is to be revealed to the last age I come now to the Prophesies themselves In Daniel I find five speciall prophesies in reference to the time of the end Chap. 7.25 Chap. 9.24 25 26 27. Chap. 12.7 11 12. The three first concern the Christian Gentiles the two latter the Jews and in them are comprehended all the works of both that is when those years are expired then their whole warfare shall be accomplished and they shall be no more two but one and one shepherd shall be set over them Howsoever I intend to set forth these things more at large in another Treatise yet something I will speak now as to the times both of the Gentiles and of the Jews And first to that place in Daniel Dan. 7.25 Vntill a time and times and dividing of times In Scripture we find time to be taken for dayes as Dan 4. comparing v. 16. with 34. By dayes years are to be understood Your children shall wander in the wildernesse forty dayes Numb 14.33 34. Ezek. 4.6 each day for a year Again Thou shalt bear their iniquity forty dayes and I have appointed thee each day for a year In propheticall use a day that is a year containeth 360 dayes or years This Daniel calls a time The word times signifies so much more that is 720 years The dividing of time is 180 dayes or years the whole put together makes 1260 years and so much the spirit of God expresly declares in Rev 12. where a thousand two hundred and threescore dayes v. 6. is said to be a time and times and half a time v. 14. Before we come to the accommodation of these years we are to speak of the ten horns and the little horn first of their rise then their fall that is their beginning and ending For their rise or beginning it is to be understood either as hid and secret or more plain and open These ten horns I understand to be the Romane Empire dissolved into ten parts or Kingdoms In the enumeration of them some produce them thus Brittany France Germany Spain Italy Africa Asia Graecia Syria and Egypt I shall set down what to me is most probable 1. The kingdom of the Brittains 2 of the Saxons both in Brittany 3 of the kingdom of the Franks 4 of the Burgundians both in France 5 The kingdome of the West Gothes in the Southern part of France and part of Spain 6. the Sueves and Alanes in part of Spain 7 the Kingdome of the Vandals in Africa a little before in Spain 8. The Alemanes in Rhaetia and Noricum Provinces of Germany 9 the Kingdome of the East Goths in Ponnonia a little before in Italy Lastly the Kingdome of the Greeks in the remnant of the Empire Though this Decharchicall division doth not continue yet that it was so at first is apparent by History For their Rise which was obscure and dark Dan. 7.8 which gave Daniel occasion to consider the hornes as being so low and short that he could scarce perceive them this was about the year of our Lord 388. It is true the fall of the Empire was by degrees and it was 40 years after or more before the same was effectually dissolved Neverthelesse about this time to wit the year 388. those horns did appear though obscure and little as I said before in Rev. 17.12 The horns which thou sawest are ten Kings which have received no Kingdome as yet but receive power at Kings one hour with the Beast that is they had not at first a Soveraignty Majesty Power Priviledges which afterwards they possest and were confirmed in Now adde unto 388. which was the time of the rise of the ten horns and the Romane Empire its beginning to dissolve Daniels number namely 1260. and it extendeth to the year of Christ 1648. This year to wit the year 1648. do I affirm with much assurance was the time when the Thrones were set and the ancient of dayes did sit as is expressed in Dan. 7.9 10. Here began the Lord God Almighty to call Kings and Kingdomes to an account to cast down the mighty from their seats to cut off the spirit of Princes and to be terrible unto the Kings of the earth And this work goes forward still and shall prevail and prosper to the utter breaking and destroying of the fourth Monarch or Romane Empire dissolved into ten Kingdomes And the little horn that is the Antichristian State and Kingdom likewise I know it will be expected that I give some reasons for what is here asserted especially it being delivered with so much confidence This I shall willingly do 1 Howsoever our Chronicles give the Romane Empire some kind of interest and title to the Brittains till the year 440. yet it was rather in name then in thing For after the year 388. the Romanes never exercised that power here which they did before onely now and then and that upon
character upon their work even Gods owning both it and them namely by this darknesse which is fallen upon the children of this world Had the Antichristians approved it had those which have enriched themselves Ministers and others under the late Parliament appeared in it and for it had our Judges and Lawyers cryed it up Law Law had the Clergy given thanks for it In a word had the people through the whole Nation sent in their approbation and consent to it a man might very well have questioned the worke whether it were of God or no. But considering upon the breaking of this Throne what darkness followed in Priest in People It is most evident and cleare that it was not Gods Throne but mans rather and for this end thrown down that the antient of dayes may have his throne set up and he sit againe most gloriously amongst us From the ten hornes I come now to the Little horne who is said to weare out the Saints of the most high and thinke to change times and lawes I know it is the common received opinion that Antiochus Epiphanes is here meant Why I take it otherwise not Antiochus but Antichrist or the Antichristian Kingdome to be here understood my Reasons are these 1. Such as affirme Antiochus to be the little horne Dan 7.8.20 do reckon him as one of the ten But it is expresly said that he came up after them and is besides them and another 2. In Dan. 8.9 't is said that this little horn waxed great grew statelier then the rest and over-topt the former Beasts and hornes Now all know that know any thing of the History of Antiochus Epiphanes that this is neither so nor so for Antiochus Magnus was greater and more powerfull by farre then he 3. Dan. 7.8 For the three hornes which the little horne is said to plucke up by the roots as Writers cannot agree who they were so it is apparant that this Antiochus never did the things which they do ascribe unto him 4. For the words Vntill a time times and dividing of time they cannot be applyed to the rage of Antiochus against the Saints nor with his actions and proceedings against the Iews as is most apparent by comparing the phrase with other Texts Rev. 11.2 and 12.6.14 5. If Antiochus had been the little horne then after his death should the kingdome of the Seleucidae immediately have been given up to the Jews For it is as clear as the sun at noon-day upon the destruction of the little horn Dan 7.21 22. the Saints immediately possesse his Kingdom But it is well known that the Iewes by the destruction of Antiochus had no restauration but continued still after that in bondage and subject to the Roman power To apply this as many doe to the coming of Christ in the flesh and so of a spirituall Kingdome and liberty is most absurd and groundlesse For not only was Christ born two or three hundred years after but it is quite beside the scope and purpose of the place as follows 6. In vers 27. it is said And the kingdome and dominion and the greatnesse of the Kingdome under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the most high Observe here whatsoever Kingdome Dominion Greatnesse c. the Beast and the little horne had upon their destruction the Saints shall have the same Now this cannot be understood of a spirituall Kingdome For 1. the Saints had ever that and Christ spiritually alwayes reigned over them 2. Note The Beast and the little horne never had a spiritual Kingdome which should be given up to the Saints after their destruction And therefore the Kingdome and dominion and greatnesse possessed first by the Beast and little horne and after their ruine to be given to the Saints must needs be civill and temporall Why I take the little horn to be Antichrist my reason for it is this It is generally held that the holy Scripture is best interpreted by comparing pararall Texts Now this is cleare whatsoever in Daniel is spoken of the little horne the same in other Scripture is applyed to Antichrist For example 1. As the little horne is conjoyned with the ten hornes Dan. 7.7 8.20.24 so is Antichrist with the ten hornes Revel 17.12 13. 2. Such practises and proceedings as in Daniel are attributed to the little horne the very same are applyed to Antichrist in other Texts 1. That hee shall speake great swelling words against God Dan. 7.25 The same is said of Antichrist Rev. 13.5 6. 2. That he shall advance himselfe against the Civill Magistrate Dan. 7.20 8.25 So Antichrist 2 Thes 2.4 3. It is said of the little horne that he shall change times and lawes Dan. 7.25 So Antichrist is called the lawlesse one 2 Thes 2.8 4. The little horne is said to make war against the Saints Dan. 7.21.25 So Antichrist Revel 13.7 Againe for the time alotted to the little horne and the space of his tyranny Dan. 7.25 it is the same expresly with Antichrist Rev. 12.6.14 13.5 Lastly for the end and destruction of them both compare Dan. 7.9 10.11 with Rev. 19.21 and Dan. 7.13 14. with 2 Thes 2.8 Thus having proved the little horne to be Antichrist I come now to some particulars concerning his rise and fall Dan. 7.20 According to Daniel he seems to be af er the ten hornes Re● ●● Yet John saith the ten hornes receive power as Kings one houre with the beast The places are easily reconciled as thus Their rise was together no difference or distance in point of Time but Antichrist is said to be after the ten hornes as receiving from them his power dominion jurisdiction Againe for the Readers better understanding as to the rise and fall of the little horne there are two things I would have him observe 1. The little horne is to be considered as the Kingdom of the Beast and as the members or worshippers of the Beast By the Kingdome of the Beast I understand him as changing times and lawes By the members as making warre against the Saints 2. 〈…〉 speak of the little horne or Antichrist I doe not meane 〈…〉 of the Pope or any succession that way but I meane 〈…〉 or Kingdome It is true the Pope is a member of that body but he is not the body Againe I do not here intend alone the Church Ministery worship and government of Rome But I include all false Churches Ministries Formes Ordinances Institutions brought in by men whatsoever in the worship of God is besides or contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ All this whether in England or Scotland make up this Antichristian Kingdome as that in Rome Now for the rise or beginning of this Antichristian Kingdom First as it was obscure and darke so it had its beginning in the yeare of our Lord 400. to this adde 1260. and it goes to the yeare 1660. And here is the time of the end concerning the whole
Antichristian kingdome for further and beyond this time I believe it shall not extend I do not say that the Antichristians or members of the Beast shall perish now or before for I hold the contrary that after their Kingdome is destroyed many of them shall remain and attempt most horrible and cruell actions Rev. 18.21 Rev. 17.1 but for the State it selfe that shall be found no more at all after the year 1660. This the Angel calls the Judgment of the great whore Why Judgement because Thrones shall be set and the ancient of dayes shall sit And look as by a law Kings and Kingly power shall be cast out from the Nations so will the Lord raise up men zealous of his glory who shall publiquely give Judgment agaist Babylon that it remaine for ever in the dust Before I come to shew my reasons for the time which I have asserted I shall commend these three things to the Reader 1. How I understand that place Rev. 10.2 where the mighty Angell sets his right foot upon the sea and his left foot upon the earth As by the Angel Christ is meant so as he stands it is upon the two persecuting powers in the world the spirituall and the temporal His right foot is upon the * Note how they call it the Sea of Rome the Bishops Sea c. sea you know the spirituall power went ever before the temporall Hence they used to say the Lords spirituall and the Lords temporall And his left foote on the earth that is on the Kings and Kingdomes of the earth So then my opinion is that these 〈…〉 ●owers Christ will crush under his feet together an● 〈…〉 time There was a truth in that saying no Bishop no Kin●●●●e event made it true and welfare a good token So now as the reliques of Monarchy which remaine yet with us shall bemoved so will the remainers of the Antichristian Kingdome be removed with them As Monarchy falls so falls Antichristime When no foot-steps of Monarchy remaine nothing then will stand of the Antichristian kingdome which came in with it and hath ever since been upheld and supported by it And for this cause a long time I never expected any good from the late Parliament For I plainly saw they had no desire to glorifie God in the fulfilling of his will to the rooting up of the remnants either of Monarchy or Antichistime but rather sought to oppresse the bodies and souls of the people under the heavy burthens of them both 2. Thou art to take notice Reader that as the the thrones were first set up in England to arreign Monarchy and to pluck up by the root that tyrannicall power which stood in opposition to Jesus Christ and to avenge the blood of his Saints upon it Even so as sutable to it here with us will begin his great work by the Thornes against the kingdome of Antichrist for the totall extirpation thereof For howsoever I said before that the Antichristian State as Church Ministery Worship Government shall be wholly destroyed before the yeare 1660. Yet I am of opinion in respect of England Scotland and Ireland before one halfe of that time is expired the Supream Authority of this Nation will effectually finish that work Zech. 8.6 If it be marvellous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these dayes should it be marvellous in my eyes saith the Lord of Hosts What progresse in this worke they will make who shall come next in place I cannot tell but this I must tell them the great businesse which the Lord hath for the higher Powers of this Common-wealth now to doe it is in order to the fulfilling of those Prophesies which relate to the present time and if they do not look now after this and honour God in a conscientious and faithfull discharge thereof the Lord will not look after them nor honour them but lay them aside and let their names rot as others before And therefore if my counsell may be acceptable unto them when any shall make adresses to them for Peace with Babylon let them make answer in his words What peace so long as the whoredomes of Jezabel and her witch-crafts are so many What Peace so long as the 4th Monarch is not broken to pieces and consumed I would willingly know how men can enter into a league as to sit still and suffer such things to stand against which the Lord cals them forth to warre and to destroy from the face of the earth I have commanded my sanctified ones Isa 13.2 I have also called my mighty ones for mine anger even them that rejoyce in my highnesse 3. As Christ will crush both powers at once and thus by the Thrones so there will be a speciall opening of his minde unto ●om● whereby to know both their worke and time As men formerly have observed Providence so in the later age Ier. 50.2 they shall understand Prophesies and act in order to them and to the accomplishment of them Declare yee among the Nations and publish and set up a standard publish and conceale not say Babylon is taken The knowledge of the time of the end will be so cleare and certain to some men now shortly in power and place as they will publickly declare upon what account they act namely as being chosen and called of God to execute the vengeance of the Lord upon Babylon Moreover the difference shall not be as heretofore about meum and tuum for honour greatnesse enlargement of Dominion and such worldly respects but better bottomed it shall be for Christ his Crown and dignity and that righteousnesse and truth may be exalted in the earth For the Reasons now why I say the Antichristian Kingdome as it is the little horne had its rise about the year 400. 1. About this time they began to open a passage to their pretended Supremacy as giving to the Church of Rome the title of the Firmament of all Bishops and top of all Churches and that without the privacie of the Sea Apostolique that is of the Primate none might presume to ordaine a Bishop and that the Censures of Bishops in all causes of moment was to be referred to the audience of the Bishop of Rome 2. About this time the little horne began to give check to Emperours and Kings and to exalt himselfe above the Civill Magistrate in severall particulars 3. About this time they brought in many beastly lies and superstitious vanities confirming them by Councels whereby Gods commandements were made of none effect 4. It is clear to me by other Scriptures which I have not now time to open that the time alotted to the Antichristian Kingdome shall not passe the yeare 1660. Now being to continue from first to last 1260. years it must needs be that his beginning was in the yeare 400. as I said before Here I must againe put the Reader in mind that howsoever the vile person mentioned Dan. 11.21 be the same here with