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A78110 Gods prerogative povver made known divers wayes in the Old and New Testament. Also the prerogative power of the Lord Christ. And what he will do in the dayes of his kingly office, in destroying his enemies, and exalting his saints. Very usefull for these times. / By him that loveth both truth and peace, Noah Banks. Banks, Noah. 1650 (1650) Wing B670; Thomason E615_17; ESTC R206703 20,729 31

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they had not onely rejected Samuel but God that he should not rule over them but then God changed the Government upon the request of the people and God bid Samuel go and anoint them a King but God bid Samuel tell them the manner of the Kings that should Reigne over them how they would make slaves of them and take away their estates from them and hath not many Kings done so did not Ahab take Naboths vineyard and much of this hath been done in our dayes then God gave them a King which was Saul but did Saul and his 1 Sam. 14. 14 15 23. sons governe Israel long No God shewed his Prerogative when Saul would not obey the command of God but would fulfill his own will God rejected him and his posterity for being King and set up David his servant in his place and many times did God throw down Kings as he did Ahab and set up others in their stead but when Israel and their Kings begun to sin with a high hand against God and would not repent then God gave them and their King into the hand of the Heathen whom they would be like in having a King as you may read Sam. 8. 5. then was Israel brought under the Babylonish Monarchy Four Monarchies have been already first the Babylonish Monarchy secondly the Persian thirdly the Grecian fourthly the Roman all which Monarchies were shown to Daniel in the dream Now the last which is the fifth which is said to be a Little stone cut out of the Mountaine without hands as you may read Dan. 2. 34 36. Now begun the Prerogative Power of the Lord Christ for it is said He smote the Image on the feet that were made of Iron and Clay and brought to nothing all the other Monarchies as you may read ver 35. and it became a great mountaine and filled the whole earth this is a stone cut out without hands a Kingdom set up by the God of Heaven some divine work and all the Kingdoms and States that were first and last shall be swallowed up under this Kingdom of Christ as appears Dan. 7. 14. There was given to him Dominion and Glory and a Kingdom that all Nations and Languages shall serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion that shall not passe away and his Kingdom shall not be destroyed Gods Prerogative Power made known in the New Testament and in these last ages of the World THus having spoken something of the Prerogative power of God in the former ages now much might be said of the Power of the Lord Christ in these last ages of the world In the first ages Christ did wonderfully and gloriously make known his Prophetical Office visibly and externally in the world by all the Prophets as Isaiah David Daniel and all the rest of the Prophets so also he was held forth typically in the Cloud in the Pillar of fire in the Rock in the brazen Serpent in the Arke and Tabernacle and in the Temple and all the Sacrifices and the High Priests the Scape Goate all these did hold forth the Prophetical Office of Christ in those dayes of his Prophecy very gloriously to all those that understood the Prophecies Abraham rejoyced to see the dayes of Christ and Daniel longed to understand the vision and oh that men would more study to understand the Old Testament wherein they might see what God would do in all ages In the second age of the world was the Priestly Office of Christ made known visibly externally and gloriously in the world to the amazement both of men and Angels and Devils God testifies of him Math. 3. 17. this is my beloved son whom I promised should come in the fulness of time to brake the Serpents head also the Angels spake glorious things of a Saviour that was born Luke 2. 10. so the wise men they came from far to see this great High Priest and the Apostles were witnesses of all Christ did in the administration of his Priestly Office the Devils confest him and Soldiers and Christ himself was crucified openly on the Crosse all these do declare that in the second age of the world the Lord Christ did openly in the sight of men and Devils fullfil all Promises concerning his Priestly Office and all the Saints must ever since fill up the measure of the sufferings of Christ openly for conformity to Christ this sixteen hundred years The Lord Christ having finished his two Offices a Prophet and a Priest now he shall come as King and we have great ground to believe it as you may read hereafter that the Lord Christ is coming to set up his Prerogative power for now God the Father hath given to his Son all power both in Heaven and earth Matth. 28. 18. now of his enemies that would not have him rule over them he saith bring them and slay them before me now God will give his Son the Heathen for his inheritance and the utmost part of the earth for his possession Psa 2. 8. the Lord Christ hath hitherto been but a suffering and a persecuted King a scoft and a despised King by the Kings of the world but now he will be Lord and King of the whole earth Zach. 14. 9. Now the Lord Christ a sumes to himself a new form different from the form of a servant he is now coming to set up his Prerogative Kingly power to shew to his Saints and to his enemies the great design he is doing in the world this coming of Christ will be very sweet and comfortable to his Saints but terrible to his enemies with an iron rod in his hand and he shall dash them in pieces like Pottets vessels and he shall have his Garments dipt in bloud Rev. 19. 13. his face is like lightening but lovely to his Saints it shineth as the Sun Rev. 1. 16. this great power of the Lord Christ is known by his names and titles given him he is called King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19. 16. King of Nations Ier. 10. 7. King of Saints a great King Mal. 1. 14. all creatures are at his command the host of Heaven attend him mighty to save the Phil. 1. 9. Lord shall go forth like a Giant he shall stir up courage like a man of war Isa 42. 13. a Wonderful Counseller Isa 9. 6. his name is above all names every knee shall bow to him his Right hand shall doe terrible things make waste Mountains and Hils he is that Little Stone cut out of the Mountayn withour hands that shall break in peeces the Gold Silver Brasse and Iron and Clay Dan. 2. all former Monarchicall Goverments and he shall take to himselfe great Power and Rule he shall be King of the whol Earth and there shall bee given to him Dominion and Glory and a Kingdom that all Peeple Nations and Languages shall serve him Dan. 7. 14 When will the Lord Christ take to him this great Power and reign as King First when
in these last days Oh how hath God in this Land of late pulled down the pride of many tall Cedars both in the Church as Lord Bishops and many great men are brought low for the haughtiness of man shall be abased and the loftiness of man shall be brought low and the Lord alone exalted in that day he shall tread them down even by the Isa 2. 9. Isa 26. 5 6. Mat. 4. 3. feet of the poor and the steps of the needy and ye shall tread down the wicked for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet Eighthly When the Lord Christ gives his Saints a heart to cry mightily to God for the downfal of Antichrist and will give him no rest till he makes Jerusalem the praise of the whole earth when the Angel having the golden Censor which was the prayers of the Saints powred out then woe to Antichrist there was a voice of thunder and lightening and an earthquake how hath God made his power known by prayer Moyses prayed and the Red-Sea stood on heaps at Ioshuahs prayer the Sun stood still prayer will shut Heaven and open Heaven as Eliah did and hath not God raised up some men to a mighty spirit of prayer how do they cry to God with abundance of confidence believing now God is pulling down Antichrist oh saith a poor gracious soul let me pull too with my prayers for it will never be well with Sion till Antichrist be destroyed Ninthly When the Lord Christ begins to take the vayl off that is spread over all Nations Isa 25. 7. A fire shall go before him which shall give light to his people but burn up all his enemies round about the earth saw it and trembled Psa 97. 3 4. When the Sun of righteousness shall arise oh what a difference there will be between Goshen and Egypt and surely God hath of late more then formerly opened the eys of many godly men and made known his truth concerning Christs Kingly Government in these last days but when the rest of the Gentles and Iews do come to the knowledg of Christ oh how glorious will those times be But unto whom will the Lord Christ reveal this great work in destroying Antichrist and calling of the Iews and Gentles that are not yet called They must be his friends as Abraham was they must be such as fear him such as dearly love him and Psa 25. love not their lives to the death precious choice men Daniel like men of excellent spirits men beloved of Christ as Iohn Reve. 12. 11. was lying in Christs bosom Eagle-ey'd men such as the Pro. 17. 27. Shepheards were which watched by night and spent their meditations on the high things of God men like Ioshua and Dan. 6. 3. Caleb who followed the Lord fully and will speak well of the good Land men that have much sound knowledg of the Numb 14 22 mystery of Christs Kingdom searching out the deep things of 1 Cor. 2. 10. God they must be such as have laid the Church troubles to their hearts Iacobs that have wrastled with God by prayer Ier. 9. 1. and will have no denial they are the first born sons of Sion Dan. 10. 2 3. such as have spent themselves in fasting and fervent crying to Iehovah those that have sowen in tears they shall reap with joy Gen. 32. 24. those shall have the first fruits and hear from Christ the first newes of Sions glory these and these alone shall see the Land a far of What will the Lord Christ do in these last days by his Kingly Prerogative Power First He will destroy his enemies Secondly He will exalt his Saints The Lord Christ hath begun this work already he hath trod the winepress of the wrath of the Almighty this he did in the Garden and on the Cross then he conquered all our spiritual enemies then he suffered for us but now he must reign till he hath made all his enemies his footstool these days will bring forth sad news for Antichrist and all his adherents their judgments slumbreth not A long time saith Christ I have held my peace I have been still I have refrained my self now will I cry like a travelling woman I will destroy and devoure at once the Lord goes forth like a mighty man of war he shall cry yea roar he shall prevaile against his enemies When the Lyon Isa 32 23. 24. of the Tribe of Iudah shall rore woe to the beasts woe to Antichrist the great enemy of Christs Kingdom and woe to all the Kings of the earth that have taken part with the Beast woe to Rome and her consederates Howl ye for the day of the Lord is at hand it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty Isa 13. 6. your lofty looks shall be laid low Isa 2. 11. for the day of vengeance is in my heart and the year of the redeemed is come it will be a terrible bloudy day to the Lord Christs enemies as you may read Isa 34. for his camp is very great his day is very terrible Ioel 2. 10 11. he will make wast as mountains and hills the greatest of his enemies Isa 42. 15. the ruin of spiritual Babylon and Rome must be by a mighty earthquake Isa 13. 13. Rev 16. 16. at the taking of Babel the whole earth is moved Ier. 50. 46. when the Lord Christ comes to make his power known in destroying his enemies there will be great bloudy wars and changes in in Governments and great troubles in all Nations This appears plain by many places of Scripture it will be bloudy times at the fall of Antichrist the Lord hath a consumption to bring upon the whole earth See Isa 66. 15. and Chap. 17. 12 13 14. Chap. 18. 3 to the end Chap. 28. 2. Chap. 34. 8. where you may read how bloudy a time it will be for it is the day of vengeance and the year of recompence for the controversie of Sion it is comfortable for the Saints though he that is coming to judg the great whore that hath made the earth drunk with her fornications and to avenge the bloud of his servants Rev. 18. 20. the Lord Christ will make known his Prerogative power in the throwing down of the man of sin he will stir up jealousie like a man of war Isa 42. 13. he will strike through Kings in the day of his wrath Psa 110. 5 6. he shall be crowned King of Kings Rev. 19. he shall reign till Antichrist be utterly thrown down 2 Thes 2. 8. it shall be as the overthrowing of Sodom never to be inhabited from generation to generation root branch shall be wholly destroyed as you may read Ier. 50. 39 40. Rev. 18. 2. Isa 34. Mal. 4. 1. for the Stone cut out of the Mountain without hands shall break in pieces the gold and the silver the brass iron and the clay and they shall become as chaff and the wind shal
carry them away and this Stone shall become a great mountain and fill the whole earth Dan. 2. 35. Be incouraged O ye valiant Commanders and Souldiers and subjects of Christ you that have sought the Lords Battels glory and boast in your great General the Lord Christ he is a man of war mighty to save a Giant refreshed with wine a Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah he hath a rod of Iron in his hands he will strike through Kings in the day of his wrath he shall judge among the Nations he shall fill the places with dead bodies the Sword of the Lord is filled with blood for it is the day of the Lords vengeance he will have his garments dipt in blood Isa 34. and the souls of the Heavens shall eat the flesh of Kings and of mighty men Rev. 19. 18. Woe to all the Kings of the earth that oppose the Lord Christ when he comes to reign for the pride of man shall be abased and the Lord alone exalted in that day Isa 2. 10. 11. he will pull down the Cedars the mighty men the greatest of his enemies and may we not think that God is going to throw down Antichrist now in England is not this one of the out-works of Rome you know when Souldiers are against a City they first storm the Out-works now I say brave valiant Commanders and Souldiers of the Lord Christ you that have begun to pull down the Out-works of Rome go on and fight stoutly for your General the Lord Christ you shall see him do more wonders for you and who knoweth but you may be counted worthy to be chosen and saithful to set up your Trophies of triumph on the Walls of Rome which will ere long be done Also the Lord Christ will make his power known in treading Satan under his feet principalities and powers must be subject unto him when Christ reigns Satan must be bound up And I saw an Angel come down from Heaven having the Key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid hold on the Dragon that old Serpent which is the Devil and he was bound up a thousand years Rev. 20. 1 2 3 10. When we see that devillish malice in men against God and his Saints is taken away then shall the Lyon and the Lamb ly down together they shall not hurt in my holy Mountain then shall we beat our swords into pruning hooks Isaiah 2. 4. We have spoken of Christs Prerogative power in the destroying of his enemies and making them his footstool but after this dark night of trouble will the Son of righteousness arise with healing in his wings when he hath troden the wicked and they shall beas ashes under the soals of his feet Mal. 4. 2 3. Oh the happy times that then will be thine eyes shall see the King in his glory Isa 33. 17. he shall be King of the whole earth Zach. 14. 9. Mal. 1. 14. Isa 59. 19. his Kingdom shall last for ever Isa 59. 19. Dan. 7. 14. that is to the end of the world and then shall he resign up the Kingdom to his Father Luke 1. 3. and God shall be all in all 1 Cor. 15. First Under this glorious Kingly Government of the Lord Christ his great Power shall appear in teaching his Saints abundance of knowledg shall be in the earth for the earth shall be fill'd with the knowledg of the Lord as the waters cover the Sea and it must needs Isa 11. 9. be so for thy Children shall be all taught of the Lord Isa 54. 13. In the last days of the Kingly Government of Christ God will powre out his spirit upon all flesh and their sons and their daughters shall Prophecy many shall run too and fro and knowledg shall encrease That City had no Ioel 2. 28. Dan. 12. 4. need of the Sun nor of the Moon to shine in it for the glory of the Lord did light it and the Lamb is the light thereof Oh how little hath been known of the Gospel and of the Kingly Government of Christ in former times and how abundantly doth it now spread but oh how glorious will the times be when Antichrist shall be destroyed and the Iews called then will all the fulness of these promises be accomplished Secondly Under this Kingly Government of the Lord Christ there shall be greater degrees of holiness among the Saints yea the beauty of holiness in Psa 110. 4. the new Ierusalem upon all the Vessels and upon the horse Bridles shall be holiness to the Lord and an high Zech. 14. 20. way shall be there and it shall be called the way of holiness Esay 35. 8. Revel 21. And I Iohn saw the holy City the new Ierusalem come down from God out of Heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband and all the stones of that City are precious stones which doth set forth that glorious Church under the Kingly Government of the Lord Christ Thirdly There shall abundance of peace and plenty be under the Government of the Lord Christ he will first be like David a man of war but after that be done then he will be like Solomon peace and plenty will be in those days when once Ioshua appears in his glory he will bring down the noise of strangers and the branch of the terrible ones shall be brought low Isa 25. 5. the sons of them that afflicted thee shall come bonding unto thee and all they that despised thee shall bow themselves at the soles of thy feet they shall call thee the City of the Lord the Sion of the holy One of Israel Isa 60. 14. for plenty for brass I will bring gold and for iron I will bring silver and for wood brass and for stones iron I will also make thy Officers be at peace and thine exactors righteousness verse 17. the Wolf shall dwell with the Lamb and the Leopard shall ly down with the Kid at the glorious times of peace in the days of Christs Kingly Government for he is the King of peace and the Prince of peace Isa 9. 6. he will create peace Isa 57. 19. truth and peace shall kiss one another under this Kings reign Fourthly under this peaceable reign of the Lord Christ there shall be a very fruitful time the New Ierusalem shall so encrease that it shall over-spread many Countreys and all Nations shall flow into it Isa 2. 2 then shall they come flocking as Doves to Windowes Isa 60. 8. his peeple shall be a willing peeple in the day of his power then shall the Kingdom of Heaven suffer violence Matth. 11. 12. Bashan was a fruitful Hill but Mount Sion far excells it the valeys shall be full of springs and crouded with Corn Esay 41. 18. they shall shoot for joy and sing the Church shall be as the garden of Eden as the garden of the Lord Esay 51. 3. this is a fruitful time above all others as you may reade Ezek. 34. 25. 26. Esay 49. Zech. 8. 5. from small beginnings it shall grow up into a Mountain and shall fill the whole earth Dan. 2. 34 35. then shall the Kingdoms and Dominions and greatness of the Kingdoms under the whole Heavens be given to the Saints of the most High Dan. 7. 27. Fifthly The last great act of the Lord Christ Power is in the duration of this glorious Church it shall last for ever as long as the world shall last as you may read Dan. 7. 27. his Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and of his Kingdom there shall be no end Dan. 2. 44. Luke 1. 33. Esay 54 8. Chap. 61. 7. and his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away and of his Kingdom shall not be destroyed Dan. 7. 14. and the Saints of the most High shall take the Kingdom and possess the Kingdom for ever even for ever and ever Dan. 12. 3. Revel 22. 3. 2 Thess 4. 16. 17. Oh the happy and blessed times that will be under the Kingly Government of the Lord Christ when Antichrist shall be utterly destroyed and the Jews and fullness of the Gentles come in When Knowledg shall cover the earth as waters cover the Sea and holiness abound in men and a liberty of all Ordinances and peace and plenty that which the creatures now groan for Rom. 6. 22. the Lyon and the Lamb shall ly down together then we shall beat our swords into Plow shares and our spears into pruning hooks Isa 2. 4. and I will make the place of my feet glorious the sons of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee and all those that despised thee shall bow themselves at the soles of thy feet Isa 60. 14. and the Kingdom and Dominion and the greatness of the Kingdoms under the whole Heavens shall be given to the Saints of the most High whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and all Dominions shall serve and obey him Dan. 7. 27. Oh that the Lord would open our eyes to see the excellency and beauty of Christs Kingdom and pardon our too much neglect of searching the Scriptures concerning the glorious things of Sions beauty which will be ere long the joy of the whole earth the glory and praise of the whole world Isa 62. 7. Psa 48. 2. in spite of men and Devils and all the Powers in the world and of Hell it self Thy Kingdom come Amen Amen
Kingdomes of the Lord and his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever therefore let us fall down on our faces saying we give thee thanks O Lord God almighty Rev. 11. 16. 17. because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast reigned But now give me leave to give you a few Reasons to shew you why I doe beleeve God is about such a glorious work in this Iland First because I do not know nor have read of any Iland in the Christian world that hath opposed the Lord Christ but this that hath a people that the Lord will save at this time that the Lord is destroying Antichrist you may see in that forenamed Isa 12. 14. place Secondly in this Iland there hath bin many famous Martyrs that have suffered for Christ Thirdly God hath had as many Iacobs that have wrestled with God by prayer against Antichrist as any Nation in the world ever had and I can speak it for above this twenty years they have sowen in tears and were like unto Israel groning under our burdens and bondage therefore I doe beleeve he is now bringing us out of bondage Fourthly I doe beleeve God is going on with this his glorious work here in this Iland because God hath raysed up choice Instruments in pulling down Antichrist powers that have opposed Christ Fifthly God hath given many of his choice servants a great measure of faith to beleeve that the work is begun in this Iland and that it shall not end till Antichrist be destroyed Sixtly I am sure of it God hath as many pretious and choyce servants such as doe love the Lord Jesus in sincerity after the inward man as any Nation in the world Seventhly and lastly because I doe find by the promises of Christ that his work in destroying Antichrist shall begin in the Ilands as the Scripture saith The Iles shall wayt for his Glory So if you read the 97. Psalm the whol Psalm is a glorious Prophecy of these Times it begins The Lord reigneth let the Earth rejoyce let the multitude of the Iles bee glad thereof I do beleeve God has made good this whol Prophecy by his acts of Providence in this Iland also that glorious prophecy in the 42 of Isa from verse 12. to the 21. which I do believe is now fulfiling in these Ilands and therefore we have no reason to murmur against the Instruments of our good nor to complain but to say with the Prophet in the 12. ver let them give glory to the Lord and declare his prayses in the Ilands hath not the Lord Christ gone out like a mighty man hath not hee cryed and roared against his enemies hath not he made wast mountains and hills hath not he brought the blind by away that they knew not and led them in paths that they have not known and made dark things light before them and crooked things straight these things hath he done unto them and not forsaken them and may it not be said at such a time as this who is blind but my servant or deafe but my messinger as I have sent who is blind as he that is perfect blind as the Lords servant seeing many things but observing it not this prophecy I beleeve is fulfilled in our days Sir this little Treatise was written some two years since then being dark times and therefore what you find of weaknesse in it let it be attributed to the author but what you find to be according to the mind of God let him only have the glory this Treatise was put forth by the desire of many godly frinds and beleeving you are one that is precious in the sight of the Lord therefore you will have a favorable construction of what is written I leave you in the Lord Your servant in the Lord Christ NOAH BANKS To the Christian Reader IN these last Ages of the world there hath been much ado about the Prerogative Power of Kings and great men in all Nations so of late years more then formerly in this Island as may appear by all those wayes that great men took in oppressing the poor in imposing taxes on almost all wares and in coat and conduct money and Ship-money which made the poor people to groan under their burthens and to cry unto the Lord for vengeance against the oppressors So also our Bishops they lorded it over mens consciences in bringing in Superstitions and Idolatry and seting up their Prerogative Power that godly men must doe what their Wils will have instead of Gods Word so racking the consciences of godly men till many times they crackt again making some fly to New-England others were imprisoned branding some and cuting off their ears Oh how sad was our condition then some would by their Prerogative Power rule over the Estates of men and others over the consciences it was worse then Egyptian bondage for they onely opprest the bodies but these did seek to destroy both souls and bodies of men and no visible help could be found because they that had the Prerogative Power called Parliaments and broke them up again when they would not serve their wills also over ruling Iustices and Iudges they must bow the strait Lawes to serve their corrupt lusts and like Issacar we begun to stoop under the burthen but when men will abuse their power God will make them know that he hath a power over them be they never so great the want of the knowledge of that Almighty power that there is in God and how he hath made known his Prerogative Power in all ages is the cause men are so troubled in these times but if men would search the word of God they would see how Gods wayes are in the deeps and his footsteps are in the mighty waters Isa 43. 16. Touching the Almighty we cannot finde him out he is excellent in power he can throw down the walls of Iericho by the blowing of Rams horns and open the eyes of one born blind with clay and spettle he can make little David strong enough to cut off the head of Goliah and the Lord Christ chose out poor Fishermen to be his Disciples and left the learned Scribes and Pharisees Gods Prerogative Power made known divers wayes in the Old Testament IN these knowing times most men will acknowledg that all Prerogative Power is in God but when God is making known his Power in some great acts of Providence in the world oh how are most men offended at it and will not beleeve farther then they can see by their dark light of naturall Reason thus we read that good men failed much as Jeremiah Job and David till they went and searched into the word of God So it will bee our wisdomes in these troublesom times dark various acts of Providence to search the Scriptures how God hath formerly made known his Prerogative Power by most unlikely wayes and Instruments First when God brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt
the enemies of his Church and Saints are at the highest and say I sit as Queen Rev. 18. 7. when they say I will ascend above the Clouds I will be like the most High Isa 14. 14. when the enemies of God are lifted up with pride and power then shall the Lord Christ make known his power then shall her plagues come suddenly for Reve. 18. 7. the Lord that judgeth her is a strong God then shall she come down and sit in the dust O how high were the enemies of Isa 47. 1. God and of his Saints in this Land of late how did they oppresse the Saints how did they begin to rule over mens estates and consciences too and sayd bow-down that wee may go over Now will God make his enemies his footstool now will God visit the wickednesse of the world as it is in Esay 13. 11. I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease and I will cast down the pride of Tyrants And is not this the work God is about in our dayes and hath not God done much in these dayes oh that men had eyes to see it that God might have the glory Secondly when the Saints are at the lowest then will the Lord repent him selfe for his servants when he seeth that their power is gone and they have no help left how sad was our D●t 32. 3● condition in England of late years in the time of our Prelates how did they oppress good men making some fly to new-England branding some and cutting off their Eares imprisoning others how sad was our condition this last yeare when so black a cloud did arise both in Kent Surrey Wales and Skotland and on the Seas and how did wicked men thraten to cut the throats of godly men and plunder them then did Gods people like Israel groan and cry unto the Lord and praysed bee our good God who hath scattered the proud and hath taken our parts and hath raysed faithfull Instruments who have jeparded their lives in the High Places in the Field oh let not such valiant Commanders and Souldiers go without their due Honor next to the honor of God and though the Saints were low yet God was on high and hee hath taken our part when there was none to help then Gods Arm brought Salvation for us Thirdly When wicked men rage against the Lord and against his Saints as in the second Psalm Wherefore do the Hethen rage and the people imagin a vain thing the Kings of the Earth set themselves and the Rulers take Counsell together against the Lord and against his anoynted Then will God set his King upon his holy Hill of Sion verse 6. when wicked men rage the Lord Christ shall dash them in peeces like Potters vessels and never did wicked men rage more then of late therefore sure their ruine is near did Saul prosper when hee raged against David did not God rend the Kingdom from him and is not this the day when wicked men shall fret themselves and curse their God and their King and look upward Isa 8. 21. but blessed be God that the rage of man shall turn to his prayse and the remainder of wrath will he restrayn When the Lord Christ comes to throw down Antichrist and his adherents he will shake all Nations in that day in the day of his fierce anger and by a mighty Earthquake turning Esay 13. 13. Kingdoms and Nations upside down every one must endure a shaking in this Earthquake and is not God now a shaking this Nation and throwing down what Antichrist hath built Revel 16. 18. 19 for many years o what a smoke doth this great ruinous house make it blindeth the eyes of most men yea many godly men surely in this ruinous heap Iesus Christ the wise Builder will finde many precious stones and many peeces of timber that are found at the heart and fit them to build the New Ierusalem though many great posts will bee found rotten at the heart when they are tried and they will be fit for nothing but for the fire for behold the day cometh that shall burn as an Oven and all the proud yea all that do wickedly shall be as stubble and the day cometh that shall burn them up saith the Lord of Hosts and it shall leave neither root nor branch Mal. 4. 1. wicked men shall be as rubbidge and he shall tread down the wicked for they shall be as ashes under the soles of his feet Mal 4. 3. Those Nations and Kingdoms that have lived in pomp and contempt of God and his Saints shall suffer dreadful shakings that no person nor Nation nor Government shall be able to stand that shall oppose the Kingly Government of the Lord Christ for he hath said once more he will not only shake the earth but the heavens also Heb. 12. Fiftly When the Saints are in the dark as well as wicked men much fearing and thinking of a dark Night that is comming with dreadfull troubles and so it will be to all those that are not acquainted what God is doing when the Lord reigns clouds and darknesse are round about him yet Righteousnesse and judgment are the habitation of his Throne and a fire shall go before him to burn up all his enemies Psalm 97. 2 3. At the comming of Christ will be a dark time for at midnight the Bridegroom came All those that would be acquainted what the Lord Christ is doing let them read Esay 42. 16. He will lead the blinde by a way that they known not and will lead them in paths that they have not known I will make darknesse light before them and crooked things straight and not forsake them Many say in our dayes things go on as in untrodden paths and unknown wayes and dark wayes if you look into this Scripture you may see the Lord Christ will lead his peeple in such a way as they have not known and many good men are in the dark at this time and godly Ministers if you read Esay 42. 18. 19. 20. there he sayth who is so blinde as my servant who is so blinde as he that is perfect and blinde as the Lords Servant but at last God will let them see for at evening time it shall be light Zak. 14. 7. Sixtly when the Lord Christ fits and chuses out some choice instruments for his work such as Moyses Ioshua Sampson David Solomon Cyrus Zorobabel or moddel out some Army a Gideon and his three hundred men when you see God raise up men of another spirit choice men for wisdom and courage to do some notable work as God hath done by this Army of late years it is a sign that God is doing some excellent work for his Church and for the downfal of Antichrist Seaventhly When the Lord Christ makes his Power known in abasing proud men and women as you may read in the second and third of Isa at large there you may see what God is doing now
GODS Prerogative Power Made known divers wayes in the Old and New Testament ALSO The Prerogative Power of the Lord Christ And what he will do in the dayes of his Kingly Office In Destroying his Enemies And Exalting his Saints Very usefull for these Times By him that loveth both Truth and Peace NOAH BANKS LONDON Printed by R. B. and are to be sold at the West end of Pauls 1650. To the truely Honorable in Christ Major General HARRISON Honored Sir KNowing that you are one that wait for the appearing of the Lord Christ in his Kingly glory and are willing to hear news of the good Land though it be by a weak poor instrument for out of the mouths of babes and sucklings God will declare his praise I have made bold to communicat a few lines to your godly and grave consideration what I do believe God is doing in this last Age of the World Surely God is answering all the prayers that have been powred out by the Saints at the Throne of Grace against Antichrist for this many hundred years and he is now going in an eminent manner to require the bloud of the Saints that hath been spilt by that man of sin and his adherents now the Lord is revenging the bloud of the Saints that cry under the Altar now those that have made war with the Lamb the Lamb shall overcome them for he and he onely is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and they that are with him are called chosen faithful Antichrist hath bin drunken with the bloud of the Saints now he must have bloud to drink for he is worthy now have we great cause to bless God who hath taken to himself great power and doth reign and hath destroyed them that hath destroyed the earth now is the Lord humbling great men the loftiness of man shall be bowed down and the haughtiness of man shall be made low and the Lord alone exalted in that day now hath the Lord Christ appeared in the Majesty of his strength in his Armies he hath scattered the proud in the imaginations of their hearts he hath pulled down the mighty from their seats and exalted them of low degree For behold the day cometh that shall burn as an Oven and all the proud yea all that do wickedly shall be as stubble and the day cometh that shall burn them up saith the Lord of Hosts and it shall leave neither root nor branch and he shall tread them down and they shall be as ashes under the soles of your feet Now many Nations are gathered against thee that say let her be defiled and let our eyes look upon Sion but they know not the thoughts of the Lord neither understand they his Counsel he shall gather them as Sheaves into the floores Arise and thrash O daughter of Sion for I will make thy horn iron and thy hoofs brass and thou shalt beat in pieces many people God doth and will do great things by weak instruments thy feet shall tread them down even the feet of the poor and the steps of the needy Zech. 12. 8. and God hath made good his word of late in that day shall the Lord defend the Inhabitants of Ierusalem he that is feeble amongst them shall be as David and the house of David shall be as God as the Angel of the Lord before them God is now stayning the glory of all flesh now is the little Stone that was cut out of the Mountain without hands smiting the Image on the feet that was of iron and clay and breaks them in pieces then was the iron and the clay and the brass and the silver and the gold and all the Empires of the earth broken in pieces together and became like the chaff of the Summer flower and the wind carried them away and the place was no more found And the Stone that smot the Image became a great Mountain and filled the whole earth the Lord Christ will break them with a Rod of Iron and dash them in pieces like Potters vessels yea the Kings of the earth that will not submit to him He will strike through Kings in the day of his wrath he will shake all Nations yea not only earth but also Heaven and these promises Prophecies many more is the Lord Christ now making good by his Prerogative Power and hath not God begun this work in this Common-wealth hath not God delivered us out of Egypt by a mighty hand and God hath broken the rod of oppressors as in the day of Midean and I do beleeve the work that God hath begun in England shall go on till he hath made all his enemies his footstool and that great block that lyeth in the way and hinders the peace of many good men that the Witnesses are not slain I do believe for my part that the Witnesses are slain in this Iland I take the Witnesses to be those that have suffered under Antichrist for fourty and two months Rev 11. 2. as Antichrist came in gradually so shall his tyrannical power be taken away gradually First because when Christ begins he will make an end Babylons ruine is like a mighty milstone thrown in the Sea it shall never be found again he will goe Rev. 18. 21. on till Rome bee destroyed Secondly because in the time of Antichrists reign the Witnesses must be clothed in sackcloth but now Rev. 11. 3. God hath taken a way the sackcloth and many of the Saints doe see cause to put on the garment of reioycing and are wayting for the Bridegrooms coming Thirdly the Witnesses having lain three dayes and a halfe dead which is in conformity to Christs death they must stand on their feet againe as blessed bee God they now do in this Iland Fourthly when the Witnesses stand on their feet great feare shall fall on them that see them and are not the enemies of Christ and his people in great feare in these daies who can but see it Fiftly and are not many of the Saints of Christ raised up by the Spirit of God into a glorious admiration of God and into a safe condition out of the reach of the malice and power of their enemies and their enemies be hold them but they cannot hurt Rev. 13 6. Chap 12. 19. them Gods raising up his people is called heaven Sixtly the great Earthquake God hath made of late both in England Ireland and now of late in Scotland which I doe beleeve hath made the territories of Babylon to shake this is called a great Earthquake Rev. 11. 13. Seventhly I do beleeve this Commonwealth was the tenth part of mystical Babylon which now is falen and the powers both in Church and Commonwelth that did oppress the saints is taking away blessed be the Lord and is not the seventh Angel now going to sound and are there not great voices in heaven in the Churches of Christ which is called heaven saying the Kingdomes of the world are become the